Overview of the Ukrainian Oil and Gas and Shale Gas Market Opportunities
1/25 Overview of the Ukrainian Oil & Gas and Shale Gas Market Opportunities by Lyubomyr Goncharuk Adviser to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Canada - Ukraine Oil & Gas Opportunities Workshop, Kyiv, February 25-26, 2013 2/25 CONTENTS 1. Reserves & Resources 2. Production & Consumption 3. Opportunities Canada - Ukraine Oil & Gas Opportunities Workshop, Kyiv, February 25-26, 2013 3/25 1. Reserves & Resources Canada - Ukraine Oil & Gas Opportunities Workshop, Kyiv, February 25-26, 2013 4/25 Canada - Ukraine Four oil and gas provinces are recognized Oil & Gas Opportunities in the country, including 11 oil-gas Workshop, Kyiv basins and 35 prospective areas. February 25-26, 2013 Hydrocarbon deposits are being exploited for oil, gas, and condensate in the following regions: Oil & Gas 1/2 • A – the Eastern Region (Dniprovsko- Donetska Depression and northwestern Crystalline basement slopes portion of Donbas); Voronezhska Volyno- Podilska Dniprovsko-Donetska Depression A Plate • B – the Western Region (Volyno- B Kyiv Anticline Lvivskiy Podilska Plate, Fore-Carpathians, Trough Fore-Carpathian Trough Folded Carpathians Folded Carpathians, and Trans- Donbas Transcarpathians UKRAINIAN SHIELD Carpathians); • C – the Southern Region 200 km Fore-Crimean Depression (Prychornomorya, Crimea, and the Azov Sea Fore- exclusive marine economic zone of the Dobrugean C Scythian Trough Plate Black Sea and Azov Sea offshore). Black Sea Mountain Crimea 5/25 Canada - Ukraine In 2011, production amounted to 2.4 million Oil & Gas Opportunities tons of oil, 0.9 million tons of condensate, Workshop, Kyiv and 20.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas. February 25-26, 2013 The State Inventory includes 187 oil deposits Oil & Gas 2/2 (121 in production), 202 condensate deposits (142 in production), and 380 natural Crystalline basement slopes gas deposits (224 in production).
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