Quebec English School Boards Association Report on Meeting Held October 26, 2012
Quebec English School Boards Association Report on meeting held October 26, 2012 The Board of Directors welcomed the two new delegates from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Nick Milas, chairman and Nazario Facchino, vice-chairman. President’s Report Mr. D’Aoust attended the new B of Directors meeting of SOFAD to review its strategic plan and programs being developed for distant learners. Sept. 24th - attended Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s Council meeting Sept. 28th - attended the fall meeting of the CSBA whose main focus was the development of its strategic plan. It’s available on the association’s web site Oct. 1 – 2 - attended the Alberta School Boards Association national conference on Student Health which highlighted student physical activity, or the lack thereof. Only 7% of Canadian children achieve the WHO recommended daily activity level. Oct, 10th – attended the Eastern Townships School Board’s official opening of its new board office in Magog. Oct. 18th – attended the presentation of the Victor and Sheila Goldbloom Distinguished Service Awards to Mrs. Greta Chambers, Father John Walsh and Senator David Angus for their contribution to the Quebec English Community. Executive Director’s Report Mr. Birnbaum met with the new Deputy Minister of Education, Bernard Matte, who is responsible for the on-going coordination and supervision of all Ministry initiatives. At this point, MELS is still finalizing logistics and assignments pursuant to the PQ government’s decision to divide education into youth and post-secondary ministries. Since September 4th, QESBA is planning to meet with key people within the government and the opposition parties. They are Minsters Jean-François Lisée, Diane De Courcy, Marie Malavoy, Premier Pauline Marois, Liberal critics Francine Charbonneau, Pierre Marsan, Marc Tanguay, Gerry Sklevounos and Liberal leadership candidates Raymond Bachand, Pierre Moreau and Phillippe Couillard.
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