History of Brazil, Comprising a Geographical Account of That
/. HISTORY BRAZIL,OF COMPRISING A GEOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THAT COUNTRY, TOGETHER WITH A NARRATIVE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE EVENTS WHICH HAVE OCCURRED THERE SINCE ITS DISCOVERY; vi Description of the Manners^ Customs, Religion, SfC. of the JVatixes and Colonists ; Interspersed with Remarks OJf THE NATURE OF ITS SOIL, CLIMATE, PRODUCTIONS, AND jToitign antr internal Commerce, To which are subjoined CAUTIONS TO NEW SETTLERS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH. A v I3t/ ANDREW GRANT, M. D. L0\DOX: PRINTED FOR HENRY COLBURN, conduit. street NEW BOND-STREET. 1809. " * . IJ. Clarki:, Printer, Well-Street, Cripplcgatc. TO TUS MERCHANTS OF GREAT BRITAIN, TRADING TO BRAZIL, THIS HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF THAT INTERESTING COLONY, IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY Their most ohedknt^ humble Servaiii, The AUTHOK. AD VERTISEMENT. As the recent political changes in Europe have naturally attracted the general attention towards the New World, no apology, it is presumed, can be deemed necessary for present- ing to the public the following succinct account of one of the most interesting colonies in that quarter of the globe. , The jealous and illiberal policy which at all times characterized the government of Bra- zil, in its intercourse with foreigners, have hitherto rendered it difficult to obtain accurate information respecting the productions, trade, and commerce of this colony. The author therefore trusts that the information contained in the following sheets cannot Aiil to prove ac- ceptable to the general reader, and highly in- terestir?g to every one engaged in commercial speculations. London, Feb. 25, 180,9.- CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Discovery and settlement of Brazil by the Portu- guese — Climate — Natural productions—Animals, Page I CHAPTER II.
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