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Well kept detached bungalow on the edge of Pano Kivides, Limassol, Quiet position with open view. Kitchen/Diner 5.55mtrs x 3.75. Separate lounge similar DEMOS & SONS LTD size. Two double bedrooms, with A/C, fitted wardrobes. HEATING & PLUMBERS MERCHANTS Good size bathroom. Mains drainage. Entrance hall, used & SPARES SUPPLIERS, as an office. Gas Central heating. New double glazed COMBI BOILERS MERCHANTS windows. Conservatory 7.26mtrs x 2.46. Outside plot in excess of 700 sq. mtrs. Large covered area including VAILLANT - BAXI - MAIN - PRO - block built workshop 5.3 x 4.8. Arctic Spar hot tub. Ample POTTERTON, KESTON, ARISTON parking. Car port. TITLE DEEDS. Low Council Tax. Great climate Private sale. No agents. No V.A.T. 568 LORDSHIP LANE, – í160.000 – WOOD GREEN, LONDON N22 5BY Δ∏§∂ºø¡∏™Δ∂ ª∞™ – ™∞™ ™Àªº∂ƒ∂π Details from [email protected]. Tel: 020 8888 6051 / 020 8889 6476 ΔËÏ: 020 8808 2427 º·Í: 020 8808 7515 00357 25944005 / 00357 99 995992 Spares: 020 8365 7384 Fax: 020 8888 1284 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013 ™ÂÏ›‰· 5 ·ÚÔÈÎÈ·

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Head Office Receiving address for Goods Also receiving address for cars UNIT 15 Unit 26 RIVERWALK BUSINESS PARK RIVERWALK BUSINESS PARK RIVERWALK ROAD RIVERWALK ROAD (off Jeffreys Rd) (Off Jeffreys Road) ENFIELD EN3 7QN ENFIELD EN3 7QN

ñ Regular Worldwide Service by Air, ñ ¶·ÁÎfiÛÌÈ· Δ·ÎÙÈ΋ ∂͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË ·fi Sea & Road ∞¤Ú·, £¿Ï·ÛÛ· Î·È •ËÚ¿ THE COMPANY WITH OVER 45 YEARS ñ ∂ÎÙ¤ÏÂÛË ŒÍÙÚ· ∞ÔÛ΢ÒÓ ÁÈ· ñ Excess Baggage and Household Effects ÙÔ ¡ÔÈÎÔ΢ÚÈfi Û·˜ ñ Specialist Packing Service on & Off Site OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE ñ ∂ȉÈÎfi ¶·ÎÂÙÙ¿ÚÈÛÌ· ÛÙÔ ™›ÙÈ Û·˜ ñ Storage Facilities ‹ ÔÔ˘‰‹ÔÙ ·ÏÏÔ‡ ñ ∂ȉÈÎÔ› ¯ÒÚÔÈ ÁÈ· ¶·ÎÂÙÙ¿ÚÈÛÌ· ñ Full Insurance Service – All Risk Tel: 020 8805 5588 / 020 8882 8763 ñ ¶Ï‹Ú˘ ∞ÛÊ¿ÏÂÈ· (All Risk) ñ Door to Door Service Fax: 020 8805 8855 / 020 8344 4250 ñ ∂͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË ·fi ¶fiÚÙ· Û ¶fiÚÙ· ñ Motor Vehicles, Bikes and Boats ñ ∞˘ÙÔΛÓËÙ·, ¶Ô‰‹Ï·Ù· Î·È ¶ÏÔÈ¿ÚÈ· ñ Commercial Cargo [email protected] ñ www.andrewsshipping.co.uk ñ ∂ÌÔÚÈÎfi ºÔÚÙ›Ô


Open for your business

Wishing all of our customers warmest wishes for the festive season and the New Year.

Our North London branch will be open as follows over this period: Call Tuesday 24/12/2012 9.15am - 2.00pm 0845 850 5555* Friday 27/12/2012 9.15am - 4.00pm Monday 30/12/2012 9.15am - 4.00pm Or visit Tuesday 31/12/2012 9.15am - 2.00pm www.bankofcyprus.co.uk Thursday 02/01/2014 9.15am - 4.00pm

Customer Service lines will operate on the above dates from 9.00am until 5.00pm, and 9.30am to 12.30pm Saturday 28 December 2013.

%DQNRI&\SUXV8./LPLWHGLVDXWKRULVHGE\WKH3UXGHQWLDO5HJXODWLRQ$XWKRULW\DQGUHJXODWHGE\WKH)LQDQFLDO&RQGXFW$XWKRULW\DQGWKH3UXGHQWLDO5HJXODWLRQ$XWKRULW\(OLJLEOHGHSRVLWVDUHSURWHFWHGE\WKH8. )LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV&RPSHQVDWLRQ6FKHPHXSWR SHUHOLJLEOHFXVWRPHU5HJLVWHUHGRI¿FH&KDUORWWH6WUHHW/RQGRQ:753 &DOOVPD\EHUHFRUGHGIRUPRQLWRULQJDQGWUDLQLQJ ampeli ltd Finest Cyprus Wine Suppliers METHY - AGIOS ONOUFRIOS - VASILIKON - EINALIA VASILIKON WINERY is one of the first local wineries of Cyprus, Tel: 07723 069 879 (Sotos Politakis) established in 1993 by the brothers Heracles, Georgios and Giannis Kyriakides. Its successful operation is based on the excellent quality grapes of Kathikas and 07971 087 099 (Nicos Michael) the Akamas Laona areas of Paphos, which are mainly picked from the family’s vineyards. Furthemore, the knowledge, dedication and care exhibited by these wine- makers, together with the technologically advanced special machinery used, make Vasilikon one of the most accomplished wineries in Cyprus. *** Our Wines *** Vasilikon White Dry – A dry white wine vinified from the indigenous variety “Xinisteri” which is cultivated in our family vineyards. This wine is distinguished for its green - yellow crystal clear color, its fruity aroma of apricot and peach, its fresh and balanced taste as well as its dominant and long lasting after taste.

Agios Onoufrios Red Dry – The indigenous varieties of Maratheftiko and Lefkada and the fine varieties of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Shiraz and Merlot, cultivated with loving care in vineyards of Paphos, compose the family tree of this wine. This balanced and full wine, is distinguished for its purple and deep colour, its vivid aroma, its fruity taste and its perfumed after taste. It is the best accompaniment to meat and semi-hard cheeses.

Methy Cabernet Sauvignon – Born out of patience, this wine matures for two years in brand new barrels of French oak and spends an equal amount of time ageing in the reducing environment of its bottle. Methy displays a deep red colour, exuding strength and “masculine” aromas of green pepper, capers and red-skinned fruits ÃÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈη ¢ÒÚ· against a background of oak. It has a thick, distinctly balanced taste with tanni Δ· ÎÚ·ÛÈ¿ ·˘Ù¿ ÌÔÚ›Ù ӷ Ù· ‚Ú›Ù ÛÙ· ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚ· ÂÛÙÈ·ÙfiÚÈ· Ù˘ presence which softened by time, will further improve the quality of the wine. ¶·ÚÔÈΛ·˜ Ì·˜. §fiÁˆ ÂÔÚÙÒÓ, ÌÔÚ›Ù ӷ Ù· ÚÔÌËı¢Ù›Ù Û ÂȉÈΤ˜ Û˘Û΢·Û›Â˜ ÙˆÓ ‰‡Ô ‹ ÙÚÈÒÓ ÌÔ˘Î¿ÏˆÓ ÎÚ·ÛÈÔ‡ Ù˘ ÂÈÏÔÁ‹˜ Û·˜ ÁÈ· Einalia Rosé – Einalia, goddess Aphrodite, the Paphian seaborn Cypris. The indigenous variety Maratheftiko is accompanied by the variety Shiraz to produce a ¯ÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈÎÔ ‰ÒÚo ÛÙ· ·Á·Ë̤ӷ Û·˜ ÚfiÛˆ·. rosé wine with the colour of pomegranate that is distinguished for its fresh floral character and rich aromas of red fruits. Refreshing, with pleasant acidity, balanced NNN NNN taste and long-lasting perfumed after taste. Ideal companion for white meat dishes, ∫·Ï¤˜ °ÈÔÚÙ¤˜ fresh salads and fruit platters. ™ÂÏ›‰· 10 – ÃÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈÎË ŒÎ‰ÔÛË ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013


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∂˘¯fiÌ·ÛÙ ÛÙËÓ ¶ÂÏ·Ù›· Ì·˜ Î·È Û fiÏË ÙËÓ ¶·ÚÔÈΛ· Wishing all our Clients and the Community ∫·Ï¿ ÃÚÈÛÙÔ‡ÁÂÓÓ· Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year Î·È ∫·Ï‹ ÃÚÔÓÈ¿



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S. Aspris and Son

Wines, Beer & Spirits Merchants ∏ ‰È·ÛΤ‰·ÛË ı¤ÏÂÈ Î·Ï‹ ·Ú¤·, ı¤ÏÂÈ Î·Ïfi Ê·ÁËÙfi, ı¤ÏÂÈ Î·Ïfi ÔÙfi. ∫·È fiÙ·Ó Ï¤Ì ηÏfi ÔÙfi, ÂÓÓoÔ‡ÌÂ

Δøƒ∞ ÎÔÓÙ¿ Û·˜ ∫Ú·ÛÈ¿, Spirits, ª‡Ú˜ ÁÈ· οı ÁÔ‡ÛÙÔ, Ì ÙËÓ ¿„ÔÁË Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË ÙÔ˘ SS.. AAsspprriiss aanndd SSoonn Ô˘ ·fi ÙÔ 1965 ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È ÛÙËÓ ˘ËÚÂÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·ÚÔÈΛ·˜. ΔÒÚ· Ô˘ Ì ÙȘ ÁÈÔÚÙ¤˜, ÁÈÔÚÙ¿ÛÙ ÙȘ fiˆ˜ Ú¤ÂÈ, Ì ∫Ú·ÛÈ¿ ∫∂√, ÌÂ Ã˘ÌÔ‡˜, ª‡Ú˜ Î·È ¡ÂÚfi St. Nicholas ÁÈ· Ù· ·È‰È¿. ∫∂√ ™∏ª∞π¡∂π °∂À™∏, ™∏ª∞π¡∂π ∞¶√§∞À™∏ ¶π¡∂Δ∂ ∫À¶ƒπ∞∫∞ ¶√Δ∞, À¶√™Δ∏ƒπ∑∂Δ∂ Δ√¡ ∫À¶ƒπ√ ∂ƒ°∞Δ∏, À¶√™Δ∏ƒπ∑∂Δ∂ Δ∏¡ ∫À¶ƒ√

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™TO ¶PO™ø¶IKO MA™, ™THN ¶E§ATEIA MA™ KAI ™’ O§H THN ¶APOIKIA EYXOMA™TE ∫∞§∞ Xƒπ™Δ√Y°∂¡¡∞, ∂YΔYXπ™ª∂¡√ Δ√ ¡∂O Xƒ√¡√ ∫∞π ∂§∂Y£∂ƒπ∞ ™Δ∏¡ ∫Y¶ƒ√ ª∞™

47 TURNPIKE LANE, N8 TEL: 020 8340 7899 – Ã√¡¢ƒπ∫∂™ & §π∞¡π∫∂™ ¶ø§∏™∂π™ 19 FERDINAND STREET, NW1 TEL: 020 7485 9733/0563 – Ã√¡¢ƒπ∫∂™ ¶ø§∏™∂π™ Website: www.aspris.co.uk For details of our latest bonds offering great rates contact us on 0845 850 5555 or visit www.bankofcyprus.co.uk THE NEWSPAPER OF THE CYPRIOT COMMUNITY IN BRITAIN Deposits protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme in the UK up to í85,000 Thursday 12th December 2013 - ESTABLISHED 1974 - ISSUE 2030 - English Section pages 15 - 24 per eligible depositor. SSuuppppoorrtt oouurr iissllaanndd BBuuyy CCyypprriioott pprroodduuccttss TTrraavveell ttoo CCyypprruuss Petition for the return of Famagusta ‘UK Cyprus Enterprise Council’ delivered to Downing Street established in London

reek Cypriots and Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher. Turkish Cypriots rep- David Burrowes, the Gresenting the Fama- Conservative Member of gusta Association of Great Parliament for Southgate and Britain and the Turkish Cyp- Enfield, praised the represen- riot Association for Demo- tatives of the Cypriot Commu- cracy (London) delivered a nities in Britain for their unpre- petition for the return of cedented historical joint effort. Famagusta to its lawful “The return of Famagusta inhabitants and the opening will create immense econom- of its sea port, in accordance ic activity for the benefit of both with the UN resolutions, communities,” he said, while to 10 Downing Street on he promised to follow up the Monday. petition with the Prime Minis- he ‘UK Cyprus Enter- Cyprus.” Both parties stated that they ter and the Foreign Secretary. prise Council’ was The founding Board of share the same belief that the Dr. Vassilis Mavrou, the Testablished in London Directors and Secretary will return of the town of Famagus- President of Famagusta yesterday. consist of the following Association, stated that thou- With offices in Mayfair and volunteers. Additional direc- ta and the opening of its port Cypriots polled voted in favour The letter respectfully called sands of individuals signed the Hertfordshire, the Council tors will be added in the would be the key to the solu- of the return of Famagusta to on the British Government, petition for the return of has been set up by British future: Peter Droussiotis, tion of the Cyprus problem. its rightful inhabitants and the pursuant to its obligations Famagusta to its lawful inha- Cypriot entrepreneurs and Chairman, Stelio Stefanou The petition was delivered opening of the sea port. under the London-Zurich 1960 bitants. He added that the professional people and is OBE, Vice Chairman, Andreas in the presence of MPs from “The parties share the same Treaty of Guarantee, “to acti- Cypriots in the UK will keep on intended as a vehicle for the Rialas, Vice Chairman, John the main British political belief that the return of both vely exercise the necessary fighting for the return of promotion of bilateral trade Michael Mouskos, Vice parties - David Burrowes MP, the town and port to its lawful pressure on Turkey to imple- Famagusta’s lawful inhabitants between the UK and Chairman, Noel Josephides, Andy Love MP and Nick de inhabitants will pave the way ment the various resolutions and indeed for all Cypriots Director, Lakis Andronicou, Bois MP - and was accompa- for a comprehensive econo- of the United Nations and Cyprus, the development of refugees, demanding a free nied by documents showing mic development programme Declarations of the European UK/Cyprus partnerships in a Director, Andreas Kyriacou, united Cyprus. Dr Mavrou stat- that the petition has been to the benefit of both commu- Union Parliament for the variety of fields, as well as Director, Peter Tasou, Secre- ed the immense benefits for signed by over 50,000 people, nities. These benefits will return of Famagusta to its inward investment into the tary. both communities for such a including many dignitaries. strengthen the bond between lawful inhabitants, already island. The Cyprus High Commis- CBM (confidence building A covering letter accompa- the two communities which, supported by successive The Council will also sup- sioner to the United Kingdom, measure). He subsequently through socio-economic and British Governments in port cultural initiatives aimed Euripides Evriviades, has nying the petition pointed called on the British Prime cultural co-operation, will serve power.” It specifically reminds at enhancing co-operation been named as an Honorary out that the Turkish Cypriot Minister to exercise the neces- as a catalyst and the driving PM David Cameron that UN and economic development Founding Patron of the organisation ‘Famagusta sary pressure on Turkey to force in reaching a final solu- resolution 550 was voted for between the UK and Cyprus Council. Initiative’ recently carried out allow the return of Famagus- tion to the Cyprus problem,” in 1984 with the support of the as well as philanthropic ‘Honorary Patrons’ and an opinion poll in which 73% ta’s inhabitants in order to of the Famagusta Turkish added the two associations. then Prime Minister, the late causes linked to its entrepre- ‘Goodwill Ambassadors’ from create a good climate before neurial activities. diverse backgrounds and with the start of the inter-commu- Announcing the establish- high profiles will be identified nal negotiations. ment of the Council, Peter and invited to lend their Mr Cagri Cosar, represen- Droussiotis, Chairman of its names to the Council and to AKEL and TDP call for greater EU tative of the Turkish Cypriot Board of Directors, said: “The promote its work. Youth UK, said that there is a UK is home to a significant Taking into account the demand from both communi- number of highly successful economic crisis in Cyprus, the ties for the return of the lawful and prominent British Cypriot Council`s initial focus will be inhabitants of Famagusta. He involvement in Cyprus peace effort entrepreneurs and profession- on inward investment and stated that then re-unification al people of the highest bilateral trade activities with of Famagusta will serve as a calibre. These people are an emphasis on Cyprus’ ypriot Communist said and called on the EU, the problem.” confidence building measure keen to help strengthen ties priority sectors for develop- Party AKEL and Turk- European Parliament and the The two parties agreed on towards the solution of the Cish Cypriot Commu- member-states to do so. the framework of a solution, between the UK and Cyprus, ment, mainly tourism, ener- Cyprus problem. He pointed at every level, and to work gy, the Arts, education and nal Democracy Party (TDP) On his part the newly elect- with a bi-zonal, bi-communal out that both communities with the Cypriot and UK services. have called for more active ed President of the Commu- federation with political equal- suffer from the delays in authorities and other UK The Council will be entirely involvement of the Euro- nal Democracy Party Cemal ity, which leads to a unified solving the problem. and Cyprus-based partner independent and will engage pean Union in efforts to Ozyigit said that not only the state with a single sovereign- Mr Hassan Raif, head of the organisations in order to with the UK and Cyprus resolve the Cyprus problem. EU but also other interested ty, a single international Turkish Cypriot Association for promote the development of Governments, as well as UK Speaking after a meeting parties should contribute personality and citizenship. Democracy (London), noted bilateral trade, enterprise and and Cyprus-based semi- at AKEL headquarters in decisively in the process. The two parties also point- that this is a joint effort by the investment co-operation bet- governmental organisations Nicosia, the party Secretary “Those who try to move ed out that they share the Greek and Turkish Cypriot ween these two historically and other stakeholders and General Andros Kyprianou things behind the scenes same concerns regarding the communities for a common experts in these fields, in said that since Cyprus acces- must come to the forefront delay in reaching a joint goal. He congratulated the close countries. The Council order to facilitate its promo- sion in 2004, EU has not and show their real inten- statement to help resume the Famagusta Association team has been set up in order to done much regarding the tions,” he said, adding “what negotiations and called on the which worked very hard in col- leverage the entrepreneurial tional work. substance of the problem. is important is the Cypriot leaders of the island’s two lecting all those thousands of talent of the British Cypriot An inaugural event with “We believe that the EU themselves to say clearly and communities to reach an signatures. He concluded that community in the interests of the involvement of UK and could and should play a timely what they really want agreement on the matter as he was confident that every- mutually beneficial co-opera- Cypriot partners is planned greater role in the efforts,” he as a solution to the Cyprus soon as possible. body’s efforts will bear fruit. tion between the UK and for 2014. 16 English Section, 12th December 2013 PARIKIAKI Chriisttmas Ediittiion

Our partners and staff would like to wish all our clients, Parikiaki and the Community a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year

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Chriisttmas Ediittiion PARIKIAKI English Section, 12th December 2013 17 editorial Summary of the Autumn Statement

hancellor George would be made available to Osborne delivered his by NICK ANTONIOU support employee ownership, CCAutumn Statement on FCCA of NA Associates, Chartered Certified Accountants taking the total package to £75 5 December 2013. He said the million annually. The fund will UK is growing faster than any introduced to encourage subject to further consultation. for those under 21 years of age excessive debt to UK compa- be used to promote indirect other major economy thanks individuals to invest in social on earnings up to £813 per nies employee ownership and to to his policies, but the job of introduce three new tax reliefs. organisations including chari- TRUST SIMPLIFICATION week. Thereafter the normal ñ The closure of a recovery was “not yet done.” ties, community interest com- Filing and payment dates will rate of NICs will apply. It had corporation tax scheme These include an exemption Delivering his Autumn State- panies and community benefit be simplified for IHT relevant already been announced that exploiting the use of intra-group from IHT where shares and ment, the chancellor said societies. Investment in social property trust charges. Legisla- an annual £2,000 Employment derivatives. other assets are transferred to Britain was set to be back in the employee ownership trusts, black by 2018/19. But money subject to was still tight and millions would have to wait longer STATE PENSION FROM before they got a state pension. APRIL 2014 He said his plan was “work- As expected it was confirmed ing”, but Labour said he was that the basic state pension is “in denial” about the “cost-of- to increase by £2.95 per week living crisis.” from April 2014. “For all his complacent boasts, for three damaging and INCREASE IN THE STATE wasted years, for most people PENSION AGE there is no recovery at all,” said The state pension age is shadow chancellor Ed Balls likely to rise to 68 in the mid The main announcements 2030s rather than the previous- are as follows: ly planned year of 2046. It is envisaged that this will increase INCOME TAX to 69 by the late 2040s.

From 6 April 2014, the basic VOLUNTARY CONTRIBU- personal allowance will increase impact bonds issued by compa- tion will also be introduced to Allowance will be introduced CORPORATION TAX: TIONS by £560 to £10,000 which is the nies limited by shares will also treat income, arising in such from April 2014. This will be AMENDING LOSS RELIEF The Government will intro- level agreed at the outset of the be eligible. trusts and remaining undis- offset against employers’ NICs PROVISIONS duce a scheme to allow current Coalition. Starting next year it tributed for more than five to reduce the overall cost of The rules restricting the pensioners, and those who is intended that this allowance CAPITAL GAINS TAX years, as part of the trust employing staff. availability of relief for corpora- reach state pension age before will increase by the Consumer The capital gains tax rates capital when calculating the tion tax trading losses when the introduction of the new Price Index (CPI). The basic and the annual exemptions 10-year anniversary charge. TAX AVOIDANCE there is a change in company single tier pension, an option rate limit is to reduce to remain as previously an- A further raft of measures to ownership will be relaxed. to top up their additional state £31,865. The higher rate thresh- nounced: ONLINE SERVICE clamp down on tax avoidance Clauses will be included in pension record through a new old will commence and aggressive tax planning class of voluntary PRIVATE RESI- An online service will be Finance Bill 2014. at £41,865. were announced. Some of these national insurance DENCE RELIEF provided by HMRC during 2015/16 for IHT, reducing the measures include: COMPANY contributions. This TRANSFER- From April 2014, scheme will start administrative burdens for ñ Preventing employment CAR TAX ABLE TAX changes to the in October 2015 taxpayers and agents. intermediaries from disguising From April ALLOWANCES private residence and will be time employment as self employ- 2014 legislation FOR MARRIED relief rules for limited. The cost BUSINESS TAX ment to reduce tax, by legisla- will be implemen- COUPLES AND capital gains tax of this will be ting against the use of contrived ted to ensure that CIVIL PART- will reduce the final assessed at a broad- contracts employees make NERS period exemption CORPORATION TAX ly fair actuarial rate. ñ New powers which payment for private use From 2015/16, basic rate tax- from 36 months to 18 months. No changes were announced The contributions will be will require taxpayers using of a company car or van in the payers will be able to transfer to corporation tax rates, known as Class 3A voluntary EXTENDING THE TAX tax avoidance schemes that relevant tax year and, where the up to £1,000 of their income tax which remain as previously national insurance. BOUNDARY TO NON- announced: have already been defeated employer leases a car to an personal allowance to their RESIDENTS in the courts to pay the tax employee, the benefit is taxed spouse or civil partner. This will STAMP DUTY LAND TAX With effect from April 2015, EMPLOYER NATIONAL upfront as a car benefit rather than as not be possible where either (SDLT): CHARITIES RELIEF non residents are to be liable INSURANCE CONTRIBU- ñ Improve the effectiveness employment earnings. partner is a higher or addition- It is intended to include to capital gains tax on gains TIONS of the worldwide debt cap rules al rate tax payer. provisions in the Finance Bill arising from UK residential by further limiting the ability EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP From April 2015, employer 2014 to ensure that partial relief property. The details have not of multinational groups to INCOME TAX RELIEF national insurance contribu- It was announced that addi- from SDLT is available when a yet been announced and are abuse them through allocating £ FOR QUALIFYING LOAN tions (NICs) will be abolished tional funding of 25 million charity purchases property INTEREST jointly with a non-charity. From April 2014, the income tax relief for interest paid FUEL DUTY on loans to invest in close NA Associates, Chartered Certified The planned increase in companies and employee- fuel duty in September 2014 will controlled companies is to be be cancelled. extended to investments in Accountants launch their new App companies that are resident NA Associates LLP is an throughout the European ockfosters based accountancy you the very latest tax rates whenever independent firm of Chartered Economic Area.e 2013 A firm NA Associates launched their you need them. From National Insur- Certified Accountants operating Cnew App last week. This powerful ance and Inheritance tax to Income from modern fully equipped App has been developed by the team Tax and Tax Credits – it’s there for you. ARTIFICIAL USE OF offices using the latest in tech- at the firm to give you financial informa- Download the app now! DUAL CONTRACTS BY tion at your fingertips, 24/7. NA Associates LLP is an independent nology and up to date systems in NON-DOMICILES The app is now available to download firm of Chartered Certified Accountants order to help deliver the high Legislation will be introduced for free at the Apple App Store and on operating from modern fully equipped standards of customer service in April 2014 to prevent a small the Android Market. The App is compa- offices using the latest in technology demanded of a modern, dyna- number of high-earning, non- tible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, and up to date systems in order to help mic organisation, with flexible domiciled individuals from as well as various android devices. deliver the high standards of customer working and maximum avail- avoiding tax through the This initiative has been described by service demanded of a modern, ability at the core of our practice artificial division of one Managing Partner, Nick Antoniou, as a dynamic organisation, with flexible work- philosophy. The firm offers an employment between the UK milestone in the firm’s development ing and maximum availability at the core enviable range of services backed and overseas. Tax is to be levied and endorses the firm’s commitment to of our practice philosophy. The firm by technical expertise, normally on the full employment where keeping ahead of the game in fully offers an enviable range of services associated with a major firm. a comparable level of tax is not utilising the latest technology to give the backed by technical expertise, normal- Visit them at: payable overseas on the best possible client service. ly associated with a major firm. The NA Associates App will enable overseas contract. 1st Floor Woodgate Studios, you to calculate the tax on certain For further details please call 2-8 Games Road, Cockfosters company cars or check the amount of 020 8275 5935 or email SOCIAL INVESTMENT tax you might be paying. It will give you [email protected] Barnet, Herts, EN4 9HN TAX RELIEF Tel: 020 8275 5935 the power to check Stamp Duty costs profits as a business. You can also A new and innovative social or see how you might increase your browse the library of tax tables, giving Website: www.na-associates.co.uk Email: [email protected] investment tax relief will be Web: www.na-associates.co.uk 18 English Section, 12th December 2013 PARIKIAKI Chriisttmas Ediittiion cyprus - uk - world news Shadow Minister for Europe pledges National Memorial held Labour’s support for a reunited Cyprus for Nelson Mandela

areth Thomas MP, the ment and Opposition stand UK’s Shadow Minister fully behind that process but I Gfor Europe, met with remain of the view that the the President of the National UK can and must do more to Federation of Cypriots in the encourage Turkey to play a UK, Peter Droussiotis last constructive role, not least Wednesday. because of Britain’s responsi- At a meeting in Parliament bilities as a Guarantor Power to discuss Cyprus and issues in Cyprus. affecting the British Cypriot “Mr Thomas assured me community, Mr Thomas that his door is open, and I expressed a keen interest in look forward to developing our developments relating to dialogue in the future. It has Cyprus. long been the policy of our As the 40th anniversary of Federation to engage not outh Africa held a na- Mapisa-Nqakula said: “It’s a the invasion and subsequent only with the British govern- tional memorial service blessing from the ancestors occupation of the island ment but also with opposition Son Tuesday for former welcoming a son of the soil.” approaches, next year, and in parties, to ensure that Cyprus President Nelson Mandela in Those in attendance the aftermath of the econom- remains high on the UK’s Johannesburg’s FNB stadium. cheered Mr Mandela’s widow ic crisis that beset the island foreign policy agenda and I Tens of thousands of South Graca Machel and ex-wife earlier this year, Mr Thomas feel assured that Gareth will Africans attended the event Winne Madikela-Mandela spoke of his party’s good will UK Shadow Minister for Europe Gareth Thomas MP (left) with make representations to that in order to pay their respect when they were both seen to the man labelled as the embracing each other on the towards a historical ally and President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK end.” ‘Father’ of their nation. big screen. Although the same fellow European Union and Peter Droussiotis during their meeting last Wednesday Mr Thomas accepted Commonwealth member. He Mr Droussiotis’ invitation to Leaders from all over the could not be said for current also expressed appreciation Peter Droussiotis conveyed doubt as to the Opposition’s attend a dinner-discussion globe including US President South African President Jacob for the Cypriot community’s the reassurance he gained full commitment to the UN-led with the Federation’s Secre- Barack Obama, British Prime Zuma who was greeted with economic and social contribu- from the meeting, saying: “The negotiating process currently tariat in the early part of the Minister David Cameron, a round of ‘boos’ before his tion to British society. Shadow Minister left me in no under way. Both the Govern- New Year. Cuban President Raul Castro speech. and French President Francois Mandela died aged 95 on Hollande were in attendance. Thursday 5th of December The ceremony began about 2013. He had been fighting an hour late with the singing tuberculosis that he originally of the national anthem. contracted while imprisoned AKEL visit to enclaved in occupied areas As rain poured down over on Robin Island. the stadium, the crowds South Africa is currently in delegation of AKEL headed by serious problems, namely the problem remained in high spirits, a state of mourning and will Andros Kyprianou, General Secre- of the repair of their homes and the singing and dancing, stomp- be holding a number of Atary of AKEL, last week visited the granting of a full benefit especially for ing their feet, embracing the commemorations running up enclaved people and schools of Karpasia enclaved pensioners. rain as a tribute to their fallen until the state funeral of in the occupied areas. At the same time, AKEL undertook to hero. Nelson Mandela on Sunday The General Secretary of AKEL spoke promote the problems facing enclaved Defence Minister Nosiviwe 15th December 2013. to meetings of the enclaved people in the people today before the relevant services village of Ayia Triada and Rizokarpaso, of the state and to have the issues stressing that AKEL will remain unwave- discussed in the House of Representa- ringly devoted to the efforts to reach a tives. Villiers supports solution of the Cyprus problem, so that On the occasion of Christmas and the the sacrifices of the people who chose to New Year, AKEL offered symbolic remain rooted in the land of their birth will presents to the envclaved people, but be vindicated. General Secretary of AKEL, also to the children of the two schools of Cypriot community at The enclaved people thanked AKEL for Rizokarpasso, as well as various table Andros Kyprianou the long-standing support it renders to games for the needs of the hall for healthy the enclaved people of the occupied people of Ayia Triada Ioannnis Ioannikios recreational activities that will be created areas, underlining that the most press- characteristically stated in his address. for the needs of the schools. ing problem they face is “the solution of The boards of both schools expressed Democratic Rally event The enclaved people expressed their the Cyprus problem and the finding of a satisfaction towards the government of their satisfaction about AKEL’s interest, just status for the Karpasia peninsula that Demetris Christofias since in the short but also about the fact that AKEL always heresa Villiers, MP will vindicate our labour and sacrifices,” space of time since it had assumed responds immediately to the various for Chipping Barnet, as the representative of the enclaved office managed to solve two of their most needs the schools have. Tattended Democratic Rally UK’s annual dinner and dance on Saturday 7 Decem- ber 2013. The main speaker was President of Democratic London MEP talks missing Rally, Averof Neophytou. Also in attendance were David Burrowes, MP for Enfield Southgate, Nick de Bois, MP for Enfield North, Mike Freer, persons with Cypriot deputy MP for Finchley and Golders Green and Marina Yannakou- hile visiting Brussels for the relatives of the miss- dakis, MEP for London. to address the Euro- ing.” The Chairman of Demo- many great achievements in Wpean Parliament’s Ms. Koukouma Koutra also cratic Rally UK, Andreas his life. It is a reminder that the Civil Liberties Committee, called for further financial Papaevripides, organised the many bonds between Britain Famagusta MP Skevi Kouk- support for the Committee on event which took place at and Cyprus include the fact ouma Koutra met with British Missing Persons in Cyprus. Penridge Banqueting Suite in that our two nations fought Bowes Road, N11. The event Conservative MEP Marina The European Union is the shoulder to shoulder in commemorated the life and Yannakoudakis to discuss the largest donor to the CMP defence of freedom in World achievements of the late War II. issue of missing persons in having provided nearly two- President Glafcos Clerides. “President Clerides was Cyprus. thirds of the total funding since Theresa addressed the always a powerful advocate Ms. Koukouma Koutra is the 2006 and more than three- meeting saying: “It is an for a settlement in Cyprus. It Chairwoman of the Cypriot quarters of the funding in honour to say a few words on is very sad that he did not live House of Representative’s 2013. Famagusta MP Skevi Koukouma Koutra (right) met with behalf of my MP colleagues. to see this come about. Standing Committee on Mrs. Yannakoudakis British Conservative MEP Marina Yannakoudakis Cyprus has suffered a sad loss However, I know I speak for Refugees-Enclaved-Missing- believes that funding to the with the recent passing away all the MPs and guests here Adversely Affected Persons. Mrs. Yannakoudakis, sup- has no objection to the CMP should continue, but of President Glafcos Clerides. in saying we will continue to Ms. Koukouma Koutra ports Ms. Koukouma Koutra’s opening up of so-called wants to first see results – He was a great statesman and do all we can to support called on Members of the call for Turkey to give excava- military sites in the north. So specifically the opening of his loss marks the end of an Cypriots in their efforts to find European Parliament to exert ting crews access to the let’s see some action. We three priority sites out of the era. He was the last European a just, lasting and balanced pressure on Turkey to allow “military sites.” need to see mass graves open 30 Turkish “military zones” – leader to see active service in solution in Cyprus which sees access to 30 “military sites” for The London MEP said: in the occupied zone today. before there is any reinforce- World War II. His distinguished the island reunited once exhumations. “I have been told that Turkey Tomorrow may be too late ment of the funding. war record was just one of again.” Chriisttmas Ediittiion PARIKIAKI English Section, 12th December 2013 19 news - community SBS winner Gold-Boutique receives Greek Cypriot girl award from Theo Paphitis lands role in top n Sunday 27th May awareness and our profile by 2013, London-based spreading the word about OGOLD-BOUTIQUE LTD what we do to his Twitter West End show received recognition and a followers. huge Twitter boost from Theo “It was a great pleasure to Paphitis. meet Theo - he gave us great Owner Mary Tryphona information and we as a small received a business boost business now have a good from the most famous retail network of support.” magnate, Theo Paphitis, after Gold-Boutique sells gor- he chose her business on geous fashion accessories, a Small Business Sunday. variety of belts and jewellery Theo retweeted Mary’s mes- and also provide wholesale to sage to his 350,000 followers boutiques and stores. Find and as a result, the business them at Unit 5 Overbury Road, www.gold-boutique.com has London N15 6RH. Tel: 020 over 300 more followers and 8809 9344 more hits on their website. Mary Tryphona receives her award from Theo Paphitis For further information They are also profiled on a on Gold-Boutique please new website www.theopaphi- received her award. business for over a year and contact Mary via email tissbs.com that is exclusive Mary has been in the fash- it has been tough within the [email protected]. to Small Business Sunday ion industry for over 16 years current economic climate. It’s You can also follow them on winners. and launched Gold-Boutique great to have support from Twitter @goldboutique1 and On 28th November 2013, in November 2012. She told Theo; he has recognised our Facebook https://www.face- Mary met the main man and Parikiaki, “We have been in hard work and helped raise book.com/GoldBoutique1 Andeana Pascoulis is playing young Eponine in the West End production of Les Miserables

ndeana Pascoulis has She said: “It’s really funny. landed a key role in the Everyone is always singing Santa shoeboxes spreading miles! AWest End’s longest- backstage.” running musical. Andeana enjoys attending n the seasonal spirit of like to thank everyone who The talented 9-year-old is her performing arts school, giving, NEPOMAK.uk supported and promoted this currently playing young particularly the drama and Idecided to give back to the campaign and especially the Eponine in Les Misérables, the singing workshops, and would island that inspired their for- children in London for their hit London theatre show about like to take part in more mation. The “Santa Shoebox generosity.” the French Revolution. professional productions in Campaign” is a project which Special thanks is given to The Cuffley JMI School the future. aimed to bring joy to less Queenswell, Potters Bar, pupil beat off competition from Her dream part would be fortunate children over the Walker, Panagia and East more than 200 children to win the title role in Matilda, Roald Christmas holiday. Barnet Greek schools for the part, after being put Dahl’s story of a child genius NEPOMAK.uk, in coopera- being so generous with their forward by the village’s Ridge- with magical powers. tion with Cyprus Educational donations and for hosting our way Studios theatre school, Proud mum Anna said: “I’m Mission and the community collection days; to Cyprus which she has been attending very happy for her. She is Greek schools of Queenswell, Airways who have kindly on Saturdays since Septem- having a great time at the East Barnet, Potters Bar, Pana- offered to ship the boxes to ber last year. theatre and can’t wait for each gia and Walker, launched a Cyprus for free; to our Cyprus She told Parikiaki: “It’s performance. It’s a really fun festive campaign to ask young representatives, Dimitris really exciting and I’m really experience for her.” children to donate Christmas This week, these gifts will said: “We would like to Tampouras and Michalis happy. I like all the singing and Andeana is part of the I really like the cast. They are Ridgeway theatrical agency, presents for under privileged be generously transported express our deep gratitude for Michael; to Maria Papalouca really nice.” which offers representation on children across Cyprus. by Cyprus Airways, free of the generosity of the Cypriot and the Cyprus Educational Andeana was offered a TV and films and helps the Proof that many hands charge. With the assistance of community of London.” Mission for all their support; to six-month contract and after school to equip students for make light work, the commu- our Cyprus coordinators, Antonia Savvides, President Doros Partasides for filming just two weeks of rehearsals auditions. nity response was exception- Michalis Michael and Dimitris of NEPOMAK.uk, said: “Every the collection date at Queens- in August, is now performing Last month, the young star al. Over three hundred colour- Tampouras, these gifts will child deserves to feel the well Greek school, to be aired fully wrapped boxes, in all be distributed in Cyprus at magic of Christmas. We hope twice a week in the produc- was invited to Hanbury Manor on RIK; to Tony Antoniou, the tion at the Queen’s Theatre. for an awards ceremony shapes and sizes, filled with orphanages and to children that these presents put a smile Chairman of Cyprus Airways; receiving free school meals. on the faces of hundreds of And while the story onstage where she came 2nd and treats and much needed to Agni Philalithes for her Michalis Michael, President children in Cyprus who Santa is far from being a barrel of received a highly commend- essentials, were collected by continued support and for of Gymnasium Archbishop would not have otherwise laughs, offstage is an entirely ed award for Young Achiever representatives of the organi- donating shipment boxes; to Makarios III, Plati, Aglantzia visited this Christmas. I’d different atmosphere. in Herts and Essex. sation. Peter Savvides for organising the shipment from London Heathrow; to Brian Haines, for waiving the handling charges ERS Stephen Alambritis joins Catherine of the shipping at Heathrow; TTTERS TO OORR to Tony Ioannou, Imagedata EET TH IITT for donating shipment boxes; LL HE EEDD and of course the NEPOMAK. West to celebrate small businesses uk Santa Shoebox team who A Turkish Language chan- none of this would have been 8 December 2013 nel promoting the Cypriot n Friday night, Cllr possible without: Anna-Maria identity would go a long way Stephen Alambritis, Stavrou, Anthony Ladas, Petition calling on CyBC towards mending this divide. leader of Merton Joanna Papalouca, Kyri Papa- O to launch a dedicated There could even be a Council and a long standing louca, Chrissy Pippas, Chris- program teaching Greek for friend of the business com- tos Karaolis, Pavlos Anastasi, Turkish Language channel Turkish speakers. munity, came to Hornsey & Elena Nicola, Xenia Koumi If you believe in truth and Wood Green to show his Melina Papadopoullou, Lily Dear Editor, reconciliation, please sign and support for Catherine West, Georgiou, Mary Andrea Savvi- I have started a petition promote this petition as Labour’s candidate for MP for a dedicated Turkish Lan- des, Constantina Petrou, widely as possible. and for the many and diverse George Karaolis, Christa guage channel on CyBC: small and medium sized Savvides. Last but not least - http://www.ipetitions.com/ Yours Sincerely, businesses who have made a big thank you to every petition/for-a-kibrilisi-channel- George Lazou this area such a thriving part single person who put on-cybc of London. together a box for a less This is in no way meant as Cllr Alambritis and fortunate child in Cyprus this a confrontation with CyBC, but Editor’s note Catherine West were joined Christmas. Our outstanding rather an attempt to show that at Kervan restaurant by result could not have been there is sufficient desire for it to Letters published do not Turkish-Cypriot council achieved without the efforts of be made possible. necessarily reflect the views candidates Peray Ahmet and nises that small and medium business rates in 2015 and each and every one of you. One of the big issues with or opinions of Parikiaki. Emine Ibrahim to greet businesses are the engine of freezing them in 2016. the Cyprus problem is that as business leaders from the growth for the country and Shop locally this holiday it drags on, our two commu- area. has pledged to help smaller season. Let us all support our Letters may be edited for Merry Christmas nities become more and more The Labour Party recog- businesses by cutting smaller businesses. reasons of space or clarity from NEPOMAK.uk estranged. 20 English Section, 12th December 2013 PARIKIAKI Chriisttmas Ediittiion

Welcome to Eureka, the page for everyone interested in the history of Ancient Greece and Cyprus.

Thank you for all your ideas, keep them coming. Email: [email protected] Eureka! George M Georgiou Chriisttmas Ediittiion PARIKIAKI English Section, 12th December 2013 21 Views from Olympia @ Greek City

Epexame Kypriaka photos and give autographs. I Myddleton Road - if you want Forthcoming Events: might tell you one price but GREEK CITY does not want have never had a group that a mortgage, telephone him on when they come to your to monopolize the OTE TV Wow, that’s all I can say. I did not moan about absolute- 020 8888 7379, he is a brilliant * Friday 13th December home, they may find other trade, we just want others to don’t normally go on about ly nothing and I have never young man. 2013: TEODORA, one of things to price up the job of not be deceitful and try and be concerts that have already had a group, like these ANDY’S CATERING, one Bulgaria’s singing stars will be installing your satellite system. clever, it is not clever to con happened but as I organised people, who telephoned me of the oldest established performing at Selby Centre, The subscription of the OTE an old person from their this one, so that we can enjoy once they were back in Cyprus suppliers to the catering trade Selby Road, Tottenham, N17 TV is normally £240 which is savings. So we will give you a being Cypriot for one night to thank me; unbelievably nice and a good friend who was 8JL. Tickets are selling at what OTE TV GREECE them- written price list if that is what altogether, I really want to go people. delighted to help us. £25.00 from us here at Greek selves tell us to quote but you want, we will give you the on about it! I tell you, I could do one GOODLOOKING OPTICS of City or through our website there are some unscrupulous bottom line and we will give On Saturday 7th December concert a week if I knew that all Enfield - Garry must be the www.greekcityevents.com people in this business who you a guarantee for life for the 2013 at the Cypriot Commu- the ‘stars’ would be that nice nicest optician in the world and tell you it’s much less, it is not, receiver. At least you know we nity Centre, we had over 150 and accommodating. I really so helpful always, thank you * Saturday 21st December they just hide other costs into will be there if you need us, people join us to watch the want to thank RAMBO at this to him. 2013: GREEK CHRISTMAS the job. They tell you this to we have a shop and some- wonderful group of MICHALIS, stage, because he came to the VAROSI LETTINGS, Vasilis, PARTY NIGHT at The get their foot in the door than where where you can be sure VASILIKI, SAVVAS and airport with me to pick them thank you because we know Penridge with DJ CHRIS of add on extras to make up that you will see our faces XENOULLA playing Cypriot, up on Wednesday and then that you are one of the nicest HRS Entertainment. Tickets the difference so please be if you are not satisfied. Cretan and songs for took them back, on his own, people in the community. £30 per person includes buffet careful. Thanks. LEFTERIS BAKERY who us to dance to all night. so I could rest on Sunday. – call 020 8362 0881. It may well be necessary to Most people had tears in Rambo is the man. has been given a face lift and change your dish - ask for a Me Poli Love their eyes as they sang and Also without sponsors looks like a bakers in Harrods! OTE TV quote for this BEFORE they Olympia danced to the old songs that nothing gets off the ground so It is absolutely gorgeous now. come to your door. It may be their parents used to sing to I want to thank PARIKIAKI LGR – for helping us with I am not here to judge necessary to put an LNB - get them and I was so proud to be newspaper for helping me with the advertising. others how they do their work a price for this. In fact get a www.greekcityevents.com a part of all that. This group the advertising which I am SIRWAN FOOD CENTRE, but please be careful about price for everything you can www.greekcity.co.uk sang these songs in a truly grateful for. thank you so much for the people you deal with that just in case you need some- [email protected] modern way, in such a sweet I want to thank Makis of supplying most of the food for come into your home. Make thing to be changed, please, Facebook: way that it was difficult not to HELLENIC GOURMET whose this event, you are always sure they give you the bottom because I have seen too many Peter Christianson / Greek City be moved by their voices. shop has not even opened up willing to help and we love you line. On the telephone they people being conned. Twitter: @greekcityuk They wanted to be in London, yet and who was the main guys. they wanted to please every- sponsor for this event; the Without the sponsors we one and they were the first shop will be selling Greek were unable to keep the prices people that we have brought products right opposite my of the tickets to a minimum so over from either Greece or shop in Myddleton Road we are really grateful for their Cyprus that went around all which is handy for me! support. OTE TV the tables to meet the people We then have Stella from It would have been nice to who came to see them. I’ve BLUE RIBBON who is always have a few more of you there been doing this sort of thing by our side. but we understand that these for 17 years now and have KONNECT MORTGAGES are difficult times....but you never had ‘stars’ walking which is run by Ihsan, a Kurd really missed out, it was a BIG CHRISTMAS OFFER amongst people happy to take born in Cyprus, who is also in great evening. O THEODOROS KAI TO GREEK CITY ∂¶π™∏ª√π ∞¡Δπ¶ƒ√™ø¶√π Δ√À √Δ∂ TV ∂§§∞¢∞™ Mia Laiki Rembetiki Vradia (°π∞ √§∏ Δ∏¡ ∞°°§π∞) ¶ƒ√Ãøƒ∞ª∂ ™∂ ªπ∞ ª∂°∞§∏ ¶ƒ√™º√ƒ∞!!!! √Δ∂ TV MONO í270

n Saturday 21st December 2013, at of Maestro. He has recorded various tracks The Pavilion (185a Park Road, N8 8JJ), including Alithina Sto Leo, Ton Mation Sou To OEfestio Promotions presents Mia Laiki Kathrefti and Aprili Mou and is also known for Rembetiki Vradia, a programme filled with his love of the Rempetiko song style. Offers end 31/12...... ÚÔÏ¿‚ÂÙ much loved Greek music performed by a Mayra Iatrou has performed in many venues group of talented singers from Thessaloniki in Athens and Thessaloniki. She has a large Δøƒ∞ ª√¡√ ∞¶√ √Δ∂ ∂§§∞¢∞™ who promise to create an atmosphere you repertoire which is a little like , would expect only at a bouzoukia style club Peggy Zina and Elli Kokkinou, all of which ∫∞π Δ√ GREEK CITY in Greece. have a standing of their own. She has record- The show kicks off at 9.30pm with the ed two of her own songs, Des and Kardia Mou ∂Ã∂Δ∂ ¶∞¡ø ∞¶√ 70 ∫∞¡∞§π∞ ... wonderful voices of Dimitris Kapetanakis, Den Ma Niazi. Sokratis Papaioannou and Mayra Iatrou… Tickets £25 in advance, £30 at the door, ∂πª∞™Δ∂ √π ∂¶π™∏ª√π ∞¡Δπ¶ƒ√™ø¶√π ∫∞π Young and vibrant Dimitris has already been including full meze and fruit created by the √π ª√¡∞¢π∫√π ¶√À ∂Ã√Àª∂ ∞¶∂ƒπ√ƒπ™Δ∞ compared to Michalis Hatziyiannis. He has great chef Phillipos from Thessaloniki. recorded tracks including Na Pas Sto Spiti Subject to availability, there will be entrance ∫√ÀΔπ∞ ∂Δ√πª√¶∞ƒ∞¢√Δ∞, Î·È lifetime guarantee Sou, Emena Thes and Ta Antitheta Erhonte only tickets priced at £15 on the night. which you can listen to on YouTube. Don’t hesitate, book for this truly unique Sokratis Papaioannou, alongside his vast night! For further information, please contact 07908 940 825 020 8889 0186 singing repertoire, has a great hand at the Efestio Promotions on 020 8361 2235 or 07737 piano and keyboard, usually taking the role 178 177. ¶∞ƒΔ∂ ∞ÀΔ∞ Δ∞ Δ∏§∂ºø¡∞ ∫∞π ∫∞¡∂Δ∂ XCLUSIVE! ™Δ√¡ ∂∞ÀΔ√ ™∞™ ∫∞π ™Δ√À™ ∞¡£ƒø¶√À™ Katerina is away this week but will be back on ¶√À ∞°∞¶∞Δ∂ Δ√ ∫∞§ÀΔ∂ƒ√ ¢øƒ√...... 19th December with more music exclusives! 22 English Section, 12th December 2013 PARIKIAKI Chriisttmas Ediittiion


by George Savvides by Barney Efthimiou Joy to the world, the festive OldboyOldboy entertainment has begun… pike Lee’s remake of the town in order to escape from ..and we start with Julie Andrews. Julie Madly Deeply 2003 Korean revenge his troubled past. But soon (Trafalgar Studios) is an enormous spoonful of sugar in Sthriller is as violent and Broker is forced out of retire- praise of a women forever associated with Maria (The Sound gripping as the original. ment when the local meth of Music) and Mary Poppins. Its timing is perfect with Park Chan Wook won the drug lord Gator Bodine Saving Mr Banks now showing at the cinema thereby Grand Prix at the Cannes Film (James Franco) begins to renewing the interest in all things Poppinesque. Imagine a Festival for his striking vision terrorise the town... bio-pic on stage for that is what Sarah-Louis Young does in and unrelenting storytelling There is nothing new here a production that endeavours to climb every episodic moun- of extreme violence based on and a lot of talent is wasted – tain of Andrews’s life. the graphic novel by Garon particularly Kate Bosworth and She is accompanied on the piano by Michael Roulston Tsuchiya and Nobuaki Winona Ryder as a couple and together they create an atmosphere that is as simple Minegishi. Now Spike Lee’s of white trash women. The as Do-Re-Mi and full of their Favourite Thing and amazingly version tells the story of Joe best performance comes from it never becomes too cheesy. From a precocious childhood Doucett (Josh Brolin), a tem- Izabela Vidovic as Broker’s to the moment she realises serious illness will take away the When it first came out it won Reverend Cornell (Forest peramental advertising execu- feisty 9-year-old daughter. sound of her dulcet tones forever this is Julie warts and all, every award going including Whitaker) and Aretha Cobbs tive and absent father who including the time she went naked in a movie that bombed. gets kidnapped and held the Oscar for Best Foreign (Angela Bassett). But as soon Getaway Roulston’s accomplished piano playing is matched by hostage for 20 years in soli- Film and is one of my person- as Langston arrives in the Young’s very fine voice and I Have Confidence that should al favourites of all time. hostile big city he falls victim to tary confinement for appar- Ethan Hawke is an eclectic you see this show you’ll skip out of the theatre (after the a street thief and wants to ently no reason. He tries hard actor who chooses his pro- inevitable audience sing-along) whistling So Long Farewell, return home to his struggling, to keep his sanity but when he jects very carefully and with pop over to Nelson to Feed The Birds and wake up the next single mother Naima (Jennifer is suddenly released without great integrity. The mystery of day ready to Fly Your Kite. Hum dililili hum dilily... Hudson) resenting his reve- an explanation he begins an agreeing to do this preposter- Five excellent comic actors, who also play a range of rend grandfather’s strict rules. obsessive search to find out ous film is perhaps the temp- musical instruments, and one incredible writer. Ninety who imprisoned him. tation to spend the whole film minutes later Dickens Abridged (Arts Theatre) will leave you Lee’s powerful film is one of driving like a maniac through in no doubt that the cast think the main man is “awesome” It is a wonderful celebration the most violent films in main- the streets of Sofia. He plays though I doubt very much you will find that word in Oliver of cinema seeing through the stream cinema, a fact which former race car driver Brent Twist or A Christmas Carol. It may feel like an abomination, eyes of a young boy called probably attributed to its failure Magna who begins a race making fun of one of the best ever writers of the English Toto (Salvatore Cascio), who at the American box office. It is against time in order to save language but Adam Long’s cabaret style production, which becomes a lifelong friend to a film very much worth seeing in order to save his wife. But he also directs, is a clever mixture of skits and ditties. Salvatore (Philippe Noiret), The story is undoubtedly especially for Josh Brolin’s first he must obey to the Although there were parts when it lagged and became a the projectionist of his small sentimental and predictable amazing and highly commit- mysterious captor’s absurd little too self indulgent it was jolly good fun. The minimalist Sicilian town’s cinema. but Kasi Lemmons’ efficient interpretations of Little Dorrit and The Old Curiosity Shop ted performance. It is one of demands... the best of the year and he is It is a deeply moving and direction, the soulful sounds worked a treat though the biggest laugh came during Tiny well supported by Elizabeth passionate film about the love of gospel music and the Tim when the whole cast corpsed. Tim’s crutch, which also Olsen, as the kind charity of cinema superbly acted talented cast make this a cleverly doubled as an electric guitar, and the moment worker who accompanies while Ennio Moriconne’s mag- worthwhile experience. for him to transform into Jimi Hendrix, was ruined by an entangled lead. A moment of great expectation had gone. Doucett’s quest to uncover the nificent score compliments the Meanwhile mum Andria Mordaunt and daughter Milly (6) mystery behind his abduction action beautifully. Big Bad Wolves have begun their annual child show trek...What a start… as well as to prove his inno- Dinosaur Zoo (Phoenix Theatre). These were the most cence for his wife’s murder. Fill The Void Hawke is a strong presence but needs a better script than incredible puppets we had ever seen together and quite unlike any other Christmas show too. Unusual and immensely Rama Burshtein’s striking this and shares zero chemistry creative the dinosaurs came in all sizes though we were a bit Frozen 3D debut has been winning many with Selina Gomez as his worried at first when palaeontologist Scott Wright began a awards on the Festival circuit unwilling car passenger. This history lesson of over 650 million years. Luckily he was in- and has just added Best action thriller is not boring - it terrupted by the sight of other children ‘being fed’ to the Cinematography from last simply doesn’t make any This stylish thriller from creatures chased around the stage by frazzled puppeteers. week’s European Film Awards sense at all. Israel was a hot ticket at the Vital to the success of these shows is audience partici- to its illustrious list or prizes. recent Frightfest and Jewish pation and in this case it included me. Milly recalls...”My She tells the story of 18- Also out this week: Film Festival. Directors Aharon mummy went onto the stage and the mad professor told her Disney’s new magical year-old Shira (Hads Yaron), Keshales and Navot Papush- she was going to be eaten by one of the dinosaurs. She animation feature is inspired the youngest daughter of an SCATTER MY ASHES AT ado tell the revenge story of a tried to run away which was very funny. It was so clever and by Hans Christian Anderson’s Orthodox Hassidic family in BERGDORF’S: Matthew father who kidnaps the main I don’t think Santa Claus would like to meet them when he classic tale “The Snow Queen” Tel Aviv who looks forward to Miele’s glossy documentary suspect of his daughter’s comes to bring us our presents”. and tells the story of Anna and marrying a promising young focuses on the success of brutal murder and begins to The undoubted favourite was the baby Leeanalosaurus. her sister Elsa, who after she man of the same age and New York’s most exclusive torture him in his new country Paleontological magic. becomes Queen she accident- background. But when her department store, Bergdorf home’s basement. Also We also saw the evergreen and ever present The Snow- ally freezes her entire kingdom sister Esther dies in childbirth Goodman. Miele has a assem- abducted and tied up is a cop man (Peacock Theatre). I cannot imagine Christmas of Arendelle. Her icy powers her family forces her to make bled a series on interviews with who first began using unortho- stars including Joan Rivers as without it. The moment he finally takes off and flies remains have been her deep secret but a decision against her will... a moment of wonderment for all the children. now that she is exposed she dox methods to elicit the truth well as top designers like from the suspect. The suspect Giorgio Armani who all sing Even the iciest of people, in other words cynical adults, will runs away and hides deep have their hearts melted by the theatrical magic as the snow is adamant about his inno- their praises for this luxury in the forest. Meanwhile her falls, the little boy is mesmerised and we are taken on a cence until the kidnapper’s shopping landmark. The most loving sister Anna joins forces journey which all children should experience at least once. father arrives on the scene... interesting is when Miele with friendly farmer Kristoff and Milly got to cuddle the Snowman after the show and in It is a gripping film told with goes behind the scenes and his smart reindeer Sven as well her words “I dreamed about him in the night...as if he was style and dark humour. See it interviews its staff and those as with Olaf, the adventurous It is a very impressive work sleeping next to me telling me stories about flying”. before Hollywood remakes it. preparing for the store’s snowman, in order to track from a first time director who Guest reviewer Gracie Redding is disappointed by an old famous window displays. down Elsa. creates a very believable world friend...The Panto season has begun and in London most This lovely film is the first of a close community with Homefront A MAGNIFICENT HAUNT- roads lead to Mare Street where satisfaction is usually widescreen animated feature fully fleshed characters. The ING: Turkish/Italian director guaranteed. Sadly this year Puss in Boots (Hackney since Disney’s 1959 “The acting is excellent especially Ferzan Ozpetek’s continues Empire) did not live up to its billing. It was good, hearty stuff Sleeping Beauty”. The charac- from Hadas Yaron as the his fascinating career with but lacked the usual oomph of previous years. ters are vibrant and fun, the vulnerable young woman torn another classy film now avail- Puss and Amnesia were great and stole the show and the story is strong and unpredict- between her family duty and able on DVD from Peccadillo hilarious painting scene brought the house down. The dance able with some clever twists her personal desires. Pictures. Pietro (Elio Germano) numbers were sound as were the vocals but the glitter and and the musical numbers are is over the moon when he sparkle were missing especially with two of the main parts, catchy and memorable. The lands a new job and moves to Dame Hattie Know It All and the nasty Evilena. They lacked perfect holiday treat for the Black Nativity Sylvester Stallone’s script Rome in a beautiful, low rent the stage presence or comic timing to pull it off. whole family! feels like it is from his bottom apartment. It certainly need re- Still worth seeing but don’t expect too many belly laughs This is based on Langston draw especially under Gary pairs but that’s the least of his and if you have seen previous Hackney pantomimes then go Hughes’ stage play which Fleder’s unimaginative direc- worries when he realises that with an open mind because the comparison will blight your Cinema Paradiso effortlessly makes the leap to tion. Stallone probably wrote it he is sharing with seven and a experience. the big screen. It tells the for himself years ago but now half other flatmates...Germano Giuseppe Tornatore’s story of Baltimore teenager Jason Statham steps into his is excellent in the leading role JULIE MADLY DEEPLY - 0844 871 7632 adorable film is back in the Langston (Jacob Latimore) shoes as former drug enforce- and holds the film beautifully DICKENS ABRIDGED - 020 7836 8463 cinemas where it belongs who is sent against his will to ment agent Phil Broker, who together adding just the right DINOSAUR ZOO - 0844 871 7629 fully restored in order to cele- spend Christmas in New York moves with his daughter to an touch of vulnerability mingled THE SNOWMAN - 0844 412 4300 brate its 25th Anniversary. with his estranged relatives apparently peaceful small with a small boy’s wonder. PUSS IN BOOTS - 020 8985 2424 Chriisttmas Ediittiion PARIKIAKI English Section, 12th December 2013 23

Celebrity news ...and gossip with Andrea Georgiou

ey everyone, hope all is Stringer has insisted it will be they had all earned a piece of where I couldn’t get out of well…. “monumental.” the crown. “I don’t know what bed. I was having weird head H The singer recently unveiled to say,” he said, adding: “It’s rushes whenever I stood up. new song God Made You been such a team effort. It was horrible. It was way, Beyoncé announces Beautiful, which has been Everybody in here is a king and way harder than I ever imag- 2014 UK tour dates bundled as a free download queen.” ined.” with her new DVD release of Before hosts Ant and Dec The singer was offered a documentary Life Is But A announced the winner of the doctor’s visit in camp, and was Beyoncé has announced Dream. ITV show, the finalists reflect- given the all-clear after the new UK and Ireland Mrs Carter ed on their experiences. show ended. He said that Show World Tour dates for Kian said: “It was probably being back in the real world 2014. An evening with one of the best three weeks of was strange. The Irreplaceable star, who Sylvester Stallone my life. I’d highly recommend “It’s really weird to be out in is currently performing her tour it to anyone to do.” the real world. Being around in North America, will play ten Sylvester Stallone is The former boyband star people is strange. Being on flat concerts in February and coming to London! described the fish eye he had March. The action hero movie ground makes a huge differ- to eat in the final bushtucker ence in your life,” he explained. She begins at the SSE legend, writer, producer and trial as “probably the worst Hydro Arena in Glasgow on director of almost 90 movies “As soon as I got out, I thing I’ve ever encountered.” couldn’t wait to spend some February 20, before moving and one of Hollywood’s Kian later revealed that he on to Birmingham and Man- biggest box office draws, is quality time with Jodi and have was almost hospitalised a hot shower - and eat some chester, playing four dates at to get up close and personal during his jungle stint after normal food. I was also looking London’s O2 Arena (February at a unique event, An Evening severe exhaustion left him forward to having a few drinks. 28th, March 1st, March 2nd With Sylvester Stallone, at bedridden for two days. “It’s an emotional roller- and March 4th), and finishing London’s Central Hall West- He said: “Being bedridden coaster in there. I’ve got loads with three performances at minster on Saturday 11th was really worrying. I knew I of stories I can now tell my The O2 in Dublin. January 2014. was hungry, but I had two days UK dates go on general One of the most popular Beyonce has announced new tour dates for 2014! grandkids.” sale from Monday 16th He added that taking part in December at 10am, available movie stars of all time, from www.seatlive.com or call the the show was one of the best at www.gigsandtours.com and the breakthrough Rocky booking hotline on 08442 439 things he has done during his www.ticketmaster.co.uk. in 1976 - nominated for 10 475. career. In addition, Beyoncé will Oscars - to his latest block- He said: “I’m on top of the perform six dates in mainland buster movie franchise, The King Kian world. I can’t believe I’m the Europe including Germany, Expendables, Mr Stallone will of the Jungle! King of the Jungle. It was the Holland, Belgium, Spain and share private moments and best three weeks in my life. It Portugal. insights from his outstanding Westlife singer Kian Egan was unreal and life-changing. Beyoncé is currently career as he is interviewed on was crowned king of the It’s genuinely something you’ll working on her fifth studio stage by Gold Radio’s Dean jungle on I’m A Celebrity...Get never forget.” album, with no release date Martin. There will then be a Me Out Of Here! on Sunday, announced yet. Q&A session with the chance triumphing over fashion Adios, Pharrell Williams said in for members of the audience designer David Emanuel. Andrea xxx October that the record is to ask him questions. As he took his seat on the “almost done”, while Columbia Sylvester Stallone is visiting Tickets prices: £45 - £350 jungle throne, with his camp- King Kian! The Westlife star Follow me on Twitter: Records chairman Rob our shores next month! + booking fee available from mates looking on, Kian said won this year’s I’m A Celeb! @AndreaGeorgiou 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQ4HE2OYAL#HACE(OTEL 3$&.$*(3$&.$*(

Available for Weddings, Engagements, Christenings or Private Parties

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CCyypprruuss hheeaaddiinngg ffoorr aa nneeww eerraa ooff ooppppoorrttuunniittyy

or decades, Cyprus has been Shipping country’s lawyers, accountants and other network – including the world’s longest successful in attracting investors, and specialists – often UK- or US-trained – offer optical submarine telecommunications Fnow that the country is going through Cyprus’ maritime sector is a true success full and efficient services in all aspects of cable SEA-MEWE-3, linking Cyprus directly tough economic reforms, both the need story which contributes over € 1bn to the company law and tax planning. With with Southeast Asia, the Middle East and and opportunities for foreign investment country’s economy annually, accounting around 80 percent of Cyprus’ economy Western Europe – the island is attracting are increasing. In its efforts to build a for around seven percent of its GDP and based on the provision of services, this an increasing number of international stronger future for Cyprus, the government directly employing 4,000 shore-based sector is one of the most important in the companies looking for a reliable regional hub. has put in place a series of measures to personnel and 55,000 seafarers around country. Cyprus was the first country in the boost the economy and attract investment the world. The proven advantages of world for the Institute of Chartered Health and Medical through modernising legislation, promoting Cyprus’ shipping legislation, ratified Accountants in England and Wales development projects, diversifying tourism, international conventions and the general (ICAEW) and the Chartered Institute of In the medical sector there are investment introducing tax incentives and speeding framework of shipping-related business Management Accountants (CIMA) to set possibilities in the improvement of e-Health up licensing procedures. have prompted many of the world’s most up training outside the UK – strengthening services to the public sector, specialised medical services and the development of Sectors of Opportunity rehabilitation centres. Cyprus also provides investment opportunities in wellness Energy services thanks to its moderate climate, clean seas and rich natural environment. The biggest potential for investment in the With the island’s renowned hotels and coming years will be in the hydrocarbons resorts, the potential to develop wellness sector. Cyprus is set to become a natural tourism is well supported. Having an gas exporter at a time when international established tourism product ripe for demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is diversification, with over 300 days a year expected to rise. The ambitious project for of sunshine and the existence of thermal the construction of an LNG terminal is of springs, spas and therapy centres, are of strategic importance and represents the particular interest. largest investment in the history of Cyprus. Throughout its history, Cyprus has proven The government is also prioritising resilient in the face of challenges. renewable energy sources (RES), aiming Investment interest has grown impressively, to reach 13 percent RES electricity supply providing good and encouraging evidence by 2020, through wind farms, photovoltaic that Cyprus’ prospects are very positive. (PV) systems, solar thermal plants and The Cypriots have their priorities clearly biomass and biogas utilisation plants, set out. They support and promote private providing investment opportunities in major initiative and they are determined to infrastructure projects. influential names in shipping to base Cyprus’ reputation as a centre of implement the necessary infrastructure to themselves on the island – proof of this is excellence for professional services. expedite processes to ensure projects go Financial Services an EU-approved tonnage tax that secured forward. Cyprus’ position as the largest third party The passing of the Undertakings for ship management centre in the EU and Information and Communication Collective Investments in Transferable the largest crew management centre in Technologies Securities (UCITS IV) Law in 2012 and The the world. Alternative Investment Fund Managers Recognising the crucial importance of the Directive (AIFMD) in 2013 have created ICT sector, Cyprus has formulated a CYPRUS HIGH COMMISSION new opportunities for the emerging fund Professional Services national digital strategy, making IT TRADE CENTRE industry of Cyprus, while foreign exchange development a priority in its economic www.cyprustrade.com trading is a key growth area. The number Despite the current economic situation in development plan. With access to major of investment firms and funds is constantly Cyprus, the professional services sector satellite systems and supported by an Source: Cyprus – The Road Ahead increasing. remains strong. The expertise of the extensive submarine fibre optic cable (CountryProfiler) ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013 ÃÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈÎË ŒÎ‰ÔÛË – ™ÂÏ›‰· 25

Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year ™ÂÏ›‰· 26 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013

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•∂ƒ∂π Δ∏ ¢√À§∂π∞ Δ√À

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To my Clients and Friends in the Community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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ΔËÏ. 07885 680 033. ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ, ÛÙÔ Wood Green N22 5HJ, ÛÙȘ 7.30ÌÌ. ∂ÈÛÈÙ‹ÚÈ· í10, ™Â Û˘Ófi‰Â˘Â ÙÔ ÈÂÚfi Ì˘ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ Á¿ÌÔ˘ ∫¿ı ΔÚ›ÙË, ¶¤ÌÙË Î·È ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ í8 ı· Ù· ‚Ú›Ù ÙËÏ. 020 8889 1086. Δ˘ ¯ÔÚˆ‰›·˜ Ë ÌÂψ‰›· ñ™˘Ó¤Ú¯ÂÙ·È Û Úfi‚˜ Ë ¯ÔÚˆ‰›· Ù˘ ∂∫∞ ÛÙËÓ 22 15 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ (∫˘Úȷ΋) ∏ ‚˘˙·ÓÙÈÓ‹ ÌÂÁ·ÏÔÚ¤ÂÈ· Ù˘ ∞Á›·˜ ™ÔÊ›·˜ Lynmouth Road, N2 ÛÙȘ 8.00Ì.Ì, ˘fi ÙË ‰È‰·Ûηϛ· ÙÔ˘ ÌÔ˘- ñ √ ™‡Ó‰ÂÛÌÔ˜ ¶ÂÓÙ¿ÁÂÈ·˜ ∏μ, ‰ÈÔÚÁ·ÓÒÓÂÈ ÙÔÓ ∂Ù‹ÛÈÔ ÃÔÚfi ÙÔ˘ ∏ ÈÂÚÔÚÂ‹˜ ·ÚÔ˘Û›· ÙÔ˘ ™Â‚·ÛÌÈÒÙ·ÙÔ˘ ÛÔ˘ÚÁÔ‡ Î. ªÈ¯·ËÏÔ‡‰Ë Î·È ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË ÁÈ· Ì·ÓÙÔÏ›ÓÔ Î·È ÌÔ˘- ÛÙÔ Fisgardo Restaurant, Fairlop Waters Golf Club, Forest Road, ΔÔ ‚·ÛÈÏÈÎfi ‰Â›ÓÔ ÛÙÔ Dochester Hotel ÛÙÔ Park Lane ÙÔ˘ ˙Ô‡ÎÈ (ΔËÏ: 020 8883 7089). 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∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 08.12.2013, Ë ∫˘ÚÈ·ÎÔ‡ °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 90 ÂÙÒÓ. ∏ ÂÎÏÈÔ‡Û· ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1947. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 5 ·È‰È¿: ÃÚ˘ÛÔ‡ÏÏ·, Michael, AÓÙÚÔ‡ÏÏ·, °ÈÒÚÁÔ Î·È ¡ÈÎfiÏ·, 10 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, 7 ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·, 2 Á·ÌÚÔ‡˜, 3 Ӈʘ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 18.12.2013 Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹ÌÔÓÔ˜, 660 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middx. HA3 9QN Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Pinner New Cemetery. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹ÌÔÓÔ˜.

ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07798 576 510 ™ÂÏ›‰· 36 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013

§ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ ÷¤ÛÈ˘ (·fi Ù· §‡ÌÈ·) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË 26.11.2013, Ô ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ ÷¤ÛÈ˘ ·fi Ù· §‡ÌÈ· Û ËÏÈΛ· 78 ÂÙÒÓ. ÕÊËÛ ÙËÓ ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· ÙÔ˘ ÓÔ‹ ÛÙÔ Û›ÙÈ ÙÔ˘, ·Ó¿ÌÂÛ· ÛÙ· ·Á·Ë̤ӷ ÙÔ˘ ÚfiÛˆ·. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ ¶fiÏÈÓ, 2 ·È‰È¿: ÃÚ˘ÛԇϷ Î·È ¢‹ÌËÙÚ·, 2 Á·ÌÚÔ‡˜: ÕÏ·Ó Î·È ΔÒÓË, 2 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: £ˆÌ¿ Î·È §ÔÚ¤Ó·, ÙÔÓ ·‰ÂÏÊfi ÙÔ˘ ªÈ¯¿ÏË, ÙËÓ ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ £ÂÔ‰ÒÚ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. √ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ ‹Ù·Ó ˘Ô‰ËÌ·ÙÔÔÈfi˜ Î·È Â›¯Â ÙÔ ‰ÈÎfi ÙÔ˘ ηٿÛÙËÌ· ÁÈ· 42 ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ÛÙÔ Clapham North, ¡fiÙÈÔ §ÔÓ‰›ÓÔ. ◊Ù·Ó ˆÏËÙ‹˜ Ù˘ ÂÊËÌÂÚ›‰·˜ ¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋ ÛÙË ÌÂÁ¿ÏË ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ ΢Úȷ΋ ÎÔÈÓfiÙËÙ· ÙÔ˘ Clapham. H Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ¤ÁÈÓ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 04.12.2013, ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· St. Thomas the Apostle Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Rye Cemetery, East Sussex.

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 15.12.2013, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB, ÙÔ 9ÌËÓÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜, ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊ‹˜ ª·ÚÔ‡ÏÏ·˜ °ÚËÁfiÚË (ÕÁÈÔ ™¤ÚÁÈÔ) Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

£˘Á·Ù¤Ú˜: ™·ÏÒÌË, ÃÚÈÛÙ›Ó· Î·È ª·Ú›Ó·, ÂÁÁÔÓ‹ ÃÚÈÛÙ›Ó·, Á·ÌÚÔ›, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 15.12.2013, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Δown Road / Logan Road, London N9 0LP, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡, ˘ÈÔ‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ ™¿‚‚· °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ (μÒÓË)

Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ K·Ù›Ó·, ·È‰È¿: ª·Ú›·, ª¿Úı· Î·È °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜, Á·ÌÚfi˜ ™‡ÚÔ˜, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ÌËÙ¤Ú· ª·ÚÔ‡ÏÏ·, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.


MË ·Ó·Î‡„·ÓÙ˜ ·ÎfiÌË ·fi ÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ï‹ÁÌ· ÙÔ˘ ı·Ó¿ÙÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡Áo˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË ΔÈÌÔı¤Ô˘ (∫¿Ùˆ ¢Ú˘)

ı¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ Cancer Research, η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜.

∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ Δ·ÛÔ‡ÏÏ·, ÎfiÚ˜: ∂ϤÓË, μ·ÛÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ª·Ú›·, Á·ÌÚÔ›, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013 ™ÂÏ›‰· 37

¨ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ¨ ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›Ó· ∞‰¿ÌÔ˘ °ÚËÁfiÚË (·fi ÙÔ §ÔÓ‰›ÓÔ)

ªÂ ‚·ıÈ¿ ıÏ›„Ë ·ÁÁ¤ÏÏÔ˘Ì fiÙÈ ·‚›ˆÛ ͷÊÓÈο ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 02.12.2013, † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT Ë ·Á·Ë̤ÓË Ì·˜ Δ›Ó· Û ËÏÈΛ· 57 ÂÙÒÓ. CONSTANTINA ADAMOU GREGORY ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙÔ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Ù˘ ΔÒÓË, ÙË ÌËÙ¤Ú· Ù˘ ¶ÂÚÛÂÊfiÓË, ÙÔÓ ·‰ÂÏÊfi Ù˘ (London) ∞‰¿ÌÔ, ÙȘ ÎÔ˘ÓÈ¿‰Â˜ Ù˘ ◊‚Ë Î·È ª·Ú›ÙÛ·, ÙȘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂȘ ÙÔ˘˜ Î·È It is with great sorrow and sadness we announce the sudden death of our beloved Tina ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. who passed away suddenly on Monday 2nd December 2013 at the age of 57. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 16.12.2013 Î·È ÒÚ· 11.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ She leaves behind her husband Tony, mother Persephoni, brother Adam, sisters-in-law Eve and Maritsa and their families as well as many relatives and friends. ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÂÎÙ·Ú›Ô˘, Wycliffe Road, London SW11 5QR Î·È Ë The funeral will be held on Monday 16th December 2013 at 11am at The Greek Orthodox Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Putney Crematorium, Stag Lane, Patney, London SW15 3DZ. Church of St Nectarios, Wycliffe Road, London, SW11 5QR and the burial at 1.30pm at Putney Cremetorium, Stag Lane, Putney, London, SW15 3DZ. The wake will be held £· ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ÎÔ˘Ù› ÁÈ· ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙÔ British Heart Foundation. at the church hall of St. Nectarios. H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÂÎÙ·Ú›Ô˘. For more information call 0207 498 3000. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 020 7498 3000. Floral tributes are welcome. There will also be a donation box for The British Heart Foundation. ™ÂÏ›‰· 38 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013

§ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ § DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ∞ÓÙÚÈ·Ó‹ (§Ô‡Î·) ÷Ù˙Ë¤ÙÚÔ˘ Andriani (Louca) Hadjipetrou (·fi ÙËÓ ∫ÒÌ· ÙÔ˘ °È·ÏÔ‡) (from Koma tou Yialou)

∞‚›ˆÛ ·fi ÂÁÎÂÊ·ÏÈÎfi ÂÂÈÛfi‰ÈÔ ÙËÓ Passed away on Wednesday 04.12.2013 at the ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 04.12.2013, Ë ∞ÓÙÚÈ·Ó‹ (§Ô‡Î·) age of 86. ÷Ù˙Ë¤ÙÚÔ˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 86 ÂÙÒÓ. She came to England in 1951. ∏ ÂÎÏÈÔ‡Û· ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1951. Andriani leaves her daughter Dora, her son-in-law ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ÎfiÚË Ù˘ ¢ÒÚ·, ÙÔ Á·ÌÚfi Ù˘ Tony, 2 grandchildren: Andrew and Melanie, ∞ÓÙÒÓË, 2 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ÕÓÙÚÔ Î·È ªÂÏ·Ó‹, 4 great-grandchildren: Isabella, Natasha, Daniella 4 ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·: Isabella, Natasha, Daniella Î·È and Jasper, 2 sisters and many relatives and Jasper, 2 ·‰ÂÏʤ˜ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È friends. Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. The funeral will take place on Monday 16.12.2013 ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 16.12.2013 at 10.00am at the Greek Orthodox Church of Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ St. Mary’s, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB and the burial at New Southgate N22 8LB Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Cemetery. Southgate. Floral tributes are welcome. £· ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ÎÔ˘Ù› ÁÈ· ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó There will be a donation box for Macmillan ÛÙÔ Macmillan Nurses. Nurses. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ Trios Banqueting The wake will take place at Trios Banqueting Suite, 248 Green Lanes, Palmers Green Suite, 248 Green Lanes, Palmers Green (Triangle), London N13 5ΔU. (Triangle), London N13 5TU. ΔËϤʈÓÔ ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07790 137 323 Tel: 07790 137 323.

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√

TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 15.12.2013, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, Wightman Road, London N8 0LY, ÙÔ 1ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜, ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊ‹˜ ÕÓÓ·˜ ∏ÚÔ‰fiÙÔ˘ (§¿ËıÔ-∫ÂÚ‡ÓÂÈ·)

Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

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√ ˘Èfi˜ ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚÈÔ˜ ∑ÔÚ¿, Ó‡ÊË Karen, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ∂than, Mia, Dane Î·È Dario-KÒÛÙ·˜. Demetriou&English FUNERAL DIRECTORS LTD Your Local Independent Funeral Director & Monumental Mason

For all funeral related Assistance with DSS Claims Δ·Ê¤˜ Î·È ·ÔÙÂÊÚÒÛÂȘ 24-ˆÚË ÚÔÛˆÈ΋ Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË requirements 24 Hours Personal Service ÃÒÚÔÈ ·Ú·ÌÔÓ‹˜ Î·È ÍÂÎÔ‡Ú·- Δ·ÊfiϷΘ Û˘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ·˜ Î·È Û˘ÁÁÂÓÒÓ Burials and Cremations We guarantee best prices, μÔ‹ıÂÈ· Ì ÂȉfiÌ·Ù· ÙÔ˘ °Ú·Ê›Ԣ ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ ÙÈ̤˜, ÔÈfiÙËÙ· Î·È Worldwide Repatriations quality and professionalism ∫ÔÈÓˆÓÈÎÒÓ ÀËÚÂÛÈÒÓ Â·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÛÌfi˜ Chapel of Rest Facilities Memorial Stones ªÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿ ÛÔÚÒÓ ÛÙÔ Â͈ÙÂÚÈÎfi For further information, call us on: 020 8889 9888 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG Tel: 020 8889 9888 Fax: 020 8888 9205 [email protected] www.d-e.co.uk ™ÂÏ›‰· 40 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013

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God looked around his garden And saw an empty space. He then looked down upon this earth And saw your smiling face.

God's garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best. For an unknown reason he took you up to heaven and shielded you with grace.

It broke our hearts to see you go, But you did not go alone. For part of us went with you, The day God called you home ™ÂÏ›‰· 42 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013

5ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ T † ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 15.12.2013, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, ¶¿ÓÙ· Wood Green, London N22 8LB, ÙÔ 5ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ùo˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ı· Â›Û·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ ÛÙËÓ ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙÔ˘ (Jimmy) ηډȿ Î·È (°¤Ó·ÁÚ·) ÛÙË ÛΤ„Ë Ì·˜ Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

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Ogoals, earned three penal- With 12 games played, a single ties (but scored from just one) goal separates Ael and Apollon and ended the game with three in first and second place, with men’s advantage to beat Anorthosis in the top 3 after nar- Anderlecht 3-1 on Tuesday night rowly overcoming Aris 1-0 at the in Piraeus and advance to the end of stoppage time. last 16 of the Champions In a thrilling encounter League. Two goals by Javier Omonoia and Ermis drew 2-2, Saviola and a Chori Dominguez with the Aradippou club failing spot kick sent the Greek cham- to capitalise on Apollon’s defeat, AEL players celebrating pion to the next round. as a win would have seen them The Reds finished second to climb to the top. send off early in the second half. club is has set its sights of em- Paris Saint Germain in their Ermis now shares third spot Apollon, the outstanding team ulating its feat of two years ago group, with 10 points from six with Anorthosis, while rival of the league by all accounts, and has proved itself to be a games and will be among the Nicosia clubs Omonoia and looked rather disjointed at times steady riser and increasingly, a unseeded teams in the draw for APOEL make up fifth and sixth and largely failed to produce the believer in the league title. In the the next round. That means on 24 and 23. usual sparkling form and finesse rest of the weeks’ games, AEK Olympiakos will host the first Tzorvas stopped PAOK’s stars game so far this season on The talking point of match day that has made it firm favourite thrashed bottom Alki 5-2 while match. time and again from scoring, in Sunday to beat Kalloni 4-0 at the 12 was Apollon’s demise in for this year’s title. Enosi Neon Paralimni and AEK On Sunday in Thessaloniki a game that was one-sided giv- Olympic Stadium of Athens that Limassol on Saturday at the Ael has made fast progress, Kouklion drew 2-2. Enosi, which en that Apollon played with 10 the Lesvos club uses for its home hands of Nea Salamina, who with five wins in a row taking it in- started on -3 needs to do plen- men for just under an hour. The games. Croat international notched up a 2-1 away win, even to top spot under new manage- ty more to get closer to the strug- Second match at Thessaloniki ended 0–0 Danijel Pranjic scored twice, down to 10 players, following a ment. It seems that the Limassol glers ahead. and Tzorvas was easily the most while Markus Berg and Mehdi chance valuable player of the weekend Abeid also got on the score Stef (Nearly) Overcomes Adversity in the Super League. sheet. The Greens remained one for Demetris His heroics have also meant point behind Atromitos. ur young compatriot, that Olympiakos has stretched Ergotelis and Aris played the OStefanos Charalambous, en- wo years ago, Greek high its lead at the top of the table to most impressive game of the dured another challenging week- Tjumper Demetris Chondro- eight points. The Reds left it late weekend. The match on end of Kart Racing as he makes koukis had it all. but beat Asteras Tripolis 2-0 at Saturday at Iraklio was 0-0 up to his mark in the Junior Rotax divi- Born to Greek and Cypriot home, with goals coming from the 62nd minute and ended 3-3. sion following his conquest of the parents Chori Dominguez from the penal- Ergotelis led 2-0, Aris staged a Minimax category. As well as hav- who were ty spot and from Michel Olaitan full comeback to lead 3-2, but ing to deal with some strange de- athletes from close range. conceded an injury-time equaliz- cisions by the marshals, engine themselves Atromitos stayed in third with er. problems frustrated him in two in their a comprehensive 3-0 victory over In other weekend games of his three races at the younger OFI Crete at Peristeri with goals Levadiakos downed Platanias 2- Kimbolton circuit. years, he by Luiz Brito, Vangelis Nastos 0, Xanthi thrashed Veria 3-0 and In the day’s first qualifying heat tirement from the race after only each lap, but also clocking the shot to the and Dimitris Papadopoulos. Panthrakikos defeated PAS Stef was harshly adjudged to 3 laps. day’s fastest lap on several oc- Panathinaikos played its best Giannina 2-0. have driven over the white line He was thus forced to start casions, as he made up for lost top of the and then warming up his tyres in from last place on the grid for the time. Eventually, time ran out for world when he took the gold a manner outside the rules, and Final, and his now trademark blis- Stef just as he was poised to medal at the 2012 World Indoor had to withdraw from the race af- tering race getaway was thwart- make his move into the top three. Championships in Turkey with Marcos Wins Budapest Exhibition ter only 5 laps. This was particu- ed, this time by an engine mis- He thus only just missed just out a personal best of 2.33 metres. larly frustrating since Stef had fire, which left him spluttering on a podium finish, ending up in With his place in the world of started the race from the back of along for a lap nearly 6 seconds 4th place. athletics cemented, life was the grid and had risen to 3rd po- behind his rivals before this All in all, a hugely frustrating sweet and the future had no lim- sition. cleared itself and he was able to day, but one that finished on a its. But then things went wrong; In the second heat, Stef was start making his way through the high as Stef again showed flash- horribly wrong. in the process of overtaking an pack. es of great technique, and which In July 2012, a shell-shocked opponent to take him from 3rd Within a few laps he had will also have his older rivals look- Chondrokoukis was informed to 2nd spot, when his engine steadily fought through to 5th ing over their shoulders at his by WADA that he had tested chain snapped, prompting his re- place, not only getting faster with progress. positive for the performance en- hancing drug stanozolol, an an- Youth Football abolic steroid. His career now hung in tat- ters. He was omitted from the Greek Olympic Team meaning that he missed the London 2012 arcos has been working Tennis Classics title with a 9-7 Olympic Games scheduled to Mhard in the off-season and victory over Gael Monfils. Monfils take place 25 days later and hit got some encouraging results had defeated Tommy Haas in with a two-year ban. But noth- over a pair of Frenchmen at an the other semi-final. ing could have prepared exhibition tournament in “I had a great time in Budapest at the start of the Hungary,” said Marcos. “The or- Chondrokoukis for what fol- week. ganisers are really good and lowed next. Three months later, In his first match, Marcos de- made it a pleasure for all of us. his Cypriot mother Niki feated World No. 10 Jo-Wilfried It was full and the crowds made Efthymiou-Chondrokoukis died Tsonga 9-8 and then won the it even more fun for us. from a massive and sudden stroke. For the young Cho- ndrokoukis and his sister Christina, the despair was all too Komi Kebir FC much. He contemplated packing the newly formed committee sport in, but spurred on by the Olympiacos U12’s Whites who beat Hendon Utd 4-1 memory of his mother, decided to make amends. And what bet- ter way to resurrect his career than by flying the flag of his mother’s birth-country. The Cyprus Amateur Athletics Association (CAAA), aware of Chondrokoukis intention to change sides, helped the youngster make the switch. Chondrokoukis’ mother had been an athlete herself and had represented Cyprus in the past at the World Championships pri- or to her death at just 54. Born he newly formed Komi Kebir Present on the night were Katia in Karavas in the Kyrenia district, TFC Committee met for the first Charalambou, Dino Chrisosto- Niki later moved to Greece time last Thursday to appoint of- mou, Omiro Nicholas, Mario where she married Kyriakos and ficers. The committee will assist Michael, Kypros Panaretou, Ari would later become a coach and in supporting the football club Hadjikkou, Nick Hanna, Vava Physical Education teacher at a through fundraising, event or- Tsioupras, Chris Athanasi and AEK U13 (Black) through to the AFA County Cup Semi Final school in Glyfadas. ganising and other club matters. Dimitri Yiakoumi (inset). www.parikiaki.com English Section Sports, 12th December 2013 – 47 ueiopasdfjklcvbnDZCM


KOPA League Livadia shock Tripimeni Official Partners First Division Second Division Tripimeni 1 Livadia 2 Pantel 2 Brotherhood 2 Livadia pulled the surprise of Pantel gave Brotherhood a the day by beating second in fright with a very convincing per- formance and were leading two the table Tripimeni who were re- nil until the very late stages of ally shaken by Livadia’s direct the game. Brotherhood thought attacking approach. Tripimeni it was going to be a repeat of Cyprus Sport Organisation had loads of chances early on in their performance two weeks the game however the Livadia ago when they lost their unbeat- goalkeeper Anthony Manoli (in- en run to Achna. Both Pantels st) pulled off some amazing goal came from spot kicks, one saves to keep it 0-0. Then the a corner and the other a free kick linesman spotted an off the ball and both headers the first from incident and Alex Phillipou was LEAGUE TABLES Jason and the other from Yiannis Division 1 sent off. Livadia then capitalised Yianni. with a tremendous free kick TEAMS P W D L GD P Brotherhood’s goals that Rizokarpasso 11 8 1 2 22 25 smashed home by Vince came late in the game were from ∞poel 10 7 1 2 11 22 Rispoli. 1-0 at half time and Livadia Aaron Kennedy with a shot from New Salamis 9 7 0 2 19 21 Livadia pushed on and missed Tripimeni 9 7 0 2 18 21 the edge of the box, the other in Livadia 10 5 3 2 4 18 chance after chance and Livadia added time again from Aaron Aradippou 9 3 1 5 –5 10 were made to pay when Kennedy. This draw still leaves Omonia 8 3 0 5 –9 9 Tripimeni equalised in 60th Cetinkaya C. 10 3 0 7 –11 9 Brotherhood on top of the sec- Olympia 11 2 1 8 –6 7 minute with a goal from Sam ond division. Komi Kebir 11 0 1 10 –43 1 Bartram. All Saints 2 Arachne 4 Division 2 Livadia showed their maturi- Arachne pulled off a good win ty and pushed on to score with TEAMS P W D L GD P over All Saints to keep their pro- Brotherhood 11 9 1 1 26 28 a wonderful team goal in the motion hopes going and they Anorthosis 11 7 2 2 21 23 85th minute set up by Adem Ali Achna 10 7 2 1 12 23 did find it difficult at times with Arachne 11 7 2 2 10 23 and finished by Elia Katsoulidi the Saints. It was 1-0 to Arachne Pendayia 11 4 1 6 8 13 with his 7th goal in 3 matches. at half time and the All Saints Pantel 11 4 1 6 –11 13 Another Tripimeni player was al- keeper Peter Charalambous Maronites 11 3 3 5 –4 12 so sent off towards the end of Cyprus Youth 9 3 0 6 –3 9 made some tremendous saves All Saints 11 1 1 9 –28 4 the game. Game finished 2-1 to as did Arachne’s keeper Aidan Asha 10 0 3 7 –31 3 Livadia who now have a good . Arachne’s goal scoring hero outside chance of winning the was Damien Spyrou who scored FIXTURES Championship not bad for a a hat trick with their other goal Sunday December 15th 2013 team that were only formed last from Leo. One of the goals was season plus its opened up the brilliant when Lorenzo went past FA Carlsberg Sunday Cups title race and the most exciting Olympia v New Salamis two players then crossed it for Third Round title race in years. Damien to flick it into the back New Salamis v Belstone 1:00pm, Cheshunt FC, The Stadium, All Saints Theobalds Lane, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 8RU v Arachne First Division Aradippou v Tripimeni 12:00pm, Southbury Leisure Centre, 192 Southbury Rd, Enfield EN1 1YP Komi Kebir v Omonia 9:30am, New River Sports Centre, White Hart Lane, N22 5QW Second Division Arachne v Achna 11:30am, New River Sports Centre, Pantel v Brotherhood White Hart Lane, N22 5QW Maronites v Brotherhood Rizokarpasso 6 Komi Kebir 2 of the net. 12:00pm, Winchmore Hill Cricket Club, Rizokarpasso got back to Arachne thought they were The Paulin Ground, Ford’s Grove, their winning ways and still at cruising at 4-0 but All Saints Winchmore Hill, London N21 3ER the top of the table after a styl- fought back to get it to 4-2 their Asha v All Saints ish win over Komi Kebir . two goals coming from Rhys 10:00am, Southbury Leisure Centre, 192 Rizokarpasso’s goals came Watson penalty and Serkan Southbury Rd, Enfield EN1 1YP from Bradley Stylianou 3, Kemal direct free kick. KLN v Anorthosis Ricardo, Harry Vazanias and Pendayia 7 Asha 1 11:30am, Lucozade Power League, Nick Nicou. Komi were 5-0 Jordan Shaw was the hero for Summers Lane, London N12 0RF down then 5-2 and then 6-2. Pendayia scoring four goals, LFA Intermediate Cup Both Komi Kebir goals were ab- Mark Richards got two and solute screamers straight into Antonis Kallis one. Asha’s lone Third Round the top corner of the net from goal was scored by Andrew Pantel v Olympia Andy Stylianou. Sparsi. This win lifts Pendayia 10:00am, Oakhill Park, Parkside Gardens, Olympia 0 New Salamis 2 to fifth place. East Barnet EN4 8SY New Salamis had a massive Anorthosis 0 Maronites 2 Koture v Pendayia scare playing versus Olympia Anorthosis must be disap- 1:00pm, Pymmes Park, Victoria Road, at Bullsmoor Lane on Sunday , pointed with this defeat Edmonton, London N18 Olympia really played well and Maronites stopped them in their Poplar Boys v Livadia created lots of chances and Pantel tracks with a very good win. Simi 10:30am, Barlett Park, Lindfield Street, kept the New Salamis keeper Kouttis started the ball rolling Poplar, London E14 6HS busy. New Salamis really grind- slammed the ball past the On the half hour mark Salih a banker draw, Apoel took the with a diving header from a cor- ed out this win and it took two Apoel keeper after a lightning Karakis sped past 2 Apoel de- lead, a headed own goal from ner in the 35th minute. Marcus penalties late in the game both attack, 1-0. The game was fenders and then was tripped a corner, 1-2. Cinar heads Archer added the second in the To view more sports news scored by Steve Velandia to evenly matched when Apoel in the box. Volkan Altinok dropped and Apoel scored the 60th minute plus Anorthosis and other community and give New Salamis a 2-0 win and equalised in the 16th minute af- missed the penalty for Cinar third a minute later again with missed a penalty in the 80th raise their championship hopes. ter the Cinar defence were when he slipped on taking the Andre McCollins. Despite minute. A great win for worldwide news please Cetinkaya Cinar 1 Apoel 3 caught flatfooted as Andre kick. Cetinkaya Cinar’s efforts, all 3 Maronites lifting them to sixth visit our website Cetinkaya Cinar scored on 3 McCollins ran on to make it With 15 minutes left on the points went to Apoel, leaving position while Anorthosis remain minutes when Evren Altinok 1–1. clock and the game looking like Cinar in the bottom 3. in second spot. www.parikiaki.com ™ÂÏ›‰· 48 ¶¤ÌÙË 12 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2013 ∂/∫ ∫∞π Δ/∫ ™Δ√ DOWNING STREET ¶¶ÔÔÏÏÈÈÙÙÈÈÎ΋‹ ÎÎÚÚ››ÛÛËË ∞·›ÙËÛ·Ó ÂÈÛÙÚÔÊ‹ Ù˘ ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘ ÛÛÙÙËËÓÓ √√˘˘ÎÎÚÚ··ÓÓ››·· ËÓ ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 9 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›- ÛÒÔ˘˜ ÙˆÓ ∫˘ÚÈ·ÎÒÓ ∫ÔÈ- Ó¯›ÛÔ˘Ó Ó· ·ÁˆÓ›˙ÔÓÙ·È fi¯È ÔÏ·›·˜ ÛÙË μÚÂÙ·Ó›·, ‰‹Ïˆ- Ô˘ ¤Ó· ÈÛÙÔÚÈÎfi ÚˆÙÔ- ÓÔÙ‹ÙˆÓ ÛÙË μÚÂÙ·Ó›· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÌfiÓÔ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÈÛÙÚÔÊ‹ ÙˆÓ Û fiÙÈ ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ·›ÙËÌ· Î·È ·fi ηÙÔÓÙ¿‰Â˜ ·ÓÙÈ΢‚ÂÚÓËÙÈÎÔ› ‰È·‰Ëψ- ΔÊ·Ó¤˜ ÁÂÁÔÓfi˜ ¤Ï·‚ ÚˆÙÔÊ·Ó‹, ÈÛÙÔÚÈ΋, ÎÔÈÓ‹ ÓfiÌÈÌˆÓ Î·ÙÔ›ÎˆÓ Ù˘ ∞ÌÌÔ- ÙȘ ‰‡Ô ÎÔÈÓfiÙËÙ˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÈ- ∂∂Ù¤˜ ÔÈ ÔÔ›ÔÈ ‚Ú›ÛÎÔÓÙ·È ÂÓÙfi˜ ÙÔ˘ ‰Ë- ¯ÒÚ·. √È ∂ÏÏËÓÔ·ÚÈÔÈ Î·È ÙÔ˘˜ ÚÔÛ¿ıÂÈ·. ∏ ÂÈÛÙÚÔ- ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÁÈ· fiÏÔ˘˜ ÛÙÚÔÊ‹ ÙˆÓ ÓfiÌÈÌˆÓ Î·ÙÔ›- Ì·Ú¯Â›Ô˘ ÙÔ˘ ∫Ȥ‚Ô˘, ÙÔ ÔÔ›Ô ¤¯Ô˘Ó ηٷ- ΔÔ˘ÚÎÔ·ÚÈÔÈ Ô˘ ÂÎÚÔÛˆ- Ê‹ Ù˘ ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘ ı· ‰Ë- ÙÔ˘˜ ∫‡ÚÈÔ˘˜ ÚfiÛÊ˘Á˜, ÎˆÓ Ù˘ ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘. √ ›‰ÈÔ˜ Ï¿‚ÂÈ, ·ÒıËÛ·Ó ÙȘ ·ÛÙ˘ÓÔÌÈΤ˜ ‰˘Ó¿ÌÂȘ Ô‡Ó ÙÔ˘˜ ‰‡Ô ™˘Ó‰¤ÛÌÔ˘˜ ÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ‹ÛÂÈ ÙÂÚ¿ÛÙÈ· ÔÈÎÔÓÔ- ··ÈÙÒÓÙ·˜ ÂχıÂÚË Âӈ̤- ‰‹ÏˆÛ fiÙÈ, ÛÙË Û˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ·, Ë ÔÈ Ôԛ˜ Âȯ›ÚËÛ·Ó Ó· ÙÔ˘˜ ·ÔÌ·ÎÚ‡- ÛÙË μÚÂÙ·Ó›·, Famagusta and ÌÈ΋ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈfiÙËÙ· ÚÔ˜ ÓË ∫‡ÚÔ ¯ˆÚ›˜ ÛÙÚ·Ùfi η- Â·Ó¤ÓˆÛË Ù˘ ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘ ÓÔ˘Ó. 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