Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah: Plumbing Rav Kook’s Panentheism/ Bezalel Naor Tolerance, Dissent, and Democracy: Philosophical, The Orthodox Forum is convened annually by the Contributions and Limitations Rav Kook and Modern Orthodoxy: The Ambiguities of Historical, and Halakhic Perspectives Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva Edited by Shalom Carmy, 1996 “Openness”/ David Shatz Edited by Moshe Sokol, 2002 University to consider major issues of concern to the Published by Rowman & Littlefield Rav Soloveitchik as a Posek of Postmodern Orthodoxy/ Published by Rowman & Littlefield Jewish community. Forum participants from throughout Walter S. Wurzburger the world, including roshei yeshiva, rabbis, academicians A Room with a View, but a Room of Our Own/ Shalom Carmy Introduction/ Moshe Sokol Of Eagle’s Flight and Snail’s Pace/ Shalom Carmy in both Jewish and secular fields, Jewish educators, and The State and Directions of Orthodox Bible Study/ B. Barry Levy Democracy and Judaism/ Shalom Rosenberg Ger Ve-Toshav Anokhi: Modernity and Traditionalism in the Life Jewish communal professionals, gather in conference as Study of Bible in Light of Our Knowledge of the Halakha and Democracy/ Gerald Blidstein and Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik/ Moshe Z. Sokol a think tank to discuss and critique each other’s original Ancient Near East/ Barry L. Eichler Theoretical Grounds for Tolerance in the Jewish Tradition/ Between East and West: Modernity and Traditionalism in the papers, examining different aspects of a central theme. Rabbinic Midrash as Evidence for Textual Variants in the Moshe Sokol Writings of Rabbi Yehi’el Ya’akov Weinberg/ Judith Bleich The purpose of the Forum is to create and disseminate Hebrew Bible: History and Practice/ Yeshayahu Maori The Parameters of Tolerance/ Rabbi Herzog’s Approach to Modernity/ Itamar Warhaftig a new and vibrant Torah literature addressing the critical On the Morality of the Patriarchs in Jewish Polemic The Halakhic Basis for Disobedience in a Democratic State/ issues facing Jewry today. Sixteen books to grow and Exegesis/ David Berger Jewish Perspectives on the Experience of Suffering Michael S. Berger out of these meetings have been published to date. The Study of Bible and the Primacy of the Fear of Heaven: Edited by Shalom Carmy, 1999 Historical Perspectives on Dissent and Disobedience: Rabbi Robert S. Hirt serves as the overall series editor. Compatibility or Contradiction?/ Mordechai Breuer Published by Rowman & Littlefield Jews Against Jews in Late Antiquity/ Lawrence H. Schiffman Response to Rabbi Breuer/ Shnayer Z. Leiman Two Movements of Messianic Awakening and Their Attitude We suggest that discerning readers will find the The Long and Winding Road: By Way of Introduction/ Camino Real and Modern Talmud Study/ Shalom Carmy to Halakha, Nationalism, and Democracy: The Cases of Habad volumes to be a wonderful source for adult learning. Shalom Carmy On the Legitimacy, Indeed, Necessity, of Scientific Disciplines and Gush Emunim / Eliezer Don-Yehiya The Duties of the Heart and Response to Suffering/ for True “Learning” of the Talmud / Daniel Sperber BeTzipiyat HaYeshuah HaShelemah: The Messianic Politics of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein Rabbinic Authority and Personal Autonomy Progressive Derash and Retrospective Peshat: Avraham Yitzhak Kook and Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook/ Ella Belfer Pain: Halakha and Hashkofah / Moshe D. Tendler Edited by Moshe Z. Sokol, 1992 Nonhalakhic Considerations in Talmud Torah/ Yaakov Elman Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age Published by Rowman & Littlefield “Tell Them I’ve Had a Good Enough Life”/ Shalom Carmy Tikkun Olam: Social Responsibility in The Contribution of Rabbinic Thought to a Theology Edited by Marc D. Stern, 2005 Daas Torah: A Modern Conception of Rabbinic Authority/ Jewish Thought and Law of Misfortune/ Yaakov Elman Published by Rowman & Littlefield Lawrence Kaplan Edited by David Shatz, Chaim I. Waxman and Metapsychological Dimensions of Religious Suffering: Subjectivity in Rabbinic Decision Making/ Aaron Kirschenbaum Introduction/Marc D. Stern Nathan J. Diament, 1997 Common Ground between Halakhic Judaism and Eilu ve-Eilu Divrei Elokim Hayyim: Halakhic Pluralism and Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age: An Overview/ Published by Rowman & Littlefield Psychoanalysis/ Moshe Halevi Spero Aharon Lichtenstein Theories of Controversy/ Theological Responses to the Hurban from within the Creativity and Innovation in Halakhah/Jonathan Sacks Tikkun Olam/Gerald L. Blidstein Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age: An Overview/ Tikkun Olam: Jewish Obligations to Non-Jewish Society/ Hurban/Nehemia Polen Suzanne Last Stone Personal Autonomy and Religious Authority/ Moshe Z. Sokol Popular Jewish Religious Responses during the Holocaust Towards a Sociology of Pesak/ Chaim I. Waxman J. David Bleich Jews, Gentiles, and the Modern Egalitarian Ethos: Some The Obligation of Jews to Seek Observance of Noahide Laws and Its Aftermath/ Yaffa Eliach Tentative Thoughts/ David Berger Jewish Tradition and the Non-Traditional Jew by Gentiles: A Theoretical Review/ Michael J. Broyde Annotated Bibliography to the Problem of Evil/ Yitzchak Blau Jewish Law and American Pubic Policy: A Principled Jewish Edited by Jacob J. Schacter, 1992 A Religious Context for Jewish Political Activity/ Jack Bieler Jewish Business Ethics: The Firm and Its Stakeholders View and Some Practical Jewish Observations/ Michael J. Broyde Published by Rowman & Littlefield Jews and Public Morality/ Marc D. Stern Edited by Aaron Levine and Moses Pava, 1999 Changing Conceptions of Gentiles at the Threshold of Rabbinic Attitudes towards Nonobservance in the Medieval Liberal Theory and Jewish Politics/ Martin P. Golding Published by Rowman & Littlefield Modernity: The Napoleonic Sanhedrin/ Jay R. Berkovitz Period/ A Commentary on Tikkun Olam and Political Activity/ Jews and Judaism in an Egalitarian Society: Traditionalist Ephraim Kanarfogel Prologue: What Is Jewish Business Ethics?/ Moses L. Pava Rabbinic Responses to Nonobservance in Nathan J. Diament Responses to Historical Perspective/ Edward Breuer Moral Markets: Two Cheers for Stakeholder Theory/ Moses L. Pava the Modern Era/ A View of Tikkun Olam from Capitol Hill/ Jeffrey H. Ballabon Modern Orthodox Jewish Day Schools and Non-Jews/ Jack Bieler Judith Bleich Covenantal Morality in Business/ Walter S. Wurzburger Social Responsibilities of the Jewish Individual/ Meir Tamari Re-Committing to Our Mission: How Hard and Endeavor?/ Rebuking a Fellow Jew: Theory and Practice/ Yehudah Amital The Employee as Corporate Stakeholder: Exploring the Aspects of the Ideology of Capitalism and Judaism/ Aaron Levine Gidon Rothstein Loving and Hating Jews as Halakhic Categories/ Relationship between Jewish Tradition and Contemporary All Jews are Responsible for One Another/ Health Care and Tikkun Olam/Barry Freundel Nachum L. Rabinovitch Business Ethics/ David J. Schnall Judaism, Science And Moral Responsibility Ahavat Yisrael: A Selected Bibliography/ Nathaniel Helfgot Engaging Modernity: Rabbinic Leaders and the Aspects of the Firm’s Responsibility to Its Customers: Edited by Yitzhak Berger and David Shatz, 2005 Israel as a Religious Reality Challenge of the Twentieth Century Pharmaceutical Pricing and Consumer Pricing/ Aaron Levine Published by Rowman & Littlefield Edited by Chaim I. Waxman, 1994 Edited by Moshe Z. Sokol, 1997 Balancing the Scales: Halakhah, the Firm and Information Introduction/ Yitzhak Berger and David Shatz Published by Rowman & Littlefield Published by Rowman & Littlefield Asymmetries/ Jonas Prager A Scientific Perspective on Human Choice/ Haim Sompolinsky Responsibility of the Firm to the Environment/ Yehoshua Liebermann A View from the Fleshpots/ Shalom Carmy Legitimization of Modernity: Classical and Contemporary/ Genetics and Morality/ Robert Pollack Ethical Investment: The Responsibility of Ownership Does Place Make a Difference?/ Eliezer Don-Yehiya Aharon Lichtenstein Is Matter All that Matters? Judaism, Freedom, and the Genetic In Jewish Law/ D.B. Bressler The Obligation of Aliyah and the Prohibition of Leaving Israel Hadash Min Ha-Torah? Modernist versus Traditionalist and Neuroscientific Revolutions/ David Shatz The Corporate Veil and Halakhah: A Still Shrouded in the Contemporary Era/ Yoel Bin-Nun Orientations in Contemporary Orthodoxy/ Aviezer Ravitzky Use It of Lose It: On the Moral Imagination of Free Will/ Concept/ Michael J. Broyde and Steven H. Resnicoff A Central Rabbinic Authority/ Arnold Enker Rabbi A. I. Kook as an Authority Figure for Modern Shalom Carmy Epilogue/ Aaron Levine The Israeli Chief Rabbinate/ Aharon Lichtenstein Orthodoxy/ Benjamin Ish Shalom Choice-Diminished Behavior and Religious-Communal The Role of Lomdut in Jewish Education/ Dilemmas of Military Service in Israel: The Religious Policy/ Basil Herring “What” Hath Brisk Wrought: The Brisker Derekh Revisited/ Dimension/ Stuart A. Cohen If an Abuser Cannot Control His Impulses, What is the Mosheh Lichtenstein Attitudes Towards the Use of Military Force in Ideological Responsibility of Other Adults in the Community? Reflections on the Conceptual Approach to Talmud Torah/ Currents of Religious Zionism/ Elie Holzer A Response of Basil Herring/ Rivkah Teitz Blau Michael Rosensweig Military Service: Ambivalence and Contradiction/ Judith Bleich Psychotherapy and Teshuvah: Parallel and Overlapping Systems From Reb Hayyim and the Rav to Shi’urei ha-Rav Aharon Lichten - War in Jewish Apocalyptic Thought/ Lawrence H. Schiffman for Change/ Michelle Friedman and Rachel Yehuda stein—The Evolution of a Tradition of Learning/ Models of Reconciliation and Coexistence in To Whom to Where and to When Does One “Return” Elyakim Krumbein Jewish Sources/ Dov S. Zakheim in Teshuvah?/ Moshe Halevi Spero The Brisker Method and Close Reading–Response to Gender Relationships In Marriage and Out Elyakim Krumbein/ Avraham Walfish Jewish Spirituality and Divine Law Beyond Complexity–Response to Rav / Avraham Walfish Edited by Rivkah Blau, 2007 Edited by Adam Mintz and Lawrence Schiffman, 2005 Published by YU Press-KTAV Rabbinic Lay and Communal Authority Published by YU Press-KTAV Introduction: The Past and the Future of the Forum on Introduction/Adam Mintz Edited by Suzanne Last Stone, 2006 “Gender Relations”/ Jennie Rosenfeld Law and Spirituality: Defining the Terms/ Published by YU Press-KTAV Of Marriage: Relationship and Relations/ Aharon Lictenstein Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein Introduction/Suzanne Last Stone Marriage, Sexuality, and Holiness: The Anti-Ascetic Legacy Jewish Spirituality in the Bible and Second Temple On Lay Legislation in Halakhah: The King as Instance/ of Talmud Judaism/ Adiel Schremer Literature/ Lawrence H. Schiffman Gerald J.Blidstein How Jewish Society Adapted to Change in Male/Female Torah ve-Avodah: Prayer and Torah Study as Competing Communal Governance, Lay and Rabbinic: Relationships in 19th/early 20th Century Values in the Time of Hazal/ Yaakov Elman An Overview/ Aharon Lichtenstein Eastern Europe/ Shaul Stampfer Dwelling with Kabbalah: Meditation, Ritual and Study/ Alan Brill Charismatic Leader, Charismatic Book: Rabbi Shneur Zalman’s Sanctity, Sanity and Connectedness: Struggles For Commitment Models of Spirituality in Medieval Jewish Philosophy/ Tanya and His Leadership/ Nehemia Polen Among Orthodox Jewish Singles/ Daniel Rothenberg Daniel J. Lasker Rav, Rosh Yeshivah, and Kahal/ Shaul Stampfer Perfect Person Singular: Unmarried Adults in Contemporary Spirituality and the Art of the Ancient Synagogue/ Steven Fine New Conditions and New Models of Authority: Orthodox American Jewish Communities/ Sylvia Barack Fishman Spirituality and Jewish Ceremonial Art/ Vivian B. Mann The Yoatzot Halakhah/ Chana Henkin Observations on Perfect Person Singular/ Shmuel Goldin Teaching Spirituality in Day Schools and Yeshiva The Role and Authority of the Rabbi in American Society/ Excerpts from Interviews with Orthodox Singles / High Schools/ Moshe Sokolow Chaim I. Waxman Koby Frances & Jennie Rosenfeld Orthodoxy and the Search for Spirituality in Jewish New Conditions and Models of Authority: Changing Patterns Premarital Guidance Literature in the Internet Age/ Yuval Cherlow Adult Education/ Erica S. Brown within Contemporary Orthodoxy/ Steven Bayme Thoughts on Teaching Taharat HaMishpahah: Maimonides on Prayer/ Arthur Hyman On Constructive Harnessing Tensions Between Laity The Role of the Teacher Today/ Abby Lerner Liturgical Innovation and Spirituality: and Clergy/ Marc D. Stern Preparing Modern Orthodox Kallot and Hatanim for Trends and Trendiness/ Judith Bleich Marriage/ War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition Devorah Zlochower Spiritual Experience for Hasidic Youths and Girls in Pre-Holocaust “So She Can Be as Dear to Him as on Their Wedding Day”? Edited by Lawrence Schiffman and Joel B. Wolowelsky, 2007 Europe–A Confluence of Tradition and Modernity/ Modern Concerns with Hilkhot Niddah as Demonstrated by Published by YU Press-KTAV Naftali Lowenthal Anonymous Email Questions/ Deena R. Zimmerman Without Intelligence, Whence Prayer?/ Shalom Carmy Introduction/David Shatz Life Values and Intimacy Education: Methods and Religion, Spirituality, and the Future of American Judaism/ Just Wars, Just Battles and Just Conduct in Jewish Law: Messages/ Yocheved Debow and Anna C. Woloski-Wruble T HE Chaim I. Waxman Jewish Law Is Not a Suicide Pact!/ Michael J. Broyde Philosophical Perspectives on Just War/ Herb Leventer —The Conceptual Approach to Jewish Learning ,usnuk From a Chessboard to the Matrix: The Challenge of Applying Edited by Rabbi , 2006 the Laws of Armed Conflict in the Asymmetric O RTHODOX F ORUM Published by YU Press-KTAV Warfare Era/ Yosefi M. Seltzer Introduction/ Yosef Blau “What is the Bleating of Sheep in My Ears”: The Conceptual Approach to Torah Learning: The Method Spoils of War/Wars that Spoil/ Moshe Sokolow S ERIES and its Prospects/ Aharon Lichtenstein The Origin of Nations and the Shadow of Violence: For books published by YU Press-KTAV, visit their website: . For books The Impact of Lomdut and Its Partial Reversal/ Yosef Blau Theological Perspectives on Canaan and Amalek/ Shalom Carmy [email protected] published by Rowman & Littlefield, visit their Polyphonic Diversity and Military Music/ Shalom Carmy Amalek and the Seven Nations: A Case of website: . For further Lomdut and Pesak: Theoretical Analysis and Halakhic Law vs. Morality/ Norman Lamm information, contact Rabbi Robert S. Hirt, Decision-Making/ J. David Bleich International Law and Halakhah/ Jeremy Wieder series editor, at [email protected] . The Brisker Derekh and Pesak Halakhah/ International Law, Israel and the Use of Force: Historic Conceptual Approach to Learning and Hinnukh/ Yosef Adler Perspectives/Current Perplexities/ Michla Pomerance