WORLD The mission of impossible2Possible (i2P) is to use the platform of adventure and technology EXPEDITION 2013 SERIES to educate, inspire, and empower the global community to reach beyond their perceived limits and make positive change in the world. In fact, i2P’s Founder, Ray Zahab, is himself a volunteer who donates his endorsements and time The vision of i2P is to cultivate a generation of to i2P. We hope that you will be interested in leaders who, through direct experience, education becoming one of i2P’s valued Partners, and will and the use of groundbreaking technology, are make an unforgettable impact on the lives of youth prepared to pioneer social and environmental all over the world! action throughout the world. Bob Cox, Ray Zahab Executive Director Founder We would not be what we are today without the tireless dedication of our many volunteers and Expedition Partners who help us in areas ranging from logistics, to education development, to outreach and marketing. PERU 1 2013 Expedition Information Teachers can easily register their schools (in less than 5 minutes), and download our brochure that outlines the features of PERU EXPEDITION our Programs.


Each Expedition includes a comprehensive, unique E.L.P that contains videos, blogs, photos, experiments, and a dedicated website to experience the journey.

How can your school be involved? It’s Easy (and Free!) 2013 PREVIEW • Your classroom can register to follow the Expeditions - receiving daily updates, videos, photos, and education modules; • Your classroom can participate in live video conferences, (i2P) is a non-profit organization submit questions and have them answered in real-time;

inspiring, and empowering the global • You can have i2P team members speak to your students; dedicated to educating, Over the last few years i2P has been proud to partner with community to reach beyond their perceived limits and make • Your students can apply to be Youth Ambassadors; and organizations such as Simon Fraser University, Pepperdine positive change in the world. • Your students can be empowered to make a difference University, The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and in the community and world around them. Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and to have been honored by the Clinton Global Initiative for initiatives that are making a i2P hosts three high-profile Expeditions a year - one elite journey, positive impact in the world. and two that are Youth-based - to unique and contrasting

locales all around the world, with the goal of highlighting that We put every effort into ensuring content is engaging and region’s social and environmental issues while empowering appropriate for students of all ages – from kindergarten to youth to make a difference. University - and the i2P Experiential Learning Program has LIVE been touted as “truly groundbreaking” by Apple Distinguished EDUCATION EXPERIMENTS As part of this program, we provide Experiential Learning MODULES Educators! Programs (E.L.Ps) to thousands of schools and students - spread all over the world. Changing the way we educate our children begins with- “providing unique, real-world experiences in the class room; Providing opportunities that our students can take ownership over, integrate technology and create EXTRAORDINARY meaningful projects. Southside Elementary’s

LIVE VIDEO ACTS 5th grade students worked collaboratively to create CONFERENCING

podcasts which were aired on the local radio station, and technology to create posters to advertise their podcasts. Being able to witness the collaboration “ between our students and the i2P team brought everything to life. Thanks for the amazing experiences! - Kathy Hobbs, Lisa Gault and Dan Wells Southside Elementary School VIDEO/PHOTO JOURNALS Starke, FL LIVE TRACKER

2 PERU EXPEDITION 2013 PREVIEW The 8th stop in the impossible2Possible World Expedition Series is Peru. The route for the i2P Expedition Peru is one of the most bio-diverse on the planet, crossing 11,000 feet in elevation, from the high Andes plateau to the bountiful ecosystem of the Amazonian jungle in Manu National Park. A team of five Youth Ambassadors will attempt to run a marathon per day for 6 consecutive days! As the elevation changes over the course of their journey the i2P team will travel through one of the richest gradients of ecosystems on the planet.


The i2P Expedition Peru will focus on Ecosystem Services. Ecosystem services are the collection of PERU benefits that ecosystems provide to humanity. The ultimate goal of the education program is to provide Youth Ambassadors and learners following the expedition, the knowledge and tools needed to:

• Describe ecosystems, • Establish the value of ecosystems, • Describe the impact of human activity on the ecosystem, and • Develop strategies to mitigate the loss of ecosystem services. Manu Lima Cusco

PERU 3 2013 Expedition Information PERU EXPEDITION 2013 PREVIEW


The Youth Ambassadors for Peru bring a well-rounded academic and athletic background to this Expedition!

They are (from top left)

• Amanda Dunkin Iowa, USA

• Abbie Newton Michigan, USA

• Mollie Patton Alberta, Canada

• Michael Goodwin Brisbane, Australia

• Jenny Kenmir Ontario, Canada

PERU 4 2013 Expedition Information PERU EXPEDITION 2013 PREVIEW


Each day the i2P Youth Ambassadors will be asked to observe the environment through which they are traveling and describe the ecosystem. Consideration will be given to establishing in what manner and why the ecosystem is changing from that of the previous day.

They will then be asked to answer four simple questions:

• What ecosystem services are humanity taking from the ecosystem? • What is the long-term impact on the ecosystem from the use of this service? • Is this ecosystem service sustainable? • If not sustainable, how can the behavior of humanity be adapted to ensure the sustainability of the eco system service?

In considering these questions the Youth Ambassadors will be asked to consider the sustainability, adaptability and resiliency of ecosystem services, and ultimately the value that humanity assigns to each service.


There is a sense of adventure in everyone; a yearning to step beyond the commonplace and routine. i2P taps into such adventurous senses to deliver Experiential Learning – a philosophy of education that aims to tie concrete lessons with abstract experiences – to students of all ages through online education resource materials produced by leading researchers, professionals, and educators. Other elements include in-class speaking engagements; interactive social media; workshops; and most importantly, direct links of communication during expeditions. The program gives students fascinating opportunities to see, feel, and touch education like never before – an approach that has been called ‘truly ground breaking’.

The Industrial Revolution was a time in history when exponential gains were made to everyday life functions and capabilities of mankind. The modern world, and much of its innovations, feats, and possibilities, emerged from this great era. Today, we are once again amidst great change in history, as technological advancements are not only shrinking our world, but also concepts and knowledge of what life is like for those living on the other side. The i2P Experiential Learning Program is designed to leverage technological advancements in communication to deliver a world of intrigue, where students are introduced to issues of social and environmental consequence, and challenged to be part of the solution. PERU 6 2013 Expedition Information PERU EXPEDITION 2013 PREVIEW REGISTER YOUR CLASS TODAY!

PERU 7 2013 Expedition Information Visit our website to download our PERU ABOUT i2P latest Newsletter, Annual Report, and other 2013 & RAY ZAHAB materials.


The mission of impossible2Possible (i2P) is to use the platform of adventure and technology to educate, inspire, and empower the global community to reach beyond their perceived limits and make positive change in the world.

The vision of i2P is to cultivate a generation of leaders who, through direct experience, education, and the use of ground- breaking technology, are prepared to pioneer social and environmental action throughout the world.


Educate. Through a 21st Century education program grounded in experiential learning and reciprocal communication, social and environmental issues from around the world are delivered directly to the classroom. i2P Experiential Learning programs include online education resource materials, in-class speaking engagements, interactive media, workshops, and most importantly, direct links of communication to the expedition team.

Inspire. i2P’s Youth Ambassadors, world class explorers, and advisors who undertake journeys to some of the most socially and environmentally sensitive regions of the world are the conduits of inspiration. These journeys are meant to push the mental and physical limits of the explorers, and to use the theatre of adventure to simultaneously introduce the global community to the notion that nothing is impossible!

Empower. The i2P Extraordinary Acts program is meant to highlight the efforts of people impacting their world in a positive manner. The dream of i2P is to mobilize one million young people, from every situation and circumstance, to engage in positive acts, and make a difference. PERU 9 2013 Expedition Information PERU ABOUT i2P 2013 & RAY ZAHAB Ray Zahab, i2P’s founder, is known for accomplishing seemingly impossible acts. In 2006 he embarked on an adventure that would start on the African coast of , and take him 7500 kilometers across the Desert to the edge of the Red Sea in . Running the entire way without a day of rest, this adventure took Ray and his two teammates 111 consecutive days to complete. They did this to raise awareness of the water crisis across the continent of , while also putting their own perceived limitations to the test. The journey was documented in ‘Running The Sahara’, a film that was directed by academy award winning director James Moll and narrated by executive producer Matt Damon.

After completing the journey across the Sahara, Ray truly realized the importance of pushing beyond any mental and physical limits we place upon our- selves. It was there on the shores of the Red Sea - in the company of his teammates and family - that he decided to dedicate his life to inspiring and educating young people, and empowering them to make a positive impact in the world while truly understanding that they have the capacity to be extraordinary and fulfil their dreams. Since then, Ray has founded impossible2Possible and completed a series of Expeditions, including a world-record trek to the South Pole, a world-record transection of Lake Baikal, the first off-road crossing of Death Valley, world-first crossings of the Atacama & Gobi Deserts, journeyed all the way across South America over the Andes, and ran across the Canadian Arctic, Tunisia, the Amazon Jungle, Bolivia, India, Botswana and Utah with Youth Ambassadors. PERU 10 2013 Expedition Information PERU 2013