NCCL’s 78th Annual Conference and Exposition Professional Development Conference The For Catechetical Leaders May 19-22, 2014 Pre-conference: Sunday, May 18, 2014 • Post-conferences: Thursday, May 22, 2014 Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel 800 Washington Ave • St. Louis, Missouri Encontrando a Encontrando a Grades 1–6 Our Response to God’s Gifts GRADOS 1–6 Grades 1–6 Our Response to God’s Gifts GRADOS 1–6 ¡NUEVO! ¡NUEVO!EDICIÓN BILINGÜEEDICIÓN BILINGÜE Encontrando a Dios: Nuestra respuesta Encontrandoa los dones de aDios Dios: es Nuestraun programa respuesta abilingüe los dones de de formación Dios es un en programa la fe que bilingüefomenta deuna formación relación encon la Diosfe que fomentade por vida. una Provee relación conocimiento con Dios deauténtico por vida. y completo Provee conocimiento de las auténticoenseñanzas y decompleto la Iglesia de católica. las enseñanzas de la Iglesia católica. Finding God: Our Response to God’s FindingGifts is a God: bilingual Our Responsefaith formation to God’s Giftsprogram is a bilingualthat fosters faith a lifelongformation programrelationship that with fosters God a lifelong and knowledgerelationship of with the full God and and authentic knowledgeteachings of of the the Catholicfull and authenticChurch. teachings of the Catholic Church. Stop by the LoyolaStop by Press the Loyolabooth Pressfor a boothpreview! for a preview! 8697-6 8697-6 | 800.621.1008 | 800.621.1008 86976_NCCL_Ad.indd 1 2/11/14 9:45 AM 86976_NCCL_Ad.indd 1 2/11/14 9:45 AM National Conference for Catechetical Leadership Welcome 3031 Fourth Street NE to our Suite B Washington DC 20017 Annual Conference & Exposition Phone: 202-524-4628 May 18-22, 2014 Fax: 202-269-0209 Email: offi
[email protected] Website: NCCL is a Catholic Association dedicated to advancing the Church’s teaching mission in the United States, especially by promoting excellence in catechetical leaders.