Charlie Engle Has Been a Record-Setting Ultramarathoner
Charlie engle has been a reCord-setting Ultramarathoner, a reality tV producer, a motiVational speaker, a crackhead, and an oVerleVeraged real estate gambler. now he’s sitting in a federal prison on Charges of mortgage fraUd, and he’s not sitting still for a moment. Julius Metoyer Metoyer Julius iii NOWHEREby AdAm Higginbot tHAOm RuN Tamara Lackey Tamara SEPTEMBER 2011 127 MEN’S JOURNAL mimi’s CafE on WEst friEndly avEnuE in Greensboro, North Carolina, is not an obvious place to pick for a first date. Gloomy and dank, marooned on a concrete island in the middle of a mall parking lot, it’s nobody’s idea of a romantic spot. None- theless, when an attractive brunette he had only just met suggested to Charlie Engle that they meet there for lunch one Wednesday afternoon in March 2009, he agreed immediately. Engle was 46 and, once again, single. A divorced father of two, he was living alone in a rented apartment in a complex that was otherwise almost deserted — one of many new developments built in Greensboro during the real estate boom and made unsalable when the bubble burst. So when Ellen Bradshaw knocked on his door, explained that she was looking to rent downstairs, and wanted to ask him about what it was like living in the building, he couldn’t have been happier. Bradshaw was petite, flirtatious, recently sepa- rated — and, better still, a runner. Running was Engle’s long-standing obsession and, more re- cently, his career. In 2007 he and two others be- came the first men ever known to run across the Sahara Desert, and her intentions or, indeed, much else.
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