Application for Admission to the Drisha June Kollel, May 24 – June 24, 2016
Application for Admission to the Drisha June Kollel, May 24 – June 24, 2016 The June Kollel consists of a core curriculum of intensive Torah study, tefilla, and service. Each morning, shacharit begins at 8:15am. Beginning at 7:30am, we offer a variety of options of hakhanah litfilla (preparation for prayer). Past options have included analysis of the liturgy, study of chasidic texts about prayer, singing of niggunim, and meditation. Participants are required to attend at least one session per week. Breakfast follows tefilla. Morning seder focuses on intensive Talmud study, with shiurim offered on different levels. After mincha, participants choose from a selection of classes. Past offering have included shiurim on Tanakh, Halakhah, Mishpat Ivri, and Jewish spiritual practices. Both morning and afternoon sedarim include chavruta study as well as shiur. There is night seder (followed by maariv) twice a week and optional Wednesday evening programming. The beit midrash remains open every night for those who want to continue to study. Daily Schedule 7:30AM: Hakhana Litfilla (at least one per week) 8:15AM: Shacharit 9AM: Breakfast 9:30AM-1PM: Talmud Seder 1PM-2:15PM: Lunch 2:15PM: Mincha 2:45PM-5:30PM: Choice of classes 5:30PM-6:30PM: Dinner 6:30PM-9PM: Night Seder and Maariv (twice a week) Please note that this year’s Kollel includes a Shavuot Retreat in Honesdale, PA from June 10-13, 2016. As a Fellow, your responsibilities will include: • Participating fully in all aspects of programming, including classes, tefilla, and community service etc. This includes arriving on time in the morning and exhibiting promptness throughout the program.
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