By " the PRIG." SKAT- the German Game SALON De 1886 {Goupu's)
Nov. i8i 1886] The ISTation 423 nock, he determined to strike the latter before out at all from the mass of kindred writing, it is Haggard, H. R. King Solomon's Mines: A Novel. Har- per's Franklin Square Library. 20 cents. the two. principal Federal armies could unite. solely in consequence of unusual inaccuracy, Hamerton, P. G. Imagination in Landscape Painting. Illustrated, Boston: Roberts Brothers, $0,50, Foiled at first by Pope's retreat from the Rapi- padding to the point of bursting, and a style Hanotaux, G, Etudes lilstoriques sur le xvie et xvlle dan and then by a storm, when about to cross whose dulness would be insupportable were it not sl^cleen France, Boston: Schoenhof, Barper's Yovng People. 1886. the Rappahannock at the White Sulphur Springs, for the relief it affords, after the author's occa Harte, B. The Story of a Mine. • Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 50 cents. he conceived the bold plan which Jackson car sional disheartening attempts at wit. There Hood, T, Fair Ines. Illustrated. Boston; Estes & Lau rlat, $1,60, ried out, of seizing Manassas m Pope's rear. Lee shoufd be some means of persuading ordinary Hugo. Victor, Les MlsSrables, George Routledge & thus effected his object, which was not, as is too tourists in Mexico, over the ordinary routes, that Sons, $3,00, Irving, H, English Actors, their Gharacierlstlcs and often supposed, a mere raid on Pope's supplies the world will willingly allow them to preserve their Methods, Oxford; Clarendon Press; New York: Macmlllan & Co, 25 cents. and lines of communication.
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