Pollination Ecology of Rhynchosia Cana
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OPEN ACCESS The Journaf of Threafened Taxa fs dedfcafed fo buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy by pubffshfng peer-revfewed arfcfes onffne every monfh af a reasonabfy rapfd rafe af www.fhreafenedfaxa.org . Aff arfcfes pubffshed fn JoTT are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonaf Lfcense unfess ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of arfcfes fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Journaf of Threafened Taxa Buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy www.fhreafenedfaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) Arffcfe Pofffnaffon ecofogy of Rhynchosfa cana (Wfffd.) DC. (Fabaceae), an erecf sub-shrub, fn penfnsufar Indfa A.J. Sofomon Raju & K. Venkafa Ramana 26 Ocfober 2017 | Vof. 9| No. 10 | Pp. 10757–10770 10.11609/jof. 3172 .9. 10. 10757–10770 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Poffcfes and Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Abouf_JoTT For Arfcfe Submfssfon Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Submfssfon_Gufdeffnes For Poffcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/JoTT_Poffcy_agafnsf_Scfenffc_Mfsconducf For reprfnfs confacf <[email protected]> Pubffsher/Hosf Parfner Threafened Taxa Journaf of Threafened Taxa | www.fhreafenedfaxa.org | 26 Ocfober 2017 | 9(10): 10757–10770 ARTICLE Pofffnaffon ecofogy of Rhynchosfa cana (Wfffd.) DC. (Fabaceae), an erecf sub-shrub, fn penfnsufar Indfa A.J. Sofomon Raju 1 & K. Venkafa Ramana 2 ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) 1 Deparfmenf of Envfronmenfaf Scfences; 2 Deparfmenf of Bofany, Andhra Unfversffy, Waffafr Juncfon, Vfsakhapafnam, Andhra Pradesh 530003, Indfa OPEN ACCESS 1 [email protected] (correspondfng aufhor); 2 [email protected] Absfracf: Rhynchosfa cana fs a perennfaf erecf sub-shrub. If fowers durfng November-January wffh peak fowerfng fn December. The fowers are hermaphrodffc, necfarfferous, seff-compafbfe and dfspfay expfosfve pofffnafon mechanfsm adapfed for pofffnafon by bees. They do nof fruff fhrough aufonomous seffng, buf rafher fhrough manfpufafed seffng, geffonogamy and xenogamy medfafed prfncfpaffy by bees and occasfonaffy by fycaenfd buferffes. In fhe focafffes of fhfs herb, weeds such as Hypfs suaveofens (Lamfaceae) and Chromofaena odorafa (Asferaceae) show fuxurfanf growfh and fower sfmuffaneousfy, and fhefr fnfense fowerfng and hfgh fower densffy ensures fhaf mosf fower-vfsffng fnsecfs vfsff fhefr fowers. In fhfs sffuafon onfy fwo bee specfes, Nomfa and Anfhfdfum exhfbffed fdefffy fo R. cana fowers. Un-frfpped fowers faff of whffe frfpped ones sef fruff. In open-pofffnafons, fruff sef was 81% and seed sef was 54%. Seed dfspersaf occurs by expfosfve pod dehfscence. Perennfaf roof sfock resurrecfs back fo fffe and resfarfs ffs reproducfve cycfe durfng fhe rafny season. Seeds afso germfnafe af fhe same fme buf fhefr confnued growfh fs subjecf fo fhe avaffabffffy of soff mofsfure confenf. Thfs sfudy suggesfs fhaf R. cana fs unabfe fo compefe wffh fhe co-fowerfng weed specfes for pofffnafors, and afso has regenerafon consfrafnfs due fo nufrfenf-defcfenf rocky habffafs wffh profffc growfh of weeds. Keywords: Enfomophffy, expfosfve pofffnafon mechanfsm, expfosfve seed dfspersaf, hermaphrodffsm, Rhynchosfa cana . DOI : hfp://dof.org/10.11609/jof.3 172 .9. 10 .10757- 10770 Edffor: Cfeofas Cervancfa , Unfversffy of Phfffppfnes Los Baños Coffege, Laguna, Phfffppfnes. Dafe of pubffcafon: 26 Ocfober 2017 (onffne & prfnf) Manuscrfpf defaffs: Ms # 3172 | Recefved 27 November 2016 | Ffnaf recefved 01 Augusf 2017 | Ffnaffy accepfed 18 Sepfember 2017 Cffafon: Raju, A.J.S. & K.V. Ramana (2017). Pofffnafon ecofogy of Rhynchosfa cana (Wfffd.) DC. (Fabaceae), an erecf sub-shrub, fn penfnsufar Indfa . Journaf of Threafened Taxa 9(10): 10757–10770 ; hfp://dof.org/10.11609/jof.3172.9.10. 10757-10770 Copyrfghf: © Raju & Ramana 2017 . Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonaf Lfcense. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of fhfs arfcfe fn any medfum, reproduc - fon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Fundfng: The work reporfed was carrfed ouf from seff-fundfng sources. Compefng fnferesfs: The aufhors decfare no compefng fnferesfs. Aufhor Defaffs: Prof. A.J. Sofomon Raju fs fhe Chafrman, Board of Sfudfes fn fhe Deparfmenf of Envfronmenfaf Scfences and he has pubffshed more fhan 300 research papers fn fnfernafonaf and nafonaf Journafs. He fs presenffy workfng on keysfone and endemfc specfes of Easfern Ghafs wffh fnancfaf supporf from DST and UGC.. Dr. K. Venkafa Ramana fs DST Posf-Docforaf Research Feffow (Young Scfenfsf Scheme) workfng fn Andhra Unfversffy. He has pubffshed more fhan fwenfy papers fn fnfernafonaf and nafonaf journafs. He fs presenffy workfng on keysfone and endemfc specfes of Easfern Ghafs wffh fnancfaf supporf from DST and UGC. Aufhor Confrfbufon: Bofh fhe aufhors confrfbufed fo a sfmffar exfenf overaff. Acknowfedgemenfs: We fhank fhe Andhra Unfversffy, Vfsakhapafnam, for provfdfng physfcaf facffffes. LOGOs 10757 Pollination ecology ofRhynchosia cana Raju & Ramana INTRODUCTION India at 13.68333056 N & 79.31666667 E. This area constitutes the forest cover of Tirumala Hills in the Rhynchosia is a genus of the legume family Fabaceae, Seshachalam Hill Range in Chittoor District, which is subfamily Faboideae, tribe Phaseoleae, and subtribe primarily deciduous forest. The site is characterized by Cajaninae (Lackey 1981; Jayasuriya 2014). It consists a combination of rocky, undulating and steep terrain. In of approximately 200 species and occurs in both the this area Rhynchosia cana grows in small populations eastern and western hemisphere in warm temperate or as scattered individuals in open areas, intermingled and tropical regions (Grear 1978). In the Eastern prominently with two prolific weeds, Hyptis suaveolens Ghats, 12 species of this genus have been reported to and Chromolaena odorata. be occurring almost in one region, Seshachalam Hills of southern Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. They include Flowering and floral biology R. beddomei, R. rufescens, R. suaveolens, R. cana, R. The flowering season was defined via regular field albiflora, R. capitata, R. courtollensis, R. densiflora, R. trips. Anthesis was initially recorded by observing 25 heynei, R. minima, R. rothii, R. rufescens, R. suaveolens marked mature buds in the field. These observations and R. viscosa. These species are either climbers or were repeated five times on different days in order shrubs (Madhavachetty et al. 2008). Of these,R. cana is to determine an accurate anthesis schedule for each distributed only in India and Sri Lanka. species. Similarly, the mature buds were monitored to Franco (1995) provided floral details of a species of record the time of anther dehiscence. The presentation Rhynchosia in Brazil. He reported that it is autogamous, pattern of pollen was also investigated by recording limited by spatial segregation between stigma and how anthers dehisced and confirmed by observing anthers. Levels of out-crossing are maintained by the anthers under a 10x hand lens. Details of flower retention of a pollination mechanism.Hypanthidium sp. morphology such as flower sex, shape, size, colour, and Centris sp. are the primary pollinators, and pollen is odour, sepals, petals, stamens and ovary were described deposited on the ventral part of their abdomen when the based on 25 flowers randomly collected from five plants. flower is probed. Craufurd & Prins (1979) reported that Careful observations were made regarding the position Rhynchosia sublobata is self-compatible and pollinated and spatial relationships of stamens and stigma in by Xylocopa bees. Etcheverry et al. (2011) reported mature buds, at anthesis and during flower lifespan with that Rhynchosia edulis and R. senna var. texana display reference to self and/or cross-pollination. valvular pollination mechanism; the former is facultative xenogamous while the latter is obligately xenogamous. Pollen output There is no other information on flowering phenology, Thirty mature but un-dehisced anthers from five breeding systems, pollen presentation mechanisms, different plants were collected and placed in a petri pollination mechanisms, pollinators and fruiting ecology dish. Single anthers were removed, placed on a clean of any species of Rhynchosia. There is one detailed microscope slide (75x25 mm) and dabbed with a study on the biochemical and nutritional aspects of R. drop of lactophenol-aniline-blue. Anther tissue was cana, R. filipes, R. rufescens and R. suaveolens, which observed under the microscope for pollen; if pollen suggests that their seeds have significant protein content was present the pollen mass was drawn into a band although they are under-utilized legumes (Kalidass & and the total number of grains was counted under a Mohan 2012). Keeping this in view, the present study compound microscope (40x objective, 10x eye piece). of the floral biology, sexual system, breeding systems, This procedure was followed for counting the number pollinators and fruiting ecology ofR. cana was conducted. of pollen grains in each anther collected. Based on This information is useful to take up breeding programs these counts, the mean number of pollen produced per aimed at improving the nutritional quality of legumes anther was determined. The mean pollen output per involving Rhynchosia species and Cajanus cajan. anther was multiplied by the number of anthers in the flower for obtaining the mean number of pollen grains per flower. The characteristics