1 April 2011, No92 Board of Trustees Co-Chairs CrisisWatch: Christopher Patten summarises briefly developments during the previous month in some 70 situations of current or potential Thomas Pickering conflict, listed alphabetically by region, providing references and links to more detailed information sources (all references mentioned are hyperlinked in the electronic version of this bulletin); President and CEO assesses whether the overall situation in each case has, during the previous month, significantly deteriorated, Louise Arbour significantly improved, or on balance remained more or less unchanged; Executive Committee alerts readers to situations where, in the coming month, there is a particular risk of new or significantly esca- Morton Abramowitz lated conflict, or a particular conflict resolution opportunity (noting that in some instances there may in fact be Cheryl Carolus both); and Maria Livanos Cattaui summarises Crisis Group’s reports and briefing papers that have been published in the last month. Yoichi Funabashi Frank Giustra CrisisWatch is compiled by Crisis Group’s Brussels Research Unit, drawing on multiple sources including the Ghassan Salamé resources of our some 130 staff members across five continents, who already report on some 60 of the situations George Soros listed here. Comments and suggestions can be sent to
[email protected]. Pär Stenbäck Adnan Abu-Odeh To search past issues of CrisisWatch visit our databases and resources page at www.crisisgroup.org. Kenneth Adelman Kofi Annan Nahum Barnea