An Analysis of the Global Mobilization Hyperlink Network for Vulnerable Islands

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An Analysis of the Global Mobilization Hyperlink Network for Vulnerable Islands AN ANALYSIS OF THE GLOBAL MOBILIZATION HYPERLINK NETWORK FOR VULNERABLE ISLANDS By Laleah Fernandez A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Media and Information Studies – Doctor of Philosophy 2014 ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF THE GLOBAL MOBILIZATION HYPERLINK NETWORK FOR VULNERABLE ISLANDS By Laleah Fernandez Mobilization is the movement and synchronization of ideas, people or resources for a specific social goal. As a collective phenomenon, mobilization requires communication and social interaction in order to occur and potentially to be effective. Organizations that mobilize on behalf of a cause can be viewed in network terms as nodes connected by hyperlinks. This characterization allows for an examination of how central or influential organizations are to a mobilization network, and which organizations are most essential to the continued existence of a network. This dissertation integrates mobilization theory with theory and methods of social network analysis to provide a case study of an international mobilization network devoted to Small Island Developing States (SIDS). SIDS are island nations particularly vulnerable to global climate change, and in particular, to rising ocean levels that threaten their water supplies, food sources, community structure, and traditional way of life. Through an analysis of hyperlinks serving as connections among the labyrinth of organizations working with SIDS, this dissertation has two specific goals: first, to better understand the structural dynamics of the global SIDS network, and second to identify the most active and influential groups within the mobilization effort. Copyright by LALEAH FERNANDEZ 2014 To Jhovonne – where I land, you launch. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This dissertation would not have been possible without each of my dissertation committee members: Charles T. Salmon, Ph.D., Franklin J. Boster, Ph.D., Noshir Contractor, Ph.D. and Eric Freedman J.D. Beyond their time and expertise, these are my teachers and role models. Dr. Salmon not only served as my guidance and dissertation committee chair, he introduced me to the world of academics and provided every possible opportunity for success. His belief in me, forced me to believe in myself. Dr. Salmon truly changed my life, through empowerment and education. I am eternally grateful for his investment in me over the past several years. Dr. Boster introduced me to the complex beauty and power of numbers. He taught me to respect the various dimensions of measurements, and artfully explained the responsibility of interpretation. His unwavering support provided strength when I needed it most. Dr. Contractor sparked my interest in network analysis. That interest turned to obsession and the backbone of this dissertation. As such, his expertise was an essential ingredient to this research. His work will forever be reflected in my own. Professor Freedman served as a mentor and inspiration long before I had even considered graduate studies. As an undergraduate journalism student at Michigan State University, he helped me find my voice, and created numerous opportunities to publish and broadcast socially- relevant stories. This dissertation is a reflection of his early mentorship and guidance. His role on my dissertation committee provided a sense of completeness, as my experience as a student came full circle. v I would also like to thank Drs. Jef Richards, Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam and Nora Rifon for providing invaluable opportunities to conduct research. I am so honoured to have learned from and worked among such brilliant scholars. My early mentors in research and community service provided inspiration and strength throughout this journey. Most notably, Drs. Richard Cole, Rex LaMore and Mr. Steve Webster had a profound impact on my research and world view. Dr. Cole set this journey in motion by inviting me into the department and facilitating assistantship and research opportunities. Dr. Cole helped me realize my own potential and was instrumental in my success as a student and scholar. As the Director of the Center for Community and Economic Development, Dr, LaMore inspired my love for research. By example, he demonstrated how applied research can bridge the gap between academics and community-level action. He served as my first role model -- the academic and community leader I aspire to become. Michigan State University Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Steve Webster, welcomed me into the MSU community, mentored me, and equipped me with the tools to make substantial change at the university and state-level. He paved the way for my continued education and numerous other MSU families who continue to benefit from the grants, scholarships and policies he made possible. Through my journey from dog groomer to doctorate, my son learned that anything is possible. I would like to thank Jhovonne Fernandez for providing motivation and meaning to my work, and to my life. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................xii INTRODUCTION Global Mobilization for Small Island Developing Nations ........................................................1 CHAPTER 1 Background: Climate Change and Vulnerable Islands ...….........................................................5 Vulnerable Islands .....................................................................................................6 Types of Vulnerability .……..................................................................................8 Tuvalu as an Exemplar of the Plight of SIDS …….....................................................11 International Response ..................................................................................................16 CHAPTER 2 Literature Review: Mobilization and Social Network Theory ….............................................21 Mobilization ………......................................................................................................21 Opportunity ………..........................................................................................22 Resource Mobilization …......................................................................................23 Consensus and Action Mobilization ………..................................................................25 Mobilization through Hyperlinks ………..........................................................29 Network Structure ………..........................................................................................30 Network Power ………......................................................................................31 Reciprocity ………......................................................................................................33 Homophily ………......................................................................................................35 Conclusion ………......................................................................................................43 CHAPTER 3 Methodology: Network Concepts and Operationalizations ………..........................................45 Procedure ………......................................................................................................45 Data Collection ………..........................................................................................46 Constructing the Network ………..............................................................................47 Preliminary Webcrawl ………..............................................................................48 Data Cleaning ………..........................................................................................49 Hyperlink Network Graphs ………..............................................................................49 Network Properties ………..........................................................................................52 Actor-Level ………..........................................................................................52 Dyad-Level ………..........................................................................................55 vii Triad-Level ………..........................................................................................56 Subgroups ………..........................................................................................58 Global-Level ………..........................................................................................59 Change over Time ………..........................................................................................61 Attributes ………......................................................................................................61 Type ………......................................................................................................62 Level ………......................................................................................................63 Geographic Project Region ………..................................................................64 CHAPTER 4 Results Part I: Network Characteristics ……….........................................................................66 Ties ………..................................................................................................................66 Nodes ………..................................................................................................................69
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