OF THE an~



~zint, ~3.~.


Thefollowing named Gentlemen were invited by the Hon. Secretary of to attend the Examination of the of the U. S. Military Academy, in JUNE, 1860.


* Not Present.

EXTRACT FROM AN ACT OF CONGRESS, APPROVED AUGUST 8TH, 1846. SEC. 2. And be itfurther enacted, That the President be authorized to appoint a Board of Visitors toattend the annual examination of the Military Academy, whose duty it shall be to report to the Secretary of War, for the information of Congress, at the commencement of the next succeeding session, the actual state of the disci- pline, instruction,police, administration, fiscal affairs, and other concerns of the in- stitution.—.&ovided, That the whole number of Visitors each year shall not exceed the half of the number of the States in the Union; and that they shall beselected alternately from,every second State, each member being a bonafide resident citizen of the State from which he shall be appointed; that not less than six members shall be taken from among officers actually serving in the militia; and that a second member shall not be taken from any Congressional district until everyother district in the State shall havesupplied a member.— Providedfurther, That no com- pensation shallbe made to said members, beyond the payment of their expenses for board and lodging while at the Military Academy, and an allowance not to exceed eight cents per mile, for travelling by the shortest mail route from their respective homes to the Academy, and back to their homes. 1860 3


Colonel RICHARD DELAFIELD, Major Corps of Engineers, with Local Rank of Col. of Engineers, Superintendent of the Militarl, Academy and Commandant ofthe Post.

~iab~m~t ~taff+

DENNIS H. MAHAN, LL. D., Professor ofMilitary and Civil Engineering. Assistant Professor of Military and 1st Lieut. WILLIAM P. CRAIGHILL, Engineers, Civil Engineering. 2d Lieut. GODFREY WErrzEL, Engineers, Acting Assistant Professors of 2d Lieut. GEoRGE W. SNYDER, A. M., Engineers, ç Military & Civil Engineerin~. Professor of Natural and Experimental WILLIAM H. C. BARTLETT, LL. D., F Philosophy. 1st Lieut. JOHN M. ScHoFIELD, 1st , Assistant Professor of Philosophy. lit Lieut. GEORGE H. MENDELL, Top’l Engineers, F Acting Assistant Professors of 2d Lieut. CYRUS B. CoNsTocK, Engineers, PhilosOphy. ALBERT E. CHURCH, LL. D., Professorof Mathematics. 1 Assistant PrQfessor of 1st Lieut. GOUvERNEuR K. WARREN, Top. Engineers, Mathematics. 1st Lieut. OLIVER 0. HowARD, A. M., Ordnance Corps, 1 Actisrq Assistant Pro- 1st Lieut. HERBERT A. HA5CALL, 4th Artillery, 2d Lieut. JUNIUS B. WHEELER, Top’l Engineers, fessorsof Mathemat- 2d Lieut. ALExANDER S. WEBB, 2d Artillery, j WS Lieut. Col. WILLIAM J. HARDEE, Major 2d] Comd’tArtyofTactics,Cbdets andArmyInstructorOrganizaof- , and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A., tion Administration; Cavalry with Local Rank of Lieut. Col. of En- Thctics, Equitation, Out Post j Duty; Tactics, Strat- gineers. egy and Grand Tactics. 1st Lieut. RUFUS SAxT0N, A. M., 4th Artillery, Assistant Instructor of Artillery. 1st Lieut. RICHARD I. DODGE, 8th Infantry, F Assistant InstructorTactics. of Infantry 1st Lieut. CHARLEs W. FIELD, 2d Cavalry, Assistant Instructor of Cavalry. 1st Lieut. ROBERT WILLIAMs, 1st Dragoons, Assistant Instructor of Cavalry. I Assistant Instructor of 1st Lieut. ALEXANDER McD. McCO0K, 3d Infantry, c Infantry Tactics. ROBERT W. WEIR, N. A., Professor of Drawing. 4 1860

1st Lieut. HENRY DouGLASS, 9th Infantry, Assistant Professor ofDrawing. 2d Lieut. JAMES McMILLAN, 2d Infantry, Acting Assistant Professor of Drawing. HYACINTH R. AGNEL, Professor of the French Language. Assistant Professorof the French 1st Lieut. BEEKMAN Du BARRY, 3d Artillery, F Language. 1 Acting Assistant Professor of 1st Lieut. WALw0RTH JENKINS, 1st Artillery, the French Language. Chaplain and Profes8or of Geography, His- Rev. JOHN W. FRENCH, A. M., F ‘ ‘ tory and Ethics. Assistant Professor of 1st Lient. STEPHEN V. BENET, A. M., Ordnance Corps, ~ Geography, History ~ and Ethics. 1st Lieut. HENRY C. SYM0NDS, 2d Artillery, 1 Acting Assistant Prqfessors 1st Lieut. JOHN T. GREBLE, A. M., 2d Artillery, of Geography, History and 2d Lieut. HERMAN Breus, 1st Infantry, J Ethics. HENRY L. KENDRICK, A.M., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. 1 Assistant Professor ofChemis- 1st Lieut. THOMAS M. VINCENT, 2d Artillery, tsy, Mineralogy and Geology. PATRICE DE JAN0N, Professor ~fthe Spanish Language. 1 Assistant Psqfessor of the Bvt. 2d Lieut. SAMuEL H. L0CKETT, Engineers, Spanish Language. Bvt. 2d Lieut. ELIA5 B. CARLING, 2d Artillery, 1 Actingthe SpanishAssistantLanguage.Professor of Instructor of Ordnanceand Captain JAMES G. BEIcT0N, Ordnance C~rps, F 1 Instructor of Practical Military 1st Lieut. JAMES C. DUANE, Engineers, ç Engineering. 1 Assistant Instructor of Prac- 2d Lieut. EDWARD P. ALExANDER, Engineers, ticalEngineering. 1st Lieut. JOHN C. KELT0N, 6th Infantry, Instructor in the Use of Small Arms. ANT0NI L0RENTz, Sword Master, Assistant to Instructor in the Use of Small Arms

4Thlitcriij ~taff.

1st Lieut. SAMUEL B. H0LABIRD, 1st Infantry, Adjutant. Surgeon CHARLES MCDouGALL, M. D. Assistant Surgeon JOHN F. HAMMoND, M. D. Assistant Surgeon JOHN CAMPBELL, M.D. 1st Lieut. JAMES C. DuANE, Treasurer. 2d Lieut. SAMUEL S. CARROLL, Quarter Master. CADETS


in i1p~i~ iIi~ditn~4~htss*~





Names marked thus * are to be attached to the next Army Reg- ister, in conformity with a regulation for the government of the Military Academy, requiring the names of the most distinguished Cadets, not exceeding five in each Class, to be reported for this purpose at each Annual Examinat~ion. Cadets whose names aremarked thus ~were found deficient, and turned back, to re-commence thestudies or their respective Classes. Cadets whose namesare marked thus ~ were found deficient, and recommended for discharge. 1860 7


‘~ Order De- ~ ofmesit in merit. -

~ ~. ~. p

Fames State A~Z~n ~ ~ ~~$ )!! a W~Walter .LV1cl~ar1anct, *2 John A. Tardy, Jr., LN. Y. July 1, L~5.HI 1 4i 1 ;~ 1 a6 i~s *3Horace Porter, N.Y. do 16 0 21 122 :1 3 5132 *4Nicolas Bowen, Pa. do 18 2 65541 20 4 33 *5 Theodore Edson, N.Y. do 18 1~1 410 6 618 4 9 11954 18 5 6James H. Wilson, Mass. do 16 3 211 3 4 4224 111. do 17 511 4 512 S 10 7439 7 Benjamin F. Sloan, Jr., 823 8 James M.Whittemore, Jr. S.C. do 19 1 913 9 93 5232 Mass. do 19 3 13 7 8 729 7 2 4723 9~AlansonM. Randol, 6 6 lOCornelius Hook, Jr., N.Y. do 17 8 76789 3023 Ill. do 1’? 6 8 8 313 6 13 21 80 11’William W.McCreery, Jr. 11 13 12John M. Wilson, At Large do 18 10 1017121024 15786 W. T. do 17 7 17 91022 1 28 17 00 13~JosiahH. Kellogg, 10 14 14 Stephen D. Ramseur, Pa. do 18 8 1220173921 5628 N. C. do 18 1 1516183512 9 12 5338 15~EdwardR. Hopkins, 29 37 l6IDaniel D. Lynn, N.Y. do 19 0 1915141414 2521 Ia. do 18 6 1622221622 27 27 18 6 17Samiiel A. Foster, 25 36 18 Alex.C.M.Pennington,Jr. Me. July 1, ‘54. 1’? 11 1538293217 3725 N.J. July 1, ‘55. 17 5 3014162432 37 18 2727 19 John M. Kerr, 12 8 20Albert M. Powell, July 1, ‘54. 17 3 1212302119 8458 Md. July 1, ‘55. 2I 14182029226 19 4932 21 Alfred T. Smith, 22 11 22 , Ill. do 1? 1 113123121 11974 Ill. do 19 1 19 3151122 21 31 9190 23James P. Martin, 28 20 24~JohnR. B. Burtwell, At Large do 18 9 11192134 7 14891 Ala. July 1, ‘54. 17 11 3135312634 32 16 8286 251William U. Jones, 17 26 26 Martin V. B. Lewis, Ohio. July 1, ‘55. 18 4 1323273311 11365 Ohio. do 19 11 1737262327 36 35 84 27~SalemS. Marsh, 19 15 28~Wade H. Gibbes, Mass. do 18 7 1828 19 1737 15977 S.C. do 18 42i 3221342521 14 29 2011 29~Char1esS. Bowman, I 1530 3O At Large do 18 163225~282 9731 1Samuel T. Cushing, R. I. do 16 9 342524 1911625 16674. 3llFrank Huger, At Large do 17 7 i82933~188 31 33 8921 32 1RobertJohn N.H.Andrews,Hall, Ill. do 17 11 143035271138 24 8869 33841Edward B. D. Riley, Del. do 11’ 3739~32~3632 32 34 111273 3S AtLarge do 10, 20~3337~3839328 16988 1Wihiam H. Jordan, Ohio. do 18 33l26~36,2035 37~22 8 1860


. Order De- 5- ,~ ~ of merit in merit.

.~. . .~ .5- :~u~ B Names. State. Ad ~ L mission. P .~ ~ 1! 5- ~i—~ ~ ~ 5. ~$:~


36John J. Sweet, Iii. July 1, ‘55. 17 b oucoi~tituar lol a’x 37 Lyman Mishler, Pa. do 16 5 40241331404140 14691 381George S. Hollister, N.Y. do 16 1139404141312438 8147 39 George W. Vanderbilt, N. Y. do 2 41274040383541 18894 40James M. Warner, Vt. do 5 38343937363439 18494 41 Harold Borland, Ark. July 1, ‘54. 9 36413830283932 16596 1860 9

SECOND CLASS—SO MEMBERS—1860. . ‘~., Order De- ‘~ ~ of merit in merit.

~ . . . ‘~ ~H L ~ Names. State. Dateqf ~ ~ ~ u~ Admission. ~ . ~ ‘~ . ~ n5i~. ~ . ~,s... 5 ,,~ ~ “~‘~‘e ~ ~ 5. ..,~ ‘,~ ‘E ~ ‘u ~~n~)u 5-~ c~ . . ~115 *1 Henry A. Du Pont, AtLarge July 1, ‘ ii 1 5 3 1 2 2 *2 Henry W. Kingsbury, N.Y. do 19 6 9 2 1 4 9 C 00 *3 Orville E. Babcock, Vt. do 20 6 8 1 2 2 124 12 5 *4 Adelbert Ames, Me. do 20 8 610 511 6 7 2012 *5 Emery Upton, N. Y. do 1610 2 8 9 3 332 20 0 6Liewellyn U. Hoxton, At Large do 18 0 311 829 51 17 3. 7 Edmund Kirby, At Large do 16 3 15 4 4131128 13 0 8Charles E. Cross, Mass. do 1810 4 3 6 7 447 68 5 9Adelbert R. Buffington, Va. do 18 7 101618 8 814 4927 10 Nathaniel R. Chambliss, Tenn. do 19 3 12 7 7201226 249 11 Samuel N. Benjamin, N.Y. do 17 6 171224 51022 1412 12 John W. Barlow, Wis. do 18 0 241322 61417 26 4 13 Judson Kilpatrick, N. J. do 19 5 212721 122012 00 14John I. Rodgers, Pa. do 17 2 13152610 738 762O. 15 John Adair, Jr., Oregon. d~ 1611 5 1711 331929 8137, 16 Charles E. Patterson, Ark, do 19 5 71916 91341 13575 17 Charles McK. Leoser, Pa. do 161116 919141527 15359 18 George W. Dresser, Mass. do 18 9 182423212516 2512 19 Malbone F. Watson, N.Y. do 17 1 191827251615 11364 20Charles E. Hazlett, Ohio. July 1, ‘55. 16 8 142610152635 8959 21 William A. Elderkin, N.Y. July 1, ‘56. 17 1 2936122423 5 5335 22Franklin Harwood, AtLarge do 17 8 112217281836 11857 23 Henry C. Hasbrouck, N. Y. do 16 7 251414162239 12389 24 Guy V. Henry, At Large do 17 ° 222020262449 18 0 25 Jacob H. Smyser, Pa. do 1711 322825272711 5888 26J. Benson Williams, Mi~h. do 19 8 30 615173234 12560 27 Jacob F. Kent, Pa. do 20 6 3138322238 4 iS 9 28 Jacob B. Rawles, Mich. Sept. 1, ‘56. 17 0 283228183137 10243 29 Francis A. Davies, At LargeJuly 1, ‘56. 18 1 52339402142 44 30 James M. Kennard, Miss, do 17 3 273013234044 9162 31 John S. Poland, md. do 19 8 3344383536 3 5415 32Charles C. Campbell, Mo. do 18 5 202530343430 15992 33Erskine Gittings, Md. . do 16 1 233929391748 12O~49 34John Peiham, Ala. do 17 9 263131198340 15689 35 Eugene B. Beaumont, Pa. do 1811 373537302921 132~i9 10 1860


. Order De- ? ofmerit in . ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ,~~ Date qi u~-~ Names. State. ~ ~ ~ ~ Admission. ~ I . ~ ~~ . ~— ~ ~ ?~ ~ ~ ‘B ,~ ~ ‘~ ~ ~ aoueorge A. Thornton, Va. JUly 1, i~ 2 ~ua*~ao~v i~io 37 James F. McQuesten, N. H. do 20 9 383449374419 6540 38 Henry B. Noble, N.Y. do 1811 89 37 35 362845 11043 3 Samuel C. Williams, Tenn. do 16 8 412133384223 17890 4 Robert L. Eastman, At La~ do 20 3 4846444939 1 5327 41 Leonard Martin, Wis. do 17 234335050303111989 42 Thomas L. Rosser, Texas do 19 8 404336414718 13676 48 Wright Rives, D. C. do 18 5 444541314146 7334 44 Olin F. Rice, Ky. do 16 84529464748 9 17584 45 Leroy L. Janes, Ohio. do 19 3 36 41404S 3743 18084 46 Campbell D. Emory, AtLarge do 16 6 434742444513 19095 47 Charles H. Gibson, Pa. do 1611 50 SO 484249 8 14444 48 George 0. Sokaiski, N.Y. do 1611 494245434625 1405S 49 Sheldon Sturgeon, N.Y. do 17 5 464847464333 12251 50Maths W. Henry, Ky. do 17 7 47494348 5050 17297 1860 Ii THIRD CLASS—57 MEMBERS—1860

, ,~ Order De- ‘~ ~ of merit in merit. ‘~ ~u ~ B u’~1 ~ ,~ ~I~5 .i. ~ L~ I. ~ • Names. State. Date of ~ ~ OS Admission. ~ ~ B ‘S..’ — ‘~ . ~,ms ? .

.~ ~ ~ ~

~ — — ..‘- *1 Patrick H. O’Rorke, . NY. Jñly 1, ‘c~’i.2u ii 118 4 4 ~1 II *2 Arthur H. Dutton, Conn. Sept. 1, ‘57. 18 9 5 1 1 5 3424 *3 Francis U. Farquhar, Pa. July 1, ‘57. 18 7 4 8 8 2 15 8 *4 ClarenceDerrick, At LargeSept. 1, ‘57. 1911 6 21 3 15 2316 * )aniel W. Flagler, N. Y. July 1, ‘56. 2011 215 514 3632 William H. Harris, N.Y. July 1, ‘57. 19 0 14 3 6 6 8 0 Fohn F. O’Brien, At Large do 16 4 7 4 2 7 14887 Alfred Mordecai, At Large do 17 0 9~iO1729 2817 David H. Buel, N. Y. Sept. 1, ‘S7. 1711 8J 61031 10394 I Thomas C. Bradford, R. I. July 1, ‘57. 20 0 3~21~2246 8 0 11 Stephen C. Lyford, Jr., N. H. do 1710 18k9 115 9 14 o l2Alonzo H. Cushing, N.Y. do 16 5 10117121 23. 5533 l3Richard M. Hill, At Large do 1810 l1~3328 8 25 7 14 Charles P. Ball, Ala. do 1911 12~2319J 5 2635‘~42 41298358 IS16 WilliamLawrenceR.S.Jones,Babbitt, Va.AtLarge do 1816 74 27’24j13 3 5129 17 Peter C. Hams, N.J. do 1611 16.36136 12 5024 18George H. Frost, La. Sept. 1, ‘57. 113 6 36~9~i213 2213 l9Joseph C. Audenried, Pa. July 1, ‘57. 17 8 29202316 3 0 20John J. Garnett, Va. do .18 2 20 7 948101 63 21 George A. Woodruff, . Mich. do 17 1 17 2834 10 1166S 22J. Pearson Farley, AtLarge~ do 18 4 28~3238 1 8 3 23Paul F. Faison, N. C. do 17 1 24271440 8351 24Robert H. Logan, Va. Sept. 1, ‘57. 18 1 15j14 19 57 .169 97 25 Zadock T. Willett, Tenn. July 1, ‘57. 18 9 3Oi161137110768 26Francis H. Parker, N.Y. do 19 6 13343539 13681 27Alexander D. Moore, N. C. do 19 3 31252720 7040 28Julius W. Adams, Jr., Ky. do 17 2 251394330 2 0 29William F. Niemeyer, At Large do 17 1 23i3O~3726 ‘10863 30Lucien D. Sandidge, La. do 19 6 33112 2038 9356. 31 JOhnR. Edie, Jr., Pa. do 17 6 21383154 4930 32Justin E. Dimick, At LargeJuly 1, ‘56. 16 8 22 Ii 2~~316289 33 Charles H. Brightly, Pa. Sept. 1, ‘57. 1811 412624 18~6037 34Henry E. Noyes, Mass. July 1, ‘57. 1710 3922162710978 35Charles C. Parsons, Ohio. do 19 2 34 18~1886141 92 12 1860 THIRD CLASS—57 MEMBERS—1860.

. . . Order De- ~ ~ qfmeritin merit. ~ U •i~ ‘~ ~ i~ ~ Names. State. Dateqf ~ , ~ OS Admission. ~ lB i~ . ‘B ‘OS ‘S..’ ~ lBiB u ~°l~ ~ ‘B~ BiL 5.” ~ ~ ~ 3131~’éiIxH.Robertson, ‘1’exas~July- 1, .—.—~‘ - , ‘ Il W~~‘‘ ~- 37 James P. Drouillard, Ohio. do 1910 26414625 11077 38 Philip H. Remington Ill, do 18 6 38374119 8534 39Joseph B. Campbell. N.H. do 19 7 434351 11 7155 4OJohn W. Lea, Miss. do 1810 40353332 15099 41 LeRoy S. Elbert, Iowa. do 19 7 35515333 9057 42Pierce B. Young, Ga. do 20 4 49454024 4427 43James P. Parker, Mo. do 17 9 37312952 17297 44 Eugene Carter, Me. do 18 8 44494922 8246 45William D. Fuller, Me. do 20 0 48504434 3524 46David U. White, lid, do 19 8 514 4517 11258- 47 John H. Kelly, Oal. do 17 3 46464251 8561 48Samuel P. Ferris, Conn. Sept. 1, ‘57. 16 9 4748 3944 14694 49George 0. Watts, Ky. July 1, ‘57. 18 1 42425047 17391 50William H. Browne, Va. do 18 7 53545243 5121 51 Charles N. Warner, Pa. Sept. 1, ‘57. 18 4 56293250 14870 52 John Lane, At LargeJuly 1, ‘57. 19 0 45474856 12996 53 George N. Reynolds, S. C. Sept. 1, ‘57. 17 6 54565521 13891 54William W. Dunlap, Ky. July 1, ‘57. 17 3 52555649 17392 55 Frank A. Reynolds, New Mexico do 16 1 55525741 15396 56Edward S. Willis, Ga. do 1610 50574755 19799 51 George A. Custer, Ohio. do 17 657535445 19199 1860 13 FOURTH CLASS—54 MEMBERS—1860. Order of De- meriti~’e merit.

q .~ I. Names. State. Date of ~ ‘~ ~ OS Admission. ~ B 5. ~i ~

*1 (geL. Gillespie, Jr., i~iiii’.July 1, ‘58. 16 9 5 7 3 41 14 *2 Ranald S. Mackenzie, At Large do 1711 2 2 7 154~7O *3 William A. Marye, Cal. do 18 2 8 4 4 8837 *4Henry S. Wetmore, Ohio. do 16 7 1 115 14558 *5 Charles R Suter, At Large do 16 2 616 1 9010 6George Burroughs, Mass. do 16 6 411 2 13886 7Jasper Myers, Ia. do 19 6 3 517 11760 8John A. Kress, Ia. do 18 9 122213 28113 - 9Frank B. Hamilton, Ohio. do 1910 14 920 36113 lOGeorge S. Lovejoy, N. C. Sept. 1, ‘58. 19 1 9 6 6 17273 11 Samuel M. Mansfield, At LargeJuly 1, ‘58. 18 7 72419 7620 12 Morris Shaff, Ohio. do 19 6 18 814 5138 l3Jared A. Smith, Me. do 1711 171718 29 8 14 Isaac Arnold, Jr., Conn. do 18 3 101526 11136 15 Clemens C. Chaffee, Mass. do 17 0 21 3 8 10981 16,James Dearing, Va. do 18 2 151412 12847 17 Tully McCrea, Ohio. do 1811 112030 9162 18 Henry C. Wharton, Neb. do 16 11618 5 19199 l9George W. Clayton, N. C. do 17 1 202325 6121 2OJohn Egan, N.Y. do 2011 221021 11981 21 Joseph A. Alexander, Ga. do 20 9 231327 12863 22 James M. Lancaster, Ky. July 1, ‘57. 17 8 291216 12471 23 James Barrow, Ga. July 1, ‘58. 17 3 193523 172~92 24John A. West, Ga. do 19 4 243039 13880 25 Joseph G. Blount, Ga. do 20 2 262838 13467 26James H. Rollins, Mo. July 1, ‘57. 16 2 303632 l.~O283 27 Stephen A. Moretio, Fla. July 1, ‘58. 19 2 4145 9 ‘5320 28 Samuel B. Macintire, Minn. Sept. 1, ‘58. 19 3 273434 16992 29 Benjamin King, At Large July 1, ‘57. 1711 471910 9963 30 William C. Bartlett, At Large July 1, ‘58. 19 0 314711 19398 31 Oliver J. Semmes, Ala. do 1810 382636 11130 32 William S. Beebe, At Large do 16 4 34 124116364 33James A. Sanderson, Ohio. Sept. 1, ‘58. 1711 3329 431 152164 34~HoraceD. Twyman, - Va. July 1, ‘58. 1711 28~524117487 35jEbinezer McE. Ross, Tenn. do 20 2 3214242 17380 14 1860


. ,,~ Order qt De- .~ ~ merit in memit.

~ ~ — ~- ~~0 ‘ON c ~ “ .~ 1. ~ Names. State. Date of ~ ~ ‘~ ~ OS Admission. ~ u ij,- B lBiii ~ S~ ~ ~ii1i~ ~ ~ ~ t~° & ~ ~“ ~ 36 John H. Calef, Mas~July 1, ‘58. 16 ~34i5 411 ~11 ‘l~1~2 37 Frederick J. James, N.Y. do 16 9 355144 117 47 38James P. Drake, Jr.. Ia. do 19 8 364346 178 89 39Asa Bolles, Ohio. do 18 0 452735 177 94 40 Clifton Comly, Ohio. do 17 1 374045 186 93 41 Robert E. Noonan, Md. do 17 4 443940 177 79 a William T. Blakistone, Md. Sept. 1, ‘58. 16 5 134822 209114 fJohn R. Blocker, At Large July 1, ‘58. 19 9 oem54 Dei 158 74 Joseph K. Dixon, Miss. Sept. 1, ‘58. 1711 4046 DeC 180 96 f Henry C. Dodge, N. Y. July 1, ‘58. 16 1 De~53 Def 143 49 Henry S. Farley, S. C. do 18 3 4~25 Def 166 99 a James Hamilton, S. C. do 1611 493337 240141 fRichard S. Kinney, Va. do 17 4 ne~5033 182 89 James H. Lord, Pa. July 1, ‘57. 17 4 3944 Def 133 92 a George W. McKee, At LargeJuly 1, ‘58. 16 3 252128 208109 aFrank Maney, Tenn. do 18 4503731 229132 Albert M. Murray, N.Y. do 1711 4631 Def 31 21 + E. Kirby Russell, At Large do 17 6 DeC 3247 194 97 J. Eveleth Wilson, At Large Sept. 1, ‘58. 16 0 4238 oem 141 54

aDeficient in conduct. 18130 15 FIFTH CLASS—48 MEMBERS—1860.

Names. State. Date of ‘~ ,~ OS Admission. ‘~ ~ I B Do iS u 5’B 00 1 5. ..,~ ~ ‘B .o.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~°

~______— ~ ~ 5~~- *1 ThomasRowland, At LargeJuly 1, ‘59. 17 3 2 1 37 2 *2 1James D. Rabb, Ky. do 18 9 3 3 19 0 *3iWilliam J. Twining, Ia. do 1910 4 2 45110 *4IJohn R. Meigs, AtLargeSept. 7, ‘59. 17 7 1 7 7760 *5~PeterS. Michie, Ohio. July 1, ‘59 20 3 5 9 12 2 6 Huribut G. Townsend, N. Y. do 16 8 6 6 30113 7Charles L. Fitzhugh, N. Y. do 2010 8 5 5032 8John M. Wright, At Large do 19 4 10 8 6 0 9lAsa H. Holgate, Ohio. do 2011 910 4917 1O’GeorgeD. Ramsay, Jr., At Large do 17 7 17 4 1814 11 William R. King, N.Y. do 19 6 716 84 4 l2lCharles W. Howell, Ia. Sept. 1, ‘59. 18 11312 74S4 l3lRice E. Graves, Jr., Ky. July 1, ‘59.20 0 1817 26 4 14Josiah H. V. Field, At Large do 16 1 2015 24 3 15~CharlesF. Rockwell, Vt. do 17 7 1226 40 8 16~JamesB. Washington, At Large do 19 10 1431 9 4 17Richard M. Nelson, N. C. Sept. 1, ‘59. 1610 211110970 18 Jacob H. Counselman, Md. July 1, ‘59. 18 9 2714 22 0 l9lJames W. Reilly, Pa. do 1910 2413 8034 20William E. Gibson, Va. do 1710 1120 17688 21 Kenelm Robbins, Mass. July 1, ‘58. 19 2 1927 35 7 22John U. Butler, Pa. July 1, ‘59. 17 5 1534 3418 23John B. McGinness, Ohio. do 18 9 2223 4810 24~S.Churchill Clark, At Large do 16 9 2322 4814 25Matthew1Frank H. T.Phipps,Nunnally, Ga.Pa. do 2016 03 37191638 69351 0 2627lLeonce N. Olivier, La. do 17 3 2629 7740 28George Marchbanks, Tenn. do 20 1 2824 10761 29 James R. Reid, N.Y. July 1, ‘58. 20 7 2533 76i56 30William H. H. Benyaurd, Pa. July 1, ‘59. 18 1 3325 5415 31~CharlesH. Lester, Conn. do 17 3 2936 10 2 321William B. Chapman, Mass. Sept. 1, ‘59. 19 1 3818 7764 33lRobert Catlin, July 1, ‘59. 18 8 3228 12460 34lEdward Y. Buchanan, At Large do 16 3 4121 9443 35jDavid H. Kinzie, Kansas. do 18 ~13035 109150 16 1860 FIFTH CLASS—48 MEMBERS—186O. Order De- merit. 5- %~‘~‘

‘~ B 5- B Names. State. Date of ~ ~ ~ OS Admission. ~ ~ Li ~— u oe is S ‘B 00 .5” 5. xl S.’.’ ‘B ~ ~ , 0.0 ‘B O~ 5. k~NB ~ ~ ~ Robert B. Merritt, Iowa. July 1, ‘SS. 19 113139 71 ~ 3~William F. Spurgin, Ia: do 19 813630 11269 38 Thomas J. Bruton, Ga. July 1, ‘59. 16 93437 7754 39 Thomas Ward, At Large do 20 33542 2911 40 Cohn McR. Weatherly, S. C. do 16 9~3944 7741 41 William 0. Winston, Jr., Ala. do 19 94043 9938 42 Charles H. Conner, Tenn. do 20 914240 13785 William C. Barnard, N.J. do 17 ~1DeC Def 20 4 Robert V. Cowan, N. C. do 19 11 oem oem 8858 Elisha E. Drumb, Ta. do 18 1143 r’em 16288 James M. Sanno, N. J. do 19 61 oem 32 2511 .~John Taliaferro, Va. Sept.14, ‘59. 18 51Def DeC 10783 .t Joseph W. Vance, Ill. July 1, ‘59. 18 i~oem 4119599 Synopsis of the Course of Studies and Military Exercises at the U. S. Military Academy, 0 1860.

DBPABTMENT. INSTRUcTORS. TEXT BOOKS, ETC. ‘s” (Treatise on Field Fortification. Military Engineer- Prof. Mahan I Lithographic Notes on Permanent Fortification, Attack and Defence, Lieut. Craiglilil, ‘~ 1 Mines and other accessories. lug and Weitzel, ~ ~Elementary Treatise on Advanced Guards and Out Posts, &c. Science of War. “ Snyder. Jomini’s Art of War. Extracts from Mcclellan’s Military commission to Europe. Mineralogy and Prof. Kendrick, Geology. Lieut. Vincent. Dana’s Mineralogy. Hitchcock’s Geology.

Prof. French, Kent’s Commentaries. De Hart on courts Martial. Rules and Articles Law and Literature. Lieut. Benét. of War. ‘~ Weber’s Outline of Universal History. Declamation and Composition. ~ Practical Instruction in fabricatiuc’ Fascines, Sap Fagots, Gabions, Hur- dies, San Rollers, &c.’ manner o~laying out and constructing Gun and ~ Practical Military Lieut. Duane, Mortar Ilatteries Fiel’d Fortifications, and Works of ’ formation ~ Engineering. Alexander. of Stoccades, A~attls,and other military obstacles; and th~owingand dismantling Ponton Bridges.

Bt. LiCol.W. J. Hardee, Rules for the Ihercise and Manasuvres of the Infantry. Tactics of Lieut. Saxton, Practical Instruction in the Sehools of the Soldier, Company and Bat- Artillery, cavalry, “ Dodm’e talion. Tactics for Garrison, Siege and Field Artillery. Cavalry Tac. and Infantry, and Fiela ‘ tics for U. S. Service. Practical Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry. Equitation. Willl~ms, McCook. Youatt on the Horse. Ordnance Practical Pyrotechny. Thiroux’s Instruction Théorique et Pratique d’Ar- and Capt. Benton. tillerie. Ordnance Manual. Benton’s Course of Ordnance and Gun- Gunnery. nery. Synopsis of the Course of Studies and Military Exercises at the U. S. Military Academy, 1860.

I DEPARTMENT. INSTRUCTORS. TEXT BOOKS, ETC. Ethics Prof. French, Whately’s Logic. Wayland’s Elements of Moral Science. Tennemann’s ‘ Lieut. Greble. History of Philosophy. Weber’s Outline of Universal History. Fowne’s Chemf~y~~1ectrics,from Miller’s Physics of Chemistry. ~ Chemistry. Lieut. Vincent. Regnault’s Chemistry. , Prof. Weir, ~ Drawing. Lieut. Douglass, Landscape. ~ McMillan. Cavalry Tactics for U. S. Service. Tactics of Cavalry, Rules for the Exercise and Manceuvres of the United States Infantry. 0 Infantry and Ar- Bt.Lt.Col.W. J. Hardee, Tactics for Garrison, Siege and Field Artillery. Youatt on the Horse. ~ tillery and Equi- Lieut. Saxton, Mahan’s Treatise on Advance Guards and Out Posts, &c. Jomini’s Art f War. tation Strategy, “ Dodsee,8 Thackeray’s° Army Organization, and Administration. Army Regulations. I Out ‘Post Duty Willi~ms,Fiel Extracts from IvIcClelIan’s Nilitary Commission to Europe. and Military Or- “ McCook. I ganization and Practical Instruction in the Schools o( the Soldier, Company & Battalion. Administration. Practical Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry. I ProL Bartlett, Natural and Experi- Lient. Schofield, Bartlett’s Mechanics. mental Philosophy. Mendell, Bartlett’s Acoustics and Optics. Bartlett’s Astronomy. “ Comstock. Prof. Agnel, Bolmar’s Lévizac’s Grammar. Bolmar’s Verb Book. Agnel’s Tabular French Language. Lieut. DuBarry, System. C12 112 “ Jenkins. Rowan’s Morceaux Choisis des Auteurs Modernes. ~ Prof. de Janon, Jossé’s Grammar. Morale’s Progressive Reader. Spanish. Lieut. Lockett, ‘ Ollendorf’s oral method applied to the Spanish by Velazquez and Sim- ~ “ Caning. mone. Prof. Weir, Drawing. Lieut. Douglass, Human Figure, Topography. ~ McMillan. Bt. Lt.Col.W.J. Hardee, Tactics of Artillery, Lleut. Saxton, Theoretical and Practical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier, Coni- Cavalry, and Dod’~e pany and Battalion. Infantry. Fiel~ “ Williims, Practical Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry. McCook. 0 Synopsis of the Course of Studies and Military Exercises at the U. S. .ltlilitary Academy, 1Dm). 0 TEXTBOOKS, ETC. I DEPARTMENT, iNSTRUCTORS. ‘~°IDescriptive Geometry. .5 Shades, Shadows and Perspective. ~ 1 Spherical Projections and Warped Surfaces. ~ Mathematics- Prof.Lieut.Church,Wheeler,Warren, ~ ~Surveying. Webb. Church’s Analytical Geometry. Church’s Differential and Integral Cal. 112~ culus. ~ English Studies Prof. French Sargent’s Elocution. ~ and Literature. Lieut. Symords. Blair’s Rhetoric. Parker’s Aidsto English Composition. Bolmar’sLivizac’s Grammar, Bérard’sLeçons Françaises. Bolmar’s ~ Prof. Agnel. E° FrenchLanguage. Lieut. liuBarry, Verb Book. Chapsal’s Leçons et Modéles de Littérature Française. ~ Jenkins. Angel’s Tabular System. Rowan’s Morceaux Choisis des Auteurs ~ Modernes. 3 Bt. Lt.Col.W.J. Hardee, ~ Lieut. Saxton, Theoretical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier and Company Prac- Tactics of Artillery and Infantry. Dodge, tical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier, Company and Battalion. “ Williams, Practical Instruction in Artillery. McCook Lieut.Kelton, Use of Small Arms. Mr. Lorentz. Practical Instruction in Fencing, and Bayonet Exercise. Prof. Church, Bourdon’s Algebra. Lieut. Howard, -K Legendre ‘s Geometry and Trigonometry. Mathematics. Hascall, Webb. ~ (Descriptive Geometry. 12 Morse’s Geography. Bullions Grammar. Vocabularies by Prof. French. 7) Prof. French, ‘it English Studies Lieut. Benit, Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words. Parker’s Aids to English Com- .~ position. French’s Practical Ethics. French’s Prefixes and Suffixes. and Literature. I Symonds, Weber’s Outline of Universal History. Sargent’s Elocution. Compo- Bi~gs. sition and Declamation. IBt. Lt.Col.W. J. Hardee, N ‘Lieut. Saxton, Theoretical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier and Company. Prac. Tactics ofArtillery Dodge, I tical Instruction inthe Schools of the Soldier, Company, and Battalion. N and Infantry. Williams, Practical Instruction in Artillery.

______McCook. blent. Kelton, Use of small Arms. I Mr. Lorentz Instruction in Fencing, and BayonetExercise. B~ORDER OF COLONEL DELAFIELD,

1st Lieut. 1st Infantrg, Adjutant.

Head Quarters, Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., July 1st, 1860.

Headquarters U. S. Military Academy, West Poiset, N. Y., April, 1886.


let Lieut. 1st Cavalry, Adjutant.