The Middle Colonies

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The Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies Ch. 3: Colonies Take Root (1587-1752) Secon 3 L e s s o 1.) Students will describe the geography & n climate of the Middle Colonies. O 2.) Students will describe the early history of b New York and New Jersey. 3.) Students will explain how Pennsylvania j and Delaware were founded. e 4.) Students will explain how the Middle Colonies changed in the 1600’s and early c 1700’s. < v e s P r e v i e w Q u 1.) What was the climate and GeoGraphy of e the Middle Colonies? s 2.) Why were Pennsylvania and Delaware ? t founded? i 3.) What were chanGes that took place in the o Middle Colonies in the 1600’s and early n 1700’s? s O ut lin e I. Review of The New EnGland Colonies II. The Middle Colonies A. GeoGraphy of the Middle Colonies B. New York and New Jersey 1. New Netherland becomes New York 2. New Jersey C. Pennsylvania and Delaware 1. Penn’s Holy Experiment 2. Delaware: A Separate Colony D. Growth and ChanGe 1. The Backcountry 2. Diverse & Thriving Colonies Bac kgr oun d Rev While the New EnGland colonies were iew GrowinG, important developments were takinG place in the reGion south of New EnGland. We will now learn about the middle colonies. M a p o f E n G li s h C o l o n i e s M a p o f E n G li s h C o l o n i e s GeoGraphy of The Middle Colonies- Title G e o G r a p h y o f t h e M i •Made up of 4 states: New York, Pennsylvania, New d Jersey and Delaware d •New York, now the larGest state has part of the state that extends into ocean for 100 miles. l •Pennsylvania – southeastern part of Pennsylvania is e lowland. •New Jersey – mostly lowland alonG the Atlan<c C coast. Delaware also on coast directly below it. o l o n i e s C l i m a t e o f t h e M i d •Farmers in the Middle Colonies had a much easier d <me that those in the New EnGland Colonies. l •The climate here was warmer with a lonGer GrowinG season. e •Fer<le soil was well suited for crops like wheat, fruits, and veGetables. C o l o n i e s Current Map of New EnGland Che ckp oin t – Far min What condiGons in the Middle Colonies favored g farming? Con (A) They had lonG winters di (B) They had more fer<le soil ons (C ) They had a lonGer plan<nG season (D) A & C (E) B & C New York & New Jersey - Title Ne w Yo rk & Ne w •New York beGan as the Dutch colony of New Jer Netherland. It was an economic success by as early as se 1660. •Farmers in the Hudson River Valley were successful. y •Fur trade was boominG between the Dutch and the Nave Americans. •The Dutch also made money tradinG with merchants in the Bri<sh Colonies; even thouGh this violated Britain’s mercan<le laws and anGered the Government. Ne w Yo rk & Ne w •New Netherland ’s problem was that it had a small Jer Dutch populaon; compared to those of Swedish, se French, and PortuGuese. There were even some EnGlish sedlers who had landed on LonG Island. y •All of these people resented Dutch rule. New Netherland Becomes New York •In 1664, KinG Charles II of EnGland Granted the riGhts to all of the Dutch lands in North America to his brother James. James sent a few warships to conquer the territory and the Dutch surrendered immediately. •The colony was then renamed New York, aer James, the Duke of York. •New Amsterdam, it ’s capital, became New York City. •By the end of the 1600 ’s, it was s<ll a village on the end of Manhaan, GrowinG very slowly. •Became a royal colony in 1685. New Jersey •New Jersey was established in 1665, when part of southern New York was split off to form a new colony. •At first, like many other EnGlish colonies, it was a proprietary colony (created by a Grant of land from a monarch to an individual or family). •1702 – New Jersey received a new charter as a royal colony (controlled directly by the EnGlish kinG). Che ckp oin t – Roy al What is the difference in a royal colony and a Col proprietary colony? oni (A) A royal colony is controlled by the kinG; a proprietary colony is controlled by the queen es (B) A royal colony is controlled by the kinG; a proprietary colony is a Grant to an individual family from a monarch (C ) A royal colony has it’s own kinG or queen; a proprietary colony does not. (D) None of the above. Pennsylvania & Delaware– Title Pennsylvania & Delaware - Quakers •In the 1640 ’s and 1650’s the Quakers were one of a number of new reliGious Groups in EnGland, their ideas set them apart from most, includinG Puritans. •The Quaker ’s believed that all people had a direct link with God. •They also believed that all people were equal in God’s eyes. •They were amonG the first in EnGland to speak out against slavery. •Women were considered the equals of men and were ogen leaders in mee<nGs. Pennsylvania & Delaware – William Penn •By the 1660 ’s there were thousands of Quakers in EnGland. •Many refused to pay taxes that supported the Church of EnGland. •William Penn was one of their most noted leaders. •He wanted to find a place for the Quakers to live where they would be free from persecu<on. •KnowinG KinG Charles II personally, he was Granted a charter for a new colony in North America. •Received PENNsylvania in 1681; almost as larGe as EnGland. William Penn Penn’s Holy Experiment •Penn arrived in the colony in 1682. •He printed pamphlets in many lanGuages and distributed them in North America and Europe to encourage people to come and sedle. •He considered this to be a “holy experiment”; where people from different reliGious backGrounds could come and live peacefully. •In 1682 Penn also wrote his Frame of Government. •This Granted the colonists freedom of reliGion and called for an elected assembly. Penn’s Holy Experiment •Another part of this experiment was tryinG to deal fairly with the Nave Americans. •He would not allow colonists to sedle on land un<l Nave Americans sold it to them. •AlthouGh these relaons weren ’t perfect, they were far beder durinG Penn’s life<me than those in the other colonies. Penn & Nave Americans Delaware: A Separate Colony •People from Sweden were the first European sedlers in Delaware. •Dutch took control of the colony, but lost it to the EnGlish when they lost New York. •AlthouGh the charter Given to William Penn included Delaware, he Gave the area its own representave assembly. •Delaware didn ’t want to send deleGates to Philadelphia for assembly. •In 1704, it became a separate colony. Che ckp oin t – Hol y Why did William Penn refer to Pennsylvania as a Exp “holy experiment?” eri (A)Because he wanted people to be able to prac<ce reliGion free from persecu<on. me (B)Because he was tryinG out a new form of Government; nt (C)Because he was GoinG to chanGe his reliGion (D)None of the Above Growth & ChanGe – Title Growth & ChanGe – Local FarminG •By the 1700 ’s more than 20,000 colonists lived in Pennsylvania. •FarminG boomed thanks to hard work & fer<le soil. •Wheat was the top cash crop – sold all over New EnGland and abroad. •Pennsylvania was referred to as “America’s bread basket” because of all of the wheat sold Growth & ChanGe – ManufacturinG •ManufacturinG was just beGinninG durinG the 1700 ’s; larGest ones produced iron, flour, and paper. •Ar<sans worked as shoemakers, carpenters, masons, and weavers. •AmonG the most important were “coopers”, those who made barrels to store food to be shipped. The Backcountry •This was a fron<er reGion extendinG throuGh several colonies, from Pennsylvania to GeorGia. •Many who sedled here were not EnGlish. •By the 1700 ’s many immiGrants were pushinG south to GeorGia. Because they ogen traveled in covered wagons, this was called the “Great Wagon Road” •These travelers ogen fouGht with Nave Americans. Diverse & Thriving Colonies •By 1750, the non-EnGlish immiGrants had made the Middle Colonies the most diverse part of the EnGlish North America. •New York and Philadelphia were GaininG people so fast that they became the larGest ci<es and busiest ports in the colonies. •All of the colonies had thrivinG economies. Che ckp oin t – Bre Why was Pennsylvania referred to as the Bread ad Basket of North America? Bas (A) People there made baskets ket (B) The farmers Grew a larGe amount of wheat (C ) The colonists loved bread (D) None of the above O ut lin e - R I. The Middle Colonies ev A. GeoGraphy of the Middle Colonies ie B. New York and New Jersey 1. New Netherland becomes New York w 2. New Jersey C. Pennsylvania and Delaware 1. Penn’s Holy Experiment 2. Delaware: A Separate Colony D. Growth and ChanGe 1. The Backcountry 2. Diverse & Thriving Colonies .
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