Sings and acts Resigned Nathalie Yafet performs Deer subcommittee, recommends Freeholder Kowalczyk in theater and sings in a hunt in the reservation with will step down from church choir. See B4. sharpshooters, Page B1. his post, 'Page B1.

VOL66 N0.8-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1&94—5« SPRINGFIELD, N.J., Home of Eleanor Kupersteln TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS Committeeman, PBA head dispute salary figure By Jeffrey C. Turbltt Fenton said his salary is no source to address the problem. Staff Writer 'Those figures are ridiculous, and I think it for shame. ' "I've got a big morale problem and After voting against approval of a "We don' I make as much as some no one wants to talk to me about it. I A Christmas party polico contract last week, Committe- is totally irresponsible. He should have gone people and we make more lhan some can't go lo Herb Slotc and tell him The Mountainside/Springfield man Herb Sloto continued his attack to the chief.' other people. But the fact is, ihcse about a problem because Herb Slotc is Chapter of UNICO°NntionaI, the against what he sees as high salaries guys go out every day and put their a problem." largest Italian-American service in the Springfield Police Department — Mitch Fenton life on the line. There is nothing in my Outgoing Commilccman Marry organization, is having its annu- by sending the Springfield Leader a PBA President pay I'm ashamed of. Patrolling Route Pappas said Slotc's figures have long al Christmas party on Dec. 13 fax detailing police salaries and bene- 22 is no cakcwalk." been a source of. confusion to him. fits for 1993. at 7 p.m. at VAffaire on Route out. Sloto's figures include vacation, possible backlash of. police concern Fcnlon also said negotiations over a "He comes up wiih all kinds of fig- 22, Mountainside. In his extended chart, Slotc claims sick lime, etc. about Ihe figures, which he says arc new contract, which were completed ures and no one knows where he gels UNICO is looking for a few Springfield is paying an average of Springfield Policeman's Benevo- all publicly available data. and signed last week, left a bad taste ,lhcm from," Pappas said. Committccman Jeffrey Katz said good iner, of Italian heritage,, $83,317 for a typical officer, with lent Association President Mitch Fen* "It's public information. There in his mouth. ho could sec no point to Slolo's chart according to membership Chair- $102,410 being the high mark. Slotc's ton said Slote's figures arc reckless should be no problems," Slotc said. "They treated us with no respect. If without including a comparison to man Dom LaMorges. If the idea figure includes pension payments, and irresponsible from someone in his Slotc also expressed concern about I had unlimited funds I would have the salaries of officers in other towns of service to your community insurance and 10 percent on outside position. public awareness of police salaries • fought them in arbitration just over of similar size. and to continuo honoring your employment. • "llic guy is a joke. Mr. Slotc Is and benefits. heritage appeals to you, attend the principle of it. The town made When told of Fcnlon's anger with anti-cop. We havo guys with no sick In a letter to the newspaper being UNICO's Christmas party. out," he said. Sloto about the contract and the chart, Slote, who last week complained days. Those figures aro ridiculous, published today, Slotc said: "Our Women, wives, girlfriends and Slotc said, "I'm not going to get into a that sick days arc being abused by and I think it is totally irresponsible. wage'package is so attractive thai Fcnlon said morale on the police women friends of UNICO. will back and forth over what Mitch Fcn- polico, said officers have averaged Ho should have gone to the chief." morc'than half our force comes from force is sinking lo a new low, and he bo attending. says he has no one in power to turn lo lon thinks about it." 46.5 days out, with a high of 98 days Slotc said he gave no thought to the other towns." For dinner reservations, call LaMorges at 376-5851.' Learning by design Green nets grant Andrea Green of Springfield, chairperson of the English/Fino Arts/Mathematics Department 'at Union County College, received By Jay Hochbcrc a $1,500 grant from the Union Managing Editor County College Foundation. With eyes on the bottom lino und Green will use ihe funds for possible dcrcgionali/.alion, ihe a' project, "Living Issues: Two Springfield Board of Education dis- Lectures on Ideas and the cussed budgetary issues and ways lo Classroom." The funds arc pro- operate a community high school dur- vided to bring two outside ing its meeting Monday night. speakers to the college 'specifi- Summaries of the noncdiicational cally for faculty enhancement. financial nois of Springfield's £an you offer Twenty-one proposals had schools for fiscal year 1995-96 were suggestions to keep been submitted totaling $227,000 presented. The projected outlays for the budget stable? in the first set of grant awards tho next school year totaled more than YOUR VOICE SHOULD BE that aro planned to become an $3.1 million. That sum reflects spend- HEARDI CALL annual activity with the col- ing decreases of nearly $148,000 from lege's Development Office. this year's budget, despite the costs of According to Nadino Stem planned equipment replacements and Brcchner of Mctiichcn, oxecutive building modifications. Cotefs mus) leave none ond telephone director of development, as iho "It's commendable that so much foundation's assets grow, the control has been kept over the budget number for venficatlon. organization will be able to ' without sacrificing the quality of edu- award additional money in lar- cation," board member Robert Fish cussed their recent fact-finding tour of ger Brunts during future years. Children In Mrs. Greece's preschool class, from left, Joel Loeshelle, Benjamin said at the end of tho budget New Providence High School. Zwelman, and Corey Winter, at Walton School create designs using colorful cuisl- discussion. Voicing her impressions of that nare rods. Thcmosi substantial spending cuts, school's college preparatory courses, totaling 33 percent, arc found in the Shanes expressed her satisfaction Plans are under way outlays for facility upkeep, according with using New Providence as a role Plans for Jonathan Dayton to Jim Riehman, who presented the model. "They have a middle college Regional High School's annual figures to ihe board. program that lets students" matricu- Project Graduation arc well Paving and curbing at Walton late credits in English and psychology under way for the senior slu- School will continue, as will replace- at Fairlcigh Dickenson University. donls of tho communities of ment of Ihe ceiling. Installation of the The school also allows students to Springfield, Kcnilworlh, Moun- school's intercom system will bo come in for a 7 a.m. gym class in tainside, and Garwood, mergers completed next year when micro- order to .accumulate additional Project Graduation is an all- phones and speakers will be added lo academic study during the day, night, alcohol and drug free During the past two years, families whose children Board of Education, including Fricdland, Assistant Super- Walton's existing network of wires. Shanes said. Other flexible aspects of celebration the night of gradua- attend the Springfield public schools havo been hearing intendent of Schools Albert LuMorgcs, Business Admini- Caldwell School's heating system the district's scheduling enable slu- tion which has proved to be that the elementary schools will undergo a restructuring strator James Riehman and William Polera, head of Build- will be modernized, Riehman said. Its dents lo gain an exlra half year of successful and rewarding for our process. This is mainly duo to a substantial increase in ing and Grounds. two 50-yoar-old boilers arc expected study during ihcir otherwise standard teens, parents and community. enrollment that is a continuing trend. This restructuring Together, the committee is creating a strategic plun for to bo replaced pending an engineer's? four years of high school. Project Graduation will cost will result in a coining together of Springfield's kinder- iho 1995-96 opening. Objectives for diverse ureas includ- recommendation, wiih ihe costs to bo The board' has been visiting high $15,000 and the money is raised garten and prc-kindorgurlcn program at the Edwurd V. ing transportation, facilities usage, resource allocation, covered over five years, possibly with 'schools ranked by New Jersey Month- as a communilywidc function Wullon campus. staffing, philosophy and publicity arc being developed. the help of matching funds from a fed- ly magazine to be among Iho bust in through fund raisers, parents, The kindcrgurlen program is currently housed in James Aclion plans arc being generated and subcommittees arc eral government energy grant. academics, athletics and ej(ira- grants, businesses and touchers. Caldwoll and Thelma Sandmcicr schools while iho pre- actively engaged in tho process of implementing Ihe Future spending for architecture curricluur activities. They have been The major fund raiser is "A school is located at Edward V. Walton School. changes. and engineering consultants also are analyzing the schools' methods of Day with the NJ Nets" at the Superintendent of Schools Gary Fricdland has created a Tho committee has designed a publicity plan to keep expected to bo down from this year; operation and determining which, if Mcadowlands on Jan. 22, 1995, dislrictwidc Steering Committee for Reorganization to information flowing to ihe Springfield community.. As tho savings will be commensurate any, may be applied to a future, local at 2 p.m. Tickets aro $20 ench ensure that the process runs smoothly, Tho committee is action plans arc completed, residents will be made aware with the lowered cosls of material and school in Springfield. and include a Nets baseball hat, comprised of representative staff from all four schools, of Iho work being done through information pieces in.the labor nl Walton and Culdwcll schools. Their tour is expected lo continue und a free meal at While ulong wiih each building's administrator, and PTA rep- district and school newsletters us well as through Ihe In olhor business, board members next year to Mountain Lakes, Madi- Castle.. resentation. Olhor members represent tho Springfield media, officials said. Ruth Brincn and Jackie Shimos dis- son and Chatham high schools. Muil a lax-dcducliblo check lo: PTSO Project Graduation, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Mountain Avenue, Springfield, 07081. For more information, cull Jounno Mack ul 276-6602.

Styles is topic As tho holiday time draws closer, most residents will spend many hours shopping for gifts. Here aro some lips that will help make tho holiday a safer "First.impressions arc lasting 1 ones," thoroforo it is important one. for today's woman in" look her • Don't carry largo sums of cash on your person. Carry only tho cash you will very best in profcss(onul and need to purchaso tho article(s). If you must carry a largo sum of money, divido social settings. iho cash between your purse, pocket and wallet. Mury Mustakas of About • Don't carry excess credit cards. Carry only those cards for tho storos that Fnco and Stylos in Springfield you intend,to shop in. In addition, mako suro that you have recorded, at home, 1 present u wardrobe capsul- tho uccount numbers, for each of tho credit own. ing and accessorizing workshop • Don't carry your purse by tho handle, or place your arm through tho strap for women at iho Springfield • and lot it dangle. Place one end of tho purso in iho palm of your hand, the olhor Prco Public Library today at 1 in iho bend of tho olbow; or carry it up.iidc down with tho clasp unlocked, .bin p.ih. hold closed, in your hand. • Don't put puckuges on iho reur soul of your cur and louvo them unattended, Tho program is frca and open even for u moment. Place nil package.^ in the trunk and bo suro iho trunk is lo all. The Springfield Free lockcdi i Public Library Is located at 66 From left, Rachel Weiss, Megan Buckley and Sara Coan were among the many • Don't leave delivered packages out on your door stop. Arrange to bo homo James Caldwell students who decorated cards to send to hospitalized children and Mountain Ave. For more infor- when u delivery Is anticipated. niition, call (201) 376-4930. senior citizens as part of the 'We all make a Contribution' theme, as qrganized by • Don't wait until you have reached your from door to look for your k'oys. tho school's Sensitivity Committee. Have ilicin ready in your hand. •


•. ' V .PAGE 2 — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1094 — SPRINGFIELD LEADER 5,6* - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — PAGE 3 INSIDE I THE CIVIC calender student upclate it Springfield Leader lor pedestrian safety Tho Civic Calendar is prepared by the Springfield Leader and the , How often do you think about Mountainside Echo. To avoid conflicts in scheduling local events, plcasC Civic calendar 3 because of the community safety arriving safely at your destination? efforts to communities like Spring- post dates,.times and places us early as possible and send to P.O. Box Owens, cited Editorial 6 Especially when you're traveling by 3109, Union, 07083, or call Ray Lehmann at (908) 686-7700, ext. 321. field," said Frederick L. Gruel, club The 1995 edition of Who's Who fool. If you're like most people, hard- president. "While Springfield may Today Op-Ed 7 O The Mountainside Recreation Commission will sponsor a trip to the Ahiong Students in American Univer- ly ever. consider their efforts routine, the sities and Colleges will include the Obituaries 13 Metropolitan Museum of Art in Monhattan. The bus will depart from the Recently, Springfield was one of 57 AAA views them as heroic." names of 43 students, including communities recognized by ihe AAA "The Springfield Police Depart- Community Presbyterian Church on Deer Path, Mountainside, at 9 a.m. Sports 14 and leave the museum at 3 p.m. The.registration fee is $15; $11.50 for Springfield resident Stacey Owens of New Jersey Automobile.Club for its ment is continuously making every Trenton State College, who have been County nows 81 commitment to pedestrian safety. The effort to ensure the safety of the publ- seniors. Reservations can be made at the Recreation Office at Borough Hall. selected as national outstanding 1 B4 communities received awards at ic through active patrol efforts and Entertainment O The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders will hold a work leaders. AAA's second annual "Breakfast of ongoing public awareness programs," Campus nominating committees Classified B11 Champions." Springfield received said Lt. Keith Strom. session at 6:30 p.m. in the freeholders meeting room, sixth floor of the administration building, Ellzabcthlown Plaza. and editors of the annual directory Real estate B13 AAA's Pedestrian Safety Citation In its 55th year, AAA's Pedestrian have included these names based on Saturday Award, which is presented to com- Protection Program strives to make their academic achievement, service Automotive B15 Marilyn Pfaltz, chairperson of the AAA.New Jersey Autornoblle Club's Board of Trus- O Tho "Visions" support group will hold its annual dinner dance. For munities that have not hod a pedesi-. the roads-safer for all pedestrians by tees, takes a moment to chat with Lt. Keith Strom and Lt. Peter Hammer of the Spring- to the community, leadership in extra- rian death in nine or less years. improving communication and action reservations, call Mary Ellen at (908) 232-5987. curricular activities and potential for How to reach us: field Police Department along with former New Jersey Nets standout, Mike O'Koren, Sunday "Every day thousands of local resi- among local program managers, traff- standing, at AAA's recent Breakfast of Champions. Springfield received AAA's Pedest- continued success. Our ..offices are located at 1291 dents travel safely to their jobs, home ic engineers, police and safety O Tho "Visions" support group will hold a "Game Night and Cookie Stuyvesant Avenue, Union, N.J. rian Safety Citation Award, which is presented to communities that have not had a Exchange" ar. 7 p.m. at St. Helen's Parish, 1600 Rahway Avo., Weslfield. Owens joins an elite group of stu- 07083. We are open from 9 or school via car, bus, train or foot organizations. pedestrian death in nine or less years. O'Koren served as the guest speaker. O Thcro will bo a presentation titled "All About Orion" at 2 p.m. at the dents selected from more than 1,800 a.m. to 5 p.rn. every weekday. institutions of higher learning in all 50 Trailsidc Nature and Science Center in Mountainside. Visitors will learn Call us at one of the telephone states, the District of Columbia, and numbers listed below. about Ihe impressive constellation and other features of the winter sky. several foreign nations. Outstanding Voice Mail: Admission is $2.75; $2.35 for seniors. Il is not recommended for children students have been honored in the under 6 years old. Our main phone number, news clips annual directory since it was first pub- 908-686-7700 Is equipped with a O Tho Springfield Knights of Columbus will host a pancake breakfast lished in 1934. voice mail system to better for tho St. James Church improvement fund from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The following students from Springfield have been elected class officers at The Pingry serve our customers. During our Sinatra, Billy Ekstinc' and Sarah 1994-95 scout year. The purpose of a and a champagne toast. The cost is registered participants will bo notified the Council Home, Harvard St. in Springfield, right off of Shuhpike regular business hours, you will Pet adoption day Ficchi completes training School, Short Hills Campus: From left, Amanda Adler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vaughan. In addition, he wrote [he Court of Honor is to rccognizo scouts SI00 per couple. as to what materials to bring with Road. Admission is $5 for adults, 53 for children ages five to 12, and I. Adler, has been elected vice president and Student Council representative for Home- almost always have a reception- Noah's Ark Animal Placement and scripts and lyrics for 40 children's who have earned merit badges or Reservations must be made by Dec. them. children under 5 get in free. Marine Private First Class Joseph ist answer your call. During the room 6-U; Gregory DeAngelis, son of Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeAngelis of High Point Rescue, a nonprofit nil-volunteer ani- LIVfor Golden Records, Wonderland advanced in rank. This is a formal 20. . Advance registration with payment Monday A. Ficchi, son of Joseph A. and Irene evening or whop the office Is mal welfare organization, is sponsor- Drive, has been elected Student Council representative in Homeroom 6-C, and Nicholas closed your c'all will bo Records and Pickwick Records. awards ceremony' to which friends is required. The deadline for registra- • The Mountaiasidc Borough Council will meet at 8 p.m. at Borough A. Ficchi of Springfield, recently DeAngelis, who has been elected president of Homeroom 4-G. answered by an automated ing a pel adoption day at Pet Stuff, "Laugh Time" is a free perfor- and family were invited. There were Choir entertains tion is Monday. To register, make Hall, 1385 Route 22 East, Mountainside. completed recruit training. receptionist. 111 Route 22 East, Springfield. mance and is open'to all. many merit badges awarded rtinging check to New Jersey Cooperative O The Springfield Township Committee will meet at 8 pm her ( two-bedroom / den villa.'With.three aik'e '• To place a classified ad: Visit our beautiful new designer showroom. See the latest in appear, \HC> Sprinjiltrlil Avenue spacious lloorplans to choose Itoni and ililK'- Tho Loader has a largo, well Whirlpools, bath fixtures and accessories In a wide range ot Summit. Nl 07WI (908) 21VIUQ road classified advertising sec- elegance unbounded, yott may easily styles, finishes and colors. tion. Advortisomonts must, bo In Looking For ft Showroom sales sub|ocl lo 3% sales lax our offico by Tuesday at 3 p.m. AT THE The Perfect Gift?& call it home. for publication that wook. All Each villa will be one-story with such LAWRENCE BCAEyTQR SUPPLY classlflod ads are payable In ^ EMPORIUM shaded sitting areas bom which to sur- advance. Wo nccopt VISA and AVRIL'S CREATIONS! amenities as fireplaces, soak tubs, a lull 169 Scotland Road, Orange, N.J. ('/z block south of Route 280) Mastercard. A clacsillod rop- • Boys & Girls Sizes 0-7 vey our picturesque 37-acte estate. On HOURS: Open Mon.-Fri.-7:30am-5p^n» Sat. 9-1 -201-676-2766 ' rosontatlvo will gladly assist you has just what you're $ kitchen with a washer / dryer, and a. a clear day, you can see the Manhattan In proparing .your mossago. • Gift Sets . looking for: . private garage, to name but a few. Ploasb stop by/ our offico during skyline from our gazebo. regular businoss hours or call Personalized & Boxed AJewelry & Clothing 1-800-564-8011. Monday to Fri- • Accessories • ABath Oils' Banking, a gift shop, a fitness center, day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To place a public notice: MODERATE PRICES '•Pillows' three gracious dining rooms, and a Public Notices aro notices which *Photo Albums health care center will lie part of the Diamonds ^ aro required by state law to bo raCE GIFT WRAPPING AEthnlc Items printod In local weekly or dally With Aiiy Purchase A Evening Bags . community. Our service staff will take for her... . nowspapors. Tho Loader rnoots The essence of style, sophistication, casual fun, combined in an all Now Jorsoy State Statutes care of all the details, so you'll have atmosphere of quiet elegance has now arrived in Summit regarding public notlco ndvortis- time to explore every avenue of villa file Ing. Public notlcos must bo In Your purchase w/lhls ad Friday Dec. 9, 3 pm - 8 pm our office by Tuosday at noon ' here. From the primrose paths border- Exp, 12/31/94 Saturday Dec. 10, 10 am- 9 pm FEATURING IN CLOTHING (or publication that wook. If you ing our gardens to the quaint ^sidewalks - , — - *{ have any questions' ploaso call Excluding Prints and Dolls Sunday Dec. 11,10 am - 6 pm 908-686-7700 and ask lor tho AVRIL'S CREATIONS of Maplewood. • .. Hugo Boss ° Canali ••Laurentino' CMUmV More Than A Craft Fair public notice advertising At The Emporium dopartmont. 88 Summit Avc. So make room in your life lor.the OVER 200 OF THE NATION'S TOP QUALITY ' Vestimenta ° Versace •• Brioni Summit « (908) 598-9222 88 Summit Avo. • Summit GRAFTERS & FOLK ART TALENT MAKE UP 14K Diamond. Stud, Earrings Facsimile Transmission: retirement home of your dreams. Send Bill Kaiserman •> Iceberg • Mondo HOUDAY HOURS: 908-277-0280 You'll have that extra closet space you THIS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW & SALE Tho Loader Is equipped to Tun..S>l. 105 • Sun. 12-5 • CWI Mixulay the coupon or call (201) 378-2080, 1/4CTT.W.. $199 need as well as plenty ol room to enter- And Formal Wear accept your ndo, roloasos, etc. M-F, y am till 5 pm. Weekend and Garden State Converiitfiion ' 1/2CTT.W. $299 by FAX. Our FAX.linos aro tain guests. open 24 hours n day. For evening appointments are welcome. classified plduso dial Outdoors, Winchester (lardens & Exhibstf Center 1 C T T.W. $899 1-201-763-2557. For all othor Exlr 6 Rt. 287 In Somerset. NJ FEATURING IN FOOTWEAR Engagement Rings From $li>i> transmissions ploaso dial abountls-wiih tree linedpaths and only TO miles from tho Garden State 1-000-686,4169. Parkway & Turnpike. Bally ° Salvatore Ferraggmo 14K Diamond Pendants From $199 Postmaster Ploaso Note: ECLECTIC GALLERY III.'.11 Will.lion-l C.n.lrn The SPRINGFIELD \n, I'd Bruno Magli • Cole Haan ° LEADER(USPS 512-720) Is For. Info. CculO 908-469-4000, published weekly by Worrull Community NowopnporiS, Inc.,' For The Kids: Santa's Playland & 1291 Stuyvosunt Avonilo,. Union, Photo Area, Home Made Candy & Preview tho latest FJuropoan Fashion In clothing and foqlweai N.J., 07083. Mall subscriptions with our Improsslvo array of designer labels. $22.00 por yoor In Union ens hood Gifts v County, 50 conts por copy, at Ward Homestead Children 6 and under FREE For more Information or to appolnimbnt, call Union Nutloy non-rofundablo. 'Socond class CLOTHING • FURNITURE "VINTAGE BOOKS ^ postngo paid at Union, N.J. arid A ('tmtinuiiig ('ill? llcurannit ('bmmmiity General Admlssjon $5.00 1000 Stuyvesant Ave. 211 Franklin Ave. additional mailing olllco. ()t'ni/'iliu y it I'Lunit-il fin- Sjit'in^ of I 'f'Ht. JEWELERY « ART M.,,lu NViiulirua W.uii I l.un.ur.ul , 'Union o 908-687-9050 Nutley « 201-667-4466 POSTMASTER: Sond nddrusu. • Kids 6-12 S3.qO lira. Union changes to tho SPRINGFIELD "A NEW SHOPPING EXPERIENCE" I .'•> llnyili-il Avenue, M.l|>l<-wniiil, N| 11/0-10 ')H-1.1 . Tfs 908/277-9600 " 908/576-8500 Ilin. Nutloy .1 1".".^I Holiday Mon.-Fil. 10 AM-0:4G PM Holiday Mon.-Fil. 10 AM-9 P.M LEADER, P.O. Box 31 OB, Union, 356 sprlngfield avenue 17 broad street Sat. 10 A.M.-5:45 P.M. N.J. 07083. ' . • \ h With This Ad Sat. 10 A.M.-6 P.M, SSM Sun-.,.. 1.1. A.M.-...I**, 4v P.Mi «i*i. ' uunSun., 1|1| ^,|VlA.Mp . *^loJ •4* I P.MJVI, . summit red bank Iralnnl Cro* Avaibbb Major Crodil Cmds Accoptod 'Wo Buy Gold 5 Diamonds' PAGE 4 — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 5,6*


By Pla Wilson speech on personal experiences wilh nia," Aaronoff said. gorical approach" to them. Managing Editor the people she has encountered, trying Having been executive director of "The government has a responsibil- Children desperate with hunger, to dispel the myth in the public's mind Ihe Interfaith Council for the Home- ity to reform itself," Scalera said. forced lo work .as slaves in poverty is that there is "the poor person out there less of Union County for five years, He went on to say that the public the iheme of the Charles Dickens who is trying to do something Aaronoff said one of iJao biggest prob- also has to change its mind about classic novel "Oliver Twist." It was wrong." ° lems facing ihe homeless is frag- public assistance programs for the also ihe theme of the free symposium "Every day there arc people going mented services. As they arc forced lo disadvanlaged. on homelcssness and hunger in New wilhout something lo cat, people who go to different government depart- "Welfare was built up over 30 or 40 Jersey, sponsored by the Paper Mill we should be considering our brothers ments for aid, people in crisis find il years. It won't change in 100 session Playhouse. and sisters," DiChiara said. very difficult lo gel the services they days of Congress," Scalera said. The symposium — made possible Though she is now executive direc- need, Aaronoff said. In this, country, programs arc in part by « grant from The Prudential tor of one of the largest food bank A proposed consolidation program designed to intervene when a problem Foundation, administered by the New operations in Ihe country, DiChiara would require more transitional and has reached a critical level, Scalcra Jersey Theatre Group, and additional began her own food distribution prog- supportive housing to ' be built, said, adding that "we need to do ' ONLY funding from the New Jersey Council ram by asking people if they knew according to Aaronoff, and if imple- things more creatively and find better SOME CARTONS for the Humanities'—was designed to anyone who was hungry and giving mented, the program would allow ways to engage the community." run in conjunction with the theater's them her home phone number. people to become proactive and find a "Oftentimes we spend a lot of time production of "Oliver!," a musical DiChiara said when she started, solution to the problem. chasing symptoms and nol the rooi based on Dickens' novel. there was one main soup kitchen in "Most people want to work, want causes," Scalcra said. SOME SCRATCH DENT each urban center which dealt mainly what all of us want for their children," Featured panelists included Kath- Lipman also said problems like leen DiChiara of the Community wilh alcoholics, and now there are Aaronoff said, again emphasizing the need to look for a long-term solution, homelcssness and hunger are inler- FoodBank of New Jersey, a many soup kitchens in each urban relaicd, adding thai she did nol think!"' 280,000-square-foot warehouse based center, as well as suburbs and rural instead of "blaming the victim." SOME FLOOR MODELS A release about the Intcrfaith Hos- the solution to poverty was lo watch in Hillside which distributes over 1 areas, dealing with more families. the movie "Boy's Town," as Newt million pounds of food a month to In her experience, DiChiara pitality Network made up of churches in towns like Summit, Union, Rosclle Gingrich suggested to Hillary . panlrics, shelters and soup kitchens explained lhat the middle- and upper- Rodham-Clinton before she disagreed OVERSTOCKS and Springfield which provide tem- SOME across the slate; Ciro Scalcra of the class overestimate their support of the with taking children away from wel- porary shelter for the homeless, said, Jhe work of artist David Ciampichini is being featured Association for Children ' of New disadvantaged. fare mothers and putting them in this month at the Donald B. Palmer Museum in Jersey, u statewide child advocacy "It is Ihe poor who arc feeding the "Children consistently make up 50 orphanages. Springfield. organization which deals with health, poor. It is the poor.who arc housing percent of the nation's shelter popula- SOME education, mental health and child- the homeless," DiChiara said. tion, and the Inlcrfailh Hospitality In defense of government, Lipman ren's legal issues; Barbara Aaronoff Aaronoff relaled a story which is Network's figures continue to reflect said, "I think we have reasonable peo- of the Intcrfaith Council for the familiar lo most Americans — a this ongoing trend." ple in the Legislature, and I cannot Homeless of Union County, an orga- mother instructing her children to eat Scalera, who has been a lobbyist on believe any of them would want 10 see nization dedicated to providing a con- all of the food on their plates and lo be behalf of children for several years, people go hungry. The milk of human tinuum of care for the homeless and grateful thai they live in America said that out of the 1.2 million child- kindness is not dead in the economically disadvantaged by giv- instead of starving countries like Bos- ren in New Jersey, 300,000 to Legislature." 400,000 are at risk'of poverty and ing them temporary shelter and even- nia or Armenia. She explained how The spnator said one of the best During December, Ihe Donald B. tually finding permanent housing for 166,000 children have'no access to it as primarily entertaining and these days an American mother can ways people can aid the disadvan- Palmer Museum of the Springfield decorative. their clients; and Wynona Lipman, a now include children starving in this regular health care. taged is to find information about bills Free Public Library will feature the A graduatc-of Montclair State Col- New Jersey slate senator representing country when she warns her children The child advocate said the public that would help those persons^ and work of painter David Ciampichini. Essex and Union County. has to recognize thai "these are com- lege with a masters of arts degree, about cleaning all the food on their write to their representatives and Ciampichini credits his greatest plex, inter-related problems," adding Ciampichini has exhibited throughout DiChiara, who began feeding the plates. , senators, asking for the bill lo be influences to include the court portrai- "We have become our own Anne- (hat the government has taken a "calc- , Ihe iri-stato area. His work will be on hungry 20 years ago, focused her heard. ture of 18th century French artist Eli- display at the Palmer Museum zabeth Vigcc LcBrun, as well ns the through Dec. 29. BUY glamour photography of Hollywood's The Palmer Museum is located in "golden" era. His main subjects are the Springfield Library, at 66 Moun- beautiful, flamboyant women, his The Springfield Police Department tain Avc., Springfield. The museum is eleinenl of surprise. Take away Ihe car i f you have lo and lock" your pack- always keep one hand free. Check in style combining the elements of pop Crime Prevention Unit is issuing the open Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- element of surprise and you gain the ages in the trunk. Always have at least all directions before you start to with a type of prc-Raphacliiism. The following personal safely tips to advantage. one free hand. day from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; and ensure an enjoyable holiday season unlock your door. artist like? lo invest his work with a Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from • Always try to go shopping, espe- • If an assailant grabs your purse or through the month of December. • Learn the proper way to carry sligluly "campy" quality as he views 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. cially in the malls, with a friend, packages, do nol resist. Personal Safety Tips your purse. spouse, etc. • When walking back to your car • When driving keep all doors • Never allow yourself to be boxed • Park as close (o the building as walk far enough away from the locked. in. Make sure you have an avenue of possible. parked cars so lhat you can see into; Holiday celebration at the Y the spaces between the cars. Always escape...... • When stopped at'u traffic light or • If you park your car during day slop and check between your car and • Never, never, never get into a car The YM-YWI IA of Union County, located at 501 Green Lane in Union, will slop sign, make sure there is at least light and don't expect lo be finished the cars parked next to yours. with on assailant. If an assailant sur- hold its annual holiday celebration Dec. 21 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. CLEARANCE one car length distance between your shopping until after durk, park under • Carry a security whistle and keep prises you, drop lo the ground. Try. A chicken dinner will be served along with wino and holiday treats. A live car and the car in .front of you. or near a light. it ready when walking lo your car, and position yourself so your feet are band.-balloons and party favors will be featured. $8 for members and Overstocks rJFloor Sampltoa * Ctoa® ©wits • Be aware of your surroundings unlocking your car, etc. facing the assailant. Use your security $10 for non-members. and what's going on around you. The o Never carry more than one shop- ? When unlocking your car door, whistle. For information or reservations, call Myrna Friedman at 289-8112, Ext. 29. greatest weapon a criminal has is the ping bag. Make several trips to your 3HAYS ©NtV «jri-IUR. - FBI. •-. SAT I HOOVER VACUUM SALE JVC 31" WHIRLPOOL SUPER NOW QUASAff AMANA 35" CAPACITY ELECTRIC HALOGEN BLACK NOW T #52131 A COLORT.V. DRYER (CRATED) 2 HEAD VCR GLASS COOKTOP u Reg. $59 Reg. $895 Reg. $397 mi Reg. $197 Reg. $497 $197 I EUREKA VACUUM SALE YORX STEREO MATTRESS & BOX SETS SHARP NOW WHIRLPOOL NOW #9002 SETS BOXED 2 HEAD VCR COMPACTOR Reg. $98 Reg.$149 TWIN Reg. $149 NOW $69. Reg. $197 $147 Reg. $397 $295 SYLVANIA27" OVER STOVE NOW MicroTAC III AIR CONDITIONERS BOSCH HAND FULL Reg. $197 NOW $89. NOW Flip Phone PRE SEASON MIXERS BOXED COLORT.V. MICRO PRICES Reg. $39 $19.95 "QUEEN Reg. $247 NOW $119. Reg. $597 $397 Reg. $347 $200 AMANA 18ft. BOSCH BED FRAMES Reg. $29 NOW $10. PREMIER 20" RANGE HOODS REFRIGERATOR CAPPUCCION MAKERS TWIN BOX GAS RANGE 36" 42" 48" Reg. $697 • Reg. $79 SPRING Reg. $49 NOW $10. Reg. $219 $167 Reg. $300 $50.001 AMANA BLACK MAYTAG WASHER ADMIRAL 20 LB. CALORIC 24" NOW 36* ELECTRIC STOVE TOP DACOR. I ELECTRIC RANGE #IAT5OO4 WASHER ELECTRIC RANGE With Solid Disc BUmers Reg. $795 Reg. $497 Reg. $447 Reg. $269 $197 Reg. $397 MODERN MAID MAYTAG ELECTRIC WHIRLPOOL COMPACT u v*w wo ADMIRAL 20 LB. 30" ELECTRIC SELF 3 Day Blow-out Sale - 27" SELF CLEAN DRYER CRATED GAS DRYER Double Wall Oven, Black «LDE 5004 ELECTRIC DRYER CLEAN OVEN DACOR. Reg. $797 Reg. $427 $297 Reg. $397 Reg. $350 Reg. $995 Never To Be Repeated Prices RCA 27" JENNAIR NOW JENNAIR 27" COMBO NOW G.E.9FT. 24 FT. FRIGIDAIR DISHWASHER(AS IS) i X S ICE & WATER COLORT.V. MICROWAVE-WHITE REFRIGERATOR 2 Dr. REFRIGERATOR Everything Must Go Reg. $397 Reg. $347* Reg. $1295 Reg. $347 Reg. $1295 RANGE MAGIC CHEF 36" G.E. ' HOODS GAS COOKTOP DISHWASHER Reg. $50 Reg. $247 Reg. $269 RCA 35" WESTINGHOUSE G.E.SELF COLORT.V. 18 LB. WASHER CLEAN RANGE 2 REMOTES ' Reg. $1595 Reg. $349 Reg. $597 !25dB SIRENCA ~ Sti°CK SENSOR T P 1M ARRA s ANTI-CAR JACK PANIC-ALERT : • PROTECTS ENTIRE ':;>'W:-S$Kfii ' CARS, CONTENTS

• ,; ••., ;•••••• ••.;•:•. , : •• # E^ "^"" -•; DISHWASHERS «iU|^eO ^ DRYERS -WALL OVENS PM i 90 I^i S EMEROEHCV mi "Peace of Mind Is As :; : Affordable As,8h A day!n S : ' '^S:-iM!(& tHE BEST .. JWdBSON'Sl V • , ': • \

OPEN insirRiiflirions y SUNDAYSI p The Cutting Edge > n Ave. Union 2i75 ROurE*22 WEST ' Mobile Electronics 319RT.22E.SANSONEPIAZA 908-752-2202 725 RAHWAY AVENOE, ELIZABETH •35^8533 • HOurS: OPEN;- MON; S THURS^TIl.8 PMITUE1^ WED. FFtll "tlL^PM: SATTIL SIPM vHe**!ni|n(b(i--iitliwillpuvon'tclttuiiifrpno-PJO, P60.:PI20ar.P3pu:uniiuiilima;Rlans'.bplwi!e|i li/lJinil'rv^i/'floiily.- E(iiiilioslik!i(ilNii|>|)ly.: ('romotlomittiitMuipvbciitiioiviljcsptpntllijl!i(':{tl>utt>"' Cof lu|.oint that it is more than well-timed political moves by the Republicans flew around the township. Adding lo "demanded" thai the printer be given Should Marciu or Herb try to walk on Choose from hurtful lo the workings of ihe commit- all this, ho votes no on the very con- a now purchase order by a lownship water, I would suggest they first to rush some last things through before leaving office tee and the business before it. the largest tracts that he negotiated. Talk about employee. On Sept. 13, purchase obtain a purchase order, and only come January, Forman and Slote voted no on both of On Ihc subject of our labor con- the dumb statements by Jessie Helms, order No. 7461 was issued. Not only then, go purchase life jackets. This is selection of fine them. • tracts, Mr. Slote agreed to offer our Herb's should be printed on tho same did lie "demand," but ho broke exist- the sumo Herb Slote who has become employees, a three-year contract, If they had been given the proper lime to consider these page. As Committccwoman Holmes ing policy and caused (ho employee lo Marcia's second choice lo serve as quality furs in the adding that, if we didn't, we would said, "I think Mr. Slolc is confused." I knowingly do Ihe same. Our policy is deputy mayor in 1995. Good golly, resolutions, Slote and Forman may very well have still have lo start all over again in 1995. He 265 Mountain Avenue world at real think she was being kind to him. very clear, nothing short of an Miss Molly, here comes Marcia and voted no. One might even speculate that they probably agreed to the increases over the next Without question, the biggest emergency can be purchased without Herb. I hope our taxpayers arc ready Springfield NJ 07081 value savings would have. But, that night at least, they did not profess three years and agreed that we would r examplo of Herb being a loose cannon first receiving a purchase order num- or this new group. If anyone in our Call For Appointment (201)376-6870 perhaps lose on Ihc question of doing clear objections to the content of the resolutions. Rather, is abuot the 500 business cards that he ber. If any. item is purchased, a town wishes to serve as deputy muy- you won't find away with longevity. I believe we Slote and Forman said they objected to the manner in • ordered, which is now up lo 1,500 voucher musi bo submitted lo the or, call Marcia today. She just might coulij have done belter, however, a 20% OFF any place else. which the resolutions were introduced and, in that case, business cards, because he didn't like township stuff and the Township appoint you. commitment was given to the unions the color, size or print type on them. Committee for approval. Herb has Amy One LYNX USA they have a legitimate beef. Trying to keep the wheels of by Mr. Slolc as a direct result of his Hair Service government in motion is one thing, but no one wants a On July 26, Gilbert Press was issued been the Finance chairman since Jan. Set of 3 negotiations. Whin Herb doesn't purchase order No. 7149 to print Mr. I, and is well aware of our policy. It Harry Pappas Is a momber of the Hatr ServicWitth thith s nil eonlyy. Expirep s Dcoombcr 21, 1994 Graphite Shafts government that acts on whim, with no forethought to understand is that oiicc you give a Cannot 'bo combined with any otheh r foffef r w/Metal Heads Slote's business cards. Herb didn't was unconscionable on his part to put Township Committee. Cannot bo combine y 95 T consequences. In this instance, that is exactly what a yes Hours ore as follows: Tues., Wed., Fri., Sal 9-5 . Thura 9-8 Now '149.99 n .«597 vote from either Slote or Fonnan would have been! OB What they seem to have missed, however, is that a negative vote also carries with it the declaration that the sound off We Carry All Brands Lightweight Gt)LF CART Footjoy • Etonlc Ovorolzo Whoolo-EZ Fold official has made an informed judgment. Slote and For- w/coupon Now man should have abstained. If, upon review, they felt the < DoMter residents of Springfield nro not going thought ihc residents would swallow already taken eliminating low-income 10* Discount S39.99 resolutions were either worthy or unworthy of endorse- Give Ruth a raise to let this happen in our town. this easily. housing in their township. The town- • . • Visit our ment., they would have had the opportunity to vote their I am calling for Ruth, the Spring- There are olher options to explore Tho publicity on this proposal was ship is on ihc wire. They sal on this conscience during the public hearing Dec. 13. That is the field senior cili/cn bus driver, for her besides allowing this housing prob- tho slightest, to suy the least. The proposal for as long us they could Town & Country Dept only way they could have gotten their message across to gel a raise. I would like her to get a lem. It is lime the planners and com- township wunlod us to believe that for a dazzling selection of ruisc. She hasn't had a raise in (wo have. ALWAYS IN STOCK, PING, CALLAWAY without contradicting themselves. mittee members start listening lo llieir this proposnl is carved ,in storte shearlings, fur-trimmed and years. I ride the bus all the time, and constituents and oumo up with alter- already, but the truth is that we havo H.S. COBRA AT THE LOWEST PRICES The contents of the resolutions- are another matter she's wonderful. natives to (his problem. Low-income options, options that other towns have Springfield untrimmed Coats and jackets. altogether. Certainly, the citizens committee, or at least Claire Horowitz housing belongs in the cities, not in Spalding Top Flight Junior Sets the subject it is set to study, shows promise — a;thougli Springfield Springfield. pg p g Magna Golf Balls Right & Left whether or not a "nonpartisan" comhiittee of ordinary citi- L.L.C. HAND SALE zens is something to be desired over, say, a panel of It affects everyone Springfield Springfield Leader Limit 1 por Coupon WITH BAG experts when discussiijg what to do with the Hoard of I urn calling regarding the low- David Worrall Sale 1 Only 200? Published Weekly Since 1029 • Publisher • • Health is yet to lie seen. As far as Bergen having to make income housing proposal being con-' o I T-. reports of his contributions, one would think if his record sidcrctl in Springfield, 1 WHS HI the 1 WHS shocked that only approxi- ' Raymond Worrall is as squeaky clean as he says it is, there should be no meeting on Nov. '"•() to voice my mately 200 people showed up al Ihe Publlshod By Exocutivo Editor objections lo Ihe low-income housing .proposed low- to moderate-income' Worrall Community Wowapoporo, Inc. o objections to holding it to, public scrutiny. problem- I was really'surprised'lhai 1201 Stuyvoonnt Avonuo- Tom Cnnavan housing meeting., This should bo Union, N.J. 07083 But in voting no, Slote and Forman must accept that only 2(K) residents* showed* up to isyery taxpayer's concern. This prop- . Editor In Chlof Call for IVIoro Information object lo this. This afl'ects every resi- o Lolsuro Lino they voted against the resolutions, not the way in which osal affects everyone in Springfield, (008) 686-7700 they were introduced. When — not if — this becomes all dent in Springfield and everyone of not just Ihc homeowners by Ihc prop- Rny Lohmnnn you should attend ihe next nieclinj;. . Managing. Editor Clnrk, NJ Pnromuo, NJ osed sites. Everyone in Springfield OWorrall Community Nowopuporo, Inc. o issue come next election time, it is on this basis that they I urge evoiy one of you to stop lulk- 4 Union, NJ „ E. Oriuino, NJ should' attend tho noxt meeting. 1004 AH Hlrjhto Ronorvod Potor Worrall will have to justify their votf**s. They had the opportunity iuj; about it to. your neighbor and ' . CIKton, NJ i The unVnship should havo realized ' Articlon, pictures nnd advortiaomonta haroln nro tho Advertising Diroclor not to take a premature action, and both tutncil it down. show up at the next meeting. It is time tluit hundreds of concerned taxpayers oxclur.h/o proporty of Worrall Community NowopHp- lo show the Township Committee and ora, Ino. nnd any ropublicnllon or biondcnr.t without As iilways, the voting a-cord doesn't tell the whole would lw at this mooting nud provided wntion pormlsolon If. prohibited. story, but it doesn't lie either. ihc Plumiing Hoard members Hint the a larger facility, or maybe Ihoy

^ IV*: . '..»:. PAGE B — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 5,6* 4,5,6* -WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — PAGE 0 Young Einsteins Football party features on display Giants on large screen at library As Hanukkah begins and Christmas make community members aware of The Summit Municipal Alliance is game will be broadcast on an 8-foot The Union County Division on seeks ' to match employers with and New Year's follow closely before they moke decisions on Mountains and peasants' faces than 14 million senior workers indi- sponsoring a football parry on Sunday projector TV screen. Aging, Department of Human Ser- seniors looking for johs. Three people behind, the Summit Municipal whether, and to whom, they serve share , silent strength in Sun Jia- cate that most employers using older from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. atthcOakcs The party is the second of three vices, and the Senior Citizens Council were placed during October, and Alliance and high school PTA join alcohol," she explained. Ming's pen and ink sketches. A selec- workers find them to be more reliable Memorial Outreach Center, 120 Mor- scheduled by the Summit Municipal of Union County Inc., have launched many more applications ire being together in sponsoring a panel discus- McCandlcss, who is also an tion of these sketches will be exhi- and having better than averago work ris Avenue, at the comer of Russell Alliance to prevent alcohol and drug separate employment programs for processed, according to Richard Fel- sion titled: "Teenage Drinking: Know Alliance member, added, "One of the bited in the meeting room of the attitudes. Place. abuse. Super Bowl Sunday, Jan. 29, seniors, with the aim of matching bcr, employment coordinator, and Hie Risks before You Serve and best ways to prevent underage drink- Springfield Library throughout On-lhe-job and/or classroom train- The event is open to the entire 1995, will be the next football party. prospective employees with appropri- Richard Stone, program coordinator Lose." It will take place Monday at 8 ing is to bring concerned groups December. ing is also available through the Job Summit community. Free food and For more information, call Richard ate employers, announced Freeholder for the Senior Citizens Council. p.m. in the high school cafeteria. together to share information. That's Most of Sun's works are huge and Elmer Erti. liaison to the Advisory Training Partnership Act. soda will be provided. The Cincinnati W. Nelson, 76 Woodland Avc., Sum- Job applicants will be interviewed Panelisfs include Union County why it's so important that the high powerful black ink sketches., The Council on Aging. school PTA, as well as the Alliance, is Bcngals/Ncw York Giants football mit, 07901, at (908) 273-3271. paintings exhibited in the library this by the employment coordinator and "This program enthusiastically Prosecutor Andrew Ruotolo; Stepha- , "Union County, through its Divi- involved in sponsoring this month are of his small works, recently thoir references reviewed. Job nie.. Cody, claims superintendent, sions on Aging and Employment and moves to match capable senior work- discussion." completed. With this show, he is try- counseling is also available, and assis- ers with available job opportunities, Slate Farm Firo & Casualty; John Training, has begun a new 'Older tance in identifying job skills will be Mahcr, city prosecutor, and John Adults and students am invited to Interweave announces its ing new techniques with more Worker Program' which seeks to giving employers quality workers and attend, as are the chairs of other Union abstract style that can still touch provided if necessary. Thoso in the helping seniors supplement fixed McCandlcss, Summit Police juvenile bring seniors needing jobs with program will be monitored on a regu- officer. Alliance Chair Louise Biunno County Alliances and juvenile schedule of winter events viowers as deeply as his more tradi- employers looking for workers," Erti incomes while remaining in touch lar basis to., determine their job will be moderator. Margaret Burke of officers. tional faces. said. "Through contacts with employ- with society," Erti said. "Now there PhoCp courtelj of CiUij Fcrnundez The Interweave Center has from Bell Labs at the Interweave Cen- performance. the Alliance is program coordinator. Tho Summit Municipal Alliance Although many of his works are are two programs for seniors to con- Visiting scientist John Farina of Science Plus Inc., a announced a number of special events ter, 31 Woodland Avenue, Sunday ers in Union County, numerous job Union County Manager Ann Baran was founded in 1990 as an offshoot of huge portraits, he never iliinks of him- opportunities have been identified, tact for employment opportunities." "During the holiday season, home- science education company, instructs fourth-graders for the month of December. from 3 to 5 p.m. Cost: $12, $10 mem- said contacts with seniors have shown the mayor's task force on drug and self as a portrait artist. A face is not a including part-time and full-time pos- owners celebrating through parties Tiffany Bergeh and Peter Busath of Summit's "Jesse's Tree: The Roots and Pow- bers. For information, call (201) that many of them have been unable alcohol abuse. Funded by the Gover- face, il is a bridge to the abstract, to itions in various fields. The program For the Union County Division on and other get-togethers are more like- Franklin School on how to build an electrical circuit. er of Christmas Hannukah and Yule- 763-8312. to obtain positions, even though open- nor's Council on Drug and Alcohol- his philosophy, he said. just started around Nov. 1, so no fig- Aging Older Worker Program, call ly to serve alcohol to people under age Farina recently visited the school to conduct a work- tide" with Robert Corin Morris, spon- ings have been identified. ism, its sponsored eventB include "Pranayama" with Jane »Hunter, Looking at Sun's faces, viewers ures arc available yet." Donna Farrell, coordinator, at (908) 21," said Biunno. "But there arc sorrjp shop in which students learned about electricity and sored by the Interweave Center and "Tho Older Worker Program is 527-4875 or 527-4872. For tho Senior Adult Football Night, Soccer in the Dec. 13 from 7 to 8:15 p.m. cist: $24, may feel like they're facing tho his- serious legal issues that we want to its uses, constructed simple circuits. Calvary Church Adult Education, 31 The Senior Citizens Council aimed at bringing workers and jobs Street, First Night and others. tory of the human race, something Citizen Council Program, call Woodland Avc, Summit, 3 Wednes- $20 members. For information, call employment program, like the coun- together," Baran said. "It was started mysterious, unknown and us powerful Richard Fclbcr or Richard Stone at days, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Cost: $25, (201) 763-8312. ty's, is for those 55 and older, and also because statistics covering more (908) 964-7555. as nature. Pasqua is top student $20 members. For more information "Sufi Dance/Group Meditative Sun uses black ink because of the call (201) 763-8312. Movement" with Puran Perez, the tradition of the ink from thousands of s Rev. Paul R. Manning, headmaster of community service projects in area "Pervasive Souls/The Unity of Sci- Interweave Center, Dec. 11, 2 to 5 years of its use in China, but also of Oratory Catholic. Prep School, towns. In conjunction with this, Pas- ence and Spirituality" with Peter p.m. Cost $15, $12 members. For because he thinks il to be more pure, Brostrup-Jensen, retired engineer By Jnkc Ullck fact, a recent look at the discharge tly, Tokarski said, RVSA sludgo went Summit, announced ' jhat senior qua has been active in the Right to information, call (201) 763-8312. more powerful than colors. Staff Writer revealed water clean enough to sup- to Warren County to fertilize crops for Robert Pasqua has been" named Stu- Life Club and the Worship Commit- To him, black ink is more pleasing Sewage treatment is a process that port algae. livestock. dent of the Month for October. tee during all four years at Oratory. to the mind than to [he eye. always seems to bo taken care of by Sewage treatment is a multi-step As environmental laws have The son of John and Carol Pasqua, In the area of sports, the senior is a Holiday bazaar, bake sale. Sun Jia-Ming, a native of Beijing, "somebody else." process that purifies water and sepa- become stricter, sewage treatment has Pasqua has been a member of the member of Oratory's newly' estab- came to the United States after living A holiday bazaar will be presented For much of Union County that rates out sludge. become increasingly regulated. There National Honor Society for the past lished bowling team. He has played mas Wish Tree. and leaching in France for several by the Home School Association of "somebody else" is the Rahway Val- First, sewage is cleared of debris was n lime, Tokarski said, when sow- three years. He was listed in Who's . intramural volleyball and intramural The Rosary Society will sell their years. In Chinn, ho studied math, sci- Our Lady of Peace School in New An example of Sun Jia-Ming's artwork on display at the ley Sewerage Authority. Located at , and grit. Then it is pumped into a ago was discharged into the Arthur Who Among American High School basketball at every grade level. Christmas poinscttias and the Knights ence, philosophy nnd only later Providence on Saturday from 8:30 Springfield Public Library. the eastern end of Hazclwood Avenue scries of primary settling tanks. Dur- Kill after primary treatment and Students, a publication which honors ficsides his involvement at Orat- of Columbus will be on hand taking became an artist. a.m. to 2 p.m. . by the Railway River, the facility ing secondary treatment sewage is sludge was dumped into the ocean. those who have achieved success in ory, Pasqua is a member of the St. orders for their famous peanut brittle. He attributes this shift to the cultur- Featured will be professional craf- For more information, call Jeun of mathematics ar Beijing University icure des Arts Decoralifs, Paris; and treats on average 29 million gallons of aerated and exposed to bacteria that •Twenty-five percent of the RVSA's academics as/well as in leadership Thomas More Youth Ministry in his al revolution when he was forced to sewage a day for a population of break it down furthur. Before dis- roles. home town of Madison.. tcrs, a bake sale and a special Christ- Mcrisko at (908) 647-2693. and his mother is a doctor, trained in Boise Stale University, Idaho. volume comes from commercial and Photo courtesy of Kile Hartley live in the country and look at his life Western medicine. 259,000 — this from a plant that charge,' the water is disinfected with In addition to these accomplish According to Manning, the Student industrial users, Tokarski said. The Math career week at Summit Middle School in a new way. His father is a professor The exhibit will be on display employs under 60 people. sodium hupochloride. ments, Pasqua is this year's sports of the Month is chosen from among largest of these is Merck & Co. included talks by parents on ihe importance of math Sun's work has been displayed in throughout the month of December. editor for The Omega, Oratory's those who show outstanding leader- RVSA Executive Director Richard Thoughout tho treatment process The RVSA's nine member com- in the career world. Guest speaker and parent African violet chapter to meet Editorial deadlines Beijing; China; Paris and Cannes, The Springfield Free Public Library is school nowspapcr. He has also been a ship, school spirit, and dedication to Tokarski said that it takes about six to sludge is separated from the sewage. munities art Springfield, Kenilworth, James Morlarty^ (eft, and son Miles take a break Following arc deadlines for news: France; and in Idaho and Utah since located at 66 Mountain Avc, Spring- the ideals of Oratory. . The Union Comity Chapter of the African Violet Society of America Inc. will eight bours for untreated sewage to Between 44 and 66 tons of sludge a Roselle Park, Cranford, Wcstfield, between classes. Morlarty, an importer, demon- member of the Math Club since Church, club and social - Friday noon. his emigration to the United States. field. The library is open Monday, miict Dec. 15 at 12:30 p.m. in the Scotch Plains Public Library, 1927 Barilc become "treated." By the time this day arc trucked away fpr various com- Garwood, Clark, Railway and Wood- strated to teacher Winnie Smith's class, that math is sophomore year and has been a parti- Entertainment - Friday noon. He has taught fine arts at the Beij- Wednesday and Thursday from 10 Avc. treated flow is discharged into the mercial uses. This week, sludge was bridge. The RVSA, which formed in an integral part of business from conception through cipant in the Service Club for (he past Sports - Monday noon. ing Fine Art & Design University, a.m. to .9, p.m. and Tuesday, Friday Sell it with a classified ad, The program will be "Denver Highlights." Anyone interested is welcome to Arthur Kill about 94 percent of tho being sent to Harrison County, Ohio 1951, also serves Mountainside, Win- production. two years. This latter organization is Letters to tho Editor - Monday 9 a.m. Beijing; the Ecolo Nationalc Supcr- and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1-800-564-8911. attend. impurities arc uonc. Tokarski said. In for a land reclamation project. Recen- field and Scotch Plains. responsible for conducting a variety MAJOR DEFT. STORE i

traditional Christmas at DuOrouu's'inean's SHOWCASES SHELVING . RESTAURANT EQUIP. GARMENT RACKS MANNEQUINS ALTERAVON, SAFE OFFICE EQUIP. DISPLAY AND LOTS MOREIII Holiday Hours: i Mon. • Sat. 3-0 Closod Sunday REAL Douglqs and . Presents Mario, Jeweler and Seller DELI CATERERS and PIZZERIA Fraser Fir Trees LOCATION: Have* YourDiamtind Set IN SPRINGHELD REAL Handmade Wreaths, 00 MILLBURN AVE. While You'Watch I SPRINGFIELD, N.J. Door Swags and ALL GO'S IUMJIUS Grave Covers NEED MORE TIME TO' SHOP? LEAVE REAL Polntsettlas - THE LAST MINUTE COOKING TO US!!! Red, White, Pink and Candy Cane it'luiuj for : her diamond Choose From A Wide Variety Of HOT ENTREES PHARMACY . Indoor Plants, Trees and Gift Baskets r oilier precious BROCCOLI CAVATELU iCMCKEN MURPM USED slow. Starting December 1st Jukeboxes • Pinball Machines • Video Games Visit us at dusk for the lighting . 1 \ i 1 JiH • Roasted Chlckon • Tossod • Pool Tables- 45s & CD's lAni i Ann'snsil ^^>r w'Pototoos • Ro"<> of Santa's Train Garden. Personalized bears that touch your heart and last a lifetime. BURNES OF BOSTON TIWEX WATCHES DECEMBER 10th • 10 AM-3 PM person T'is the season to be jolly, give a special gift that is and Cvcry Nightl Come sec pur selection KM mm *& •—• '-•• $9,95 ^ A$k for Jarry to accommodate you thru your Holiday parly menusl treasured and lasts a lifetime. Now you can buy a personalized FETCO FRAMES WHITMANS CANDY ilDEN CENTER AH Sales Final • While Supplies Last 419 Springfield Avc, bear for Christmas and SAVE $5.00 on your first orcjer. You 762 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD 467-5468/FAX NO. 467-5429' • ' CHIMES Summit can purchase one or more of our many styles that would best Cash & Carry • Trucking Available (908)277-2125 Wishing You and Yours a Happy & Safe Holiday from the Cioffi Family! COSMETIC BAGS Route 10 Circle describe you or that special person. You can have the gift . BOOKS Most Major Chnrgcs shipped directly to the recipient gift wrapped with a card and CLOCKS OPEN DAILY 1i35 Rt. 22 East •Springfield, Daily 9:30-5:30 have your Mastercard or Visa ready or mail orders to: For Information Call Thurs. to 8:30pm • Snt. to 5pm E-Z HOME SHOPPING SVC. NORMAN ROCKWELL FIGURINES P.O. BOX 194 HILLSIDE, NJ O72O5 (2Ori) 376-8777 (908)688-1492 or FAX 908-688-5939 Order Now Thru 12/22, and we f3$4 Springfield Ave. • Surnmit Guarantee Delivery by 12/24/94 USINESS

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ALL AROUND Does Your House Need a Face-Lift? FREE ESTIMATES "For the Best in Home Improvement" MOVING SCHAEFER MOVING HANDYMAN & RFUABLE • 2 HOUR MMU Call . For Ronovalions and P. PAPIC CONSTRUCTION, INC. LIGHT SAME LOW RATES 7 DAYS Catering to the physically Frank's Painting & Handyman Service Now Construction Additions • Dormers o Kitchens • Bathrooms TRUCKING chiliengal and ekierly Intorior/Extorior ^TlUE BEGINS ARRIVAL 1 WAV All Cotton, All Cozy, All Comfort Rcsidciiiiul — Commercial SMALL JOB -, - _, ._. ^ . _ Siding <• Decks « Tilework Wu'll rnoVu P urnltiirit, THIS HOLIDAY SEASON: For Estlmntoa Applliincns, I kiu::«holcl llnms NO OVERTIME CHARGES Il(*ic9l, Dcjwjulnhlc, Ncnt SPECIALIST 241-3849 All The Colon? You Could Wmt Call For a Free Estimate Call Pete In .cfitimtiid vint or Ituck, INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES cotlrlnoil!; K. cartttu). Rtijison- REFERENCES'OWNER OPERATED And Only $29.99 . Cull Ilrucc at . R&R Construction 908-964-4974 Htilii rulus J4 lully Inourud. t LES l'ALAlS. THE MAJESTY OF TIME. 908-686-1478 CALL ROB UC. IfM • CAU ANYTIME THE IDEAL GIFT IDEA Interior, Kxtorior, Unilingo Window, Glu33, Cnrpontry Iteilun beyond .peer. From the Concord Royul Gold Collection. 201-467-4572 "Serving Union County for 20 Years" 4G7-G598 24 Hour .Vivlio Av.H.bln Froo Eotimnteti Fully Insured Lie. No. P.M. 00530 908-964-1216 Hiildly lmcf;r;itrd case nnd link hmcclci design In Miliil l-l kunir (jolil, hanil polished to ;i Wi^ht luster. Swiss niuirt:. PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING Wiiier-rosistimt. Ills, $3OT0. Hers, with motlier-of-|H-;irl ilinl EXCELLENT PAINTING nnd 40 full-cut cliimiomls, Kilty fREE OR- BRADFORD INSUIIEd ESTIMATES hiliitln^ & t'oilli.iclli^ Painting O Faclal • Body Maiisago • WaxlrX7' Intcrior-Kxtcrior Intonor Qutorlor Plastering Malr Cut . Hair Coloring Kenldnitlul-Conuncivlnl Intorlor & Exterior ,65 Mnplcwwxl Avtntie 395 SpntigfieM Avenue Hickory Squire Mall Manlcuo/Podlcuro Ronldontlal 25 Yonra oxporionce- Maplewxxl, Chatham Towraliip Summit Dmmitlvc Kinliihni House Froo Entimntou (201)762-2323 (908)622:9057 (201)377-4445 '-.'lii MIIIIIIII n Mi-., Millliiu ii, \ | 070 I 24 Hour Sorv'co Painting 201-992-8500 I \loinl. (I llnlul.iv'lliHiiv FuBy Insivod FKQ Estiinxtca *•»•»"•• !I"IH •!I|HII, In. JO S.n. !l::il).iin-li|Mii. Sun. I'.! '•|ini. Helpful Hints A Information 3tov® Rozanokl Black Crcahi Denim Blue' Red Taupe Pink Yellow 9 Wost Northflold Road'. Uvlnostoh 'JIIIIIVIi-VKIII HOOL'H.I L'M'Jli jildill M.llsh 908-752-5442 908-686-6455 (908) 273-6025 PAGE 10 — THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1904 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 4,5,6* 5,6* - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1994 — PAGE 11 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tho following proposed ordinances woro Introducod and pesood on first raadlna al a mooting of tho Mayor and Council of tho Borounh of Moun- reunions i • tainside, In (ho County of Onion. Slato of Now Joraoy, hold on tho 22nd day ofNovombor, 1054, and thai sold ordinanco will be lakon up for further consideration for final pacsano at By Lisa Ann Batitto tho mooting of aaJd Borough Council to be held In the Municipal Building, 1363 Route 22, Staff Writer Mountalnsloo, New Jorooy on iho 20ih day of Docombor. 1004, at 0:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter oo cald matter can bo roachod, at which tlmo and place all persons who may be Planning a reunion? There is a reunion. Contact Bruce McCloud, In an effort to stem incidences of Interested therein will b* g)*©n an opportunity to be heard concern Inn tho o'emo. Ucci, 40 Mapes Ave./Nutley, 07110, Richard Masclla of 3830 Edgar Avc, brochure available which gives com- CJS 94 Reunion, P.O. Box 0582, domestic violence, a free booklet that JUDJTH E. OSTY (201) 2920. Boynton Beach, Fla., 33436, or call BOROUGH CLERK plclo informant)!! on how to go about Newark 07104. was developed by the Union County ORDINANCE 020-04 Columbia High School, Maple- 1-407-737-8193. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER X OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF it. For information, call Irvlngton High School, Classes of Sheriffs Office will be circulated MOUNTAINSIDE wood, Class of 1968, is looking for West Side High School, Newark, 1. Socllon 1O-1.14(a) of tho Borounh Codo lo amended as follows: 1-80O222-5277. January and June 1945 are planning a nationwide. fellow classmates. Alumni, or anyone Class of 1984, is scheduling a class a. The resident and lull time employee membership feos and guost foot* BheJI bo ao Orange High School Class of 50th reunion in June 1995. Those The booklet was brought to the follows: who has information about them, reunion in the fall of 1994. All class- 1. Family membership: 1955 is planning a 40th reunion. interested can call Gloria (Rothstcin) attention of B'nai B'rilh International (I) Family membership 5176.00 should write to: Class of 68, c/o Ron mates should send their name, address (II) Each unmarried child over 21 living at homo or a paroni living Alumni who need to update their Rosenkrantz at (908) 255-8435, or by Sid Islcr, community volunteer Dombusch, 35 Watchung Road, Short and telephone number to West Side with tho family . 45,00 addresses or who know the whereab- contact Gloria Wurtzcl Sherman, 23 director of the Linden Lodge of B 'nai Hills 07078; or call 376-4424. Reunion 84, 7 Commonwealth Ave., 2. 6fnglo membership: 16 yonro of aga-or older 85.00 outs of former classmates should call South Derby Road/Springfield,' N.J., B'rilh. Islcr distributed copies of Clifford J. Scott High School Newark 07106. 3. Senior Cltlzon membership: 62 yonro of ago or older Lenore at 201-887-9398. 07081; Eleanor Fexa Jaekel, 1618 "You Arc Not Alone" to the business 46.00 Class of 1941 is planning a reunion. Union High School, Class of 1985, Ramapo Way, Scotch Plains, N.J. committee members, who voted to w 2. Sub paragraphs A, 6,8, 7, 0.0, and 10 af Socllon 10-1.14(a) aro rodoalgnaitdt d as oub- West Side High School, Newark, Alumni should write to: Doris Gaw- is planning a high school reunion on paragraphs 8, 7, 8, O, 10, 11, and 12 roopocilvoly, and now DUbparographo 4 and 5 aro Class of 1944, is planning a 50th reun- 07076, or Thelma Freed Ottcnstcin, support the project. The organization, added as follows: • Icy, 41 Mountain Ave., Bloomfield Nov. 24, 1995. Classmates can write 4. A child under tho age of 16 Joining as port of a family, olnnlo or eorilor 38 Kipling Avc.N.J. 07081 or call which is headquartered in Washing- ion. Further information can be 07003. to Reunions Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box citizen momborshlp, If both the child and tho membership are resi- (201) 376-0716 after 5 p.m. ton, D.C., will pay for the circulation dent G obtained by calling Ruth Ellerman at Borrlnger Evening High School 150, Englishtown 07726, or call 201-256-5430 or by writing to her at and printing of the booklet. 5. A resident person ago 14 or 15 employed by a family no a parent's is seeking alumni from the years 1933 908-780-834. East Orange High School, Class "We will not mass distribute the holper Joining that family's membership E 19 Carlson Parkway, Cedar Grove to 1939 for a reunion. Contact Charles New Providence High School, of 1945, is seeking classmates for a booklet, but we will send it out upon 3. Section 10-1.14(b) of tho Borough Code Is amended as follows: 07009. Mess, 5 Cary St., second floor, West Class of 1974, is planning a high 50ih reunion in mid-1995. Contact . a. Tho non-rosldont momborshlp foos and guost foea shall bo as fallows: Central High" School, Newark, request," Islcr said. "We will tell peo- 1. Family membership: Orange 07052; 201-677-1840 or school reunion on July 15, 1995. Lucius A. Bowser, 758 Stirling Drive, l\) Family membership ' 27 Class of 1945, is planning a SOth reun- ple how they can obtain it." (II) Each unmarried child over 21 living at home or a paroni living 201-674-4149. | Classmates can write to Reunions East, South Orange 07079-2425, for The booklet explains how battering with the family •15,00 ion on May 20, 1995. For informa- U.S. Constabulary Troopers, who Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box 150, further information. 2. Slnalo momborshlp: 16 years of age or older 135.00 tion, contact Dominick Scaduto at 417 victims can seek help, and research 3. Senior Cltlzon momborsnlp: 62 years of ago or oldor 100.00 served in Germany after World War II Englishtown 07726, or call Irvlngton High School, Class of Warner Gray of B'nai B'rith International presents the 4. A child under tho ago of 16 joining as part of a family. Dingle or conlor E. Passaic Avc., Bloomfield, 07003, from 1946 to 1952, arc being sought 1975, will hold a reunion on Oct. 14, The building above, the Methodist Church of East Summit, was dedicated on Nov. will be conducted so the content of the clllzon membership, If both iho child and tho momborshlp aro non- 908-780-834. Chai Award to Union County Sheriff Ralph Froehllch rocildoni 135.00 (201) 338-7747 or Beatrice (Amco) by a national veterans association for 1995. Classmates can write to Reun- 22, 1903, when it was enlarged to accommodate a growing congregation. The 19-pagc publication is pertinent to the 5. A nan-resident person ago 14 or 15 employed by a family ao a Hillside High School Class of because of his publication of the "Play it Safe" parent's holpor Joining that family's momborshlp 05:00 a reunion. Write: B.J. Chambers, 530 ions Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box 150, original wooden building was constructed on March 20, 1898, and a brand new entire country, since domestic vio- 1965 is planning its 30th reunion for lence laws vary from state to slate. A handbook. • 4. ParagraphBC and dof Soctlon 10-1.4, aa amended by Rooolutton 752-B8,arahoroby Park Avc, Lancaster, Pa., 17602; or April 8, 1995 at the Tower Steak Englishtown 07726; or call (908) stone structure was completed in May 1919. Stone for the building was taken from delolod In their ontlroty, and paragraphs e, 1 and g aro rodoslgnatod as paragraphs c, d and PUBLIC NOTICE call: 717-397-9704. 780-8364. surrounding fields and hewn to fit by members of the church. The name was list of agencies and telephone num- o respectively. . House in Mountainside. Anyone bers also will be featured, along with 5. All other foeo and charges. Including Initiation foos for various non-rosldonicntogorlos, PASSED ORDINANCE NO. 824-94 St. John the Apostle School, knowing the whereabouts of former St. Caslmlr's Klmcntary School, changed to Oakes Memorial Church and flourished for many years until the late Ralph Frochlich received B'nai of the college's design production shall romairt unchanged., BOROUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE Clark-Linden, Class of 1974, is trying Newark, Class of 1956, is looking for 1970s-1980s when attendance began to drop and programs were cut back. About other information victims need. B'rilh's "Chai Award" for his work studio. 6. This ordinanco shall tako plfoct twonty days afior iho first publication horeof after final UNION COUNTY^ NEW JERSEY class members should write to: HHS passage. NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Iho to organize a class reunion. Informa- fellow classmates. Alumni, or anyone 10 years ago, the church became known as the Oakes Memorial Outreach Center "We have not determined if we will on that booklet and it was Islcr who The publication is available locally U3519 Mountainside Echo, Docombor 0, 1004 ' (Fee: $43.50) following Ordinance was passod and 65; 25 Tuxedo Dr.; Livingston 07039. make it generic for the entire country adoptocTon second and final hearing duly tion on the whereabouts of any class- Roselle Park High School Class of who has information about them, of the United Methodist Church of Summit. The church, located at the corner of brought the booklet lo the attention of from police departments, the Union talnsldb, Now Jorsoy on tho 22nd day of hold by the Mayor and Council of the Bor- PASSED ORDINANCE NO. 92504 mates can be submitted to Mary Jo should call (201) 635-5844, or write Russell Place and Morris Avenue, is used for special outreach programs. Members or if we will include the laws in each the business committee as well. County Prosecutor's Office, the Sher- BOROUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE November, 1094. ough of Mountalnsldo, Union Counry, Now 1957 is looking for classmates. A state. We will be conducting the UNION COUNTY. NEW JERSEY Judith E. Only Jorsoy al a Regular Mooting hold In tho Turicllo Baker at 815-0184, Rinaldi to Ron Killian, P.O. Box 91, Chatham of the former congregation worship at the United Methodist Church of Summit at "We arc in our fifth printing of iff's Office, community agencies and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Iho ' Borough ClorK Municipal Building, 1385 Roulo 22, Moun- reunion is planned for April 1995. research, but we have not reached that (allowing Ordinanco was pasood and ORDINANCE 025-04 lalnsldo, Now Jor&ey on the 22nd day of Wcstcrlund at 317-9539-or by writing Contact: RPHS-57; P.O. Box 601; 07928. the comer of Kent Place Boulevard and Deforest Avenue.'The photograph was 'Play it Safe' and it look us over a area hospitals. adoplodon second and final hoofing duly ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING November, 1994. $15,000.00 FROM YHE CAPITAL to West, 7 North Wood Avc., Linden, taken around 1913 by C. Grant Myers when Rev. William S. Coeyman was pastor. stage yet," Islcr said. year to get it going," Islcr said, pre- hold by tho Mayor and Council or tho Bor- Judith E. Only Oldwick 08858. David Drearley Regional High ough or Mountalnsfdo,.Union County, Now IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR THE Borough ClorK 07036. • . He served from 1904-1905 and from 1910 to 1913. This is not the first time,.B'nai- dicting it will take longer for "You Jorsoy al a Rogulnr Mooting hold In tho RESURFACING OF TENNIS COURTS ORDINANCE 924-94 West Orange High School, New- School, Kcnilworth, Class of 1976, is Municipal Building. 1385 Routo 22, Moun- AND BASKETBALL/VOLLEYBALL ORDINANCE AMENDING THE HOURS Rahway High School, Classes of planning a 20-ycar reunion in 1996. B'rith has given national attention to a Are Not Alone" lo get off the ground Editorial deadlines COURTS IN AND BY THE BOROUGH OF WORKED BY CERTAIN BOROUGH ark, Class of 1975, is planning a high MOUNTAINSIDE. IN THE COUNTY OF EMPLOYEES 1969 and 1970; arc planning 25th and Mail current information to DBRIIS booklet that originated in the Union because of, the research involved. . Following are deadlines for news: UNION, NEW JERSEY school reunion on Nov. 24, 1995. BE IT ORDAINED by iho Mayor and 26th anniversary class reunions in County Sheriff's Office. Two years "You Arc Not Alone" originated Church, club and social - Friday noon. U3518 Mountalnsldo Echo, Council of tho Borough of .Mountalnsido Classmates can write to Reunions Class of 1976, Tcrri Gcnova Harms, Docombor 0, 1994 (Foe: $9.75) thol the Senior Citizen Coordinator's hours, 1995. For more information, one can 429 Scaton Ave., Roscllc Park 07204. Association warns residents of chimney sweeps ago, the organization was granted per- through the efforts of the Sheriff's Entertainment - Friday noon. whllo acting as Coordinator of tho Sonlor Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box 150, mission lo reprint a booklet that dealt Citizen Hahdyman Program, bo Incroasod write to Margarcl Rosclli, 174 Forbes Englishtown 07726; or call Have they any accreditation irom a Office, the Elizabeth Police Depart- Sports - Monday noon. Tho Sprlngflold Froo Public Library from 14 to 10 hours per wook. Clifton High School, Class of Board of Trustoos will hold Its regular moot- St., Rahway 07065. The Union County Fire Prevention When major repairs arc required, they trade'school? Are they active in a state with the abduction of children, titled ment, Kcan College's Department of Letters to the Editor - Monday 9 a.m. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED lhat Iho 908-780-8364. 1945, will hold a SOth anniversary ing on Thursday, Docombor 0.1994 at 7:30 Incroaso In hours will coaso whon iho Abraham Clark High School, Association and the Cranford Fire will not hesitate lo give a written esti- or local chimney sweep guild? How "Play it Safe." Recently, Sheriff Communications and Karen Hoffman General - Monday 5 p.m. p.m. In tho Library Mooting Room, 60. Sonlor Clllzon Handyman Program onds. Clifford J. Scott High School, reunion May 21,1995. More Informa- mate and will acquire the proper Mountain Avonue, Sprlngtlold, Now Jorooy. UJJ517 Mountalnsldo Echo, Roscllc, Class of 1964, is planning a Department issued a warning this did they lcam their craft? How long U3521 Sprlngflold Loador, Docembor 8, 1994 (Foo: $11.25) Newark, Class of 1984, is seeking tion can be obtained by calling Dor- Docombor 8. 1094 (Foo: MOO) 30-ycar reunion. One can contact week concerning chimney sweeps. building permits before starling the have they been in business? Can they alumni members for a 10-ycar class othy Poulin at (201) 744-7627. Captain Robert Bcndlin, Cranford work, he said. supply yon with local recent refer-1 v? ...... Tire official and association president, "When selecting a chimney sweep, enecs? Do they have a local telephone noted thin there have.been problems don't just base your decision on cost. number where you can contact them throughout Union County with chim- Ask if they arc certified by the in Iho event of a problem?" Bcndlin ney sweep companies soliciting busi- National Chimney Sweep Guild. said. hess that arc not doing a professional Invitations Professional Directory or snfc job, and,sometimes charging Caiigraphy large fees for small jobs.. The. elderly Si Announcements are often the targets of their I • Stationery 3RAH V Holiday Cards Chiropractors ' solicitations.. DEBC ... and Worrall Newspapers brings ADVERTISE YOUR PROFESSION The role of the chimney sweep is : Foil Imprinting important and should not be dis- ^ you another special holiday section Business Cards Dr. John Kiriakatls FOR ONLY $20.00 PER WEEK GILEBERT'.- . ••••• Calling Cards missal as a quick brushing of the to help you with more ideas to fill Headache Sufferers Wanted chimney, he said., A professional 201-912-9640 and Much More... Professional olfica providing non-lnvosivs, For Every conservative care. Res consultation and sweep will, in addition to sweeping in the spaces on your holiday examination worth $150 in services. CALL 1-800-5^-8911 ami cleaning nil arens of the chimney, Short Hills Occasion Call (or dotnilo 908-964-3331. cvnluate the condition of the chimney, shopping list! 1042 Salem Rd., Union. prescribe changes lo improve the per- formance, and educate the consumer about its safe and efficient operation. LAST MINUTE I Ourmtcs are si Week's issue! ares » 150 Essex Street, Mlllburn. JX /\\ . New Jersey 07041 . /-^^""^ N\ / \\ • 201/379-7900 / NV YL &u&&d&&i&&db&^&d4^ MINIMUM ONLY $1,000 _ f Trr3

r" Month Annual Certificate Percentage Yield PUPPH0NE

12 Month Annual © Certificate Percentage Yield ^MWSA

Dnu'.in'l ovorybody hnvo a box uf clolhinc) !h;it thoy 15 Month . Annual BNSUBDES EKWENOe® havo bnon immninrj lo BMTTEBVANB < cjonnlu lot it long limo...but Certificate Percentage Yield noithur thu pkicu nor opportunity lo briny thorn inV 0 II lluil rounds liko you, $55 Activation Fee Waived horo':. ;II) opportunity to 0 doMiilu your clblhiiu) lo Receive TWICE the amount pooplo who to.'illy nuocl ll, (llinnf) Woffiill Community 18 Month of minutes in the selected r Nu'wspapmt.' HOLIDAY Annual CLOTHING DRIVE lor Ihu Certificate Percentage Yield service plan for the first 2 honiokiss in l::;:;ux ;in'() (Ion \JJ tint tolhmiuj O/JIMJ (>/ Womill CiumrlluiW Nn, Uniinmbul ;!i!rul , l\LAl PI AINHl LI) 9am, •• 5pm; IKIWacciywucbthiny hr tho fem'cui /V.'.i:i ifi,i;ui0 41 N...*,H-1 A^MM, I1 O ((.H 22! CELLULAR PROCESSING CENTER |il:;t in tinui lor Iho holiday IA5I OtlANOi; liilOHT MU Lit your ifoiMtkvt nt n kicAiion Muioul to you llva ila (lliy « I «v«ll * :;o;u;on FlV.lHOlD AHMHM * ' ^ [ill I fiiOC SHUN*! lAKr HllUMI:; V UNION 1291 SHiyvosantAvoruiii > * 11 .'rt I ilM'iy y MAPLEWOOD


PAGE 12 - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1994 -.WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 5,6* In school, I work hind to gel u good report card. I like school in Springfield very much. I go to Sandmeier School and I like everything about Sandmeier.'It Eggcet$ra is special because the teachers are very nice and they help us to get smart by ^ religion obituaries ...a monthly page by learning. I have such nice friends at Sandmeier School. It is an important part of and for the community's W lifc' . . Sameer Gill died Nov. 28 in Cape Cod Hospital, young people. Grade 3 Yule musical slated communities. The programs are con- Sol C. Yqeger Hyaruiis, Mass. Sandmeier School _ The Mountainside Chapel will pre- ducted by newly appointed director Sol C. Yaegcr of Springfield, for- Debbie Bergcr. Mrs. Hand was a long lime resident sent "I'll Be Home For Christmas," a merly of Rosellc, died Nov. 28 in the of Mountainside. Education means to me learning new things. Writing/reading, math, and sci- The Prc-School program provides holiday musical about family and East Orange Veterans Medical Surviving are two daughters, Leslie ence are all a part of your education. Your education builds up when you lcam classes including "Name That Sport," hope in the golden days of radio, Dec. Center. Hodgkins and Sally Mauson; a different things. It can never stop happening. If you don't have an educat.on, "Learning About Our Culture you won't have a job and you cannot do anything in life. Education is very 17 and 18 at 7 o'clock on both nights. Bom in Newark, Mr, jaeger lived brother, Max Berkowitz, and a sister It wil) be staged at the chape), 1180 Through Music nnd Dance," "Modern in the Oranges and Roselle before Ruth Wallad. important to me. Day Classics," "Hammers And Nail- 1 Spruce Drive. The chapel will present •moving to Springfield five years ago. Casey Santo the musical free of charge as a holiday s," and a new program, "Reviewing Grade 4 He was a postal clerk with the Newark greeting to the community. and Critiquing Old And New Disney Post Office for 42 years before retir- Sandmeier School Animated Films." Education means a lot to me. If I didn't have an education, I wouldn't know "I'll Be Homo For Christmas" is ing 10 years ago. Mr. Yaoger served Edwin Sauerberger the story or an. ordinary family In addition, the Giant Steps Enrich- in the Army during World War II. He how to read, write, do math or Social Studies. So education is important for ment program is an extension of the Edwin K. Sauerberger Sr., 74, of when I grow up and through my whole life. So I want an education so I can be responding to crisis situations in faith. was a member of the Postal Workers Mountainside died Dec. 1 in Mcd- school's morning nnd afternoon clas- Associatipn in Newark. anvthinK I wont to be when I grow up. More information can be obtained bridgc Center, Mountainside. ses for 3-and-4-ycar-old children. Survivjng is a son, Lance. . Joe Bianco by calling the chapel office at (908) Bom in Newark, Mr. Sauerberger The following entries were submilted by students from James Culd- 232-3456. The school is overseen by a pre- Grade 4 school board made up, of parents rep- lived in Irvington and Union before well School in Springfield. 1 • Sandmeier School resenting each age level program and Ruth C. Scott moving to Mountainside in 1957. He Education means sharing and learning. Education will help you gel a good Registration planned other professionals. This year's board Ruth C. Scott, 85,. of Springfield was a carpenter and millright with the job and will help you in raising a family. If you care about yourself, stay in Templo Sha'orcy Shalom Pre- members are Melissa Lemer, Laura died Nov. 29 in Rahway Hospital. carpenters Union Local 715 in Eli- school. You don't have to go to college, but you should try to graduate high Annamarla Cucclnlello and Gary Lalevee zabeth for 45 years before retiring in The best thing about school is when I do math. I like math, because it gels me School, located at 78 So. Springfield Gomstcin of Union, and Beth Bell, Born in Newark, Mr. Scott lived in school. Then you can go to the military. The more education you get, the better Ave., Springfield, will hold registra- Springfield for 60 years. He was the 1983. Earlier, Mr. Sauerberger had going in ihc morning. From left, Jeff Schultz, Steve Bernkopf and Sara Margo Grossbarth, Myma Wasser- life you'll have. , . , • tion for the 1995-96 year for temple president of H. Scott Excavating Co., been a machinist with the Elastic Stop * Mike Fcrrcira Zucker experiment with eggs in Michele Anderson's man, Arlcne Newman, Vivian Cohen, fourth-grade class at Sandmeier School. Stephanie Lai members and existing prc-school David Miller, Lcni Cohen, and school Cucciniello-lalevee troth Springfield, since 1951. Her late hus- Nut Co., Union. He was a trustee and Grade 2 Grade 4 families on Dec. 13 at 7:45 p.m. and director Debbie Bcrgor, all of Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cuccinicllo of pursuing a master's degree. She is a band, Hamilton, had founded the recording secretary with the union James Caldwcll School t Sandmcicr School for the general public on Dec. 15 at 1 Springfield. Springfield have announced the freelance coordinator ror Reed Rofcr- company in 1938. Earlier, she had from 1962 to 1983. Mr. Sauerberger I am thankful I go to school because I learned lots of ihirgs and 1 had fun. I Education means to me that you arc always learning new things. p.m. In addition, "FANS" — Families engagement of their daughter, Anna- ence Publishing, New Providence. been a bookkeeper for Firemen's served in the Army during-World War had fun becusc I like all subjects. I like winter. Also, it means to me that somehow you can have lots of fun learning things. Sha'arcy Shalom Prc-School offers Active In Nursery School, Sha'arcy maria, to Gary Lalevee, son of Mr. Her fiance, who graduated from Insurance Co., Newark. ' II. he was a member of the Senior Boris Khovitch It's my favorite season. Theresa Bascc young children flexible class schedul- Shalom's version of lhc PTA, meets and Mrs. Richard Lalevee of Spring- Union Catholic High School, Scotch Surviving-are a son, Hamilton Jr., Citizens Club, the American Associa- Grade 4 Grade 2 Sure, I'll give you n reason. ing and programs that meet iho needs to promote and encourage positive field, formerly of Union. Plains, "attends Union County College. and two grandchildren.' tion of Retired Persons and the Moun- Sandmeier School James Oildwcll School I like Chanuknh. of youngsters and parents as well. communicalioas between tho school, Miss Cuccinicllo, who graduated He is nn operating engineer for the tainside Friends, all of Mountainside. The best thing about school is my teachers because they arc very nice to me. It's really fun. • Education means to me getting good grades and having fun. It also means Studcnls enrolled in pro-School come the board and family members. from Jonathan Dayton Regional High International Union of Operating Bessie Hand . Surviving are his wife, Etta M.; a They arc my favorite thing in the world. My poem is over, getting a degree and hard, work. It also means graduating and getting a job, And from the communities of Cranford, For more information one can call School, Springfield, and Fairleigh Engineers, Little Falls. daughter, Charlene Salt; a son, Edwin Bessie Hand, 81, of Eastham, Jacqueline Weiss so it's done. it means report cards and cool experiences! Millbum, Springfield,. Union, West- Bergcr at Ihc temple at (201) Dickinson University, where she A September 1995 wedding is K. Jr., four grandchildren and a great- Mass., formerly of Mounlaiasidc, Grade 2 Zack Links . Eric Dcctcr field, as well as other surrounding 379-5387. received a bachelor of arts degree, is planned, grandchild. James Caldwcll School ! • Grade 2 Grade 4 James Caldwcll School The best thing about school is recess: Recess is Tun because you get exercise. , . • . Sandmeier School Exercise is fun because you get strong. I like winter because I like to make snowmen. I like to make snowmen Daniel Kahoonil because I like to make big snowballs. Winter is the best season'of all! I like to clubs in the news Grade 2 make lhc snowmen with my friends. My friends and I have a lot or fun in the death notices James Caldwcll School winter time. The best thing about school is you learn. School is fun because you can have Ryan Russikoff The B'nai B'rith Women or will introduce the guest speaker, Rab- Through the Old Neighborhood — The Mountainside Womanvs Club recess. I am thankful for food, home and money. I go to school because you get HANDELMAN- Francos G. (noo Funcheon), Tho funeral was conducted from Tho MC Grade 2 Springficld will meet Dec. 14 in bi Perry Raphael Rank, who is the The Remains or Eastern European Inc., a member of the N.J. Federation on Friday, Nov. 1D. 1994, ago 7B, ol 4 Orchard CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, Union. Funoral strong. • , James Caldwcll School' Temple Beth Ahm, Springfield at spiritual leader of Temple Beth Ahm Jcwcry in the Eyes of nn American of Woman's Clubs, will hold a lunc- Avo., Branlord, CT.. formerly of Union, bolovod Mans was hold at Holy Spirit Church. Intormont Kimberly Mendoza wifo ol Iho lalo Bernard'B, Handelman, dear Si. Gortrudo ComGtory. In lieu ol llowors, thoso 1 like winter because I like to have a snowball fight. Winter is fun because I 12:15 p.m. The president, Eloanor in Springfield. He recently returned Kid." heon meeting at L'Affairc, Mountain- mothor of MrB. Bonnlo Samson of Branford, CT, so doslrlng may mako contributions to Iho Grade 2 Rice, will preside. from a tour of Eastern Europe. His Rank was abom and raised in Min- and Hoborl Handolmnn of Nowark, Ohio, Corner for Hopo Hogpfco, 176-Huasa'St., like to have hot chocolate when I'm done having a snowball Tight. I like to go side, al noon Dec. 14. • dnuQhtor of the lalo Gladyrj Funchoon, loving Llndon. N.J. James Oildwell School . Ruth Pillcr, program vico president, presentation will be "A Walk neapolis, Minn., and attended the Uni- Veteran entertainers, Sam and Su/.y grandmolhor ol Shannon Stewart and Susan- ileddingin the winter. . nah Stowart Mason ol Branford, CT, great The best thing'about school is teachers because they arc nice and I like home- v versity of Minnesota, whero ho Andrew, known as lhc Classics, will UMANETZ- Mario (noo Yafchak). 87, of Wood- • Cory Bergcr nmndmolhor of Joshua James Mason, sister of bridgo, N.J., on Doc. 4, 1994, bolovod wtfo of work and I like to lcam. Grade 2 received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in be performing a program of Christ- Mrs.JonolCuzzotlnoof Wostfiold, NJ., and Iho tho lalo Frank, door mother of tho lato Anno Lauren Ginsberg Hebrew in 1976. Ho received a mas- mas music. lolo Raymond Funcheon, also survived by a Lanyl, slstor o( Anno Bunlok, Thoro3o Schu- • James Caldwell School host of rolatlvos.ond Irlonds. Funeral aorvico marty and Juno Brys, also survived by two Grade 2 I like winter because you can have a snowball fight and you can build a snow- ter's and rabbinic ordination from the The club, al its luncheon meeting was hold al HAEBERLE » BARTH COLONIAL grandchildren, Ellyn Soldulti and Richard A, Education means learning to me. My fayorile way to lcam is in school and on HOME, Union. Intermbnl Hollywood Momorlal Lanyl, and two groat-grandchlldron, Aahloy nnd James Caldwell School nan.' We build a little snowman for me, a medium one for Jay T.,,and a big one Jewish Theological Seminary of Nov. 16 had Barbara Fowler who as Park. Momorial contributions may bo sent to tho my computer. I lcam by studying, doing lots of work and by reviewing my Tyler-Sa'ldiinl. Funeral aorvico at Tho MC ' My favorite season is fall because sometimes llanukkah is in November! lor Mickey. In winter, it is Christmas. My dad, in the morning befwe me, Jay "America in 1981. At that timo, he guesi speaker has related her experi- American Dlabolos Association, 300 Rosoarch CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris homework. 1 like lo lcam science and math. I do my homework, after I come assumed tho spiritual leadership of ence at Douglass College where she Parkway, Merldon, CT, 06450 or the Connoctl- Avo,| Union, on Thursday, Doc. 0, ot 11 n.m. Hanukkah is the best to me because my Nana and my Papa get a lot of gifts for I\, and Mickey come down, gets his camera and when we come down, he vid- cut Hospice Homo Caro, 61 Burban pr., Intormont Hollywood Comotory, Union, N.J. home and unpack. 1 also learn by reading a lot. Gelling an education is only as Courtney Brooke Rosencrantz Congregation Shomrci Emunah in Branlord, CT 06405. my cousins Sara, Alex and baby Chandler, the last cousin- My sister Ashley and jolanes'us. 1 like winter a lot. , . attended the 48th annual Girls Career important as how you use the things you lcam to be a successful person. An 8-pound, 11-ouncc daughter, Coumey Brooke, was bom Sept. 22 Montclair. In 1987, Rank assumed the COLBURN-Goorgo P., 52, of Union,on Doc. 2, • I get a lot of, gifts, too. Jesse Wcalhcrston • Institute.. " . , , ' Michael Manganicllo in St. Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.ulpiUposition at Tomplc Beth Ahm MICONE- On Doc. 4;-1094, Mario A. (Collins);''1094, bolovod husband of Charlono (Balding) • .•••:•• • . . ' Heather Hcrtzoff ' Grade 2 Also featured was a.guest speaker, ol Union, N.J:, beloved wile of Amedoo Mi cone, Colbum, dovotod falhor of Corlna Hynos, Darcy* •'••.••• Grade 4 Rosencrantz of Mountainside. She joins a sister, Mollic, 2. in Springfield. In 1994 ho became Ihc rjovoiod mothor ol Roborl E. Mlcono, Joan A. Balding, Tara Balding, doar brother ol Diane ...•..'.•'•• . ' ' • . Grade 2 • Jane Lanstscn, District supervisor Wallszowoki, Mauroen T. Capono and Michaol Colbum. Tho 'funeral was Irom Tho MC James Caldwcll School • Sandmeier School Mrs. Rosencrantz, the former Brcnda Ccrro, is the daughter of Mrs. president of the Rabbinical Assembly : . '...... James Caldwell School My favorite season is fall. I like it because my birthday is October 19th. I also guidance of Union of Union County I). Micone, slstor ot John J. Collins and Joan C. CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, Union. A Maoa Education means a loi to me. It is learning, reading and math. Education Johanna Ccrro of Union and the late Mr. Dominick Ccrro. Her husband is of New Jersey. He is married to Ihc Thomas and Iho late Holon C. LonQacro and ol Chriotlnn Burial wan hold in Holy Spirit My favorite season is fall and winter because the bells ring loudly. It is joyful Regional High School, with whom the Francis T. Collins, also survivod by eight Church, Intormont will bo In Gracoland Momor- ike to jump in the leaves. This year Chanukah is in it. I also love to trick or treat moans teachers leaching students. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rosencrantz of Springfield. former Ellen Simson of Springfield. everywhere. It is time for fun like soccer, football, binding snowmen, having in Halloween. Thai's why 1 like fall. club has shared a long professional nrandchlldron and ono nroat-flranddnughlor. al Park, snowball fights, and trick or treating. There arc lots of colorful leaves, gifts Education is listening with your cars, and thinking. Education is using your A mini lunch will be served. Sara Neimanis brain. Education is "hands on experiences!" I like learning, in school and at history. opening, family fun, candles and a nice turkey on the table. I love fall and Grade 2 •winter! • * home. Be cool, stay in school. « Christina Leshko James Caldwell School Milena Henry Grade 2 Grade 4 • . James Culdwcll School Siindnieier School worship calendar My favorite season is spring. I like it because of the bright colors. The bright Education means learning. Il also means books, like the dictionary and the colors arc pretty. I like the flowers. My favorite flower is called the rose. encyclopedia that help me spell and do research. Il also means special books Saturday (7:30 AM). Wide range ol musical and children services nrc conducted rcgulnrly. Ilic Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey; il KENILWORTH COMMUNITY UNITED I'UtST PKKSflVTERIAN CHURCH Morris Marisa Spring like the Anastasia Series, Cricket In times Square, The Desert Dog and Sing ASSEMBLIES OF GOD opportunities for children, youth nnd adulls in Our Religious School (third-seventh grade) is represented among Ilic Council of Congrega- METHODIST CHURCH 455 Boulevard", Avc. nnd Omrch Mull. Springfield. 379-4320. choirs, handbell choirs and instrumental ensem- meets on Sunday nnd Tuesdays. Thcic nrc for-i tions in Union, nnd il serves as the home for Sunday Church Scliool Classes for nil ngc< 9:(K) CALVARY ASSKMIILY OF COD 953 W. Kcnilworlh. Rev. I.indn Del Sardo, Paslor. Grade 2 Down'lho Moon. Also, education means school and doing work. Il also means bles. This church provides barrier free accessi- mnl classes for both High SCIKWI nnd prc- ' H'nai IVrilb; Iliidassuh, and olhcr communal , a.m., Sundny morning Worship Service 10; 15 Chcsmul Si., Union, 964-1133 Paslor: Rev. Church office 276-1956, Parsonage 276-2322. Studying is super fun. • writing, creating charts, and working computers. Education can also be going bility lo all services and programs. A cordial Religious School nged children. The ivnagoguc Jewish orgnni/.atiom. > a.m. with nursery facilities'nnd cnrc provided. James Caldwell School Jolm W. llccluel. Sunday School 9:30 AM, Worship Service 10:00 A.M., Sunday Scliool welcome awaits all visitors at nil of our services also sponsors a Nursery School, Women's Opportunities for personnel growth through Collecting cool ideas. on field trips, learning can be fun! Worship Service 10:45 AM, Sunday nvcninfi 9:00 A.M. Nursery available during Worship. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My favorite part of Christmas is when you and programs. League, Men's Cluh, youih groups for fifth TEMPLE ISRAEL OF UNION 2372 Morris Worship, Christian education, youth groups, Service f>:30 I'M, Wednesday Kittle Sludy and Communion is served Ihc i\jM Sunday of each get to sec what othor people got. It's fun in help wrapping gifts. Then Christmas Health is taking care or my body. Ashley Goldberg through twelfth graders, ant) a busy Aduli Iidu- Avenue, Union, 687-2120. Meyer Korhmnn, choir, church activities and fellowship. l>raycr 7:30 I'M. monlh. All arc- welcome. *i ends, and then there's no more Christmas'until next year! Original ideas make me smart. Grade 4 EVANC5KL IIAPTIST CHURCH "Declaring cntion program. A Seniors' League meets regu- Rabbi; Ilillcl Sndowil/., Cantor; lislher Avncl, Sundays-Church School - 9:00 n.m., Worship - On largct; that's my mind. Sandmeier School Ills nxccllcnce Sharing His Love" 242 Shun- larly. I'or more informntion, please contnet our President; lladassah fioldfischcr, Principal. SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL UNITED 10:15 n.m.-Communion first Sundny of each Heather S. pike Rd., Springfield, Reverend Frederick R. office during office hours. Temple Israel of Union is a tratlilional Conser- METHODIST CHURCH 40'Church Mall, monlh; Ladies Benevolent Society - 1st Wed- Listening to the teacher and learning. To me, education means learning. If there weren't teacher's to help us lcam BAPTIST Mackey, Senior Pnstor; Reverend F-dward Mus- nesday of each monlh at 1:00 p.m.; Ijulics Grade 2 Joshua Goldman vative Congregation wilh programs for all ages, Springfield. Rev. J. Paul GrifTilh, Pnstor. SUN- James Caldwell' School we wouldn't know anything at all. Charts and computers give us writing lips CLINTON II1L1. IIAPTIST CHURCH ko, Youlh Pastor. Sunday: 9:45 AM Flihlc Friday Services 8:30 PM. Saturday Services DAY MORNING CHURCH SERVICE 10:30 livening Group - 3rd Wednesday of each monlh Grade 2 and they involve brain work. Education also means books. If books weren't "Where lhc Bible Comes Alive" 2815 Morrl) School for all ages, cleclivcs for adulls. 11:00 JEWISH - ORTHODOX 9:00 AM Minchah 5:30 PM. Sunday Tallis and A.M., CHURCH SCHOOL RECONVENES ot 7:30 p.m.; Kaffccklnlsch • hi.nnd 3rd Tues- u AM Worship Service, Nursery Care and Child- ,9:15 A.M. Church is equipped wilh a cliair lifl day of each month al 9:30 n.m.; Fellowship Day Sandmeier School Avc. Union ( 0H) 687-9440 Reverend Tom CONGREGATION ISRAEL 339 Mountain Tcfillin 9:00 AM. Religious School wilh a full invented kids couldn't learn new words and have fun reading them! ren's Church. 6:00 PM Hvcning Service, lo Snnclunry for Handicapped and Htdcrly. - 2nd Monday of ejich monlh nl 11:30 urn.; Slulcy, I'lisior-Tcachcr. WEEKLY ACTIVI- Avenue. Springfield 4167-9666. Daily services lime PrincipnljKradcs Three ihrough Seven- TIES: Sunday: 9:45 AM - Sunday Bible Scliool Nursery Care. Wednesday: 7:15 I'M IVaycr, Choir - every Thursday nl K:00 p.m.; Jr High School helps us learn. Simon Zattsbcrg 6:30,7:15 A.M.; 7:15 P.M. or al sunset. During mccl Sund»ys"j-10:30 AM and Mondays & : for all aucs, mlllliplc adult elective* arc offered Praise and Bible Sludy; Juniorfienior High Wednesdays - 4-5:30 PM Primer Class for Fellowship - 1st nnd 3rd l ridnys of ench month Caring teachers, Grade 4 Ihc summer, evening services al sunset. During ; each <|ilarlcr on relevant life topics, numcry care Koinonln. Active youlh program; Cross- Grades One nnd Two, Sundays - 9-10:30 AM. MORAVIAN at 7:30 p.m.; Confirmniion Cl:is-i every I riday Cultural Ministry; Senior's Luncheon 3rd the summer, evening services al 7:15 P.M. Helpful friends, Sandmeier School Hi it children's department (wilh a puppet mini- Adult Hebrew Classes including Mnr and Hal RATTLE HILL COMMUNITY MORA- nt 3:15 p.m. Rev. Jeffrey A. Curtis, Paslor. Thursday 11:00 AM; Woman's Prayer Walch; Classes arc held In Malinonidcs, Sunday, H:30 stry). 11:00 AM - l-'clloivship or Worship. We Mit/vuh lVcparalion • 'lliursdays - 8-10 PM. VIAN CHURCH 777 Liberty Avenue, Union, Old and new lessons, Music Program. Ample parking. Church l.t A.M. During the \vinlcr months, we offer Tof ah offer n celebration service which combines a CiH6-5262. Pastor, Rev. Jeffrey D. Gchris. Sun- TOWNXEY PKICSIIYTEKIAN CHURCH Our interest ing books, equipped with chair lift. All arc invited and sludy between minlia and ma'ariv, and during Temple Israel sponsors programs nnd activities blend of contemporary and traditional worship dny Schoot9:15 a.m. Service of Worship, 10:30 Salem Road al Ilugucnoi Avenue, Union. Wor- welcomed with us. For further Informallon con- Iho summer monlhs we offer a session in Jewish for Youlh Groups Grades Seven through Lots of encouragement. style; weekly children's sermon, chlldrcn'l a.m., Nursery provided. Firs! Sunday every ship and Church School Sundays ;ti 10:00 A.M. lacl church office (201) 379-4351. clhics, 45 minutpi before minha, after which we Twelve. We also IKIVC n very active Sislcrhood, Jeffrey Gerstenfeld church & nursery care is provided. 4:00 I'M join for icuda shclishit fellowship. On Wednes- and Men's Club. monlh Fellowship Hour aflcr Worship. Prayer Nursery Care during all services. Holy Com- Tree Climbers for boys aj;cs 5-7 and their dads. Grade 2 day evenings aflcr 8:00 P.M., or ma'ariv ser- Group every Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Hiblc Sludy munion the first Sundny of each month. We 0 p.m. every olhcr Tuesday, Drive, Mountainside, 232-3456. Dr. Gregory Designs, art work. music, food, IWil'.l all arc Invited..There arc Morning IVaycr Time al 9:00 AM, Sunday lom is a Reform congregation affiliated wilh Women's Hiblc Sludy Thursdays, 9:30 run., lln|.s, Pastor. WHKK1.Y ACTIVITIES: SUN- numerous I lome Illhlo iludics lluit mccl during School for All Ages al 9:40, Morning Worship Using my brain. llw Union Of American Hebrew Coniircgnlioiw Adull Choir 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Mollicrs' DAY 9:45 AM - Sunday School for all agcsl ST. THERESA'S CHURCH 5-11 Washington lhc week in Union and surrmindimt. communi- Service and Children's Church al 11 AM. Wed- (UAIIC). Sliahluil worship, cnclunced by vol- Morning-Oul Ministry 9:15 a.m. Thursdays, 11:00 AM • MORNING WORSHIP - with Dr. Avc., Kcnilworlh, 272-4444, Rev. Joseph S. Collecting goml ideas. ties call fur Informallon. For I'KIili Informa- nesday livening Hible Study al 7 I'M. Friday unteer clvoir, begins on Friday evenings al B:30 Men's llrcakfnst 7:30 u.m. first Saturday, Ihigg. Nursery is provided for newborn lo Hcjgrowic/, Pastor, Sunday Musses: Sa.1, Si'M). tion packet please call (90H) 6K7-9440. livening Pioneer Clubs for Hoys and fiirls. "We Applying ™y skills. PM, with monthly Family Services at 8:00 PM. "Twenties & 'Iliursdnys. "Parents' Night Ou.l", 2-ycnr-olds, Children's Churches for 2-ycar- pm, Sun. 7:30 - 9:00 - 10:30 am - 12 NiKiii. Ixl Iho Hiblc do the lalklngl" ' Telling people things I'learned in school. Saturday morning Toroh study class begins ni Small Group Ministries. Special services nnd olds ihrough Ihird grade. 6:00 PM Hvciiing Scr- Weekday Masses 7:00 - 9:(M) mn. Miraculous I'm good ill ninth. FIRST IIAPTIST CHURCH of 9:15 AM followed by worship at 10:30 AM. • leaching scries lo bo announced: For further vico (First and third Sundays Care Groups Medal Novenu following 7:30'pin Muss, ST. ' VADXHAIX 5 I Ilium Avc., .Vauxhall, N.J. NON-DENOMINATIONAL Religious school classes mccl on Saturday information, please- call, (201) 379-4525. mccl). MONDAY'7:00 PM • Junior and Senior JUDH PHRPIilDRAL NOVI-NA - Wcdncs- Opinion lo my bruin. Kathy Shepard's class at Caldwell School enjoys Church office, (908) 687-3414. Puslor: Dr. mornings for grades K-3; on Tuesday and . High Youlh Groups. WEDNESDAY: 7:00 PM dnys, 12 Noon nnd 7:30 pm. I loly I lour for voc- Marlon J. Franklin, Jr., I'ailor. Sunday School - ASSOCIAIW) MULE STUDENTS, meet- HOLY THIN1TY LUTHERAN CHURCH • MID-WIil-K. SliRVICIi - Famillly NighNiglut Hililo ntions nnd social inlcnllons. Share Ills [KHver Never, stop learning. material from their native American studies courses. Thursday afternoons for 4-7; and 'l\icsday 1 All HJTCS - 9:30 am; Sunday Mornina Worship ings held al Masonic Lodge, 1912 Morris evenings for post bar/bat mluvuh studcnls. I*rc- 301 Tucker Avc., Union 6H8-O714. Slovak Study wltli Dr. I laug Christian Service llrinaill c ful inlcrtcisions. Jaime Wcismitn Scrvlco Including Nurlhc schools arc excellent. CJiMlosman, Canlor; David Gelband, IVcsidenl. Worship Services: 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. in our Coffco Hour Tollows iho Service. Ample park- Interim Mlnliler. Church phone: (90H) JEWISH CONSERVATIVE Congregation llclh Shalom Is an afflllaled cllmalo-conirollcd, barrlor-frcc Sanctuary. Irifl. Prcibyterlaii Women Circle* mccl Month- House of When I grow up, I want lo he a si-.ii-niisi. My education will make nu- smart, ll 6BH-497S; Sunday lervlccs: 9:45 AM - Sunday 'I'radlllonal Conservative Synagogue, Dally (Infant and Child Care available al each Wor- y. Hlblo Sludy group mccii In mid 3rd Moii- School for oil »|!C<; 11:00 AM - Moniinu Wor- TKMIU.U 1IKTU AHM 60 Temple Drive, will help me to gel thojob of my divams. Services - 6:45 A.M.; civil holidays mil Sunday ship scrvlco) Adull Hlblo Sludy: 10:0(1 A.M. nyi ot 7;3O p.m. The Living Room - A Supptxt ship (wilh nursery provisions nvnllahlo through Springfield. 376-033!). IVrry Hopluel Hwik, morning Services - 8:30 A.M. Adult Fjlucallon Crusader Gtiolr (Children & Jr. High Youlh); SGroui p for Inoso coping with aged persons - Minal Doslii Orude 4); 7:00 I'M • livening lYulso Service, Knltbl, Klclurd Nmlcl, Cantor. Jack C-oliIiiinn. - Tuesday evening. Shabbul Services - Friday - 10:00 A.M. Coffee & Fellowship Time: 10:00 mccu 4th 'lliursduy of tlio monih. Full program ' Grade 3 Informal Illblo Sludy. Wednesday. <>:45 PM - IVcsldcnt. licit) Ahm Is uu egalitarian, Con.icr- 11:30 PM., Sulimlny, 9:15 AM; Mlntha/Maarlv A.M. Church School (Nursery - 12lh Grade): of Seouliiiy provided, Hvcryonc welcome. Middle School/Senior High Youlh Fellowship vutlvo tcmpla, with proyuimmliitj for till aucs. . Sandimiici' School services, 45 minutes before sundown. Our Syn- 11:00 A.M. United Mclluxllsl Youlh Follow- Weekday Nursery; School for 2M . 3, mid 4 yr. al Ilia Chunk 7:00 I'M - l>rayrr Meeting and Weekday icrvlcoi ((iicliuliua Sunday evening agogue alsoprovldcs u Sisterhood mid Men's itilp (Grudei 612): 4:00 P.M. Sanctuary Choir nidi avallnbulc, 964-B.144,1'or mltllilonnl Infor- Ediiculion is important Iwcuusc it will make my fuliiro life better. When I Illhlo Sludy; H:)0 PM • Chancel Choir rehrar- uiHl I-Vlday momlmO tiro conducted al 7,00 AM Club. The now cienllvo lileincnlaiy Hctwew (Sr. High Yoiilh A Adulls): Wednesdays al mnllwi, nlcuso cnll Oturcli Office A8H-3l6-t. uul. Mondily inccllnjti Im'lude: Singles' Ciroup. A 7:45 PM; ShuliUl (I'rlilay) ovcnliig-H:3() grow up 1 wunl to be a doctor. I will work hard to goi a good education so .my School meets Sundays «::IO AM - 12:00 Noon; 8:00 P.M. IVaycr Plmnc: (908,) 245-2159. All Scrvliig nuirch Commnnliy for 262 yeor*. HoV. Couples' Illhlo Sludy; Missionary Cliilos fur I'M; Sluthhat

•V •ft'1' ''.i i >-J ."'•"'• .« ••-••" •,•".! *'• jlVifiA"1'-/-!



By J.R. Parachlnl Johnson Regional , . Sports Editor Summit (H) Immaculata 41, Johnson 0 U was another banner.year for the (H) Summit 35, PIainfi,cld 0 (A) Johnson 21, Roscllc 20 high school football teams in the Wor- (H) Scotch Plains 28, Summit 21 (A) Summit 36,, New. F.ast Side 7 (A) Johnson 20, Dayton 13 ratl Community Newspapers' reader- (H) Hillside 21, Johnson 0 ship area. Seven of the 10 schools (A) Summit 28, Shabazz 7 (H) Summil 21, Wcsifield 0 (A)Johason 26, Middlesex 12 posted winning seasons and another (A) Johnson 14, Manvillc 7 rebounded to finish at the .500 mark (A) Summit 46, Cranford 14 (A) Summil 41, Hanover Park 14 (H) Johnson 34, Gov. Liv. 13 with a non-losing season. Only two (A) Johnson 21, Ros. Park 14 squads had losing campaigns and one (H) Summil 41, Rahway 0 (A) Summil 39, Irvington 22 (A) Jefferson 28, Johnson 27 of them missed n winning season by (H) Johnson 36, (H) Summit 40. Jefferson 7 New. Central 6 only two points. Record:" 7-3 Dec. 10 at Mcndham, 1:00 Four area clubs also reached Ihc Home: 2-2 state playoffs, with three losing firsl- Record: 9-1 Away: 5-1 round games and one still alive. Home: 4-1 Points for: 199 Away: 5-0 Union won a fifth straight Watch- Points against: 175 ling Conference-American Division Points for: 348 Shutouts: 0 title and Summit captured a third con- Points against: 99 secutive Watchung Conference- Shutouts:' 3 National Division crown. Roselle Park » Area teams that posted winning (II) Middlesex 15, Ros. Park 14 BLIZZARDS UNDEFEATED — The Mountainside Blizzards completed the 1994 non- records this year included Summit, H.S. Football (A) Roselle Park 32, Manville 6 standing Intermediate (3rd & 4th grade)' Union County Youth Soccer League season Union, Linden, Elizabeth, Hillside, (A) Ros; Park 22, North Plain. 6 with an undefeated record of 7-0-1. Kneeling, from left, are Jenna Blasi, David Apigo, Johnson Regional and Roscllc Park. It Union (II) New Prov. 24, Roscllc Park 0 Brielle Luciano, John-Francis Musial, Jake Savette, Danny Drake, Snowflake (team was the 18th consecutive for Union (A) Daylon 41, Roselle Park 0 mascot) and Atsushi Shimada. Standing, from left, are Jimmy Grammenos, Andrew Dia- , (1977-1994), 14th consecutive for (A) Union 28, Irvington 8 (A) Ros. Park 35, Bound Brook 12 mond, Nicole Taeschler, Katrina Blasi, Shana Grindlinger, Matthew Smith and Kenny Elizabeth (1981-1<)94), 11th straight (A) Union 14, Shabazz 12 (H) Roscllc Park 34, Ridge 13 Kolanko. Coaches, from left, are Gina Schegel, Janet Blasi, Steve Smith! Vicky Kolanko for Roselle Park (1984-1994), third (A) Union 42, Wcsifield 21 (H) Johnson 21, Roscllc Park 14 and Rob Savette. Not pictured are Kyle McPherson and coach Tony Apigo. straight for Hillside (1992-1994) and (A) Union 35; Plainficld 0 (H) Roselle Park 7, Roselle 6 second straight for Johnson Regional (A) Union 28,' Elizabeth 21 Record: 5-4 (1993-1994). (H) Union 41, East Side 6 Home: 2-3 (H) Union 7, Linden 7 (lie) Dayton Regional finished at the the Away: 3-1 (H) Union 48, Kcamy 8 .500 level after winning only one Points for: 158 (H) Montclair 22, Union 0 game the past" two seasons (1-17 dur- Points against: 144 (II) Union 36, Scotch Plains 20 ing 1992 ami 1993). Roscllc finished Shutouts: 0 The Daylon Regional High School football team, a finished wilh its first' winning season in three years. Record: 8'1-1 one game under. .500 and lost its last squad determined to gel back some of the respect it had lost But a 4-4-1 record was a step in the right direction. Home: 3-1-1 game of the year by. one, point. the past two seasons, worked hard to be competitive this Dayton had an area-best three shutouts and outscorcd Awsiyf 5-0 Dayton Regional Here arc the team's records: Sum-. year. •the opposition 171-133. Points for: 279 mil (()-l), Union (8-1-1), Linden (A) Hillside 28, Dayton 7. • Not only were the Bulldogs competitive, but they Were Daylon managed only one win ihc previous Iwo seasons Points against: 125 (7-2-1), Elizabeth (7-2). Hillside (H) Dayton 27, Newark Central 0 unbeatable on four occasions. and wore shut out a total of eight times over that span. Shutouts: 1 (7-2), Johnson. (7-3), Roscllc Park (H) Johnson 20, Dayton 13 If not for a sub-par effort against Governor Livingston, a The Bulldogs also managed to put together back-to-back (5-4),. Dayton. (4-4-1), Roscllc (4-5), • (A) Dayton 9, Gov. Liv. 9 (tie) game that ended in a 9-9 tie, Dayton Regional would have wins for Ihc first time in three years. Rahway (1-8). •.. • (H) Daylon 41, Roselle Park 0 Summit will play in the North Linden (A) Roselle 22, Dayton 0 Jersey, Section 2, Group 2 champion-' (H) Linden 13, East Side 0 (A) Dayton 42, Bound Brook 0 ship game for the third straight year (A) Linden 26, Elizabeth 12 • (H) Dayton-26, Manvillc 13 this Saturday. It will be second- (A) Linden 7, Plainficld 6 (H) Immaculaia 41, Daylon 6 seeded Summit (9-1) at top-seeded (H) Linden 60, Kcamy 6 Record: 4-4-1 Mcndham (10-0). at I p.m. (H) Linden 14, Irvington 0 Home: 3-2 Summit lost to Dover in the 1992 (A) Scotch Plains 3, Linden 0 Away: 1-2-1 • title game and defeated Mcndham in (A) Linden 7, Union 7 (lie) Points for: 171 Summit in last year's title tilt. Summit (H) Linden 33, Weslficld 6 •' Points against: 133 has won playoff sectional crowns in (A) Randolph 31, Linden 6 • Shutouts: 3 .' from Worrall Community Newspapers North Jersey, Section 2, Group 2 in (A) Linden 49, Railway 16 1988 and 1993 and in North Jersey, Record: 7-2-1 Section 2, Group 3 in 1976 nnd 1980. Homo: 4-0 Roselle Summit routed third-seeded Jeffer- Away: 3-2-1 '(A) Roselle 38, Newark Central 0 son 40-7 in Summit last Saturday in Points Tor: 215 • (H) Johnson 21, Roscllc 20 . the sectional semifinals. Mcndham Points against: 87 (A) Roselle 12, Gov. Liv. 7 crashed fifth-seeded Caldwcll 34-8 in Shutouts: 2 (H) Immaculaia 41, Roselle 0 Mendham in the other semifinal. (H) New Providence 34, Roselle 0 Summit defeated Mendhnm 26-21 (H) Roselle 22, Dayton 0 in last year's championship game. Elizabeth (A) Hillside 13, Roscllc 12 The Hilltoppcrs scored a fouchdown (H) Elizabeth 7,.Plainficld 6 (H) Roselle 33, Middlesex 0 late in the game after Mcndham ral- (H) Linden 26, Elizabeth 12 (A) Roscllc Park 7, Roselle 6 lied to take a 21-20 lead after being (H) Elizabeth 33, Kcamy'7 Record: 4-5 • down 20-0. Both teams entered the (A) Elizabeth 28, lrvinglon 20 Home: 2-3 contest 10-0. , (II) Union 28, Elizabeth 21 Away: 2-2 Both teams would have entered this (A) Elizabeth 34, Rahway 14' Points for: 143 year's contest at 10-0 had Summit not (A) Elizabeth 27, Westficld 15 Points against: 123 lost at home to Scotch Plains 28-21 in (II) Elizabeth 29, East Side 28 Shutouts: 2 Week Two. If both were 10-0 again, (A) Elizabeth 34, Cranford 14 Summit would' have hosted the game Record: 7-2 Rahway ugain. Home: 3-2 (H) Wcsifield 19, Rahway 6 Summit and Mendham received Away: 4-0 (A) Scotch Plains 34, Rahway 0 first-round byes on Nov. 19 as the Points for: 225 (A) New. East Side 20, Rahway 0 four oilier teams to qualify in the sec- Points against: 158 (H) Cranford 21, Rahway 14 .„. tion faced each other. Jefferson edged Shutouts: 0' (A) Rahway 25, Kcamy 6 . sixth-seeded Johnson 28-27 in Jeffer- (II) Elizabeth 34, Rahway 14 son and Caldwell ousted fourth- (A) Summil 41, Railway 0 seeded Dover 23-7 in Dover. Ciild- (H) Shabazz 20, Rahway 0 well qualified automatically with an Hillside (II) Hillside 28, Dayton 7 (H) Linden 49, Ruhway 16 8-0 record and four tennis finished Record: 1-8 with more power points, thus a sixth (I!) Hillside 20, Ridge 0 (A) Hillside 21, New. Central 14 Home: 0-5 school needed to be added. Away: 1 -3 (A) Hillside 21, Johnson 0 Super 25 next week Points for: 75 (II) Hillside 39, Bound Brook 14 Womill Community Newspapers Points against: 244 (A) Immaculata 7, Hillside 6 will publish their third annual Super Shutouts: 0 25 All-Area Football Team in next (II) Hillside 13, Roselle 12 Thursday's editions. Elizabeth and (A) North Plain. 27, Hillside 0 (A) Hillside 20, Gov. Liv. 7 Summit are included for the first lime Sell it with a classified ad, this year as the top players from the 10 Record: 7-2 1-800-564-8911. schools in the area will be.honored. Home: 4-0 Away: 3-2 Final records Points for: 168 I'liolo lly Mlllnn Mllli Here's a look ut how all 10 area Points against: 88 For free ad advice cull The Dayton Regional High School football team Improved a great deal'this season, fin- schools performed this year: Shutouts: 2 908-686-7700. ishing a respectable 4-4-1.

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CO one taste even the most discerning connois- Once again, W'hair It's Al has outshincd designers at the salon so they too can pro- Looking for a pleasant surprise? Then seur gets hooked. its competitors by going abroad lo bring its vide their customers with the latest look., check out Kenneth Charles Chocolaticr. The store has a large window in front ot customers back' the latest in hair fashions. Taggcrt invites all citizens to corne in and . Located in the Village Shopping Center in Ihe kitchen so customers can watch Ltmairc O Roxannc Taggart, one of the leading hair experience the hottest holiday and spring New Providence, Kenneth Charles Chocola- and Miller work. There arc many molded designers al W'hair It's At, located at 18 6 '95 hair fashions such as the precision cuts This wonderful Fitz and Floyd ticr makes all their truffles and pralines fresh chocolates for unique gift giving ideas as > South Avenue West in Cranford, has just in popsiclc brighls like lemon, tangerine and daily on the premises. well as a wonderful selection of wedding1 returned from an eight-day Salon Interna- fuchsia (Vidal Sassoon). Or, you could try candy jar welcomes you to view the Pascal Lcmairc, the executive chef, is an tional '94 and Euro-Studio tour in London, and shower favors. Custom orders arc also monofibre extensioas to create voluinc and many gifts available at The Teapot award-winning graduate of the celebrated done for special occasions and holidays. England, which was offered through the movement, especially in shorter hair culinary institute at Namur, Belgium. There is a wonderful selection of gourmet Wclla International Network. (Antenna) or return, to a 1940s feel in hair — a Lcmairc and his assistant chef, Michcle coffee and tea as well as a full service florist. c Taggart studied with some of Europe's soft waves, coiffed tresses (Antenna). Miller, create these delicious confections ' Chocolates, gift baskets and floral o greatest hair "gurus," including Vidal Sas- Become a blonde bombshell — short, tex- m • Holiday celebration flags using only the finest fresh ingredients. arrangements can be shipped anywhere in soon, Patrick Cameron, Toni and Guy, San- tured styles in pastel palette (Rita Rusk). Or All the recipes are Lcmaire's own and his the United Stales. If you haven't exper- rizz, Worthinglons, Cobella, Rita Rusk, if you prefer, returns to the J97Os and exper- - Large selection of unusual commitment to the creation and perfection Antenna and Guy Krcmer. ience the "afro" styles of the disco era — ienced Kenneth Charles Chocolalier yet, Christmas ornaments of these unique, delicate, sensuous delights don't wail any longer. The Wclla Tour included two "Grand tightly coiled and ' permed hair, slightly is evident. This becomes clear when after Hall Theater" seminars during Salon '94, backcombed and raised to new heights where hairdressers from around the world (Cobella). • Holiday gift baskets had the opportunity to see two- to three-hour W'hair It's At is open Tuesday through • Outstanding selection of Kenneth Charles presentations by the world's greatest hair Saturday. Slop in or call (908) 276-1925 for designers. The Grand Hall Theater seminars an appointment. W'hair It's At offers hair' throws for the Holiday I focused on new trends in haircutling, hairco- accessories with nil of their holiday hair and everyday loring and perming from the avant garde to designs. Premium Ccmfcdioni I lanilcrafted on Premises commercial looks that kick in tomorrow's Complementary gift wrap Belgian Chocolate,Custom Made . tu sirccl fashion (Toni & Guy) and predict new Q Z> fashions in hair for spring '95 (Vidal In All Shapes c? Sizes C3 Sassoon), Holiday Assortments • Qift Baskets t The tour to the Euro-Studio included two Truffles & Pralines CD (lays of intensive training by Patrick Came- Boutique has final day We Ship Everywhere ron, Wclla International Guest Anisi and Katydids Christmas boutique will hold We are a Full Service Florist < long hair expert. A hands-on workshop one final day Uxlny at the Reeves-Reed OPEN HOUSE And onSovemlWorid Wide Notooiks d allowed the group to experience the Arboretum, 165 Hoban Avc, Summit, hear Sunday, Dec. 1 1, 12-5 sculpted, long hair designs Cameron shares Koutc 24. 450 Springfield Avc. ' ' 1260 Springfield Avc. • New Providence with stylists around the globe, such as the Admission is $3.50. Hours are 10 a.m. to Summit, NJ _Pascal Lemaire, executive chef, anmd Michele Miller, his assistant, In The Village Shopping Center bouffant, the bow and other sculpted looks. 5 p.m. 908-273-1655 display a selection of handmade chocolates available at Kenneth Tnggan has held a workshop to share her For more information, call Katydids at the Charles Chocolatier, located in the New Providence Village Shop- 908-508-0870 newfound .knowledge with the other hair Rccves-Rccd at (908) 273-1770. ping Center.- Complimentary personalizing of ornaments purchased on Dec. 11

PRICE CUTTERS Christmas Troos Around Tho WorWPoland" 1994 Annual Rog. $75. Omamont Rog. $39 Our Prico Our Prlco $56.25

Anniml Holiday Egg Nativity Vlgnottoa First In A Sorlos "Start your Christmas "Tho Wlso Men" Rog. $69 Rog. $59. Our Prlco shopping early and get Our Prico great gifts at the store that $44.25 believes in the true spirit of savings!" XMUH Tree* Nu(cruckcra

Holuluy Dccorudnu II. HIM Jewelry ll:iWt'il;tiKS — ~" —*-• ««»i HJL n n ,) [HI.L-'• Winter Jncketu Santa Finished Early This Year.., Mcn'u, Lutlloa Si Your Very S/wfiiil Ji'W Ho made toys for the children, and" packed his sleigh, Receive u FREE Museum Jewelry Collection Pin- ClilUIreu'u Clntliinu while listening to books on tape! a $17.50 Value! Gin lloxex, lines ik Ulhlx.i.-j XMtui Wrappings Si Cuucly Yoit also can do two things at oncc.and listen to a tape. ' NUTLEY Purchase $25.(K)'or more t"l(>\vor Arrullljciiien Dccorulloii!) & Puzzles UNION Cortie, choose from a grand selection of over 1300 . 50 X Mua Ll litii tor .ea u 1000 Stuyvosant Avo Sturfcil Aniniutv Shopping Iliimr& X Mns CuwUi 201-667-4466 titles in every, category..ior every age. A novel gift! fine gifts and decorative Ilooks & llralid Name Toyu 908-687-9050 Holiday HourG: Mon. - Ftl. I Own - Upin accessories and receive a Colonial Over. 204)0 Stocliliiu StulTersi Sat. 10am - 6 pm Sun. Hnm-'lpm •, G & G AUDIO BOOKSTORES for .99 Holidayy Houra: Moil. - Ftl. 10am - IMSpm Willlamsbiirg Angel Ciahriel pin from llcuuty & Health Aids Snt, tOum - 5:45 pm SSun. 11nm-4pm CUT CKKTIHCATES Virginia Metalcrafters" Museum Jewelry rt- /\ootfpr salt : I KI;I; cii-TWRAp . runi; SHIPPING NATIONWIDE Collection absolutely HtHlil & niXIVI-RY I'OR Till; HOLIDAY SEASON uyvc.imC Avo. tlll »«l» W<><»<> Avc. Lllulnit «>O 49 SUMMIT AVENUIi, SUMMIT Opan C3unclnya 1 1 am to G prvt 88 Summit Ave. ° Summit o 908-598-1 908) 273-3273 Offer go«J whil< Lul. IW |re AT Till: n "V



Okay, you've decided on that'top'-of-the-Jino audio/video center for dad, a_rjew Radio continues "With the widespread use.of camcorders, VCRs and a'udio systems, blank ara. When'ydu smell fresh bread rising and feel the embracing warmth-of the family kitchen, you know you're homo for the holidays. Holiday bakers can easily capture Broadcast Data System car radio for Uncle Bob, and a multimedia upgradakit for audio and video cassettes are natural stocking stuffers that even Saint Nick would the aroma and irresistible flavor of homo-baked broad with an autorriatic breadmaker your cousin Joanne. Now that you've taken caro of the big holiday giftsTit's time to appreciate." •and a fewspocial recipes. - :•:-*••;..".* ,: .• ... ••.••,•-,;:; ••••.-< figure out what you're going to stuff those proverbial stockings with. •' .... Peter Brinkman, national marketing manager for Maxell Corporation, says blank Tucked in the front comer of The entertainment. You can lie on the beach Many more people are bocoming awaro of how oasy bread-baking becomes with How about some blank, audio and video tape or consumer electronics accessories? audio tape is "the perfect accessory to buy for the holidays, especially for peoplo who Hmporiuni Is nn tmusual new shop specia- with Joe Mantcgna, or take a car irip with automatic breadmakers. Now, Sanyo is offoring breadmakers with special dough They all make great stocking stuffers, and are guaranteed to put smiles on the faces love music Since people are probably going to get a lot of prerecorded music as oo lizing in snlcx and rentals of audio books Lynn Redgrave or Richard Thomas," said settings that allow creative shaping of twist-broads and buns that are made to be of your friends and family. What's more, fresh blank tapes and accessories help to gifts, the idea of stuffing holiday stockings with blank audio tape is a great one — rx on tnpe. When Carol Schocn, an avid Mcrcadantc. baked in a standard_oven. extend the lives of consumer electronics products, a tremendous benefit to" their people can then make taped compilations for their car and on-the-go listening." ui leader, found lhal her best friend, Maria owners. Tim Sullivan national promotions manager for TDK, says, "Camcorder users and CD Some of the lilies lhat make holiday "Holiday breadmakigg 1G now onsior than over bofore. Just place the ingredients into Merciiclnnlc, wns dylcctic, Schocn bought home audio enthusiasts are always thrilled to receive blank tapes as gifts, and it's gifts, include James Joyce and Heming- the bread machine and it does'tho mixing, kneading and baking. When you do have "Open the stocking wide this year," says Lee Kennedy, marketing director for Scotch LU hooks on tu|>e ns a gift for her, "and it especially gratifying for them when the grade of tape they receive matches the type of O way reading their own selections; time to indulge your croativo Instincts, uso tho dough setting to create homemade magnetic tape at 3M Company. "Blank audio and video cassettes are the type of gifts LU opened n whole new world of literature to recording they love most. Q "Embraced by The Lighl" by Betty Eadic; rnasterpieces," says homo economist Vicki Gagliano. that anyone can now use, and everybody in the family will always enjoy, especially Mnria," she said. "Home movie buffs, for example, need an extra high-grade tape formulation that can Princess Diana's book; "Alice in Wonder- Sanyo's SBM-20 (under $280) and SBM-15 (under $200) cook up 2-pound and 1.5- around the holidays. Video cassettes for camcorders are perfect for capturing those "We decided it was a wonderful idea . onca-in-a-lifetime moments with friends and family. And cassettes for the VCR record handle the tough durability requirements of video editing, a variety of lighting < land," as lold by Kathleen Turner, and pound loaves respoctivoly. Both models come with extensive recipe books tested for a tor a specialty store in Snmniit, catering to all the classic holiday movies to add to the family video collection, while still other conditions and repeated viewing, while maintaining the highest standards of picture w "Black Beauty," read by Lynn Redgrave. success in different climatos. Just pour in tho ingredients, choose the desired the many people who do not have the lime Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" is per- tapes catch the holiday TV specials both children and adults love to watch. and sound quality. And, for those music lovers who want tho best sound when rx to rend to others who have reading diffi- settings, and let the built-in microprocessor take over. Mixing, kneading and baking (if 3 formed by Sir Ralph Richardson and Paul desirod) aro'all done automatically. "For audio buffs, blank audio cassettes are terrific gifts for making recordings that can recording audio programs from.CD, a high-bias audio tape is ideal. Normal-bias audio culties, and to shut-ins at home or in the Scoficld. be used holiday after holiday — and throughout the year as well," Kennedy cassettes are best for high-speed and boombox use." 'ho.spilul. "When was the last lime you tried If someone is house bound and wishes mrnrri ri.n II • nn » » u n .mi.ii.cgv. something new? It's about time," said to purchase an audio book, G & G.will ROSELLE RADIO & TV o Nchocn. ship it. Regular delivery is made to hospi- 5 tals. There is a convenient drop-off box TO MAKE YOUE 907 NORTH WOOD AVE. Co That slore, G & G Bookstores, features 22 WEST ST. GEORGES AVE. LINDEN (908) 486-3082 D for rental returns. ROSELLE 245-6517 a Krand selection of almost 1,300 lilies — HOLIDAY BRIGHT! Moped Sales Service & Parts sell help business, best sellers, romance, G & G Audio Bookstores, at-88 Sum- Mountain & Juvenile, Tricycle, Skateboards the classics, and sports, lo name a few. mit Ave., Summit, is open Monday to Hie shop offers free membership, and has Whether you're looking for five golden rings or something to match Bikes & Accessories Lawn Mower & Snow Blower Repair a Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sun- the lMblishcrs Weekly Audio Best Seller day from noon to 4 p.m. the sparkle In her eyes, see us first, for the very best buysl WINNERS l.isl available. The telephone number is (908) Ho Scale Model \Gift Certificates Available] All Major V "An aitdiw book makes for hours of 598-0888. « Diamonds•Precious & Semi Precious Stones J Electric Train Sets Credit Cards < • 14K Gold Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets ° Custom Designs Accepted Girl Scouts to sing carols on Dec. 10 WILL BE DRAWN THURS. DEC. 22nd 8 d Stop By To Enter The Rahway Girl Scouts will, perform make hand-made biodegradable ornaments Michael Scott Unlimited their annual trim-a-lroc and Christmas Carol- lo hang on various trees. These ornaments nrc left for ihe birds and squirrels to cat dur- Diamonds & Fine Jewelry ine event Dec. 10 at the Milton Avenue/ Jocated In the Springfield Jewelry Exchange Umerson Avenue triangle. ing the onset of winter, and provide an FREE/Sfo: Rurchfiso-NcccSShry opportunity for bonding at all tho levels of 275 Rt. 22 • Springfield • 201-376-7663 (Behind the Olive Garden) ra: Mon-Fri 10:30 - 8 PM, Sat 10:30-6 Sundays 1-4 pm Each year, the Girl Scouts of Rahway Scouting. Graduate of Stewart's International School for Jewelers • Gcmological Institute of America

30 Westfield Avenue, Clark Grand Bacardi Santa Jack Give your loved one Marnier Sliver Margherita Daniels 750 ml. US Ha Photortyo 1.76 H« A GIFT CERTIFICATE + Service Credit 00 750 ml. •21 01200 For A Complete Canadian THE MOST COMPACT AND Mouton Club EASY-TO USE AF SIR, lniHi'x|Ktsiiii>iiKiiKith moloilitHJ (Across dom Kings Shopping Contor) 710 ml. GIFT Vodka Win uifvanco 014oo CERTIFICATE 1.76 to AVAILABLE FOR "Consldor owitchlng to Boll Atlantic Mobllo at ho coot ns long 00 Miller Light ao you aro not undor contract with nnothor collular provider. °IO & Light Ico Schaofor ANY AMOUNT 2ii 24 I2oi cm Onroo (9O8) 381-5808 (9OO) 381-0232 'Now annual contract with Boll Atlantic Mobile 146(9 I\/I/VIIN STREET . 572 INIVIJtVIM A.VE. roqulroo $176 oarly toimlnallon too applioo. KKGS • IN 1IOU0B M-JI. O7O65 COtONIA IsJ-J. O7O67 SPECIALS/ ALL SALES PWAL I Monthly accoss, alrtimo, roaming and toll chargoa not - ALL MAJOR BinANDQ Or OAMIOIV i itoun coion itcoa. mmo a BLOCKS oi ICE • INDTANT PAOBPOnT PHOTOO DGVGLOPMCNT ON PRKMiae I Included. Economy oorvlce plans not indudod. • HQNTALQ • OALIflti WATCH voun pioTunca nniNa MAOU I -tCroditwill appoaron first month'o bill. Northern NJ Mobllo number required. Explroo 12/31AM HOURS: Mondny-Boluidoy, 9 nm-Dpm; Sunday 10am-3pm «a twa ect Ha em fie* td ten no ttci ma tea ten as* no ca ^a, «* aa tea «>, 1,^ ^a

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i Slam-Dunk Holiday Gifts for the NBA Fan cn As the holiday season approaches, gift-givers will once again test their creativity as Server set with 'our matching insulated cups. As a final treat, tuck in your favorite Chris Webber doesnTfit in a box, NBA products are not jusHor kids. they try to find new, meaningful gifts for old friends and cherished relatives. Ono way recipe for blueberry scones or puff pastries or an assortment of gourmet teas as an but smart gift-givers can bring all of Research confirms that more than to make a memorable and long-appreciated impact is to build the gift around an extra, personal touch. It's the time of year When parents Crawlers® creatures. Now, the the excitement and style of the NBA 66.8 million Americans (40 percent) unexpected thdme. Here are.a few sirnple and creative ideas that can be tailored to • Back to School: What student couldn't use a motivational boost to get back in the pace the seemingly endless aisles of makers of Creepy Crawlers® have home thisholiday seasonwith the own/purchase NBA merchandise, fit any budget. ' • - . . • . swing of things after a long holiday break? A multi-colored Thermos® Book Bag filled robots, dolls, books and games in teamed up with the creators of the latest in NBA products. Hip and and one look at the latest music • Backyard Barbecue: Whether you're looking to please a young couple just starting with notebooks, pens and pencils, and energising snacks may bo just the ticket. Kids search of the perfect toy to bring a Mighty Morphin Power RangersTM hit vibrant like the NBA game itself, video, hit television show or out or an entire family, one of Thermos' Innovative grills is sure to bring smiles of will love the bag's hip, single carrying strap, and the front insulated pouch will keep year's worth (or hopefully more) of delight. The VIPTM Gas Barbecue Grill is stylish enough to enhance your backyard, TV series to produce a new Creepy NBA merchandise is the perfect gift blockbuster movie confirms the their lunch fresh all morning long. Licensed lunch kits, such as the Fllntstones® Rock smiles to little ones' faces. And . Crawlers® Power RangersTM as well as it enhances your cooking. This year's models are available in forest green, to brighten someone's holiday popularity of NBA products. Even the Kit, The MaskTM or Superhuman Samurai Sybor-SquadTM, are always a big hit. For parents know there's nothing like FLEX'EMSTM toy that encourages cobblestone red-and metallic silver, and all VIPTM Gas Grills foature Thermos' girls, consider BarbieTM and Disney's The Little Mermaid Shell Kit or Lunch Purse; season. casual observer can see that NBA getting their money's worth; a toy is creativity, adventure and fun. patented Minute Grill® factory assembly system. For apartment or condominium and for boys, perhaps their favorite NFL, NHL or NBA team lunch box. With a full range of items and styles only as good as its ability to stimulate The Mighty Morphin Power merchandise means style, whether in dwellers, the Thermal ElectricTM Grill is easy to operate and fits conveniently on a • Fun In the Sun: This year, gift-givers can bring some heat to their favorite frozen from which to choose, you'll have creativity, and promote fun and long- RangersTM heroes have prompted a • the gym, school or mall.' balcony. Gift-givers can complete the package with a chpl's hat and apron, soul with a family-sized Thermos® Soft Cooler or Cooler Bag filled with fun beach lasting play with children. scintillating new range of children's no problem pleasing everyone on There are many different products Thermos® cooking utensils, a gift certificate from the local butcher and the accessories, such as brightly colored oversized towels, suntan lotion, a novel, a sand Even adults today remember how activity toys. Kids are enthralled with your holiday shopping list. Would available for the NBA fan in your life. Thermos® Gas Grill Cookbook. pall and shovel, a beach blanket and an inflatable beach ball. much fun they had making and the TV series depicting America's your future all-star like to collect Apparel: replica game jerseys, • Tea Time: Your favorite tea-lover will appreciate a floral tablecloth, matching napkins • Tailgating: The Thermos® Deluxe Portable Gas Grillor the Portable Charcoal Grill playing with rubbery Creepy leading superheroes. basketball cards or store his practice wear, warm-ups, team caps, and rings, a serving tray and an elegantly styled Thermos® vacuum-insulated Coffee are perfect for sports fans who enjoy tailgating. o Shaquille O'Neal replica jersey in T-shirts with' toarn logos and player z his miniature kid's locker? Would caricatures, team jackets and I you like to keep your special sweatshirts. H c dribbler clean with a bib Games and Toys: electronic video SHOP n (n emblazoned with an NBA team games, trading cards, a lull line of ••.#.•. NEW UMSOLD,FREE ARM SINGER SCHOOL SEWING O logo? Would dad like to show his videos and books, basketballs, MACHINES WITH PROFESSIONAL MOCK SERGING STITCH „ team's colors with an NBA team backboards (portable or permanent) Our EDUCATION DEPARTMENT placed orders In anticipation ol large school sales. Duo to watch every time he takes a time- budget cuts, these sales went unsold! These machines"&ffered are the most modem D and player posters. •4 machines h the SINGER Bno. Those SINGER heavy duty machines sow on all fabrics. m out? ...•:' Specialty Items: team watches, o •Enormous Variety of L If \ YOUR PRICEWITH THIS AD' 3 DAYS ONLY m Produced by the industry's most backpacks, gym bags, school Over 40 Brands of Cigars Handcarved Pipes V^ i 12/9,12/10,12/12 m reputable cornpanies', NBA products supplies (pens, pencils, loose leafs, • Beautiful Cigar Humidors m come in every popular style and Collectible Pens And THESE MACHINES ARE 3J :.j;ubooks and folders), miniature 45 Blend Tobacco Bar ' NEW WITH A 25 YEAR color. They're durable enough to kids' lockers and home furnishings Extensive Une of Tobacco ! WITHOUT THIS AP $399 WARRANTY take the rigors of competitive Pouches & Claar Cases > | w» as nae IMS t»Q£a Fna Ana Yep Orep ta Bobt*T ftw toes* lessons 'tad Service at (comforters, lamps, wallpaper and 4 • ItocMno yoo |wl —t t» cola eo4» nvl CM Bugle Linden Sewing Center basketball, yet fashionable enough blankets). • LK [ happen. SHiloht m*>a itong, buUta buwnlieta 400 H. Wood *« "Unotn, HJ. r EL ' ("* *"^ *"wa' "U >»=• Bawffta. uUn a Phone onfere new being accepted, KIDS CAN BECOME a part of the action world of their favorite Mighty Morphin to be worn to school. To ensure And if you're still looking for more yyWHEREI ' I acaUoldir, ippa>is^Mw*onbullm«*od«Mps,b3pMlbtu Power RangersTM heroes by creating rubbery, three-dimensional replicas of the authenticity, all NBA merchandise , ALL OF TW9 AKO HOHE WITHOUT THE USED Of 486-6414 1-800-244-3109 ideas about NBA merchandise, 214 E. ffoad St..VWest-field • (908) 232-2627 • OUVTASHIONED CAUS POfl PflO-QRAICUEnSI - SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ALL MAK£8 & MOOEL3 characters with new Creepy Crawlers® Power RangersTM FLEX'EMSTM toys, features a hang tag or sticker with a keep an eye out for local HOLIDAY HOURS: From December 1 Uh thru Decamber 24th available for the holidays in toy stores nationwide. counterfeit-proof holographic image. advertisements. Sunday: 13 to • 5 Mon, thru Fri, 8:30 to 8 Sat. 8:30 to, 5.

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from 'Editor's signed by Mountainside representa- deer-rclatcd problems while some of • By Ray Lehmnnn tive Michael Kalcllis, Berkeley these questions could be addressed Stnff Writer 'The thinking is that with sharpshooters, it Heights representative Sylvia included exploring further die possi- By Tom Cannvan Almost six months of contentious would not necessarily involve quite the same Hcrccns, Scotch Plains representative bility of an immunocontraccplive vac-, Editor In Chief debate over the future of the deer Lois Russell, Springfield representa- cine for does, installing swarcflcx population in and around theWatch- degree of security. For instance, we wouldn't tive Eleanor Gural, Humane Society reflectors and reducing the speed limit A great deal of discussion - ung Reservation came to a head this envision the need to shut down Route 78.' representative John Tomainc, and on local roadways, mounting an effort during the aftermath of the week, as the members of the Deer NJARA representative Linda Nied- to fight the reservation, tragedy at the El Balcon in Eli- Management Subcommittee submit- — Chuck Sigmund weske, took exception to the subcom- Aid conducting a full-scale ecological zabeth, the dance club where ted the results of its final report to the Director, Parks and Recreation ittce's proceedings and recommended study of the reservation, something four people were crushed lo Board of Chosen Freeholders. A clear that the county take no action this year which the report points out hasn't death Saturday morning, cen- majority of subcommittee members and that the subcommiltcc continue to been done sincjc 195(5. tered on the fact that three of signed off on the recommendation Democratic Freeholder Linda Stcn- Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, and dccr-rclalcd damage and we've been meet under the direction of a strong, the victims were under the legal that the county sponsor a controlled dcr questioned the subcommittee as lo Frccholdcr-liason Linda Lcc Kelly, provided with volumes of information neutral facilitator. drinking age. The tragedy, hunt this winter by means of selected how il arrived at the projected cost of has been meeting since early June to by Mr. Bcmicr," Springfield rep- "The process under which the sub- others said, was that these sharpshooting agents. only $3,000 for sharpshooters, when examining dcer-rclatcd problems, resentative and subcommittee -chair- committee functioned was not condu- unclcragcd Elizabeth residents The subcommittee, which is com- figures for last year's hunt have been evaluating past deer management man Robert Wcinbcrg said, referring cive to proper decision-making," the were permitted into an establish- prised of representatives from the estimated as high as $54,000. efforts, determining existing and to Director of Parks Operations Dan minority opinion read. "The mandate ment where they had no right reservation-bordering communities of desirable deer population densities, Bcrnier. "Due to the diverse makeup that a recommendation be made to the "The thinking, is that wilh sharps- to be. Mountainside, Springfield,. Summit, studying a variety of control methods, of our committee, we could not come Board of Freeholders within a fixed hooters, it would not necessarily Scotch Plains and Berkeley Heights, Not only was there a great and, if necessary,- recommending a lo a unanimous decision. So we have abbreviated amount of time is in con- involve quite ihe same degree of sec as well as representatives from the deal of discussion about the course of action for continued submitted both a majority report and a flict with the controversial nature of urity. For instance, we wouldn't cnvi county's Division of Parks and Recre- incident, but there were just as management. minority report. We have also agreed the issues before the subcommittee sion the need to shut down Route 78," many questions raised. As ation, the New Jersey Division of Director of Parks and Recreation "We've taken our task very seri- . to keep meeting once a month to con- and the subjectivity surrounding those national media converged on the Fish, Game and Wildlife, the Union Chuck Sigmund said. "Bin that is noi ously, working some very long, frus- tinue to address some of the concerns issues." city of Elizabeth throughout the County Federation of Sportsmen, the lo suggest the program is any less trating nights. We've taken field trips suggested by the minority report." Some of the steps the minority weekend and into Tuesday, law ' New Jersey Conservation Foundation, safe." into the reservation to see some of the The minority report, which was report suggested lo help cope with enforcement officials were the American Humane Society, New spending the time trying to chronicle the events that led to the tragedy to try to decipher what actually happened. Union County Prosecutor Andrew Ruofolo Jr. made the most poignant statement. ''Trage- dies such as this raise disturbing By Tom Canuvan questions," ho said. Editor In Chief Some of those questions are: Union County Freeholder Casimir • Why were 4(K) to 500 peo- Kowalczyk, one of the three Demo- crats on the board «r the Elizabeth served nlcnhol7 City Council. 'The 13-ycar-old who was "It is now lime for me lo retire and among the four victims of the The Rahway First Aid Squad receives a matching grant for purchasing a portable car- -spend more lime wilh my wife, trngedy was forbidden to'go to diac defibrlllator through the Prudential Heart Program. Six other squads throughout the Helen," Kowalczyk said. "We want lo the club by her mother, accord- county also were honored. , spend lime wilh our children and i^apa • grandchildren, and do some Iravcl- ing to Ruotolo. "Perhaps Sherri- Casimir Kowalczyk BE3OTHERSJ la's fate speaks most clearly- to ing." Kowalczyk did not seek re- this tragedy," Ruotolo said, lie duction, to. the City Council posl. Otis Materials Task Force, Ihe Union snid Shcrrila's mother thought Seven volunteer squads cited Union Coi|)iiy Democratic Com- TOP TO BOTTOM County Emergency Management she was staying at a friend's mittee Chairwoman Kalhryn Brock RISK Council, the comity's Mayors Advis 19.99 house because she hud forbidden said this week that three Democrats for purchase of defibrillafors- already have approached her lo ory Board, the Elizabeth River Flood ELEFUN 23,99 her daughter, a seventh-grader at Control Commission, the Board of. Theodore Roosevelt Middle express interest in filling Ihe position. BLAST OUT 22.99 THE ORIGINAL UNO 4.99 Seven Union County volunteer volunteer rescue squads purchase teer firsl aid squads — Cranford, Schml Estimate-Union County Col School in Ihe city, from going Daniel Sullivan, a member of ihe Eli- SIDEWINDER 18.99 first aid and rescue squads were the life-saving equipment. Rosclle Park, Linden, Kcnilworth, Icp.e, Ihe Criminal Justice Review to the club. zabeth Board of Education, and honored last week by the Prudential Rahway, Union Township and unsuccessful freeholder candidates Board, the Mental Health Advisory WILLIE GO BOOM 14.99 The melee apparently started, • Dcfibrillalion units arc used by Insurance Company of America Winfield —• at the Union County Walter McNeil Jr. and Robert Everett Board, ihe Mosquito Control Advis- SWINGING SNAKES 9.99 authorities and witnesses said, certified medical personal lo help . and local government officials for Administration , Building in Eli- arc among Ihe field of candidates who ory Board, the AIDS Advisory Board, when one male youth danced revive cardiac arrest victims before SPIDER ATTACK 18.99 acquiring portable cardiac dcfibril- zabeth on Nov. 30. The squads must be considered by the entire • the Community Development with anil kissed another's girl- they arc transported to hospitals, BOTTLE TOPPS lators through the Prudential Help- were praised for their voluntccrism county Democratic committee, she Revenue Sharing Committee, and an 14.99 friend. The two males got into improving their chance of survival. ing Hearts Program. and initalive to increase the us an allcmaie lo the Union County BOGGLE MASTER 14.99 it fight, which spread to other said. DELUXE UNO 7.99 The three-year program, Prudential Helping Hearts Direc- emergency care service they Utilities Authority. partiers in the tight confines of Under state law, the Democratic launched this year, is a statewide tor Urbano Vcncro addressed mem- provide. Kowalczyk also has served as the club- must convene and select a replace- matching gnyits initiative to help bers of seven Union^Couniy volun- Scev SEVEN, Page B2 chairman of ihe Administrative Code Perhaps [his tragedy will awn- ment for a board member if a vacancy Committee, and as ti member of Ihe ken city officials and make arises. Brock said lite law states thai it Fiscal Affairs and Policy Committees. them realize thai lighter control must be filled by a vote of the Union UNO After retiring from Allidl Signal in TOP TO BOTTOM over public establishments that County Democratic Committee at a STACKO 1902,, he accepted a position with ihe hold liquor licenses must special meeting called for Ihal pur- TOPPLE 7.99 1Z.99 suite's Violent Crimes Compensation include more than just an infre- pose. Biised on Kowalczyk's inten- OVERTURN 12.99 tion to resign on Jan. 1, thai meeting Board. Kowalczyk said he also quent visit. The Plainficld Public Library, 8th Street at Park Chatham; Sovereign Bank of New Jersey, Pennsylvania; OTHELLO has been scheduled for Jan. 11. A- expects lo resign from that position at 12.99 I don't agree with Elizabeth Avenue, will host the Union County Teen Arts Touring Lcwmar Paper Co., Kcnilworth; Ironboutld Bank, New-, MOUSE, MOUSE majority of Ihe membership must year's end. Mayor J, Christian Bollwngc, • Exhibit during December. The exhibit consists of 25 ark; Bergen Camera Exchange and Studio Inc., Cranford; attend, and a majority vote of the The father of four and grandfather GETOUTA who remarked, "This is a city pieces of art selected from the 500 visual artworks shown Bcel-Atlantic-Ncw Jersey Inc., Union; Brounell'-Kramcr- group will dcicrmine who will replace of two has been a resident ol hh MY HOUSE of 110,000 pchpdc. We can't be at the 1994 Union County Tccn Arts Festival in March. Waldor-Kanc Insurance Agency, Union; Haannann ami 14.99 Kowalczyk. zatH.Mh for more thai) 40 years, l-'oi expected lo monitor every- Freeholder Linda-Leo Kelly, liaison to the Cultural and Rentier Corp., Springfield; The Union Center National "I'm happy for Mr. Kowalczyk. more than"?. I years, he lias served as a where." ~\ I leritugc Programs Advisory Board, said, "We arc pleased Bank, Union; TransTcchnology Corp., Union; Leisure >SIO We'll miss him, but I'm glad he nieml'ier of the Elizabeth City Conn II may be » ciiy of 110,(X)0 to have the Plainfield Public Library join us as a host site Arts Center, Springfield; Tuscan Dairy Farms Inc., Union, thought about what would make him cil, where lie. has been twice chosen people, but there certainly are for the tccn arts exhibit. The enthusiasm of the public for and MacArthur Fuel Co;, Clark. ELECTRONIC GAMES and his family happy," Brock said. council president. ilol thai many clubs in the city: the 'tccn arts exhibit is indeed rewarding." Major funding also is provided by Ihe Institute for Arts MORTAL KOMBAT Kowalczyk was first elected lo the "I urn thankful to the many people Stricter control over these estab- The Union County Tccn Arts prograrii is supported by and Humanities Education through a grant from the New Board of Freeholders in I'M1). During at the county and local levels who GAME 39.99 lishments could have sent a Ihe Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders; Panason- Jersey Stale Department of Education and other private those five years, lie has secrved as have supported me over .the1 years. warning lo club owners, es[ie- ic Company, Secaucus; PSE&G, Cranford; Elizabeth sources! BRAIN BASH liaison to the Commission on Ihe Sta- They were, always there when 1 cially this one, and a tragedy Board of Education; Ciba-Geigy, Summit; United Jersey For information about the Union County Teen Arts GAME " 19.99 tus of Womeii, the Environmental needed them," Kowalczyk said, "and. could have been prevented. Bank/Central N.A., Princeton; Ahcnburg Piano House, Program, contact the office of Cultural and Heritage 1 remain grateful to them." BUIWBLE PUPS 22.99 TALKBOY 27.99 Elizabeth; Suburban Cablovision, Union; Summit Bank, Affairs, 633 Pearl St., Elizabeth, ai (908) 558-2550. Health Advisory Bourd, the Ilazard- (HOME ALONE 2)


frrm'.H'iWWMw'w V ®®-% •f

WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1D04 — B3 B2 — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1994 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 'Views' targets shared housing The Union County Commission on the Status of contact Jacqueline Carr at (908) 247-0900, Ext. 5882. "Vintage Views," the seniors' cable television show produced by the (Continued from Page B1J sudden cardiac failure, and most die pated," said Leonard Fishman, Women is sponsoring its third annual dinner celebration Awards will be presented for the best essay that focuses nursing homo or hospital and not to Union County Division on Aging's "We're pleased 10 be able 10 help before they reach a hospital. In commissioner of health. "The more honoring women who live or work in Union County and on a woman who has made a significant contribution to Union County's hospice programs die at home. We are particularly inde- Department of Human Services, will • volunteer first aid and rescue New Jersey, the survival rate units we have in use, the greater the have made a significant contribution in either their occu- society and how this woman's contribution has affected were honored wilh the presentation of bted to these carcgivers who arc avail- feature this month the relatively new squads purchase this life-saving among these patients is estimated at potential for saving lives." pation or community. the writer. Essay applications must be postmarked no later a resolution by Freeholder Linda-Lee equipment," Vcnero said. ''To date, 4 percent. This low rate can be attri- Ten women will be honored, one from each of the fol- lhan Feb. 1, 1995, and winners will be notified no later Kelly, liaison lo the Hospice and able seven days a wee(c, 24 hours a Shared Housing Program. four cardiac arrest victims have buted, in part, lo the lack of availa- Volunteer rescue squads can lowing categories: Volunteer, Business/Corporate, Gov- than March 1, 1995! Home Hcnllh Care Advisory Board. day to comfort patients and their fami- "Shared Housing allows senior • bility of portable defibrillator units obtain more information on ihe ernment, Law, Law Enforcement, Entrepreneur, Medi- Award and essay contest winners will be invited to The resolution honors the program's lies at the most trying times of their homeowners to offer unused housing been revived by defibrillators pur- Prudential Helping Hearts Program chased .through this program." among the stale's volunteer rescue cine, Education, Journalism, and Human Services. receive their award at the Union County Commission on caregivern for tho compassionalc care lives." . I space lo potentially homeless persons, by calling Maritza Gonzalez at Interested applicants should mail a cover letter and the Status of Women's third annual "Women of Excel- they give the terminally ill in Union These programs moke il easier1 for through a contractual agreement This year, The Prudential Help- squads. The New Jersey Depart- (201) 802-4768. ment of Health wants to increaso resume to 21 Munsee Drive, Cranford, 07016, no later lence" banquet on March 31, 1995 at the Westwood in County who want to be cared for at tho terminally ill lo be cared for at which reduces the financial burden ing Hearts Program has granted 90 lhan Dec. 16. Individuals wishing to nominate someone Garwood. ' . ' home. ' . home, staying with their loved ones. for both panic's through Ihe exchange, volunteer rescue squads up to the survival rate of cardiac arrest The Prudential, headquartered in viciims to at least 42 percent, a Newark, donates millions of dollars' for an award should submit their nominee's name and "Union County is fortunate indeed They are also cost-effective programs of space for service," said Freeholder S2.500 to cover half the cost of a address with a brief description of the nominee's qualifi- to have five .separate hospico prog- in that they avoid unnecessary nursing Elmer ErtK liaison to the Advisory dcfibrillutor unit. Each grant allow- level achieved in Seattle, Wash, and thousands of employee volun- Unit seeks volunteers "The Prudential Helping Hearts teer hours to support programs in cations to the above address. Winners wil be notified by rams: The Center For Hope Hospico homo or hospital care and include the Council on Aging. ed a squad to acquire its first Jan..31. The Union County unit of the American Cancer Society and tho hospico programs of tho Visit- services of carcgivers who give of Lou Covicllo, host of the show, will dcfibrillator. Program will certainly help many urban and community develop- is seeking volunteers for its Road to Recovery Program. of our stale's volunteer rescue ment, business and civic affairs, the The commission also is sponsoring a "Worncn Who ing Nurses of Elizabeth, Muhlcnbcrg themselves in a loving and compas- discuss the advantages and limitations Each year, approximately squads acquire dcfibrillation units arts, education, health and human Have Touched Our Lives" essay contest for high school Contact Carolyn Fabrizio, service director, at (908) Hospital, Rahway Hospital and Over- sionalc manner, slic noted. of this concept wilh Deborah Krau- 400,000 Americans fall victim to sooner than they might have antici- services. seniors. For an application, students should contact their 354-7373 for additional information on joining the life- look Hospital," Kelly said. "Our county Division on Aging is skopf, coordinator of community edu- English teacher or Guidance Department, or they may saving crew of volunteer drivers. "Together, these exceptional orga- instrumental in administering grants cation for Community Access nizations serve approximately 700 lo these very worthy organization! to Unlimited. patients and their families annually," assist them in carrying out their aid to "Vintage Views" is produced Kelly added. "The greatest fear of patients who havp no other available through the technical facilities and senior citizens is to be relegated lo a form of reimbursement," Kelly added. direction of TKR Cable Co. of Eli- zabeth, The schedule: TKR, Channel The freeholder board acknow- 12 —.Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 ledged that the month.of November' p.m.; Plainficld, Storer Cable, Chan- Fitts is member was designated by President Clinton Freeholder Linda Lee Kelly, center, liaison to the Hospice and Home Health Care Advis- nel 20 — Monday al 5:30 p.m.; Sub- of school board as National Hospico Month. The urban Cable, Summit area, Channel board, concerned about the needs of ory Board, presents a resolution on behalf of the Board of Freeholders to representa- The recent announcement of Char- tives of Union County hospice programs. From left are Leslie Coyle of the Visiting Nurse .16 — Tuesday and Friday at 11:30 the terminally ill, saluted the expert a.m.; Suburban Cable, all other loca- les S. Mancuso's election as president carcgivers of these hospice programs Health Services Hospice; Margaret Coloney of Kenilworth, of the Center for Hope Hos- WHAT A WAY TO MEET! of the Union County Vocalional- pice; Kelly; Eileen Scarinci of Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center Hospice, and Diane tions, Channel 32 — Thursday at 7:05 and declared November as "Hospice p.m. Tcchnical Schools Board of Educa- Month in Union County." Majeski-Felle of Union, of Overlook Hospital Hospice. Call ($1.99/min.) to respond to these ads. tion included the roster of board mem- Touch-tone or rotary phones. You must be 18 or older. bers. The name of Leonard D. Fitts was inadvertently omitted. As Union efeat 'T^ County Superintendent of Schools, .'. FOR ALL THAT, . WANNA HAVE FUN... SCHOOL BUS DRIVER... BEST FRIENDS/MORE RELATIONSHIP ALSO... SPEND QUALITY TIME ENJOYABLE TIMES... Fitts maintains a permanent seat on The best boiler you can buy, WILL MAKE YOU WHOLE Singlo whlto female, ago 20.-Seek- Singlo black fomalo, ago 55. Looking Handsome singlo malo, ago 27. I'm. Irish/American malo, age 25. En|oy il you are looking (or someone who 45 year old whito male. Looking for I'm ti r.uporvisor working with the ing a caring and loving, fun male age for somoono who Is Interested in din- paring, honest and sincere Soaking country music and dancing. Soaking Is romantic at hoart, family oriented, somoono proforably younger to get tiro board. SPARKLES » •!_ _ _L _ __L 1__ '•__ L _•!„_. Imndlcoppod. Looking for a profos- 10 to 22, Starting out as a friendly Ing out, flea markets, site seeing, otc, an attractive, singlo whilo fomalo ago n compatible female ago 16 to 30. llnanclnlly socuro..Jot's get together togothor with. Ago and raco doesn't Therefore, the complete roster in relationship; possibly, excelling to a Hope to hoar from you soon. BOX And iSAVE 50% ON sion;il, single whitb mnlo, age 34 to 18 to 30, who Is also romantic,, BOX Want someono (or friendship, possl- sometime nnd talk. BOX 16299 matter. BOX 1093B addition to Mancuso is Gail Iammat- more serious, physical .relationship. 16262 36512 _____ blo romance. BOX 163B2 N.J!: 5JATE SALES TAX 40; who is maritally,.financially and WHITE MALE WANTED physically secure. Want someone BOX 36429 ~ PARTY TYPE GUY tco, vice president; Jane Lorber, ARE WE COMPATIBLE SOUND LIKE YOU.. HEALTH PROFESSIONAL Overweight white male under 57" SALES TAX'ONLY 3% who loves lifo and laughter. Must be Divorced white male, ago 45. Sell A VERY NICE LADY... 35 year old female. Very up boat, 20 yoar old malo. Looking lor somo- 34 year old, black mala. Hobbles are Robert Schmidt and Filts. Donald Di FREE WATCH<\BATTERY W|TH THIS AD a non r.mokor, BOX 11190 employqd and professional: Looking tall, 200 plus, ago 39 to 49. Sought Educated, single Jewish female, cute and down to oarth. Looking for a ono age 19'to 27, whojias tho samo varied. Enjoy photography, movios, for an attractivo and lit lemalo. who by a black malo for fun times. Must Franccsqo serves as board attorney ONE BROAD STREET 7 . Weil-McUin- LIVE IN UNION COUNTY age 36. Stand 5'4" and weigh 108 single or divorced male age 35 to 41. intorosts, knows how to take care of music, otc, Looking lor a single or Is also the party typo, but has a sonso be straight acting and caring, lor a pounds. In scorch for a trim, single and Edward Mcllago us treasurer. ELIZABETH, N.J. '"<•': Aincrica's *1 nanii! in Whito female, ago 60. Looking for on Want someone who Is either husky her man and treat him right. Enjoy divorced, whito or latino female, ago ol balance, BOX 16304 long torm relationship, BpX 16341 • white male,,ago 40 to 53. Enjoy OPPOSITE UNION COUNTY COURT HOUSE • hiRh-dficiency oldorly gentleman to take walks. or built, for friondship; possibly a long going to parties, staying homo, mov- 25 to 35. Must be sincoro and attrac- dancing, walks, thoator. good con- BIG FOOTBALL FAN... DISCUSSING INTERESTS , Want someone for companionship, term relationship. BOX 11023 los. etc. BOX 36501 tlvo, BOX 16384 '•:' 352^7628 354-8651 « - boilers —is also versation, etc> Want somoono for Singlo, non smoking Christian male. ago 55 to 65. BOX_H 221 '. Looking for a man who enjoys tho a long torm relationship. BOX ARE U CHURCH GOING? WANT JEWISH WOMAN... MOVED BACK TO NJ... Vory compasslonalo, sincoro and ultimate llfostylo. I'm live In Union America's hnsl LETS GET AQUAINTED. 36431 Singlo black professional fomalo, ago Divorcod jowish male, ooe 66, Stand Divorcod Jewish male. Stand 5'9" kind. Looking lor somoono who is ' II you1 aro In tho area, givo value. If it's time to replace 1 64 yonr old, widowed whlto female. 38. Seeking a single black profes- • 6' tall and weigh 220 lbs. Looking (or and weigh 190 pounds. Would like to nico. kind and compasslonato. II you mo a call, BOX 11084 your old worn out fuel-waster, wo ENJOY ROMANCE? sional molo ago 35 to 42, who has a n protty, smart, |ewish fomolo. Want find a woman of normal weight, with aro that typo ol person...please reply. Would like to meet a sincere gentle- .IRISH & ITALIAN GUY man who onjoys the simplo things In Attractivo, single female, ago 18. good sense of humor, Is caring and sorpoono who enjoys Jewish music, similar qualities. Enjoy music and lit- BOX 16305 have a Weil-McLain boiler to meet your home Looking for n mnlo ago 10 to 24. atfoctlonate. BOX 16218 singing, scrabblo, movios, otc. BOX erature. Intorostod In sharing of feel- Bl whito rrialo, age 32. Havo a mili- lilo. Want someone age 60 to 72, LOOK YOUNQER.... heating needs. And we'll back it up with a full liyear who would Ilko companionship... Want somoono who enjoys romanco, 11092 ings, ol hopes and ol minds... BOX tary hair cut and groon oyos, SoeK- REGISTERED NURSE. Attracllvo 50 yoar old, divorced whlto parts and labor contract so if anything should go wrong, BOX 11223 music, and having a good lime. For 16302 ing a vory physically (It, Bl or Gay friondship; possiblo long term rela- Singlo block fomalo. Seeking a sin- HAVE AVERAGE BUILD.. malo. Looking lor a tall, attractive malo ago 25 to 45, for fun timos and gle or widowed white malo, who Is a Vory honost and sincoro malo, ago LADIES, I'M SINGLEII you'll be covered. . WANT CARING MAN... tionship; BOX 11150 woman ago 38 lo 44, to share all ol hopefully for a long torm relationship; k : 55 yoar old, black female. Enjoy din- non smoker and a non drinker. Want 29. Enjoy biking, horso-back riding, Slj]_lo again, whito malo, ago 29; non Hies ploasuros. BOX 16318 BOX 16303 That's peace-of-mind. The. best boilcf you can Iniy, FOREVER AND EVER.. ing out, movies, long rides, bingo and ;;omoono who is willing to offer a bowling, carnivals, and Just about ov- drinker. Looking for unattached, SEEKING TRUE LOVE THE BOY NEXT DOOR backed by the best protection plan. Call us for details. Atlantic City. Looking for someone Singlo whito fomalo, ago 32. Have monogomous relationship. Must bo orything, else. Looking lor a polite, whlto lomalo ago 25 to 35, Enjoy qui- brown hair and oyos, Liko to do alot professional, kind, caring and ro- single or divorcod wltito lomolo.aflo, ot times at homo, honost conversa- 45 yoar old- maloi Havo dark hair- Separated whjlp male. Looking for n who would want to do things to bone- and oyos. Hard workrir and sincoro, lit the both of us. BOX 36458 of different thing:;. Looking to moot sponslblo. BOX 10986 • - 25 to 35; Want somoono to,go out tions, arid spur ol tho moment funl Bl or Gay whlto malo, to show mo tho nico people. Wnnl a hard-working, Looking (or a woman who will bo my LIKE TO HAVE FUNI with or onjoy quiot times at homo.., BOX 16349 ropos, Lot's go! togothor somotimo.., DIVORCED CHRISTIAN sincere guy.-who wants to build a BOX 11192 .best frlond and loyor. Profor sonio- BOX11056 • Send the FTD* Potito, alricarvamorlcan female 35 romantic rolntionr.hlp that lives forev-' Singlo black fomalo, ago 23, Looking THINGS HAPPEN.. ono who Is 5'5" and under, slim,.. plus. Enjoy comody clubs, jazz, or. BOX 1,1146 for a singlo black male, ago 24 to 29. LOOKS DONT MATTER!. Whlto male, ago 25, Looking lor a BOX 16226 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Starlight'" Bouquet Would like him to bo open-minded, 22 yoar old, singlo whito malo. Have lomale; ago and race aron'l Impor- 20 yoar old, Bl whlto mnlo. Have rLUMBING, HEATING & dancing, travel, groat conversation, DECENT PERSONALITY.. and moro. Looking for a Christian HAVE BLUE/GREEN EYES out going, and havo a sonso of .hu- brown hair and oyos. Looking for a tant. Liko lo party, have a gobd timo, brown hair and doop bluo'oyos, Mus- "MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC. Singlo white fomalo. Enjoy going to mor. Want a friondship; but also girl with a kind hoart and docont por- but also liko quiot nights at homo. 30 year old malo. Looking for a vory cular, straight acting nnd vory dis- This star-topped centerpiece guntlomap ago 35 to 45, who is hon- liboral mlndod woman ago 25 to 35. est, sonsitivo, professional, and dri/g movios, dancing, dinnor. otc Vory out would liko n relationship. BOX 16183 sonallty. Ago and race are unimpor- BOX 16352 croot, Sooking a whlto mnlo who Is going, friendly and live lilo to Iho full- who enjoys bowling, dancing and makes a perfectly elegant and alcohol-froo. BOX 36467 MATURE FEMALE. tantl Enjoy biking, movios. walks in straight acting. If you want to hang I'lumbcr: A. Chlrlchlllo est. Sooking a single whito male, who tho park, otc, BOX 36405 SEEKING ROMANCE likes having fun. Evontually I hopo ouLpmly-cnlllBOX 11063 __ gift for home or office! (908)289-1155 OR 1-(800) 560-2115 VERY AMBITIOUS.. likos lo have fun nnd is a non emokor Fun-loving, African Amorican widow, 20 year old malo. Have brown hair our datos could load to a relation- Llwrinc No. 8253 EX-FOOTBALL PLAYER.. " 46 yoar old female. Non smoker and also. BOX 163B7 Don't have any chlldrort. Seeking a WANT A WILD WOMAN... and eyos. Looking to share fun times ship^,. BOXJ62 71 _ divorcod or widowed malo ago 60 to Stand'5'10" tall, with dark blonde hnlr with a fomalo ago 18 and up. Want Gay whlto male with brown hair nnd slightly full figured. Seeking a tall, ''TRUCK DRIVER.. black Christian male, ago 45 to 58, ' SHORT AND SWEET 70. Want somoono for companion- nnd bluo oyos. Looking for a cuto. somoono who Is honost and not groon oyos. Looking for a vory out 18 yoar old fomalo. Looking for an. 18 ship and sharing tho nlcor things in single whito fomalo. who is a bit on afraid to (all In lovo. BOX 11104 40 yoar old, single black male. going man to hang out with nnd got who is a non smoker. Want someone Lovo working on cars, dining, for friondship and hopolully a possi- to 23 yoar old malo. Hope this guy lifo. Race Is unimportantl BOX 16173 Ihe wild side. BOX'36456 to know, Want a relationship...not n could bo you! BOX 16390 COMMERCIAL DIVER... bowl, baseball, otc. Looking (or ono night stnndl BOX 16239 ble long torm relationship.. BOX FRIENDLY; EASY GOING ENJOY THE CITY.. Malo with brown hair and bluo oyos, singlo lull figured, whlto (omale 36522 POSSIBLY MORE.. Singlo ,whito fomalo, who has light Singlo whito professional malo, In my Looking to establish myself In tho ago 20 to 50, who looks good. • NON SMOKING MALE PHYSICALLY FIT GAL Singlo whito fomalo, ago 20. Sook- brown hair and groan oyos. Looking mid 30's. l^n family oriontod, fun-lov- Now Jersey aroa. II you oro oasy BOX 16199 Guy Italian mnlo with brown hair and ing a caring, loving, fun man age 18 to moot a malo, ago 25 to 32, who ing, and financially socuro. Looking going, open mlndod, adventurous,' oyos. Llku mountain biking und run- Our Hands Attractive, singlo black female. Sook- JUST ENJOY LIFE.. ing a financially secure mnn of any Io22. Lot's talk. BOX 164QQ wants someono lor friondship nnd a lor somoono who onjoys dining out, spontanoous, lovo to travel and-take ning, Sooking anothor whlto male possible relationship, BOX 16117- movios, and romantic candlo lit din- walks in tho woods...then I am look- 20 yoar old malo. Looking lor a sin- who, is also i\ctivo and Is looking for /' Move Hearts GIVE THE GIFT racu, who likes the thoator, taking HAPPY & ENTHUSIASTIC ners. BOX 36466 • Ing tor youl BOX 16344 gle fomalo ago 20 to 27. Want somo- walks along tho boach in the sum- Vory attractivo, natural blondo with friendship or i\ long torm relationship. ono to hang out with and havo a good BOX 16256 ^__ mor, and -onjoys the finor things in blue eyes. Enjoy hiking, biking, road- HAVE SLENDER BUILD., WHAT A GUYI timo. BOX 16213 lilo, Want somoono who is sincere ing, working out, otc. Hope to moot a CAN WE TALK SOMETIME 20 yoar old, black malo. Looking lor Maturo gont, porsonoblo, lots of (un, NOT INTO BAR SCENES™ ® A Registered Trademark of Pinrisis' TMnsworld U'clivcry Assn. "•* A "ftadcnuirk of Florists' Transworld Delivery Assn.- o 199.] F.T.D.A. and honest for a relationship. BOX nico guy ago 42 to 52, with similar Non smoking 30 yoar old. computor a maturo, older woman for friendship financially securo, sooks lady for long . MEN SEEKING MEN , Looking lor a Gay white-mnlo, ago 36530 interests. Want someone who is alh- THAT KEEPS ON GIVING oporntor. Stand 6 toot and wolgh 190 or companionship. Lot's got together torm relationship. BOX 16246 25 to 40, Want somoono who likos lotic with a good sonso of humor. somotimo soon. BOX 36452 OrJ THE LOOKOUT SOUND INTERESTING... pounds. Enjoy art musoums, movios, MIGHT BE THE ONEII sports, iho outdoors, sharing, being BOX 16413 • ( biking and hiking, otc. Looking for a 30 yoar old Italian malo, looking lor a honost with one another.,. BOX Singlo black female. Enjoy" dancing, WANT YOUTHFUL FEMALE Handsqmo black malo, ago 35. guy ago t8 to 28. Prefer somoono RIMMELE'S FIORI'S photography, reading, walking, and BROWN-EYED GAL girl who shares similar intorosts and Vory young 40 yoar old, divorcod Sooking a black or hlspanlc fomalo |6227 ' __ ' has an oasy going, down to oarth moditorranoan, ourbpoan, or puorto lots of hugs and klssos. Looking lor a Attractivo. singlo whito lomalo. Havo whito malo. Into a healthy lifo stylo who lovos Jazz, has,a sonso of hu- rlcan. BOX 16373 WHAT CAN HAPPEN... UNION mnn. who onjoys romance, music, pursonality. BOX 11211 . 1 FLOWER SHOP blondo hair nnd dark brown oyos. and n part timo dad. Looking for a mor and Is sports-mindod... BOX I'have blonde hair and bluo eyes. 1638 Sluyvesant Avo. FLOIJIST. INC. and is not afraid lo give and receive Looking for a malo ago 18 lo 25, LOVE GOING TO CHURCH youthful fomalojor fun and posslblo 16345 I KNOW WHAT I WANT.. Looking lor n young malo who wanlr. lovo. BOX 36536 FLORIST INC. CREATIVE FLORAL who has a oood sonso of humor and 52 yoar old. Jamaican lomalo. Enjoy long torm relationship, BOX 11105 47 your old, slr.glu while Gay malo. lo havo n good timo. Possible friend- Union ' IT MIGHT WORK OUT... I consider myroll attractive, mas- WANT SOMEONE SINCERE likes to havo a good timo. Want a cooking, traveling and quiet mo- A FUN GUY... Single whlto malo, ago 23. Sooking ship; may bo oven a relationship. 908-688-7370 •DESIGNS Collogo oducatod, divorced whlto fo- friendship or relationship, BOX monts. Looking (or a black malo, who culine trim and hoalthy. Don't BOX 16044 Complolo Floml Sorvlco 2162 Morris Ave. Union 20 yoar old, singlo whlto malo look- someono lor Irlondshlp and fun; pos- amoko, use dru] ~ nr drink hoavlly. mnlo. in my 40"s. Looking for agon- 16350 • has tho samo qualltlos. Want somo- Serving Union & 11 Beachwood. Road 1 ing tor a slim, attractivo singlo whllo sible long torm relationship. BOX 908-688-6872 tluman in his 40's to oariy 50's, who ono aoo 50 to 55, lor a long torm Looking lor a Uny" whlto proton- A NICE LADY... fomalo. Want sornoono who onjoys 16320 slonol malo, ago 35 to 55. Want U WOMEN SEEKING WOMEN? Surrounding Communltior. SUMMIT is fun-loving, and would like to enjoy relationship, BOXJ-1214 , lor ovor 30 yoara 'Complete Custom Serylces Available'' Fomalo aflo 67. Wishing to moot a skiing, movios, and just hanging out. ENJOY GOING OUT somoono for discroot, slncorb, car- VERY FEMININE FEMALE n relationship with this down to earth All Ma|or Crodit Cards Accoptod 908-273-1424 lady. BOX 3653B • gontloman for friondship and a. nico CUTE AND FUN Want someono ago 18 to 20. BOX Single, professional malo. Looking ing friondship... leading to a possi- Singlo Bi white lomnlo, ago 23. Havo tajor Credit Cards Accepted by Vhortt 36423 olationship. Hopo to hoar from you. Singlo whlto Jowish male, ago 30. (or a sincoro and caring fomalo, for a ble monogomous relationship. long, dark brown hnlr and groon Mombor FTD GERMAN/IRISH GAL BOX 36545 1OX 16342 Looking (or an attractivo, Jowish lo- LET'S DO SOMETHING.. warm (riondshlp. BOX 16322 eyes, Sooking a similar fomalo ago HOLLYWOOD Subscription Singlo whito fomalo, ago 40, who has malo, who Is slim, advonturous, .and 22 to 35, Basically looking for n closo STAHL-DEL DUCA u 17 yoar-old daughter. Intorosts In- WARM & LOVING PERSON Singlo whito rrmlu, ago 24. Looking HAVING FUN TOGETHER THE BOY NEXT DOOR... indbpondont. Lot's talk... BOX 1641*1 friondship lor now, BOX 16300 cludo: (ho boach, fishing, tho coun- 35 year old, singlo professional for somoono who will sharo tho earno Singlo and professional malo, ago 27 yoar old guy, wilh an advonturous FLORIST &. GIFTS FLORIST intorosts. Enjoy dancing, movios, ski- try, tho outdoors, music, dancing, otc. mom of ono child. In search ol a LOVE KIDS^ 35. Looking for somoono who'ls fam- spirit. Havo light* brown hair and bluo BROWN-EYED ~G1RL 434 Springfield Ave. Call, il this sounds like you. BOX singlo or divorced whito prolosslon- 3ind piuty, BOX lor a posslblo relationship. BOX 33 yonr old. molhor of two. Stand boach, and moro Not looking fof por- EASY GOING PERSON OLDER WOMAN NEEDED for. All Occasions lor somoono who is not afraid ol now 1|147 „__. 16237 Floral Service 5*2" tall and wolgh 106 poundi;. Look- loctibn, just somoono with stability. 50 plus, divorcod malo. Havo varlod Good looking, 29 yoar old male. 1700 Stuyvesant Ave adventuros nnd friendship. BOX ing lor that special fiomoono. Want Children aro okay... BOX 36547 Interests such us bowling, roadlng, What I nood Is an oldor woman lo FRIENDSHIP RRsY~~~ PETITE LADY" 16325 Union somoono who is romantic, a gonllo- HAVE A BIG HEART*, tho thoater, movies, go lor long rldos complete tho picture. Wo con chnro Singlo black malo, ago 28. Seeking a Attractivo, whlto fomalo, ago 30. mnn, nnd not afraid to give lovo to FUN & EXCITEMENT! Singlo whilo male, ago 26. Havo in the country, ntc. Looking lo bo mar- somo fun timos and romantic times. single malo, ago 25 to 45. Want Havo brown hnlr and groon oyoii, 2376 Morris Ave., 908-686-1838 rucoivo lovo. BOX 11099 ried again. Want somoono who In a Looking for a potito female ago 28 to Attractivo singlo fomalo, ago 29, who brown hair and groon oyos. Enjoy Want somuono who Is good looking. somoono for a frlundshlp first and nor^nmokor. BOX 11142 porhaps a long torm relationship, 35. Want somoono who enjoys tmv- MUST BE VERY SECURE. u; looking for ;i singlo while rrnlo. dining out, movios, sports, animals, BOX 16330 Union ago 25 to 38, to sharo my lifo and POX If MB oling,, dining oul, likes to have lun; Classy, nfricnn-amurican beauty. otc. Sooking a singlo fomiilo with n DARK BROWN-EYED GUY ON THE LOOKOUT... but also has n romantic sldo. BOX loyu with. Liknc to play with dogs, 908-686-2184 These Looking for a long torm relationship, good porsonality. Want somoono for ?.B yoar old, single white malo. Look- Singlo white male, ago 3G. Looking PARTNER WANTED 16147 with a professional, widowed or di- •.iki, ndti horses, find ndvonturo... Call a posslblo long torm rolntlonnhlp. Ing (or an older woman in hor 3b's, lor a vory nico girl to go to tho mov- Attractive. Gay whito malo. I lavo light Opon 7 Days a Wook , vorcod maid'. Want somoono ago 55 mo if this sounds liko youl BOX BOX 3G554 who Is assertive and aggressive; ios, oatpopcorn and hold hands with. brown hair and groon oyos. Looking We accept Major Credit to 70, who if. financially secure and 16137 Participating NO GAMES.PLEASE... knows what tilw wants out o( Hie. Want somoono ago 25 to 35. BOX lor a partner to enjoy tho same inlor- All Major Crodit Cards in good condition. Race it;'unimpor- Want someono lo havo a great timo Cards by Phone , LOOK NO FURTHER Singld and professional male, in my 16340 •• osts I hnvo. Enjoy sports, dancing (Not (or couplos Booking...) Accoptod tant! Must bo a non srnokur... BOX with, BOX 16393 nnd dining. BOX 10937 your od will not bo nccoptod. 36464 25 yonr old. divorcod whito fomalo. mid 30'r.. I'm lun-lovlng, oasy going WANT SPECIAL PERSON. , Charge It by Phono Looking lor a 25 to 38 year old, sin- and romantic at hoart. Looking (or COMMON INTERESTS? Singlo whlto malo, ago 34. Have dark QUITE TALL & THIN SEEKING A FRIEND.. ARE YOU INTERESTED.. glo whiio mnlo who enjoy;; walks In somoono t can spend quality tinui 25 year old, Irish-American malo. En- brown hair and oyos. Looking lor a Gay whito professions male, ogo 30, Single whlto Jowish lomnlo, ago 39. Black fomalo. ago 58 Looking lor ;i tho park, r.pondifiQ time tofluthor and with. Want somoono who onjoys joy country music, singing and danc- singlo or divorcod, whlto or hlspnnlc Havo brown hnlr and oyos. Looking Looking lor ii single white Jowish The Mcrtcn Family caring, loving relationship, If you nru most of all just hiwlng fun, Want movios. travol and Ilkor, romantic, ing. Looking lor u compatible lomalo fomalo ago 25 to 40, Enjoy movios, for a masculine malo nrjo 30 or oldor, mnlo jige 29 to 35. far friendship, Owners of inturustod in mooting mo,.,plmir>(» re- somoonu for .y friondship/rolntlon- candlo lit dinners, lor a long term re- ago 18 to 27, who has common Intor- clubs, romantic dinners, ndvonturo, Want somoono who In hopolully tall! Must lovo wild unlmulr. nnd caving WALTER spond! BOX_36480_ ship. tlOX 1K2G5 lationship. BOX 36560 ._ osts. BOX 16405 etc. BOX It025 BOX 16353 tlui tinvlranimml. BOX It030 THE FLORIST . ('LOWER SHOP3, INC. MlERTEN-LEAHY BURKE FLORIST Worrell ('o.unii.i.llv NC»-.|IU|..TS uv.uinrs ,„, llulilllly rW llu- nm MAIN OfFlCK Invites you to TRY VS... nf. ur .. |illo lu uny |UTMIIIIII ixlM-rclsrmciiM mill snil, Ibl.lllly «»imlutlvrly oilli Ilic uilvcrll ir <>r, nr r>S|>mwli:nl In. Midi aih,, Ik.-inralv Wnrrull <'ii.iiimmlly Ni'mpiipcrs iiuiy. In Us solo ilKtrrllim, rrjrcl or.!.!,!. uny |msiiiml uilvrrtlsruuiila ulik'l. Vnrlod Aasormionts ol . It tln-iiu iiii>|)pr<>|>rlutt-. All utlvrrtlu-rs inusl mw«l u tola- urtt-ll utvoinpuny their lul. Ails wllliuul volet- urft-llnus niuy mil upjH-iir In ('uniiei-tliiiis. ('uniii'i'lluns )0tf'provider Is Arivuneeil Telecom Services, W6 Sduxil ltd., l'A I'HW. When ynii res(Mm7. Kes|Hin ulll hf-ur iR-rwnml ilesiTlplliiiisiirudverllsersuiiil are Ire** lo kuve u wilte .null .lieswine. Ciiimeelli s IsliroiiKhl It,you l>> Wornill <.'i>i.imlinlty Ney>spit|ie.s unit AHviuuvd I'ekt'oin Services. <'all l-rtim-247-l2H7 () II.III. lit 5 p.m. Mnmluy lltroil|(tt l-'rlttuy Arrangements lo guaranteed quality ami ser- with iinv i|iic%tlmis UIMIIII Hie wrvlce. Silk or Frooh Floworo (908)277-6333 N.JT. 07083 Cutaloguos ol Gilt Idoan SUMMIT, NJ 07001 vice. (or All Occuolons Complete Service •I0-WOK1) VOICI- CffiEE MI;SSA<;I: HI:TKII:VAI. Spoclallzlng Ir. Fruit Bnokoto for the I'NINTI-n Al) _\ ciiti:i:riN(i DBuCE ONCI- A WI:I:K Respond to a ad by calling: Special Occasion Belleville Post Serving Union & • Balloon Stuffors Union Loader West Orange Chronicle (:all I -8€)©-382-l 746 to place your ad 24 hrs. a day Vicinity Orange Trunsript Linden Leader (I'k-asc have your voice (".recline writte'n clown More you cull.) vi, 130 West Third Avenue <• Unlquo Gifts Kenilworth Loader Ovor 30 Years - Packaging Idoas East Orange Record ROBOIIO Spectator • To pliiLt- your Connections :u1, cull I-K00 .W,M7.|(i In iccoid your l-'KI-li voice ^ic-i:tiny, He lemly to write down your m;iilhox ROSHI-Ui Rosollo. Park Leader Rahway Progress ntinilvt ami access code when you cull. ' • t $1.99 por nifnuto. TouchTono or rot.iry phonos. You must bo 10 or oldor. •908-241-2700' 1853 Morris Avo. Summit Observer Independent Press It's all auiomatcd ami .simple. You don't have to speak to anyone. One phone call sels up your voice j'.reeiiue, and your piiuied Clark Eagle (ft£) Alter listi'iiinf1, u» llu* simnk* iiiMiu.'tinnscnici tin- muilhnx numbernt'llu*iiilsyou wnnt in mivss or Inowsi- ;ill ^ic Union Springfiold Loader Glen Ridge Paper ." ad. Your ad will ap|k-ur lor al least 4 weeks. lO.,, 1354 Stuyvesant Ave., 'Elizabeth Gazette lamioinly. ' Union Mountainaido Echo Irvington, Herald , KYcoul your voice-[Meeting, hy midnight on Wednesday lor your ail to ap|k.'ar in next weeks edition \>tConneciions. - ' 116 North Avciute West 908-686-0955 Hillside Loader 1 (>p You'llI lii*;u ii^K'L'liiif, with llu* t'himciiion.s ;iti ami (lu- pmim lu-hiiui llic}',HYiiii|:. Vailsburg Loader You may pluce an ail in one ol our dalinj , cate^uiies 01 niji spoils paiuieis/liieuds caicf.oiy. 908-686-0920 CUANl'OU)) ' K.iW, liilwaul Jl Carol Nowa-Record p i Merttn (l^fj) Vokv j',ii-fliiif ,s ;inr initial lo the system evny M huuK So you c;m Imnvsr ihninj'Ji Ilic \\c\\ a(lvt iii*.ei/[;tw Nutloy Journal When ivcoittinp, your yn*eiing, remember lo pvc u complete description ol yoiirsell and the Iy|K- ol |K'IMUI ami lelatioiislup you All Major Crodit 908-276-4700 seek. A ihoiounh, honest f.ivcliii^ will pioduce.ilu' tiesi resulis. C \>nnc*L'tions ads appear in the newspaper. ' .' 4tU G4ntration VUtrlit Cardo Accoptod Moil M,fjor CrtJU Carili Acctfl4, i Vou can leiiieve your messages |jt*e of cliaige once a week. You may letueve messages mine itiau once a week hy calling the (§K) l.isien lo j *eelmj^ of |>eople (lull inteiest you. II you tike, leave yonr u'spuiise. That peKnij.wjII \\fd\ yoili'il WO IIIIIUIH-I. lluiei is a chaise ol $ I.')') pel niinllle. : 1 they _*;ill in, . , _ u." ' '••.",\'; ••

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meaning of Christmas and the festive There is. ample parking in the The Celebration Singers will pre- audience participation in Old English went several' name changes while celebration of the New Year. immediate vicinity, it was announced. sent a Carolfest, under the direction of • style. ; evolving into a mixed chorus. The Celebration Singers will return Scats for the holiday special are to Rahway's Union County Arts Cen- Anthony Godlcfski, which also will Members of the Celebration Sin- Under the direction of Anthony feature the Mary Stewart Scottish gers have been singing since 1938 Godlcfski, the nonprofit chorus has, S10 fpr cither show. Tickets can be ter Dec. 17 to perform matinee and purchased now at the Arts Center box evening Christmas shows at 2 and 8. Folk Dancers, a bagpiper, harp and when they had their beginnings as a through its performances, helped raise Correction policy organ, a children's choir, a storyteller office, or reserved for later pickup by The group's appoarances have group of male employees of a local oil funding for charitable causes. H is the policy of this newspaper to and Father Christmas, all attired in calling the box office at (908) become an annual event at the corporation who "simply liked to correct all significant errors lhat are medieval costumes. There will be sing." The group subsequently under- The traditional Christmas celebra- 499-8226. By llea Smith Locally on stage, the actress played far as entertainment is concerned, "I showplaco. brought to the editor's attention. If tion will include new features and The 1,300-scat Union County Arts Lifestyle Editor Blanche, in "Brighton Beach want fp do everything. Even .this you believe thai we have made such song, in addition to its seasonal favo- Center, a restored 1920s vaudeville- Nathalie Yafct of Hillside, who Memoirs," Mclanie in "The Cafe," recent part I had in 'You Can't Tako It Laara B. Christtianc, lyric sopra- an error, please wrile Tom Canavan. rites such as "Silent Night" and "The movie palace, is situated at the junc- recently played ilic lead role in the Elizabeth in "The Crucible" and With you,' I was dancing and just no of Union, will appear in concert editor, 1291 Stuyvesant Avc., Union, Twelve Days of Christmas." Set intion of Central Avenue and Irving tod Stony Hill Players' production of the Madame de Croissy in "Dialogues of singing at tho end, 'Happy Days Aro as a guest soloist when the Maplcw- 07083, or call him at 686-7700 week "An Enchanted Forest," the show will Main streets in Railway's historic comedy "You Can't Take It With the Carmelites." In the Brooklyn Lyr- Here Again." I played, lha_iole of ood Glee Club presents "A Winter days before 5 p.m. weave together both the spiritual restormion district. You" at _Ihc • Oakcs Mcniorinl 'Out- ic Opcr,a in New York, Yafet portray- Essie, a ballet dancer who's been Evening of Song," Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. reach Center in Summit, wanted to ed Siebe! in "Faust," and in Madison, studying for eight years and still at South Orange Middle School. "take it nil" when she was a child. Wis., she was Maria in "West Side doesn't have the knack. Chrisitianc, who is known to "I wanted everything when I was a Story," Kalisha in "The Mikado," and Union school students as Mrs. Cas- little girl in Milwaukee, Wiscoasin," "I studied ballet as a child," she in Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, lancdn, a foreign language teacher, she smiled, during a recent visit to this recalled. "But I have flat feet, and my Mich., Marion in "The Tale of Robin will be accompanied by jazz pianist office. "When I was 6 years old, I teacher wouldn't let mo go on point. WORRALL COMMUNITY and Marion." Annen Donclian and bassist Gerry wanted to be a mm. At the same lime, And even today, I'm still not on point, Babo. She also will sing at the mid- when I used to1 watch old movies', I Yafct, who married Steven Yafct but I'm doing my best," Yafct OF THE WEEK 11 years ago, then came to New night Mass on New Year's Eve in a NEWSPAPERS wanted to bu'Ginger Rogers. I real- laughed. , By Bea Smith Jersey to reside in Plainficld for four concert for senior citizens in Sacred COMPLIMENTS OF ized, even at that age, that it would be Lifestyle Editor years until ihey "found" a Victorian How did she gel the name Heart Church, Blmimficld. ************************************** a conflict. So, 1 chose performing, of THE GARDEN RESTAURANT There's good news for all Chin- house in Hillside soven yoars ago, and Nathalie? course." Additional information about Ihc cso food aficionados in Union and movedjn. Steven is a systems analyst PREPARED BY Ocean Buffet Dec. 10 concert, which will feature the surrounding areas. The new And through all the years of singing in New York. He's a very fine pianist "My real name is Anatola, but my Robert Dichl, director, and Suzanne MASTER CHEF SPIRO Ocean Buffet nt 1181 Morris Avc., anil performing in lead roles in theater and that's how we met at the Univer- mother translated it for me in Polish," An enticing variety of mouth watering dishes. Facklcman as accompanist, can be"" which had its grand opening on and 0|>cra, Yafel still held on to her Nathalie Yafet sity of Wisconsin. He was getting a Yafcl said. "I always thought Anatola A Weekly Feature Appearing In obtained by calling Peter Fcnton at Nov. 19 in elegant surroundings, interest in the church. In fact, today, Ph.D. in math at the time and I was was such an exotic name. But my 12 Newspapers: Arugola, Radlcchio (201) 377-5998. Tickets also can be has an all day buffet, all you can cat she. said, "I've continued to sing in "Actually," she explained, "as far studying voice." mother liked Nathalie. By the way, Laara Chrisftlane Union Leader, Springfield Leader, obtained at the door at 70 North & Goat Cheese Salad buffet and an enticing variety of church in St. Catherine's in Hillside. back as I can remember, I wanted to she's a translator by profession." Mountainside Echo, Kenllworth Leader, ' 1 Ridgcwood Road., •.-..- 4 ounces fresh goat cheese cut mouth watering dishes lhat are I'm one of the lectors ami leaders of be an actress. At the age of 14, I After college, she said, "I was M a p I c w o o d Recreation Rosello Park Leader, Linden Leader, In 4 Slices song." wanted to.try to pursue this, and of doing more opera. And I worked for a One of her lifetime aspirations, she The concert is, sponsored by,the Department! Roselle Spectator, Rahway Progress, V, Cup Olive Oil ' nothing less than overwhelming. Yafet, an attractive young woman course, I did the usual thing — high while as an administrative assistant at said, was to do horror movies in the Clark Eagle, Hillside Leader, 1 lA lenspoon thyme leaves. There also is American food in a who possesses a warm and a school plays. Acting always came different companies and just getting future. "I've loved horror movies all Elizabeth Gazette, Summit Observer. 1 Garlic Clove Crushed salad bar variety, and one can mix positive attitude about everything, first. Later," Yafct nodded, "I thought used to this wasn't easy for me. Also, of my life. Boris Karloff was one of 2 Small Rndtcchlo and match, savon a different dish, for details (908) 686-7700 'A pound Arugula . obtained her theatrical training at the I would just do musicals. In fact, my you know," Yafct confided, "the East my favorites. In fact, his daughter is a Become a regular advertiser end bo chose whatever you like out of 32 University of Wisconsin, where she voice teacher , at Aquinas, College, Coast is a different way of life, and it friend of mine. We correspond fre- Spotlighted In a rovlow or 40 dishes — and if you've received a bachelor's degree in music. quently top. Mustard Vinegarette missal anything that looks appetiz- where I went for one year to study really lakes getting used to. I kept up 1 tablespoon Dijon Mustnixl She also attended the Aquinas Col- musjc and theater, suggested that I try with my voice lessons when I moved ing — you can go right back and fill "I'm hoping by Ihc end of Ihc year I in Carnegie Call For Detail 1 tablespoon Chopped Shallots lege Theater Program, Goldovsky opera. 'A good opera singer,' she to New Jersey. 1 finally found u good 1 tablespoon Tarragon Chopped a new plate from which emantcd will will be singing for the people at Christine Chang, daughter of Carols," Bernstein's "Chichcster Opera \Vorkshop, Acting for Com- said, 'is going to be a good actress.' " voice teacher, Susnnnc Marsce. She 1 tablespoon Sherry Wine Vinegar the most aromatic scents that can the Now York City 0|>cra. I was TWKENCELENAZm. 335) mercials and Soaps and Acting Opera sings at the New York City Opera, Young and OK Chang of Springfield, Psalms," Shearing's "Shakespeare 1 Cup Virgin Olive Oil make one bcliovo that one has died Yafct chuckled. "It's just that I like invited to play the Shaw heroine. And Pepper classes. and she thinks lhat there's a lot of will perform with the Westminster Songs," and jazz arrangements of and gone to heaven. to do everything — oporas, musicals, you know what else I'd like to do? Prcpnrc the, vlncgnrctte. Mix potential," Symphonic Choir in a holiday concert holiday favoritics. When my companion and I came "Love of performing," she said, "is straight theater. Recently, I served as Shakespeare. All I need is un offer to FRESH HOME MADE mustard, tarragon, vinegar, salt, like a disease. You're just not happy if at Carnegie Hall, New York City, Composed of students al Westmin- pepper, slowly whisk In the oil. In by early Sunday evening, remem- a Halloween story'teller at the New Ynfct also has done ballroom danc- appear in any of his plays. I'd be the you're not doing it. , Dec. 13. stcrChoir College of Rider University KASIAl iORIGINAL POLISH FOtJD a bowl marinate the cheese w bering tho fine cuisine of the now Photo By MIKon Mllti Providence' Library." ing and Victorian decorating, but as first one there." the oil. thyme, garlic, pepper. Chang is a sophomore church mus- in ftinccton, the Westminster Sym- defunct Kingston Restaurant, we Customers line up at Ocean Buffet on Morris Avenue in ic major at Westminster. She is a 1993 phonic Choir has performed and COUPON I""* Mix the greens in a bowl with POLISH the vlncgarette to coat slightly. were really impressed with the Union. graduate of Jonathan Dayton Region- recorded with many great orchestras Place the cheese In Ihc oven for 1 beautiful settings of the dining S al High School in Springfield. ami conductors, including Bernstein, KITCHEN irsr minute in 450 degree F. rooms, the polite waiters and wait- Accompanied by jazz pianist Mulli, Mehta, Ormandy and Masur. Divide the greens In 4 plates. resses, and the wondrous buffel bar soup, appetizer, main course, spaghetti with meatballs, and a An exhibit of artwork byTincKirk- traits in the impressionistic style. She Graham has portrayed the water CHEF'S lor demonstrations for many years. George Shearing, the choir is under The choir has sung more than 300 per- • • * Top each salad with a slice of the lhat seemed lo beckon to us even desserts.*Wc also have a party room selective Salad bar. land Graham and Diane Lcc Wilkoc has received commissions for her view and island locales of familiar PLATTER cheese. Serve Immediately. She also designs, creates and exhibits the direction of Joseph Flummerfelt. formances with the New York Phil- before we sal down at our table. We for about 150 people and we will be For dessert, we chose soft ice Pimon is on display at Children's Spc- work throughout the United States, places including Martha's. Vineyard, one-of-a-kind jewelry under the mime 3 Star Restaurant ; They also will be accompanied by the harmonic and was the first chorus to OR KASIA SPECIAL also were impressed by the subdued open Christmas and Christmas cream swirl, gelatin, fresh fruit, cializcd Hospital in Mountainside Two years ago, she expanded the Nuntuckct, Bay Head and Bermuda. Diana Lcc, Orchestra of St. Luke's. appear on public television's "Live Instructions for preparing lighting from lovely chandeliers, Day. Chinese cookies and of course, for- throughout December. scope of her work to include seas- this-Recipe will be given by Potion specializes in painting gar- Individuals or groups who pian to . The program will include Vaugluni from Lincoln. Center" in a perfor- and the bright, colorful background "We change a couple of dishes tune cookies, which what Graham started her career in the capes and bench scenes, using the 3 S, Wood Aye. •LINDEN qur Chef tills coming dens, slill-lifes, homes, and petvisit Ihc display, which is open to the' Williams' "Fantasia ''on Christmas' mance of Verdi's "Requiem" in 1980. surrounding the buffet bar. Each daily, three times a week." we wanted to know, early 1980s as a creator of pastel por- medium of acrylics. public daily between 8:30. n.rii'.' and •-' (across from train station) "•' MONDAY at 3 p.m., at "portraits." food iteni was labeled above the •" We started.with a cockiail, then a "I think we will be successful," 8:30 p.m. can enler the hospital's East most delicious and spicy hot sour said Cheng. And we agreed with Her work is represented in public Bxp. 12/23/04 dish, and plenty of delicious sauces, Wing. Tho Garden Restaurant him when we discovered that there and private collections throughout the d B o • B nmmum so one knew what one was chosing. soup, and there also was vegetable Trlshka set to play banjo For more information, one can con- Youth Winter concert set soup for the American menu. We are always large crowds at Ocean country and in foreign countries. She Place Your Holiday Orders Early We were greeted by Robert tact the hospital's community resour- 943 Magie Ave. then iried General Tzo's chicken, Buffet. They also have regular din- Tony Trischka, whoso name is syn- In an array of styles thnt preserves has received more than 100 awards; .The Youth Orchestras of Essex performed. Tho Orchestras. arc com- For Our Polish Specialities! Cheng, one of Ihc restaurant's man- ce coordinator, Shirley Bieglcr, at Union, N.J. 07083 the boneless spare ribs in a tasty ners, but with such marvelously onymous with blucgrass banjo vir- musical authenticity, Trisclika, sur- including' three Grumbacher Medals County will present their formal wint- prised of Ihc'Essex County Chamber agers, who also is co-owner. The (908) 233-3720, Ext. 379. Every Day Specials • On and OJJ Premise Catering enticing foods m'lhc Viviffel b;ir, OTIC tuosity, recreates the musical daring rounded by his superb and historical and Ihc WinsdV and Newton Award, Orchestra, Louis Kosma conducting, (908) 558-0101 others, ho mentioned, included Jeff orange sauce, the fried scallops, the The works arc for sale;-with a por- er concert on Sunday, Dec. II, at of his 1993 album, "World Turning," collection of banjos, engages his audi- and has been featured on the Network and Ihc Junior Symphony, James Facilities For Up To 0O People Qiu and Dong Yong, both co- most delicious lo mcin. Wo mixed can truly be satisfied with a most tion benefiting Children's Specialized James Caldwcll High School, West- (f you have a Itcclpc in the second performance of ence in a dramatic narrative that tells Show of the Arts. She created the Buchanan conducting. owners, and Dave Zheng, another the appelizers wilh the main dishes, unusual offering. 'Hospital. villc Avenue, West Calclwell at 2 p.m. Ilicit you would Ukc ArtsMaplewood OnStngc Saturday at the banjo's story. New Jersey Festival of Ballooning's Admission is by donation and,is open to sec published manager. ^ and tried the fried chicken wings, Too satisfied! Children's Specialized Hospital, K p.m. at the Burgdorff Cultural Cen- For instance, Trischka uses the Poster for 1990, the Arc Challenge to the public. • This newspaper is a reliable means •> please call Ocean Duffel has an iill-you-cun the sweet, sour chicken and the reportedly New Jersey's only com- ter, Maplcwood. African-American antecedent to the posters in 1993, and Little Yellow of researching the community Ihc Garden Ucstauraixt. eat lunch buffel Monday through inleresing fried dumplings. Actual- prehensive pediatric rehabilitation A selection of classical music Opening with music from West banjo — the gourd banza — in a soul- Book covers. market. To boost your business in Friday, for S4.95 from 11 a.m. to ly, Ihorc were about five or six dif- hospital, is located on New Provi- including pieces by Beethoven, Verdi, This column is Intended to Africa, the birthplace of the banjo, ful, moving slave song from the 1850s the communiiy, call our ail dcparl- 3:30 p.m.-, and all-you-can-cat din- ferent chicken dishes. Patlon has been teaching watcrco- dence-Road. Gershwin and Tchaikowsky will be Inform our readers about dining three-time FRETS Award-winner to demonstrate the effective simplici- .inc.nt m 674-80(X) today. ner buffel at S7.95 Monday through ' For the American appetite, there opportunities In the area. Trischka and his five-piece band will ty of this instrument, while a fretlcss Sunday, ami that includes salad bar, were salmon fish, fried fish and embark on a kaleidoscopic journey, as replica of an 1840s banjo brings to fife kcomled fly prc-Civil War minstrels, America's Noted Artlsl he traces the instrument's roots from Mosoph Dowloy" first popular music. its primitive beginnings to America ^** 3 STARS! through slave music and the pre-Civil Tickets can be purchased at the War minstrel styles to ragtime and Robin Hutchins Gallery, 179 Maple- GRANB OPENING The Finest In of finally, blucgrass, where the banjo wood Avc., or by calling (201) Christine Lee's moved to the musical forefront. 378-2133. Northeroter n Italian Cuisine For Your Homemade Pasta • Veal • Seafoofdd Reserve Now For Your BANQUET ROOM UPTfpPERSONS MABKY0UR Holiday or Family Festivities | Holiday Dinner 1 ;• "Weddings', Slibvi/'ers'.rReli'e'ci"i:sii'j. Di linens y .; \RESTAURANT •.Chinese & Prime Steaks fr Rl AllYSljOi! ' 245-2992 And Parties GALEWAR MMDEBt INEW BfflMMMGEWENT EARLY DINING TUESDAY to FRIDAY Call Now 00 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fri. Eves. At 10 PM to 6 PM ^Special Complete Dinner '12 FOR THESE LUNCH WITH SANTA " Hourr Tuai.-Fri. S to 10pm For Reservations, Private Party Room Saturday! 5pm-11pm; Sundsyi 4pm-Qpm PERFORMANCES • Dec. 17th . .8 " COU'PON " 28 North Avenue W, Cranford • 276-5749 LUNGH. - ICE CREAM - SODA - PHOTO $ 10.00 J BUY 1 DINNER (Ample Parting BcliW Restaurant)) The Sensational Doo. 8th g THE 2nd "ANTHONY TABISH" surnf* FRESH SEAFOOD-PASTA-DAILY SPECIALS g Dec, LUNCH • DINNIiK

Ttauis. RESERVE NOW FOR NEW YEARS EVEI \, \!T/re Fabulous 230 West Wes«J»ld Ave. £ \^ ".JULIAN" and Roselle Park « VOUK I'AKTY XI-I-.DS A\'AII.AI'.l.!•. Tin- M:m

^ IP [ .1 ^1 I'airi-


% from the Country Music Association CRAFT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1994 Uy Uea Smith EVENT: Annual Holiday Bazaar of America." SATURDAY AND SUNDAY PLACE: St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ufpstyle Editor Warren will appear on the Rahway DECEMBER 10, 11, 1894 419 South St., Ne\V Provldonco. singe in two performances. According EVENT: OLP-e Wlntor Wondartand Craft TIME: 10AM to 4PM. Smokcy Warren of Limlgn, ilie Boutlquo & Bake Solo. o PRICE: Donations dropped off aftor 3pm to the [heater, he will be "back by Dec. 9th, call 908-522-0152. Baked "Eastern King of Western Swing," PLACE: Our Lady of Poaco Auditorium, popular demand." South St, Now Providence. Information goods, colloctlbles, joweliy, handcrafted has once more come out of "scmi- "They called me from ihc Union call 908-464-7600. items, toys, wroaths, docorationo, white relircmcnl" lo appear in a couniry County Arls Center," he said. "And TIME! Sat. 0AM-5PM; Sun. elephant. music special at ihc Union Couniy 8.30AM-2PM. ORGANIZATION: Summit Animal they told me there would be Iwo PRICE: Free admission. Knights of Col- Loaguo, Inc. Arts Center,in Rahway. Dec. 10 at 7 legends coming in. Waylon Jennings umbus taking ordaro for their "fabulous" and 10 p.m. He will share the legen- and 'Smokcy Warren. He docs tradi- peanut brittle. For sale: polnosttiao, craft dary sounds of couniry music wiih lional and contemporary music like gifts, homemade baked goods. CONCERT-MUSIC Waylon Jennings. ORGANIZATION: Our Lady of Peace myself. 1 guess," he said modestly, Church. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1B, 1994 "I've been in Ihc business for more "they fell thai I did real well in the SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1994 EVENT: Christmas Candlelight Concert. than 52 years." s;iid Warren one PLACE: Park United Methodist Church, 50th anniversary show in January EVENT: Craft & Flea Markot. Fifth Grade School Chorus rcccm afternoon, "and for many years 1902. They said," Warren laughed, PLACE: School #1, 7Z8 North Wood Broad & Park Sta., Bloomflald. Avo., Linden. TIME: 4 P.M. will join with the Westfleld with my brother, Shorty, who is fully "that they wanted to take me out of PRICE: Free will offering. Chancel, cher- retired anil living in California. Me TIME: 10AM to 4PM. Glee Club in a Christmas retirement. If you call that PRICE: Tables $20. Call Mrs. Harrison, ibim & seraphim choirs, organ, harp & concert Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. in and I and tin' boys in our band, the retirement!" 908-925-5410. guest soloist, Black Diamond .Stringers, with Phil ORGANIZATION: SOEHL PTA ORGANIZATION: Park United Method- the Roosevelt intermediate Warren explained that he had been ist Church. School, Westfield. Fifty-two Quiglcy. 'lony Richards, Nick.James "working 25 to 30 years for organiza- and Kenny Kay, became the first BAZAAR boy and girl volunteer sin- tions and country theaters. They gers from five of the town's western band to play and sing on the always use my group on the Fourth of SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1994 OTHER EVENT: Christmas Bazaar schools, will perform. The netwoik show. "Death Valley Days." July at the Somerset County Park. . FRIDAY & SATURDAY PLACE: Redeemer Lutheran Church, DECEMBER 9, 10, 1994 Glee Club will again pre- Duiinj: the years', he said he had This is my 15lh year (here, and I even 134 Prospect Avo., Irvlngton. EVENT: Christmas Tree Sale. . sent the Christmas concert seen country and western music TIME: 9 AM to 3 PM. book entertainment there right after PLACE: Driveway of United Methodist PRICE: Tables available for $15.00. Call afternoon at 4 p.m. on Dec. expand "lo include a broader spec- ihe fireworks. Church, 321 North Wood Ave., Linden Kean College Concert Band will perform In a holiday concert Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at 201-372-0084 or 201-763-3281. Great 11 at Holy Trinity Roman trum of listeners. When I used to sing TIME: Fri. 5PM-7PM; Saturday, "Over the years, they've helped me Christmas items, lots of handmade crafts Woodbrldge Center Mall, Woodbridge. Bob Yurochko of the music department, 10AM-7PM. Catholic Church, Westfield country music in New Jersey, people out in my career. I think it's one of the & stocking stuffers. Hot lunch & home- conducts the band. There Is no admission fee. Further information can be obtained used lo laugh. What they didn't know made items. Avenue and First Street, things I'^l always do." PRICE: $5.00 per foot. by calling (908) 527-2107/8. . Westfield. At that concert, was ilial.l made tny debut in Phoenix, Warren appeared more confident ORGANIZATION: Redeemer Lutheran ORGANIZATION: Ltnden United Church. Methodist Church. the Holy Trinity Interparoc- An/,, and spent some time there about real retirement. "I'm going to Smokey Warren of Linden will share the bill with Way- leiiniing the music." hial School Children's retire in May 1995 in conjunction lon Jennings in a country western jamboree Dec. 10 at What's Going On U a paid directory of events lor non-profit organizations. It is pre- Choir will sing. The direc- lie explained that evidence of llie with my 50th wedding anniversary. 7 and 10 p.m. at the Union County Arts Center in Rah- paid ahd cost9 just $20.00 (for 2 weeks) for Es3sx County Ot Union County and just Your abilities can earn extra in- }:i"\v:-;i! po|V.i!-ri!v/ .'.'' 'xn-nfy an*' $30.00 for both. Your notlco must be In our Maplewood office (463 Volley Street) by tor, Rives Cassel, also will My wife, Oeiiy, and my daughter, way. 4:30 P.M. on Monday for publication the following Thursday. Advertisement may come. Advertise them with a classi- uvsk'in music "is showing up in" present a brief organ Carol Tciralia, were quite surprised also be placed ot 170 Scotland Road, Oranga, 266 Liberty St., Bloomllald or 1291 Forty arts groups and presenters of the benefit of Union County artists fied ad by calling 1-800-564-8911. program. niovir ihenies and ihc types of bands when 1 made up my mind. That's it," Stuyvesant Ave., Union. For more Information call 763-9411. arts programs will receive a total of 'and residents," she added. guesswork out of meeting ..someone new. bniij'. MiMU'd by western companies." he grinned. $68,430 from the Union County Arts Marcia Cohen, chairman of the Still, (luring the 1950s, Smokcy and "Except, of course, next Fourth of Grants Program 1994-95. Arts Grant Committee of the Union The Perfect Gifts You'll get a FSSEE 30-word print ad, FUSEE voice greeting, Wanvii wen.' hosts on a country tele- July. I'll be back strumming my guitar "That sum represents Ihe majority County Cultural and Heritage Prog- For the Home Office and FBSEE message retrieval one time per week. vision show, "The Ciardcn Stale Jam- of the grant of $86,500 from the New rams Advisory Board, explained that and entertaining at the Somerset That makes it really easy for you to make Connections. boioe," which was broadcast by County Park. ' It's so hard to say Jersey State Council on Ihc Arts to our the applications were initially eva- WNKT-TV in Newark. The weekly 'no.' " Office of Cultural and Heritage luated by professonal panels and then "Heroes and Heroines: From Mylh to Reality" will be ihc name of the to be staged on Dec. 17 r • It's all automated and simple. You don't have to speak to anyone. One program featured top couniry stars." Affairs," said Freeholder Linda-Lee were reviewed by the Arts Grant C O P U R musical program funded by Sony Corporation of America at the New "The Grinch," a musical for child- cipation, is from the people who FACSIMILE phone call will set up your FREE voice greeting and FREE printed ad, Wiinen,' who also is a free-lance Kelly, liaison to the Cultural and Her- Committee: 5-Socond illindnrd DEALER Jersey Center for Visual Arts, 68 Elm St., Summit. ren of all ages, will be presented Dec. staged "Fame," "How to Eat Like A Trnnsmlr.3ion Spnnd tho Konica 1015 ho which will run for 4 weeks in the paper. connliy music writer, appeared with Call the editors itago Programs Advisory Board. "The The organizations receiving grants all tho (i:;:iontr,nt A members' preview reception will be held Jan. 13, I<)<)5 from 6 to 8 17 in Connecticut Farms Elementary Child" and "You're A Good Man, Quick Protocol many Grand Olc Opry stars, lie has liver want to talk about something remainder and a cash match of through the Uniofi County Arts Grant 128-Lovol Groy Scnln lonlurus you nnodl • Be ready to write down your mailbox number and access code when p.m. School, Chestnut Street in Union. Charlie Brown." I you call in. served us jmxluccr and promoter of you think should lie in Ihc paper? $16,970 provided by the Board of Program will be recognized at the All Give our ncwost coplor • dross rohearsal today. Special programs include Arbor Chamber Music Society's "Heroes There will be two shows, one at It is being directed by Cundjcc and connliy music artists and shows, as a Know something that 'might moke a Chosen Freeholders will enable the Union County Festival of the Arts, • Retrieve your messages FREE once a week at I -800-382-1746, or and Myths," and feature a concert and lecture on Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. and the other at 7 p.m., Sam Caponcgro, choreographed by Summit Ave. at Bank Street couniry music disc jockey on regional good story? Do you know someone Office to hire a part-time staff person, with host cntcrlancr Clint Holmes, on listen to them more often hy calling 1-900-786-2400 for On.Feb. 5 at 3 p.m., there will be a storyteller, Mary Rachel Plait. The sponsored by Ihc Performance Center Calhy Dc leo with musical direction Summit • NJ • (908) 273-8811 i ladio. Among his numerous record- who might be the subject of an inter- present technical assistance work- Dec. 11 at 4 p.m. in the Union County $1.99 per minute. snowdate is Feb. 19. Admission will be free for this evenl. of Union, 2626 Morris Ave., Union. by Mark Filan. ings are "Ball of Fire," "Prisoner's esting feature?. Do you know of a shops, and provide other piogr mis lor Arts Ccnicr Ralm.iy We service what we soil on site! • The Members' Gallery .will offer "Howard-Nathcnson: New Works." TliC musical.,. which • features j'S- The"cast members are from various, Place your FREE Connections ad right now by calling: - Dieain," "Jersey Central Special." sports story we don't? : songsand dances and audience parti-. schools throughout Union. "Sooner or Luler," "I'm My Own If Ihe answer to any or all of the liiandpa" and " Rose." above is yes, call Ihe editors at Hi* has received more awards lhanhc '686-7700, • .... Correction policy • Bea Smith, Editor • cm ivmembcr. and most reccnlly. he General or spot news: Andrew oWorrolt Community Nowopapors Inc. 1904 All Righto Rosorvod was leiiiuied as ihe Pioneer of ^ihe Stewart, managing editor. It is the policy of this newspaper to correct all significant errors that are Organizations submitting releases to the entertainment section •Month by Country Music News, a Sports news: Jim Parachini, sports brought to the editor's attention. If you believe that we have made such an error, Choose & Cut can mail copy to 1291 Stuyvesant Ave, P.O. Box 3109, Union, monlhly enlcrlainiAcnt guide, and was editor. please write. Tom Canavan, editor, 1291 Stuyvesanl Ave., Union, 07083, or call Free Greens Connections is accessible 24 hours a day and is available to awarded .ihe "CAW Pioneer Legend," Problems: Tom Cnnavun, editor. him al 686-7700 weekdays before 5 p.m. New Jersey, 07083. I 78 West to Exit 12 TauchTmw and rotary dial callers. You must be 18 or older lo call. (Jutland - Norton) at first stop sign make left & immediate right (at 4-wag stop- red light'if working) onto «ounty Route 635 (Charlestown Road) follow signs 3 miles to Mine Commemorating the Holiday Season Road. 7/10 ml. on left. 8 a.m. - Dusk: (y Days a uiee/cj Gift Shop Open Show off your Hollywood Memorial Park "^ (908) 537-4133 favorite little one KATTERMANN'S WILDERNESS TREE FARM JUGTOWN FOREVER GREEN Proudly Presents Fred Miller's C//oo,ve f*x.if*/4xx Jf-'ir MOUNTAIN FARM 's: Up to 7 • $24.$>5 7' to V slightly~TiiKhvr prlcvti Choose & Cut CHRISTMAS TREES Every Sat «5£ SHFI startirxt* Nov. 2fi thrx* JTJ*jc IS All Trvvs emu SUc $20 9 a.m. to 4p.m. & Vrrc GrtU'iis lotth Trrr Located in lot of 7 1 Scotch Pltw. Narwciij Spruce, ' An afternoon of holiday music & H?¥SE*1!?(10 fl™ quality 6" Poinsettla with purchase of any tree. Free liayridc to our Dotu/lax Fir Union Market Place, Union, NJ, One hour from your house OPEN 9 a.m. - Dusk Pfotv - December 2Oth Your Choice of FRESHLY Cut page appearing in inspirational readings featuring HAGGERTY ROAD, SUSSEX, NJ I 78 to exit 11 (Pattenburg) Trees, Wreaths Rt. 614 S. to Box 408 (2.2 mL) and Grave Blankets «the Dec. 22 nd ancient European Carols by classical 2O1 -875-5684 or 2O1 -875-8171 O^otll foir Directions DWECI10N3: FM. 10 10 EiH 31D onlo Roui» 1!N. WMn 1SH iml> lum light onlo Dl. US lowifd Smut. M. US Ippmi. (OO8) 73S-OSO3 Open 7 Days - Nov. 25th - Dec. 24th artists including Handel, 4J ml. turn Wl on Bl M7 |Bww Church Rud). Oo la wcond erounudl mika right otiio Rt 833 (Higgarty fid), 1 mil* on itgM. HOLIDAY MAGIC AI/S TREE FARM Tchaikowsky, Longfellow, Emerson at the 25 ACRES of TREES FRITSCHE TREE FARM 4 miles west of Remington, N.J. DEADLINE: DECEMBER 16, 4:00 P.M. Austrian, Willie & Scotch Pino Sat. + Sun., 8 am-5pm Victor Hugo, Vaughn Williams, along Douglas & Concolor Fir Norwny, White & BLUE Spruce Wreatlis, Refreshments, Toilet Clip & Mall With Your Payment TOP-QUAMTY LIVE AND All sizes professionally Warm Gift Shop Open with some contemporary favorites. FRESH CHRISTMAS TREES sheared and grown by the Call for Directions NAME(S) ' • FREE GIFT WITH THIS AD FMCHEFAMMTSEEFAM TIIOUSMJDSI ANV 3IZE J2U.3OI growing since 1945 THINE PIIOVI-nED .. (908) 782-4283 Choose Sc Cm or cluy on our 25O acre farm in UtCEHIIER WEEKENDS Pitlstown, N.J. 10100 AH to -1.00 I'M 3 miles South of Exit 12 HONEY RUN off Route 78 CHRISTMAS TREE FARM Plain & Fancy Custom-Mudu *y, TW0*HIl,E3 tiOUTH ^.w. ACTUAL SIZE OF PICTURE (tip to IB Wreaths and FREE Greens Hti OE NEWTON, NJ «& * ON IIOUTE <>A it OPEN DAILY * Address: Visit our Farm on our SPECIAL MAGIC DATES Phone: "...A beautiful pa rt,of Christmas & remembering our loved ones." Dec. 3,4,10,11,17^18 •The Hoccanto Funiili) ENJOY SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Parent Name: • Gift mid craft tent "A lovely program - very moving" -Mnn, Hiethvr COST $ "The program was beautiful. th•• #_ Exp. ' Slgnaturo. BB — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS VJORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1004 — B0

1 - set for The New Jersey Ballet Company's © © •• •••--• I' 1 I" 1 P production of Tchaikovsky's "Nut- BfflBa BBKISB fffflfflffl cracker," featuring new firs! act sets by resident scenic designer Michael I?" Anania, returns to the Paper'Mill 513 1 Playhouse, Millbum for the holiday season. Evening performances arc To" r H12n f| Dec. 15 through liic 23,26 and 27 at 8 p.m. Matinees at 3 p.m. are Dec. 26, 27 and 28 and at 4 p.m. on Dec. 21 and 22. Acknowledged as New Jersey's leading professional dance company, As part of the Saint Barnabas Health Care System, Union Hospital provides wide ranging services, 16 rn"Tn -w& New Jersey Ballet's performances he have mad "top-quality dance theater both on-site at its five points location, or at its affiliate hospital, Saint Barnabas Medical Center "T"rj n an integral part of the slate's cultural life." j The battle of the mice and toy soldiers from New Jersey Ballet's 'Nutcracker,' the state's Live music for "Nutcracker" will in Livingston. This diversity and expertise makes us your family's most important health care resource. ]2I • id 1 longest-running original professional production, will be staged at the Paper Mill Play- be provided by the Paper Mill 20] house, Millburn, Dec. 15 through Dec. 28. Additional information can be obtained bv UJL calling (201) 376-4343. y Orchestra. 22 pn II (^ 1 Baby Care Classes Cancer Treatment Program (XUllS ACROSS CMJI5S pOWN horoscope Adult Day Care Babysitter Certification Programs Cardiac Catheterization . A stroll)!'luix CO . , Clickhov bucik (6.7) Alcohol & Drug Treatment Basic Life Support Programs Cardiopulmonary Services •I Aphloclilr liniiiglH ln'l lo lilt- (7) .On the nose (.S) Ambulatory Care Services Blo4&Bank, Craniofacial Center • K.Ci'l .iway limn (5) . Ciinines (5) ') Smiill iii- (7) .Uellyt.l) December 11-17 Asthma Center Bum Center/Burn Prevention Programs CT Scanning II). Toollu-il ha> (7) . ;. Maker nl spurs (7) ARIES - March 21/April 20 spending loo much time worrying. SCORPIO - Oc« 24/Nov 22 vation behind your actions. Keep a 1.! Smallest (5) <>. Claw IS) Keep n stiff upper lip. as aclivily in Lighten up and find shelter in yorrr All sorts of interruptions could crop keen eye out for potential investment the workplace may be on the rise. good humor. Keep an eye out for up, especially in the early days of opportunities. Your creative talents 1.1 Kowiu :di-vja-(.l) . l-'all Inn- (Ci.6) Don't be ihc cause of domestic that investment opportunity. the week. Travel and socializing are may scrvcyou this week. 1 . 1 .oii|! lock ol b:iir (5) Ectoaqardiology/EKG's ol uelioine(S) slrifc by taking your work home LEO - July 23/August 23 especially favored after the I4lh. PISCES - Fcb 19/March 20 IS. Cmvr (3) |. . Convoy (7) with you. Keep a close eye on Ihc Something you say to your partner You could achieve plenty al work 1 Seek out young company and intel- Du$$tes Management Emergency Services Id.(Iain i)l-(5) 1 5. Hrou^bl IniWiirtt as evidnice (7) effects that your habits in:iy have on or someone important may create a lectual leisure activities. Romantic this week, provided you don't get those nrourjd you. You win by being difficult situation. Be diplomatic. caught up m daydreaming. If you're IK ()iilni)!i- (7) 17. Compaialivcly free Irom guill (5) matters will be of high priority. A Dietfflg Counseling Employee Assistance Program Family Health Center, Elizabeth confident and capable. Remember to fully explain your new love could be on Ihc horizon. out of work, you could use extra 211 Visilm (7) l«>. l)icuillul(.S) • " intentions. Weekend work may energy to plnn for an interview or TAURUS - April 21/May 21 SAC.rn ARIUS - Nov 23/DCC 21 Diss^rge Planning EMT Training Fire Safety & Prevention Programs 2 . . . down (3) Romance abounds for Taurus in the result in great demands being placed (funk about alternative career choic- ?.'. nipiisonnienl <7) This may turn out to be a disappoint- coming weeks! A great match is on your emotional side. Al the same es. Remember dial Ihc odds are with .'I. Kii-lu i-|;nsiis(5) ing week if you are planning social Domestic Violence Support EndoStopy First Aid Programs mode with the cvcn-tcmpcred Libra time, advancement is likely. the house when gamblingl , engagements. Avoid sporting'haz- ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: or the domestic Cancer. Take the ards, unnecessary travel and argu- time to pursue those outdoor activi- VIRGO - Aug 24/Scpt 22 ACROSS mentative people. Don't become so YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK''. ties you've heen thinking about. Young people at home or al work concerned with yourself that you The next 12 months: 1. Seventh Heaven 8.*IZsscnce Your waistline benefits us your ener- could be interfering witlryotir Health Education insurance Counseling leave your partner out in the cold. Taking risks Ibis year could lead to 9. Sweep II). lixil 11.'UIICHHKIU gy level increases. needs. Cherish quiet moments late al nighl, Shopping could prove to See more than outside of the story. significant financial gain. Take llic Geriatric Assessment Center Health Occupations Program Intensive Care •• '15. Coupon 16. Citric 1H. Roc n~ 1 j 1 | "1 1 Hl^g 1 w 1 c 1 [ 1 p GEMINI - May 22/Junc 21 he a (cdious chore in the coming CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 advice of others into consideration, 19. Slop ?.(). Abel 23. Moped Your complex constitution may be week. A more organized approach Overcome adversity and display the but always go with your natural Geriatric Services H&aMk Screenings ttttern & Residency Training 25 .Impulse 26. Comprehensive the cause of some domestic difficul- may be necessary. Listen to. the grit you are made of. Your ability to instincts. Looking for love? Be ties in the coming week. Not only do advice of an old friend. persevere will allow you to super- patient, il will find you just,when you Gr^Counseling Home Health Care Invasive Cardiology Laboratory Mi]uQ"IAJTG] ' Lu*lUui others have a difficult time under- LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 sede the expectations of others in the need it most. An interesting Aquarius I) OWN . Bra | HB u HH'p IGsi r BB | •$** standing you, but CVCII'VOM may not Excitement builds as a feeling of coming week. Afternoons and early of the opposite sex Is a likely Gymtology/Gynecologic Oncology Hosphti Services iyj Vitro Fertilization 1. Swcc e 2. Vestibule 3. None' ji iL completely understand yourself, riewncss permeates the air, Whether evenings will be your best periods candidate for love. A ilcw hobby i•'-HAiffl^Hl J ys^' &p- Time out for quiet may produce it's at home or in (he workplace, or for plansTcIaling to your future.' could turn out to bo a profitable side- 't. Hoeing 5. lu'sliitic 6. Vie sonic needed insight. Thai is the time to assert yourself. line. Avoid deception'and little white ' |rM 'ItrrnTr both, recent developments produce 1 7. Nup 12. Garibaldi 13. Tic CANCER - June 22/July 22 elation. Boredom is not in your fore- lies. They will certainly come back 1-.Consider 15. Ceramic cast. Keep a careful eye out for what AQUARIUS-Jan 21/Feb 18 to haunt you al some time; A periodo Keep your mind on positive Your sometimes-bizarre nature may 17. Polish 21. Thane 22. Spin' 1 you might say around sensitive fami- of hard work is likely in the immedi- ° Laboratory Services thoughts as troubling events may he .make it difficult for a loved one who ate future. Bui even when things get 2-1. Paul . . imminent."I'hc Cancer'can turn a ly members. Fitness phrys an impor- tant role in- the week's events. is trying lo understand you. Take busy, don't neglect your diet. Learn Lamaze Classes Hi in or upset into a disaster by time out to explain some of (he moti- from the mistakes of others. leaser Surgery iiHisiiiaiaiaiSigiaiaigigig^^^ig jtoslin Center forDiabetes Kind and compassionate staff Library Services TV VCR REPAIR Junior Volunteer Program Knee Replacement Surgery IMW Vision Center A.M. ELECTRONIC SERVICE ' . ,•. . i\ . .... SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS OF: TV « VCR • STEREO » MICROWAVE OVEN :-;s= Union County Economic esource Imaging Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Obstetrical Services • CAMCORDERS, ETC. MarutMjp-aphy Non-Invasive Cardiology Lab Occupational Therapy CAJL,JL FOR FREE JPICK UP apiivaiu, ii(iH'/>r Nuclear Medicine Options for Home Care Hotline AJVD DELIVERY r Maternal Fetal/High Risk Medicine Mobile Intensive Care Unit Nursing Home affiliations Orthopedics |908-629-0439 201-282-0496 {| SMALL BUSINESS LOANS Multi-Care Medical Center, Clark Nursing Services Ostomy Education

Ni'W AND EXISTING BUSINI-SSIS MAY AITIY WE AREYOUR LOANS STAKTINC FKOM $5,000 Pediatric Services l^adiittion Oncology MOVER I 1ST ; EXPERT j CLASS ^ Bi-i OW-MARKI I l-'ixi n INII-KISI RAJI-S Ptfwperative Services Wteconsimctive & Plastic Surgery ANY i. FUN-:TH'IINICAI ASSISTANT & CONNI'ITIM; (9O8) 241-2977] JOB \ Pharniacy Services Rehabilitative Services Local actresses, left, Lisa Rumbauskas of Linden as CARE i Physician Referral Programs IMena! Dialysis Dependable Contact Chris Patrick lor more details. Clara and Jennifer Smok'owski of Clark, as Clara's Podiatry Services Quality Improvement Programs l$espimti>ry Therapy brother, Fritz, will perform the roles in the holiday class- (908) 527-1 1,66 ic, The Nutcracker,' performed by the New Jersey Dance Theater Ensemble Dec. 17 and 18 at 1 p.m. and •5 p.m. at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison. JUST IN TIME MOVING & DELIVERY Same Day Surgery Locals seen Smoking Cessation Classes Teaching Hospital ^^ Speakers' Bureau Telemetry - The New Jersey Dance The.Mer Ensemble, which is in residence at Speech Therapy Transitional Care Center jUrgent Care Facilities Wardluw Ilartridgc School, Plain- Transplant Program illtrasound I'ickl, will purfo'rm its 25th season of Stress Management Tcliaikowsky's "Nutcracker" ballet at Have A Good ^ReailiiiiSisi Hiirleigh Dickinson University, Drey- fuss Theater, 2K5 Madison Ave., To Madison, Deo. 17 and 18 at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Weight Reduction Programs WeUhess Programs Area dancers performing in the People ask me how I can afford the time production include I,isa Rutnbiiuskns, $0unteer programs to assist Woman's Health Education H, of Linden, featured in the leading to college. I say I can't, afford role of Clara; Jennifer Smokowski, Wound Care Center ; § patients and their families X-ray services 12, of Clark, plays Clara's brother depends on me, and I {depend on Union Couniy ^{j|^fe^fefpp|||| Fritz; Kristen Smokowski, 14, of Clark plays the roles of Snowflakc, They have 60 high, quality career and transfer'pr|||^^||l:^f|||||i||j Miuzipim, Angel and Rose in the : "Wall/ of the Flowers;" Siibrinu Mei- affordable programs that are helping me build '^!jijm^[^^ 0$& : Yag Laser sowitz, 12,'of Railway, plays mouse, myself and '; \ '^:i^il^li?|i^^| and Stephanie. Mahon, 13, of Summit, Youth Division, Joslin Center is mouse, Russian, and Don Hon. Don't you have a good reason to goto collegeT^iiSiBjIf5^ Spilth-oriented Call UCC now at (908) 709-7500.' / . - ••^iW$^MiS'''' substance abuse programs PUBLIC NOTICE Reproductive Surgery Programs

NOTICE; OI f'um.ic AUCTION I'UIISUANV TO ITS', an 1OA-1 Unlltid Amnrlcnn Lion a. nucovury Cnrp will MI" Urn l»l|(iw/lnu iiiilon lo hlnhiml lilililur i.llt>Jucl lo unu Hum:; lii% IUJV!:II I'HI:.M . Gush or Civihlur Chuck; miy poinoii:; InUir- Spring Semester starts January 18. iiciiicl rih (cioii) iM/-7o:'?. KAI.I-: DATI: Or:CIMIU;i« ;>1, HUM ill :!:OO p.m., 1-IH1 Onk Tmu IM.. Iriiilln, N.I oatKiu LOt !i!ni 1!>!M Mmcuiy -J. tlr. vlntf: (iMPCTOI^OMtUl:111171 Llmiof: A-1 Aulo. /fiO I'. inlAv/o. f lustil. In, NJ lor ;>:>/ ioo;> Muu:iiry :'. ilr vliin: (IMPCTOlZOIMUMOMII Lltinnr: A 1 Aulti, 7SOL. lulAvti. Itoiinl- ln, N.I • • • LO1 !>:>1> 11)117 Olili: • ill ulnl/: ic-.:n zi i:ioiui:ur/i:M Lltinor:AiinK:ci 1 mini, -i;i; )t; llwy 1. I II 1033 Sprlngtlold Avonuo, Cranford .•iihiilli.1 NJ ' l.o'l !>!iil 1OH7 Chiytl :• ill,, vliil/: Cranford • Ellzaboth • Plolnflold IIW1OO1|1 Scotch Plains An affiliate of the Saint Barnabas Health Care System lluiuu: .'.Ihlin-, Allln, IO(V I I II/IIII.IIII AU..., I IIIII,\II\ , N.I LOT (I7!> 1Ofi:i lloiulii -1 dr. v\nu: Jl IM;;i :J-I:I!I|):;O.IOO;III We're your college. l.lumii; MIIXUII llmulii. Ml :•:' W..M, 1000 Galloping Hill "Road • Union • New Jersey 07083-1612 • (908)687-1900 IIIIIIUI, N.I . , • LICI'.n K iioNDi.i) AtlCTIONIIII!; AI'IMIAISI'.MS IKKIMI! W

:l£0-\' ••.iW.u-.,;:--*1,^1. ^;fl^';!S!t


Hospital volunteer spends 1 days cheering, cancer patients HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED for dance classes HELP BUSY OFFICE noodB onoiflollo porton with INFANT CARE Glvor and Cortiliod Pro-Bchool knowlodoo ot bookkoeplng, typing and pleas- Toacher positions open BI Poanut Shell Child PIZZA HUT Just mention her nnme and faces all up, though. She also brings music so Caro Center, Livingston. Candidates must bo The Westfield School of Dance will again provide an opportunity this month ant lolophono voice In vauxhall area. Berkley Heights ~"~ over the Oncology Unit at Union Hos- she can dance and sing with patients 908-964-7101. enthusiastic, responsible and have oxporionco for the community's interested dancers to receive a dance class with a world wilh young children. 201-533-1511.• Opening Soon pital begin to light up; Where there while performing her volunteer c ' CHILD CARE needed full-tlmo Monday- Friday A BQOMING budnoss with unlimited Incomo Wtt'ra hiring all positional ' renowned choreographer, director, performer or teacher that they otherwise lor 4'/, month baby In Maplewood or your LEGAL SECRETARY- Wost Orange defense was once a distant look or a solemn duties. Anything she can think of to 1-HELP WANTED potential. Send soif addroasod, stamped onvo- 406 Springfield Avenue might not receive. lopo: S. Julia, 509 Fairvlow Avonuo, Orango, homo. Call aller 6:30p.m. 201-762-6784. firm oooke accomplished litigation secretary, stare, a smile has taken over and a make people smile, sho will do for the 2-ANNOUNCEMENTS two plus yoars exporionco necosBary. Word- (Drug Fair Plaza) NJ 07050. Porfoct 5.1 a must. Plooso call office managor, look of anticipation is now present. patients. In October, the Westfield School of Dance hosted master tap classes wilh CIVILIAN DISPATCHER Apply In person 3-MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOROUGH OF ROSELLE PARK 201-6S9-0100. The cancer patients on Union Hospi- But more important than any cos- Crystal Chapman. Chapman's credits include choreographer for "Oklahomal" POSTAL JOBS. Stan $11.41/ hour. For oxam POLICE DEPARTMENT '. LIVE IN holp, In a boarding homo. Honost and and application Information call 219-769-8301 tal's third floor know that their friend tume she could dream up or any prop and Amahl and The Night Visitors. Chapman has also appeared with Tommy 4-PETS Must be experienced In Customer Service, WordPerfect/ Lotus to work (or Union County responsible. Ploate call 201-B73-10B3. bxl. NJ517, 0AM-9PM, Sunday -Friday. is nearby. she could bring along, Rodriguez Tunes in "A Demand Performance" at Lincoln Center. Currently, sho is on tho 5-lNSTRUCTIONS Full limo shift work/weekends roquirod; high services company. Call Mr. Phillips, : RESPONSIBLE PERSON noodod to care (or Perhaps they hear her buhbly voice School diploma required, prior rolalod experi MANAGER brings herself. Every time sho steps faculty al Broadway Dance Center. 6-SERVICES OFFERED. 10am-3pm, Monday thru Friday, onco ho'pful, clorlcal/computer skills a plus. two girls nino and olovon. Must hovo transpor- saying. "Hi, how are you doing off the elevator and begins to go from Must moet physical requirements, minimum PART TIME tation, good pay. Pleaso call altor 6pm, Douglas Wasscll, also on the faculty of New York City's fatuous Broadway 7-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 908-687-4494 808-051-8665. today?" or they may hear music com- ago 10 yoars, rosumo and background check room to room to say hello and give Dance Center, will teach this year's December master ballet classes. WassclPs required, EEO employer, full benoflls. Applica- ARAMARK ing from down the hall and realize 8-RENTAL. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTftto (emalo tions available* at ihe Borough Clerk's office, RETAIL FULL TIME patients a hug and a smile, she is giv- credits includo solo and principal roles with the Les Grands Ballets Canadien, President and Vlco-Presldont. Voiy busy office. School Nutrition Services thai she is probably dancing and sing- 9-REAL ESTATE 110 East Wostflold Avenuo, Rowllo Park, NJ, ing all of herself to the patients she on faculty at David Howard's, owner of Ballet and Theater Dance from Town of Union. Excollont computer skills using will bo accepted thru Docombor 23, 1994. Union Township School District WordPerfect. Detail oriontod, good tolephono Booking qualified applicants for an Elomontary PHARMACY HELP ing with another patient. No matter cares for and loves: Linda Rodriguez, left, with oncology patient Jane Bell, 10-AUTOMOTIVE 1982-86, and guest teaches internationally. manner, receptionist duties. Must bo able to COOK WANTED,'Pari time, Bloomfiold aroa. cafoterfa manager. Position Is pan tlmo. Inter- STOCK RECEIVER how they find out, you can be sure or 'Grams' as her friends call her, doesn't always show "Some people don't have many vis- UNION COUNTY write your own correspondence. No bookkoop-. Call 201-6B0-4410. ested Individuals should contact Dobblo Smiih- every patient knows volunteer Linda up for her volunteer work at Union Hospital in her bath- r Wassell will teach Sunday: Students ages 8 to 10 from 2 lo 3 p.m.; students Ing. Compotltivo salary, full benefits. FAX HolmoB at 908-808-8228. EOE. Opportunities to join Gonovoso, iho drun more itors, so I like to spend time talking resume. In confldenco to: Dr. Harrison, DESIGNER. PART Tlmo and Full Tlmo. Must ages 11 and older .from 3 to 4 p.m. loader. No oxporlonco necoaary. Will train. Rodriguez is around and soon will be with them and show that I care," said robe and curlers, but on this day Rodriguez was throw- Union Leader • Springfield Leader 201-761-1422. bo oxporloncod. Apply In poroon: Waltor Tho Compothlve salary and comprehensive Florist, 1354 Stuyvosant Avonuo, Union, NJ. MEDICAL SECRETARY bonofita. slopping by their room to bring some Rodriguez. "I have grandparents and I ing a pajama party for the patients of the cancer unit. Students in the 11 and older class may also take the,8- lo 10-ycar-old class. A Clark Eagle • Kenilworth Leader ADVERTISING DIRECTOR. Competitive Apply In person happiness and cheer. know how important it is for them to Rodriguez volunteers her time and herself to the benefit Single class price is $9. Class space is limited. For reservations, call (908) Mountainside Echo » Roselle Spectator weokly newspaper group In New Jersey seeks DOCUMENT SCANNING Insuranco daim adjuster. Exporionco In com- Rodriguez, who has been n volun- and delight of the patients she works with. experienced, oogresslvo ad director. Apply to putors a must. Reforoncos a must. Full limo, receive care and attention. By spend- 789-3011. Hillside Leader • Roselle Park Leader Box 01, NJPA, 206 Wost Stale Slrool. Trenton, OPERATOR Health benefits Includod. FlqrharrrPark/Unlon. teer at Union Hospital for more than ing time with a patient, knowing their NJ 08608. three years, looks just like any other can be cheered up by others. Tho ' Linden Leader » Rahway Progress Growing company,In Union now accepting name, and asking them how they are AERO0IC INSTRUCTOR. Amorlca's loading applications for full Ilmo positions. Must bo wife and mother of ihroc —•• .well, at patients always make me laugh and 201-377-4112 Routo 22 doing, they know I care, and that's Summit Observer • Elizabeth Gazette fltnoss chain noods Cortlflod Aoroblo Inslruc- quality and production orlontod. Knowledge ol . Springffold, NJ 07081 • cheer me up when I am down. We're tors. Good payl Union. Call 908-687-5711. a PC Is holpful. Call leas! most of ihe time she does. You important to them." MEDICAL TECHNICIAN. Exporioncod In Vonl- Equal Opportunity Employor M/F here for .each other." CLASSIFIED RATES may, for example, find her walking Agent All Aroas 908-687-5636 puncturo and EKG for 6 hours on Thursdays or The patients arc not the only ones VITAMIN FACTORY Fridays. Call 201-7O1-S722. SALES. AMERICA'S largest all ladloo litnosa the halls dressed in hcr'bath robe and Rodriguez said she feels that her 20 words or less $ 14.00 per insertion contor sooks soil mottvatrod, .enthusiastic who enjoy the time they spend with MEN/ WOMEN noodod. Must be 18 or oldor. rocoptionlst/ cuslomor oorvico rop. Part/ lull- slippers with her hair in curlers. No, caring nature comes naturally. She Additional 10 words or less $4.00 per insertion AVON $ SALES DRIVER Rodriguez. All of the nurses and staff 201 Rt. 22, Hillside, NJ 07205 - (201)926-2946 Earn up lo $20,000 annually. Call Richard at tlmo, floxlblo hours. Hourly pluo commission. she wasn't running late that morning; volunteers her lime because it is Display Rates $22.00 per column inch , Call 24 hours for Information Part Time 900-686-2054. Managomont opportunities also 'avnllabln. who know and work wilh Rodriguez 900-687-5711, Union. she just decided to throw a pajama important to her lo make others feel say she is "fabulous." Contract Rates Available • Drivor noodod for dolivorlos In Now Jorsoy and •NURSE, O.R., Part-time for surgory conlor In party for the patients. happy and cared for. "During my Celestial Seasoning Sleepy Time Tin * 1-800-545-8390 Pennsylvania using company vohiclos. Must Sprlnoflolod. For moro Information ploase coll SALES HELP noodod lull timo or part tlmo. "The nurses and patients love her," whole life, I was brought up caring for (Blackberry or Mandarin) Reg. $6.15 Blind Box Number $12.00 per insertion have clonn driving record. Call 201-378-3113. Earn oxtra cash distributing quality loathor "I hale to see unhappy people," said 10% OFF : ASSEMBLE ARTS, crafts, toys, |owolry, wood (ashlons. Call 201-570-8662. _^_ said Oncology Unit Secretary Lynnc people. It just feels right." 908-687-5636 Rodriguez. "So I come in dressed up Traditional Medicinal Weightless Tea IGS * Items, typing, sewing, computor work from OFFICE HELP- Evonlngs 5-8pm, Monday thru Witikc, "Everyone looks forward to ALLDIETMAM homo In your sparo tlmo. Great pay. Froo Thursday, $6.00 per hour. plUB. Coll SECRETARIES- Pan Tlmo. Law Firm sooks and have fun with each patient while Rodriguez lives in Hillside with her (Various Flavors) Reg. $2.99 ? 800-363-5405, between 5 and 0pm. her coming in." details. Call 1-800-832-8007, 24 hours. DRIVERS, IF you'ro looking lo chango jobs... rosponslblo persons with WordPerfect know- cheering them. By doing these, crazy husband, Whilkcn, and their three ESSEX COUNTY J.B. Hunt Is looking for people Interested in lodge to work ovoninns and or Saturdays. Fax Rodriguez believes that patients are PRODUCTS j Bearito Cheddar Puffs 4 or AVON • A BEAUTIFUL Job. Earn Extra $$$. learning to drive a truck. After (raining, you can resume to: 900-709-9699 or Bond to T.A. children: Whilkcn, Diane and Jamie. jneaaar HUITS 4 or «-4/go things, I help bring smiles to their Reg a News-Record of Maplewood & South Orange Work your own hours for fun and Profit. To sell • earn on avorago of ovor $2,000/ month your PARKING ATTENDANTS Tamborlane, PC, 1044 Routo 22 Wost Moun- noi the only ones benefiting from the In any aroa, Call Toll Froo 1-800-662-2292. faces and brighten their day." Rodriqucz 'is a full-time mom and i. $1.99 :....? 0 ^ first yoar, plus comprohonolvo bonoflis. UNION COUNTY talnsldo, N.J. 07092. time she spends volunteering at the when she's noi volunteering at the West Orange Chronicle « East Orange Record AVON SALES. Call 201-761-46; Surgeons in all specialities. has openings for full tlmo and part tlmo Tollor3 olficos and stores. NO COLLEC- wolcomo. Call 668-8052. Summit, NJ BEST BUY In our Millburn branch. TralnoocconBidorod; TIONS, NO SUNDAY PAPERS. clerical or cashior oxporlonvo lo a plus. A PART-TIME OFFICE help far omajl Mountnln- • 137 SUMMIT AVENUE 315 ELMORA AVENUE Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste «O7Q sldo company. Thursday 11am-2pm', posslblo For Surgeons in your area, 3 CLASSIFIED COMBINATION RATES professional oppoaronco is roquirod, For Inlor- TELEMARKETING . (Assorted Flavors) 3 or Reg. $3.95 • fc ' additional tlmo In future. 908-233-6777. SUMMIT, NJ 07901 ELIZABETH, NJ 07208 Call 201-239-2826 mallon, please call or apply In porson: Call Mark Cornwell .Control your own doatfny Ad appears in all 22 newspapers MILLBURN: 201-3700789 sss PHONE (908) 273-4444 PHONE (908) 820-8770 Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash «OdQ 15% OFF 908-686-7700, ext. 305. PART TIME- Office assistant, 30 houra por New Jersey Chapter • 20 words or less $20.00 per insertion 45 Easox Strool wook. Llghi typing and bookkooplng, know- No limit to oarnlnrjs. You control your .hourly, FAX (908) 273-7980 FAX (908) 820-5991 American College of Surgeons 4 oz. Reg. $3.50 *£?*** Tho Millbum Train Station DRIVER. THE rood lo roopoc! starts horol OTR/ lodgo of computor helpful. Call 000--687-0060. wano. Growing company looking forarjroaslvo, RICOLA Additional 10 words or less....$6.00 per insertion THE TRUST .COMPANY flhorlhaul. Homo wookly (flhorthaul), asslonod Bolf-motlvatod porGonnol. Roqulromontrj: Monday through Friday, 10 A.M. • 4 P.M. Panda Licorice or Raspberry Chews 7 or. H70 trucke, oroat bonofita, $1,000 oxporloncod PART TIME- Rocoptlonlol/ Clerk for accountant Strong nnd cloar spoaWng volco. Wo train. 9 OF NEW JERSEY In Union starting February. 20 hours porwook, Reg. $2.49 i *1 ' Display Rates $42.00 per column Inch slon-on bonus, Burlington Malor Cnrrioro. 908-289-2225 •- THROAT & 1-BOOOOIN-BMC. EOE. ' ' Q(tornoons, ovoninos, Saturdays. Will train, Natrol Ester C w/Bioflav. 500 mg. 90 tabs «T/iQ Contract Rates Available EOE M/F/D/V 008-687-4999. Ask for Joo or Ed Monday-Friday, t0nm-6prn DRIVER WITH Class C and paosongor on- Rag. $10.50 » / 13 COUGH'DROPS TELEMARKETERS WANTED- Busy photo WHEN REPLYING dorsomonl to drlvo 12 passongor VQn, part tlmo. PART-TIME SALES, tingorio. 10-15 hours par and video studio part-tlmo evonlngs. John Allan Must bo dopondablo. 810-1050. WOOk. Call 908-48Q-5883. DEADLINES TO A Studlo3, 900-680-3496, UNION COUNTY EARN MONEY reading booksl $30,000/ yoar PART-TIME. EARN $500/ wook at homo. TWO MAPLEW6OD Famlllea, wilh chlldron 6 RP COMMUNITY ALLIENCE AQAINST SUBSTANCE Montana Pure Energy 90e $729 KMF Olive/Aloe Soap 8 pr bar yPuslness Directory 4 p.m. Thursday Incomo potonlial. Dotalls. 1-B05-002-GOOO Ext, Aasomblo products, dorlcal, typing, sewing. and undor sook bright, lively oxporloncod He CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER Y-2301. Wookly paychocka. Unomployor, undorpaid, INFORMATION AND CRISIS CENTER B-S»-96 -••••• * Reg. $2.59 .„ carOQIvor to split 40 hour wook botwoon our two Display - Space reservation 5 p.m. Friday wo can help. Sond solf-addressed otampod homo3. Non-smokor, own trBngpartalion and AROUND THE CLOCK SERVICES CamoCare Pain Cream i/jioi 3539 TwInLab Metabplift 120s plen^o uddross onvolopo to: EARN THOUSANDS procosolno mall at homo. onvolopo: Lanlor/Homoworkors, 2017 Sond Boll addrossod stnmpod onvolopo: Post roloroncos roquirod. Call Mra. Thompson, Ad copy 12 Noon Monday Schoonor Drivo, KiaBlmmoo, FL 34741. 0am-7pm 201-703-3121. • "AN INDEPENDENT AGENCY THAT MAKES Reg.$6.95 ** / Rag. $21.95...., Oltlco Box 0200, Potnlppany, NJ 07054. In Column 3 p.m. Tuesday PART-TIME YOUR AD could appoar horo for as lltllo as REFERRALS TO SATISFY YOUR NEEDS." CamoCare Body Therapy 8 oz. $-fl 979 Nway Sarsaparilla Root ioo0 BOX NUMBER EARN UP to $700 wookly. No oxporionco. Own DELIVERY ROUTE hours. Part tlmo or full Ilmo. Procoos mortgago $14.00 por wook. Call for moro dotaila. Our n«9-617.95 • «• Rog.$7.49 $519 EARLY MORNING WORK friondly Clasrjillod Dopartrhont would bo happy Sponsored by (he Worrall Newspapers rolunds. 1-000-BOO-1511. Tho Star-Lodgor ha3 delivery positions avall- 1 to holp you. Call 1-Q00-564-0011. 241-HELP Governor ! Council on CLASSIFIED ADVERHS1G DEPARTMENT HOURS P.O. Box 158 ablo In your aroa. Earn $400 lo $500 a month, ELECTRICIAN'S HELPER. Will train. Must Atcholiam and Drug Abuse Maplewood, NJ 07040 plus caah Incontivoa. A ro|jablo car is a mual. WAITRESS/WAITER apply Echo Quoon Dlnor, CONFIDENTIAL; AND FREE! hovo valid Now Jorsoy's drlvors liconso. Call Call: and Your Support NJ Center For Permanent Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. B0a-6e0-60B3. attor 6pm, 1070 Rt. 22 Mountnlnnido, flOG-233-10Gfl. CUSTOMER SliRVICI! 1-800-242-0850 Hair Removal Additional Phone Hours ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLER- Growing com- £ very thing p ri c£d; ju st a cut a bove whblesal e! pany In Mountalnsldo Is Booking parsons with PART TIME. Unique aftor school program In , • CHILD CARE . The Alternative Method PCB assembly, wiring nnd soldoring oxporl- Maplowood/ South Oranrjo, oooko adult load- AQC SCHOOL for Woo Folk hn3 oponlng for • To I'ulnful Electrolysis Visit & Mfistercnrcl Now, Accepted Monday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Tuesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Patient Registrars onco. Plonao cull 000-709-0700. ' ora for positions avallablo through Juno, 1095, Sale Prices Good From 12/3-12/31/94. •Tompomry, Part-Timo, 3 mornlnfla & Work 2:4.5-6pm dolly.following school calondar. quailiry oxtondod caro. 7:30 or Q:30-flpm. Now * 2 afternoons, wookdays YOUR AD could appoar horo for as llttlo as Must bo rollablo, organized and onjoy worklnfl Jornov llconsod cortifiud stnfl, 201-379-2542, Located In The Mlllhiirn Mnll •Purt-Tlmo, Monday-Friday, Hum-2pm $14,00 por wook. Call for moro dotiills. Our with olomontary school ngod children, Intoroat + Saturday, 7um-1pm friondly claaflifiod doparimont would bo hnppy In cralta, sporta, mualc or danco u plu3. In Union (908)688-8244 STORE HOURS: Mon. & Thurs. 10-6; Tues., Wed., & Fri. 10-4 to holp you. Cull 1-B0O-504-B911. Well constructed Excollont opportunity for rocroailon or olomon- EMPLOYMENT WANTED Fmo Consultation St. Ellzubolh hloapltul aooka Individuals wilh tary oducntlon major or poraon with loochlnn or to provide durability oxcoHont communlculiona und orflanlza- EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. SaloB oxpor- Dcoutino BWIID. Must havo own trans por totlan. . AVAILADLE: EXPERIENCED, rollablo woman tlonal skills (or parMimq ond tomporary . lonco a plus. Insuranco oxporlonco not ro- Hourly aalnry ba3od on oxporlonco. Call- to QO food Dhopplng ond pick-up/ drdp-olf positions In our Paliont Roolotmllon Oopnrt- quirod. Possibly oom In oxcoso of $50,000 lirst 201-762-0103 or sond rosumo to: Altor School t, laundry dally/ wookly/ monthly. Call Barbara at and comfort to the user.g monl. You'JI nood a cuslomor-uorvlco twick- yoar with quartorly bonus opportunity. Attrac- ' Prooram. 124 Dunnoll Road, Miiplowood, NJ 201-074-5115, 1 livo bonolils. Suporlor training or\d market Oround n3 you work with pulianls nnd/or tholr 07040. 8 QUICK RESULTS roproaoniQllvos In iho scroonlnQ und ndmls- uystoms, profoa3lonal onvironmont. Comploto CHILD CARE In my Llndon homo. Roaaonablo r alono procoaa. porllollo, Invostmont products, mulli lino mufk- rutoa, floxlblo hours, 15 yoars touching oxporl- WITH PERMANENT SUCCESS^ otlno, high Incomo, last pncod organization. PART-TIME oncu. Call O0n-02S-G5-H), I CLASSIFIED POLICIES Raro opportunity for Ihoso soluclod. EOE. Call CIRCULATION PROFESSIONAL NUIIUTIONISIS Tho ability to function undor prosauro Is • More ihun 3,000 Howard Diamond, O0Q.5U3O74O. SERVICE REP EXPERIENCED NURSE'S oldo lo oooklnn LESS FOR All'classifled advertising is payable in advance. oaoonlial; prior hospital ronlatrnllon oxporl- Tho Stnr-Lodnor has Immodiato oponlnon lor position 03 carofllvor to Iho oldorly or chlldron. me successful nasal surgeries onco Is proforrod. Knowloarjo ol udmlttlnQ, FLORIST,' PART Ilmo drivor. Hours lloxlblo. oarly rlaorsl $115.00 otartlhg salary plua air Own' transportation. Rollnblo, honest ond WKllT CONTROL COUNSELORS performed 10 date We accept Visa and MasterCard. You may also mail bllllnrj ond colloctlon und CRT oxporlonco Call 00B-0O4-7077. oxponsos, dontal bonofit3, vuca- Idondly. ^10-IOS'l. are holplul. Samo typing roquirod. Blllnrjuul tlono, commissions, rapid salary lncroo3O3. "REAL" FOOD ACT PRE-PACKAGED your ad with payment (check or money order) to us, Enollsh/SpanlBh strongly prolorrod, HAIRDRESSER WITH following or ront chair. CALL NOWI HOUSE CLEANING oorvlcos offered. Two 60 WESTFDELD AVE. »asfw LESS! Full Gorvlco salon. Ellzaboin aroo. Call PorlUQiioso ladles (Enfllish apoaklno). Roaaon- MEDICALLY SAFE fifiT FAD DIETS 1-800-274-6629 * or come into one of our offices to place your ad. Wo ollor u compotltlvo anlary nnd a D0U-355-5059. •__ ablo raton. 201-500-6064 (homo), . 201-261-240B (boopor). CLARK • 381-7100 'nKi PERSONAL COUNSELING tffl PUBLIC MEETINGS conoonlnl-yot-profoonionul work onvlron- mont. Plonno obtain on uppllcullon In iho HOUSEKEEPER/ NANNY lor dud and 3 yoar PART-TIME. AMERICA'S targoat ull Indlos 2 David Harkowltz, B.SJU>. • Established 1962 WHSiBl Offices where ads can be placed in person: old daughlor. Full limo, Livo In. South Orango. litnoas contor sooks baby slttor for Union, Call POLISH AGENCY opociafalnQ In oldorly and MFESTVIE CHANGES AUTTEMPORARY WEIGHT LOSS Pornonnol Dopnrtnianl botwoon 0am and 4pm, Mondny-Fridtiy, or (onward your ro- Must drlvo slick. Call 201-7020444. 00B-607-5711. nick caro. Housokoopers, dally housocloanora. Livo In/ out, Excollont roforoncoo and oxpori- CALL TODAY ABOUT OUR GREAT PROGRAMS sumo, specifying houro doslrod, to: Sunun Union Cotmty Tnrnkun, Proloaslonul Rocrullor, Si. Ell- onco. Coll OOBB620209. zuboth Hospital, 225 Williamson Slrool, POLISH LADY Booking housocloanlnn, or 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue Ellzubolh, NJ 07207. An Equul Opportunity opartmont clonnlno, Livo Jn or llvo-out, Also will Employor. caro for elck or oldorly. Exporioncod. Rofor- %}j Barbara PotashkJn M.S. Union. N.J. - ' Assist»very busy advertising department'of local newspaper oncoo. 00B-060-2530. DleUllan/NuMHonisI POLISH WOMAN looking tor housokooplno Essex Commity group, some responsibilities include typing, computer Job. Vory oood roloroncos, ond qxporlonco. 9 346 SOUTH AVE., FANWOOD, NEW JERSEY 07023 St. Elizabeth Hospital 463 Valley Street Community Commluncnt Own trnnsportotlon, Cull or loavo mooaaQo Ii CHir Spccidiy entry, filing, answering phones, attention to detail, etc. Full, 000-527-0743. • girmiiiiiiiiiiinituiHmiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiu Maplewood, N.J. POIUUGUESE WONMN looklna for houso- . PRESENTS time 5 clays per week. We will train. Please call to arrange cloanlnn,. Very pood roforoncoo, oxporionco. ° COMPOSITION DEPT. Own transportation. English spoaklng. Ptoaso MASTER BALLET CLASSES, 170 Scotland Road an interview, ' ctill Annu or loavo uioauano BtiO-3765. •With \ . Orange, N.J. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN looking lor olflcoa ABVERTISIMG SALES and hoUGOs to cloon. Roforoncoo. Own' trano- Douglas Wassell 1 Wo nro n wookly group , ol ooMntlon. Call 201-374-2305. FROM THE FAMOUS^T NEWTON, NJ. 07800 266 Liberty Street nowopaporo with nil ofllco. In Our retail advertising department Is looking'for outside Maplowood looklno lor n porson wilh Situation Wanted: $5.000 Fee BROADWAY DANCE CENTE] 201-579-55SQ » Bloomfleld, N.J. typing skills lo work In our production sales representatives for Union and Essex counties. Low revlcw/top 10% corporate atty OFFERING STATE OF THE dopnrtmont. Positions Involve selling and' servicing a variety of wllh 10+ yrs ut NY/NJ companies, Adjustment;!: We make every effort to avoid mistakes In your Composition oxporlonco holplul, ART LOW FIELD MRI IMAGING oxper. In cotilrncls, rcnl cslnlo, Irodo- classified advertisement. Please check your ud ench time It businesses in existing territories. Advertising experience SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, 199. Cnll 9O1T-273-83O9 for rlfjht to reject, revise or reclas.slfy any advertisement ut any time. 402 BOULEVARD, WESTFIELD ^ EXTENDED HOURS: PHYSICIAN REFERRAL ONLY • FREE PARKING 3 . Union, Now Jorooy 07003 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 908-686-7700

'••MM B12 — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED UNION COUNTYWIDE ^CLASSIFIED — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — B13 FLOORS PLUMBING RUBBISH REMOVAL MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CATERER DECKS ELECTRICIANS HOME IMPROVEMENTS MASONRY PAINTING MINK COAT, black ranch, black lox trim, elzo BACHELOR PARTIES on promlsei only. Rea- DECKS NEW-WAY FLOOR SERVICE ALL AROUND C i M CONCRETE SpedalWng In: patios, ANTHONY J. TORSELLO. Interior painting. MIKE PRENDEVILLE 10/12. Excollonl condniDn. Full length. $750/ sonablo ratog, oxotic lon)aio dancing under RICH BLINDT JR. driveways, sidewalks. Froo eotirnalos. Call us Many yoars experience, continuation ol fathers MAX SR. & PAUL (ANNOUNCEMENTSrs,) HANDYMAN and oompa/ol 20 Years Exporkmce. John business (Joe). Neatness a specialty. Froo boal otlor Loavo mcssago 201-379-5219, PETS now management. No lonoer alternative lilos- "IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH Carpet Cloanlng ROOT Waxlnn DISPOSAL Electrical Contractor Residential • Commercial 908-4660004 o'r MikO 908-674-6937. estimates. Call 201-731-6287, tvlo oub. Rah-Rah'ii. 201-876-1399 GIL" Bloochlno Staining. l MOTHEROFTHE-BRIDE flown. Floor lonrjth, , Lie. No. BOOB | SCHOENWALDER Wo will boat any legitimate cofnpotjtors price. Custom Colors Polyurothano Honest, Dependable, Neat ' 201-635-88 l5 sl2o 14.16,copporcolor. SuaiohldrosswllhBill c . Mike CangUlosI Meson Conlndor BRADFORD PAINTING and ContractingUilor- ADOPTION DAY: Sunday, Docombor 11th Redwood. Pressure troatad. Busemonts. FREE PHONE ESTIMATES ATTIC-BASEMENT-GARAGE CLEARED on side with 6ma!l rhinoslono trim on slit with Call Bruce At Brickwork Firoplacos lor and oxtertor. Residential, comm&rciairtri&ti- ENTERTAINMENT iiam-3pm. Al Potco, Bluo Star Shopptnn 12 Yoa/« Experience •RESIDENTIAL ' • CELEBRATING OUR 82nd YEAR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS REMOVED detached long sleovo Jacket with small rhinos* CLEANING SERVICE 908*86-1478. Steps, Patios, Sidewalks tutlonal, new dovolopmonis. Paporlng and Centor, Routo 22 West, Wotchunrj. Dogs, cats, •COMMERCIAL decorative finishes. ,24 hour servico. Fully INSTALLATION & SERVICE MINI ROLL OFF OUMPSTEflS PARTY PLANNER. Thai's Mo....Sandra. Cozy tono trim. Also matching evonlng bog. Paid 908-964-8364 Leave Moaeago Froe Estimates Curbs Basement Waterproofing rabbits, need now homo'sl Donation. Indoors' COURTESY 201-676-4813 Insurod. Free estimates. Helpful hints and •Lawn Fauoota»Sump Pumps FAST-FAIR-RELIABLE Dinner PartiosI Bullolsl All occasions. Spoda- $500, will soil lor $250. Call 201-748-4808 aak Inlormotion, 908-561-6564, • •INDUSTRIAL 24 Hour Service Availablo • Retaining Walls Foundations PROPERLY LICENSED Mno In Holiday Parties. "Wo can work tofjothor (or Pat. Interlocking Pavers Ceramic Tile Information. BO8-7S2S442. i} •Toilets*Water Heaters CLEANING SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL •AlloratJons*Ga8 Hoot .or I can do il for you." 900-964-6430. $100 BUYS ANY pup' In »1 Pup Pon. Good DRIVEWAYS 908-885-8360 GARAGE POORS """"*' 1 FERDINANDI FAMILY Pointing, Interior, Vory •Faucet Repairs PIANO. BABY Grand. Goroorous, oxcollont selection. Opon Oocombor 10, 11 mid 12 908-964-4384 DOES YOUR HOUSE Fully Insurod Free EotJmatos noal and doan. "Ovor 20 Years Serving Union •El&ctric Drain & Sewer Cleaning TILE - condition. Ono ownor. $1,600. Also semi- Hours 10-5. J.P. O'Nolll.Konnots, US Highway Vour Ono STOP Cleaning Company PATERNO PAVING GARAGE DOORS- Instollod, repalre mS . NEED A FACE-LIFT? County.- 008-064-7359. Reasonable rates, .Serving tho Horn* Ownor PERSONALS portablo 7 octavo silent practico piano, $50 00 1. Princoton. NJ % milo South Aloxandor Roaa. Homos-Aponments-Officos Driveways - Parking Lots Prices That Won't Shock You! service, oloctrlc oporotors & roalo controls, RICCIARDI & SON Call 201-235-1410. Maid Servlco-Wlndows 'Coat Sealing STEVEN'S OVERHEAD DOOR, free estimates. . . Business & Industry CERAMIC TILE INSTALLER ADOPTION. A brnvo loving decision. Prolos- GENERAL CONTRACTING FREE TO flood homo, seven yoar old whito * Corpot Cleanlno-LDndscaplng-Guttoro 'Concreto Sidewalk 608-241-0740. CALL GREGORY ZALTSSHTEIN Painter: Extorior/ 908-686-0749 New and Repairs eional couplo ollors baby full time Mom. do- SPANISH STYLE couch, chair, colfeo lablo angora cat. Call 908-273-1B02. Driveway Seallng-Snow Removal "All Typo Curblngs Residential Commercial 908-688-1853 Interior. Platter and sheotrocklng. Fully in- 464 Chostnut Stroot, Union. NJ Rogroutinn/Romodoling/Cloanlng volod Dad; lovo, happinossr-oducailon. pels. ond crodonza. Thomasvllle brand, quality •Paving Blocks surod, roloronces. All jobs guaranteed. Free Master Plumbor's License #4182-ffQ64G No Job too Bin or Small Lol's talk! Knlo and Clark 1-800-600-1951. woodwook, liko now. $1,000 lorall.nogotiablo LONELY, LOVING, young follow. 11 month D J MAINTENANCE — Residential and office FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Fully Insured GUTTERS/LEADERS """" FULLY INSURED 908-810-0061 or 008-607-0551. Shepherd Boaglo mix, dbepamtery noeda apo- cleaning: window deanlnn; floor1 waxlnn. Fully Frank's ConcraU Aaphalt ostlmate. 201-373-9438. SENIOTfl CITIZEN 'DISCOUNT I do It all dal care and lots of lovo or ho will dlo o[ a Insurod. Roloroncos provided. Free estimates. 908-245-6162 908-241-3827 ALL GUTTERS doanod and repaired. $30 ond Lot Clairlng - Pnvoro - D«coratlva Dry wnits JOE MEGNA SUNQUEST WOLFF tanning bods; Now, broken hoarl. -Coll "Trooper". JAG Call 90B-064-8138. SPURR ELECTRIC up. Serving Union County since 1980. Call Painting & Handyman Service DIAL-A-BIBLE J RR Tl» Walls Belgium Block HOUSE PAINTING commercial/ homo .units Irpm $109. Lamps, 201-763-7322.' ' ' New and Alteration Work Wallor 008-882-6081. _^ Small Job Specialist PRINTING 201-429-2987 lotions, accessories. Monthly paymonts low as Specializing In recessed lighting and sorvlco INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAND OUT GUTTERS-LEADERS TO MESSAGE $1B. Call today. Fro© now color catalog RED DOBERMArJ. Alloctionnto', mellow but CONSTRUCTION changing, smoko detectors, yard and security Interior • Extorlor - Railings Ray Rlcclardl Fully Insured. PRINTING DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS 1-800-462-9197. lonoly "lady" Books lovino [amily (or huflo ond lighting, alterations, and new developments. UNDERGROUND DRAINS ' Windows - Glaas Repairs - Carpentry klssos. 7 years. Spoyod. Shots. J A C Doos your ad nood a littlo moro attonllon? You 201-378-5986 Free Estimates For A Bid On All License Number 7208. Fully InBured. Thoroughly doanod, flushed, Fully Insured Free EBtlmatos Established 1935 908-964-6356 UTILITY TRAILER, 5 x 10; lull slzo liros, slnglo 201-763-7322. "For the Best In Home Improvement" can crofli Ad-lmpact by using largor rypo. Your Printing Neoda No Job Too Small. repaired, roplacod. R. Lazartck Masonry STEVE ROZANSKI Wo nro ollorlno a free Five Les&on Video Series oxol. Groal for landscaplnfj or rocroational Thla Typo size la.,. Publication printing Kltchona, Bathrooms, "Repairs, Goutlng, on How To Undorslnnd Tho Dlblo. Also a free vohlcles, snowrnoblloe, trlkos, otc.-.$800/ bosl 908-563-0398 1-800-870-0398 AVERAGE HOUSE $35-$40 908-241-3849 Dependable Service 908-686-6455 a specialty Tll» Floon), Tub Enclosurao, Showaralalls Blblo Correspondence Course with no obliga- ollor. Call 908-272-337fl. All d«br1o bagood from abova. . Sidewalks - Steps • Curbs - Patios , tions, or Privaio Blblo Study at your convonl- P. PAPIC WE DO It all • no job too emalll Resldontial and FREE ESTIMATES. For renovations and new Docks • Gutters -Ceramic Tllo Maple Composition Free Estimates Fully Insured WHIRLPOOL WASHER nnd dryor. Also Hot- 12 Point Slats RoofB Repaired onoo, Iroo lor thn nsklng, Painting - Carpontry • Renovations , PAINTING & point refrigorator. As Is. Call 000-607-3578 commercial. Evening hours. Free estimates. * construction. Interior/ exterior. For ostlmates 463 Valley Street No job too small or too large CONSTRUCTION Clean-Ups » Removals - Small Demolition ollor 5pm. INSTRUCTIONS Llconse 97417. Call Frank at 008-354-4169. call R&R Construction 201-487-<572. PLASTERING LADY ARE you a size 4? nolmod, sonior Mark Melse, 201-228-4965 Basements - Attics - Yards Maplewood •Additions •Domiors gontloman of Slovak doscont, wnrm, cloan, 14 Point GENERAL REPAIRS, carpentry, palming, wall- 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Roar ol News-Record Bldg. 908-686-5550 afloclionalo, no cmoko, no drink. Would hko lo WORD PROCESSOR, Loading Edge. 512K, •Kltchons •Bathrooms 908-688-0230 monitor, primer, manuals. Porfoct condition. C FENCING papering, plastering, leaderB, guttorB, win- Insured Mon., Tuos.. Wod. & Fri. 9AM-5PM mooi plain, unprotontious, quiot. poiilo lady HOME r" Froe Estimates GUITAR AND Boss losoons. Bluo'o goltar & •Siding ' -Docks dows, doors, roofing. All expertly dono. No job FREE ESTIMATES Thursday and othor timos who woighs borweon 80-90 pounds. Hoply Upgrading, asking $350. Call 90fl?33-8208. P.O. BbX 3695, Union, NJ Music Shop. 2235 Morris Avonuo., Union •Tilowork TOM'S FENCING AL PASCAVAGE & SONS too small. Froo estimates. Fully Insured. Please by appointment Mnrlin. Ron 410, niizribnth, NJ 07207. YOUR AD could appoar hero for ofl littlo ao CALL: LENNY TUFANO WRESTLERS/ PARENTS. Now 10' by 10' (Across Irom AAMCO transmission) ALL TYPES call 908-352-3870. ,___ $14.00 per wook. Call for more details. Our drilling/ oxorciso mats. Call lor details. Slovo 908-007-1325. Soo Buslnoss and Service For a free estimate call Pete 1.8 ..Point ADDITIONS BATHROOMS friondly Classified Dopartmont would bo hnppy 908-273-6025 TREE EXPERTS Slrollner, Manldnir Stolo Univorsily Wrootlinrj Dlroctory. HANDYMAN. LIGHT carponlry. colllngs, doors, 762-0303 LOST & FOUND NEW AND REPAIR to holp you. Call 1-800-584-8911. Coach. Homo 201-7B3-77G3 ringor KITCHENS BASEMENTS doors, windows, sheeuock, small docks, palnt- PAINTING, HOME repairs. Noal, dopondablo. BOYLE TREE 3UROERY CO. 908-964-4974 Add Impact by using largor typo - ask our 201-1300-7237. NO JOB TOO SMALL ATTICS DECKS InQ/ tllo. Reasonably choap. Call John, honost. Plastering, loaders, gutters, windows, LOST DOG: Collio, fomnlo, blnck, whllo ond TUTORING ~ . Classified Representative lor the typo you RESUMES ESTABLISHED 1922 brown. Nariio "Sunshino". 11 yoars old. No 484-4724. doors oxportly accomplished. No job too small. YOUR AD could Rppoor hore for ns little na FREE ESTIMATES MASSUESE/MASSUER TREE & STUMP REMOVAL collar or laps. Vicinity Uoaumont Torraco, Wo si "Serving Union County for 20 Call Jofl 000-245 4302." • • Resumes $14.00 per wook. Call for moro dotnils. Our All Subjects ALL REMODELING HOME REPAIRS. Quality Improvomonts at. Ornngo, Saturday, Docombor 3rd Roword Into Iho Classified Pagoo, Call 1-000-S84-S011. CALL: 201-761-5427 Fast professional PRUNING Call 201«325-1B22." Iriondly dusGlfiod department would bo happy' Reasonable Ratos. Masonry Work. Shootrock YOUR AD could appoar hero for as llttlo as to holp you. Coll 1^)00-504-0911. Repairs. Plastering. Palmlno. Tllo Work. Grout- MASSAGE THERAPIST $14.00 por wook. Call for more dotnlls. Our Typesetting sorvicos TREE SURGERY IN Free Estimates Fully Insured ' Ing and much moro. Froo Estimates. Call Joo at friondly classified dopartmont would bo hnppy Intoroatad In starling a newcaroor? Wsnt to ALL ITS BRANCHES LOST DOG: Collio. fomalo, 'black, whim and K/COLLEGE 6lL TANKS, Romoval3 ond Inatallod. Rosldon- - FINANCING chnnfjo jobe? Sos uo for lypasotllng your brown. Nnmo "Sunshino". 11 yoars old. No tiol, industrial, commordnl. Capital Controct- ELECTRICIANS 906-355-162B. Specializing in Swedish techniques. Pro- to holo you. Call 1-800-564:8911. Union GARAGE SALE robumo. 900-964-0350 collnr or ings. Vicinity Grogory soction, Wost ESL, SAT PREP Ino. 908-051-8323. , FAST CASH FOR fessional and therapeutic only. Call for ABLE ELECTRIC MIKE D'ANDREA. All Home Improvements. 30 OHMQO, Saturday, Docombor 3rd. Roward. UNJON/ BATTLEHILL Garaoo/'Noving Sale. 201-372-4282 ' appointment: Maple Composition Oll 0 If It's electric we do Itl MORTGAGE NOTES Years Experience. Carpontry Work, Tile Work. PAPER HANGING WOOD STACK Thomasvillo chorry dining room, Spinnol cherry LarQo or .Small Jobs. Froo Estlmatos. All Work 463 Valley Street TREE SERVICE CONTRACTOR Now Installations or repairs 201-372-4484 piano, quoonslzod bedroom. Dishes, dolhlng, Instruction Guaranteed. Konilworth, 908-241-3813. LOCAL, TREE COMPANY . Reasonable prices EXPERT PAPERHANGING Maplewood mlscollanous, glfl lloms, books, etc. 2500 Jay Call Catherine at: ALL TYPES TREE WORK Placo (near Batllo hill School). Saturday in your own home MELO CONTRACTORS Rocommondations availablo PIGNATO GENERAL CONTRACTING & AND PAINTING Roar of News-Record Bldg. AFREE ESTIMATES 9am-4pm. Llconoo W11500 Fully Insurod 201-627-9012^ Attention MOVING/STORAGE "The Homeowners Contractor" TREE SERVICE. Residential, commercial. Mon., Tuos., Wod. & Fri. 9AM-5PM ikSENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Suburban Additions & Alterations \ , Call Frank at 9a.m.-9p.m. Fully Insurod. Concrolo, asphalt, masonry, ATLAS VAN LINES. Local/ worldwide movors. Thursday ond othor tlmq3 • IMMEDIATE SERVICE nw Now.Construction . • Flro Restorotiono MIKE TUFANO by appointment Tutoring Bolglum block, pavors, RR tio walls, decorative FLORIDA specialists. Agont UNIVERSITY Von •INSURED AFREE WOOD CHIPS MISCELLANEOUS YARD SALE Repairs ; Roplacomont Windows 908-276-8692 FREE ESTIMATES ond MEASURING GET CREDIT cards before Christmas. Now dry walls, lot doarlng. Emorgoncy troo sorvlco. Linos. 000-270-2070. 3401A Tromloy Point 908-27^-5752 . LINDEN, 2O0G Grior Avonuo, (oil Park Av- 201-467-0274 Docks a Pavors Kllchon & Baths book tolls how. Includes sources for thoso with Froo estimates. 908-687-7874. 008032-2070. Hood, Linden.,PC 00102. Releroncos. Availablo 762-0303 Affordnblllly & Dopondablllly 4H ELECTRIC CO. Insurod, bondop\ onuo). Sunday, Docombor 11, i0nm-4pm. bad crodlt history. Onry,$19.95 plus shipping/ 908-522-1829 Tolovlslon, VCR, rotriQorator, mlcrow.ivo, hos- Residential/ cammorlcal. Quality work dono handling. Guaranteed monoy bock' MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 908-245-5280 wilh prldo. 900-351-3706. Llconso »12278. ROOFING , TYPESETTING piml bod. turnituro, olc. Evorythlnn must no I No 1-800-650-3290 TOG. QUALITY DON'S ECONOMY onrlv birds. FLOORS & EVERLAST ROOFING CO. COMPUTERIZED ATTENTION SERVICES : :•• PLUMBING RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL •. SAUCE LOVERS MOVING AND STORAGE HOME IMPROVEMENTS BLEIWEIS Specializing in ohinglo, toar oils oBd 1 ply TYPSETTING TASTE MATTERS WANTED TO BUY OFFERED "" ' " Tho Rocortimcmdod Mover. Oue 30lh yoar. rubber; oxiorlor carponlry, slato shingle flat, PC OOOtQ. 751 Lohlgh Av.enuo, Union. PLUMBING & HEATING Spanish lilo ropalrs. Camera Work A new recipe featuring oven cooked AAA ANTIQUE Buying Sorvlco has cash (or Wo install ceramic lilas, carpet and vinyl. •AD types hUiling ayaioms, InstnJiod and Btu FREE ESTIMATES -1 FULLY INSURED your ortltquos. Furnlluro, toyo, trains, dolls, c Indoor and outdoor painting. ., •Oan hot walw honor Veloxes All workmanship ouarantood. SPAGHETTI SAUCE BUSINESS SERVICE Drop colllngs, bathroom nnd •ilalluoom A Kllchon romodollnn jowolry, paintings, rugs, trunks, glosswnro, Riilotoncos availablo. Ownor oporalod. Negatives 1-800-891-0252 soda machines. Almost anything old basomont romodollng. 908-687-0035 908-688-MOVE REASONABLE RATES 7G3-640B. Handy Holpors Sorvlco. If you con"t do It, maybe Fully Insurod and Bondod 908-964-6081 wo can. Doctors, vots, oirporta. Drop-oft, pick- FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Maple Composition BRASS BED. quwn. Comploto with orlh'opodic . PlumWng Llconao #7070 up. Minor housohold chores, 'dollvor packages mnttroGs sot. Unusod In box. Cost $1000, soil AABACUS ANTIQUES. VVill buy: Furnlturo, Yoii can be a part Vlon/Maalorcards nccopiod 463 Valley St. locally? Rollnblo, CoilrtooUB. 908-355-3208 MOVING/LIGHT TRUCKING $300 cash. Call 2QW79-07Q5. Orlontol flurjr., Clocks, Palniings. Smtuos. An, 908-686-7415 Toys, Trains, Wickor Furniture. Old/ Unusuul, 201-761-0102 ROOFING CONTRACTOR Maplewood 1 RENTAL APARTMENT OWNERS! We'll move Furniture, AppllnncoB, Housohold CHRISTMAS TREES Knowlodgoablo/ prolosslbnal sorvico. Call nny- Coriifioa in 1 ply rubber roofing Roar of Nows-Rocord Bldg. of our new and Itoms In carpotod von or truck. Courteous and Ilmo. Open 7 Days. 00Q-245-03B3, Don't lose another month's rentl Tho map at left YOUR AD could nppoor horo for as Illtlo os Flat roolmg-ropalrs Mon.. Tuoa.. Wod. & Frl. 9AM-5PM Advertise your Christmas tree farm carolul. Reasonable1 rotos and fully tnsurod. 1-000-gDVB3BS. . RoadyHomo Inspection & Apartment Prepara- shows Iho county LANDSCAPING $14.00 por wool*. Call for moro dotoila, Our Shingles, rerool-ioorolf Thursday ond othor timos In our annual Christmas Tree Direc- CALL ROB tion Sorvlco will got your vacant opartrrtont distributional improved section 'friendly classlfiod dopartmont would bo happy Rool Inspocnona 4 maintonanco. by oppolnlmont tory. Beginning November 23rd and ALL ANTIQUES rondy lor next tenant FASTI Painting. - Cloan 201-467-6598 to holD vou. Call i-qoo-504-.fl.ili . ''; .AH work.fiuarantGGd ] . dallies end.Wockllcs KJIIJ Inrurod Freo F-i;i1m;itO'j appearing every Thursday through Windows - Dathtooms - Rofrlnorators - Ovens • : . Lie, n P.M.00530 762-0303 WANTED InthoNJPA HOLLYWOOD FOTI'S PLUMBINQ and H«mlno. Mjotur Plum December. 22nd. Call Classified for Dining ttooms, Bodroomo. Orlonlal, (lugs, Carpeting - Even Chango Door Lochs and reach over . '••'•' 908-322-4637 SCAN program - PAUL'S M 8. M MOVERS bor, Rosidontlnl. Cornmorant. Jobbinf). Altorn Poinlmgs, Sterling, Porcolin Piguros, brystal, Fully Insurod/ Dondod Formerly Of Yalo Avo. • tiono. "No |ob too small." Plumblni) llconso details. 800-564-8911. , ., •'. 201-643-4335 LANDSCAPING Old and Intorosiinn, Itoms, Etc, 58,000 potential HlllBldo. PM 00177 , ' 03857: Call 908-400-3431. -.' ." WE STOP LEAKS! DAYBED. WHITE iron/ braD3, cbmploio wliH 908-272-7216 Advertisers! Your 25-word classified od ($1) ARTISTIC LANDSCAPING Local & Long CARPENTRY DlBtanco Moving • ' • , JOSEPH MCGADEY.-. Sell Your (wo orihopodic maiiroaeou/ pop-up trundle CLASSIC ANTIQUES per additional word) for only $279.00, roaches Then we send it to 89 DESIGN CURK BUILDERS^ INC. UnUGOd In box. C03I $800, soil $325 cash. customers in ; PLUMBER PQ1-77O-O7O5. • over a million households through SCAN, the participating doilleo and CALL 908-688-7768 •Roof Stripping & Ropolro. > Home ANY LIONEL, American Flyor, hios and othor CAPRI EXOTIC GARDENS & New Jersey Press Association's Statewide •Plat noofing a Slato. , DINING ROOM sol, 2 solas, kiwnrnowor, trains. Collector pays highost cash pricoo. weeklies (rom Sussex to No job too small! SCHAEFER MOVING •Guttors & Loodors barboquo orill, wnshlnfj mnchlno. All available Classified Advertising Netwotk. Call us. We'll Union County! POND INSTALLATION SEWER CLEANING SERVICE 10004647^ 201-635-2058. CONSTRUCTION Cape May and Salem to Sorvlng Union & Mlddlosox Countloo IN UNION COUNTY CLASSIHEDS lor BQIO. Prices am noo,oiinblo. Call holp you write your ad to got Iho most for your RELIABLE • 2 HOUR MINIMUM Llconso No. 5013 201-f.7f>-74G4. CAMEI1AS WANTHD. Cotloctor pays hlghosl 'GENERAL CONTRACTOR . ,, fl^rgen.; Bingo ! You just TREE REMOVAL SAME LOW RATES 7 DAYO For 25 Yon™ ' casih prlcos lor soloctod used camoras. Call • monoy: discovered a whole new market. TIME BEGINS ARRIVAL 1 WAY 908-354-8470 Fully Inaurod - Froo Estimatos CALL 1-800-564-8911 000-0G4-7CG1. 'FRAMING FREE ESTIMATES NO OVERTIME CHARGES NJ. Lie. No. 0107GO ESTATE SALE by Juno. 26Ciolumbin Avonuo, roma YOURCIASSIHWAD Konilworth (off Boulevard), Friday, Saturday, 'ROOFING 'ADDITIONS Call now! You won ? regret it. INSURED .OWNER OPERATED 0am-3pm. 00 yoare accumulation. Art Doco CASH FOR your rocords, LP's or 45's, usod 1-800-564-8911 908-686-1838 LIC. PM 00581 . CALL ANYTIME OIL TANKS, snndfillod or romovod. Flonso c:ill 9O0-272-08'15. 908-381-51451-800-794-LEAK (5325) bodrooni3, oak clnw inblo, curvod china ca- CD's. 900-245-4476, 'SPECIALIZING IN 908-964-1216 blnol.'^O's door radio, lots miscellaneous. COLLECTOR BUYS vintage.-Toys, trains, SIDING & DECKS FIREWOOD. SEASONED Oak. Cull podal cars, soda machines and signs, juko FREE ESTIMATES • 201 •379-60'l 1, alior 5pm wookdays and nil day boxos, character watchos, olc. 900-096-3710, wookdays, Stovo. wookonds. FULLY INSURED FOR SALE: Raymond Burr, A Biography on Rocyding-lnduBtrial Accounts Serviced Dining room, "pine. Table, 6 Mm, radio'and Iolovl3lon. Auihor is soiling MAX WEINSTEIN SONS, INC. 201-676-2966 porsonully autoflraphod'copies of hor book. chairs, hutch, server. Excellent This book will bo an oxcollont Christmas HONEST WEIGHTS-BEST PRICES. Wo Now Accept All Mn|or Crodlt Cards prosonl lor your Irionds or rolativosl Ploa3o Always Buying Scrap Metals JOE DOMAN condition. sond cnlf addrossod siampirtl onvolopo lor 2426 Morris Ave. (near Bumet) Union particulars to: Ona L. Hill at 740 Monmouih 908-686-3824 Doily B-5/Saturday; 0-12 Avonuo, Konilworth, NJ O7033. 908-686-8236/Slnce 1919 DECKS GIRL'S BIKE, 20", wilh training whools • $35. ALTERATIONS/REPAIRS $14.00 for first 20 words Compuior, Conytiodoro SX(>4. portablo, built-in WANTED ANTIQUE, now, usod (urnlluro. bric- •KITCHENS .ATTICS' monitor and drivo, oxt, color monitor, printor, a-brac, colloctiblos, housohold Itoms, comptoto software) names - $125. G0G-608-1D11 nlior or partial liquidation of ostatorj. Complete ^BATHROOMS "BASEMENTS $4.00 each added 10 words 6pm. broont swoops dono. Call Ian anylimo 7 days a REMODELED USEAPREPASD wook. Days or ovonlngs 291-902-7053, No |ob too small or too laroo. GOWNS- BLACK satin ulruploos cocktail Enclose Check dronn, Etzo 0, $25; black and whltb snlin lloor YOUR AD could appoar horo for an littlo as longlh, oil shoulder wilh monnnld bottom, nlzo $14.00 por wook. Call.for moro'details. Our i or money order 10, $50; pink lloor lonnlh straplosD, aizo 7, $30; friondly dasslfiod dopartmont would bo happy CLASSBFIEDAD black Batin otraplosQ with pink dottod bubblo Sell Your to holp you. Call 1-000-GO4-C011: Toys campaign Consider buying from' the Resolution Trust Corp. skirt, size 9-10 (for younrjor porson). $20. Call Question: Whnt Is thc-RTC and among themselves, allowing the 201-7404008 alior 5:30p.m. home. However, any cooperating Home CARPETING to continue how can I buy property from them? realtor may assist the listing realtor in exclusive realtor lo show an individu- KING SIZE bodroom; Scandinavian toak Ih/in- Don Antonelll Sobrino al the home, while tho cooperating O'oom sofa, lovosoat and chair, 1 carat dia- Ifl UNION COUNTY Sobrinn Spooks: The Resolution procuring a buyer. Some owners only mond rinjj. • $3,000. Financing available ROYAL LINOLEUM & RUG CO. through Dec. 20 Trust Corporation was set up by Con- want one realtor to sell iheir home, realtor sits back and hopes that if a 000-006-7530. CLASSIFIEUS NAME. TELEPHONE- gress in 1989 to protect the depositors Speaks which is called an "exclusive listing." sale is made, the exclusive realtor will Famous Brand Carpols Coklwdl nimker Schloll Real- METAL ROOFING and siding for housos/ CALL 1-800-564-0911 Armstrong'- Mohawk - Amtlco of failed savings and loan institutions, This is done less frequently, and is not give them a referral fee for the buyer. barns, tncrodiblo priuon product. Supor attrac- Mannlngton - Congolaum - Tnrkolt ' tors' Union office is holding n By Sabrlna Cofum livo. Low coal. Easy installation, Guaranlood 20 ADDRESS- itnd dispose of assets from these insii- it good way to give the home u lot of rOTMCf YOUR ClASiintl) AD FREE INSTALLATION • Havo Floor Slloa • "Toys lor Kids" enmpuign through years. Wo cut to tho Inch. Fast dollvory. Froo Roady For FREE ESTIMATE. Shop at homo. unions. These assets may include fur- marketing exposure. The owners who Sabrlna Cornin Is a real estate,rep- litoraluro. 717-056-1814, Dec. 20. CITY niture, fixtures, equipment lo build- scaled bids. These homes arc placed choose this option generally are not resentative Tor RK/MAX Realty VISA 908-964-4127 MC ZIP All those who wish lo donate ings, homes and Vacant land. The on the open market for n' limited • motivated to sell and for personal rca-. Associates. To have your real estate MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE should brim; i\ new, wrapped loy to RTC sells its usscis through individu- amount of lime. If the property has not sons, may desire to keep the sale of questions answered In following CARPET CLEANING the Coldwcll Danker office, 530 al sales, portfolio sales, auction and been sold, the list price and marketing their homo private. However, if you Issues, write to "Sabrlna Speaks RICHARD G. McGEGHAN Chestnut St., mid drop it into the strategy arc reviewed nnd adjusted lo wanted to purchase such im exclusive .Real Estntc," P.O. Ilox 162, Maplc- clpiiiB Others" toy bin. Toys will curreni market conditions. The prop- listing, the realtors may cooperate WOIKI 07040, or call 378-3434. . Residential & Commercial be donated lo various .needy The Resolution erties arc marketed by your local real- Carpoto & Floors Write your ad in the spaces below and mail to tors whom huvc contracted ihcir firms •Shampoo *Strippod orgnnizations. * Trust Corporation •Clounod •Rtifl with Ihc RTC. RE/MAX Reallors is 1 •Stoum ' " • «W;ix WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Children also may huve their was set up by Con- such a representative of the RTC, and Anthony C. Venutolo, Editor Sabrina Corum 908-688-7151 Christmas pictures taken, dressed' o Worrall Community Nowspnpom Inc. 109-t All nlghtu Roaorvod "For (hot porsonnl touch" gress in 1989 to pro- RE/MAX has information on avail- Real estate expert as mi engineer al iho company's able properties. Organizations submitting releases to the entertainment section decorated train mhle. TTiey also will P.O. Box 3107, Union, NJ. 07083 tect the depositors of v 000 • can imiil copy to 170 Scotland Road, P.O. Box 849, Orange, N.J. DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS receive it "Helping Others" button. L A snwicf of failed savings and Question: Arc all the homes 070S0. nvnllublc for sale listed with all Coldwcll Banker Schloll will fust moved loan institutions, realtors? hold a holiday coloring contest in and dispose of assets Sabrina Speaks: No, most homes conjunction with ihc toy drive. in? t from these arc listed with all the realtors in what Each contestant must submit an is referred to us a "multiple listing ser- I can help official coloring sheet nvailnble in institutions. vice." This menus the owner has Get a Head Start on your given n realtor the right to sell thoir 1... 2 ...... ' 3.: 4 .... the Coldwcll Banker office. There I with our proven system will bo two categories: ages 3 to 4 you out! and 5 to 6. A winner tit each group Don't worry and wondor aboul will bo chosen, wilh honorable looming your way uround town Or 5. 6. .:.. ' 7. 8...... for S^EAL-ESTATE agencies what to soo and do. Or who to ask mention certificates also given. As your WELCOME WAGON Develop grantor Hosloss, I can simplify tho buplnosa To qualify for tho contest, parti- agency recognition of godlng sottlod Holp you bogin to MUST BE SOLD! 9 10.... 11 •..,.... 12.: cipants must bring unwrapped toys E1RAHP REALTY O&OUTP INC. onjoy your new town... good shop- J UOU HOUSE, to the ..Coldwcll Banker Schlott More prospects • ping, locul attractions, community I oi renlimes J IJUIUIKUIB IM\ tirnn oiie ol llio best Mora listings ^opportunity. lu««0 i)lav»»»iu< a ymitioiloi cnutd mteivc A low 13^ '. 14 15 :.... 16 office, register and pick up an offi- lClp^l of wood 4(a all.yuu imed lu nuka Itus Iho And mv^Daskot is full of usoM SATURDAY, DEC. 10th 'UMiiihliini can lia loom! ID all ill mo tloiai Iho oasa cial coloring sheet, and rotum tho gltto to ploaso your family ill Itin dull hud so Iv on c*ilm hi «aiy ninu«iivoilnu • Qe Innovative Trjio Hie iulliUd |ialti(ii ^arlI nnto plywood, uw 17 13 : 19 20 completed entry by Dec. 19. Win- Tokoo a broak from unpacking SUNDAY, DEC. 11th tliani out uiii) pul I IK in t o g a 111«< A fu 1141 loin iiulaibU and call mo. (hi mtil |>hulos ainil tho jnuUnt wootlwoikei ners wijl' lie announced Dei. 22.

1OAiV8-4PB\/l BOTH DAYS 21 22 23.. ;... 24 Tho event is being chaired by Come Home For The Holidaysy mil ch*ok lo: I ) 1411 [lull llmua 0. SI150 Cluirc Procopio. •VN PalUin Dtpr. I I 112 luijf caUlou . . , Ultt to IhU tmporbly kip) Washington .School Split level. Finished Lu.w- P.O. H.)< 3)0] Ilictuiliiu TOO woiidwo.klnii K+IWlMUfoMlil V«n Nuyt, CA OHM "M lnnJI»"U |im|«cli) Aiiybusjncsscs or community nicnt, den & lovely deck. Quiet Ircc-llncd street In ono of Union's best 25 26 '. 27 28. ../...A. organization wisl|jng to make dona- neighborhoods. $177,000. Won't luiit: Rooldanto of Union A tions should call 687-5050 and The Service Buroou/or the tlEAL ESTATE Industry* onty 2668 MORRIS AVENUE » UNION • 964-3003 UNION ...064-3691 CALL 908-862-5100 someone will pick up tho gift at iho CAix LflLA GRAY t 1-800-645-6376 29 30 : 31....: 32 donor's convenience. Enoh olflco Independently owned nnd operated o SPRINGFIELD 407-0132

'!A:v','.'Y .••'••• ' » t\i' • M:.: ,&^&^>< .: •- I '



• APARTMENT TO RENT APARTMENT TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOB SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE To place a classified ad call BUSINESS ^ IDENTIFY PROBLEM tenants boforo thoy am UNION. 1 BEDROOM opartmont, 2nd floor. . REAL FREE COPY of •Homo Prevlow". Soo hun- WEST ORAhlGE. Charming- 3 bodroom Colo- 763-9411 by noon Tuesday. one. Crodii reporiB show payment perfor- Convenient location Hoal/ hot wator, parking, dreds of homQB for salo In Monmouth, Ocoan nial. Living room with fireplace, French doors, mance. State law favors tenanl. We favor you no pels. $700. Call 900-606-3830 days, Corvette — the 1995 Indy Pace Car OPPORTUNITIES, 'and Middlesex Counties. Call ProBBto ample storaoe areas. Now roof, carpeting. tho landlord/ mqnafjor. 1 -800-YES-KNOW (low O08-606-0530 evenlnna. ESTATE 008-B18-1000, touch •star 6050, leavo namo, $132,900. 201-736-052B, G foe).- ' • • • Chevrolet's Corvette, the definitive Typical drivers will travel addross. ' ' IF YOU can spare us thirty rtilnut&s, I can show UNION. 1 LARGE bedroom. Private 1/2 bath. c"All roal SBtata advtrtlntd litraln Is YOUR CLASSIFIED ad can be published In 113 approximately 70 feet during an American sportscar, has been named you how you can earn a serious eocond LINDEN. 1 BEDROOM. Cloan. quiet building. Kitchen/ vraiMng machine prtvllogos. Avallablo subject to tha F»d«ral Fair Housing Act, New Jersey newspapers with one oasy phone emergency stop, from 65 miles per income. No investment, No soiling, No inven- heat/ hot wator suppliod. No pota. $650 Immediately. Non-smokor. $376 por month which makas It Illagal to advartlaa any SPRINGIELD call and for one low price. For only $270 you ad official pace car for the 79th running hour, before their feet reach the tory, No nEk. For information. 908-687-5651. monihly. Coll 8a,m.-5p.m. Monday thru Satur- indudes utilities. 008-886-8189. pratoranca, limitation, or discrimination will reach a circulation of over 1.6 million day QOB-862-5900. rmood on raca, color, religion, «ox, handi- Exclusive Baltuslrol Top of tho Indianapolis 500 on May 28, brake pedal. With poor eyesight, UNION. 2-BEDROOM apartmont. mint condi- throughout the state. Call Worrell Newspapers INVESTORSINOW ovoiloblo Northeast PA, 21 cap, familial status, or national origin, or Classifieds at 201-763-9411 for all the details 1995. bad lights or streaking windshield unit rental oparimoni building with 25 oaraoo tion. Eat-In kitchen, living, dining rooma, sun Intantlon la maha any such praferonco, Colonial 6 bodrooms, 3 baths, IMnj) room, LINDEN. 3 BEDROOMS, living room, dining about SCAN- Statewldo Classified Ad Network. wipers, or if under the effects of spacos. Money makorl '$350,000. (DP350) room, kitchen, 2 balhs, garage. $875.00, 1% porch, 2 full baths, much dosot space. $850 limitation, or discrimination. dining room, dsn, full boaomont. kitchon and 2 The announcement was made joint- family rooms (ono with Moplaco). Open onto alcohol or medicine, their reaction Candico Wallingford, Coldwell Banker, Com- months cocurity. No pots. 900-925-3635 monthly, tenant supplloB oas, electricity. Avail- "We will not knowingly accept any ad- ly by Tony George, president of the monwoalth Roators. 717-253-4461. 908-8G2-6942, able Immediately. Call 908-964-7063/ Boonor- In-ground pool. Park-like setting. Approxi- times will be even slower. vertising lor real estate which la In violation mately 1 aero. By ownor. $539,000. OUT-OF-STATE 777-8485. ' ol the law. All persona are hereby Intormod Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and Hitting the brake pedal can be NATIONAL GROCERY coupon books. Un- LINDEN. 4 ROOMS. Updated. Near that all dwolllnga advortlsod aro available COASTAL NC. Live near the beach. $19,900. Jim Perkins, general manager of just the beginning of their problems tappod $323 billion "industry. 000% profit poton- Iransportation/ shopping, Drivoway parking, UNION/ HILLSIDE lino. 5 room opartmont. 2 on an equal opportunity basts." 908-277-4230 Beautiful, quaint Swansboro. High, wooded lot linl. Minimum inuoGlmoni $09. Multi-product '$650.00 plus T4 monlhB socurity. Pay { bedrooms, dining room, living room, largo with access to the Atlantic. Near town and Chevrolet and vice president of Gen- if they've failed to keep up regular company. Froo information. House of Cou- ufilliios. 201-669-7309. oat-ln kitchen, basoment storano oroa. $675 Hammocks Beach State Park. Great financing. mechanical maintenance. Erratic pons. 1-000-641-(1940. por month, 1 month security.' No potB. CEMETERY PLOTS eral Motors. An artist's drawing of the 1995 Indy 500 Car WEST ORANGE. Ploosantdale oroa. By Hurry, call now 1-800-448-LAND, Ext. 2341. braking can cause a bad emergency LINDEN. IMMACULATE 4 room aportmSi 908-964-3391 aflor 5p.m. Patten Carolina Lan. Chevrolet returns os tho "500" pace CEMETERY PLOTS ownor. 4 bodroomo, llvlnffroom, dining room, situation to become worse; it can second floor, in quiot two family houso. Must bo family room, eat-In kitchon, 3 full baths, finished car for a record 10th time. It will be INVESTMENT PROPERTIES ' UNION. WE offer this lovely 5 room apartment. COASTAL NORTH Carolina. 1.56 acros/ 150' Indianapolis 500 exterior graphics The driver of the Corvette pace car pace car will be available npxt spring pull cars right into the middle of an soonl Call Bob at 0.',B-062-0019, 1st floor, January 1st. Foe alter rorjtal. Coll basomont. Movo-ln condition. Convenient to HOLLYWOOD NJ and NY' trannportntlon. 201-669-1876. WF/ $74,900. Swansboro, quaint and pictur- the third lime for Corvette, having package, plus leather scats embroid- will be announced later. Limited edi- through select Chevrolet dealers accident or it may not stop the car ELIZABETH. FOR sate. Rooming houso, 3V, LINDEN. TWO bodrooms opnrtmont of 2 family Fountain Realty, Realtor, 90B-964-3143. esque. High woodod homesltoB near ocoan, previously paced the May classic in at all. family find 2 family. Bor.t offer. Sold individually MEMORIAL PARK Barrier Island beaches. Nowly completed Bub- ered with the 1995 event logo. tion, street-version replicas of the nationwide. or comhinod. Call Polo, 201-504-5063. houso. Hoat intludod. Off Park Avonuo. Avail- YOUR AD could oppear horo for as Ilitlo as able now. $650.00 monthly. 90B-750-9550 $14.00 por week.-Call (or moro details. Our 'YOUR AD could appoar horo for as littlo as division. Attractive financing. Won't lost, call 1978 and 1986. 90B-381-7175, 90B-59-1-3242. friendly dassifiod department would bo happy GothoGmnno Gordons, Mausoleums. Office: $14.00 por wook. Call for moro details. Our 1-800-448-LAND, ext. 2334. Patton Carolina Tho 1995 Corvette Pace Car will bo to helo vou. Call 1-000-584-0911. 1500 Sluyvosant Avo., Union. frlondly classified department would be happy Land. MAPLEWOOD. 1 BEDROOM apartment in tho OOB-600-.1300 to holo vou. Call 1-800-564-8911. a convertible model with two-tone Villaoo, $700. hoal and hot wator indudod. Call COASTAL NORTH Carolina. Quaint, plctur- paint — dark purple metallic over 201-373-9521. esquo Swonsboro, One of tho beautiful, natural HOUSE TO RENT communllloB in tho Carolines. Nowl Waterfront Arctic white — and a white converti- homositos from $49,900. Wator access from YOUR AD could appoar horo for as lirtlo as UNION. DUPLEX. 6 rooms, 1vt baths, dis- ble top. Standard performance equip- $14.00 por wook. Call for moro dotalls. Our $19,900. High, woodod, looking to Inlfacoastal hwasher, refigerator, range, finlehod base- and Atlantic. Noar town and barrier Island ment includes the 300-horsepower, C friendly clasoKiod department would bo happy ment. $1100. monthly plusuHlliioa. 114 months "All roal oEtato adyortlsod horoln Is beaches. Excellent financing. Hurry call to holp you. Coll 1-800-564-8911. security. Call 908-964-4488. 5.7-litcr LT1 engine, automatic trans- subfocl to tho Federal Fair Housing Ac!, 1-800-448-LAND, ext. 2629. Patton Carolina mission, ZR1 five-spoke wheels and which makos II Illogal to advorilso any MILLBURN. ONE bedroom opartmont, $775 UNION. ORCHARD Pork aroa. 3 bodroom classified now accepts Land. proloronco, llmllallon, or' discrimination plus security. Availoblo Immodlatoly. Convo- Split. Movo-in condition. $1300/ month plus Goodyear 275/40x 17 GSC tires. basod on race, color, tollgfon, GOX, handi- niont location. Hoat, hot wator, parking in- utilities and fee If rented. Chostnur Roalty, "We build tho Corvette as a perfor- cap, famlllnl elntug, or nntlonal origin, or cludod. 908-273-2670 aftor 7p.m. Broker. 908-686-1680. Intention to mako any such prolororico, Visa, MasterCard mance car that can pace the world's llmltallon, or discrimination. ; NORTH NEWARK. Forosl Hill Dollovllle lino, A GREAT most prestigious race right from the "Wo will not knowingly accopl any ad- throo bodroom, Victorian houso, firoplaoa, HOUSE TO SHARE vortlslng (or roal ostato which Is In violation drivoway parking. $800, hoat and hot wator factory," Perkins said. "This car is ol tho law, All portions aro horoby Informod indudod. 201-4B5-7S64. UNION. SENIOR' femalo sooklng lopiolo to another impressive part of the Chev- Ihol alt dwolllngs advortlsod aro avallablo shore privato homo. $300 por monlh Includos VISA on on oqual opportunity basis." ROSELLE PARK. 2 bodrooms with (inishod utilltios. Coll 908-686-7421. (HasSSSSSnSE rolet tradition at Indianapolis." attic, oat-ln kitchon. Hoat and hot wator. $750 Tho Corvette will paced the 1995 month. Roforoncos and socurity. Coll APARTMENT TO RENT 908-241-5872. VACATION RENTALS race "as is," without need of factory HILLSIDE, 2V. rooms, nltic apartmonl, nijw SOUTH ORANOE Village, 1 Bodroom apart- POCONOS FUN Wood Resort, furnlshod two performance twecks. The only differ- cii'pol and paint, prlvalo onlranco, nonr Now mont, froshly palntod, Immodlato occupancy, bedroom and loft townhouso with Jacuzzi, WORRALL COMMUNITY ence in the preparation of the three' Jorsoy tmnsparmlion bus and iraln. 1 month's supor on promiso3, walk to ironsportatlon and Indoor swimming, tonnis, mlnlaturo golf, 19 BEGINS rent and 1 month's Gocurily. 90B-3S5-6052. shopping. $750 Dor •monlh. ,1 % month's holo golf courso. Christmas or Now Yoar's track-ready Corvette pace cats will be Avnifnblo Docombor 1sl. nncurirv. till M. Abbato. 201-7B2-9276. wookorwookond. Reasonable. 201-731-41B0. NEWSPAPERS the safety modifications mandated by SOUTH ORANGE. Small blpco. with waiting HERE. J, the United Stales Auto Club — a roll room available within professional sulto. Call bar, 360-dcgrce strobe lights, five- 201-763-1462. ' • Special training that shows you- point driver and passenger safety har- WILMINGTON, VERMONT. Skiing. 5 bodroom "exactly how to .get a quick stijrtv nesses and on-board fire control. It chalot, Flroplaco, dock, wooded lot, hiking trail, FREilOYEAR/ SPECIAL Sell Your Home Club house.' Indoor pool/ sauna/ gnmoroom. oil success . ,:' /-,,- "y^ also carrios the special 79th annual HARD-TO-FIND Minuins to Mount .Snow. Wook/ wookonds, 160,000 MILE EDITION 20.1-761-4938, 908-474-3956. (.Mentor progranu'work side-by?'.. SEDAN IN UNION COUNTVGLASSIFIEQS WARRANTY rsidewith.experiencedy y, DAKOTAS -RAM PICKUPS ,'CALL 1-000-564-8911 , UNION: . . :. salesperson r '• ^••i> » Save money with BRAND BRAND NEW 4X4's WITH SNOW PLOWS NEW W95 1995 OLDSMOBILE I BEAUTIFUL EH-LEVEL •Vfj ENGINE • AUTO TRANS • PWR STRNG/ABS 10 PlACf YOUR CMSSIf/fO /ID LARCHMONT SECTION '^Opportunities for referral leads ., 15 PASS. VANS • CARAVANS ? OL Fl -1 CYL • AUTO, TF1ANS • POWER I!RAKES/LOCKS • DUAL REMOTE MIRRORS • AIR COND'- Adombto * Bodroom Homo. 1.5 Bath, LR, OR, lower insurance STEEfllNG/nRKS'LOCKS • AIR COND'- DUAL AinQAftS • TILT • INT WIP • REAR DEFROST • AM/FM STEREOCASS • •from record-producing Weichert AM'FU CASS W/ANTITHEFT • FACTORY ALARM . TINTED Modom Klctwn, Now Roof, AC, 2 Car Oarage' DRIVERS AIRBAG • PLUS MUCH MORE • STK «92.« • VIN GLASS • REAR DEFROST • PLUS MUCH MO[IE • STOCK Patio. MAKE. YOUR BEST Of FERII Many people don't realize it, but HS632I235 • MSRP S15,H0fi 2-1 month r.lostxl-ond lrtar.0 Relocation and strong ; •••'.' ,: automobile insurance rates can vary VIN *SMO:!> • MSRP SU.!il)6 • ;'-t mo clor.od onrl 15.000 mi ptjr yuar Ihon in enntr, por ml Ihti'ronllor Ir.l monlh s MODERN 2 FAMILY inter-office, network loiir.o wMO.OOO mi/yr Ilion lOc'mi Iliiirahur l-.l mo pyml A payinorit A S200 lolund *WK: dop IIK| at lonsn incoplion S3000 Each Apt has 3 Ere. Lr, Dr. Etk. Fun Bath. CAC dramatically depending on thei insur-. $175 rol soc 'liip iluii nt ln.l".ii iricnplinn S2000 cl'.h or Ir.irli, c.T.h or tradti plir, S500 rob.ito -< down paymnnl Total ol pay- aiice company, agent or ,brqkWi*otosWfi » clown pynil ol pyml*. a Sf.:nf) Purch opl nl \IUVM «nd monli = Stitllu opt at IOBSO onrl • Jtl,127 Ln'.soo Two Car Oarage, all Sop UIIIUM, Sorrt-Flnbhod • High commission earnings, - S919? L«f.'.ti>t rir-poMstlil,) lor tucor,'. wear A Ou;ililjt)d rosponsiblo lor oxcurjs woar A loar Qualirmd buynrr, Ono wook Hani. Excolont Incomelll ages requested; and type of car driven. • buyu'r. Out! wtnik only only Loading doalur REJECTED BY YOUR BANK? HAVING PROBLEMS? ' IMPRESSIVE SPLIT-LEVEL bonus incentives, and more. .: Here are several tips that can help SEE THE EXPERTS! YOUR HOME-MORTGAGE CONSULTANTS JUST LISTED lower everyone's insurance costs. MONTH One ol a KM. Makil. Froo, 3 Brs. 1.5 Bath. Loo. Gall for confidential • Comparison shop. Prices for the A SOLUTION FOR EVERY SITUATION! A LOAN FOR EVERY HOMEI Fnm Room Florida Rm. 20 x 20, Updated K«. Ing same coverage can vary by hundreds of ALL IN STOCK READY LEASE FOR No mortgage too largo or small. No problem too difficult. Pool, Cabana. Qas Grll Bar, CAC, Summor K«. 3 interview. „ dollars, so it pays to shop around. To Zono Hoal. Must 9co to Approplalelll FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FOR PRICE INCLUDES S500 N.A.R. REALTOR REBATE If qua!. Purchase or Refinance . SPACIOUS SPLIT-LEVEL get an idea of price ranges, ask friends, Culdos.TcLoc.3BrB. 1.5Bath. EIKW/Dbhw, Lots UNION Ron Mammano check the ypllow. pages for insurance, Bankruptcy — Foreclosure — "No Problem! '" •' ^r ^^^^^v( •', -,^^^^V?^ -.' FREE 10 YEAR/ of doMls. CAC, rvW Floors, WAV Carp. Prtv HANG YOUR STOCKINGS, HERE! agents, call the state insurance depart- SPECIAL Yard, Gas Qrtl, GREAT BUYII 908-687-4800 ment and check consumer guides. , 100,000 MI1E EDITION N.J. LENDERS CORP. Your kids will love this old fashioned hearth perfect for Christmas pictures. However, don't shop by price alone. It's only one of the many special features of Uiis dunning 3 Mrm, 2.5 both WARRANTY SEDAN N.J. LICENSED MORTGAGE BANKERS PICCIUTO REALTY INC. An insurer should offer both fair prices BEA CHAIKLIN traditional home in. Washington school section.-A home to love for just and excellent service. Quality personal (908)688-3311 SIrM.'XM). service may cost a bit more, but it pro- BRAND NEW BRAND Phone: 201-992-1338 • Pager: 201-730-9119 2573 Morris Ave. Union N.J. 1995 DODGE NEW 1995 R. Mangels & Company vides added conveniences. So, talk to CUTLASS SUPREME SL «J several insurers to get a feeling for the 4 DR SEDAN • 3.3L V-6 • AUTO TRANS • POWER 7 OL Fl 4 CYL • 5 SPD MANUAL TRANS •' POWER •VO ENG • AUTO TRANS • PWR/STEER WA/AR EFFORT/ABS 367 Chestnut St., Union Weichert STEERING<[IF!AKESiMIRFIORS'LOCKSa-RUNK RELEASE • AIR BRKSA/VINDS/LKS'MIRRS • AIR COND • RR DEF • AM/FM CASS quality of their service. Ask them what STEERINGMNTI-LOCK BRKS/WINDOWS/LCKS/ COND • PWR GLASS SUNROOF • DUAL AIRUAGS • TILT • • TINT GLS • TILT . CRUISE • ALLOY WHLS • DUAL AIR BAGS - Realtor 1908-688-3000 they would do to lower your costs. MIRRORS • AIR COND • TILT WHEEL -CRUISE CFIUISE • AM/FM CASSETTE W/ANTI-THEFT • FACTORY ALARM FOG LAMPS • SPORT LUX PKG • PLUS MUCH MORE • CONTROL -TINTED GLASS • DUAL AIRBAGS • • TINTED GLASS • REAR DEFROST • STK *2622 • VIN STK»02IB-VIN«SD304r,92- MSRP: $17,995 24 month closod- Realtors Check the financial ratings of the com- "SM03.UH-1 • MSRP SIIVG50 * 24 mo clo'.od om! In.i',.) w/10,000 ond loaso 12.000 mi por yoar Ihon 15 conls por mi Ihoroaltor. 151 AM/FM CASS • PWR, DECK RELEASE • REAR monlh's p.iymonl A S3I0 rotund soc dop loaso incoption We SeU Mom Because We Do More panies, too.'After narrowing the field mi/yr, Ihnu 1 OC/ITII IhnralUjr I r.l mo pymlAS'75rol -iitc tlnp duo S3000 cash or Irado plus SfiOO rob.lto • down Pymnt Tol ol pay- to three insurers, get price quotes. DEFROST • PLUS MUCH MORE. STK (16387 • ,ii lo.i'io 'Mcijplion S70OO cash or Ir.iclo = down pyml ol pynils moms . S777G Purch opt al loaso ond » S.1I.4I7 09 Lessoo VIN IISH528I44 • MSRP S20.0M. = Sf)»1fi Purch opl .11 lo.iso ond « SI0.400 Lonioo rosponsiblo lor rosp lor oxctiss A toar Qual. buyors Ono wook only. NE.WJERS.EY-MjOF*TGA< ER/ • Ask Tor. higher dcductllilcs. ttxam wtMf fc Qu.iMifld buyors Ono wook only Leasing doalor iTES Dcductiblcs represent the amount of APP 30 YR FIXED 15 YR FIXED OTHER money paid before making a claim. By NOW LEASE $ Lender, City, Phone FEE RATE PTS APF RATE PTS APF RATE PTS APf:\ realty associates requesting higher dcductibles on colli- ONLY sion and comprehensive (fire and theft) FOR 1680 Springfield Avonuo 8 PRICE INCLUDES $300 N .A.R. REALTOR REBATE If qual. Action Mortgage Corp, Union HOO-303-ZS07 0 8.63 3.00 6.96 8.13 3.00 8.70 3.00 2 .75 4.36 F coverage, people can lower their costs aPBICE INCLUDES $400 C0L1I0EGSAD »IB*I[ * (550 EQUIP. Him if quol. FOR rvfaplowood, Now Jorsoy 07040 substantially. Amorican Fedoral Mtge, Union 000-000 -0500 100 7.75 3.00 0.09 8.13 3.00 8.62 5.25 2 50 7.03 A • Drop collision and/or compre- FREE 10 YEAR/ American Savings Bk.Bloomfld Z01-748-3000 0 9.13 2,50 9.41 8.63 2.50 o.oe 4.95 3.00 9.01 A 201-378-3434 hensive coverages on older curs. It SPECIAL SPEAK TO 100,000 MII EDITION Bankers Savings, Perth Amboy 000-442-4100 350 9.13 may not be cost-effective to have colli- 2.75 0.44 8.75 2.75 9.22 5.50 2 50 6.84 A "Servicing Essox and Union Counties" SABRINA sion or comprehensive coverages on WARRANTY SEDAN Capital Funding, Parsippany. 800-502-0700 0 9.25 1.00 9.33 8.BB 1.00 8.96 6.25 1 00 6.33 A An Indcpondont Mombor Broker cars, worth less than $ 1,0(X), since any CholsoaTFin'l Svcs.Hackensack 201 -342-0504 255 8.75 2.50 9.03 0.13 2.50 8.55 5.00 2 50 0.6G claim made would nolsubslantially A exceed annual cost and deductible BRAND NEW, BRAND BRAND NEW Columbia Savings Bk SLA.Lindn000-002-4000 300 9.00 2.50 9.32 8.63 2.50 9.11 8.38 1 00 8.96 G If you're just looking at homes amounts. Auto dealers and banks can 1995 DODGE NEW 1995 1995 OLDSMOBILE AFTER 80 HOUSES •V-fi CYL • 5 SPD MANUAL TRANS • PWR STRNG/ADS 3000 V-6 ENG • AUTO TRANS • PWn. STF1NG/ABS BRK • PWR. Corostatos Mortgage Services 000-000 - 3005 250 0.08 3.00 9.36 8.38 3.00 9.09 6.25 3.00 6.57 A tell what a car is worth. . •:HIL VG -AUTO TRANS • PWR STHNG/BHKS -AIR COND- WIND/LOCKS/MIRPS/ANT/TnUNK I)EL • KEYLESS ENTRY • AIR AM/FM CASSE TTE • llEAfl DEFROST . 7 PASSENGER SEAT- BRKS/WIND/LOCKS/MIRRS/MOONFIOOF • AIR COND • TRACTION CONTROL • AMJFM STEREOCASS W/ANTI- COND • CRUISE • TILT • TRACTION CONTROL • PLUS MUCH "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" Call Any Realtor • Eliminate duplicate medical cov- ING • REAR WIPER • PLUS MUCH MORE • STK HOW:] • VIN MORE • STK »9222- VIN (54807030 • MSRP $21,170-24 monlh First DoWitt Savings.W Caldwell 201-570-8000 400 9.00 3.00 9.35 8.63 3.00 9.15 5.75 2 00 7.80 A ( ( THEFT • TILT • CRUISE • FI/DEF • BBS WHEELS • PLUS erages. Those who have adequate health (*SRt-M J4 J • MSRP SlU-lOfj. 7-\ mo clo-;nplion Sl'OOO ra'.h or tr.Klu * S500 ntbati) * icoplion J3000 cash or Irado plus $500' down paymonl. medical coverage in their auto policies. lr,tmo pyml & S275 rtif soc dop duo at lonso incoption S2000 a-;oond - $10,319.00. First Savings Bank SLA, Edison 000-225-4460 325 8.75 3.00 9.15 8.25 3.00 6.83 7.50 0 00 0.96 L >'OUVE USED ur MY S-100 coll'Xl'i ()r.itl rt>b;\!ti - down pymt Total ol pytntr. .' SfiO5(J cosh or trmlo = down pyml. Tolal ol pymts n SG21fi Pinch opl Tot ol payments • $0-196 Purcnahasooplai l If you're looking In some states, eliminating this coverage Pinch opl n't loaso on rosponsiblo lor •I luasn und a SM.305 Lossoa rosp. for oxcoss & loar Lossoo rosp lor oxcoss woar & toar, Qual buyors Ono wook only. Genesis Mtgo Svcs.E.Brunswick 000 -257-5700 375 9.13 3.00 9.47 8.63 3.00 9.14 8.38 3 00 9.73 G to buy a home... could lower personal injury protection tixcti'.r, wear \ Qualified tmyurs Ono wook only QuaL buyers Ono wook only. Loasing doalor, Gibraltar Savings Bank,Newark 201 -372-1ZZ1 395 0.13 3.00 9.47 0.63 3.00 9.14 7.25 2 50 9.60 A (PIP) cost by up to

n 00 dny rnlo lock b • rnto oumanloo c •••< 300 npp too (or CIO yr fixoi of nt cloning cies. Saving money could be just a filco ol vohlcki In only copy chiuiQo PROPERTY. SHE phone call away, nlluwnd. ' APF' l-'lil; -• clntjlu family liomon MINIMUM -iJ-60 DAY RATELOCK i Juul jot ((own your nd und mail It In with A F'.H. -Contact londoro for cnlcumod Anruul I'orcenlnoa Malos 3lO Pnssalc Avo. SELLS 98% OF THE your payment, llntaa mo nuppllod by MM lando/a and ero pfeaonlod without fjucrontso. tlatoo and tarau or« nubjoct to chanQO. lonti&u Intcfoatod A subscription to your newspaper Ilarrlftm • Tureckwure - inira Motlcin Cowlo. PROPERTIES keeps your college student close to Worrell Ncorapupoiro In dropbyinfj Irrfofmation should contact Cooper0.tiv0 Mortoarja Information <.<]? (201) 702 0313.Fo« mora*rowc/u should Urge living Kwini. 1 Dnlroouu'i. Walk In ^lbailflotl Advertising Ocpt. cali tha londoJB.Contact larul«/a for information iMI othor moftoafjo product* >nd Bwvlcoa.Cooporativo UorlfpaQo InfVnulilHI U33 •mea Nowl niueU. 1 Until. Ttllf won'l Uil. S'W.QOO. LISTED WITH HER. hometown activities. Call P.O. Box 108. iwi liability for typographical orrur* ot oinlaaion* llatod katod WMd auppliod by UM londeja on 1/3O 12/2, NJt' 1\Ji>« Pvovldad W8-6H6-775H for n special college Mnplowood, N.J. 07040 -by Imtitutioo. Cop/fight, 1004 CitopofolK 'aMoi Qspo 1 Ion • An iiluiu. IIM "WHEN IT'S TIME TO BUY/SELL..SPEAK TO SABRINA!" rate.

I ' Hie,— THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED The real scoop Cold weather car checks Droptop Firebird UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — B17 Record-breaking winter tempera- sometimes the pipes that go wilh it can rental insurance tures can leave you wilh enough car be prevented by regularly inspecting The Buick Roadmaster and Estate wagon There you are baggage in hand, vis- repairs to break your bank account. the undercarriage. If you survive a pot- That's why it's no time lo let simple, hole, let an expert do an.alignment ions of a great vacation dancing preventive car maintenance procedures check lo assess any damage 'that may through your head. And then, the per- fly souih with the birds. Consider these have occurred to shock absorbers, many luxurious imprpvemdnts for '95 son behind the rental car counter starts tips for a smooth ride this winter: struts and other suspension parts. The Buick Roadmaster sedan and asking questions like, "Do you want Shocks and Struts — Alternate Tires — When outside temperatures Estalo Wagon receive anubmcr of the collision damage'waiver, CDW?" freezing and lhawing can produce haz- begin to drop, tires should be checked improvements for 1995. The Road- ardous driving conditions — such as at least once a month, since cold Y&U DESERVE! If you're like most people, even if you master wagon is now offered in the potholes. Even trie mosl precise drivers weather reduces your tire's inflation know what a CDW is, you probably can burely escape a whole winter with- pressure. Driving underinflaled tires more luxurious Limited trim level. haven't given it much thought. out a single damaged tire or broken causes tire tread to wear faster and Roadmaster Limiteds, both sedans .. .and get the vehicle Most travelers don'l, until they pick spring, but sometimes the jolt from the unevenly, and it can reduce ride per- and wagons, have comfortable new up their rental car at the busy airport one you couldn't dodge can be very formance, affect vehicle handling,,and front .and rear scats. you want! i expensive. The loss of a muffler and decrease your vehicle's fuel efficiency. — not the ideal place or time to make Other improvements on Roadmas- important financial decisions, warns The 1995 Pontiac Firebird convertible Is sure to set sales records this year with Its ter include a farnily, of user-friendly NO KIDDING... NO GIMMICKS,. NO BULL Raymond Jajko of the Independent sleek looks, chrome wheels and powerful engine. ' radios, largpr fold-away exterior mir- Insurance Agents of Union County. ror and on Estate Wagon, a standard (IIAUC). "vista" shade for the vista window in MuBti Chevi-olei/Geo introduces its: The controversial waivers have «!K^ I'K^if the roof and security cover for the car- caused widespread confusion for con- go area. sumers around ihc country. A colli- Roadmaster retains the full-frame, CREDIT-BUILDER . sion damage waiver is not insurance, rear-whecl-drive design preferred by it is an agreement you make with the many traditional , buyers. With its rental car company that protects you 260-horscpowcr V-8 engine and elec- from paying for collision damages tronically controlled four-speed auto- Roadmaster sedans and Estate Wagons continue to offer the powerful, LT1 V-8 as stan- incurred while the car is in your pos- matic transmission, it provides brisk dard equipment. This 5.7-llter engine, equipped with sequential fuel injection, is rated at If you are currently employed, — REGARDLESS of bankruptcy, session. By paying an additional fee, performance and excellent fuel eco- 260 horsepower and 330 Ib.-ft. of torque, providing responsive performance and repossession, charge-offs, judgments, or just bad credit — 5,000-pound trailer-towing capabilities. the CDW releases you from financial RIGHT PRICE ! RIGHT HERE ! MIGHT NOW ! nomy. Wilh the optional trailer- have we got a once-in-a-lifetime deal for youl responsibility if you damage the rent-' towing package, Roadmaslcr sedan al car. provided yon comply with the and Estate Wagon offer a Multi Chevrolet/Geo is authorized to give IMMEDIATE CREDIT terms of the contract. 5,000-pound trailer-towing capacity. APPROVALS so you can drive home.the vehicle of your Restrictions vary considerably. 89 HONDA ACCORD 1986 Chevrolet Monte Carlo A third, rear-fneing scat continues 2 Door 4 Cyl, Auto Trans, A/C, P/Mlrrore, AM/FI 2 Dr., Blue Ext., Blue Cloth Int., Autp Trans., A/C,! Rxclusions that invalidate the waivers P/8. P/Wlndowa, P/Trunk Ret, Stmo, P/B, Crulw, E P.W., P. Or. L.. AM/FM 8*., Ca»D., W.W. Cov., W.. as.standard equipment on all Road- range from driving on unpnved roads, Caswtle, Till, P/Lockt, Rear Dal, Financing Avail Tires, Bod. Slrlpea, R. Defog., Rear Mir. VIN Hundreds of new and used cars and trucks are now available nWo, Warranty Available. 63,700 mllei Stock Nc •J2270533 STK "0031. Mileage 7O.BO3. master Estate wagons, bringing maxi- drinking, or driving in a careless man- T2087. $ mum passenger capacity to eight. for immediate delivery. • . ' ner. Although rental companies can Roadmastcr Limited Estnte Wagon 3,595 Just fill out the form below and fax or mail it to: he forced to disclose fees, they arc not 198S DODGE 600 The Roadmaster Estate wagon, pre- 2 Dr. 4 Cyl,. Aulo, A/C. PS, PB, Good •93 GEO PRIZM subject to regulation by a stale insur- viously offered only in well-equipped Multi Chevrolet/Geo, 2675 Route 22 West, Union, NJ. 07083 Condition, 117,000 Mllos, VIN W2G09374 LSI Pko, » Cyl. Aulo Torn, Air Cond. AMT-M, 1986 Chevrolet Celebrity ance commissioner, therefore, CDWs P/9, Steroo, P/B, CnsoQtto, Tilt, FVD«f, Warranty standard trim, is also available with FAX: (908) 686-1573 . . S Available, Financing Available. 31,000 mlai 4 Dr., Beige, Ext. Tan In!., Auto Trans. 4 Cyl, A/C, are not technically considered p:w., P. Dr. L, AM/FM St. Can, W.W. Tires, R. I,395 Slook «P3OG0 th,o more luxurious Limited package insurance. Oetog, Rear Mir. VIN «Qt24O1bO STK 00607 What have you got to lose? Except bad credit... FOREVER. 19B8 CHEVY CAPRICE CLASSIC Mileage &3.4G4. ' for 1995, You should be aware of your 8-cyl, auto, ps, air, p-lcks, p-wln. crulso.lllt, The Limited package includes options and the risks involved before r/dol, nm/lm storoo, Londodl Lt. •filuo, '91 HONDA PRELUDE automatic climate control, automatic (Crodit Bulldor Form W) you sign on the dolled line. If you 61,772 mllos, VIN JR155G59 61 Pkj, 4 Cyl, Auto Tran«, P/Mlrrors, P/Antenna : 6 AM/FM, P/S, P/Wlndows. P/Trunk Rel., Sloroo, programmable door locks, automatic don't, .you could he (lining wilh 6,495' P/fl, Cruise, Cassette, Tilt, P/locks, Hoar Del power antenna, remote keyless entry, LnsTNrirno" " : First Naino ' MlddirTlnitla! Warranty Available, Financing Available. 3G.Q0C 1985 Chrysler 5th Avenue financial disaster or, more frustrating, miles. Slock No. T30O2. 4 Dr, Lt. Brown Ext. Lt Drown Iril., Auto Trine, 8 six-way power scatsd for the driver ' paying for something you already Cyl, A/C, P.W., P. Dr. L., P. Trk, P. Seel, Reoi., AM/ and passenger and oilier luxury Present Address "City Zip have. 19B9 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS FM 61,, W.W. Cov.. W.W, Tlree, Bod. Strloes, H. QS 8-Cyl, Ono Ownor, 57,000 original Doloo. Rear Mir. VIN •FXG0S3SS STK (BOOS features. 7 Mileage 56,136. • ".•. • • , • scats with a driver's scat memory are and security coyer for the rear cargo Roadmastcr's V-8, which under- I .ach case is different, but a quick mllos, Inndau R6o(, AM/FM Ca3s, Cruiso, '92 MITSUBISHI 3OOOGT As Before, standard equipment on also available on Roadmaster area are now standard on Roadmastcr went extensive upgrades for 1994, Longtli of Timo on Job review of a few basic facts before you Tilt, PS, PB, Powor Locks, Mlrrora, Cloltl SL Pkg, 0 Cyl, G Spd, Auto Tram., P/Mlrronj, AM/ Employer all Roadmnstcr sedan and Estate Limited. Estate wagons, for improved conveni- continues to provide excellent' fuel rent a car can save you time, money Interior, Trunk Rokmso. Mint Cond. VIN FM, Man. Trans, P/S, P/B, P/SeaU, Cruise, Cat- JKX710030. oollo, Tit, P/Locka, Rear Del, Wnrrankr Available, Wagons is extensive, including is V-K Rondmaster Refinements ence and security. Also standard for economy. Projected EPA fuel ceo-"' anil a giant headache lalcr. Financing Available, 34,000 miles. Stock. No, BtlGlnonr. Phono $ T2862 . . engine, anti-lock brakes, dual air Roadmastcr sedan and Estate 1995 is delayed entry illuminaiino, nomy numbers are 17 miles per gal- Your first step should be lo contact 7,995 bags, air conditioning, power win- Wagons benefit from a number of which helps the driver and passenger lon, city; and 25 mpg, highway. your insurance agent to find out your 1989 Plymouth Vista Colt '92 CHEVY BLAZER dows and automatic door locks. additional refinements for».1995. get .situated after entering the car at Roadmastcr's standard four-speed Signature Social Socurlly Numbor options/risks, and what your policy 1990 CHEVY LUMINA Mini Van . S10 Pkg. 0 CVI,, Auto Trons, Al< Cond., Tint Glnn, Improved Seating Ono Ownor. Londod 40,000 mllos. VIN j 3 Dr., Blue Ext. Blue Cloth Int., Auto Tram., 4 Cyl., Roadmastcr features Buick's new night. automatic transmission uses ;i new docs and does not cover. «1104220. • • AM/FM, P/S, P/Wlndow., P/Trunk Rel, Stereo, P/fi, p/Oeats, Cruise, Cassette, Tilt, P/lookn, Rear A/C, Reel. AM/FM SI., Cass., CD, R. Doiog. VIN AH Roadmaster Limited mmlcls family of radios. These radiso fcalurc Dexron III fluid for W)5. This is You may already have sufficient 'KZ051321. STK (0021) Mileage 47,000. Rondmaster sedans also have a new $ Del, Warranty Available, Financing Available. have new scats. Designed by Buick's a rotary volume control, a large digital designed to provide smoother, more Now One Of Tri-state's Largest-Volume Discount Chevy/Geo Dealers! 8,I00 SO.&00 Miles. Glook «T3O7O. . . coverage* for rentals under' your own $ Scat Comfort Tcain using n systema- display, and 12 FM and 6 AM prc-scls side molding.' consistent shift under a variety of con- auto insurance policy. Experts esti- 5,495 tic program of test drives and sophisti- wilh a convenient push-to-sct feature. , Practical Power ditions and a 100,000-milc fluid and • mate that 60-80 percent of car owners •92 JEEP CHEROKEE LTD Pkg. 0 Cyl., Auto Trans, Air Cond, P/Mlrrore, cated computers, these seiHs hold the Both cassette and CD versions arc Roadmaster .sedans and Estate filler change interval during normal have coverage that applies to any AM/FM, pys. P/Wlndowe, P/Trunk Rel, Sleroo, occupant comfortably in place, yet available, us is a model thai plays both Wagons continue lo offer ihc power- operation. , , P/0, P/S, Cruise, Cassette, TIB, P/Locka, Rear rented or non-owned car — subject to 1987 Mercury Topaz formats. Del, , Warranty AvaUable, Financing Available. I 4 Dr., While Ext.. Beige Int., Aulo trans.. 4 Cyl, distribute body weight so evenly that ful, LT1 V-'S as standard equipment. An optional trailer-towing package the same exclusions and deductible^ Stock No, T2W», 40,000 miles. A/0, Rool. AM/FM St. Case.. Bod. Glrlpee, R there arc no uncomfortable pressure Larger outside rear-view mirrors This 5.7-litcr engine, equipped with is available for both the Roadmastcr that' apply to the car you own. ' 1989 BUICK' Oefog., Roar Mir. VIN «HB02066O BTK »P764 2675 ROUTE 22 W UNION 908-686-2800 bllleage 20.032, points. improve visibility in traffic, and make sequential fuel injection, is rated nt sedan and Estate Wagon. Ii includes v Often, daily rates advertised do not PARK AVENUE •93 JEEP Ono ownor. Sunrool. Lohdad.0 73,000 A new electro-mechanical lumbar negotiating parking lots easier. The 260 horsepower and 330 Ib.-ft, of hcavy-duly cooling, heavy-duty sus- include the price of the CDWs, and mllos. VIN »J1GO44BG. GRAND CHEROKEE La/odo Pkg. 8 Cyl., Auto Trans, Air Cond, P; »5,995 support for the front scuts provides mirrors urc hinged, so they fold for- torque, providing responsive perfor- pension wilh self-leveling may even double the daily rental car. 9 Mirrors. P/Antanna, Tint Qlasa, AWFM, P/S. P/ even more support than the previous ward toward the body under pressure, mance and 5,000-pound trailor- P235/7OR15 tires and a 2.93 rear-axle Membership to certain associations 8,395 Windows, P/Trunk Rol. Sloieo, P/B, P/Seats, Sunroof, Cassette, Tin, P/Looks, Rear Oef, War- pneumatic design. Dual heated front A vista window shade in the roof towing capabilities. ratio.' or automobile clubs may already pro- ranty Available, Financing Available. Stock No. 1990 Bulck Skylark R3OI0, 22,000 miles. vide automatic collision coverage as a 4 WEEKS - $35.00 SPECIAL 4 Or, Blue Ext., Bluo Cloth. Int., Aulo Trans., 4 Cyl., MC, Rod,, AM/FM St., Till membership benefit. Using a specific 1992 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE Send us a picture (sorry we can't return them), G-cyl, aulo, ps, pb, nlr, p-lcks, p-wln, cmbo, WhI., WW Tiros, R. Deloo-, Roar Mir. VIN credit card like American Express, or tilt, r-dot, consolo, buckets, anVlm. sloroo '94 JEEP «LM02(M74 STK #B759 Mlloaoo 75,376. the gold editions of Visa or Master- a completed ad form and check, money order, tapo, alum, whls., Loadodl Only 20,010 GRAND CHEROKEE card to charge the rental car will also mllos. VIN NC200024 Laredo Pkg. 6 Cyl. Auto Trans, Air Cond, PI or charge-it on Visa or Master Card. ' Mirrors, Tint Glass, AM/FM, P/S, P/Wlndows, !•/ give you that coverage. TrunkJM Stereo, P/D, P/Seats, Cruise, Cassette, (Private party advertisers only) °9,995 T»l.. P/Locka. Rear Dal, Warranty Available. However, in some cases, you may Financing Available. Miles 7^600, Slock IT3O73, WORRALL CLASSIFIEDS 1990 Honda CRX be safer opting for the waiver. For 5 TO CHOOSE FROM 2 Dr., Ulack Int., 6 Speed 4 Cyl, A/C, Heel., AM/FM example, if your aiito insurance policy P.O. BOX 158 '93 BUICK'CENTURY St., Cass, Tilt WhI., Alum. Whto, H. Dnlog, Rear 4 Dr, Aulo, A/C, PS, PB, Drlvora Altbag. Wr., R, Wlp. Sunrool. VIN SLSOO622O 8TK does not provide coverage for you '93 JEEP •D7<4. Mlloege 66,110. Maplewood, New Jersey 07040 Tilt, Cruiso, AM/FM, 27,468 ml. VIN .driving a car you don'l own, or if your UPS005202. GRAND CHEROKEE policy record is blemished — one $ LTD Pkfl. 6 Cyl. Auto Trant, Air Cond, P/Mlirora, P/Antonno, Tint Olon, AM/FM, P/S, P/Wlndowi, more ticket or accident and your poli- ll,800 P/Trunk Ral, S!or«o, P/B, PJSttAt, Cruba, CaiMt- cy may be cancelled. DREAM MACHINE COUPON: 20 .Words or Less (no abbreviations) 10, TIN, P/lockB, Roar Oef. Warranty Aval In bio. 1991 BUICK Flnmrtclnrj Available. Mllen 36,000, Glook KP3010, 1990 Nissan 300ZX , Another point to keep in mind is if PARK AVENUE 2 Dr., While Ext., Dlack Lealh. Int., 6 Spd 6 Cyl the car is damaged, most rental agen- VVhllo w/bluo Loalhor Interior. 4 Dr., 6 Cyl, A/C, P.W., P. Dr. L, P. Anl., P. Soal.. Reel, AM/FM Loadod. •15,176 mlloa. VIN UM1G74073. SI., Cans., Cruise, Lealh. Int. Alum., R. Delog cies will add on loss-of use fees and Rear Mlrr., R. Wlp, Thell Del., Dose Muslo Sys- •93 HONDA ACCORD tem. -T- Tops. VIN «LX000021 BTK IB037 administrative charges whilo ihe car is IX Pkg. 4 Cyl, Auto Trana, Air Cond, P/Mlrroi Mllenge &0,t»3. being repaired. This means thai you AMffM, P/G, P/Wlndowi, PfX'Unk Rol. Sterao, P/D, P/6«alB, CruJwj, CMMIIO, TIN, P/Lockn, Re will be charged for the money the Del, WarrorHy Avolbble. Flnar«lng Avallablo. 1991 CADILLAC a 11,000, Block #P3037. , >14,995 _iLL company loses while the car is out of DEVILLE service. Even if your insurance policy All ads must be prepaid, no refunds, we reserve the right to edit 4 Dr Black. 8 Cyl, Londod 45,000 mllos. ., .vif. I > ii, (HI,tinn fAii.ri u.i ii4,M ui4 hi in l.>i j W | provides coverage for rentals, most do NAME. : . VIN #U624N73 l not include coverage for these fees. ADDRESS. ClIY—J USED CARS! Raymond Jajko urges "Everyone . ZIP. OfSUMMI PHONIC II. Ni connote hum)* dMucniaznrcnixtK 88 COUPE '91 740 WGN^ •should check with their agenr before _ between 9 am - 5 pin CJ14V CUflllMlrHi CHECK CASH. VOLVO -,4cyl-enq. iiutb . , -VISA- — MASTERCARD _ i in DE VILLE ; renting a Vehicle." Ask for James Rolna CADILLAC. Vacnij. -into liiii.s'iiwi 5lrnn \ CHARGE CARD «_ EXPIRATION inks LMIIIIS tcks, AIR slid-1; 7/Wi St. Gcoiflc An. Itahwny. NJ, li.ins put slimi imswinils 1 SIGNATURE or John Doran rnnl. 5/ 8>l9im, - - .:' Your business can grow will) more (908)388-0400 267 Broad St., Summit DEADLINE: 1O AM MOWDAY8 Prlco(e) Includo(e) nil cosh: lobo paid by a consum- IHU BT. 11 FAST SCOICIITUINS. NtWItUEVmn 6cyleng, auto trans, pwr/strng/- V6 eng, auto trans, pwr/strng/ABS, 4-Dr. V6 eng, auto trans, pwr/stmg/- V6 eng, auto trans, pwr/stmg/- $ customers. Reach (lie .potential or, oxcopt tor Deeming, registration and taxos. 908-277-6700 customers in your newspaper with 9O83SS-15OO ABS/winds/lcks/mirr/trunk, airbags, 16" alum whls, stereo brks/srs/ant, cruise, alum whis, mats, kyls brksAvinds/ant, 14" wfittewall tires, 899S 13995 an ad by calling 763-9411. airbag, cruise, AIR, cass, rr def. cass, cust int, ilium entry, entry, AIR, AM/FM cass, rr def.' AM/FM stereo, mats, visorvanity mirr, rr '90 LASER 91 REGAL VinRF231686MSRP$17,911 VinR4217242 MSRP$22,741 VinR1489584 MSRP$19,345 ' def. VinRS625107 MSRP$18,187. PLrMOllIII Jcyi IURI10 HIIICK I-Dr Hcyl cnt|. ish AM.TM cjss; 59 I.Wnii. VlllMIJMfl "7995 *999S '92TEMP0-GL 92 MAXIMA | Onu Ityl enl|, iiulo luns IIISSAN. 6cyt l!ill|. Jlllll ' lijns'.iivit/strng liiks Winils.l;!. ./ciiiise, AIR.'AM'FM stereo/ • cksi'ciuise. AlU'AMifHv, ciss.5lioilv.lits .|3,.l2Smt " 439h - •._• -.-:• -..VIritlKl34Bfl5' V6 eng, auto trans, pwr/strng/ABS/winds/lcks/mirr..... '92 TAURUS 88 RIVIERA airbag, mats, rmt entry, AIR, AM/FM: ^1 cass, rr -Ltn IIDI CEVLHUU •Jiiiitt.i__1 liiiiis. nwr/siriiti/tirks.': jvsl|i/liKs/|tMlsch w/eqlzr, rr def. VinS2212857 MSRP$19,018 ciuisii. till, AIII.AM:rM 1 t.iss n ilul. (ill..|?;'nii s, stimuul. ! OWMEIII SO.riliSmi ViiiJU'lll'IODV VillNA$t I' l 173 Vi" •• 7®9£ HUNDREDS Q[F CARS AT ^SIMILAR SAVINGS!! "SI8IVIHG FOR EXCEIUNCEB" prices include-ALL'npplica-. PONTIAS ble rebates & all costs'to'-! . be pnid by'cbi^sLimer. •>:••> except lor lie; foos, rpg ••Sft.'s

[908)354-6100 r-'~r..-. v.--v i?.wi

B18 — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1994 — UNION COUNTVWIDE CLASSIFIED AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE 1003 HONDA CIVIC. 4-door, 5-spood, DX, air, 1688 PONTIAC TRANS AM-GTA. Red. 5.7L. powor jockB, AM/FM caBBOtto, oxtros. 1 ownor. automatic, alarm, fully loadod. 49,000 orlglnul AUTOMOTIVE 15,000 mlloo. Noarly now. $10,500. mlloB, mint condition. $7500/ boBt offor Call 2O1-378-079O. OO8-208B887, ' c 1984 HONDA CIVIC, 4 Bpood, 61.500 mllos 1974 PONTIAC TRANS AM. 400 onglno, 4 Ford Thunderbird AUTO DEALERS (robuili onglno), now radiator, clutch. Good Bpood manual transmission, restored, now As it marks 40 years of production, tiros. Must soil. $1,000/ boBt olror. tiroo/ brakoo. $3200/ negotiable. Call Chot 201-763-0418. 906-277-0005. Thunderbird continues to provide the SMYTHE VOLVO EXCLUSIVE 1093 INFINITI J30, Blue, loaded, tolephono, 1087 PONTIAC TRANS AM-QTA. Automatic, kind of customer satisfaction that has compact disc, suporb sound, > sun/tilt roof, powor everything, lew m»0B. Excellent condi- made It the top-seller in its market VOLVO DEALER 32,000 mlloD, $24,200 or lako ovor loaso. tion. Must sacrifice- had bnbyl $4200/ bosl 32a Morris Avonuo Summit 201-228-4419. [ ' otler. 908-687-3168. segment (middle specialty cars) for six (908) 273-4200 1980JAQUAR XJO. Excellent oondltlon. Silver, 1900 TOYOTA CAMRY. 4 door, 5 spood, air, straight years. ' • AUTHORIZED now bluo Interior. $3490. Call 201-736-0771. crulso, AM/FM cassollo, 100K $28Oo' 201-761-8069. , Thunderbird comes in two models, FACTORY SERVICE 1978 MERCEDES 300D. Powor otoorlng/ LX and Super Coupe, with a choice of LONQ TERM LEASING brakes/ windows, air conditioning, sunroll, 1084 TOYOTA CELICA. 5 Bpood, oxcellont block hooter, AM/FM, 140,000 rnlloB. Well running condlllon, now brakes, AM/FM cas- V-6, supercharged V-6 or 4.6-liler V-8 malntalnod. $3,500. Call 201-B38-3436. ootto, 97,000 milos. Asking 1 g50 ' 201-701-7730. . ... engines. A new option for 1995 is an AUTO FOR SALE • 1078 MERCEDES BENZ 450SLC, ollvor/ tan ahd wood Imorlbr, alloy .whools, all oxtras. electronic AM/FM stereo radio with 1908 ACURA INTEGRA LS. 5 Gpood, two door 1987 TOYOTA MR2. Mint condlllon. Rod, Showroom condition. $10,000. 201-762-6340, 5-spood, sunrool, spollor, air, aluminum hatch, sunroof, olr conditioning, cruiBO control, loave mosoago. compact disc player and premium am/fm cassotto, Qood condition, $5500; whools, loathor Interior, 38K mllos. Ono ownor $4,600. 201-761-1222. -'^ sound. 000-233-1742. 1970 MERCEDES 250CE, plllarloBs coupe, unique Btlck shllt, luel Injoctod, oloctrlc sun- 1980 TOYOTA CELICA ST, rod coupo', 6 1008 ACURA LEGEND L Automatic, rod with roof, new tires, mint condition. Collector's car. black loalhor Interior, oun-rool, all power, spood, air-conditioning, cassollo, sunroof 62K, The 1995 and 1955 Ford Thunderbirds $3500. 201-762-5622. new oxhaust and banory. Own ownor. $5500 03,000 mlloo, good condition. $7500. 201-703-4282. Ford Contour 201-535-3113. 1090 MERCURY GRAND Marquis LS. Sho- wroom condition, 48,000 original mllos, loathor Contour is Ford's all-new fivc- SHOi cast aluminum wheels and wheels. Other new options include AUTO SPECIAL • $22.00 lor 10 wooks prepaid. 1993 TOYOTA CAMRY LE. 4 cylinder, automa- Interior, fully loadod. $10,500 or bost oiler. tic, 20,000 miles, forosl green, oold packono passengcr sedan. The product of the headlights with crystalline clear lenses. chrome wheels and a rear spoiler. Call Claaslliod lor dotalln. 000.564-8911. 201-564-9544. • $14,500. Call 201.2280886, Available as an option on the base 1970 BMW 733I. right hnnd drlvo, bluo, good best of Ford Motor Company's global For an additional sporty touch, a rcar- 1988 MERCURY SABLE QS. aulomailc V6, air YOUR AD could appear horo (or os Ulllo as condition, air, automatic, alarm, car phono. conditioning, am/fm casBotto, full powor, engineering and design capabilities, dccklid spoiler is available as an Probe are 15-inch aluminum wheels. $2500. 201-0730885. $14.00 por week. Call lor moro dotalls. Our 32.000 mllos, $4800. 908-064-0546. (rlondly claBslliod doparlmont would bo happy Contour provides exceptional ride, option. The interior is freshened i on both to holo vou. Call 1-600-564-8911. 1688 BUICK SKYLARK. 2 door, all powor, 1989 MERCURY SABLE LS, automatic, V-0, handling and performance. models; the redesigned door panels . 69,500 mllos. Asking $4000 or boat odor, Call air, AM/FM caBsotto, full powor, 68,000 miloB, All Taurus models have a quieter, 908-600-7784. __ Positioned between Ford Escort and smoother powertrain available for have integral assist grips for added Asking $6200. Call 201-386-0353. AUTO INSURANCE 1985 CADILLAC SEDAN DoVlllo, Loadod, wall convenience. 1987 MITSUBISHI STARION. Fully loadod, CAR INSURANCE/ Homo Insuranco/ Lllo and l-'ord Taurus, the mid-size Contour is 1995 due primarily to a new malntalnod, garaged, 103,000 miles. Asking leather Interior. Automatic. Extorior/ Interior- $2700 or boat oiler. Cell 908-245-4831. Hoallh/ Commordal. Aulo no wait coverogo. designed to attract singles, young electronically controlled automatic mint condition. 80,000 mllos. $2,000. Noods High risk drivoro. FrooquoloB. 201-076-3720 or englno work. 201-762-5668. couples and young families. transmission. 1900 CADILLAC ELDORADO Roadster. Rod 201-676-6619. Ford Mustang loalhor, 360 onglne, groat shape. Asking 1991 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE-GS. 22K, Contour has two technologically Solar Tint glass is standard in the $2800. 900-688-7426 or 609-690-7102. Since its introduction, the strikingly 5-spood, oir, sunroof, power ovorythlng, AM/ AUTO WANTED advanced multi-valve engines. One is windshield and rear window of Taurus 1974 CHEVY NOVA. 4-door, alrcondlllonlng, FM cassotto. Mint Condition. $8,300. Call redesigned Mustang has been a hot low mlloogo. $500 or bos! otlor. Call 201-994-0201. ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH the l25-lK>rscpowcr2.0-lilcr 16-valvc sedans and in the windshield of 900-687-5002. seller and is the overall sales leader 1006 NISSAN Z00SX. 5 spood, 4 cylinder, 73K, For All 4 Whool Drives .DOUC Ijnir-cylindcr Zctec engine. wagons. The new glass helps keep the 1907 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY wagon. Auto- oasy mllos, air conditioning, tape, reliable, among sporty cars. For 1995, the oxcollont condition. Asking $3,300. The Zelcc is standard on GL and LX interior cooler by screening up to 24 malic, olr, now tlrOB, runs good, $2200. Call Jim CARS, TRUCKS ond VANS Mustang's appearance, quality and or John 000-064-4601. 201-372-5003. scries. The other is the Duratcc engine, percent more of the sun's heat than 1 performance will continue generating 1906 CHEYY CAMARO. Excollont condition, 1989 NISSAN 240SX. 50,000 mlloB, 5-spood, FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS an all-aluminum low-maintenance conventional tinted glass. olrcondiiionino, powor steorlno. powor brakoB, excitement — and pleasing even more 48K, aulomailc, V-8, rod, T-top, now exhaust, 2.5-liter DOHC V-6 engine. The brakos, shocks. $3,500. 201-761-7272; even- AM/FM Cassotto. Excollonl condition, Must buyers. Ings, 908-608-6094. sell. 900-647-0065. 1-800-953-9328 Duralec, rated at 170 h.p., won't need Ford Probe Some Mustang buyers may want to 1085 CHEVY MONTE Carlo, noods work, V8 1085 NISSAN 300Z Turbo, stick shllt. T-lops, its first scheduled tune-up until its aulomalic, powor windows, bost aflor as Is. mint condition, new tiros, 88,000 milos. $5,000. 908-688-2044 Exterior refinements sharpen the order a Mustang Cobra, available in 201-762-5622. odometer hits 100,000 miles, thanks 900-302-8253. dashing design of the Probe, the best- either coupe or convertible. With AUTOS WANTED primarily to its platinum-lipped spark 1902 CORVETTE, 350 cross tiro Injootjon, 1992 NISSAN SENTRA XE. Rod, 2-dqpr, selling front-whccl-drivc sporty car. unique tir,es, wheels, suspension poarl whlto/ rod Carmlno trim, now Interior, riow ' autornallc, crulso, powor brakes/ stooring, AM/ plugs. The Duratcc V-6 is standard on flarlo. Powor options. Bool odor. FM cassotto, $7,800 or bosl olfor. Excollonl Both Probe and Probe GT have components and a V-8 engine that 000-607-6521. 1960-1970's Junks $20-$100 Paid , (he Contour SE. condition. 000-353-3752. BonuB Paid Pontlac, OldBmobllo Cars redesigned laillighls. The GT also produces 35 horsepower more than the 1005 DQOGE CA.RAVAN. 5 opood, cloan In Lalo Modol Disabled Cors, Trucks, Vans All Contours are equipped with a nnd out, storoo caSBOUo. $2500 or bosl oiler. 1005 NISSAN 200SX- rod, 4 cylinder, nutomti- 1085 & Up $100$1000 Paid offers a new rear-bumper facing and Mustang GT 5.0-liter V-8. Cobra lic, powor 3tooring/ brakos/ windows/ soats, air, standard MicronAir® Filtration Call 672-0740. 256-7021 new 16-inch five-spoke aluminum ckltvcrs pun. pirfoim tine crulso, AM/FM caosotlo, moonrool. 75K, System. The system adds to occupant 1900 DODGE SHADOW, Rod, powor mooring, $2250. 000-302-2769. All Aroaa Bob' 7 Days powar brakoB, air condition, sunroot, om/lm comfort by removing microscopic casEOtto, now onolno, 60,000 mllos $3 600 1906 OLDS CUTLASS Brougham, two door, $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ pollen and dust particles from outside 201-742-7230. . alloy whools, burgandy, fully loadod, sunrool, oxcollont condition, original ownor, $2600, bost For Your Junk Car air, as it enters the passenger '1992 DODGE SHADOW com/ortlblo. Rod/ olfor. 006-627-0961. black top, 6-spood, powor windows/ brakes/ 24 Hour Service. Call: compartment. This replaceable filter atoorlno, air, 40,000, runn great, $7300/ nogotj- 1087 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Ciorrn, 4 door, ablo. Boa 900-964-1176, loaded, vory clean, woll mulhtninod. Now tiroo/ • is a first for cars m this segment. mounted snows, rtolocnling. $2,000/ bosl olfor. 908-688-7420 1991 DODGE VAN. Whltn, olr-condilfon, auto- 00BfJ04<1515. ' matic, np'ood control, powor brakes/ sloaring, • TRUCKS FOR SALE . AWFM cassotlo. TV, VCR, bod, 24K. Aoklng 1084 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 'SUPREME, Ford Taurus $13,000,201-762-0305. 2-door, V-6, alrconditionod. Buroandy, Gnmno 1084 DODGE RAM pickup. 310, 0 cylindor, kopt. 54,005 original mllos. $2,000, nogotlnblol powor stooring,. automatic, 00,000 mllos. Now America's best-selling car further DREAM MACHINES • look lor our -Rosorvod 000-964-101V or 000-904-7430. slarlor, brnkos, baltory. Good Itros, Tool box • Porklnn* ad or call Clngalllild nt 000-564-0011, No rust. $2,000. 900-272-3370. broadens its appeal in 1995 with the 1905 PEUGEOr505 TURBO. 5 opood. All. addition ol a new model, the SE. 1003 FOnD LTD WAGON. Under $1,000. ' options.Doulormaintained.Vorygoodrunnlng, 1004 FORD ECONOLINE 350 XL, 460 onglno, 000-680-3505, loavo niossnrjo on muchlno. $1500 or bost ollor. Cnll 201-763-2603. 16' box, 1'/t Ion. modlcal Ironcport, 6500 Walt Conceived with younger buyers in gonoralor, $3,500/ bost ollor. 008-668-1130. 1979 FORD FAIRMOUNT, 2 door, 46,700 1006 PLYMOUTH CONQUEST TSI. Hod, mind, the new model has sport bucket orlfllnal mllOH, straight, nlr-condltionlnfl, ov- black lonthor, 5-spood, loadod, fast back, 1066 FORD ECONOLINE 5 window pickup. front seals derived from the Taurus The 1995 Ford Contour GL orylhlng powor oxcopt windows. Excollant run- wnrrpnlood robuill onrjlno/ turbo, air, 60k, H.D. oplion. 240 culn onolno, 9" roar poddod ning condition. $1050. 201-325-6407. $4,905 nogotlablo. 201-325-3540. dash. 05,000 mllos. Bosl ollor. 908-687-6521.


SAVE'5227 SAVE '4961 SAVE'1914 SAVE '2318 ON A NEW 1994 CHEVY ON A NEW 1994 CHEVY ON A NEW 1994 GEO ON A NEW 1994 CHEVY I CAVALIER RS GONV. UIMINA7PASS.MINIVAN PRBZBUTELS! S10 EOT. CAB LS PICKUP brksAvind lock*. b« mUoa., •port mlr- QW, tvlp. Ind: FWO. pwr, »tn<]/anl OkJ. •ouJp. f>d: 4 A., t .61 4 cyl., 5 ipd, lodt ink*., drW *Ub*g, Opl •qiin. Inc* mwi. trvw, pwf. b*t, tpL mlrrv., FWO, ONETIME ADVANCE LEASE PAYMENT rw», Wi cood, mate, Inl wtp*n, Vola.. Caitx, 4 dr., V*. aulo, bans., pw. slin^ADS biks. AIR. AWFMcass, p»t. udiocki, dual a> d. Ircol budiata. Opt. hd: ill Vfl, 3.BC, V-fl, tub IMM. WOO., Atn, pwf. dud *U baoa. Opt UJ. tntlm, ADO brVa, o * « »«fW d* Ud whdlodiMMrr*. toot nek, cniM, Uy- AM^M cm, r/d*l, Udi. AU\ pwf. bjgs, cuslwmM&loi 100/, ooklpkn. GMioitido alarm sys, chronw *hls, healed soals, lAUTUi bt wt 3 ion* UM «*y. (Mil, m, 7 pa*. *u«ni,' SHIE5III, VINI5U24I320, UiW,W0.SI2 loaso pymt. basedun Z4.monlh closed end loalo Ind. COO pfl, •quip. MUAQI t »K» NtMte., Gft *570odT, VINl)TTt33US. *ti\ H equalpymts d S439 phjslu. S2795 down Isl ppi plus (450 rel. see, dcp duo at MORP KtO57 loaso s>gninn Ind 12,000 mtes pel y, IWnullierGalloJ. Option lo purchase at ond ol too lor ri,S20,4S. Wai pymls SI0.S36. Advanco payment plan' baud on 24 rnonlli closed ond loaw arfjanco pvml plan, incl 1550 rel, soc depos* & $450 aqutsrton loo dua ol rceplon. Tolal pymls: SI2.480.. l2,000ntV. 15C/mi Ihoroarler. Lessoo rosp. lor eicoss woai A loar.

I ORSMART, LEASE IFOR 24 MONTHS SAVES2898 SAVE'2829 SAVE'4831 SAVE S9531 ON ANEW 1994 CHEVY ON A NEW 1994 GEO ON A NEW 1994 CHEVY ON A NEW 1994 CHEVY I CAPRICE CLASSIC 4 DR. TRACKER C0NV.4M CAPRICE ESTATE WAGON CORVETTE COUPE I Chi. «}Ul<>ind: 4 J VS. MJto Mm* •mIOO. p ,>,p, j DU, *qtip. Ind: UTt V0, miio. OO bana, pwr,, abnfrb**:. Ala \l$*, dual sir til*, Ma. I/MBI , Ul «oar«, doli bucket j pwr. Kmo'itfll '^^ bAa- drWai^aM. - bag*. 1$. ** kxk t>*>. Opt ind, o«M, Mftts. P2O1/7W119, ALO DJQ udaJa, 3 Uo». tola, tlteood., Ut.Opt.Ind, pwi,»Mlr pwi, wWvUochVlnnh o(i«na(%>o<1 mbta , Opt Ind. Auto trtrw., par, »tmfl , AUffM 9 whd1od\, CTUM. hUn ramola *Ud. mlira, jit WAS dkM V MM , Ain. Ind. (1000 Ud. A t&OO tnt 1 O/Ai aaal. woodoiiln mi, l/daf, Kil •«/•. •tn«buy*r ratMtka, Q« tMSIIQT, VAN * whJ. oovwa, w/w *(••, Ind 11000 *»o- truMoioo, usnfi. H4.7oi. y <+t>»>*. v* #3oitw, vnH ffnniQ.oro, ne; 134.510,

'01 PHOTEOE DX . '00 PRIZM LSI a '92 ASTRO t PASS, VAN '90 C1500 PICK UP 1 '00 DELTA 00 '00 ESTATE 0 PASS Mud*. 4 di,. 4 ana., Bj Ch«vy. 4SL V-0. aupo, .S20,905 toasopvml $7095 $8995 bas«d on 24 nonlh cbsod onilliaso Mh 24 ooual pyn

OR SMART ^; R ^|c e (s j' I h c IU d G(S) ! al j costs t d b erpa i d by' a con suVnpr,; b x c c p t lor He en s In g i! I b g I s trot I on: an d to xtoa^ LEASE FOR24• 'MONTHS luniuDuug I i\wtfi ES f uuxuirjnun»i»ii>uiii VERROAD.SUMf •AUIlEFnOUTIte L -• Itia iMAIIY SOURCES, Jil,'I0M WAIUULG...;•[