The Tracy Family the Winslow Family
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THE TRACY FAMILY PART ONE TRACY LINEAGE from WODEN (ODIN:) through PRINCESS GODA (who married Drettx) SIR WILLIAM DE TRACI, LOUISE MASSA TRACY · (who married Dr. Charles Edward \Vinslow,) to MERCELIA LODISE BOYD THE DESCENT OF BARBARA LUCY, who married RICHARD TRACY OF STAN\V A Y THE INTERMARRYING FAMILIES OF FARNHAM, RUSSELL,GARRETT,LORD THE WINSLOW FAMILY PART TWO WINSLOW LINEAGE from WILLIAM WYNCELO\VE to MERCELIA ANNA WINSLOW ( who married Scott Lee Boyd) to MERCELIA LOUISE BOYD THE INTERMARRYING FAMILIES OF HATCH, PEIRCE (or PIERCE), BOYD COMPILED BY SCOTT LEE BOYD SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED THIRTY-THREE THIS EDITION IS LilVIITED TO TWO HUNDRED COPIES THIS COPY IS NU1\1BER TRACI-TRACYE-TRACY Or, an escallop,----- in the chief dexter point, sable, between two bendlets gules. Crest: On the chapeau gules, turned up ermine, an escallop sable, between two wings, expanded, or. INDEX PART ONE The Arms of Tracy (The Sudeley Arms) .... _............................... 4- 6 Tracy Lineage. Fifty-seven generations from Woden to Mercelia Louise Bovd.............................................................. 7-40 Includes the following: Ancestors of Dreux, Count of V exin.......................... I 5-I 6 Norman ancestors of Lady Grace De Traci ................ 18-20 Ancestors and descent of Alice, wife of vVilliam Tracy (No. 41) and Eleanor, wife of Sir John Throckmorton ........................................................... 23-24 Ancestors of Margery Pauncefort, \\i'ife of vVilliam Tracy (No. 42.) ........................................................ _ 25 Ancestors of Margaret Throckmorton, wife of Sir William Tracy............................................................ 26-28 Family of Mary Birchard.................................. ·-·········· 36-37 The Norman Dukes from Robert I to Princess Goda ....... ·-······· 41-46 Seven children of Judge Josiah Tracy (No. 53) and Diantha (Lathrop) Tracy...... ······················-································-········ 47-50 Four children of Lathrop Josiah Trac! and Eliza (Kirtland) Tracy ....................... ........ ............... ....................... ................. .. 5 I -54 Five children of Frederick Kirtland ·rracy and Mary Roxanna (Richnmnd) Tracy.................................................................. 55-57 Four children of Rufus Avery Tracy and Harriet Edith ( vVagner) Tracy.................................................................... 58 59 Five children of Frederick Earl Tracy (Lord Tracy (No. 54) and Anna Tracy (Lord) Tracy............................................. 60-6 5 Descendants of John Alden and Priscilla (Mullen) Alden, ancestors of Bessie Lindsley, wife of Howard Tracy............................................................ 60-62 Three children of Howard Tracy and Bessie (Lindsley) Tracy. ..... ················ ... ····························································· 66-67 Three children of Ruth Maria (Tracy) Strong and Rev. Sidney Strong ..... ................. ........... ....................... .............................. 68-69 INDEX The Farnham Family.......................................................... ,_........... 70-71 The Russell Family.......................................................................... 72-7 5 The Garrett Family........................................................................ 76-78 Six children of Samuel Garrett and_ Irene (Russell) Garrett.... · 79-81 Six children of Cheney Garrett and Lorraine (Plant) Garrett.... 82-84 Eight children of Enjly (Garrett) Van Frank and Gerrit Van Frank ............................................................................................ 85-87 Three children of James Carnahan Garrett and Nellie Veghte (Gambling) Garrett............................................... ,................ 88-89 The Lord Family.............................................................................. 90-97 Four children of Solomon Zelotis Lord and Adeline (Garrett) Lord. .................................................................. ...................... 98 Seven children of Solomon Zelotis Lord and Sarah (Jessup) Lord ........................................................................................ 99-100 Eleven children of Alfred Lord and Laura (Blossom) Lorcl.. .... 101-103 Five children of Sarah (Lord) Hull and Rev. Leverett HulL .. 104-105 Seven children of Russel Farnhan; Lord and Mary Ann (Garrett) Lord........................................................................ I 06- I 08 Three children of Russel Farnham Lord and Elizabeth 1'1. (Scott) Lord............................................................................ I 09 Two children of Mira (Lord) Hayden r:nd General John Louis Hayden.................................................................................... ~. 110 The Descent of Barbara Lucy, wife of Richard Tracy (No. 45) of Stanwav from Pepin of HeristaL ...................................... I I 1-142 Includes the following: The Baldwin, Count of Flanders Line........................ 114- I I 5 Ancestors of Matilda ( l\1aud), wife of William the Conqueror, parents of Princess Gundred. (The Capetian Line) .......................................................... 115- I I 6 The \Varrenne Line............................................ ···"········ 1 I 7- 1 18 The Eastern ancestry of Hugh-Magnus.................... u8 The De Hastings Line ............................................. s.... I 2 I The Scottish ancestors of Lady Ada, wife of H enr:v De Hastings, and of Barbara Lucy........................ 121-122 Ancestors of Margaret. first Queen of Scotland........ 122-12.1 INDEX Ancestors of Lady Isabel, wife of John De Hastings. The family of William De Lusiguan ( De Valence), Earl of Pembroke ...................................................... 12 5- l 27 The De Grey Line, Ancestors of Roger De Grey, husband of Lady Elizabeth Hastings...................... 127-129 The Astleys of Astley, ancestors of Lady Joane, wife of Lord Grey de Ruthyn, and daughter of \,Villiam De Astley................................................................... 130-r 32 The Lucy Line................................................................ 132-134 Ancestors of Lady Elizabeth Beauchamp, wife of Thomas De Astley, and of Barbara Lucy............ 135-138 Ancestors of \Villiam Lucy, husband of Eleanor. Also the De Montforts and the Lucys of Charle- cote, \Varwickshire .................................................... 138-142 Portraits ............................................................................................ 143-145 \Vinslow Coat of Arms ........................................................... "'....... 146 PART TT110 'vVinslow Family................................................................................ 147 Winslow Lineage from \,Villiam vVyncelowe to Mercelia Louise Boyd. Sixteen Generations ..................................................... 148-166 Includes the follmving: Winslow Family of England........................................ 152-154 Dr. George Winslow ...........................................•.......... 100-161 Dr. Lawson Armstrong Winslow................................ 161-162 Fayette Darwin \1/inslow .............................................. 162-163 Dr. Charles Edward \1/ inslow ...................................... 164-165 Four children of Richard Winslow and Alice (Hay) Winslow. 167 Eight children of Edward vVinslow and Magdalene ( Ollyver) \1/inslow. Also the passage of the Pilgrims from Leyden to N e,v England ........................................................................... 168-170 Seven children of Kenelm Winslow and Mercy (Worden) Winslow................................................................................... 171-173 INDEX Four children of Kenelm vVinslow arid Damaris Winslow·........ 174-175 Five children of Fayette Darwin \Vinslow and \Valdo (Tracy) Winslo,v ................................................................................... 176-I 79 Sixteen children of Dr. George \Vinslow: . By his first wife, Hannah Long.............................................. 180-182 By his second wife, Olive Long.............................................. 182-185 By his third wife, Harriet Severance...................................... 185-191 Seven children of Darwin Cordenio \Vin slow and :Martha \;y'aldron (Hatch) YVinsloVi· ................................................... 192-195 The Hatch Lineage from T11omas and Grace Hatch to Mer- celia Prudence Hatch, wife of Dr. Lawson Armstrong \Vinslow. Nine generations ................................................... 196-202 Six children of Timothy Hatch ;md Ruth (\Vells) Hatch . ....... 203-205 Five children of Jethro Hatch and l\1inerva (Peirce) Hatch ..... -206-209 Three children of Fayette Sn1ith Hatch amt Teresa l\1inerva (Peirce) Ha tch ......................................................................... 210-2 I 2 Two children of Jethro Ayers Hatch and Sarah (Clark) Hatch. ..................................................................................... 0 13-0 1 5 Seven children of Austin Peirce Hatch and l\felissa ( Snnw·) 1--I a tch. .....................................................................................216-220 The Pierce ( or Peirce) Lineage from Thomas and Elizabeth Pierce to Minery,1 Peirce, wife of Jethro Hatch. Ei.zht generations. ........................................................................... 221-228