' ‘ ( t bN DEN SED int o EN G LISH VE RSE B ROMES H UTT y D ,

‘ W I T II A N I N T R O D U C T I O N B Y ,

F M A’ H ON . R I G HT . ! MULLE R



’ b BS I G -N IIQ m o m I N D I A N




M CO . BE DFO RD STRE T E W . , . C M D CC C ! CI !



H E ME UTT C I . B RO S D . . y ,


N F M A! M U E G H H O . L L T H R I T . ER




S O R C E S B Y E S T A T U . U R


LON D ON M J . . ° 0 BE D FO RD STR EET W 2 69 . C . 9 3 , M D CC C! C I !


! E sse ss ver E ic ‘N po but y little of true p Poetry, and the is h ul d e a n wonder that we s o poss ss y. Of course if we de fine an epic as a poe m which in the form o f c ont inuous narrative celebrates the achievements of one or more heroic

e o r . p rsonages of history tradition , any poet may write an epos But if by epos are meant early unwritten narrative poe ms cele b rat in n of g i cidents heroic tradition , we can easily understand

so . why their number should be small as it is Strictly speaking , I o fone know true epic poem only, the Kalewala of the Fins , e and possibly the Kale wipo g of the E stonians . These were preserved to the present day, and are still living in the mouths o fthe people: They were never written down till they were lately collected and fitted together, without any additions, by LOnnrOt Ca st rén such men as Von Becker, , , and others . Lonn ’ l n I 8 rot s first edition of the Kalewa a in F i nish appeared in 3 5 ,

- comprising about verses in thirty two songs . This was I translated into Swedish by C ast rén in 1 84 1 . n how LOnnrot ever, published a new edition , consisting of

f S hi fner verses in ifty songs , and a German translation by c e M 1 8 . appeared in 5 7 ore songs even , all forming integral parts of of a large epic poem , have been discovered since the death

C ast rén and LOnnrot . While we may perfectly trust the

o f Ca st rén painstaking scholarship and conscientious accuracy , of Lonnrot , and other F innish students in their treatment these ha s ancient popular poems of Finland , some doubt been thrown o n the perfect authenticity of the Estonian poems of Kale wipoe g as collected by Kre ut zwald and translated into German vi I NT RO D U CTI O N

1 8 . by Reinthal, 5 7 They were found to be in a much more a re fragment ry state, and it is supposed that they were largely stored, while in the case of the Kalewala we possess the trust of worthy copy poems exactly as they were, and are still recited in Finland by old men and women in the presence of their

Swedish auditors . n All other epic poems, after existing for an u known length o f o f time in the tradition popular poets, have passed through

D ia r éeué o r what is called a , a setting in order, a dressing recension at the hands of later poets . The most perfect specimen ofthis kind ofepic poetry exists in the two Homeric

O . poems , the Iliad and dyssey How the component parts of C c lo e ia of d these poems, such as the y P , the story the woo en

N e k ia D oloneia Pat rokleia & c . horse at Troy, the y , the , the , , o f O had existed before they formed part an dyssey and Iliad, we can see in the case ofD e modoko s and other A o idoi who A rist eias sang these at festivals, both public and private . But we have no trustworthy infor mation as to how these poems came to be collected , whether their dialect and metre were o f ae changed in the schools the Homerid , and at what time the C of first written opies them were prepared and circulated . I doubt whether in Greece the very idea ofa written literatur e ex

t e d 00 o r 6 00 B . C . is much before 5 , that is, before the first contact

W . i between est and E ast There is the Greek alphabet, wh ch tells us in the clearest way that the Greeks learnt their letters from the Ph oenicians ; but there is a long distance between a of knowledge the A B C and its employment for inscriptions,

ffi fo r coins, and even for o cial treaties, and its use literary

- purposes . I confess that the well known passage at the end of the t drus gives me the impression as if even Plato had still of a recollection the time when literature was mnemonic only, and not yet written . I NTRO D U CTI O N Vi i

of And if we look at the epic literature other nations, we

. of find much the same The poem the Nibelunge, such as we

was A. D. 1 2 00 possess it, composed and written down about ; but we se e from the short ballads recording the fates ofSigurd as and Brynhild, preserved to us in the E dda, what the poems may have been like which were used as his materials by the o f un known German Homer the twelfth century .

Firdusi , the author of the Persian national epic , the Shah

o f A. D. 1 000 Nameh , Book Kings, about , tells us himself what ho w sources he consulted, and he travelled about from village to village to collect the materials for his great poem . see We , therefore , that the constituent elements of the epic — O poems which we possess the I liad, the dyssey, the Nibelunge , and the Shah Na meh — existed in oral tradition long before the invention ofwr iting ; that they were elaborated during what is called the Mnemonic Period o fliterature ; and that they were reduced to their present form at a time when the art of alphabetic writing had been discovered , and had been applied, not only to a nd inscriptions, but to poetry other literary compositions when , t o o fli cial in fact , there were not only a few sculptors engrave documents , but a large public that could both read and write . o f We must distinguish , therefore, between two kinds epic

— M nemonic poetry one, the , as preserved intact in the Kalewala,

K ale wi oe L it er a r and slightly recast in the p g ; another, the y,

h as a s which passed through the hands of later poets , such

Iliad and Odyssey , the Nibelungenlied , and the Shah Nameh .

fi r t icia l There is a third class of purely jf epic poems , written in ’ of fE ne id imitation these models , such as Virgil s , Wolfram ’ von of E schenbach s Parzival , the Lusiads Camoens , and , ’ H en ria de . lastly, poems like Voltaire s But these belong to ff quite a di erent sphere ofpoetry . It is not likely that the number oftrue epic poems will ever viii I NTRO D UCTI O N

of be increased , and the discovery two epic poems in India was therefore a great event in the comparative study of ancient literature. These two poems were the Mahabharata

n and the Ramaya a . Leaving here out of consideration the

n o f i Ramaya a, the author which , Valm ki, seems to have been D iask euast e s M more than a mere , we have the ahabharata , an

t o ancient Sanskrit poem , which , in its present form , is said consist of no less than couplets, and was published at Calcutta in 1 8 — 3 4 3 9 in four large quarto volumes . In its present form it e can hardly be called a poem . It is an normous poetical treasury, in which everything was thrown that could possibly be f brought into connection with its original story . At irst the Mahabharata was the story o f the Great War that had been waged in ancient times in India , but after the popular songs ’ War about that E ighteen Days had been collected , not only ancient stories, but ancient laws, customs, and philosophies were of it s all incorporated into it . The date first composition is, of A t course , unknown , as much as the age of the single ris e ia s f o r of K vidh as d o I liad and Odyssey, the various of the E d a .

All we can say is, that a collected poem , called not only

M Le . of Bharata, but ahabharata , the great story the war of the

As vala ana u Bharatas, is mentioned clearly in the y S tras, that

of B . C . is, before the rise Buddhism in the sixth century But M of what the ahabharata was then , we shall course never know .

is All we can say that, when first collected, it must have been a

of was mnemonic poem , composed before the art writing known o r in I ndia, , at all events , before it had been applied to literary purposes in that country . Extraordinary as it may seem to us that so enormous a poem should have been composed and handed down by memory only, the fact itself can hardly be doubted . It is of in India , all countries in the world , where we must study the i facts about the extraordinary, and to us almost incred ble , powers I NT RO DU CTI O N ix o f Of memory, before the art writing was known and practised . our There is , no doubt, an introductory chapter of poem which

G aner a M tells us how, with the help of , the ahabharata was f written . But the absence o that chapter in a large number of

MS S . . w , more particularly, as Dr Winternitz has sho n , in the MS S o f . the south of India, speaks for itself, and proves that the idea ofthe poem having been composed on paper was an after t o thought, and may, in fact, serve determine the time when writing for literary purposes became the custom in India . The

V asa r i n D va i a ana poet is called y , or K sh a p y , a name which

! vi a s means arranger, from and , to distribute, to extend ; and whatever his date may have been , we may be certain that his work , M a M the ah bharata , was a genuine product of the nemonic Period of Indian literature .

L ife seems too short to read such a gigantic poem as a whole, and various attempts have been made from time to time to reduce it t o its original dimensions . The most promising was

o ld or Anukr a manika to follow the indications of an Index , incorporated in the poem itself. But if we add the number of of couplets each book , as stated in that preface, we are still left with a poem of no less than couplets. It is impossible to enjoy such a poem , however beautiful it may be in some of

or its stories ; nor can we imagine that the original poet, the original collector even , contemplated such a monstrous produc i tion . The orig nal subject was the war between two branches of . the same royal family, the Bharata princes These Bharata s are mentioned as an ancient and most powerful race

n in the north of India as early as the Brahma a period , for in the

S at a at hab rahman a . f p , xiii 5 , 4 , we read , The greatness o the Bharatas neither the men before nor those after them have of ever attained ; nor did the seven tribes men , even as mortal k ’ man does not touch the s y with his flanks . x I NTR O D U CTI ON

It is easy to see how round the nucleus ofthis war an im of a c cumu mense mass poetry, both popular and artificial , was n ot s o lated , but it was easy a task to sift this enormous mass ,

r and to extract fo m it what may have been the origin al story.

This task has been boldly undertaken and carried through , as far

Mr . R o me sh as I can judge , with great success by Dutt in his ” Mahabharata condensed into English Verse . He has him self given an account of the principles by which he was guided

. as of in his work He has , as much possible , taken a number verses o fthe original and rendered them faithfully into English . o ut on He has left the very largest scale, but he has not added ; and the impression which his bold undertaking leaves o n the reader is certainly that something like what we here read in E nglish may have been recited in India when the war between the Kurus and the sons o fPa ndu was first sung by the ancient V as a bards of the country. If y , the collector, was in any sense of o f b the author some parts the poem , it is important to o in is a s serve that the poem itself he represented the kinsman , of though under peculiar circumstances, the royal family of the

Bharatas . K Mr . omesh Dutt tells us that without exaggeration two hundred millions of cherish t o the present day t he story “ ” “ i . of the r ancient epics The Hindu , he writes, scarcely o r o r lives , man woman , high low, educated or ignorant , whose earliest recollections d o not cling r ound the story and the char ” t s o f M t o a c e r the ahabharata, listening it either in the original , ne o r to a translation into o of the many vernaculars . Considering how many people there are now in India wh o know E nglish S better than anskrit, there can be little doubt that this English R me sh translation and condensation by Mr . o Dutt will be most welcome t o his own compatriots . It will be equally welcome to many E nglish students of literature who wish to gain an idea I NTRO D U CT I O N xi

f . o that wonderful epic The original , in its colossal bulk , can be consulted by Sanskrit scholars only . It is true it has been translated from beginning to end into English by my late friend

Protap Chandra Roy and his assistants, but even that translation will hardly meet with many patient readers in E ngland . To M a ar the student of Sanskrit literature the ah bh ata, so far as it reflects the ancient life of I ndia, will always remain an invaluable o f treasury . Q uite apart from the story the ancient heroic war, the great bul k o f the later accretions also is full of interest and instruction . Of course there exists always one great diffi culty ; we cannot tell which period ofIndian history is rept e sented to us in each of its various component parts . E very race in I s ee the north , the south , the east, and west of ndia wished to ' some account of its own heroes inserted in the national epic . Phil osophers claimed some mention oftheir doctrines as a proof

of of . M their antiquity, and as a kind of brief nobility oral and legal authorities clamoured naturally for the same mention ; and even mere customs , rules about caste , marriage , and inheritance of had to be placed under the shield the ancient epic . The o f geography, the ethnology, the migrations races in India , a a all may be studied in the Mah bh rata . The dominating of religious cult, not at the time the Great War itself, but at the fi of time of the nal redaction the poem , was clearly the worship

r i n l t o of K sh a , and this is general y referred a time after the of disappearance Buddhism from the soil of India, so that the final redaction of the epic can hardly be placed before the o f Renaissance period Indian literature, that is, before the

A. D. of fourth century But much this is still uncertain , and we must carefully guard against premature and positive assertions o f when we treat the chronology of Indian literature , and of it s epic literature in particular . E very generation of scholars d o wn o f buil s up its system chronology, and the next generation xii I NTRO D U CTI O N pulls it down again . Unfortunately there are no ancient temples , o r of palaces, or works art in India to serve as guides . The very idea o f stone buil dings does not go back beyond the time of the invasion of India by Al exander . The most ancient ’ stone buildings are the buildings dating from A r o ka s time in of the third century, and though many them contain relics in o f the shape jewels and gold ornaments, they have not yielded as of yet any real works art, not even weapons, or armour, or M a . a l of warlike ornaments The ah bh rata tel s us weapons, which remind us ofsome of the weapons found by Schliemann M e at yc nx . We find descriptions of golden bosses on the wood b o w of a , tipped with gold at either end, and of golden insects n f f of l worked o the sta f o another b o w. We read bril iant suns on of n l other weapons , and golden fireflies glinti g in the ye low

of A - light day . sword is called toad engraven , and all these things seem to testify to an early cultivation ofarts and crafts of

. of which no remnants have survived Again , we read mimes of of and actors, and bards reciting ancient songs ; but the of poems themselves which they recited, or the plays which i they acted , noth ng remains to us, not even their names and titles . f f M a a a As a mine o in ormation the ah bh rat is inexhaustible, and will for a long time remain unexhausted . We are all the more R me sh grateful to Mr . o Dutt for having given us a kind of

- of old photographic representation, a snap shot, as it were, the — e — poem the longest poem , I b lieve, in the whole world and having enabled students of literature to form for themselves some kind of idea ofwhat our Aryan brothers in India admired and still admire in the epic poetry oftheir country .

! MUL L E R MA . F .

O! FORD J an ua r I 8 . , y 99 THE MAR QUI S OF RI PON









B The anish men t Fr ont ispiece

ma ‘ 0 Ka and Arj u n To fa ce pag e 1

Pa ndavs j ourn eying with their Mother The Bride ’s C hoice

’ Dr a up adis Plai n t

Savitri an d S at yar e a n

Uttara a n d Arj u n discoverin g t he Arms

Krishn a and Arj u n drivin g tow ards Bhis hma

Ab himan zu on foot

Fall of Karn a

’ Dhritar ashtra s Lamen t

Return of the S ac r ific ial Horse


It is only necessary to add that the sons o fPandu as well as

of o d - . Karna were , like the heroes Homer, g born chiefs Some Yudhisht hi son o f go d inspired the birth o feach . r was the Dharma o r of or o f o r - od Virtue , Bhima Vayu Wind, Arjun Indra Rain g , o f A swin the twin youngest were the sons the twins, and Karna s on was the of Surya the Sun , but was believed by himself and

- by all others to be the s on of a simple chariot driver .

The portion translated in this Book forms Sections cxxxiv . o f t o cxxxvii . Book i . of the original Epic in Sanscrit (Calcutta edition of

The Ga thering

’ ofD hrit a - ra sht ra ! Wrathful sons , born of Kuru s royal race

of - of ! Righteous sons noble Pandu, god born men godlike grace

Skill in arms attained these princes from a Brahman warrior bold , ! Drona, priest and proud preceptor, peerless chief of days of old

’ H a st ina s Out spake Drona to the monarch in royal hall , Bhishma Spake to and to Kripa , spake to lords and courtiers all M ark the gallant princes , monarch , trained in arms and warlike art ,

Let them prove their skill and valour, rein the steed and throw the dart A l nswered then the ancient monarch , joyful was his roya heart, of ! Best of Brahmans and warriors, nobly hast thou done thy part

Name the place and fix the moment, hold a royal tournament, ’ Publish wide the laws of combat , and command thy king s consent .

of Sightless roll these orbs vision , dark to me is noonday light, i ’ Happier men will mark the tourney and the peerless pr nces fight .

Vidura Let the good and wise serve thy mandate and behest, ’ Let a father s pride and gladness fill this old and cheerless breast . T H E TO U RNAM ENT 3

Vidur a Then the good and wise went unto his duties bound ,

Drona, blessed with skill and wisdom , measured out the tourney r n g ou d,

of Clear jungle was the meadow, by a crystal fountain graced, o n ff Drona the lighted altar holy gifts and o erings placed,

Holy was the star auspicious , and the hour was calm and bright, Men from distant town and hamlet came to view the sacred rite .

of Then arose white stately mansions, built by architects fame , ’ Decked with arms for Kuru s monarch and for every royal dame ,

And the people built their stages circling round the listed green , And the nobles with their white tents graced the fair and festive

scene . r Brightly dawned the festal morning , and the mona ch left his hall , Bhis hma and the pious Kripa with the lords and courtiers all ,

And d - , they came unto the man'sions , gay an glittering, gold encased b a ia ur a b e - . Decked with gems and rich y , and with strings ofpearls laced

’ o f Prit ha Pandu s Fair Gandhari , queen Kuru , , widowed dame , d of La ies in their gorgeous garments , maids of beauty and fame , M d ounted to their glittering mansions where the tints harmonious blen , ’ A s on M o f ! , eru s golden mountain , queens heavenly gods ascend

o f K shat ras And the people the city , Brahmans , Vaisyas , bold , Me n old from stall and loom and anvil gathered there, the young and ,

’ o f And arose the sound trumpet and the surging people s cry,

- i ! L ike the voice of angry ocean , tempest lashed , subl me and high

- Came the saintly white robed Drona , white his sacrificial thread ,

h is - White sandal mark and garlands, white the locks that crowned

his head ,

With his son renowned for valour walked forth Drona, radiant , high , So the Moon with Mars conjoined walks upon the cloudless sky 4 TH E E PI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA ff O erings to the gods immortal then the priestly warrior made , ma nt a a i Brahmans with their chanted r worship and obeisance p d ,

’ a/t a 3 And the festive note ofJ a n mingled with the trumpet sound ,

- arméd . Throngs of warriors , various , came unto the listed ground

The Princes

- Gauntleted and jewel girdled, now the warlike princes came , With their stately bows and quivers and their swords like wreaths

of flame ,

Yudhisht hir of E ach behind his elder stepping, good first all ,

E ach his wondrous skill displaying held the silent crowds in thrall ,

And the men in admiration marked them with a joyful eye, Or by sudden panic stricken stooped to let the arrow fly !

M on ounted their rapid coursers oft the princes proved their aim ,

Racing, hit the targe with arrows lettered with their royal name,

With their glinting sunlit weapons shone the youths sublime and high , M a ndb a r wa r of ! ore than mortals seemed the princes, like g the sky

of o Shouts j y the people uttered as by sudden impulse driven , Mingled voice oftens of thousands struck the pealin g vault of heaven

i Still the pr nces shook their weapons, drove the deep resounding car , Or on steed or tusker mounted waged the glorious mimic war M ighty sword and ample buckler, ponderous mace the princes wield,

Brightly gleam their lightning rapiers as they range the listed field ,

Brave and fearless is their action , and their movements quick and light , Skilled and true the thrust and parry of their weapons flaming bright ! T H E TO U RNAMENT 5

Bhima a nd Dur yodha n

D ur o dh an on Bhima came and proud y with their maces held hig'h , L ike two cliffs with lofty turrets cleavin g through the azure sky

In their warlike arms accoutred with their girded loins they stood , L ike t wo untamed jungle tuskers in the deep and echoing wood !

And as tuskers range the forest, so they range the spacious field, Right to left and back they wander and their ponderous maces wield !

’ Vidura Unto Kuru s Sightless monarch wise drew the scene, it h Pr a proudly of the prin ces spake unto the Kuru queen .

D ur odha n While the stalwart Bhima battled with y n brave and stro g, one o r t h e F ierce in wrath , for other, shouted forth maddened throng, ” Hail to Kuru prince D ur yodhan Hail to Bhima hero proud !

Sounds like these from surging myriads rose in tumult deep and loud .

w And ith troubled vision Drona marked the heaving restless plain ,

M - arked the crowd by anger shaken , like the tempest shaken main , e To his son then whisper d Drona quick the tum ult to appease, t Par the armed and angry wrestlers, bid the deadly combat cease,

With their lifted clubs the princes slow retire on signal given ,

n - - ! Like the parti g of the billows, mighty heaving, tempest driven

o n - Came forth then the ancient Drona the open battle ground, ’ and 8 Stopped the drum lofty trumpet, spake in voice like thunder so und

t he d Bid him come , gallant Arjun pious prince and warrior skille , ’ ” of I NDRA and VUS HN U s . Arjun , born mighty , with prowess filled 6 TH E E PI C OF AN CI ENT I N D I A

The Adv ent ofArj un

- of Gauntleted and jewel girdled, with his bow ample height,

- Archer Arjun pious hearted to the gods performed a rite,

Then he stepped forth proud and stately in his golden mail encased , L ike the sunl i t cloud of evening with the golden rainbo w graced !

And a gladness stirred the people all around the listed plain , ’ Voice ofdrum and blare o ftrumpet rose with r a néb a r festive strain

M ! son of Prit ha ark the gallant Pandu , whom the happy bore , ’ M t he ofI nDRA s ark heir valour , matchless in his arms and lore,

M of ark the warrior young and valiant, peerless in his skill arms,

M ! - C ark the pure souled, pious hieftain , decked with grace and varied charms

Pr it ha heard such grateful voices borne aloft unto the sky, M of ff o ilk love su used her bosom , tear of j y was in her eye

’ u c ar And where rested Kuru s monarch , joyous accents str ck his , And he tur ned to wise Vidura seeking for the cause to hear

o f Wherefore like the voice ocean , when the tempest winds prevail , Rise these voices ofthe people and the spacious skies assail

’ Vidur a Prit h a s b o Answered him the wise , It is gallant y, ” Godlike moves in golden armour, and the people shout fo r joy !

s o Pleased am I , spake the monarch , and I bless my happy fate, ’ ” Prit h a s sons like fires ofyajna sanctify this mighty State !

of Now the voices the people died away and all was still , t o l Arjun his proud preceptor showed his might and match ess skill , T H E TO U RNAM ENT

o r on on Towering high lowly bending, the turf or his car, ’ list nin With his b o w and g g arrows Arjun waged the mimic war,

n or Targets o the wide arena , mighty tough wondrous small , r one With his arrows bright, unfailing, A jun pierced them and all

- f - Wild boar shaped o solid iron coursed the wide extending field , ’ i - I n its jaws five gl st ning arrows sent the archer wondrous skilled ,

Cow - horn by a thread suspended, and by winds unceasing swayed ,

- on One and twenty well aimed arrows this moving mark he laid ,

And with equal skill his rapier did the godlike Arjun wield, Whirling round his mace o fbattle ranged the spacious tourney field

The Advent of Kama

of Now the feats arms are ended , and the closing hour draws nigh , ’ M s u ic s voice is hushed in silence, and dispersing crowds pass by,

- Hark Like welkin shaking thunder wakes a deep and deadly sound , Clank and din o fwarlike weapons burst upon the tented ground !

is O t Are the solid mountains splitting, it bursting f the ear h , Is it tempest ’ s pealing accent whence the lightning takes its birth

for Thoughts like these alarm the people the sound is dread and high , To the gate ofthe arena turns the crowd with anxious eye !

’ Pa nd u s Gathered round preceptor Drona , sons in armour bright ,

fi ve - o f Like the starred constellation round the radiant Queen Night ,

D ur odhan Gathered round the proud y , dreaded for his exploits done. ’ his s n All brave and warlike brothers and preceptor Drona s o , 8 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

I NDR - So the gods encircled A, thunder wielding, fierce and bold, ’ When he scattered Danu s children in the misty days of old !

Pale, before the unknown warrior, gathered nations part in twain , o f ! Conqueror hostile cities, lofty Karna treads the plain

f In his golden mail accoutred and his rings o yellow gold, f ! L ike a moving cli f in stature, armed comes the chieftain bold

Pr it ha on , yet unwedded , bore him , peerless archer the earth ,

Portion of the solar radiance, for the Sun inspired his birth

L ike a tusker in his fury, like a lion in his ire,

- Like the sun in noontide radiance, like the all consuming fire

- a s L ion like in build and muscle , stately a golden palm , ! Blessed with every manly virtue, peerless warrior proud and calm

f f With his looks serene and lofty field o war the chie surveyed, Scarce to Kripa or to Drona honour and obeisance made !

Still the panic - stricken people viewed him with un moving gaze , ! Who may be this unknown warrior, question they in hushed amaze

’ f Prit ha s son Then in voice o pealing thunder spake fair eldest , ’ U Pr it ha s ! ! nto Arjun , youngest, each , alas to each unknown

of All thy feats weapons, Arjun , done with vain and needless boast, These and greater I accomplish— witness be this mighty host !

Thus spake proud and peerless Karna in his accents deep and loud , And a s moved by sudden impulse leaped in joy the listening crowd !

’ D odhan And a gleam of mighty transport glows in proud ury s heart, Flames ofwrath and jealous anger from the eyes ofArjun start !

’ Prit ha s - s on Drona gave the word, and Karna, war beloving , With his sword and with his arrows did the feats by Arjun done !


Now the clouds with lurid flashes gathered darkling, thick and high , o f Lines cranes like gleams of laughter sailed across the gloomy sky ,

’ - I NDR Rain god A over Arjun watched with father s partial love, S UR m Watchful YA over Ka a shed his light from far above,

n Arjun stood in darkeni g shadow by the inky clouds concealed , Bold and bright in open sunshine radiant Karna stood revealed !

D ur odhan Proud y and his brothers stood by Karna calm and bold, u Bhishma O Drona stood by gallant Arj n , and brave , warrior ld,

o ne o r Women too with partial glances viewed the other chief, But by an equal love divided silent Prit ha swooned in grief !

Vidur a Wise , true to duty, with an anxious hurry came,

- woe - Sandal drops and sprinkled water roused the distracted dame,

she o fwoe And saw her sons in combat, words she uttered none , son ! Speechless wept, for none must fathom Karna was her eldest

The An oint ment of Ka ma

Crested Karna, helm ed Arjun , proudly trod the spacious green , ’ d Kripa , skilled in herald s duties , spake upon the drea ful scene

’ Tb is is b elnzet - w ea r in d a n s r un ! fur u s mi /st r a ce g rj , p g of g y , ’ Pa ndu s s on a nd b or ne b Pr it b a r ince o w or t b a nd w a r life r a ce y , p f g ,

’ ' n - med b i ecla r e t b linea e a nd t b e r a ce t b u L o a r C . d o a os t a dor n g ef y g , , N a me t b mot /yer a nd M a l b er a nd t b e b ous e t b a t s a w t b ee b or n y yf , ,

B t b e r ules o w a r Pr ince Ar un cla ims b is r iv‘ a l cit ie t o fnow y f j f , ’ Pr inces may n ot dr a w t acir w eap on g a ins t a b a s e a nd na meles s foe

Karna silent heard this mandate but his birth could not proclaim , L ike a raindrop - pelted lotus bent his humble head in shame !


L ines ofcranes like gle a m s o fla ught e r A m K ama shed his light

open s uns h ine mut ant

Women t oo wit h part ial gla nces viewed t he o ne or b y an e qual love div ided s ilent Prit ha swo oned ‘ But \V ise . Vid ur a ue t o d a n a u r ca me , tr ut y, with nxious h r y , in kled water roused t he vit ae - dis tract ed

she sa s s in m at wor s fwoe she t t r o e And w her o n co b , d o u e ed n n ,

‘ h Crested Karna, elmed Arjun , proudly trod ’ l e in a i s u o Kripa, ski l d her ld s dut es , pake p n

’ sp r ung ofKa n e s s s o a nd b or ne b Pr it b a r ince c w or t h n y , p f

’ not dr a w Meir w eap on g ains t a

Kar on s ilent he ard this mand ate b ut his birth L ike a raindr op - pclt ed lotus bent his humble he ad in shame !


D ur odhan not of Prince we reckon , cried y , the man birth alone , Warlike leader of his forces as a prince and chief we own !

ofc rownéd i Karna by his warlike valour is kings the p er, ! Karna shall be crowned monarch , nations shall his mandate hear

Forth they brought the corn and treasure , golden coin and water jar, O n the throne they seated Karna famed in many a deathful war ,

ma nt r a Brahmans chanted sacred which the holy books ordain , ’ of ! And anointed Karna monarch , king Anga s fair domain

cb ow r i And they raised the red umbrella, and they waved the fan , Blessings o n the crowned monarch honour t o the bravest man

Now the holy rites accomplished, in his kingly robes arrayed Karna un to prince D uryod han thus in grateful accents prayed

of D ur odhan Gift kingdom , good y , speaketh well thy noble”heart , What return can grateful Karna humbly render on his part ?

D ur odhan Grant thy friendship , cries y , for no other boon I crave , ’ And D uryodhan s dearest comrade be thou Karna true and brave

e so ! B it responded Karna , with a proud and noble grace , And he sealed his loyal friendship in a clear and fond embrace

The Cha riot - driver

s of u l o ! - e Wet with drop toil and lang or, a chariot driver cam , e f L oos ly hung his scanty garments , and a sta f upheld his frame,

Karna, now a crowned monarch , to the humble charioteer ,

Bent his head, still moist with water, as unto a parent dear 1 2 TH E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N DIA

his With his scanty cloth the driver sought dusty feet to hide, son And he hailed the gallant Karna as his and as his pride ,

’ And he clasped unto his bosom crowned Karna s noble head , ’ on - ! And Karna s dripping forehead, fresh and loving tear drops shed

’ I s son of - ? he chariot driver Doubts arose in Bhima s mind, And he sought to humble Karna with reproachful words unkind

- P Wilt thou , high descended hero, with a Kuru cross thy brand

- But the goad of cattle drivers better suits, my friend, thy hand

’ Wilt thou as a cr ownéd monarch rule a mighty nation s weal As the jackals of the jungle sacrificial offerings steal !

’ Quivered Karna s lips in anger, word of answer spake he none , sun ! But a deep sigh shook his bosom , and he gazed upon the

Clos e oft h e Da y

L ike a lordly tusker rising from a beauteous lotus lake, D ur odhan Rose y from his brothers , proudly thus to Bhima spake

With such insults seek not , Bhima, thus to cause a warrior grief,

b e fit - ! Bitter taunts but ill thee, warlike tiger waisted chief

’ r Proudest chiefs may fight the humblest, for like river s noble cou se ,

Noble deeds proclaim the warrior, and we question not their source

Teacher Drona, priest and warrior, owns a poor and humble birth , ! Kripa, noblest of Gautamas, springeth from the lowly earth

Known to me thy lineage Bhima, thine and of thy brothers four, d so Amorous gods your birth inspire , they say, in days of yore



’ (The Br ide s Choice)

H E i I T mutual jealousies of the pr nces ncreased from day to day , Yudhisht hir and when , the eldest of all the princes and the

s on Of - eldest the late king Pandu , was recognised heir apparent , D ur odhan w o the anger of y and his brothers kne n bounds . And P they formed a dark scheme to kill the sons of andu . The sons of Pandu were induced with their mother to pay a Vara na vat a visit to a distant town called . A house had been built o f there for their residence , constructed inflammable materials. At the appointed time fire was se t to the house ; but the fi ve brothers and their mother escaped the c onfl agrat io n through a sub dis i se terranean passage , retired into forests , and lived in the g u f o Brahmans . In course oftime they heard o f the approaching celebration o f of r ince ss P the marriage the of anchala , an ancient kingdom in the vicinity of modern { a no uj . All the monarchs of Northern India were invited , and the bride would choose her husband from among a nc e n S w a a mv a r the assembled kin gs according to the t y a custom . o The five sons of Pandu decided to g and witness the ceremony .

The portion translated in this Book formed Sections clxxxiv .

o . . to cxxxix . fBook i of the original text

’ anchala s la l i P country g d and joyfu held the r way,

ei so It offa th r mother, chanced by will t e, ’ a for Panc hala e rahm ns bound South s Stat ,

n ile s e a y Brahma s ha d the youth of nobl f me, r i a n r they would jou ney, from what d st nt la d

r m la nd o fEka chakra, o d Yudhisht hir ns e ed so, F o the g o a w r ” With our ancient mother tr avelling unt o dista nt lands we go.

” ’ t he ahma s ue st ed “ in Panchala s fa om Br n q ion , ird ain , io us mo ar a fa s and rac . g n ch , doth mighty e t ordain

sle - is ed o re t h b eau h a nd a nder wa t , d we d wi ty ric r re, lows r um s all t he s , pe f e weet ened air !

w fr i s om s as She ill chose om noble su tor gathered fr the we t and e t, B h nd fai s a b e d a nd b o rig t a r h ll the we ding, rich unteous be the fea st !

’ T H E BRI DE S C H OI C E 1 5

Jour ney to Pa nchala

’ o f wand rin Now the righteous sons Pandu , g far from day to day, ’ Pa nc hal a s Unto South country glad and joyful held their way ,

For so of when travelling with their mother, it chanced by will fate, ’ Pa nc hala s They were met by pious Brahmans bound for South State,

of And the pure and holy Brahmans hailed the youths noble fame, f a Asked them whither they would journey, rom what dist nt land

they came .

E kac hakra , Yudhisht hir d , From the land of good answere s”o With our ancient mother travelling unto distant lands we go.

’ “ Pa nc hala s fair d oma in Heard yenot, the Brahmans questioned , in , D ru ad ? p , good and gracious monarch , doth a mighty feast ordain

’ D ru ad s To that festive land we journey , p bounteous gifts to share, ’ t o s w a a mn a r a Pa ncha la s And see the y of princess fair,

Human mother never bore her , human bosom never fed , From the Altar sprang the maide n who some noble prince will wed !

- Soft her eyes like lotus petal , sweet her tender jasmine form , And a maiden ’ s stainless honour doth her gentle soul inform !

arméd And her brother, mailed and with his bow and arrows dire , S acrific ial Radiant as the blazing altar, sprang from Fire !

- Fair the sister slender waisted , dowered with beauty rich and rare, of ! And like fragrance blue lotus, perfumes all the sweet ened air

She will chose from noble suitors gathered from the west and east ,

Bright and fair shall be the wedding , rich and bounteous be the feast a 1 6 TH E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D I A

Kings will come from distant regions sacrificing wealth and gold ,

s a s t r a - - l Stainless monarchs versed in , pious hearted , mighty sou ed,

Handsome youths and noble princes from each near and distant land ,

- of ! Car borne chieftains bold and skilful , brave heart and stout of hand

And to win the peerless princess they will scatter presents rare,

- Food and milch kine, wealth and jewels , gold and gifts and garments

fair ,

as Noble gifts we take Brahmans , bless the rite with gladsome heart , so Share the feast rich and bounteous , then with joyful minds depart .

’ Pa nc hala s Actors, mimes and tuneful minstrels fair court will throng , of ur a na s d s Famed reciters p , ancers skilled and wrestlers trong,

Come with us, the wedding witness , share the banquet rich and rare,

Pleased with gifts and noble presents to your distant home repair .

d Dowered ye are with princely beauty, like the radiant go s above , E ven on you the partial princess may surrender heart and love !

so - d d And this youth tall and stalwart , mighty arme , strong and bol , of He may win in feats valour , and acquire much wealth and gold !

Yudhisht hir Be it so, answered , to Panchala we repair,

View the wedding of the princess and the royal bounty share .

P Thus the righteous sons of andu with the Brahmans took their way, ’ an hala s D ru ad Where in South P c kingdom mighty p held his sway .

r is hi Now the sinless saintly , deathless bard of deathless lay, of V a sa ! Herald the holy Vedas, y stood before their way

w And the princes bo ed unto him and received his blessings kind , By his mandate to Panchala went with pleased and joyful mind !

Jungle woods and silver waters round their sylvan pathway lay,

Halting at each wayside station marched the princes day by day ,


in Royal guests and princely suitors came pomp of wealth and pride , Car - borne chiefs and mailed warriors came to win the beauteous bride !

- o f North east the festive city they enclosed a level ground, M a l any a dome and st tely palace cunning bui ders built around ,

And by moat and wall surrounded , pierced by gate and arched door, ’ By a canopy of splendour was the red field covered o er !

Now the festive trumpets sounded and the censer fragrance lent, cha nda n o f Sprinkled spread its coolness , wreaths were hung

sweetest scent,

- All around were swan white mansions , lofty domes and turrets high , Like the peaks of white Kailasa cleaving through the azure sky !

Sparkling gems the chambers lighted , golden nets the windows laced , so Spacious stairs wide and lofty were with beauteous carpets graced ,

Rich festoons and graceful garlands gently waved like streamers gay ,

- l of And the swan like si ver mansions glinted in the light day,

e Gates below were throng d with people , far above the chambers lay, With their lofty gilded turrets like the peaks ofH imalay !

I n these halls in pride and splendour dwelt each rich and royal guest, w dr Fired by mutual emulation , and in costly je els est,

- Decked and perfumed sat these rulers , mighty armed, rich in fame ,

- - Lion monarchs , noble destined, chiefs of pure and spotless name,

’ B R HM 0 Pious to the mighty A A, and their subjects h pe and stay,

Loved of all for noble actions , kind and virtuous in their sway .

N o w the festal day approacheth like the heaving of the main , Surge the ranks of gathered nations o ’ er the wide and spacious

plain , ’ T HE BRI DE S CH O I CE 1 9

’ Pandu s sons in guise of Brahmans mix with Brahmans versed in lore , ’ M D ru a d s i ark proud p wealth and splendour, g azing , wonder ng evermore !

Dancers charm the gathered people , singers sing and actors play ,

Fifteen days offestive Splendour greet the concourse rich and gay .

The B ride

s a nhha Sound the drum and voice the Brightly dawns the bridal day, Fresh from morning ’s pure ablutions comes the bride in garments gay !

And her golden bridal garland carries on her graceful arm , D rau adi ! Softly, sweetly, steps p , queen of every winning charm

ma nt r a o f Then a Brahman versed in , ancient priest lunar race , t s ff Ligh the F ire, with pious o erings seeks its blessings and its grace,

of Whispered words benediction saints and holy men repeat , ’ ’

- Conch and trumpet s voice is silent, hushed the lofty war drum s beat ,

And there reigns a solemn silence, and in stately pomp and pride, ’ ’ D ru a d s son his Pa nc hala s p leads forth sister, fair beauteous bride

’ I n his loud and lofty accents like the distant thunder s sound , ’ ’ D rupad s son his father s wishes thus proclaims to all around

Ma r h t his how a s s emhled mona r chs a nd t he t a r et hun on hi h , , g g g , i ’ Thr oug h yon w hir ling pier ce d dis cus let fi v e g lis t ning a r r ow s fly

Whos o hor n o n ob le linea e hit s t he a r us ended a im f g , f s p , ” Let him s t a nd a nd a s his 3 “er don D r u a d s b ea ut eous ma iden cla im!

’ D rau adi Then he turns unto p , tells each prince and suitor s name,

of . Tells his race and lofty lineage , and his warlike deeds fame 20 T H E EPI C OF AN CI ENT I N DIA

The S uitors

D ur odhan of Kuruland Brave y and his brothers , princes the , ! Karna proud and peerless archer, sister seek thy noble hand,

’ ’ And Gandhara s warlike princes , Bhoja s monarch true and bold ,

And the son of mighty Drona , all bedecked in gems and gold

M - King and prince from atsya kingdom grace this noble wedding feast , M onarchs from more distant regions north and south and west and east,

Ta mrali t a on n p and Kalinga the easter ocean wave , ’ ’ Pa t t a n s port whose hardy children western ocean s dangers brave !

ofM - F rom the distant land adra car borne monarch Salya came, ’ D war ka s - Valade va And from sea girt regions known to fame,

’ Vala de va his Yad u s and brother K rishna sprung from race, Vr is hni ! Of the clan descended , soul of truth and righteous grace

’ J a adrat ha S indhu s This is mighty y come from sounding shore, F r o his warlike feats renowned , famed alike for sacred lore ,

’ Ko sal a s This is fair monarch whose bright deeds our heralds sing , of S isu a la F rom the sturdy soil Chedi , p peerless king ,

’ is J arasandha Ma adha s This mighty , come from far g land , ! ! These are other princely suitors, sister eager for thy hand

’ All the wide earth s warlike rulers seek to shoot the distant aim ,

Princess , whoso hits the target , choose as thine that prince of fame

w aflame Decked ith jewels , young and valiant, all with soft desire, of Conscious their worth and valour , all the suitors rose in ire, ’ TH E BRI DE S C H OI C E 2 1

o f o f Nobly born , lofty presence, full young unyielding pride, ’ L ike the tuskers wild and lordly on H ima lay s wooded side

a s f of Each his rival marks oeman as in field deadly strife , D rau adi ow n Each regards the fair p as his his queenly wife,

O n d the gorgeous field they gather by a mad ening passion fired , ’ And they strive as strove the bright gods, when by Uma s love inspired !

- t o i s o And the gods in cloud borne chariots came v ew the scene fair, ADIT S M RUTS Bright YA in their splendour , A in the moving air,

s u a r na s na a s dev a - r is his Winged p , scaly g , pure and high , For a ndha r fva s a s a r a s o f their music famed , g , fair p the sky

Valadeva o f armed with ploughshare , chief righteous fame, t o With the other Yadu chieftains that wondrous bridal came,

m of d Krishna arked the sons Pandu eager for the queenly bri e ,

Like wild tuskers for a lotus , like the fire that ashes hide,

And he knew the warlike brothers in their holy Brahman guise , Valadeva ! Pointed them to , gazing with a glad surprise

But the other chiefs and monarchs with their eyes upon the bride, M of arked nor knew the sons Pandu sitting speechless by their side ,

’ A nd - of KAN DARPA S d the long armed sons Pandu smitten by art, L ooked on her with longing languor and with love - impassioned heart !

Bright immortals gaily crowding viewed the scene surpassing fair , i Heavenly blossoms soft descend ng with a perfume filled the air,

in sk B right celestial cars c oncourse sailed upon the cloudless y, Drum and flute a ncI har p and tabo r sounded deep and sounded high 2 2 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D I A

Tria l ofS kil l

o ne o ne n Uprose by the suitors , marking still the dista t aim ,

Mighty monarchs, gallant princes, chiefs of proud and warlike fame ,

Decked in golden crown and necklace, and inflamed by pride and love ,

Stoutly strove the eager suitors viewing well the targe above,

wa s Strove to string the weapon vainly, tough unbending the bow , ! Slightly bent, rebounding quickly, laid the gallant princes low

Strove the handsome suitors vainly , decked in gem and burnished gold , of C Reft diadem and necklace, fell each hief and warrior bold ,

of Reft golden crown and garland , shamed and humbled in their pride, ’ Pa nchala s ! Groaned the suitors in their anguish , sought no more bride

of Uprose Karna, peerless archer, proudest the archers he ,

And he went and strung the weapon , fixed the arrows gallantly ,

S UR AG N I Stood like YA in his splendour and like in his flame, ’ du s Pan sons in terror whispered, Karna sure must hit the aim

’ But in proud and queenly accents D rupad s queenly daughter sa id ’ ’ t S ut a s s on Monarch s daughter , born a Kshat a, I will not wed

Karna heard with crimsoned forehead, left the emprise almost done ,

Left the bow already circled , silent gazed upon the Sun

’ Chedi s o ft h e Uprose haughty monarch , mightiest monarchs he, O Sisu ala ! ther kings had failed inglorious, p stood forth free

a in F irm in he rt and fixed purpose , bent the tough unbending bow , Vainly for the bow rebounding laid the haughty monarch low

’ J a rasandha Ma adha s Uprose sturdy , fair g mighty chief, d ff! Held the bow and stood undaunte , tall and stately as a cli ’ T H E BRI DE S C H OI C E 2 3

But once more the bow rebounded , fell the monarch in his shame , ’ Left in haste Pa nc hala s mansions for the region whence he came

ofM Uprose Salya , king adra , with his wondrous skill and might , l i ! Fa tering , on his knees descend ng , fell in sad inglorious plight

Thus each monarch fell and faltered , merry whispers went around , And the sound ofstifled laughter circled round the festive ground

Th e Dis g uis ed Arj un

Hushed the merry sound of laughter, hushed each suitor in his shame , d so n o fPr it ha o f ! Arjun , go like , from the ranks Brahmans came

’ a s INDR S Guised Brahman young and holy and like A rainbow bright , All the Brahmans shook their deerskins , cheered him in their hearts ’ delight !

of Some there were with sad misgivings heard the sound joyous cheer,

And their minds were strangely anxious , whispered murmurs Spake their fear

b o w ! Sisu ala Wondrous which p , mighty Salya could not strain , J arasa ndha famed for prowess strove to bend and string in vain , d Can a Brahman weak by nature, and in warlike arms untraine ,

- Wield the bow which crowned monarchs, long armed chieftains have no t strained ?

b o d Sure the Brahman y in folly ares a foolish thoughtless deed , ’ Shame amidst this throng of monarchs, shall it be the Brahman s meed ?

r or Youth in youthful p ide madness will a foolish emprise dare , Sager men should stop his rashness and the Brahman ’s honour spare !

not Shame he will bring unto us , other Brahmans made reply,

Rather in this throng of monarchs , rich renown and honour high , 2 4 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

’ a Like a tusker strong and stately, like Himalay towering crest ,

- Stands unmoved the youthful Brahman , ample shouldered , deep in C hest ,

- d L ion like his gait is agile , and etermined is his air, Trust me he can do an emprise who hath lofty will to dare !

of He will do the feat valour, will not bring disgrace and stain , Nor Is task in all this wide earth which a Brahman tries in vain !

of Holy men subsist on wild fruits , in the strength penance strong ,

Spare in form , in spirit mightier than the mightiest warlike throng

’ not or Ask if tis right foolish when a Brahman tries his fate, ’ I or ! f it leads to woe or glory, if tis mean wondrous great

r is hi J a mada ni b afll ed Son of g kings and chieftains high , And Agastya stainless r ishi drained the boundless ocean dr y !

a n Let this young and d ring Brahma undertake the warlike deed , ’ Let him try and by his prowess win the victor s noble meed

While the Brahmans deep revolving hopes and timid fears expressed , By the b ow the youthful Arjun stood unmoved like mountain crest

d r Silent round the won rous weapon thrice the mighty wa rior went, IS N l To the L ord of Gods , A A , in a silent prayer he bent

t o Then the bow which gathered warriors vainly tried bend and strain , And the monarchs o fthe wide earth sought to string and wield in

vain ,

’ ofINDR VISI—IN U s Godlike Arjun born A , filled with matchless might, b ow ofD r u ad Bent the wondrous p , fixed the shining darts aright ,

wit h t Through the disc the shining arrows fly s range and hissing sound , o n Hit and pierce the distant target, bring it thundering the ground ’ d Shouts of joy and loud applauses Arjun s mighty feat eclare ,

H eavenly blossoms soft descended , heavenly music thrilled the air

Brahma s shoo e r s a rr a ed n k th i deer kins , but e ch i it t chief his ri sing rage and grief !

’ Arjun s glorious deed prolong, in a proud and deathless song !

a nd knew the hero proud brave , ll t o s b afll ed suitor s sought t he ga ant prince ave,

n es e s Yudhishthir e d you g t broth r left , p aceful , goo , gather ing tempest and by gall ant Arjun stood

us no w e e maiden approached th arch r brave, h garla nd and t he bridal r obe s e gave,

’ on n hala s r - wess w Pa c p incess bride, ’ mans blessings so unded joyful far and wide !

The T umd

‘Feasted us wit h pr ince ly b ount y b ut to c ompass our disgrac e ?

I s se of or s e a a e a n thi concour gl iou lik he v nly b nd , Dot h he find no like

’ T H E BR I D E S C HOIC E 2 5

And the Brahmans shook their deerskins, but each irritated chief In a lowly muttered whisper spake his rising rage and grief !

’ ’ S a néb a : o f note and voice trumpet Arjun s glorious deed prolong , Bards and heralds chant his praises in a proud and deathless song

’ D r d upa in the Brahman s mantle knew the hero proud and brave , ’ of f Gainst the rage ba fled suitors sought the gallant prince to save,

his - Yudhisht h ir With twin born youngest brothers left , peaceful , good , Bhima marked the gathering tempest and by gallant Arjun stood !

L ike a queen the beauteous maiden now approached the archer brave , o n she Flung him the bridal garland and the bridal robe gave ,

’ a nc hala s - Arjun by his skill and prowess won P princess bride , People ’ s shouts and Brahmans ’ blessings sounded joyful far and wide !

The Tumul t

- - Spake the suitors, anger shaken , like a forest tempest torn , ’ As Pa nc hal a s courteous monarch came to greet a Brahman - born

o f Shall he like the grass jungle trample us in haughty pride, To a prating priest and Brahman wed the proud and peerless bride

To o ur hopes like nourished saplings shall he now the fruit deny ? ’ ! Monarch proud who insults monarchs , sure a traitor s death shall die

for Honour his rank we know not , have no mercy for his age , of e ur Perish foe crown d monarchs , victim to o righteous rage !

Hath he asked us to his palace , favoured us with royal grace, Feasted us with princely bounty but to compass o ur disgrace ?

o f In this concourse great monarchs , glorious like a heavenly band , Doth he find no likely suitor for his beauteous daughter ’s hand ? 2 6 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

o fr w a a mfva r a so our d And this rite y , sacre laws ordain , Kshat ra s a Is for warlike only, priests that custom shall not st in

o n of I f this maiden a Brahman casts her eye , devoid shame, Let her expiate her folly in a pyre ofblazing flame

’ Leave the priestling in his folly sinning through a Brahman s greed , For we wage no war with Brahmans and forgive a foolish deed !

M o we our uch we to holy Brahmans for realm and wealth and life, Blood ofpriest or wise preceptor shall not stain our noble strife !

of D ru ad I n the blood sinful p we the righteous laws maintain , Such disgrace in future ages monarchs shall not meet again

- - Spake the suitors , tiger hearted , iron handed , bold and strong , Fiercely bent o n blood and vengeance blindly rose the maddened throng

On they came , the angry monarchs , armed for cruel vengeful strife, D r upad midst the holy Brahmans trembling fled for fear o flife

Like wild elephants of jungle rushed the kings upon their foes , a Calm and st tely , stalwart Bhima and the gallant Arjun rose !

Vi With a wilder rage the monarchs ewed these brothers cross their path , Rushed upon the daring warriors for to slay them in their wrath !

’ 3 Weaponless was noble Bhima , but in strength like lightning brand , w ! Tore a tree with peerless prowess , shook it as a mighty and

- And the foe compelling warrior held that mace of living wood ,

Strong as Death with deadly weapon , facing all his foes he stood

t oo his Arjun with godlike valour stood unmoved , bow in hand , Side by side the dauntless brothers met a fierce and fiery band ’ T H E BRI DE S C H OI C E 2 7

Kr is hna t o t h e Res cue

of o f Krishna knew the sons Pandu though in robes Brahmans dressed , Valade va To his elder, , thus his inner thoughts expressed

’ M b o w ark that youth with and arrow and with lion s lordly gait, He is helmet - wearing Arjun greatest warrior midst the great ! M ark his mate, with tree uprooted how he meets the suitor band, Save the tiger - waisted Bhima none can claim such strength of hand

And the youth with eyes like lotus , he who left the court erewhile ,

- Yudhisht hir sin ! He is pious souled , man without a or guile

’ Y udhist hir Pa nd u s - And those youths beside , twin born children they , ’ With her sons the righteous Pr it ha scaped where death and danger la y!

D ur odhan F or the jealous , fierce y darkly schemed their death by fire , ’ ’ But the righteous sons of Pandu scaped D uryodha n s vengeful ire

e Krishna rose amidst the monarchs , strov the tumult to appease , of And unto the angry suitors spake in words righteous peace,

’ ’ M Pa nch ala s onarchs bowed to Krishna s mandate , left festive land ,

Arjun took the beauteous princess, gently led her by the hand . BOOK I I I R A J A S U Y A

(The Imper ial S acr ifice)

IOUS f r CUR incident followed the bridal o D aupadi. The A ’ of u five sons Pand returned with her to the potter s house , where they were living o n alms according to the custom o fBrah r e mans , and the brothers reported to their mother that they had ” c e ived o n . a great gift that day Enjoy ye the gift in common , ’ wa s. replied their mother , not knowing what it And as a mother s d D r a u adi mandate cannot be isregarded, p became the common wife o fthe five brothers . Th e fi of real signi cance this strange legend is unknown . The custom of brothers marrying a common wife prevails to this day in

- o f Thibet and among the hill tribes the Himalayas , but it never prevailed among the Aryan Hindus of India. It is distinctly pro d n h ib it e in their laws and institutes, and finds no sanctio in their

r o r . M a li a - Ma n na o f literatu e, ancient modern The legend in the , brothers marrying a wife in common , stands alone and without a parallel in Hindu traditions and literature . of D rau a di Judging from the main incidents the Epic , p might o f h rather be regarded as the wife the eldest brother Y udhis t hir . w Bhima had already mated himself to a female in a forest, by hom Gh at ot kac ha he had a son , , who distinguished himself in war later o f on . Arjun too married the sister Krishna , shortly after Drau ’ s on Ab himan u padi s bridal , and had by her a , y , who was one of the O n Y udhis ht hi heroes of the war. the other hand , r took to him w D rau adi she Yudhi ht hi self no ife save p , and was crowned with s r

Ra asu a o r . in the j y Imperial Sacrifice Notwithstanding the legend , D ra u adi a s Yudhisht hir therefore, p might be regarded wedded to , 2 8


’ D hrit a - ra sht ra - rast ha s came in gladness unto Indra p town ,

M - on arked its new built tower and turret the azure Jumna frown ,

Bhishma With him came preceptor Kripa , and the ancient came ,

E lders of the race of Kuru , chiefs and Brahmans known to fame. M onarchs came from distant regions to partake the holy rite ,

Warlike chiefs from court and castle in their arms accoutred bright ,

Kshat ra s came with ample tribute for the holy sacrifice ,

of . Precious gems and costly jewels, gold and gifts untold price

D ur odhan n ow f Proud y and his brothers, repaired in riendly guise, Vid ura With the ancient Kuru monarch and good and wise ,

’ son S uvala With his came brave from Gandhara s distant land ,

- b o w . Car borne Salya, peerless Karna , came with and spear and brand

Came the priest and proud preceptor Drona , skilled in arms and lore , ’ J a ad at ha S indh u s y r famed for valour came from sounding shore ,

’ D ru ad Panc hala s of p came with gallant princes from land fame ,

Salwa lord o fouter nations to the mighty gathering came .

h a B agad t t a came in chariot from the land of nations brave, ’ - ot isha s un - Prag jy , where the red wakes on Brahma putra s wave,

mlecb cb a r With him came untutored who beside the ocean dwell ,

Uncouth chiefs of dusky nations, from the lands where mountains


M ’ Came Virata , atsya s monarch , and his warlike sons and bold, S isu ala of his s on p , king Chedi , with bedecked in gold,

Vr ishni o f Came the warlike chiefs of from the shores Western Sea ,

M - ! And the lords of adhya desa, ever warlike ever free TH E I M PERIAL SACRI FI C E 3 x

Feast a nd S a crifi ce

’ ’ J um a s Y udhisht hir s n dark and limpid waters laved palace walls ,

b ail D b a r wa - r a a And to him j , monarchs thronged his royal halls ,

He to honoured kings and chieftains with a royal grace assigned a Palaces with sp rkling waters, and with trees umbrageous lined , e Honour d thus, the mighty monarchs lived in mansions milky white , Like the peaks o ffamed Kailasa lifting proud their snowy height !

a Graceful walls that swept the meadows circled round the royal h lls ,

Nets of gold belaced the casements , gems bedecked the shining walls ,

o f - - Flights steps led up to chambers many tinted carpet graced , And festooning fragrant garlands were harmonious interlaced !

’ Far below from spacious gateways rose the people s gathering cry , ’ And from far the swan - white mansions caught the ravished gazer s

eye ,

Richly graced with precious metals shone the turrets bright and gay , Like the rich - ored shining turrets ofthe lofty H imala y !

d fi iJ ’ of And the scene be ecked by and by priests and kings might , k in S Shone like azure s y plendour , graced by deathless Sons o fLight !

Yudhisht hir Bhishma o f Spake unto , elder the Kuru race ,

Unto Drona , proud preceptor , rich in lore and warlike grace,

a ke o fo ld Sp to wise preceptor Kripa versed in sacred rites , I 0 D ur o dhan his y and brothers , honoured guests and kinsmen bold

favour a nd s wee t a ffect io n Friendsand kinsmen , grant your your lend , ’ Yudhis ht hir s May your kindness ever helpful poor rite attend , 3 2 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

As your own , command my treasure , costly gifts and wealth unt”old , To the poor and to the worthy scatter free my gems and gold !

diér b a Speaking thus he made his , and unto his work inclined , e To his friends and to his kinsmen all their various tasks assign d ,

D uhsasa n n Proud in his bou ty spreads the rich and sumptuous feast, ’ son d ue Drona s with devotion greets each saint and holy priest,

of Sanjay with a regal honour welcomes king and chief might, Bhishma a nd the pious Drona watch the sacrificial rite ,

of n Kripa guards the wealth and treasure , gold and gems u told price , san ct ifie s And with presents unto Brahmans the sacrifice ,

D hrit a - rasht ra S n , old and ightless , through the scene of glad ess strays , Vidura With a careful hand all the mighty cost defrays ,

D ur odhan Proud y took the tribute which the chiefs and monarchs paid ,

‘ Pious Krishna unto Brahmans honour and obeisance made .

’ J umna s ! Twas a gathering fair and wondrous , on fair sacred shore ' mr b éa r Tributes in a thousand every willing monarch bore,

of Costly gifts proclaimed the homage of each prince warlike might ,

Chieftains vied with rival chieftains to assist the holy rite, I Bright mmortals, robed in sunlight , sailed across the liquid sky, And their gleaming cloud - borne chariots rested o n the turrets high

- Hero monarchs , holy Brahmans filled the halls bedecked in gold,

- in ma nt r a t o White robed priests adept mingled with the chief ains b ld ,

of - And amidst this scene splendour, pious hearted , pure and good ,

n RU N - Yudhisht hir ! Like the si less god VA A, gentle souled stood

Yudhisht hir ff d Six bright fires lighted , o erings made to go s above , ’ Gifts unto the poor and lowly spake the monarch s boundless love , T H E I M PERIAL SAC RI FI C E 3 3

of Hungry men were fed and feasted with an ample feast rice ,

Costly gifts to holy Brahmans graced the noble sacrifice ,

Ida a a b oma ff on , jy , o erings, pleased the Shining Ones high , Brahmans pleased with costly presents with their blessings filled the s ky

Glimp s es oft h e Trut h

da o fa b b ir b eéa Dawned the y , proud anointment, sacred bath o n Yudhisht hir Crowned kings and learned Brahmans crowded s path ,

’ a s r is b ir R H S And gods and heavenly throng in B A MA mansions bright , Holy priests and noble monarchs graced the inner sacred site !

Measureless their fame and virtue, great their penance and their power , e e And in conv rse de p and learned Brahmans passed the radiant hour ,

on And subjects great and sacred , oft divided in their thought ,

Various sages in their wisdom various diverse maxims taught, e Weaker reasons seemed the stronger , faultless reasons often fail d , Keen disputants like the falcon fell on views their rivals held !

e of d Some were vers d in Laws Duty, some the Holy Vows professe ,

Some with gloss and varied comment still his learned rival pressed ,

u Bright the concourse of the Brahmans nto sacred learning given , a Like the concourse of the bright st rs in the glorious vault of heaven ,

of a o n t None impure caste and conduct tresp ssed the holy si e, ’ None o fimpure life and manners stained Y udhis ht hir s sacred rite !

w a - r ir b i t D , saintly Narad , marked the sacrificial ri e , ’ Yudhis ht hir s Sanctifying by its lustre good royal might , 3 4 T H E E PI C OF AN C I ENT I N D IA

’ of r ir b i s And a ray heavenly wisdom lit the inner eye , A s he saw the gathered monarchs in the concourse proud and high !

He had heard from lips celestial in the heavenly mansions bright, ! All these kings were gods incarnate, portions of Celestial Light

saw o s k And he in them emb died beings of the upper y, And in lotus - eyed Krishna saw the Highest of the High !

N R N ’ Saw the ancient A AYA A , great creation s Primal Cause ,

Who had sent the gods as monarchs to uphold his righteous laws ,

d Battle for the cause of virtue , perish in a eadly war, Then to seek their upper mansions in the radiant realms afar !

’ N R N on A AYA A, World s Preserver, sent immortal gods earth , of d He himself in race Ya u hath assumed his mortal birth ,

’ Vrishni s L ike the moon among the planets born in noble clan , WOI’ S hi — R Y N ofMa n ! He whom bright gods render p , NA A A A, Son

- d ! his Primal Cause and Self create when is done purpos”e high , R N s k N A AYA A leads Immortals to their dwelling in the y.

of Such bright glimpses the Secret came unto his inner sight,

As in lofty contemplation Narad gazed upon the rite .

The Arg hya

Out s ake Bhishma Yudhisht hi z M i p to r onarch of this wide doma n ,

Honour due to crowned monarchs, doth our sacred law ordain ,

Ar b a t o t o g y to the wise Preceptor, the Kinsman and Priest ,

To the Friend and to the Scholar, to the King as lord of feast , T H E I M PERIAL SAC RI F I C E 3 5

a b a so Unto these is due the rg y , our holy writs have said , Therefore to these kings assembled be the highest honour paid

Noble are these crowned monarchs , radiant like the noonday sun ,

To the noblest, first in virtue, be the foremost honour done

Y udhisht hir “ Who is noblest, quoth , in this galaxy of fame, Who of chiefs and cr ownéd monarchs doth o ur foremost honour claim

’ Po nd r ing spake the ancient Bhis hma in his accents deep and clear Greatest midst the great is Krishna ! chief of men without a peer

M - m idst these monarchs pure in lustre , purest hearted and ost high Like the radiant sun is Krishna midst the planets ofthe s ky !

’ Sunless climes are warmed to verdure by the sun s returning ray , Windless wastes are waked to gladness when reviving breezes play

so r a a r u a E ven this j y , holy sacrificial rite, ” Owes its sanctity and splendour unto Krishna ’s holy might !

Bhishma spake and Sahadeva served his mandate quick as thought , a r b a And the g y duly flavoured unto peerless Krishna brought ,

in of ff a r b a Krishna trained rules virtue then the o ered g y took , ’ Darkened S is upala s forehead and his frame in tremor shook !

Yudhis ht hir Bhishma To and to turns the chief his flaming eyes, Sisu ala To the great and honoured Krishna , p wrathful cries .

’ S is upa l a s Pride

’ N ot Vrishni s to uncrowned hero should this reverence be paid , Midst these mighty crowned monarchs in their kingly pomp arrayed 3 6 TH E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

’ l l! Yudhisht hir Pandu s so n beseems the good , royal righteous , d Homage to an uncrowned chieftain , to the lowly honour one

’ Pa nd u s sons are yet untutored , and with knowledge yet unblessed Knowing Bhishma blessed with wisdom hath the rules o f courts transgressed

o f Learned in the L aws Duty he hath sinned from partial love, Conscious breach of rules o fhonour doth o ur deeper hatred move !

M mo nar c hs rulin o f idst these crowned godlike , g kings righteous fame , ? Can this uncrowned Vris hni chieftain foremost rank and honour claim

Doth he as a sage and elder claim the homage to him done ? Sure his father Vasudeva hath his claims before his so n

’ Doth he as Y udhis ht hir s kinsman count as foremost and the best ? Royal D r upad by alliance surely might the claim contest !

Doth he as a wise preceptor claim the highest , foremost place , When the wise preceptor Drona doth this royal mansion grace

U nto Krishna as a r irb i should the foremost rank be given t V a sa Sain ly y claims the honour , Vedic bard inspired by Heaven ! Unto Krishna should we render honour for his warlike fame ? ’ T Bhishma ! hou O Death s Subduer, surely might precedence claim !

Unto Krishna for his knowledge sho uld the noble prize we yield ? ’ Dro na s s o n unmatched in learning surely might contest the field

D ur odh an Great y midst the princes stands alone without a peer , o f ! Kripa priest of royal Kurus , holiest all priests is here

Archer Karna — braver archer none there is ofmortal birth w h! Karna learnt his arms from Rama , he who sle the kings of eart

Wherefore then to unknown Krishna render we this homage free ? kin nor n , , g ! Sai tly priest nor wise preceptor _ foremost chief is he


S isu a la Loudly laughed proud p , spake with bitter taunt and jeer, Answered Krishna’ s lofty menace with d isdain and cruel sneer

Wherefore in this vast assembly thus proclaim thy tale of shame, I f thy wedded wife and consort did inspire my youthful flame ?

of Doth a man sense and honour , blest with wisdom and with pride, Thus proclaim his wedded consort was another ’ s loving bride ? ! Do thy worst Or if by anger or by thy forgiveness led , ’ ” S isu ala ! p seeks no mercy, nor doth K rishna s anger dread

’ L owered K rishna s eye and forehead , and unto his hands there came

Fatal disc , the dread of sinners , disc that never missed its aim M ! onarchs in this hall assembled Krishna in his anger cried , ’ ’ Oft Chedi s hath impious monarch Krishna s noble rage defied ,

his F or unto pious mother plighted word and troth was given , ’ S isu ala s p hundred follies would by Krishna be forgiven ,

I have kept the plighted promise, but his crimes exceed the ”tale , And beneath this vengeful weapo n S isupala now shall quail !

Then the bright and whirling discus, as this mandate Krishna said , Fell Sisu a la on impious p , from his body smote his head,

- - Fell the mighty armed monarch like a thunder riven rock , Severed from the parent mountain by the bolt ’ s resistless shock !

b e - And his soul cleansed ofpassions came forth from its mortal shroud , sun L ike the radiant in splendour from a dark and mantling cloud,

aflame Unto Krishna good and gracious , like a lurid spark , S isu ala ! Chastened of its sin and anger, soul of p came

Rain descends in copious torrents , quick the lurid lightnings fly, sk ! And the wide earth feels a tremor , restless thunders shake the y

Various feelings sway the monarchs as they stand in hushed amaze , o n Mutely in those speechless moments the lifeless warrior gaze , T H E I M PER IAL SAC RI FI CE 3 9

Some there are who seek their weapons , and their nervous fingers shake, t And their lips they bite in anger , and heir frames in tremor quake ,

’ Others in their inmost bosom welcome Krishna s righteous deed , ’ S isu ala as L ook on death of p a sinner s proper meed ,

Rir b ir bless the deed of Krishna as they wend their various ways , ’ Brahmans pureand pious - hearted chant the righteous Krishna s praise

Yudhist hir - Sad , gentle hearted , thus unto his brothers said

Funeral rites and regal honours be performed unto the dead ,

Duteously his faithful brothers then performed each pious rite , ’ u Chedi s Hono rs due to monarch , to his rank and peerless might ,

’ ’ S isu ala s p son they seated in his mighty father s place, ’ ! And with holy a b b ir b céa hailed him king of Chedi s race

Y udhis ht hir Emp eror

fi Thus removed the hapless hindrance, now the holy sacri ce Was u performed with joy and splendo r and with gifts of gold and rice , d Godlike Krishna watched benignly with his bow and isc and mace , Yudhish t hir And closed the feasting with his kindliness and grace .

’ o n Brahmans sprinkled holy water the empire s righteous lord , l All the monarchs made obeisance , spake in sweet and gracefu word

’ ofA amidha ! Born of race j thou hast spread thy father s fame , Rising by thy native virtue thou hast won a mightier name !

And this rite unto thy station doth a holier grace instil , And thy royal grace and kindness all our hope and wish fulfil

“3 O o Grant king f mighty monarchs now unto our realms we g , ’ E mperor o e r earthly rulers ! blessings and thy grace bestow ! 40 T H E EPI C OF AN C I ENT I N D IA

Yudhisht hir Then to the monarchs parting grace and honours paid, A nd unto his duteous brothers thus in loving - kindness said

To our feast these noble monarchs came from loyal love they bear”, of o ur . Far as confines their kingdoms , with them let friends repair

b est And his brothers and his kinsmen duteously his obey, o n With each parting guest and monarch journey the homeward way ,

- D ru ad Arjun wends with high souled p , famed for lofty warlike grace ,

D hrisht a - d umna M y with Virata , monarch of the atsya race,

’ o n Bhishma on Bhima the ancient and Kuru s king doth wait, o n Sahadeva waits Drona , great in arms , in virtue great,

’ d With Gandhara s warlike monarch brave Nakula hol s his way ,

Other chiefs with other monarchs where their distant kingdoms lay .

’ Yudhisht hir s Last of all kinsman , righteous Krishna fain would part , And unto the good Yudhisht hir Opens thus his joyful heart

’ r a a r a a ! Done this glorious j j , joy and pride of Kuru s race

O ! se a - w Grant, f”riend to girt D arka, Krishna now his steps must t race .

sad Yudhisht hir By thy grace and by thy valour , thus replies , ! By thy presence, noble Krishna I performed this high emprise,

’ - o Yudhis ht hir s By thy all subduing glory monarchs b re sway, ! Came with gifts and costly presents, came their tributes rich to pay

M ? ust thou part my uttered accents may not bid thee, friend , to go,

I n thy absence vain were empire, and this life were full of woe,

art e st ! b el ovéd ! Yet thou p , sinless Krishna dearest, best friend ’ D wa r ka e - hi And to ” s s a washed mansions Krishna must s footsteps bend !

’ Y udhis ht hir s - Then unto mother , pious hearted Krishna hies , And in accents love - inspiring thus unto fair Pr it ha cries TH E I M PERIAL SAC RI FI C E 4 1

Regal fame and righteous glory crown thy sons , revered dame J in ! o y thee in their peerless prowess , their holy, spotless fame

’ ’ Ma y thy sons success and triumph cheer a widowed mot”her s heart , 0 ! for . Grant me leave, noble lady to Dwarka I depart

’ Yudhisht hir s D rau adi From queen p , Krishna parts with many a tear , ’ ’ S ub ha d ra ! And from Arjun s wife , Krishna s sister ever dear ff Then the chief with due ablutions to the gods his o erings made ,

Priests their sacred benedictions on the righteous Krishna laid ,

And his faithful chariot - driver brought his falcon - bannered car,

Like the clouds in massive splendour, and resistless in the war ,

Pious Krishna mounts the chariot, fondly greets his friends once more , ’ ’ Leaves blue J umna s sacred waters for his D war ka s dear - loved shore .

Yudhisht hir Still and his brothers , sad and sore and grieved at heart , ’ not see Followed Krishna s moving chariot, for they could him part ,

Krishna stopped once more his chariot , and his parting blessings gave , Thus the chief with eyes of lotus spake in accents calm and brave

! Kin o men w it h s lee /ers w a t chin efver ua r d t h hin dom a ir g f p g , g y g f , ’ Lihe a a t her t end t h s ub ect s w it h a a t her s lov e a nd ca r e f y j , f ,

B e unt o t hem lihe t he r a in - dr o n our is hin t he t hir s t r ound p , g y g , B e un t o t hem t r ee s helt er s ha din t hem r om hea t a r ound of , g f ,

Lihe t he b lue s h ev er hendin he unt o t hem ev er hind y g ,

An er - !er r a nd APRAMATTA r ule t hem w it h a v ir t uous mind g ,

- Spake and left the saintly Krishna , pure and pious hearted chief, ' Sad Yudhis ht hir wended homeward and his heart was filled with grief. B O O K I V


(The Fa ta l Dice) D U RYOD H AN came back from the Imperial Sacrifice filled Yudhisht hir ff with jealousy against , and devised plans to e ect ’ h is . S a kuni o f D ur od han s fall , prince Gandhara , shared y hatred towards the sons of Pandu , and helped him in his dark scheme . Yudhisht hir with all his piety and righteousness had one weak wa s ness , the love of gambling , which one of the besetting sins of

o f . S a k uni the monarchs the day was an expert at false dice , Yudhisht hir Y udhisht hir o f and challenged , and held it a point honour not to decline such a challenge .

- H ast ina - He came from his new capital , Indra prastha , to pura o f D ur od ha n his the capital y , with mother and brothers and

D rau adi. Yud hisht hir p And as lost game after game , he was of stung with his losses , and with the recklessness a gambler still o n went with the fatal game . His wealth and hoarded gold and jewels , his steeds , elephants and cars , his slaves male and female , ! his empire and possessions , were all staked and lost Yudhisht hir The madness increased , and staked his brothers , D rau a di ! and then himself, and then the fair p , and lost And thus the Emperor ofIndra - prastha and his family were deprived of every

- o f D ur odhan . possession on earth , and became the bond slaves y old D hrit a—ra sht ra The king released them from actual slavery , but the five brothers retired to forests as homeless exiles .

Portions of Section lxv . and the whole of Sections lxix . , lxxvi . ,

o f . o f and lxxvii . Book ii the original text have been translated in this Book . TH E FATAL DI C E 43

Dra up a di in t h e Council H all

’ ’ Glassed on Ganga s limpid waters brightly shine H ast ina s walls ! Queen D raupadi duly honoured lives within the palace halls !

’ But as steals a lowly jackal in a lordly lion s den , ’ ’ h a Base D uryod an s humble menial came to proud D r upadi s ken .

’ a so n Pardon , E mpress, quoth the menial , royal Pandu righteous , his his Lost game and lost reason , E mpress, thou art staked and won

D ur odha n sa Prince y claims thee , lady, and the victor bids me y,

Thou shalt serve him as his vassal , as his slave in palace stay

menial ri ht l s he Have I heard thee , , g y questioned in anguish keen , Doth a crowned king and husband st ake his wife and lose his queen ?

Did my noble lord and monarch sense and reason lose at dice, O ther stake he did not wager , wedded wife to sacrifice O ther stakes were duly wagered , menial spake with bitter groan , Yudhisht hir his o wn Wealth and empire , every object which called ,

his Lost himself and all brothers , bondsmen are those princes brave , ’ Then he sta”ked his wife and empress , thou art prince Duryodhan a slave !

’ h Rose the queen in queenly anger , and with woman s ride s e spake n D rau adi 8 Hie thee , menial , to thy master , Quee p answer take !

If my lord , himself a bondsman , then hath staked his queen and wife , ’ a for ! False the st ke , owns a bondsman neither wealth nor other s life

is Slave can wager wife nor children , and such action undone , m D ur odhan D rau adi Take y word to prince y , Queen p is unwon ! ' 44 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

’ D ur odha n f D rau adi s I n his fury heard y air p message bold , D uh sa sa n To his younger , wild , thus his angry mandate told

- Little minded is the menial , and his heart in terror fails ,

o f l o - ! F or the fear wrathful Bhima , his coward bosom quails

D uhsa sa n Thou , bid the princess as our humble slave appear, ’ Pa nd u s ! sons are humble bondsmen , and thy heart it owns no fear

D uhsa san - Fierce heard the mandate , blood shot was his flaming eye ,

Forthwith to the inner chambers with his eager steps did hie,

’ ’ sat D ra u adi Proudly the fair p , monarch s daughter , monarch s wife,

D uh sasan - Unto her the base spake the message , insult rife

- - ! Lotus eyed Panchala princess fairly staked and won at game, D ur o dhan of Come and meet thy lord y , chase that mantling blush shame !

our - Serve us as thy lords and masters , be beauteous bright eyed slave”, ! Come unto the Council Chamber, wait upon the young and brave

’ D rau adi D uhsa sa n s Proud p shakes with tremor at hateful sight, s he And shades her eye and forehead , and her bloodless cheeks are


At his words her chaste heart sickens, and with wild averted eye , D rau adi Unto rooms where dwelt the women , Queen p seeks to fly ,

Vainly sped the trembling princess in her fear and in her shame, By her streaming wavy tresses fierce D uh sas an held the dame !

r a a eu a Sacred locks with holy water dewed at j y rite,

ma nt r a - And by consecrated , fragrant, flowing , raven bright,

D uhsasan Base by those tresses held the faint and flying queen ,

Feared no more the sons of Pandu, nor their vengeance fierce and keen ,

Dragged her in her slipping garments by her long and trailing hair,

s - f ! And like sapling tempe t shaken , wept and shook the trembling air


’ sha me a nd u a at a d s fe ang ish , p le with wr h n woman ar, *in i ed a e s us a e ea t ea st fl cc nt , th she sp k with str ming r

e ve me s a meless e D uhsasa n ! e s e e h a , h princ lder , noble lords ar h re,

“ Can a modest wedd ed woman thus in loose attire appear i m y which the weeping pr ncess ade, mor tal s she in bitter anguish prayed !

rd-s o fins ul t still D uhsa sa n moc ked he r woe of — t o c i b all ! void clothing , the ounc l you go

a o s s con uered , w it up n thy ma ter brave , qs s e us a s o ur la ! a , erv willing s ve

h l met r e and in o t e o y . every h ly ri ,

' so n of a w n sa s my nob le ri ht eo s ord D . g u l ,

’ " Silent a ll and wil l no c hieft ain rise t o save a woman s li fe ?

’ s is ra s a c e nt a lo t Bha t n i n me,


’ Stooping in her shame and anguish , pale with wrath and woman s fear ,

Trembling and in stifled accents , thus she spake with streaming tear

D uhsa sa n ! d , , Leave me , shameless prince el ers noble lord”s are here Can a modest wedded woman thus in loose attire appear ?

Vai n the words and soft entreaty which the weeping princess made , Vainly to the gods and mortals s he in bitter anguish prayed !

Fo r with cruel words of i nsult still D uhsasa n mocked her woe

o r - ! Loosely clad void of clothing , to the council hall you go

- a Slave wench fairly st ked and conquered , wait upon thy masters brave , o ur ! L ive among household menials , serve us as our willing slave

’ Dra upa di s Pl aint

- ed D ra u adi L oose attir , with trailing tresses , came p weak and faint ,

Stood within the Council Chamber, tearful made her piteous plaint

! r a r t r a a nd Elders versed in holy , in every holy rite, Pardon if D ra upadi cometh in this sa d u nseemly plight !

a D uhsasan St y thy sinful deed, , nameless wrongs and insults spare , ’ Touch me not with hands uncleanly , sacred is a woman s hair !

re o n Honou d elders , righteous nobles , have me protection given , m Tremble sinner, seek no mercy fro the wrathful gods in heaven !

in son o f H R Here glory , D A MA , sits my noble righteous lord , ’ S in nor shame nor human frailty stains Yudhisht hir s deed or word !

? ’ Silent all and will no chieftai n rise to save a woman s life ? Not a hand or voice is lifted to defend a virtuous wife ?

’ ’ Lost is Kuru s righteous glory, lost is Bharat s ancient name , ’ Ks hat ra s n Lost is ki gly prowess , honour, worth a nd knightly fame ! 46 T H E EPI C OF ANC I ENT I N D IA

d o Wherefore else Kuru warriors tamely view this impious scene, Wherefore gleam not righteous weapons to protect an outraged queen

Bhis hma , hath he lost his virtue, Drona , hath he lost his might , Hath the monarch ofthe Kurus ceased to battle for the right ?

Wherefore are ye mute and voiceless, councillors of mighty fame ’ ” Vacant eye and palsied right arm watch this deed of Kuru s shame !

I ns ul t a nd Vow of Reveng e

D rau adi - Spake p slender waisted, and her words were stern and high , Anger flamed within her bosom and the tear was in her eye !

’ Pa ndu s And her sparkling , speaking glances fell on sons like fire , Stirred in them a mighty passion and a thirst for vengeance dire !

lit t led ree ke d for Lost their empire , wealth and fortune , they the fall, ’ But D raupad1 s pleading glances like a poniard smote them all

Bhishma Darkl y frowned the ancient , wrathful Drona bit his tongue , Pale Vidura marked with anger insults on D ra upadi flung !

a Fulsome word nor foul dishonour could their truthful utterance t int , ’ ’ D uhsasa n s D rau adi s And they blamed action , when they heard p plaint !

’ - foe he But brave Karna , though a warrior, Arjun s deadly was , ’ Gainst the humbled sons ofPandu spake his scorn thus bitterly

’ of ! Tis no fault thine, fair princess fallen to this servile state,

Wife and son rule not their actions, others rule their hapless fate

Yudhis ht hir Thy sold his birthright, sold thee at the impious play, — ! And the wife falls with the husband , and her duty to obey T H E FATAL D I C E 47

’ Live thou in this Kuru household , do the Kuru princes will , as ! Serve them thy lords and masters, with thy beauty please them still Fair One ! seek another husband who in foolish reckless game not ! Will not stake a loving woman , will cast her forth in shame

she For they censure not a woman , when is a menial slave, If her woman ’ s fancy wanders to the young and to the brave !

For thy lord is not thy husband , as a slave he hath no wife, Thou art free with truer lover to enjoy a wedded life !

’ w a a mv'a r a e Panchala s They whom at the r y , chose y , fair bride ,

D rau adi, d They have ”lost thee , sweet p lost their empire an their pride !

Bhima heard , and quick and fiercely heaved his bosom in his shame , And his red glance fell on Karna like a tongue ofwithering flame !

’ Bound by elder s plighted promise Bhima could not smite in ire , L ooked a painted form o fAnger flaming with an anguish dire ! ! King and elder uttered Bhima , and his words were few and brave , Vain were wrath and righteous passion in the sold and bounden slave !

W of - o n ould that son chariot driver fling us this insult keen , ” a ? Hadst thou , noble king and elder, st ked nor freedom nor our queen

Y udhis ht hir Sad heard in anguish , bent in shame his lowly head , D ur odhan Proud y laughed in triumph , and in scornful accents said

’ S eak Y udhisht hir for o wn p , , thybrothers theirelder s righteous sway, h Speak , for trut in thee abideth , virtue ever marks thy way,

H - ast thou lost thy new built empire and thy brothers proud and brav”e D rau adi d our ? Hast thou lost thy fair p , is thy wed ed wife slave

Li did Y udhis ht hir p nor eye move , hateful truth would not deny , a l Bhishma old ! Karna l ughed , but saint y wiped his and manly eye D 48 T H E E PI C OF AN C I ENT I N D I A

D ur odhan Madness seized the proud y , and inflamed by passion base , Sought t h e prince to stain D raupadi with a deep and foul disgrace !

On the proud and peerless woman cast his loving, lustful eye , Sought to hold the high - born princess as his slave upon his knee !

n o - his Bhima penned his wrath longer , lightning like glance he flung , And the ancient hall of Kurus with his thunder accents rung

Ma I nev er r ea ch t hos e ma ns ions w her e m a t her : liv e on hi h y yf g , ne ver meet a nces t or s in t he hr i ht a nd ha s h g ppy y,

t ha t hnee b w hich t hou s inner t B hima hr ea hs not in his ir e If , y , , ’ I n t he ha t t /e s r ed a r ena w it h his w ea on dea t ul dir e p , hf ,

’ o n Red fire flamed Bhima s forehead , sparkled from his angry eye , As from tough and gnarled branches fast the crackling red sparks fly !

’ Dhrit a - ra s ht ra s Kin dnes s

! Hark within the sacred chamber, where the priests in white attire fi With libations morn and evening feed the sacri cial fire,

’ ofhoma ma nt r a And o er sacred rites Brahmans chant their high , There is heard the jackal ’ s wailing and the raven ’ s ominous cry

Vidura Wise knew that omen , and the Queen Gandhari knew , ’ Bhishma w a s t i w a s t i . muttered at this portent strange and new ,

Drona and preceptor Kripa uttered too that holy word ,

Spake her fears the Queen Gandhari to her spouse and royal lord .

D hrit a - rasht ra heard and trembled with a sudden holy fear , d And his feeble accents quavere , and his eyes were dimmed by tear

D ur odhan Son y , ever luckless , godless , graceless , witless child , ’ Hast thou D r upad s virtuous daug hter thus insulted and reviled ?


80 n Not , answered him the princess , other boo I may not seek , D rau adi Thou art bounteous , and p should be modest , wise and meek ,

K shat ra Twice I asked , and twice you granted , and a asks no more,

Unto Brahmans it is given , asking favours evermore !

N ow u my lord and warlike brothers, from their hatef l bondage freed , Seek their fortune by their prowess and by brave and virtuous deed

Th e Ba nis hment

’ u hisht hir Now Y d reft ofempire, far from kinsmen , hearth and home,

With his wife and faithful brothers must as houseless exiles roam .

Yudhisht hir o f ! Parting blessing spake , E lder the Kuru line Bhishma ! ! Noble grandsire , stainless may thy glories ever shine

! ! Drona , priest and great preceptor saintly Kripa true and brave ’ Kuru s monarch D hrit a - ras ht ra ! may the gods thy empire save !

Vidura ! ! Good true and faithful may thy virtue serve thee we”ll Warlike sons of D hrit a - ra sht ra ! let me bid you all farewell !

So he spake unto his kinsmen , wishing good for evil done , ! And in silent shame they listened , parting words they uttered none

Vidura d Pained at heart was good , and he asked in sore istress Ar a Pr it ha sh e ? y , will wander in the pathless wilderness

- Royal born , unused to hardship , weak and long unused to roam ,

Prit ha . Aged is thy saintly mother , let fair stay at home

Prit ha And by all beloved , respected , in my house shall dwell”, Till your years of exile over , ye shall greet her safe and well . TH E FATAL DI C E 5 1

of : sa Answered him the sons Pandu Be it even as you y, s Unto u thou art a father , we thy sacred will obey, ! Give us then thy holy blessings , friend and father ere we part,

Blessings from the true and righteous brace the feeble, fainting heart .

’ Vidura - : of Spake , pious hearted Best Bharat s ancient race, ! Let me bless thee and thy brothers, souls of truth and righteous grace

no Fortune brings weal to mortals who may win by wicked wile , Sorrow brings no shame to mortals who are free from sin and guile !

of Thou art trained in laws duty , Arjun is unmatched in war,

And on Bhima in the battle kindly shines his faithful star,

And the Twins excel in wisdom , born to rule a mighty State, D rau adi of ! Fair p , ever faithful , wins the smiles fickle Fate

o fo ne Each with varied gifts endowed , each beloved and all ,

Ye shall win a spacious empire, greater , mightier, after fall ,

Y udhisht hir i This your exile , good , is orda ned to serve your weal , s a madhi ! I s a trial and , for it chastens but to heal

H imala Meru taught thee righteous maxims where y soars above , ’ Varna vat a s V asa And in forest y taught thee holy love,

’ o f Bh r i u s Rama preached the laws duty on fair g lofty hill , ’ ’ flowe t h D risad - Sambhu showed the way where vati s limpid rill ,

of Fell from lips of saint Asita , words wisdom deep and grave, ’ Bhr i u almashi s g touched with fire thy bosom by the dark K wave,

Now once more the teaching cometh , purer, brighter, oftener taught , ! Learn the truth from heavenly Narad , happy is thy mortal lot

s on o f of Greater than the Ila , than the kings earth in might, r is hir Holier than the holy , be thou in thy virtue bright !

I NDR d of A help thee in thy battles , proud sub uer mankind , Y M of A A in the mightier duty , in the conquest thy mind ! 5 2 T H E EPI C OF ANCIENT I N D IA

UVER t o Good K A teach thee kindness, hungry and the poor feed , VARN UA ! King quell thy passions , free thy heart from sin and greed

M in Like the oon in holy lustre , like the Earth patience deep , ’ f of ! Like the Sun be ull radiance , strong like wind s resistless sweep

I n f thy sorrow , in a fliction , ever deeper lessons learn , in r ! Righteous be your life exile, happy be you safe return

’ Ma in H a st ina s y these eyes again behold thee ancient town , ’ of ! Conqueror earthly trials , crowned with virtue s heavenly crown

Vidura Spake to the brothers , and they felt their might increase , him in Bowed to salutation , filled with deeper , holier peace ,

Bhishma Bowed to and to Drona , and to chiefs and elders all , E xiles to the pathless jungle left their father ’ s ancient hall !

’ Prit ha s Lament

I n the inner palace chambers where the royal ladies dwell , Prit ha D rau adi Unto came p , came to speak her sad farewell ,

’ ’ M she onarch s daughter, monarch s consort , as an exile must go , Prit ha wept and in the chambers rose the wailing voice of woe !

u Heaving sobs conv lsed her bosom as a silent prayer she prayed, And in accents choked by anguish thus her parting words she said

s o Grieve not , child, if bitter fortune ordains that we must part , Virtue hath her consolations for the true and loving heart !

o f And I need not tell thee , daughter , duties a faithful wife , ’ ’ D r upad s and thy husband s mansions thou hast brightened by the life ! TH E FATAL D I C E 5 3

Nobly from the sinning Kurus thou hast turned thy righteous wrath , ’ ! Safely, with a mother s blessing , tread the trackless jungle path

no o r Dangers bring woe sorrow to the true and faithful wife, Sinless deed and holy conduct ever guard her charmed life !

’ N d d , urse thy lor with woman s kindness , an his brothers , w”here ye go ! Young in years is Sahadeva , gentle and unused to woe

D rau adi Thy fond blessings help me , mother , so the fair p said ,” ! Safe in righteous truth and virtue , forest paths we fearless tread

D rau adi Wet her eyes and loose her tresses, fair p bowed and left, Pr it h a of Ancient weeping followed all earthly joy bereft ,

s he As went, her duteous children now before their mother came ,

of - ! Clad i n garments the deer skin , and their heads were bent in shame

Sorrow welling in her bosom choked her voice and filled her eye , Till in broken stifled accents faintly thus did Prit ha cry :

of Ever true to path duty , noble children void of stain , ? True to gods , to mortals faithful , why this unmerited pain

Wherefore hath untimely sorrow like a darksome cloud above , Cast it s pale and deathful shadow o n the children o fmy love ?

Woe to me , your wretched mother , woe to her who gave you birth , ofPrit ha ff Stainless sons , for sins have ye su ered on this earth

Shall ye range the pathless forest dreary day and darksome night , ? Reft of all save native virtue , clad in native , inborn might

’ Pandu s Woe to me , from rocky mountains where I dwelt by side , I H ast ina ? When lost him , to wherefore came I in my pride

o f s k Happy is your sainted father ; dwells in regions the y, Sees nor feels these earthly sorro ws gathering o n us thick and high !

t o o M she Happy is faithful adri for trod the virtuous way, no ! Followed Pandu to the bright sky , and is w his joy and stay 54 TH E EPIC OF ANCIENT I N D IA

Prit ha Ye alone are left to , dear unto her joyless heart, M ’ ’ ! other s hope and widow s treasure, and ye may not , shall not part

o n Leave me not alone wide earth , loving sons your virtues prove , ’ D rau a di - drO s ! Dear p , loving daughter , let a mother s tear p move C Grant me mercy, kind reator, and my days in mercy close, VIDHATA ! E nd my sorrows, kind , end my life with all my woes

- Help me, pious hearted Krishna , friend of friendless , wipe my pain , All who suffer pray unto thee and they never pray in vain !

Bhis hma Help me , , warlike Drona , Kripa ever good and wise, ! Ye are friends of truth and virtue, righteous truth ye ever prize

Help me from thy starry mansions , husband , wherefore dost thou wait , Seest thou not thy godlike children exiled by a bitter fate !

wa Part not, leave me not, my children , seek ye not the trackless y, ’ one o ne ! Stay but , if child only , as your mother s hope and stay

Youngest , gentlest Sahadeva , dearest to this widowed heart , ” W ? ilt thou watch beside thy mother , while thy cruel brothers part

’ o f Prit ha s Whispering words consolation , children wiped her eye , Then unto the pathless jungle turned their steps with bitter sigh

’ Prit ha Vidura s Kuru dames with fainting to palace hie, Prit ha Kuru queens for weeping raise their voice in answering cry ,

’ D rau adi fit ful Kuru maids for fair p fortune s will upbraid , And their tear - dewed lotus - faces with their streaming fingers sha de

D hrit a - rasht ra sad , ancient monarch , is by misgivings pained ,

Questions oft with anxious bosom what the cruel fates ordained . B O O K V


’ (Woma n s Love)

RU E to their word the sons of Pandu went with D ra upadi t o

exile , and passed twelve years in the wilderness ; and man y who were the incidents which checkered their forest life . Krishna , Yudhisht hir no w had stood by in his prosperity, came to visit him his D rau a di d in adversity ; he consoled p in her istress , and gave ’ D rau adi good advice to the brothers . p with a woman s pride and o f Yudhisht hir anger still thought her wrongs and insults , and urged to disregard the conditions of exile and recover his kingdom . Bhima t oo o f Y udhisht hir was the same mind , but would not be moved from his plighted word . ir hi V asa Yudhisht hir The great r y came to visit , and advised wa s Arjun , great archer as he , to acquire celestial arms by penance od S IV and worship . Arjun followed the advice , met the g A in the o f o h guise a hunter , pleased him by his prowess in combat , and r u t a t a in ed his blessings and the p a p a weapon . Arjun then went to ’ I n DRA s heaven and obtained other celestial arms . D ur odhan In the meanwhile y , not content with sending his l cousins to exi e, wished to humiliate them still more by appearing M before them in all his regal power and splendour . atters how out ff ever turned di erently from what he expected , and he became a dha r v a s of involved in a quarrel with some g n , a class aerial beings . D ur odhan Pa nda v y was taken captive by them , and it was the t o brothers who released him from his captivity, and allowed him f return to his kingdom in peace . This act o generosity rankled is in h bosom and deepened his hatred . J a adrat ha n of o r y , ki g the Sindhu I ndus country, and a friend 5 5 5 6 TH E EPIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

of D ur odha n of and ally y , came to the woods, and in the absence Panda v ad a the brothers carried o ffD raup i. The Pandav however pursued the king , chastised him for his misconduct, and rescued D raupadi. Still more interesting than these various incidents are the tales and legends with which this book is replete . Great saints came to Yudhis ht hir see in his exile , and narrated to him legends of ancient

of . of f times and former kings One these beauti ul episodes, the o f tale Nala and Damayanti , has been translated into graceful M English verse by Dean ilman , and is known to many English f readers . The legend of Agastya who drained the ocean dry ; o Parasu - Rama a Brahman who killed the o fthe earth ; o fBhagirat ha who brought down the Ganges from the skies to the earth ; o fManu and the universal deluge ; of Vishnu and various other gods ; o fRama and his deeds which form the subject of the — Epic R a na these and various other legends have been inter

in o f - o f Pandavs woven the account the forest life the , and make it f a veritable storehouse o ancient Hindu tales and traditions . Among these various legends and tales I have selected one which is singular and striking . The great truth proclaimed under the thin ’ guise of an eastern allegory is that a True Woman s L ove is not conquered by Death . The story is known by Hindu women high l o w o n and , rich and poor , in all parts of India ; and a certain night in the year millions o f Hindu women celebrate a rite in honour o f the woman whose love was not conquered by death .

L egends like these , though they take away from the unity and of conciseness the Epic , impart a moral instruction to the millions o fIndia the value of which cannot be overestimated . x c u The portion translated in this Book forms Sections c c . and

. of . . . ccxciii , a part Section ccxciv and Sections ccxcv and ccxcvi

of . ofBook iii . the original text


Th e Tal e of S a vitri

u M I n the co ntry of the adras lived a king in days of old ,

R H - Faithful to the holy B A MA , pure in heart and righteous souled ,

’ He was loved in town and country , in the court and hermit s den , S ac rific e r to the bright gods , helper to his brother men ,

As wa at i or But the monarch , p , son daughter had he none, ! Old in years and sunk in anguish , and his days were almost done

w Vo s he took and holy penance, and with pious rules conformed , b r a hma cha r i r1t e s Spare in diet as many sacred performed,

' r a vit r i Sang the sacred hymn , , to the gods oblations gave, unc om lainin ! Through the livelong day he fasted, p g, meek and brave

Year by year he gathered virtue , rose in merit and in might, r a fvit r i Till the goddess of smiled upon his sacred rite ,

From the fire upon the altar, which a holy radiance flung, I J a v‘ it r i ! n the form of beauteous maiden , goddess of sprung

And she spake in gentle accents , blessed the monarch good and brave, Blessed his rites and holy penance and a boon unto h i m gave

Penance and thy sacrifices can the powers immortal move , ’ ff n And the pureness of thy conduct doth thy heart s a ectio prove ,

’ As wa at i Ask thy boon , king p , from creation s Ancient Sire , ’ ” True to virtue’ s sacred mandate speak thy inmost heart s desire !

Fo r ff s o an o spring brave and kingly, the saintly king replied ,

Holy rites and sacrifices and this penance I have tried ,

u I f these rites and sacrifices move thy favo r and thy grace,

ff - M of Grant me o spring, Prayer aiden , worthy my noble race ’ WOMAN S LOVE 59

“ ’ M - Have thy object, spake the aiden , Madra s pious hearted king,

SWAY MBHU - I ! From , Self created , blessings unto thee bring

’ Fo r H 1t E lists to mortal s prayer springing from a hea like thine , H E — a n ! And wills , noble daughter grace thy famed and royal li e

As wa at i a p , glad and grateful, t ke the blessing which I bring , ’ ! Part in joy and part in silence, bow unto Creation s King

- of Vanished then the Prayer Maiden , and the king noble fame, A swa at i o f p , Lord coursers , to his royal city came,

’ h0 e o f 3 Days of p and nights gladness Madra happy monarch passed , Till his queen of noble offspring gladsome promise gave at last !

A s the moon each night increaseth , chasing darksome nightly gloom , ’ n in Grew the unbor babe in splendour its happy mother s womb ,

of - And in fulness the season came a girl with lotus eye , ’ 0 o f of o n h ! Father s h pe and joy mother, gift kindly gods igh

- And the king performed its birth rites with a glad and grateful mind , c one And the people blessed the lear with their wishes good and kind ,

Sa v it r i - M ff As , Prayer aiden , had the beauteous o spring given , S a v it r i of Brahmans named the child , holy gift bounteous Heaven

r Grew the child in b ighter beauty like a goddess from above,

And each passing season added fresher sweetness , deeper love ,

Came with youth its lovelier graces , as the buds their leaves unfold , e of Slender waist and round d bosom , image as burnished gold ,

D e va - Ke n a so y born a goddess , they said in all the land , Princely suitors struck with splendour ventured not to seek her hand !

on da Once upon a time it happened a bright and festive y, t o Fresh from bath the beauteous maiden to the altar came pray,

And with cakes and pure libations duly fed the Sacred Flame ,

Then like S R ! in heavenly radiance to her royal father came , 6 0 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

Bowed unto his feet in silence , sacred flowers beside him laid , s he And her hands folded meekly, sweetly her obeisance made,

’ o With a father s pride, up n her gazed the ruler of the land , n o f l 1n ered ! But a strai sadness g , for no suitor claimed her hand

Aswa at i no w met hinks Daughter , whispered p , , , the time is come , ’ Thou shouldst choose a princely suitor, grace a royal husband s home ,

Choose thyself a noble husband worthy of thy noble hand , o f Choose a true and upright monarch , pride and glory his land ,

’ As thou choosest , gentle daughter , in thy loving heart s desire , Blessing and his sweet permission will bestow thy happy sire !

a r t r a s oft F or our sacred r sanction , holy Brahmans relate,

- That the duty loving father sees his girl in wedded state,

’ ’ That the duty - loving husband watches o er his consort s ways , ’ - ff That the duty loving o spring tends his mother s widowed days ,

Do thou therefore choose a husband , daughter of my house a”nd love , So thy father earn no censure o r from men o r gods above ! w Fair Savitri bo ed unto him , and for parting blessings prayed , ’ s he d Then left her father s palace, and in distant regions straye ,

With her guard and aged courtiers whom her watchful father sent , Mounted on her golden chariot unto sylvan woodlands went.

sh e Then in pleasant wood and jungle wandered from day to day,

a r r a mr - Unto , hermitages , pious hearted held her way ,

t ir t ha s Oft she stayed in holy washed by sacred limpid streams, she ! Food gave unto the hungry , wealth beyond their fondest dreams

Many days and months are over , and it once did so befall , n r is h Whe the king and i Narad sat within the royal hall , F rom her journeys near and distant and from places known to fame , F ’ air Savitri with the courtiers to her father s palace came ,

s a r is hi his And she w her royal father , Narad by seat,

Bent her head in salutation , bowed unto their holy feet. ’ WOMAN S LOVE 6 1

The Fa t ed B rideg room

she s o N , le d Whence comes , arad questioned whither was Sa”vitri , Wherefore to a happy husband hath Savitri not been wed ?

! so d Nay to choose her lord and husband , the virtuous monarch sai , t ir t ha r Fair Savitri long hath wandered and in holy stayed ,

M ! r is hi ! aiden Speak unto the , and thy choice and secret tell f ! Then a blush su fused her forehead , soft and slow her accents fell

’ ! S alwa s of Listen , father monarch was of old a king might,

- D umat - o f Righteous hearted y sena , feeble now and void sight,

o f d F oemen robbed him his king om when in age he lost his sight , was And from town and spacious empire the monarch forced to flight ,

With his queen and with his infant did the feeble monarch stray ,

And the jungle was his palace, darksome was his weary way.

Holy vows assumed the monarch and in penance passed his life,

In the wild woods nursed his infant and with wild fruits fed his wife ,

is Years have gone in rigid penance , and that child now a youth , H d S at avan o f im I choo”se my lord and husban , Prince y , Soul Truth !

r is hi Thoughtful was the Narad , doleful were the words he said Sad disaster waits Savitri if this royal youth she wed !

- Truth beloving is his father, truthful is the royal dame, t S at a va n is his Truth and vir ue rule his actions , and y name ,

his Steeds he loved in days of boyhood and to paint them was joy ,

C hit ras wa - Hence they called him young , art beloving gallant boy !

- ! b at h But O pious hearted monarch fair Savitri in sooth ” Cou rted Fate and sad disaster in that noble gallant youth ! 6 2 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N D IA

As wa at i “ Tell me, questioned p , for I may not guess thy thought , ’ Wherefore is my daughter s action with a sad disaster fraught ?

I of of s the youth noble lustre, gifted in the gifts art, ” i ? Blest with wisdom , prowess , patience , dar ng , dauntless in his heart

’ S URYA s so r is hi lustre in him shineth , the Narad said , ’ ’ BRi HASPATx s S at ava n s wisdom dwelleth in the young y head,

M HE A NDRA , E Like in his prowess and in patience like the arth”, Yet O king ! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth !

r is hi so d Tell me, , then thy reason , the anxious monarch crie , Why to youth so great and gifted may this maid be not allied

S at avan - of Is y free in bounty , gentle hearted , full grace , d ? Duly versed in sacred knowle ge, fair in mind and fair in face

Rant ideva r is hi d Free in gifts like , so the holy sai ,

Versed in lore like monarch Sivi , who all ancient monarchs led,

Ya at i - H NDR in L ike y open hearted , and like C A A his grace, A svms Like the handsome heavenly , fair and radiant is his face, M eek and graced with patient virtue , he controls his noble mind, M odest in his kindly actions , true to friends and ever kind,

And the hermits of the forest praise him for his righteous truth , ” - t ! Nathless , king , thy daughter may not wed this noble hearted you h

r is hi Tell me, , said the monarch , for thy sense from me is hid”, Has this prince some fatal blemish ? wherefore is this match forbid ? ” ! r is hi Fatal fault exclaimed the , fault that wipeth all his grace, ff ff ! Fault, that human power nor e ort, rite nor penance can e ace

a o r ! on Fat l fault destined sorrow for it is decreed high , ” On - - ! this day, a twelve month later, this ill fated prince will die b d Shook the startled king in terror , and in fear and trem ling crie ’ - d ! Unto short live , fated bridegroom ne er my child shall be allied ’ WOMAN S LOVE 6 3

- ! Come , Savitri , dear loved maiden choose another happier lord , ie ! R hi Narad speaketh wisdom , list unto his holy word ff Every grace and every virtue , is e aced by cruel Fate,

da - ! O n this ya twelve month later , leaves the prince his mortal state ” sad Father ! answered thus the maiden , soft and her accents fell ,

I have heard thy honoured mandate, holy Narad counsels well ,

’ ’ Pa r d n w it les s ma iden r eelin r . hut henea t h t he e e o H ea v en o j g y f , On nce a ma iden choos et h t w ice her t r ot h ma not he iv en iy o , y g

L on his l e or he it na r r ow a nd his v ir t ues r ea t or n one g if , g , ’ B r a v e Sa t a v a n u m hur ha nd he m hea r t a nd t r ot h ha t h w on . y y , y

’ ’ IVha t a ma iden s hea r t ha t h chos en t ha t a ma iden r li s co er s p nf , Tr ue t o him t h oor S a v it r i oes int o t he w ilder nes s ! , y p g

M ! r is hi s he onarch uttered then the , fixed is in mind and heart , t he From her troth true Savitri never , never will depart !

’ M S a t ava n ore than mortal s share of virtue hath been to y given , ! Let the true maid wed her chosen , leave the rest to gracious Heaven

Ris hi ! s o m d and preceptor holy the weeping onarch praye , all d is Heaven avert future evils, and thy man ate obeyed !

Narad wished him joy and gladness , blessed the loving youth and maid ,

Forest hermits on their wedding every fervent blessing laid .

Overt ak e n b y Fa t e

- Twelve month in the darksome forest by her true and chosen lord , i Lived Sav tri , served his parents by her thought and deed and word ,

o f d Bark tree supplied her garments raped upon her bosom fair, Or c 10t h a r r a mr the red as in holy women love to wear , 6 4 T H E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

And the aged queen she tended with a fond and filial pride , old his Served the and sightless monarch like a daughter by side , d And with love and gentle sweetness pleased her husband and her lor , ’ N arad s But in secret, night and morning , pondered still on word !

Nearer came the fatal morning by the holy Narad told,

Fair Savitri reckoned daily and her heart was still and cold ,

Three short days remaining only ! and s he took a vow severe ’ t r ir a t r a Of , three nights penance , holy fasts and vigils drear

’ woe Of Savitri s rigid penance heard the king with anxious , 1n so vo w Spake to her loving accents , the she might forego

’ t Hard the penance, gen le daughter, and thy woman s limbs are frail , ’ ” After three nights fasts and vigils sure thy tender health may fail !

Be not anxious, loving father , meekly thus Savitri praye”d , a ! Penance I have undert ken , will unto the gods be made

sad Much misdoubting then the monarch gave his and slow assent ,

- Pale with fast and unseen tear drops, lonesome nights Savitri . spent .

- ! Nearer came the fatal morning, and to morrow he shall die ! ! Dark , dark hours of nightly silence Tearless , sleepless is her eye ” ! Dawns that dread and fated morning said Savitri , bloodless, brave ,

Prayed her fervent prayers in silence, to the F ire oblations gave ,

a Bowed unto the forest Brahmans , to the p rents kind and good ,

Join ed her hands in salutation and in reverent silence stood .

’ W Widow ma s t t han nev er b e ith the usual morning blessing, y ,

Anchorites and aged Brahmans blessed Savitri fervently,

! n o n 0 that blessing fell upon her like the rai thirsty air , Struggling hOpe inspired her bosom as s he dr ank those accents fair !

’ of r is hi N arad s But returned the dark remembrance the word , ! Pale she watched the creeping sunbeams, mused upon her fated lord


s o Never since her wedding morning , the loving king replied , d Wish or thought Savitri whispered , for a boon or object sighe ,

d Daughter , thy request is grante , safely in the forest roam , ‘ t h c ot t a e . Safely with thy lord and husband , seek again y g home

Bowing to her loving parents did the fair Savitri part , ! Smile upon her pallid features , anguish in her inmost heart

’ Round her sylvan greenwoods blossomed neath a cloudless Indian sky, Flocks ofpea- fowls gorgeous plumaged fle w before her wondering e ye,

’ b ed Woodland rills and crystal nullahs gently rolled o er rocky ,

F - lower decked hills in dewy brightness towering glittered overhead ,

of Birds song and beauteous feather trilled a note in every grove , ’ ! Sweeter accents fell upon her, from her husband s lips of love

l d Still with thoughtfu eye Savitri watched her dear and fated lor , F lail of grief was in her bosom , but her pale lips shaped no word ,

s he o n And listened to her husband , still anxious thought intent, she ! Cleft in two her throbbing bosom , as in silence still went

- Gaily with the gathered wild fruits did the prince his basket fill , int e rlac éd Hew the branches with his might and practised skill ,

on was Till the drops stood his forehead , weary his aching head ,

Faint he came unto Savitri , and in faltering accents said

is Cruel ache on my forehead , fond and ever faithful wife ,

And I feel a hundred needles pierce me and torment my life,

And my feeble footsteps falter , and my senses seem to reel , ’ r o er . Fai would I beside thee linger, for a sleep doth me steal

With a wild and speechless terror pale Savitri held her lord , O n sh e her lap his head she rested and laid him on the sward ,

66 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA { 0 s o t he Never since her wedding morning, ed a Wish or thought Savitri whisper , for

ed t Daughter , thy request is grant , safely in r sb s a ai Safely with thy lo d and hu and , eek g n

‘ o n t o a s t r a B wi g her loving p rent did the fair Savi i p rt, o a a a mo s ! Smile up n her p llid fe tures , nguish in her in t heart

Flocks o fpea - fowls gorgeous plumaged flew before

’ Wood land rills and crystal nullahs gent ly rolled o e r F lower - decked hills in dewy brightness towering

Birds of song and beauteous feather trilled a note i ’ en s fo m her s d s Sweeter acc t fell upon her, r hu ban

of in b b ut he r al Flail grief was her osom , p e

s ile nc Cleft in two her throbbing bosom , as in

Gaily with the gathered wild - fruits did the prine fl ew the interlaced branches with his might and

d o n his a Till the drops stoo forehead , we ry

Faint he came unto Savitri , and in faltering

13 d n r Cruel ache on my forehea , fo d and eve And I feel a hundred needl es pierce me and to

s s . t o And my feeble footsteps falter , and my enses eem ’ air I o er F would beside thee linger, for a sleep doth

With a wild and speechless terror pale Savitri held hér O n her lap his he ad she rest ed a nd she laid him on the


’ ’ d s sh e N a ra fatal words remembered as watched her husband s head , d Burning lip and pallid forehead, and the ark and creeping shade ,

Clasped him in her beating bosom , kissed his lips with panting breath , ! Darker grew the lonesome forest , and he slept the sleep of death

Triump h over Fa t e

o f d I n the bosom the shadows rose a Vision dark and drea , of o n his ! Shape gloom in inky garment , and a crown was head

- wa s his Gleaming form of sable splendour , blood red sparkling eye, ! And a fatal noose he carried , grim and godlike, dark and high

on d And he stood in solemn silence, looked in silence the ead , ’ o n And Savitri the greensward gently placed her husband s head ,

’ And a tremor shook Savitri , but a woman s love is strong , With her hands upon her bosom thus she spake with quivering tongue

M ! ore than mortal is thy glory , and a radiant god thou be u Tell me what bright name tho bearest , and thy message unto me .

“ of d d Know me, thus responded YAMA, mighty monarch the ea , M led ortals leaving earthly mansion to my darksome realms are , ’ ff Since with woman s full a ection thou hast loved thy husband dear ,

Hence before thee , faithful woman , YAMA doth in form appear,

But his days and loves are ended , and he leaves his faithful wife , of In this noose I bind and carry spark his immortal life ,

was Virtue graced his life and action , spotless his princely heart ,

Hence for him I came in person , princess , let thy husband part .

’ S at a va n s d YAMA from y bo y , pale and bloodless , cold and dumb , ur us ha Drew the vital spark , p , smaller than the human thumb , 6 8 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

I n his noose the spark he fastened , silent went his darksome way,

Left the body shorn of lustre to its rigid cold decay.

’ - Southward went the dark hued YAMA with the youth s immortal life , ’ And , for her woman s love abideth , followed still the faithful wife.

o ut s ak e Turn Savitri , p YAMA, for thy husband loved and lost , e e Do the rites due unto mortals by their Fat predestin d crost,

For thy wifely duty ceases , follow not in fruitless woe , And no farther living creature may wi t h monarch YAMA go

’ But I may not chose but follow where thou takest my husband s life, For Eternal Law divides not loving man and faithful wife !

’ Fo r ff my love and my a ection , for a woman s sacred woe, ' Grant me in thy godlike mercy farther still with him I go

o ur : F ourfold are human duties first , to study holy lore ;

Then to live as good householders , feed the hungry at our door

our Then to pass our days in penance ; last to fix thoughts a”bove ; B ut ! the final goal of virtue, it is Truth and deathless Love

True and holy are thy precepts , listening YAMA made reply,

And they fill my heart with gladness and with pious purpose high ,

d , I would bless thee, fair Savitri , but the ead come not to life ” A sk ! for other boon and blessing , faithful , true and virtuous wife

ou so Since y so permit me, YAMA , the good Savitri said, ’ For my husband s banished father let my dearest suit be made, d Sightless in the arksome forest dwells the monarch faint and weak”, ! Grant him sight and grant him vigour, YAMA, in thy mercy speak ” “ ! “ Duteous daughter YAMA answered , be thy pious wishes given , t or éd of And his eyes shall be r es to the cheerful light heaven ,

Turn , Savitri , faint and weary, follow not in fruitless woe , ” And no farther living creature may with monarch YAMA go !


of no t e nd Grant him that the line monarchs may all untimely , ’ ’ ” That his kingdom to S at ya van s and Savitri s sons descend !

“ Have thy object, answered YAMA , and thy lord shall live again, 1 He shall l ve to be a father , and your children too shall reign , ’ f F or a woman s troth abideth longer than the leeting breath , ’ of And a woman s love abideth , higher than the doom Death

Return Home M Vanished then the Sable onarch , and Savitri held her way

Where in dense and darksome forest still her husband lifeless lay,

s he sat And upon the greensward by the cold unconscious dead , ’ O n S at ava n s her lap with deeper kindness placed y lifeless head ,

o f ff And that touch true a ection thrilled him back to waking life , As returned from distant regions gazed the prince upon his wife ! H d S ? ave I lain too long and slumbere , sweet avitri , faithful sp”ouse ! But I dreamt a Sable Person , in a noose took forth my life

o n “ Pillowed this lap , she answered , long upon the earth you lay ,

And the Sable Person , husband , he hath come and passed away,

fe e lest R , ise and leave this darksome forest if thou light and s”trong For the night is on the jungle and our way is dark and long .

S at avan o n Rising as from happy slumber looked y all around ,

Saw the wide - extending jungle mantling all the darksome ground ,

no w Yes , he said, I remember, ever loving faithful dame, n We in search of fruit and fuel to this lo esome forest came . i As I hewed the gnarled branches , cruel anguish filled my bra n ,

And I laid me on the greensward with a throbbing piercing pain , ’ WOMAN S LOVE 7 1

o n Pillowed thy gentle bosom , solaced by thy gentle love,

was o n f . I soothed , and drowsy slumber fell me rom skies above

was f d All was dark , and then I witnessed , it but a leeting ream , o r ! God Vision , dark and dreadful , in the deepening shadows gleam

o f ? Was this dream my fair Savitri , dost thou this Vision know t o ! Tell me, for before my eyesight still the Vision seems glow

Darkness thickens , said Savitri , and the evening waxeth late, ’ I When the morrow s light returneth shall all these scenes narrate, e Now arise, for darkness gathers, d eper grows the gloomy night ,

And thy loving anxious parents trembling wait thy welcome sight .

Hark the rangers o fthe forest ! how their voices strike the ear ! Prowlers ofthe darksome jungle ! ho w they fill my breast wi t h fear !

o hre is see Forest raging yonder, for I a distant gleam ,

And the rising evening breezes help the red and radiant beam ,

Let me fetch a burning faggot and prepare a friendly light, of With these fallen withered branches chase the shadows the night , — And if feeble still thy footsteps, long and weary is our way, B ” y the fire repose, my husband , and return by light of day .

Fo r S at avan my parents , fondly anxious , thus y made reply,

Pains my heart and yearns my bosom , let us to their cottage hie ,

o r When I tarried in the jungle or by day dewy eve,

Searching in the hermitages often did my parents grieve,

’ ’ And with father s soft reproaches and with mother s loving fears , ! Chid me for my tardy footsteps, dewed me with their gentle tears

’ ’ o f o f Think then my father s sorrow , my mother s woeful plight ,

If afar in wood and jungle pass we now the livelong night ,

o r o f Wife beloved , I may not fathom what mishap load care , n a Unknow d ngers , unseen sorrows even now my parents share ! 72 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

o f Gentle drops filial sorrow trickled down his manly eye, Fond Savitri sweetly speaking softly wiped the tear - drops dry

Trust me, husband , if Savitri hath been faithful in her love, s he b a t h ff I f with pious o erings served the righteous gods above,

’ If she hath a sister s kindness unto brother men performed, b at h d If she in Speech and action unto holy truth conforme ,

Unknown blessings, mighty gladness , trust thy ever faithful wife, ’ ” And no t sorrows or d isasters wait this eve our parents life !

Then she rose and tied her tresses, gently helped her lord to rise,

Walked with him the pathless jungle, looked with love into his eyes ,

O n her neck his clasping left arm sweetly winds in soft embrace, w ’ Round his aist Savitri s right arm doth as sweetly interlace,

Thus they walked the darksome jungle, silent stars looked from above , And the hushed and throbbing midnight watched Savitri’ s deathless love !


d Tr i art as of fine cattle for which his kingdom was fame . The g

M - a entered the atsya kingdom from the south east, and while Virat o ut 00 D ur odha n went with his tr ps to meet the foe , y with his Kuru forces fell on the kingdom from the north .

When news came that the Kurus had invaded the kingdom , there was no army in the capital to defend it . King Virata had gone o ut with most ofhis tr00ps to face the Tr igar t a s in the south east , and the prince Uttara had no inclination to face the Kurus in the north . The disguised Arju n now came to the rescue in the manner described in this Book . The description of the bows , of Pa nda v c o n arrows , and swords the brothers which they had c ea led in a tree, wrapped like human corpses to frighten inquisitive o n of travellers , throws some light the arts and manufactures ancient times . The portions translated in this Book form Sections xxxv . ,

. . o f . fi n . xxxvi , xl to xliii . , a portion Section xliv , and Sections of and lxxii . of Book iv . the original text .

Complai nt oft h e Cow herd

M o f M onarch the mighty atsyas , brave Virata known to fame, M Tr i art a arched against g chieftains who from southward regions came ,

D ur o dhan From the north the proud y , stealing onwards day by day, ’ Swooped o n Matsya s fattened cattle like the hawk upon its prey !

Bhishma u , Drona , peerless Karna , led the Kur warriors brave , ’ Swept the kingdom of Virata like the ocean s surging wave ,

- field Fell upon the trembling cowherds , chased them from the pasture , ’ Sixty thousand head o fcattle was the Matsya country s yield !

o f And the wailing chief cowherds fled forlorn , fatigued and spent , o n Speeding his rapid chariot to the royal city went ,

Came inside the city portals , came within the palace gate,

Struck his forehead in his anguish , and bewailed his luckless fate. CATTLE - LI FTIN G 75

M o f of eeting there the prince Uttara , youth beauty and fame, ’ ’ Told him o fthe Kurus outrage and lamented Matsya s shame

’ of d Sixty thousand head of cattle , bred Matsya s finest bree , ’ To H a st ina s distant empire do the Kur u chieftains lead ! M ’ Glory of the atsya nation save thy father s valued kine,

Quick thy footsteps , strong thy valour , vengeance deep and dire be thine !

’ T i a rt a M is Gainst the fierce r g chieftains atsya s warlike king gone , ’ Thee we count our lord and saviour as our monarch s gallant so n ! ! Rise, Uttara beat the Kurus , homeward lead the stolen kine , ’ ! Like an elephant in the jungle, pierce the Kurus shattered line

Vma As the Speaketh music , by musicians tuned aright, Let thy sounding b o w and arrows speak thy deeds of matchless might !

- - Harness quick thy milk white coursers to thy sounding battle car,

- r 1nce ! Hoist thy golden lion banner , speed thee , p , unto the war

- NDR a s ur a s And as thunder wielding I A smote fierce and bold , Smite the Kurus with thy arrows winged with plumes of yellow gold

’ o f As the famed and warlike Arjun is the stay Kuru s race , ’ Thou art refuge o fthe Matsyas and thy kingdom s pride and grace !

no t But the prince went to battle from the foe to guard the State , ! To the cowherd answered gaily , sheltered by the palace gate

’ of Not unknown to me the usage the bow and winged dart , ’ ’ o r Not unknown the warrior s duty the warrior s noble art,

’ ’ I would win my father s cattle from the wily foeman s greed ,

- If a skilful chariot driver could my fiery coursers lead ,

’ - o n For my ancient chariot driver died battle s gory plain , d Eight and twenty days we wrestle , many warlike chiefs were slain

l d - Bring me forth a ski ful river who can urge the battle steed ,

- I will hoist my lion banner, to the dubious battle speed ! 76 T H E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

’ of Dashing through the foeman s horses , ranks elephant and car , I will win the stolen cattle rescued in the field of war !

’ - NDR o fo ld And like thunder wielding I A, smiting Danu s sons , c hieft ia ns d ! I will smite the Kuru , drive them to their istant hold

Bhishma D ur oda n and the proud y , archer Karna known to fame , Drona too shall quail before me and retreat in bitter shame !

’ Do those warriors in my absence Matsya s far - famed cattle steal ? But beneath my countless arrows Matsya ’ s vengeance they shall feel !

- - Bring me forth a chariot driver, let me speed my battle car, ” And in wonder they will question— Is this Arjun famed in war ?

The Dis g uis ed Char iot eer

Briha nna la Arjun , guised as , heard the boast Uttara made , D ra u adi And to try his skill and valour, thus to fair p prayed

Briha nnala - Say to him that will his battle chariot lead , ’ - d That as Arj un s chariot driver he hath learned to urge the stee ,

Brihannala Say that faithful many a dubious war hath seen , ’ And will win his father s cattle in this contest fierce and keen .

’ D rau a di Fair p , guised as menial , Arjun s secret hest obeyed , Humbly stepped b efo xe Uttara and in gentle accents prayed

! Brih annala - Hear me , prince yon will thy battle chariot lead , ’ wa s - d He Arjun s chariot driver, skilled to urge the flying stee ,

d - Trained in war by mighty Arjun , trained to rive the battle car, in o f He hath followed helmed Arjun the glorious field war ,

Kha ndav e And when Arjun conquered , this , Uttara , I have se n , ’ ” B ala Yudhisht hir s e . r1hann drove his chariot, for I served que n


“ d fo r t he d Fear not warrior , Arjun answere , tree conceals no dea , ’ it s Warriors weapons , cased like corpses, lurk within gloomy shade ,

And I ask thee, prince of Matsya , not to touch an unclean thing , But unto a chief and warrior weapons and his arms to bring P rince Uttara gently lighted , climbed the dark and leafy tree , f ’ Arjun rom the prince s chariot bade him speed the arms to free,

Then the young prince cut the wrappings and the shining bows appear,

Twisted , voiced like hissing serpents , like the bright stars glistening clear !

Seized with wonder prince Uttara silently the weapons eyed , And unto his chariot - driver thus in trembling accents cried

s o d Whose this bow tall and stately , speak to me my gentle frien ,

On the wood are golden bosses , tipped with gold at either end ?

Whose this second ponderous weapon , stout and massive in the hold , On the staff are worked by artists elephants ofburnished gold ?

b o w Sure some great and mighty monarch owns this other of might, Set with golden glittering insects o n its e bon back so bright ?

of Golden suns wondrous brightness on this fourth their lustre lend , Who may be the unknown archer who this stately b o w can bend ?

set of And the fifth is with jewels , gems and stones purest ray , Golden fire - flie s glint and sparkle in the yellow light of day !

o wn d Who doth these shining arrows with their heads in gold encase , ? Thousand arrows bright and feathered , in the golden quivers placed

- - Next are these with vulture feather , golden yellow in their hue , M ? ade of iron , keen and whetted , whose may be these arrows true d Next upon this sable quiver jungle tigers worked in gol , And these keen and boar - cared arrows speak some chieftain fierce and bold

" 73 ms EPIC o r? a nc i s nr in mA

not a i Ar un a sw red for e onceals no ad Fear w rr or, j n e , the tr e c de , ’ r r wea o s sed li o s es i it s Wa rio s p n , ca ke c rp , lurk w thin gloomy shade,

I as k ri of s a not t o A nd thee, p nce Mat y , touch an But unto a chief and warrior weapons and his arms

r e e d m e e and e a ree P ince Uttara g ntly light , cli b d th dark l fy t , ’ frot n t he s ha o ad e ed t e ar ms t o ee Arjun prince c ri t b e him sp h fr ,

’ Then the youn g princ e cut t he wrappings ah st ed i ed issi s en s t he Twi , vo c like h ng erp t , like c lear

Se i zed wit h wonder prince Utt a ra sile nt l the And unto his cha riot - driver t hus in trem ing

o e s b o w so and s s ea t o me Wh s thi tall tately , p k t he oo are b os se ed t O n w d golden s , tipp wi h gold

‘ ose is e ou on t o and ma s ive i t he Wh th s cond ponder s weap , s ut s n hold, On t he m 5 are worked b y artists elepha nts ofb urniihed go ld ?

Suresome great and mighty mona rc h owns this ot he r Set wit h golden glittering in sects o n it s e b o n b ac k so

‘ e ms ofw s ess on i lust fe Gold n su ondrou brightn this fourth the r lend , Who ma y be t he unknown archer who th is stately b ow can bend ?

fif is se t e es of And the th with jewels , g ms and ston Golden fi re - flie s glint and spa rkle in t he yellow ligh

Who do th o wn these shinin arrows wit h u d b r fa h Tho san arrows ight an t ered , in

are hese i h vu e - eat - e low in i Next t w t ltur f her , golden y l the r hue, e and whet t d o s b e h ? Made of iron , ke n e , wh e may t ese arrows true

t s ve r u e e s ed Next upon his able qui j ng l tig r work in gold, And these kee n and b oa r - cared and b o ld !


is Fourth are these seven hundred arrows , crescent their shining blade , of ! Thirsting for the blood foemen , and by cunning artists made

- o f And the fifth are golden crested , made tempered steel and bright, of ! Parrot feathers wing these arrows , whetted and wondrous might

of on Who doth own this wondrous sabre , shape toad is the hilt, d ? On the blade a toad is graven , and the scabbar nobly gilt

is o f - Larger , stouter this second in its sheath tiger skin , ' - is Decked with bells and gold surmounted , and the blade bright and keen

so nir b a rla r Next this scimitar curious, by the skilled made, Scabbard made of wondrous cowhide sheathes the bright and polished blade F ourth , a long and beauteous weapon , glittering sable in its hue ,

it s of - ! With sheath softer goat skin , worked with gold on azure blue

And the fifth is broad and massive , over thirty fingers long , ” - d Golden sheathe , and gold embossed , like a snake or fiery tongue !

r : “ M b o w Joyously responded A jun ark this embossed with gold , ’ Tis b o w a ndiv'a ! the wondrous , g , worthy of a warrior bold

o f Gift heaven to archer Arjun kindly gods this weapon sent, And t h e confines of a kingdom widen when the bow is bent !

Next , this mighty ponderous weapon worked with elephants of gold , With this b o w the stalwart Bhima hath t h e tide of conquests rolled !

And the third with golden insects with a cunning hand inlaid, "‘ ’ l is Yudhisht hir s royal weapon by the noblest art ists made !

Next the bow with solar lustre brave Nakula wields in fight, ’ t is And the fif h Sahadeva s , decked with gems and jewels bright

! L isten , prince these thousand arrows , unto Arjun they belong , s u And the dart whose blades are crescent nto Bhima brave and strong , r 80 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

’ - - Boar ear shafts are young Nakula s , in the tiger quiver cased, ’ Sahadeva owns the arrows with the parrot s feather graced ,

- - d These three knotted, shining arrows , thick and yellow vulture plume ,

Yudhisht hir . They belong to King , with their heads by gold illumed

! Listen more if of these sabres , prince of Matsya , thou wouldst know , ’ - Arjun s sword is toad engraven , ever dreaded by the foe

in - of And the sword tiger scabbard , massive and mighty strength , None save tiger - waisted Bhima wields that sword of wondrous length

- Next the sabre golden hilted , sable and with gold embossed , Brave Yudhisht hir kept that sabre when the ki ng his kingdom lost

- Yonder sword with goat skin scabbard brave Nakula wields in war, I n the cowhide Sahadeva keeps his shining scimitar

“ U t t ara “ s t ran Strange thy accents , spake , gerare theseweapons bright , Are they arms ofsons of Pandu famed on earth for matchless might ? d Where are now those pious princes by a dire misfortune crosse , Yudhis ht hir Warlike Arjun , good , by his subjects loved and lost

- Where is tiger waisted Bhima , matchless fighter in the field , And the brave and twin - born brothers skilled the arms of war t o wield ?

’ O er o f a game they lost their empire, and we heard them no more, O r perchance they lonesome wander on some wild and distant shore !

D rau adi And p , noble princess , purest , best of womankind , w Y udhisht hir Doth she wander ith , changeless in her heart and mind

Proudly answered valiant Arjun , and a smile was on his face, Not in distant lands the brothers do their wandering footsteps trace !

’ dis uiséd Yudhisht hir I n thy father s court g lives just and good , Bhima in thy father’s palace as a cook prepares the food !


0 o f ! for o St p thy steeds , O prince Matsya too close we may not g ,

Stop thy chariot whence my arrows reach and slay the distant foe ,

out D ur odhan Seek we the Kuru monarch , proud y let us meet,

If he falls we win the battle , other chieftains will retreat .

’ s so n There is Drona , my preceptor, Drona warlike is there, Bhishma m Kripa and the mighty , archer Ka a, tall and fair, O Them I seek not in this battle, lead , lead thy chariot far, M D ur odhan ! idst the chiefs y moves not , moves not in the ranks of war

But to save the pilfered cattle speeds he onward in his fear, ’ s While these warriors stay and tarry to defend their monarch rear ,

- - But I leave these car borne warriors , other work to day is mine , ’ D ur od ha n ! Meet y in the battle, win thy father s stolen kine

’ ’ M 3 atsya s prince then turned the coursers , left behind the war array , D ur odhan Where y with the cattle quickly held his onward way ,

Kripa marked the course of Arjun , guessed his inmost thought aright , Thus he Spake to brother warriors urging speed and instant fight :

M his - ark ye, chieftains , gallant Arjun wheels sounding battle car , Gainst our prince the proud D ur yodhan seeks to turn the tide ofwar !

Let us fall upon our foeman and our prince and leader save, NDR Few save I A , god of battles, conquers Arjun fierce and brave !

’ What were M atsya s fattened cattle , many thousands thou”gh they be , If our monarch sinks in battle like a ship in stormy se a !

’ Kri a s o f ! Vain were p words wisdom Arjun drove the chariot fair, While his shafts like countless locusts whistled through the ambient air !

Kuru soldiers struck with panic neither stood and fought , nor fled ,

Gazed upon the distant Arjun , gazed upon their comrades dead !

- Arjun twanged his mighty weapon , blew his far resounding shell ,

- Strangely spake his monkey standard, Kuru warriors knew it well ! CATTLE - LI FTIN G 83

’ ’ ’ Sa néb a r a ndiv a r voice , g accents , and the chariot s booming sound , ! Filled the air like distant thunder , shook the firm and solid ground

Kuru soldiers fled in terror, or they slumbered with the dead , h ! And the rescued lowing cattle , wit their tails uplifted , fled

’ War rior s Guerdon

Now with joy the king Virata to his royal city came , a Saw the rescued herds of cattle , saw Utt ra prince of fame ,

M - w - d arked with wonder gallant Arjun , helmet earing , armour case , Y udhisht hir a s Knew and his brothers , now royal princes dressed ,

Yudhisht hir - And he greeted good , truth beloving , brave and strong , And to valiant Arjun o ffered Matsya ’ s princess fair and young !

not Pardon , monarch , answered Arjun , but I may take as bride , Matsya ’s young and beauteous princess whom I love with father’ s pride !

She hath often met me trusting in the inner palace hall , o n f o n As a daughter a ather waited my loving call ,

' éoh l I have trained her accents , taught her maiden steps in dance , Watched her skill and varied graces all her native charms enhance !

s he a nd Pure is in thought action , spotless as my hero boy , s o n ! Grant her to my , O monarch , as his wedded wife and joy

Ab hima n u o f y trained in battle, handsome youth godlike face , ’ S ub hadra of ! Krishna s sister, fair , bore the child princely grace

o f d unde filed Worthy thy youthful aughter , pure in heart and , ! Ab hima n u Grant it , sire my y wed thy young and beauteous child 8 4 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

’ Answered Mats ya s noble monarch with a glad and grateful heart d h ! Wor s like these be t thy virtue, nobly hast thou done thy part

’ Pandu s Be it as thou sayest, Arjun ; unto race allied , ’ ’ M i Matsya s royal line is honoured, atsya s king is grat fied

The Wedding

Yudhisht hir s Good heard the tidings, and he gave his free a sent, n U to distant chiefs and monarchs kindly invitations sent,

’ o f - lav a o f i M I n the town Upa p y , fa r atsya s towns the best,

Made their home the pious brothers to receive each royal guest .

’ a r méd Came unto them Kasi s monarch and his troopers came , of And the king fair Panchala with his sons of warlike fame,

o f D rau adi o f Came the sons fair p , early trained in art war,

Other chiefs and sac rific e r s came from regions near and far .

in K rishna decked floral garlands with his elder brother came, ’ S ub had ra n And his sister fair , Arju s loved and longing dame,

’ n son Ab himan u n Arju s brave y came upo his flowery car,

And with elephants and chargers, troopers trained in art of war .

Vris h nis - Andha kas from the sea girt Dwarka , brave known to fame , Chumb al Bhojas from the mighty with the righteous Krishna came,

He to gallant sons of Pandu made his presents rich and rare,

a nd . Gems gold and costly garments , slaves and damsels passing fair

With its quai nt and festive greetings came at last the bridal day, Matsya maids were merry - hearted and the Pa nda v brothers gay !

Conch and cymbal , horn and trumpet spake forth music soft and sweet , ’ I Virat a s ! n royal palace , in the peopled mart and street

B O O K V I I U D Y 0 GA

‘ (The Pr epar a iion)

H E o f Yudhisht hir T term banishment having expired , demanded f - that the kingdom o Indra prastha should be restored to him . The old D hrita - ra sht ra and his queen and the aged and virtuous D ur odhan councillors advised the restoration , but the jealous y hated n his cousi s with a genuine hatred , and would not consent. All negotiations were therefore futile, and preparations were made on both sides for the most sanguinary and disastrous battle that had ever been witnessed in Northern I ndia.

i . n . The portions translated in this Book are from Sections , , u . . . of . n . , xciv , cxxiv , and cxxvi . Book v of the origi al text

’ K ris hna s S peech M irth and song and nuptial music waked the echoes of the night,

u - Youthf l bosoms throbbed with pleasure, love lit glances sparkled


’ w - na O d n But when young and hite robed Us s pe d the gol e gates ofda y , V ’ To irat a s council chamber chieftains tho ughtful held their way.

in Stones inlaid arch and pillar glinted in the glittering dawn , ’ Gay festoons a nd graceful garla nds o er the golden cushions shone !

’ ’ M Pa nc hal a s o f atsya s king , monarch , foremost seats honour claim , ’ Va lade va D arka s of ! Krishna too and , w chiefs righteous fame 86 TH E PRE PARATI ON 8 7

S at aki se a - By them sate the bold y from the girt western shore , ’ — d o fd o e r And the godlike sons of Pandu , ays ark concealment

’ Virat a s Youthful princes in their splendour graced royal hall , in ! Valiant sons o fvaliant fathers, brave war , august and tall

- In their gem bespangled garments came the warriors proud and high , T1“ the council chamber glittered like the star - bespangled s ky !

Kind the greetings , sweet the converse , soft the golden moments fly , o n Till intent on graver questions all Krishna turn their eye ,

Krishna with his inner vision then the state of things surveyed , And his thoughts before the monarchs thus in weighty accents laid

! Ma ! Known to all , ye mighty monarchs y your glory ever last Yudhisht hir True to plighted word hath his weary exile passed,

D rau adi d Twelve long years with fair p in the pathless jungle straye , ’ in Virat a s And a year in menial service palace stayed ,

a ffl He h th kept his plighted promise, braved a iction , woe and shame , ! And he begs , assembled monarchs , ye shall now his duty name

s we r ve t h o f s k For he not from duty kingdom the y to win , Pr iz et h s in hamlet more than empire , so his course be free from ,

o fr Loss ealm and wealth and glory higher virtues in him prove , Thoughts ofpeace and not o fanger still the good Yudhisht hir move ! Mark again the sleepless anger and the unrelenting hate D ur odhan Harboured by the proud y driven by his luckless fate ,

o r From a child , by fire poison , impious guile or trick of dice , lo w He hath compassed dark destruction , by deceit and device !

Ponder well , ye gracious monarchs , with a just and righteous mind , dhisht hir Help Yu with your counsel , with your grace and blessings

kind ,

r O Should the noble son of Pandu seek his ight by pen war, See k the aid o frighteous monarchs and o fchiefta ins near and far ? 8 8 T H E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

Should he smite his ancient foemen skilled in each deceitful art, ? Unforgiving in their vengeance, unrelenting in their heart

Should he rather send a message to the proud unbending foe, ’ And D uryodha n s haughty purpose seek by messenger to know

Should he send a noble envoy , trained in virtue , true and wise , With his greetings to D ur yodhan in a meek and friendly guise ?

’ J umna s ? Ask him to restore the kingdom on the sacred sho”re E ither king may rule his empire as in happy days ofyore !

Krishna uttered words of wisdom pregnant with his peaceful thought , ’ F or in peace and not by bloodshed still Yudhisht hir s right he

sought .

’ Va la deva s S p eech

’ Valade va Krishna s elder , stalwart chief who bore the plough , ’ ofVrishnis Rose and spake , the blood mantled o er his lofty brow

’ t o Ye have listened , pious monarchs , my brother s gentle word ’ Yudhisht hir H a st ina s Love he bears to good and to proud lord ,

Yudhisht hir For his realm by dark blue Jumna good held of yore , ’ D ur odhan o n Brave y ruled his kingdom the ruddy Ganga s shore,

And once more in love and friendship either prince may rule his share , For ! the lands are broad and fertile , and each realm is rich and fair

H ast ina Speed the envoy to with our love and greetings kind , ’ ’ Yudhish t hir s D ur odha n s Let him speak wishes, seek to know y

mind ,

Bhishma Make obeisance unto and to Drona true and bold ,

, d , Unto Kripa , archer Karna unto chieftains young an old ‘ g o TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA éd Challenge from a c ro wn monarch can a crowned king decline, Can a K shat ra warrior fathom fraud in sons ofroyal line ?

Nathless he surrendered empire true to faith and plighted word , ’ Lived for years in pathless forests Indra - prast ha s mighty lord !

ofwe af d o fo ld Past his years y exile , now emands his realm , a s a s ! Claims it, not humble suppliant , but king and warrior bold

of Yudhisht hir his Past his year dark concealment , bold claims own , ’ Proud D uryodhan now must render Indra - pra st ha s jewelled throne !

Bhis hma counsels, Drona urges , Kripa pleads for right in vain , D ur odhan ! False y will not render sinful conquest , fraudful gain

Open war I therefore counsel , ruthless and relentless war , Grace we seek not when we meet them Speeding in our battle car !

o ur our n And weapons , not entreaties, shall foeme force to yield , ’ Yield Y udhisht hir s rightful kingdom or they perish o n the field !

’ F D ur odh an 8 alse y and his forces fall beneath our battle shock , As beneath the bolt o fthunder falls the crushed and riven rock !

o f Who shall meet the helmed Arjun in the gory field war, Krishna with his fiery discus mounted on his battle - car

Who t he - l e d shall face twin born brothers by the mighty Bhima , And the vengeful chief S at ya ki with his bow and arrows dread

D ru ad Ancient p wields his weapon peerless in the field of fight ,

so n G N I w - ! And his brave , born of A , o ns an all consuming might

Ab himan u son S ub had ra y , of Arjun , whom the fair bore, ’ And whose happy nupti als brought us from far D wa r ka s se a - girt

shore ,

Me n o n earth nor bright immortals can the youthful hero face , ’ When with more than Arjun s prowess Ab himanyu leads the race ! T H E PRE PARATION 9 1

’ ’ D hr it a - ra sht ra s s on sons we conquer and Gandhara s wily ,

- for Vanquish Karna though world honoured his deeds of valour done,

’ h - Yudhisht hir s o wn Win the erce contested battle and redeem , ’ Place the exile pious - hearted on his father s ancient throne !

s in S at a ki And no y reckons slaughter of the mortal foe , But to beg a grace offoemen were a mortal sin and woe !

o ur d o ur Speed we then unto uty, let impious foemen yield , O r the fiery s o n of Sini meets them on the battle - fie ld

’ Drupa d s S peech

’ Pa nc ha la s his Fair ancient monarch rose secret thoughts to tell , F rom his lips the words of wisdom with a graceful accent fell

’ M I is uch fear thou speakest truly, hard Kuru s stubborn race, ’ 0 ff D ur odha n Vain the h pe , the e ort futile , to beseech y s grace !

D hrit a - rasht ra fit ful pleadeth vainly, feeble is his star , Bhishma Ancient , righteous Drona , cannot stop this fatal war , l Archer Karna thirsts for batt e , moved by jealousy and pride , ’ S a kuni a Deep , false and wily , still supports Duryodhan side !

’ is Va lade va s o ur Vain counsel , vainly shall envoy plead , D ur odha n not e Half his empire proud y yields in his boundless gre d ,

I his o ur - n pride he deems mildness faint and feeble hearted fear , And our suit will fan his glory and his arrogance will cheer !

our Therefore let many heralds travel near and travel far,

Seek alliance of all monarchs in the great impending war ,

t Unto brave and noble chief ains , unto nations east and west, North and south to warl i ke races speed our message and request ! 9 2 T H E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

ff D ur odhan Meanwhile peace and o ered friendship we before y place, ’ H ast ina D ur odhan s And my priest will seek , strive to win y grace ,

- w If he renders Indra prastha , peace will cro n the happy land , ” O r o ur troops will shake t he empire from the east to western strand !

’ Pa nc hala s o f Vainly were Brahmans sent with messages peace , ’ H ast ina s Vainly urged elders that the fatal feud should cease,

D o ha hi Proud ury d n to s kinsmen would not yield their proper share , ’ Pa nd u s sons would not surrender , for they had the will to dare d Fatal war and dire destructio n do the mighty gods or ain , Tl ll the kings and a rméd nations strew the red and reeking plain ff Krishna in his righteous e ort sought for wisdom from above, Strove to stop the war of nations and to end the feud in love !

’ H a st ina s sue And to far palace Krishna went to for peace ,

Raised his voice against the slaughter , begged that strife and feud should cease !

’ Kris hna s S p ee ch a t Has t ina

’ t H ast ina s Silent sat the listening chief ains in council hall , With the voice o frolling thunder Krishna spake unto them all

’ D hrit a - ras ht ra Listen , mighty , Kuru s great and ancient king , of o f ! Seek not war and death kinsmen , word peace and love I bring M ’ idst the wide earth s many nations Bharats in their worth excel ,

- Love and kindness , spotless virtue , in the Kuru elders dwell ,

’ o f u Father that noble nation , now retired from life s t rmoil , I ll beseems that sin or untruth should thy ancient bosom soil

F or thy sons in impious anger seek to do their kinsmen wrong ,

And withhold the throne and kingdom which by right to them belong ,


0 of Ponder yet , ancient monarch Rulers each distant State ,

Nations from the farthest regions gather thick to court their fate ,

of ! of Father a righteous nation Save the princes the land , old ! On the armed and fated nations stretch , man , thy saving hand

Say the word ! and at thy bidd ing leaders o feach hostile race of Not the gory field battle, but the festive board will grace, ff Robed in jewels, decked in garlands , they will qua the ruddy wine , ! Greet their foes in mutual kindness , bless thy holy name and thine

0 of ! Think , man many seasons When good Pandu left this throne ,

And his helpless loving orphans thou didst cherish as thine own ,

’ st ead in Twas thy helping y g fingers taught their infant steps to frame , u Twas thy loving gentle accents ta ght their lips to lisp each name ,

A s o wn thine they grew and blossomed, dear to thee they yet remain ,

Take them back unto thy bosom , be a father once again

’ D hrit a - ra sht ra ! Pa ndu s Unto thee, O sons in homage bend , And a loving peaceful message through my willing lips they send

Tell our monarch , more than father , by his sacred sweet command d We have lived in pathless jungle, wan ered far from land to land,

our for True unto plighted promise, we ever felt and knew,

D hrit a - ra sht ra ! To his promise cannot , will not be untrue

o f o f Years anxious toil are over and woe and bitterness , f of o f Years o waiting and watching, years danger and distress ,

on us Like a dark unending midnight hung this age forlorn , Streaks of h 0pe and dawning brightness usher now the radiant morn

Be unto us as a father , loving , not inspired by wrath ,

Be unto us as preceptor , pointing us the righteous path ,

If perchance astray we wander , thy strong arm shall lead aright, ’ i ! If our feeble bosom fainteth , help us with a father s m ght T H E PREPARATI O N 95

’ 0 ! Pa ndu s This king the soft entreaty sons to thee have made , of u These are words the sons Pand through me unto thee have said , 0 ! Take their love , gracious monarch Let thy closing days be fair ,

D ur odha n Pa ndavs . Let y keep his kingdom , let the have their share

ff fo r Call to mind their noble su ering , the tale is dark and long ff of Of the outrage they have su ered , the insult and the wrong !

Var na vat a E xiled into , destined unto death by flame , ! F or the gods assist the righteous, they with added prowess came

d - E xile unto Indra prastha , by their toil and by their might r a a r u a Cleared a forest, built a city, did the j y rite

of own Cheated their realm and empire and of all they called their , I n M the jungle they have wandered , and in atsya lived unknown ,

of Once more quelling every evil they are stout heart and hand , N o w t hl o ne ! redeem thy plighted promise, and restore their and land

Tr us t me mi /n D b r it a - r a r b t r a ! t r us t me lor d: 1 0170 r a ce t b ir b a ll , g y , g , Kr is /ma lea ds or ea ce a nd v ir t ue Herr in : unt o ou a n d a ll p f p , g y

f Sla u ht er not t b c a r me d na t ions s la u /ner not t b fil l) a nd fin g , g y , M o r e not Hu M clos in w int er s W it }! t b e b lood s t a i o s in , g , y g y n f

’ Pa ndu r J OI N a nd ! b ow n let t b em ua r d t b a ncient t /J r one y g y , Cb er ir b ea ce a nd cb er is b v ir t ue or t b da : a r e a lmos t d n p , f y y o e

’ B his hma s S p eech

’ From the monarch s ancient bosom sighs and sobs convulsive broke , Bhis hma wiped his manly eyelids and to proud D uryodha n spoke ! Listen , prince for righteous Krishna counsels love and holy peace ,

Listen , youth and may thy fortune with thy passing years increase G 96 T H E EPIC OF ANCI ENT IN DIA

’ o f Yield to Krishna s words wisdom , for thy weal he nobly strives , ’ and Yield and save thy friends kinsmen , save thy cherished subjects lives !

’ H ast ina s Foremost race in all this wide earth is royal line , Bring not o n them dire destruction by a sinful act ofthine !

Sons and fathers , friends and brothers , shall in mutual conflict die , Kinsmen slain by dearest kinsmen shall upon the red field lie !

’ ’ Vidura s Hearken unto Krishna s counsel , unto wise word , Be thy mother’s fond entreaty and thy father ’s mandate heard !

’ dw a r o ld Tempt not fiery vengeance on thy heroic race ,

Tread not in the path of darkness, seek the path of light and grace

’ Listen to thy king and father , he hath Kuru s empire graced , she L isten to thy queen and mother, who nursed thee on her breast

’ Dron a s S peech

few Out spake Drona , priest and warrior , and his words were and high , ’ ’ D ur odha n s D ur odhan s Clouded was y forehead , wrathful was y eye

Thou hast heard the holy counsel which the righteous Krishna said , ’ Bhishma s of Ancient voice warning thou hast in thy bosom weighed,

or f Peerless in their godlike wisdom are these chiefs in peace stri e , D ur odhan Truest friends to thee , y , pure and sinless in their life ,

o f Take their counsel , and thy kinsmen fasten in the bonds peace, Ma y the empire of the Kurus and their warlike fame increase !

o ld fit ful List unto thy preceptor Faithless is thy star, ho e s ! False they feed with p thy bosom, those who urge and counsel war


’ Dh rit a - ras ht r a s S p eech

- Tear drops filled his sightless eyeballs , anguish shook his aged frame , As the monarch soothed D ur yodha n by each fond endearing name :

so n D ur odhan Listen , dearest , y , shun this dark and fatal strife , ’ ’ Cast not grief and death s black shadow on thy parents closing life !

’ Krishna s heart is pure and spotless , true and wise the words he said , ’ We may win a world - wide empire with the noble Krishna s aid

Yudhisht hir Seek the friendship of , loved of righteous gods above, And unite the scattered Kurus by the lasting tie of love !

of Now at full is tide fortune, never may it come again , Strive and win ! or ever after all repentance may be vain !

’ is ff Peace righteous Krishna s counsel , and he o ers loving peace, ff D ur odhan ! ! Take the o ered boon , y Let all strife and hatred cease

’ Duryodh a n s S p eech

sat D ur odhan Silent the proud y , wrathful in the council hall ,

- e Spake to mighty arm d Krishna, and to Kuru warriors all

’ D war ka s o fsin Ill becomes thee, chieftain , in the paths to move, Panda vs ! Bear for me a secret hatred , for the secret love

Vidura Bhishma And my father , wise , , Drona warrior bold , n on ! Joi thee in this bitter hatred , turn me their glances cold

’ or o e r What great crime darkening sorrow shadows my bitter fate, ’ That ye chiefs and Kuru s monarch mark D uryodhan for your hate ?

or sin Speak , what nameless guilt folly, secret to me unknown , ff ’ ? Turns from me your sweet a ection , father s love that was my own TH E PREPARATION 99

IfYudhisht hir o f , fond gambling, played a heedless, reckless game , ’ D ur o dha n s ? Lost his empire and his freedom , was it then y blame

And if freed from shame and bondage in his folly played again , ? Lost again and went to exile , wherefore doth he now complain

fit ful Weak are they in friends and forces , feeble is their star, Wherefore then in pride and folly seek with us unequal war ? NDR Shall we , who to mighty I A scarce will do the homage due, B o w to homeless sons ofPandu and their comrades faint and few ?

in o f Bow to them while warlike Drona leads us as days old , ? Bhishma - greater than the bright gods, archer Karna true and bold

I f in dubious game of battle we should forfeit fame and life, Heaven will Ope its golden portals for the Kshat ras slain in strife !

o ur If unbending to foemen we should press the gory plain , ! Stingless is the bed of arrows , death for us will have no pain

Fo r Kshat ra o f the knows no terror his foeman in the field , ! Breaks like hardened forest timber, bends not, knows not how to yield

M o f Kshat ra So the ancient sage atanga the warlike said, Save to priest and sage preceptor unto none he bends his head !

nd ra - Yudhisht hir I prastha which my father weakly to gave , Nevermore shall go unto him while I live and brothers brave !

’ D hrit a - ra sht ra l Kuru s undivided kingdom ru es alone , ’ Let us sheat hs our swords in friendship and the monarch s empire o wn !

I f in past in thoughtless folly once the realm was broke in twain ,

- t e - ! Kuru land is united , never shall be split again

’ Ta ke m mer a e t o m finr men or D ur odb a n : w or ds a r e la in y s g y , f y p , P or t ion oft b c Kur u empir e s on: ofPa ndu r eefin v a in

Tow n nor v illa e ma r t nor b a m/et b e/ u: r i b t eour od: in hea v en g , , p g g , ’ ! ” Sp ot t b a t need/e r p oint ca n cov er sha ll not unt o t /J em b e g iv en B O O K V I I I

B H I S H MA - B A D H A

(Fa ll ofBhishma)

A L L negotiations for a peaceful partition o f the having failed , both parties now prepared for a battle, perhaps the most sanguinary that was fought o n the plains of India in the

. I ancient times t was a battle of nations, for all the warlike races in Northern India took a share in it . ’ D ur odhan s o f own d y army consisted his ivision , as well as the o f divisions ten allied kings . Each allied power is said to have o ne a b b a ub ini brought troops , and if we reduce this fabulous num of ber to the moderate figure ten thousand , including horse and foot , ’ D ur odha n s own cars and elephants , y army including his division was over a hundred thousand strong. Y udhisht hir a ér b a u had a smaller army, said to have been seven him} in number, which we may, by a similar reduction , reckon to be

- in- of Pa nc halas seventy thousand . His father law , the king the , ’ of t h e M and Arjun s relative, the king atsyas , were his principal

. as allies Krishna joined him his friend and adviser , and as of Vrish nis the charioteer Arjun , but the as a nation had joined odha n D ur y . When the t wo armies were drawn up in array and faced each saw other, and Arjun his revered elders and dear friends and rela

his fi . o n i tions among foes, he was unwilling to ght I t was th s occasio n that Krishna explained to him the great principles of D uty in that memorable work called the B/J ag a v a t - g it a which has been o ne translated into several European languages . Belief in Supreme as Deity is the underlying thought of this work , and ever and anon , “ Professor Garbe remarks, does K rishna revert to the doctrine 1 00


D ur mukha Sahadeva , mighty bowman , then the fierce sought ,

Yudhisht hir - And the righteous king with the car borne Salya fought ,

Ancient feud and deathless hatred fired the Brahman warrior bold , Drona with the proud Panc halas fought once more his feud ofold !

’ Nations from the Eastern regions gainst the bold Virata pressed, Kaike a s Kripa met the wild y hailing from the furthest West ,

D ru ad p , proud and peerless monarch , with his cohorts onward bore ’ ’ i J a a drat ha ofS indh u s Gainst the warl ke y , chief sounding shore ,

C he dis M and the valiant atsyas , nations gathered from afar , Bhojas and the fierce Ka mb oja s mingled in the dubious war !

mort al Through the day the battle lasted , and no tongue can tell

What unnumbered chieftains perished and what countless soldiers fell ,

s on his s on And the knew not father, and the sire knew not his , o f ! Brother fought against his brother, strange the deeds valour done

of Horses fell , and shafts chariots shivered in resistless shock , ’ Hurled against the foeman s chariots, speeding like the rolling rock ,

ma b ut : E lephants by driven furiously each other tore , ! Trumpeting with trunks uplifted, on the serried soldiers bore

u Ceaseless plied the gallant troopers , with a stern nyielding might,

Pikes and axes, clubs and maces, swords and spears and lances bright ,

Horsemen flew as forked lightning, heroes fought in shining mail , Archers poured their feathered arrows like the bright and glistening hail !

Bhishma of , leader the Kurus , as declined the dreadful day,

Pa ndav - Through the shattered legions forced his all resistless way ,

O - o f nward went his palm tree standard through the hostile ranks war , ’ M no r Panc hala s Bhishma s ! atsyas, Kasis, faced the mighty car FALL OF B H IS HMA 1 03

son o f But the fiery Arjun , filled with shame and bitter wrath , ’ his Turned car and tawny coursers to obstruct the chieftain s path ,

his Vainly fought the youthful warrior, though darts were pointed well , ’ Bhishma s - And dissevered from his chariot palm tree standard fell ,

Bhishma his Anger stirred the ancient , and he rose in all might, Ab hima n u ! y , pierced with arrows , fell and fainted in the fight

’ n s on o f The to save the Arjun , Matsya s gallant princes came , u Brave Uttara , noble Sweta , youthf l warriors known to fame ,

! t oo s ad Ah early fell the warriors in that and fatal strife , ’ ’ Matsya s dames and dark - eyed maidens wept the princes shortened life !

Slain by cruel fate, untimely, two brave princes young and good, ! Dauntless still the youngest brother , proud and gallant Sankha stood

’ - But the helmet wearing Arjun came to stop the victor s path , ’ Bhishma s And to save the fearless Sankha from the ancient wrath ,

’ D r u ad Panc h ala s p too , monarch , swiftly rushed into the fray, ’ Pa ndavs Strove to shield the broken and to stop the victor s way,

Bhishma foe But as fire consumes the forest , wrathful slew the , None could face his sounding chariot and his ever - circled bow !

Pa nda v And the fainting warriors marked the foe, resistless , bold , Shook like unprotected cattle tethered in the blighting cold !

O Bhis hma fierc er nward came the mighty , and the slaughter grew , From his bow like hissing serpents still the glistening arrows flew !

Onward came the ancient warrior , and his path was strewn with dead , Panda v And the broken forces , crushed and driven , scattered fled !

o f F riendly night and gathering darkness closed the slaughter the day , To their tents the sons ofPandu held their sad a nd weary way ! 1 04 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

Kur us rout ed b y Arjun

Y udhisht hir o f da Grieved at heart the good wept the losses the y, ’ o f Sought the aid gallant Krishna for the morning s fresh array,

U RY And when from the eastern mountains S A drove his fiery car , Krishna and the helmed Arjun strove to turn the tide ofwar !

’ ’ Bhishma s - o e r of glorious palm tree standard the field battle rose , ’ t h e Arjun s monkey standard glittered , cleaving through serried foes,

D ev a ; - a ndb a r v a : s k from their cloud borne chariots , and g from the y, Gazed in mute and speechless wonder on the human chiefs from high !

Bhishma While with dauntless valour Arjun still the mighty sought, o f Warlike prince fair Panchala with the doughty Drona fought,

’ Ceaseless gainst the proud preceptor sent his darts like summer rain,

f of D hrist a - d umna ! Ba fled by the skill Drona, y strove in vain

’ B ut fier c e r d of i the arts Drona pierced the prince s shattered ma l , H urt lin on g his battle chariot like an angry shower of hail ,

’ n And they rent in twain his bowstring, and they cut his pond ro s mace,

- Slew his steeds and chariot driver , streaked with blood his godlike face

’ Pa nc hala s Dauntless still , hero , springing from his shattered car, his Like a hungry desert lion with sabre rushed to war,

o f Dashed aside the darts Drona with his broad and ample shield , With his sabre brightl y flaming fearless trod the reddened field

o n In his fury and his rashness he had fallen that day , ’ But the ever - watchful Bhima stopped the proud preceptor s way !

D ur odh an Proud y marked with anger Bhima rushing in his car, ’ o f And he sent Kalinga s forces to the thickening ranks war ,


Bhis hma a n d Arj un mee t

D ur odhan n Anxious was the proud y when the golde morning came , o f of For before the car Arjun fled each Kuru chief fame,

D ur odhan Brave y shook in anger , and a tremor moved his frame, As he spake to ancient Bhishma words of wrath in bitter shame :

’ Bhishma ! dost thou lead the Kurus in this battle s crimson field ?

Warlike Drona, doth he guard us like a broad and ample shield

Wherefore then before yon Arj un do the valiant Kurus fly ? ? Wherefore doth our leader linger when he hears the battle cry

’ ? Doth a secret love for Pa ndavs quell our leader s matchless might With a halting zeal for Kurus doth the noble Bhishma fight ?

! Pa ndavs Pardon , chief if for the doth thy partial heart incline ,

Yield thy place ! let faithful Karna lead my gallant Kuru line .

’ o n Bhishma s Anger flamed forehead and the tear was in his eye, And in accents few and trembling thus the warrior made reply :

D ur odha n ! Bhishma old Vain our toil , unwise y Nor can warrior ,

Nor can Drona skilled in weapons , Karna archer proud and bold ,

o f Wash the stain deeds unholy and of wrongs and outraged laws , ’ C onquer with a load o fcunning gainst a right and righteous cause

’ D ur odha n ! Deaf to wisdom s voice , y deaf to parents and to kin , sin ! Thou shalt perish in thy folly, in thy unrepented

’ ff Y udhisht hir s For the wrongs and insults o ered unto good wife , For the kingdom from him stolen , for the plots against his life , i For the dreadful oath of Bhima , for the holy counsel g ven , ! Vainly given by saintly Krishna , thou art doomed by righteous Heaven FAL L OF B H IS H MA

M Bhis hma eanwhile since he leads thy forces, still shall meet his foe , ’ ” t o or . O r conquer, to perish , to the battle s front I go

Bhishma his Speaking thus , unto the battle ancient held way,

Sweeping all before his chariot as upon a previous day ,

ofYudhis ht hir And the army shook from end to farthest end , Arjun nor the valiant Krishna could against the tide contend

i Cars were shattered , fled the coursers, elephants were p ercedand slain , of Shafts chariots , broken standards , lifeless soldiers strewed the plain !

Coats of mail were left by warriors as they ran with streaming hair, Soldiers fled like herds of cattle stricken by a sudden fear '

’ i - o f Kr shna , Arjun s chariot driver , and a chief righteous fame , ’ M a arked the Pandav broken forces, spake in grief and bitter shame

! of i t Arjun not in hour battle hath been thy wont to fly,

Forward lay thy path of glory, or to conquer or to die !

- Bhishma If to day with angry Arjun shuns the dubious fight , Shame o n Khrish na ! if he joins thee in this sad inglorious flight ! 0 ! ’ Be it mine alone, Arjun warrior s wonted work to know, Krishna with his fiery discus smites the all - resistless foe f Then he lung the reins to Arjun , left the steeds and sounding car, of Leaped upon the field battle , rushed into the dreadful war ! ” ! his not Shame cried Arjun in anger, Krishna shall wage thefight, Nor shall Arjun like a recreant seek for safety in his fight !

o n d And he dashed behind the warrior, and foot the chief pursue , a s Caught him the angry Krishna still his distant foeman viewed ,

Stalwart Arjun lifted Krishna , as the storm lifts up a tree,

- Placed him on his battle chariot, and he bent to him his knee ! Pardon , Krishna , this compulsion pardon this transgression bold , 0 ! But while Arjun lives , chieftain weapon of thy wrath withhold ! 1 08 T H E EPIC OF ANCI ENT IN DIA

’ Ab himan u S ub had ra s b o By my warlike y , fair darling y,

By my brothers , dearer , truer , than in hours of pride and joy, — By my troth I pledge thee, Krishna , let thy angry discus sleep ,

r . A cher Arjun meets his foeman , and his plighted word will keep

a l - F orthwith rushed the fiery Arjun in his sounding b tt e car, of And like waves before him parted serried ranks hostile war,

’ ’ D ur odhan Vainly hurled his lance y gainst the valiant warrior s face, ’ o fM o nd rous Vainly Salya , king adra , threw with skill his p mace , e With disdain the godlike Arjun dashed the fe ble darts aside, a ndiv a a s Held aloft his famed g , he stood with haughty pride ,

of o fr a ukb a of Beat drum and blare and the thunder his car, And his weapon ’ s fearful accents rose terrific near and far !

Panda v on Came resistless forces , sweeping onward , wave wave , C hedis M Pa nc halas c hieft ians ! , atsyas and , true and warriors brave

O Bhishma nward too came forth the Kurus , by the matchless led , Shouts arose and cry ofanguish midst the dying and the dead !

in - fire s fit ful But the evening closed darkness , and the night flared , F ainting troops and bleeding chieftains to their various tents repaired !

’ Dur yodh a n s Brothers s lain

o f Dawned another day battle ; Kurus knew that day too well , Widowed queens of fair H a st ina wept before the evening fell !

ofd m For as whirlwind estruction Bhima swept in ighty wrath , of Broke the serried line tuskers vainly sent to cross his path ,

D r odhan s Smote u y with his arrows, three terrific dart and five , Smote proud Salya from the battle scarce they bore the chiefs alive !


’ m w i e Ab hima n u fai S ub had ra s y arl k y , r m b mt her s e e r e an i hour s y , d ar r , t u r , th n

rc e Ar un m his foe ma A h r j eets n ,

F or thwith rush ed t he fie ry Ar j un v o r m And like wa es b ef : hi t un ed

O t oo a me fo h K s b t he nward c rt the uru , y

“ S hout. a rose a nd cry ofangui sh mids t t he

But t he i se r n s even ng clo d in da k e s , and Fainting troops and blee ding chiefta ins t o tents repa ired !


Widowed queens offa ir H ast ina wept b efore 0 For as whirlwind ofdestr uction Bhima swept

e r odhan his h ee r s fi ve Smot Du y with arrows , t r ter ific dart and , Smote proud S alya from t he b a ttle sca rce t hey bore, t he chiefs alive !


And a hundred foeman gathered , and unequal was the strife , f Bhima strove with furious valour, for his orfeit was his life

’ Panc hala s sa Fair watchful monarch w the danger from afar ,

Forced his way where bleeding Bhima fought beside his shattered car ,

o n - And he helped the fainting warrior , placed him his chariot seat, ! But the Kurus darkly gathered , surging round as waters meet

’ son Arjun s and twelve brave chieftains dashed into the dubious fray , ’ D ru ad Rescued Bhima and proud p from the Kurus grim array,

Surging still the Kuru forces onward came with ceaseless might , Drona smote the scattered Panda vs till the darksome hours of night !

Pa n da vs routed b y Bhis hma M orning came and angry Arjun rushed into the dreadful war ,

- Krishna drove his milk white coursers , onward flew his sounding car ,

And before his monkey banner quailed the faint and frightened foes , ’ Till like star on billowy ocean Bhishma s palm - tree banner rose !

Y udhish t hir Vainly then the good , stalwart Bhima , Arjun brave, o f Strove with useless toil and valour shattered ranks war to save,

Panda v o n Bhishma Vainly too the brothers the peerless fell , ’ Gods in s ky nor earthly warriors Bhishma s matchless might could quell !

’ Y udhisht hir s - Fell lofty standard , shook his chariot, battle tost , F ell his proud and fiery coursers , and the dreadful day was lost S ahadeva and Nakula vainly strove with all their might , Till their broken scattered forces rested in the shades of night ! FALL OF B HIS H MA 1 1 1

’ Ira va t sla in : Duryodhan s B rot hers slai n

’ saw u o f Bhishma s was Morning the t rn battle ; charioteer slain , unc ont r olléd And his coursers flew across the reddened plain ,

I ll it fared with Kuru forces when their leader went astray, i And their foremost chiefs and warriors with the dead and dy ng lay.

’ - But Gandhara s mounted princes rode across the battle ground, ’ it s For steeds and matchless chargers is Gandhara s realm renowned ,

’ I ra vat And to smite the young fierce Gandhara s princes swore, a I ravat so n ! Br ve , of Arjun , whom a Naga princess bore

M e o n - did ount d their milk white chargers proudly the princes sweep , ’ s ea - of Like the birds skimming gaily o er the bosom the deep, F ’ ive of stout Gandhara s princes in that fatal combat fell , And a sixth in fear and faintness fled to tell the woeful tale

’ ’ ! I ra vat s Short , alas triumph , transient was the victor s joy , A lamb us ha d n b o ark and dreadful came agai st the gallant y,

Fierce and fateful was the combat , mournful is the tale to tell , son Like a lotus rudely severed , gallant of Arjun fell !

n t h e Arju heard tale of sorrow , and his heart was filled with grief, ’ Thus he spake a father s anguish , faint his accents , few and brief :

Wherefore , K rishna , for a kingdom mingle in this fatal fray l — d Kinsmen killed and chi dren slaughtered , ear, alas ! the price we pay !

’ ’ Woe unto H a st ina s empire built upon our kinsmen s grave ! Dearer than the throne of mona rchs was I ravat young and brave !

’ Young in years and rich in beauty, with thy mother s winsome eye ! a o n Art thou slain , my gall nt warrior, and thy father was n t igh ? 11 1 1 2 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA ! But thy young blood calls for vengeance noble Krishna drive the car , ’ ” w son ! Let them feel the father s prowess , those who sle the in war

a - his And he dashedtheglistening te r drop , and wordswere few and brief, Broken ranks and slaughtered chieftains spoke an angry father ’ s grief !

I ravat Bhima too revenged , and as onward still he flew, Brothers ofthe proud D uryodha n in that fatal combat slew !

e a of Still advanc d the fat l carnage till the darksome close day, When the wounded and the weary with the dead and dying lay

h Pa nda vs routed b y B ishma.

of Fell the thickening shades darkness on the red and ghastly plain ,

Torches by the white tents flickered , red fires showed the countless

slain ,

- D ur odha n With a bosom sorrow laden proud y drew his breath , ’ Wept the issue of the battle and his warlike brothers death . Spent with grief and silent sorrow slow the Kuru monarch went ’ Bhishma s Where arose in dewy starlight proud and snowy tent,

sad D ur odha n And with tears and hands conjoined thus the y spoke , And his mournful bitter accents oft by heaving sighs were broke

’ Bhishma ! on thy matchless prowess Kuru s hopes and fates depend , Gods nor men with warlike Bhishma can in field ofwar contend !

’ no t Bhishma s Brave in war are sons of Pandu, but they face might , I n their fierce and deathless hatred slay my brothers in the fight !

’ M o f H ast ina s ind thy pledge , O chief Kurus , save royal race, O n the ancient king my father grant thy never - failing grace !

n — sa If withi thy noble bosom , pardon cruel words I y,

Secret love for sons of Pandu holds a soft and partial sway,


Fa ll ofBhis hma

Yudhisht hir o n d Good gazed with sorrow the ark and ghastly plain , Shed his tears on chiefs and warriors by the matchless Bhishma slain !

n of Vai this unavailing battle , vain this woeful loss life , ’ Gainst the death - compelling Bhishma hopeless is this arduou s strife !

of As a lordly tusker tramples on a marsh feeble reeds , c o nfla rat ion As a forest g on the parched woodland feeds,

Bhis hma - rides upon my warriors in his mighty battle car, God nor mortal chief can face him in the gory field o fwar !

o ur o ur Vain toil , and vain the valour of kinsmen loved and lost ,

Vainly fight my faithful brothers by a luckless fortune crost,

N - o fwoe ations pour their life blood vainly , ceaseless wakes the sound ” , st 0 Krishna , p this cruel carnage, unto woods once more we go !

Sad they hold a midnight council and the chiefs in silence meet, Bhishma e And they go to ancient , love and mercy to entr at,

’ Bhishma loved the sons of Pandu with a father s loving heart, But from troth unto D uryodha n righteous Bhishma would not pa rt !

of ! “ D ur odhan Sons Pandu said the chieftain , Prince y is my lord, Bhishma r is no faithless se vant nor will break his plighted word,

Valiant are ye , noble princes , but the chief is yet unborn , ! While I lead the course of battle , who the tide of war can turn

Listen more . With vanquished foeman , or who falls or takes to flight, Bhishma t Casts his weapons, craves for mercy, ancient do h not fight ,

Bhishma doth not fight a rival who submits, fatigued and worn ,

B hishma d d d d . oth not fight the woun e , oth not fight a woman born FALL OF B H IS H MA 1 1 5

Pa ndavs Back unto their tents the came with Krishna deep and wise , He unto the anxious Arjun thus in solemn whisper cries

0 ! not f Bhis hma Arjun , there is h pe of triumph Hath truth ul sworn, ? He will fight no wounded warrior, he will fight no woman born

’ was Sikha ndin D r u ad s son o f Female child brave , p youngest pride, ’ Yudhisht hir s Gods have turned him to a warrior , placed him by side

Bhishma Place him in the van of battle, mighty leaves the strife , c ase ! Then with we fight and conquer, and the forfeit is his life ” ! Shame exclaimed the angry Arjun , not in secret heroes fight , Not behind a child or woman screen their valour and their might !

Krishna , loth is archer Arjun to pursue this hateful strife, Bhishma his ! Trick against the sinless , fraud upon spotless life

his Knowest thou good and noble Krishna , as a child I climbed knee,

As a boy I called him father, hung upon him lovingly ? Perish conquest ! dearly purchased by a mean deceitful strife ! ’ Perish crown and jewelled sceptre ! won with Bhis hma s saintly life !

: Bhis hma of Gravely answered noble Krishna falls by close day , ! Victim to the cause of virtue, he himself hath showed the way

or o D ear hated be the f eman , Arjun , thou shalt fight and slay, ” Wherefore else the blood of nations hast thou poured from day today ?

M Ab hima n u orning dawned , and mighty Arjun , y young and bold , D ru a d P monarch of Panchala , and Virata stern and old ,

Yudhisht hir Brave and his brothers clad in arms and shining mail , ’ Rushed to war where Bhishma s standard gleamed and gl ittered in the gale !

D ur odha n s it s l Proud y marked their on et, and fata purpose knew , ’ his men a Panda vs w And bravest and chieft ins gainst the fiery thre , 1 1 6 TH E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

’ ’ Kamb o a s a a nd so n With j st lwart monarch with Drona s mighty , With the valiant bowman Kripa stemmed the battle still unwon !

D uhsa san for And his younger , fierce , thirsting the deathful war, ’ - n - Gainst the helmet wearing Arju drew his mighty battle car ,

’ As a high and rugged mountain meets the angry ocean s sway, D uhsasan Proud warred with Arjun in his wild and onward way,

as - - And myriad white wingedsea birds swoop upon the darksome wave , Clouds ofdarts and glistening lances drank the red blood of the brave !

Other warlike Kuru chieftains came, the bravest and the best, ’ Bha adat t a of Drona s self and g , monarch the farthest East ,

’ - ofM d Car borne Salya , mighty warrior , king adra s distant lan , ’ ’ i Mala v s Pr nces from Avanti s regions, chiefs from rocky strand ,

’ J a a drat ha o fS indh u s y , matchless fighter , king sounding shore , Che t ra sena and Vikarna , countless chiefs and warriors more

Pa ndavs 1n And they faced the fiery , peerless their warlike might, d fi L ong and drea ful raged the combat , darkly closed the dubious ght ,

a ro se like of list eni n Dust clouds summer , g g darts like lightning played , sk r Darksome grew the y with a rows , thicker grew the gloomy shade ,

mailéd Cars went down and horsemen , soldiers fell in dread array, E lephants with white tusks broken and with mangled bodies lay !

Arjun and the stalwart Bhima , piercing through their countless foes,

- Side by side impelled their chariots, where the palm tree standard rose !

Bhis hma Where the peerless ancient on that dark and fatal day, ! Warring with the banded nations , still resistless held his way

- On he came , his palm tree standard still the front of battle knew, ’ And like sun from dark clouds parting Bhis hma burst on Arjun 3 view

And his eyes brave Arjun shaded at the awe - inspiring sight, Hal f he wished to turn for shelter from that chief ofgodl 1ke might !


Y udhisht hir Grant his kingdom to , righteous man beloved of Heaven , ’ own H ast ina s ! Keep thy regions, be the hapless past forgiven

! o fBhishma Vain , alas the voice like a heavenly warning spoke , Hatred dearer than his life - blood in the proud D ur yo dha n woke

Darker grew the gloomy midnight, and the princes went their way, of Bhishma On his bed pointed arrows lone and dying lay,

Karna t hou h Bhishma , g he loved not whilst the chieftain lived in fame, Gently to the dying Bhishma in the midnight darkness came !

Bhishma of heard the tread Karna, and he oped his glazing eye , in Spake love and spake in sadness , and his bosom heaved a sigh

Pride and envy, noble Karna , filled our warlike hearts with strife , e ! Discord ends with breath departing , envy sinks with fl eting life I More have to tell thee , Karna, but my parting breath may fail , ! Feeble are my dying accents, and my parched lips are pale

o f Arjun beats not noble Karna in the deeds valour done , ’ Prit ha s s on Nor excels in birth and lineage, Karna , thou art

Prit ha bore thee , still unwedded , and the Sun inspired thy birth , God - born man ! No mightier archer treads this broad and spacious earth !

’ Prit ha cast thee i n her sorrow , hid thee with a maiden s shame,

And a driver, not thy father, nursed thee, chief of warlike fame

n sad Arju is thy brother, Karna, end this fraternal war,

- d Seek not life blood of thy brother, nor against him rive thy car

! Bhishma Vain , alas the voice of like a heavenly warning spoke, Hatred dearer than his life - blood in the vengeful Kama woke ! B O O K I!

D RO N A - B A D H A

(Fa ll of D r ona )

N l Bhis hma o f O the fa l of the Brahman chief Drona , preceptor Pa nda v o f the Kuru and princes , was appointed the leader Fo r o n the Kuru forces . five days Drona held his w against the Pa nda vs o f , and some the incidents of these days , like the fall o fAb hima n u of y and the vengeance Arjun , are amon g the most o ff stirring pa ssages in the Epic . The description fthe di erent stan dards o fthe Pandav and the Kuru warrio r s is also interesting . At Pa nc hala s last Drona slew his ancient foe the king of the , and s was then slain by his son the prince o fthe Pa nc ha la .

a . The Book is n abridgment of Book vii . of the original text

S ing le Comb a t b etw een Bh ima an d S a lya

Morning ushered in the battle ; Panda v warriors heard with dread ! Drona, priest and proud preceptor , now the Kuru forces led

- d And the foe compelling Drona ple ged his troth and solemn word , ’ He woul d take Yudhisht hir captive to H a st ina s haughty lord

But the ever faithful Arjun to his virtuous elder bowed , And in clear and manful accents spake his warlike thoughts aloud

’ is our a eb a r a : f Sacred great preceptor, sacred is y li e , Arjun may not slay his teacher even in this mortal strife ! 1 1 9 1 20 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA 0 ’ Saving this , command , monarch , Arjun s bow and warlike sword, ! For thy safety, honoured elder, Arjun stakes his plighted word

M of atchless in the art battle is our teacher fierce and dread , ’ But he comes not to Yudhisht hir save o er blood of Arjun shed !

’ M 3 orning witnessed doughty Drona foremost in the battle tide, ’ Yudhi sht h1r s on But warlike chieftains compassed him every side,

’ o f s on F oremost the youthful chieftains came resistless Arjun s , ’ of his of u o Father s blood and milk mother fired deeds valo r d ne ,

o f o x As the lion the jungle drags the into his lair , Ab himanyu from his chariot dragged Paurava by his hair !

J a adrat ha o f y king Sindhu marked the faint and bleeding chief, of Leaping from his car battle, wrathful came to his relief,

Ab himan u e y left his captive, turn d upon the mightier foe , art ied And with sword and hardened buckler gave and p many a blow,

of Rank to rank from both the forces cry admiration rose,

Streaming men poured forth in wonder , watched the combat fierce and close !

’ b himan u s J a drat ha Piercing A y buckler ya sent his stroke,

But the turned and twisted sword - blade snapping in the midway broke ,

o f Weaponless the king Sindhu ran into his sheltering car,

- field Salya came unto his rescue from a battle afar ,

’ o n so n his n Dauntless , the new assailant , Arjun s weapo drew, Interposing ’ twixt the fighters Bhima ’ s self on Salya flew !

Stoutest wrestlers in the armies, peerless fighters with the mace, Bhima and the stalwart Salya stood oppo séd face to face ! f Hempen fastening bound their maces and the wire o twisted gold , ff Whirling bright, like circling flashes, shook their sta s the warriors bold !


S ta nda rds o ft h e Pan da vs

M Y udhisht hir orning came ; still round Drona led the gathering war ,

- sa t aka s - field a Arjun fought the Sam p in a battle far ,

’ of But the prince fair Panchala marked his father s ancient foe,

D h ris ht a - d umna b o w ! And against the doughty Drona, y bent his

of d But as darksome cloudy masses angry gusts storm ivide,

Through the scattered , fainting foemen Drona drove his car in pride ,

Steeds went down and riven chariots , young Panchala turned and fled , Onward drove resistless Drona through the dying and the dead !

’ of One more prince fair Panchala gainst the mighty Drona came , ’ fPa nc ha la s Ancient feud ran in the red blood o chiefs of fame , ! ’ Fated youth with reckless valour still he fought his father s foe, Fought and fell ; relentless Drona laid the brave Satyajit low !

’ Pandav Surging still like ocean s billows other warriors came,

To protect their virtuous monarch and redeem their ancient fame ,

- Came in various battle chariots drawn by steeds of every hue, ’ Various were the chieft ains standards which the warring nations knew !

Bhima drove his stalwart horses tinted like the dappled deer, ’ - Pa nc h ala s Grey and pigeon coloured coursers bore prince and peer ,

fi - Horses bred in famed Kamboja , ery, parrot green in hue, ’ Brave Nakula s sumptuous chariot in the deathful battle drew,

Piebald horses trained to battle did young Sahadeva rein , ’ - Y dhish hir s Ivory white u t coursers with their flowing ebon mane,

D u ad And by him with gold umbrella valiant monarch r p came, ’ Horses ofa bright - bay colour carried Matsya s king of fame. FALL OF D RONA

Varied as their various coursers gallantly their standards rose , o f ! With their wondrous strange devices , terror their armed foes

’ - Water jar on tawny deerskin , such was Drona s sign of war ,

- Drona as a tender infant rested in a water jar,

’ a Yudhis ht hir s of Golden moon with st rs surrounding was sign yore,

a - Silver lion was the stand rd tiger waisted Bhima bore ,

’ Brave Nakula s sign was red deer with its back of burnished gold , ’ Silver swan with bells resounding Sahadeva s onset told ,

’ - Ab himan s Golden peacock rich emblazoned was young yu joy, ’ G hat ot ka c ha b o . Vulture shone on , Bhima s proud and gallant y

D ur od han Now y marked the foemen heaving like the rising tide ,

And he faced the wrathful Bhima towering in his tameless pride,

D ur odha n fled Short the war, for proud y wounded from the battle , And his warriors from fair Anga rested with the countless dead !

Bha adat t a of Wild with anger g , monarch the farthest East ,

With his still unconquered forces on the valiant Bhima pressed ,

’ Came from far the wrathful Arjun , and the battle s front he sought , Where by eastern foes surrounded still the stalwart Bhima fought !

’ - - Fated monarch from the far east Brahma putra s sounding shore, s un Land of rising will hail him and his noble peers no more ,

his F or tusker pierced by arrows trumpeted his dying wail , Like a red and fl aming meteor gallant Bhagadat t a fell !

’ Then with rising wrath and anguish Karna s noble bosom bled , a Bhishma Karna , who had stayed from b ttle while his rival led ,

’ Ancient hate and jealous anger clouded Karna s warlike heart , ’ Bhishma e ! And while led , all idly slumb red Karna s bow and dart

’ Now he marked with warrior s anguish all his comrades fled afar, ’ And his foeman Arjun sweeping o er the red field of the war , 1 24 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

’ Anger like a tongue of red fire shot from Karna s flaming eye, And he sprang to meet his foeman or to conquer or to die !

F ierce and dubious was the battle, answering clouds gave back the din , ! Karna met his dearest foeman , and, alas his nearest kin

’ ’ Pa nc hala s Bhima and warriors unto Arjun s rescue came, ’ D ur odha n S indhu s of ! Proud y came to Karna , and fair king fame

Fiercely raged the gory combat , when the night its shadows threw , Wounded men and blood - stained chieftains to their nightly tents withdrew !

’ Ab hima nyu s Dea th

’ - Fatal was the blood red morning purpling o er the angry east , Ab hima n u ! Fatal day for y , bravest warrior and the best

Countless were the gallant chieftains like the sands beside the sea , f None with braver bosom battled, none with hands more stout and ree

’ ! S ub hadra s Brief, alas thy radiant summers , fair gallant boy, ’ ’ Loved ofMatsya s soft - eyed princess and her young heart s pride and joy

! t o o Brief, alas thy sunlit winters , light of war early quenched , s n of ! Peerless o of peerless Arjun , in the blood foemen drenched

Drona on that fatal morning ranged his dreadful battle - line

I n a circle darkly spreading where the chiefs with chiefs combine,

’ Panda vs o n And the looked despairing the battle s dread array , t ! Vainly strove to force a passage, vainly sought heir onward way

Ab himan u y , young and fiery, dashed alone into the war,

Reckless through the shattered forces all resistless drove his car ,


’ D ur odhan s son Next in gleaming arms accoutred came y gallant ,

Proud and warlike as his father, famed for deeds of valour done ,

in ! Young in years and rich valour , for , alas he fought too well , And before his weeping father proud and gallant Lakshman fell !

Ab hima n u d O nward still went y mi st the dying and the dead , Shook from rank to rank the Kurus and their shattered army fled !

’ J a adrat ha ofS indhu s Then the impious y , king sounding shore ,

m six - Ca e forth in unrighteous concert with car borne warriors more,

’ ulfin Darkly closed the fatal circle with the g g surge s moan , Ab hima n u ! Dauntless, with the seven brave chieftains y fought alone

Fell , alas his peacock standard , and his car was broke in twain ,

Bow and sabre rent and shattered , and his faithful driver slain ,

o f Heedless yet death and danger, misty with the loss of blood , Ab himan u his o y wiped forehead , gazed where dark his foemen sto d

a of Then with wild desp iring valour , flickering flame closing life , M ace in hand the heedless warrior rushed to end the mortal strife ,

Ab himan u Rushed upon his startled foemen , y fought and fell ’ And his deeds to distant ages bards and wand ring minstrels tell

of L ike a tusker the forest by surrounding hunters slain ,

- c onsumin Like a wood g wildfire quenched upon the distant plain ,

- Like a mountain shaking tempest, spent in force and hushed and still ,

e - o n Like the r d resplendent day god setting the western hill ,

e cli se dar k L ike the moon serene and beauteous quenched in p , and pale, L ifeless slumbered Ab himanyu when the softened starlight fell !

of d Done the day death and slaughter , arkening shadows close around,

Wearied warriors seek for shelter on the vast and tented ground,

’ - fire s - Soldiers camp brightly blazing , tent lights shining from afar , Cast their fit ful gleam and radiance on the carnage of the war !


Nex t in glea ming arm s a ccoutred came Du and a as his fa m for Proud w rlike father, ed

o in ars and ri h in va for aas ! b e Y ung ye c lour, , l And b e fore his wee ping father pr oud and gallan

O nward stil u mid st the dying S hoo k fr om he Ka ma a Then Ca me fort h in

Da rklv s isa l ;

n w d a ri n alo u c k ; The ith wild esp i g v r , fli er Mac e in hand t he hee dl e ss war rior rushed

R ushed upon his sta rtled foem A nd his deeds t o distant ages

Like a tus ker of the fore Like a wood - cons uming

Like a mounta in - sha ki ng Like the red resplendent

L ike the moon serene and be aut eo us que nch L ifeless slumbered Ab hima nyu wh en the

of ea h and t e ar sh Done the day d t slaugh r , d kening Wearied warriors se ek for s helt er o n the vast an

’ e - fires e - Soldi rs camp brightly blazing , t nt lights Ca st their fit ful gleam and radia nce on t he


Arjun from a field at distance , where upon that day he fought ,

With the ever faithful Krishna now his nightly shelter sought,

r Wherefo e , Krishna , uttered Arjun , evil omens strike my eye,

o f a - ? Thoughts s dness fill my bosom , wake the long forgotten sigh

of not o n - fie ld Wherefore voice evening bugle speaks the battle ,

Merry. conch nor sounding trumpet music to the warriors yield ?

Harp is hushed within the dark tents and the voice of warlike song , Bards beside the evening camp - fir e tales ofwar do not prolong

’ Yudhisht hir s s o Good tent is voiceless , and my brothers look pale , Ab himanyu comes not joyous Krishna and his sire to hail !

’ Ab hima n u s y love and greeting bless like blessings from above, ’ ’ F S ub hadra s 0 I air joy and treasure , Arjun s pride and h pe and love

- sad Yudhisht hir S oftly and with many tear drops did the tell , How in dreadful field of battle gallant Ab hima nyu fell

’ J a adrat ha on s o n How the impious y fell Arjun s youthful , H e six — Ab himan u ! with proud Kuru chieftains , y all alone

H ow o f of the young prince , reft weapon and deprived steed and car, Fell as falls a Ks hat ra warrior fighting on the field of war !

’ ; d n of Arjun heard the father s bo”som throbbe with pai cureless wound , “ — Brave and gallant boy ! said Arjun ; and he sank upon the ground !

o f o f Moments passed voiceless sorrow and speechless bitter tear, Sobs within his mailed bosom smote the weeping listener’s ear !

’ Moments passed with rising anger quivered Arjun s iron frame, ’ ’ Ab hima nyu s cruel murder smote the father s heart to flame !

’ d S indhu s o n Ab himan u Di st thou say that monarch my y bore , H e — J a ad rat ha six m ? alone , and y leagued with aurauders more 1 2 8 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

sa Didst thou y the impious Kurus stooped unto this deed of shame , ’ O on utrage the laws of honour , stain upon a warrior s fame

’ ’ Father s curse , a warrior s hatred sting them to their dying breath , For ! they feared my boy in battle , hunted him to cruel death

Y udhisht hir Hear my vow , benign , hear me, Krishna , righteous lord , ’ Arj un s hand shall slay the slayer, Arjun plights his solemn word !

Ma y I never reach the bright sky where the righteous fathers dwell , Ma y I with the darkest sinners live within the deepest hell ,

’ Parricides who slay their fathers , shed their loving mothers blood , o f ur us Stain the sacred bed g , steal their gold and holy food ,

Cherish envy, cheat their kinsmen , speak the low and dastard lie, ’ I f - J a adrat ha ! , ere comes to morrow s sunset , y doth not die

J a adrat ha t o - y dies morrow, victim to my vengeful ire , ! Arjun else shall yield his weapons , perish on the flaming pyre

’ - S ub hadra s Softer tear drops wept the mother, joyless was life, ’ ’ l o véd Krishna s fair and honoured sister , Arjun s dear and wife

’ o n o fb at t le s me are d Dost thou lie field , with dust and foeman s gore , Child o flight and love and s weetness whom thy hapless mother bore ?

Soft thine eye as budding lotus , sweet and gentle was thy face,

Are those soft eyes closed in slumber , faded is that peerless grace

so And thy limbs young and tender, on the bare earth do they lie, ? Where the hungry jackal pro wlet h and the vulture flutters nigh

Gold and jewels graced thy bosom , gems bedecked thy lofty crest , Doth the crimson mark of sabre decorate that manly breast ?

’ ’ b hadra s Rend S u stony bosom with a mother s cureless grief, Let her follow Ab hima nyu and in death obtain relief !

Earth to me is void and cheerless , joyless is my hearth and home, Dreary without Ab hima nyu is this weary world to roam !


o n d of Heavy this bleeding bosom sits the arkening load woe , ’ ’ And an injured father s vengeance seeks the slaughtered hero s fo e !

a Pardon then if sorrowing Arjun seeks a far and dist nt way,

M a - ! ighty is the vow of Arjun , cruel is his t sk to day

Passing by the doughty Drona onward Sped the fiery car , n Through the broke line of warriors , through the shattered ranks

of war, l Angas and the brave Kalingas vainly crossed his wrathfu way, ’ Proud Avantis from the regions where fair C hamb al s waters st ray !

’ Famed Avanti s fated princes vainly led their highland force, b e of Fell neath the wrath Arjun , stayed nor stopped his onward


’ of r - O nward still with speed lightning thundered A jun s battle car, To the spot where J ayadrat ha stood behind the ranks of war !

s un Now the from highest zenith red and fiery radiance lent, ’ L ong and weary was the passage, Arjun s foaming steeds were spent,

“ Arjun said the faithful Krishna , arduous is thy cruel quest , ’ ” But thy foaming coursers falter, and they need a moment s rest,

u o ur Be it so, brave Arj n answered , from chariot we alight , I Rest awhile the weary horses , Krishna , I will watch the fight

e Speaking thus the arm d Arjun lightly leaped upon the lea , o n Stood guard with bow and arrow by the green and shady tree,

Krishna groomed the jaded horses, faint and feeble, red with gore ,

With a healing hand he tended wounds the bleeding coursers bore,

d Watered them beside a river by the zephyrs soft caresse , ul Gave unto them welcome fodder , gave unto them needf rest ,

Thus refreshed , the noble coursers Krishna harnessed to the car, And the gleaming helmed Arjun rushed once more into the war FALL OF D RONA 1 3 1

Came o n him the Kuru warriors, darksome wave succeeding wave ,

Standards decked with strange devices , streaming banners rich and


’ of son Foremost was the glorious standard preceptor Drona s , ’ - Lion s tail in golden brilliance on his battle chariot shone , ’ ’ d Elephant s rope was Karna s ensign made of rich and burnished gol , o f d And a bull bedecked the standard the bowman Kripa bol ,

o f a Peacock made precious met l , decked with jewels rich and rare , ’ Vrisha se na s noble standard shone aloft serene and fair,

o f Ploughshare a golden lustre , shining like the radiant flame , ’ M o f Spoke the car of mighty Salya , adra s king warlike fame,

- Far , and guarded well by chieftains , shone the dazzling silver boar, ’ n o fJ a adra t ha S indhu s E nsig proud y , brought from sounding shore ,

o fS oma dat t a On the car shone a stake of sacrifice, ’ i S a lwa s S lver boar and golden parrots , these were proud device,

’ D ur odhan s Last and brightest of the standards , on the prince y car , L ordly elephant in jewels proudly shone above the war !

a Nine heroic Kuru chieft ins , bravest warriors and the best , Leagued they came to grapple Arjun and o n faithful Krishna pressed !

his Arjun swept like sweeping whirlwind , all resistless in force , foe Sought no and waged no combat , held his ever onward course

J a ad rat ha For he sighted y midst the circling chiefs of war, ’ his Gainst that warrior , grim and silent, Arjun drove furious car !

N o w da - o n s fla me the y god rolled his chariot the western clouds , ’ J a adrat ha Karna s self and five great chieftains round brave y came ,

’ Vainly strove the valiant Arjun struggling gainst the Kuru line, ’ ee d d Charged upon the p rless Karna as he marked the ay s ecline,

r a K ishna then a prayer whispered ; came a friendly s ble cloud, ’ Veiled the red sun s dazzling brillian c e in a dark and inky shroud 1 3 2 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

Karna deemed the evening darkness now proclaimed the close ofstrife ,

Failing in his plighted promise Arjun must surrender life,

And his comrade chiefs rejoicing slackened in their furious fight, J a yadrat ha hailed with gladness thickening shades of welcome night !

sad s In that and fatal error all the Kuru chief combine , n of Arj u quic k as bolt lightning breaks their all unguarded line, fi Like an onward sweeping wild re shooting forth its lolling tongue, On the startled J ayad rat ha Arjun in his fury flung !

u Short the strife ; as angry falcon swoops pon its helpless prey, f ! Arjun sped his venge ul arrow, and his foeman lifeless lay

Frie ndl ind s t he dark yw removed cloud from the reddening western hill , And the sun in crimson lustre cast its fiery radiance sti ll

’ ’ E re the evening s mantling darkness fell o er distant hill and plain , ’ D ur odhan s Proud y many brothers were by vengeful Bhima slain ,

D ur odha n And y , stung by sorrow, waged the still unceasing fight , I n the thick and gathering darkness t oxc h e s lit the gloom ofnight !

for J a ad rat ha Karna , furious in his anger his y slain , fo r ofD ur odha n And brothers y sleeping lifeless on the plain , ’ d Gainst the gallant son of Bhima rove his dread resounding car, And in gloom and midnight darkness waked the echoes of the war

’ ’ son G hat ot kac ha Bhima s brave twice proud Karna s horses slew,

Twice the humbled steedless Karna from the dubious battle flew ,

n Came agai the fiery Karna , vengeance flamed within his heart , Like the midnight ’ s lurid lightning sped his fell and fatal dart !

of Woeful was the hour darkness , luckless was the starry sway , ’ Bhima s son in youth and valour lifeless o n the red field lay !

Then was closed the midnight battle , silent shone the starry light, Bhima knew nor rest nor slumber through the long and woeful night !


Know the truth ; the gallant Arjun hath no peer on earth below , D ur o dha n And no warrior breathes , y , who can face thy helmed foe

’ Drona knows his sacred duty ; and tis willed by Heaven on high , Arjun or preceptor Drona shall in this day ’ s battle die !

s un Now the in crimson Splendour rolled his car of glistening gold , o f o n Sent his Shafts purple radiance the plain and mountain bold ,

And from elephant and charger, from their bravely bannered car ,

L ighted mailed kings and chieftains and the serried hosts of war ,

ma n t r a Faced the sun with hands conjoined and the sacred told , r ir b ir ofo ld Hymns by ancient chanted , sanctified by bards

or - Worship done, each silent warrior mounts the car battle steed, O nward to the deathful contest doth his gallant forces lead ,

Pa nda v I ll it fared with forces , doughty Drona took the field , Peer was none midst living warriors of the Brahman trained and skilled !

u Arjun , faithf l to his promise , his preceptor would not fight , no r King chief nor other archer dared to face his peerless might ,

’ old 3 But feud like potent poison fires the warrior heart with strife , Sire to son still unforgotten leaps the hate from death to life !

of Wrathful princes Panchala , by their deathless hatred stung , Saw their ancient foe in Drona and on him for vengeance Sprung !

of o ld Darkly thought the ancient warrior the relentless feud , Fiercely like a jungle - tiger fell upon the hostile brood !

’ D ru ad s Royal p valiant grandsons in their youth untimely slain ,

of - ! Victims a deathless discord , pressed the gory battle plain

D ru ad his p pale with grief and anger marked gallant grandsons dead ,

And his army broken , routed , and his bravest chieftains fled, F ’ illed with unforgotten hatred and with father s grief and pride, ’ D ru ad s Rushed the king, and bold Virata charged by doughty p side ! FALL OF DRONA 1 3 5

’ Rose a cry o fnameless terror o er the red and ghastly plain , D ru ad ! Noble p , brave Virata , lay among the countless slain

D rau adi Burning tears the proud p wept for noble father killed , ’ Maid and matron with their wailing fair Pa nc ha la s empire filled ! M ’ atsya s joyless , widowed princess , for her fate was early crost , Wept with added tears and anguish for her father loved and lost !

Waged the war with fearful slaughter, Drona onward urged his way , ’ Fate alone and battle s chances changed the fortunes of the day ,

- son of Aswa thaman , Drona, was a chief of peerless fame, ’ o f And an elephant battle bore that chieftain s warlike name,

w w And that proud and lordly tusker , Bhima in his pro ess sle ,

Rank to rank , from friend to foeman , then a garbled message flew

Aswa - thaman son ofDrona is by mighty Bhima slain ! ! Drona heard that fatal message , bent his anguished head in pain

Yudhisht hir Speak , , soul of virtue thus the proud preceptor cried “ u Thou in tr th hast never faltered , and thy lips have never lied

’ o f - 0 Speak valiant Aswa thaman , Drona s h pe and pride and joy , ? Hath he fallen in this battle, is he slain , my gallant boy

Feeble are the hands of Drona and his prowess quenched and gone , F leecy are his ancient tresses and his earthly task is done !

Y udhisht hir - Said Lordly tusker, Aswa thaman named , is dead , n e Dro a heard but half the accents , fe bly drooped his sinking head

Then the prince of fair Panchala swiftly drove across the plain , ’ M h i s ! arked father s cruel slayer , marked his noble father Slain

D hrist a - d umna y bent his weapon and his shaft was pointed well , ! And the priest and proud preceptor, peerless Drona lifeless fell

t d And the fa al day was ende , Kurus fled in abject fear , Arjun for his ancient teacher dropped a silent filial tear ! B O O K !

K A R N A - B AD H A

(Fall ofKama )

ARNA was chosen as the leader o fthe Kuru forces after the

o f e o wn d . death Drona , and h ld his for two ays The great d contest between Karna and Arjun , long expected and long deferre ,

o n . i of came at last It is the crown ng incident the Indian Epic , as the contest between Hector and Achilles is the crowning inci d of . ent the Iliad With a truer artistic skill than that of Homer , the I ndian poe t represents Karna as equal to Arjun in strength and

his . skill , and defeat is only due to an accident o f on After the death Karna , Salya led the Kuru troops the eighteenth and last day of the war , and fell . A midnight slaughter Pa nda v s on in the camp , perpetrated by the vengeful of Drona ,

. D ur odhan concludes the war y , left wounded by Bhima, heard of the slaughter and died happy .

. . . of Books viii ix , and x the original have been abridged in this


Ka ma a nd Arj un mee t

f da Sights o red and ghastly carnage y disclosed upon the plain , Mighty chiefs and countl ess warriors round the warlike Drona slain !

D ur odh an Sad y gazed in sorrow and the tear was in his eye , Till his glances fell on Karna and his warlike heart beat high ! 1 3 6


M o n orn to noon and noon to evening raged the battle the plain ,

- Countless warriors fought and perished, car borne chiefs were pierced and slain

o f Helmed Arjun , crested Karna , met at last by will fate,

- wa s d ! Life long their mutual anger , eathless was their mutual hate

’ And the firm earth shook and trembled neath the furious rush of war , And the echoing welkin answered shouts that nations heard from far

fir ma me nt on And the darkening cloud of arrows filled the high , o fsk ' Darker, deeper, dread and deadlier, grew the angry face y

’ ’ - field Till the evening s sable garment mantled o er the battle , A nd ! the angry rivals parted , neither chief could win or yield

Fa ll ofKa ma

D ur odha n At the break of morning Karna unto prince y went , Thus in slow and measured accents to his inner thoughts gave vent M ’ ! S orning dawns , O Kuru s monarch mighty Arjun hall be slain , Or fulfilling warrior ’ s duty Karna dyes the gory plain !

o ur Long through life within bosoms ever burnt the mutual hate, of ! Oft we met and often parted , rescued by the will fate

o u But y sun with crimson lustre sees us meet to part no more, ’ ’ ’ ! Gallant Arjun s course this evening o r proud Karna s shall be o er

’ ’ Room is none for Arjun s glory and for archer Karna s fame , S o ne ! One must ink and must sparkle with a brighter , richer flame

o f List yet more ; in wealth weapons and in wondrous strength ofbow , sur asset h ! Arjun scarcely me p , scarcely I excel my foe

o f in of I n the light skill the archer and sight and truth aim , ’ n ! Arju beats not , scarcely rivals , Karna s proud and peerless fame FALL OF KARNA 1 39

I his a ndiv a o f f wondrous bow g is the gift gods in heaven , ’ ’ Karna s ho w the famed v ijaya is by Par s u Rama given !

A ! son o fJ a mada ni of y the g , kings earth who proudly slayed , On the youthful arms of Karna his destructive weapon laid !

0 ! fo e Yet I own , king of Kuru Arjun doth his excel , M ! atchless are his fiery coursers , peerless Krishna leads them well

- Krishna holds the reins for Arjun , Krishna speeds his battle car, ’ ' Drives the lightning - winged coursers o er the sta rtled field of war

‘ Sweeps in pride his sounding chariot till it almost seems to fly , ’ Ar jun lords it o er the battle like the comet in the sky!

t G rant me , monarch , mighty Salya drive my swif and warlike steed , ’ - ! And against the car borne Arjun , Karna s fiery chariot lead

t oo - Salya is skilled , like Krishna , with the steed and battle car, E qual thus I meet my foeman in this last and fatal war !

’ D ur odhan Spake y ; warlike Salya mounted Karna s sounding car, Karna sought for mighty Arjun in the serried ranks of war — ff Hundred milch kine Karna o ers , costly garment , yellow gold , Unto him who in this battle points to me my foeman bold !

e Cars and ste ds and fertile acres , peaceful hamlets rich and fair,

- Dark - eyed damsels , lotus bosomed , crowned with glossy raven hair !

These are his who points to Karna, Arjun hiding from this war, ’ ’ Arjun s snowy steeds and banner and his swift and t hund r ing car !

’ e M Karna spake , but long and loudly laugh d the king of adra s land , A s d he reined the fiery coursers with his strong and skilful han ,

Of “ rewards and gifts , he uttered , little need is there , I ween , ’ Arjun is not wont to tarry from the battle 8 glorious scene ! ’ ’ l Soon will Arjun s snowy coursers shake the battle s start ed field , Helmed Arjun like a comet gleam with bow and sword and shield ! 1 40 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA — As the forest ranging tiger springs upon his fated prey ,

As the horned bull , infuriate, doth the weakling cattle slay,

- As the fierce and lordly lion smites the timid jungle deer , d Arjun soon shall spring upon thee , for he knows nor read nor fear,

0 ! Save thee, then , mig hty archer while I drive my sounding car, ’ ” Pa ndu s son hath met no equal in the valiant art of war !

Darkly frowned the angry Karna, Salya held the loosened rein ,

Dashing through the hostile forces then the warrior drove amain ,

o f Through the serried ranks battle Karna drove in furious mood , Facing him in royal splendour good Yudhis ht hir fearless stood !

Surging ranks of brave Nishadas closed between and fought in vain , Pa nc ha las Proud , stout and faithful , vainly strove among the slain , O ’ nward came the fiery Karna like the ocean s heaving swell , With the sweeping wrath o ftempest on the good Yudhisht hir fell

son d Wrathful then the of Pandu marke his noblest chieftains dead , And in words ofscornful anger thus to archer Karna said :

of Hast thou , Karna , vowed the slaughter my younger Arjun brave ’ ’ D ur odha n s ma ndat e ro ud D ur odha n s ? Wilt thou do y ,p y willing slave

U nfulfille d for thy vow remaineth , the righteous gods ordain , ’ h sht hir s By Y ud i hand thou fallest , go and Slumber with the slain

b o w Yudhisht hir F iercely drew his , fiercely was the arrow driven , Rocky cliffo r solid moun t a in might the shaft have pierced and riven

- o n Lightning like it came Karna , Struck him in the bleeding left, And the warrior fell and fainted as o flife and sense bereft ! d ’ Soon he rose the cloud of anger arkened o er his livid face , And he d rew his godlike weapon with a more than human grace !

Arrows keen and dark as midnight, gleaming in their lightning flight , ’ Struck Yudhisht hir s royal armour with a fierce resistless might !


Yudhisht hir o Ten long years and three j y nor peace nor rest hath seen ,

And while Karna lives and glories , all our insults still are green !

Hast thou , Arjun , slain that chieftain as in swelling pride he stood , ’ Hast tho u wiped our wrongs and insults in that chariot - driver s blood

his At a distance , Krishna answered , fiery Arjun fought w”ay, - Now he meets the archer Karna , and he vows his death to day .

’ Y udhisht hir s Anger lit forehead , and a tremor shook his frame , A s he spake to silent Arjun words ofinsult and ofshame

Wherefore like a painted warrior doth the helmed Arjun stand , ondiv a Wherefore useless lies g in his weak and nerveless hand ,

on Wherefore hangs y mighty sabre from his belt of silk and gold , Wherefore drives the peerless Krishna Arjun ’ s coursers fleet and

bold ,

’ 3 If afar from war arena timid Arjun seeks to hide, I f he shuns the mighty Karna battling in unconquered pride ?

a ndiv a Arjun yield thy famed g unto worthier hands than thine ,

On some braver, truer warrior let thy mighty standard shine,

Yield thy helmet and thy armour , yield thy gleaming sword and shield , ! Hide thee from this deathful battle , matchless Karna rules the field

’ Sparkled Arjun s eye in anger with a red and livid flame , f And the tempest o his passion shook his more than mortal frame ,

- hilt Ar un d Heedless, on the sword j placed his swift and trembling han , ’ i Heedless , with a warrior s instinct, drew the dark and gl stening brand

his Sacred blood of king and elder would have stained trenchant steel , But the wise and noble Krishna strove the fatal feud to heal

Not before thy elder , Arjun , but in yonder purple field, ’ Gainst thy rival and thy foeman use thy warli ke sword and shield ! FALL OF KARNA

t o Render honour thy elder , quench thy hasty, impious wrath , ’ ’ r a r t r a Sin not gainst the holy , leave not virtue s sacred path

Bo w before thy virtuous elder as before the gods in heaven , ” s in ! Sheathe thy sword and quell thy passion , be thy hasty forgiven

Duteous Arjun silent listened and obeyed the mandate high , o f Tears manly sorrow trickled from his soft and altered eye ,

c ff Dear in joy and lear in su ering , calm his righteous elder stood , ’ - ra st ha s ! Dear in Indra p mansions, dearer in the jungle wood

his d Arjun sheathed flashing sabre, joined his hands and hung his hea , Fixed his eye on good Yudhisht hir and in humble accents said

’ Pardon , great and saintly monarch , vassal s disrespectful word , his ! Pardon , elder , if a younger heedless drew sinful sword

But thy hest to yield my weapon stung my soul to bitter strife, Dearer is the bow g o ndiv a unto Arju n than his life

’ o fa n er o e r Pardon if the blood g mantled this rugged brow, Pardon if I drew my sabre ’ gainst my duty and my vow

F or that hasty act repenting Arjun bows unto thy feet , ’ ! Grant me gentle king and elder , brother s love , forgiveness sweet

’ Yud hisht hir s of w F rom altered eyelids gentle tears sorro start, And he lifts his younger brother to his ever - loving heart

no o r Arjun , I have wronged thee , brother , and fault sin is thine , ’ Hasty words of thoughtless anger scaped these sinful lips o fmine !

’ Bitter was my shame and anguish when from Karna s car I fled , Redder than my bleeding bosom warrior ’ s fame and honour bled d Hasty words I uttered , Arjun , by my pain and anguish riven , ’ ’ Wipe them with a brother s kindness , be thy elder s sin forgiven

’ his - Stronger for elder s blessing , Arjun mounts the battle car, Krishna drives the milk - white coursers to the thickening ranks of war ! K 1 44 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

Onward came the fiery Karna with his chiefs and armed men , his Salya urged flying coursers with the whip and loosened rein ,

O - ften met and often parted , life long rivals in their fame ,

N o t to part again , the heroes, each unto the other came ,

N o t to part until a chieftain by the other chief was slain , Arjun dead o r lifeless Karna pressed the Kuru - ksh e t r a plain

Long they strove, but neither archer could his gallant foeman beat,

Though li ke surging ocean billows did the angry warriors meet,

’ ’ o n Arjun s arrows fell Karna like the summer s angry flood , ’ ’ Karna s shafts like hissing serpents drank the valiant Arjun s blood

’ a nniv a F ierce and quick from his g angry accents Arjun woke ,

Till the bow - string , strained and heated , was by sudden impulse broke,

n of Hold , cried Arju to his rival , mind the honoured rules war, o n Warriors strike not helpless foemen thus disabled the car ,

- Hold , brave Karna , until Arjun mends his over Strained bow, Arjun then will crave for mercy nor from god nor mortal foe i Vain he spake , for wild w th anger heedless Karna fiercely lowered , n Thick and fast o n bowless Arju countless arrows darkly showered , d ’ Like the cobra , ark and hissing, Karna s gleaming arrows dart , Strike the helpless archer Arju n o n his broad and bleeding heart !

in Furious like a wounded tiger quivering the darksome wood, ow With his mended warlike weapon n the angry Arjun stood ,

Blazing with a mighty radiance like a flame in summer night, Fierce he fell on archer Karna with his more than mortal might !

Little recked the da untless Karna if his foe in anger rose , of Karna feared not face mortal, dreaded not immortal foes ,

N or with all his wrath and valour Arjun conquered him in war , Till within the soft earth sinking stuc k the wheel of Karna ’ s car !


o ndiv a his And he drew his bow g , aimed dart with stifled breath , Vengeance for his murdered hero winged the fatal dart of death !

’ of d Like the fiery bolt lightning Arjun s lurid arrow spe , L ike the red and flaming meteor Karna fell among the dead

Fa ll of S a lya

Darkly closed the shades of midnight, Karna still and lifeless lay, ’ ’ ic kl ra Ghast and pale o er slaughtered thousands fell the morrow s s y y ,

D ur odhan Bowman brave and proud preceptor , Kripa to y said , Tear bedimmed the warrior ’ s eyelids and his manly bosom bled

Leaderless the Kuru forces , by a dire misfortune crost, Like the moonless shades ofmidnight in their utter darkness lost !

- i Like a summer dr ed river , weary waste of arid sand , ’ ’ L ost it s pride offr e sh ning waters sweeping o er the grateful land !

’ A S of a spark fire consumeth summer s parched and sapless wood , ’ ! So thy lordless , lifeless forces shall be angry Arjun s food

fi of Bhima too will seek ful lment the dreadful vow he made , Brave S at ya ki wreak his vengeance for his sons untimely slayed !

t D ur odha n fit ful is Bid his battle cease , y , pale and thy star , Blood enough o ffriendly nations soaks this crimson field ofwar !

— of Bid them live, the few survivors a vast and countless host, — ! Let thy few remaining brothers live, for many are the lost

h Y udhisht hir e Kindly heart hat good , still he seeks for rightful p ace, ! Render back his ancient kingdom , bid this war of kinsmen cease



And d w b o w ondiv a his t e he re his g , aimed dar with stifl d brea th Ve ngea nc e for his murde red hero winged the

’ Like t he fie ry bolt oflightning Arjun s lurid L ike t he red and flaming meteor Ka rna fell

Fa ll of S nln

B ma ec e ow n brave and proud pr ptor , ’ Tear be dimmed the wa rrio r s e ye lid s

L ike the moonles s s had e s ofmidnight in their ut t e r darkness Los t I-

- Like a summer dried river , weary waste of

’ As a Spa rk offire cons umeth summer ‘ ss f c s So thy lordless , lifele or es hall be

' s b a as D ur odhan a e a n fit ful i n Bid thi ttle ce e , y , p l d thy star,

l - t he Bid them ive, few n — for ah ! Let thy few remaini g brothers live, many ; the lost

o Yudhisht hir s l Kindly heart hath go d , til h his m is Rende r bac k ancient kingdo , bid th


so D ur odha n “ Kripa , y answered , in this sad and fatal strife ,

E ver foremost of our warriors , ever careless of thy life,

in of E ver the council chamber thou hast words wisdom said , d Nee less war and dire destruction by thy pea ceful counsel stayed ,

’ r E very word that scapes thee , Kripa , is a wor d of t uth and weight , n ! Nathless thy advice for co cord , wise preceptor , comes too late

Yudhisht hir our Hope not that the go od will again friendship own , S a kuni C heated once by dee p of his kingdom and his throne,

is vow Rugged Bhima will not palter, fatal the he made , Vengeful Arjun will not pardon gallant Ab hima nyu dead !

D rau adi o ur Fair p doth her penance , so ancient matrons say, o ur I n blood to wash her insult and her proud insulters slay,

S ub had ra mom d son Fair and evening weeps her ear departed , ’ D ra u a d i s Feeds p deathless anger for the hero dead and gone ,

Deeply in their bosoms rankle wrongs and insults we have given , o f ! Blood alone can wash it, Kripa , such the cruel will Heaven

o n And the hour for peace is over, for our best sleep the plain ,

Brothers , kinsmen , friends , and elders slumber with the countless

slain ,

D r odha n f f Shall u y like a recreant now avoid the death ul stri e , After all his bravest warriors have in war surrendered life ?

no w Shall he , sending them to slaughter, survive and learn to flee , n ? Shall he , ruler over monarchs, lear to bend the servile knee

D ur o dha n Proud y sues no favour even with his dying breath ,

Unsubdued and still unconquered , changeless even unto death

M t o - da Salya , valiant king of adra , leads our armed hosts y, O r o r to perish to conquer , gallant Kripa , lead the way 1 48 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

M Yudhis ht hir Pa ndav eanwhile round the brave calmlystood the force,

As the final day of battle now began its fatal course,

- s o Yudhis ht hir Brothers , kinsmen , hero warriors , the good said ,

Ye have done your share in battle , witness countless foemen dead ,

Yudhisht hir Sad is your eldest, let him end this fatal strife , Slay the last o fKuru chieftains or surrender throne and life !

S at aki Bold y , ever faithful , with his arms protects my right, ’ D ru ad s son p with watchful valour guards my left with wonted might,

In the front doth Bhima battle , careful Arjun guards the rear, I will lead the battle’ s centre which shall know nor flight nor fear

Yudhisht hir d Truly on that fatal morning brave kept his wor , M ’ L ong and fiercely waged the combat with fair adra s valiant lord ,

Thick and fast the arrows whistled and the lances pointed well , ’ Crashing with the sound ofthunder S alya s mighty standard fell

s on o f Rescued by the Drona , Salya rushed again to war, ’ - ofYudhis ht hir s Slew the noble milk white coursers royal car ,

a s o n - And springs the hungry lion the spotted jungle deer , Salya rushed upon Yudhisht hir reckless and unknown to fear !

Yudhisht hir fat a l Brave marked him coming and he hurled his dart , a Like the fat l curse of Brahman sank the weapon in his heart ,

ff Blood su used his eye and nostril , quivered still his feeble hand , L ike a cliffby thunder riven Salya fell and shook the land !

m/ecb cb a E nded was the fatal battle, for the king was slain , S akuni Pierced by angry Sahadeva false pressed the plain ,

D ur odha n - All the brothers of y tiger waisted Bhima slew, Proud D uryodhan pale and panting from the field of battle flew !


of Sparks fire shot from their maces and their faces ran with blood ,

Neither won and neither yielded , matched in strength the rivals stood , m Then his vow remembered Bhi a, and he raised his weapon high , ’ With a foul attack but fatal Bhima broke D uryo dhan s thigh !

D ur odhan Through the sky a voice resounded as the great y fell , ’ - a And the earth the voice r e echoed o er her dist nt hill and dale ,

’ o e r s k Beasts and birds in consternation flew land and azure y, Men below and heavenly Sidd/J a r trembled at the fatal cry !

t e D ur odha n Darkness fell upon h battle, proud y dying lay , not n But the slaughter of the combat closed with the closi g day ,

’ 8 Ancient feud and hatred linger after battle sweeping flood , ’ ’ d c ourset h And the father s eathless anger in the children s blood ,

D ru ad Drona slept and gallant p , for their earthly task was done, ’ ’ Vengeance fired the son ofDrona gainst the royal D rupad s son !

’ ’ of d o e r Sable shadows the mi night fell battle s silent plain , fit ful on Faintly shone the planets the dying and the slain ,

And the vengeful son of Drona , fired by omens dark and dread , Stole into the tents o ffoemen with a soft and noiseless tread !

’ D hris t a - d umna S ikha ndin Panc hala s y and , princes of land , ’ - t hama n s Fell beneath the proud avenger Aswa reeking hand ,

’ ’ D ru ad s D rau adi s Ay l where p sleeping grandsons , fair p children lay, ! Stole the cruel arm of vengeance , smothered them ere dawn of day

of - Done the ghastly work slaughter , Aswa thaman bent his way dhan Where beside the limpid waters lone D ur yo dying lay,

D ur odhan And y blessed the hero with his feeble fleeting breath , Joy of vengeance cheered his bosom a s he died a happy death ! B O O K ! I S R A D D H A

(Funer a l Rit es)

H E ofD ur odha n d d T death y conclu es the war, and it is followe by the lament o fwomen and the funerals o fthe deceased warriors . x o f The passages translated in this Book form Section . , portions

1 . 11 o f n . Sections xv , xv . , and xxvi . , and the whole Sectio xxvii o f Book xi . of the original text .

K uru Women vis it the B attl e - fi eld

D h rit a - ra sht ra Spake the ancient , father of a hundred sons ,

- - ! Sonless now and sorrow stricken , dark his ebbing life tide runs

’ Gods fulfil my life s last wishes Henchmen , yoke my royal car ,

D hrit a - ra sht r a f meets his princes in the silent field o war , d ’ Speed unto the Queen Gandhari , to the ames of Kuru s house, ” To each dear departed warrior wends his fair and faithful spouse !

- Prit ha Queen Gandhari sorrow laden with the ancient came ,

And each weeping widowed princess and each wailing royal dame ,

sa w ofa And they the hoary monarch , father perished race , ffu Fresh and loud awoke their sorrow , welling tears su sed their face ,

Vidur a Good ever gentle whispered comfort unto all , ’ H ast ina s Placed the dames within their chariots , left palace hall 1 5 1 1 52 T H E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

fw e L oud the wail o o and sorrow rose from every Kuru house , C hildren wept beside their mothers for each widowed royal spouse ,

e o f d Veil d dwellers the palace , scarce the go s their face had seen , Heedless now through mart and city wildly sped each widowed

queen ,

F rom their royal brow and bosom gem and jewel cast aside,

L oose their robes and loose their tresses , quenched their haughty queenly pride

m woe So when falls the antlered onarch , struck by and sudden fear s I suing from their snowy mountains listless stray the dappled deer ,

S o - upon the broad arena milk white fillies brave the sun , Wildly toss their flowing tresses and in sad disorder run !

t d Clinging o her weeping sister wept each ame in cureless pain , d s on o r t F or the lor , the father in the deathful bat le slain ,

Wept and smote her throbbing bosom and in bitter anguish wailed , ’ ! Till her senses reeled in sorrow , till her woman s reason failed

Veiled queens and bashful maidens , erst they shunned the public eye , ff Blush nor shame su used their faces as the city passed they by,

’ - 3 Gentle bosomed , kindly hearted , erst they wiped each other eye, Now by common sorrow laden none for sister heaved a sigh

woe d With this troop of wailing women , deep in , isconsolate, ’ o f H ast ina s Slow the monarch the Kurus passed outer gate,

of d Men from stall and loom and anvil , men every guild and tra e , O d Left the city with the monarch , through the pen country straye ,

sk And a universal sorrow filled the air and answering y, ’ As when ends the mortal s Tug a and the end of world is nigh

5 2

‘ Ljoud t he wail o fwoe and so rrow rose from C hildren wept be s ide their mothers for each

e que n ,

quee uly pride

S o s d m u when fall the antlere onarch , str ck Issuing from their sn owy mounta ins li stle ss

Clinging t o her wee ping s ist er For t h e d son o r fa h lor , the t er

Wept and smote her throbbing bosom and in bitt er ’ ‘ e n Till h r senses reeled i sorrow , till her woman s r

' e e Veil d que ns and bashful maidens , erst Blush nor shame suffused their faces as

l - kindl ‘heart ed Gent e bosomed , y , erst they N o w by common sorrow laden none for si

Slow the monarch ofthe

of and a d Men from stall and loom and anvil , men every guild tr e , e m r d L ft the city with the onarch , through the open count y straye ,

And a un i versal sorrow filled the air and ’ As whe n ends the morta l s Tug a and the

1 54 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA d ’ How each cold and fa ing feature wakes in them a woman s love,

How amidst the lifeless warriors still with restless steps they rove , M others hug their slaughtered children all unconscious in their sleep , Widows bend upon their husbands and in ceaseless sorrow weep !

’ M Bhishma ighty , hath he fallen quenched is archer Karna s pride ’ D r upad monarch o fPanchala sleeps by foeman Drona s side ?

Shining mail and costly jewels, royal bangles strew the plain , d Golden garlan s rich and burnished deck the chiefs untimely slain ,

of d Lances hurled by stalwart fighters , clubs mighty wrestlers kille ,

Swords and bows of ample measure, quivers still with arrows filled M ’ ark the unforgotten heroes , jungle prowlers mid them stray , O n their brow and mailed bosoms heedless perch the birds ofprey M ark the great unconquered heroes famed o n earth from west to east , Ka nsa s n ! perch upo their foreheads, hungry wolves upon them feast

Mark the kings , on softest cushion scarce the needed rest they found , How t h eyl ie i n peaceful slumber on the hard and reddened ground ! M ’ ark the youths who morn and evening listed to the minstrel s song , I n their ear the loathsome jackal doth his doleful wail prolong !

M of ark the chieftains with their maces and the swords trusty stee”l , t — d o - ? S ill they grasp their tried weapons , they still the life pulse feel

’ Gan dh a ri s La ment for Dur yodh a n

Thus to Krishna , Queen Gandhari strove her woeful thoughts to tell , ! D ur o dha n When alas her wandering vision on her son y fell ,

Sudden anguish smote her bosom and her senses seemed to stray , Like a tree by tempe st shaken senseless o n the earth sh e lay ! FU N ERAL RITES 1 5 5

O she nce again waked in sorrow , once again she cast her eye s o n e in ur l ed O s k Where her in blood p p slept beneath the pen y,

he D ur od han And s clasped her dear y , held him close unto her breast , she Sobs convulsive shook her bosom as the lifeless form prest ,

of d And her tears like rains summer fell and washed his noble hea , ix/afa r i Decked with garlands still untarnished , graced with n br ght and red

’ M ! d D ur odha n u other said my ear y when he went nto the war , Wish me joy and wish me triumph as I mount the battle - car

S o n ! c D ur odha n I said to lear y , Heaven avert a cruel fate, ’ ’ Ta ro a b a r ma r t a t o j aya /J Triumph doth o n Virtue wait !

s e t o n his But he his heart battle , by his valour wiped sins , N o w he dwells in realms celestial which the faithful warrior wins !

D ur odhan And I weep not for y , like a prince he fought and fell ,

- ? But my sorrow stricken husband , who can his misfortunes tell

A s n y my o was brave and princely, all resistless in the war , o f Now he sleeps the sleep warriors , sunk in gloom his glorious star

A so n y my mid crowned monarchs held the first and foremost way , ff Now he rests upon the red earth , quenched his bright e ulgent ray

’ A ! s o n o f s k y my the best heroes , he hath won the warrior s y, Ks hat ras ! nobly conquer , Krishna , when in war they nobly die

t h e o f Hark loathsome cry jackals , how the wolves their vigils keep , Maidens rich in song and beauty erst were wont t o watch his sleep !

- d Hark the foul and blood beaked vultures flap their wings upon the dea , ’ Maidens waved their featheryp a mé/J a r round D ur yodha n s royal bed ! Peerless bowman , mighty monarch nations still his hests obeyed , D ur odha n ! As a lion slays a tiger, Bhima hath y slayed

’ ’ o e r D ur odhan Thirteen years Kuru s empire proud y held his sway, ’ ’ Ruled H as t ina s ancient city where fair Ganga s waters stray ! 1 56 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

o f I have seen his regal splendour with these ancient eyes mine , ! - o f of E lephants and battle chariots, steeds war and herds kine

’ Kuru owns another master ! And D ur yodha n s da y is fled ! ! 0 ! And I live to be a witness Krishna , that I were dead

’ M D ur odha n s o f d ark y noble widow , mother proud Lakshman bol ,

Queenly in her youth and beauty , like an altar of bright gold

’ ’ Torn from husband s sweet embraces , from her son s entwining arms , Doomed to life - long woe and anguish in her youth and in her charms ! m Rend y hard and stony bosom crushed beneath this cruel pain , Should Gandhari live to witness noble son and grandson slain ?

’ M D ur odha n s she ark again y widow, how hugs his gory head , How Wl t ll gentle hands and tender softly holds him o n his bed

How from dear departed husband turns she to her dearer son , ’ And the tear - drops of the mother choke the widow s bitter groan !

o f - d Like the fibre the lotus tender gol en is her frame , ’ ’ 0 my lotus ! O my daughter ! woma n s pride and Kuru s fame !

in Veda s D ur odha n If the truth resides , brave y dwells above , i Wherefore linger we in sadness severed from his cherished love

S a r i r a d s k If the truth resides in , wells in y my hero son , ” For Gandhari and her daughter now their earthly ta sk is done !

Funera l Rit e

o f Y udhisht hir Victor a deathful battle , sad viewed the plain , l 00 Friends and kinsmen , kings and chieftains, count ess tr ps untimely

slain ,

’ S udhar man o f And he spake to wise , pious priest Kuru s race, D haum a Vid ura u o f Unto Sanjay, unto y , to f ll grace,

5 1 58 TH E 121 10 OF ANCIENT I N DIA

’ ofr ié mma n Sacred songs and rose amidst the women s wail , And the creatures of the wide earth heard the sound subdued and pale !

Smokeless and with radiant lustre shone each red and lighted pyre , Like t h e planets of the bright sky throbbing with celestial fire !

frie ndle ss from Countless myriads , nameless , , each court and camp afar , ’ - Kshe t ra s From the east and west collected , fell in Kuru war ,

Thousand fires for them were lighted, they received the pious rite , ’ ’ wa s Yudhisht hir s Vidura s Such good mandate , such was wise might ,

’ o er All the dead were burned to ashes , and the sacred rite was , ’ D hrit a - rasht ra Yudhisht hi and r slowly walked to Ganga s shore .

Ob la t ion t o Ka ma

a - Sacred Ganga , mple bosomed , sweeps along in regal pride , d o n Rolling own her limpid waters through high banks either side , Kuru dames and weeping widows thither in their anguish came

Due and holy rites to render to departed chiefs offame.

o Casting forth their jewelled girdles , gems and scarfs belaced with g ld , of Gave oblations the water to each hero true and bold,

Unto fathers , unto husbands, unto sons in battle slayed ,

O fferings of the sacred water sorrowing wives and mothers made .

of d And so great the host mourners wen ing to perform the rite, sad That their footsteps made a pathway in the and sacred site,

of And the shelving banks Ganga peopled by the sorrowing train ,

- of ! Wide expanding , vast and sealike, formed a scene woe and pain

’ ’ f Pr it ha s But a wave o keener sorrow swept o er heaving breast, As unto her weeping children thus her secret she expressed FU NERAL RITES 1 59

He m s ons t b e eer les s b ow ma n mt /fl in b i: b a t t le - ea r , y , p , g y , w t b e s t a m o b er o s la in b A un in t b c w a r He b o b or e p f , y rj ,

' ' f o Ra dou elaa r zot - dr i ver e b a ve t /J ou b t H e w b om a : t b e r on f , , y g , ’ l us t r e a s b i: eount ler r oer b e ou b t He w b o r laone w it /J S U R Y A S f f g ,

t out er t w a r r ior ; a nd in b a t t le ne ver a iled He w ho fa ced your r f , f d i da n er ne ver ua iled He wb o led t b e Kur u for ces a n n g q ,

t wb o knew no eer in r ow ers ow ned in w a r no b a u b t ier na me He p , g , He w ho ielded l e not anour a nd b dea t l) b a t /J con uer ed a me y if, , y q f ,

' = H e in t r ut l: s a lvo ne ver a lt er ed never l t b is vofw undone , f , ef , Ofer unt o !J im abla t ion I Ka r na w a s my eldes t s on

Ka r na w a r our b onour ed elder a nd t b c S un ins ir ed b i: bir t /J y , p , Ka ma in b i: r ing : a nd a r mour S un - life t r od t /ae spa cious ca r /b

P it ha - Pandav r spake , and terror stricken brothers groaned in pain , And they wept in woe and anguish for the brother they had slain

Hissing forth his sigh of sorrow like a trodden , hissing snake Sad Y udhisht hir to his mother thus his inward anguish spake d d Didst thou , mother, bear great Karna , fathomless like ocean rea , Whose unfailing glistening arrows like its countless billows sped ?

u e - Didst tho b ar that peerless archer , all resistless in his car, Sweeping with the roar ofocean through the shattered ranks o fwar

of h Didst thou bear the mighty hero , mortal man heavenly birt , ’ Crushing neath his arm of valour all his foemen o n the earth ?

of o fd Didst thou hide the birth and lineage that chief eathful ire, As a man in folds of garments seeks to hide the flaming fire ?

o f o n div a r a Arjun , wielder g , was for us no t uer st y ’ Than wa s Karna for the Kurus in the battle s dread array !

’ M not of onarchs matched Karna s glory nor his deeds valour done, Mids t the mighty car - borne wa rriors mightiest warrior Karna shone 60 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

o ur Was he then eldest brother we have in the battle slain , And our nearest dearest elder fell upon the gory plain

ofAb himan u S ub hadra Not the death y from the fair torn , i D rau a di Not the slaughter of the pr nces by the proud p borne,

’ of no r Panc hala s Not the fall Kuru warriors , mighty host , L ike thy death afll i c t s my bosom, noble Karna ! loved and lost !

’ ’ M s d onarch empire, victor s gl ory, all the treasures earth can yiel , ’ of r w a r a r d Righteous bliss and heavenly gladness, harvest the g fiel ,

All that wish can shape and utter, all that nourish hope and pride, O ! ’ All were ours , noble Karna with thee by thy brothers side ,

o f sad And this carnage the Kurus these eyes had never seen , l ! Peace had graced our blessed empire , happy wou d theearth have been

sad Yudhisht hir for Long bewailed the his elder loved and dead ,

And oblation of the water to the noble Karna made,

And the royal dames of Kuru viewed the sight with freshening pain , Y udhisht hir ff Wept to see the good o ering to his brother slain ,

And the widowed queen of Karna with the women of his house s Gave oblations to her hero , wept her loved and slaughtered spou e

D t o one the rites to the departed , done oblations the dead , ’ sad Slowly then the survivors on the river s margin spread ,

Far along the shore and sandbank ofthe sacred sealike stream M ’ ’ aid and matron laved their bodies neath the morning s holy beam ,

And ablutions done , the Kurus slow and sad and cheerless part, ast ina Wend their way to far H with a void and vacant heart .


Bhishma o f dies and is cremated but the endless exposition laws , legends , and moral rules is not yet over . Krishna himself takes up in the task a new Book , and, as he has done once before in the

f B b a a va t - it a Anu - it g g , he now once more explains to Arjun in the g a Emanc i at ion C r ea t io n the great truths about Soul and p , and the Wheel o f Life, True Knowledge and Rites and Penance . The adventures o f U t a nka the sage , whom Krishna meets , then take up a good of many pages . All this forms no part the real Epic , and we pass

it by. Yudhisht hir has in the meantime been crowned king of the H a st ina ura o f Ab hima n Kurus at p , and a posthumous child yu is Parikshit f named , and is destined to succeed to the throne o the ’ Yudhis ht hir s Kurus . But mind is still troubled with the thoughts o f of of the carnage the war which he considers himself guilty , and the great saint Vyasa advises the performance of the a mo u med/m of s in. , or the Sacrifice of the Horse, for the expiation the The Sacrifice of the Horse was an ancient Hindu custom prac t ised d by kings exercising suzerain powers over surroun ing kings . t A horse was let free , and was allowed to wander from place o ’ place, accompanied by the king s guard . If any neighbouring king ventured to detain the animal , it was a signal for war . If no king ventured to restrain the wanderer, it was considered a tacit of mark o f submission to the owner the animal . And when the horse returned from its peregrinations , it was sacrificed with great pomp and splendour at a feast to which all neighbouring kings were invited . Yudhisht hir allowed the sacrificial horse to wander at will , and

a . wa s n Arjun accomp nied it Wherever the horse stopped , Arju o f fought and conquered , and thus proclaimed the supremacy

Y udhisht hir over all neighbouring potentates . After various wars and adventures in various regions , Arjun at last returned victorious H a st ina ura fi with the steed to p , and the sacri ce commenced . fi The description of the sacri ce is somewhat artificial , and con t cerns i self with rites and ceremonious details and gifts to Brahmans, and altogether bears unmista kable evidence o fthe interpolating hand o flater priestly writers . Nevertheless we cannot exclude from this S ACRI FICE OF T H E H ORS E 1 6 3 translation of the leading incidents of the E pic the last great and Yudhisht hir crowning act of , now anointed monarch of Kuru land .

The portion translated in this Book forms Sections lxxxv . and

of . . of i i parts Sections lxxxviii . and lxxxix of Book xiv the or g nal text .

The Ga t hering

o f Victor a hundred battles , Arjun bent his homeward way ,

Following still the sacred charger free to wander as it may, h d Strolling minstrels to Yud is ht hir spake of the returning stee , ’ o f d Spake Arjun wending homeward with the victor s crown of mee ,

’ ’ o f And they sang Arjun s triumphs in Gandhara s distant vale , ’ O n the ba nks of Brahmaputra and in S indhu s rocky dale .

’ o fma /J a : Twelfth day came g bright moon , and auspicious was the star ,

Nigher came the victor Arjun from his conquests near and far,

Y udhisht hir his Good called brothers , faithful twins and Bhima true , his Spake to them in gentle accents , and words were grave and few ! Bhima Now returneth Arjun with the steed from many a fray ,

So they tell me, noble brother, who have met him on the way,

f w a - m d a And the time o a r e la day by day is drawing nigh , ’ M a b a r is g full moon approaching , and the cold month passeth by ,

d V , Let the Brahmans verse in edas choose the sacrificial si”te Fo r the feast o fmany nations and performance of the rite .

’ n — l Bhima heard of Arju s coming , hero with the cur y hair, ’ Yudhis ht hir s And to do mandate did with gladsome heart repair , d Brahmans verse in sacrifices , cunning architects of fame , i o fPrit ha Bu lders of each various altar, with the son came , 1 6 4 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT I N DIA

And upon a level greensward measured forth the sacred site, fi Laid it out with halls and pathways for the sacri cial rite .

M e m ansions graced with g and jewel round the bright arena shone , o f Palaces golden lustre glinted in the morning sun ,

Gilt and blazoned with devices lofty columns stood around ,

- Graceful arches gold surmounted spanned the consecrated ground ,

Gay pavilions rose in beauty round the sacrificial site , Fo r o f the queens crowned monarchs wending to the holy rite ,

Humbler dwellings rose for Brahmans , priests of learning and offame, ’ ’ Y udhisht hir s a na t Y udhi h h Come to view y j and o bless s t ir s name .

M - essengers with kindly greetings went to monarchs far renowned , ’ H ast ina s t o Asked them to city, and grace the sacred ground ,

And to please the great Yudhisht hir came each king and chieftain bold

- With their slaves and dark eyed damsels, arms and horses, gems and

gold ,

Came and found a royal welcome in pavilions rich and high , And the sealike voice of nations smote the echoing vault of sky !

Yudhisht hir of With his greetings doth , for each chief and king men , of Cooling drinks and sumptuous viands, beds regal pride ordain , Stables filled with corn and barley and with milk and luscious cane ’ Greet the monarchs warlike tuskers and the steeds with flowing mane .

' M ums a a na from their hermit ges to the sacred y j came , ’ ir b ie B RAHM A s K from the grove and forest uttering holy name ,

Aeb r a r Famed a y versed in Vedas to the city held their way ,

B r a /J ma eb a r inr - n r if r a ma n with grass girdle , cha ting or lay ,

’ Welcomed Kuru s pious monarch , saint and sage and man of grace,

And with gentle condescension showed each priest his fitting place .


o f - With the accents the rain cloud drum and trumpet raise their voice , ’ Yudh isht hir s Speak noble bounty, bid the sons of men rejoice,

na d Day by day the holy ya/ grows in splen our and in joy,

Rice in hillocks feeds all comers , maid and matron , man and boy ,

’ of of Yudhish t hir s Lakes curd and lakes butter speak bounteous feast ,

of - dwi a ! Nations the Jambu p share it , greatest and the least

F or a hundred diverse races from each distant region came , ’ ’ f Yudhis ht hir s Yudhisht hir s Ate o g ood bounty , blessed the good

name ,

- And a thousand proud attendants , gay with earrings, garland graced ,

Carried food unto the feeders and the sweet confections placed,

Viands fit for crowned monarchs were unto the Brahmans given , Drinks of rich and cooling fragrance like the nectar - drink of heaven

S a crifi ce ofAnimal s

o f Victor a hundred battles , Arjun came with conquering steed , s of Vyas , herald the Vedas , bade the holy rite proceed

Y udhisht hir For the day is come, , let the sacrifice be done, And the priests repeat the ma nt r a golden as the morning sun !

Threefold bounteous be thy presents, and a threefold merit gain , ' da ér b zna F or thy wealth of gold is ample, freely thy rain

d a May the threefold rich performance purify the arkening st in , Blood ofwarriors and of kinsmen slaughtered o n the gory plain !

’ of sin May the yaj na s pure ablution wash thee the cruel , And the meed ofsa crificers may the good Yudhisht hir win


With the a ccents o fthe rain ’ Spe ak Yudhish t hir s no ble

t he ol a na s ) le dour a n i n o Day by day h y y j grows in n d j y, o ed s dand n b o Rice in hill cks fe all comers , mai matro , man and y,

’ kes of r and of s e Yudhish t hi- r s u s e La cu d lakes butter p ak bo nteou fast,

i s o ft he a b - d wi a s a a s ! Nat on J m u p h re it, gre te t and the least i For a hund r ed dive rs e rac es frt m At e f ood Yudhis ht hir s b oun b lessed t he o g ty,

C ar rie d fo od unt o t he feed ers and t he s wee t

Viand s fit fo r crowned monarchs wer e unt o t i!

S acrifi ce of Animals

“ a co n uerm Victor of hundred battles , Arjun came with q g steed , s al of Vyas , her d the Vedas , bade the holy rite proceed

’ For is Yudhisht hir l et sacri ce b e d e the day come, , the fi on , And t h e priest s repeat the ma nt r a golden as the morning sun !

Fo a of is f e r thy we lth gold ample, re ly thy

May the threefold rich pe rformance purify Blood o fwarriors and ofkinsmen

' ’ May t he yryna r


V a sa Y udhis ht hir (lift /1 a o f y spake , and good took the the rite ,

a r w- a - medb a And commenced the gladdening every living wight,

’ s Round the altar holy lustre moved the priests with sacred awe ,

u . Swerved not from the rule of d ty, failed not in the sacred law

r a v‘ a r a Done the rite of pure p gy with the pious hymn and lay , nob le/J a v a To the task of priests and Brahmans lead the way ,

- And the holy Soma drinkers press the sacred Soma plant , ' r a va na fr o ma n And perform the pure and the songs o chant .

Bounty waits on squalid hunger , gifts dispel the timid fear, ff ’ Gold revives the poor and lowly, mercy wipes the su erer s tear ,

’ Tender care relieves the stricken by the gracious king s command , Charity with loving sweetness spreads her smile o ’ er all the land !

a mua - med/m Day by day the doth with sacred rites proceed , da Day by y on royal bounty poor and grateful myriads feed ,

And adept in six Vedangas , strict in vows and rich in lore , ! Sage preceptors , holy teachers , grow in virtue ever more

ofv ilrwa six of Ma dir a Six good stakes timber , hard wood , of r a m a v a r nin on a na Six seasoned the place of y j stood ,

Two ofdewada r u o n H imala were made , pine that y grows , of rler b a sacrifice r One was made wood of which the knows ,

O a of d ther st kes golden lustre rich with skilful carvings one , Draped in silk and gold - brocaded like the a r m maj or shone !

of of And the consecrated altar built and raised bricks gold , a in d o ld Shone in splendour like the alt r Daksha built ays of ,

Eighteen cubits square the structure , four deep lairs of bric k in height, Wi th a spacious winged triangle like a n eagle in its flight !

o f s k Beasts whose flesh is pure and wholesome , dwellers the lake or y, Priests assigned each varied offering to each heavenly power on high 6 8 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

Bulls of various breed and colour , steeds of mettle true and tried , O ther creatures , full three hundred , to the many stakes were tied .

D w a - r ir b ir a ndb a r v a r viewed the feasting , sweet g woke the song , A r a r a r o n e p like gleams of sunlight the greensward tripp d along ,

Kinna r a r fim- ur ur b a r and p mingled in the holy rite , Si dd/i a r ofausterest penance stood around the sacred site

’ V a sa s y great and gifted pupils , who the Vedas have compiled ,

a r w a - medb a o n a na d Gazed upon the , the wondrous y j smile ,

ir b i From the bright ethereal mansions heavenly r Narad came,

Che t ra - of sena woke the music , singer celestial fame,

Cheered by more than mortal music Brahmans to their task incline, ’ And Yudhi sht hir s fame and virtue with a brighter lustre shine !

S a crifi ce of t h e Hors e

e d Birds and beasts thus immolated , dress d and cooked , provide the foo ,

Then before the sacred charger priests in rank and order stood ,

And by rules of Veda guided slew the horse of noble breed , D rau adi ueen o a na d Placed p , Q fy j , by the slain and lifeless stee ,

Hymns and gifts and pure devotion sanctified the noble Queen , ’ ’ Woman s worth and stainless virtue, woman s pride and wisdom keen !

Priests with holy contemplation cooked the horse with pious rite,

And the steam of welcome fragrance sanctified the sacred site,

h r ir b ir Good Yud isht hir and his brothers , by the rules by spoke ,

Piously inhaled the fragrance and the sin - destroying smoke,


Gems and jewels in his bounty , gold and garments rich and rare , Yudhisht hir Gave to each monarch , slaves and damsels passing fair ,

Loving gifts to dear relations gave the king of righteous fame , ’ And the grateful parting monarchs blessed Yudhisht hir s hallowed name

o f - Last all with many tear drops Krishna mounts his lofty car ,

Faithful still in joy or sorrow, faithful still in peace or war,

’ ’ ’ Yudhisht hir s o f Arjun s comrade , Bhima s helper, good friend yore , ’ ’ Kri shna leaves H ast ina s mansions for the sea - girt D warka s shore ! C O N C LU S I O N

TH E real Epic ends with the war and with the funerals o fthe ’ d a Yud hisht hir 8 eceased warriors , as we have st ted before, and Horse Sacrifice is rather a crowning ornament than a part of the fi of solid edi ce . What follows the sacrifice is in no sense a part the real Epic ; it consists merely o f concluding personal narratives o f the heroes who have figured in the poem .

Dhrit a - ra s ht ra retires into a forest with his queen Gandhari , and

F s of Pa nda v i . rith , the mother the brothers , accompan es them I n the solitude of the forest the old D hrit a - ra sht ra sees as in a visio n o f his the spirits all the slain warriors , sons and grandsons and kins s ii it s i n men , clad and armed as they were in battle . The p disappear V the morning at the bidding of yasa who had called them up . At last D hr it a - rasht r a and Gandhari and Friths are burnt to death in

c o nfla rat ion . a forest g , death by fire being considered holy

Krishna at Dwarka meets with strange and tragic adventures . The Vrishnis and the A ndha kas become irreligious and addicted to d Valadeva rinking, and fall a ffrey to internal dissensions . and Krishna die shortly a er, and the city of the Yadavas is swallowed u p by the ocean . t wo o f Gr ea t Then follow the concluding Books the Epic , the J our ne Arr ent t o H ea v en so d y, and the , beautifully ren ered into of of English by Sir Edwin Arnold . O n hearing the death their Pa ndav Pra kshit friend Krishna , the brothers place , the grandson o f o n . D rau adi Arjun , the throne, and retire to the Himalayas p d o n drops own dead the way, then Sahadeva , then Nakula , then

. Yudhisht hir Arjun , and then Bhima alone proceeds to heaven in person in a celestial car . Yudhisht hir There undergoes some trial , bathes in the celestial 1 7 1 1 72 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA

Ganges , and rises with a celestial body . He then meets Krishna , now in his heavenly form , blazing in Splendour and glory . He o n no w meets his brothers whom he had lost earth , but who are

s k in . NDR Immortals in the y, clad heavenly forms I A himself appears Yudhisht hir c before , and introduces him to others who were lear to

o n in . NDR him earth , and are dear to him heaven Thus speaks I A t o Yudhisht hir

! This is She , the fair I mmortal Her no human mother bore , D rau adi she Sprung from altar as p human shape for thee wore ,

she By the Wielder of the trident was waked to form and life , ’ D r u ad s e Born in royal p mansion , righteous man , to b thy wife,

These are bright aerial beings , went for thee to lower earth , ’ Borne by D rupad s stainless daughter as thy children took their birth !

’ ' D hrit a - rasht ra r a rzdlaa r si a i This is monarch who doth o er t g reign ,

This is brave immortal Karna , erst on earth by Arjun slain ,

Like the fire in ruddy Splendour, for the Sun inspired his birth , A s the so n of Chariot - driver he was known upon the earth !

’ Sa db a r M a r ut r Midst the y and the , midst immortals pure and bright , f Vr ish nis Seek thy friends the aithful matchless in their warlike might ,

S at a ki Seek and find the brave y , him who served thy caus'e so well , Seek the Bhojas and Andhaka s who in Kuru - ksh et ra fell

a Ab hima n u m S ub had ra This is g llant y who the fair bore , n d in in Still unco quere the battle, slain by fraud yonder shore ,

’ Ab himan u s on of y , Arjun , wielding Arjun s peerless might, o f s as o f ! With the Lord Night he range , beauteous the Lord Night

Yudhisht hir is This , , thy father by thy mother joined in heaven ,

Oft he comes into my mansions in his flowery chariot driven ,


NC EN I , of A I T ndia like ancient Greece, boasts two great M a b - . of a b b a r a t a Epics One them , the , relates to a great war in which all the warlike races of Northern India took a share , and may therefore be compared to the Iliad . The other, the R a ma a na of y , relates mainly to the adventures its hero, banished from his country and wandering for long years in the wildernesses o f i Southern Ind a , and may therefore be compared to the Odyssey . fi It is the rst of these two Epics, the Iliad of Ancient India, which is the subject of the foregoing pages . The great war which is the subject ofthis E pic is believed t o have been fought in the thirteenth or fourteenth century before F r ih Christ . o generations and centuries after the war its main c ide nt s must have been sung by bards and minstrels in the courts of f Northern India . The war thus became the centre ofa cycle o legends, songs , and poems in ancient India, even as Charlemagne f and Arthur became the centres o legends in mediaeval Europe . u And then , probably nder the direction of some enlightened king, m the vast ass of legends and poetry, accumulated during centuries, was cast in a narrative form and formed the E pic o fthe Great

M a b a - b b a r a t a . Bharata nation , and therefore called the The real o f facts the war had been obliterated by age , legendary heroes had become the principal actors, and, as is invariably the case in India , o f of of the thread a high moral purpose , the triumph virtue and the

o f o f . subjugation vice, was woven into the fabric the great Epic

We should have been thankful if this Epic , as it was thus origi nally put together some centuries before the Christian era , had been

t b e . preserved to us . But this was no to The Epic became so popular that it went o n growing with the growth of centuries . Every generation of poets had something to add ; every distant x74 ’ TRANS LATOR S E PI LOGU E 1 75 nation in Northern India was anxious to interpolate some account of it s deeds in the o ld record o f the international war ; every preacher o fa new creed desired to have in the old Epic some sanc tion for the new truths he inc ulcated . Passages from legal and moral codes were incorporated in the work which appealed to the nation much more effectively than dry codes ; and rules about the different castes and about the different stages o fthe human life

. o f were included for the same purpose All the floating mass tales , traditions, legends, and myths , for which ancient India was famous , found a shelter under the expanding win gs o fthis wonderful Epic ; and as Krishna - worship became the prevailing religion of India zft e r old n the decay of Buddhism , the Epic caught the complexio

- of the times, and Krishna cult is its dominating religious idea in its present shape . It is thus that the work went on growing for a thousand years after it was first compiled and put together in the form ofan Epic ; until the crystal rill o fthe Epic itself was all but o f lost in an unending morass religious and didactic episodes, legends , tales , and traditions .

When the mischief had been done , and the Epic had nearly fe w assumed its present proportions , a centuries after Christ according Biihle r to the late Dr . , an attempt was made to prevent the further expansion o fthe work . The contents o fthe Epic were described in of some prefatory verses, and the number couplets in each Book was a stated . The tot l number of couplets, according to this metrical

- is o five . i preface, ab ut eighty thousand But the l mit so fixed has bee n exceeded in still later centuries ; furt her additions and inter po lat ions have been made ; and the Epic as printed and published i n i n Calcutta this century contains over ninety thousand couplets , excluding the supplement about the race ofHari . The modern reader will no w understand the reason why this — great Epic the greatest work ofimagination that Asia has pro — d uced has never yet been put before the European reader in a read able form . A poem of ninety thousand couplets, about seven times of the size the I liad and the Odyssey put together, is more than what the average reader can stand ; and the heterogeneous nature of it s s t o n of content does not add the i terest the work . If the religious M 1 76 T H E EPIC OF ANCI ENT IN DIA

of works Hooker and Jeremy Taylor , the philosophy of Hobbes and o f of L ocke , the commentaries Blackstone and the ballads Percy, of together with the tractarian writings Newman , Keble, and Pusey, were all thrown into blank verse and incorporated with the Pa r a dis e L os t , the reader would scarcely be much to blame if he failed to appreciate that delectable compound . A complete translation of the M a b a - b b a r a t a therefore into English verse is neither possible nor of desirable , but portions it have now and then been placed before M ’ English readers by distinguished writers . Dean ilman s graceful rendering of the story o f Nala and Damayanti is stil l read and ’ appreciated by a select circle o freaders ; and Sir Edwin Arnold s beautiful translation o fthe concluding books of the Epic is familiar f of to a larger circle o Englishmen . A complete translation the

Epic into E nglish prose has also been published in India, and is useful t o . Sanscrit scholars for the purpose ofreference . But although the old Epic has thus been spoilt by unlimited o f expansion , yet nevertheless the leading incidents and characters of the real Epic are still discernible, uninjured by the mass foreign substance in which they are embedded— even like those immortal marble figures which have been recovered from the ruins o f an ancient world, and now beautify the museums of modern Europe . ' F or years past I have t ho ught that it was perhaps not impossible t o exhume this buried Epic from the superincumbent mass of episodical

t o . matter, and restore it to the modern world F or years past I n no have felt a longing to u dertake this work , but the task was by out means an easy one . Leaving all episodical matter, the leading narrative of the Epic forms about one - fourth ofthe work ; and a complete translation even o fthis leading story would be unread On able , both from its length and its prolixness . the other hand, to condense the story into shorter limits would be , not to make a translation , but virtually to write a new poem ; and that was not what I desired to undertake, nor what I was competent to perform . There seemed to me only one way out o f this diffi culty . The main incidents of Epic are narrated in the original work in ff passages which are neither di use nor unduly prolix , and which as are interspersed in the leading narrative of the Epic , that narra


consecutive days, and I felt it necessary to present the reader with ’ of . an account each day s work In order to do so, I have been compelled to condense, and not merely to translate selected

. For of passages the transactions the war, unlike the other incidents of the Epic , have been narrated in the original with almost inconceivable prolixity and endless repetition and the process o f condensation in these three books has therefore been severe and thorough . But, nevertheless , even in these books I have endeavoured to preserve the character and the spirit of the N t original . o only are the incidents narrated in the same order as in of the original, but they are told in the style the poet as far as pos o f sible . Even the similes and metaphors and figures speech are all o r mostly adopted from the original ; the translator has not ventured either to adopt his own distinct style of narration , or to improve on the style o fthe original with his own decorations . Such is the scheme I have adopted in presenting an Epic o fninety thousand Sanscrit couplets in about two thousand English couplets . The excellent and deservedly popular prose translation of the

Odyssey o fHomer by Messrs . Butcher and L ang often led me to think that perhaps a prose translation o fthese selected passages from

M a b a - b b a r a t a the might be more acceptable to the modern reader .

But a more serious consideration of the question dispelled that idea . Homer has an interest for the E uropean reader which the M a b a b b a r a t a cannot lay claim to ; as the father of European poetry he h a s a claim on the veneration of modern Europe which an Indian

oe t can never pretend to . To thousands of European readers fi omer of is familiar in the original , to hundreds thousands he is known in various translations in various modern languages . What o f Homer actually wrote , a numerous class students in Europe wish to know and a literal prose translation therefore is welcome , after the great Epic has been s o often translated in verse . The case is

ff Ma b a - b b a r a t a very di erent with the , practically unknown to

European readers . And the translators of Homer themselves t o gracefully acknowledge , We have tried transfer not all the truth

o . ab ut the poem , but the historical truth into English In this process

Homer must lose at least half his charm , his bright and equable ’ TRANS LATOR S E PI LOGU E 1 79

of speed , the musical current that narrative, which , like the river f of Egypt, lows from an undiscoverable source , and mirrors the

f . temples and the palaces o unforgotten gods and kings With”out o f . the music verse , only a half truth about Homer can be told

Another earnest worker of the present day, who is endeavouring to interpret to modern Englishmen the thoughts and sentiments

f n - and poetry o their A glo Saxon ancestors, has emphatically d a e of of ecl r d that all possible tran”slations p”oetry, a merely prose Mr . S t o fo rd translation is the most inaccurate . Prose, says p “ no Brooke, further on , more represents poetry than architecture f does music . Translations o poetry are never much good , but at d least they should always en eavour to have the musical m”ovement o f o f . poetry, and to obey the laws the verse they translate one of This appears to me t o be a very sound maxim . And my greatest difficulties in the task I have undertaken has been t o ’ try and preserve something o f the “ musical movement of the o f sonorous Sanscrit poetry in the English translation . Much the S anscrit Epic is written in the well - known Slob a metre o fsixteen t o syllables in each line, and I endeavoured choose some English metre which is familiar to the English ear , and which would reproduce to some extent the rhythm , the majesty, and the long and measured sweep o fthe Sanscrit verse . It was necessary to adopt such a metre in order to transfer something o fthe truth about the M a b a —b b a r a t a n o r i to English , for without such reproduction imita tion o f the musical movement of the original very much less than

M . a half truth is told . y kind friend Mr Edmund Russell , impelled by that enthusiasm for Indian poetry and Indian art o f d which is a part him , rendere me valuable help and assistance in this matter, and I gratefully acknowledge the benefit I have derived from his advice and suggestions . After considerable trouble and d r ff and anxiety, after ren e ing several books in di erent English o ne d metres , I felt convinced that the finally a opted was a nearer approach t o the Sanscrit Slob o than any other familiar English metre known to me . I have recited a verse in this English metre and a Slob a in pre of sence listeners who have a better ear for music than myself, and 1 80 TH E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA they have marked the close resemblance . I quote a few lines from o f Slab u the Sanscrit showing varieties the metre, and comparing h E them wit the scheme of the nghsh metre selected .

- v Esha Kunt isut ah srimau e sha madhya ma Pandavah

Esh a putro Mahendr asya Kur una m e sha ra kshit a

— - M a b a b b a r a t a 1 . . , 5 3 5 7 V V V Yet I doubt not through the ages one i ncreasing purpose runs

And the thoughts ofinen are widened Iwith the process ofthe suns

Malancha s amupadaya kanc hanim s amalamkrit a m

Avat irna tato rang am D r aupadi Bha rat ars hab ha

— - M a /J a b b a r a t a 1. 6 . , 9 74

V “ V Visions o fthe days departed shadowy phantoms filled m y brain

V ac Those who live 1n history only seemed to walk the earth again

- B e r B r u es fy of g .

" ” - “ V V V V t V V V V A suryam i va sur yena ni rvat a m iva va yuna

V V Bh a s1t am hladit anchaiva Krishnene dam sado hi nah — — Ma b a b b a r a t a ri. 1 , 3 3 4 .

” “ - V V V V V V uamt old t ra fii c uamt of Q town of toil and q old town art and song,

Me e t h oint bd ab lb s i the o h h mori s haunt yp g , l ke ro ks t at round t ee

1 82 TH E EPIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA poet . The great deeds of godl ike kings sometimes suggest to the poet t he mighty deeds o f gods ; the rushing ofwarriors suggests the rushing o f angry elephants in the echoing jungle ; the flight of whistling arrows suggests the flight of sea - birds ; the sound and movement o f surging crowds suggest the heaving ofbillows the erect attitude of a warrior suggests a tall cliff ; the beauty of a f maiden suggests the soft beauty o the blue lotus . When such a ce e t s comparisons come naturally to the poet, he p them and notes o them down , but he never seems to g in quest of them , he is never t o e h 1s anxious b autify and decorate . He seems to trust entirely to grand narrative , to his heroic characters , to his stirring incidents, to hold millions of listeners in perpetual thrall . The majestic and sonorous

Sanscrit metre is at his com mand, and even this he uses carelessly,

a s a r s b a . and with frequent slips , known to later grammarians The for poet certainly seeks no art to decorate his tale, he trusts to the lofty chronicle o fbygone heroes to enchain the listening mankind . And what heroes ! In the delineation o fcharacter the Mub a b b r a a t a is far above anything which we find in later Sanscrit poetry .

Indeed , with much that is fresh and sweet and lovely in later

or . Al l Sanscrit poetry, there is little no portraiture of character heroes are cast much in the same heroic mould ; all love - sick i ff in u hero nes su er silence and b rn with fever, all fools are shrewd ff and impudent by turns, all knaves are heartless and cruel and su er in the end . There is not much to distinguish between one warrior

o ne . and another, between tender woman and her sister I n the M a b a - b b a r a t a we find just the reverse ; each hero has a distinct o f own individuality, a character his , clearly discernible from that o f . o f other heroes No work the imagination that could be named, b alwa s Ma b a y excepting the Iliad, is so rich and so true as the b a r a t a oxt rait ure o f — no t in the p the human character, in torment ff n as and su eri g as in Dante, not under overwhelming passions in — in of t Shakespeare , but human character its calm dignity streng h and repose , like those immortal figures in marble which the ancients o ut turned , and which modern sculptors have vainly sought to repro

- . old D hrit a ra sht ra duce The Kuru monarch , sightless and feeble , Bhishma but majestic in his ancient grandeur ; the noble grandsire , ’ TRAN S LATOR S EPILOG U E 1 83 ’ d death s sub uer and unconquerable in war ; the doughty Drona , venerable priest and vengeful warrior ; and the proud and peerless — archer Karna have each a distinct character ofhis own which can Yudhisht hir not be mistaken for a moment . The good and royal , a (I omit the final in some long names which occur frequently) , “ ” “ ” - - the tiger waisted Bhima, and the helmet wearing Arjun are the Agamemnon , the Ajax , and the Achilles of the Indian D ur odhan Epic . The proud and unyielding y , and the fierce and fiery D uhsasan stand out foremost among the wrathful sons o f the An d feeble old Kuru monarch . Krishna possesses a character higher than that of Ulysses ; unmatched in human wisdom , ever fo r striving righteousness and peace, he is thorough and unrelent ing in war when war has begun . And the women of the Indian

Epic possess characters as marked as those o f the men . The stately and majestic queen Gandhari , the loving and doting mother Pr it ha D r au adi , the proud and scornful p nursing her wrath till her wrongs are fearfully revenged , and the bright and brilliant and S ub h ad ra — sunny , these are distinct images pencilled by the hand m o fa true master in the real ofcreative imagination . And if the characters ofthe M a b a - b b a r a t a impress themselves o n t he of . the reader, incidents the Epic are no less striking Every n scene o the shifting stage is a perfect and impressive picture . — The tournament ofthe princes in which Arjun and Kama the — Achilles and Hector ofthe Indian E pic first met and each marked the other for his foe ; the gorgeous bridal ofD raupadi ; the equally gorgeous coronation of Yudhisht hir and the death o f the proud and boisterous S isupal a ; the fatal game of dice and the scornful wrath o f D raupadi against her insulters ; the calm beauty of the forest life ofthe Pandavs ; the cattle - lifting in Mat syaland in which the gallant Arjun threw o ffhis disguise and stood forth as warrior and conqueror ; and the Homeric speeches of the warriors in the o n — o f council of war the eve of the great contest, each scene this venerable old Epic impresses itself o n the mind ofthe hushed and

f . astonished reader . Then follows the war o eighteen days The fi o r rst few days are more less uneventful , and have been condensed in this translation often into a few couplets but the interest of the 1 84 T H E E PIC OF ANCIENT IN DIA reader increases as he approaches the final battle and fall o fthe

n old fi Bhish ma . o f gra d ghter Then follows , stirring story ’ ’ the of b o r the death Arjun s gallant y, and A jun s fierce revenge, and

o f . the death the priest and warrior, doughty Drona Last comes of fi e the crowning event the Epic , the nal contest b tween Arjun of d and Karna , the heroes the Epic , and the war ends in a mi night slaughter and the death of the D uryodhan . The rest o fthe story is told in this translation in t wo books describing the funerals o fthe ’ - Yudhisht hir s sacr ifice . deceased warriors, and horse “ ” “ of Mr . ff The poems Homer, says Gladstone, di er from all other known poetry in this that they constitute in themselves an e nc clo x dia of i and y p l fe knowledge ; at a time when knowledge, of indeed , such as lies beyond the bounds actual experience , was an d extremely ”limited , and when life was singularly fresh , vivid, t he expansive . This remark applies with even greater force to M a b a - b b a r a t a it is an encyclopaedia ofthe life and knowledge o f An d An cient India . it discloses to us an ancient and forgotten or world , a proud and noble civilisation which has passed away . N t he r n India was then parcelled among warlike races living side by side under their warlike kings, speaking the same language, performin g the same religious rites and ceremonies , rejoicing in a o f common literature, rivalling each other in their schools philo S o f ophy and learning as in the arts peace and civilisation , and o f n um forming a confederation Hindu nations u known to , and knowing the outside world . What this confederation ofnations has done for the cause of human knowledge and human civilisa i tion is a matter o f history . Their inquiries nto the hidden truths o f U a nis b a ds religion , embalmed in the ancient p , have never been excelled within the last three thousand years . Their inquiries into in S a nl b a Veda nt a philosophy , preserved the y and the systems , were the first systems of true philosophy which the world produced .

of Ma b a - b b a r a t a And their great works imagination , the and the R a maya na will be placed without hesitation by the side of Homer ’ by cri tics who survey the world s literatures from a lofty stand d of out point , and ju ge impartially the wares turned by the hand of man in al l parts of the globe . It rs scarcely necessary to add


GAN DHARVA a c l a s s o fa e ia l b e in s Amn sa a va a el i io s i e . , r g u r t , r g ; l s l s i n e r s c e e ia . A nmsn e m s a c e d a bl io n . , r ut t g ’ G AN DIVA A n s b o w A CHAR YA ece o . . , pr pt r , rju n G um: o r G H RITA c l a i e d b e A Y A a fo m o fs a c i c ia l o ffe i . . J , r r fi r g , r fi utt r ‘ ‘ G URU A PRAMAT I A i o ide o r a s e ce o . , w th ut pr p , pr pt r

s io n . H OMA a s a c i c ia l i e o r o ffe in l e s ia l n m s , fi . A nsa xa s c e . g , t y ph r r t r H own a t h e s ea o n a n e l e a n ARGHYA o ffe i n d ue t o a n o n o r ed , p . , r g h u t h t ue s g t . Ina a fo r m o fs a c i c ia l o ffe in , r fi r g . A ru m, n o bl e .

AS RAM e r mi a e . , h t g KAN KA a b i d o f e , r pr y. A SURA Ti a n s e n emie s o f o d s , t , g . K na n rua a n I nd ia n ee , tr . As wa mnnua s a c i c e o ft h e o se , r fi h r . Ki mp urt usru a cl a s s o f ima ina , g ry e i n s b g . Ba mmt va l a iz - la z l i , p u . KJ N N ARA a c l a s s o f ima i na , g ry Bm m c na mn o ne w h o h a s t a k e n , b ei n s w i t h e fa c e o fa o s e g th h r . o w s a n d l i e s a n a s e e l ife v v u t r , K o m a n I n d ia n b i d a n s e i n t o , r w r g t he E n l is c c k o o a n d ized g h u , pr C HAN DAN sa n d a l w o o d t h e a s e o f , , p t fo r it s s w e e n o e t t . wh ic h is u se d fo r fra g ra n ce a n d c o o l ne s s . M AGHA a i n e mo n , w t r th . C no wru o r IIAMA RI t h e H ima l a a n C , y M a no r o r M AHAMATRA el e a n , ph t a k o s s il is a s , w e b a se d d i e y h u hy t u r v r. M AN TRA mn o r i n c a n a io n , hy t t . M t s c uc rm o e b a b a ia n All , ut r r r . D AKSHI N A ifs ma de a t sa c i ce s , g t r fi . w h o we re n o t H in du s we re d e DASAPU‘I’RA s o n o fa s la e , . s i n a t e d b is n a me v g y th . D EVA o d s . M uN r s a in a n c o i e , g , t , h r t . D eva na n u l it ea e nl ee t h e ( . h v y tr ) ,

I n d ia n i n e N A GA w e l o s - . d l e f t he n a k e o ld p , r w r ;

D e a - 10 1m m c e l e s ia l ma id s . a l o a ibe in E a s e n I n d ia v , t tr t r .

- D e a 1113 11 1 c e le s ia l s a in . N I SHADA a n a bo i in a l a c e v , t t , r g r . DHARMA - RA A mo na c b ea s o n o f N I SH KA o ld ie ce s o f s e c i d J , r h y r , g p p fi e ie a n d i e ei se d a s mo ne a n d l s p ty v rtu w g ht , u y a o D I KSHA i n i ia io n 1 n t o a s a c ed i e a s o n a me n , t t r r t r t . 1 88 GLOS S ARY OF S AN S CRIT WORDS

‘ ‘ PAN KHA f o m S a n s c i a i s lza S AVI I RI a mn a l so t h e o dde s s ( r r t p , , hy ; g i m w n a fa n o ft h e n . g ) , . hy

PI SHACHA o s o i S IDD A l ia in s . o r b l n . H o c e les l b e , g h t g , h y t g

PITR I - MEDHA s a c i ce a n d o ffe in S LESHA a n I n dia n t ee , r fi r g , r .

d ue t o de a e d a n ces o r s S UPARN A c e l e s ia l b ir d . p rt t . , t PRAVARGYA a e l i io u s i e SWARGA e a e n , r g r t . , h v . PURA N A a c l a s s o f e l i io s S w a sr r a o r d u e r e d t o d i s e l , r g u , w tt p

w o k s . e il r v . PURUSHA t h e s o l S WAY AMVARA a fo m o f b r ida l t h e , u . , r , b r id e se l ec tin g h e r hu s b a n d fro m RA A U im mo n s i o s S YA e r ia l s a c r i c e a . J , p fi . g u t r RAK SHA o r R AKSHASA mo n s e o r , t r o bl in Tmr‘ uA o l i e s a t t h e c o s s i n g . , h y r t r g R l x m i c fr i n re c i e d a t s a c e o e s . , hy t r fi . v r ’ R rsm s a i n a o l ma n r e i e d Tu ua m a ee n i s en a n ce , t ; h y t r , thr g ht p f o m t h o l a n d e i n n s r e w r d d vo t g a d fa t . himse lf t o p io u s rite s a n d c o n t e m l a t io n VEDA t h e o l d e s a n d o l ies s c i p . , t h t r p e s f i n s tu r o t h e H du . ’ SA AD I i i i I A A n s b o w M H a s t e e r e l o s a c ce V Y Ka a . , u r g u pr t . J , r SAMAN mn c a n e d a t s a c i ce V IN A t h e l re , hy h t r fi . , y . SAMI a n I n dia n r ee , t .

SAN KHA s o n din c o n c - s ell YA N A s a c i c e , u g h h . J , r fi . ' SARVAVARN I N a n I n dia n ee YA no DHARMA STATO AYAH e e , tr . j , wh r

Sa sr u s c r i e s a n d r el i io s e e i s i e e e is ic o . , ptur g u th r v rtu th r v t ry ’ w o k s Y OGA t h e e io d o f t h e w o r l d s r . , p r SAVAN A a el i io s r i e e x is e n ce , r g u t . t .


Hil A - ga rd ve nue , Los Ange les , CA 90024 13 88 Re t urn t his mat e ria l t o the lib ra ry fromwh ic h It was