FANIME CON 2014 Extremely Hard Take Home Anime Quiz

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FANIME CON 2014 Extremely Hard Take Home Anime Quiz FANIME CON 2014 Extremely Hard Take Home Anime Quiz May 1, 2014 NAME ____________________________ BADGE NUMBER __________________ RULES 1. You may begin as soon as you receive the quiz. 2. You must turn this quiz in to Ronald Mar before or between 07:00 p.m. and 08”00 p.m. on Sunday, May 25, 2014 in the Fan Events Room. 3. You must print your real name and badge number on your entry. 4. Mailed entries do not require a badge number. 5. Mailed entries must be received by Saturday, May 17. 2014 at: Extremely Hard Anime Quiz P.O. Box 78690 Seattle, WA 98178-0690 6. This quiz consists of fifty multiple-choice questions. 7. All questions have only one correct answer. 8. Some questions may have no answers that are precisely correct in which case you are to circle the best (most correct) answer. 9. This quiz is open book and open notes. Participants may use any resources to answer the questions, including each other. 10. Unless otherwise noted in the question, if there is a difference between the English dubbed version and the subtitled version, the subtitled version shall prevail. 11. Selected answers must be circled. Xs, obliterations and overstrikes will be considered answers that the participant has rejected. 12. Answers must be in black. Markings of any other color may disqualify your entry. 13. There will be panel from 03:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m. on Friday, May 23, 2014, in Panels 4, where people can ask questions about the quiz. This panel will not provide answers to the questions on the quiz. If you are feeling confident, you may skip this session or turn in your quiz at this time. 14. There will be a panel from 12:00 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. on Monday May 26, 2014, in the Fan Events Room to discuss answers and if possible, announce the winners. 15. If no clear winner is found by the time of the panel on Sunday, April 20, 2014, the panel will begin with a tiebreaker session and continue as such until a winner is found. 16. You must be present on Monday’s panel to win. 17. In the event of several scores being tied, the test received earliest will be considered the highest score among the group of equal scores. 18. The panelist will evaluate all answers for correctness. 19. The word of the panelist is final in determining the correctness of all answers. 20. The panelist reserves the right to add, delete or modify the rules, as finds necessary. 21. Fanime Con staffs that have seen the questions prior to May 2, 2014 and relatives of the panelist are not eligible for prizes. 1. At the beginning of Episode 5 of Battle Girls, Time Paradox, Imagawa Yoshimoto expresses disinterest in conquering Japan, with her imagination being depicted in a parody of a famous painting. Which country is the museum that owns that painting? a. France b. Germany c. Italy d. Netherlands e. United Kingdom 2. When Vicious ejected Spike Spiegel out the window in Episode 5 of Cowboy Bebop, which side of the church did the latter most likely exit? a. north b. east c. south d. west e. All of the above are equally likely. 3. In Episode 23 of Revolutionary Girl Utena, Mamiya Chida, while playing the satirical role of a ______, presents roses to a reclining Souji Mikage. a. small child b. lover c. maid d. mourner e. suitor 4. At the end of Episode 78 of Rurouni Kenshin, Ryuzaburo Higashiyama paints Kamiya Kaoru in a manner that is ______. a. anachronistic, the style will not be developed until after the story ends b. antiquated, his artistic style had long been discarded in the West c. contemporary, it is what many artists in the west are doing at that time d. imaginary, no artistic school would depict Miss Kaoru in that manner e. traditional, although developed more than a century ago, many artists still paint in that style 5. When Yulier entreats the aid of Kirito and Asuna early in Episode 12 of Sword Art Online, the painting behind Sasha Sensei is based on one painted by a ______ artist. a. Dutch b. Flemish c. French d. Italian e. Spanish 6. In Episode 10 of .Hack//Legend of the Twilight, Sanjuro scolds Shugo Kunisaki by the bridge in much the same manner of the author of ______, one of the Seven Military Classics (Wǔjīngqīshū) of China. a. Jiang Ziya’s Six Secret Teachings b. The Methods of the Sima c. Sun Zi’s The Art of War d. Three Strategies of Huang Shigong e. none of the above 7. Near the beginning of Hayao Miyazaki’s film The Cat Returns, Haru Yoshioka enters her class late as her teacher recites, “ The Kingdom is now gone, yet the mountains and rivers remain, dense greens of spring…” This poem was written in the city of ______. a. Beijing b. Kyoto c. Nara d. Tokyo e. Xian 8. Near the beginning of Episode 3 of Pumpkin Scissors, Lord Malvin calls his daughter’s idea on bridging the gap between commoners and nobles shallow because he thinks ____ a. his daughter should not be involved in military or government work b. his daughter’s proceedings appear hypocritical c. the divided parties should figure out their problems on their own d. that for her safety, she should back up her words with military power e. his daughter should advocate a reduction in materialism 9. When Suon Tendo decides to hold Ranma Saotome’s wedding immediately in his dojo from Episode 32 of Ranma ½, he wishes his future son-in-law ______. a. benevolence and wisdom b. courage and martial prowess c. happiness and posterity d. long life and wealth e. nothing other than a faithful and lasting commitment 10. All of the following characters wear makeup and costumes based on historical China: (A) Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers, (B) Shurei Hong from Story of Saiunkoku and (C) Tomo from Fushigi Yuugi. In chronological order, when were they in style? a. ACB b. BAC c. BCA d. CBA e. none of the above 11. The first ending of Black Butler contains a series of panels depicting everyday life in the Phantomhive manor. One panel shows Sebastian Michaelis teaching Ciel Phantomhive geography. On the map, the former seems to be pointing with his baton most closely to the city of ______. a. Bombay b. Calcutta c. Dacca d. Madras e. Rawalpindi 12. In the first opening of Kaleido Star, we see the Oakland-San Francisco bay bridge. What is the nearest bearing angle of the camera? a. N 17’ E b. N 89’ E c. S 19’ E d. S 53’ W e. N 55’ W 13. In the second movie of Ranma ½, Nihao My Concubine, Tatewaki Kuno’s private yacht is rigged as a ______. a. cutter b. ketch c. schooner d. sloop e. yawl 14. Where did Sadojima Hoji most likely go to purchase and accept delivery of the battleship Rengoku (Purgatory) from the animated television series Rurouni Kenshin? a. France b. Germany c. Great Britain d. Italy e. United States 15. In Episode 5 of Sword Art Online, Asuna treats Kirito to a meal on the fifty-seventh floor called Martin. The architecture is based on a place that speaks ______. a. French b. Italian c. Portuguese d. Spanish e. a non-Romance language 16. Which of the following teachers briefly discussed the historical and political situation that led to the mysterious disappearance and probable murder of Edward V and his brother Richard, Duke of York, from Episode 16 of Black Butler? a. Yukari Tanizaki of Azumanga Daioh b. Misato Ochi of Bleach c. Takako Shimizu of Chobits d. Junko Miyaji of FLCL e. Nanako Kuroi of Lucky Star 17. In Fullmetal Alchemist, the depicted attitude of the Sea Dragon on Ed’s pocket watch is ______. a. rampant b. rampant guardant c. rampant sinister d. rampant sinister guardant e. one of the above counterchanged 18. The terrorist group in Episode 13 of Ghost in the Shell has a scorpion as its symbol. This is inspired by a real life terrorist group that used a ______ as its symbol. a. centipede b. scorpion (again) c. snake d. spider e. toad 19. Beginning with the assassination of the Austrian Duke in the latter half of Episode 3 of Gosick, Vitorique tells what governments did during the Great War. The accompanying montage of real photographs includes one of the ______navy. a. American b. British c. French d. German e. Italian 20. In My-Otome Zwei, the various nations are at peace with each other and plan to hold Strategic Otome Limitation Talks in a parody of foreign policy that began during the administration of President ______. a. Lyndon B. Johnson b. Richard M. Nixon c. Gerald R. Ford d. Jimmy Carter e. Ronald Reagan 21. As Aoi Sakuraba names the ferret Uzume in Episode 8 of Ai Yori Aoshi, for luring out her manager, Miyabi Kagurazaki, she views the latter as the Japanese ____ deity. a. moon b. storm c. sun d. war e. wisdom 22. At the costume ball in Episode 5 of the second season of Black Butler, Ran Mao is dressed as a (an) ______. a. Kamakura period concubine b. courtesan c. geisha d. Edo period princess e. Heian period priestess 23. In Episode 9 of Inuyasha, which provincial border is closest to the location to where the title character fought the thunder brothers? a.
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