
Privilege Advantages, rewards, and/or b enefits given to those in the dominant group without members of the dominant group asking for them Dominant Non-dominan t White Person of color Cisgender Female Person with Heterosexual/Straight Dominant groups are groups of people in Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Able-bodied Male power. They are often Jewish/Muslim/Buddhist/Hindu Financially stable considered the default group or "normal." Child/Elder Christian Transgender College educated Immigrant

Adult US citizen High school educated/dropout

How can I receive advantages and not know it? US citizen Access to better public schools/private schools

Not profiled by White College educated police

Historical wealth and

Financially stable More safe/access to services

No hiring discrimination Being part of one Higher salary dominant group can lead to being Cisgender Male part of others

Intersectionality Describes the way identities and sys tems of power, such as race, class, and , interact and influence

D H y e s l te e ro x i se c x u k a c l/ la S B tra ig h Wo t ted ma uca n ed lege Col Our identities and membership in dominant or non-dominant groups does not exist in a vacuum. They intersect and influence our experiences. We have multiple privileges and/or multiple .

the systemic and pervasive subjugation or Oppression: discrimination of non-dominant social groups, creating social inequity at all levels of society

Believing Individual Thinking it is acceptab le to discriminate against Muslims

Not hiring a woman Interpersonal Assaulting someon e because she's wearing a hijab

Policy allowing against transgender people Institutional/Structural Banning people from pre dominantly Muslim countries from entering the US

Social belief that being LGBTQ+ is unnatural Ideological/Cultural Social belief that all Muslims are terrorists

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