*Chart Based on Responses Received for 2020 1L Summer Placement Data
*Chart based on responses received for 2020 1L summer placement data. Of 708 students in the Class of 2022, 418 (59%) responses were received. Government (Federal/State/Local) California Dept. of Justice, Consumer Law Section (San Diego, CA) Council of the DC, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee (Washington, DC) Criminal Justice Coordinating Council - CJCC (Washington, DC) DC Dept. of Health (Washington, DC) DC Dept. of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) (Washington, DC) DC Public Schools, Office of General Counsel (Washington, DC) Environmental Defense Fund (Boulder, CO) Federal Aviation Administration - FAA, Office of the Chief Counsel, Airports & Environmental Law Branch (Washington, DC) Federal Circuit Bar Association (Washington, DC) Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Washington, DC) Federal Communications Commission (Washington, DC) Federal Communications Commission, Media Bureau (Washington, DC) Federal Communications Commission, Office of Legislative Affairs (Washington, DC) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - FERC (Washington, DC) Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) (Washington, DC) Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York, NY) Federal Reserve Board, Office of the Inspector General (Washington, DC) Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (Washington, DC) Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Bureau of Competition (Washington, DC) Government Accountability Project (Washington, DC) Government of the DC; Dept. of Housing and Community Development (Washington, DC) Governor's Office of General Counsel (Harrisburg, PA) National Labor Relations Board, Office of General Counsel (Washington, DC) National Labor Relations Board, Region 9 (Cincinnati, OH) New York City Law Dept. (New York, NY) NYC Law Dept. (New York, NY) Office of Police Accountability (Seattle, WA) Office of Special Counsel (Washington, DC) Office of the Tenant Advocate (Washington, DC) U.S.
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