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LCA Solomon Islands 2011.Pdf LCA – Solomon Islands Version 1.07,5 Logistics Capacity Assessment Solomon Islands Country Name Solomon Islands Official Name Solomon Islands Assessment Assessment Dates: From February 2011 To March 2011 Name of Assessor Anna Young Title & Position Logistics Officer Email contact 1/66 LCA – Solomon Islands Version 1.07,5 1. Table of Contents 1. Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Country Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Introduction & Background ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.2. Humanitarian Background ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3. National Regulatory Departments/Bureau and Quality Control/Relevant Laboratories ......................................................... 9 2.4. Customs Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 3. Logistics Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.1. Port Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.2. Airport Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 3.3. Road Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................... 30 3.4. Railway Assessment ................................................................................................................................................................ 35 3.5. Waterways Assessment .......................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.6. Storage Assessment ............................................................................................................................................................... 39 3.7. Milling Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................. 41 4. Logistics Services ............................................................................................................................................................................. 44 4.1 Fuel .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 4.2. Transporters ............................................................................................................................................................................. 47 4.3. Vehicle Rental .......................................................................................................................................................................... 48 4.4. Taxi Companies ....................................................................................................................................................................... 48 4.5. Freight Forwarding Agents ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 4.6. Handling Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................ 49 4.7. Electricity & Power ................................................................................................................................................................... 50 4.8. Manual Labour Costs............................................................................................................................................................... 51 4.9. Telecommunications ................................................................................................................................................................ 51 4.10. Local Supplies Market ............................................................................................................................................................. 53 4.11. Accommodation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 54 5. Scenarios & Contingencies .............................................................................................................................................................. 56 5.1. Refugees and IDPs .................................................................................................................................................................. 56 5.2. Food Security ........................................................................................................................................................................... 56 5.3. Natural Disaster ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56 5.4. Other (please specify) ............................................................................................................................................................. 57 6. Annexes ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 58 6.1. Annex 1: List of Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 6.2. Annex 2: Relevant Websites/references applicable to this LCA ........................................................................................... 61 6.3. Annex 3: Maps ......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 6.4. Annex 4: Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................................. 66 6.5. Annex 5: Recent Emergencies in the Solomon Islands......................................................................................................... 66 2/66 LCA – Solomon Islands Version 1.07,5 2. Country Profile The Solomon Islands is a country in Melanesia, east of Papua New Guinea. There are approximately 992 islands of which 157 are inhabited. The landscape is made up mostly of rugged hills and mountains with some low coral atolls. The islands stretch 1448 kilometres in a south-easterly direction from the Shortland Islands, on the border with Papua New Guinea, to the Santa Cruz Islands, which borders with Vanuatu. Sitting in a geologically active region there are frequent earthquakes, tremors, and volcanic activity. There is also risk from cyclones and tsunamis. The UK established a protectorate over the Solomon Islands in the 1890s. Self-government was achieved in 1976 and independence two years later. Ethnic violence in the late 90’s early 2000’s led to instability in the country. At the request of Prime Minister Sir Allan Kemakez the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) began in 2003 to help restore law and order and economic stability in the country. GDP – $668 million (2009 World Bank est.), of which agriculture contributes approximately 42%. Solomon Islands's human development index is 0.494, which gives the country a rank of 123 out of 169 countries. The Solomon Islands rely heavily on imports of food, fuel, manufactured goods, plant and equipment. 2.1. Introduction & Background 2.1.1. Basic Facts Basic Facts Source / Year: Capital Honiara Official language is English, but most Language people speak Pidgin English or one of over 120 local languages and dialects People of Melanesian origin make 93% of the population, and 4% are Ethnic groups Polynesians. There are also Alertnet Micronesian, Chinese and European minorities. Anglicans 45%, Catholic 18%, Methodist and Presbyterian 12%. Religions There are also Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists, other Protestants and followers of local beliefs. Country size (comparison) Slightly smaller than Maryland CIA Factbook Population density (map) 17.7 km² UN Data - 2008 The North Solomon Islands are divided between the independent Solomon Islands and Bougainville Border countries Province in Papua New Guinea. Land boundaries: 0 km Coastline: 5,313 km Exports timber, fish, copra, palm oil, cocoa
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