Christmas Store

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Christmas Store '■' v3 MONDAY. DECEMBER 28,1940 EIGHTEEI^ iHanrlirBtpr lEttfntefl Hfralb Members of the Mu Blgma Chi Annual Newsboys* Edition tt:^ M M lss'Patricia Chartler. of Pine and "Cmitented Center church choir will post­ V u Shirley and Harold LeForge and "Playing Soldier’ street. Miss Mary C. Kacmaresyk society of the flecond Congrega­ The Beethoven Glee Club will Bird." pone its rehearsal from tomorrow tional church followed the vesper ^:r nnd Mia Miuk Holmea, .for­ Florence Coffin, all studenU at the of North School street iind Miss mer Grlawold street residents who sing Christmas carols tonight at night, Christmas eve, to Friday service yesterday afternoon Is/lth the Mem'orial Hospital and Alms­ Manchester Green school, were evening at 7:30. Steffle Kryewskl of Oakland Street, ATcraga Dally Cirealatlon mi Town now live in Burlinpton, North Car­ Miss Florence Johnson, daugh­ students at Bay Path Institute, a supper at the church, and after­ house. All members are asked to guest entertainers at the Daugh­ ward went out carolling. Tonight For the MoNt# of November, lf4# The Weather olina, a;o visitin': iricniis-and rela­ meet at the hospital at 7 o’clock. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Springfield, are at home for^ the tives in iov.n. They are. Ruests of ters of IJberty Christmas party in The Epworth League of the St 7:30 the Primary department Foroeaat of D. 8. U'eatber Bmoee I mMtiDf of GeneMl WHfor* Following the singing of carols Johnson of 17 South Main street, Christmas vacation and will., re­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl \V. Peterson at Orange hall. Shirley sang "Silent South Methodist church will meet children will have their Christmas n-r will be omitted thle week. the members, ■ their wives and has arrived home from Larson sume their studies oh Monday, 6,564 their new liotm- on OlcnwooU Night" accompanied on the trom­ at the church at seven o’clock this Q eady end <mrmer toalght; I n w t regular eeaslon will be friends will hold a Christmas Junior College for the Christmas pafty at the church. street. Robert and Jean Holmes bone by her brother, and Florence evening to go caroling. December 30. Wodnoodoy mostly cloudy oiii i on December 30, . party at the Wapping Community ' Coffin playeil two piano solos, vacation. also came to Mam-heater with their House at Wapping Center. parents for the holiday. Manchester— A City of Village Charm SETBACK AD\'ERTISEMKNT— TfESDAI NIGHT Keep out the cold with* storm VOL. L X „ N 6. 72 Advorttoteg ou Pago U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24,1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN’TS HIGHLAND PARK^ $1.50 and up. A substan­ Last Minute Gift Suggestioiia co M M C N m r c L i n tial gift for the benefit of your I Prises! house and theycomfort of your AdmISsloa 3Ac. family. The \V. G. Glenney Co., Chrifftma# Preflrnt# for Lighlhoune Kt^'per# 330 North Main St. Tel. 4148. from the Italy to Continue - Second Earthquake Why Christmas Store War on All Fronts KOPPERS COKE Shakes Northeast; GIVES MORE HEAT Double Sta\nps Given Until 9 O’clock Tonight Until Victory Won Koppers Coke is a manu­ factured fuel made by New England labor for home [eginie and People Are No Serious Damage heating, 'to make one ton )ne' and No ‘.Slander­ N O H E R A LD of this fuel it requires the Hale’s I# Santa’# Headquarters For Gift Hoscl ous Propaganda' Can use of one and one-half tons T OM O R R O W Portion# of Canada aa of the liiiest selected coals. Happy Choice for Divide Them I# Re­ Silk No i.s«ue o f the Manche.ster Pope Proposes New Far West a# Ontario, Just like gasoline, these Any Girl! ply of Fa#ei#m to coals are refined to remove Hosiery Evening Herald will be pub- Nrw York, Peiinsyl> the wasteful impurities. Colorful. Warm ChurrhilP# App^ol. li.shed tomorrow, Chri.stma.s vania .Also Feel Trem­ Lovely sheer rhiffon and Day. World Order ’ Based The result is practically serx'lce weights. Rome, Dec. 24.— (/P)— Italy ors; (Tiristmas Tree pure carbon— which makes No'-Mend Chiffttn , .$l.l.'i will “ continue the war on all The publi.sher# and. staff of the heat. To you this Ol’KN KVBMNGS Gift No-Mencl Service , .$1.1.'» Ornament# and Toilet Skating Costumes front# until victory,” Premier The Herald wish for all its On Moral Victories means more heat iind Ic.^-s No-Mend A rtir le # MATTHEW WIOR Mussolini's government an­ readers a Merry Christmas. kiiorked to waste. One and t-.vo-plece fully lined (iivable Tops ........$).:$'» •IrwHcr niul Watclimaki-r Gloves ^ corduriiy. velvet and Byrd rloth nounced today, because “ in F lo o r in Some Place#. Cash 07* SI. .Manchester (itM-don ChilTons. ..$1.00 amts with detmhnhli- hoinls, in Italy the regime and the peo­ Pfpntls for ‘Sincere Political and Economic Soli~ Price $1300 (N ext III .MCI.ellan’s) (llrcss and SportT O l.ion Brand ChilTon. .79c sizes 7 to 30. ple are one” and no “ .slander­ Boston, Dec. 24.—(^P)— An XI 1). G. A. ChinTon....... 69c darity‘ in Post-War Eurofte in Order That It L. T. WOOD Cp. Sm.ii t .«lip-on siylc.s in gi-n- ous projiaganda” “ from Brit­ eartlKjuake, the .socon4 in five ire-*-'** ! 1). G. \. Service....... 69c Might !Sot Be- Mere External Mechanism Phone 4196 uine Pi-irnry |iiR.«kin Si.S.S. $2.98 ,to $5.98 ain cun divide them. This was Bardia’s Sie«j;c (lay.s, .shfKik iiortheaHtera ■■f ■> 'Imposed hy Force'; Message Given Cardinals. * Fascism’s answer to the radio United States and portion# of Fine qu.xUty Kin Kid i ape- address broadcast yesterday Now Becomes Canada, as far west an the .■ikin in .ilip-on styles Sl.ll.'i. to the Italian people by Brit­ Vatican City. Dec 24.— {yP) " country propaganda without check, province of Ontario, today. ish Prime Minister Churchill, — F’ojie Pius XII, in a Christ­ which does not avoid manife.<rt al­ Despite the great area in Von Rnalte and Kmvnei terations of truth, shows enemy which an official statement More Intense mas eve message to the Col­ which the shocks ■were felL Colon*: Black, brown, fabrir with leather trim - nations to public opinion daily and $ 1. 0 0 . characterizetl as “ a substan­ lege of Cardinals declared to­ almost hourly in a false and out­ .running westward hundreds natural, navy.' Continuing a tradition begun a decade ago, a flying .Santa Claus thl.s year Edward Rowe Snow, 3 For /he Holiday Season tial appeal fur a compromise Rriti#li Bring Up Troops day the “new world order” rageous light. of miles from the New Eng­ Day^ Sale of Furs M ■high achool teachey -brouRht Christmas cheer to halt a hundred lonely oulp.iata on the .New England — and .\fler— peace” and an admission of pi’opo.sed by warring nations "But whoever really desire the land, .southwe.stward in­ And Pound Line# ©f * *^''*'’ *' Sontit,sends a h'mdle (ftrrowi ap:.ii t'> keeper.s of Boslop Light. well-being of people and longs to Begins Dec. 26th British weakness. should be based on five moral help save the spiritual and moral to- New 5'ork and Pennsylva­ (Prima Mlnistpr Churchill ap- Italian#; Believe Final victories and pleaded for “ sin­ bases of future C(x>peration among nia, and niirthward into Que­ Cotton , p-al-'l to the Itallana to over­ Assault at Hand. cere political and economic peoples from incalculable damaged" bec, no .serious damage was throw Muasolini'R Ipafiership and he added, "will consider it his Thursday — Friday — Saturi to give up a war which he aald Creek Forces solidarity” in post-war Eu­ indicated. Dresses British Planes Bomb sacred duty and high mission not TTie tremors, beginning at 8;4.'l could have only nilnoua reaulta.) Cairo. Egypt. Dee. 24 -tJCi—The rope in order that it might to let the minds and feelings of The atatement waa bulwarked to 8:44 a m., knocked Christmas A MarteX and Cannon British Army of the Nile Intensi­ not be a mere external mech­ men lose the natural ideal of truth. <3 Ci-isp, trim dresses by a Chriatmaa meaange sent to Push Farther tree ornaments and toilet articles in new checks and floral pat­ Italy’a armed forces by King Vit­ fied its eight-day-old siege of be­ Nazi ‘Invasion Ports’ anism “ imposed by foi’ce." Justice,, good will, co­ to the floor in some places, rattled Mr. P. B, Gift Towel Sets terns- Just the thing to slip torio Emanucle, praiaing their leaguered Bardla“ today, bring up The five victories whlrh should operation and, above all, the super­ dishes, and causing furniture Jto into on yoiir days st home. courage and declaring that "no more troops and pounding the de­ Along (^oast be the basis for the new world natural ideal of brotherly love rock .slightly. win b« at Sizes 14 to .52. Gift Handbag# order, the pontiff said, were those brought by (Jhrist to the world.” .\s Severe As Friday’s obatacle and no difficulty can halt fense lines with an artillery prep­ :\gain Attack i.udwig#- 4 Practical, attractively boxed gift .over hatred, mistrust, the idea that ('alls for Return to Fidelity The Harvard University seismo­ BMtt we^k-wilh a sets in four patterntr.and .six rolors. Genuine leather liandbags the glorloua aacenalon of Italy." aration which indicated that the in envelope nr top handle ......
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