Neurocranium + Splanchnocranium

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Neurocranium + Splanchnocranium The scull: principles of development and structure. The neurocranium and splanchnocranium bones – overview. Scull of the newborn and its growth. MUDr. Veronika Němcová, CSc. Neurocranium + splanchnocranium E F L P N S T Z Max O M Scull neurocranium F capsula encephalica, capsula ethmoidalis, P capsula optica, capsula otica N O E T (P) V Max splanchnocranium (viscerocranium) S Pal M Scull in the newborn, in 7 years and in adult proportions newborn 7 years neurocranium adult splanchnocranium Desmocranium and chondrocranium • intramenbranous ossification – directly from the mesenchymal connective tissue (most of the splanchnocranium and calvaria) • enchondral ossification -ossification of the cartilaginous model (mainly bones of skull base) PRIMITIVE CHONDROCRANIUM capsula capsula capsula occipital ethmoidea optica otica vertebrae CARTILAGINOUS CHONDROCRANIUM AND DESMOCRANIUM branchial arches I II VI desmocranium chondrocranium Desmocranium and chondrocranium in the newborn os sphenoidale os frontale os parietale squama ossis occipitalis os ethmoidale os occipitale os nasale maxilla os lacrimale os temporale squama os zygomaticum mandibula Meckels malleus cartilage desmocranium os temporale -tympanic part styloid process chondrocranium Desmocranium and chondrocranium E F L P N S T Z Max O M mastoid process styloid process pyramis Development of the scull base Chondrocranium ethmoid bone prechordal cartilages lesser wing ala orbitalis greater wing hypophysial cartilage body sphenoid ala temporalis basilar part of parachordal occipital bone cartilage occipital sclerotoms periotic capsule pyramis of temporale bone occipital sclerotoms chorda dorsalis (notochord) 6 weeks Development of the splanchnocranium – from branchial arches 1. branchial arch incus stapes 2. branchial arch styloid process stylohyoid ligament 3. branchial arch greater horn of the hyoid bone Meckels cartilage 4. branchial arch 6. branchial arch lesser horn of the hyoid bone epiglottis Ossification • Desmocranium Chondrocranium • os occipitale – squama • os occipitale –basis and lateral • os parietale parts • os frontale • os temporale – pyramis and • os temporale –squama mastoid process • os tympanicum • os sphemnoidale (without • os nasale medial lamina of pterygoid process) • os lacrimale • os ethmoidale • vomer • inferior nasal concha • medial lamina of pterygoid process • maleus, incus stapes • os palatinum • styloid process • os zygomaticum • hyoid bone • maxilla • mandibula (Meckel cartilage) Anterior aspect F N S E Z L Max INC V M Openings for trigeminal nerve branches and spaces foramen supraorbitale orbit foramen pirifom aperture infraorbitale anterior nasal spine foramen mentale Norma frontalis points for measurement glabella nasion zygion gnathion Lateral aspect F P N S T L Frankfurt plane Z O Max M Norma lateralis bregma points for measurement glabella nasion opisthocranion zygion gnathion Inferior aspect Teeth Maxilla palatine bone Z infreior nasal concha S vomer T tympanic styloid bone process O P mastoid process Inferior aspect M Z P S V T O choana foramen magnum Norma basalis points for measurement opisthocranion basion Calvaria from outside coronal suture bregma sagittal suture lambda parietal foramen for emissary vein lambdoid suture Norma verticalis euryon points for measurement width glabella lenght opisthocranion euryon Calvaria from inside frontal sinus sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris sulci arteriae meningeae mediae granular foveolae diploe sinus x sinus air filled cavity x vein between dura mater and periosteum or only between dura mater Skull – sagittal section - inner surface groove - sulcus F grooves for P middle meningeal artrery S INC O Max grooves for sinuses M grooves for branches of cranial nerves Skull - midline section - inner surface F P N T E S O V P Os sphenoidale dorsum sellae lesser wing greater wing body (cerebral orbital temporal infratemporal +sphenomaxilar surfaces) pterygoid process posterior aspect Sphenoid bone anterior aspect - schema „the pilot sits“ in the lesser wing hypophyseal fossa greater wing superior orbital fissure foramen rotundum pterygoid process sphenoid rostrum pterygoid canal sphenoid sinus Os sphenoidale - placement right orbit ethmoid, frontal, occipital; parietal, temporal ethmoid, frontal, zygomatic Os sphenoidale and maxilla, palatine bone and vomer pterygomaxillary fissure perpendicular plate of the palatine bone vomer lateral aspect nasal septum lateral wall of the nasal cavity Os sphenoidale – inferior aspect Os palatinum Vomer Os sphenoidale openings and grooves aspect from superoposterior left side optic canal sulcus prechiasmaticus fossa hypophysialis superior orbital fissure sulcus caroticus foramen rotundum foramen spinosum foramen ovale canalis pterygoideus turkish saddle Sella turcica anterior clinoid process (turkish saddle) hypohysial fossa sphenoid sinus dorsum sellae Os temporale- lateral aspect parietal bone temporale bone - squama occipital bone graeter wing of sphenoid zygomatic bone Os temporale inferior aspect - parts squamous part petrosal part (pyramis) zygomatic process tympanic part styloid process mastoid process Os temporale -superior aspect anterior and posterior wall- grooves of sinuses, nerves and squama middle meningeal artery os petrosum – pyramis, inside are: 1) bony labyrinth 2) canalis caroticus 3) canalis nervi facialis 4) canalis musculotubarius 5) canaliculus cochlea 6) aquaeductus vestibuli 7) canaliculus tympanicus (for branch of IX.n) 8) canaliculus chordae tympani (from VII.n) 9) canaliculus mastoideus (for external branch of X.n.) Position of the inner ear in petrosal bone cochlea canales semicirculares (ant., post., lat.) n.vestibulocochlearis Os temporale labyrinthus osseus 1-squama 2-porus acusticus int. n.VII +VIII) 3-sulcus sinus sigmoidei 4-apex pyramidis 5-semicircular canals Os temporale cochlea squama ossis temporalis cochlea impressio n.trigemini antrum mastoideum Os petrosum (pyramis) - posterior wall apertura externa aquaeductus vestibuli fossa subarcuata Fossa cranii posterior meatus acusticus internus (n.VII. a n.VIII.) sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris foramen jugulare (n.IX., X., a XI.) canalis nervi hypoglossi sulcus sinus sigmoidei Os petrosum (pyramis) - posterior wall sulcus meatus acusticus sinus internus petrosi apertura externa aquaeductus vestibuli nerves VII,VIII superioris semicircularendolymphatetic cochlea canals sac sulcus sinus incisura jugularis petrosi inferioris sulcus sinus sigmoidei (jugular notch) nerves IX,X,XI. Fundus meatus acustici interni – nerves VII. and VIII. area n. facialis facial nerve –n.VII. area vestibularis superior crista transversa A P area vestibularis inferior cochlear nerve right pyramis posterior aspect Canalis nervi facialis 1) anterolateraly 2) posterolateraly greater 3) caudaly petrosal nerve internal acoustic meatus facial nerve (VII.n) cochlear nerve vestibular nerve stylomastoid foramen Important openings on the inferior wall of petrosal bone petrotympanic fissure (chorda tympani) carotid canal canaliculus mastoideus internal carotid artery (ramus auricularis n.vagi) fossula petrosa (tympanic nerve) tympanomastoid fissure opening of (ramus auricularis n.vagi) canaliculus cochleae jugular fossa (internal mastoid foramen jugular vein) (emissary vein) stylomastoid foramen (facial nerve – VII.n) Middle ear cavity (cavum tympani) Walls Sup.- tegmental wall – tegmen tympani post. mastoid wall Med.- labyrinthic wall Lat.- membranous wall (inner ear) (drum) ant. - carotic wall Inf.- jugular wall – jugular vein Section - anterobasal wall of petrosal bone Mastoid Epitympanic – medial wall of antrum recess the middle ear cavity Facial canal n. stapedius Mastoid aer cells chorda tympani Tympanic nerve (from IX.n) Tympanic cavity – schematic frontal section Paries labyrinthicus – anterobasal wall of petrosal bone Fossa cranii media Canalis semicircularis Recessus lateralis epitympanicus M I N. facialis Fenestra ovalis - S vestbuli Membrana tympani Promontorium – 1. convolution of cochlea chorda tympani Fenestra rotunda - cochleae Bulbus v. jugularis int. Os ethmoidale cribriform plate crista galli orbital plate posterior aspect bulla ethmoidale air cells ethmoidalis (cellulae ethmoidales) processus uncinatus concha nasalis media perpendicular plate Maxilla frontal process zygomatic process tuber maxillae corpus maxillae (body) alveolar process Maxilla palatine process praemaxilla (os incisivum) Maxilla maxillary sinus Mandible lateral aspect mandibular notch condylar coronoid process process alveolar process mental protuberance ramus mandibulae corpus mandibulae Mandible anterolateral view mandibular foramen pterygoid tuberosity pterygoid fossa masseteric tuberosity mental foramen mandibular foramen sublingual fossa mylohyoid line mylohyoid groove submandibular fossa Mandible of Karel IV. Post traumatic changes A-C Correction of the occlusion Skull of a newborn Lenght 11 cm Circumference 34 cm Fonticulus anterior it closes in 2-3 years Lenght 11 cm Circumference 34 cm fontanellae = fonticuli cranii Fontanella major (it closes in 2. or 3.year) Fontanella minor (it closes in 3.month) Fonticulus minor Tuber parietale Fonticulus major Tuber frontaleTuber Sutura metopica Fonticulus major Symphysis menti Angulus mandibulae Fonticulus sphenoidalis Sutura mendosa Fonticulus angulus mandibulae Anulus tympanicus mastoideus Synchondrosis Fonticulus Synchondrosis sphenooccipitalis intraoccipitalis mastoideus anterior Symphysis menti Synchondrosis intraoccipitalis posterior Craniosynostoses tuber frontale sutura
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