Proceedings of Forest Europe Ministerial Conference Madrid

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Proceedings of Forest Europe Ministerial Conference Madrid Conference Proceedings 7 th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference and FOREST EUROPE Extraordinary Ministerial Conference Madrid 20-21 October 2015 Conference Proceedings th 7 FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference and FOREST EUROPE Extraordinary Ministerial Conference Madrid 20-21 October 2015 Conference Proceedings 7th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference and FOREST EUROPE Extraordinary Ministerial Conference, Madrid 20-21 October 2015 Published by: Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Madrid C/ Julián Camarillo 6B, 4A. 28037 Madrid, Spain T +34 914458410 • F +34 913226170 [email protected] Disclaimer: The contents of this publication do not reflect the official opinions of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (FOREST EUROPE). Neither the authors, FOREST EUROPE, nor any person acting on their behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the information in this publication. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 9 7th FOREST EUROPE MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE 11 INTRODUCTION 13 OPENING STATEMENTS 15 Spain 16 Slovak Republic 18 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES 21 European Commission 22 THEMATIC SESSION: Presentation of the State of Europe’s Forests 2015 Report 00 ROUNDTABLE 1: Forests in the centre of a green economy 00 Czech Republic 30 Denmark 31 Italy 32 Norway 33 Serbia 34 Slovenia 35 Sweden 36 Group of ‘Socioeconomic Organizations’ 38 THEMATIC SESSION: Presentation of the updated set of pan-European indicators for SFM 41 ROUNDTABLE 2: Protection of forests in a changing environment 45 Bulgaria 46 Croatia 48 Cyprus 50 Estonia 52 Turkey 53 Iceland 54 Liechtenstein 55 Lithuania 56 Slovak Republic 57 Ukraine 59 Group of ‘Scientific Community’ 60 CHANGE IN THE GENERAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE 63 Spain 64 Norway 65 Sweden 66 ROUNDTABLE 3: Global challenges to address at regional level 69 Luxembourg 70 The Netherlands 72 Romania 74 Russian Federation 76 Spain 78 Switzerland 80 Group of ‘Youth’ 81 ROUNDTABLE 4: Future challenges and opportunities 83 Association Internationale Forêts Méditerranéennes (AIFM) 84 Council of European Foresters (CEF) 86 Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) 87 European Forest Institute (EFI) 89 European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) 90 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 91 Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) 93 International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) 94 International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) 95 Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) 97 Union of European Foresters (UEF) 99 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) 100 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 102 United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) 103 Union of Foresters of Southern Europe (USSE) 105 ROUNDTABLE 5: 25 years of FOREST EUROPE 109 Austria 110 Belgium 112 Finland 116 France 118 Georgia 120 Germany 122 Greece 123 Hungary 124 Latvia 125 Poland 126 Forest Certification Schemes 127 Group of ‘Forest Owners and Managers’ 128 MINISTERIAL DOCUMENTS OF THE 7th FOREST EUROPE MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE 131 Madrid Ministerial Declaration 133 Madrid Ministerial Resolution 1 141 Madrid Ministerial Resolution 2 144 Madrid Ministerial Decision 146 CLOSING STATEMENTS 149 Spain 150 REPORTS FOR THE MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE 153 State of Europe’s Forests 2015 & Summary for Policy Makers 154 Implementation of the FOREST EUROPE Commitments: National and Pan-European Actions 2011 - 2015 154 Mid-Term Evaluation Goals and 2020 Targets 155 FOREST EUROPE EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE 157 INTRODUCTION 159 OPENING STATEMENT 161 Spain 162 Table of Contents PRESENTATION of the results of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe (INC) 165 STATEMENTS BY COUNTRIES AND OBSERVER ORGANIZATIONS 171 The European Union and its Member States 172 Iceland 173 Norway 174 Russian Federation 175 Serbia 176 Switzerland 177 Turkey 178 Ukraine 179 Group of ‘Forest Owners and Managers’ 180 Group of ‘Socioeconomic Organizations’ 181 Group of ‘Scientific Community and Youth’ 182 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 183 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) 184 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 185 United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) 186 MINISTERIAL DECISION OF THE FOREST EUROPE EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE 189 Madrid Ministerial Decision 191 CLOSING STATEMENT 193 Spain 194 ANNEXES 197 ANNEX 1 FOREST EUROPE Signatories, Observer Countries and Observer Organisations 198 FOREST EUROPE Signatories 198 FOREST EUROPE Observer Countries 198 FOREST EUROPE Observer Organisations 199 ANNEX 2 Overview of the Signatories of the Strasbourg, Helsinki, Lisbon, Vienna, Warsaw, Oslo and Madrid Ministerial Documents 200 ANNEX 3 Other Relevant Information on the 7th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference 202 Conference Programme 202 Presentation of SoEF 2015 204 Presentation of the updated set of pan-European indicators for SFM 218 List of Participants 228 Photographs 234 ANNEX 4 Other Relevant Information on the FOREST EUROPE Extraordinary Ministerial Conference 240 Conference Programme 240 List of Participants 241 Photographs 246 8 Introduction FOREST EUROPE (brand name of the Ministerial Madrid (Spain) hosted two FOREST EUROPE Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe) Ministerial Conferences in October 2015: the 7th is the voluntary high-level political process for dia- Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests logue and cooperation on forest policies in Europe. in Europe, and the Extraordinary Ministerial Confer- ence that received the results of the work of the The mission of FOREST EUROPE is to enhance the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a cooperation on forest policies in Europe under the Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe. leadership of ministers, and to secure and promote These two conferences were held back to back. sustainable forest management (SFM) with the aim of maintaining the multiple functions of forests that Commitments endorsed by the FOREST EUROPE are crucial to society. signatories during these meetings will serve to foster action at national and regional levels in order Since 1990, FOREST EUROPE has been working with to address the challenges and opportunities ahead this objective, developing common strategies for its for forests in the European continent. 46 member countries and the European Union on how to protect forests and manage them sustainably. 9 10 7th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference 12 Introduction The 7th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference by Mr Jari Parviainen (LUKE, Finland) in a specific was held on 20 and morning of 21 October 2015. At thematic session. this Conference, ministers and high-level represent- atives responsible for forests from FOREST EUROPE Statements from FOREST EUROPE signatories (Eu- signatories adopted decisions with regards to high ropean countries and the European Union) as well priority topics related to European forests, such as: as from observer organisations were distributed in the enhancement of the social functions of forests 5 roundtables, addressing the following topics: and the potential role of forests in the transition to a green economy; the protection of forests in a chang- 1. Roundtable 1: Forests in the center of a green ing environment; the need to address global chal- economy lenges related to forests at the regional level and the 2. Roundtable 2: Protection of forests in a chang- future directions of the FOREST EUROPE process. ing environment Their commitments on these topics will serve as a 3. Roundtable 3: Global challenges to address at framework for decisions related to these matters in regional level the different European countries and will promote action at a pan-European level. 4. Roundtable 4: Future challenges and opportu- nities The 7th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference 5. Roundtable 5: 25 years of FOREST EUROPE was hosted by Spain, which organised it jointly with 13 the Slovak Republic. The meeting was co-chaired Four decision documents, the ‘Madrid Ministerial by the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Food and Declaration: 25 years together promoting Sustain- the Environment, Ms Isabel García Tejerina, and the able Forest Management in Europe’, the ‘Madrid Slovak Minister of Agriculture and Rural Develop- Ministerial Resolution 1: Forest sector in the center ment, Mr Ľubomír Jahnátek. of Green Economy’, the ‘Madrid Ministerial Resolu- tion 2: Protection of forests in a changing environ- The Conference was officially opened by Ms Isabel ment’ and the ‘Madrid Ministerial Decision: The García Tejerina, who underlined in her opening future direction of FOREST EUROPE’, were signed speech the importance of the FOREST EUROPE by ministers and heads of delegations of the FOR- process for the promotion of cooperation in the EST EUROPE signatories during a signing ceremony pan-European region in forest related issues during on the final day of the Conference. By signing these the last 25 years and for the development of the documents, the signatories showed their willing- bases and tools needed for the sustainable manage- ness, interest and commitment to strengthen coop- ment of Europe’s forests. eration and promote further action at national and pan-European levels on those topics. The welcome words and opening speeches were followed by the presentation of the report State of The change in FOREST EUROPE General Coordinat- Europe’s Forests 2015, made by Mr
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