Records of the German Naval High Command

Records of the German Naval High Command

C, rirl", to Mic rofit rtr eti Ilecctrds of tlrc Genttnn NoL,!/,tB5o-t945, No. j Records of the Gerrnan Nawal Fligh Cornrnand T935-a945 NA1r.r\^r ARcHr\.fc AND Rr(.oRDiAr)N||\r5,(r I rii\ ltuides to MicroftImed Records of the German Nauy, t85o-t945, No.3 Records of the Gerrnan Naval High Cornrnand L935-49+5 CoMPILEDBY TIMoTHY P MULLIGAN NATToNAT ARcI{lTs AND REcoRDs ADMrNrsrRATroN WAsrtrNGToN, DC 1999 LrBR^Ryor CoNcRlss Car^Loctr\.c-n\r-PuBlrc^TroN D^ra Re.ordsof the C'{''l6 Naval Hith Co't1'tEd/ompiled by Inothy P Mu.lliSrn- p. @. - (Gude. to the miaoflmed Eoid! of lhe Gerun Naly, 1850-1945:no, 3) "Ihn 6uide identifieslh€ principal recordrof the Gemm N.v!l Hith Com' nand for World War I dd the inletra! penod rcproducedd E{7 of th€ culr€nt tot l of 4,263rclb of the Nationdl ArchivedMi@6lm Publlcldd T1022,Reold! of lhe Ge,M Naq, 1850-1945,re$ived ftom lhe United S!.t€6Naval tfutiort Dvtton."-lntod. EBN 1{a087+t7-9 1 Ci|1r6t Kri€Fruine. Ob€rkdtl6deAd{v+Mi@iom ctt lotr. 2. G.mmy. KEit'narire. Ob€rkornD.ndcHillory-2oth @tu.y-Sour<!t-8lblo8n- phy-Mjdofom.atalogs. 3. Wodd Wd, r$9'19!l5 - N.v.l opdtioru, G.t!u- SoueiBibuotr.phy-Mlcroforncatalogo. 4. Splir-Hllory-Civ wd/ 1995-rB9 -Naval operatioru,Gemm--'soffiBibliotrlphy-M1@fom catdotr. 5. United shtes. NationalArchlv$ and Re€ordoAdnhbkltion-Microform cat log!. 6. Dod- m.nt8 on micrcfiIa-Warhlngton (D,C.) L Mulutu,Imoth), II UntEd 51.b6, Natioul Anhives dd RecoidrA.lrntntsbadon. Itr. G€rnrnt KrleSentrrlne. Oberkon|Mdo. Iv' S€ri6. cD3m8.G3R431998 359'.009{3--nc21 9E-2tt45 CIP The paper us.d in thj! plblicrtion met3 thc minihd r!qoi'6at! of the Aroicm Naiional Stand.rd for Pmahm.e of PaFr to. Printed Mrr.ri^b 239.8.19a4, CovnR AdoU Hider Evlews th. Gemd slrfae ll..t from the decl of . vesel t242-HB.v9n-n. vtl Glors6ryof S€le€tedTem|s and Abbr€viations viti WanimeOrgani2adon of Des.ltbed Components,Geman N6vrl HiSh Cornntand (Ob€*ommando der Kri€gsmarlne) ir Captur€dCerman and Relat€dRecords in Mtcroforn tn the National Archiv€s Publirhd Guid6 to Csman R€cord!Microfilmed at Alexandria,VA Sugg$doru for Cltlng Nationrl Arhives Mlcrofilm of Captur€dCelman and R€hd R€.ordj In3tructiorufor Orderjng Microlilrn Guide Entri$: Oberbefehlshabe!der kleFmarine Di€ S€eklieFleituns €KL) KrieSstatebudr(KIB) Der I/SKL I /SKLrUnterlagen de! Refente 2/SKLB.d.U. Op runteE€eboobfiihrun$atteilung) a3 Marin€rEchlicht€ndieBr(MND) 15 Marin€rtt ch68 16 KrieFwiss€ru€haftlicheAbtieilung Spanilh Gvil Wai 6l€5 24 Appetdtxr List of ?1022Rolb Cit€d in FindinSAid ed usually accompanied by an Erylishlflglag€ commorary Kriegss.hifibau. Extant reco.ds of rhee Naval HiSh Comtnand lncluded in this finding aid are notatiotr fo! recorct itetr orStuizations are held at the SundeEa(hiv-Abt. Mli6rarchiv l own to have b€€n assigned "PG" numbe6, but which were Freiburg/8r., Cermany not hicrofiLned; record iiem scheduled for midofilmin& ad M@fiLned operationnl ftords of Cenan U-boats in both pertinent additional collections. world wars ar€ d€cribed ir the Natio..l Archiv6' G!'ider lo lrz This finding aid deives from th€ p.elinimry archival ilork Micnflrcd Reods ol ttu Geinan Na'y, 1850-1945:No. 1, U-Bo'ts perfoined in va.ious colmtries ove! the past 50 years. Sorn€ ond T Botts,1914-1918 frvashington, DC, 1984),and No. 2, Rec- anangem€nt of ffit€rials ws do.umented withh German ords Pel'ting to U-BM| Wafarc, 1939-1945 (Washington, DC, Nary records, paiticularly the organi"rtion of the S€ekdegs- 19E5).For additional inJornation conceming the history dd na- leihmg war diary and ils componenl pa.ts (listed as of rune 1944 tule of Gemd Nary Eords for the World War tI pe.iod, the in r€corditem PG 31791,T1022, rotl3987). The Britishaccession folowing articles ar€ availabler Paul Heinsius, "Der Verbleib lists of "PG" !€cord it€ms. sometim€s knoM as the /'SmdeB des Altmmateriab der deuts.hen KrieSsmarin€," Dr ir.nin, list" aft€. the corpilea Lt. Cdr. Smuel R. Sande.s of th€ Royal Vll, 2 (April 1955),pp. 7H6i Charles Butdick, "The Tambach Nary, identified larSe bloclc of s€qlential PG numb€rs accord- Archive-A R€s€archNote," Military Antirs, xxx\\,4lD@m- ing to German Navy orSanizations. In 1965the British MinisEy bet 1972),pp.12t26;Ho,.rard M. Ehrmam, 'fi€ Gemd Naval oI D€fenc€publGhed for intenal use a two-volume catalogue of Archives (Tambach)," ad Eh€st M. Eller, "United StatesNavy their own nicrofilrning of German Navy records, ananged or' Microfilin of the Ceman NavalArchives," both in Robe.t wolfe, gdizatioElly ad with spftifi. .efer€nces to "PC" r€co.d ed., Captuftd Ce nan ann Rebted P,ccordt:A National Archives itens, original file titles, and idusive dates (Cttalogueol the Mi- Cotercnu l the'6, OH, 1974)i a d Michael Sal€wski, "Das crcftns oI the captud Gmon NNat Atchives Hetd by th. Noel K-riegstagebuch der d€uis.h€n SceklieSsleiiunS im Zweiten HistotiealBnnch, Minktry ol Ddence). Weltrjle&" Marine-Rundschau,LXN,3 'ut]e- 196n, pp. 13745. The U.S. Naly rnicrofilming t€an in London, uder the di- Recordsof German Navy propagandauit! were micro- rection of Capt. Roland K.rause,prEpared accessionlisb for the filn€d as part of Microfilm P\blicano^Tn, Re.o, ol lhe Gq' I'G iiems microfilned by the U.S. Na!y/ which now corulitut€ run Awd Forc6 HiSh Connaid (Oberko nando der Wehnacht, listings of lhe €onienls of T1022. Mr. Harry Rille, Orc{). dd art desc'ibed ih Guide No. 19 of Gtlritesto Grrran who worked with th€ mictofilmed records in both the Naval Reco s Micloflmed at Alemln, vA fwashinstorr DC, 1960), History Division and th€ National Archives, prepared a ma- pp. 45-{1. Closely r€laied ar€ records of the G€rman For€i8n chin*generated listing of 8en€ral groups of PC record items Ministry, leproduced in Micmfilrn Publicabon T120 and d€- dnd their conespond'ngsubFds or Ceman Nary oryani"!- scribed in .4 CrlarqSd Fnrs .nd Mica$lns oJ th?Genan Forciqn tions and accompanying T1O22roll numbe$. These general Mhktry Architr.s, 1920-194s, 4 vots. lgtar.dord, CA, 1962-72). findhg aids, tog€ther with those pr€pared by th€ Bunde6archiv Addilional Gemd NEry re.ords, pninarily of a technical na- followinS ihe Estitution of th€ oriAinal r€cords,and the ongoin8 tur€, were inteFated into the recordEof various U.S. Na\a of- 'Ihe!€ finding aids pr€pared by the National Archives and Re.ords fices. maEnab and other !€lated r€cords a.e des.ribed in Administration, continue to *d€ as Suides to the general col- a fo.thomiry parr ot GlriL Io R.cotls RelatinSto u.s. Military l€ction of microfilmed Ceman Navy rccords. Patti.ipation in Wdhl Wat Il, the tust volume of which has b€€n A small coll€ctionof Gend Naval High Commandr€cords published as Cuid! ro R .ords Relating to U.S. Military Patticipr- wa6 in€lud€d with the many captured German materials trans' tion in WorA Wat , Patt I: Policy, Plaffiinq, Adf,inistntion, feEed to the United StatesaJter the war. This dis.tele col€ction comp. Tmothy P Muligan (Washington, DC, 1996). was micrcfilned by th€ Aherican Histo.ical Also.iation's Com- Copi6 of sp€cfic rolls lrom Microf m Publication T10Z can mittee for the Study of War Docummts as Mimfilh Publi.ation be puchased from th€ National Archiv€s Trust Fu4 Refer€nce T608, Recodsol the Headqtonds ol the Cerman Narry HiSh Com- copi€s may be coruulted in th€ Micrcfilm Re!€arch Room of the tuntl (OKM) ^d describeC,in Guid€ No. 37 of th€ Glides 1oGer National Archives at Colege Pdlc MD. For sutteotions for cit' ffin RacordsMi.aofln.d at Aisrrdrla yA (Washington,DC, 1962). ing microfiIln, s€e page xviii, tor instructions for orderinS mi- These r€co.ds weE neve! hteSlated with the microfilrned Ger- c.of m, s€€paSe {x. n'an Naly records h€ld by the U.S. Naval History Division. Di Mana Davidlon alsisied in th€ preliminary idmtification Rolls 1-3 of T608 werc subsequmtly duplicated as T1022 rols of Dertinst G€nnd Naw records for thi! Ii8t. 414C-48.Wlere appropriale, citatioru to T608 have been incor- porat€d within the r€cord it€rn descriptions. 'rimothy Much additid.l docummtation on German naval opemhons P Mulligd ad operational plaming duinS World War I can be found Sryitbt in Cepttt d C-tun .nd Rturdt Modn Mititory LICoN among th€ r(ords of Cernan op€rational comands, partid- ldly of the principal Malinegdppenkomdos (Nord, w€st, fld Siid) and the Flottento nando. Until a *pdate $ide.d be prepared for thes€ r€cordr the extart findht aids prcvide accesslo these recods' content5. Not microfilmed were records of the Marinepersonalamt, AI- gdein€ Mdinehauptamt/ dd Mriimwafi$]quptaint ad Chef der Iciegsmarine-Riistun& not most r€.ords of th€ Hauptamt IN-IRoDUcnoN REcoRDs oF THE GERMANNAVAL HrcH CoMMAND, 1935-45 \.jt7 l-l-this guid€ idenhfies the principal records of the Gem I exploitation were not includ€d in the U.S. Naly's ni@filning I NavalHigh Comrnandlor World warII and the irterud,, proiectm Londonfrom Augult lq45 toJuly I period reproducedm 807 of tne cunent total of{# the pKis! id.ntifi.ation ol provend(e is not alwaysposstble, rolb of National Archives Mioofiiin Publicanon Tr02Z Rrcolds reco.& ae des.iibed accoding to the most apprcpnate context of the^ Nauy, 1854-1945,Receiwd Jrot" the United States of the orgmi2ational hlerarchy.

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