Taxonomic Index This Contains Only the Zoological Names of Species, Genera, Families Etc

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Taxonomic Index This Contains Only the Zoological Names of Species, Genera, Families Etc Taxonomic Index This contains only the zoological names of species, genera, families etc. The page numbers refer to their morphology, biology, incidence etc. Those numbers printed in normal type refer to information in the text, those in bold type to tables and those in italic to illustrations. Bacteria, rickettsiae and other organisms and plants are contained in the General Index. Acanthascurria spp. 212 A. amore~is 200 A. reflexus 364, 366, 371 Acaridae 8, 14, 16 A.australis 200,205 A. vespertilionis 366,368,369,371 Acariscus masoni 354 A. crassicauda 200, 204, 205 Argasidae 363, 371 Acarus spp. 17 A. hoggarensis 200 Argiope A. gracilis 12 A. maroccanus 200 A. argentata 210 A. passularum, see Carpoglyphus Androneta spinuloides 178 A. aurantia 210, 212 passularum Aneuretinae 150 Argiopidae (= Araneidae) 210, 212 A. siro 12, 337, 342, 352 Anobium spp. 83 Arilus cristatus 61,63,63,65,70,70,71 A. tritici, see Pyemotes tritici Anopheles spp. 117 Artheneis alutacea 59 Achaearanea tepidariorum :no, 213 Anoplura 29-55 Astigmata, see Acaridae Acholla multispinosa 61,65 Anthela spp. 180 Athysaurus spp. 58 Acomatacarus australiensis, see Odontacarus Anthelidae 180 Atraxspp. 209,223 australiensis Anthrenus spp. 83 A. formidabilis 209 Acronicta (= Apatele) americana 181 A. flavipes 82 A. robustus 209,223 Acryphas leucomelas 180 A. scrophulariae 82,83 Attagenus megatoma 82 Aculeata 135, 135 A. verbasci 82-3,83,84 Auchmeromyia luteola lOll, lOll, 110, 110 Adolia spp. 181 Antarctica fusca 180 Automeris Aedesspp. 4 Anthocoridae 58 A. acuminata 179 A. complex 117,129 Anthocoris A. aurantiaca 179 A. aegypti (see alsoA. complex) 116,118 A. congolense 58 A. cinctistriga 179 A. serratus 98 A. kingi 58 A. complicata 179 Aeolothripidae 19 A. musculus 57,58 A. corisus 179 Aeolothripinae 19 A. sylvestris 58 A. ilustris 179 Aeolothrips Apatele, see Acronicta A. incisa 179 A. fasciatus 20 Aphelonotus simplex 61 A. io 179,181,189 A. kuwani 20 Aphonopelma spp. 210 A. melanops 179 Aganippe raphiduca 210, 212 Apidae 135,136 A. viridescens 179 Aidos amanda 178 Apinae 136 A vicularia spp. 212 Alectorobius muesbecki, see Ornithidorus Apiomerinae 61 A vicularinae 212 muesbecki Apiomeris spissipes 61, 65 Allodermanyssus, see Liponyssoides Apis 8anychelidae 210 Allothrombidium fuliginosum 354 A. cerana 136 Bdellonyssus, see Ornithonyssus Amblyomma A. dorsata 136 Belostomatidae 57, 60 A. americanus 366, 370 A.flora 136 Benacus spp. 60 A. brasiliense 370 A. indica 136 Bescia minima 62 A. cajennense 366,370 A. mellifera 136,137,138,139 Bethylidae 136 A. integrum 370 A. m. adonsoni 136, 138 Bethyloidea 135-6. 136 A. labraeum 370 Apoidea 135,136 Blaberidae 23 A. maculatum 366,370 Aponomma exornatum 371 Blaberinae 23 A. nuttalli 370 Aranae (= Labidognatha) 210,211 Blaberoidea 23 A. ovate (= striatum) 370 Araneidae, see Argiopidae Blaberus spp. 23 A. pomposum 370 Araneomorphae (= Labidognatha) 210, B. atropos 2S A. striatum, see A. ovale 211 B. craniifer 24,2S A. testudinarium 370 Arctacea cribaria 179 B. discoidalis 2S, 26 A. variegatum 370 Arctia B.fusca 25 Amblyomminae 370 A. caja 180 Blankaartia acuscutellaris 354 Anapha A. villica 180 Blatta spp. 23 A. infracta 180 Arctiidae 180, 181 B. orientalis 22,24,24, 2S A. venata 180 Argas Blattaria 22,23 Anaphothrips sandersoni 20 A. arboreus 371 Blattela spp. 23 Anaplectinae 23 A. brumpti 371 B. germanica 24,24,25 Androctonus A. minanensis 371 Blattellidae 23 A. aeneas 200 A. persicus 364,371 Blattellinae 23 410 Taxonomic Index Blattidae 23,25,26 C. parasitovorax 16,329,330,332,333 D.folliculorum 7,293,294,295,295, Blattinae 23 C. yasguri 16,327,329,330,332,333 296,300,342 Blattoidea 22, 23 Cheyletidae 329 Dendrolimus pini 179 Bombycoidea 179,180 Cheylettiellidae 329 Dermacentor Bombidae 35, Cheyletus spp. 13,13,347,351,352 D. albipictus 370 Bombuslucorum 137 C. eruditus 352 D. andersoni (= venustus) 364,365,369, Boophilus spp. 364, 375 Chiracanthium spp. 209,213 370, 375, 375, 377 B. annulatus 371 C. brevicalcaratum 210 D. auratus 370 B. decoloratus 371 C. diversum, see C. mordax D. marginatus 364, 370 Boophthora, see Simulium erythrocephalum C. inclusum 210 D. nuttalli 370 Bothriuridae 201 C. japonicum 210 D. hivens 370 Bothriurus C. mildei 210 D. oecidentalis 364,370 B. bonaviensis 201 C. mordax (= C. diversum) 210,213 D. parumpertus 364,370 B. marghaelaensis 201 C. punctorium 210,213 D. pictus 364,370 Brachynotocoris puncticomis 58 Chiroptonyssus robustipes 313 D. retieulatus 370 Brachypelma spp. 212 Chirothrips hamatus 20 D. silvarum 370 B. smithi 210, 212 Chlamydalis associatus 58 D. variabilis 370,375 Buthacus arenicola 200 Chordeumida spp. 388 D. venustus, see D. andersoni Buthinae 200 Chrysomya bezziana 7,84,88,88,89,92, Dermanyssus Buthidae 200, 200 90,91 D. gallinae 304-7,304,306,307,321-3 Buthus spp. 204 Chrysops spp. 116,117,124 D. hirundis 313 B. martensi 200 C. calcatus 124 D. sanguineus, see Liponyssoides B. occitans 200 Cicadellidae 57,58 sanguineus B. tamalus 200 Cimex Dermatobis hominis 6,90,94-8,95-9, Buthotus judaicus 200 C. hemipteros 57,59,62,68 100-1,104,106 Byrsotria spp. 23 C. leetularius 57,59,62,65,65,66,68 Dermatophagoides B. fumigata 25 Cirnicidae 57, 62 D. eulinae, see D. farinae Clerada spp. 57 D. farinae ( = culinae) 377,339,342 Caliothrips indicus 20 C. apicicomis 59 D. pteronyssinus 265,267,337,338,342 Caloglyphus krameri 346,348 C. nidicola 59 D. scheremetewskyi 342 Callimorpha spp. 181 Clubionidae 210 Dermestes Calliphora Clubioninae 210 D. freschii 82 C. vicina 86,90,91 Cnepha pecaurum 121 D.lardarium 82 C. vomitoria 88,90,91 Coccinellidae 75 D. undulatus 82 Calliphoridae 88 Cochlididae, see Limacodidae Dermestidae 75,82-4,82 Callitroga Coleoptera 75-85 Derpellis spp. 23 C. americana 88,88,89,90,91,91,92, Coloradia spp. 179 Derrickiella coorongensis (= Schoengastia 93,94 Cordylobia anthropophaga 4,90,94,94,98, eoorongensis) 354 C. maeellaria 88,90,91 100-2,100,101,110,111 Desmozosteria spp. 23 Camptotylus yersini 58 Coreidae 57, 58 Diaphnidia pellucida 58 Carama eretata 178 Co-sarcoptes 282 Dictynidae 210 Cardiasthesus elegans 58 Cosmoglyphus krameri, see Caloglyphus Dictyoptera 22 Catacola spp. 181 krameri Dipetalogaster maxima 61 Carpoglyphidae 8 Cosmotriehe spp. 179 Diplocentria whitei 201 Carpoglyphus spp. 346 Crataerina pallida 126 Diplocentridae 201 C. lactis (= passularum) 346,349 Craterostigmamorpha 384,385 Diplopoda 387 C. passularum, see C. lactis Craterostigmus spp. 385 Diploptera spp. 23 Centruroides spp. 205 Creontiades pallifer 58 Diplopterinae 23 C. chisosarium 200 Cricula spp. 179 Dipluridae 210,213 C. gertschi 200 Cryptocercidae 23 Diptera 115-132, 117 C. i"itans 200 Cryptocercinae 23 Dirphia C. limpidus 201 Cryptostigmata, see Oribatei D. multicolor 179 C. marginatus 200 Ctenizidae 210 D. salina 179 C. noxius 201,204 Ctenocephalides spp. 162 Dolichoderinae 150, 152, 152 C. panthenensis 200 C.canis 160,161,162,168 Dolichovespula C. seulpturatus 200,202,204,205 C. felis 161, 162, 168 D. arena ria 136 C. suffusus 210 Culex spp. 177 D. maculata 136 C. vittatus 200, 202 C. fatigans 116 Doloisia (= Eutrombieula) brasiliensis 354 Cephalonmia gallicola 136 C. pipiens 117 Doratifera spp. 183,194,195 Cerapachynae 150 Culicidae 117 D.oxleyi 178 Cerapterus concolor 84 Culicoides spp. 115,117,123 D. quadriguttatus 178 Ceratophyllidae 162 C. austeni 123 D. vulnerans 178 Ceratophyllus C. furensc 124 Dorylinae 150, 150-2 C. colombae 162 C. grahami 123 Drymaplaneta spp. 23 C. fa"eni 162 C. pulicaris 123 Dysderca crocata 210,213 C. gallinae 160, 162, 162, 163, 164, 168 C. tristriatulus 124 Dysdercus superstitiosus 60 C. hirundis 162 Culiseta spp. 117 Dysderidae 210 Ceratopogonidae 117, 123, 124 Cuterebra spp. 90,94,99 Eacles spp. 179 Cereophonus spp. 201 C. cuniculi 99 Eehidnophaga spp. 162 Cercopidae 58 Culitia spp. 23 Eciton spp. 151 Ceresa bubalis 57, 58 Cylindrothorax melanoeephalus 80 Ecpantheria orsa ISO Chactidae 201 Ectobiinae 23 Chelepteryx collesi 180 Dasychira pudibunda ISO Eetobius spp. 23 Cheyletiella spp. 6,8, 13, 13, 16,327,328, Dasymutilla oecidentalis 136 Ectomaeoris 328,328,329,329,332,332,333,360 Dekana spp. 210 E. atrox 61 C. blakei 16,329,330 Demodex spp. 7,293-301,299,332,341 E. ululans 61 C. furmani 16 D. brevis 293, 294, 295 Empoasca mali 58 Taxonomic Index 411 Endostigmata 14 Gamasidae 303, 303 Hyalomma spp. 364 Enicocephalidae 60 Gasterophilus spp. 94, 106, 109 H. aegypticum 370 Epicauta G. haemo"hoiOOlis 90,107,107 H. anatolicum 364, 370 E. cinerea 88,81 G. inermis 107 H. asiaticum 370 E. flavicomis 80 G. intestinalis 106,107,108 H. detritum 364,370 E. hirticomis 88 G. nasalis 106, 107 if. dromedarii 370 E. maculata 88, 81 G. pecorum 107 H. excavatum, see H. anatolicum E. pennsylvanica 88, 81 Gastropacha quercifolia 179 H. marginatum 364,370 E. sapphinina 88 Geocoris H. rujipes 371 E. tomentosis 88 G.lenoni 59 H. savignyi 371 E. ,jestita 88 G. scutellaris 60 H. transiens (= truncatum) 371,375,377 E. vittata 88,81 GeophiJomorpha 385 H. truncatum, see H. transiens EpiIamperinae 13 Glossina spp. 116,117 H. tunicator 371 Epyris califomicus 136 G. palpalis 117 Hyaloides vitripennis 58 Eremorescia lewisi 61 Glossinidae 128,129 HydroclaOO kenrickii 178 Eriogaster lanestris 179, 186, 194 Glyciphagidae 8 Hylesia spp. 184-6, 190, 192, 194, 195 Erotidothripinae 19 Glycyphagus domesticus 337, 346, 349 H. canitia 179 Erythronema comes 57,58 Glyptocranium spp. 213 H. continua 179 Euchaetia egle 181 G. gasteroacanthoides 210,213,214 H. falcifer 179 Euclea delphinii 178 Gnaphosidae 210 H. fulviventris 179 Eucleidae, see Limacodidae Goheria fusca 337, 341 H.linOO 179 Eudyana veneta 179 Grammostola spp. 212,212 H. metapy"ha 179 Euglyphus ornata 179 Grammostolinae 210, 212 H. minasia 179 Eulaelaps stabularis 313 Gromphadorhinaspp. 13 H. nanas 179 Euproctis G. brunneri 2S H. nigricans 179,190 E. (= Porthesia)chryso"hoea 180,182, Gynaikothrips H.
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