annual report | ARC 2008

INTRODUCTION "TBTPDJFUZXFGBDFUSFNFOEPVTFOWJSPONFOUBM UJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO )FSFXFSFDZDMF DIBMMFOHFTJOTVTUBJOBCMFXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU  Studies reveal that the vast majority of the po- WASTE PREVENTION, OUR BEST OPTION be it municipal, industrial or construction pulation in (almost 90%) say they XBTUFXFIBWFUPSFEVDFXBTUFDSFBUJPO QSJP- TFQBSBUFPVUUIFEJGGFSFOULJOETPGXBTUFBU *OXFNBEFBDMFBSDPNNJUNFOUUPXIBUJT ritise ecodesign and optimise the use of mate- IPNF CVUXFTUJMMIBWFMPUTPGXPSLUPEPUP UPCFPVSHVJEJOHQSJODJQMFGPSXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU rials in the production of goods and services, SFEVDFUIFBNPVOUPGXBTUFDSFBUFE JOUIFGVUVSFQSFWFOUJPO5IJTNJHIUOPUCFBOFX increase recycling and reuse, promote the use concept, but it is playing a bigger and bigger role PGOFXFBTJMZSFDZDMBCMFPSSFVTBCMFNBUFSJBMT  .PSFTVQQPSUGPSQSFWFOUJPO every day. We have also introduced individual and BOEPQFOVQOFX NBSLFUTGPSUIFTFNBUFSJBMT DPMMFDUJWFNFBTVSFTUPSFEVDFXBTUFQSPEVDUJPO BTBOFXTPVSDFGPSDSFBUJOHFDPOPNJDBDUJWJUZ The different prevention projects carried and jobs during this current period of econo- out by local organisations and civic groups 1SFWFOUJWFNFBTVSFTXJMMTIBQFUIFXIPMFTFRVFO- NJDEPXOUVSO throughout Catalonia and financed by the DF PG XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU GSPN QSFWFOUJPO BOE Agència de Residus de Catalunya through di- reduction to reuse, recycling, energy evaluation "DU PG+VMZ POGJOBODJOHXBTUF fferent kinds of financial aid have helped sta- and final removal. treatment facilities and taxes on disposal of refuse CJMJTFUIFBNPVOUPGNVOJDJQBMXBTUFDSFBUFE GSPNXBTUF per capita at 1.64 kg per person per day. In order to help promote prevention, 2008 also Act 9/2008 of 10 July 2008, modifying Act BMTPTBXUIFTJYUI.VOJDJQBM8BTUF1SF- TBX UIF GJSTU JOTUJUVUJPOBM DBNQBJHO PO XBTUF  PG+VMZ SFHVMBUJOHXBTUF WFOUJPO $POGFSFODF  XIJDI GPDVTFE PO UIF QSFWFOUJPO6OEFSUIFTMPHBO3FEVDJOHXBTUF QJMPU &VSPQFBO FEJUJPO PG XBTUF SFEVDUJPO JTUIFGJSTUTUFQ JUTIPXFEIPXCZNBLJOHTNBMM Francesc Baltasar i Albesa XFFLDPPSEJOBUFECZUIF"TTPDJBUJPOPG$JUJFT DIBOHFTUPPVSEBJMZIBCJUTXFDBOSFEVDFXBTUF Conseller de Medi Ambient i Habitatge and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable BOEEPPVSCJUUPIFMQDVSCUIFHSPXJOHBNPVOU Resource Management. PGXBTUFCFJOHDSFBUFE$IBOHJOHTPDJBMBUUJUVEFT and consumption habits is a tough challenge and 2008 OVERVIEW 1SPHSFTTXBTNBEFJOTFUUJOHVQXBTUFQSFWFO- the government’s role is to provide the necessary UJPONFBTVSFT XIFSFPOFPGUIFGJFMETPGBDUJPO tools to do this. A YEAR CLOSER is reducing the use of plastic bags. We signed TO OUR GOALS BHSFFNFOU BO BHSFFNFOU XJUI UIF #PO 1SFV 5IFTFUPPMTJODMVEFXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUQSPHSBN- group designed to cut the use of single-use plas- NFT XIJDIQSJPSJUJTFQSJPSUSFBUNFOUCFGPSFGJOBM This document aims to summarise the se- tic bags in the group’s supermarkets by 20% disposal, and the 2007-2012 Municipal Waste ries of actions carried out day after day to over the course of a year. Management Programme in Catalonia (PRO- bring us closer to achieving the goals set out (3&.*$ XIJDIXPSLTUPXBSET&VSPQFBOTUBO- JOUIFOFXNPEFMPGXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUJO Pioneering regulations EBSETJOTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO Catalonia. 5IF $BUBMBO QBSMJBNFOU QBTTFE UXP CJMMT UIBU $BUBMBOJOEVTUSZIBTBMTPNBEFQSPHSFTTJOXBTUF XBTBLFZZFBSGPSMBZJOHUIFGPVOEBUJPOT XJMMIFMQQSPNPUFNPSFFGGJDJFOUXBTUFNBOBHF- management: the 2007-2012 Industrial Waste PGUIJTOFXNPEFM XIJDIBJNTUPNBLFNBYJ- NFOUUIFCJMMNPEJGZJOH"DUPOXBTUFBOE Management Programme (PROGRIC) aims to NVNVTFPGXBTUFBTBSFTPVSDF CBTFEPOUISFF UIFCJMMPOGJOBODJOHXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUJOGSBT- NJOJNJTF XBTUF DSFBUJPO  JODSFBTF FWBMVBUJPO  successive layers: tructure and taxes on refuse disposal. promote regional self-sufficiency and applied re- 'PSUIFGJSTUUJNF TFMFDUJWFDPMMFDUJPOPGBMMXBTUF search, reduce the fractions for refuse disposal, 1. Applying prevention criteria JTOPXTUJQVMBUFECZMBXGPSBMM$BUBMBONVOJDJ- encourage better separation at source, develop a 3FDPWFSJOHUIFNBYJNVNBNPVOUPGXBTUF  palities, regardless of the number of inhabitants, strategy to clean up contaminated soil and intro- CZHJWJOHQSJPSJUZUPTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO including the introduction of the selective co- duce economic incentives. 5SFBUJOHBMMXBTUF JODMVEJOHUIFOPOTFHSF- llection of the organic fraction and treating it to gated fraction obtain high-quality compost. The Construction Waste Management Progra- These changes have brought Catalan legislation mme has a number of goals in different areas Getting society on board POXBTUFJOMJOFXJUI&VSPQFBOEJSFDUJWFTPOTFMFD- of action: prevention, evaluation and controlled UJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPOBOEUSFBUNFOU FNQIBTJTJOH disposal, introducing the management model, These goals can only be achieved if everyone prevention, reuse and recovery in terms of both developing infrastructure, and research and tech- JTBDUJWFMZJOWPMWFEBUBMMUIFTFUISFFMFWFMTXF materials and energy before final treatment. nological innovation. need to get society on board to bring about a change in people’s consumption habits and Rationalising facilities We also need cutting-edge legislation such as the FODPVSBHFTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO*O acts recently passed by the Catalan parliament , XFSBOUXPDBNQBJHOTUPQSPNPUFXBTUFSF- We rolled out the sector-specific territorial plan XIJDIOPXHVBSBOUFFDPMMFDUJPOPGBMMLJOETPGXBTUF duction and increase selective collection of GPSNVOJDJQBMXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUGBDJMJUJFT XIJDI in municipalities throughout Catalonia, regardless different fractions: the first institutional cam- BJNTUPSBUJPOBMJTFQMBOOJOHGPSXBTUFUSFBUNFOU of the number of inhabitants. They also rationalise QBJHOPOXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO VOEFSUIFTMPHBO BOEGJOBMEJTQPTBMGBDJMJUJFT JOPSEFSUPSFEVDFXBTUF QMBOOJOHGPSXBTUFUSFBUNFOUQMBOUT UISPVHIUIF 3FEVDJOHXBTUFJTUIFGJSTUTUFQ BOEUIFTF- USBOTQPSUBOESFPSEFSDVSSFOUGMPXT*OXPSL sector-specific territorial infrastructure plan. cond phase of the campaign to promote selec- at the Granollers organic matter treatment plant,

160 annual report | ARC 2008

UIF#PUBSFMMNFDIBOJDBMCJPMPHJDBMXBTUFUSFBUNFOU ble Management of Resources), and in collabo- subsidised and monitored: plant and the Vallès Occidental non-segregated SBUJPO XJUI EJGGFSFOU DPVOUSJFT BOE SFHJPOT JO 'PVS11(TUVEJFTGPSUIFGPMMPXJOHPSHBOJTB- BOEPSHBOJDGSBDUJPOUSFBUNFOUQMBOU OFXXBTUF &VSPQF UIF8BTUF3FEVDUJPO8FFLXBTIFMEUP tions: Artesa de Lleida, Sant Andreu de Llava- USFBUNFOUDFOUSF XBTNPOJUPSFE BTXFMMBTUIF GPDVTBUUFOUJPOPOXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO SBJTFQVCMJD OFSFT 7BMMTBOE4BOUB&VMËMJBEF3POÎBOB5PXO JNNJOFOUXPSLBU&DPQBSDBU)PTUBMFUTEF1JFSP- BXBSFOFTTPGUIJTTVCKFDUBOETUSFTTJUTLFZSPMF Councils. MB5IFGJSTUTUPOFXBTMBJEBUUIFGVUVSF.BSFTNF in sustainable development and the fight against - Four projects for implementing PPG at the fo- Integral Waste Evaluation Centre in Mataró. climate change. MMPXJOHPSHBOJTBUJPOT"SHFOUPOB $BCBOFTBOE Achievements of Waste Reduction Week in Ca- $BOFUEF.BS5PXO$PVODJMTBOE"MU$BNQ 5IFHPBMTHFUDMPTFSFWFSZEBZ CVUXFBSF talonia included: County Council. NBLJOHHPPEQSPHSFTT*GXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOJTUIF - Launch of the communication campaign: GJSTUTUFQ XFMMNBLFFWFSZFGGPSUUPBDIJFWFJU i)FSFXFSFDZDMFXBTUFw 130.05*/(5)&3&$:$-*/(."3,&5 5IFDBMMGPSBDUJWJUJFTCZPSHBOJTBUJPOTXJUI Genoveva Català i Bosch subsidised projects and projects in progress, as #6:3&$:$-&%/&5803,ǝ9$3Ǟ Directora de l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya XFMMBTPUIFSCPEJFT 'PVOEBUJPOGPS1SFWFOUJPO and Responsible Consumption, Barcelona Food 8JUIJOUIFGJFMEPGUIF#VZ3FDZDMFE/FUXPSL  Bank Foundation, etc...), to be carried out du- UIFGPMMPXJOHBDUJPOTXFSFDBSSJFEPVUJO SJOHUIFXFFL 5IF9$3XFCTJUFIBTCFFOSFWBNQFEUPVQ- 1. REDUCTION AND PREVENTION - Promoting information (data, place and con- date content and create a more dynamic, visual, Two key pillars for our action. UBDUEFUBJMT PGUIFBMNPTUNVOJDJQBMXBTUF practical site that is easier for users to access prevention activities (street actions, talks, etc.) m8JUIJOUIFGSBNFXPSLPGUIFTU#VZ3FDZDMFE A consumption model based on efficient use of QVUGPSXBSECZMPDBMPSHBOJTBUJPOTBOECPEJFT /FUXPSL IFMEPO+VMZ UIFSFXBTBO SFTPVSDFTIFMQTQSFWFOUBOESFEVDFXBTUF*OUIJT UISPVHIPVUUIFXFFL official presentation of the Buy Recycled Net- XBZXFTBWFNBUFSJBMSFTPVSDFT BWPJEQSPEVDJOH XPSLXJUIUBMLT HVJEFEUPVSTBOEBOFYIJCJUJPO negative effects on the environment and redu- SUPPORT PGQSPEVDUTBOENBUFSJBMTBOEJOUFSWJFXT ce the amount spent on managing and treating - The XCR comprises 27 offering organisations these effects. Every year, support is made available to local or- and 24 requesting organisations. 2008 closed The Agència de Residus de Catalunya (ARC), HBOJTBUJPOTGPSNVOJDJQBMXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOQSP- XJUIPGGFSJOHPSHBOJTBUJPOTBOESFRVFT- through the Centre Català del Reciclatge jects. These subsidies are a tool that gives local ting organisations and 282 products in the Re- (CCR), promotes prevention programmes and organisations the chance to implement a muni- cycled Products Catalogue. actions to help reduce consumption and promo- DJQBMXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOTUSBUFHZUPJNQSPWFUIFJS - We carried out a study on recycled paper exa- te more rational use of resources in accordance environmental performance and strengthen mining questions such as collecting and ma- XJUIUIFQSJODJQMFTPGTVTUBJOBCJMJUZ their commitment to sustainability and saving nufacturing processes, the different kinds and natural resources. characteristics of recycled paper and its applica- ARC CHALLENGES tions. We tried to expose false beliefs about this > Saving and using resources efficiently SUPPORT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE: product and rebut them. > Waste prevention and reduction of refuse dis-  8F QSFQBSFE B EPTTJFS XJUI PWFS  GJMFT PO posal 5IFGPMMPXJOHQSPKFDUTVOEFSXBZIBWFCFFOUF- construction and building products. This dossier 8PSLJOHXJUITPDJBMBOEFDPOPNJDBHFOUTUP chnically monitored: 3 projects from 2004, 52 JTJODMVEFEXJUIBMMUFOEFSTGPSGBDJMJUJFTJODMVEFE promote prevention from 2005, 53 from 2006, 63 from 2007 and in the Waste Management Infrastructure Plan 86 from 2008. JO$BUBMPOJBUPFOTVSFUIFQMBOJTGPMMPXFE ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN 2008 - Payment has been made to subsidise 77 com- .VOJDJQBMXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO QMFUFEQSPKFDUT BTXFMMBTUIFGJSTUKVTUJGJDBUJPOPG "(3&&.&/54 > Promoting the recycling market 55 projects from 2007 > Agreements - There have been four renunciations *OXFNPOJUPSFEUIFBHSFFNFOUXJUI3&- 1SPKFDUTBOEDPMMBCPSBUJPOTXJUITPDJBMBOE 5IFCVEHFUIBTCFFODMPTFE BTXFMMBTUIF PACAT (Catalan Association of Recyclers of economic agents return of the remaining amounts to ARC budgets Wooden Pallets and Packaging) to promote the #VTJOFTTQMBOTGPSQBDLBHJOHXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO - For 2008, 148 requests for support have been DPODFQUPGQBMMFUSFMBUFEXBTUF5IJTDPMMBCPSB- > Prevention studies assessed and approved or denied tion also led to our participation as speakers at A direct subsidy for 2008-10 has been approved for BOJOUFSOBUJPOBMNFFUJOHXJUIUIF6,5SBEF"T- the Food Bank Foundation to take the necessary sociation of Pallet Recoverers (14 March 2008). .6/*$*1"-8"45&13&7&/5*0/ TUFQTUPFOTVSFDPOUJOVJUZGPSUIFGPPEXBTUFQSF- 5IF GSBNFXPSL BHSFFNFOU XJUI UIF $BUBMBO WFOUJPO BDUJPOT VOEFSUBLFO XJUI UIF  Recovery Trade Association. We also prepared WASTE REDUCTION WEEK IN CATALO BHSFFNFOU8FIBWFBMTPNBEFDPOUBDUXJUI.FS- a Good Practice Manual for the End-of-Life Vehi- NIA EUROPEAN PILOT EDITION, 2230 cabarna to explore collaboration possibilities. cle Industry BOETUBSUFEXPSLPOBGood Practice /07&.#&3Ǟ Manual for the Metal Industry8FIFMQFEXJUI 8"45&$3&"5*0/1":.&/5ǝ11(Ǟ the translation of the recovery dictionary, as Under the umbrella of ACR+ (Association of XFMMBTSFHVMBSDPMMBCPSBUJPOTXJUIUIFNBHB[JOF Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustaina- *O UIFGPMMPXJOHOFX11(QSPKFDUTXFSF Recupera.

161 annual report | ARC 2008

$0--"#03"5*0/"(3&&.&/58*5) REDUCTION OF SINGLEUSE BAGS BOE QBDLBHJOH XBTUF  DPNQBOJFT UIBU QVU B 5)&$"5"-"/$0/46.15*0/"(&/$: certain amount of packaged products likely to %JGGFSFOUDPOUBDUTXJUIEJTUSJCVUPSTUPSFEVDF DSFBUFQBDLBHJOHXBTUFPOUPUIFNBSLFUPWFS On 10 October 2008 a collaboration agreement packaging in general and single-use shopping UIFDPVSTFPGBDBMFOEBSZFBSIBWFUPESBXVQB XBTTJHOFECFUXFFOUIF$BUBMBO$POTVNQUJPO bags in particular QSFWFOUJWFCVTJOFTTQMBOUPNJOJNJTFUIJTXBTUF Agency (ACC) and ARC in order to promote - Monitoring progress of the study “Assessment These plans apply to all kinds of products and UXPMJOFTPGBDUJPO of alternatives to reduce the use of single-use packaging, be they industrial, commercial or - Sustainable consumption plastic shopping bags” domestic. - Monitoring application of sellers’ responsibili- - Commissioning and monitoring an assessment *O "3$BQQSPWFEOFXJOEJWJEVBM ty regulations study on the consumption of bags in Catalonia preventive business plans corresponding to in 2007 the period 2008-2010. We also provided in- ARC and ACC’s responsibilities in the area of - Signing and monitoring Bag Pacts: GPSNBUJPO PO SFOFXFE QSFWFOUJWF CVTJOFTT sustainable consumption take the form of: plans that had expired in 2007. A total of 20 - Joint preparation of a plan to promote sustainable t#0/13&6UPDVUDPOTVNQUJPOPGTJOHMFVTF CVTJOFTT QMBOT XFSF SFOFXFE DPSSFTQPOEJOH DPOTVNQUJPO XJUIQBSUJDVMBSFNQIBTJTPOXBTUF plastic shopping bags by 20% in a year in its 110 to the periods 2005-2007 and 2008-2010, as prevention and consuming recycled products TUPSFT5IFGPMMPXJOHBDUJPOTGPSNQBSUPGUIJT XFMMBTUIJSEQMBOTDPSSFTQPOEJOHUPUIFQF- - Collaboration to organise training activities initiative: riods 2002-2004, 2005-2007 and 2008-2010. PO XBTUF QSFWFOUJPO BOE DPOTVNJOH SFDZDMFE · Giving customers €0.02 back for every bag *OBEEJUJPO GPVSUIQMBOTXFSFSFOFXFEDP- products they don’t use rresponding to the periods 1999-2001,2002- - Sitting on the monitoring board · Offering biodegradable bags at €0.05 as alter- 2004, 2005-2007 and 2008-2010. native bags ARC and ACC’s responsibilities in the area of r3FEVDJOHUIFXFJHIUBOEBNPVOUPGJOLVTFE PREVENTION STUDIES monitoring application of sellers’ responsibility on single-use plastic shopping bags and not offe- regulations take the form of: ring them indiscriminately i&DPOPNJDTBWJOHTUVEZMJOLFEUPXBTUFQSF- · Campaign to promote reuse of different alter- vention practices”: analysis of potential econo- - Advice and collaboration for training tech- natives available for some time: cardboard box, mic and ecological savings by applying preventi- nicians from ACC and local organisations on rigid plastic bags, reusable biodegradable bags, ve measures in the domestic area responsibilities arising from different sellers’ baskets and shopping trolleys. - “Study to assess the consumption of bags in responsibility regulations $BUBMPOJBw VOEFSXBZ - Preparing a plan to incorporate monitoring t9"39"'"3."UPDVUDPOTVNQUJPOPGTJO- - “Assessment of alternatives to reduce the use of of responsibilities arising from different sellers’ gle-use plastic shopping bags by 10% in 2009 single-use plastic shopping bags” responsibility regulations (packaging, electrical XJUISFTQFDUUPGJHVSFT BOECZJO i(VJEFUPQSFQBSFMPDBMNVOJDJQBMXBTUFQSF- and electronic appliances, tyres, industrial oils  BMTPXJUISFTQFDUUPGJHVSFT JOJUT vention plans” and, soon, batteries) to inspection protocols for 181 chemists linked to the organisation. The fo- the sectors of economic activity affected by this MMPXJOHBDUJPOTGPSNQBSUPGUIJTJOJUJBUJWF regulation - Offering customers reusable bags as an alter- ."/"(&.&/5500-4 - Regular exchange of information on the fin- native Specific tools for a common goal dings of inspections in terms of possible failures - Giving a discount of €0.05 on purchases of to meet the responsibilities arising from diffe- QSPEVDUT FYDFQUESVHT UPDVTUPNFSTXIPEPOU 1MBOOJOHBOENBOBHJOHXBTUFJO$BUBMPOJBJT rent sellers’ responsibility regulations use single-use shopping bags based on principles from European Union ac- - Sitting on the monitoring board and monito- - Providing information to linked chemists and tion programmes, EU strategies and regulations ring actions their customers through the magazine InfoXar- at different levels currently in force. xa and distributing informative posters displa- &BDIDBUFHPSZPGXBTUFQPTFTTQFDJGJDDIBMMFO- "(3&&.&/5 8*5) 5)& #"3$&-0/" yed at linked chemists ges that call for policies and action strategies FOOD BANK FOUNDATION 200708 adapted to the particular nature of and pro- 30#"".*(" blems related to the particular category in Monitoring, coordinating and supporting the tasks RVFTUJPO*OBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIJTQSFNJTFBOE carried out. Specifically, taking part in the Food Monitoring of and support for the Roba Amiga legal stipulations, the Agència de Residus de 'BJSGSPNUP.BSDI XIFSFDPOUBDUT project to promote selective collection, reuse $BUBMVOZBESBXTVQTFDUPSTQFDJGJDQMBOTBOE XJUIPWFSDPNQBOJFTXFSFNBEF BOFYQMBOB- BOESFDZDMJOHPGDMPUIFT%JGGFSFOUDPOUBDUTXJUI programmes to take account of the particular UPSZMFBGMFUXBTIBOEFEPVUBOEBMNPTUUPOOFT manufacturers and distributors. Support for re- characteristics of each geographical area and PGVTFGVMGPPEXBTDPMMFDUFE8FBMTPDPPSEJOBUFE quests for eco-innovation grants. sector and set out specific lines of action for sending emails to companies that create potentia- TVJUBCMFUSFBUNFOUPGFBDILJOEPGXBTUF MMZVTFGVMGPPEXBTUFJOPSEFSUPSBJTFBXBSFOFTTPG BUSINESS PLANS FOR PACKAGING XPSLJOHXJUIUIF'PPE#BOL WASTE PREVENTION ARC CHALLENGES %SBXJOHVQBOEQSPNPUJOHJOEVTUSZTQFDJGJD 130+&$54"/%$0--"#03"5*0/4 *OBDDPSEBODFXJUI3PZBM%FDSFF  plans and programmes 8*5)40$*"-"/%&$0/0.*$"(&/54 XIJDIJNQMFNFOUT"DUPOQBDLBHJOH > Promoting policies adapted to the needs of

162 annual report | ARC 2008

FBDIXBTUFDBUFHPSZ .6/ICIPAL WASTE NFOUCPEJFTBOESFTQFDUJWFBHSFFNFOUTXJUIUIF > Applying the best techniques available for ma- DPNQBOJFTBXBSEFEUIFDPOUSBDUT#PUIBSFOPX OBHJOHUIFEJGGFSFOULJOETPGXBTUF 130(3&.*$ in the phase of defining executive projects and taking the necessary steps to obtain the neces- ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN 2008 In 2008 PROGREMIC entered a phase of in- sary licences. .VOJDJQBMXBTUF forming the public about the programme and A special plan has been passed for developing > PROGREMIC the sustainability reports. Once recommenda- UIFMBOEXIFSFUIF"MU&NQPSEË.VOJDJQBM > Progress of the 2005-2012 Sector-specific Area UJPOT NBEF CFFO NBEF  UIFZ XFSF JODMVEFE JO 8BTUF5SFBUNFOU$FOUSFXJMMCFCVJMUBOEBDBMM Plan for Municipal Waste Management Infras- FOWJSPONFOUBM SFQPSUT BOE OFX WFSTJPOT XFSF GPSUFOEFSTNBEFGPSBXBSEJOHUIFXPSLUPCVJME tructure in Catalonia prepared for definitive approval. and operate the Centre. By the close of 2008, > Other actions for managing infrastructure for UFOEFSTXFSFCFJOHBTTFTTFEUPEFDJEFXIJDIPOF NBOBHJOHNVOJDJQBMXBTUF PROGRESS OF THE 2005-2012 SECTOR- XPVMECFBXBSEFEUIFDPOUSBDU 4FMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPOBOEFWBMVBUJPO SPECIFIC A3&"1-"/'03.6/*$*1"- 1SFQBSBUPSZXPSLIBTCFFODBSSJFEPVUBUUIF$BN- > Packaging 8"45& ."/"(&.&/5 *NFRASTRUC- pdorà Environmental Management Technological > Organic fraction TURE IN CATALONIA $PNQMFY (JSPOB  JODMVEJOH ESBXJOH VQ QSF > Evaluation projects and specifications for tenders, mobility 'JOEJOHOFXGPSNTPGFWBMVBUJPO Progress continued in 2008 to implement the studies and improved access, landscaping and the > Integrated management systems infrastructure planned to carry out the first necessary studies for approving the necessary mo- > Other actions phase of the Sector-specific Area Plan for Mu- difications to planning development in the indus- > Final provision nicipal Waste Management Infrastructure in USZXIFSFUIFGBDJMJUJFTBSFUPCFMPDBUFE $POUSPMMFENVOJDJQBMXBTUFEJTQPTBMUBY $BUBMPOJB TVNNBSJTFECFMPX (See table on page 27) Industrial waste > PROGRIC ;0/&*Ǫ.&53010-*5"/3&(*0/ ZONE III  CENTRAL COUNTIES > ARC public services > Environmental improvement of controlled The infrastructure that forms part of the metropo- 1SFQBSBUPSZXPSLXBTDBSSJFEPVUBUUIF0TPOB JOEVTUSJBMXBTUFMBOEGJMMT MJUBOSFHJPOXBTJNQMFNFOUFEJOEJGGFSFOUXBZT and Ripollès Municipal Waste Treatment Cen- > Technical assessment of projects in accordance The actions corresponding to ECOPARC 4, at USFCFGPSFBDBMMGPSUFOEFSTXBTNBEF JODMVEJOH XJUI"DU the Vallès Occidental Waste Treatment Plant the pre-project and specifications. > Monitoring producers, managers and trans- and the Maresme Comprehensive Waste Eva- (See table on page 27) QPSUFSTPGJOEVTUSJBMXBTUF MVBUJPO$FOUSF DPODMVEFEUIFQIBTFPGESBXJOH > Updating PCB inventory VQFYFDVUJWFQSPKFDUTXJUIGPSNBMBQQSPWBM BOE ZONE IV  COUNTIES 6QEBUJOHNJOJNJTJOHJOEVTUSJBMXBTUF the necessary licences for construction and ac- "VUIPSJTJOHUSBOTQPSUPGXBTUF UJWJUZXFSFBQQMJFEGPSBOEPCUBJOFE*OUFSNT 1SFQBSBUPSZXPSLXBTDBSSJFEPVUBUUIF$BNQ 3FRVFTUTGPSFOFSHZFWBMVBCMFXBTUF of the construction phase, earth removal tasks de Tarragona RESTA Treatment Plant and the Construction waste XFSFDBSSJFEPVU GPVOEBUJPOTMBJEBOEUIFGJSTU Bulky Waste Treatment Plant, including > PROGROC structures for the buildings built. the pre-project, feasibility study and specifica- 'BDJMJUJFTGPSNBOBHJOHDPOTUSVDUJPOXBTUF Work continued on the Vallès Oriental OFMSW tions. Soil contamination 5SFBUNFOU1MBOJO(SBOPMMFST XIJDIJTBMNPTU Work has started on the Alt Camp and Baix Pe- > Presentation of preliminary reports on the si- finished apart from the final touches and setup. nedès Transfer Plants to take the necessary steps tuation Landscaping continued at the Elena clay to modify planning development for the land > Secondary actions on research and cleaning XPSLTCZEFQPTJUJOHOPOIB[BSEPVTXBTUFGSPN XIFSFUIFGBDJMJUJFTBSFUPCFCVJMU up contaminated soil treatments plants. The facility has operated effi- Work is almost complete on the Baix Camp > Monitoring collaboration agreements DJFOUMZTJODFJUXBTTFUVQBUUIFFOEPG Municipal Waste Treatment Centre in , 4VSQMVT$BUUMF.BOVSF 'JOBMMZ TUVEJFTBOEPUIFSQSJPSBDUJPOTXFSFDB- except for the finishing touches and setup. > Help related to cattle manure management rried out for the Vallès Occidental light packa- (See table on page 28) plans HJOHUSFBUNFOUQMBOUJO3VCÓ BTXFMMBTUIF7BMMÒT > Cattle manure management plans Oriental Municipal Waste Treatment Centre. ZONE V  TERRES DE L’EBRE COUNTIES > Technical conference at Expoàviga and the 1st (See table onon page 26) National Congress for Comprehensive Cattle 5IF OFX XBTUF GBDJMJUJFT GPS UIJT BSFB BSF EVF Manure Management ZONE II  GIRONA COUNTIES to be built during the second phase of the plan > Plan to promote biodigestion of liquid manure from 2010. in Catalonia 5FOEFSTXFSFDBMMFEGPSGPSUIF4FMWB.VOJDJQBM Other actions Waste Treatment Centre (Lloret de Mar) and the ZONE VI  PONENT COUNTIES )FBMUIDBSFXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU Alt Empordà Waste Treatment Centre (Pedret > Healthcare acceptance files i Marzà), and the Selva OFMSW Composting The extension to the Pla d’Urgell Controlled > Certificate and agreements for tax deductions Plant (Santa Coloma de Farners). The Lloret Landfill in Castellnou de Seana has been in 4UPSBHFPGIB[BSEPVTXBTUF de Mar and Santa Coloma de Farners projects operation since the end of 2007. > Managing and treating animal flour XFSFBXBSEFEJOUIFBVUVNOCZMPDBMEFWFMPQ- *O  QSFQBSBUPSZ XPSL XBT DBSSJFE PVU BU

163 annual report | ARC 2008

the Segrià Municipal Waste Treatment Centre, Puigpalter landfill. PGUIFXBTUFDSVTIJOHQMBOUBUUIF.BTEF#BSCF- CFGPSFUIFDBMMGPSUFOEFSTXBTNBEF JODMVEJOH 3JQPMMÒT$MPTJOHEPXOBOEBEBQUJOHUIF-MPT- SBOTXBTUFUSFBUNFOUDFOUSF preparing the pre-project feasibility study and ses landfill (including providing a gas-combus- - Construction of the third dike and expansion UFOEFSTQFDJGJDBUJPOT BTXFMMBTQSFQBSJOHUIF tion unit). of the Montoliu de Lleida landfill documents for Environmental Authorisation of - Garrotxa: Expansion and adaptation of Beuda - Water supply to Pedret i Marzà (Alt Empordà) the Waste Treatment Centre. landfill. - Support for environmental sustainability pro- (See table on page 28)  #FSHVFEË "EBQUBUJPO BOE DMPTJOH EPXO UIF jects in Badalona controlled landfill, expanded capacity and &YQBOTJPOPGXBTUFDPMMFDUJPOGMFFUJO1BMMBST ZONE VII  ALT PIRINEU AND VAL transfer station for the Berga landfill (including Jussà D’ARAN COUNTIES providing a gas-combustion unit). $POTUSVDUJPOPGVOEFSHSPVOEIPVTFIPMEXBTUF 3JCFSBE&CSF$MPTJOHEPXOUIF5JWJTTBMBOE- collection containers in Pla d’Urgell The pre-project for the Val d’Aran Municipal fill (providing a gas-combustion unit). Waste Transfer Plant has been prepared along Baix Ebre: Supply of equipment to collect and Actions under way: XJUIUIFUFOEFSTQFDJGJDBUJPOT*UJTEVFUPCFEF- NBOBHFNVOJDJQBMXBTUFJO#BJY&CSFDPVOUZ veloped in 2009. DPNQBDUJOHDPMMFDUJPOWFIJDMFTXJUICJMBUFSBM - Leachates treatment plant at the Montferrer- (See table on page 29) single-operator system (easy system), 1 contai- Castellbó landfill(Alt Urgell) OFSDMFBOJOHWFIJDMFXJUICJMBUFSBMDPOUBJOFSMJGU .POJUPSJOHPGQJMPUUSJBMTISJOLXSBQQFECBMFT CURRENT PROGRESS FBTZTZTUFN XFJHIJOHTZTUFNT QJDLVQWF- of remaining refuse (See table on page 29) IJDMF XFJHIJOHTPGUXBSFTZTUFN Preparation of projects: 05)&3 .6/*$*1"- 8"45& */'3"4 %PDVNFOUBUJPOXBTQSFQBSFEGPSQVUUJOHXPSL 536$563&."/"(&.&/5"$5*0/4 PVUUPUFOEFSJOUIFGPMMPXJOHDPVOUJFT *NQSPWFEDMPTJOHEPXOPGUIFGPSNFS7JD (BSSPUYB$PNQMFNFOUBSZXPSLGPSUIF#FVEB Gurb landfill 5IJTZFBS OFXNVOJDJQBMXBTUFUSFBUNFOUGBDJ- landfill. - Pre-project for the Val d’Aran transfer plant lities have been built and existing facilities have CFFOBEBQUFEUPOFXSFRVJSFNFOUT XJUIJOUIF Work 100% self-financed FACILITIES PROCESSED IN ACCOR GSBNFXPSL PG BHSFFNFOUT GPS DBSSZJOH PVU UIF DANCE WITH ACT IIAA OFDFTTBSZXPSL %PDVNFOUBUJPOXBTQSFQBSFEGPSQVUUJOHXPSL PVUUPUFOEFSJOUIFGPMMPXJOHDPVOUJFT Technical reports have been prepared for envi- 4PNFXPSLXBTDPOUSBDUFEBOEGJOBODFECZUIF 1BMMBST+VTTË'JOBMQIBTFXPSLUPBEBQUUIF SPONFOUBMBVUIPSJTBUJPOGPSUIFGPMMPXJOHNV- "HÒODJBEF3FTJEVTEF$BUBMVOZB XIJMTUPUIFS first cavity at the Tremp controlled landfill. OJDJQBMXBTUFQVCMJDGBDJMJUJFT XPSLXBTDPOUSBDUFECZEJGGFSFOUMPDBMPSHBOJ- TBUJPOT XJUIQBSUJBMPSUPUBMGJOBODJOHGSPNUIF Controlled landfills, municipal waste trans- Manresa landfill - 3,386,000 m3 Agència de Residus de Catalunya. fer plants and other actions concerning rela- Llagostera-Solius landfill - 1,115,000 m3 ted equipment Lloret landfill - 1,967,439 m3 *.1307&%#*0-0(*$"-53&"5.&/5 FACILITIES Completed actions: *OBEEJUJPO NJOPSDIBOHFTXFSFNBEFUPBVUIP- risations for landfills at Montoliu de Lleida (Se- In 2008, the Director of the Agència de Residus t&YQBOTJPOBOEJNQSPWFNFOUTUPUIF$MBSJBOB grià) and Clariana de Cardener (Solsonès). de Catalunya decided to apply the surplus in the de Cardener landfill (Solsonès), including the XBTUFNBOBHFNFOUGVOEDPSSFTQPOEJOHUP construction of: SELECTIVE WASTE COLLECTION AND (€1,939,164) to improved biological treatment  " OFX DBWJUZ GPS XBTUF XJUI B VTFGVM MJGF PG EVALUATION facilities for the organic fraction of municipal BQQSPYJNBUFMZGJWFZFBSTXJUIBTZTUFNGPSEF- XBTUF JOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFGPMMPXJOHEJTUSJ- tecting leaks under the impermeable sheet 3FDPWFSJOHNBUFSJBMTQSFTFOUJOXBTUFUIBUIBWF bution. "XBSFIPVTFBOEOFDFTTBSZNBDIJOFSZGPS OPUSFBDIFEUIFFOEPGUIFJSMJGFDZDMF BTXFMMBT (See table on page 30) DSVTIJOHXBTUF by-products from industrial production proces- ses, proves the social, environmental and econo- *.1307&%-"/%'*--4 t5ISFFOFXEFQPTJUTGPSMFBDIBUFT TFNJDMFBO mic feasibility of a consumption model based on XBUFSBOEGJSFSFTJTUBOUT SFTQFDUJWFMZ making the most efficient use of resources. 8PSLXJUIJOUIFGSBNFXPSLPGBHSFFNFOUTTJHOFE - Beuda Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant (La Waste management based on this idea calls for XJUI MPDBM PSHBOJTBUJPOT UP BEBQU BOE CVJME OFX Garrotxa) OFXJOGSBTUSVDUVSFUPFOTVSFUIFFOWJSPONFOUBM NVOJDJQBMXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUJOGSBTUSVDUVSF - Puigpalter Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant quality of procedures and actions carried out. (Pla de l’Estany) .VOJDJQBMXBTUFDPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMMTBOETV- - Improved biological treatment at the Llagoste- SELECTIVE WASTE COLLECTION pplies ra Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant (Solius) - Improvements to the Cerdanya Landfill: crus- One of the main pillars of the Catalan model of Work is complete at: hing press XBTUFJTQSPNPUJOHTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPOUP - Pla de l’Estany: Expansion and adaptation of 3FOFXFEBVYJMJBSZNBDIJOFSZBOEFYQBOTJPO SFDPWFSUIFNBYJNVNBNPVOUPGXBTUF4JODF

164 annual report | ARC 2008

 XFIBWFEPVCMFEUIFBNPVOUPGTFMFDUJWF 03("/*$ '3"$5*0/ 0' .6/*$*1"- cumentation created for technical assistance and XBTUFDPMMFDUJPOGSPNUP 40-*%8"45&ǝ0'.48Ǟ an IT system called Operational Monitoring and Control implemented in 2008 and open to 5IJTQSPHSFTTJWFJODSFBTFJOTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDP- SUPPORT FOR LOCAL ORGANISATIONS ongoing improvements to easily adapt to the in- llection leads to a parallel reduction in the volu- 50 *.1-&.&/5 0'.48 4&-&$5*7& troduction of all kinds of information. NFPGSVCCJTI$BUBMBOTSFDZDMFBUIJSEPGXBTUF WASTE COLLECTION produced. STUDIESTOCHARACTERISETHEOR (See figures on page 32) In 2007, as part of its policy of supporting local GANIC FRACTION (See table on pages 34-35) organisations to implement OFMSW selective XBTUFDPMMFDUJPO "3$QVCMJTIFE %0($/0 *OXPSLDPOUJOVFEUPDIBSBDUFSJTFUIFPS- *O$BUBMPOJBTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPOJTJOMJOF 5929, of 14 December 2007, through Resolu- ganic fraction from selective collection of muni- XJUIMFWFMTJOPUIFS&6DPVOUJFTBOEBCPWFUIF tion MAH/3715/2007, of 20 November) a call DJQBMXBTUFJO$BUBMPOJB BTXFMMBTDIBSBDUFSJ- OECD average of 30%. Catalonia also exceeds for applications for support to promote selective TJOHUIFXBTUFQSPEVDFEBUCJPMPHJDBMUSFBUNFOU UIF 4QBOJTI BWFSBHF  XIJDI BDDPSEJOH UP UIF collection of the organic fraction of municipal plants in Catalonia in 2007-2008. Eurostat agency stands at 17% XBTUF XJUIBCVEHFUPGǎ   This call for applications for support aims to 5IFDPOUJOVFEHSPXUIJOUIFOVNCFSPGNVOJ- PACKAGING boost selective collection of the organic and cipalities that have introduced OFMSW selec- QMBOUGSBDUJPOPGNVOJDJQBMXBTUF5IFHPBMXBT UJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO NVOJDJQBMJUJFTIBE 4:45&.4'03%&104*54"/%3& to promote implementation of OFMSW selecti- JOUSPEVDFE0'.48TFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO TURNS FOR CONTAINERS WFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPOUISPVHIBDUJPOTJO by 2008) has led to an increase in the need to 1SPKFDUTGPSOFXJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPSFYQBOTJPO characterise OFMSW. Companies marketing their products in reusa- JOUIFBSFBPG0'.48TFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO "UPUBMPG0'.48DIBSBDUFSJTBUJPOTXFSF CMFDPOUBJOFSTUIBUXJTIUPTJHOVQUPBEFQPTJU - Projects and actions to improve OFMSW se- carried out in 2008. and returns system for containers, in accordance MFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO (See tables on page 38) XJUI"DUPODPOUBJOFSTBOEQBDLBHJOH - Projects to promote collection and manage- (See table on page 40) XBTUF TIPVMEDPOUBDUUIFDPNQFUFOUBVUIPSJUZ ment of the plant fraction In 2008, ten companies informed ARC that - Self-composting projects (home and/or com- 1-"/450*.1-&.&/50'.484&-&$ they had voluntarily implemented this deposit munity composting) TIVE WASTE COLLECTION and returns system for industrial containers. A - Individual projects of general interest total of 81 companies have introduced this re- For the current call for applications for subsi- On 17 July 2008, the DOGC published Act UVSOTTZTUFN XIJDIQSPNPUFTSFVTFPGDPOUBJ- dies, ARC has received 171 applications for su-   PG  +VMZ  PO GJOBODJOH XBTUF NBOB- OFSTBOEIFMQTQSFWFOUXBTUFDSFBUJPOBOEHVB- QQPSU PGXIJDIXFSFBXBSEFETVQQPSUUPUB- gement infrastructure and taxes on disposal of rantees the control and traceability necessary for lling €8,500,000. SFGVTFGPSNXBTUF %0($/P BOE"DU these kinds of containers. The 168 approved applications for subsidies appro- 9/2008, of 10 July, modifying Act 6/1993, of 15 ved have helped promote projects to boost the se- +VMZ SFHVMBUJOHXBTUF %0($/P 5IFTF */41&$5*0/0'$0.1"/*&4/054*( lective collection of the organic and plant fraction regulations stipulate the obligation of all local NEDUPFORTHEDEPOSITANDRE in 571 municipalities throughout Catalonia. organisations in Catalonia to carry out OFMSW 563/44:45&.03*/5&(3"5&%." Of the different projects that have received bac- TFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO JOBDDPSEBODFXJUIBO /"(&.&/54:45&. LJOH   QSPKFDUT XFSF UP OFXMZ JNQMFNFOUFE *NQMFNFOUBUJPO1MBO XIJDIIBTUPCFQSFTFO- 0'.48TFMFDUJPODPMMFDUJPO XFSFUPFYQBOE ted to the Agència de Residus de Catalunya for Packaging companies or those responsible for JNQMFNFOUBUJPO XFSFUPJNQSPWFDPMMFDUJPO  approval before 9 August 2009. putting packaged products on the market for XFSFUPQSPNPUFDPMMFDUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOU The Implementation Plan comprises three key domestic consumption are responsible for co- PGUIFQMBOUGSBDUJPO XFSFTFMGDPNQPTUJOH parts: SSFDUMZ NBOBHJOH UIF QBDLBHJOH XBTUF DSFBUFE QSPKFDUTBOEXFSFJOEJWJEVBMQSPKFDUTPGHF- 1) Declaration of the current state of OFMSW by these products. This management should be neral interest. selective collection in the municipality carried out through systems stipulated by Act 2) Necessary actions to implement the service 11/1997: a deposit and returns system or an in- .0/*503*/(#*0-0(*$"- JOGVMM UISPVHIPVUUIFUPXOBOEBQQMJFEUPBMM tegrated management system. 53&"5.&/5'"$*-*5*&4 individual and major producers of organic mate- rial, including commercial activities) In 2008, ARC continued to require companies *OXPSLDPOUJOVFEBOEJOUFOTJGJFEJOUIF 3) Timetable for implementation UIBUEJEOPUDPNQMZXJUIQBDLBHJOHSFHVMBUJPOT BSFBPGUFDIOJDBM BEWJTPSZBOEUSBJOJOHXPSLUP to adapt to these regulations by signing up to a monitor operations and maintenance of munici- "/&8*5500-'031-"/450*.1-& deposit and returns system or an integrated ma- QBMXBTUFPSHBOJDGSBDUJPOCJPMPHJDBMUSFBUNFOU .&/50'.484&-&$5*7&8"45&$0 nagement system. As a result of these require- GBDJMJUJFTBNJOJNVNPGGPVSWJTJUTXFSFQBJEUP LLECTION NFOUT DPSSFTQPOEJOHWJTJUTXFSFNBEFUPDPN- each facility in 2008. QBOJFT UIBU IBE OPU KVTUJGJFE DPNQMJBODF XJUI At the end of 2008, a comprehensive analysis *OUIFMBTURVBSUFS XPSLSFBDIFEUIFGJOBMQIBTF regulations for putting their packaged products XBTNBEFPGUIFWBTUNBKPSJUZPGJOTUBMMBUJPOT GPSUIFOFX*5BQQMJDBUJPOGPSQMBOTUPJNQMF- onto the market for domestic consumption. The information gathered from visits led to do- NFOU0'.48TFMFDUJWFXBTUFDPMMFDUJPO XPS-

165 annual report | ARC 2008

LJOHUPHFUIFSXJUIUIF.JOJTUSZGPS*54ZTUFNT PVUXJUIJOUIFGSBNFXPSLPGUIFDPMMBCPSBUJPO authorised as an integrated packaging manage- 5IJTOFXUPPMXBTTFUVQJOPSEFSUP BHSFFNFOUXJUIUIFHPWFSOJOHCPEZPG$IBN- ment system for a period of five years. - Simplify the presentation of plans by local or- bers in Catalonia. 8PSLDPOUJOVFEPOUIFOFXDPMMBCPSBUJPOBHSF- ganisations responsible for collections We also spoke at conferences on by-products FNFOUCFUXFFOUIF"HÒODJBEF3FTJEVTEF$BUB- - Unify the format of plans to make them easier at the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce in lunya and Ecoembes for 2008-2013 during the for the Agència de Residus de Catalunya to as- Palma de Mallorca on 17 November 2008, at TFDPOEIBMGPGUPTFUPVUUIFOFXFDPOPNJD sess and approve. the Public Administration School in Catalonia DPOEJUJPOTUISPVHIOFHBUJPOTCFUXFFOUIFQBS- - Provide the tools to gather up-to-date data on (28/02/2008) and at EUROSURFAS-EXPO- ties involved (Agència de Residus de Catalunya, the state of implementation in all municipalities QUIMIA (23/10/2008). EMSHTR, FMC, AMC and Ecoembes). in Catatonia, data on the findings of different At the end of 2008 an email questionnaire on models, etc. CZQSPEVDUT XBT QSFQBSFE BOE TFOU UP XBTUF ECOVIDRIO QSPEVDFST"UPUBMPGSFQMJFTXFSFSFDFJWFE On 11 July 2008, the company ECOVIDRIO *.1-&.&/5*/("/&84:45&.'03 GSPNQSPEVDFST XIJDIHJWFTBGJHVSFPG XBTBVUIPSJTFEBTBOJOUFHSBUFEQBDLBHJOHNB- &/5&3*/(%"5"#:0'.48#*0-0(* 24% participation. The goal is to find out com- nagement system in Catalonia. $"-53&"5.&/5'"$*-*5*&4'0345" panies’ perception of by-products. )PXFWFS PO0DUPCFSBOFXDPMMBCP- TISTICAL PURPOSES AND INTEGRA *OBEEJUJPO BEPDVNFOUXBTQSPEVDFEPOUIF SBUJPOBHSFFNFOUXBTTJHOFECFUXFFO&$07*- TEDWITHTAXRETURNS FGGFDUPG3&"$)SFHVMBUJPOTPOXBTUFBOECZ DRIO and the Agència de Residus de Catalunya QSPEVDUT  XIJDI XBT QPTUFE PO UIF "3$ BOE for 2008-2013. This year, OFMSW biological treatment plants (com- %.)"XFCTJUFTJO/PWFNCFS posting, anaerobic digestion) and OFMSW transfer 5IJTOFXBHSFFNFOUQSFTFOUTNBKPSJNQSPWF- plants used an IT application through the SDR CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPORT ments on the previous agreement, both econo- platform to carry out monthly reports of OFMSW 50130.05&5)&$0/46.15*0/0' mically and technically, stressing the importance NBOBHFNFOU5IFPXOFSTBOEPSNBOBHFSTPGUIFTF 3&$07&3&%."5&3*"-4"/%#:ǩ130 of promoting selective collection of commercia- GBDJMJUJFTJOUSPEVDFEUIFGPMMPXJOHEBUB DUCTS lly produced glass. %BUBPOUIFFOUSZPGUSFBUFEXBTUFBUUIFGB- DJMJUZ 0'.48 QMBOUGSBDUJPO FUD XIFSFJU During the call for applications for support to SIGFITO comes from, etc., promote the consumption of recovered materials 0ODFJUTBVUIPSJTBUJPOXBTHSBOUFEBTBOJOUF- %BUBPOXBTUFMFBWJOHUIFQMBOU 0'.48  BOECZQSPEVDUT QSPKFDUTXFSFQSFTFOUFE  grated management system for pesticide pro- plant fraction, refuse, leachates, etc.) and pro- PGXIJDISFDFJWFEGVOEJOHUPUBMMJOHǎ  ducts in Catalonia for 2007-2012, SIGFITO EVDUT DPNQPTU BTXFMMBTUIFJSEFTUJOBUJPO AGROENVASES, SL has continued to increase '*/%*/(/&8'03.40'&7"-6"5*0/ UIF BNPVOU PG QBDLBHJOH DPMMFDUFE  BT XFMM BT 5IJT TZTUFN IFMQT USBDF XBTUF UISPVHIPVU UIF collection centres. management process. This data is also used to SLAG Selective collection of empty containers for pes- prepare Agència de Residus de Catalunya sta- ticide products carried out through the integra- UJTUJDT BOE  UPHFUIFS XJUI EBUB GSPN 0'.48 *OBQSPKFDUXBTQSFQBSFEGPSFWBMVBUJOH UFENBOBHFNFOUTZTUFNIBTDPOUJOVFEUPHSPX characterisations, to calculate tax returns for slag from electric-arc iron production and the *O UPOOFTPGQFTUJDJEFDPOUBJOFSTXFSF OFMSW collection and treatment. This appli- Centre Català del Reciclatge monitored this re- collected in Catalonia, an increase of almost 6% cation has increased reliability, helped simply gulation due to be published in 2009. This re- on the previous year. these steps and made it easier to validate data. gulation expands the use of slag as a surface ma- In 2008, collection points for pesticide contai- UFSJBM XJUI CJUVNJOPVT NJYUVSFT PS TVCCBMMBTU OFSTJO$BUBMPOJBJODSFBTFEXJUIPWFSDPMMFD- EVALUATION GPSSBJMXBZT GJMMJOHNBUFSJBMGPSDMPTFEDPODSFUF UJPODFOUSFTBOEBUPUBMOFUXPSLPGPQFSB- structures. ting points, mainly agrarian cooperatives and BYPRODUCTS The obligations arising from the declaration of points of sale of pesticide products. TMBHBTBOFWBMVBCMFNBUFSJBMXFSFNPOJUPSFEBOE The Centre Català del Reciclatge is responsible DPOUSPMMFE SFHVMBSBOBMZTFT MJTUPGTJUFT SFOFXBM SIGRE GPS SFDFJWJOH BQQMJDBUJPOT GPS NBOBHJOH XBTUF of files, etc.) and uses of slag from foundries and Medicines have continued to be collected BTBCZQSPEVDU*O BQQMJDBUJPOTXFSF JODJOFSBUPSTXFSFQSPNPUFEBUDPOGFSFODFT TF- from homes through the integrated manage- received to manage by-products. A total of 94 NJOBSTBOEBHSFFNFOUTXJUI*/$"40-BOEUIF ment and collection system for packages from UFDIOJDBMSFQPSUTXFSFNBEFBOEUIFSFXFSF Catalan Directorate General for Roads. UIFQIBSNBDFVUJDBMJOEVTUSZ XIJDITUBSUFEJO positive verdicts and 9 negative verdicts. 'PVSTQFDJGJDSFQPSUTXFSFQSFQBSFEPOVTFTPG 2001. It is organised by using containers pla- In order to promote the notion of by-products, slag not envisaged in the regulation. ced near the 300 chemists and 600 primary B DPOGFSFODF XBT IFME PO NBOBHJOH XBTUF BT healthcare centres. CZQSPEVDUT PO  "QSJM   UPHFUIFS XJUI */5&(3"5&%."/"(&.&/54:45&.4 (See table on page 44) UIF $BUBMBO $IBNCFS PG $PNNFSDF  BT XFMM as publishing by-products in Catalonia in the PACKAGING *O  LHPGNFEJDJOFXBTDPMMFDUFE  #ZQSPEVDU.BSLFU/FXTMFUUFSUPQSPNPUFBOE an 11.6% increase on 2006. The Fundació Hu- strengthen the use of tools like the By-product ECOEMBES manitària Dr. Trueta collected 104,115 kg, an .BSLFU/FXTMFUUFS5IFTFBDUJPOTXFSFDBSSJFE *O.BZ UIFDPNQBOZ&$0&.#&4XBT increase of 5%.

166 annual report | ARC 2008

Approximately 29% of all medicines collected In order to ensure correct collection and recy- &YQFSUTBUUFOEFEUIF&VSPQFBOXPSLJOHHSPVQ are recycled, basically paper and cardboard, cling of electrical and electronic appliances at seeking to create a document of technical speci- glass, plastics and metal fractions. collection centres and their extension to other fications for recycling end-of-life tyres. kinds of collection such as distribution, ARC to- The appearance of the tiger mosquito at mana- ENDOFLIFE VEHICLES HFUIFSXJUIJOUFHSBUFENBOBHFNFOUTZTUFNTGPS gers of end-of-life tyres and collection centres XBTUFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSPOJDBQQMJBODFT XBTNPOJUPSFE5IFZXFSFTFOUUIFFOWJSPONFO- In 2008, 96.267 certificates of the destruction PSHBOJTFE BOE XBT BDUJWFMZ JOWPMWFE JO DPOGF- UBMEPDVNFOUBUJPOPOUIJTTVCKFDUXBTTFOUUPBMM PGFOEPGMJGFWFIJDMFTXFSFSFDFJWFE QSPDFTTFE rences to present the OFIRAEE manual. Five DPMMFDUJPODFOUSFT XSFDLFSTZBSETBOENBOBHFST and archived. DPOGFSFODFTXFSFIFMEJOEJGGFSFOUBSFBT-MFJEB PGFOEPGMJGFUZSFTJO$BUBMPOJB"OBSUJDMFXBT *ODPNQMJBODFXJUI"SUJDMF BENJOJTUSBUJPO (22/01), Tarragona (23/01), Barcelona (24/01), XSJUUFO GPS UIF NBHB[JOF RECUPERA and a JOGPSNBUJPO  PG 3%  XF QSPDFTTFE Girona (25/01) and (28/01) to present NFFUJOHXBTIFMEXJUIUIF.JOJTUSZGPS)FBMUI the request for receipt and treatment of annual the OFIRAEE manual to advise local organisa- &YQFSUTBUUFOEFEUIF&VSPQFBOXPSLJOHHSPVQ statistical data through the 103 declarations of UJPOTBOEDPMMFDUJPODFOUSFTPOIPXUIF*5QMB- seeking to create a document of technical spe- end-of-life vehicles sent by managers. UGPSNXPSLT cifications for recycling end-of-life tyres. Mee- In addition, in 2008 the CCR spoke at the fo- UJOHTXFSFIFMEJO3PNF BOE"QSJM  ."/"(*/(8"45&'30.&-&$53*$"- MMPXJOHDPOGFSFODFT and Madrid (07/02/2008, 2/07/2008, and 1-2 ANDELECTRONICAPPLIANCES - EAPC course on light pollution (27/05) September 2008). - Collection and recycling of electrical and elec- *O UISFFTZTUFNTGPSNBOBHJOHXBTUF tronic appliances, Cat 5, regulations and appli- ."/"(&.&/50'*/%6453*"-0*-4 GSPNFMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSPOJDBQQMJBODFTXFSF cation, CEI Las Palmas, organised by AMBI- authorised, corresponding to the companies Ilu- LAMP (29/05) .POJUPSJOHUIFBVUIPSJTJOHQSPDFTTGPSUIFUXP minación Disano, Braun Medical and Química  4*404$"5  /FX 5FDIOPMPHJFT BOE UIF PSHBOJTBUJPOTXJUIJOUFHSBUFENBOBHFNFOUTZT- Clínica Aplicada. 5IJSE4FDUPS(MPCBM6TFPG/FX5FDIOPMPHJFT tems for used oils (SIGAUS and SIGPI). Also Of the 39 applications processed in 2008, (29/05) NPOJUPSFE XFSF UIF PCMJHBUJPOT PG QSPEVDFST UISFFDPNQBOJFTXFSFBVUIPSJTFE DPNQB- - Government administrations and recycling and/or integrated management systems set out nies decided not to implement an industrial electrical and electronic appliances, organised in RD 679/2006 (administration information, management system and signed up to an in- by Fundació ECOTIC etc.) and technical advice to managers and other tegrated management system, four companies Since 2007, ARC has played an active role in BHFOUTJOWPMWFE VTFST BENJOJTUSBUJPOT XPSLT- decided not to go ahead as they realised they meetings by the European platform WEEE- hops...). XFSFOPUDPWFSFECZ3% BOEUIF 1*/UPLFFQVQUPEBUFXJUIBDUJPODBSSJFEPVUJO Speakers at the Mediterranean Workshop on SFNBJOJOHDPNQBOJFTBSFDPOUJOVJOHXJUI &VSPQFJOEJSFDUDPNNVOJDBUJPOXJUIDPVOUSJFT Used Lubricant Oils held in Barcelona on 3-5 the authorisation process. XPSLJOHPOUIFTVCKFDUPGFMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSP- November 2008. $PNQBOJFTUIBUEPOPUDPNQMZXJUIPCMJHBUJPOT OJDBQQMJBODFT*OUIFSFXBTBNFFUJOHPG TUJQVMBUFEJO3%XFSFTFOUSFRVJ- the platform WEEE-PIN in Brussels to assess OTHER ACTIONS rements in 2007, and ARC has issued a total of UIFTUSFOHUITBOEXFBLOFTTFTPGUIFTZTUFNTJO TBODUJPOT PGXIJDIIBWFCFFOSFTPMWFE place in each of the counties taking part in the 130.05*0/ 0' */%*7*%6"- 4&-&$ ARC carried out constant monitoring of the conference. TIVE COLLECTION ACTIONS. AGREE tasks carried out by the Logistics Coordination On 10 October 2008 a collaboration agreement .&/54 Office made up of the authorised integrated ma- XBTTJHOFECFUXFFOUIF$BUBMBO$POTVNQUJPO OBHFNFOUTZTUFNTGPSXBTUFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMBOE Agency (ACC) and ARC. Among other agree- "DPMMBCPSBUJPOBHSFFNFOUXBTTJHOFEXJUI#BS- electronic appliances. ments, one of ACC’s obligations is to prepare celona Serveis Municipals, S.A. Zoo Division "TBSFTVMUPGUIFGSBNFXPSLBHSFFNFOUXJUI an incorporation plan to monitor obligations re- to progressively incorporate sustainability cri- manufactures of electrical and electronic sulting from the different regulations of sellers’ UFSJB JO NBOBHJOH XBTUF GSPN #BSDFMPOB ;PP BQQMJBODFT JOXFQSPNPUFEUIFGJSTUQVCMJD responsibility, including manufacturers of elec- (€36,000). BXBSFOFTTSBJTJOHDBNQBJHOPOUIJTTVCKFDU trical and electronic appliances. $PMMBCPSBUJPO BHSFFNFOU CFUXFFO "HÒODJB EF To ensure users of electrical and electronic Residus de Catalunya and the Catalan Broad- appliances receive the necessary information ."/"(&.&/50'&/%ǩ0'ǩ-*'&5:3&4 casting Corporation to progressively incorporate BCPVUIPXUPSFVTFBOESFDZDMFUIFTFQSPEVDUT  TVTUBJOBCJMJUZDSJUFSJBJONBOBHJOHXBTUFDSFBUFE BOEBTTUJQVMBUFEJOUIFGSBNFXPSLDPMMBCPSB- *O UXPPSHBOJTBUJPOTXJUIJOUFHSBUFENB- by the corporations’ centres. UJPOBHSFFNFOU TBXUIFDSFBUJPOPGUIF OBHFNFOUTZTUFNTGPSFOEPGMJGFUZSFTXFSFBVUIP- GJSTUQVCMJDBXBSFOFTTSBJTJOHDBNQBJHOBCPVU rised: SIGNUS ECOVALOR SL and Tratamiento 130.05*0/ 0' 64& 0' 3&64"#-& NBOBHJOHXBTUFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSPOJD de Neumáticos Usados SL (TNU). Monitoring of CLOTHES appliances, overseen and approved by ARC, UIFTFTZTUFNTBOEUIFJSPCMJHBUJPOTXJUISFTQFDUUP the Federation of Catalan Municipalities, the 3%XBTDBSSJFEPVU Support and monitoring of projects, especia- Catalan Association of Municipalities and 5FDIOJDBMBEWJDFXBTHJWFOUPNBOBHFSTBOEPUIFS lly the pilot project by EMSHTR aimed at the &.4)53 5IJT DBNQBJHO DPNQSJTFE UXP BHFOUT XPSLTIPQT JOEJWJEVBMT DPMMFDUJPODFOUSFT  elderly (Residència Pare Batllori) and the St. parts: one in spring 2008 and the other in BENJTJUSBUJPOT FUD POIPXUIFJOUFHSBUFETZTUFN $VHBUEFM7BMMÒT5PXO$PVODJMQSPKFDUBJNFEBU XJOUFSBOE XPSLFEBOEEFUFDUFEQSPCMFNTXFSFNPOJUPSFE UPEEMFSTJOUIFUPXOTLJOEFSHBSUFOT

167 annual report | ARC 2008

BINS FOR COLLECTING PAPER AND Renewable energies at controlled landfills access to the facilities CARDBOARD PACKAGING Biogas energy: -FBGMFUTGPSUIFPQFOJOHPGUIFXPSLUPFY- We continued to promote selective collection of 1VCMJD DPOUSPMMFE MBOEGJMMT GFBUVSF UIF GPMMPXJOH pand and adapt the Puigpalter landfill (Pla paper and cardboard at the offices and buildings engines to generate electrical energy from biogas: EF M&TUBOZ  XIJDI VTFE SFDZDMFE HSBWFM GSPN of companies, schools and other organisations RCDs in the drainage layer of the former cavity CZQSPWJEJOHGSFFCJOTTQFDJGJDBMMZEFTJHOFEXJUI (BSSBGMBOEGJMMUXFMWFL8VOJUT that has been sealed shut. this aim in mind. - Solius landfill: one 190 kW unit 8JUISFTQFDUUP UIFSFXBTBTMJHIUJODSFBTFJO - Pedret i Marzà landfill: one 626 kW unit Closing down dumping sites the number of bins delivered (23,700 units com- - Serrallarga landfill: one 30 kW micro-turbine QBSFEXJUI UIFQSFWJPVTZFBS *UJTXPSUI (being tested) *OUIFSFXBTXPSLJONVOJDJQBMJUJFTUP saying that 73% correspond to bins for collecting - Bellver de Cerdanya landfill: one 30 kW mi- close and clean 244 uncontrolled dumping po- paper and 27% for collecting packaging. cro-turbine ints (out-of-use municipal landfills, municipal 0SJTMBOEGJMMUXPL8NJDSPUVSCJOFT rubble dumps and other out-of-use construction CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPORT XBTUFGSPNVODPOUSPMMFEEVNQJOHTJUFT  50*.1-&.&/5$0--&$5*0/$&/53&4 In 2008, total electrical energy generation from "/%05)&3&26*1.&/5'034&-&$5* CJPHBTBUQVCMJDNVOJDJQBMXBTUFMBOEGJMMTFYDFF- "DUJPOXBTUBLFOBUUIFGPMMPXJOHNVOJDJQBMJUJFT VE COLLECTION AND EVALUATION OF ded 55.3 million kWh. Alt Empordà (Cabanes, Figueres), Alta Ribago- .6/*$*1"-8"45& rça (Pont de Suert, Vall de Boí), Bages (Mura, Wind energy: UIFSFJTBL8QPXFSXJOEUVS- Súria), Baix Camp (Mont-roig del Camp), Baix 'VOEJOHXBTHSBOUFEUPQSPKFDUT5IFUPUBM bine at the Bellver de Cerdanya landfill and Ebre (Aldea, Ametlla de Mar), Baix Empordà BNPVOUJOXBTǎ   ǎ   another 400 W turbine at the closed de Aldea (Bisbal d’Empordà), Baix Llobregat (Corbe- XJUICVEHFUT landfill restored as a park. ra de Llobregat, Gavà, Molins de Rei, Prat de Llobregat, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sant Feliu de FINAL PROVISION Solar energy: at the Aldea landfill there is a Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Vicenç dels 780 W photovoltaic panel and six independent Horts, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Viladecans), $PSSFDUEJTQPTBMPGXBTUFUIBUIBTSFBDIFEUIF 8TPMBSMBNQT0UIFSXBTUFMBOEGJMMTTVDIBT Conca de Barberà (Conesa, , Mont- FOEPGJUTVTFGVMMJGFBOEXIJDIDBOOPUCFSFUVS- Bellver de Cerdanya and Borges Blanques also blanc, , Savallà del ned to the production cycle helps preserve the have photovoltaic and/or photothermal panels Comtat, , Vimbodí and Poblet), Garraf environment. Controlled landfills are a neces- to make use of solar energy. (Sant Pere de Ribes), Gironès (Girona), Mares- sary infrastructure, since the levels of recycling me (Arenys de Mar, Canet de Mar, Tordera), and recovery of resources reached in the most The landfills at Ametlla de Mar and Ampolla Noguera (Foradada), Osona (Les Masies de developed societies have not yet made landfills IBWFCFFOFRVJQQFEXJUI8QIPUPWPMUBJD Voltregà, Roda de Ter), Pallars Jussà (Castell de EJTQFOTBCMFXJUI QBOFMTBOE8XJOEUVSCJOFT Mur, Conca de Dalt, Gavet de la Conca, Talarn, With this strategic goal as a reference, ARC pro- Sarroca de Bellera), Pallars Sobirà (Alins, Alt NPUFTGBDJMJUJFTUIBUDPNQMZXJUIBMMUIFTBGFUZ Use of recycled materials Àneu, Baix Pallars, Guingueta d’Àneu, Rialp, and environmental quality requirements and Soriguera, Sort, Farrera, Tírvia, Vall de Cardós), BMTPDMPTFTEPXOBOESFTUPSFTQMBDFTBGGFDUFECZ Work to use recycled materials and make use of (Bellmunt del Priorat, Bisbal de Falset, UIFVODPOUSPMMFEEVNQJOHPGXBTUF SFOFXBCMFFOFSHJFTJOXPSLDPOUSBDUFECZ"3$ Cabacés, Capçanes, , , , , , &/7*30/.&/5"- *.1307&.&/5 "5 8PSLXBTDBSSJFEPVUUPDMPTFEPXOUIF"MEFB Marçà, , Masroig, Molar, Morera de CONTROLLED LANDFILLS MBOEGJMMBOESFTUPSFJUBTBQBSL XJUIUIFGP- Montsant, , , MMPXJOHLFZFOWJSPONFOUBMBTQFDUT Torre de Fontaubella, Torroja de Priorat), Ri- Leachate treatment - Mobile equipment for collecting and mana- bera d’Ebre (Garcia), Segarra (Biosca, Cerve- HJOHNVOJDJQBMXBTUFJO#BJY&CSFDPVOUZ ra, Estaràs, Montoliu de Segarra, Plans de Sió, In 2008 the Agència de Residus de Catalunya "MUFSOBUJWFFOFSHJFTXJOEUVSCJOF TPMBSQBOFM  Ribera d’Ondara, Sant Guim de la Plana, To- mobile plant treated 5270 m3 of leachates from independent solar lamps rrefeta and Florejacs), Segrià (Puigverd de Llei- QVCMJDNVOJDJQBMXBTUFGBDJMJUJFTBTTFUPVUJOUIF - Use of recycled materials: strips of tyres in the da), Selva (Santa Coloma de Farners), Solsonès UBCMFCFMPX drainage layer, recycled sand and cement from (Sant Llorenç de Morunys), Terra Alta (Prat de (See table on page 49) ceramic RCDs on paths for the closed landfall. Comte), Vallès Occidental (Castellar del Vallès, Recycle street furniture (benches and bins) and Montcada i Reixac -1 and 2-, Polinyà, Sabadell, Reduction of greenhouse gases BXPPEBOESFDZDMFEQMBTUJDIBOESBJM Terrassa), Val Aran (Bausèn, Bossòst, Canejan, Les, Naut Aran, Vielha and Mijaran). In 2008 the combustion units and/or use of bio- 2. Work started to expand and improve the Cla- HBT BU QVCMJD NVOJDJQBM XBTUF GBDJMJUJFT IFMQFE SJBOBEF$BSEFOFSMBOEGJMM 4PMTPOÒT XJUI 'VOEJOH XBT BMTP NBEF BWBJMBCMF UP DMPTF UIF prevent the release of methane into the atmos- - Use of recycled materials: recycled sand and #FVEBDPOUSPMMFENVOJDJQBMXBTUFMBOEGJMM (B- phere by more than 34.7 million m3 of treated DFNFOUGSPN3$%TPOXBSFIPVTFQBWJOH rrotxa), and adapt the La Granadella controlled biogas. 5SFBUFEXPPEIBOESBJMBUUIFWJFXQPJOUBOE landfill (Garrigues).

168 annual report | ARC 2008

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS UJUVUFUBYQBZFSTBSFUIFPXOFSTPGXBTUFMBOEGJMM DPNQMZ XJUI UIF 130(3*$  FOWJ- facilities and are obliged to present quarterly ronmental report. Call for applications for grants to totally or self-payments. " TFSJFT PG JOJUJBUJWFT XBT VOEFSUBLFO JO DPO- QBSUJBMMZDMPTFQVCMJDBMMZPXOFEDPOUSPMMFENV- KVODUJPOXJUIUIF%JSFDUPSBUF(FOFSBMPG&OWJ- OJDJQBM XBTUF MBOEGJMMT BOE VODPOUSPMMFE EVN- TAX COLLECTION ronmental Quality to carry out tests to study the QJOHTJUFTGPSDPOTUSVDUJPOXBTUF 3FTPMVUJPO feasibility of carrying out an energy evaluation MAH//3709/2007) 5IF NVOJDJQBM XBTUF EJTQPTBM UBY SBJTFE GPSXBTUFBUDFNFUFSJFTBOEUIVTIFMQQMBZBHSFB- €29,365,310 in 2008. ter role in supporting the hierarchy of manage- *O ǎ  XBTBXBSEFEUPUPUBMMZ ment paths. PS QBSUJBMMZ DMPTF QVCMJDBMMZ PXOFE DPOUSPMMFE 3&563/."/"(&.&/5 NVOJDJQBM XBTUF MBOEGJMMT BOE VODPOUSPMMFE ARC PUBLIC SERVICES EVNQJOHTJUFTGPSDPOTUSVDUJPOXBTUFJO#SËGJN Allocation of funds: resources from tax collec- (Alt Camp), (Alt Camp), tion go to the Waste Management Funds. The "DU PG+VMZ SFHVMBUJOHXBTUF EFDMB- Avinyonet de Puigventós (Alt Empordà), Ca- fund’s Governing Board sets the criteria to de- SFEUIFUSFBUNFOUPGEJGGFSFOULJOETPGXBTUFBT banes (Alt Empordà), Figueres (Alt Empor- termine allocation of the tax collected in accor- a public service. As a result, ARC promoted the dà), Pedret i Marzà (Alt Empordà), Peralada EBODFXJUIMFHJTMBUJPO DPSSFTQPOEJOHGBDJMJUJFTGPSUSFBUJOHUIJTXBTUF (Alt Empordà), Portbou (Alt Empordà), Piera ß A minimum of 50% should be applied to trea- On 12 February de 2008, Royal Decree (Anoia), Castellbell i el Vilar (Bages), Manresa ting the selectively collected organic fraction. 106/2008, of 1 February 2008 on batteries (Bages), Reus (Baix Camp), Aldea (Baix Ebre), ß The rest should be applied to selective collec- and storage batteries and environmental ma- Santa Cristina d’Aro (Baix Empordà), Castellví tion of organic matter, evaluating other kinds of OBHFNFOUPGUIFJSXBTUF XBTQVCMJTIFEJOUIF de Rosanes (Baix Llobregat), Bisbal del Penedès materials and treatment to reduce the amount #0& 5IJT 3PZBM %FDSFF  UPHFUIFS XJUI 3% (Baix Penedès), Gavà-Begues (EMSHTR), Ba- or improve the quality of refuse going to contro- 679/2006, on managing used industrial oils dalona (EMSHTR), C.C. Solsonès (Solsonès), lled landfills. It should also be used to promote and RD 208/2005, on electrical and electronic Castelló de Farfanya (Noguera), C.C. Noguera BXBSFOFTTSBJTJOHBOEFOWJSPONFOUBMFEVDBUJPO BQQMJBODFTBOENBOBHJOHUIFJSXBTUF NFBOTBMM (Noguera), Roda de Ter (Osona), Vilanova de campaigns. LJOETPGXBTUFUSFBUFECZQVCMJDFWBMVBUJPOTFS- Sau (Osona), C.C. Pallars Sobirà (Pallars So- Beneficiaries: local organisations both munici- WJDFTOPXIBWFTQFDJGJDSFHVMBUJPOTTFUUJOHPVU birà), Lladorre (Pallars Sobirà), CGRM Ribera pal and supra-municipal, other competent orga- producers’ responsibilities. d’Ebre, Priorat i Terra Alta, C.C. Segrià (Segrià), nisations and consortiums set up to offer services Corbins (Segrià), Llardecans (Segrià), Sant Llo- and carry out investments aimed at managing 3&'3*(&3"50353&"5.&/5"/%3& renç de Morunys (Solsonès), Alguaire (Segrià), NVOJDJQBMXBTUF XIJDITIPVMECFSFHJTUFSFEPO CYCLING CENTRE  EL PONT DE VILO C.C. Terra Alta (Terra Alta), (Terra a register that currently has 234 beneficiaries. ."3"*30$"'035ǝ01&3"503'$$  Alta), C.G. d’Aran (Val Aran), Vielha i Mijaran In 2008 the fund’s Governing Board approved ®.#*50Ǟ (Val Aran), Sabadell (Vallès Occidental), Carde- the payment of the return of 2007 tax, totalling deu (Vallès Oriental) and Vallgorguina (Vallès €32,278,061. The centre removes expansive gases and refrige- Oriental). (See map on page 53) rants - chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), hydrochlo- rofluorocarbons (HCFC) and hydrocarbons 5IFBDUJPOTDPWFSFECZUIFTFSFTPMVUJPOTXJMMCF INDUSTRIAL WASTE (HC) – from refrigerators and air-conditioning carried out in 2008, 2009 and 2010. BQQMJBODFT XJUIPVU EFTUSPZJOH UIF P[POF MBZFS PROGRIC 20072012 BOE DPOUSJCVUJOH UP HMPCBM XBSNJOH  XIJDI .6/*$*1"-8"45&%*4104"-5"9 XPVMEPDDVSJGUIFTFHBTFTXFSFSFMFBTFEXJUIPVU In 2008 PROGRIC entered the public infor- BOZ DPOUSPM *O   XF USFBUFE XF USFBUFE Of interest from a management perceptive is the mation phase of the programme, including 85,821 fridges and freezers and 1522 air-con- NVOJDJQBMXBTUFEJTQPTBMUBY5IJTFOWJSPONFO- sustainability reports. Once responses had been ditioning appliances. As a result of obligations UBMUBYJTBQQMJFEUPXBTUFXIJDIJOBDDPSEBODF BTTFTTFE UIFZXFSFJODMVEFEJOUIFFOWJSPONFO- concerning integrated management systems, XJUIDVSSFOUMFHJTMBUJPOJTDPOTJEFSFEUPCFNV- UBMSFQPSUTBOEOFXWFSTJPOTXFSFQSFQBSFEGPS HSPVQTPGNBOVGBDUVSFTTFUVQUPDPNQMZXJUI OJDJQBMXBTUFHPJOHUPDPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMMT definitive approval. RD 208/2005, a series of imbalances led to 5IFUBYXBTDSFBUFECZ"DU PG+VOF Resolution dated 19 June 2008 by the Directora- GFXFSVOJUTFOUFSJOHUIFDFOUSFUIBOMBTUZFBS POGJOBODJOHXBTUFUSFBUNFOUGBDJMJUJFTBOE te General of Environmental and Sustainability UIFNVOJDJQBMXBTUFEJTQPTBMUBY BOEDBNFJOUP Policies and Housing accepted the PROGRIC #"55&3: "/% '-603&4$&/5 -".1 force on 1 January 2004. The tax is set at €10 per 2007-2012 environmental report, although it 53&"5.&/5 $&/53& Ǫ &- 10/5 %& UPOOFPGXBTUFUIBUHPFTUPBDPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMM added some additional annual monitoring para- 7*-0."3" * 30$"'035 ǝ01&3"503 5IFUBYQBZFSTBSFUIFMPDBMPXOFSTPGNVOJDJ- NFUFSTSFMBUFEUPFOFSHZBOEXBUFSDPOTVNQUJPO 1*-"(&45 4-Ǟ QBM XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU BOE JG OFDFTTBSZ UIPTF CZXBTUFNBOBHFST XJUIEFMFHBUFESFTQPOTJCJMJUZJOBDDPSEBODFXJUI "TQFDJGJDQSPQPTBMXBTNBEFGPSUIF*O- 'PSMBNQT FMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSPOJDXBTUFJODMV- local legislation, regardless of the form of sys- EVTUSJBM8BTUF%FDMBSBUJPOGPSXBTUFNBOBHFST ded in RD 208/2005, in 2008 modifications UFNNBOBHFNFOU1SPEVDFSTPGNVOJDJQBMXBTUF to enable the selective entrance of materials and XFSFNBEFUPUIFBHSFFNFOUBXBSEJOHUIJTQV- XIPBSFOPUUIFPCKFDUPGNVOJDJQBMDPMMFDUJPO XBTUF XJUI DPEJOH  BT XFMM BT JOUFHSBUJOH OFX CMJDTFSWJDFUPBEBQUJUUPOFXDPOEJUJPOTTUJQVMB- service are also considered to be taxpayers. Subs- DPOTVNQUJPO FOFSHZ BOE XBUFS QBSBNFUFST UP UFECZUIF3PZBM%FDSFF XIJDIDBNFJOUPGPSDF

169 annual report | ARC 2008

on 26 September 2008. - TRATESA landfill (Vacarisses): three 1000 "$$&15"/$&'03.4 In terms of batteries, RD 106/2008, published kW units. on 12 February 2008, sets out, amongst others, - CESPA GR landfill (Hostalets de Pierola): one Acceptance forms are regulated agreements for battery manufacturers’ obligations in managing 1000 kW unit. FBDILJOEPGXBTUFVOEFSUBLFOCFUXFFOUIFQSP- SFTVMUBOUXBTUF5IFDFOUSFUSFBUTTFMFDUJWFMZDP- - CESPA GR landfill (St. Maria de Palau Torde- EVDFSPSPXOFSPGUIFXBTUFBOEUIFDIPTFONB- llected batteries and discharge lamps and avoids SB UXPL8VOJUT OBHFNFOUDPNQBOZ*O GPSNTXFSF uncontrolled disposal of the metals they con- processes, 50% via SDR. UBJO*O UPOOFTPGMBNQTXFSFUSFBUFE  The biogas created is used internally to produce 8.5% less than the previous year. This reduction heat for services at the three controlled landfills. UPDATING PCB INVENTORY DBOCFFYQMBJOFECZUIFTJNJMBSOFXPSFYQBO- TRATESA also has a fuel cell to generate electri- EFEQMBOUTJOPUIFSSFHJPOTPG4QBJO XIJDIIBWF city through an electrochemical biogas process *OBDDPSEBODFXJUI3% MBUFSNP- started to treat part of the lamps outside Cata- BOEJTDBSSZJOHPVUUFTUTXJUIWFIJDMFTSVOOJOH dified by RD 228/2006, data on the PCB (po- MPOJB XIJDI VTFE UP CF USFBUFE BU UIF 1POU EF on a biogas combustion engine. CESPA GR MZDIMPSPCJQIFOZMT JOWFOUPSZJO$BUBMPOJBXBT Vilomara centre. (Hostalets de Pierola) supplies a major part of updated based on annual declarations supplied the biogas as fuel to a neighbouring company. CZPXOFSTPGBQQMJBODFTXJUI1$#$VSSFOUMZ  *O UPOOFTPGCBUUFSJFTXFSFUSFBUFE BO UIF JOWFOUPSZ DPNQSJTFT  DPNQBOJFT PX- increase of 7% on the previous year. 5&$)/*$"-"44&44.&/50'130+&$54 OJOH FRVJQNFOU XJUI BDUJWF 1$# 5IFSF BSF IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT 3/1998 2837 active units out of a total of 12,162 .*/&3"- 0*- 3&(&/&3"5*0/ 1-"/5 appliances on the inventory. The goal of the  OPERATOR: CATALANA DE ARC plays an active role in joint assessment of 3%JTUPSFBDIXJUI1$#BQQMJBO- 53"$5".&/5%0-*43&4*%6"-4 4"Ǟ UIFTFBDUJWJUJFTGSPNUIFXBTUFWFDUPS ces decontaminated. (See figure on page 58) *OPSEFSUPDPNQMZXJUIPCMJHBUJPOTTUJQVMBUFEJO In 2008, a total of 3044 reports on projects, RD 679/2006, mineral oil manufacturers and environmental assessments, adaptations, minor "$5*0/4 50 .*/*.*4& */%6453*"- EJTUSJCVUPSTGPSNFEUXPJOUFHSBUFENBOBHFNFOU DIBOHFTBOEDPOUSPMTXFSFQSFQBSFESFQPSUT WASTE TZTUFNTBOEIFMEDPOWFSTBUJPOTXJUI"3$BOE DPSSFTQPOEUPXBTUFNBOBHFST the plant operator to reach an agreement on ta- (See figures & table on page 56) .*/*.*4"5*0/456%*&4 king responsibility for the management system GPSUIJTXBTUFBOEJUTDPTU .0/*503*/( */%6453*"- 8"45& *OBDDPSEBODFXJUI3% PG+VOF  In 2008, the Alcover mineral oil regeneration 130%6$&34 ."/"(&34"/%53"/4 QSPEVDFSTPGUPYJDBOEEBOHFSPVTXBTUFBSFPCMJ- plant treated 36,002 tonnes of mineral oil, al- PORTERS HFEUPQSFTFOUBTUVEZUPNJOJNJTFUIJTXBTUF most exactly the same figure as in 2007. four years after the RD comes into effect, and %FDMBSBUJPO PG JOEVTUSJBM XBTUF JO $BUBMPOJB UIFOSFOFXJUBUFRVBMMZSFHVMBSJOUFSWBMT'P- 16#-*$ 4&37*$& '03 ."/"(*/( */ DARI MMPXJOH UIF QSPWJTJPOT PG UIF 3%  DPNQBOJFT CINERABLE HAZARDOUS WASTE 5IFSF XFSF   EFDMBSBUJPOT PG JOEVTUSJBM QSPEVDJOHIB[BSEPVTXBTUFIBWFUPQSFTFOUUIF OPERATOR: GESTIÓ DE RESIDUS ESPE XBTUFJO SFRVJSFEGPS  TUVEZBHBJOBGUFSGPVSZFBST XJUIUIFSFTVMUPG $*"-4%&$"5"-6/:" 4"ǝ(3&$"5ǞǞ (See table on page 57) UIFNFBTVSFTJNQMFNFOUFEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUI the first study. In 2008, 76,206 tonnes of incinerable hazardo- The 6251 companies that made a simplified de- VTXBTUFXBTNBOBHFE  UPOOFTPGXIJDI DMBSBUJPOJOXFSFTFOUUIFEFDMBSBUJPO *O   UIJT XBT GPMMPXFE CZ NJOJNJTBUJPO XFSFUSFBUFEBUUIF$POTUBOUÓJODJOFSBUJPOQMBOU on paper based on 2007 data. studies for organisations obliged to present it *OBEEJUJPO UPOOFTXFOUUPFOFSHZFWBMVB- The declared results of the declaration of indus- BOEUIFTUVEJFTQSFTFOUFEXFSFJOUSPEVDFEBOE tion plants. USJBMXBTUFCZHSPVQPGBDUJWJUZXFSF assessed. There is currently a total of 4189 mi- *O UIF$POTUBOUÓJODJOFSBUJPOQMBOUXBT nimisation studies in force. In 2008, a support FRVJQQFEXJUIOFXJODJOFSBUPSTXIJDIFOBCMF · Industries: 5,427,290 tonnes QSPHSBNNFXBTTFUVQUPDBSSZPVUNJOJNJTB- them to burn refuse under optimal conditions, · Purifiers: 566,870 tonnes UJPOTUVEJFTUIJTUPPMXJMMNBLFQSPDFTTJOHUIJT QMVTBOFXTJMPGPSTUPSJOHBTI8FBMTPUSJFEPVU documentation considerably easier. POHPJOHEJPYJOTBNQMJOH XIJDIQSPWJEFTHSFB- ARC has an IT tool to manage documentation ter representativeness of samples compared to SFMBUFEUPXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU5IJTSFTPVSDF CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPORT one-off measurements. helps process 50% of monitoring forms, accep- '03.*/*.*4"5*0/ tance forms, DARI declarations of industrial &/7*30/.&/5"-*.1307&.&/54 XBTUFBOEQSFMJNJOBSZTJUVBUJPOSFQPSUT "UPUBMPGQSPKFDUTXFSFQSFTFOUFEJOSFTQPO- IN INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTROLLED se to the 2008 call for applications for support LANDFILLS .0/*503*/('03.4 GPSQSPKFDUTNJOJNJTFJOEVTUSJBMXBTUFXFSF BXBSEFE GVOEJOH UPUBMMJOH ǎ 5IJT *O QSJWBUFDPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMMTXFSFFRVJ- Monitoring forms should accompany each indi- figure represents a saving of 13,600 tonnes of QQFEXJUIFOHJOFTUPHFOFSBUFFMFDUSJDBMFOFSHZ WJEVBMGPSNPGUSBOTQPSUPGXBTUFBMPOHJUTKPVS- EBOHFSPVTXBTUFBOE UPOOFTPGOPOEBO- from biogas: OFZ*O  XFSFQSPDFTTFE HFSPVTXBTUFBZFBS

170 annual report | ARC 2008

AUTHORISATION FOR TRANSPORTING de l’Estany), Avinyonet de Puigventós (Alt Em- site of the former company Hightex, in Òdena. WASTE pordà), Puiggròs (Garrigues), Castell de Mur (Pallars Jussà), (Baix Penedès) and .0/*503*/($0--"#03"5*0/ CROSSBORDER TRANSPORT Gandesa (Terra Alta). "(3&&.&/54

ARC is the competent authority for importing/ 5IF GPMMPXJOH SVCCMF SFDZDMJOH QMBOUT XFSF As part of the collaboration agreements concer- FYQPSUJOHXBTUFCFUXFFO$BUBMPOJBBOEPUIFS&6 approved: Jorba (Anoia), Montmeló (Vallès ning management of contaminated soil signed counties. In 2008, 109 cross-border permits for ex- Oriental), Manlleu (Osona), Caldes de Montbui CFUXFFOUIF.JOJTUSZGPSUIF&OWJSPONFOUBOE QPSUUPEJGGFSFOU&6DPVOUJFTXFSFJTTVFEBOE (Vallès Oriental), Fonollosa (Bages), Campllong Housing and ARC and the Barcelona Port Au- DSPTTCPSEFSQFSNJUTGPSJNQPSUJOHXBTUFXFSFQSP- (Gironés), Tossa de Mar (Selva), Sant Ferriol thority and the Chemical Business Association DFTTFE0GUIFTFQFSNJUT XJUIJOUIFGSBNFXPSL (Garrotxa) and (Alt Camp). in Tarragona, the actions indicated in the co- PG"3$NBOBHFNFOUXPSLJODPOOFDUJPOXJUIUIF SSFTQPOEJOHBHSFFNFOUTXFSFNPOJUPSFE 1SJODJQBMJUZPG"OEPSSB XFSFBVUIPSJTFE 5IF GPMMPXJOH SVCCMF TFMFDUJPO BOE USBOTGFS (See table on page 64) QMBOUTXFSFBQQSPWFE5PSEFSB .BSFTNF $FS- .07*/( )";"3%064 8"45& #&5 danyola del Vallès (Vallès Occidental), Òdena 4631-64$"55-&."/63& WEEN SPANISH REGIONS (Anoia), Piera (Anoia), Igualada (Anoia), Guis- sona (Urgell) and (Baix Ebre). SUPPORT RELATED TO PLANS FOR In 2008, 3323 notifications of movement of ."/"(*/($"55-&."/63& IB[BSEPVTXBTUFCFUXFFO4QBOJTISFHJPOTXFSF In addition, in 2008 Subirats controlled landfill SFWJFXFE GPSJNQPSUBOEGPSFYQFSU "MU 1FOFEÒT  XBT FOUFSFE JO UIF (FOFSBM 3F- As part of its policy for supporting finance of &MFWFOFYQPSUTXFSFEFOJFE HJTUFSPG8BTUF.BOBHFSTJO$BUBMPOJB BTXFSF the cost of the necessary infrastructure to imple- Calldetenes (Osona), Regencós (Baix Empordà), ment, control and monitor plans for managing APPLICATIONS FOR ENERGYEVALUA Agramunt (Urgell) and (Montsià) re- DBUUMFNBOVSF "3$NPOJUPSTXPSLDPSSFTQPO- BLE WASTE cycling plants and Castellbisbal selection and ding to subsidies for infrastructure for 2004, transfer plant (EMSHTR). 2005, 2006 and 2007 to carry out payment of *O UXPBQQMJDBUJPOTXFSFNBEFUPEFDMBSF UIFBNPVOUTBXBSEFE XBTUFBTFOFSHZFWBMVBCMF XIJDIXFSFBDDFQUFE 5IFGPMMPXJOHGBDJMJUJFTBSFBVUIPSJTFEGPSQSPQFS In 2008, this monitoring enabled evaluation of GPMMPXJOHBUFDIOJDBMFWBMVBUJPO DPOTUSVDUJPOXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU documentation justifying execution of subsidi- (See map on page 61) (See table on page 62) sed actions corresponding to 110 beneficiaries and the payment of €1,095,079. CONSTRUCTION WASTE *O UIFGPMMPXJOHTUPQQFEPQFSBUJPOT  having reached maximum capacity: Terrassa 1-"/450."/"(&$"55-&."/63& PROGROC 20072012 (Vallès Occidental), Prats and Sansor (Cerdan- ya) controlled landfills and the Naut Aran (Val As part of the administrative processes regulated PROGROC 2007-2012 sets out the deploy- E"SBO DPOUSPMMFEMBOEMBOEGJMM BTXFMMBTUIF by Act 3/1998 of 27 February on comprehensive ment of management infrastructure, especially 5FSSBTTBSFDZDMJOHQMBOUMPDBUFEXJUIJOUIFDPO- intervention by environmental administrations, in terms of rubble evaluation plants, promotes trolled landfill. 185 technical evaluation reports on the manage- recycling of materials and reuse of land and in- (See map on page 63) NFOUPGDBUUMFNBOVSFXFSFDBSSJFEPVUPVUTJEFUIF troduces the demands of environmental mana- GSBNFXPSLPGDBUUMFGBSNT BTXFMMBTUSFBUNFOUTZT- HFNFOUBOERVBMJUZGSPNUIFTUBSUPGUIFXPSL  40*-$0/5".*/"5*0/ UFNTPOGBSNTQSPQPTFECZPXOFSTPGPQFSBUJPOTJO BTXFMMBTQSPNPUJOHTFHSFHBUJPOPGUIJTXBTUF plans to manage the manure created. and improved control of proper management. 13&4&/5"5*0/ 0' 13&-*.*/"3: 3& PORTS ON THE SITUATION Technical evaluation of proposals for managing In 2008 PROGRIC entered the public infor- manure in the case of management outside the mation phase of the programme, including 3% XIJDITFUTPVUUIFMJTUPGBDUJWJUJFT GSBNFXPSLNFBOTBTTFTTJOHUIFTVJUBCJMJUZPGEF- sustainability reports. Once responses had been that could potentially pollute the soil and stipu- MJWFSJOHNBOVSFUPDPNQBOJFTNBOBHJOHXBTUF BTTFTTFE UIFZXFSFJODMVEFEJOUIFFOWJSPONFO- lates the criteria and standards for declaring soil as composting plants and cogeneration facilities. UBMSFQPSUTBOEOFXWFSTJPOTXFSFQSFQBSFEGPS to be contaminated, states that, amongst others, For treatment systems on forms, management definitive approval. PXOFSTPGQPUFOUJBMMZQPMMVUJOHBDUJWJUJFTTIPVME evaluation means assessing the output in nitro- present a preliminary report on the situation. In gen and/or volume and management of fractions 2008, ARC received 643 such reports. obtained at the end of the treatment at facilities $0/4536$5*0/8"45&."/"(&.&/5 such as solid-liquid separation, nitrification-de- FACILITIES SECONDARY ACTIONS ON RESEARCH nitrification, composting, anaerobic digestion "/% $-&"/*/( 61 $0/5".*/"5&% and a combination of these. In 2008, the Agència de Residus de Catalun- SOIL ZBBQQSPWFEUIFGPMMPXJOHDPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMMT TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AT EXPOÀ Montmaneu (Anoia), Palafolls (Maresme), Actions to control and manage retained under- VIGA AND THE 1ST NATIONAL CON Manlleu (Osona), Seva (Osona), Porqueres (Pla HSPVOEXBUFSJOEJUDIFTXFSFDBSSJFEPVUBUUIF (3&44'03$0.13&)&/4*7&$"55-&

171 annual report | ARC 2008

."/63&."/"(&.&/5 $&35*'*$"5&4" /%"(3 &&.&/54'03 vided by the Agència de Residus de Catalunya TAX DEDUCTIONS JOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIF"BSIVT"HSFFNFOUBOE 8JUIJOUIFGSBNFXPSLPGUIF&YQPËWJHB Act 27/2006 governing the right to information, International Fair on Poultry and Cattle Te- RD 1.594/1997, of 17 October, governs deduc- public participation and access to justice for en- chnology held in Barcelona in April 2008 and tions in business tax for investments made to vironmental matters JOUFHSBUFEJOUIFOFXTQBDF&DPGBSNDFOUSFEPO protect the environment. This decree envisages > Constant promotion of environmental infor- NPSFNPEFSOBOETVTUBJOBCMFDBUUMFGBSNJOH XF the competent administration issuing the co- NBUJPOQSFQBSJOHJOGPSNBUJPOPOXBTUFCBTFE XPSLFEXJUIBOEQSPNPUFEUIFPSHBOJTBUJPOPG rresponding certificates so companies can apply POEBJMZEBUBGSPNMPDBMCPEJFT XBTUFQSPEVDFST the 1st National Congress for Comprehensive for the corresponding tax breaks. BOEXBTUFNBOBHFST $BUUMF .BOVSF .BOBHFNFOU  XIJDI BJNFE UP 1SPNPUJOHUIFWBMVFTPGBOFXXBTUFDVMUVSF lay the foundations for consolidating and ex- *O XFSFDFJWFEBQQMJDBUJPOTGPSDFSUJ- > Encouraging good practice among the public changing experiences in managing manure as GJDBUJPO*OUPUBMXFNBEFSFQPSUT GB- CZQSPNPUJOHBXBSFOFTTSBJTJOHBDUJPOTUISPVH- XFMM BT QSFTFOUJOH SFDFOU TUVEJFT BOE SFTFBSDI WPVSBCMF BOE  VOGBWPVSBCMF  SFQPSUT XFSF hout Catalonia XPSLJOUIFGJFMEPGUSFBUJOHDBUUMFNBOVSF QSPDFTTFEBUPUIFSPSHBOJTBUJPOTBOEPOFXBT cancelled. There are still 38 applications to pro- ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN 2008 At this congress, ARC gave a technical talk on cess, 7 corresponding to 2007 and 29 to 2008. > Information practical cases of managing and treating cattle > Communication and public participation manure in order to give details of practical expe- STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE > Board for Waste Prevention and Management rience of managing cattle manure in Catalonia in Catalonia in both individual treatments on farms (anaero- Article 15.3 of RD 833/1988 regulates storage i)FSFXFSFDZDMFXBTUFwDBNQBJHO bic digestion, nitrification and de-nitrification) UJNFGPSEBOHFSPVTXBTUFBOETFUTBOVQQFSMJNJU i)FSFXFSFEVDFXBTUFwDBNQBJHO and collective management (individual and co- of six months. Specific authorisation is required > Waste Reduction Week in Catalonia llective composting). for longer periods of time. > Sixth Conference for Municipal Waste Pre- vention in Catalonia 1-"/50130.05&#*0%*(&45*0/0' *O  XF QSFQBSFE  GBWPVSBCMF UFDIOJDBM > CompostARC 2008 Composting Week -*26*%."/63&*/$"5"-0/*" reports in response to applications from compa- > Els Súpers event nies to extend this deadline and one unfavoura- &OWJSPONFOU"XBSET As part of the actions design to reduce emissions ble report. > Promotion of 2009 Environment Design from the agricultural and cattle farming industry "XBSEGPS3FDZDMJOH JODMVEFE XJUIJO UIF $BUBMBO 1MBO GPS 5BDLMJOH ."/"(*/( "/% 53&"5*/( "/*."- #VZ3FDZDMFEOFUXPSLNFFUJOH $MJNBUF$IBOHF XPSLJTCFJOHDBSSJFE FLOUR .VOJDJQBMDBNQBJHOTGPSTFMFDUJWFXBTUFDP- out to prepare a plan to promote biodigestion of li- llection RVJENBOVSFJO$BUBMPOJBXIJDIBJNTUPDVUFNJT- EU Regulation 1774/2002 of 3 October 2002 > Subsidies sions of methane from liquid manure mainly by setting out healthcare regulations applicable 1SPNPUJPOBMBDUJPOTXJUIJOUIFBSFBPGIFBMUI- encouraging the development of anaerobic biodi- to animal by-products not destined for human DBSFXBTUF gestion plants for liquid manure at individual farm DPOTVNQUJPOTUJQVMBUFTUIBUUIJTXBTUFBOEJUT > Exhibitions and collective level. final destination should be controlled. In Cata- > Publications (See map on page 67) lonia animal flour produced in 2008 ended up at different destinations: */'03."5*0/ OTHER ACTIONS (See table on page 69) The Agència de Residus de Catalunya offers ."/"(*/()&"-5)$"3&8"45& information and advice on different aspects of  */'03."5*0/  $0..6/*$"5*0/ XBTUF5IJTTFSWJDFJODMVEFTBUFBNPGQSPGFT- 8FIFMEUISFFUSBJOJOHEBZTUPHFUIFSXJUIUIF.J- AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION sionals to orientate companies, administrations OJTUSZGPS)FBMUIXJUIBUPUBMPGQBSUJDJQBOUT The public’s rights, responsibilities and op- and the public on the steps to take, regulations 8FNBEFGPVSKPJOUWJTJUTXJUIUIF.JOJTUSZGPS portunities BOE XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU  BT XFMM BT DPNQJMJOH Health to healthcare centres, vets and managers BOE QSFQBSJOH JOGPSNBUJPO PO XBTUF NBOBHF- PG IFBMUIDBSF XBTUF UP JNQSPWF NBOBHFNFOU 1BTTJOHPOLOPXMFEHFBOEUSBOTQBSFODZXIFOHJ- ment in Catalonia. (this information is also available). ving information are key tools to make the public Information is also offered externally, advising BXBSFPGUIFWBMVFPGBNPEFMPGDPOTVNQUJPOCBTFE companies on procedures and management, to HEALTHCARE WASTE ACCEPTANCE on saving and making efficient use of resources. UPXOBOEDJUZDPVODJMTUPQSFQBSFMPDBMFOWJSPO- FILES Getting people to make good use of materials and NFOUBMQSPHSBNNFT TVDIBT"HFOEB UPXO TVTUBJOBCMFUSFBUNFOUPGXBTUFDBMMTGPSXJEFSBO- planning, advice and planning to other admi- *O"3$QSPDFTTFEIFBMUIDBSFXBTUF ging communicative actions to involve the general OJTUSBUJPOT PO TQFDJGJD BTQFDUT SFMBUFE UP XBTUF BDDFQUBODFGJMFT5IJTEPDVNFOUBUJPOXBTTJHOFE public in this collective challenge. and public information. CFUXFFOUIFQSPEVDFSPSPXOFSPGUIFXBTUFBOE The job of preparing information and including UIF NBOBHFS 5IF HPBM JT UP FOTVSF UIJT XBTUF ARC CHALLENGES data and statistics on municipal, industrial and goes to the correct destination. 4JNQMF FBTZBDDFTTJOGPSNBUJPOPOXBTUFQSP- DPOTUSVDUJPO XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU BOE TUBUJTUJDT

172 annual report | ARC 2008

on managers for planning, technical manage- gement data from all local organisations in 5IFJOEVTUSJBMXBTUFQSPEVDFSTSFHJTUFSJTNBEF ment and monitoring programmes and regula- $BUBMPOJB SFTQPOTJCMF GPS XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU VQPG DPNQBOJFT UZQF" XIJMTUUIFSF UJPOTPOXBTUFJOPSEFSUPQSPWJEFEBUBGPSQMBO- and ordering and processing this data to obtain BSF OPOJOEVTUSJBMXBTUFQSPEVDFST OPU OJOHBOENBOBHJOHXBTUFJO$BUBMPOJB comparable municipal-level data. For data on registered, type A2). 'SPNUIFQPJOUPGWJFXPGHPWFSONFOUBDUJPO  XBTUFDSFBUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOUPGJOEVTUSJBM (See table on page 78) ARC prepares information for parliamentary XBTUF UIJTEBUBDPNFTGSPNBOOVBMXBTUFEFDMB- questions and appearances in parliament. rations made to ARC by all companies registe- ."/"(&.&/50'*/%6453*"-8"45& *OJOGPSNBUJPOXBTQSFQBSFEPOUXPXBTUF SFEBTQSPEVDFSTPGJOEVTUSJBMXBTUF DECLARATIONS IN CATALONIA. DARI BDUT"DU PG+VMZ POGJOBODJOHXBTUF JOGSBTUSVDUVSFBOEUBYFTPOXBTUFEJTQPTBM BOE "//6"-%"5"0/.6/*$*1"-8"45& *O  EFDMBSBUJPOTXFSFNBEF*OSF- Act 9/2008, of 10 July, modifying Act 6/1993, ."/"(&.&/5 cent years, the number of companies making PG+VMZ SFHVMBUJOHXBTUF XBTUFEFDMBSBUJPOTIBTTUBCJMJTFE"UPUBMPGPG .VOJDJQBM XBTUF TUBUJTUJDT CSJOH UPHFUIFS EBUB XBTUFEFDMBSBUJPOTXFSFNBEFCZDPNQVUFS FJUIFS CITIZENS’ ATTENTION. DATA POXBTUFDSFBUJPOGSPNUIFNVOJDJQBMJUJFT UISPVHIUIF4%3PSXJUIUIFIFMQPG1"%3* in Catalonia. (See tables and graphics on page 79) Citizens’ attention comprises the telephone Local organisations are responsible for gathering and helpline, email and in-person visits. The servi- NBOBHJOHNVOJDJQBMXBTUF*O "3$SFRVFTUFE */'03."5*0/0/."/"(&348"45& ce offers information and advice to individuals information from 276 local organisations responsible ."/"(&.&/5"/%53&"5.&/5 BOEDPNQBOJFTPODPSSFDUBDUJPOXJUISFTQFDUUP GPS XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU UIBU IBWF GJSTUIBOE JOGPS- XBTUFGSPNUIFQFSTQFDUJWFPGNBOBHFNFOU QSF- NBUJPOPOUIJTXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU*OGPSNBUJPOJT 8BTUFNBOBHFSTSFHVMBSMZQSFTFOU"3$XJUIB vention and minimisation. SFRVJSFEJOUFSNTPGXBTUFGSBDUJPOT PSHBOJD HMBTT  summary of their activity related to the kinds QBQFS QBDLBHJOH CVMLZXBTUF HBSEFOJOH CBUUFSJFT  PGRVBOUJUJFTPGXBTUFUSFBUFE*OGPSNBUJPOHB- 5PHJWFQSPQFSBOTXFSTUPRVFSJFT "3$TFUVQ NFEJDJOFT  UFYUJMF  PUIFS XBTUF GSPN DPMMFDUJPO DFO- UIFSFEGSPNPWFSXBTUFNBOBHFSTJTVTFEBT BOJOGPSNBUJPOTFSWJDFXJUIUIFUBSHFUQVCMJDo tres and other) and specifying the origin (household, both a control tool and to obtain data on ma- citizens, the educational community, companies commercial, collection centres…) and collection nagement. – and areas of interest - municipal, industrial route (door to door, pavement). and managers – firmly in mind. The sources of *OBDDPSEBODFXJUI130(3*$BJNTBOEUIF information are state and European regulations, To calculate the statistics, research is needed on aim of simplifying the administrative steps for XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU QSPHSBNNFT BOE EBUB HB- data on managing the remaining fraction and NBOBHFST  JO  XF QSFQBSFE B DPNQVUFS thered from actions by ARC such as statistics., selective collection of the different fractions. model for the annual declaration of industrial publications, subsidies, taxes, registers, admi- This information is held by local organisations XBTUFGPSNBOBHFST %"3*( XIJDIHBUIFSTJO- nistrative steps and declarations. BOEXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUGBDJMJUJFT XIPBSFDPO- GPSNBUJPOSFMBUFEUPJOEVTUSJBMXBTUFNBOBHFST tacted mainly by email. A first study carried out activity in 2008. *O XFSFDFJWFE SFRVFTUTGPSJOGPS- a prior step in the supra-municipalities such as mation through phone calls, plus 1529 emails County Councils, consortiums and associations One of the goals of introducing this specific decla- POUIFBSFBPGXBTUFoUPXIJDITIPVMECFBEEFE GPSXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU SBUJPOXBTUPTJNQMJGZBOEVOJGZUIFEJGGFSFOUGPSNT  FNBJMT TQFDJGJDBMMZ SFGFSSJOH UP UIF XBTUF PGJOGPSNBUJPODVSSFOUMZSFRVJSFEGSPNXBTUFNB- documentary system,- and 254 in-person visits From these 276 local organisations, 222 are nagers in a single document (monthly summaries, related to administrative procedures and indus- UPXODPVODJMT BSFTVQSBNVOJDJQBMJUJFTBOE BOOVBMEFDMBSBUJPOGPSXBTUFQSPEVDFSTBOEPUIFS USJBMBOENVOJDJQBMXBTUFUSFBUNFOU 7 are commercial managers. Each requires a spe- information) and expand the necessary informa- (See figures on page 75) cific kind of form. tion in order to assess managers’ activity. (See table on page 77) 5IFSFXFSFBMTP  WJTJUTUPUIFXFCTJUF  $0..6/*$"5*0/ "/% 16#-*$ 1"3 XJUI  XFCQBHFTWJTJUFE"WJTJUJTVO- After processing and validating the data, the TICIPATION EFSTUPPE BT B TFSJFT PG BDUJPOT UIBU TUBSU XIFO EBUBJTQVCMJTIFEPOBSFTUSJDUFEBDDFTTXFCTJUF TPNFPOFWJFXTUIFGJSTUQBHFGSPNUIFTFSWFSBOE accessible only by local organisations so they ARC’s communications activity is carried out GJOJTIFTXIFOUIFZMFBWFUIFXFCTJUFPSFYDFFE can revise data. Once the data is agreed, it is UISPVHIBXJEFWBSJFUZPGEJGGFSFOUBDUJPOTJO- UIFJOBDUJWJUZUJNFBOEXFCQBHFTWJTJUFENFBOT QPTUFEPOUIF"3$XFCTJUF5IJTJOGPSNBUJPOJT formative materials, courses and seminars, cam- access to any file classified as a page. This gives used to prepare tables and graphs for reports. paigns, exhibitions and fun, participatory activi- a daily average of 3060 visits. An average of ties. ARC also supports institutional and public 14,433 pages are visited every day. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRODUCERS RE initiatives throughout Catalonia that aim to (See table on page 76) GISTER NBLFQSPHSFTTJOTVTUBJOBCMFXBTUFUSFBUNFOU

13&1"3"5*0/ 0' */'03."5*0/ 0/ The register contains data identifying produ- BOARD FOR WASTE PREVENTION AND 8"45&."/"(&.&/5 DFSTPGJOEVTUSJBMXBTUF*O XBTUF ."/"(&.&/5*/$"5"-0/*" QSPEVDJOHDPNQBOJFTTJHOFEVQ PGXIJDI *OGPSNBUJPOPOJOEVTUSJBMBOENVOJDJQBMXBTUF BSFQSPEVDFSTPGJOEVTUSJBMXBTUF Order 394/2006, of 27 July, stipulates that the NBOBHFNFOU JOWPMWFT HBUIFSJOH XBTUF NBOB- (See table on page 78) Board for Waste Prevention and Management

173 annual report | ARC 2008

in Catalonia shall be an advisory and participa- Thanks to the subject matter, and its optimistic, an initiative by the Centre Català del Reciclatge tory board for ARC’s Management Board in the informal and young tone, the campaign reached at the Agència de Residus de Catalunya. BSFBTPGXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO SFEVDUJPOBOENBOB- out to a large number of people and achieved a gement. good level of penetration to get its message across. $0.1045"3$$0.1045*/( WEEK Article 28 of Act 9/2008, of 10 July, modifying i)&3&8&3&%6$&w$".1"*(/ "DU   SFHVMBUJOH XBTUF  SFHVMBUFT UIF 5IFGSBNFXPSLPG“CompostARC 2008 Compos- Board for Waste Prevention and Management 'PMMPXJOHPOGSPNUIFQSFWJPVTDBNQBJHO UIF ting Week” included the second technical confe- in Catalonia as an advisory body for the Mana- FOEPGTBXUIFGJSTUJOTUJUVUJPOBMDBNQBJHO rence on composing organised by the Agència gement Board in terms of ARC actions in the UPIFMQSFEVDFXBTUF6OEFSUIFTMPHBOi3FEV- EF3FTJEVTEF$BUBMVOZBXJUIUIFTVQQPSUPGUIF BSFBPGXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOU DJOHXBTUFJTUIFGJSTUTUFQw .POUTFoUIFNBJO UPC and Ministry for the Environment. The DIBSBDUFSJOUIFDBNQBJHOoHBWFBEWJDFPOIPX conference held on 4-5 February at the Auditori *UTGVODUJPOTJODMVEFUIFGPMMPXJOH UPSFEVDFXBTUFBUIPNF VTJOH5VQQFSXBSFDPO- BUUIF7ÒSUFYCVJMEJOH 61$ XBTBUUFOEFECZ tainers and a shopping trolley. The blog aqui- 400 people and included 16 talks and a roundta- a) Advising and making proposals for action in SFEVJNDBUXBTBMTPTFUVQTPQFPQMFDPVMEBEE CMF*UXBTTUSVDUVSFEBSPVOEGPVSTFTTJPOTPWFS UIFBSFBPGXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOU their comments, queries, etc. The campaign UXPEBZT C 3FMFBTJOHSFQPSUTPOXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUQMBOT used TV, press, radio, bus radio and posters and - SESSION I: Starting point and programmes and on revising them the internet. - SESSION II: The problem of smells. Challen- c) Releasing prior reports on general provisions ges and opportunities DPODFSOJOHXBTUF WASTE REDUCTION WEEK IN CATA - SESSION III: The quality of the final product. d) Promoting participatory processes in the area LONIA Importance of quality in use PGXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOU - SESSION IV: Global environmental impact. *OPSEFSUPJODSFBTFQVCMJDBXBSFOFTTPGXBTUF Contribution to biological treatments for redu- *UJTNBEFVQPGUIFGPMMPXJOHNFNCFST QSFWFOUJPO  UIF GJSTU XBTUF SFEVDUJPO XFFL JO cing greenhouse gases (See pages 82-83) $BUBMPOJBXBTIFMEBTBQJMPU&VSPQFBOFEJUJPO i$PNQPTU"3$DPNQPTUJOHXFFLwBMTPJO- 5IFFWFOUXBTDPPSEJOBUFECZUIFBTTPDJBUJPOPG cluded the first conference by the Spanish com- The 55 members making up this deliberative DJUJFTBOESFHJPOTGPSXBTUFSFDZDMJOHBOETVTUBJ- QPTUJOHOFUXPSL PSHBOJTFECZUIF4QBOJTIDPN- TQBDFCFUXFFO"3$BOEDJWJMTPDJFUZBJNUPTFFL nable management. The ARC, in collaboration QPTUJOHOFUXPSLBOEUIF61$ XJUIUIFTVQQPSU consensus by discussing participants’ different XJUIEJGGFSFOUQVCMJDBOEQSJWBUFPSHBOJTBUJPOT of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya and the proposals. throughout Catalonia, programmed over 50 ac- Ministry for the Environment. The conference, Above and beyond participation tasks, infor- UJWJUJFT JODMVEJOH UBMLT  FWFOUT  XPSLTIPQT  FY- held on 6, 7, 8 and 9 February at the Auditori at NBUJPOUJFTIBWFBMTPCFFODSFBUFECFUXFFOUIF change markets, etc. UIF7ÒSUFYCVJMEJOH 61$ XBTBUUFOEFECZ members on ARC management policy and its people and presented 38 talks. On 9 February BDUJPOT JOUIFBSFBTPGXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO SFEVD- 4*95) .6/*$*1"- 8"45& 13&7&/ UIFSFXBTBWJTJUUPUIFDPNQPTUJOHQMBOUBU&T- tion and management. TION CONFERENCE IN CATALONIA QMVHBEF'SBODPMÓ*UXBTTUSVDUVSFEBSPVOEGPVS TFTTJPOTPWFSUXPEBZT i)&3&8&3&$:$-&w$".1"*(/ 5IF TJYUI FEJUJPO PG UIJT DPOGFSFODF XBT IFME - SESSION Opening on 25 November at the World Trade Center in - SESSION I: Composting: process and destina- *O UIFi)FSFXFSFDZDMFwSFDZDMFXBTEFTJH- #BSDFMPOB XJUIFYQFSUTBOEPWFSQBS- tion of compost OFE XIFSFBZPVOHDPVQMFTFQBSBUFUIFXBTUFJO ticipants. This space for meeting and debate - SESSION II: Training and IT in the field of their kitchen and invite the public to post their continued to present and discuss European and compost PXOFYQFSJFODFTPOUIFCMPHBRVJSFDJDMFNDBU $BUBMBOFYQFSJFODFTPOXIBUJTCFJOHEPOFBOE  4&44*0/ *** *OUFSSFMBUJPO CFUXFFO VOJWFS- 0ODF XF IBE HBUIFSFE FYQFSJFODFT GSPN UIF HF- DBOCFEPOFJOUXPTVCKFDUBSFBT sities and research centres and administrations neral public in 2008, the actors from the com- - State of prevention in Catalonia, local preven- and companies NFSDJBMUIBOLFEBMMUIPTFQFPQMFXIPIBETIBSFE tion plans - POSTER SESSION their experiences online from schools, homes and &YQFSJFODFTPGQBDLBHJOHXBTUFQSFWFOUJPO XPSLQMBDFT5IFDBNQBJHOGFBUVSFEBNJYUVSFPG The Agència de Residus de Catalunya presented $PNQPTUJOHXFFLBMTPJODMVEFEBSBOHFPGQBSB- JNBHFTBOEUFYUTXJUI."/:5)"/,450 QMBOOJOHSFMBUFEUPXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOBOEBDUJPOT llel activities, including: &7&3:0/&XSJUUFOJOMBSHFQSJOU carried out in this field last year. The Agència r4FMGDPNQPTUJOHXPSLTIPQTUPJOGPSNQFPQMF *OPSEFSUPBOBMZTFQFPQMFTIBCJUT LOPXMFEHF d’Ecologia Urbana de Barcelona presented the about composting at home using gardening and and values in relation to selectively collecting document “Prevention Business Plans” and the GPPEXBTUF XBTUF  BT XFMM NFBTVSJOH BT UIF JNQBDU PG UIF Organització de Consumidors i Usuaris de Ca- r5IFSFXFSFUISFFPQFOEBZTBUUIFDPNQPTUJOH DBNQBJHO  XF QSFQBSFE PQJOJPO TUVEJFT GPS talunya made public an analysis entitled ”Study QMBOUTXJUIHVJEFEUPVSTEVSJOHDPNQPTUJOH QFPQMF JO $BUBMPOJB  XIJDI SFWFBMFE  BNPOHTU of trends, environmental and social effects of XFFL other things, that people think recycling and policies affecting production, distribution and r5IFSFXFSFUXPQSPHSBNNFTPO57BTQBSUPG TFMFDUJWFMZSFDZDMJOHXBTUFJTJNQPSUBOUBOEUIBU DPOTVNQUJPO PG QBDLBHFE BOE XSBQQFE QSP- “El medi ambient”, presented by Xavier Duran: UIFZ BSF BXBSF PG UIF JTTVF BOE EPOU UIJOL JU EVDUTJO$BUBMVOZBw"MTPNBEFQVCMJDXBTUIF Monday 4 February, programme on biodegrada- calls for much effort. i(VJEFGPSESBXJOHVQMPDBMQSFWFOUJPOQMBOTw  ble bags and other alternatives to plastic bags.

174 annual report | ARC 2008

Wednesday 6 February, programme on the im- PGXBTUFSFEVDUJPOBOESFDZDMJOH - Tarragona: Conca de Barberà County Council, QPSUBODFPGTFQBSBUJOHPSHBOJDXBTUFBOEUIFCF- 4PDJBMPSHBOJTBUJPOTBXBSE GPSUIFJSJOJUJBUJWFUPPGGFSBDPMMFDUJPOPGXBTUF nefits of using quality compost for the soil and Associació Social Andròmines, for their project created by beauty and image establishments and productivity. for reusing computers from the Catalan Parlia- promoting and implementing consumption ha- r#PVODZDBTUMFTXFSFTFUVQJOTPNFUPXOTPS- ment aimed at social projects at penitentiary bits and actions aimed at reducing production ganising compositing-related activities, such as centres. PGIB[BSEPVTXBTUFJOIBJSESFTTFSTBOECFBVUZ Banyoles, Valls and Calaf. "TTPDJBUJPOTBXBSE centres in the county. r5IFMFUUFSTPGi03("/*$wGFBUVSFEBMMXFFL (JSPOB#VUDIFST(VJMEGPSUIFJSBXBSFOFTTSBJ- POUIF61$DBNQVT XIJDIIFMEUIFUFDIOJDBM sing campaign for removing plastic bags from 5FSSFTEFM&CSF%FMUFCSF5PXO$PVODJM GPS conferences. The exhibition consisted of giant butcher’s shops. UIFJS BXBSFOFTTSBJTJOH DBNQBJHO UP QSPNPUF MFUUFSTTQFMMJOHPVUUIFXPSE03("/*$5IF Confederation of Neighbourhood Associations XBTUF QSFWFOUJPO NBLJOH QBSUJDVMBS BUUFOUJPO JEFBXBTUIFTUSFTTUIFCFOFGJUTPGTFQBSBUJOHUIJT in Catalonia, for their environmental improve- on reducing the use of plastic bags. fraction. ments at neighbourhood associations in the me- · All the activities distributed informative mate- tropolitan area, El Bages and El Maresme. 5FSSFTEF1POFOUOPBXBSEXBTBXBSEFE rial on selective collection of OFMSW: 1VCMJDJOJUJBUJWFTBXBSE Organic folder: explaining the cycle of organic Joan and Carol, for the best invention for re- - Alt Pirineu i Aran: Mancomunitat d’Escom- material and including three technical sheets: cycling a shoe rack, posted on the blog for the braries de l’Urgellet, for their introduction of a the composting plant, OFMSW selective collec- i)FSFXFSFDZDMFwDBNQBJHOw catalogue of 94 actions to help reach 52% selec- tion systems and self-composting.  &EVDBUJPOBM JOTUJUVUJPOT BXBSE  XIJDI SF- tive collection. Families game: 42 cards divided into seven fa- DPHOJTFTUIFXPSLEPOFCZLJOEFSHBSUFOT QSF milies: glass, paper and cardboard, light packa- school, primary, secondary, sixth-form and uni- *OBEEJUJPO DPJODJEJOHXJUIUIF*OUFSOBUJPOBM ging, organic matter, remaining fraction, items versity education in educating about reducing Environmental Film Festival, seven short films for collection centres and clothes. BOESFDZDMJOHXBTUF GSPNUIF404-*7&&"35)QSPHSBNNFXFSF 5IFDPOGFSFODFXBTPSHBOJTFEBMPOHTVTUBJOBCMF ,JOEFSHBSUFOBXBSE&TDPMB*OGBOUJM4JNQIPOJF screened. lines and used biodegradable materials, reusable JO#BSDFMPOB GPSUIFJSTPDJBMXPSLJOQSPNPUJOH QPTUFST XBUFSGPVOUBJOTJOTUFBEPGCPUUMFEXBUFS  BIFBMUIZXPSLMJGFCBMBODFBOEFEVDBUJOHBCPVU 130.05*0/ 0'  &/7*30/.&/ etc. In addition, the personnel greeting partici- UIF BEEFE WBMVF PG CFJOH SFTQPOTJCMF XJUI UIF TAL DESIGN AWARD FOR RECYCLING QBOUTBOEEFBMJOHXJUIBDDSFEJUBUJPOBOEJOUSP- environment. ductions came from a jobseeking company.  1SFTDIPPM BOE QSJNBSZ BXBSE $&*1 "HVTUÓ *OQSPNPUJPOBMBDUJWJUJFTXFSFIFMEBUEF- Barberà in Amposta, for a series of actions at the sign schools (Elisava, ESDI, Instituto Europeo &-44Á1&34&7&/5 TDIPPMEFTJHOFEUPSFEVDFXBTUFBOESFVTFNBUF- di Design and Bau) and professional designers SJBMTXJUIUIFJOWPMWFNFOUPGGBNJMJFT UISPVHI'"% 5IFSFXFSFUISFFFEJUJPOTPG Once again Agència de Residus de Catalunya 4FDPOEBSZBXBSE$BNQE"QSFOFOUBUHFJO&M UIF -PVDPNDBV XPSLTIPQ BU '"%  *&% BOE XBTBUUIF&MT4ÞQFSTFWFOU PSHBOJTFECZ5F- Bages, for their conceptual treatment from a dy- Elisava) to promote reflection on design for re- levisió de Catalunya. In 2008, an appealing namic vision. cycling and present the terms and condition of character “Resi” introduced children to differ 4JYUIGPSNBXBSE4FSWFJ&EVDBUJVEFM1SJPSBU  the competition. recycling activities: GPSPSHBOJTJOHBOFOWJSPONFOUBMDPOGFSFODFXJUI 5IFBXBSEXBTQSPNPUFEJOBQFSTPOBMJTFEGBT- Activity 1: We reduce, recycle and reuse the participation of all students in the county, IJPO XIJDIJOWPMWFEBUFMFQIPOFJOGPSNBUJPO Activity 2: Resi’s having a party XJUIXPSLTIPQTBOEFYIJCJUJPOTPOEJGGFSFOUBT- line and visiting the organisations (companies, "DUJWJUZ3FTJTXPSLTIPQ pects and a manor section on recycling. designers, etc.) carrying out activities related to 5IFSF XFSF  BSFBT GPS TFMFDUJWF DPMMFDUJPO 6OJWFSTJUZBXBSE&TDPMB4VQFSJPSEF$PNFSÎ ecodesign. throughout the stadium. Internacional (ESCI), for their project to reduce The deadline for entering is 31 January 2009. FOWJSPONFOUBM JNQBDU  QBSUJDVMBSMZ XBTUF BOE " USBJOJOH TUSBUFHZ GPS FDPEFTJHO XBT EFTJHO &/7*30/.&/5"8"3%4 electrical and electronic toys. based on standard UNE 150301 on ecodesign. On 10 June 2008, FAD held a general promo- *O BXBSEXJOOFSTJOUIFBSFBPGBDUJPOTUP -PDBMPSHBOJTBUJPOTBXBSE XIJDISFDPHOJTFT UJPOBM DPOGFSFODF XJUI PWFS  QBSUJDJQBOUT reduce and recycle, divided into four categories, actions and experiences carried out in managing 0O+VMZ "3$IFMEBTQFDJGJDXPSLTIPQ XFSF XBTUF*OUIJTDBUFHPSZUIFSFBSFTJYBXBSETGPS for companies and directly interested professio- 1. Commercial establishments and service ac- different geographical areas: OBMTXJUIQBSUJDJQBOUT UJWJUJFTBXBSE XIJDISFDPHOJTFTXPSLCZUIPTF XIPIBWFIFMQFEQSPNPUFXBTUFSFEVDUJPOBOE (JSPOBOPBXBSEXBTBXBSEFEEVFUPBMBDL #6:3&$:$-&%/&5803,.&&5*/( SFDZDMJOH  BT XFMM BT NBSLFUJOH NPSF FOWJSPO- of candidates. mentally friendly products. 0O  +VMZ UIFSF XBT UIF GJSTU #VZ 3FDZDMFE "XBSE3FTJEÒODJB"TTJTUJEB1BSF#BUMMPSJ GPS #BSDFMPOB5JBOB5PXO$PVODJM GPSTFUUJOHVQ /FUXPSLNFFUJOH BNFFUJOHQPJOUGPSNBOV- introducing reusable clothes at the old people’s a home composting calculator to calculate the facturers and purchasers of recycled, recyclable home. XFJHIU PG PSHBOJD XBTUF B NVOJDJQBMJUZ XPVME and biodegradable products. With over 260 2. Social organisations, associations and public save by collecting and treating the organic frac- participants, the meeting exhibited four spaces JOJUJBUJWFT BXBSE  XIJDI SFDPHOJTFT QSPNPUJPO tion. recreated using 100% recycled, recyclable and

175 annual report | ARC 2008

biodegradable products: an office, a public park, +0#4&&,*/( DIJMESFOUIFSFDZDMJOHPDUPQVT XIJDIBJNTUP a building site and a restaurant to illustrate the promote learning about the selective collection applications of these products found in the Buy Resolution MAH/3713/2007 of 20.11.07 on process through a game. 3FDZDMFE/FUXPSLDBUBMPHVF XBTUFSFMBUFEQSPKFDUTDBSSJFEPVUCZKPCTFFLJOH The activity involves children choosing cushions groups. The goal of the subsidy is to promote BOETFMFDUJOHUIFSBNQUIFZIBWFUPHPEPXODP- .6/*$*1"- 4&-&$5*7& $0--&$5*0/ and improve selective collection to evaluate SSFTQPOEJOHUPUIFXBTUFTFMFDUFE $".1"*(/4 XBTUFBNPOHTUUIFQVCMJD CVTJOFTTFTBOETFSWJDF The cushions represent different kinds of BDUJWJUJFT FEVDBUJPOBMJOTUJUVUJPOT PXOQSFNJ- XBTUFBOEBSFIBOEFEPVUCZBIFMQFSXIPXJMM We continued to promote and advise local selec- TFTBOEXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUGBDJMJUJFT GJSTUFYQMBJOUIFQSJODJQMFPGTFQBSBUJOHXBTUF  tive collection of packaging campaigns for local good environmental practice, selective collec- organisations part of ECOEMBES and ECO- *O TVCTJEJFTXFSFBXBSEFEUPOPOQSPGJU tions and the need to reduce the amount of 7*%3*05IFTQFDJGJDXPSLHSPVQXPSLTKPJOUMZ organisations. XBTUF to coordinate these campaigns. The member or- ganisations are: 130.05*0/"-"$5*0/4*/5)&"3&" PUBLICATIONS - Federació de Municipis de Catalunya OF HEALTHCARE WASTE - Associació Catalana de Municipis i Comarques 3&$0..&/%"5*0/4'03*.1307*/( - Entitat Metropolitana de Serveis Hidràulics i 5ISFF USBJOJOH EBZT XFSF IFME JO DPOKVODUJPO ."/"(&.&/50'8"45&41&$*'*$50 del Tractament de Residus XJUIUIF.JOJTUSZGPS)FBMUIXJUIQBSUJDJ- PEOPLE WITH DIABETES - Ecoembes pants. - Ecovidrio 5IFSFXFSFGPVSKPJOWJTJUTXJUIUIF.JOJTUSZGPS A leaflet containing recommendations for im- - Agència de Residus de Catalunya Health to healthcare centres, hospitals, vets and QSPWJOHNBOBHFNFOUPGXBTUFTQFDJGJDUPQFPQMF In 2008, 62 local organisations used campaigns healthcare management centres to improve ma- XJUIEJBCFUFTXBTEFTJHOFEBOEDPQJFTQS- VTFECZUIFXPSLHSPVQ nagement. JOUFEJODPMMBCPSBUJPOXJUIUIF$BUBMBO%JBCF- 5PXO$PVODJMTBU"SHFOUPOB #BSCFSËEFM7B- tics Association. llès, Barcelona, Blanes, Cabrera, Calaf, Calella, EXHIBITIONS Cornellà, , Lleida, Vila-seca, Esplugues, 5)&$:$-&0'03("/*$."55&3 Gavà, Girona, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Igua- The Agència de Residus de Catalunya offers local lada, Martorell, Mataró, Montcada i Reixac, organisations materials to reinforce and comple- The Department of Managing Organic Matter Montgat, Reus, Ripollet, Roses, Rubí, Sant ment campaigns to promote selective collection. published The Cycle of Organic Matter to co- Feliu de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just ARC exhibitions have been featured at: JODJEF XJUI $PNQPTU"3$  $PNQPTUJOH Desvern, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Tarrago- Week. This publication aims to be an informa- na, Tiana, Tordera, Valls and Viladecans; and ORGANIC UJWFUPPMUPJNQSPWFUIFQVCMJDTLOPXMFEHFPG County Councils at: l’Alt Camp, l’Alt Empordà, different aspects of organic matter. It consists of l’alta Ribagorça, l’Anoia, el Baix Ebre, el Baix 5IFFYIJCJUJPOXJUIUIFMFUUFSTPG03("/*$IBT a folder explaining the cycle of organic matter Empordà, el Baix Llobregat, el Baix Penedès, la been to 38 municipalities and participated in diffe- and three technical leaflets: Conca de Barberà, el Gironès, el Segrià, el Vallès rent local activities as part of campaigns to intro- - OFMSW selective collection systems (the Oriental, les Garrigues, la Garrotxa, la Selva, el duce selective collection of this fraction. kinds of OFMSW, selective collection systems/ Maresme, el Montsià, la Noguera, Osona, el Pa- models in Catalonia, advantages and disadvan- llars Sobirà, el Pla de l’Estany, el Pla d’Urgell, LOOK AT WASTE DIFFERENTLY  '30. tages of each, etc.) el Solsonès, and l’Urgell; el Consorci per a la WASTETORESOURCE 4FMGDPNQPTUJOH XIBUJUJT UIJOHTUPCFBSJO gestió dels residus de la Ribera d’Ebre, Priorat NJOE IPXUPEPJU XIBUZPVOFFE FUD i Terra Alta, el Consorci per a la gestió dels resi- In 2008, this exhibition made up of five parts  $PNQPTUJOH QMBOU XIBU DPNQPTU JT  XIBU B dus del Vallès Oriental, l’Entitat Metropolitana presenting the fractions of paper and card- composting plant is, the process, the results, de serveis Hidràulics i Tractament de Residus, la board, glass, packaging, organic fraction and etc.) Mancomunitat d’Escombraries de l’Urgellet , la SFNBJOJOH GSBDUJPO  BT XFMM BT UIF HBNF PO 5IJTEZOBNJDQSPEVDUXJMMCFFYQBOEFEXJUI Mancomunitat La Plana and la Mancomunitat XBTUFQSFWFOUJPO USBWFMMFEUPTJUFTUISPVH- more materials related to organic matter, such as Penedès-Garraf. hout Catalonia. the anaerobic digestion plant, the final product, plant fraction, etc. SUBSIDIES RECYCLING BOUNCY CASTLE (6*%& 50 13&1"3& -0$"- .6/*$* .03&4645"*/"#-&$&-"5*0/4 Many children learnt about recycling in a fun PAL WASTE PREVENTION PLANS XBZTUIBOLTUPUIFUSJQTUBLFOCZUIJTCPVO- Resolution MAH/3716/2007, of 20 November cy castle in 2008 throughout Catalonia. This guide is one of the tools from the preven- 2007 on support for environmental improve- tion sub-programme from PROGREMIC 2007- NFOUTJOUIFBSFBPGXBTUF FWFOUTBOEQPQVMBS RECYCLING OCTOPUS 2012. It sets out the methodology and steps to celebrations. A total of 80 local organisations, QSFQBSFMPDBMNVOJDJQBMXBTUFQSFWFOUJPOQMBOT neighbourhood associations and federations sig- 5IFSFTPVOEJOHTVDDFTTPGUIFTFFYIJCJUJPOTXJUI in a rigorous and comprehensive fashion. It con- ned up. UIFQVCMJDMFEVTUPDSFBUFBOFXUPPMBJNFEBU tents include 23 specific actions sheets.

176 annual report | ARC 2008

4. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION nagers, administration, research and NGOs. the Catalan Ministry for the Environment and A new way of looking at waste  #BTFE PO UIF QSPEVDU QBOFM  FJHIU XPSLJOH Housing and forms an administrative part of HSPVQTXFSFTFUVQXJUIUIFJOWPMWFNFOUPGUIF the Agència de Residus de Catalunya (ARC). 3FTFBSDI PGGFST LFZ LOPXMFEHF GPS NBLJOH QSP- CCR. As part of the group on collection centre The centre’s mission, set out in February 2007 HSFTT*OUIFGJFMEPGXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU JEFOUJ- USBJOJOH BOFWFOUXBTIFMEBU.BOSFTB XJUI at the meeting of national focal points is to “pro- GZJOHUIFLFZBSFBTGPSBDUJPOJOUFSNTPGXBTUFNB- participants in order to inform about the R-Ci- mote mechanisms aimed at preparing sustaina- nagement and treatment is central to promoting cleJoguina campaign and apply the agreement ble models of production and consumption in present and future projects and lines of research. POXBTUFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSPOJDXBTUFUP Mediterranean counties, especially, in terms of This support is backed by active involvement by local organisations and collection centres. cleaner production and preventing pollution.” research centres, universities and companies, a - ECOJOGUINA application guide: in order to goal ARC promotes in Catalonia through diffe- bring about a positive change in the market of ARC CHALLENGES rent programmes and line of action. UPZTXJUIFMFDUSJDBMBOEFMFDUSPOJDDPNQPOFOUTBOE > Approval of 2008-2009 Work Plan at the COP-XV enable agents involved to bring about this change, > Ratification of the CAR/PL as a nominated ARC CHALLENGES the findings and conclusions of the ECOJOGUI- centre by the Stockholm Agreement achieved in  4VQQPSU SFTFBSDI BOE JOOPWBUJPO PO XBTUF NA are gathered together in the ECOJOGUINA February 2008 evaluation application guide prepared in 2008 and soon to be > Launch and consolidation of GRECO Initiative $PMMBCPSBUFXJUISFTFBSDIDFOUSFT published in Spanish, Catalan and English. > Signing of a memorandum of understanding $PMMBCPSBUFXJUIJOOPWBUJWFDPNQBOJFT - ARC commissioned an assessment of the ECO- XJUI UIF 6/ *OTUJUVUF GPS 5SBJOJOH BOE 3F- JOGUINA project to obtain useful information search (UNITAR) ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN 2008 for designing and implementing future projects 1SFTFOUBUJPOPGXPSLDBSSJFEPVUCZUIFDFOUSF > Research into construction materials and elements for environmental improvement of products. in the field of consumption and emission of gre- > Eco-designed toys enhouse gases at the COP in Poznan Technical and promotional blogs: > Organisation of the first Mediterranean roundta- RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF CONS ARC also played an active role in carrying out ble on consumption and sustainable production 536$5*0/ ."5&3*"-4 "/% &-& UIFUXPCMPHTGPSUIFQSPKFDUUIFUFDIOJDBMCMPH > Approval of a Global Environmental Facilities .&/54 and the promotional blog, organised by CIDEM project BOE %.") *U XBT BMTP JOWPMWFE JO UIF XPS- > Inclusion of CAR/PN in the Mediterranean Monitoring of a project for the use of PFU dust kshop in distributing more environmentally Trustee Fund, part of the UN Environment in bituminous mixtures subsidised by the Spa- GSJFOEMZUPZTIFMEPO'FCSVBSZXJUI Programme nish Ministry for the Environment and Rural participants. > Boost the Catalan Ministry for the Environ- and Marine Affairs. This project include a pilot ARC also sits of the board for monitoring the ment and Housing’s Cooperation and Develop- for applying PFU dust to bituminous mixtures project. ment Plan to reinforce the surface of the B-140 road from Sabadell to Santa Perpètua de la Moguda. The R-ciclejoguina ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN 2008 QSPKFDUXBTNPOJUPSFEJODPOKVODUJPOXJUIUIF The ECOJOGUINA project gave rise to R-CI- > Meetings and seminars General Directorate for Roads and the UPC. CLEJOGUINA, a project that aims to get con- > Documentation, studies and publications sumers to dispose of small electrical and electro- > Institutional relations ECOTOYS nic appliances correctly, including the toys, to > Development cooperation JODSFBTFSFVTFBOESFDZDMJOHPGUIJTXBTUF In 2006, CIDEM, The Catalan Ministry for ARC supported the R-CICLEJOGUINA project the Environment and Housing and the Agència promoted by the ECOTIC Foundation to carry .&&5*/(4"/%4&.*/"34 de Residus de Catalunya signed a collaboration out pilot tests to collect toys at schools in 2008. protocol to develop an ecodesign project in the 'PMMPXJOH UIF FWFOU BU .BOSFTB  XIFSF NBOZ - Mediterranean conference on sustainable con- BSFBPGUPZTXJUIFMFDUSJDBOEPSFMFDUSPOJDDPN- local organisations found out about the project, sumption and production in Barcelona ponents , called PROJECTE ECOJOGUINA. XFSFDFJWFENBOZSFRVFTUTUPJOUSPEVDFUIFQSP- - Seminar of experts on consumption and green- KFDUJOTDIPPMTJOEJGGFSFOUUPXOT house gases in Barcelona Participation blog: - Seminar on the integration of prevention and ARC organised the product participation blog control to the system of industrial permits in to organise activities to exchange information 5. INTERNACIONAL COOPERATION African and Middle East Mediterranean coun- BOEPQJOJPOTXJUIBHFOUTJOWPMWFEJOUIFQSP- Recycling, a global struggle tries, IPPC European Bureau, Seville duct cycle. - Seminar “Cleaner Production: a tool for green  *O   UIFSF XFSF UISFF QSPEVDU QBOFMT  The Regional Centre for Clean Production competitiveness in Syrian industry” March, 17 June and 18 November). The aim $"31/ XBTTFUVQJOCZUIFTJHOBUP- - Training on sustainable management in indus- XBTUPQSPNPUFEFWFMPQNFOUBOETBMFPGFOWJ- ries to the Barcelona Agreement. It has since trial estates, Tunisia ronmentally friendly toys. The members of the formed part of the Mediterranean Action Plan - Seminar “Promotion of eco-labelling in the panel are agents involved in the toy market and (PAM), under the umbrella of the UN Environ- textile industry in Syria” XJUIEFDJTJPOoNBLJOHQPXFSSFQSFTFOUBUJWFTPG ment Programme. Its activities are financed by - National act on pilot methodology for calcula- QSPEVDFST  EJTUSJCVUPST  DPOTVNFST  XBTUF NB- the Spanish Ministry for the Environment and ting consumption emissions at the UN Confe-

177 annual report | ARC 2008

rence on Climate Change (COP 14), Poland UNEP (production and consumption), Green- POPs in the region and presents a critical analysis - GRECO seminar, Barcelona peace, WWF, UMCE-Businessmed, ASCA- of the situation and proposals for COP4. - Regional seminar to promote collecting and ME, the Marrakech process, IPPC European treating industrial oils, Barcelona Bureau, Med Pol, different universities, Cleaner %&7&-01.&/5$001&3"5*0/ - Participation in a CAMP Integrated Coast Production Centres, German Technical Coope- Management Project, Morocco ration Agency (GTZ) and the Research Centre *OBDUJPOTXFSFDBSSJFEPVUUPQSPNP- JO$BUBMPOJB BNPOHTUPUIFST5IFTFBHFOUTXFSF te development cooperation at the Agència de %0$6.&/5"5*0/ 456%*&4"/%16 involved in activities the CAR/PN carried out 3FTJEVTEF$BUBMVOZBXJUIJOUIFGSBNFXPSLPG BLICATIONS in 2008, including studies, meetings, seminars the Catalan Ministry for the Environment and BOEXPSLJOHHSPVQT Housing’s development cooperation plan. An - Study on sustainable production and con- JOUFSOBMXPSLJOHHSPVQXBTTFUVQUPBOBMZTFUIF sumption in the industrial sector  .06 XJUI 3FDFUPY PO  +BOVBSZ  QSPQPTBMTBOEXPSLMJOFTBOEPGGFSUFDIOJDBMTV- 4UVEZPOTVTUBJOBCMFXBTUFSDVMUVSF CAR/PN signed a memorandum of understan- pport to decision-making in the field. - Study on the petrochemical industry EJOHXJUIUIF3FTFBSDI$FOUSFGPS&OWJSPONFO- ARC also sits on the plan coordination commit- - Studies on the CO2 footprint linked to con- tal Chemistry and Ecotoxicology – Recetox, at tee and as part the Catalan Ministry for the En- sumption the University of Masaryk, and the centre no- vironment and Housing helps achieve its ope- - Study on consumption and climate change minated by the Stockholm Convention. Both ration aims, implement territorial priorities and - Studies on consumption and transport centres agreed to cooperate on activities to back materialise the resources allocated for general - Report on green competitiveness implementation of the Stockholm Agreement in planning and development cooperation by the 1SFQBSBUJPOPGUIF4UPDLIPMN"HSFFNFOUXPS- Europe and coordinate efforts. This coopera- $BUBMBOHPWFSONFOU*OTUFQTXFSFUBLFO king plan tion agreement is the first one signed by CAR/ UPTFUVQBGSBNFXPSLBHSFFNFOUCFUXFFOBENJ- - Preparation of a Global Environmental Faci- 1/ XJUIJO UIF GSBNFXPSL PG UIF 4UPDLIPMN nistrations responsible for Catalan cooperation lities project "HSFFNFOUBOESFQSFTFOUTBGVSUIFSTUFQUPXBSET and the Ministry’s units, including ARC. - Strategy document for mobilising financial re- financing as a nominated centre. In 2008, ARC cooperation activities centred on sources to implement the Stockholm Agreement UXPBSFBT#PMJWJBBOE"MHFSJB - Study on monitoring heavy metals in .06XJUI6/*5"3UPQSFQBSFOBUJPOBMQSP- *OUIFDBTFPG#PMJWJB BOEXJUIUIFUFDIOJDBM - Informative leaflet on greenhouse gas emissions files: national profiles for managing chemical TVQQPSUPG"3$POUIFHSPVOE UIFGPMMPXJOH linked to consumption: “Greenhouse gas emission products have to promote inter-ministerial co- UBTLTXFSFDBSSJFEPVU from the perspective of consumption in a global ordination, information access and exchange, - ARC technical support on the ground in mo- economy – Mediterranean pilot experience”. participation of the parts involved, establishing nitoring implementation of projects this organi- - “Resource Kit on Sustainable Consumption priorities in a coordinated fashion, and integra- sation started in 2007 in El Alto related to clo- and Production” explaining the environmental ting activities to manage chemical products in TJOHEPXOBNBKPSVODPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMM impact of different sectors in everyday life and national processes for planning development. - Activities set for 2008 aimed at institutiona- options for action by consumers CAR/PN and the UN Institute for Training lly strengthening the Bolivian government and i*OZPVSIBOETLOPXXIBUZPVDPOTVNFTP and Research (UNITAR) signed a memoran- EJBHOPTJOHBOEQMBOOJOHXBTUFQMBOOJOH ZPVDBOEFDJEFIPXUPDPOTVNFw EVNPGVOEFSTUBOEJOHXIFSFCZUIFUXPDFOUSFT %FGJOJOHBDUJWJUZQSPQPTBMTGPSXJUIBO - YouthxChange: teacher training on sustaina- committed themselves to undertake specific and FZFPOBOFXDPMMBCPSBUJPOBHSFFNFOU ble consumption immediate actions to reinforce collaboration In terms of cooperation activities in Algeria, te- $1/FXT /PT  BOE CFUXFFOUIFUXPPSHBOJTBUJPOT DIOJDBMTVQQPSUXBTHJWFO"$$%JOBTTFTTJOHB - MedCleans: practical cases of minimisation subsidised project that involves composting and - Technical journal CP/RAC 07 and 08 - First regional report on the effectiveness of the BXBSFOFTTSBJTJOH BDUJPOT JO UIF GJFME PG XBTUF 4UPDLIPMN "HSFFNFOU JO BDDPSEBODF XJUI UIF in Messaâd, and contacts made to set up in the INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS agreements made from the decisions taken by the same area a complementary project including as- COP3 a the Stockholm Convention, in 2008 the pects of plastics recycling in terms of collection - CAR/PN contribution to the European Com- 3FHJPOBM0SHBOJTBUJPO(SPVQXBTTFUVQ NBEF BOEUSFBUNFOUBOENBSLFUJOHQSPEVDUTXJUIUIF mission Mediterranean Action Plan up of experts nominated by their countries for goal of reproducing the experience in nearby 4FUUJOHVQBTTPDJBUJPOTXJUILFZBDUPSTGPSTVT- FBDIPGUIFGJWFSFHJPOTPGUIF6/5IFBJNXBT communities and involve public agents and the tainable production and consumption. In 2008, to apply the global monitoring plan for the first general public to improve their quality f life. UIFSFXFSFNFFUJOHTBOEJOGPSNBUJPOBMDPOUBDUT assessment of the effectiveness of the Stockholm These activities account for a global ARC inves- XJUIEJGGFSFOUBHFOUTUPJEFOUJGZPQQPSUVOJUJFT Agreement. The ROG WEOG group includes tment of €43,400. for collaboration and carrying out joint activi- Ramon Guardans, CAR/PN consultant. The re- UJFT JO UIF GSBNFXPSL PG UIF NBJO JOUFSOBUJP- TVMUPGUIFJSXPSLXBTUIFEPDVNFOUi(MPCBM.P- 6. SERVICES AND ORGANISATION nal initiatives aimed at sustainable production nitoring Plan For POPs under The Stockholm Fighting waste intelligently and consumption, such as the UNEP’s strategic Convention Article 16 on Effectiveness Evalua- plan for 2010-2013 and the Marrakech process. tion – First Regional Monitoring Report WEOG THE LABORATORY 8FLFQUVQSFMBUJPOTXJUIEJGGFSFOUBSFBTPGUIF 3FHJPOw BTXFMMBTJUTUXPBOOFYFT XIJDI OECD, the European Environment Agency, contain a detailed up-to-date summary of the The ARC laboratory aims to offer an analytic JOUFSOBUJPOBMFYQFSUTGSPNUIFBDBEFNJDXPSME  best information available on concentrations of service to different departments in the com-

178 annual report | ARC 2008

pany and ensure results are assessed by a qua- /POFXMBCPSBUPSZXBTBDDSFEJUFE CVUBDDSFEJ- and other companies and the general public. It lity assessment system, ie accredited by ENAC UBUJPOXBTSFOFXFEGPSUISFFMBCPSBUPSJFTGPSB also processes differ kinds of files and carries out JODPNQMJBODFXJUITUBOEBSE*40 XIJDI period of five years. requirements for preventing, rectifying and im- stipulates criteria for technical competence and As in previous years, as part of monitoring ac- QSPWJOHXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU management in analysis laboratories. The labo- DSFEJUFEMBCT JODPOKVODUJPOXJUIUIFMBCPSBUPSZ (See table on page 118) SBUPSZ BMTP PDDBTJPOBMMZ EPFT PVUTJEF XPSL GPS MAT CONTROL, our laboratory managed external customers. and organised an obligatory set of exercise of REGULATIONS DPNQBSJTPOXJUIBDDSFEJUFEMBCPSBUPSJFT5IFTF ANALYTIC ACTIVITY exercises involve participation in analysis cir- In 2008 the Catalan Parliament passed acts set- cuits of different samples. ting out the ARC’s immediate future: 5IFGPMMPXJOHBOBMZTFTXFSFDBSSJFEPVUJO 5IFGPSFDBTUGPSJTUPDPOUJOVFXJUIUIFTF monitoring and control tasks for accredited la- - Act 9/2008 of 10 July, modifying Act 6/1993, - Entering samples - 702 boratories. The aim is to continue complying PG+VMZ SFHVMBUJOHXBTUF"DUPG - Estimated analytical determinations - 18,200 XJUITUBOEBSE*40XIFSFCZMBCTIBWFUP +VMZ  PO GJOBODJOH XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU JOGSBT- take part in comparison exercise to cover all the tructure and taxes on disposal of refuse from "TBXIPMF BOBMZUJDBMBDUJWJUZXBTIJHIFS analysis parameters contemplated in the ENAC XBTUF than in 2007. As in previous years, in 2008 accreditation. the laboratory took part in different compa- "(3&&.&/544*(/&%*/ SJTPO BDUJWJUJFT XJUI PUIFS MBCPSBUPSJFT PSHB- &/7*30/.&/5"-."/"(&.&/54:4 nised by different national and international 5&.ǝ&."4Ǟ  "EEFOEB UP "HSFFNFOU  TJHOFE XJUI organisations to help assess the laboratory’s the Recoverers’ Trade Association in Catalonia technical competence. In 2008 the environmental management system to promote good practice. Amount: €2,539. XBTJOUSPEVDFEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUI&."4SFHV- 02/01/2008 *UUPPLQBSUJOUXPOBUJPOBMFYFSDJTFTPSHBOJTFE lations and in December 2008 the Montmeló lab  "HSFFNFOU XJUI UIF .JOJTUSZ GPS &EVDBUJPO by the company Calitax and the University of successfully passed the EMAS certification audit. to help implementation of a selective collection Barcelona (Mat Control). At international level TZTUFNGPSIB[BSEPVTXBTUFDSFBUFEJOMBCPSB- it took part in six exercises organised by diffe- SAFETY AND PREVENTION tories in secondary schools. Amount: €30,000. rent organisations: Aquacheck and LEAP (UK), 02/01/2008 BAM (Germany), APG (United States) and The lab also carries out tasks related to safety  &YUFOTJPO PG "HSFFNFOU  XJUI "OPJB Quality Consult (Italy). The results from these and prevention. County Council to set up monitoring and FYFSDJTFTXFSFTBUJTGBDUPSZ "TBOBDUJWJUZJODMVEFEXJUIUIFFYUFSOBMQSFWFO- DPOUSPMNFDIBOJTNTGPSXBTUFQSPEVDUJPOBOE tion service, in March 2008 an annual emergen- management activities. Amount: €30,000. 26"-*5:4:45&. DZESJMMXBTDBSSJFEPVUBOEBUSBJOJOHTFNJOBS 02/01/2008 IFMEPOTQFDJGJDXPSLQMBDFSJTLT  "HSFFNFOU XJUI 0TPOB $PVOUZ $PVODJM GPS Since 1999 ARC laboratory has been accredi- cooperation and management of actions to ins- ted by ENAC (Spanish National, Accreditation */7&45.&/54 QFDUXBTUFQSPEVDUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOUBDUJWJ- #PEZ GPSQIZTJDPDIFNJDBMBOBMZTJTPGXBTUFJO ties applicable to the soil to benefit agriculture BDDPSEBODFXJUITUBOEBSE*40 /FXFRVJQNFOUXBTBDRVJSFEUPSFQMBDFPCTPMF- (extension CNV 06061). Amount: €45,000. 0O%FDFNCFSUIFSFXBTUIFMBUFTU te equipment: 02/01/2008 auditory monitoring accreditation and this ser- "HSFFNFOUXJUI#0/13&6 4"POQMBTUJD ved to expand the technical scope for analyses &WBMVBUPSXJUITFMFDUJWFFMFDUSPEFT bags. 18/02/2008 linked to Decision 2003/33/CE, stipulating the - Analytic scales "HSFFNFOUXJUI$BTUFMMTFSË5PXO$PVODJMBOE criteria and admission procedures for controlled &RVJQNFOUUPQSPEVDFEFJPOJTFEXBUFS the Plataforma de Defensa de la Serra de Bell- landfills. - Equipment to determine flash point munt to study and assess alternative to restore The aim for coming years is to continue to the space at “La Guixera” in the municipality of maintain ENAC accreditation by updating the "UUIFFOEPG XFBDRVJSFEDZBOJEFBOE Castellserà in order to achieve sustainable ma- accredited technical scope in response to chan- sulphur analysers and a phenol indicator for li- OBHFNFOUPGFYJTUJOHXBTUF"NPVOUǎ  HFTJOMFHJTMBUJPO TJODFUIJTJTUIFXBZUPHVBSBO- RVJETBNQMFTUISPVHIDPOUJOVPVTGMPX5IFTF 22/02/2008 tee and demonstrate the laboratory’s technical pieces of equipment aim to automate certain "HSFFNFOUXJUI-MPSFUEF.BS5PXO$PVODJM DPNQFUFODF XJUI JOUFSOBUJPOBM SFDPHOJUJPO PG SPVUJOFEFUFSNJOBUJPOTJOXBUFSCBTFEBOEMFB- for financing infrastructure set out in the sector- accredited tests carried out. DIBUFTBNQMFT EVFUPUIFMBSHFWPMVNFPGXBUFS TQFDJGJDUFSSJUPSJBMQMBOGPSXBTUFNBOBHFNFOU received at the lab from controlled landfills. Amount: €42,340,180. 25/02/2008 .0/*503*/( "$$3&%*5&% -"#03"  $PMMBCPSBUJPO BHSFFNFOU XJUI #BSDFMPOB TORIES LEGAL ADVICE Serveis Municipals, S.A. Zoo Division to pro- gressively incorporate sustainability criteria in The laboratory manages monitoring and control The ARC legal advice team offers legal advice NBOBHJOHXBTUFDSFBUFEBUUIF[PP"NPVOU of external laboratories accredited by ARC for BOETVQQPSUJOUIFBSFBPGXBTUF CPUIBUUIFSF- €36,000. 27/02/2008 QIZTJDPDIFNJDBMBOBMZTJTPGXBTUF quest of other departments and administrations 5IJSEFYUFOTJPOUP"HSFFNFOUXJUI-B

179 annual report | ARC 2008

Garrotxa County Council. Amount: €30,000. sand and other recycled products. 01/10/2008 products, managers and transporters. 03/03/2008 1MBTUJDCBHBHSFFNFOUCFUXFFOUIF"HÒODJBEF *UEFBMTXJUIDPNQMBJOUTBOEOPUJGJDBUJPOTNBEF  $PMMBCPSBUJPO BHSFFNFOU XJUI $0/'"7$ Residus de Catalunya and Xarxa Farmacèutica, by individuals, companies and organisations. It UPDBSSZPVUUIFi(FUJOWPMWFEJOXBTUFwDBN- S.L. 06/10/2008 BMTPUBLFTTBNQMFTPGXBTUFDIBSBDUFSJTBUJPOBOE QBJHOJO.BSFTNFDPVOUZJOUIFUPXOTPG.B-  .PEJGJFE DPMMBCPSBUJPO BHSFFNFOU CFUXFFO acts immediately in cases of emergency caused taró, Premià de Mar and El Masnou. €40,000. ACCD, the Ministry for Water in Bolivia and CZ JOEVTUSJBM XBTUF JO DPOKVODUJPO XJUI UIF 31/03/2008 EPSAS, 6 October 2007. Amount: €26,812. Emergency Coordination Centre in Catalonia "HSFFNFOUXJUI4BOUB.BSJB1BMBVUPSEFSB 06/10/2008 (CECAT). 5PXO$PVODJMUPTFUVQUIFOFDFTTBSZUPPMTUP "HSFFNFOUXJUIUIF$BUBMBO$POTVNQUJPO DMPTFEPXOUIFDPOUSPMMFEMBOEGJMMBU-FT7BMMTEF Agency to promote sustainable consumption 3&410/%*/( 50 $0.1-"*/54 "/% Santa Maria Palautordera. Amount: €1,500,000. BDUJPOT BT XFMM BT NPOJUPSJOH BOE DPOUSPMMJOH INSPECTION VISITS 01/04/2008 application of sellers’ responsibility regulations. "EEFOEBUP"HSFFNFOUTJHOFEXJUIUIF 10/10/2008 A total of 1487 inspection sanctions leading to Vallès Occidental Waste Management Consor- 1SPUPDPMTJHOFEXJUI'PSFTUBM$BUBMBOB 4" 1424 inspection visits. tium (financial costs). €8,831,004. 23/04/2008 and Gestora de Runes de la Construcció to set Waste management installations received 452 - Addenda to Collaboration Agreement 05025 VQ B DPMMBCPSBUJPO GSBNFXPSL JO BDDPSEBODF inspections, complemented by 3419 control TJHOFEXJUI$PNJTTJØ0CSFSB/BDJPOBMEF$B- XJUITQFDJGJDSFHVMBUJPOTPODPOTUSVDUJPOXBTUF visits carried out by specialist companies con- talunya (CONC) to carry out actions in 2008, management. 10/10/2008 tracted for this purpose. Waste creating activi- BTXFMMBTUIFCVEHFUBOEGJOBODFGPSUIF  $PMMBCPSBUJPO BHSFFNFOU CFUXFFO "HÒODJB ties received 727 inspection visits. A total of 341 agreement. €66,753. 24/04/2008 de Residus de Catalunya and ECOVIDRIO. DPNQMBJOUT XFSF EFBMU XJUI  XIJDI MFE UP   $PMMBCPSBUJPO BHSFFNFOU XJUI 'FEFSBUJPO PG 27/10/2008 inspections and 247 requirements. Municipalities in Catalonia and the Catalan $PMMBCPSBUJPOBHSFFNFOUCFUXFFOUIF4QBOJTI 5PHFUIFSXJUIUIF.PTTPTE&TRVBESB GPSUFO Association of Municipalities and Counties to Ministry for the Environments and the Cata- EBZTXBTUFUSBOTQPSUDPOUSPMTXFSFDBSSJFEPVU QSPNPUFOFXXBTUFQPMJDJFTBOESFHVMBUJPOTJO lan government to back actions by the Catalan BUQPJOUTJO$BUBMPOJBWFIJDMFTXFSFTUP- Catalonia. Amount: €30,000. 25/04/2008 Ministry for the Environment and Housing , pped and inspected. $PMMBCPSBUJPOBHSFFNFOUXJUIUIF;POB'SBODB including actions to carry out sustainable indus- $POTPSUJVNUPTFUVQBDPSQPSBUFNPEFMGPSXBTUF trial chemical processes. CARPN/MIMAM. .0/*503*/( */41&$5*0/4 0' $0/ management. Amount: €30,000. 25/04/2008 Amount: €1,751,000. 28/11/2008 TROLLED RUBBLE LANDFILLS "HSFFNFOUXJUI1BMMBST+VTTË$PVOUZ$PVODJM "HSFFNFOUXJUI"$"BOEUIF$BUBMBO.JOJT- to promote environmental improvement edu- try for the Environment and Housing to set out On 1 June 2007, Agència de Residus de Cata- cational and promotional actions for natural conditions for contracting the analysis and de- lunya once again contracted the service to con- IFSJUBHF BTXFMMBTDPNQFOTBUJPOGPSTJUJOHNV- WFMPQNFOUPGBOFXPOMJOFQSPHSBNGPSBVOJGJFE USPMDPOTUSVDUJPOXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUGBDJMJUJFTJO OJDJQBMXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUJOGSBTUSVDUVSFJOUIF environmental declaration to jointly manage $BUBMPOJB UIBU IBE FYQJSFE JO  5IF OFX county to serve Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà, Alta annual environmental declarations by different DPOUSBDUJTGPSUXPZFBST FYUFOEJCMFVQUPGPVS Ribagorça and Val d’Aran. Amount: €299,000. organisations. Amount: €225,000. 11/12/09 and is carried out by an external company that 20/06/2008 "HSFFNFOUUPQSPNPUFDPMMBCPSBUJPOCFUXFFO makes monthly visits. This contract has been in &YUFOTJPOUP$/7TJHOFEXJUI3&1"- public administrations and companies recycling force throughout 2008 and 627 control visits $"5UPQSPNPUFUIFDPODFQUPGXBTUFMJOLFE and recovering paper to promote selective co- XFSFNBEF UPNBOBHJOHXPPEFOQBMMFUTBOEQBDLBHJOH MMFDUJPOJOPSEFSUPPCUBJOBTUBCMFGSBNFXPSL 21/07/2008 for marketing this material. &.&3(&/$:130(3"..& "EEFOEBUP"HSFFNFOUXJUI4BOUB.BSJB &YUFOTJPOUP"HSFFNFOUXJUI(BSSPUYB 1BMBVUPSEFSB5PXO$PVODJMUPDSFBUFUIFOFDFT- $PVOUZ$PVODJMUPTUBSUBOFXQIBTFBU#FVEB *OBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFDPMMBCPSBUJPOBHSFFNFOU TBSZUPPMTUPDMPTFEPXOUIFMBOEGJMMBU-FT7BMMTEF NVOJDJQBM XBTUF DPOUSPMMFE MBOEGJMM BOE DBSSZ XJUI$&$"5UIFSFJTBIPVSTFSWJDFEBZT Santa Maria de Palautordera. 04/09/2008 out the project to improve infrastructure for lea- PGUIFZFBS XIFSFCZ"3$UFDIOJDBMJOTQFDUPST "HSFFNFOUXJUI"MU&NQPSEË$PVOUZ$PVO- chate treatment. 31/12/2008 BSFPOEVUZGPSXFFLMZTIJGUT*O XBS- DJMUPGJOBODFUIF"MU&NQPSEËNVOJDJQBMXBTUF &YUFOTJPOUP"HSFFNFOUXJUI$PNJT- OJOHXFSFSFDFJWFE XIJDIMFEUPBDUJPOTCZ treatment and management centre. Amount: sió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya (CONC) to on-duty personnel. €52,678,728. 10/09/2008 carry out activities in 2008. 31/12/2008  "HSFFNFOU XJUI -B 4FMWB $PVOUZ $PVO- "HSFFNFOUUPTFUVQBDPMMBCPSBUJPOGSBNFXPSL */'03."5*0/4:45&.4 cil to finance the infrastructure set out in the CFUXFFO"3$BOE#PUBSFMM5PXO$PVODJMUPTV- XBTUF NBOBHFNFOU UFSSJUPSJBM QMBO 4BOUB $P- QQPSUUIFUPXOJOJNQSPWFEJOGSBTUSVDUVSFBOE Information systems facilitate institutions’ in- loma de Farners composting plant). Amount: equipment. Amount: €264,665. 31/12/2008 ternal and external communication. The size €10,647,571. 25/09/2008 of the concept and volume of contents borne by $PMMBCPSBUJPOQSPUPDPMXJUI(FTUJØE*OGSBFT INSPECTION AND RESPONDING TO UIFTFTZTUFNTNFBOTUIFZUBLFPOBXJEFSBOHF tructures,S.A., Gestora de Runes, S.A. and the $0.1-"*/54 of functions and applications, especially the Directorate General for Roads at the Catalan cases that offer the possibility of carrying out Ministry for Territorial Policies and Public The Inspection and Control Department linked online management, requests and procedures. Works to promote measures aimed at reusing UP"3$TJOEVTUSJBMBSFBBJNTUPDPOUSPMXBTUF ARC has progressively improved the services it

180 annual report | ARC 2008

offers thanks to the improved integration of sys- naging the current state of OFMSW aimed at .&.#&340'5)&"(µ/$*"%&3&4* UFNTXJUIJOBQSPDFTTPGPOHPJOHPQUJNJTBUJPO all municipalities in Catalonia, a first step to DUS DE CATALUNYA BOARD OF DI of accessibility, effectiveness and transparency implementing the module for OFMSW deplo- RECTORS IN 2008 in the area of information. yment plans in 2009 (See pages 128-129) The Department of IT systems at the Agència 4FUUJOHVQBOFXNPEFMPGTJNQMJGJFEQSFMJNJ- de Residus de Catalunya (ARC) carried out the nary situation reports for potentially polluting #6%(&5"/%&$0/0.*$4611035 GPMMPXJOHNBJOBDUJPOTJO activities in order to simplify these reports.  4FUUJOH VQ B OFX NPEVMF GPS POMJOF QSFTFO- "3$TCVEHFUGPSXBTPWFSǎNJMMJPO  - Continued critical processes at ARC IT sys- tation of monthly reports from composting 2% less than in 2007 and 8% more than in UFNT XJUIBDPOUJOVJUZQMBOJOWPMWJOHDPNQMF- QMBOUT XJUIUIFFYUFOTJPOUPPUIFSXBTUFQMBOUT  2006. te system recovery from backup tapes outside postponed to 2009. These resources, mostly from the Catalan Mi- ARC *OUIFEFDMBSBUJPOTTFDUJPO UIFSFXFSF nistry for the Environment and Housing and  $*4$0 FRVJQNFOU XBT BDRVJSFE BOE JOT- analyses and developments for online declara- environmental tax deductions as set out in legis- talled to replace technological infrastructure UJPOPGJOEVTUSJBMXBTUFGPSNBOBHFST GPSFOE lation, have enabled it to support local organisa- SFMBUFEUPOFUXPSLFMFDUSPOJDTBUUIFEBUBQSP- of-life vehicle declarations, and for formalising tions and companies to make progress in impro- cessing centre (CPD) at ARC central services packaging management, to be introduced in WJOHXBTUFNBOBHFNFOUJO$BUBMPOJB at C/Dr.Roux, 80, thus ensuring room for early 2009. "OBHSFFNFOUXBTTJHOFETFUUJOHPVUBDUJPOTUP HSPXUI GMFYJCJMJUZBOEHSBEJOHJOUIFNFEJVN /FXGVODUJPOBMJUJFTBOEJNQSPWFEVTBCJMJUZJO be carried out in 2008 and implementation of BOEMPOHUFSN"OFXWJEFPDPOGFSFODJOHTZT- the application for ARC’s department register. UIFQSPUPDPMCFUXFFOUIF4QBOJTI.JOJTUSZGPS UFNXBTBMTPBDRVJSFE the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs - As part of a process of improved availability, CORPORATIVE APPLICATIONS and the Catalan government to offer financial efficient management and safety in IT systems, backing to ARC actions in 2008-2011. UIFSF JT OPX TFSJFT PG TFSWJDFT JO #MBEF BSDIJ- We continued to improve the functionality of (See table on page 130) UFDUVSF )1#MBEF4ZTUFN 8FBDRVJSFEBOFX the administrative management system, inclu- SBDLGPSUIF$1%XJUIBDIBTTJTBOETFSWFST  ding carrying out the analysis and start of deve- CONTRACTUAL ACTIVITY OF DEVE "3$XFCTFSWFST UFTUTFSWFS $JUSJYTFSWFS MPQNFOUGPSBEBQUJOHJUUPUIFOFXBDUPOQVCMJD -01&34"/%."/"(&34 for connectivity of remote services and 2 servers administration contracting. for solving identity management) Article 51 of Act 3/2007, of 4 July, on public - In term of telecommunications systems, in Adapting and integrating the corporate appli- XPSLT TUJQVMBUFTUIFOFFEGPSBTQFDJGJDTFDUJPO order to optimise resources, accessibility and DBUJPOGPSTVCTJEJFTBXBSEFECZ"3$XJUIUIF HJWJOHEFUBJMFEJOGPSNBUJPOPODPOUSBDUTBXBS- DPTUTBWJOH UIF*5DPOOFDUJPOXBTSFQMBDFEBU EACAT extranet that processes subsidies by EFE UIFGPSNTBOEQSPDFEVSFTGPSBXBSEJOH the Clean Production Regional Activity Centre local organisations. UIFN  UIPTF BXBSEFE UIFN  NPOJUPSJOH XPSL  $"31/ XJUIB8J'JMJOLCFUXFFOUIFUXP supervision, control and, if necessary, technical buildings on C/Milanesat (CAR-PN) and C/ /FXBQQMJDBUJPOGPSNBOBHJOHUIFXBTUFNBOB- audits and any problems detected. Dr.Roux gers’ inspection plan. (See table on page 132-133) 'PSXFCTFSWJDFT BOFXNBQTFSWFSXBTJOUSP- EVDFE BTXFMMBTUIFEFGJOJUJPOPGDIBSBDUFSJTUJDT *O DPOKVODUJPO XJUI PUIFS QBSUJDJQBUJOH 4QB- GPSJNQMFNFOUJOHUIFOFX"3$JOUFHSBUFEXFC- nish regions promoted by the Fundació Fòrum site on the corporate platform of Catalan gover- "NCJFOUBMBOEXJUIUFDIOJDBMBEWJDFGSPN"UPT nment publications(GECO) 0SJHJO  1IBTF *** GPS UIF &5&3 QSPKFDU XBT - Through the extranet of Catalan administra- launched to standardise electronic processing of tions (EACAT) at the Administració Oberta XBTUF de Catalunya (AOC), there is the possibility of The training side invoked all DSI attending a local organisations making requests for support personalised course to adapt to Prince-2 me- to ARC by computer, strengthening interope- thodology to improve management of different SBCJMJUZ CFUXFFO QVCMJD BENJOJTUSBUJPOT JO JO- IT projects. formation exchange through IT means. There are 6 support lines (closing landfills, collection ORGANISATION centre, promoting OFMSW selective collection, jobseeking, prevention projects and events). ARC has a human team made up of 196 people. "TQBSUPG"3$EPDVNFOUBSZTZTUFN XIJDI 5IFXPSLGPSDFIBTFWPMWFEPWFSSFDFOUZFBSTJO integrated the ARC extranet (Waste Documen- order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency tary System – SDR) and the file management of technical and administrative services in ac- TZTUFN 4%&91 UIFSFBSFOFXGVODUJPOBMJUJFT DPSEBODFXJUIBOFXDVMUVSFPGXBTUF and improvements, including: (See table on page 125)

- In the OFMSW system improvements to the Organisation Chart characterisation model for formalising and ma- (See table on page 126-127)

181 © Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge Agència de Residus de Catalunya

Primera edició: juliol de 2009 Tiratge: 500 exemplars Paper: Cyclus Offset 100% Reciclat Disseny i producció: escucurucuc edicions XXXFTDVDVSVDVDDPN

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