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Antarctica and evolution: historical perspectives, recent advances and unresolved issues

SIMON L. HARLEY1*, IAN C. W. FITZSIMONS2 & YUE ZHAO3 1School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK 2Department of Applied , Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, 3Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China *Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract: The rock record spans some 3.5 billion years of history, and has made impor- tant contributions to our understanding of how ’s assemble and disperse through time. Correlations between and other southern continents were critical to the concept of , the Palaeozoic supercontinent used to support early arguments for continental drift, while evidence for connections between Antarctica and led to the ‘SWEAT’ configuration (linking SW USA to ) for an early supercontinent known as . Antarctica also contains relicts of an older Palaeo- to Mesopro- terozoic supercontinent known as Nuna, along with several Archaean fragments that belonged to one or more ‘supercratons’ in Neoarchaean times. It thus seems likely that Antarctica contains rem- nants of most, if not all, of Earth’s , and Antarctic research continues to provide insights into their palaeogeography and geological evolution. One area of research is the latest Neo- proterozoic– active margin of Gondwana, preserved in Antarctica as the Ross Orogen and a number of outboard that now form . Major episodes of magmatism, deformation and along this palaeo-Pacific margin at 590–500 and 300–230 Ma can be linked to reduced convergence along the internal collisional orogens that formed Gondwana and , respectively; indicating that accretionary systems are sensitive to changes in the global plate tectonic budget. Other research has focused on Grenville-age (c. 1.0 Ga) and Pan- African (c. 0.5 Ga) metamorphism in the East Antarctic . These global-scale events record the amalgamation of Rodinia and Gondwana, respectively. Three coastal segments of Gren- ville-age metamorphism in the Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica are each linked to the c. 1.0 Ga collision between older but are separated by two of pervasive Pan-African meta- morphism ascribed to Neoproterozoic ocean closure. The tectonic setting of these events is poorly constrained given the sparse exposure, deep erosion level and likelihood that younger meta- morphic events have reactivated older structures. The projection of these orogens under the ice is also controversial, but it is likely that at least one of the Pan-African orogens links up with the on the palaeo-Pacific margin of the craton. Sedimentary detritus and glacial erratics at the edge of the provide evidence for the c. 1.0 and 0.5 Ga orogenesis in the continental interior, while geophysical data reveal prominent geological boundaries under the ice, but there are insufficient data to trace these features to exposed structures of known age. Until we can resolve the subglacial geometry and tectonic setting of the c. 0.5 and 1.0 Ga meta- morphism, there will be no consensus on the configuration of Rodinia, or the size and shape of the continents that existed immediately before and after this supercontinent. Given this uncertainty, it is premature to speculate on the role of Antarctica in earlier supercontinents, but it is likely that Antarctica will continue to provide important constraints when our attention shifts to these earlier events.

Most Earth scientists consider the continents to establish a timescale for the . have been organized on Earth in two distinct ways Recent work suggests that there have been three through time: dispersed, with several large con- principal periods of continental amalgamation, tinents and intervening oceans; and coalesced, responsible for the Pangaea (c. 0.3 Ga), Rodinia with one or, perhaps, two ‘supercontinents’ present (c. 1.0 Ga) and Nuna (c. 1.7 Ga) supercontinents, (Nance et al. 2013). The alternation between these together with a time at the close of the Archaean two states is the major control on a number of when Earth’s continents were assembled into either secular trends observed in the geological record one dominant landmass (: Williams (Fig. 1) (Bradley 2011), which can in turn be used to et al. 1991) or into a small number of independent

From:Harley, S. L., Fitzsimons,I.C.W.&Zhao, Y. (eds) 2013. Antarctica and Supercontinent Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 383, 1–34. First published online October 9, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP383.9 # The Geological Society of London 2013. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Fig. 1. Compilation of major metamorphic belts of the in terms of their apparent thermal gradient (dT/dz) at peak metamorphic conditions and age, modified from Brown (2006, 2007). Thermal gradients are divided into three groups: (1) HP–UHP: high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belts characteristic of modern oceanic subduction zones, marked by grey circles, with the larger blue circle for the East Antarctic example in the Lanterman Range, northern (Palmeri et al. 2007); (2) E–HPG: eclogite and high-pressure characteristic of continental subduction in collisional orogens, marked by grey squares, with three larger green squares for East Antarctic examples from the Miller Range of the central (Peacock & Goodge 1995), the Shackleton Range (Schma¨dicke & Will 2006) and the Grove Mountains (Liu et al. 2009a); (3) G–UHT: and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic belts characteristic of back-arc regions and long-lived orogenic plateaus, marked by grey diamonds, with larger orange diamonds for the many granulites and UHT areas in East Antarctica (Harley 2003). Vertical grey time bands are indicative of the four main phases of supercontinent formation, from Gondwana and Rodinia back to Nuna and Kenorland. This diagram illustrates that global metamorphic events appear to correlate with times of supercontinent assembly, and that Antarctica preserves examples from all of these time periods.

‘supercratons’ (Superia, Scalvia and : (Fig. 1) (Elliot 1975; Tingey 1991 and other chap- Bleeker 2003). It is also commonplace to grant ters in that volume; Dalziel 1992; Fitzsimons supercontinent status to Gondwana, the amalgam 2000a; Harley 2003; Torsvik et al. 2008; Boger of present-day southern continents that formed at 2011), and is likely to contain remnants of all c. 0.5 Ga as a precursor to Pangaea. The influence Earth’s recognized supercontinents. The Antarctic of this continual reorganization of Earth’s land- is divided into two distinct geological masses is not restricted to the continental crust, and provinces by the Transantarctic Mountains (Fig. 2). is also believed to have affected the surface envi- East Antarctica lies to the Indian Ocean side ronment and so triggering profound changes in of these mountains, and is dominated by cratonic climatic and biological evolution (e.g. Valentine & igneous and metamorphic rocks of Archaean– Moores 1970; Campbell & Allen 2008; Eyles age, which are exposed sporadically 2008). This history is also linked to Earth’s deep along the coast and inland along the flanks of the interior, with evidence that the supercontinent Lambert – a topographical low in the ice cycle is coupled with mantle convection patterns sheet that overlies the late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic (Gurnis 1988; Li & Zhong 2009). Lambert Graben (Fedorov et al. 1982; Lisker et al. Relicts of these former continental amalgama- 2003; Phillips & La¨ufer 2009). The Transantarctic tions are now dispersed amongst the present-day Mountains mark the site of the Ross Orogen, a continents, and correlations between these frag- Neoproterozoic passive margin on the edge of the ments can be used to reconstruct supercontinent East Antarctic Craton that had transformed into palaeogeography. Despite being largely concealed an active convergent margin by the Cambro- beneath an extensive ice sheet, Antarctica contains (Stump 1995; Goodge 2002). West rocks spanning some 3.5 billion years of history Antarctica lies to the Pacific Ocean side of the Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Fig. 2. Bedrock topography of Antarctica (blues below sea level; yellows and reds above sea level) based on Bedmap2 data (Fretwell et al. 2013). The solid black line joining the Ross and Weddell seas divides East and West Antarctica. Prominent features of East Antarctica include: the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM); Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM); Vostok Subglacial Highlands (VSH); Dronning Maud Land mountains (DML); (PCM); Lambert Graben (LG); Amery (AIS); Prydz Bay (PB); Lu¨tzow–Holm Bay (LHB); (LV); Aurora Subglacial Basin (AB); Wilkes Subglacial Basin (WB). Black dashed lines denote the East Antarctic System (Ferraccioli et al. 2011). Also shown is the (SP) with ticks to indicate 08,908E, 1808 and 908W lines of longitude, and the five principal blocks of West Antarctica: the (AP); the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains Block (EWM); Haag Nunataks (HN); (MBL); the Block (TIB).

Transantarctic Mountains, and comprises several the Geological Society of London that have Palaeozoic–Mesozoic terranes dominated by mag- focused on Antarctica and its relationships to the matic arc and systems with a complex other southern continents, in particular the 2003 history of subduction, , magmatism and volume on Proterozoic East Gondwana: Super- deformation throughout the Palaeozoic and Meso- continent Assembly and Breakup (Special Publi- zoic (Dalziel & Elliot 1982; Vaughan et al. 2005). cation 206 edited by M. Yoshida, B. F. Windley & As such, Antarctica has a remarkable story to tell S. Dasgupta), the 2005 volume on Pro- about the evolution of our Earth, from the hottest cesses at the Margins of Gondwana (Special Pub- crustal rocks yet found in an orogenic system and lication 246 edited by A. P. M. Vaughan, P. T. what they might mean for supercraton formation at Leat & R. J. Pankhurst) and the 2008 volume on 2.5 Ga, to the assembly and breakup of Gondwana Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica: A Key in the . to the East–West Gondwana Connection (Special This Special Publication contains eight papers Publication 308 edited by M. Satish-Kumar, Y. that deal with different aspects of Antarctica’s Motoyoshi, Y. Osanai, Y. Hiroi & K. Shiraishi). history in supercontinent evolution, highlighting In this introductory paper we provide an histori- the evidence provided by petrological, geochemical cal perspective on how Antarctica has influenced and geochronological studies of sparse Antarctic models of supercontinent assembly and disper- outcrops of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic sion, and highlight a number of issues that remain rock. It builds upon other volumes published by unresolved. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Keystone of Gondwana, core of Rodinia and breakup, including periods of orogenesis and rifting, and changes in sea level and faunal diver- Antarctica has played a pivotal role in the develop- sity (Dewey & Horsfield 1970; Valentine & ment of models for how the present-day continents Moores 1970; Bond et al. 1984; Worsley et al. 1984). might have been arranged in earlier configura- While this evidence for assembly and breakup of tions (Dalziel 1992). Unexpected finds of coal mea- one or more supercontinents was con- sures, floras and voluminous dolerite vincing, it proved much more difficult to establish sills in the early twentieth century by pioneering what the configuration of these supercontinents explorers of the ‘golden age’ (e.g. David & Priestley might have been. 1914) indicated close correlations between Pala- Unlike Pangaea and Gondwana, which can eozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the Transantarctic be reconstructed by closing the present-day ocean Mountains and those in Australia, southern basins, Precambrian palaeogeography must be dec- and . These findings were consistent with iphered using the continental rock record alone, the concept of an ancient southern supercontinent, through some combination of geological correla- named Gondwanaland by Suess (1885–1909), and tion and palaeomagnetism. Precambrian geological it was shortly after these Antarctic discoveries that correlations are based on matching the age and continental drift was first proposed as an expla- orientation of features such as orogenic belts, pas- nation for these and other mysterious geological sive margins and dyke swarms. While such corre- correlations between the now widely separated lations might seem straightforward, typically any southern continents (Wegener 1912). The leading one correlation can be solved by several possible proponents of continental drift were soon depict- continental configurations, and modern Earth tells ing Antarctica within an assembled supercontinent us that similar geological settings can exist simul- (Fig. 3a) (Wegener 1915; Argand 1924), - taneously on quite different parts of the globe. For wiched between Australia, India, Africa and South this reason, the best correlations are those that America. This work culminated in the reconstruc- match multiple geological features, but even then tions of Du Toit (1937), who summarized a wealth the resulting configurations are qualitative at best. of geological and palaeontological evidence for a Conversely, palaeomagnetism can provide quanti- Palaeozoic Gondwana supercontinent that began tative information on the relative and absolute geo- to break apart in the and had Antarctica graphical position and orientation of the continents, as its central keystone (Fig. 3b), although these cor- but is plagued by a relatively limited Precambrian relations remained highly controversial until the dataset of variable reliability and uneven geogra- plate tectonic revolution of the 1960s provided a phical spread. mechanism for continental drift (Dietz 1961; The first suggested configuration for a Pre- Hess 1962; Vine & Matthews 1963; Wilson 1965; Gondwana supercontinent was based primarily on Isacks et al. 1968; Morgan 1968). palaeomagnetic data, which were used to argue The broad framework established by Du Toit for a long-lived Proterozoic supercontinent that (1937) and others has largely stood the test of time, closely resembled the Pangaea configuration, with with further refinements of the Gondwana ‘fit’ and Antarctica in its Gondwana fit (Piper 1976). It was breakup history driven by the application of plate later referred to as ‘Palaeopangaea’ (Piper 2000) tectonic principles to oceanic fracture zones and and required that most Proterozoic orogens within seafloor magnetic anomalies, coupled with accurate the present-day continents were the result of intra- mapping of continental shelves (e.g. Smith & cratonic reworking rather than ocean closure at a Hallam 1970; Lawver & Scotese 1987; Reeves plate margin. Much of the evidence for this pro- et al. 2002). As a result, there is now widespread posal was, however, disputed and it never gained agreement on the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic configur- widespread acceptance (e.g. Van der Voo & Meert ation of Gondwana, although spatial and tem- 1991). The breakthrough came in 1991 with the poral correlations between the various terranes of suggestion on geological grounds that West Antarctica remain problematic (Dalziel & (ancestral North America) and Antarctica were Elliot 1982; Vaughan et al. 2005). Instead, much juxtaposed in the Proterozoic along a conjugate of the debate over the last 40 years has centred on rift margin (Moores 1991) (Fig. 4). This proposal the pre-Gondwana history of the continents, and paired a Neoproterozoic passive margin along the whether it is possible to identify even earlier super- western edge of North America with a similar continents. It was not long after the recognition of length of Neoproterozoic passive margin in east- plate on modern Earth that the Precam- ern Australia and the Transantarctic Mountains. It brian rock record was first interpreted in terms of also linked the c. 1.0 Ga Grenville Orogen of east- the opening and closing of ocean basins, and soon ern North America with a similar-aged meta- a range of geological signals were being used to morphic belt that was believed to wrap around the infer pre-Gondwana cycles of continental assembly Antarctic coastline from Dronning Maud Land Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Fig. 3. Early attempts at reconstructing the Phanerozoic supercontinents. (a) Pangaea reconstruction of Wegener (1915) for the Late (lines of latitude and longitude are for the present-day relative to a fixed position of Africa). The fit of the southern continents is broadly similar to the modern concept of Gondwana, although India is rotated approximately 908 anticlockwise relative to more recent reconstructions. (b) Late Palaeozoic Gondwana reconstruction of Du Toit (1937), with India in its currently accepted orientation (lines of latitude are for the Late Palaeozoic but the South Pole (SP) is marked in its present-day Antarctic position). Modern configurations would show , Africa and in a more northerly position relative to India and Antarctica (e.g. Fig. 5), but otherwise this fit is very close to that accepted today. through to where it passed into the of Antarctica, Australia, India, Africa and South Albany–Fraser Orogen of . The America subsequently assembling into their Gond- other continents were then placed around this wana fit at c. 0.5 Ga along the so-called ‘Brasil- so-called SWEAT reconstruction (linking SW USA iano’ orogens of South America and ‘Pan-African’ to East Antarctica) to recreate a late Proterozoic orogens of Africa (e.g. Hoffman 1991; Rogers supercontinent (Dalziel 1991; Hofmann 1991). This et al. 1995; Meert & Van der Voo 1997), to be supercontinent was assumed to have assembled joined by North America and at c. 0.3 Ga though ocean closure and to form Pangaea. along a global network of the c. 1.0 Ga orogens Following an earlier suggestion of McMena- that are a prominent feature of many present-day min & McMenamin (1990), the name ‘Rodinia’ continents. It then rifted apart in the late Neopro- was soon adopted for this early Neoproterozoic terozoic, with the present-day southern continents supercontinent, and Antarctica was once again at Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Fig. 4. The ‘SWEAT’ reconstruction of Moores (1991) for Rodinia, the early Neoproterozoic supercontinent. This reconstruction juxtaposes Neoproterozoic passive margins in eastern Australia and the Transantarctic Mountains with western North America, and also links the Grenville Orogen of eastern North America with similar-aged metamorphic belts in East Gondwana (Circum East Antarctic Mobile Belt, Belt and Albany Fraser Orogen). is shown on the ‘other’ side of this c. 1.0 Ga orogen, and subsequent reconstructions added the South American and African cratons next to Baltica so that Rodinia comprised all major continental blocks (e.g. Hoffman 1991; Li et al. 2008). AF, Albany Fraser Orogen; B?, Baltic ; DML, Dronning Maud Land; DV, Death (California); EL, Enderby Land; G, Gawler Craton; GSM, Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains; K, Krylen Mountains; KG, King ; LH, Lu¨tzow–Holm Complex; M, Montana; MR, Miller Range; P, ; PC, Prince Charles Mountains; R, Racklan Orogen; SK, Shackleton Range; SP, South Pole; SR, Sør Rondane Mountains; TA, Terre Ade´lie; U, Uinta Mountains; W, Wohlthat Mountains; WL, Wilkes Land. the centre of supercontinent debate. The idea of an renewed focus on the Neoproterozoic continental early Neoproterozoic supercontinent that linked reorganization from Rodinia to Gondwana sug- Laurentia to a number of other continents, includ- gested that this east–west distinction was also rel- ing southern Africa, East Antarctica, India and evant to Gondwana assembly (Rogers et al. 1995) Australia, via a global-scale 1.0 Ga Grenville-age (Fig. 5). This built upon palaeomagnetic evidence mountain belt had great appeal. It stimulated that East and West Gondwana were independent intense research on several continents, generating cratonic units before they collided at c. 0.5 Ga a large range of possible Rodinia configurations along the Mozambique Belt of eastern Africa and heated discussion that has continued to the (McWilliams 1981), and was consistent with early present day (e.g. Meert & Torsvik 2003; Pisarevsky plate tectonic interpretations of this belt as a et al. 2003; Li et al. 2008, 2009; Evans 2009). It Tibetan-style orogen (Burke & Dewey 1972). This has also led to growing interest in even earlier belt is now regarded as part of the East African supercontinents; in particular, the Palaeoprotero- Orogen (Shackleton 1986, 1996; Stern 1994, 2002), zoic supercontinent of ‘Nuna’ (or ‘Columbia’), for a zone of late Neoproterozoic ocean closure and which a number of preliminary configurations have continental collision with well-preserved been proposed (Zhao et al. 2002, 2004; Evans & in the north (Arabian–Nubian Shield: Johnson & Mitchell 2011; Zhang et al. 2012). Woldehaimanot 2003; Johnson et al. 2011) and evidence of oceanic influence at least as far south as the Vohibory unit of SW Madagascar (Jo¨ns & From Rodinia to Gondwana Schenk 2008). Not only was the East African Orogen iden- The terms East and West Gondwana were first tified as the principal collisional zone during used to describe the Mesozoic breakup of Gond- Gondwana assembly, but it also appeared to wana (e.g. Dietz & Holden 1970), which com- two continental blocks of different geological menced with the rifting of South America and character. Thus, while both South America and Africa (West Gondwana) away from Antarctica– Africa are transected by multiple belts of late Australia–India (East Gondwana). However, a Neoproterozoic metamorphism (the Brasiliano and Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Fig. 5. Pan-African (c. 0.5 Ga) and Grenville-age (c. 1.0 Ga) belts in Gondwana after Hoffman (1991), with present-day African north orientated to the top of the diagram. By the early 1990s, a number of high-grade metamorphic belts of Pan-African age had been identified in West Gondwana (Africa and South America), while there appeared to be little pervasive metamorphism at c. 0.5 Ga in East Gondwana (Antarctica, Australia and India). This was taken as evidence for a two-stage assembly of Gondwana: East Gondwana formed at c. 1.0 Ga in the Rodinia supercontinent and then collided with several West Gondwanan blocks at c. 0.5 Ga. A major Pan-African suture (the East African Orogen along the site of the former Mozambique Ocean) was inferred to pass from juvenile Neoproterozoic arc rocks and ophiolite of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (1) into the Mozambique Belt (2), and then pass either into the Damara–Zambezi Orogen (3a: Hoffman 1991) or Antarctica (3b: Shackleton 1996). Evidence against both proposals (no reports of pervasive 0.5 Ga metamorphism in Antarctica and apparent correlations across the Damara–Zambezi Orogen precluding wide separation) was to be challenged by improved . Two principal sutures were identified within West Gondwana: one along the Gariep and Kaoko belts of SW Africa and the Dom Feliciano and Brasilia belts of South America (4; site of the Adamastor Ocean: Hartnady et al. 1985), and one along the Pampean, Paraguay and Araguaia belts of South America (5; site of the Clymene Ocean: Trindade et al. 2006). Extrapolation of these belts into northern Africa is hindered by a poor understanding of the Saharan Metacraton (Abdelsalam et al. 2002) but potential extensions include the Tuareg Shield (6: Black et al. 1994) and the Oubanguides Belt (7: Pin & Poidevin 1987). Pre-Grenvillian cratons: AMZ, Amazon; CG, Congo; EAN, East Antarctic; IN, Indian; KH, Kalahari; NA, North Australian; RP, Rı´ode la Plata; SA, South Australian; WA, West Australian; WAF, West African. Grenville-age orogenic belts: af, Albany– Fraser; cea, Circum East Antarctic; eg, Eastern Ghats; ir, Irumide; kb, Kibaran; md, Madagascar; nn, Namaqua–Natal; rs, Rondoˆnia–Sunsas.

Pan-African orogens), there appeared to be no sig- the East African Orogen to form the unified Gond- nificant metamorphism within East Gondwana wana supercontinent (Yoshida et al. 1992; Rogers younger than c. 1.0 Ga (Fig. 5). Although there et al. 1995; Unrug 1996). was (and still is) disagreement about whether indi- Models for a coherent East Gondwana that vidual Neoproterozoic metamorphic belts in assembled as part of Rodinia at c. 1.0 Ga and survi- western Africa and South America are ocean ved until Mesozoic breakup of Gondwana were con- sutures or examples of intracratonic reworking sistent with the traditional view of East Antarctic (e.g. the Damara Orogen of SW Africa: Kro¨ner geology as a central Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic 1977; Porada 1979; Gray et al. 2008), there is East Antarctic Craton wrapped by a coastal c. some consensus that West Gondwana assembled 1.0 Ga orogen (Ravich & Kamenev 1975; Grew in the late Neoproterozoic from two or more frag- 1982; James & Tingey 1983; Tingey 1991) (Fig. 5). ments (Rogers et al. 1995; Trompette 1997; Indeed, this c. 1.0 Ga orogen (the Circum East Ant- Cordani et al. 2003; Tohver et al. 2006) that collided arctic Mobile Belt of Yoshida 1995) and its corre- to close one or more oceans (e.g. the Adamastor lation with the Grenville Orogen of North America Ocean of Hartnady et al. 1985; the Clymene was one of the crucial pieces of evidence used to Ocean of Trindade et al. 2006). Conversely, it was constrain the SWEAT reconstruction of Rodinia believed that East Gondwana was released from (Fig. 4) (Moores 1991). Although c. 0.5 Ga granitic Rodinia as an already assembled block that collided magmatism and thermal resetting of Rb–Sr and with the composite blocks of West Gondwana along K–Ar mineral isotope systems had been identified Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

8 S. L. HARLEY ET AL. across much of East Antarctica, metamorphic Pan-African suture (Talarico et al. 1999; Tessen- pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions at this sohn et al. 1999; Kleinschmidt et al. 2002; Zeh time were not believed to have exceeded greens- et al. 2004; Schma¨dicke & Will 2006; Will et al. chist facies at current erosion levels and were 2010). The Archaean Grunehogna Craton and the viewed as an intraplate response to the onset of sub- c. 1.0 Ga rocks of the Maud Belt in far western duction along the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gond- Dronning Maud Land do not show this Pan-African wana (Stu¨we & Sandiford 1993). overprint, and have geological and palaeomag- netic links with the , suggesting that they belong to the western foreland of the East Antarctica divided African–Antarctic Orogen (Barton et al. 1987; Arndt et al. 1991; Jacobs et al. 2003c; Jones et al. The notion of a coherent East Gondwana from 2003; Marschall et al. 2010). Detailed geo- c. 1.0 to 0.2 Ga was challenged in the 1990s as chronology indicates that the c. 1.0 Ga Maud Belt U–Pb zircon geochronology, coupled with struc- has a distinctive record of 1140–1130 Ma vol- tural and metamorphic mapping, identified belts of canism and 1090–1030 Ma granulite-facies meta- the c. 0.5 Ga granulite-facies metamorphism and morphism, and that rocks with this same history deformation within East Gondwana. The first evi- form the protoliths to Pan-African granulites across dence came from southern India and Sri Lanka western and central Dronning Maud Land (Fig. 6b) (Burton & O’Nions 1990; Baur et al. 1991; Choudh- (Jacobs et al. 2003b, c; Bisnath et al. 2006). Unde- ary et al. 1992; Kro¨ner & Williams 1993; Ho¨lzl formed and granophyre exposed in Coats et al. 1994; Miller et al. 1996), where detailed Land, between western Dronning Maud Land and geochronology using a range of techniques estab- the Shackleton Range, have magmatic ages of lished that peak granulite metamorphism was ages of c. 1110 Ma with no trace of the c. 0.5 Ga tec- ‘Pan-African’ in age and that previous evidence tonism (Gose et al. 1997), suggesting that they too for older ages reflected pre-metamorphic protolith are part of the western foreland to the Pan-African material. These Pan-African granulites and similar- Orogen. However, palaeomagnetic and isotopic aged rocks in Madagascar (Paquette et al. 1994; data from Coats Land support links with Laur- Kro¨ner et al. 1996) were interpreted as the east- entia at 1110 Ma rather than with the Kalahari ern margin of the East African Orogen and so did Craton, consistent with the original SWEAT hypo- not require any major changes to existing models thesis that the Maud Belt is a 1090–1030 Ma for a coherent East Gondwana during the Neo- collision zone between the Kalahari Craton and proterozoic, but one unresolved issue was the Laurentia–Antarctica (Jacobs et al. 2003b; southwards extension of the East African Orogen Loewy et al. 2011). beyond Madagascar (Fig. 5). While some assumed The preservation of a Maud Belt age signature that this collisional suture turned westwards along into the c. 0.5 Ga granulites of central Dronning the Damara–Zambezi system, making the Kala- Maud Land suggests that any extension of the East hari Craton of southern Africa part of East rather African suture into Antarctica is likely to lie in than West Gondwana (e.g. Hoffman 1991), others eastern Dronning Maud Land. The eastern foreland considered this unlikely and speculated that it of this Pan-African orogen would be the c. 1.0 Ga might extend into Antarctica (Stern 1994; Shac- Rayner Complex of Enderby, Kemp and MacRo- kleton 1996). bertson lands, which has characteristic Evidence for the latter geometry was provided magmatism and metamorphism at 990–900 Ma by reports of pervasive high-grade Pan-African and correlates with the Eastern Ghats Province of metamorphism overprinting the c. 1.0 Ga rocks India (Black et al. 1987; Kelly et al. 2002; Dobme- of Dronning Maud Land (Fig. 6a), first from the ier & Raith 2003; Halpin et al. 2005; Dasgupta et al. Lu¨tzow–Holm Complex of eastern Dronning 2013). Protolith ages for the Pan-African granulites Maud Land (Shiraishi et al. 1992, 1994, 2008), of eastern Dronning Maud Land are poorly con- and then western and central Dronning Maud Land strained, but meta-tonalite in the SW Sør Rondane (Moyes & Groenewald 1996; Jacobs et al. 1998). Mountains preserves pre-metamorphic intrusive These results were used to argue for a continu- ages of 998–995 and 945–920 Ma (Kamei et al. ous East African–Antarctic Orogen (Grunow et al. 2013). This confirms earlier suggestions of a 1996; Jacobs et al. 2003a, c; Jacobs & Thomas change in protolith age between central Dronning 2004) stretching 8000 km from the Arabian– Maud Land and the Sør Rondane Mountains Nubian Shield through eastern Africa and Dronn- (Jacobs et al. 2008), and allows the possibility that ing Maud Land to the Shackleton Range on the the Sør Rondane tonalite is part of the Rayner Coats Land coast of Antarctica (path EA1 in Complex metamorphosed at c. 0.6–0.5 Ga. This Fig. 6b), where a nappe complex with ophiolite would place the Rayner–Maud boundary between and c. 0.5 Ga eclogite was interpreted as a central Dronning Maud Land and the Sør Rondane Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Mountains, which would therefore also be a likely history of the adjacent late Archaean–earliest site for any Pan-African oceanic suture. How- Palaeoproterozoic Vestfold Hills Block is domi- ever, the tonalite has quite different geochemistry nated by magmatism and metamorphism at and is markedly more juvenile than Rayner Com- c. 2.5 Ga (Black et al. 1991; Snape et al. 1997), plex , making their direct correlation and appears unrelated to older Archaean rocks in problematic. the Rauer Group, again suggesting that this If the East African suture does pass into Dron- might comprise several terranes juxtaposed by ning Maud Land and continue to the Shackleton later events. Range, then outcrops in western and central Dron- Three different-aged associations are ning Maud Land and in Coats Land must have identified in the southern Prince Charles Moun- been part of West Gondwana and only amalgamated tains, each dominated by granitoid and felsic ortho- with the rest of the East Antarctic Craton at , along with several variably deformed and c. 0.5 Ga. This still allows the larger part of East metamorphosed sedimentary sequences (Kam- Gondwana to have been untouched by pervasive enev et al. 1993; Boger et al. 2001, 2006; Mikha- Pan-African tectonism and so does not require lksy et al. 2006, 2010; Phillips et al. 2006, 2009). substantial changes to models of a coherent East The youngest basement unit is exposed in the Gondwana throughout the Neoproterozoic. How- north and is an extension of the c. 1.0 Ga Rayner ever, evidence for Pan-African metamorphism and Complex, but basement outcrops further south deformation was also emerging from the Prydz belong either to an Archaean association with Bay coast of East Antarctica, in the heart of East major igneous events at c. 3.2 and 2.8 Ga (the Gondwana (Fig. 6a), where rocks previously Ruker Complex, but called the Tingey Complex regarded as part of the c. 1.0 Ga Circum East Ant- by Phillips et al. 2009) or a Palaeoproterozoic arctic Mobile Belt were found to have a pervasive association with major igneous events at c. 2.4 c. 0.5 Ga granulite-facies overprint (Zhao et al. and 2.1 Ga (the Lambert Complex). While the age 1992, 1993, 2003; Hensen & Zhou 1995, 1997; of the Ruker Complex correlates closely with Carson et al. 1996; Fitzsimons et al. 1997; Kelsey Archaean parts of the Rauer Group, the c. 2.1 Ga et al. 2003, 2007). Outcrops further west in MacRo- ages reported from the Lambert Complex have no bertson Land and the northern Prince Charles known counterpart in Antarctica. Parts of the Mountains belong to the c. 1.0 Ga Rayner Com- Lambert Complex record a metamorphic overprint plex with only localized evidence for the 0.5 Ga at c. 1.0 Ga (Corvino et al. 2008), indicating that it event (Kinny et al. 1997; Boger et al. 2000, 2002; was linked to the Rayner Complex by Grenville Carson et al. 2000), and so appear to mark a west- times, but relationships with the Ruker Complex ern limit for Pan-African tectonism. However, are less clear. High-strain zones at the boundaries Pan-African metamorphism and deformation was between all basement units show evidence for c. found to extend south of Prydz Bay along the 0.5 Ga -facies metamorphism (Corvino eastern edge of the Amery Ice Shelf (Liu et al. et al. 2008; Phillips et al. 2009), and one of the 2009b), and inland to the Grove Mountains more intense areas of Pan-African reworking (Mikhalsky et al. 2001; Liu et al. 2006, 2007) and occurs at the eastern edge of the Prince Charles southern Prince Charles Mountains in the Lambert Mountains, where it juxtaposes the Lambert Com- Graben (Boger et al. 2001, 2008; Corvino et al. plex to the north and Ruker Complex to the south. 2005, 2008; Phillips et al. 2009). Boger et al. (2001) interpreted this as a major Most rocks in the Prydz Bay region affected Pan-African suture zone that extends east–west by this Pan-African event preserve an earlier his- across the southern Prince Mountains, consistent tory of the c. 1.0 Ga magmatism and metamorphism with a lack of evidence for the c. 1.0 Ga meta- correlated with events in the adjacent Rayner morphism in the Ruker Complex basement. How- Complex (Fig. 6b) (Wang et al. 2008; Grew et al. ever, more recent geochronology indicates that the 2012), and so provide no evidence of a suture, but Ruker and Lambert complexes further west do not relationships are more complex in northern Prydz have a simple outcrop pattern (Phillips et al. 2006; Bay and the southern Prince Charles Mountains. Mikhalsky et al. 2010), and has also identified The Rauer Group of northern Prydz Bay comprises 3.2 Ga detrital zircon grains in one of the sedi- Archaean orthogneiss, with emplacement ages of mentary sequences that lost Pb at 990–900 Ma c. 3.3 and 2.8 Ga, interleaved with c. 1.0 Ga units. (Phillips et al. 2006), consistent with a Rayner These rocks show no evidence of a shared tec- overprint on Ruker material. Thus, while Boger tonothermal history until c. 0.5 Ga (Kinny et al. (2011) has continued to argue for a c. 0.5 Ga 1993; Harley et al. 1998), which is consistent with suture in the southern Prince Charles Mountains, terrane assembly at that time, although juxtaposi- others have proposed that these terranes assembled tion at 1.0 Ga followed by reworking at 0.5 Ga at c. 1.0 Ga and that their boundaries were reacti- cannot be ruled out (Harley & Kelly 2007a). The vated at c. 0.5 Ga in response to collisional tectonics Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

10 S. L. HARLEY ET AL. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

INTRODUCTION 11 elsewhere (Phillips et al. 2009; Mikhalsky et al. evidence of metamorphism at c. 1.0 Ga. Conversely, 2010). rocks in the and Windmill Islands Unlike the Dronning Maud Land granulites, of Wilkes Land, east of Denman Glacier, under- which are along strike from the c. 0.5 Ga East went high-grade metamorphism at 1330–1280 and African Orogen in Gondwana reconstructions, 1200–1130 Ma with only a partial isotopic over- supercontinent configurations provide few con- print at c. 0.5 Ga that decreases in intensity east- straints on the setting of Pan-African metamor- wards (Black et al. 1992; Sheraton et al. 1992, phism in Prydz Bay. Extensions of the Prydz Belt 1995; Post et al. 1997). This boundary is correlated away from Antarctica project beneath the sedi- with the Darling of Western Australia (Fig. mentary basins of northern India, and the next base- 6a), which lies adjacent to the Denman Glacier ment outcrop along the Antarctic coastline occurs region in Gondwana reconstructions. The south- approximately 700 km to the east at Mirny Sta- ern section of the Darling Fault separates the tion. Limited age data from this area provide evi- Albany–Fraser Orogen in the east, with metamor- dence for a major tectonic boundary beneath the phic events at 1345–1260 and 1215–1140 Ma, Denman Glacier, about 200 km east of Mirny. from the Pinjarra Orogen in the west, which Archaean orthogneiss west of Denman Glacier records a variably developed c. 0.5 Ga metamor- was metamorphosed at c. 0.5 Ga, and intruded by phic overprint on 1090–1060 and 800–650 Ma c. 0.5 Ga charnockite and syenite, but bears no magmatic and metamorphic rocks (Harris 1995;

Fig. 6. Current understanding of the basement and adjacent areas of Gondwana taken from multiple sources cited in the text (with present-day African north orientated to the top of the diagram). Unlike Figure 5, this map shows two regions of pervasive Pan-African metamorphism within East Antarctica: one contiguous with Pan-African granulites in SE Africa, southern India and Sri Lanka; and the other an extension of the Pinjarra Orogen of Western Australia. Evidence for pervasive c. 0.5 Ga deformation and metamorphism is limited to southern sections of the Pinjarra Orogen. Outcrops in the northern Pinjarra Orogen comprise c. 1.1 Ga granulites cut locally by c. 0.5 Ga mylonite, referred to here as the Northampton Complex and marked as Grenville-age, although these rocks might have been displaced by Neoproterozoic transcurrent movement (Fitzsimons 2003). Approximate locations of Gondwana margin terranes from Veevers (2012). (a) Areas of no outcrop in Antarctica left blank apart from the outline of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM), Vostok Subglacial Highlands (VSH) and East Antarctic Rift System (dotted lines after Ferraccioli et al. 2011). Also highlighted is the Malani Igneous Suite, which provides palaeomagnetic evidence for a wide separation (and probable Neoproterozoic ocean basin) between NW India and Western Australia at 750 Ma (Torsvik et al. 2001; Gregory et al. 2009). AF, Albany–Fraser Orogen; AM, Amundsen Province (Marie Byrd Land); AP, Antarctic Peninsula; BH, Bunger Hills; BK, Bundelkhand Craton; BS, Bastar Craton; CB, Coompana Block; CD, central Dronning Maud Land; CG, ; CH, Chatham Rise; CITZ, Central Indian Tectonic Zone; CK, Choma–Kalomo Block; CL, Coats Land; CM, Campbell Plateau; CP, Cape Belt; CPR, Capricorn Orogen; DG, Denman Glacier; DM, Damara Orogen; DO, Delamerian Orogen; DW, Dharwar Craton; EG, Eastern Ghats Belt; EWM, Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains Block; FM, Falkland–Malvinas Plateau; G, Grunehogna Craton; GM, Grove Mountains; GSM, Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains; GW, Gawler Craton; IR, Irumide Orogen; KH, Kalahari Craton; KB, Kibaran Orogen; LB, Lurio Belt; LF, Lufilian Arc; LH, Lu¨tzow–Holm Complex; LC, Lachlan Orogen; MD, Madagascar; MR, Miller Range; MY, Mirny; MZ, Mozambique Orogen; N, Napier Complex; NA, North Australian Craton; NE, New England Orogen; NH, Northampton Complex; NN, Namaqua–Natal Orogen; NPC, northern Prince Charles Mountains; NV, northern Victoria Land terranes (Bowers and Robertson Bay terranes); NZ, New Zealand; PAT, Patagonia; PB, Prydz Bay; PJ, Pinjarra Orogen; PL, ; PM, Petermann Orogen; PT, Paterson Orogen; RG, Rauer Group; RO, Ross Orogen; RS, Ross Province (Marie Byrd Land); RY, Rayner Complex; SG, Southern Granulite Terrane; SI, Singhbhum Craton; SK, Shackleton Range; SP, present-day South Pole (with ticks indicating 08, 908E, 1808 and 908W lines of longitude); SPC, southern Prince Charles Mountains; SR, Sør Rondane Mountains; STR, South Tasman Rise; T, Tasmania; TA, Terre Ade´lie; TH, Thomson Orogen; TIB, Thurston Island Block; TZ Tanzania Craton; VH, Vestfold Hills; VSH, Vostok Subglacial Highlands; WD, western Dronning Maud Land; WI, Windmill Islands; YG, ; ZM, Zambezi Orogen. (b) Same basement geology as map (a) showing possible subglacial extensions of the East African Orogen (EA1 and EA2), and the Pan-African orogenesis in Prydz Bay and Denman Glacier (PD1, PD2 and PD3). Areas of Grenville-age material within the Pan-African orogens are highlighted, where possible, with an indication of the Grenville orogen from which they have been sourced (based on geochronological similarity and geographical proximity). Reworked Grenville in western and central Dronning Maud Land appears to correspond with the Maud Belt in westernmost Dronning Maud Land, while examples in the Prydz Bay region match the Rayner Complex. Likewise, Grenville-age protoliths within the southern Pinjarra Orogen and Denman Glacier region appear to have been derived from rocks similar to the Northampton Complex. Age data on reworked Grenville-age rocks from Sør Rondane and Sri Lanka are more difficult to fingerprint, but are critical to understanding this complex region at the junction of the East African and Damara–Zambezi orogens. Also shown are approximate locations of the Mesozoic magmatic arc and accretion–subduction complex (from Veevers 2012). Boxes mark the localities considered by other papers in this volume (1, Mikhalsky et al. 2013; 2, Flowerdew et al. 2013a; 3, Grew et al. 2013; 4, Liu et al. 2013; 5, Adachi et al. 2013; 6, Kawasaki et al. 2013; 7, Yakymchuk et al. 2013; 8, Elsner et al. 2013). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


Sheraton et al. 1995; Clark et al. 2000; Fitzsimons Complex and Maud Belt: Fig. 6b). While each 2003; Kirkland et al. 2011). segment has broadly comparable metamorphic In the absence of any outcrop between them, ages, there are consistent differences in the precise the c. 0.5 Ga magmatism and metamorphism in timing of the major events with peak metamorphism the Prydz Bay and Denman Glacier regions are at 1200–1130 Ma in Wilkes Land, 990–900 Ma in assumed to represent the western and eastern mar- the Rayner Complex and 1090–1030 Ma in the gins of a single Pan-African orogenic belt (Fitzsi- Maud Belt. Fitzsimons (2000b) proposed that each mons 2000a, b, 2003; Boger et al. 2001; Boger segment might be a distinct orogenic belt juxta- 2011), although its tectonic setting remains enig- posed during Gondwana assembly, although the matic. There is no evidence for Neoproterozoic geometry and tectonic setting of Pan-African displa- or arc magmatism, although it is cements are poorly constrained. impossible to rule out their presence under the ice or in those parts of India now subducted under the Himalaya or hidden beneath the Indo-Gangetic Joining the dots Plain, and glacial erratics discovered in the Grove Mountains with 545 Ma high-pressure mafic granu- Although there was some resistance to the con- lite assemblages do provide some support for cept of three separate Antarctic blocks in the Neo- Pan-African collisional orogenesis in the Prydz proterozoic, given that differences in the timing Bay area (Liu et al. 2009a). There is geological evi- of the c. 1.0 Ga metamorphism could reflect tem- dence for sinistral displacement of crustal blocks poral variations along a single orogen (Yoshida along the southern segment of the Darling Fault at et al. 2003; Yoshida 2007), it has been adopted in c. 0.5 Ga (Harris 1994), with comparable lateral many palaeogeographical models for Neoprotero- movements inferred for its Antarctic counterpart zoic Earth and the preceding Rodinia supercon- in the Denman Glacier region, although arguments tinent (e.g. Collins & Pisarevsky 2005; Li et al. for a c. 0.5 Ga terrane assembly further west in 2008). However, such models require extrapola- the Rauer Group and the southern Prince Charles tion of the Pan-African orogens under the Antarctic Mountains remain inconclusive given the possibil- ice sheet to define the size and shape of inferred ity that amalgamation occurred at c. 1.0 Ga. While Australo-Antarctic, Indo-Antarctic and African– the magnitudes of Pan-African displacement in the Antarctic blocks that assembled at c. 0.5 Ga to Prydz–Denman region are poorly constrained and form East Gondwana. Boger et al. (2001), Fitzsi- need not have been linked to ocean closure, indirect mons (2003), Boger & Miller (2004) and Boger evidence for significant relative movement is (2011) have used the geological evidence available provided by palaeomagnetic data from the 770– from the sparse Antarctic outcrop to speculate on 750 Ma Malani Igneous Suite of NW India (Fig. potential pathways for these orogens under the ice 6a). These data suggest that India was around 458 (Fig. 6b). of latitude north of its Gondwana fit with Australia The only direct evidence for a Pan-African at 750 Ma (Torsvik et al. 2001; Gregory et al. orogenic belt at the Pacific margin of Antarctica is 2009), which requires about 5000 km of Neopro- in the Shackleton Range at the African end of the terozoic movement between India and Australia. Transantarctic Mountains. While these c. 0.5 Ga The Prydz–Denman region is the most likely candi- thrust sheets of eclogite and ophiolite are usually date for displacements of this magnitude, although interpreted as the Pacific termination of the East another possible site is the Eastern Ghats Belt of African–Antarctic Orogen that formed through India, where, like Antarctica, there is increasing ocean closure and collision of African cratons with evidence for Pan-African 0.5 Ma tectonism within those in India and Antarctica (path EA1 in Fig. what was previously regarded as a c. 1.0 Ga meta- 6b) (Grunow et al. 1996; Kleinschmidt et al. 2002; morphic belt. This has led to controversial proposals Jacobs et al. 2003a, c; Jacobs & Thomas 2004), that the Eastern Ghats and equivalent Rayner they could also be an extension of the Prydz– Complex of Antarctica collided with the Dharwar Denman orogenic belt. Two possible paths have and Bastar cratons of India at c. 0.5 Ga (Dobmeier been proposed for a Pan-African orogen linking et al. 2006; Biswal et al. 2007; Simmat & Raith the Prydz–Denman region to the Shackleton 2008), but most workers still argue for assembly at Range. Boger et al. (2001), Boger & Miller (2004) c. 1.0 Ga followed by intracratonic reworking at and Boger (2011) suggested it might pass through c. 0.5 Ga (e.g. Dasgupta et al. 2013). the inferred suture between the Ruker and Lam- Thus, it appears that two major zones of Pan- bert complexes in the southern Prince Charles African magmatism, metamorphism and deforma- Mountains (path PD1 in Fig. 6b), although others tion intersect the East Antarctic coastline, splitt- have argued that this suture formed at c. 1.0 rather ing the c. 1.0 Ga Circum East Antarctica Mobile than 0.5 Ga (Phillips et al. 2009; Mikhalsky et al. Belt into three segments (Wilkes Land, Rayner 2010). Fitzsimons (2003) suggested an alternative Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

INTRODUCTION 13 path (path PD2 in Fig. 6b) that passes under the during continental collision (Peacock & Goodge ice between the southern Prince Charles Moun- 1995), whereas similar-aged low-pressure amphib- tains and the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, an olite and granulite metamorphism in the Read enigmatic and unexposed mountain range approx- Mountains is thought to reflect accretionary orogen- imately 500 km south of the Prince Charles Moun- esis at an active margin (Will et al. 2010). Despite tains (Figs 2 & 6). The tectonic framework for these differences, both metamorphic events have these inferred orogenic belts remains unclear, with been correlated with the 1.7 Ga ‘Kimban’ Fitzsimons (2000b, 2003) noting that the proposed of the Gawler Craton and, if correct, this implies displacements could result either from ocean clo- that the Palaeoproterozoic Mawson Continent sure and continental collision or from continent- extended for more than 4000 km along the palaeo- scale transcurrent tectonics. However, Boger (2011) Pacific margin of Gondwana from South Austra- has argued specifically for ocean subduction leading lia to the Pan-African suture in the Shackleton to continental collision, which would be consistent Range. However, there are extensive outcrop gaps with the Shackleton Range ophiolite and eclogite. between Terre Ade´lie and the Miller Range If the Prydz–Denman Orogen does extend to the (.1000 km), and between the Miller Range and Shackleton Range, this raises the question of what the (.1000 km), and, although sat- happens to the southern extension of the East ellite magnetic data suggest that the Mawson Conti- African–Antarctic Orogen. Boger & Miller (2004) nent extends for approximately 800 km into depicted the Prydz–Denman Orogen truncating Antarctica from the Terre Ade´lie coastline (Finn the East African–Antarctic Orogen under the ice et al. 2006; Goodge & Finn 2010), there is no con- in Dronning Maud Land, and Boger (2011) pro- clusive evidence for geological continuity beyond posed a similar model but with an additional ear- this. If there is a major geological break between lier Pan-African suture between western Dronning Terre Ade´lie and the Shackleton Range, then one Maud Land and the c. 1110 Ga Coats Land Block possibility would be in the central Transantarctic (path EA2 in Fig. 6b). This latter suggestion fol- Mountains (Fitzsimons 2003) where there is a lowed Kleinschmidt & Boger (2009), who proposed change in the geochemistry of Ross-age this geometry to explain why the Coats Land mag- (Borg et al. 1990) and in lower Palaeozoic stratigra- matic rocks have no record of the 1090–1030 Ma phy (Rowell & Rees 1989). Although this boundary granulite metamorphism seen in western Dronn- is typically drawn parallel to the Ross Orogen and ing Maud Land. However, this proposal remains interpreted either as a feature inherited from the rather speculative given the lack of evidence for c. passive margin rift geometry (Goodge et al. 2004) 0.5 Ga events in either the Coats Land Block or or a result of terrane accretion at the active margin westernmost Dronning Maud Land, and juxtaposi- (Borg et al. 1990), Fitzsimons (2003) speculated tion of these two blocks by c. 1.0 Ga is, perhaps, that it might reflect an extension of the Prydz– more likely (Jacobs et al. 2003b; Loewy et al. 2011). Denman Orogen (path PD3 in Fig. 6b). Another possibility is that the Prydz–Denman Further constraints on the presence and age of Orogen intersected the palaeo-Pacific margin of orogenic belts within the East Antarctic Craton Antarctica somewhere south of the Shackleton are provided by detrital eroded from the Range, and constraints on possible locations are Antarctic interior and deposited at the continental provided by basement units exposed along the cra- margins (e.g. Goodge & Fanning 2010; Veevers & tonic edge of the Ross Orogen, namely the Terre Saeed 2011, 2013). These zircons include signi- Ade´lie Craton, the Miller Range of the central ficant U–Pb age populations at 1.3–0.9 and 0.7– Transantarctic Mountains and the Read Moun- 0.5 Ga, which are taken as evidence for magmatism tains of the southern Shackleton Range (Fig. 6a). and metamorphism of this age within the centre Coastal outcrops of the Terre Ade´lie Craton are of the Antarctic Craton. Although there have been dominated by metamorphism at c. 2.5 and 1.7 Ga attempts to couple regional variations in the U–Pb (Peucat et al. 1999; Duclaux et al. 2008). These age and Hf isotope composition of these zircons rocks are clear correlatives of the formerly contigu- with glacial drainage patterns to identify discrete ous Gawler Craton of Australia and this composite basement provinces (e.g. Veevers et al. 2008; Antarctic–Australian crustal block has been Veevers & Saeed 2011, 2013), these spatial con- named the Mawson Continent (Oliver & Fanning straints are qualitative at best. The detrital zircon 1997). Metamorphism at c. 1.7 Ga is also a feature data also provide few constraints on the tectonic of the Miller Range (Goodge et al. 2001) and the setting of magmatism or metamorphism and, in Read Mountains (Will et al. 2009), although con- particular, cannot easily distinguish collisional trasting P–T conditions (Fig. 1) have led to differ- metamorphism at an oceanic suture zone from intra- ent tectonic models for the two locations. The cratonic reworking at an older terrane boundary, preservation of c. 1.7 Ga eclogite in the Miller although Hf data could identify any major com- Range is consistent with orogenic thickening ponent of juvenile crust such as an oceanic arc. A Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

14 S. L. HARLEY ET AL. similar but more powerful approach is to study lake, although the inferred boundary does lie along glacial clasts in , which have been eroded one of three possible paths suggested by Fitzsimons from the subglacial bedrock and have the potential (2003) for the Antarctic extension of the Pinjarra to link zircon age data with specific igneous and Orogen (path PD3 in Fig. 6b). This proposed path metamorphic regimes based on host clast petrology also corresponds with the eastern branch of the and geochemistry. An excellent example of this East Antarctic Rift System (Figs 2 & 6) (Ferraccioli approach is provided by the work of Goodge et al. et al. 2011), a prominent subglacial topogra- (2008, 2010), who have described glacial clasts col- phical feature that has a western branch in the lected from the craton side of the central Transan- Lambert Graben and is likely to follow older geo- tarctic Mountains. These clasts include samples of logical boundaries. Although Fitzsimons (2003) felsic orthogneiss with c. 1.1 Ga magmatic zircon favoured a Pan-African age for this structure, there ages that are consistent with the presence of a is evidence for metamorphism and magmatism at Grenville-age orogen under the continental ice 1090–1060, 800–650 and 550–500 Ma in the sheet. Goodge et al. (2010) argued that c. 0.5 Ga Pinjarra Orogen of Western Australia (Fig. 6b), zircon overgrowths in these rocks reflect craton and Boger (2011) suggested that this orogen might margin events in the Ross Orogen, in which case split into separate Pan-African- and Grenville-age the samples must have originated relatively close segments under the Antarctic ice sheet, in which to their collection site, although the possibility that case the Lake Vostok boundary might correspond c. 0.5 Ga metamorphism might reflect Pan-African to the older c. 1.0 Ga belt with or without a youn- reworking of Grenville rocks in the continental ger overprint at c. 0.5 Ga. Detrital zircon and mon- interior would allow a more distal source. U–Pb azite in a siltstone clast recovered from a Lake and Hf data from detritus and glacial erratics have Vostok borehole yielded ages of between 1.8 and also characterized several pre-Grenville zircon 0.6 Ga (Leitchenkov et al. 2007), consistent with populations that can be correlated with basement Grenville and Pan-African tectonism in the region. rocks in Laurentia or the Mawson Continent, includ- Another major crustal structure has been inferred ing a distinctive c. 1.45 Ga granitoid clast that from ENE–WSW-trending magnetic anomalies closely matches an A-type suite in Laurentia along the northern edge of the Gamburtsev Sub- and provides strong support for the SWEAT con- glacial Mountains (Ferraccioli et al. 2011). This nection between Antarctica and North America boundary is interpreted as a suture between the (Goodge et al. 2008). Archaean Ruker Complex and a concealed ‘Gam- Geophysical data should provide the best con- burtsev Province’, and is assumed by Ferraccioli straints on the location of Antarctic orogenic belts et al. (2011) to be c. 1.0 Ga in age, partly because under the ice, but there is an uneven coverage of its trend is similar to that of Grenville-age structures data across the continent and much of it is relati- in the Prince Charles Mountains. There are, how- vely low resolution. Prominent geophysical bound- ever, no reliable age constraints and this structure aries have been identified in Dronning Maud could also be Pan-African in age, in which case Land, Lake Vostok and the Gamburtsev Subglacial it might correspond to path PD2 in Figure 6b. Mountains, but there is no information on the age Unfortunately, there are currently no detailed geo- of these structures and none of them can be confi- physical data for regions to the east or west of dently matched with exposed geology. The Forster the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, frustrating magnetic anomaly occurs inland of the coastal out- attempts to link this inferred suture with coastal crops of Dronning Maud Land (Riedel et al. 2013) outcrops. and might be an extension of the South Orvin Shear Zone exposed in central Dronning Maud Land (Jacobs 1999). Although it has been interpreted as New constraints on Africa–Antarctica a major tectonic boundary or suture within the connections East African–Antarctic Orogen, it is located too far north to link with the inferred Pan-African A recent reassessment of the Damara–Zambezi suture in the Shackleton Range, a conclusion sup- Orogen and its intersection with the East African ported by the expanded magnetic data set of Mieth Orogen in Mozambique has questioned some of & Jokat (2013). Studinger et al. (2003) presented the widely accepted correlations made between magnetic, gravity and seismic evidence for a major Antarctica and Africa. This was prompted by crustal boundary trending north–south underneath mounting evidence for a Pan-African suture along Lake Vostok, near the centre of the East Antarctic the Damara–Zambezi Orogen, including data dem- ice sheet (Fig. 2), which is assumed to be a colli- onstrating that previously correlated units on either sional suture of broadly ‘Proterozoic’ age. This side of the orogen are of quite different age (De survey provided no data to constrain the boundary Waele et al. 2003) and the identification of basaltic beyond the immediate vicinity of the subglacial rocks with MORB (Mid Ocean Ridge ) Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

INTRODUCTION 15 chemistry that were subjected to eclogite meta- palaeo-Pacific margin, which evolved from a pas- morphism at c. 0.6 Ga (John & Schenk 2003). sive to an active continental margin. This change These rocks preserve cool geothermal gradients of is recorded by the Ross Orogen along the edge of approximately 8 8Ckm21, consistent with a long- the East Antarctic Craton and a number of out- lived subduction zone, and imply that an ocean board terranes including those in present-day closed along the Damara–Zambezi Orogen some West Antarctica and New Zealand (Fig. 6a), which time before collisional metamorphism at c. 0.5 Ga. preserve a history of episodic magmatism, cou- The east–west structural trend of the Zambezi pled with multiple stages of contractional and Orogen continues eastwards through Mozambique extensional deformation. These rocks form part as the Lurio Belt, which appears to truncate the of an extensive Neoproterozoic–Mesozoic accre- East African Orogen and pass into the thrust tionary orogen that extended along the palaeo- sheets of Sri Lanka (e.g. Bingen et al. 2009). If so, Pacific margin of Australia, Antarctica and South this would make the Dronning Maud Land granu- America, collectively referred to as the Austral- lites of Antarctica part of the east–west Damara– ides by Vaughan et al. (2005), and split into the Zambezi Orogen rather than a north–south East Neoproterozoic–Palaeozoic Oro- African–Antarctic Orogen, and make it unlikely gen and the Mesozoic Gondwanides Orogen by that ophiolite and eclogite in the Shackleton Range Cawood (2005). represent the extension of the East African Orogen. Latest Neoproterozoic–Ordovician subduction These cross-cutting relationships suggest that under the Ross Orogen was associated with the there should be an age difference between the emplacement of an extensive 590–480 Ma mag- two Pan-African orogens, which might explain a matic arc (the Granite Harbour Intrusives), together bimodal distribution of Pan-African age data first with deformation, metamorphism and deposition described by Clifford (1967), who distinguished an of syn-orogenic sedimentary sequences (Borg & early ‘Katangan’ event (680–580 Ma) from a DePaolo 1991; Stump 1995; Encarnacio´n & Grunow younger ‘Damaran’ event (550–500 Ma). Meert 1996; Rocchi et al. 1998; Cox et al. 2000; Alli- (2003) suggested that the older ages occurred pre- bone & Wysoczanski 2002; Goodge 2002, 2007; dominantly north of Mozambique and reflected Goodge et al. 2002, 2004, 2012; Myrow et al. collision along the East African Orogen, while 2002; Cooper et al. 2011). This event was accom- the younger event was recorded further south in the panied by accretion of the Bowers and Robertson Damara–Zambezi Orogen, which he named the Bay terranes to the craton margin along the Lanter- Kuunga Orogen and took to represent the final man Range of northern Victoria Land by the latest amalgamation of Gondwana. These spatial and tem- Cambrian or earliest Ordovician (Tessensohn & poral relationships remain hotly debated, however, Henjes-Kunst 2005; Federico et al. 2006). Other with others arguing that both periods of metamor- outboard terranes with a record of Palaeozoic– phism occur in the East African Orogen, perhaps Mesozoic tectonism are exposed in West Antarc- reflecting an earlier event linked to arc magmatism tica, which has been subdivided into five discrete before terminal ocean closure and collision (e.g. blocks that moved relative to one another and to Appel et al. 1998) or early collision followed by the craton during Gondwana breakup (Fig. 2) later extension and orogenic collapse (e.g. de Wit (Haag Nunataks, Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains, et al. 2001). According to this latter model, east– Antarctic Peninsula, Thurston Island and Marie west-trending structures in the Lurio Belt would Byrd Land: Dalziel & Elliot 1982; Storey et al. reflect collapse of the East African Orogen at 1988). Detailed geological and geochronological 550 Ma rather than a second suture zone (Ueda correlations have now established the broad geo- et al. 2012), and the status of the Dronning Maud metry of these terranes prior to breakup (Fig. 6a). Land granulites will remain unclear until this issue The Haag Nunataks comprise is resolved. One intriguing possibility is that the gneissic units (Millar & Pankhurst 1987) inter- Damara–Zambezi suture continues through the preted as a displaced fragment of the Dronning Lurio Belt and Sri Lanka, and connects with Maud Land basement (Grantham et al. 1997) and Pan-African tectonism in the Eastern Ghats Belt, the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains block is a lending support to arguments that the boundary rotated section of the passive margin (Curtis 2001), between the Eastern Ghats and cratonic India is a but the other blocks define three broad belts of major Pan-African suture zone. Palaeozoic–Mesozoic subduction-related terranes that can be correlated from the Antarctic Penin- sula through to New Zealand (Fig. 6) (Vaughan & The Gondwana margin Pankhurst 2008). An inner belt of terranes comprising early Pala- Following Gondwana assembly at c. 0.5 Ga, the eozoic Gondwana-derived sedimentary sequences focus of Antarctic tectonic activity moved to the and (c. 400–350 Ma) and Carboniferous Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


(c. 340–320 Ma) subduction-related granitoids is Land into their present-day positions (DiVenere referred to as the Ross Province in Marie Byrd et al. 1995). Land (Pankhurst et al. 1988; Mukasa & Dalziel Antarctica had already begun to undergo exten- 2000; Siddoway & Fanning 2009) and the Eastern sion in response to Gondwana breakup by the time Domain in the Antarctic Peninsula (Vaughan & of these final accretion events (Veevers 2004, Storey 2000). These rocks are correlated with the 2012). Early stages of extension commenced imme- Robertson Bay Terrane of northern Victoria Land, diately after the Gondwanide Orogeny, and were the Western Province of New Zealand, and the marked by c. 180 Ma mafic magmatism of the Lachlan, Thomson and New England orogens of Ferrar Province, which overlies and intrudes the eastern Australia (Bradshaw et al. 1983; Muir in the Transantarctic Mountains et al. 1996; Ireland et al. 1998; Tulloch et al. (Fleming et al. 1997; Elliot & Fleming 2004). Sig- 2009), and all form part of the Terra Australis Oro- nificant extension in the area began gen. This Palaeozoic accretionary orogen records at c. 170 Ma, as Africa and South America started alternating episodes of extension and contraction to split from Antarctica, leading to rotation of linked to periods of subduction zone advance the Ellsworth–Whitmore and Falklands–Malvinas and retreat (Collins 2002), and terminated with the blocks (Dalziel & Grunow 1992; Ko¨nig & Jokat 300–230 Ma Gondwanides Orogeny (Cawood 2006), and the formation of oceanic crust within 2005). This episode of widespread deformation the Weddell Sea by c. 150 Ma. Oceanic crust had and metamorphism is recorded to varying degrees formed between India and Antarctica by 130 Ma, by rocks along the entire length of the orogen from and between Australia and Antarctica by 90 Ma, eastern Australia to the Andean margin of South possibly propagating eastwards and with full separ- America, and was first recognized by Du Toit ation at 50 Ma (Veevers 2004, 2012; Direen 2011). (1937) as the Samfrau Geosyncline (Fig. 3b). Rifting was also widespread in West Antarctica at Gondwanide orogenesis in the Antarctic sector c. 100 Ma, resulting in extension, A-type - was linked to a stepping out of the subduction zone tism and metamorphism in Marie Byrd Land. This and the development of a belt of 320–110 Ma was linked to development of the West Antarctic magmatic arc rocks outboard of the Palaeozoic arc Rift System (Mukasa & Dalziel 2000; Siddoway (Fig. 6b). This Mesozoic arc complex, which also 2008), and the separation of New Zealand and locally contains evidence of much earlier 450– other blocks away from West Antarctica (Mortimer 420 Ma magmatism, is referred to as the Amund- 2004), leaving Antarctica in more or less its present- sen Province in Marie Byrd Land (Pankhurst et al. day configuration. 1988; Mukasa & Dalziel 2000) and the Central While this complex sequence of Palaeozoic– Domain in the Antarctic Peninsula (Vaughan & Mesozoic events along the active margin of Storey 2000), and is correlated with magmatic Gondwana was initially viewed in isolation from rocks in Thurston Island and the Median Tectonic events elsewhere, it has been increasingly recog- Zone of New Zealand. The outermost belt of ter- nized that major episodes of magmatism, defor- ranes is a Mesozoic subduction–accretion com- mation and metamorphism along an accretionary plex developed between the magmatic arc and the orogen can be linked to processes operating on a subduction zone, and is exposed as the Western supercontinent scale. Thus, the onset of subduction Domain of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Eastern along the craton margin at 590–550 Ma is now Province of New Zealand (Fig. 6b) (Vaughan & widely regarded as a response to the reduction of Storey 2000). Further evidence for the Late Palaeo- convergence along the internal collisional oro- zoic–Mesozoic active margin in West Antarctica is gens of Gondwana, reflecting a need for subduc- preserved on the craton by the Devonian–Lower tion to commence elsewhere to maintain a balance Jurassic -dominated Beacon Supergroup between divergent and convergent plate boundar- of the Transantarctic Mountains, which was in part ies (Grunow et al. 1996; Goodge 1997; Boger & derived from detritus shed by the evolving mag- Miller 2004; Cawood & Buchan 2007). More spe- matic arc (Elliot & Fanning 2008; Goodge & cifically, a major pulse of deformation within the Fanning 2010). As with the Palaeozoic subduction Ross Orogen at c. 515 Ma, synchronous with mag- complex, the Mesozoic rocks record periods of matism and deformation in the equivalent Dela- episodic deformation, including the c. 200 Ma merian Orogen of Australia (Foden et al. 2006), Peninsula Orogeny and the c. 110 Ma Palmer Land has been correlated with a major plate reorganiz- Event of the Antarctic Peninsula (Vaughan et al. ation and increased subduction rates following the 2005). This latter event has been correlated with the final suturing of the Pan-African collisional belts final juxtaposition of Central and Eastern domains (Boger & Miller 2004; Paulsen et al. 2007). Simil- of the Antarctic Peninsula (Vaughan et al. 2002), arly, the 300–230 Ma Gondwanide deformation was and was synchronous with the assembly of the synchronous with final stages of Pangaea assembly, Amundsen and Ross provinces of Marie Byrd consistent with increased convergence rates at the Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

INTRODUCTION 17 active margin in compensation for reduced conver- reconstructions (Zhao et al. 2002, 2004; Evans & gence across the Appalachian, Variscan and Ural Mitchell 2011; Zhang et al. 2012), challenging collisional orogens (Cawood & Buchan 2007). It arguments that Nuna had already assembled by has also been noted that periods of Mesozoic defor- 1.8 Ga (e.g. Zhang et al. 2012). If this belt does mation and terrane accretion in the Antarctic Penin- reflect juxtaposition of Laurentia and the Mawson sula and Marie Byrd Land at c. 200 and 110 Ma Continent at 1730–1720 Ma (e.g. Betts et al. were synchronous with other deformation events 2008; Payne et al. 2009; Boger 2011), then this worldwide, leading to suggestions that they were means a relatively late assembly for this part of a response to mantle ‘superplume’ events linked Nuna. Another possibility is that c. 1.7 Ga meta- to the progressive breakup of Pangaea (Vaughan morphism in the Miller Range (and, perhaps, the 1995; Vaughan & Livermore 2005). Shackleton Range) is unrelated to Kimban events in South Australia, and is, instead, linked to events at the active margin of Laurentia that should have Antarctica and supercontinent evolution extended into the Mawson Continent somewhere close to the Miller Range according to the corre- The above discussion has focused largely on the lations of Goodge et al. (2008). assembly and subsequent evolution of the Gond- A number of studies have attempted to cate- wana supercontinent, and considered pre-Gond- gorize and correlate Earth’s Archaean cratons wana rock units primarily for the constraints they (e.g. Bleeker 2003; Pehrsson et al. 2013). Although provide on the locations of Neoproterozoic oro- the notion of a single Neoarchaean supercontinent gens. However, Antarctica also contains a valu- has been rejected, making Nuna the first true ‘true’ able record of Mesoproterozoic, Palaeoproterozoic supercontinent, it does seem likely that most, and Archaean events that will need to be incorpor- if not all, of Earth’s Archaean continental crust ated into any comprehensive models for Rodinia, was assembled into three or four ‘supercratons’ at Nuna and earlier supercontinental assemblies. c. 2.5 Ga. Antarctica contains several isolated For Rodinia, an important goal is the correlation blocks of crust that appear to have little of Antarctic Grenville-age belts with similar-aged in common with one another (Harley & Kelly orogens elsewhere. The original SWEAT hypoth- 2007b) but which can generally be correlated with esis connected the Grenville Orogen proper of larger cratons in formerly adjacent continents. The North America to the Maud Belt (Moores 1991; Grunehogna Craton in western Dronning Maud Li et al. 2008; Loewy et al. 2011) but others Land has links with the Archaean of southernmost have linked it with Wilkes Land outcrops via the Africa and is inferred to have been part of the Vaal- Albany–Fraser Orogen (Karlstrom et al. 1999; bara Supercraton (Cheney 1996; Bleeker 2003), Pisarevsky et al. 2003), while some Rodinia con- while the Napier Complex and Vestfold Hills are figurations have no Grenville links between Ant- generally correlated with the Dharwar and Singhb- and Laurentia at all (Evans 2009). A fourth hum cratons of India (e.g. Veevers 2012). Bleeker possibility, consistent with the Grenville-age gla- (2003) argued that the Dharwar Craton (and cial clasts described by Goodge et al. (2010) from Napier Complex) was part of a ‘Sclavia’ supercra- the central Transantarctic Mountains, is that the ton, while Pehrsson et al. (2013) allocated both Laurentian Grenville links up with Grenville-age the Dharwar and Singhbhum cratons, along with rocks in the Pinjarra Orogen of Western Australia rocks of the Mawson Continent, to a via a subglacial orogen that follows the eastern variant of Scalvia they name Nunavutia. However, branch of the East Antarctic Rift System (PD3 there are as yet no established correlations for the in Fig. 6b). relatively poorly exposed and geologically isolated Attention switches to the Mawson Continent Ruker Complex. The Neoarchaean supercratons for reconstructions of Nuna – which is believed to are generally believed to be the earliest exam- have assembled by the collision of multiple conti- ples of stable aggregated continental crust, given a nental blocks along a series of Palaeoproterozoic more-vigorous mantle and smaller plates on the orogens, with the final stages of assembly at 1.9– early Earth (Pollack 1997), and our understanding 1.8 Ga (Zhao et al. 2004; Reddy & Evans 2009; of the continents before this time is compromised Evans & Mitchell 2011). Important questions in by a very sparse rock record. However, Antarctica Antarctica include whether the Mawson Conti- is one of the few places to provide evidence of nent extends as far as the Miller and Shackleton this early history through one of Earth’s oldest ranges, and, if so, whether there is a continuous known rocks, the 3.8–3.9 Ga protolith to the 1.7 Ga orogen between these outcrops and the Mount Sones Orthogneiss in the Napier Complex Gawler Craton of South Australia (Payne et al. (Black et al. 1986; Harley & Kelly 2007b). 2009). This 1.7 Ga belt passes between the Maw- Given that the Precambrian of Antarctica son Continent and Laurentia in most Nuna occurs almost exclusively as metamorphic rocks of Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

18 S. L. HARLEY ET AL. varying grade, this prolonged history of continen- correlate with the assembly of Gondwana at 0.6– tal assembly and breakup is best illustrated in 0.5 Ga and of Rodinia at 1.2–0.9 Ga. In some terms of metamorphic age and peak geothermal cases, both events are recorded in the same belt gradient. This approach has been adopted on the or region (e.g. the Prydz Belt), where the youn- global scale by Brown (2006, 2007), who compiled ger event appears to be dominated by reworking age and P–T information from over 200 meta- of older deep crust with no evidence of juvenile morphic belts to test for secular trends in meta- magmatism. While apparently inconsistent with morphism. He divided the belts according to G–UHT metamorphism forming by inversion of a peak thermal gradient into three groups (Fig. 1): continental back-arc, it is possible that associated high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) belts; juvenile rocks are concealed by the ice sheet or eclogite–high-pressure granulite (E–HPG) belts; that G–UHT metamorphism was linked to for- and granulite–ultrahigh temperature (G–UHT) mation of a long-lived orogenic plateau at some dis- belts. Brown (2006) observed that whilst HP–UHP tance from the plate boundary (e.g. Clark et al. metamorphism is only recorded since the latest 2011). No Grenville-age E–HPG metamorphism Neoproterozoic, E–HPG and G–UHT metamorphic has yet been identified in Antarctica but, given belts have been forming on Earth since at least evidence for E–HPG events in other 1.2–0.9 Ga the mid- to late Archaean. The restriction of HP– belts (e.g. Carlson et al. 2007), this might reflect UHP metamorphism to younger ages has been pro- poor exposure rather than a breakdown in the posed to reflect a change in the thermal regime of metamorphic duality proposed by Brown (2006). subduction to ‘cold’ subduction, in which a strong Finally, Antarctica preserves a number of Archaean mantle lithosphere facilitates focused downwards G–UHT belts that, as noted above, may provide and upwards flow of material in subduction chan- information on the nature and extent of Neoarch- nels (Brown 2007; Gerya et al. 2008; Sizova et al. aean supercratons. Most notable amongst these 2010). The only example of HP–UHP metamor- belts is the Napier Complex, a globally significant phism in East Antarctica is that reported from UHT belt that preserves extreme metamorphic the Lanterman Range of northern Victoria Land conditions reflected in its dT/dz gradient of approx- (Palmeri et al. 2007). Like other HP–UHP areas, it imately 40 8Ckm21 at 2.6–2.5 Ga (Fig. 1). The is no older than Ediacaran–Cambrian and can be metamorphic age of the Napier Complex lies within linked to subduction–accretion along an active the range of time attributed to the assembly of ocean–continent margin. ‘Kenorland’ or of Sclavia but, as it is comprised Brown (2006, 2007) proposed that the two mainly of much older protoliths instead of juve- thermal regimes represented by E–HPG and G– nile 2.6–2.5 Ga crust, unlike the Vestfold Hills, UHT metamorphic belts represent the hallmark of its relationship to supercraton or supercontinent involving subduction, in existence assembly remains enigmatic. since at least the late Archaean. In this duality, E–HPG metamorphism reflects a subduction-to- collision orogeny in which ‘warm’ crustal material Current research themes chokes the subduction zone at moderate depths, whereas G–UHT belts are attributed to the closure The present volume arises from a thematic session and thickening of continental back-arcs, character- on ‘Antarctica and Supercontinent Evolution’ at ized by abundant accreted juvenile crust. Both the 12th International Symposium on Antarctic Brown (2006, 2007) and workers using zircon iso- Earth Sciences, held in Edinburgh in July 2011. topic systems to trace the growth of continental This theme considered not only the formation of crust (Hawkesworth & Kemp 2006; Kemp et al. supercontinents from the Antarctic perspective, 2006) have linked the formation and preservation with a focus on Rodinia and Gondwana, but also of these metamorphic belts with the assembly of on how supercontinents evolve and eventually frag- past supercontinents. ment, perhaps with the involvement of mantle Figure 1 compares the global metamorphic plumes giving rise to flood and large igne- data set of Brown (2006, 2007) and the metamorphic ous provinces, such as the Ferrar Province. The data set based solely on East Antarctic belts with theme attracted some 46 oral and poster presenta- the ages of supercontinent assembly episodes dis- tions, of which eight have been developed into cussed above. Whilst E–HPG belts are scarce in papers contributing to this volume. The collected Antarctica, those that have been identified have papers present new research results from three ages that can be correlated with the final assembly regions (see Fig. 6b): the Lambert Graben–Prydz of Gondwana at 550–500 Ma or, as discussed Bay area and eastern Dronning Maud Land, both in detail above, the final assembly of Nuna at critical to understanding c. 1.0 and 0.5 Ga meta- c. 1.7 Ga. Exposed Antarctic G–UHT metamorphic morphism in the East Antarctic Craton, and the belts, on the other hand, have ages that strongly Pacific-facing margin of Antarctica that records Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

INTRODUCTION 19 the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic evolution of the Gondwa- region and to evaluate potential links with India nan active margin. and elsewhere. These data suggest that coastal Archaean terranes in this sector of Antarctica (the Lambert Graben–Prydz Bay Napier Complex and the Vestfold Hills) share iso- topic characteristics with the eastern Dharwar Four papers in this volume are concerned with Craton, consistent with an Indian origin, but that India–Australia–Antarctica connections in the the inland Ruker Complex has a distinctive unradio- Lambert Graben–Prydz Bay sector of East Antarc- genic Pb isotope composition unlike any nearby tica, and the potential placement of a Neoprotero- Archaean terranes other than the Rauer Group. zoic suture in this region. This questions previous correlations between the Mikhalsky et al. (2013) present a synthesis of Ruker Complex and Yilgarn Craton (Mikhalsky the geochemistry, ages and initial Nd-isotopic sig- et al. 2010), but supports arguments that Archaean natures of Rayner Complex in the north- rocks of the Ruker Complex (and, perhaps, the ern and central Prince Charles Mountains, Amery Rauer Group) form part of a unique craton largely Ice Shelf and Prydz Bay coastline, and report concealed by the ice sheet (Boger 2011). The Pb new data for the eastern edge of the Amery Ice data also indicate that the Ruker and Lambert Shelf. The Rayner Complex of the northern Prince complexes of the southern Prince Charles Moun- Charles Mountains comprises high-grade gneiss tains have quite distinct isotopic compositions, of the Beaver Terrane, with 1070–1020 Ma and supporting arguments that the boundary between older protoliths metamorphosed during the 990– them is a fundamental crustal structure (Boger 900 Ma Rayner Structural Episode, and the Fisher et al. 2001). They also confirm that the Lambert Terrane with a distinctive c. 1.3 Ga metavolcanic and Ruker complexes are interleaved with a sequence and a significant component of juvenile complex outcrop pattern, but do not provide any Mesoproterozoic crust. Similar relationships in the constraints on whether they were juxtaposed at Amery Ice Shelf and western Prydz Bay region c. 1.0 or c. 0.5 Ga. While not identical, Pb isotopes imply that these outcrops are part of the Rayner indicate that the Beaver Terrane and Prydz Belt Complex even though they have been reworked by share similar protoliths, and moreover that these Pan-African events, as suggested previously by overlap with Pb-isotope signatures of the Eastern Wang et al. (2008) and Grew et al. (2012), and indi- Ghats Belt in India, supporting previous corre- cate that any Pan-African suture must lie to the lations made using other techniques. These compo- east of the Prydz Bay outcrops. More controver- sitions are quite distinct, however, from those in the sially, c. 1.6–1.2 Ga protolith ages are correlated Maud Belt, consistent with these two c. 1.0 Ga with events in the Albany–Fraser Orogen of West- metamorphic belts being unrelated. This paper illus- ern Australia and the Wilkes Province of Ant- trates the potential of Pb isotopes to make important arctica. Similar correlations have been noted by correlations between basement terranes, and also Halpin et al. (2012), and are used by Mikhalsky provides a valuable Pb-isotopic database that will et al. (2013) to support ‘old’ models of a continuous allow future studies to link detrital feldspars to c. 1.0 Ga metamorphic belt suturing Australia, their source terrane, which has already proven Antarctica and India at c. 1.0 Ga. These sugges- useful for understanding concealed bedrock and tions challenge palaeomagnetic evidence for the glacial flow patterns in other parts of Antarctica wide separation of India and Australia at 750 Ma (e.g. Flowerdew et al. 2012, 2013b). (Torsvik et al. 2001; Gregory et al. 2009) unless In the third paper of this set, Grew et al. (2013) an alternative Neoproterozoic suture can be ident- focus on unusual outcrops of boron- and phosphate- ified within India, and will, no doubt, stimulate rich paragneiss from the Larsemann Hills of Prydz more geochronological and Nd–Hf isotopic charac- Bay, which have important implications for the terization of protoliths in the c. 1.0 Ga orogens of Proterozoic geological setting of Prydz Bay given East Gondwana. that boron mineralization is typically linked spa- Flowerdew et al. (2013a) also consider the tially to a plate margin. The borosilicate minerals basement constitution and age-isotope signatures tourmaline, prismatine and grandidierite, together of the Prydz Bay–Lambert Graben sector, but with apatite and several other rare phosphate min- from an entirely different perspective and approach. erals, are developed over a range of stratigraphical They use the Pb isotopic compositions of feldspar levels in granulite-facies metapelite, metaquartzite, from orthogneiss units in coastal outcrops (the metapsammite and other rock compositions in Prydz Belt, the Rauer Group, the Vestfold Hills the Larsemann Hills. This paper uses a synthesis and the Napier Complex) and inland outcrops (the of existing geochemical data, together with new Beaver and Fisher Terranes of the Rayner Com- whole-rock major, trace element and rare earth plex, the Lambert Complex, and the Ruker Com- element (REE) data, to constrain models for the plex) to fingerprint the major terranes in this origin of boron enrichment in the sedimentary Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

20 S. L. HARLEY ET AL. precursors to the paragneiss. Comparisons are with metamorphism during continental collision drawn with older borosilicate rocks of the Willyama (O’Brien & Ro¨tzler 2003; Brown 2006). Complex at Broken Hill, Australia, and the cases for non-marine evaporite and mud volcano origins are Eastern Dronning Maud Land discussed in depth. With some caveats, the authors attribute boron and phosphorus enrichment to pre- Two papers in this volume are concerned with the metamorphic hydrothermal alteration in a rifted Pan-African granulites of eastern Dronning Maud basin located inboard of a continental arc. The age Land, which are critical for understanding the of the sedimentary sequence, and, by extension, the links between c. 0.5 Ga metamorphism in Antarc- age of boron mineralization and associated mag- tica, Africa and Sri Lanka, and the evolution of matic arc, is controversial. Kelsey et al. (2008) the East African–Antarctic Orogen. argued for deposition at c. 0.6 Ga, between the two Adachi et al. (2013) characterize contrasting regional metamorphic events at c. 1.0 and 0.5 Ga, P–T conditions and P–T–time paths for three but Wang et al. (2008) and Grew et al. (2012) metamorphic domains in the Sør Rondane Moun- argued for deposition at 1.1–1.0 Ga, followed by tains. They identify two domains that record peak metamorphism at c. 1.0 and 0.5 Ga. The preference granulite metamorphism, one with a retrograde in this paper is that deposition occurred inboard history of near-isothermal decompression and the of the ‘Rayner’ active margin of an Indian conti- other dominated by isobaric cooling, both of nent just prior to collision and metamorphism at which are affected by younger hydration. The third 1.0–0.9 Ga. domain has prograde amphibolite-facies assem- Liu et al. (2013) review and synthesize geo- blages correlated with the hydration event in the chronological and metamorphic P–T data from the other domains. Although correlations are not Prydz Bay and Prince Charles Mountains regions, straightforward, existing geochronological data for with an emphasis on c. 1.0 and 0.5 Ga tectonother- Sør Rondane (Asami et al. 2005; Shiraishi et al. mal events. They highlight evidence for discrete 2008) suggest that granulite-facies metamorphism periods of metamorphism within the earlier event occurred at 640–600 Ma, while amphibolite meta- at 1000–970 and 930–900 Ma. Evidence for both morphism and hydration occurred significantly events is preserved across the region, including later, at 570–520 Ma. These results are consistent the Rayner Complex where there is limited evi- with peak metamorphic ages of 660–620 Ma from dence for the c. 0.5 Ga event, and western Prydz the Schirmacher Hills of central Dronning Maud Bay where there is a significant c. 0.5 Ga granulite- Land (e.g. Mikhalsky et al. 1997; Baba et al. facies overprint. This is consistent with these all 2010), but contrast with evidence for peak meta- being part of a single c. 1.0 Ga orogenic province morphism at 550–500 Ma further east in the that correlates closely with the Eastern Ghats Belt Lu¨tzow–Holm Complex (Fraser et al. 2000; Shir- of India. The authors also report unpublished evi- aishi et al. 2008), and further west in central and dence for high-grade 1.0–0.9 Ga metamorphism in western Dronning Maud Land (Jacobs et al. the SW Vestfold Hills, lending support to arguments 2003a; Board et al. 2005; Bisnath et al. 2006). It that terranes in this area were assembled at c. 1.0 Ga follows that Dronning Maud Land preserves evi- rather than at c. 0.5 Ga, and consistent with Pb dence of the ‘Katangan’ and ‘Damaran’ events dis- isotope evidence that the Vestfold Hills have an tinguished in Africa by Clifford (1967), and that Indian origin (Flowerdew et al. 2013a). P–T data spatial relationships between these two event are are used to suggest that the 1000–970 Ma event not as simple as envisaged by Meert (2003) in his was associated with medium- to low-pressure gran- arguments for a younger Kuunga Orogen cross- ulite metamorphism, while the 930–900 Ma event cutting an older East African Orogen. Grantham was of medium- to high-pressure character, consist- et al. (2008) argued that outcrops in central and ent with a switch from an active continental margin eastern Dronning Maud Land preserving 650 Ma to a collisional orogen. The consistency in c. 1.0 Ga metamorphism might be part of an ‘East African’ protolith age across the region indicates that any thrust sheet transported approximately 500 km Pan-African suture associated with the c. 0.5 Ga southwards during 550 Ma collision along the overprint must lie SE of the Prydz Bay–Lambert Kuunga Orogen, but Adachi et al. (2013) contend Graben region but, in contrast to Mikhalsky et al. that thrusting in this area was associated with the (2013), these authors argue that a Pan-African 640–600 Ma event, while 570–520 Ma meta- suture is present under the ice. They suggest that morphism may have been associated with volumi- the 545 Ma high-pressure mafic granulites found nous magmatism rather than with any ‘terminal’ as glacial erratics in the Grove Mountains are collision. The meaning of these two metamor- sourced from this suture zone (Liu et al. 2009a). phic events in Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and These rocks have no record of the c. 1.0 Ga event Dronning Maud Land is critical to models of and preserve P–T conditions typically associated Pan-African orogenesis, but it seems that more Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

INTRODUCTION 21 work is needed to conclusively link the age data to are dominated by reworking of older crust (Kemp specific tectonothermal events. et al. 2009). Yakymchuk et al. (2013) extend this Another key feature of Pan-African events in approach to the Ross Province of Marie Byrd eastern Dronning Maud Land is the sporadic occur- Land, and, in particular, to two generations of rence of ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphic granite in the migmatitic Fosdick Complex. These rocks, which is best documented at Rundva˚gshetta granites are believed to reflect partial melting dur- in the Lu¨tzow–Holm Complex (Motoyoshi & ing two separate high-grade metamorphic events: a Ishikawa 1997; Fraser et al. 2000; Kawasaki et al. Devonian–Carboniferous event linked to thickening 2011). UHT metamorphism seems to be character- of the continental margin immediately after the istic of c. 0.5 Ga tectonism in several parts of major phase of arc magmatism at c. 370 Ma; and a Gondwana (Harley 2003) (Fig. 1) and has been event linked to moderate thickening linked more generally to periods of superconti- and then extension during development of the nent assembly (Brown 2006, 2007), but it is diffi- West Antarctic Rift at 115–100 Ma. Hf–O data cult to establish its lateral extent beyond isolated confirm field and petrological arguments that both outcrops of distinctive high Mg–Al gneisses that granite generations were derived by mixing of develop diagnostic sapphirine- and osumilite- partial melts derived from host metasedimentary bearing assemblages. Kawasaki et al. (2013) pre- and Devonian arc rocks, although the Cretaceous sent a novel approach to documenting UHT over granite requires an additional juvenile component. larger geographical areas using complex ilmenite– Comparisons with data from granites in the West- rutile Fe–Mg–Ti intergrowths present in ordinary ern Province of New Zealand, eastern Australia looking garnet–sillimanite gneiss. They document and the Antarctic Peninsula reveal arc-parallel and the textural and chemical features of these inter- arc-normal variations in the extent of juvenile growths and interpret them as pseudomorphs after crustal additions and in temporal patterns of the high-T mineral armalcolite. This forensic magma generation, indicating a spatial petrogenetic petrographical investigation is coupled with high-T complexity in the orogen. experiments conducted at 1 atmosphere pressure, Rather than study magmatic arc material which constrain the minimum temperature of directly, Elsner et al. (2013) use detrital zircons armalcolite stability to be approximately 1290 8C from a –Early Jurassic section of the upper- at 10 kbar. This is a much higher temperature than most Beacon Supergroup in northern Victoria Land other peak-T estimates of 970–1050 8C for these to document contemporaneous magmatism. This rocks, but can be explained by ferric iron extend- detritus is likely to come from a wide area and so ing armalcolite stability to lower temperature in be more representative of the geology than the the Lu¨tzow–Holm Complex. The key conclusion relatively poorly exposed arc rocks. The youngest of this study is that it is crucial to look in detail detrital grains in each sample decrease in age from not only at silicate mineral assemblages to infer c. 220 Ma at the base of the section to c. 190 Ma peak-T conditions of granulites but also the oxide at the top, consistent with erosion of an active arc. mineralogy, which is likely to preserve diagnostic The proportion of zircon from this youngest evidence for UHT conditions in a wider range of 240–190 Ma population increases up-section, as bulk compositions. does the abundance of volcanic rock clasts, sug- gesting increased elevation and erosion of the Pacific margin of Antarctica Triassic–Jurassic arc with time. There are also minor components of (c. 270–250 Ma) The crustal architecture and sequence of crustal and Devonian–Carboniferous (410–320 Ma) zir- differentiation episodes along the the palaeo-Pacific con, also assumed to derive from arc complexes active of Gondwana are considered in two papers along the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana. that utilize very different approaches and materials These observations are consistent with the outboard to address the issues. arc terranes being a topographical high in the early Accretionary orogens are major sites for the cre- Mesozoic, while a minor component of 550– ation, reworking and consumption of continental 470 Ma zircon that decreases in abundance up- crust (Cawood et al. 2009), and the palaeo-Pacific section is taken as evidence that the inboard Ross margin of Gondwana is an ideal location to study Orogen was progressively concealed by sedimen- these processes. Recent studies of the Australian tation at this time. More challenging are major sector of this accretionary orogen using a com- populations of Pan-African (700–500 Ma) and bined Hf–O isotope analysis of zircon from arc Grenville-age (1200–800 Ma) zircons, which occur rocks have shown that significant crustal growth in most samples. Similar populations have been through juvenile magma addition is most pro- identified in other studies of the Beacon Supergroup nounced in periods of extension associated with sub- (Elliot & Fanning 2008; Goodge & Fanning 2010), duction zone retreat, while contractional periods and they might represent second-cycle reworking of Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021

22 S. L. HARLEY ET AL. outboard sedimentary sequences or direct erosion of either event, and, in fact, are likely to record both the inboard craton, although the absence of a events if relationships seen in coastal outcrops are Palaeoproterozoic (Mawson Continent) component typical. All exposed Grenville-age belts in Antarc- is problematic. Interestingly, there is evidence for tica have evidence for Pan-African reworking at 700–500 Ma reworking of 1200–800 Ma zircon least locally, while all Pan-African belts contain grains, suggesting a spatial association of these Grenville-age relicts (Fig. 6b), and similar relation- two events in the source region. Following Sir- ships are reported from Australia, India, Africa and combe (1999), Elsner et al. (2013) consider the South America. This problem has plagued our possibility of a concealed block with Grenville understanding of Proterozoic Gondwana since the and Pan-African tectonism inboard of the Ross 1960s, and even in areas of good outcrop and com- Orogen and inland of coastal exposures of the prehensive geochronology it can be difficult to Mawson Continent in Terre Ade´lie. Another possi- isolate the geological and tectonic significance of bility is the suggestion of Fitzsimons (2003) that each event, and establish whether a given tectonic the Pinjarra Orogen, with evidence of Grenville episode reflects collision at a plate margin or intra- and Pan-African tectonism, might extend across cratonic reworking of an older structure. Careful Antarctica from the Denman Glacier region to geochronology linked to detailed field and petrogra- the central Transantarctic Mountains (Path PD3 in phical observations remains the only way to link Fig. 6b). Although the absence of conclusive out- ages to meaningful geological events, and such crop or geophysical evidence makes these proposals studies are needed to resolve the details of the Gren- speculative, the abundance of Grenville and Pan- ville and Pan-African events, and to establish the African detritus along the palaeo-Pacific margin of significance of age variations within them, such Australia and Antarctica remains a problem that as Katangan and Damaran ages within the Pan- otherwise requires sediment transport distances of African. However, constraining the tectonic set- up to 4000 km (e.g. Squire et al. 2006). ting of these orogenic events will not be straightfor- ward given that suture zones in deeply eroded Precambrian orogens will often be ‘cryptic’ and lack Concluding remarks the evidence used to identify sutures in younger mountain belts (Dewey & Burke 1973). Palaeomag- Although a broad framework for the Phanerozoic netic data will provide the most valuable constraints palaeogeography and tectonics of Gondwana and on Precambrian plate movements and palaeogeo- Pangaea was established some time ago, Antarctica graphy, although finding rocks of suitable age that continues to reveal new information on the details of will provide high-quality Precambrian palaeomag- this history, most notably the configuration and netic poles is not easy, particularly in Antarctica. evolution of the accretionary orogen at its Pacific Until we can resolve the spatial configuration and margin. New data from this margin show that accre- tectonic meaning of c. 0.5 and 1.0 Ga events, it is, tionary systems are particularly sensitive to changes perhaps, premature to speculate on the role of Ant- in the global plate tectonic budget, and undergo arctica in earlier supercontinents but, as our atten- cycles of extensional and contractional deforma- tion shifts to these earlier events, it seems likely tion and episodic crustal growth in response to that Antarctica will continue to provide new sol- supercontinent assembly and breakup. Precam- utions and raise new problems. brian supercontinent history is less well understood, The collected papers in this volume only cover with no clear consensus on the configuration of selected parts of the continent and, hence, address the Rodinia supercontinent or the Neoproterozoic but a few of the many issues involved in Antarcti- transformation of Rodinia to Gondwana, and our ca’s role in supercontinent formation and evolu- poor knowledge of the ice-covered East Antarctic tion. Nevertheless, they provide an invaluable Craton is a major contributor to this uncertainty. resource to complement the burgeoning literature All available geological and geophysical data on Antarctica in Gondwana, Rodinia and beyond, point to the presence of Grenville and Pan-African and serve to illustrate the diversity of approaches orogens extending under the Antarctic ice sheet, and perspectives that can be brought to bear on which record events associated with the assembly unravelling continental evolution. of the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents, respectively, but the exact paths of these orogens As editors, we thank the many reviewers who gave their under the ice remain poorly constrained. Our knowl- time to constructively review and provide suggestions on each of the papers in this volume, and have thereby edge will improve as future geophysical campaigns ensured that this collection is both topical and original. increase data coverage across the continent, This introductory paper was improved by careful reviews although distinguishing between Pan-African and by Steve Boger and John Goodge. We also acknowledge Grenville-age events remains difficult – prominent the Geological Society publication team for their support structures identified from geophysics could reflect and work to bring this volume to fruition. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021


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