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I,Showboat I Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, May 22, 1970 Local Nurses Celebrate Rocketeer Wins Swimming Pool I,SHOWBOAT I In Operation At Sixty-Second Birthday Blue·Pencil 1st MOVIEMTINOS FOR MRENT8 AND Air Facility For Second Time YOUNG PEOPlE The Naval Air Facility out­ Of Corps Establishment rile ~ d",.," i, 10 iffIof". door swimming p a a I is now "..",. eOcMIf lite ",..." 01 open seven days a week until Only Navy ,.....~,. .... O'"....~ . COM Cake-CuHing the end of the season, from 11 AlL ACES ADIImED a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays, Publication GentMlI Auditntu and 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Highlights Annual ~ ~ week~nds. Recognized All personnel who have au­ Commemoration IGPI hrentllAU .... Gui4ance _mE. Suwntecl Sixty-two years of medical For tbe second consecutive ~ thorized admittance to NAF may use the pool; they must service w ere commemorated year the ROCKETEER was se­ -------------------~IUnltTED sign in at tlte snack liar and last Wednesday, May 13, when lected by the Federal Editors R Under 11 ,...",... 1tCOIIIPIftY'1II they are required to observe Navy Nurses throughout the Association to receive the cov­ [!!] ......". or Adu lt G"'l'CII8ft world celebrated the birthday eted Blue Pencil First Place . <0> pool regulations. Lifeguards, Vol. XXIV, No. 20 Nayal W......... c:.n ...., Chine Lab, Callfoml8 who will be on duty at all of the estahlishment of tbe Fri., May 22, 1970 award in tbe newspaper cate­ times, will also have authority Navy Nurse Corps in 1908 as gory of a contest that tbe As· 10 H( UtlDlI 17 ADIII"ED ,. lifllit mIY YII'Y for discipline and observance a functional unit of the U.S. sociation holds each year to in tert.in ....s) of pool regulations. Navy. honor outstanding government ............................® publications. "u II __ III _ ..UNt At the west end of the pool Locally, the five nurses cur­ __ -'00_ ____ OOMV.... QIA.OTIQt< an extension has been built rently assigned to the Naval The award was presented to and equipped with lawn chairs Weapons Center observed the ROCKETEER Editor William P_ FRIDAY MAY 21 and tables for sunbathers. A anniversary with a cake-cutting Valenteen, Jr., at the 7th an­ "THE ARRANGEMENT" (126 Min.) "K i d die Playground" with ceremony which was held at nual FEA Awards banquet that Kirk Douglol. Faye Dunaway. Deborah swings and other play equip­ the Commissioned 0 if ice r s' was held last Wednesday at Kerr Mess last Wednesday evening. the National Pre s s Club in 7 130 P.M. ment is also available near the OPENS TONIGHT-Students at Berkeley Mart, or .t the door. Acton (Drama) The Ella Kazan .tory tells of a pool. Horseshoes and volley Guests attending the birthday Washington, D.C. discouraged, though succeuful. advertis­ balls can be checked out at celebration included Capt. G. School gather for a therapy sellion in a above are (left to right): Marti Romero, II According to Bob Ross, FEA scene from CLOTA's "David and Lisa," Sandra; John Hanne, as Robert; Alex Bellen, ing executive. Tired of his wife. n. f inds the snack bar. The pool, itself, W. Jauchler, Senior Medical Of­ solace with a brosh, 5eXY Iecretary. He is supplied with inner-tubes f ice r ; the NWC Dispensary Contest Chairman and an in­ which will be presented It 8: 15 p.m., May who portrays Lisa's therapist John; Sunny loved them both-could live with neither! and one-man life rafts. staff; civilian Heads of Depart­ formation speCialist with the 22.23, and Igain MlY 29-30 It the Murray Wise, who appears as Kate; Jerry Welsh, as (') Department of Agriculture, a School auditorium. Tickets, priced It $2 Simon; Terri Taylor, as JOlette; and Gerald ments; Capt. R. S .. Moore, Tech­ The snack bar will sell pizza, total of 232 publications were ($1.50 for military and children), cln be Moore, who portrays the role of Carlos. SATURDAY MAY 23 nical Officer; guests from the -MATINEE- poor boys, barbecued ham and received from editors and writ­ purchased at the Stltion Phlrmacy, the Gift -CLOTA Photo Red Cross Volunteers; the Sew­ " DAMION & PYTHIAS" (99 Min.) pastrami sandwiches, pot a t a ing Ladies; and nurses of the ers throughout the Fed era I Guy Williams Government. 1:00 P.M. chips, pretzels, candy bars, soft Ridgecrest Community Hospi­ IFestival Due May 27-31\ BATNAF Game Short,: "Mail Dog" rJ Min.) drinks, canned beer and cigar­ tal. The ROCKETEER WII the " Fro.,11 & Jesse James" (Na. 12. 13 Min.) ettes. only Navy publication to be so Also among the h 0 nor e d honored, and one of only two The 10th annual Indian Wells approximately 4:30 p.m., and Slated June 5 At -EVENING- guests was Mrs. Robert Meade, winners from the entire De­ Valley Spring Festival, sponsor- camp overnight, before resum· 5 h ff I FO Id " HEllO DOWN THERE" (98 Min.) who served as a Navy Nurse Tony Randall, Janet leigh School District partment of Defense. ed by the local Knights of Co- ing their run early Sunday mor- C oe e Ie at the Center Dispensary as lumbus, will open on the De- ning. The second annual BATNAF 7:30 P.M. The awards were presented (Comed.,) Scientis' and his family get LCdr. Berniece Sigmund, USN· by Senator Tom Mcintyre (D­ sert Empire Fairgrounds Wed- Booths, operated by many game between VX-5 and NAF stvek with telting nis wacky underleo Plans Class For NC, from early 1960 until her N.H.) who was a last-minute n e s day, May 27, and run local civic and fraternal organi- has been scheduled for 4:30 hou••• A compelitor and two zony por­ retirement from the Navy in pois. , a lmost wreck the project. See lhe , j substitution for Sen. J a s e p h through Sunday, May 31. zations, will be present again p.m. June 5 at Schoeffel Field. August 1962. SJM Fiesta Shows, who will this year on the Midway. In- The game is basically soft- latest unndeneo vehicles. the mini sub. Deaf Children NAVY NURSES CELEBRATE-The 62nd caka, Lt (lg) JanIce Hopkay wa... slsted by Tydings (D-Md.) Sen. Mcintyre Our future homes? (G) is currently a member of the once again furnish the rides cluded in the list of participat- ball, but with special modifica- Short: " (Jock Cleonen" (7 Min.) The China Lake School Dis­ Starting with her first duty birthday of the NIVY Nur.. Corps was eel. Capt. G. W. Jauchler, Senior Medical OHicer. and games, have scheduled ing organizations: the Knights tions (most important is the trict is completing plans to op­ at Mare Island, Vallejo, Calif., brated by local Navy Nurses with I cake· Cdr. Ellen Graves, Senior Nurse Ind Capt. Senate Armed Forces Commit­ Rudy Berg, the daring high- of Columbus; Lions Club; Ki- rule requiring every base run- SUNDAY-MONDAV MAY 24-25 erate a class for deaf and se­ in 1942, Mrs. Mea deserved cutting ceremony at the Commissioned Of· Robert S. Moore, Technical Officer, observa tee and sits on the R&D Sub­ wire performer, who thrilled wanis; Eagles; NAACP; Moose; ner to drink an 8-ounce cup of "fLAREUP" (91 Min.) verely hard of hearing children more than 20 years of continu- ficers' Mell last week. In line with trldi· the cake cutting. committee; and Chairman of Roquel Welch, Jom.1 Stocey the Small Business Subcommit­ spectators at last year's Festi- Boy Scouts; and the VFW. beer at second hase hefore pro- 7;30 P.M. residing in the Indian Wells ous active duty in the Navy tion of having the youngest nur.. cut the -Photo by PH3 Maurice Dias val with his "Slide For Life." In addition, the 4-H Club will ceeding to third). The team (Suspense/ Drama) An estranged husband Valley. Nurse Corps which included tee of the Senate Banking and II A Memorial Day weekend of have a booth where they will that scores the most mns in of one of them ,eeks to kill three los A teacher has been employed service during World War William Mitchell, during the later on the other side. Chief of the Navy's Bureau of Commerce Committee. :brills and excitement has been display exhibits and accomp· an inning wins that inning, and Vegas chorus girls 0 $ they flee the mad­ to teach a class for children and the Korean War. "Join the Korean War her tour included Origin of Navy Nurse Corps Medicine and Surgery. In 1811 In his keynote speech, the man. Roquel hides out in los Angele. a s Navy and see the world" be- Panama, Hawaii, Guam, Oki- Nine years hefore the birth he was commissioned by the ~Ianned for Valleyites who at- lishments of the Club over the the win n e r of more innings hetween the ages of three Senator underscored the neces­ a Go-Go doncer until the thrilling dimox. came an axiom to Berniece for nawa, Japan, the Philippines, of Florence Nightingale the Secretary of the Navy to sub­ tend the celebration-including past year. The China Lake Judo during the 7-inning game is the tes Boxter's music. (GP) through eight years. In addi­ sity for Government activities a horseshow and precision drill Club will present a demonstra- champion. Shart: " Windy Do," (9 Min.) tion , arrangements are current­ her duty took her to New Zea- and Korea. At Pusan, Korea, idea of women serving in a mit recommendations for "con­ to communicate and congratu­ demonstration hy the Sierra tion of judo and karate for The game began last year as ly being made for the installa­ land, Caledonia, and to New when there was only a 21-mile Navy Nurse Corps was envis- ducting hospitals and institu­ lated federal editors in partic­ TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY MAY 2.
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