to get any idea of what D. Kaye is like, if you A GI drafts a civilian to visit gab about your glasses and a telephone con- the “Wonder Man” and dig versation that does not mention what the contestants say? Describe the guy. What some stories up juicy does his wife look like? How did he become a success? Give with some juicy stories. HAWAII Nothing less will satisfy my pal, Huck. And Dave: Via V-mail 1 hear from my it is not easy to make his mouth water, /acfc Dearever-loving wife, Madeline, that This Week is interested in a story on Danny Kaye. HOLLYWOOD On account of his new picture, “Wonder Dear Jack: Who are we writing this for. Man.” I would also be interested in such a This Week or one Corp. Huck Ginn? And story, but for different reasons. And my who pays? Lest you get too frantic, I’ll begin friend, Corp. Huck Ginn, being a Kaye fan, at the beginning, and when I’m through you would also be interested in such a story. can put it into English. I swore by a small beer I have a friend in Tell the readers that Danny Kaye is six Hollywood who is a friend of Danny Kaye’s. feet tall and very skinny. Describe yourself So, please go and see Danny and write me the — that’s close enough. His hair was red when

— results. All is fine here so far. Jack he was a kid, but time and worry have faded it to a pinkish brown. He has blue eyes, a HOLLYWOOD long, anemic-looking face and long, anemic- Dear Jack: Sunday morning I went out looking arms and legs. Danny is always to Beverly Hills to see Danny Kaye. When I jumping about as though he were nervous. got there, Danny was playing catch in the He is nervous. He’s always been nervous, back yard with his brother-in-law. Nothing he says. would do but that I should play, too. Danny His wife writes all his comedy material and, threw me a ball overhand and it slipped whenever Danny thinks anything she’s writ- through my fingers and broke my glasses. ten is hilariously funny, she tears it up. Right away, he was very sorry and clucked That’s no gag. I’ve seen it happen. over me and offered to pay for the glasses. He says he was bom in on Janu- I took him.up on that. With his five-year ary 18th, 1913. He says he made his first dra- contract with Goldwyn he can afford to matic appearance at P. S. 149 in the role of a now Mr. pay for what he breaks. watermelon seed. I quote from Kaye: Well, sonny, it was an eventful afternoon. “It was a minstrel show. The backdrop was Without my glasses I don’t see so well and painted like a slice of watermelon. We seeds so can’t guarantee that it was really Dinah stuck our heads through cut-outs. We were Shore who dropped in and was roped into told to cover our faces with burnt cork. I reviving a jitterbug number she and Danny forgot to cover my ears. That, plus my red did in “.” It sounded like her. hair, stopped the show." After she left, Danny had a long telephone Well, my friend, I’m tired. Haven’t heard conversation with Mary Livingston. I could- from Madeline yet and think this is enough n’t make much sense out of the conversation. work to do on pure speculation. Darid Then Danny decided to cook dinner for us. 1W0 JIMA He whipped up a spicy mess of spaghetti and chopped up a two-and-a-half-foot salami, Dear David: I’m no longer basking my which he poured over the top of it. And he skinny body on Waikiki Beach. I’m blasting made Sylvia, his wife, and me eat it. Japs out of caves. That makes it difficult to How about some idea of the kind of stuff write stories. Look alive, civilian. Send me you want? Incidentally, not that I doubt more on Kaye. And make it snappy! Jock your word, but I’m dropping Madeline a note to see if I’m wasting my time or not. Dar-e HOLLYWOOD Dear Jack: Don’t act so nasty. I can HAWAII lovely place quit on you any time. Money is not essen- Dear David: You should talk about wast- tial here. However, I’m kind of senti- — so I went to see ing your time. How do you expect the readers mental about morale

"Who is the world's greatest actor and how did I get that way?"

— shoot...... what's that a camera? Tom it off! All I surrender. Go ahead and Movie camera* frighten some actors. Not me Oooh, thing right,