The Sea Ranch Soundings
THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION PRSRT STD P.O. BOX 16 U.S. POSTAGE PAID MEDFORD, OR THE SEA RANCH, CA 95497-0016 PERMIT NO. 125 Address Service Requested A QUARTERLY NEWSPAPER WRITTEN BY AND FOR THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION MEMBERS NUMBER 122 FALL 2014 IN THIS ISSUE: Sea Ranch Celebrates Volunteers; Community NORTH COAST MUSIC NIGHT Spirit Award Presented to Jim DeWilder Around 120 Sea Ranchers gathered at SEAL DOCENT UPDATE One-Eyed Jacks on August 31 to share good food and drink and celebrate volunteerism on the coast. Commu- NOBEL PRIZE WINNER nity Manager Frank Bell welcomed the group for the seventh annual picnic and read a long list of folks who have joined the ranks of volunteers for committees, SEA RANCH HISTORY task forces and other organizations, both on and off The Sea Ranch, since last year’s event. The afternoon was also the occasion for the presentation of the TSRVFD Considers Rosemarie Hocker Community Spirit Forming Fire Award. The award was first presented in 2011 Protection District and was developed by the Communica- by Bonnie Plakos, President, and Don McMahan, tion Committee and established by the Vice President, TSR Volunteer Fire Department Community Manager. lt is named in Board honor of former Board Member Rose- marie Hocker, who passed away that Many Sea Ranchers have had to call year. In leadership roles and in her vol- 9-1-1 and have been relieved to see big unteer work behind the scenes, Rosema- red trucks and friendly faces at the door rie, by encouragement and example, ex- in a very short time (day or night, rain emplified what is meant by Community or shine).
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