Yankees and Dodgers Lose. Upsets at Forest Hills Managers Must Donovan's Men Feature Facts Holcombe Ward Baffles Voshell Stop Tigers' For the Fans On TurfCourts of West Side Club Explain Sunday HUM Wacnrr« double in the Game to Court ë? GnntJdnàBice tenth inning broke up a pitching Viejpqrtlièhi and ol Charles Garland, Big Toboggan duel between V.trquard Miller. Falls Before Great Playing at throw- of Play "Why," «ski h reader, "i.-n't track and field wort tunning, jumping, Ty Cobo hi« gone hide««, in the Schedule as Loses to and Sum¬ «n «Xerels« fot army development any game last three garni ««a Kay lisher hav¬ Pittsburgh Schoolboy. Craig McGraw Matty to hammer, Forest Hills To-day Sentís Mitchell on f even barring football'.'" ing suppressed him again yesterday. Biddle.Miss Wins Over Miss Browne moned for Playing Ball Jennings lr, rather, they are. Harper, a pinch hitter for Detroit, Bjurstedt 1:30 p. m.. Harold A. Throckmor« Y w so far as to I-rightrn Track and field work combine for a? fin« physical development, broke up the game again«t the Yan- Ion vs. Watson M. Waahbum. at 69th Benefit Mound holds. 3 to 2 . concerned, as anything the programme kce« with a little Texas leaguer that By FRED HAWTHORNE Court 1. Score, make BM of this training. scored Is» runner«. m.Robert I.indley Mur¬ Yorkers; th« army will undoubtedly V v.-r '.¦. fora in the thirty-!"«von years of ita history has the opening 2:30 p. Ihe Athletics tied the score T. Tilden. 2d. the lawn tennis singles tournament been so filled with ray vs. William and New Records Cleveland »ith three runs «'ay 0Í national By W. J. Macbeth Old against was I ourt 3. l to note how n ai .) the dethronement of champions and former champions m >s. Along the line of track and field work it is interesting in the ninth, but Chapman, the slug¬ ipaal 4 p. m..Holcombe Ward Na« m» were issued yesterday in¬ mad oti the turf «totirtl of ÜM West Side Tennis (lul>, at have changed in the last decade or so. ging hero of (he day. «on it in the the cii«e ye«t« i=!;iy. thaniel W. Nile*.Court 2. viting John J. McGraw, manager of tha the advancement in The is held in connection with vs. A. "Oui ne'' publishes a chart which shows Indians' half. Forest Hilia, «Long [aland tourney being 2 p. m..John R. Strachan Giants, and t'hmty Mathewson, man¬ litre it based i.nn. I some varieties.and lack of advancement in other«-. is, I al.tr held the Ked Sox to a the Re«i Croas ambulantre fund. W. Macpherson.(ourt 2. ager of the Cincinnati Reds, to appear the standard« of ItSI and the standards of to-day: four-bit shut-out, while the White to the of some two thousand per«on.« who sat m..Clarence J. (.riffin vs. at the :¿a hat any Mo **, gallery | p. morning Washington standard. N. m -tandard. Boi hammered Foster out was the of Holcomhe national 10. H ig Don Old George or rtood about the courts victory Ward, R. M. Beck.Court »aflata police court to prove that tf« by '.. of the box in the first game of a of 1904, over S. Howard Voshell. national 1 m..Dean Mathey vs. Cralg Sunday's game between their respec¬ Mitchell. I11" yard run..._04-lssc rinples and doubtefl champion p. It;-lb. shot.17 61ft. ft. doublt -header. ll.i-ton won the indoor title holder and winner of the recent Southampton tournament. Biddle.(ourt 7. tive ball clubs was not a violation et IN in. 5 ft. 7 5-11 in. second. S. Garland vs. the Sunday law. a Hunninp«; high jump.»¡ft. Ward wop a« l.t], r>_3, and there was no taint of fluke ahout the 4 p- m..Charles The game followed sec. Noct. Phil .f fhe r,._4) 5. ein able to ¦'I walk.I min. t 2-". Douglas, Cubs, proved . Douglas Walters.Court concert and was announced as a benefit held in. a matter. Williams, II he Throwing ]f.-\h. hammer.141 ft % in. 181 ft(M stumbling block to the pennant 4 p. m..Richard Norris to the doptjr.dentt of the "Fighting «". Always no*. 1 as k master court | 8. l| ft.-J',. in. aspirations of the Phillies by takir.jj v«. Leonard Beckman.Court 6'Jtii," winch attended in a vnuit.11 out of active competí 2d, body. sec. 1 I :',-,", src. the opening game of the series. eral. Ward, the Penu- ¦ ni trains ¡eating Protests against the Sunday game high hurdles.1.".:;-.', for lonii ten or twelve years, bal Special Hills ¦ 1. he ! Throwing OC-lb «eight.B5 ft. 10 in. 10 ft. i «in. of tad Tennis «vh:«n«a Station for Fori«t had been made to Inspector Ryan. De¬ « The i in. --:06. 3. broad ft. «Hin. 1.1 ft. T'i t the indoor champ Summary to-day: 12:30, Uli* It« tective Mctiivern, assigned to watch | jump.21 atr Re- nun. 17 1-', s. 4 min. 12 I ering .1:45. 1:07 and 4:26 p. m. UM game, that it was a reg¬ mile run.4 !: 3:20, reported an Ward brought to hear th«- NATIONAL RI I« « ::. 3:15. 3:48, 4:22. contest. five seconds have been cut from the mile run, which may be quite White Sox Blank block n I han«;«' turning-2:47. ularly scheduled championship in j trolleys, a Hartas o* ¦ 6:30 and 7 punch er Bal one-tifth »f I !. and s ith 4:55, 3:01, 3:47, 5:58, The summonses wore issued on hit ap¬ the; advantage in a long charge only pac. Butiful placing I j PlTBUB % tataa B» n i » at/a ee. ted '1 here was all the i- «ras He asked for oat also for .:n:i two \ar.ls has been cut kWRJ from th« 100'jrard daah. Red ¡*«>»t«ii U«-ralr| . p. nu plication. Beaten r Sox; t a mar-., would come al' ili-ft«!««! hr Uli.lam I:.. t..n harlie Herzog, captain of the lîianta. puni ... flii an expressed belief that some day lion sprinter 01 gently William T Tl .su. and but was ri used. at 0 seconds. This doesn't seem possible now. If but shell and caused I al champion; Dean Mathey to set the mark wavering « ". 6- 1. I'-a:: Jlathrj« »,>n from .. doubles Col-, i lie «Ansaat case ia an aftermath, what chance remains to In Second Game control of his own rip-tearing st A. Walker. Lieutenant t'.akrr a second has been cut away in twenty-five years, '"." «0 «aaTtadt; ('.«nrtn A W«**M« Jr., George at the evidently, of a kindred action alerted Oaf to "I" rame. onel Paul A. Wolf, commander a a And the one.flfthl are harder prune Harr« M.-.-. Fruterl«»; II Alfian. hand against the owners of Lobets Field tly «rut away three-fifths of second? A.other thin«.', Ward rar«>ly if fl I. fl.0| barracks, was also on As the record-, stand to-day, r r r concert and between the Brooklyn tl time to time, but no big change »CHICAGO. Aug. 20 Chicago ut d o-.«. fltfi to Ml recent charges game a from the hall hi sit, and thus, ...... dition waraBnig there may be slight improvement Hoston divided a '«osjpt I H st,: ;,,:l a ;iimlri ;. -_,. on tho courts and Philadelphia National League what some fars«»eing 'porting writer penned doublt his sheti low, robbed hi.-- opponent go through their paces I wild looked for. Yet this is very likely in th< the series, which trill I k*ti h "NaaaB b*b «.*«. h r. .»<,.. acted as linesman, and clubs. The Brooklyn court» regarded one of th«« -eatures of .-. Colon«! Wolf record was fi feet \% riches antl the hammer ¦ on the man !¦¦ «Iffau:- t, \\ M,.-;,|,,-,,, «,,.. «j, ra with the regu¬ the offence so seriously that Uñarles back in lift, when the high jump bar« big bearing pennant uttack. Voshell is a man who li CalUd out his decisions ti ce, ci l< o T II. H«tTi« |.y MaaaU; <; «> Wa'aeei H« F.ubets. president of the Dodgers, naett Duel throw at 141 feet. «go hut ata, to eotae m after « rvle« and saru lar military snap and precision. stopped to m ' Mi-« l'-rk. 6 -3 «.« W»ttrr» » H. Oirlatid d««f<«atruj by da- that Captain \v¡. previously. This afternoon the vetei any itartliBg rtislt«, they proved to He Lewi¦ of a and a v»u t*tm I ! \Tji-i.. S.I, is in fine physi¬ MlVicaa the War Department. n the Bavarian» are rirtorioit*. will be tested in hi« match with > f»-r.', «atotarrl Williams remarkably interests whisk in¬ - aacrtfissd basineaa .- ,:- '. ¦¦: M -'. C W. Mar cal turn as the result of the thre.t tkt Pi an Guard. an volved millions of dollars because he mm otic rull.s upon Gsndil cut otr ¦, -2 «.3; Lu.llo-» Vfuid«««titrr won fnra strenuous months ut Plattsburg, I Karl Hehr BflfltflB believed his in en¬ rally. Mj l< i. .t-fiil: du 4 -n-.ro-a;. with a bit of practice, his game great ixpenence . that, SVOT Written', hehind the ser:«at rlefeatel llam ¡. HO, 4. I into the per¬ gineering work as well as his expe¬ the of Um» WUT l» .' may easily bo If history »mi Um"» S. OWral*. whipped m the War scribe or bard, row dt. i cnicaoo ta r. i \ < C Hail» from fect thing it «rat wh-n he won na¬ rience .Spanish-American its deed* are ever sung by lb r 1 at- r h » a e the «.: Karl 11. the ',',-. M V«. ... fthe was be of value to hi« country it If thank the Teuton?. downfall Behr, gr I B M CU«*« tional title last year. II.s servico might two which jrc'll .¦ ..: .-', liarles S. (¡arla as its hour of need. He proved lotn the There are just thing» for b| «« fa j ' '.» .- C vi'iy severe, the second ball quite 4 a in the s TM man and the the Prvi'^ian (ituird. ' of I'ittsburgh, schoolboy, firs', und hü uncanny- sportsman. The Cro» n Prince and I ..¦'.¦!. i.. :i U ..limai« by de- much so as the ClIUMW ' .nd humbled Behr .Trigl should any ono try te «inter¬ ey ad« 1 .1 0 I : Van D«»- skill at cutting the lines with his "Why GEORGE TREVOR. la-uta. If. 1 n n 4 0 1 t t . » a; ti >'> 4, '»ult. Latviriard B«#kman il«tf«at>rl Phl'lp fere with for MUiaalll. 4 It strairht lets, .', «having p *>VI 2d. shots recalled the days when thll Sunday gimes played a t. ¦ i o t ; : o 4 «-4. It! hard NaVfta :".am. »aid the urt« of Lylfl was at with the world such a commendable purpose?" 4 o ¦: -no Walt'r «i t » I I- 0*1 M country peace in locating America. 4 110 10 a s« ..¦«¦ flf >'¦ 1, 7 ,"i. I» Paît, the captain at the first sign of opposition. te be considerable t f a ûleeeeetet II. I. .Urn««. I «I. « -i. «--1. Williams was its master.on Columbu a Crucial bj boI >. leventeOn yours o f'r-rt.ri d»f«««i»d and, "Hattles are fount on Sunday». some one to discover ;. Garli ad, Wi«tiai!. «.2, COUTtS. it would even more genius f<«r the sound« reaj M «rtei Sala-oleil Soldiers are killed in the service of Hut. require .he achieved his victories hy «.2. Math-« Lieutenant Griffin alio seemed to of the (iiants- not, however, including ft a IT.Ir:. tstUkat P«'«l. S~4i their on War creates Series in the remaining affairs illy player » in effectiveness by rea¬ country Sundays. .'' "' :-u atol Wa.krr. ...t. * 1 *NaMs .t«'-»v have lost little on De¬ the back-COUH school, yet, against son duties and widows and orphans Sunday*. r Carnival. m ' I I "l:r»««t-aji tottUOi Blt-wu, of his military galloped i.' a net as Mehr, the your laV, of soldiers and jailors mull it un liery player dfffa'.isl V4 »gr.tr, 6.1. through his two matches against Lud- pendents ster wi i and I Ma.»r,li.T«wi in the second round eat on Sundays as well as on Mondays Doc Is Thwarted .Ii in». persoaifled, .- I W»r«T« .W««'.«t Kaal.lo, «-3, 6.4: Oar- low Van Deventcr In Which the Old Mia- soon had the flashing international and the other of the week. Money his shutui«. t It'hr. (i- 2. «V.4. a score of 6 |, | 2. Mathey and da>i H«r .1er, the tminent Chipoewn, pitched -«1 for Il.rr on th«> defensive in the back of t .at«M by is the real llatw of war, and no! The UhOli Doc liait W»p1 def»aj»»i l'arktr. « 2, 6-2; Washburn, two other members of the at was a tough day for Old I ¦ -, «i o n » o--« court. flf courue, was far fr« l/>w«r Fed¬ can be liad tu relieve the suf¬ Wins 0 for the Phillies, « th M RBJI Bven second, I S . Behr, d«f(-at«d Chan.' H««-k d« "first ten,'' and both now in the enough II « «i_ 1 Í.Í «.¦{ bia real strength yesterday, und Mie« success¬ fering wa» entails. I do not believe s renown« T»,- I>a»e hit y,.,. the !ea-.h taatat VaU, « i. e .;-:-.. .i-r-«'-i :.,::..»» eral service, came through Time, the with ¡he .. never teemed sala ti put red-blooded American dare raise th« career in 1102, fifteen year« ago, .: -, 0 «. ;,!.¦ and Va« n«T«nt«r. 6.1. S.«Il Throkmorti «!»f«-»t«l fully against weaker opponents. ited his major league I volleying smashing, Mr-ci»».. voico of protest." it-ague reservation in 1001, with.the V« flat '1,1. t.l hi« to gain t B««». *.ki WSaeeeiB ¦v.-'-a'«"! Beata Westfall r operating 01 the big Huts «»n majority of attempt« Murray n the Cubs. Hend l.tgan halla Off ! 1 «bar, Hit« with disaster. Eith 6-0. « 2. Bfa-aarata «Wi-atcl W right. 6.7, The management of the New York | at,,I eamr.1 runs -Off foil n.r.i I net position met Robert Lindley Murray, the former - «aatteatataM Frrr.ca. 6 -3, 6.1. dis¬ Athletics. was news to bib i r.'a Garland succeeded in scoring on ke 12.10. ..2. WELtaSSB, a in the Aral and Cincinna'i clubs do not appear of their circuit, and it cheering I !.. Californian, got default -eta» «jhO 1ère veterans I oater Rl '«¦-.- iii'i-. ii down th« side line» as Be in the second defeated turbed over th« proposed legal action. with winning stuff. There Flhaxr, -, lv roster. I; by Ksiltr, M round, and .'-«?,, find the Chief still on hand l«!t«-' came tearinc in, or the former Das at <5.2. 6 2. He They maintain thut not one cent of that thoie »ho hi none who bad more Miss Herbert L. Westfal!, or three pitchers, but star matter» up himsn by a long driving rally, a of steam admission was charged after the sacred . ore or two greater ('up bungled guished «vas tinder full head un. ive been ever hurtled ¦acoKD 'ami; into the net or f her backhand against going and concert had concluded. . one of th» best falls that by crashing the ball Itedt pitting there Í3 no other way to describe the patriot.c lir.ft | forgottlOR have be. n BOOtOR IB I, i'[.-.«,,.,, r. lias. .tie I'alifornian's forehand, and Those who waited until after the con¬ « nickname it should at' r h i . baei ef the base tremendo.is energy with which Murray IT A he had ever held an Indian . i, . a «¦ for t! won when Miss Browne i« If Wil.h, n ' n a n Behr had only praise the hackhand cert entered the park free of charge. plate. IsOseA 4 | But "I: the net and ran charge! for the net', and literally rast-Onc. He had it, never fear. Itam. «ib I . 1 0 \l «a| 4 youth who had vanquished him. drove the ball into Westfal! off the court with The gates were closed to keep out a the the a forward to shake hands with her great bombarded will hoodlum element. partli r. :, : t. «1 1 «13 0 ... a fine thing, way youngster» smashes. Murray « it's f «pectacular should of IredHie programme H lightweight 4 " ft 4 " coming through to-day; good rival. meet William T. Tilden, 2d, of Phila¬ Just why the major ieaguea > no part of an admirer Welsh,'« If... 4 I t 1 I .061" I can you all t; On the clubhouse veranda and scat-, out as butt of reform is the fart that as a physical »rait, M -. the parm«. Yes. give this afternoon, and this match be singled the ma- anting I . 1 I I 0 of the match," sa;d tl tered about the stands there were many delphia, In half a champion, in best of them nil. kmsm, 0 401 ..:« ¦..:. 1 « 11 horrible details should result in a battle of service, difficult of unilerstanding. he should be one of the "2 ft most brillia men m including Lieutenants t of 0 health farm Ml I'Murpbs I « « I man rated as among the hhahi, are master» of terrific power dozen different enclosed fields in th" «.- ... r for both than a normal share of brains, tf« i' 000 «.oooo and then he it ird Norris »VilliamB, 2d, national ball is the game and he has more I 1 « t « « t of the world'» players, nation- end .»peed in this department. greater citv semi-professional doubt. siste«! that it was not his own weakne champio;.; Clarence J. liriffln, every fair Sunday. Admission this role any hazy -¦-4.1- played make Rood in beyond 1 10 much as Garland's great playir. Is charged to these games, too, by the that had hiought about the rasuli Oa subterfuge of making the seoreeerd lie In ilfhth 'at Brill ni""t I'outrla« Waiters, t! take the place of the customary paste¬ te«0« Southern star, this afternoon. Clubs Protected board. «'its »a I ...... 1.I Defeats Aleiander International League Wins Game ( raig liiddle It hai been for the last Hans nek B. Alexander, long famoi suspicloned Wagner i. « 1 >::, month or so that Bill Donovan has a ««s Drafts TO-DAY n: If U.S. GAMES I; .1 Mai- an internationalist and fornvir as t lot of expert soldiers on his ball club. a' 1 rat« l' : tional doubles champion, went down Newark «at Toronto. at Just how good these are Ifl a military in Tenth ... ol raig Blddl Raltiniore Buffalo. li-.t.lnr«. IÎ off «Ttrotli In. 1 Btp defeat ser.«e will be established to-morrow st From :' second roun Ball at Rochester. Dodgers 11 in the Players Richmond I. of Philadelphia, Detroit. a score of 0 1, - ''. i 0. Biddl Providence at Mon«treal. by met a The litt official military drill by i« a veteran himself, having YESTERDAY'S RESCLTS American clubs for the MM and Miller the players of the world, h il enroll¬ 0 (5 ins, rain) »LssfB« Indians Win in Ninth, great wa CINCINNATI, Aug. 20.--The Toronto. I; Newark, in offered by Ban Johnson, Both Marquard A Blow! hero und abroad, and ye»terday he («et prize gold Timely vein, hi ing of hall players in the United Statea 2d game postponed grounds) «sill take place between the Yankee« Extra Base Drives Aid Ball After Athletics Tie in s lare volleying placing Rochester, 5; Richmond, 2. and Tigers at N'avin Field. The Wat- Pitch Sensational shots bo skilfully that Alexander wa army and navy will have little or no Baltimore, 5. iTiTsiirn«.!' -. !. BUOOKLTU [W I« t -«V-Cleveland o Buffalo, 6; Department has assigned an umpire to to Win Contest r [JEVELrVND, Aug. to do a great amount Cubs Nine «or! a < al« r li o » id th" leriei with Philadelphia compelled effect financially on those clubs desir¬ Pro.idence, 5; Montreal, 4. review the troops of «he rival club». for Innings '.«tan, n no» 10 I Ola 4 Of running, the wa» team to « .'«en Ib I o l u 2 o to 4. Morton trsi <.'" too ing to purchase or obtain by draft STANDING OF TEAMS Donovan'» club the first ct inn loo The lat'er showed only plain! ll>«r». until the when .- classi'ica- W. I.. Pet W. L. pet. adop: military training. - ninth, of lower - 0 «> H Philadelphia anuflualls in . .1 0 0 players league« I., '. 0 . the Toronto 72 I«? ,IM Roch'ter 55 6» .162 ree hm'd 46 71 .393 s» J. Wagnei i < a . 4 11 pitcher, oil his game. fans," said (i -.rry Il'rrmann a few days a tofl at ami 4 i« o it : 0J.U id:« Roth lid Smith mere pass, d another thrill, In thi fect that the statu» of all players Bal'me./ 6«> 50 .576 Montr'l. 45 76 .372 appended, exploded gloom M -a- I .« »00 The crowd got ago. t |«I purposely. Harris popped out. b'lt .ion among the faithful of I'Kruiti'r 1 «. 0 0 0» afteraoon, when Mi-- Helle Bj obtained by recall under optional Six do even liefer than «abaft, In hi* Dg ran ofl defeste« Hi,: may I n. t. of tournament play chased him. [fl r-»»e the drafte«! player Game ^ toe hold ..',.. . . » . 11 be¬ " all «ummer. enters the or naval service BOSTON', 20- St. Louis took H . military OIT Ml "I «r-, !«. 4 I pin,, she ha» 20. In the Aug. "ited for Rube Mai | Ofl M«"i'iar 1. " For the first time «ince op. tween the time he i» drafted and the, TORONTO, Ont.. Aug. tha Irst gam« of it» la»t »«ri«» her« had fl r «J «. 1 «1 n n noted rival on turf court» the of first to- in the one. Now. the Rube played I,. p. -«ol her time he is ordered to report, club seventh inning the game of to-day, ? to 6. A double steal i .: It, I ¡l.jar-» this season, the. national in th« Fast which would have obtained hi» service» dv.-'s double-header, with the score 3 lait of the ninth, ( ruis« scoring, gave 14 th« ball ... I IT 111 champion wa« "«trnking" has the privilege of cancelling it« draft. th« vi«.tor» th» winning run, after her usual and spee.1. an«! to :¡, a tornado, accompsnied by a ter. wit'i .1 inbit power Thfl clause relating to purchased« Cruise »tid Paulctte had »ingled »truck a to to third. Had he v. of attac'< came in¬ tifie of rain, broke up the ly tunity p-oceed 1 it1 the«« '.veapons player« say»; downpour It, Boston used seventeen men. have «cored an it 1 . « ..nan on nr 11 I done »o, he mi«?ht creased eonfidflttce. hs con*equence. 'A major or minor league club which game. The score reverted to the pte- Vcher Tr»gres«er, of Boston, lift and still Mack drift to (arey. Mar- , I I I M I I I H foun«! it far more diffi¬ V i a puny grounder, Wheat's . 1 Miss Browne purchases a player »ill have no right vious Toronto winner for »Lafayette, Ind., to-night, to i «luard end th« anee I >. flying out I I « « . « 1.I cult If her dairling place¬ inning;, making amined for the Hub official« . return of the amount «rrriy. .'¦ Three tie hit to the to the actually, over Newark by | to 0. over hi« fl agn« BOT. it« ment «ho's, and, likewise, gain it for hi» release if the player said he would base his exemption claim or a 'cro»s- paid by Both pitcher» Were in trouble in th»» ael position for a "kill" it, even if he is subsequently Several hundred terrified mectators on >.ho dependency of his widowed two out. . plays ke- join» lixth, (arty singled with Latfl t, .«-<¦ rourt volley. Misfl Bjurstedt drafte«! into the milita v or naval »er ru.-hed to second base to escape the mother and I y. and whin li«« second. Then he stole rMii«i«.!r'is. « i"i«iciit"i 12. ri',t I rival °n the run fa 'he The »core: pilfered * continually vice, but in that event all deferred pay¬ debris, accompanied some of '«'. agne; on that Boeckel. court in the first and third fljtng by ' to first third the ball pa»se«l J M rl".,. hark of the ment» »hall b* «tayed until the player HT. Lilt IB til. tal I la ... runner» were theraaelvei , 1 I it was sh» who afemínete 1 the players of noth team«. The tall «.> r h « a » i-l, n a . A.« the setting Off .Vi-rr«l. »et», and to the club . Timely Hitting Gives went after 4 rum the again report» purchaung .> ft 1 It] Mvai r«::« ta t s a double steal Ward " the net when steel was bent -, for , aoflitiea openings a reasonable flagmast double by the ISO « i ' ha» had opportunity «ok just s the arst pitch an«l fli« ac- |n Brooklyn'« half, Daubert In the second set the girl from the try < » I 1 l 0 4 Ball . I it desire« to retain him. If retained of the roof of the was car« M i j «t » 4 ; i x n t . it kl out. flied and Mi«» í*rsnd&¿snd " ln Singled with only one Myers ! 10. North grew a little erratic, ferreil payments must be met; would i.a\«- . o <"are\, who mude a bad throw to Browne was to attack. Working rifd a long distance. . ,' i i ft ..»burgh quick if he ¡s not retained he shall revert to ». I held thud and Fitlei which gave Daubert »econii. Reinstated her to the harrier, «he thrilled the »core dad Wagner Two Athletes way the club." Tha huge sutomatic board, re¬ ¿ . ai the «ter- .¦I walked. But Miller made a her low »elling tvith aeae of the Phvsical spectators by superb volleying The National Ba»eball Commission1 cently d««tro«/«4 by a similar storm ,: that gra »»ion. sensational «top and threw out John¬ Walter Powe, Alpha nr.d her »trong play overhead. But and M»i'l««wv p o 4 » o 1 V".f p issue-el its annual lists of option« exer- again neanng completion, waa one« I a«, p.. 1 0 0 0 3 «J ti lead ad an anusual BUmbei I ston. Club, and Saii'ly Kvani, the aSlem- »oon regained com¬ more Misi Bjur«tedt .v major league club« upon play- totally wrecked- '.» bre«k in and « when th« »parse hitting got a very tough t runner, were mand of the situation swept The score: -, ... 1 0 3 t » 1 r Brooklyn Crescent Athlefio lub ta minor league club«. The list«, which Cut-lav started to virtorv in the Is» .... I « 0 4 I <) u th, reinstated by lift registration commit- through impressively three local club» follow: rOgOKTO KfWaiBa. (I i. 1 4 D 4 t » who took were I LJL1t IB, opened «rith a two-ba»e hit. Cutahaw th« Atsoc.iation last «et. Her placement shots From '« ipon "11 r h Mia« 1 » 4 » t wa« Metropolitan I. t ! By New York American: TmeMali. ¡hill 11 0 I tiller jr, | tt sea»- the third on O*stourks's sacrirtc", but veste: «lav. Both wer" suspended tarorking to perfection, and she Me- tec« gai corner when bo«/t court driv¬ Briilfepor«. Ferruson: Newark, T « . Si : .. M J| Tj'al« j: « 1! :t lit wa» caugl.i doubled off the near nirty dsjr« last week for com- the bed -r of the many deep Richmond, Bank»ton, Ln- 11 In ter¬ Qraw, amp: ' « ' gled. ...1 hau'.e«! in Mack Wheat'» du- !s. The last point w»i dlstin« libin. at |t .Ii.'-«-' .r Ktmt t- .' rife at ide of the district. ing ':>«. Hamilton. »ehu.'t tf ||., i 1 0 01 » roll !':er a i . » I * I flied Myer« Clubs kane. Fitisimmons; B»ltimore, Apple-, *d Broeklya's third fliei. "lied in the ninth, but Standing of Major League T-niii. fourn .. "m7i tot laaj tH* -flmiaalia. Kelly. Krawh«/. J t\ b it Mack Wheat ( Then Ward hit ton, Snyder. . « » * . «J 0 Î >r an» «u tSaaa* « with a «lean »mgl«'. wa» forced by arey. I " New York Nstional: From Roch- .».wirk ,., llajri, fr.... !'« ileeie Itniel 4 ? I I « « on of a hit and inn a double In the lOflflad By U 0 « 0 t. Uaarot. lb» ha,.. « lint ¦.*, »tiolled, i.fter t'utühaw flie«l to Carey. New Y «>rk at Detroit. fMeton; Montreal, Hoyt. I.aiol. rni but oit arrofi \t«ar«a. T~To«-c,ruo *ff tvltta two Marquard ¦ \,.|.i I at Ilan.ai 1 MtU ir«l eaxnaal p; .. -Off ¦¦------at ¦ « I »'UM.4 til!--Kein, un n ».»,., Cincinnati ,,,,..,»iiKinn .ai (i ninirago. Tnnaiio F i but Olson whiffed n th« pinch. O'akaarka pepped t«> Pitler. *..¦ »WTJA mal;**- tstitortt uil l'iiiniriti. TÍMá M.al'X«. 1,.,;.: |(|f. off Pittsburghnrh at Brooklyn ». St. I.ouis. II .raiman. S «Mt-i J rune In i.r,« «,n off ' cur: - tenth. *. W.ihlngton _T«ît .Irtis ar»y Stabled, »t.arting Pittsburgh'« Th««n th« Wagner ( rar" at I'aa-kipl. I tit ft rum It. r*'« 'MM Inri i « it was on Filler's bunt hlrago Philadelphia PhiladelphiaI'hilaHelnln.. at Cleveland. Pitches fear) I i kneed, doubled and »cored SI. I.ouia al Hunt on. Al Mamaux, I'oak. 1 h.;t. ¦: run In ni a«.i i»«e-«.Mr«l l..nl'.»; ' nff VeM S lut, 1 run Ii, feu- .a N . » it .% i Marquard had be.ai ¦»run O'Rrurke threw wildly piiit Dafl YK.-TKHMAY S HKSl IIS Ir.nli en* Har-.«» the h« had. »he Game for Amateur Club International League a a r.i'.s in fraur It t,.(. ,.«. a\ 1«, ; j«. upon to »how «il Ha b»:'. I*¡11er. who got seeoml an Detroit, .1; New York, 1 run one eall«d j il.SlKKDAY'S WHIM A' R'-. ra'fr SHI: 1 In 1'i.ir.« »ira,* nul liy l|,.raniat, 1 «, th«« Firat he th« 0. -' r. eseaslen. «iror, Bra doubled BsT midway 1: BrookUn, 0 (in In.) Chlrago, 7; nosfon, PITTSBUtOII, Aug. li». By pitching' ¦s .-' if M MM Bi- .a A | m j Pittsburgh. M M« M Karn« ****** aad then th« whan Schmidt lined to Daaboii Boston. 1 (Sin.dark» an team har« Al lUstimot.-l I » S ,j s ,, j pleitea »««Mian l'a.«,! ball «Tard, repeated |j Philadelphia, i. |; Chicago. for amatan; to-day, 1 «l'ire» rr a. .«, lin,..,a#i,| . I t the man who lifted fa«l«l as Chicago, l-"l man a.:,l »uilli|r|. «ùirifhi ai I hi« Tt^ ¦as . si «sett nut . «ted tt»elf i. -.-. STANDING Of ( I.I BS ., ENDING gyg nl H> m at cur,*, threw him»elf out of organ 'i ^ItlSDAl!!]!, Eastern League Results u again Miller wa» ad« Southern Association baseball, according to baseball men 3'lffa. liim««r. «i I I 0 t t t | IV.j l| t l i' HT.la.PtW.I.IV W.l.. Pc.W.I..IV. ilfld iiai'.rir, atremS, ismm ai>«i tmiUn.. r«niMm W 'reasilaw '.'. lUrtfvM 0 4ig»it,»t h alack Johnston, wa« m 4 N»a 1 . M St IS .51» TS4l.lllN.Yarh, 5156.IM here. Mamauv tinder »u»p«n»ion a 1 I \jtnret\ra, liai««,. «a!» OB Ward'» fumble - N.\ork 7t tsiHihiiago. ChlcBfa. Nasa ». 4 SS aVIrmi \\ n ,r. t 60 4h«J for an infraction of club rulas. Rein¬ 1» Mneiesal |t r- l.aiili«,, apnnartaau. il|4) rut, Htm ilrlra... «. l^lll» R.»l . Phila SI 47 ...32 Br'klyn. 3.1 SI, 147 lloaton. t.'.i I". .ml. aah R «prlninaail. V «t.» Iwin,l«ai. J 1^«. 1 in kw for the .t aj statement the .Na'mnal Baieball I'm.i ,.ni-» t i i i n i s n n m\ played .326 Boston. < le-, rl'd. 64 56 .533 St.l.oult 43 72 .365 by ,\ i« . ¦« it. but wa» St I ouli 60 51 41 It .4M to Uontpail n ; n 4 « [ I Cemmissloa is declared be hi» onlyi al. «lid I Amerir n Association Un'natl HIT .321 Pllfsb'rh. 3676.321 Detroit. 60 36 .517 Phil« .. 12 46,382 Battct.c»-Keulúa 11 1 lta>«r, Duffy IM Mi 1 l.UNT«». Today with