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Congregation Sons of Israel THE MYERS FAMILY CAMPUS Continuing The Vision - Building the Future February 2019 26 Shevat — 23 Adar I

Sunday, 2/3 at 9am. With musicians Oren Neiman and Ivan Barenboim. Join us on Sunday, 2/10 from 1pm - More information on page 11. 3pm for an informative program about current issues in the LGBTQ+ Shabbat morning, 2/9 we community. welcome Alex Carciente, Flyer on Page 2. AIPAC Associate Director, Westchester & Riverdale.

Mr. Carciente will speak about “How To Keep Israel A Bi-Partisan Issue.”

SAVE THE DATE: The Annual Event at CSI will be on Sunday, April 7th from 5- 8 pm. Honorees: Bob & Marilyn Margolies Volunteer of the Year: Robin Ginsberg Music, Food, Entertainment & Celebration! See Page 4

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Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE—March 24 - 29 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Join Kane, CSI members and thousands of other Phone: (914) 762-2700 Pro-Israel activists for three of the most important days of Fax: (914) 941-3465 impact for Israel’s future. www.csibriarcliff.org Those signing up the week of 2/10 will receive a $100 [email protected] discount from AIPAC. An additional $100 from CSI

OUR MISSION STATEMENT for first-time attendees The AIPAC Policy Conference is the (adopted 1999, revised 2007): pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. Congregation Sons of Israel is Over three jam-packed days, Policy Conference participants choose from hundreds of an egalitarian, Conservative informative sessions and participate in the pro-Israel community’s largest and most important dedicated to advocacy day. imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to www.aipac.org/at/attend-events/policy-conference generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to worldwide.

Rabbi Steven C. Kane [email protected] Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz [email protected] Educational Director: Roni Shapiro Ben-David [email protected] Synagogue Director: Ellen Green Johnson [email protected]

OFFICERS: Steven Bender, President [email protected] Lois Gimpel Shaukat, VP Jill Greenstein, VP Fred Schulman, VP Eric Wrubel, VP Bob Margolies, Treasurer [email protected] Marc Auslander, Secretary Mike Kirsch, IPP

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In the spring of 1993 I received a phone call from Bob agreed; they felt it was a text we should struggle with and Davis. I had applied for the position of rabbi at his not dismiss), while others felt we should read the "alternate" synagogue, Congregation Sons of Israel in Briarcliff reading of Leviticus 19, on holiness. After a few years Bob Manor (a place I had never even heard of!). At the time began to say every year that "I'm pretty sure we read Bob was the head of both the Ritual Committee and the chapter 18 last year, so let's read chapter 19 this year". And Rabbi Search Committee at CSI and I was one of the 10 so it happened that every year we now read Leviticus 19 on or so with whom the committee had decided to holiness. conduct a phone interview. After what turned out to be a successful interview, Bob invited me on behalf of the When Bob became single again, he assumed the status of committee to come to CSI for a full meeting in front of what is known as a ben bayit, a member of our household. the whole committee. When I arrived for the interview, Many times on Friday afternoons he would just "drop in" Bob was the first person I met. It turned out we had a and watch TV while we prepared for Shabbat around him. connection -the law professor he had interned for at the Frequently he stayed for dinner, and had an open invitation Yale University Law School was very active at the shul I for every holiday. His presence was always a welcome was then serving. Bob and I hit it off immediately and addition to our home, especially on Pesach and Rosh Ha- what ensued was a strong friendship and collaboration Shannah. that lasted more than 25 years. After a very difficult, debilitating and long illness, Bob Bob was a wonderful chair of the Ritual Committee. passed away a few weeks ago. Bob had suffered from There was never a topic or issue that was brought up to Frontotemporal Dementia, a disease that slowly robbed him the committee that he and I (and Cantor Shiovitz) had of his abilities to function. Yet up until the very end, Bob not discussed and come to an understanding about before was able to recognize many people (including me), sing the committee met. We did not always agree, (though songs and interestingly participate whenever parts of the mostly we did), but our discussions were always well Shabbat or holiday service was being sung. If one would informed and respectful. Indeed Bob not only had great begin a reading from the Torah that he recognized, such as respect for the clergy at CSI, he also had great respect for the Song at the Sea (Ex. 15:1-18) he could also join in with Jewish tradition. Although Bob claimed to be an atheist, the reading. he loved to read Torah and lead services, especially on the High Holidays. More than once I said to him, "Bob, I In June of 2015 we made a special kiddush in Bob's honor. wish others had the same lack of faith that you think you At that point he was still officially chair of the Ritual don't have." Then I would repeat to him something I had Committee, and could attend services. We wanted Bob to first heard from Rabbi David Hartman, "You know the know how much the entire congregation appreciated his same God you don't believe in, I don't believe in either". dedication and years of service, something the congregation had already recognized when he was given our highest One of his favorite stories was to tell how he had once honor in 2000 Pesichas Neilah, the Ark opening at the end of attended the Safra Synagogue on Shavuot. It is a Sefardi Yom Kippur. In Pirke Avot we read the following: "Rabbi Orthodox synagogue in the city. As a guest, he was given Shimon taught: There are three crowns - the crown of the an . As he walked up to the Torah, he turned to the Torah, the crown of the Cohein, and the crown of Royalty. gabbai and said in Hebrew "ani yachol likro (I can read (However) the crown of a good name, (keter shem tov), is this portion)". The gabbai looked at him in disbelief, but superior to them all." (Pirke Avot 4:17). Bob proceeded to read the special holiday portion, which he had read many times at CSI, perfectly. Bob Davis had the crown of a good name. May he always be remembered at CSI for a blessing. Bob was a principled person, but one who was open to compromise. When we discussed adding the imahot to the amidah prayer (Sarah, Rivkah, Rahel and Leah), some Lhitraot, people were adamant about the change while others objected to it. So Bob suggested we compromise, adding them in the later musaf service, but not in shacharit, a compromise that worked for many years (everyone was unhappy that way!). Another example occurred when I first came to CSI. We were alternating the Yom Kippur afternoon Torah readings from year to year. The "traditionalists" wanted to read the traditional reading of Leviticus 18, which contains references to homosexuality as an abomination, (not that they FIVE THINGS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW…With Rabbi Kane - Five moral and ethical issues in Judaism. The next session is on Monday, 2/11 at 7:30pm Jewish Views on Organ Donation

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Annual PURIM IS COMING! The CSI Sisterhood is once again making it possible for us to send Event Mishloach Manot (Purim bags) to our friends at CSI. Letters will be mailed with all the details on how to participate. These letters include YOUR special code for online ordering. It’s fun, it’s delicious and it’s so easy to participate!

OUR ANNUAL PURIM CARNIVAL IS ON SUNDAY, 3/24 DONATIONS NEEDED! 300 kosher hot dogs * 300 kosher pareve hot dog rolls 300 water bottles @20 oz. size * 400 napkins * 100 eggs * 200 potato knishes 200 Snack size chips (pareve) * 400 small plates * 400 forks 3 bottles of Heinz ketchup * 3 bottles of Heinz mustard * 6 cans black beans 6 cans of chickpeas * 4 bottles of salad dressing * 4 large bags of ice 12 English cucumbers * 6 club size containers of cherry tomatoes

 These items are available at all major shopping clubs BJ’s, Costco & Sam’s Club and all major grocery stores.  Remember: All food must be marked kosher.  If you don’t have a club card but would like to donate, you are welcome to borrow our card or drop off money for us to shop with!

Contact [email protected]

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CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz

I have always loved to sing. I know, no big secret there! I In Israel today, the hottest night out is a chance to sing led the whole service for my Bar Mitzvah as well as old songs with 1,000 or 12,000 of your closest friends! I reading the Torah. My Bar Mitzvah was on Thursday, would like to introduce you to Koolulam. Koolulam’s May 30th-Memorial Day. When Memorial Day was on popularity has soared since it kicked off in in May 30th, when every year it fell on the 30th. I did April 2017, with Israelis jumping at the opportunity to everything. I still remember it as if it were yesterday. My come together with thousands of strangers—to sing! first Jewish record was The Music of the Six Day War. I The idea behind Koolulam is that music and creativity still have it and it is still one of my favorite recordings. I could be used to unite Israelis on a mass scale. knew every song on the record and sang them all the Koolulam's events sellout quickly. In under an hour, time. I still like to sing those great songs. participants learn a 3 part arrangement of a Hebrew or In High School I sang in the school choir and the English song, and then perform it for a video to be Madrigal. Yes, I know, not unexpected! (I was in West shared on social media. They are accompanied by the Side Story and believe it or not, I did not have a singing Street Orchestra. Views of the videos reach role! I played Officer Krupke). While in High School I was into the hundreds of thousands and millions in some very involved in USY at my synagogue and a regional cases. The 20 century “kumsitz” meets modernity. officer. My love of singing and singing Jewish Music When they conceived the initial idea, Koolulam’s became a very important part of my life then. At three founders, Ben Yefet, Michal Shahaf Schneiderman conventions and on USY Israel Pilgrimage I participated and Or Taicher were aiming for that feeling of connection in communal singing. I learned many new songs and between strangers, something to bring people together. enjoyed singing with others. I found that communal Koolulam’s name is a multiple play on the English word singing was very powerful and enjoyable. Believe me, I “cool,” and the Hebrew word “Kulam” (everyone), the love being a soloist! Hebrew word “Kol” (voice) and “kululu,” the sound of joy Recently, communal singing in Israel has taken on a some Sephardic Jews make at happy occasions. new dimension. In the early years of the young state, In honor of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the singing around the campfire was a very important part of State of a Israel, President Reuven Rivlin joined life on the kibbutz. Some of our most famous songs were Koolulam at a mass singing of Naomi Shemer’s “Al Kol written there and are still sung today. Israelis still like to Eileh.” My first introduction to Koolulam was on Yom sing, whether around the campfire, the Shabbat table or Hashoah as 1,000 Holocaust survivors, their children communal gatherings. and grandchildren came together to sing the Hebrew song “Chai,” Life. It was such a moving event! They have sung Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. They have brought together Arabs and Jews to sing together. They also brought cancer patients and their doctors together to also sing together. I think you will love their performances. You might even cry. Google them. They are on YouTube. You will find yourself wanting to see all of them. I still find myself watching them again and again. Welcome to the 21st century “kumsitz.” Communal singing has become modern.

[email protected]


RSVP: [email protected]

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February 2019/ CSI Community Organic Farm Update

You might think that the February update of the Organic Farm would not be super exciting. What could possibly be going on out there? We have close to 40 grape vines that are entering into their 4th year on the field. This will be the first year that we will be harvesting grapes and producing our own wine. Our esteemed and experienced winemaker, Aaron Stern, leads the way on this one and will be guiding those brave enough to bundle up and head out to the fields for the winter grape vine pruning. The grapes that we planted are specifically engineered for our climate and, according to Aaron, will be similar to a Merlot. Now THAT is exciting! Anyone and everyone who is interested in learning about grape growing, vine pruning and maintenance, grape harvesting, and wine making should definitely get in touch. We might just need to have a competi- tion for the best label for our inaugural year bottle production! In other news… Believe it or not it is just about time to place our orders for our baby veggie starts and seed packages, and to start planning the field. We also look forward to cleaning and reorganizing the farm shed and this involves a book burial project. There are approximately 60 boxes of old High Holiday mahzorim in the shed that are unfortunately unus- able. Quick shout out and a big thank you to Scott Neave and his generous donation of machine/ operator time to excavate the hole to help us with this project. THANK YOU SCOTT! Of course, any and all help is welcome. Do you have an idea? Questions? See you on the farm!

-- Ryna Lustig [email protected]

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Volunteers needed!

I hope everyone had a restful holiday season. As Please volunteer. You will enjoy it and have fun. each day of winter passes we can look forward to To volunteer please contact Roberta Bar-Levav warmer weather and the spring. Indeed at [email protected] or springtime for CSI is an important period of the Debbie Hertz Levitt at year when we hold our annual fundraiser event, [email protected]. featuring great programing and wonderful honorees who through dedicated service to CSI over many years have greatly contributed to making our community thrive and succeed. This year the honorees exemplify members who have dedicated themselves over many years of volunteer service to enriching CSI, and indeed, making it thrive: Bob and Marilyn Margolies, [email protected] and Robin Ginsburg will be receiving the Volunteer of the Year Award.

The event is on Sunday April 7th at 5pm, so please save the date. But we need volunteers to make the event the best it can be for all of us and our wonderful honorees. We need help in running the raffles and producing the Ad Journal, both important sources of fundraising for CSI.

Flyer on page 4

Board of Trustees 3 YEAR TRUSTEES 1 YEAR TRUSTEES Jamie Cotel Roberta Bar-Levav Orit Daly Judith Boehr Members Donna Hannan Jason Eidlitz Deborah Hertz Levitt Francine Goldstein Steven Bender, Pres. Mark Rosenberg Samantha Hawson Lois Gimpel Shaukat, VP Bette Slutsky Jill Greenstein, VP Fred Schulman, VP 2 YEAR TRUSTEES Eric Wrubel, VP Robin Ginsberg Robert Margolies, Jenean Eichenoltz Treasurer Abbe Marcus Marc Auslander, Sect’y Marion Sader Michael Kirsch, IPP Neil Schluger Debra Young

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 CSI Nursery School PTA Cocktail Party. 2/2/19 at 8pm. Drinks and Dessert served. Adults only. Come socialize with other NS parents. $25 per person. RSVP to [email protected].  Bossy Frog Band to come to the NS in the spring for all students and their families.

Co-Presidents: Linda Lanier and Randi Teplow-Phipps * Treasurer: Linda Lanier Communications Chair: Naomi Elyachar * Hospitalities Chair: Caitlin Scheir Holiday Boutique Chair: Emily Newfield * Moving-Up Day Chair: Erica Bagliebter Social Coordinators: Rachel Gerstein and Angela Kotsubey * Fundraiser Chair: Alissa Lupu


Shalom! My name is Andrea Bromberg, and I am excited to be the new USY/Kadima Advisor.

I am a graduate of CSI´s nursery, religious, and Hebrew high schools. After my involvement in USY here at CSI, I became heavily involved with Hillel at University of Delaware. Additionally, I was both a camper and a counselor at Ramah Nyack.

When I am not busy teaching middle school Spanish, I am traveling, eating, or hiking the local trails - you may even bump into me at Rockefeller State Park on a nice day.

I look forward to meeting you!

Our current Tzedakah Time collection will benefit New Beginnings.

“New Beginnings of Westchester is a non-profit organization that provides direct assistance to homeless families and individuals by providing them with immediate basic household needs and food as they make the transition to permanent housing, With a referral from a social work agency, individuals and families visit the New Beginnings facility in Ossining to select from available items that they need for their new home.” (New Beginnings website: www.nbwestchester.org)


We very much appreciate if you can bring in your donations by February 15th. The Nursery School students will learn about the organization and help get everything ready to give to the charity.

Where can I learn more? https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/tzedakah-101/

February 2019 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 11

MEN’S CLUB NEWS - Mark Reisman & Richard Langeloh, Co - Presidents

MEN’S CLUB BOOK DISCUSSION: The English Spy by Daniel Silva will be discussed on 2/28 at 7:30 PM at the home of Barry Yellen. His address is:10 Briarcliff Drive South, Ossining, NY. His building is the highest parking lot. Park in visitors space or on Ogden Road. To RSVP or for more information, contact Alan Grotenstein at [email protected]

19th ANNUAL WORLD WIDE WRAP - SUNDAY 2/3. 9am we’ll wrap tfillin, followed by minyan, breakfast and amazing live music with Guitarist Oren Neiman, resident guitarist for Broadway’s version of “Fiddler on the Roof” & Clarinetist Ivan Barenboim, resident clarinetist at Central Synagogue

$5 per person. Men, women and teenagers are encouraged to wrap tfillinto show solidarity with Jews around the world.


Mah Jongg TFILLIN...NOT FOR MEN ONLY! The World Wide Wrap is an initiative begun by MONTHLY EVENING GAME the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) to Monday, 2/11 at 7:30pm encourage everyone to put on Tefillin, for at least one day. This year, Women’s League for (WLCJ) and FJMC have collaborated to encourage women to don Tefillin, and embrace the mitzvah of Tefillin.

The Gift Shop will be open Sunday February 10 from 9:30 - 12, If you need something on another day, just email [email protected] and we will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient meeting.

President: Robin Ginsberg Treasurer/ Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky Membership: Annleah Berger Mah Jongg Chair: Cheryl Katz Gift Shop: Robin Ginsberg/ Jill Greenstein / Marion Jablansky/ Sharon Orenstein

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Join us on Sunday, 2/10 from 1 - 3pm when we welcome Dr. Cassandra Klebanoff who will lead an interactive, timely and interesting workshop about issues of importance in the LGBTQ community. (See cover for more details.)

Our next Pride Committee meeting is on Thursday, February 21 at 7:30pm. It is open to all who are interested in participating or are just curious about the committee.

Please feel free to contact either of us at any time: [email protected], [email protected]

CARING COMMUNITY - Merrie Daitch, Chairperson

SPECIAL NOTE: Those members of our community who are not able to get out very much appreciate visits. Contact me for the details.

Merrie Daitch [email protected]

Judy Boehr, Chairperson

We continue to collect winter coats, hats, gloves, mitten & scarves.

This year's Christmas dinner at the First Presbyterian Church was a huge success. Over eighty CSI families participated by cook- ing, shopping, donating money, setting up, running the kitchen, serving, entertaining, delivering food to homebound friends, and cleaning up. It truly was a community effort. It was wonderful to see congregants of all ages and stages participate, and especially gratifying to watch CSI's children and teens engage with our guests. Over 100 food items were donated, and many families helped by participating in more than one way. No one said no if asked to cook an extra turkey or tray of stuffing or run to the store for more milk.

There are too many people to thank by name, but our special thanks go to... the family who started us off with bagels and stayed all day, helping in any way we asked... those who delivered the leftover food to the group home in Ossining after volunteering all day... the new family who just joined CSI but jumped in to participate for the first time... those who delivered food to families who can't come to the dinner... nursery school parents... and our usual angels who come every year to clean up the kitchen and close things down. Thanks to “the toy ladies”, who, as always, took care of toys and gifts for our guests.

An enormous todah rabbah goes to Robin Ginsberg and Jamie Cotel who assumed the leadership of the dinner this year. The success of the dinner and the joy of all of its participants reflect your efforts and capabilities. Thank you for making this day so special.

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Thank you, Allison!

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CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you Cantor Shiovitz Janice & Steve Rappaport & Family Thank you Cantor Shiovitz Shelley & Neil Harwayne

In memory of Madeline Einstein Joan & Fred Weinstein

CARING COMMUNITY In memory of Louis Gutstein Rosalyn Rappaport & Family In memory of Shirley Thaler Elaine & Evan Wetzler In honor of Judy Rosof Ilene Schwartz In memory of Belle Feldman Marilyn & Bob Margolies In memory of Belle Feldman Annleah Berger In memory of Belle Feldman Judith Rosof In memory of Belle Feldman The Daitch/Holzberg Family In memory of Belle Feldman Roberta Freilich In memory of Belle Feldman Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein In honor of CSI Ekaternia Milcthein & Konstantin Millerman


JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND (OVERNIGHT) In memory of Shirley Thaler Faye Dittelman & David Perelman In memory of Belle Feldman Faye Dittelman & David Perelman In memory of Stephen Dittelman Sharon Dittelman In memory of Shirley Thaler Sharon Dittelman Thank you to Faye Dittelman Helene & Adam Rude In memory of Rebecca White Leon White In memory of Bob Davis Leon White In memory of Shirley Thaler Debra & Alan Goodman

EDUCATION DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you Roni Shapiro Janice & Steve Rappaport & Family

ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND In memory of Madeline Einstein Helene & Adam Rude In memory of Madeline Einstein Abbe & Deane Marcus In memory of MItzie Einstein Vicki & Norm Ettinger In memory of Bob Davis Debra & Alan Goodman In memory of Maxwell Frank Eleanor & Michael Frank With thanks to CSI Emily & Andre Newfield & Family In memory of Bob Davis Jennifer Grant In memory of Shirley Thaler Sue Lerner In memory of Shirley Thaler The Edelstein Family

RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDREN’S RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND In memory of Abraham Chuckrow Helen Chuckrow & Richard Langeloh In memory of Marion Grosberg Harvey Grosberg

GILBERT KAVY MEMORIAL BUILDNG FUND In memory of Shirley Thaler Lori & Irwin Kavy In honor of the engagement of Tamar Kane & Daniel Lorberbaum Lori & Irwin Kavy In honor of the birth of Jack Phillip Pavony Lori & Irwin Kacy

February 2019 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 19


IRA KESTENBAUM BEAUTIFICATION FUND In memory of Shirley Thaler Malvina & Bruce Browne In memory of Belle Feldman Bryna & Michael Sweedler In honor of the birth of Gabriela Audrey White Roberta & Richard Kay In honor of the birth of Jack Philip Pavony Roberta & Richard Kay In memory of Gerald Mach Ilene & Jeff Calderon In memory of Bob Davis Debbie & Elliott Barish In memory of Shirley Thaler Cheryl Kestenbaum In memory of Belle Feldman Cheryl Kestenbaum Happy Anniversary to: Cheryl Kestenbaum Renee & Paul Horowitz Joan & Sid Schneider Robyn & Jeffrey Shiovitz Mary & Victor Sternberg Barbara & Lou Wachtel In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Markowitz Cheryl Kestenbaum In honor of the birth of Jack Philip Pavony Cheryl Kestenbaum In honor of the birth of Gabrielle Audrey White Cheryl Kestenbaum In honor of the birth of Silas Ryder Hirshson Cheryl Kestenbaum

KIDDUSH FUND In memory of Mildred Alpert Marilyn & Bob Margolies In memory of Frances Griffithskig Rochelle & Marc Auslander Thank you CSI Celiane & Mark Silverstein In memory of Belle Feldman Leon White In memory of Leigh Levitt Debbie & David Levitt In memory of Matthew Hertz Debbie & David Levitt In memory of May Davis Gail & Barry Perlow In memory of Eric Vendercar Lisa & David Zimmerman In memory of Rhoda Zimmerman Lisa & David Zimmerman In memory of Carrie Rosengarten Debra Young In memory of Ralph W. Wolff The Diamond Family

MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In memory of Shirley Thaler Ruth & Mel Speier

MITZNER FAMILY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS FUND In memory of Frances Griffithskig Rochelle & Marc Auslander In memory of Belle Feldman Rochelle & Marc Auslander Thank you Rabbi Kane Clare Rosen In memory of Bob Davis Cheryl Katz

ORGANIC FARM FUND IN Rochelle & Marc Auslander Marilyn & Bob Margolies

MEMORY OF BOB DAVIS Margaret Barry Rita Miller Nancy & Daniel Cohen Joel Neuberg Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein Dorothy Perrone Michael Gerrard Deborah Rosenberg Jill & Joel Greenstein Judy Rosof Carole & Andrew Kagan Murray Rottenberg Judy & Rabbi Steven Kane Keith Sabalja Sahib-Amar Khalsa Pamela Sherman Margery& Michael Kirsch Bette & Gary Slutsky Caitlin MacLean Leon White

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ORGANIC FARM FUND In memory of Samuel Cohen Arleen Neustein In honor of the birth of Silas Ryder Hirshson Arleen Neustein In honor of the engagement of Tamar Kane and Daniel Lorberbaum Helene & Adam Rude In memory of Bert Frey Eleanor & Michael Frey In memory of Julius Eisenstein Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein In memory of Madeline Einstein Rabbi Steven & Judy Kane In memory of Belle Feldman Rabbi Steven & Judy Kane

PRAYER BOOK FUND (Lev Shalem) In memory of Dr. Sol Charney Stacy & Richard Charney In memory of Belle Feldman Erica, Jon & David Kolbrener In memory of Jadzia Silverstein Malvina & Bruce Browne Erika, Steve, Dylan & Justin O’Brien Alexis & Chris Mandracchia PRAYER BOOK FUND (Etz Hayim) In memory of Shirley Thaler Helen Chuckrow & Richard Langeloh

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Estelle Balog Gilbert Balog In memory of Madeline Einstein Joan & Fred Weinstein In memory of Stephen Markowitz Allison & Andrew Markowitz In honor of the engagement of Tamar Kane & Daniel Lorberbaum Tina Weisman In memory of Belle Feldman Sonia & Paul Kleinman In honor of Neil Schluger’s wonderful poetry class Sonia & Paul Kleinman In memory of Bob Davis Rochelle & Arnold Silverman In honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of our six grandchildren The Rivin Family In honor of the B’not Mitzvah of Samara & Meredith Levy The Rivin Family In memory of Marcia Siegel Tina Weisman & Family In memory of Marcia Siegel Lowell Siegel In memory of Bob Davis George Yankwitt


Susan & Warren Altwerger Shelley & Neil Harwayne Helene & Adam Rude Rochelle & Marc Auslander Norma & Stephen Katz Charlotte Schluger Sharon & Elliot Balog Roberta & Richard Kay Esther Schwartz Mindy & Howard Berkower Iris & Joel Kazin Lois Gimpel Shaukat Barbara & Norman Block Janice & Barry Kirschner Hedi & Ed Sperling Dean Brown Sonia & Paul Kleinman Patty & David Stiffman Ilene & Jeff Calderon Peter Kretzmer Joanne & Alan Suna Stacy & Richard Charney Malory, Dustin & Noa Lea Bryna & Michael Sweedler Helen Chuckrow & Richard Langeloh Elizabeth & Alan Legatt Tina Weisman & Family The Dolch Family Abbe & Deane Marcus Charlotte & Richard Watt Judy Duke Marilyn & Bob Margolies Leon White Sylvia & Susan Eisenstein Janice & Steve Rappaport & Family George Yankwitt Roberta Freilich Marnie & Mark Rosenberg Debra Young Gladys & Marvin Gimpel Judy Rosof Susan Wattenberg Francine & Robert Goldstein The Roth Family Cathy & George Zimmerman Harvey Grosberg Murray Rottenberg

February 2019 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 21


STUDY IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Henry Borenstein Cheryl Katz, Michael & David

ZUCKERMAN/CHARLOTTE HERING MEMORIAL FUND FOR RAMAH DAY CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS In memory of Shirley Thaler The Fairman-Zinn Family In memory of Shirley Thaler Lil and Gil Zinn In memory of Shirley Thaler Annleah Berger Thank you CSI Benjamin Hering In memory of Shirley Thaler Cheryl Katz

Ilene & Jeff Calderon Myra & Jerome Gordon * Cheryl Kestenbaum Barbara & Mark Nackman Sharon Orenstein Betsey & Richard Rosenblum * Gerald Sherr Bette & Gary Slutsky * Denotes donations of $500+ Debra Young

LIFE CYCLE: We mourn the loss of longtime CSI member and Ritual Chair, Bob Davis We mourn the loss of longtime CSI member Belle Feldman

CORRECTED JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES FBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRANTS YEARS CELEBRANTS YEARS DATE Barry & Gail Perlow 48 Gretta & Barry Seidel 33 1 Vladimir & Marina Sukonnik 32 Susan & Asher Banks 51 4 Leonard & Kathleen Levin 10 Linda & Steven Kavee 32 6 Joel & Iris Kazin 47 Barbara & Henry Schoenfeld 43 12 David & Georgia Keidan 50 Bryna & Micahel Sweedler 56 17 Warren & Susan Altwerger 46 Susan & Peter Diamond 40 18 Bruce & Marina Browne 50 Elyse & Mark Kovler 36 19 Stephen & Marsha Ackerman 53 Jane & Richard Taffet 35 19 Gary & Rachel Licht 7 Julie & Andrew Peskoe 32 21

CELEBRANT DATE AGE Meia Rappaport 1 9 B Zachary Kirsch 2 11 I Leah Falah 6 11 R Yael Falah 6 11 T Mia Benjamin 6 11 H Alyssa Mathisson 7 13 D A Spencer Ramer 9 13 Y 1Tristan Rutman 16 13 S Katelyn Fogel 21 12 Talya Simon 26 5

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Four plots for sale at Sharon Gardens.

CSI Members, Marty & Harriet Ross now live in Florida and would like to sell their plots in NY.

Please contact Marty: [email protected] Or by phone at 561 433 5150

February 2019 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 25

Beth Torah Catering (The Annual Event Caterer!) Delicious, creative, and beautifully presented Kosher food. (718) 261 4775 [email protected]

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Congregation Sons of Israel Non-Profit Organization 1666 Pleasantville Road U.S. Postage Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 PAID www.csibriarcliff.org White Plains, NY Permit No. 10086

Current Resident Or:

John R. Gualtiere David E. Weiss, D.D.S. Owner Jewel A. Weiss, D.D.S. Hudson Landscapes Proudly Serving CSI and its community for over General & Cosmetic 20 years Dentistry for Adults  Lawn Maintenance Programs and Children  Tree Care Services  Complete Landscape Design and Come see our new Installations state-of-the-art  Irrigation Systems Installed and office! Maintained  Masonry Services – Patios, Walkways, 61 Sunset Drive Walls, Outdoor Kitchens Briarcliff Manor, NY  Excavation and Site Services

 Drainage Specialists  Custom Fertilization Programs for Hi-tech Dentistry Lawns and Trees with a Caring Touch!  Snow Removal (914) 923-9107 (914) 941-1890 www.hudsonlandscapes.com 86 Millwood Road Millwood, N.Y. 10546