8.30am - 10.50am Conference registration: refreshments served

Conference Opening Margy Osmond | Chief Executive Officer | Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF)

Message from the Chair Katie Lahey AM | Chairman | Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF)

Opening Address TOPIC: The importance of Australia’s relationship with Asia. How will Australia navigate an uncertain world in a time of economic transition?

Hon MP | Minister for Foreign Affairs

Keynote Address TOPIC: What is the Government’s tourism strategy now and beyond 2020?

Hon Steven Ciobo MP | Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment

Interview Session TOPIC: The role of tourism in the broader Australian economy: the Government’s perspective.

Moderator: Margy Osmond | Chief Executive Officer | TTF

Hon MP | Treasurer

Interview Session TOPIC: What is the ALP’s tourism strategy should it win the next election?

Moderator: Margy Osmond | Chief Executive Officer | TTF

Hon Anthony Albanese MP | Shadow Minister for Tourism; Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development

10.50am – 11.30am Morning Tea

11.30am -1.10pm Media Panel TOPIC: Political issues of the day

Moderator: Brian Tyson | Managing Partner | Newgate Australia

Malcolm Farr | National Political Editor | Kieran Gilbert | Chief Political Reporter | Sky News Mark Riley | Political Editor | Seven Network Keynote Address TOPIC: The role of tourism in the broader Australian economy: the ALP’s perspective.

Hon Chris Bowen MP | Shadow Treasurer

Keynote Address TOPIC: Welcoming our guests while protecting our borders – getting the balance right between customer service and security.

Moderator: Margy Osmond | Chief Executive Officer | TTF

Hon MP | Minister for Immigration & Border Protection

1.10pm – 2.10pm Summit Luncheon

2.10pm – 3.50pm Panel Discussion TOPIC: How do we ensure that Asia’s current love affair with travelling to Australia becomes a long-term marriage rather than just a one-night stand?

Moderator: Margy Osmond | Chief Executive Officer | TTF

Andrew Mulholland | Managing Director | Wendy Wu Tours Geoff Parmenter | Executive General Manager, Marketing & Corporate Affairs | The Star Entertainment Group Martin Winter | CEO | Gold Coast Tourism Kathy Zhang | General Manager Oceania | China Eastern Airlines

Panel Discussion TOPIC: Tourism policy in Australia – perspectives on achieving the sector’s full potential.

Moderator: Margy Osmond | Chief Executive Officer | TTF

Senator Pauline Hanson | One Nation Senator Jacqui Lambie | Jacqui Lambie Network Senator David Leyonhjelm | Liberal Democratic Party Keynote Address TOPIC: The infrastructure challenges of tourism growth.

Mike Mrdak AO | Secretary | Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

3.50pm – 4.10pm Afternoon Tea

4.10pm – 5.30pm Keynote Address TOPIC: Perspectives on Australia’s transport and infrastructure needs beyond 2020; what are our priorities?

Hon MP | Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Keynote Address TOPIC: Trends in Australia’s trade with China, how can we manage the boom in visitor numbers from the world’s biggest market?

Andrew Wu | Leading authority on Chinese consumers

Keynote Address Bob East | Chair | Tourism Australia

5.30pm Summit Close

5.30pm Friends of Tourism Cocktails with the Government and Opposition

7.00pm – 9.00pm Leadership Summit Cocktail Reception in partnership with The Star Entertainment Group