Al160207osa Market Coastal Towns
EEC/07/63/HQ Environment, Economy and Culture Overview/Scrutiny Committee 5 March 2007 Market and Coastal Towns Report of the Director of Environment, Economy and Culture 1. Summary In January 2006, members received a report on the draft Devon Sites and Premises Strategy and as a result expressed concern about the shortage of premises for smaller businesses. It was resolved that a further report be submitted, which covered economic development issues relating to Market Towns, including the availability of sites for relocation of small businesses and the Market and Coastal Town initiative (MCTi). This report concentrates on work undertaken in association with the MCTi pending further analysis of specific matters relevant to business premises. 2. Background In the South West, the MCTi commenced in 2000 and was led by the Regional Development Agency, Countryside Agency and English Heritage, with support from many other bodies. The scheme received greater emphasis following the incidence of Foot and Mouth Disease and a number of towns adversely affected were included in the programme. Since October 2004, delivery of the initiative has been charged to the Market and Coastal Towns Association (MCTA). This is an independent organisation largely funded by the Regional Development Agency, English Heritage and Big Lottery Fund. The initiative is a community based regeneration programme focusing on the preparation, by local people, of a long term Community Strategic Plan covering the social, economic, environmental and cultural features of their town and its hinterland. The MCTA delivers capacity building support to communities, enabling them to prepare the plans and develop their skills and organisational capacity while sharing good practice with others.
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