C, rirl", to Mic rofit rtr eti Ilecctrds

of tlrc Genttnn NoL,!/,tB5o-t945, No. j

Records of the Gerrnan Nawal Fligh Cornrnand T935-a945

NA1r.r\^r ARcHr\.fc AND Rr(.oRDiAr)N||\r5,(r I rii\ ltuides to MicroftImed Records of the German Nauy, t85o-t945, No.3

Records of the Gerrnan Naval High Cornrnand L935-49+5


NATToNAT ARcI{lTs AND REcoRDs ADMrNrsrRATroN WAsrtrNGToN, DC 1999 LrBR^Ryor CoNcRlss Car^Loctr\.c-n\r-PuBlrc^TroN D^ra

Re.ordsof the C'{''l6 Naval Hith Co't1'tEd/ompiled by Inothy P Mu.lliSrn- p. @. - (Gude. to the miaoflmed Eoid! of lhe Gerun Naly, 1850-1945:no, 3) "Ihn 6uide identifieslh€ principal recordrof the Gemm N.v!l Hith Com' nand for dd the inletra! penod rcproducedd E{7 of th€ culr€nt tot l of 4,263rclb of the Nationdl ArchivedMi@6lm Publlcldd T1022,Reold! of lhe Ge,M Naq, 1850-1945,re$ived ftom lhe United S!.t€6Naval tfutiort Dvtton."-lntod. EBN 1{a087+t7-9 1 Ci|1r6t Kri€Fruine. Ob€rkdtl6deAd{v+Mi@iom ctt lotr. 2. G.mmy. KEit'narire. Ob€rkornD.ndcHillory-2oth @tu.y-Sour

The paper us.d in thj! plblicrtion met3 thc minihd r!qoi'6at! of the Aroicm Naiional Stand.rd for Pmahm.e of PaFr to. Printed Mrr.ri^b 239.8.19a4,

CovnR AdoU Hider Evlews th. Gemd slrfae ll..t from the decl of . vesel t242-HB.v9n-n. vtl Glors6ryof S€le€tedTem|s and Abbr€viations viti WanimeOrgani2adon of Des.ltbed Components,Geman N6vrl HiSh Cornntand (Ob€*ommando der Kri€gsmarlne)

ir Captur€dCerman and Relat€dRecords in Mtcroforn tn the National Archiv€s

Publirhd Guid6 to Csman R€cord!Microfilmed at Alexandria,VA

Sugg$doru for Cltlng Nationrl Arhives Mlcrofilm of Captur€dCelman and R€hd R€.ordj

In3tructiorufor Orderjng Microlilrn

Guide Entri$: Oberbefehlshabe!der kleFmarine

Di€ S€eklieFleituns €KL) KrieSstatebudr(KIB) Der I/SKL I /SKLrUnterlagen de! Refente 2/SKLB.d.U. Op runteE€eboobfiihrun$atteilung) a3 Marin€rEchlicht€ndieBr(MND)

15 Marin€rtt ch68

16 KrieFwiss€ru€haftlicheAbtieilung

Spanilh Gvil Wai 6l€5

24 Appetdtxr List of ?1022Rolb Cit€d in FindinSAid ed usually accompanied by an Erylishlflglag€ commorary Kriegss.hifibau. Extant reco.ds of rhee Naval HiSh Comtnand lncluded in this finding aid are notatiotr fo! recorct itetr orStuizations are held at the SundeEa(hiv-Abt. Mli6rarchiv l own to have b€€n assigned "PG" numbe6, but which were Freiburg/8r., Cermany not hicrofiLned; record iiem scheduled for midofilmin& ad M@fiLned operationnl ftords of Cenan U-boats in both pertinent additional collections. world wars ar€ d€cribed ir the Natio..l Archiv6' G!'ider lo lrz This finding aid deives from th€ p.elinimry archival ilork Micnflrcd Reods ol ttu Geinan Na'y, 1850-1945:No. 1, U-Bo'ts perfoined in va.ious colmtries ove! the past 50 years. Sorn€ ond T Botts,1914-1918 frvashington, DC, 1984),and No. 2, Rec- anangem€nt of ffit€rials ws do.umented withh German ords Pel'ting to U-BM| Wafarc, 1939-1945 (Washington, DC, Nary records, paiticularly the organi"rtion of the S€ekdegs- 19E5).For additional inJornation conceming the history dd na- leihmg war diary and ils componenl pa.ts (listed as of rune 1944 tule of Gemd Nary Eords for the World War tI pe.iod, the in r€corditem PG 31791,T1022, rotl3987). The Britishaccession folowing articles ar€ availabler Paul Heinsius, "Der Verbleib lists of "PG" !€cord it€ms. sometim€s knoM as the /'SmdeB des Altmmateriab der deuts.hen KrieSsmarin€," Dr ir.nin, list" aft€. the corpilea Lt. Cdr. Smuel R. Sande.s of th€ Royal Vll, 2 (April 1955),pp. 7H6i Charles Butdick, "The Tambach Nary, identified larSe bloclc of s€qlential PG numb€rs accord- Archive-A R€s€archNote," Military Antirs, xxx\\,4lD@m- ing to German Navy orSanizations. In 1965the British MinisEy bet 1972),pp.12t26;Ho,.rard M. Ehrmam, 'fi€ Gemd Naval oI D€fenc€publGhed for intenal use a two-volume catalogue of Archives (Tambach)," ad Eh€st M. Eller, "United StatesNavy their own nicrofilrning of German Navy records, ananged or' Microfilin of the Ceman NavalArchives," both in Robe.t wolfe, gdizatioElly ad with spftifi. .efer€nces to "PC" r€co.d ed., Captuftd Ce nan ann Rebted P,ccordt:A National Archives itens, original file titles, and idusive dates (Cttalogueol the Mi- Cotercnu l the'6, OH, 1974)i a d Michael Sal€wski, "Das crcftns oI the captud Gmon NNat Atchives Hetd by th. Noel K-riegstagebuch der d€uis.h€n SceklieSsleiiunS im Zweiten HistotiealBnnch, Minktry ol Ddence). Weltrjle&" Marine-Rundschau,LXN,3 'ut]e- 196n, pp. 13745. The U.S. Naly rnicrofilming t€an in London, uder the di- Recordsof German Navy propagandauit! were micro- rection of Capt. Roland K.rause,prEpared accessionlisb for the filn€d as part of Microfilm P\blicano^Tn, Re.o, ol lhe Gq' I'G iiems microfilned by the U.S. Na!y/ which now corulitut€ run Awd Forc6 HiSh Connaid (Oberko nando der Wehnacht, loll.by-rotl listings of lhe €onienls of T1022. Mr. Harry Rille, Orc{). dd art desc'ibed ih Guide No. 19 of Gtlritesto Grrran who worked with th€ mictofilmed records in both the Naval Reco s Micloflmed at Alemln, vA fwashinstorr DC, 1960), History Division and th€ National Archives, prepared a ma- pp. 45-{1. Closely r€laied ar€ records of the G€rman For€i8n chin*generated listing of 8en€ral groups of PC record items Ministry, leproduced in Micmfilrn Publicabon T120 and d€- dnd their conespond'ngsubFds or Ceman Nary oryani"!- scribed in .4 CrlarqSd Fnrs .nd Mica$lns oJ th?Genan Forciqn tions and accompanying T1O22roll numbe$. These general Mhktry Architr.s, 1920-194s, 4 vots. lgtar.dord, CA, 1962-72). findhg aids, tog€ther with those pr€pared by th€ Bunde6archiv Addilional Gemd NEry re.ords, pninarily of a technical na- followinS ihe Estitution of th€ oriAinal r€cords,and the ongoin8 tur€, were inteFated into the recordEof various U.S. Na\a of- 'Ihe!€ finding aids pr€pared by the National Archives and Re.ords fices. maEnab and other !€lated r€cords a.e des.ribed in Administration, continue to *d€ as Suides to the general col- a fo.thomiry parr ot GlriL Io R.cotls RelatinSto u.s. Military l€ction of microfilmed Ceman Navy rccords. Patti.ipation in Wdhl Wat Il, the tust volume of which has b€€n A small coll€ctionof Gend Naval High Commandr€cords published as Cuid! ro R .ords Relating to U.S. Military Patticipr- wa6 in€lud€d with the many captured German materials trans' tion in WorA Wat , Patt I: Policy, Plaffiinq, Adf,inistntion, feEed to the United StatesaJter the war. This dis.tele col€ction comp. Tmothy P Muligan (Washington, DC, 1996). was micrcfilned by th€ Aherican Histo.ical Also.iation's Com- Copi6 of sp€cfic rolls lrom Microf m Publication T10Z can mittee for the Study of War Docummts as Mimfilh Publi.ation be puchased from th€ National Archiv€s Trust Fu4 Refer€nce T608, Recodsol the Headqtonds ol the Cerman Narry HiSh Com- copi€s may be coruulted in th€ Micrcfilm Re!€arch Room of the tuntl (OKM) ^d describeC,in Guid€ No. 37 of th€ Glides 1oGer National Archives at Colege Pdlc MD. For sutteotions for cit' ffin RacordsMi.aofln.d at Aisrrdrla yA (Washington,DC, 1962). ing microfiIln, s€e page xviii, tor instructions for orderinS mi- These r€co.ds weE neve! hteSlated with the microfilrned Ger- c.of m, s€€paSe {x. n'an Naly records h€ld by the U.S. Naval History Division. Di Mana Davidlon alsisied in th€ preliminary idmtification Rolls 1-3 of T608 werc subsequmtly duplicated as T1022 rols of Dertinst G€nnd Naw records for thi! Ii8t. 414C-48.Wlere appropriale, citatioru to T608 have been incor- porat€d within the r€cord it€rn descriptions. 'rimothy Much additid.l docummtation on German naval opemhons P Mulligd ad operational plaming duinS World War I can be found Sryitbt in Cepttt d C-tun .nd R.bt.d Rturdt Modn Mititory LICoN among th€ r(ords of Cernan op€rational comands, partid- ldly of the principal Malinegdppenkomdos (Nord, w€st, fld Siid) and the Flottento nando. Until a *pdate $ide.d be prepared for thes€ r€cordr the extart findht aids prcvide t4e.al accesslo these recods' content5. Not microfilmed were records of the Marinepersonalamt, AI- gdein€ Mdinehauptamt/ dd Mriimwafi$]quptaint ad Chef der Iciegsmarine-Riistun& not most r€.ords of th€ Hauptamt IN-IRoDUcnoN


\.jt7 l-l-this guid€ idenhfies the principal records of the Gem I exploitation were not includ€d in the U.S. Naly's ni@filning I NavalHigh Comrnandlor World warII and the irterud,, proiectm Londonfrom Augult lq45 toJuly 1947.Inaddihon.as I period reproducedm 807 of tne cunent total of{# the pKis! id.ntifi.ation ol provend(e is not alwaysposstble, rolb of National Archives Mioofiiin Publicanon Tr02Z Rrcolds reco.& ae des.iibed accoding to the most apprcpnate context of the C.ma^ Nauy, 1854-1945,Receiwd Jrot" the United States of the orgmi2ational hlerarchy. Mosl microfilmed records con- Narol Hktory Dioision. The arrantment of the records fouows cem operational a6p€ct! of the cend naval efforl rccords rc- the C€ffi Nary's organizational hierarchy. Eich "PG" recold lating to t€dulical developmmts, ship conskuction and repair, item eptt*nts a *ri€s or sp€cific subject file oridEted by a adminiskation and personnel and logistics are omitted, €xcept sp€ciJicC,€rnan Navy headqualters o.gdization. The volume as they pertain to th€ conduct of oF.ation5. As the volm€ dd and .omplenry of the !€cords prechde detail€d descriptiory compl€x arrang€ment of liLrn€d rnatenals pr€clud€d th€ prepa- instead, a rEcord it€m typically includes the CemdlaS1lage lation of cornplehenslve or detail€d recod descriptioN, some title of the file, a parenthetical Englirh-language summary or additional lecords for Cernan Naval High CorAmand organiza- notEtion of cont€nts,date span, and citation to "PG" ecold ileh tionE may be reproduced eb€wh€re on T1022.Except for a small and Tr022 rol nurnb€rs. As su.cessiv€ "PC" record it€rns were 6moht of h.terial stil] b€ing miciofilmed by th€ National Ai- not always ffLned on conr€cutiv€ T1022 roll nunb€rs, cited se- chives and Records Adminiskation, the British Gov€nvnent qu€nces for the laner lollow lhe "PG" numerical s€qumce: r6(tut€d the original r€.or& to the Brind€sarchjv-Abt. Miljur- Thus, T1022 rolls 1717-20 are cit€d before rolls 1678-79 for archiv, Freiburg/8r., Cermany, whjch now hold! a comp!€h€n- .ecord it€ms PC 32159-162.Also included ih the desciptions sive collection of Gennan Navy !ecor&. .r€ identifiedrecords scheduled for eventualfilming. Faniliar" Indlvldual lecord items ar€idenHfied by "PG" (puryortedly ity with Gernan-language terms is required lo use this 8uide. an abbreviatton fo! "pinched hom lhe Germ!$") record ilem Identifi€d records of the G€nnan Naval Hrgh Command are numbe$, a nm€rical .e8istry system sed by the British as the arranged into the foUowiry h€adquarteE organizations: (1) capturcd Geman Navy records aniv€d in Cr€at Britain. N€ither oberbefehlshaber d€r (Commander-in{hief, th€ prov€rdce nor the odgiml file desi8natioB of Gemd G€man Navy); (2) the S€€begsleitung (Ceme Naval Staft, Navy records were incorporated into th€ "PG" syste$ the nu- thereunder by subordih6te slaff organization (which constitute merical sequ€nceot "PG" numb€ls thus rcflects considerable a majoiity of the Ecords idenlifi€d),(3) Manneattach€s(naval disanang€nentof records.Th€ U.S.Navy's nicronhing proj- attaches))(4) the KriegswissenschaftlicheAbteilung (Military ect was definedby ihe availabiliiyof records,and made no at- and Naval Researchand HistoricalDivision); and (5) a collec- tempt to systematicaUyfilm "PG" !€cord items in nuJnerical tion of Spanish Civil War files. Brief introductions precede ea.h s€qu€nce. IouowinS the r€stitution of th€ original r€cords to th€ section with organizational dd additional documentation F€d€ral R€publicofcermany, the Bundesarchiv r€orgadzed the notes- A Islhg of cite.l T1022 roll numbers, anmged nurneri- Gemd Nary records md .ssiFed new record Smup and cally, follows the record identiJications. .e.od it€m d€signation to thes€ materials. Theserccords documentGemany's conduct of the war at sea Ths individual GemhNatydo.1henls havep.ssed thrcugh thtou8hout Wolld War Il, in both a chronological and thematic levelal stagesol record identiJication. Germe naval ar.hivish, contett. Many re.ords also .oncem the rebuildh8 of the Ge!- for etanple, originaly allocated file d€rignanon "YJ 2r/Chel' man Navy duing the inte ar period. the r€cord! emphasize to lhe wr diary KrieSstaSebuch) of 1/SeekrieSsleitmg for the Ceme Eval shategy dd operations, but include inlot,mtion period August-September 1939Cr€il A); it was subsequendy re- on related an and Srohd operatio$, warship design dd con- produced on T1022 roll nlmb€r 1660a5 record itd PG 32021; stru.tion, developments in navar technology and weapms, in- and the original is now in the custody of the Bundesarchiv-Abt. t€lliSence on foreiSn naviet relationi and coop€ration nith MilitiiErchiv in B6tand RM 7{Se€kriegsleihrnS),as Kold item otherpowe6, andAdolf Hiller's dii€ct involvementinnaval af- RM 7/4. fails. Also included are the Gernun Navy's op€.ational lEcords The extent and d€tail of idenrification of record itens valies of its participation in th€ Spanish Civil Wa!, 193G39, dd vdi- accordirg to headquarters organi?ation. For the record! of the ous historical srudi€s of the C,€Il]6 Naly from the Imperial pe- I /Se€kri€gsleihmg, the largest,best-organiz€d, and nost signil- riod ttuough World War I. Some ftords de!.ribed are dated as icdt colle.tio, Erord iteh idhtifications usually indude the eatly 6 r92r. tue tideorsrbj€ct,date span,Pc ftord item numbe., ad T1022 This listing p€rtajru only to idmtiJiable r€cord it€ms repro- roll nmberi the fiie tides d gmerally self-expldatory and duc€d on Miciofilrln Publication T1022. Such selective identiJi- colective identificatioru tt?icauy cov€r several PG record itedls cation rellects the uruystematic dd incomplete acquisition of dd T1022roll nmbels. For the small€! and moE fragmentary Get)16 naval files at th€ end of World War n. Many Gemd collections of Marin€attachds, the Kriegswissenschaftli.he Ab- Navy.eorcls did not sufrive the warj other re.ords capt@d by teilug, ad srBlle! subordinate orgd2ations of the Se€krieSs- th€ Alies at the end of th€ war md brought to Great Britain for leitun& how€vea each r€cord item is individuauy idenffied, GLossARyoF SELECTEDTERMS AND ABBRE!,IATIONS

AZ 6ktenzei.hed: file reference (number), u!€d for on€ s€g- Marin€*tach& {M$r Naval Attachds ment of 1/Skl cenlral subject-matter filet Mdinekomardoantr Naval Conrnand Offic€, th€ prewa. B-Di.nst, B-B.lichte [email protected], the G(:mm Narf Naly d+attment Fsporoible for operational matters, most of signal intelliSence service and the intelligence rporis it pro- who6€ duties w€re subsequ€ndy sued by lhe Sekiegs- leitung

B.d.U Op: 8€feNshaber der Unlerseeboote/Op€rationsabteilun& Martn€n.chrl.hl.ndl€n.l {MND): Naval High Commandor- Opqations Division of Coffnander, Submarines, oridnally ganization Eponsible for coftnurtrcationi and intelligence- part of the operational co]rhdd for U-boals bui transf€rr€d €valuation tunctioru in March1943 to the S€€Iriegsleitungand redesignated2/Skl (Unte6eebootstuhiungsabteilmg) M.dneverbi.du$offtzt€! (MVO)j Naval liaisonofficer

der He.re! (OKD:GermanArmy High Com- Elappe, Et pp€ndiefft literally "Supply" and "Supply SeRice," ObcikolMmdo but us€d in the German Navy to denoie a rang€ of cov€rt ac- tivitig in foEign counkies, including wa$hip 6uppl, (oKM). blckaderunning, procutement of haterials, Md the

Iciegswi$eru.haftltche Ableilung KA): Military and Naval Seekd.gsl€lh.n8 (SkDr Naval Staft ihe principal orSanizarion Researchand HistorjcalDivision, a Nav.l Hith Conmdd for plan6 and operations in th€ Ceman Nrval HiSh Com' organization lesponsible for the maint€nance of naval mand; il6 Eubordinate divilions includedl archiv€s, th€ prepararion of official hjston€s, md the rtldy of I /Skl (Operatioruableilung), Operahons Divisr^n curent ope.atioN for operational and tactical lessons 2/Skl (Unt€rs.eboobtuhrhgFabteilmg), Submarine Com- mand Dvision Legion Condoi desiSnation fo! Ceman Llftwafe sils op€r- 3/SU-5/SU Ma.inm.chrichtendienst), Naly Comnuni- ating in Spain during lhe Spanbh Civil W.. catlons and IntelliSmce Dvision WARTnG ORcAMzArroN oF DESCRTBEDCotpoNEI\[s, GRMAI.' NAVALlllcH Corvmero (OBrRKol'tr'.rANmDBR KREc'sr'{Ax$c)

Septembert9t9 Obdbefehlehrberdet Kriegsnarine Chefd€s Shb€s der S€eklie$leitung 1/Sl1 (Operatioruabtetlung) 2/Sld (Abbeilunglvla.rlnenachlichte'dler'!0 3/SH (Abt€ilungNldrtdlenauwert'rry) Sftl/KA (Kri€gswils€ri!.lufdicheAbteilunS) Madne€tt!d68rupF

Ir|ne 442 Obe$efehbhrber de! KdeSlmarin€ Chef de3St$€6 de! Seekde8llethrn8 r/SH (operadon$btllury) 2/Skl Chel MND (AmbgrupP€tvtadn ruchtidtetdi€t8t) 2/SU CXr€fMND L ZaGalabtdlung 2/Skl O€f MND tr, Nadddri€nuberdit urysdie$t 2/SId ChefMl.|D m, Funtau0ikung 3/Skl (AbteilungNacMcht€nausv{ertung) Sl.l/KA (R?i%swt$enschaftUche Abtetllru) Marlneatt chaSruppe

tanuarya945 Offietrishab€r der Krieglmanru Ch€fder &€ldi€8ll€itun8 1/Skl (Operatior'!€btetlung) 2/Skl B.d.U.Op (UnteB€€boobfithnnsssbteunS) 3/Sll (Abbeilun8Nrchrtdrt€muw€rtun8) 4/Sn Ch€I MND (AmbtnrpF i{trinmldrtcht€tdi€ttst) 4/skl Ch€fMl'rD ll, NachichtenobermlttlutEsdierat 4/Skl ChefMND ltr, Funrau&lilnnS 4/5h ChefMND Mrrine&ahtuchrtchtadienet s/Skl (Abteilunt Ortuiudt€tt8t) Skl/KA (Ici€gswbsen$hlftxch€ Abtetlung) Marlneattach,abt€tlung GUrDE EN.TRES Oberbefehlshaberder Kriegsmarine (OB.D.M./OKM) (Col'6,rAr,DER-iN{rct GETMANNA\,Y)

Norri With the formal estabushsmt of the Oberkonnando d€r Matedal Raeder lctegsnartn. (oKM, Germrn Naval High Coftnand) in lun€ 1931 the titl€ of Command€r-in{hief changed from Chef der Ob.d-M.Persdnlch, Bande I-lqI Gaeder'3peFonal files oI Fnhs con' dd develoPnents,and men_ (Ob.d.MJ. fmcer eport of si8nificmt evsts M:rineleitug to Ob€rbeJehkhaberder Krteglmadn€ orddLlN on naval3hategydd ehipcotrtluctionF This olgeizatim included the imm€diate office of the Ob.d.M. Bmd I (S€p.-Dft.1939)r PC 31762a,rctr 3406 dd the Stab de8 Oberkommandff dcr l(riegsndire (M), Bdd tr oan.-Jul.1940): PG 31762b, rcU 3405 which *sed the Conmdd€r-in{hief a! d exedtive plm' Bsd m (Aug. 1940-Jh. 1941):PG 31742., rclI34A6 Bdd rV (Ieb.-r6. 1941):Pc 3r762d,rclJ 34a7 ning staff. Durhg the war, a Lultwaffe liaison ofiic€r (General Bnd V 0ul. 1941-Id. 1942):PG 31762e, rcl 3446 der Luftwiffe betm Ob.d.M.) was also attached to the Com- B6d vl (leb.-Sep.1942)r PC 31762t,tolls Ua647 mdder-in{hi€L For most of the war th€ German naval at- Bsd v! (e. 1942-ld. 194:r)tPG 31762E, rct 4478 tachos (whose r€cords are identified els€wher€ tr thi! findhg (induding p.e$ .lippings dd coiiespondencere aid) were also directly subo.dinat€d to Ob.d.M. SeNing as Hmd'-kte "Rneder" ladn8bo hjs appoinr$oi to Obd.M.),1u1,192GAug. 1929 rlc 33951b, Ob€rbef€hlshabef de! Kriegsnarine werq Gio8admnal Erich roU4081 Raeder (Oct. 1928-lan. 1943), Cro8adniral Kail Dijnitz 0d. 1943-Apr. 1945, and Ceneraladf,ilal Hes{@rg von Friede' Att€n CrcEadmiralRaede.: Besplecnsgen Reichswehminist.rilm/ bu8 (May 1945). ChefMalin€leitut 1932rPc 34004,rcll 3987 (ObeF Th€ record, listed below no$, comprbe B$tand RM 6 RedeOb.d.M. Adot 1938:PG 31797, to\ 3447 behlshaber der Kriegsmarin€) and parts of NachlEte N 391 (RaedeaEich) dd N 236 (Donitz, Karl), in the c$tody of the O$anilation, Stell€nb$etzlngqnd PeEonalstddih B.d.U-Eer.ich, Bundesarchiv-Abt.Militilrarchiv, Fleiburt/Br. A mixture of OKM 1.7.7942:PG 31n4, all 403a and othe! cermd Navy Ecor& have been microfilrned as Na" Stab d* oberkomddos d€r Kne8snarine (M) G$ays, menorin' tional Archives Microdtn PtblicltjonT6oS, RccordsoJ the Head- dM5, ud studiesElating to navalsbateEr ship desiSn and coA_ q&tzts ol tht cennon NaLy High Connand, patnauy des.ribed 1^ structio fleetplmin& ad signitic.nt evenGF Cuide No. 37 of C'ldds lo Gcnun RecodsMi.roflfted at Alenn- Norye8en,1941-43r PG 31764, rcII3408 Rursld<|, 1940:PG 31767, roll 3900 drl,, yA. (Washirgton, DC, 1962).Rolls 1-3 of T608 have been B€trachtutd ober Jul. Neubau,keuzer "M," 1r37-{5tPG 31n4, roll 3987 duplicated on T10Z rols 414tu8. N€ubauHdd€l5s.hll{e, 1942:yG 3l?76,roll 4034 Allgemelne!,1939-41: PG 31280, roU 3383 AUgdeines,1932-39: PC 31783, rcll40z "Seeldwe,"t940: PG 3178& rcU 3987 NeubauScNachBdrifre, Uboore, 1936-&: PC 31799,rcn 3467 Ub@te,ttb@t-Baupro6rahm, U-Boot im HddelskrieS, 1939_-{31 PG31795, toll 4077

ActapeMMlia: Raeder (En.h), CrcEadmilalr PG 310!15, rcII3285

General der Luftwafie b€im Ob.d.M.

Kdet6tlg€bucnd€s Gaerals der LultwaJ{ebein Ob.dM, SeP 1939 Mar 1943,May 194-Aug, 1944| PG 7489G74944, t.lls 3349-50

HndakteCeneral der LuJtwa{ebeimOb.d.M., F.b.1939-Oct 1911 PC 32975,to 39a6

&i.Esta8ebu.h desGdd.b der Ldtwalte beim Ob d M./O Qu. (ad minilFative dd sulply matlesF Szp.7939-De, 1941.PG 7494975, rcUs3350_53 I^. l942-J6. \944:PC 74976-A0005,!o!5 332427 AJlago ztr kie8stagebiicJren:Zumenslellung der TrliSket des Fijntrrode! SeelututPi&r:iJre Apr la4l_Jan laaT PC c<62-: €+e .€r-.+rotl * 4L-i0 Not.:ct6.1r Etatedat, /totds ol theFnh@ da s*|4t.rEi'onftq r, opdtitul cantund uith constittent subotdivtedta MaAn.' gfltpdkoflnardo Noi, n4. ft@rds""ns tft rcPtudt td ds t.otd it%s PC 7 4841-868, ro|L 334749 , ofld PC 74802 89s, rolls 332i 24. KonskukdoMamtoater Hauptamt lcietsscldff bau)

M.tsid in KNiehid 6 ki€$.hr6m {ofi.i!l p!bli..ti@F Apr 193E-Nov1939: PC 95531-532, atmtld tor frmiit onTloU, elt4269 ,d. l9r|o-De.,1942 PG95533-535, .mt!d foifflnht d T1022,. rcI1270 Jur.,Noq l9l4: PG95536, .eryld for flnln 16T1102, nn 4tO'71

Other Materi.Ig

Krt€8ria8€buchd€. Ob.d.M,/Apr-Mly 1945rlno PGn6; r€.od iteh! OKM/a md OKM/{0) rol 4146

Ni.deE luifia dB Ad&inl zb.V b.in Ob.d.M.(lndu.rh8 hfom.- don d Fnhnr conteFnG) leb-Apr. 1945:PG 31802, roU 3225

8€lrtdl6Ssft! d., Gro&drrnll D6niE (Kd)r PG3r0a4, rol 3245

l$u.ne ad PubIadoro: ll*ina.tudnungbbtl lo-D.c 1938,PG 83at, to b. flrl.d ,m.-De.. 19J9(no PG),to be fln d ta.-De.. r9|0 (rc PC),to be fird.d lln.-De., 19{1(no PG), lo b€ flrn.d 16.-D€.. 199, PG6t46, !o be 6lrn d ,d. 19:tI-P.b. 19rt5,PG 95250, to bc fitn€

Rtndiet d.a D.uttttun l,itt twtiru, N& 19JZ tun9lttt dtA tka Xri!!@t., Noe,lt3tNof, 1936,te 19|0ju. r9Ir, O.t 19ll Pc E3z28d+,83773H.rcI4189

Attiv.'AdnlnL qd Krpun e Se r9g: PG31{X9, D[ 3l6E t uhnd. B.f.N! f& d6 B.!€lch de! Ob€rkoMdor der Xd!r,ni!- rlne,Js. r94€td 1945iPG 1264-423, rc\ 4lE9

IercDEd'ver.ichni!, Ob.rlo'''nudo ds Kd.rrdEdrF iu8. 19€: PG12420, t .t f,lir+ f.ll q L-lO M.y 1945:PC 43105/ roll4102

Mtin.wafidMt W.66t .lnldE N.chrichtd ru 6sNl6 Uri- 16 Otrb66-Nr.hr/), Tlbdleihefh (t bls of dd! tor .tdll.ty, tor- p..l@, dd pBivedet rue for fonl8n Dvis), Stlrd:1. Mrn 1939, 1 April 1940,1, S.ptsts lEll, 1,AutEt 191|1L Autur l9a3:PG f0r8d-lr5+!{hc- Voq \Z?L Die (SKL) (GETMANNAvAr STArr) OPERAnoNSaBTETLING(1 /SKL)

Nodi The Seektiegrleitung (Skl, most coffinonly hanslabeda! KxJEGsracEBUcH (KTB) DER/SKL the Cemd NavalStaff) inherited the op€rational tunctim and (malntein€dby /Skl Ref, Ib) otrices pr€viorisly h€ld by the Marinekornnandornt, and dur- ing World war tr s€rv€d as the executiv€ staft organization for the conduct of the war. From April 1937 until Autust 1939 the T€il A Chef des Marinekommandomts se8ed simult6neouely d Chef (€coidof dailyaenL!) des Stabesdd S€ekriegsleits8; shordy betor€ the outbr€ak of war this pe.sonal union was dbsolved and the Chef des KTBAug. 193PDet 19{0:PC 32021 {36, tulls 16684 MarinekoMdoamts be.de subotdifri€d ao ihe Chef d€s Stabesder Skl. DurinS the wa. the Skl experienceds€veral rEor- KI! d 1941-Jd. 1942:IrG 32037-Ol, rcll5 1665-70 ganjzatioro as new offices dd Esponsibiliti€s wele added or KTBFeb,..D<, 1912r PC 32050-]160, rclls 1671-?8 shift€d amonS the Skl's rubordinate divisioru, which always r€- tained arabicnum€ral designations.On May 1, 1944,the tide "C|ef KTI tm.-De. 1943:PG 32061472, rct]s 167844 des Stabes de! Se€lriegsleitung" was r€designated "Chef der KTB 1944:PG 32073-484, rcIi 1685-93 s€ekliegsleitu8." Wa.time GdpieN of th€ posr ot clf€f of Stafil JM.-Dft. Chi€f wer€: Adm. Otlo Schniewind (Oct. 1938-lun. 1941),Adm. KTAJa.-Feb. 1tl5: r€ ?1425-O6,tulls U55-56 Kurt Fricke (Iun. r94r-Feb- 1943),and Adm. Wilheln Meilel (Feb-l94}May 1945). KT3 Mri l-Api 20,19.{5: PG 31nW40, rcn 1995 Listed below are the recolds of l/Skl, the Oplrariotr.- B€lhi8e zM KTB Api 2l-May 31, 1945:PC 3180rr+, rcll 3383,PG ibtellung (Operations Dvision), the most significant of Skl o!- 3180U-m,rou 3438 ganizations. Of 8r€atest importance is the 1/Skl war diary (KrieSstaSebuch,o. KTB), which includes information on air T€il B and Iround op€ratioN, armammts plannin& and political de (weuy litu.lion Eviews dd delib€ratim velopm€nts for the p€riod Auglst l939.May 1945. fte KTB, of . tdeal dUtary n.iurc) andged in rour parrs (Teij A-D) with some ac.ompanying 8en. €ral appendix€s, by ils"lf constitutes a cohplete r€cord of lhe Helr I, LrgenbeBi.hi Xrclzerlcieg awrheimish€ Gryiis 1939 n6valwa!'s conduct.A detailedaccount of ihe cont€nt5and si8- 44:PG 32088-093, rclb 170H1 nificance of the XTB js provid€d by Micha€l Saleffiki in his "Dag HefiII, tqeiibeBichi wafau/Nodse I939.43:PC 32094.{96, rcI 1701 KdeSstagebuch der deutschen SeekrieSsleitung im Zweiten welrtui.A," lvlai e-RundschtrLxIv,3 (l!rc D6n,]l745. Heft n., Nodse/NoBetlrL MarinetDppmkodhmdo Nord 1942- tn addition to the wd diary th€r€ ar€ som€ c€ntral subj€ct- 44tPG 32!l,7499, rtll 1701 matter fites (mosrly d€signatedby Akl.nzeich.n numbers), and MarineEruppmroffindo office files rnaintained by specialized offices (R.Lrir€) within Heft nb, Mdinsb€rkoMdo Nord*, W6t 1944rPG 32100, rcll U02 the 1/SU. Ihe latter hclude ext€nsive do.Mentation for the in- temar period. In addition, Kords of 1934 md 1938/39 war H€fi lll, t 6eilbe6icht OstseeEw 1939-45rPG 32101-105loll 1702j Bam€s maintained by th€ Mdinekommandoarnt ar€ abo de- PG31741,ro113912 s.ribed. The origiml rccords of 1/SU now constitut€ Betand Hefi ry Ub66lneg 1939-42:IC 3210G113,rclls 1702-{4 RM 7 (Seekriessl€itung)in the Bundesarchiv-Abt. Miliuirarhiv (BA-MA), Freiburg/Br Sone orydt-ational r€cords r€Sdding HeIt Y Anln8o allgen lnm lilElt3 z@ Teil A 193q5: PG 3211+ the Skl and its prEdecessor,1934-40, are reproduced on National lDa), mus7704.10;PC 3VA, rcU!t092; PG 31r98b,., m[ ,O82jPC A(hives Microfilm Publicari6Tr20, Re$ds ol th. Gelnan Fo'- Ministry, tou .igr 1920-1945, 3308,s€rials 8303-05. H€ft vI, aeme!&untenzum Mannenrchrichtendienstund zqm Funlaufu{rungldleat 1939-.{4:PG 17328ff,, noi ftlrned;PC 3179& (Feb.-Apr1945), roll 4082


Hefi \4tr, Wnhenbsichlm d Polit*, Vit&echl, ud PrcPaSdda 193H4:PG 32127-131, rcUr 1711F12

Heft lX tlE{b.Ficit, Mllt€lm@r/Agab/Sdwllz$ MRr 1941-43: PC 32132-135,rcll 7712

Heri x, I4eiib.Bicht osrdim 194144: PG32136-137a-b, mll 1772 Teil C Heft XV,Z@beit mit !ap$ 194L-45:PG 32220-222, rcls W, (sp€daldelibf.tions on indlviduarqu6tirc dd 2899; PG3t75i, rcll3 on prcbls ot ihe corduct of dE w.r at *a) Heft X\aLLanrreich 1940-42:PG 32223, rcl 7nB

H€fr l, (Euzrlaiea im aB*rh€ihkho Gewllss r93F44: PG . H.ft xV[ U.s.A 1941-44:PG 32224,rcllrna 32151-156,rclls 1n 5-16)AJ ata: PC32631, roll 1820 Heft C., Grundl.thd. Fragen de! KnegflttuS r93s5: PC Hefi tr, Nor

Heft [a, Nodre/NoRetm 194r-451PG 3215y162,Flb 1717+0. H€fr Cb,St0lzpunrt-Abrtchto, I

B.ft [b, Wah.@/Atldttl/notrdopeEiionen 1941-45:PG 3216] H€ft Cd, V.rteilug d.r Srftitkrlft. 1943-44:PG 32229,@\ 1779(ale 166,rcl! U20-22iPC 3U43. rcU 39EB rc1l2894) At at. "Invaion" (NoMdy) 1944:Pc 32564,rctt 1792lPG 32555-562,o[5 17E€9 Heft ce, Alrl.to peEdnli.hs An 1943-44:PG 31749, rtll 3225 Anla$ !eindU6. Grc$l. dsta 1943-4rrPG 3256r, rcl lru

H.ft lll, Ost c 1939-451PG 32167-172, rofu 7722-24,2419i PG 3ln8<, TeitD rcU/(,82 GihrationEporr8, th@ with llph!-nM€nc deiStutioc Allat€: PG32168, rcll 12 ae so rcEjrt red by 1/5kl Ib d ofJ@ 1944)

H.fi ry Uboobtdeg 193H5r PG32011,32173.32171176, tulls 1724-Ej PG32174, rclh lnC2?; PG31752, rcll 3900;PG 3179&, rcll lI()82 H.ft D I ., t!t! Atbhrit/A@rheini!.he G.rl4r r939-il3: PC 3249-2$, 6b 7737-34 H.ft V Ldtk i.t 193H5: PC321?7-tn. rcB 1725-26 Heft D 1 b, Late Nord!€elosfee 1939-40:PC 32260-266,rclb 774042i Heft VI, Mhenlri.g 193F45:PG 321$-la2^-+, tuUs1727-2A; PG 31753, Lrt€ Nord*/Gt!.e/Now€t6 /\ tan6a 1941-44:PG W67-2n, rc[ 3226.PG 3U9&. rc! {082

H.ft VII, Nied€FchriftenUb€r dl€ L.tevork{ge da ObdMbelrn F0hrer, H.ft D r c, Llte U-Eoote/NoldltlMtil 1941-.44:!G 3225G259,rous Uterlegu$F de, Chef! der Seekie&leihat 1939-45rPG 32181 773W 1E6,lolb 1727-!0(abo rcIj 4151-62);PG 3Ur4, rcll 4091(!Lo rcU 1162) Heft D I d, Luftlag€193q4: PG32303-316 rclb 1756-59,1805 Alt€meineeSii.hwortverai.hnb: PG33950a-b, rcll 4f/8 Nok:ron tctiansolftitCH.fV ht thr 193940paiod ud notii- Heft D I e, Lat. Mlthlm€er/Schwd4 Meer 194H5, PC 32279-28a, .hdd anongth. " PG' trotd ittu, @ notni@flntd, endet @i! rtlb 1747-51;PG 31751, tuU @3 .bL n@ dly 6 RM 7n77-78an/l RM 7/180in BA-MA. Heft D I t kgeberi.ht€ qtsiq l94r-44. PG3n46-247, rcns 1736-37 Heft\4I, VdltetBhdiche KiedlihM& Prcpat nd. sd Poldl 1939.45: PG32189-19Z slb 1730-35;PG 31745, rcll! 322126 Heft D 2, Au3landlpE$ebericlt (prepar.

H.ft lX, VeMrt6t5fnt6 r939-45rPC 32198.,b-32200, rclb 1735, Heft D 4 (lllaitned a oltue 194a) lrni PG31745, rc\s 3225-26 Heft D 5 .-b, I€indli.he 6d elt€ne S.hiftiverlate 1939-44:fG H.ft X, Knsten-6d flakv.neiditu8 1939-45:PC 32201-202,ols !L'94-40n.ml\ 7793,4@3, 2987 1770-71;PG 31745, alb 3225-26;PC 3170&, rcll 482; PC311324 rcI 39E9 Heft D 6 Verteilu8 al[.i€n t nddgsduru 1944:PG 32593, rcll 1793 (@signed Heft )0, H.nd.bsdtifi.lrt 193945: PS 322o3-N7,tolls Wtni PS Heft D 7 d of l@ t9{) 31745,.olJt 322rN H.fr D E a, M.ienal zu Feindl.ge 19495: PG 31800,rcll 4092;PG 32772-720,ftlls 2A12,BSG57; PG31761, rcll 4034;PG 3U9&, .oll H€It Xl, Wrtuo\altllriegftUMg 1939-45:PC 322AV2rc, rclb W-73 M7

Heft )0n, Italidi

Hefi )(It Deuts.heKri€tfunMS im Mltterdeer/ii8ais 1944-4t:Pc H€ft D E c, !rehde Marind-Nachricht@uwertug 1939-45:PG !2213-218,rclls lnrni PC 37716,nll3226 32361L369,mls 1E41-42,1851-54 PG 32905, rcl 2052 Ar age PC 32583-585,rcIs 179Hr; PG 32588-589,Flb U9r, 1850 Heft D 8 .1,e,Ea€nchte, X-BBerichte1$q5r PG 17155-174(rct filmed, but l@ted mong the Re

G.wllg M Entldd/EntliKhe W6tlibt. t9lll-44: Irc 32338-3{3, AZ Vu: Spdis (indudint "Altil.," "FeU," "Giela," ud "Iebell."), rcll1814 l9,lH4: PG3244H92, rclb U99-1800

Bojs', Felndmin€n6d s.hiffatutswetcin dm clwA*m um Entla&l Az VIIL Notreten (includlngop€ntions of Germanwr3hipr, 194142:PG 32348-349, 32354, 32352, rcll 1816 1,941-451PG 32491496, rclh 176A-4,PC 32497-524,rcllt 182!-26 s.hweden,194,F.45: PG 3U5Z rc|I3913 Atlartil-Indi!.ier O2ee Gel€itzwverletu {Nacnri.hren,Ent. Sondd- dw.lutd UberSew%e): PG 33{6-342 32350-353,rcll5 1815-15 AZ IX XrieStuhME hit Ub.tr.*ErEitk$ien (Krari€verteilug), 1941-rl4iPG 352F529, rcll! 18m-01 lende PEse Mannnrchrtchtel) 1939-44:Pc 32gr-n76, 32678,roll 4a0i PC 327@,rcI 2987;PG 32677,32679-7A8, 32710-711, rclls AZ X: ZLl!.'MeErbeit Dat cNsd-Japo 1941-43(indudlng subha- rhe mettn88 in hdlan O.u): rrc 32530-532,DUs 1801-{2

nott.ntomddo LjbeBichttur da KTBJm. 1945:PG 3234,t, rclt 1693 AZ X.5:M€l.lug6 6d B€dchhaa Tokio(Marin€arhch4), DR. 19rr- Api 1943:PG 43142, rcIl3937 Utprllcht ober die Fah.bereihchaftdcr Sceerrelbeiie(drlly report!), Mr 1941,May-Jun. l94lr PG31198-200, rcU 4035 AZ XI: KoMandoutenehmusen 1912-44:PC 32533, rolb 1m2-O3 AltivieMt de! seld.truhtut (indudht dfteption pls, par Z'l!.tMeMrbeit LuftwarreMdift, Oct.l93qu. 1941:PG 74€02a, rell tis wlrlaF pmp66b), r9B: PG32534, bI 1802 4t7a

Hanclakt€nfiir beEondereOperaiion€n /Skl GKdoB. Akten Lagezimmer (Anl.genzu do TeilenB ud c) (.ppendn6 b Part9 B tud C E&rdin8 sp{i6c ope.aric) Cs,5r.d.Hed/Luttwa6e l9{O-{l: PG34360, rclb 399}94

"S€elitwe" (plaa€d lnvasion of lnEland, 194G.41)rPG 3555a-5, rcU oKw/oKH 194H1: PG34352 rcU 3918 uE4,PG e5583-s89, PGe5e1-s,2 c&#-.+ roll 7773 Atiach6M€ld68en 1939-41PG 32018, tuII3964 -Di. Sekriegsl€itug 6d die Vor8*hichte Ba$aros$'," r941-rt5:PG 3208H86,bI966 Fiihar ds s€elufbtEitkliifte ud FlietdfrihF! Osrl94o-41: PG 3439F 35t Dlb 3 5, 3924 "Barbarors" (att d or theUSS& 1941); PG 32601-{03, rcll 1794 ''8arbaroe" 1941:PC 3€68, rcI13918 ''R\ift'rbu8" {operahonol barde5hip85tuar. Mdyte4t): PGJ2552- 553, relL 174344 Asrijstu.t ltif6kwer 191H1: PG328n, rc,J2Al3

"RlsbPtu8" (.nd.k on Convoy1Q.17, luly 1942):PG 325e6,6ll Erapp"1939-41: PG 32879, Dll2813 t79t Notre8m 19(81: PG34365-366, rcll3912

rt): PC 32604&5, tulls r794-t5 Wa66rilst idstomision Fr.nld.ich 1941:PC 3,s63, rcI3916 ,{dmiFl Frar*eich 19{0-4rrPG 34359, mlls W243 (M&euan@6, iftludin8 pEw& hobilation pls, situaiion Fpoib, wedeldi4!193e0): PG3253Gs1, rcU U80; PG33224, DU 2m4; GruppeWeEt 1939-41: !G 3{364,bU 3916 !C 33301-30533302 rcll3 208Ht; PG3311-316, a33rH2o, {d 33393,rolb 213G-31;!G 33392,not filmed Mittdas V€rbindmt6r.b Rom r940-a1:PG 313€4,3a361-362, rcIs 39440,39965 /Skl, R€f. I b (Berichte, Voftrage) Marin.ko@ddo Irdlien1941-43r PG 34385-396, rclls 4116-21 v€rzidrls dd bei I b vo.tedenen Cehehatlen, 1944:PG 31791,rcll Mariietflppqtomddo Snd1941: PG 34356'356, rcIs 392926 3987

"V€Echied€nes"(int€ljgene md o!€rdtidal hatleB in vario$ mas), B€spEchunsepu*te tur Vo.t aE Obd,M. beim Fnht!, 1939-44r PG 193H31PG 34!{9-353, rclls 33713941, 38n-7a.39l4 32648-653,rclb 18,12-.{5

Hndalr€: EiE6e s.hilt6vdlcr€, ,u, 1942-e. 1913iPG 32595,rcn 4090

/Skl, Wehrma.htf iihrungs8tab Lageberichte (Mikelaneou: Min€nkle& leindliche Absichten, s€€ki€tstunMg, 1940-44): PG 31178-779,3774+747, 31749, 31793, 3lgJ}a't. allt MayztJs. 30,r9!a: PG 3410r-40s, rcU 3990 39$-47, W8

Jul, 1-4u6, 20,19,14: PG 3440H11, rclb 390.91, 3902 Vorkag KotuXapt, Aesnmr AufSabenund Prcblemeder deubch€n Selrl€Ssleitung (Stdd Nolember 1941):PG 1451, not filded but Au6. 21-'O.r.31, 1944: PG 3,t4124\4, nlt3 39lri6, 347879 .opy ldad in RC 457, NSA Histon. Cq?lo8raphjc Col{tion, PFworld War I throltn World War U,Ilem CBBD 26, No. 9708N Nov 1, lg,l4--j.^, 28,1945: PG 34419424, rclls 3A79,396!-64 (Box62)

/Skl, Ref.I C (Militirpolitisches) /SKL: UT\.TERLAGENDER REFERATE I c r 1-2 Ma.inepolitt.hF ud AttacheArt€l.g.nleiien, r922J9: PG (olfice files for rp€cilic departmenk) 3611-615, rclh 1968-69

r,/Skl, Ref. I A (Allgemeine operative Fragen) I c 1 9'5 cenfer verhandlungen, Ru$land, vereclled€n$, 1925-39 PG 33616-619,rclh 1969-70

Fall "Weis" (Lvasih ol Poland), Api-Sep. 1939: tG 33977-9&5,rcUj I ( I H Propatdda, 1936-39:PC 3362k23, el! 1970,3901 2034-35 I . 1 8(r)-9(1)Deuts(he Kolonien, Admnct Gnl'pe, Altndk 1939-40: Flll "Griin" (pLm€d invsion of Czahoslovali6), J6.-O.1. 1938: PG PG 33624-527,rclls 1970,39nr, 1939 $98(-992, alhm%,4@X I c 1 12-14 Xrie8iiih^hg dlrch D€utschland, 1941H3; PC 3362H67, F.ll "Celb" (.tt.cl In the WBt), Nov 193FMay 19,O:PG 33993,rcll 3966 tolls 193947, 2027-28,3907,3918, 3920 (l c I 21:Zwi{henfAll€ mit USA,Fall K@fty, F^ll"Rcrbdlan$,' Die deuts.he PrieordnDg mit Komddantendwebd8en, Jan. PC 33663-664,dll 3920) 1910:PG 32013,roll 3900 I c I U KriegfiihMt du(h den C€Ener, 1939-.43rPG 3366H78, bllr 1947-4,1980 /Skl, Ref. I o or I op (Operationrref.) 5a Han.llabug der Nelbaljtiit der Neut.l6, 1939-42AEbid- "Se€trieA1939" (includhg "WeieunE€nrie. Seekli€Esleitun8IiiJ die Atypten-AtEhe.{hina PC 33679,rou 1980 Fnhmg da se€b€8s" dd nMetus sign.l til6 for 3pki6c op- ArSentinim: PG 3368691, rcll 1981 eratiotu),May 1939-jul1941 PC 3246-429, tulLe7At2,1&4,1a17 D BelSien-ru€r$urg: PG 33682,rcll 1981 Brailenr PC 33683,rol 1981 S

EtappeMerlo-Weefmdi.n, 1939-42:PG 32008, oI ,1038 . Acerheimirche ki€atijhru^8, 1930.43:PG 32476,32!€7-491, 32893, rctb 2813,1925,2001 €rapF lapan

AulsteUut (5€b€,verbinde S

Dfth$Nr8e 1939-44:pc 32a37-€,13,dlt! 1857-63 AuBteUdS FluSlalen, FIuShaLnFrAt,1931-39: PG 33025-033,reIc 199.-98,20i1 Prisfrasei' 193q3r Pc 328'!!445a-b'rolc 1843'189&99 Autlrelun8eprdne,r93t37r pc 32939,33036-03zrolls 1892,203r (Meu.lwE 65ayeed co !6pondd.e l9ZHl): PG31781, rc! l4tj pc 32a46-as9,rctrs lar-19o4, 29BHz, 2os2 Autstellut und OryanEtjon h dm LuftkEiskol:l]mdc dd ds l-ufrstFirkiifrd, 19390: r€ 3294H47,rclls 1@P4

/skl,Ref.IK(Iceuzerkrie&EtapPe)A.PlmLuftw!ffe,193,L37|PG3793,936'fu||919712 Lultwafte-Verc.dnuigsbUtle.- Atten H.imlehF 19{l-.{4:r€ 32a{o-862,rcll7922 Jd.-Api |935:t€ 32938,DU 1892 l.n.-Drr.19iA: no PC,lo h.6lhed Aktd Aal.ulende S.hilfe,19414: PC32a63-{54, roll 1923 Jd.-De. 1944:ro I€, to b. fil,ned Jd.-!eb. 1945:no PG,to b. filred AlrentsloctEd.bncll 1942-,{4:PG 3286W6, rolb 1923,2001 lnhaltsv.zeichnj5,1942-,14: no !C, lo be iilh€d

Atten Et pp€,1941-44:PG 32867-469,rollsl923-24 Allteheine Takrik und opedtive F.aten tib€i VeMendut d.t Flugzeug.im S€ekri.t, 1936.39:PG 3259s51, rc 1895 P.Eonalangel.Eenheit6,194G-43t PG 32870, |o\t !92+E Ilugzat$chiffe 6d -Tr{te! (Algeneile Takdr) (indudtng1938 Ple AU86€irB, 1939-43:PG 328n-a72, bl1a29a5-ab for a Gema..tsaft c. ier),1937-39rPc 32952,rcI1895

ub@r€,1941-43: PG 32873-674 rcUs 2850-51 FcEde Lufrnrchte, 195-39: PC32937, toll \82

U-PEtze(emerydcy ports), 193q1: FG32896, roll2002 Feindnacldchten,1939+2: PC 32988, rcI 1955

V€ml8ungehitt€/Hillehfle,1940-44: PC3288H81, rc& 2413,1925 Vorir:i8e ud Dok*hnften AuSdeLer Art S.ehJi, 1937-33:PG 3295P55, rcll5 18996 BhradebF

Aug,-Noq 1939:PG 32!a1dl195 Algmeine Ausbildu.t* und Pe6on.lfraten Luftwaffe-Marine, Dft- 193F,9ep-1940: PG 328a3, @ll 1926 1936-40:PG 32944,32942-943, mls )893,1953 54 Lufiiibuta,fl.k-S.hi*v€rfaluEr Mrteridte.h&.he8.ridrb, r93e. rrgdeldqgd DoMrr 1944:PG 330E1, b|l1933 42:PC 3296+9EZe[ 1954 Kn€t5.lte 1-lSU I M, Biind.l-.{4 09{0-42F Mn. lra86 d€! Ausr$t6g da FertuSen mit nal.Ge.{t/ 193H2: PG A8glnt. d/B€dcnte voh V.rbtndsgsstab Rom btu Attache 329a9198,rclb 795157,7996 Roh: Pc 33082-486,330,W4, rol]s2a9445, 7934-37 Algdeireer PG 33082 33091,33095, 3102-103, rolls 1934-36, Mn. FE84 der A6rii5tm8 d.r s

EiMt2 von Lulhninen,1939-40: pc 33039_043,rclb 2O3l_33 i./SkL Ref. I Nord

Ortanisation und EiBatz der Seelufrrkeitkriltte, 1933-39: PC tiAeAdmihl NoMG8er!194r--42: PC 1313iLr43, rclb r97o-r3 3W44-4a7,rclb 2O3TY, 2859 LaSeMarineoberkom.ndo Notu€8€n, 1943r PC 331,1t-148,rclls Luftwafie(Chelsch€n), 1944: PG 3304&449, rc112034 1973-?5

Fohnr der luft/Lqfttlone 5, l9{l{3: !G 33u9-159,rclb 1975-78

/Skl, Ref.l M (Mittelmeer) Merdun8eniib.r F.indlage Entland, le41{2, pc j3l6{Lr72, rclls 20t2-1,5 Hdnd.lre I M Chef3.chenBande I-Iu,1940-43: PG 3305H51d-b, rclb 1904-06 Meld6ten ijbe! Fehdla8e RBl.nd, 1941-42:PG 33773-!V, rclls 2Atr7 Xrim- ud Odesrlmo& 19!4,PG 33052, 33054, rcU 1907 WeiMgd SU 6 Gtuppe,1911-42: PC 33178-182, rclk 2017r8 Untcm€lButen "FEi*hut2," "H€rhrsrm,"''The*u," l9rl2-4.1:PG ' 33053,33056-05Z rols 1907-Og HudelsFhitfahrr, 1941-4?:PG 331&-136, rclls 20r&r9

[email protected]& sd Martz, (two lupply shipsEunl 6 route to North VdlkefthtllclE Fr.geo 1941-43rPG 33182-189, loll2019 AIri6), 19.1IrPG 33055a<, rcll 1907 V€Mhiedec (wa{.E in the EalticS€a, Notreti.n resi5tane),19ll- Abfal Ruminjen-Bultdien,r94{: PG3305H162, rclb 1908,1932 4j: PG33190-19a, oU5 2020-21

L.t€m€lduta sd S

Lrgdddugd GruppeSiid, 19!2-43:PC 33069-{Zl, olb 192830 Eilb€nchb, 1941-43:PG 33206 209, 6lLs 2058-i0 fein.Uddug Nordaf.ik4 194243: PG$0n, rcU2783 V€rteidigd8 Notuegen/kalt€ven€lluE, 1941-44rPG 33210 212, tull 2Nfr Lrg€metdug€n 6d Rimug Aglis, 194445:PG 3N72473, rtlb 1930-31 Hddalt€ "bdo8a-S€e,"weisbten, 1941--42:lG 3321F214,sU 2050

Latem.rd6gen (including T.aspo.re, S.nriitwechsel) Adsiral Unlemelunugo "Zai^ Zareria,' "RegmbogeD" "Wude.lsd" S.hwds Met 19,13-44:PG 3307,1-060, rcIs 1931-33 (opehtioE in AKir< wat€B),194243t PG 33211217, @lls 2o6Ml /Skl, Ref. I Ost B.d.U.Chefs.chm {induding sihrationrepo.ts, conjerence ninut6, oP- (no lNds idmtified) uational orders,dd new technicaldevelopmenb), 1941-,13: PG _ 33328330,3341t rclls 2062-63,3965

Operatiotubefehlefiir da Mttelmer 1942-44,PG 33331-332, rclls 3103, /Skl Ref. I West . 2063 S

Ze6totu& VerbloctuS H:iJ€nSijdtrantfti.h, 1914:!G 33i100,rcll 21,{) Akt€ Invasion19,14 - Ctuppe"Landwirt"r PC 3333+-340, roll2096 Schifisverkehi Sudfranl@id, 1944rPC 3301, rcll 2140 Gruppe"walletutein": PC33341, rcll 2096 Gruppe 'Mitie": PG33342, rcU 2096 Marir@berlolmddo Nord, 19,14:PG 33.()2-rO3, rcll 2140 Betr.Eirtr von t b@t6 mit llil8tftuer, 19,o:PG 3333, Grupp€ Wel All8emeinas, 1943-44:PG 33405--t06,relb 21.{F41 ts€ilrlm

B€fehldhaberde! Nodse, Sicherunt 1943-4,4:PC 3340,1,rcll2l4t) Aus.iishln8Tdl$chilfe (U-bo6lreduppllt 1940:PC 33344,toll20t6 W6t B€tel'lihaber d.r Si.]leMg All8sein6, 1t41-44:t1C 33408, oll 2141 B€ti 'Ielix" "llona," 'Anton," "Gi*|." (pleed ope!.noE in spain, Cibdltlr, ud uddpi€d Fr6@), 1941F43:PC 333.15, reU 2096 fithnr der s.hnellb@rc, 194144: Pc 3411. ou 2142 &tr "B..b.rusd"(invasion ofU55R),1941, PC 3332 rc1I2096 Geterhtsberlchk,r9,g: PG 33413,oll2142 8eti, Kriettuhrung Im Mitt€latllndk (i$tru.nons io U-boats),l94Hr: Futsp.iicne V€neiditu8 Weetftankcich, l9rl4: PG 33114,rcll 2143 PG333{6, rcU 2096

Toul@/sp.ni6/Potutal/Mabrro, l9l}{4: PG3340+:t10, relb 2141-.t2 Betr.W€is68m lirr w€itep Untefrehnugen von Lib€tus*strit- triiften, 1941:PC 3338, @ll2096 Wetlerb€obachtunt$chife Md Wetlc6ldtionen, 19{3-45r PC 33412,rcll ,''! All8emeinee(Eene.al dwelopnenls in U-boalwat Includingev.lua- ttotu of tRhnicalequipment md we.po$, o€aniz.tjonal data),h.. F€tuhEibennrlug, 1942:PC 33415, rclt 21{3 194-Sep.1943: PC 33349-351, rclls 209G97

Marire GNpp.nkoMado Wst, r9,I2iPG 3541586, oll2108 Ubotskne8fiih|uE L5E nb€Bich (.n.rb),199-41 PC3352, dll2097

Lrb@tsbie$ihrun& Nordatl.ntik ud Mitielneer, 1941-42:PG 33353- 356 rcUs2038, 2098 /Skl, Ref. I U (Ubootekriegfiihrung) ALe uboorsjatd$biete(chdrs), 19,lg,l: Pc 33352rcll 2098 Neubau,l.Jb@re,1925-30, 1936-37: r€ $378-379, rclb 2099-2100 [email protected]€nNodse (oldeF and Bporrs),193q0: Pc 3335E,bll Ausbildug (@Urtion of mteriak for Edsrablishment oI U-boat .@ ir 2093 rhenara), 1921-31rPG 33380-38r,eI2100 !.d.U, Handakte:Ubootseiletz, D(. 193+Dec.l94l PG 3359, roll Winr€rarbeiten(dcv€lopnent ot dclenses ataiNi antislbmarine 396t weapons), 1922-37:PC 33382-383,33337, rcU5 2100,2138 ubmtsopcratioskarren Ubmi..bwehr 1929,1938-39: PG $3a4,33389, olls 2910 2138 Nordhea 19!D-44:PG 333@-369, rcl 2098 Mttelneer, 194144: PC 33370-3n,rclb 2!t8-99 L,looreAlgeneines ud FEmde Mannen, 1926-40:PG 3338F386, rclls 21m,2138 Bsb Nord (U'boatbases in Artic, M€dite|6ea, and Ldian Oceu), 194Hii: PG33325b, ro! 3912 Ndbaurm/tlb@ts'Entwicklqt (including developmdts in new U- b@t tt"6 ud tadic.l ereEis), 193a-39:PC $38a, 3390, rcll 2138 Allgmein6: L'b@t$peFtio@, Oct. 1941-ocr-1942i PG 3316, rcll 3965 NacMchten iiber ltal. lJbmre ud Ltbootsabwehr, t934-38r f€ $391, rcl 2138 Ijldsichtskarlen (mapsof U'bo.t operatios md succFset, 1941-42: PG30983-988, rcll 3383 LtbeLsoFmtionen (indudina operatimal dire.rivG, repolts on Itali.n U-bet op€ratioc, dd lists of U-boat slrivoF i! B.itish @ptivity), Beuneilus Mh6lere ud CesruMlms! l94l: PG955q5 latt 1939+12:PG 33325-322 rc& 3103,20,62 -f/"..c- .r(- qalS-

10 r/Skl, Ref. IIa LrgeberichtFHedeLes.nfiahr, R.icnlvdk€l'Minittriu, 1939-43: (Handelsschiffafu t, Hilf skrcuzerfrage,Etappe) PG33491-496 rclls 219093 S.litrsv€rlct€ (Gem.n mclnot ship lG*t, 1939-43rPG 33492-501, rcb 219H5,2143-44 Zufutu und ZuJuhtrnue, 19390: PG3ur7-424, rclb 2036,2074-75 Kapifdnsb€nchh(Gelfu ndhanr lhipt, 1139-40:PG 33502-503, Hnndebkn.& 193,L39:PG 3342.H2f, rclh 2075-?6 rclls 2144-45

VeB.hj€de.$ (jnduding d.ta on me(hmi v6sel5 convertedto naval Geleiuii8e (data on Endsh .onvoy synm), r939-.40rPG 33504,rcIs .uxiliaria, Gemd warrine kade),1934411 PG 3u29430, 33520- 214546 523,tolls 207G77,2L7V72 N€utraleS.niltlnn for do leind, r93H0: PG33505, bU 21,16 Hil66.nifle, 1937-39:PC 33a3L432, rcll 20n AllE. Weis66en und UnrehScn fiir dm Handelskie& 1939-43rPG st[tzputte, t93go: PG343935, rcII2073 a3$6-5r2"rclb 2146,2162-{6

KrieSrwi.tshaftlzvile BaurorhatA/Anl€rpliEe, 1933-39:PG 33437- H.nd€r5krie8(EEltnise), 193H2: PG33513, rcttt 21('6-67 439,rolls 207Ur9 PasieFheituw*n/Sddddwdssgen, 193q3: PG3351rF515 rou IluppdrrGpode, 193+41:lC 33440,rclI2079 2167 -8..ichte"/RGtunS "lvlet (MchodSesinS.mdinavia wac6/[email protected] SteueMt dd eutnls H.ndel$.1'ittah& 193H3: PG 3351C519, m4t to. merh4r shiF), 1933-37:Pc 3i441-442,all 2O?9 rclls 2168-70

Studieln und Unterlagen(nerchanr ,hip plot{tion md prct*tim of Wirt!.h5frsmchtlchlen,193rs1r PG3352!529, rclk 2238-39 inports ln wartime),1930-32: PG 33443-!44, blte 2079+0 Studleiib€r dte V€tuendungenvon Hillltfukr 2u Hddelslnc8 sd Etappe1939: PC 33445, rcIl2080 Hod€bchifi.hrt, 1938-39:PC 3530, re|l2239

Xriegspi€leA, 1938-39:PC 33!146, rcll ?080 HelrviUlfut it.l, S.hl{t aa L'bee,19.41-il2: PG3531, rcll! 2239-40 H$deb'lr.t undwirts.haftUcn€ X.mpfnasarherl 1939-40:PG 33a{Z rcll2080 r/Skl, Ref. III Bttmn/Heimatostse, 1939-40:PC 33rl4Ea-b, rclL 208H1 (S.hiffbauplan, Umbauplan, Neubauten, u.a.)

Ttupo.re, 1939-42:Irc $449-450 lolb 2081+2 Bo!d-ud L.n&rrrt6, 193+36:PG 33532 rou 2030 Minet! 1939-43:PG 33451-454, rolls 2a82,21t2-13 H6d.*te (veBch,ed@), l93,Fal: PG 3353!538, lolb 2030,206{.65 Noe€tentlhrt, 1939+1:PG 33.1551159, rclls 2113-16;PG 33524,rclls 227-tA [email protected] 19f,4.41:PC 33539-542,rc,l. 2029,2965-66

HollddfaM, 1939-41:PG 3360, Dlb 211e17 Fordeut€n tur Rnstu$prctr.nn !n.l FabritarioNprc8ffi, N€ubaupl.n (E9uiEm6t3 for tuvnl .orotructior .mdenl .nd H€imal-Nordk, 1939-43rPC 3346r-452, rclb 2U7-18 peFomel), 1934-41 PG 33913-546,rolL 2067-64

N.chltchtensd AllseneineAnweisugd/"5nd*" (trasnilsioa to FordcM8d an Or8uisation und Rtl*un8, 1931H1: ?G 335!7-552, Geman merchmt5hip5, exploratioN in AEtic warc6), r93C-42:PG 33463-ltl, rclle 2118-t9 Vordft€ith fiir A-Pld, 1938 39: PC 33563,rcll 2101 LEerw S.hiffsbewetuten ohne Eiappe, 1939-43:PG 33465-176, 33460-4E1,3348H35, rcll5 2lry29, 2ra6-87 Splrze.Etiederun& Befehrs8lledetung, 193rF40: PG 33553-555, ro113 2470-77 Unterlagenzu sreeM8 der Bl@kadebcher durch Meineatta.hC Iotjo, 1941-42:PC $4n,611 2127 Reichsveneidtguglrai Zffib€it mit Zviloinilteriun, 1t3rL 38: PG 33556-55t rcls 202-72 Franlftjchitalien, s.hifisnbelfiiherg 194243: PC34a2, rcl 2129 Rii!tun8sfordetuEen Kiiste, 193G38: PG 33558-551 rclb 2072-73 aldhdebrech.i v6 aordeauxnach Siidamerika !n.l zuriic!,1940{l: Ribtungsfolderungen S€stFitlq{fte, 19391i PG 33560-562,rcUs 2073, PG33486, rolb 2187-48 2101

Ub€FEtappeMhitre (hcludirg the ,4&rurl), 1939-421PG 334A7, &ntfstyFnfodteD 19391: ItC 3356,1-571,ols 2101-03 rcIs 2r8H9 W.fta6iwictlu$s! 19}l41: PG 41572-.572a,blb 2103-Ol Feind[cheS.hiffanrt (dmy ner.hmr shjp mov€m€ntssd 3in]-int4, 1%q1: PG3348H89, rolb 2189-90 Mobilisation Pl.n-Riistd& 193t36i PC 33523,rol2104

N4rnl€ s.hiffahtr, 193H3: !G 33490,rol2190 F ontrcis, 193H1: PG 3357,L5n, rclls 210aJJ5 Auiltellbg Luftw.ff, 193+37rPG 33576, lon 2105 Dod6entdtlon Nolrsj Th€ Kd€Srt gcbuch (war diary) of Fliirer der Unt E.eboot€r'Befehbhabd d€t UntlEeeboote i! Rohltofibedarfder Xnegsminq 1937-41:PG 33579-581, rclls 210H2 des.liM in d€tail in the National AKhives publicatim Grtdrs Hafdpluu8m, 1937-09:PC 3382, ft1l2107 to the Microflned xjcotds ol thr Ga,n'n Naty, 1850-1945:N0.2, . RecodsRel'ting ta u-B6t watfdft, L939-I9aS lwasht^8t6, DC, BenchteBtatiu8 ds Deutschm ,apEn-Kommiesion1935, 1941r PG 1985),1-5. That guide also d€scribesavailabl€ war diali€s and 33581584,lolls 210748 related rccords oi rpecific U-boat operational commdds ad in- dividual U-boats. Lilt€d b€low are the microfiltned office fil€s mahlained or inherited by z/Skl (BdU Op) after MaI€h l94i). /Skl, Ref. IIIa fforderungender Fiihrung) Clos€ly .el.ted ar€ r€cords of l/Skt, Referal I U (Llb@tslcieg- fiihrung). Beri.hte6d E flnsts-S.Ntrotypen, 1949.{4:PG 32001, 33600, 33601 rc1I4014

S.hilfltyperl' 194F,14:PG 33600, 34187, rolb rO14391 KrieFtagebuchdB F0ht6 de. Unt.Rb@t /8€t€hbhrbs d€r Un- rer54boor., Aut, 1939-JM,19!5: PG 30247-362,ftl,' 3979-41, N€ubauple (Foiderun8h rn Neubauten)(including coBhuction of 4#3-67 }?e xx dd /,XIII U-boab),1943-.$1, PG 339{5b,3418{, lous 3986 3991 Aug.-&. 1939:I€ 32012,rcll39El Not : Mott ofr.. s ol th6 @np*iag ffitd itft PG 33587- lt Wt. 193c-Ma. PG 599,33601-408, rnd 33610,w not d. Nov 1940: 3199.1,rcU 39E1 tln Feb.-Nou19,10 PG 440, rcU 3674 tul.-SeP.19a{: PG 1434, rc1l3673

Marinekomnandoamt (AlaFKiiegeepiele E lahM6sbe.ichte (excerptsfrcn U.boat war diarier with .om€n- tariesby 8dU Op), 193H0 dd 194H41 PC30972, rcU 340! All€n betr. Kriet$picl. 1927128,De.. 1928:PG 3398, nor lilned ud PC29345-385, availableonly at the BA.MA rell3673

KolMddoamt! X.leSssplel 1934 (sveral fold€E docunenting aU ae Berichteobei Celeltzugopelationen, 1941-43i PG 30942-943, rcI13165 pect! of lh€ 199 neet err.lse, based on rh€ pEmise ot war with (,,b@re, Frrnceuder hvorable ondittoNl. MaEh-lse 193a:PG 3t02G Op.raiios$bier fii. 1940:PG 30944, rcI3465 orr F|.Ji!..d r cll, '12-ltl Berichl der britilcnen Adnir.lillt ober di€ t b@tslbw€hr Ttti6k€n, Kri€EespielA 1938/39,fthlussbespn

Krietspielre.hnit tur.in i.lri*h6 Kri€g$pi€l (guidelinesand ebn. Akre:U-B@te (EiMtz und O?eration€n,Aslau&neldugen), 1942{3; pl6 of onl€F dd pMedu6 !r the 6ndud ot r..d..l Ev..l ma- PC30916, rcll 3.!65 neuvs dd oet ereFis), ca.1933r PC 31985, tcfr.l{lir+ rl ro( 413 Verlust"U557," 1941-42: PG 30947a, rcll3403

TorpedoAlgeh€in€s (includingassessmenis of toryedotuings and tri- 'SKL B.D.U.oP ab), 1938-39:PG 309a7b, rll 3822 (UMrERsEEBoorsFtjHRtNGsAarrrLrrNc) "C 1" Allgcnein6, 1937-31IC 3@47c,rcU 3a72 "G 5" Sper- ud Minenwestr, 1939:PC 3t847d, rcI 3472 "G 7a" Takik,193?-39tPG 3W47e, rcn$n OrAatizetional History Nofert From the beginning of the war "G Tb" Navitatid, n@de M.rinen, 193&-39:PG 30947t 613672 through early 1943, z/Skl denoted the Abr.ilung (larer Anb- "G 10a" Mob.-AnteletenheitenAUtoeF, 1936-39:PG 309{7& grupp.) Mdin€nachrichlddi€mt, resporu'blefor convnuica. mlls 3872-73 tion! and naval intellit€nce. In Mafth 1943,folowing Donitz's "G 17" ,C€heimluhh& Polit8 hes,1936-39: PG 30q7n, a$umptiotr of overall cotmMd of the Na!ry, 2/Skl was ied€s- rcU3373 1939:IG 30917i,rcll ignated the Untersc.boobfiihrunSsabteilunS (Submadne Geh. "V2" Au$erpolitiiche Mitieilh66, 3473 Comnund Dvision), as the former OpeEtiotu Section of Com- mande.-in-chi€f Subma.ines (Bdu/Oper.tionsrbteilung), Stdndi8eKrieFb€lehle B.d.U rinduding srdding ord€Bon om6i- und€r Konteradmjral Eberhard Godt, ceasedto e$st as a oper' catios p@dui$), 19rtH5: no PG nmber Eprcduced 6 @U atioMl comand and k.rifen€d to th€ Seeki€gsleitung. Th€ 4188,tods012H650 operational conduct of dE U-boat wff thereaJter!€mained with Vezeicnnisder U.-ltupektion-Akten,1917 18: PC 309€-949, rcll34d, this orSdiation. Dtjnitz r€tained his tide as B€fehhhrber d.r Unl.Feeboote after his promotion 0anuary 30, 1943) to oDeF Op€raii@kand (@Uetion of chartsdd grph5 ilstrating Ari..l b€{.hlrhaber det Kdessndine. 3hippingl6es dd de66*s) 19{l-4?: PG30950, rcII3400 WirlhEsgrad dei in Atlandl elngesetztenU-Boote (dsessments of U- MARINENAcHRICHTENDIENsT(MND) boat sinlings dd tolpedo efftrtiveness), 1940 19,11,O.i 19.12- Jm. Jd (2/SKr, Jd. 19,13PC 30956,30953, ro113,l!3 3/SKL, 4/SKL, 5/SKL)

IJdi6ststellugen M€ldmg€n, 1943:PC 30955,rc]I3403

Torpedove6mluEen du(h U-Boote, 1940-42,PG 30956,roll3403 Otgalizationql History NofesiAs of Septembd 1932 L\e Marine- na.hdchten.bteilung within the Marlnekormandoamt wa6 U-Boot L: Havrer Such nach U,Boote, 1940:PG 30958,rcll 3403 r$ponsible for both G€rnan Navy communications and inl€tli- gence evaluation on foftign navies. By war's outbr€ak in Sep- t booisabweht-WB. !Vu{v{fa}uen, 1942-44rPC 30959,roll3404 iember 1939it was redesignatedihe Abtetlung Marinenrch- rlchtendlerut MND), with subordjnaie ,ections for g€neml Schulverbdd der U"Bootsabwehrschule,KTB 124.-13.6,1940mit Mef dsgsr PC 30960 rou 3,104 comunicaiions (Nachncht€nnbcmittlungsdienst), evalua- iion of foEign navies (Fremde Martnen), dd signal inteUigen e RestauziigU-Bootslriegsiagebilcher,1939-42 PG 30961, roll3,104 (Funkbeoba.htunSsdtenst).In lanuary 1940the MND was i€- orgdjzed: Ableilung Marinena.hri.htendienst,now dsiS' Celecntsbericht iibe! Vemichnmt eines feindlichen Llboot dur.h das nated 2/Skl, reianed all comuications tunctions, the newly nu8zeu8 desLt z 5. Lrjckriidt am 8,5,194!:tc 30962,!o113404 d€signat€d3/Skl, Abt€tlunsNa.httchtenauswerrun& combined Angrifi aui G€leitzuE, Kurzbericht sep. 1940:PG 30963,rc]I 3404 the turctioro of signal intelligen.e dd intelligence evaluarion. In Nolember 1941,the signal intelligencehlnction was re' L€iterSichetung Gnonde-Untergang des ital U BootesInn,rnri, 1940: movedfrom 3/Skland rerumedto ihe MND for lhe durationof PG 309&, roll 3404 ihe wai A gene.al reorSanjzaiionof the Seekiegsleihsg jn Ma!.h 1943ledto the redesignauonof the MND as 4/Slt, with St€llungnahned6 B.d.U.(BdU/Op commentaricson individlal pa- lesponsibilityfor and inteui- koboIU'boats),Jul-Dec.1944rPG30965,roll340a continled communications signal gence;3/ Skl.emained responsible for intellig€nceevaluaiion A U-Boote- Indlenststellungen,Velluste, 1939--14: PG 30966, roll 3404 seciionfor ladar developm€nis(Abteilung Funknessdieml), establishedwithr 4/Skl in October1943, eventually 8!€w ih Velzeichrisder ih lort Deven{Mass, UsA) intemieltendeutsch€n U- significanceto becone s/Skl (Abteilun8 odun8sdienst) in Booisbesatzun8en,nd. PG30967, !o113404 Jun€1944. Au&tellugLd.U, West,19.42:PC 30968,roU 340,1 Do.uftentatiofl Nores:Most MND recordsregistered with "PG" Auweriunt St.Nazaire,1943: PG 30969, lou 3404 record item numbe.s (PG 48943-49086)were never filmed. This is particularlyt e jor documentadonof signalintelligenc€, e.g.l Schlihv{hsel lehl€nd€ U-B@tslqiegstagebiichei 1939-.{3 PC 30970, Schlisseldienst, 1934-39(PG 48990-995)rB-Dienst 1935-39 (PG roll3rl04 48995);Ergebniss€ des B-Djensies in der Reichsmarine1934-35 Fskteclnische! ErfahrunEsbed.htijb.r die Untedehiug des U- (PG49014.{17), and Funlaulklarungbei besondefehUbunSen BoolesDef,!I, 19.11:PG 30971, roll 340.1 (PG 49018).The originals were prcslmably r€stitutedby ihe British governm€nt io th€ Bundesarchjv and are now in the cus- Nolizen-l,rbools KJiegstagebilche. (handwritten sunmades of individ- tody of ihe Bund€sarchjv-Abt.Militiirarchiv lreiburg/Br. The ual U-boatoperatiotr), sep -De. 1939:PC 30972,roll 3404 regularly issued signal intelligence reports of ihe 8-Denst (B- U-Boot!.ngelegenieiten der neuen Boote (r€lirenent to trainjng oI Berichte and X-B-Beiichte),1939-45, olj8inally registeledas olde! subfrriner mdintendceol !4ords,lectureon crewmorale), .ecorditems PG 17155-174,a.e now locatedamong the Recolds 194143: lC 309?2b,rc)l 4476 of the Naiional S€curity Agency/Cenhal SecuJiiy Service, RG 452 as"G€rman Navy Reportsof L:rterceptedRadio Messages." 194241 Operdtjorolalten Adanti!, PC 3097!-979, tolls UM,3382-83, Most MND recorditehs reproducedon T1022consjsi of ma- 3465-46 terials originat€d by 3/Skl r€lating to the evaluabon of lrtelli- U-B@i5*negJiihsng,1942: PG 30981, rcII3104 gence data, ihese are lisied below. The oliginat recolds now constiiute a part of Bestand RM 7 (SeekJiegsleiimg) in the cus- B.dU. OperatiotukartenMittelneer, 1941: PG 30932, roll3-104 tody of the Bsdesarchiv-Abi. Mjltara(hiv, Freibuit/Br Th€ MND also rssuednmerou nanuals md handbools describing U-BooEkarteien (ca!d indexes o1U-boats, one series for U-l through U forej8n navies ad coastal waters, many of which are repro- 1216tle s

5pm'6, 193C39(ircludiq inloda66 @ ladio @muicEtioro .i De tiirkische Luftwaffe, 1944;PG 4942:,,rcI2918 phe6): PC4898-99, rU 28m wlffmr.

(y'Skl AbL Freude Marinen Nadui.htenau6r.vertung) Neuhal€ Sestreitktlft€-Spanien (indudi.E movements of Blirish, Fsch, and lralia waEhips in SpmGh w.tea), 1937-tl8rPG 49!26, Atdato a 3/Sld (includiry daluatioc of.8art! tud huch inteli- o[ 2919 t6.e clatiry ro lh€ Nomddy invasion),194t-45: PG 49036b, ml to38 Die SeelcNacht vor der Malayish.n Halbino.l (vebenkug Rryul3. 8d Pnne of wa16 1941)/Die .lllerte L!ftwaffe im Minelrns qd Nachrichbndi$t (ddtly 161tE on hd.r md 6dio inteUitde), Mittlerln Ostm, 19,14:ItG 49ln-428, rcU 2919 1914:lG a966., rcU4@4 Rei*be.ichre (voya8€r of herchur shipr, 1939-41:PG 49429-{30, rcll3 sp.'E-B€rden, Holmd, 1939-?10:PC 49147,to\ zgm 2979,3104

Sowj.tuni@ (Fporrs o USSR,Sovi.t cvy, od SovierloEitn ala' Politjs.h& lrd Stimmut5beridrt all€r L:nd6, 1939: IrG 49431, mll tios), 193rH3:rG €165-175,rcIl2822 3tu

Soqetoion Flotte$tocpule ad HeIo, ltll-42: PG4917G181, rcll 0!6icht iib€. die von der Bsteltm der M*ine autg€nolm*n f$t- 2423 spriiche im tanF 1939:PC 49!32, oU 31{X

Finnland-Ruslsd SpMs& 1939-40;PG 4t8182-186,rclk 2823-24, Kurb4htichten zu. Feindl.E€Nm 1/,(F2l45), Feb,19,13-Mai1945: 2956 PG318m, oU {096

Sowi.tsion (rcportsRiv.d frcm Rddaftilftr'SsF Kl|t@ctuichro zu o3tl.Ee, May 19,13-Aut. 19,14:PG 9559, rU 4225 cerreid€emre1938 in der sowjetuiror Pc 49182rcII2958 Polit!.he kte ln de! Ror6 Ame, 1933;PG 49188, roll2959 Zw'm$iellsg aler wicndSh birhd bekmlgewordend g€neimen Prcp$&

Orbvertella8 d€r aUi€rtenS€estrcitkrAfie, Apr 1912:PG 49,()3a,rcU 4225

O€sGation der fEnztEir.no Segtteittriifte,Api l9'A; PG49r(D, mU 29t7

Iididi3.he !^lbhtu hltrM6vs 1937.uf Sicilien:FG 49410, o[ 2917

Orydi&tion ud Gli€d.Mt ds !u. S€6irlitktiifre, l9{l-.{2: PG 491t1414,rc 1291?

R6ish€tni*h.r nonovstat hii G€heinll.@& 1ttl. PG49Ut rc167917-lA

Rsi$h€ Kibienlefdtituto. 1941.PG 49417, toll2918

S.fehLn !s ds Ka@! fin F I "Ba$a@," l9ll: Pc4tll8-419, rcll 29]a

N..hri.hi.n-Aswdtult Sowj€rqid, l9{4: PG19rO0, Dll 2918

1a Marineattach6s

Otgdlizational Notes: Beglrd]'i^g in the lare 19th century ce.- Marineattach6gruppe nan Marineattach6s (MA, naval attachds)were assigned io the capitals of impoltdt powers to serve as liaison with naval rep- Aktm beti M I (includinS propo$ls for a flei air am! rhe esrablish- res€ntatives of tho* natioB, and to gather potti.al, military nat of a BDst for 3i8nal3 intellSen e, employmenr oI G.md p€em€l m Fimish submding, od dihssoE with foEigr Ep- and naval inlo@tion of int€lliSenc€ value for rhe c€rman pstaiiv6), lu. tt+Mai 1931:PG 48896,rcU 2955 Na$a kryeiy dismantled in 1920 as a consequenceof World War l, th€ German naval attach€ s€Nice was fomally reconsrj- Atlache ve&altsgs- lnd Pesonalangel%enhenen (includinS intor- tuted in April 1933.In 193,5the Madnerttach6Sruppewas es- nation on th€ resiablishment of the mral atta.i€ *aie and a r€- porton BntishASDIC Nov 1930-Dc.1933rPC 48897,rclls tablish€.lar the execltive organ for ihe naval anacheserice, lronorj), 2955-56 responsibl€dnecdy to the Ob.d.M. Many reco.ds of Eval attachdsr€late to Etappendi€nrr adiv- Auslands-Beri.hte,M II-l (includinginfordation on foreiAnnavies a.d ities in th€ esiablishment of covert supply and support facilities on the d€velopment of slbnain6 dd other pa. natenal {or Cer- ror G€rman Naly operatioE. For th€ €arly war pe.iod, r€cords nan purp(E in forciF coutries), )u. 1931-Nos 1933:IrC 48898, oll2956 of naval attach6s in titin American coutri€s document activi- tjes of blckade l1lme6 dd th€ prcurement of suppli€s tot M rvn (Eports on loEi8n navi6, in

Vorltieg!-Etappel1fut€ria.l (including data on Gedan aSents), Mdr 1912-Nos1935: PG 4909,4, rcI|2863

V€rkehr mjt dem Rei.lsv€r!€h6ninbknm (re8a.ding the use ot GcF tlh mrlmt ship! io transport str.egic raw mtenab), S€p. 1938- Nov 19.t2:PC 4909H96, olb 2863-5{


Aryotinim (BuenosAjEr- Bde.l-I (indldingdata on blockadel1seE andsotlling of /d- ninl GtufSpe), S.p. l93FlDl. I942rPG 32009-{10, mll ,{089 Algeneins,la. 1940-,un.1943: PC ,13875,rol 2917;PG 43895, Btun Ejo de JdeimF ab, dd ,!pme mval oFEti@ in the PacificF A]l8m€ines (iflduding Et pp.nditui mtte6, blo.tade tllmeu) Aug. l939Aug, 1940:PG 32149, @u 3937 Sep.1939S€i. 19,9: PG 32001,32007 !08, rclls lo87 €8j PG May-Sep,1941: PG 32144, rcI3937 48895,rcIl 2955 p, 1947-May7942t PG 32145, rcll' 3674-75 D€.. 1942-Md.1943i PG 32UG148,rcls 3658-59 Sorder.bieilmg(q*a a, rma), Ap( 1943tPG 32147 /b, Algdeine! {Ehpp.ndl.B! bld}ad€ tlJ@B), Mai 19ro-No* rcu 4086 1941;PG 32005, rcll 4087 EiapP€,Elochd.bEchaa txlbkllllzr Km GrolctlpF t.ps.a n, Oci. 193c-May 1941 PG Chic (ShutrdF 3213, rou! 384F.15 Alltm.he, Jul.-D€c.19{2r PG 4E8n, rc\ 2917 AItol.ln€3- S.p. 1938-lul.194q PG 3213E, rol 3674 Ddnenark(copenhrSenF Jul. 19{0-M.y 19,{1:!G 3213t rcll 3845;PC 32140,bI Gkd6. AUtlmeh* (ircludlnt G.lfun-Drnbh uv.l lt'ldat 3937iPC 321s0,roU 3844 Ft.rdht th. niniry of !pR!,k al4), Noe 1938-D€c.19{2: Mly.D.c 1941:PG 32U1, 6U 3844 PG4a79!-794, rc11295+ PC $796, bI 2155;PC r879t, bU 2911 5.P. l9u-Api r9s. PG32ra5lb-<, Dn {066 l3ldd/Crdnlsd (inchdinS pl.nr for $tlbtlhlng I w..tha d!- don d Greenlsd), Ocl. 193!.Nov 1941:PG 48798, rcll29U lqto.l.$i6 (toh Mll|lrattlcha 8!l8t.d.F GkdoeAkt€ II (nosdy con emltu cl"h€B sd c}?ha lecudly, Aut.neh.t M|i 194G.16.1941: PG 438&1, rc]I2917 oct. 193FNov 1942:PC 4€795, lbU 2955 sdder.tte "Drnddt" (anert! of GeM !t6b by Dmirh !u- Ksdft (Att6 6d Fi'reF thdid6, C.l!'6 dsp.d6 of D6turl), Nov 1938-o.t.191|2: KI! MA, ,a.-F.b. 194s:PG {3885, rcU 2917 PC491ltllz rcUi 2868-69 [email protected]$stab Ktutid (in hdint infodrnon on theoF gaiz.tlon and eainins ot the Cntid N.ry), 194H4: PG Edador (lnrou8hMdrineattach! ArsenrinjenF !8885/b-i, rclb 3909-10 Bencht(concemjry the d€dth of d agentmd hh replacemen0, teb.l94l: PG48880, rcll 2917 kttlrnd (RjgaF MA E€ri.ht (FtErdbt sovi€t cuP.tton oi ktvi.),lu. 19,{0:PG Erylad (LondonF 48885,rcl 29U Alltnein6, S.p. 1938-D.(.19{2r PG 32016, rcU 4089; PG 48878, rtu 2917 Merlco (Mdico CityF Beonderd (Cemn not6 to Bdtilh Govement ngarding nat Augmlner (indudjry d.t! o! bldtade rutuing and the Prc- .rp6nelon),Nov 1938:PG 4879/ rou 2917 cume.t ot supplies),*P. 1939-D4.1940r ?G 32006, rcll 4087 Not.:Atlditional dcalds of ttu [email protected] to th. Angl6cd. fton NMI Agt da. Apt..-lun.19i5. aE [email protected] in Gtun Enign Nled.d.nd€ (TheH.tueF Ministry*tith 206, m20, tull 1095),7468 (n20, bll 3258),afld nN lv{.bili5atid (ldudiry Dud| 6ne6bol GdM at6E, tul 1939- (T120,tulls 3223-27 anll 3232). M&. 1942:!G 48847+88,rcU 2917 Algen.irE! (indudlng Fport! on th. costtuction oI a Dlkh bat- Estland(Reval, now Ta[irmF tlelhlp), Aug. 1939-Api 1940PG '13889, rcll2912 AllSem.lnec(hcludinS c€rhe attn?|5 to puEl@ EstoriEn submlrlne dd rcuting ol shippiry in the Baltlc),Nw. 1939- S€p.1940: PG 48881-€81., rolL 29124083 Kti.65t!t.bu.h MA, N4. 193FMay19!0: PG il38u, rcUi1090 At6.hd (includinSinteuitac. d.t on aridrh ehippin8move 4ab, cod.r ,!.1 @vs .ddllg' ed the Geman w€ather- AllSeneln* (hcludinS Intelligdce on lthieh toner), 193E.441 shjp S..hsn), Nov 193FNoe 1910:PG 43812-813,@U 4094, PG4S7aL 4a745-746, 487&S-n2, rols 2953-54 PG4EE14, roU 2860 KneSstaSebuch,Au8. r939-ru. 19421PG 48n4-7N, 487U-7U. Dll6 40E9-90 Plnrrtu (Prnlnu CltyF Allgddn.! (tel.gr.n Ft.ldint G.!IM.Eqb), 19,o:Pc,18890, rcll2917 AllE€@inet (lncludingPoldcd !$.3sFstt b th! tldith ot Munlch.nd idodaiid on Fm.h.}?he6), S.p. 1938-M!y P.ru (ihDuth M!rk!!tt..h! Ary.ndt{dF 19{3rPG 43882-863, loll29U Alltaeines (.!hrr8 to G€md v*eb on the !.

sdweden (stoctholnF Vereinigten St at6 (Wd6hiryton, DC)- KriegstaAebuchMA, APl 1940,May-Dec. 1942:PG 43859-46, rcU Amerila (inchding i.domtion on the U,S, Navy nd sohe cap- 3014 t@d Ahencfl doMents), Aut. 1939-Apr 1942: PG 32003,

Atrrit!'Mobiliedd (Fpdis on GelM ndnnt snipe,attehpl€d Allgefreines (including inteliE€n e data on rhe Speish ud PoF prd@m6r oi vital eupPue!, ae*$mst! of us. relatiotu tugls€ Navies, tle Spdioh Civil l{ar vilit! to Spain by C€r- with l,atin Am€!ic., ud attehpt to establbh intelliSmce ner md naval ofiic€$ ed ve$el!, dd G€mm-Slmbh naval wo!k), 5ep.1938-Mdy 1942: PG J2002. rU lsoh cooperation), Mai 1938-Dec,1939: IG 48837-839,ron 2961 B€richt€ 1940/1941/1942 (including reports on the Sp6bh NarT, neEhdt ship traffic to lnglud, Aui.d espionsge in Spain), Jan. 19,10-Dec.1942: PG 4884G842,rcll3009 Mobilisation (includin8 coordinaiion ol Gedd retuelin8 opera- tios fo! U-borts floh baee In Spain ud the Candry kldds, a report of. confernce betw€en Can.ro and lrdco, tul, 1939, dd actlvitl$ of Cemd .genB), Sep. 1938-I€b. 1943: PG 48843-850,rclls 3009-13 &ieg5tagebucn MA (includin8 nucn Fgardlng retu€llng opera- tios of specilic Cemd U-boat, by supply ships)- reb.-Ma! 1941:PG 43851rcu 3013 Jul. 1941-Aug, 1944rlG 48852+58, rcUs 3!13-14 Note:Maly additiok l tc@tdsol Mtti4.outchl Spati.n at lacal.d ulh thegddal colkction ol Cqndn Noty SpdnishCitil lidr fl6, d.rctibtd eleuhn. ih thisfndihg aid Spanhn ud Poltutal- Etapp€norEanisation(reports on Ceman ag€nts,suppll$ tor Ger nan vesk, intelligence on Al[ed shippin& dd attenpG ro pcure oil and othe! Ew nateriak), Au8. 1938-Iul.1940: PG ,. 49108-112,rotls28d96

Tiilkei (lstabul and ArraEF MA KTB- sep.-Nov 1939:PG 43871,rclls 2915-16 Api 1942-Jul, t 944rPG 4886H74, rclb 2914- 15,4!91 Allgeneines,Nov 1939-rs. 1940r!G48872, rcI 2srF, S.hriftweclBel Detel/(6pte (reEaldin8 Russid shippin8 and car- g@s in the Blact sea),Nov 1935-Feb.1937: PG 49104,rcll 4091

Tijrkei, Criechenlmd, Ruhanien, ud Bllgaren- Etappenorgdisation (Eporte on Ge6a agente, intellgenc. on Alied shippin& prc.uremenl of vjral raw narerials and sup- plier, Ju 1939-May 1941rPG 491143-115,rc1b 2A66-68

AXg€meines (induding photogapb of Soviet ve$eb dd ehip- yalds, dd intelig€nc€ oh the Soviet Nar'}, esp{ially on Soviet

td.-Dec. 1936:!G 4880H01, rc! 2911 Au6. 1936 Md. 1939rPG 48810,rolls 2913-14 Mobuistion (including data on Etappddiefft aciivities md SG viet-Cemo naval coopdanon; Geman low-Erade ct?h€s and cy?her @chinee; @ssment! oi Soviet pEpdatioN, May-I6. 1941; dd warrime ili€ljE€nce on rhe USSR), Sep. 1938-leb.1943: IC 48802,rol2912 MA kTB, Nov 194G-Iu. 1941:PG 48803,rol 2912 (a]$ duplieted on rcll 4084) Ru$ldd "Ed6 Nord" (daia on cellru slpply ships {d facfiti* in the USSR),leb, 1940 Md. 1941 PG 48804-805,@lb 2912-13 RNland-Z$a]med&it (Soviet4ddnaval c@peration, in- cluding additional data m "Bdis Nod"), Ocl. 193+Ds. 19411 PG 4880H02 tuU 2913

t7 KriegswissenschaftlicheAbteilung ("ASSMANN4LADEcrrCoLLlcnoN")

Oryatizational Notes! Onginally established in February 1916 PubliehedOperational and Ta.ticalStudies withh the Admiralstab, this organization swived in the int€r- wa. period as the M.rin.afthiv, Esponsible for the pe*ra- otfutitn.n unn Takik. ArtuttunS wichtiSt EtiSni* d6 sekn.St @!b- tion ofPrussian and Gemah naval archiv€s and the pEpdation li5h€d a 15 nMb€Ed i33ls md 2 d.ah isu6 ot M,Dc Nr 601,19.|2-45) of an official hjrtory of the war ar s6, r9r4 18 lDet Kneg zul H.h L, Dd KmltuBh da CUW'S.ha rotst." Cwistua, "Pinz Sn), ude. the dir€ction of A&nilal a.D. Eb€rhdd von Mdtev ErSd' ud 11,-13.Ftbrul 1942:in PG 31876,rcll 3rt68 h April 1933 von Metey was succeededby Korv.Kapt. (later Vizeadmnal) KuIt Assman4 in lanuary 1936 the Marinearchiv Hefi Z Da UWI atl St. N'tuin, 27. mn 28. Mdz 1e42(dt@O: i! PG 34183,loll 3438 was redesignat€d th€ lctegdwtrseN.haftlt.he AbtetlunS KA) der Kriet9b.rhe (zutlei.h Fors.hun$dstalt), directtysubor, Heh 3. Di. Attrntikntd^mtag d? KtdplStupp! " qi'm7\ _enE diMte to the Oberbefddshab€r de! Krie$marine. Afier the out- E!Jn', tr'l,i l94ti PC 2Mt8,.|.N.41i.+ r.ll .14't.l break of wd in 1939,the Iciesswissenschaftliche Abteilung was attEchedto the Seekiegsleitung (Skl/r\A), Heh 4, Dk Atlantikt4lh.hnung Giebd.u" tnd "Sclatrhnt," lanuaFMrz 1941 (noti2.n unA unblet n): PC ^ar'.-b, rclls During tlle war th€ KA maintained G€I1rE naval archives, 32n-gJ (ontinued to work on lhe World Wd I ofiicial naval history fld 'A.lnitul other hisioncal projects, prpared operational and tactical srud- Heh9, Adninl t"l@" wd HW" in Hand.lskri.g,Okoer ies of World War I naval operatioru, and gathered materials for 1944bb Mtz 1941:PG 1486, rc\ 3741 a planned officiEl hi4ory of the cernan Navy during the Heft 10, Db Fdtrt d6 Bifslatum "'chif 41 ("Kotnodr'): PC 19395 conflict. Most of the operational dd ractical srudies 14252 not Iilrned but copy loc.red in RG ,l5Z NSA HGtoric were is.su€das two series of intemal publicarionsi Opelattore, C.ntlos!.Dhic Coll*tjon, Peworltl U/ar I rhroush world W*. und Tdktik.Au,wtung uichtiget Ercigntssedes Seekliegs(M.Dt. rr,i;^-cdBD 26No. e70eN {Bo\ 62) (ad{ t-.K \2'?4) Nr. 601), a d Taktik (M.D!. Ni 5501.Publication of hdividual H.ft r1, Dt .letsh. Kriqsruit itu F.Uzugg.ga Pokn,S.ptdbd volmes in the World War I otricial hi5tory began in 1922but l9J9i PGU258, bll 3672 was irtempted by th€ wa4 some volumes prepared durin8 World War n werc not publjsheduitil 1966.Assmam and his Hett 12,Di. AsE..l'ng gq.h Ru$ldndin lcht, 1941:PG 3264s, toll colleagues abo prepard essaysand lectures on Ceman naval 18.12 st!.tegy and th€ siSnificanceof specific operations, and appa.- H.h 13, Wti@a @r FlonastEi*rnfh in Notutpoldm@in ently ererted sohe innuence withh th€ Naval HiSh Command laht 1942(T.il I): PG t4259,rcll 3707 on the6e i$ue!. Included within KA naterials ar€ records of z.V Walter Gladisch, who served as Reichskonmissar Helt 15,Di. Fohrtd6 HitlsEvu$ Schit 36" ("onon"), Knntun- dant: I

ftittl (pubushedd eidt 3ep.rat isu6 of M.Dr. Nr 550,1940-41)

Hetr 1, Zwrnast.Iung ubd dasS..gfe.hr w dm Lt Pldta.n 13.12.1939:PG 22763, toll 3701

rteh 2. Toryeditungda "L2ipziS,Niinbag," uA "F 9" 4h 13.lnd 14.12.1939:PG 217w/ ^, 611370r

Heft 3, Schb.ttrrllif schtnhotst": c.l.chtsbdicht bd d4t Luf- g4eht bei Utsie dn 27.6.40:^ot 6lned on T012, but epc ducEd 6 M,Dr. Nr 550/] on Narioaal Arhive Mi@filn Ptbli@titu'fa3, Ctu, Military anr Tthniel Mtnul, 1970 45,rcll 106,flMes 4J4422r246

l8 Heft 4, UnttuwtEfft d6 KM "Littb@' nn 14.4.1914:PG Tsinglau-Kiats.h@ .ts deub.l'6 S.hurzffbi.t bis zM F.I, 1898-1914 2r7B/b, rcld3ml (*ih acMpdylng bactSrcud Drerills, 1$a): PC n865a-d, rctbwv29 Heft 6, Toryedotlefiettrf Schtacht$hif Schafthotst" ofl L luni 19q: PC 27748/ d, toll 3701 . Studi@u$.n@ Plisodlurg Gndldhg hlnutd of nedngs), 193E- 39.PG77 5e,rcll3229 Hetr 7, Kaabi.g m ,4rd,t* (indudlng says o Mnnat s.r!r,'s engagemdt with a British convoy, No{ l9rl0, fld m- QueUmreriar zu s€rie "Der Kiieg h d.r O3Ee," Bmd II, 19l.F1E aaaeldMts ot schifr 10 (Th'n with BdGh mercler tui*n, (includiry ehe ni*elantu qBpond€R of Adm. Asmtu, D€.. l9,t0 Apr 1911):PG 21708€,rcll3701 1942-45):PG 4865, rcU32s)

tD..n Heft 7, apparently inhnded for enumbering) 8.tzrlrr8 Studieob€r die Seniet.rei, 1919-r$9: PC 2889, rc1l3230 f.indtihd U-aook in dstm kkgsidht, 1939-4! (dtuu,: pc 31042,rc| 4@6 S.tulftwe.nsel Adh. MEntey/Adn. taof ub€r die Lmdktmpfe d.r (d,itstrl8-B@tzut im ostalrila 091,{-18),1931-33: PG 71E45, Heft8, Bnictu da Ftlht E det Zntiitr,bi den Kintfrn Nrtuik:PG rcu 3230 7O6,rcll3313 Peen l PapieE - vieAdhiFl zv Dirind (l9u-rl2), fet.K.pt. Nota E l 5 (teyntitt Gmn @l opaotio$ in ttu @ptut ol Da- Kln cf,b6.hu5! (1906-{2):PG 7I8,!6b-<, rcU 3230 tu/k .na Ntuy) is n ithd flpnnrc.A on T1022not tuailabt lw ftn- Adhinl A$naM; S

DIe Enlste!6g3g6.hichte der ScNachts.hitre sdraftlroEr sd Cr.is, Kap€rkrie8ud Hsge$loctrde Ds nordMerikanis.herBii€etkiet aL 1934-34:PC 71812,@ll 3227 ab Vo euJ€!Eodeher totalg Ktiegfiih$& 1861-65;Der Kdmkti.g sd &€ Enbrehut mod@6 noie., 185,{-56(both by w- T}eue, kppPuts.h 1920-- B.!icht€, 1937,PC nqn, rc l 3727 ca.1937): PC 71868at ftU 32a3

TeilElme d€. Marirebnaaden e dm K;inpien geger den Polen ih "Dq Krieg ruS€e 191,F18:Nordre 191Z" Quelltur€rial ud S.hiift- SoJMd md Hdbst l9l9 (1919-L4):PC7\E72, rcll322? e€.h*|, 1*a-J5: PG 33952,oU 389 Gedolm ijbe. AcwaN, Asribhst -0bd takti*he ud opd.tiv€ Volhag ob€r "Aufgaben uld Pioblene de! deubchen Sekrjegtiihru$" VeMdduS "G;taht€r HiLskrazer" md hielas a stelsde (A$Ir1'o sp€e.l), Nov 19{1: PG 3960, rcU 3230 F6rdm6en (H.ld9, Mry 1936:PG 71E89c,rou 4034 s.tuiftwe.lel Adm. Assrl1im/wald€tM Kitle, Feb. 1944: PG 31873, Fntd d€r Ru$en uber die d4t3.he Ub@tsknegftihnn8 in dd Gtse. roll3230 (1914-18),1933-3,{, PG 71889b,roll403s Di€ d.uts.he Handebootre im Kriete Gldwig Dinkla8e, 1945F Unlerlag€n A$mM (e*ts and 3t!dte! on wd *onon), hobiltj. Die deubch€n Schife in der MdilGwestindieniann (1939-40): doo on supplies, ltrategi. significdc€ of Baltic Sea,an

"De! Grc8d€utsche md dd minel€urcpei*he TnM von 181s bi. Studieiibs di€ FiilusS eins Zukunlt-Had€ls&tiets im Atlantisch.n 1938" (1938 publbhed horctEph by Kuri Wirth)r PG 83628, rcll R.ur! D€c.1941r PG 71825, rcII3280 4/J93

Kri.8apieltc.hnil Ift etn t*ii.che! K!.g$piel (Mali..atadenie S

Die drur$he Handeleno$€, AuE. 1939-Apr 19!t!: PC 7184t, rell 3227 Adh. A$tuM.Papierc und Notizn (hadwntten), 1944:PC ?18j6, rc!! 32&R5j PG71881, rcI13282 FiihrM€butm zur &ieFte$hichbs.hJeib6, 7941-42: PC n870, tu| 3227 Auszugau der Dentschiift d6 Inr€.alli€rt€nmilitens.hd Komit€4 von 26,11940 ibe! deut*hc Akriorontjgllchleiten ih Fd.llalT Ub@tsbeUtspturt 1939:PG n8$, rcU 3227 1940:lG 71E33,m[ 3285

Gedanlen ii!e. do Ei@E d€. d.uB.h6 U-Eootwaft€ b€i der trte, Adn, A$6am-Noiizn dm KrieAeaEbrucl 1939,und Eryland wi€ sie m 1.9,1939vorhfldd war: PS n857, bll 3228 (m6dy hddwritldi: PG71835a+, rcU 3285

Die Tiltigleii der OsBee-Se6tr€ilkd.fte der Sowlet.Unlon vom 22.6,1941 Adm. A$frM-Kalddd ud Skl KTB hnali (handwritr€n),1939-,() bis 25.7.194t (taslatid toon FiMBh, May 1912), PC 31868, bll PG71835c, rou 3285 32n (FimGh on8in.l = PC 71828,olls 322l-78) Felrlzug in d€n Niederlnd$ (eini.hristch Zelmd), Miy l9!t0 (F4htion ot a snrdypEpaEd by a Dulchtuval oficr May 1911): Di€ Vorgenge, di€ z! neind AbltaqE ab notenchel aul eiga€n lG 31869,roll 3285 Antrag fiinnen (Admiral Behm), Noq 193q PC h8,t4, tuI13407 F.I Md.hall (a treatiseon Admiral Mdchall's actioro otf Nofra, Die Invdid Fr.nlnid! 1944 (itrludlng 6uhrrry stud, int€IiEdce JB 19lo,that led to his Eleasea nottdcheo, Md, 1944:PG 33951, dat , dd sit@tion Eports of 6it'): PC 31060,mU 3408

1/SU, Hrdal

20 Das gegmwilrtjSen Prcblen de! SerrieEfiihMt i!1 Addlr'l ih Hinblid Antwort€n GiAdm. Raedei ar Fragd Adh. Assntu ijber die auJder tl6lrmg der USA (Mai 1941)(includjng a dr.Jr intercSatory Vora€schjchlE"Bdb@5a," Ja. 1944:PG 3399b rcII4078 of Raeder: PG 33958,loll 3467 Kub€.icht des Mdinetflppdlomnandos Sod lib* die von der Die Bedeuhrg der Seezunnu fijr die GesmttriegfiihMg (l€ctue pre. Krie8studne durchgefiilden Nachscnubtrffipo.te *ituend der paed by Kop.Kapt. Wa8ner lor the N,Iarinealcd€mje), May 1936: G!i€.ne! md- sd Ketaoperation" Sep. 1941:PG 71883b,rcI14079 PC 31053,rcI 3467 Alten Geheini Kri€8 v 11,9.1939-7,10,1941(includin8 policy staremenrs Die Rolle der LuJtwa{fe bei der e6ten Flottdstestiitzu8 in d4 by R.eder, orSdiztiotul data, inforution on .apnned FEnch S€egebiet Islmd-Fdde! lo 12.-2711,1939 Gtudy plepaed by naval €cords, a twary ol &DieNt int€rcept aclivjty in 1940,and A.lm, W Cladisch)rPC 31038,rcl 3467 adminishadr tutters): PC 33946b,rcI4081

TorPedeV€EEEer Unle6uchung kouected reports lelating to the offi- VeBchiedeiee - Kdegmarine; Luttwaf Ie; Nachricht€n, Fuloesud cia.l investlgation into G€rhd Navy to.pedo fa @r, Jul, Oct. Orh68s4q; Miliuir'Politil, Buchauszij8€ (essaysmd lect@e by 1940:PG 31057,rcU 3457 KA ofiices on varioG iopks, inchdinS Mval strateSy,torpedo de- velopment, CeI1rE mv6l'ali coopdation, col]huicatioro/ ladat Dle S€ekriegsleitung ud dje Mittelnee.kriegtuhM', 194t Kvze 8fr€ral mnirlr/ policl,, m.l re<6t publicatioB), 193rH4r !G 3394t, Dastellqg der lntstehdg des Wdi*rie8eswerk4 1914/18 (outln€ rolls 4081-82 of plamed chaptes),De.. 1944:PC 31052,loll346€ Op€.aiioNkarts, Wegelarten kharts dd nape oI cemd 5urla.€ Behaclhhgen zu FraEF waBhips, U-boats, dd operatioro agaist 3pedfic convoys thFuSh- BesetzungAtlantikcher Inseln, AuE. 1940(PG 33967a), out Atldtic, Arctic, dd Baltic ware3), 1939-44:PC nA\A, rcL 32n) liiaarl-Opention, May 1941€C a3967b); PC 71891a<, @ll 3216;?G 71892a+, 71918,rcll 32A1iPC 71893a+, Eiroarz der ljbeMasse6heitkri',tre !94r / 42 (PG 33967.)j 71920-921,71925, rcll 3227) PG nA9A, n922-923,71924, rcll3228i Auteneine SeekriegElage,1941 (PC 33967d)) PC nq94a-f, 7190+945, 71907, 71974, rcll 323\ PG nA96-A99b, Einweisug des Admilals Nordmeer, Nov 1941(PC 33967e)l nEn a4, 71907-7 7903b, 7 190 6, 719Q8-9 13, 7791 19 17, rc\ 32A6i PG Mineraldlveborgug der kiegsmarine, Oct. 1941(PG 33967t, 17919/ a<, rcI 328/l ,apa im DreimAchtepakt,Nov-Dec. 1941(PG 339679), tvelche Stiitzpukte braucht GrcSdeut*hldd liir seine (ri€t- Die Bem0hsgen dd S€ekieSsleitung un ein deutsch-tanzijsisches IiillMt, S€p.1941 (PG 3396h): PG33967a-h, roll3988 zwmmenffhen gegen EnSldd @d m die Behauptung des trwileilchen Koloniallei.h5 in Afrika linduded appended coples of t/S! pc'fion papesl, Mar 1941-Nov1942 PG 12624la< s webugm, Rlchdtr en, ud Schlu8berjchte koueded dnectives End eum.ry Fporls on naval operatioro in southem Nofla, du-in. +'tflff4 co[l- {Z?5- vaion plds, the evacuation oI Sevaetopol,the Allied invasion of (i.L'ten UbeEicht iibe! die Kd€$hudlugen da Ni€derl{ndbchen Normdd, dd ihe lo$ oi the Tirp,:), Jan -Nov 19,{4:PG 33968a-k, rcu3988 M6dne von 10,-15,Mal 1940(Gerdan hatuladon oI a Durch suney of Netherlb& Naw oDdatioro r$@lat€d wlth the Wstem Can. pattn), May rg40|Irc 7'1832,rc+r*4hed qZVt' L.Sebeka.htunten.les Marineoberkomando, ltalien (3emlnonthly rc(( 5liMariet, tul.-Arg. 1943, Noq 1943-Oct. 1944i PG 33969, rcl] 3988 Sarunlug von 8€feNenvon AdkUMgs. und Stch€tugeforn.tionen kollededord*e ed lGtrahorool t.ciicll Iolnadoroand h€ae urer),c!, 1939-41.PG 95598,..|,tq4{F.d fttl \ 275' t4eilbeFicht o3taslh (penodi. Fport!), fr. 1944-Jd. 1945,zlffin- sieiluE def Eryebnis ud Erfa.hrungenaus Teil B ud D d$ KTB Denlrchrui (pewar a€srment of rhe potentlaloppor- l/Skl, Sep.-Od.1939, PG 33972, roll3988 "Du(hbrucn" tunities1o! Cemd surlaceloEes to bEal oui into rheAtlutic in the event oi *ar with GF4t B.itain), ca. 1938 39r PC 95599,F*fi Nor&ee, Ostsa und Atlanti! loh 1 11.1939bis zm BegiM der Nbr, Jihn + ao ,./ t- wegen-Untehenmu8 Apr 19,10:PG 71883c,roll 4035 1{ f6 (mpf m die Sehe4chaft 16 Mittelneer G!ryey ot naval develop- Berichte, La8ebeurtenuten, ud Vort!:i8e iiber den Krie8 im Pazi6t, m€nis ir rhe Medjreralean), 'J6.-S€p, 1940:PG 95600,lcrta+ 194142; yorrrag, "Altgaben dei Krieg3nanne, 1939-{4"r !c ,rol( 71833d,ro& 403s-36 e,"4 4Lar

Skizzen ud Sch€matischeDarsrellungen der Marin€loMandos 6d-Skl dietrtstelen, Ol8misarion'Planungen, sw (inciudint luelous orSanizatiotul.hartsF 1924-38:PC 31968,rcll10?6 Nov 193+AuE 1942:lG 3394/1-14rclls 4079-80 Jd.-Dtr.1941r PG31969, rcU 4037 ,m.-Ju. 1942:lG 31970a,!o!s 480-81 Oct.1942-May r94: PC 31970b,rol 4080 Jul,-De..1943rPC 31971,rcU 4036

De S€ekne$leitug und die Vo8eschichre des FeldzuSesgegen Ru$- l,nd (tusnaM study), Ieb, 1944'Mtr 1945rPC 31037a,rcll rl0z

Enrwuf elae. Dmkschrift nber den llonenalfba! 1926 1939(duplicate af PC 33965a):PG 33966a,nll 4077

Chronil des Seekrieg€s(dally sumaner, S€p. 193FDe. 1940: PG 33965b,rclls 402-78 (al$ lG 32610b,roll 4!78) Spanish Civil War Files

Note; Th€seiecords wer€ maintahed by tle Operarions S€ction Tatigkeltsbenchb Ledm Condo, Apr 1937-Api 1938rPC 80939, (A I) of the M.rinekommdo:nt, prewar prcdecessor of the rcU 3430 BeuneiluE (includint SeekrieSrleitun& dd forwarded to rhe Marinedchiv as a db- Ctutag€na Halen aerial phoiogEpb of spdjsh ports), F€b. 1939:PG 80775,rclt 3421 €rele cotlection. Induded are frt€rials oriAjrated by the Luft- B€richt., Heinkehr, 6d k@er Ertahrugsb€richt Letion Condor waffe's Legion Condor r€laring to ite operatiore during that (Atte "Spanienan8eles€nheiten"), Sep, 1936-May 1939: PC mnllicl. Th€ originals of rh.s€ records arc now lealed among 80&2-A36, rcls 348H6 B€EtilndeRM 7 (S€ekiegsleitmg), RM 20 (Maiinekommandoamt), and RM 50 (B€fehlshab€. im Flonmb€reich) in the csdy of kieFtagebu

22 Aericht, AuE. 1937:PG 80950,rcl 3459 Ahena lbiza ireporls tud siSnals concming the padicipation of Ce! B€?Fchugdn Spmis€hm, Iralimiffne Mdine, 5€p.-&. 1932 nan folces in action duing the sieEesoI thes€ rwo ciiia), Mat -Oct PC 80951,rcll 3459 1937rPC 8068H89, rols 3415 16 Befenbhaber de. Liniensdi(e, Tatigteitsbe.icht lnd KTB, Jul. Nov 1936:PC 3O360-a62,rcll5 342G27 . Nacnri.ht ndiat-adidte (intellig€nce reports rlating to spflish Re II, ud IIl. T bmt Flottj]ler! KTB,.ld. Dec.1936:PC 8089€92 tuU publicm f'Red"l forces md Sovi& Nistm.e to rhem, 193G39: ?C 3428,PG 80945,lol 3430 80741 747, rol] 3449' PC 40864, rol 3454, PC 80731, rol 3430; PG U. T-l{oftrjle KIB, M.y-lul. 1937:PC aA878,rctl 3456 80370,mU 3455; PC 80915-919,80927-930,rolls 3457-58; PG 80914, Deutsche MarineFission in Spanien, Tagebuch Nov 193&,May 80926a<, roll 3488 1937:PG AA9A6,rcll Wz cruppe "Nordpe" (code nane fo. all cemm naval p€rstrel in Be.ichte ds Nationalspanischen Adnnabtabes (leports of Nationalist Spain), KrB Spmjsh Nary on enemy movements nd shipping), j.n.-fun. 1938 !eb..'Api 1938,Jul.1938 im. 1939:PC a089W5, toll342a; dd Sep, 1938 Apr 1939: PC 8067M71, rols 344!6; PG 80881- Feb. 1939:PC 808Z7,roU 3456; Mar 1939:in PG 80928,roll 882, rcU 3456 3453 Unt€mehhan "U6ula" (onginal code nme for aU op€ratiotr con- SpanischeOpeationsbefehle (operatjonal ordes of Nationalist Spmilh n€cted wiih Spmisn wd, records incllde war diaries of two naval for.es), J6 -O.r. 1937: PC 86A7-5A92-b, rclls 3471-72i PC Geman U-boars operating in the Mednerdem), Noe-D€c, 80735,tull3418 1936 PC AA7%,toll 3420 €ilg:inge von spdischen Sireittr:iften (mesaSes i(eiled from Naiion- Kriessta8ebii.he! ((m) deutschd kiet$chifie (war diaries oI Cemd alist Sp.nish torc6 pgarding shipping novenent! md attacks), wa6hiPs in Spuish wates)- AUE 193CMai 1939:PG 8059A-6A1,rclls 3473-74 K'lB Adkial Sch.1l!1,-Nov. 1936,MaFAuB, 1937:lC AA613-48, rclts 3,!4.1-45 Irali.nit(he LageberichteInostly legddhg rtupphg\ KTR Adrrndl Gnl spa, Au8.-ocr. 1936, Dec. 7936-Apt. 1937, May 1937-Jm.1938rPG 80916, rclI3457 tun.-Aug, 1937:PG 80626-632 tuIl3444 ,d,-Mr, 1938:!G 80754,roU 3479 Y,TBDeutschlond, l!1.-Ait.7936, Oct.-No{ 1936,!eb, Mar r93Z May-Jun. 1937:PG 808,1,H,19,rclb 342F26 Iunl$€lduten sd Plesseberichte, 193G39t PQ 80673-679, toll6 KfB Kter.er Endd, Ap. 193r: PG 80633,roll 3,1,14 3,11915; PG 80719-721,rolb 3417-!A; PG 8caAfr88, tull3427i PC KT! Kre uzer .,(atsr, [., Dec. 1936-Feb.1937: PG 8063.{,rol] 3444 80921,roll 3928;PC 80941-944,rcll 3{30j PG 8068H85, lolls 347F KTB Kreuzer (dlr, d.-Nov 1936,ldi.-MaL 1937,16. 1937, AtA - 76i PC 40672,toll 3446;PC AM65-467, 80a72,toll 3454 Oct, 1937:PG 80635-6a1,roll 3114.4 KTB K€uer &dr8ererg, Noy 1936-18 1931:PS &0612,!o1b344445 Verschiedme Akt€n betr. spani.n, 1936-39: PG 8Anrns, N737, rcl) Km KElzer krf4& Aug.-Oct, 1936,Mai-Ju. 1937: PG 80641 34)9; PG AA769-n2, roll3420) PG 80889+91, roll 3427,PC 8086€-69, 645,rc l3474 roll 31155;PG 80879-880, rcU 3456, PG 80883-884, rcll 3457, PC KTB U.25,Api-May 1937:PG 8087H76, roll3456 80931-932,80935J38, lolls 3458-59,!G 8068G682 80708-216,rclls KTB Torpedoboot (T-b@, ,4lbarDr,Jul -AuE. 1936,Oct.-Noq 1936, 347Gn) PG A0752..753,tull 34n ) PG 80763,80779 / 14, 80783-784, May-16. 1937tPG 8a646-649,rcll 3474 !oll5 348N1 KT! [email protected], Au8.-sep 1936,J6,-Aug, 1937,Oct, 1932-Mar 1938:PC 8065H52, rcU 3475 KTB T.bdt t!.,9s, Jul.-D*. 1936,Apr-Js. 1937rPG 80653-355, roll3475 KTB T.ber Cruf, AuE.-sep, l93t J6.-Aug. 1937,Oct, 1937-Mar 1938i!G 8065658, loll 3475 Km T-bool Ltc, sep.-Oct. 1936i!G 80659,roll34,t5 KTa T-boot,lra!,r Au6.-Ocl. 193t Dec.1936r PG 8066H61, rcll

KTB T"bmt Krd,r, J$-AW. 1932 O.i. 1937-Mai 193arrJC 80662-

KTB T-boot I?opod Jd.-D(. 1936,May-lnn, !937) PC aA664-46, rcI3445 KTB T'boot Md@, AUE -O.t. 1936 j6.-Aug, 1932 Oct. 1937-Mar1938: PG 80667-659,.o11 3445 KIB T-bool t{ol, Aug.-Dec. 1936:!G 80892-€93 rolls 3427 28 KIB T-boot TAr, Nov Dtr. 1936:PC 80898,rcll 3428

Vor8:inEe berf. Vesenkug "U 18" (reporrs reEardin8 ihe accidental sinking ol U 18 aner .olision with torpedo boat T156, Noq 20, 1936):PC 80738,rcU 3419

Mdln€aftacnd Madnd (repo.ts ot rhe CeM tuval attach! to Spair re- gadin8 ihe Spmbh Civil Wa4, Api 1938 Nov 1939:PG 80730, roU 3478)PC 80764-765,t.ll u\Z PC 80909,rcl 3487

TetiSkeits- dd lrfallm8sberichle lt. P€tzel (Egdding establislmeni oi m gboal baoe at soler, spain, dd 6sessments of mines md .lepth chdEs), May 1937-Da. 1938:PC 80871,80873,rcl 3455

Unt€mehmd "Otto" (plan dd opmrios for diipdtching a@ to Na- rionalisr Spain), Jh. 1935--N6s.1937: PC @693 i95, rclls 3416-t7) PG 80874,roil 3456 A}FBNDD(

Liet of Trozz Rollr Clted tn FlndtngAid

7@-4' v{n49 zn+-v lSdl€2 $$4 1E!{-{9 33{r-59 7''1-t9 3165-61 1qxl4 3!2-{3 1)o-{, t3,!-tz 2lj't 9 3,t 3-30 21ql-@ 3a!t6.{9 21Ut-91 w4 n3a4 vn4 21345? x;84t 2t&-n 36/2-'l 21l|64 9n)t NL$ 38t1-{5 23€0 3I!f2-,13 5!9-21 87t-n AA g7 390-02 81-99 v)t 912-26 u8243 9C' 2E1t-L 39t1 M 9&-66 &-a sn-& 2ls! M 2E9-m ol{ ?lfr-% a034-98 2$0-r9 t,{f-67 29t3-{ $ngt 2965-EE ?f|xt ,frNtllgl 3009-17 41tF2l 318{l a74l 3UE-31 {199-€9 3277-86 azu4 IYational Archiue s and Records Administrati on a6Ol 't.l.lqbi Raad Colleqellik, .uaOlord 2o74O6A0I

8 May 2006

Mr. Ulrich Rudolfsky 2 BrooksideDdve Delma!,NIY 12054


Enclosedis a copy of the introductionard text of Cqidg$qMillqflE9llRgegd!_qllb9 GermanNavy. 1850-1945.No. 3: R€codsofthe Geman NavalHieh Command.1935- l9tE, publishedby theNational Archives and Records Adminisnation in 1999. I hav€ hand-annotatedsome entries to rcflectnewly-microfilmed materials. At thetime I draftedthis Qqidg (1994-96), I lackedthe time to prcvidethe level ofdescription I would havepreferred, but at leastincluded all originalGerman file titlesand designations where possible.The publication staff unforiunately selected a ridiculouslysmall font, which savedsome pages in printingbut mightleave the reader with eyestrain.

Thefirst two Guidesare reproduced on Microfilm PublicationMl743 (oneroll), a positive35mm microfilm copy ofwhich costs$65. Let me know ifyou areinterested in orderinga copyofthat roll.

Bestwishes, --'?":' Iw TimothyP. Mulligan Specialistirt CapturedGerman and Related Recolds ModemMilitary Rocords(NWCTM)


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