Sings and acts Resigned Nathalie Yafet performs Deer subcommittee, recommends Freeholder Kowalczyk in theater and sings in a hunt in the reservation with will step down from church choir. See B4. sharpshooters, Page B1. his post, 'Page B1. VOL66 N0.8-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1&94—5« SPRINGFIELD, N.J., Home of Eleanor Kupersteln TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS Committeeman, PBA head dispute salary figure By Jeffrey C. Turbltt Fenton said his salary is no source to address the problem. Staff Writer 'Those figures are ridiculous, and I think it for shame. ' "I've got a big morale problem and After voting against approval of a "We don' I make as much as some no one wants to talk to me about it. I A Christmas party polico contract last week, Committe- is totally irresponsible. He should have gone people and we make more lhan some can't go lo Herb Slotc and tell him The Mountainside/Springfield man Herb Sloto continued his attack to the chief.' other people. But the fact is, ihcse about a problem because Herb Slotc is Chapter of UNICO°NntionaI, the against what he sees as high salaries guys go out every day and put their a problem." largest Italian-American service in the Springfield Police Department — Mitch Fenton life on the line. There is nothing in my Outgoing Commilccman Marry organization, is having its annu- by sending the Springfield Leader a PBA President pay I'm ashamed of. Patrolling Route Pappas said Slotc's figures have long al Christmas party on Dec. 13 fax detailing police salaries and bene- 22 is no cakcwalk." been a source of. confusion to him. fits for 1993. at 7 p.m. at VAffaire on Route out. Sloto's figures include vacation, possible backlash of. police concern Fcnlon also said negotiations over a "He comes up wiih all kinds of fig- 22, Mountainside. In his extended chart, Slotc claims sick lime, etc. about Ihe figures, which he says arc new contract, which were completed ures and no one knows where he gels UNICO is looking for a few Springfield is paying an average of Springfield Policeman's Benevo- all publicly available data. and signed last week, left a bad taste ,lhcm from," Pappas said. Committccman Jeffrey Katz said good iner, of Italian heritage,, $83,317 for a typical officer, with lent Association President Mitch Fen* "It's public information. There in his mouth. ho could sec no point to Slolo's chart according to membership Chair- $102,410 being the high mark. Slotc's ton said Slote's figures arc reckless should be no problems," Slotc said. "They treated us with no respect. If without including a comparison to man Dom LaMorges. If the idea figure includes pension payments, and irresponsible from someone in his Slotc also expressed concern about I had unlimited funds I would have the salaries of officers in other towns of service to your community insurance and 10 percent on outside position. public awareness of police salaries • fought them in arbitration just over of similar size. and to continuo honoring your employment. • "llic guy is a joke. Mr. Slotc Is and benefits. heritage appeals to you, attend the principle of it. The town made When told of Fcnlon's anger with anti-cop. We havo guys with no sick In a letter to the newspaper being UNICO's Christmas party. out," he said. Sloto about the contract and the chart, Slote, who last week complained days. Those figures aro ridiculous, published today, Slotc said: "Our Women, wives, girlfriends and Slotc said, "I'm not going to get into a that sick days arc being abused by and I think it is totally irresponsible. wage'package is so attractive thai Fcnlon said morale on the police women friends of UNICO. will back and forth over what Mitch Fcn- polico, said officers have averaged Ho should have gone to the chief." morc'than half our force comes from force is sinking lo a new low, and he bo attending. says he has no one in power to turn lo lon thinks about it." 46.5 days out, with a high of 98 days Slotc said he gave no thought to the other towns." For dinner reservations, call LaMorges at 376-5851.' Learning by design Green nets grant Andrea Green of Springfield, chairperson of the English/Fino Arts/Mathematics Department 'at Union County College, received By Jay Hochbcrc a $1,500 grant from the Union Managing Editor County College Foundation. With eyes on the bottom lino und Green will use ihe funds for possible dcrcgionali/.alion, ihe a' project, "Living Issues: Two Springfield Board of Education dis- Lectures on Ideas and the cussed budgetary issues and ways lo Classroom." The funds arc pro- operate a community high school dur- vided to bring two outside ing its meeting Monday night. speakers to the college 'specifi- Summaries of the noncdiicational cally for faculty enhancement. financial nois of Springfield's £an you offer Twenty-one proposals had schools for fiscal year 1995-96 were suggestions to keep been submitted totaling $227,000 presented. The projected outlays for the budget stable? in the first set of grant awards tho next school year totaled more than YOUR VOICE SHOULD BE that aro planned to become an $3.1 million. That sum reflects spend- HEARDI CALL annual activity with the col- ing decreases of nearly $148,000 from lege's Development Office. this year's budget, despite the costs of According to Nadino Stem planned equipment replacements and Brcchner of Mctiichcn, oxecutive building modifications. Cotefs mus) leave none ond telephone director of development, as iho "It's commendable that so much foundation's assets grow, the control has been kept over the budget number for venficatlon. organization will be able to ' without sacrificing the quality of edu- award additional money in lar- cation," board member Robert Fish cussed their recent fact-finding tour of ger Brunts during future years. Children In Mrs. Greece's preschool class, from left, Joel Loeshelle, Benjamin said at the end of tho budget New Providence High School. Zwelman, and Corey Winter, at Walton School create designs using colorful cuisl- discussion. Voicing her impressions of that nare rods. Thcmosi substantial spending cuts, school's college preparatory courses, totaling 33 percent, arc found in the Shanes expressed her satisfaction Plans are under way outlays for facility upkeep, according with using New Providence as a role Plans for Jonathan Dayton to Jim Riehman, who presented the model. "They have a middle college Regional High School's annual figures to ihe board. program that lets students" matricu- Project Graduation arc well Paving and curbing at Walton late credits in English and psychology under way for the senior slu- School will continue, as will replace- at Fairlcigh Dickenson University. donls of tho communities of ment of Ihe ceiling. Installation of the The school also allows students to Springfield, Kcnilworlh, Moun- school's intercom system will bo come in for a 7 a.m. gym class in tainside, and Garwood, mergers completed next year when micro- order to .accumulate additional Project Graduation is an all- phones and speakers will be added lo academic study during the day, night, alcohol and drug free During the past two years, families whose children Board of Education, including Fricdland, Assistant Super- Walton's existing network of wires. Shanes said. Other flexible aspects of celebration the night of gradua- attend the Springfield public schools havo been hearing intendent of Schools Albert LuMorgcs, Business Admini- Caldwell School's heating system the district's scheduling enable slu- tion which has proved to be that the elementary schools will undergo a restructuring strator James Riehman and William Polera, head of Build- will be modernized, Riehman said. Its dents lo gain an exlra half year of successful and rewarding for our process. This is mainly duo to a substantial increase in ing and Grounds. two 50-yoar-old boilers arc expected study during ihcir otherwise standard teens, parents and community. enrollment that is a continuing trend. This restructuring Together, the committee is creating a strategic plun for to bo replaced pending an engineer's? four years of high school. Project Graduation will cost will result in a coining together of Springfield's kinder- iho 1995-96 opening. Objectives for diverse ureas includ- recommendation, wiih ihe costs to bo The board' has been visiting high $15,000 and the money is raised garten and prc-kindorgurlcn program at the Edwurd V. ing transportation, facilities usage, resource allocation, covered over five years, possibly with 'schools ranked by New Jersey Month- as a communilywidc function Wullon campus. staffing, philosophy and publicity arc being developed. the help of matching funds from a fed- ly magazine to be among Iho bust in through fund raisers, parents, The kindcrgurlen program is currently housed in James Aclion plans arc being generated and subcommittees arc eral government energy grant. academics, athletics and ej(ira- grants, businesses and touchers. Caldwoll and Thelma Sandmcicr schools while iho pre- actively engaged in tho process of implementing Ihe Future spending for architecture curricluur activities. They have been The major fund raiser is "A school is located at Edward V. Walton School. changes. and engineering consultants also are analyzing the schools' methods of Day with the NJ Nets" at the Superintendent of Schools Gary Fricdland has created a Tho committee has designed a publicity plan to keep expected to bo down from this year; operation and determining which, if Mcadowlands on Jan. 22, 1995, dislrictwidc Steering Committee for Reorganization to information flowing to ihe Springfield community.. As tho savings will be commensurate any, may be applied to a future, local at 2 p.m.
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