
~ the most sueeessful boxofflce la fast becoming one of the helped the cut-tax drive In THE SUNDAY STAR E-3 pictures ever mode at War- most employed actresses in RIALTO NOTCS the public’s interest. . . . Walking tea, 0. C„ Sundar, March i, 1939 Keegan's BriefTV Spot ners. such as “King’s Row” movie Westerns. Veteran star Anton Wal- and “Knute Rockne. All- She's made about four In brook has been signed for his American.” the last year. Asked why, she Actors Want first Broadway appearance He recently stopped ln replied: next year ln “Masterpiece." Kills Movie Chances Marshall Field’s ln Chicago “I can’t figure it because Walbrook has been on the to buy some presents for his my contract specifies that to European stags since 1910. By screen in no way You Get : JAMES BACON the would family. by I'm to ... and plants home- Writer He was mobbed scared death of Flowers ° MNI SPIN , Associated Press conflict with hosting a tele- police by top players RE AVU4UIEB fans and needed a horses.” grown femme PLAYHOUSE 'w»»i »u ii» •I . Ronald vision show." escort to get out of the (tore. Tax Cut are being featured at the In- Friday'"" Reagan, long one of the He argues that one com- ternational Flower Bhow this “mTWMm" pany—United Artists—con- He Uvea It NEW YORK. Actors week, Including Helen Hayes’ "An wrmtiftpucu fnovles' boxofflce names, says trols a movie star’s future 111 I pic- Equity, roses, Tallulah Bankhead's - get a movie role these days. Yet. he hasn't had a the theater’s union of THt WORLD OP can’t couple yean. Absence Made magnolia. Judy Holliday’s •nowadays his “Most big indepen- ture role in a of performers, is out to win the because of of the It poses prob- philodendron. Owen Verdon’s dent productions are financed no economic public a • per cent cut ln television success. him as his TV Job Ernie Fonder lilac tree. Arlene Francis’ Reagan is the host of a by UA.”says Reagan. “Ifthey lem for prices. Rumpus SuSiE show ticket chrysanthemum. ... don’t okay you. you might pays plenty—and It’s steady. A tour unday night dramatic series. as HOLLYWOOD . with produoers results from a of the Lunts “The J forget “But,” explains Ronald, ln Visit” "I'm only on for a 45- well the movies. Ernest Borgnlne and Katy cut in the Federal tax on being planned WONG “I’m a ham—and 1 admit is for next sun SR UL( THkoutH SEPT. 11, ‘.|econd spot, but that makes i*l«m«i | INS plan to ln ducats which became effec- . . . Broadway Mail a personality Colombia Gambled It. That 46 seconds a week Jurado wed her season. The 't me a television gets exposure Sep- tive January 1 after a long arrival agenda this mm RNN t R j me for movie “Yet, on TV me more native Mexico next for week hn |nd kills off take the case of any stars. campaign. But instead of includes the musical “Juno” •MtNwtlUE.itli.Lt.HMl laffers,” says, than of the movie tember. he , who now has it. reducing boxofflce scale, im- at the Winter Garden Mon- Television personalities I love Borgnine’s divorce from his t a trtple-A rating with UA "Yet. it’s like a surgeon pressarios have been pocket- day; “Sweet Bird of Youth.” have not fared well at the becomes final in August. ing the difference. “We've by OPENING WEDNESDAY FOR WEEKS they —they’ll finance millions on who only performs tonsillec- wife Tennessee Williams, at FOUR boxofflce when made separated been* had,” commented an Beck, Tuesday, movies. , at the any picture deal that signs tomies. You must have the The two were the and “A doing editorial ln Equity’s msga- the Negro height fame, made him. Yet played satisfaction of an oc- for three months while Ernie Raisin ln Sun. a < of his an until he the surgery.” zlne, noting the union had drama, Barrymore on entertaining movie but it role of Maggio in ‘Prom Here casional brain made a picture in Australia at the Wednesday. i died a horrible death. to Eternity’ tot U.OOO. you Katy stayed for * and here * Jackie Gleason give him away in 4E tried to couldn’t episode in “The Rifle- T % land the Spencer Tracy role this town. an P|£llDH in “The Last Hurrah” but “That picture was made by Horse-Shy Julie man” and Marlon Brando’s Old Gag Saves yas told bluntly that no tele- Columbia who took a chance “One-Eyed Jacks.” vision stars need apply. The on Sinatra because they fig- Can't Avoid 'Em “But those thoee months THE FOOD "NO reasoning is that no movie- ured he was right for the convinced me that I'm more Film Director "A symphony of ttm Irish**SUIRHspirit ... Into 16 O'Cowy hot peur#d hit goer will pay to see anyone role. If UA had made it. Sin- HOLLYWOOD (AP).— than ever Katy,” IS mott in love with DELICIOUS! moving trogady and his mott rafUving ?NS SmSSFNCH FtEAaANT comedy."—George Jean Nathan he can watch every atra landed London, who says Ernie. In "The work 'mattorpiece' ahawld be more. I) free week. wouldn’t have Julie made her Jovial Brooklyn tni sanvica sparingly mad. Thii ploy la * But Reagan doesn't agree. the part. I’llwager." fame singing in intimate courteous "The ward 'maatorplaca' ahevld ha aporingly uaed. Ttiia ploy la more, ll (AP).—Pro- TNI TRICKS MOOSRATK la a Mating masterpiece.” » “Any role I would play on Reagan starred in some of night clubs and on records, HOLLYWOOD London Timet "Pleose Mr. Sun" Freddy TNI RANKIN! FREE! Part, • ducer Kolhmar tells Final as "A Mouth is Hie CetiHtry" T—iflit et7:3o TOMMY EDWARDS showbuslness gag how an old Phone Order i Accepted worked profitably during a hox Office Open at 1 PM. Today Wi M WTTy7WTP777WI "Peek-A-Boo" Closed Monday* ijt • Brooklyn street location tor THE CADILLAC! me. 1-6700 a 26th a o stt., N.w It Today’s "The Last Angry Man.’’ ’ NEIGHBORHOOD Comics, for years, have enjoy F¦; OUT 0F LIFEI "The Time" i • yelling the stage: - fcSFIT been from OCEAN (MM MIT WAIHIMBTOM 9RRSM UA - k oo out “Is there doctor ln the CHARCOAL ti J a RROMAR STEAM "9 isFEsk fliTTmOBI far jwito a Cozy Couple house?” Then when a doctor MNCV RRAST MRS Cf MSE Nominated For * i *«y - fctfWg* - l™K II “Hi ya. Doc.” CREANEACTS LUNCHCCNt BIHHES* BWRD Woth. law Shopping Cantor Opp Ft. Myar. JA. 7-1733 Funster M. C. Paul Muni plays a doctor academy : tuliy Wuiu Tknlm MITK-ni TKEATEBI * MIT SEALS ln the movie but his most COMPLETE DINNERS W C important prop was $1.65 TO $3.35 jINBASSASOB ’“‘Si,"- fTBTE Falk Church. Vu. left be- J*. 21*55 UK IWT.UL BLVB. Woshingfon’s Best hind in a hotel. •fames (Maverick) Oarner In "UP * Manhattan PERISCOPE, with Edward (Kookle) "THE PERPNCT FURLOUOH," MIVE-IN THEATER. JE. 3-9300 Risk Headers*! grab. It meant a costly delay. NST VOUR OWN LIVI LOBSTER I AWARDS ! Krynes the Cool of "77 latwaan 7 Cornan and Falrtaa FROM OUR NERTURt TARN Cat Sunset = ljnda D Kip." Assistant Irving at 1:16. 3:16. 6:16. 7:16. i Circta Entrancai law Hwy. o> •ACK IT POPULAR DEMAND Director - IF3O Wilawn Slvd Slvd. (Via OaMawt Saod). 5 WILSONnutjun Art. Moore directed a microphone >¦ woTTSoo ja. 7-14*0 IN-CAR HBATKia R9ER 7 AJL TO IAM. EVERY BAY ‘BESTitcnffiss _ ‘King large SianvnIbii • Academy Award Nominee! of Fools" to the crowd of onlook- 5413 Conn. Ave. N.W. s“< 4 A HOUR OF FUN—7: IS nominated « Academy Awards. “SOME CAME RUNNINO." FRANK MM HAWKIHS ers and yelled: “Is there a “AUNTIEMAME" doctor on the street?" . .1:46. 6:55. 9.00. DEAN MARTIN NOW THRU THURSDAY Kohlmar says a Dr. Robert 11 33300 ; BUCKINGHAM hayward - “SOME CAME Paul Crain answered the call pirns BEVERLYWVMSSS „ N y Academy WEAKLEY’S S f Award Nominee! BTAkLISMIC IEM ¦•Oamp on blood island." 3 40. RUNNING” but was a little disappointed 4P35. 9:30; "TANK FORCE." Vlc- Scope and Calar. 8:15 Sl4 NORTH CAPITOL ST. -t6r Mature. 2:16. 5:10. 8:06. U ROBERT TAYLOR when all that was wanted laMllfCl Cel. FikeS 5. Wait* 9ACNM UNtea STATMR PLAZA H 3 4055 3324 Wi*: ujw nniainilM Dr JA 7.2099 AVA GARDNER was the loan of his little dALVEBTU "KNIGHTS OF THE NO. 7-3000 7Hi S T N.W. r“'“ Ave. N.W. Free Parking ;! "THE PERFECT FURLOUOH." ROUND TABLE" black bag. •Nominated H . <2 TONY CURTIS. JANET LKIOH. B‘copa . £ o LINDA CRISTIL and Color. 10:35 imniDUKfKJLJ “AUNTIEMAME" Open 8:36. Modern Cafeteria Rosalind Russell. 2:60. 6:56. 9:05. 6* CI.FRF f3O North OU>o Rd. CTWIII Mt.t-2841. 425 9th °T him saaeiaa S t. N.W. Near Parkina AIRPORT DUVE-IM ,oo ! BEFORE DARK." Jean mmons, lait3M3§S“ roRLOUOH." (Crs«p«l 3IOME 1:00. 5:00. 9:05: 'TANK < ” ",,"- ¦FORCE." Vietor Mature. 3:30, 7:36. 441 w l ' *An . JANET LEIGH at t' •*JEFFERSONW 9:19. No. 2—"NO TIME TO BE JOHN G. WEBSTER'S *A 4-440 ® dole Rd JE 2 SO4O YOUNO." Robert Vaurhan at 7:30. SPECIAL AT “* - <1 Academy Award Nominee! KENNEDY 326 Kennedy St. N.W. No. 3—“APPOINTMENT WITH A PERFECT FURLOUGH " SHADOW." GEOROE NADER at I ny Curtis. 3:30. 0:35. 9:45; 10:45. Cartoon Located ln Arltne- IRL IN THE BIKINI." Brlaltte ton on U. S, Route X, juat over g.“THErdot. 2:15. 5:20. 8:26. FolHington Shop. Cantor the 14th St. Brldee. ba*"imitCENTRE 11. 7 3200. 630 Penn.. TE 6 1000 Fran Forking CONVENTIONAL ***"" Academy vm Ave. S.f Free Forking Award Nominee! JH. I E. M. lOEW'S SO. 55722 : "Nominated 6 Academy Awards. MT. VEBHON OPEN AIB , “AUNTIE MAME” wKS^ratm Riehaaaad Hwy, saad» Aiwa. •osalind Russell. 1:16 5:16. 9:16; as EMPIRE." Joel McCrea. Open B:3o—Children Frat 440.JCATTLE7:40. WINELAND THEATEBS co 5 4941 savoywl N" _ "ROBE TATTOO" At 6:30 3030 14th _ WINDOW Street N.W. SASH I "ROOTS OF HEAVEN " Errol Flynn. "NICE LITLE BANK THAT *3O. 7:10; "DAMN SKULL" «:30. 9:52 SHOULD BE ROBBED" At 8:40 YANKEES." •TERROR FROM THE 6000" *Eab Hunter. 4:45, 9:25. YEAR ERROL~ FLYNN "AMAZON TRADER" 7:38 I JULIETTE GRECO “ROOTS OF • Nominated tt Academy Awarda. * HILLSIDE DRIVE-IN “AUNTIE MAME" 6200 Morlbar Pike. Md. JO. 1-7244 HEAVEN” Rosalind Russell. 1:00. 4:55 8:50; | At 10:05 "DESERT HELL." Brian Keith. Gala Reopening Friday! .8:3.,. 7:30. , CARY GRANf in plua nOUBEBOAT" Ju 9 5500 Colesville ltd "ENCHANTED ISLAND" SUFa CHIEF DBIYE DI SILVER"* wmm •* Ave., '4 '3