
Meet the Deck: Answers

1. A complete set of cards is called a deck of cards. 2. The front of a card is referred to as its face. 3. The shapes on the playing cards are represented by two colors. 4. The two colors of the suits are red and . 5. There are four shapes in a deck of cards. 6. The shapes are , , , and . 7. All of one type of shape is called a suit. 8. There are 13 (number of) cards representing each shape. 9. When a player mixes the cards up in order to make them more random, we say that player is shuffling the cards. 10. When a player distributes or passes out cards to begin a game that player is said to be dealing the cards. 11. A player distributes cards to begin a game in a clockwise direction, which is also the direction of play during a game. 12. Players hold a set of cards called a hand. 13. There are 52 cards in a deck of playing cards (54 if counting the two Jokers). 14. A box of playing cards also includes two jokers. 15. How many different picture cards are there? There are three in each suit, or twelve in total. 16. The picture, or face cards are the , , and . 17. The king of diamonds is the only king carrying an axe. 18. The king of hearts does not have a mustache. 19. The king of diamonds has only one eye showing. 20. The king of clubs and king of spades are holding their in full view. 21. All four queens are holding flowers. 22. The jack of spades is looking directly to the left. 23. The jack of hearts is looking directly to the right. 24. The jack of spades and jack of hearts wear a mustache. 25. The of spades is unique because it has additional writing on it (the name of the card manufacturer). 26. The ace cards are lettered. 27. The four most powerful cards are usually the . 28. The least powerful cards are usually the twos (deuces).

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