United Nations Development Programme Country: Belarus 1 PROJECT DOCUMENT
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United Nations Development Programme Country: Belarus 1 PROJECT DOCUMENT Project Title: “Initial Implementation of Accelerated HCFC Phase Out in the CEIT Region” UNDAF Outcome: 3. Environmental sustainability is increased Expected CPD Outcome: 3.2. Sustainable use of the country’s natural resources promoted Expected CPD Output: 3.2.2. Sound management of chemicals (SMC) promoted Executing Entity: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus (MNREP) Implementing Entity: UNDP Brief Description The current FSP is a response to the obligations incurred by Belarus under the phase out schedule for HCFCs of the Montreal Protocol. It is a timely capacity building effort (with investment elements for the servicing sector) designed to improve regulatory measures to help address the accelerated HCFC phase-out in the medium and longer term, and to strengthen the country’s preparedness for the complete phase-out of HCFCs from current use. The institutions in Belarus that were supported by the GEF for the past CFC-phase out efforts have been re-engaged in the proposal as much as possible. In the following document the two primary project components listed in the PIF are described along with their sub-components, namely: Component 1 “Regional information exchange and networking” addresses the barriers associated with incomplete knowledge and awareness and corresponds to the PIF Component 1; Outcomes 1(a-d). Component 2 “National capacity building and technical assistance” supports the adoption of the fully completed HCFC phase-out strategy (with selected legislative options to control HCFC import/use), capacity building and supply of analytical and servicing equipment/tools for the Environmental Inspectorate and Customs Departments and refrigeration technicians, technological conversions for solvents and rigid foams, modernization of HCFC re-use scheme in the country and demonstration of alternative technologies in refrigeration equipment and A/C sectors, pilot small-scale ODS destruction, the current absence of effective regulatory instruments and need to support ongoing institutional development. It is aligned with Outcome 2 (a) - Belarus. Programme Period: 2011-2015 Total allocated resources: US$ 9,095,000 Atlas Award ID: 00070086 Project ID: 00084272 o GEF^ US$ 2,200,000 PIMS #: 4309 Parallel financing: o Government: US$ 1,050,000 Start date: April 2013 o Other: US$ 5,845,000 End date: June 2015 Management Arrangements: NEX (reg DIM) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir G. Tsalko Minister Signature Date UNDP Sanaka Samarasinha UNDP Resident Representative in Belarus Signature Date 1 For UNDP supported GEF funded projects as this includes GEF-specific requirements 2 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms A/C Air Conditioner CEIT Countries with Economies in Transition CFC Chlorofluorocarbons CIS Commonwealth of Independent States EU European Union ExCom Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol GEF Global Environmental Facility GDP Gross Domestic Product GWP Global Warming Potential HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbons HFC Hydrofluorocarbons HFO Hydrofluoroolefins HPMP HCFC Phase Out Management Plan DTIE Division of Trade Industry and Environment (UNEP) kw Kilowatt IA Implementing Agency iPIC Informal Prior Informed Consent MAC Mobile Air Conditioning MLF Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol MP Montreal Protocol MNREP Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus MSP Medium Size Project MT Metric Tonne NOU National Ozone Unit ODP Ozone Depleting Potential ODS Ozone Depleting Substance PU Polyurethane QPS Quarantine Pre-Shipment RAC Refrigeration and Air Conditioning RMP Refrigerant Management Plan TA Technical Assistance TEAP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel TEWI Total Equivalent Warming Impact UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme UNDP United Nations Development Programme 3 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SITUATION ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................................7 1.1 GLOBAL CONTEXT AND SIGNIFICANCE ..............................................................................................................7 1.1.1 ISSUE BACKGROUND AND BASELINE 1.1.2 GLOBAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS 1.1.3 LINKAGES WITH CP, UNDAF AND CCA.........................................................................................................................................8 1.2 KEY BARRIERS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1316 1.3 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1518 1.4 BASELINE ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................................... 21 2 STRATEGY .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 2.1 PROJECT RATIONALE AND POLICY CONFORMITY ....................................................................................... 22 3 PROJECT GOAL, OBJECTIVES, OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS/ACTIVITIES................................. 24 3.1 COMPONENT 1 - REGIONAL ACCELERATED PHASE-OUT CAPACITY BUILDING (GEF FINANCING US$ 295,001 (INCLUSIVE OF REGIONAL PMC – US$ 45,000); NATIONAL CO-FINANCING US$ 450,000) ................ 25 3.1.1 OUTCOME 1A - LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY OPTIONS FOR HCFC PHASE-OUT AND CONTROL (US$ 55,556) 3.1.2 OUTCOME 1B - CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF HCFC CONTROL MEASURES BY CUSTOMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL25 /TECHNICAL INSPECTION AUTHORITIES (US$ US$ 55,556) 3.1.3 OUTCOME 1C - CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE REFRIGERATION SECTOR, INCORPORATION OF ENERGY- EFFICIENCY AND GHG REDUCTION ELEMENTS (US$ 111,111) ...........................................................25 3.1.4 OUTCOME 1D - SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL INSTITUTIONS, CAPACITY, AND COOPERATION (US$ 27,778) .................................................................................................25 3.1.5 OVERVIEW COMPONENT 1 - REGIONAL ACCELERATED PHASE-OUT CAPACITY BUILDING 3.2 COMPONENT 2A - HPMP,................................NATIONAL................................LEVEL CAPACITY................................STRENGTHENING................................ AND HCFC................................PHASE-OUT.....25 INVESTMENT (GEF FINANCE – US$ 1,965,000; NATIONAL CO-FINANCE – US$ 6,115,000) ...........................................................2628 3.2.1 OUTPUT 2A.1: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE APPROVED FORMAL HCFC PHASE-OUT STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 3.2.2 OUTPUT 2A.2: TRAINED WORKING LEVEL CUSTOMS AND ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS, AND REFRIGERATION TECHNICIANS28 (USING RESOURCES (TRAINERS AND TRAINING MATERIALS) FROM COMPONENT 1 WITH RESPECT TO LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS, CUSTOMS CONTROLS, REFRIGERATION SERVICING TECHNIQUES, AND GENERAL BEST PRACTICES) Customs and environmental control officials training and equipment support to enhance Customs control capability...........................................................................................................................................................................................30 Refrigeration technicians training and equipment support to enhance refrigeration-servicing practices 3.2.3 OUTPUT 2A................................3 – TARGETED................................PHASE-OUT INVESTMENT................................ AND................................PILOT PROJECTS............................................................. 30 PU Foam conversion project: The phase-out the use of HCFC-141b at MAZ Kupava 33 Solvents conversion project: Elimination of the use HCFC-141b at Atlant................................ (David-Gorodok.......................34 Electromechanical Plant) as a solvent in assembling/manufacturing processes ................................. 35 Demonstration of natural cooling technologies for milk coolers and refrigerated equipment sectors Upgrade of HCFC re-use system through strengthening R/R/R centers................................ and improving................................ local distribution... 36 of bulk HCFC/HFCs in support of container import regulations ..... 37 Destruction Pilot Project 3.3 COMPONENT 3 - MONITORING, LEARNING, AND ADAPTIVE................................ FEEDBACK,................................OUTREACH AND................................ EVALUATION4339 3.4 PROJECT INDICATORS, RISKS................................ AND ASSUMPTIONS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................4641 3.4.1 INCREMENTAL REASONING AND INCREMENTAL COST ANALYSIS ............................................................................46 5 3.5 PROJECT RESULTS FRAMEWORK...................................................................................................................