acher Surplus Creates New Emphasis SEE STORY BEW)^ Sunny, Warm Sunny, warm today. Clear, cooler tonight, Cloudy, chance THEDMLY of rain, tomorrow and Sun- day. |{»'il Hmik, I'rciluild FINAL I . l-oii}i Brunei) 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Outelftiidiiig EBf»in& Newspupei* VOL.94 NO. 53 RED BANK, N J. 1 UIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1971 TENCENffr

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon summoned to the held up by the freeze, and all scheduled wage hikes due later whose union approved a similar wage hike for 500,000 tele- "The system of wage-and-prlce stabilization that follows White House today some of the bitterest critics of his econom- under current contracts. phone workers just before the freeze. the freeze will require the fullest possible cooperation not only ic program to hear organizes! labor's view on what should fol- "The whole question is open," Woodcock said alter the Also meeting with Nixon will be AFL-CIO President between the executive and legislative branches, but also by all low the wage-price freeze. meeting with Hodgson and Asst. Secretary of Labor W. .1. Us- George Meany, severest ctitic of Nixon's new economic pol- Americans. I have invited representatives of the Congress, of "He'll be listening," Secretary of Labor .1. D. Hodgson cry. The Auto Workers have threatened to cancel contracts icies as a "" to big business at the expense of the na- business, of labor and of agriculture to meet within the next told President Leonard Woodcock of Nix- covering some 600,000 workers with major auto firms if they tion's workers'. few days for the purpose of helping plan the next phase," the. on's attitude toward this first meeting with union chiefs since don't get pay hikes due in November and December. Nixon told Congress yesterday the 90-day freeze will end President said, the freeze began Aug. 15. as scheduled Nov. 13. "I don't think they are going to call us in and say 'you The issue of recovering frozen pay hikes is also vital to "But I assure the Congress and the American people that . Business leaders have been invited to see Nixon Monday, - write the ticket," Woodcock said in an interview. several other leaders invited by Nixon - United steelworkers when this first temporary and necessarily drastic action is agriculture leaders Tuesday and congressional leaders Sept. But he added that Labor Department officials told him President I.W. Abel who won 30 percent in wage hikes over over, we shall take all the steps needed to see that America is 17, the White House said. . the administration hasn't closed its mind to one of labor's big- three years for some 350,000 steelworkers last month, and not again afflicted by the virus of runaway inflation," Nixon Woodcock said Hodgson told him the labor leaders will be gest demands-retroactive pay for all negotiated wage hikes Pieiiident Joseph A. Beunc of the Communications Woikeis said. • ": • consulted continuously as Nixon shapes his post-freeze policy. Teacher Glut Brings New Education Focus By DpiUS KULMAN ation is more serious this their major, field of study along with vocational educa- year...." "and they may have to plan tion generally, she said, "and High school seniors will be High school seniors, she for more than one major..." we'll be encouraging people to advised to be more flexible in said, "will have to be more While engineers are being train in technology..." their plans for college studies. flexible in their plans ... fired, the need for tech- "That's what's so good Guidance counsellors will they'll have to enter college nicians, such as engineering about Brookdale," Miss be putting more emphasis on' with an open mind" about aides, is being emphasized See Teacher, Page 2 vocational and technical stud- \ ies. Colleges will have to learn new techniques for placement of the teachers they graduate Sewer Unit Wants - with greater concentration on opportunities outside the classroom. Register stall Photo Prosecutor's Probe THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN - Former Gov. Richard J. Hughes, center, last night helped Mon- More will be demanded of aspiring teachers both by the MIDDLETOWN - The Sew- motivated arid are making eral government. In fact, the raouth County Democrats officially launch the 1971 election campaign at the party's anpuat $50-a-plate erage Authority today de- baseless allegations for politi- authority could not award fund raising dinner at the Spring Lake Golf & Country Club. Chatting with the governor are, left to colleges which train them and the school districts which hire manded that the Concerned cal gain." bids until it obtained approve)' right, Rep, James J. Howard, D-N.J., Mrs. Ceclle Norton, state committeewoman, Gov. Hughes, Red Citizens of Middletown The authority chairman of the, Environmental Protec- Bank Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern, and Red Bank Councilman Edward Minear. them. Those are the changes "forthwith make known to the pointed out that "grants in the tion Agency of the federal educators and guidance per- prosecutor of Monmouth amount of 69 per cent of the government and the N.J. sonnel both locally and nation- County any and all facts in eligible project costs (of the State Department of Environ- ally foresee as a result of the your possession upon which a $41 million sanitary sewer sys- mental Protection." superabundance of teachers criminal charge can be tem), as determined by the Mr, Schumann explained Howard Rips Nixon Policy made." U.S. Environmental Protec- that. In accorance with law, which has left thousands of New Jersey's June graduates In a statement in behalf of tion Agency and the New Jer- ail of the authority's books jobless at the schoolhouse the authority, Chairman Ed- sey State Department of Envi- and records are open for in- door. ward • Shumann. noted recent ronmental Protection, have spection by the federal and The surplus of teachers ac- newspaper accounts "from been approved by the U.S. state governments and, each As Hughes Cheers Hiin On companies and to some extent your organization, alleging Government and the State of month .it reports all project reflects the tough job situ- and implying!' criminal New Jersey. " • construction expenditures to wrongdoings on the' part of the state and federal environ- By BEN VAN VLIET more men like "Jim Howard, 3.4 per cent to 6.1 per cent. • Mr. Howard, who was in ation in other professional areas - engineering, the phys- the authority." "As a matter of fact," he mental protection agencies. who can go around the state "That means that while Washington earlier yesterday He added that the authority SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS to explain the issues in terms, we've been waiting for his for the President's message to ical sciences - as well as pop- Mr. Schumann warned that added, "prior to receipt of ulation trends. the authority "Intends' to bids on this project, all of the has also voluntarily opened all - Former Gov, Richard J, the layman can understand." promised prosperity, an addi- Congress, said the President its books and records for in- Huglies was- the featured And the three-term con- tional 2.5 million people are made "a vejy nice speech." ''We were becomirig~awace scrutinize any and all state- plans and specifications for. ments made by your organiza- the construction of the project spection by the Concerned speaker at last night's tradi- gressman didn't bother with out.of work, and the list of of this last year and we dis- Citizens organization. tional Democratic campaign 25-cent words in telling the unemployed grows longer ev- "He that everything cussed it with our seniors, but tion, and any and all members Were approved by both the kicktiff dinner, but it was Rep. crowd that the President's ery day, "he said. was going very nicely. I don't some vvere willing to take of your organization, and in- state and federal govern- Mr. Schumann added that James J. Howard, D-N.J., economic policies were un- Mr. Howard said the. Presi- think he said 'a stitch in time their chances and go ahead tends to hold accountable any- ments. the nationally known account- -"™who-made-the news with an fair, unworkable, and in- dent's wage-price freeze was. saves nine; but I'm sure he with preparation for teach- one making baseless state- "Prior to the receipt of ing firm, Peat, Marwiclc, Mit-" impromptu attack on the eco- sincere. both unworkable and unfair, used every other cliche," he ing," said Miss Theodora ments." \ bids, the authority had to ob- chell and Co., certifies its an- nomic policies of President Jobless Rise Cited especially to contract work- said. . Apbstolacus, guidance direc- Said Mr. Schumann: "It ap- tain approval of (he project nual audit to the authority Nixon. "When Nixon tobk office," ers, Mr. Howard said the Presi- tor at Long Branch High pears that the leaders ot your construction costs, and financ- and files a copy with the state • But the governor didn't Mr. Howard said, "he told us "If a contract was nego- See Howard, Page 2 .School. "I'm Mile the situ- organisation ate political!) ing of the same from the fed- Division of Local Finance. mind a bit, and in fact told the he would bring prosperity to giatcd, and signed, this is a 250 guests assembled at the the country. Well since he's bond between employer and Spflnk Lake Golf & Country been in the White House employe and should be hon- Club that the party needs unemployment hasriscn from ored and not subject to a Presidential freeze," he said. Onesided Matter That Beech* Is Battle Cry The City's Challenge It has been a one-sided mat- By LINDA ELLIS middle of the house. Next to Will", Piglet's grandfather's construction tract, and an probably live through the ter,, he said, because the em- his house, was a piece of bro- name, which was in turn short aroused group of citizens in stream bed tilling but would ploye has agreed to work for "The Piglet lived in a very ken hoard which had: 'TRES- for "Trespassers Will Be the township who would love have very little, chance of — a Special Report an agreed salary, and now he grand house in the middle of a PASSERS W'on it." : Prosecuted." to put a whole circle of pro- is being told that he has to making it through extensive Gertrude Berman. beech-tree, and the beech-tree That was short, Winnie-the- There's a very grand beech tecting signs around it. , grading work on its periphery. work but won't get paid under • was in the middle of the forest Pooh's third chapter goes on • She's the city council president in Long Branch - and, it the agreement. tiee ;n Holmdel, in the south- Among them is Mrs, John School board and adminis- is generally agreed, she is doing an outstanding job in the posi- and the Piglet lived in the to explain, for "Trespassers east corner of the high school Deith, who's concerned this tration spokesmen, concerned tion. "Agreements should be week with new clothes for her townspeople and the Planning Long Branch has had its problems - and Mrs. Berman is honored," Mr. Howard said, school-age children, new rou- Board all agree the tree "it is a tradition of the Ameri- tines for the whole family and the first to admit it. But she sees a community spirit alive can way of life," should live. The difference there that will, in the long run, be the city's greatest asset. the survival of this towering will come out when it's deter- He also criticized the wage- tree. To find out more about Mrs. Berman and Long Branch, price freeze for not including mined how far the decision Daily Register Staff Reporter Marie Cieri, from our Long Concern Shared makers - the school board - profits, and he cited the pro- She shares the concern with Branch Bureau, spent a day with the council president. posed $25 million government will go to save it. Change or- She came back with a report that brings great clarity to Ilolmdel's superintendent of dcrs, even at the pre- building contract recently schools, school board spokes- the whole situation. It will make, interesting reading not only awarded for a site in Now constmction stage, cost mon- for Long Branch residents but for county residents who share man Joseph H. Weber, the ey. Shrewsbury as an example of township's planners, environ- pride in the city's strong comeback. how private industry will ben- A Joyce Kilmer-esque state- The special report will appeal1 in Monday's Daily Regis- mental enthusiast Dr. W. John ment from the Conservation efit from the M-day freeze at Tomlinson and Mrs. Deith'e ter, Northern Momnouth County's largest newspaper and Mon- the expense of the taxpayers. Commission details the mouth County's most interesting newspaper. fellow members on the Con- group's thinking on the tree: "I'm sure," Mr. Howard servation Commission, said, "that the contractor fig- chaired by Dr. Bernard "It has for many years ured in his bid wages and cost Yaged. stood clutching the soil by the of materials and allowed for stream. The roots, through wage hikes and increased The endangered tree sits the years, have twisted and costs of materials. next to a stream near the pro- wrapped themselves around RBRIIS student visits Peru .": Page 12 "Now, all of a sudden,1 the- posed site of the football field. the bank, finally growing so More bridals arc announced I'agc 13 contractor finds he won't have In order to construct the field, large they have pushed out uf Ashe wins easily In Open play Page 14 lo give pay raises and Hie cost the surrounding track, a park- the ground and now, along Half to Induct state's ring greats .:..... Pngc 15 of materials won't rise, thus ing lot and tennis courts in with the large gray trunk, Pop Warner season to open Sunday.. , ...Page 15 his margin of profit has sud- thai southeast sector, present provide a picture of gnarled Freehold entries, selections* results Page 15 < denly taken a turn for the bet school board plans call for the beauty that any artist would ENJOYMENT, YOUR • DAILY REGISTER "ler and all at the expense of rerouting of the existing love to reproduce. This with , PHONE NUMBERS Hie taxpayer," he said. stream into a new bed and the stream at its base, could WEEKEND MAGAZINE Main Office 74I-0DIO grading work in the area, give a spot of beauty lo our Television Listings Classified Ails 74I-BM0 'Fair Plan' Needed which would involve the par- new school that no amount of Movie Schedule "What wo need in this coun- Legal Adv. 741-01)10., , Rogliter stall Photo ticular hummock on which the money could purchase. It Bridge Advice .< 2267 74P00I0 try," ho said, "is a fair plan, beech incongruously perches.. Church News ... Dlsplny Adv. BEAUTY AND THE BEECH - Holmdel conservationists worry about would be an example to the ..18-24 Circulation Dcpt. 74I-W0 one which will treat everyone A collection of opinions on student body of the value Classified. equally, Wo nil realize that survival of giant beech troe on southeast corner of. Holmdel High School Comics.... 26 Sports Depl. 741-111)17 tract. Inspecting tree are, at left, Mrs. Thomas Spang and daughter Bar- the ability of the tree to sur- Holmdel places on trees,., a Crossword Piralc 26 Women's News 741,01)10 sacrifices have to bo made, bara; at right, Mrs. John Dcith and sop Brian. The two mothers are mem- vive this onslaught adds up to spot for art classes lo paint," but lot everyone .sacrifice, not Editorials 6 Accounts Payable 741-11010 bers of Holmdel Conservation Commission. a pessimistic prognosis. Con- See BeechTree, Page % ...28 ACcl's Receivable 741-fllllO just some of us."" sensus is that the-beech would MWdlelowi Bir«a« 671-2250 (iill(oi in Sale Drug Addiction Problem? 10,000 llurdy Mums Soiling out. Tennis equipment, Freehold Burctiu 462-2121 The Now School Now in -progress, Shirley Cull 088-833:1 ISO varieties. Hockhockson New Shipment Capezlo racquets, dresses, up to 40% 222-0010 "A British Integrated study .Shop. lli'oudSi,, Red Hunk For Help has arrived. Rush to 2 Linden day school" S42..W. (Adv.) Farm, ttt. 537 - :i miles east off, Dcul Tennis Court. Oceim (Adv,) • Day or night of Colts Neck liRhl. (Adv.) PI., JRed Bank. 842-9100 (Adv.) Ave. 53I-W4. (AdV.) RrgWr, rftd Bank - Midrflttuwn. NJ, Jridii).. September JO, 1971 ' Beech Tree Spurs JGE to Stage BattleinHolmdel • J, continued, "then you do as (Continued) [m™ grade work as possible." uneral Procession The stream bed in question .,ye think the issue can be - Members of 70,000 members in ihe two- The union contends that must be rerouted under Ihe reopened, but not until our American Federation of state area.' there has been a cutback of present plans because the survcnut ¥w«yo" r completev'\.' i s, his study« ;),i.()00 to 40,00® federal jobs in football field would cut (lf the stream bebedd area' and nt Kmployes, AFL- New Jersey Sens. Clifford through It. There is alsl o con- New York-New Jersey, par- lnt, Now Jersey Bureau of SlO, to New York and New cern on the part of Ihe con- Jersey will sponsor a "mock p. Case and Harrison A. Wil- ticularly in the Department of Water Control has ruled on funeral procession" and rally liams. Jr. are among those in- Defense, and a federal work servationists about the design our plnns for rerouting the >a Manhattan on Friday, Oct. vited to address the rally. force cutback of 415,000.em- o( the new stream bed. streumbed," cautioned Joseph 1, to protest the six-month The "mock funeral proces- ployes. flans call fora "V'shaped H Weber, school board sion" will begin at 11 a.m. in stream bed design. The con-.spokesman. wage freeze for federal em- Times Square and proceed to servation group has asked ployes and President Nixon's In a statement that may or Survey Started the Manhattan Center at 34th may not be a strike threat, that the architect and school announced intent to cut the St. where the rally will be hoard redesign the plan into a ••The course of the federal work forte by 5 per-' the union said "..,. should stream," Mr. Weber contin- cent. staged. this course of action, all with- "l)"-shaped plain type of riv- 1 er bed rather than the stream ued "is being surveyed, the The AFGE is represented in The rally will climax the in the laws of our land, fail, report will bo submitted to the Ft. Monmouth, N.J., by its AFGE's campaign to enlist our district department exec- bed as planned. DrainageFeared state nnd we will see if we Lodge 1904. ,1. Edward liar-, public and congressional sup- utive board shall again meet have to modify our plan." vey, Fair Haven, lodge presi- port for what it claims is eco- in special session to review "That stream goes all the way up to Telegraph Hill," The Bureau of Water Con- dent, also is a vies president nomic justice for federal such other alternatives or op- trol could rule that the stream for Central New Jersey of the workers, the Second District tions open to us at that time." Register stall photo Mrs. Deith stated. "Future development in that area will plan cannot be permitted AFGE's Second District, Department of the APGE Strikes by federal workers OLD TIMERS' DAY —Mrs, Nancy Politan, right, and John F. Johnson, without modifications. The ;' i which includes the union's said. ' are illegal. second from left, co-chairmen of yesterday's senior citizens outing in drain into this little stream. Long Branch, enjoy watermelon with,Joseph "Bud" Orio, a member of The flooding that could result school board could decide on the city's Summer Festival Committee, and Mrs. Rena Bradley, a mem- could be very serious. It their own not to reroute the ber of the seniors' group who entertained as a solo vocalist. would be much wiser to stream. create a flood plan. Retention As soon as the word is in 12th Old Timers Day basins could be included in from the water this. Perhaps the football field people-probably withlrt the could be.moved up closer to month-then, according to Mr. the tennis courts to make this Weber, the site plan will be easier to do/' she concluded. reviewed and all efforts will Scheduled Wednesday be made to save the tree. Right on, says the Planning A motion made at: the-Aug. RED BANK - The 12th an- p.m. In case of rain the affair again be awarded to the old- Board. At a- public meeting nual Old Timers Day will be will be held on Thursday. est, and youngest person, the 9 last week, the matter of the 25 Board of Education meet- held at Marine Park Wednes- Many attractions are best duet, and the person southeast corner of the high ing by Mr. Weber to hire a day. planned, including accord- coming the greatest distance. school tract was brought up site planner independent of 'TurnedOn byGalaby Dr. Tomlinson, who is con- the board's architects' Con- The day-long party is open ionist Hans Larsen of Belford, Models from the Barbizon to anyone "who considers him- who will play old time favor- Red Bank will assist By AL HORAY York, in.which she vocalized spots," Mr. Johnson said. "It cerned about the preservation sultants to studyt the tract was - self an "old timer." It is being ites. There will be with the day's activities.' "Dark Eyes" in Russian and: Was the first of, its kind here," of as much of the site in natu- defeatedS-to-2, Mrs. Cass Le- ral state as possible. The wart voted with Mr. Weber. sponsored this year by the shuffleboard and horseshoe Last year's event drew 221 LONG BRANCH -The English. ••••"• : he added. "The next one will Red Bank Area Chamber of contests, audience participa- persons, whose total ages Surfside Club, Ocean Ave,., The group of honored citi- run more smoothly." Planning Board spokesman Other board members said af- Commerce and the borough's tion games, cards, checkers, added up to 15,470 years, and West'End, yesterday was the zens was made up of mem- .', Mrs. Politan said the cele- agreed, and indeed, said after ter the meeting that their vote Parks and Recreation Depart- chess, and group singing. that, according,to an elec-" scene of a gala, day-long cele- bers of six local elders' bration was "a wonderful out- the meeting that the grading indicated a desire to await ment. A box lunch, provided by tronic calculator, made the bration of the city's first an- groups, as well as individuals ing." She added that the plan at the site is a "crime word from the Bureau of Wa- against nature." All events get under way at the Palace Diner, wilt be average age of those attend- nual Old Timers' Day, attend- who qualified for the honors nearly 300 guests had a full ter Control, word that cotild 10 a.m. and continue until 4 served at noon. Prizes will ing, an even 70 years. ed by nearly 309 senior citi- by having passed their 65th day of fun, food and songfests. The Planning Board's posi- conceivably change the entire zens. •.birthday. Dignitaries who visited the tion on preservation of site is plan. Replete with food, beve- The groups represented outing included Mrs. Jean that as the natural features were the city's Old Guard; Cioffi, representing the may-provide "beauty, ground and Grading Opposed rages and entertainment, the If, as Is most likely, the sit- elders' event followed a pro- the Kennedy Towers, Chester or, Couricilmen Samuel Tei- flood plain stabilization," they A. Arthur and Hobart Manor cher and Jack Taylor, Sheriff should be left alone as much uation remains essentially the Rumson CouncilBacks clamation Tuesday, by Mayor same, Mrs. Deith said that Henry R. Coffi that yesterday Senior Citizens' Clubs; the Paul Kiernan, Richard P. as possible. would be devoted to honoring Young at Hearts of the Mon- Kieman, executive director of Better Use Eyed filling the stream bed would the city's senior citizens. mouih YM-YWHA, and the Se- the city Housing Authority, "There could be much bet- not kill the tree. The beech, • nior Citizens' Club of St.i, Pat T. Ravo, the recreation ter use of the land of the she maintains, does not need A hand of 25 "visiting fire- the stream for its water. Her Aidmen's Home Rule men" from the Ocean Grove 'James Episcopal Church. directo*•—•—r •---•here, an--.d. Josep-- .h site," planner vice chairman RUMSON - Borough Coun- Cahil), legislators and freehol- ing the past five years, sent Old Guard added to the festi- Yearly Event "Bud" Orio, representing the Larrabee M. Smith said. "It main concern is the grading > ell last night pledged its unan- ders, asking that the commu- three men each year to the vities with a day ol nostalgic John F. Johnson, who head- Summer Festival Committee. could be more efficiently used work. imous support to efforts by nity should not be deprived of Advanced Practical Course music, both sentimental and ed the event with Mrs. Nancy Mrs. Politan also lauded and at the same time more Mr. Weber gave her the the Rumson First Aid Squad the services,of their volunteer sponsored by the American popular tunes of a|> earlier Politan, termed the day "a Mrs. Ruby Bowman of Mon- done to preserve the flood board's promise that Richard and other volunteers to,main- squads. Academy of Orthopedic- year. big success." He said the mouth Community Action plain and bank area. To do White, Holmdel High School' tain "home rule" for first aid 'Frightening Thought' Surgeons Committee on In- event has been promised by Program, Inc. for her aid in that," Mr. Smith continued, principal, would be over- Singer is Popular seeing the site work and and rescue squads. Commenting on the pro- juries given by the Columbia One of the day's highlights Mayor Cioffi to become a con- organizing'the event and An- "it might be necessary to Council action Mowed pre- posed measure, "purporting Presbyterian Medical Center, tinuing annual celebration. thony Melina, who headed the move the location of the foot- would be alert to any danger was a rendition by Mrs. Rena to the tree. A fence could be sentation of a petition by Wil- state take-over," Councilman . Bradley of this city and New "We had a few minor rough chef's activities. ball field 200 feet or so toward iiara Strohmenger on behalf of Francis E. P. McCarter com- "This means," the petition the parkway and eliminate erected as a reminder, Mr. the R.F.A. Squad, pledging mented, "I wish to remind adds, "that 15 squad members the samll parking lot (north- Weber suggested. opposition to the directive you all that 1984 is only 13 have 24 additional hours of east of the field, southeast of Superintendent Jan C. ter from the Office of Emergency years away. It is a frightening training each, which exceed the tennis courts)." Weele, who in his off hours Medical Service in the State thought, They want to start the federal requirements for a As for the tree, Mr; Smith takes nature walks and is ex- Teacher Glut Brings pert at'foraging for wild . Health Department on licens- with the first aid squads. The volunteer squad member." said, even if the field remains ing of first aid squad mem- fire departments will follow. Attacking the state effort to where it is, if the presently foods, has repeatedly stated bers after they have com- The boards of education will abolish volunteer squad char- planned gentle sloping were his concern for the beech tree pleted SI hours of training. be next. The effort is there to ters, the petition concludes, changed to a steeper slope and other natural, features of "We must do everything we replace them by a central "This volunteer squad will New Education Focus (two horizontal feet to one the site. He promises full co- can to help you people," said monster while the Supreme never stop helping their neigh- vertical foot) that one thing, operation. Mayor John O. Teeter. "We Court goes on mouthing plati- bors and friends, regardless he feels, might save the tree. . "Before we do any work on (Continued) s, and predicts they'll be The students will get lots of are completely satisfied with tudes about one-man-one-vote, of threats from Trenton. We "A steeper grade will leave the site," board member We- but only theirs." have served our town for 20 Apostolacus added. She said more selective still. the arts and sciences, espe- - the services of the volunteer Milton Hughes, an aide to more useful ground, leave ber concluded, "we will seek first aiders. God help us all if The First Aid Squad's peti- years and we will continue to the county's community col- cially the behavioral sciences, this kind of advice, the kind lege not only is providing the Long Branch school super- with limited attention to the more ground un- these services are taken over tion, referring to the OEMS do so as long as we have vol- touched ... You can't plant we.are getting from our sur- post-secondary technical intendent, has described as histor._y, an„„d_r philosoph „„,,„y, „o.f edu- by 'professional' units run by 81-hour training requirement, unteers willing to donate their grass on a two-to-one slope, veyorsjthe Conservation Com- a monstrous bureaucratic ma- stated, "All active members time and knowledge." training "but also will serve '•terrible" the fact that only cation as formal courses, mission, the planners, and in- to retrain people" whose skills two courses in the teaching of Beginning in the freshman but it's easily solved by plan- chinery. God help the tax- of the squad have up to date Mr. Strohmenger told coun- ting something else, ever- terested people about the pre- payers too." Advanced Red Cross cards. become outmoded by tech- reading are required ,for an year they'll spend time work- cil that volunteer squads are nological change. greens, for example, that servation of the site. We feel this meets all the re- planning a "March on Tren- elementary education major ing in all kinds of environ- On a recommendation from "And of course, things in New Jersey colleges. ments - schools, detention would be beautiful and "No one wants to bring -•, Councilman Alan L. Duke, quirements of the Federal ton" on Novr 15, and added: maintenance free. If you work down the tree, or to make any Highway Safety Act." could change again in four "There's a movement to homes, prisons, social welfare Council resolved to toward "If our efforts are not heeded add more reading courses," on the basic premise that you unnecessary changes in the the petition, with a covering The petition said that injts by Governor Cahill in this years - while today's high agencies - experiences de- shouldn't destroy anything if school seniors are still in col- Mrs. Fairbanks said. signed to test their "willing- features of 4he area,"— letter from the mayor and desire to "always use more way, he will perhaps hear our you don't have to," Mr. Smith Mr. Weber stated. council, to Gov. William T. training," the squad,has, dur- sirens when we get there." lege," she noted: /'But it takes a while to ness and ability to work'with In the Freehold Regional reeducate the teachers of students who don't want to High School District, aspiring teachers," she added. learn." teachers, scientists ana engi- Newly-opened Stockton And teaching is important neers "are being made aware State, baby of New Jersey's in lots of areas outside the Weather: Sunny of the fact that jobs aren't as state college system, has a classroom "although we've fo- Sunny andd warm today bubut TTw o trtornadoeds spawnened by Howard Blasts Nixon available as they used to be," whole new approach to teach- less humid, high in the mid cused on the schools," Dr. the storm uprooted trees ,*nd Louis Schned, director of spe- er education. Bjorksaid. 8fls.'Clear and cooler tonight, tore shingles from homes, at cial services, said. "But we're Dr. Richard Bjork, presi- He said that although train- low in.the mid 60s, Tomorrow Texas City and lightning from not discouraging theih. It's dent, explained that 50 care ing programs conducted by fair followed by.increasing the hurricane, touched offfires Policy, Hughes Cheers not our job to discourage fully selected students'will be business and industrial firms cloudiness with chance of a which destroyed six homes on people... admitted to the program. "are some of the largest edu- few showers late in the day, ..Galveston Island,. '• (Continued) "We must act now before Hughes said, "and now what "Sure, it will be more diffi- They'll undergo an elaborate cation programs in tie coun- high around 80. Sunday: Most- dent's recent economic pol- this slate becomes a wall-to- we need is the spirit which cult, but our general thought set of interviews, tests and ex- ty" they "haven't really been ly cloudy, chance of showers. The Weather Bureau said icies are really an admission wall shopping center. And we will put us in power." is that people who are well periences "to cull those who tapped as potential placement Hurricane Fern ended a Fern was weakening as she that his earlier "economic must stop poisoning ourselves Mr. Gannon, who filled in prepared will find jobs," he shouldn't be teachers." for teachers." series of twisting feints at the moved inland, but that'wind game plan" has been a dismal with air and water pollution." for ailing Salvatore A. Bon- said, adding that his college Texas coast early today, blus- gusts near the center of the failure. ", ; The former governor is no tempo, state Democratic freshman daughter plans a '• tering ashore with drenching storm could still hit 75 miles "The President told us that stranger to the problems in chairman, said the party has teaching career, and has his rains, lightning and winds ba- per hours, minimum velocity he is concerned about putting over statewide bond lost some of its spirit. encouragement. rely above hurricane force. for hurricane force. unemployment and about wel- issues. "The something missing," The N.J. Department of Her stronger sister, Hurri- fare and that he is doing He experienced a major de- Mr. Gannon said, "is the will- Higher Education "has been Births , can Edith, raked Honduras TIDES something about these prob- feat during his first term in ingness to be a little bit urging the colleges for years with winds to 175 miles per Sandy Hook lems. seeking voter approval for a comy-to be patriotic, and to to direct students to other Mr. and Mrs. Thomas hour. TODAY - High 12:42 p.m. feel a thrill in your spine RIVEKV1EW arid low 7:12 p.m. Solutions Hit package of bond issues to pro- areas than teaching and Red Bank Bayerle (nee Sherry Hurley), Thousands evacuated the "Well, he didn't bother to mote major construction proj- when a parade goes by. If you TOMORROW- High 1:12 we've done that with greater Mr. and Mrs. James Pcr- 1769 Raleigh Court, Ocean Galveston area Thursday as mention that among his solu- ects. get that pride, then you'll win. urgency over the past year," '• Township, daughter, Sept. 9. Fern dawdled over the Gulf of a.m. and 12:42 p.m. and low tions to these problems were i lost them," he said, "be- My message to the party is ruso (nee Marsha Caslelanno) 6:18 a.m. and 7:1'2 p.m. Mrs. Mary Fairbanks, public 167 Brookside Drive, Belford, Mexico, some 30 miles off- plans to fire five per cent of cause not only were all the one of spirit. I hope we'll find information officer, said. JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL shore, SUNDAY - High 2:12 a,m. it, and find it soon." son, Sept. 9. Neptune the federal employes, and to Republicans against me, a But there's a problem in Mr. and Mrs. William At 4:10 a.m. the leartW and 2:42 p.m. and low 8:24 cut the federal school lunch •number of Essex County Mr, and Mrs. Ty Ojamaa a.m. and 9:30 p.m. •••- General Staff persuading young pcop|e to (nee"Carolyn Morrell), 129 Brundzo (nee Virginia Flz- edge of the storm swept in- program in half," he said. Democrats decided to take a consider careers about which zano), IB, 579 Park Ave., land in a sparsely populated f'V Red Bank and Rumson walk when it came time to Broadway, Keyport, daugh- bridge, add two hours; Sea "It makes one wonder just College Grad they know little, she sajd, Freehold, daughter. Sept. 7. area some 25 miles southwest support me." ter, Sept. <). Bright, deduct 10 minutes; how sincere the President is FT. MONMOUTH - Alan "and many haven't twd good Mr. and Mrs. William K. of Frceport and churned over when he talks about Principal Upheld Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I'ting Branch, deduct 15 min- 11. Sherman, West Long advice about alternatives" to Burke (nee I'atricia Hum- Bailey (nee Barbara Cud- -the swamplands of the upper unemployment and starving Thai is why, Mr. Hughes teaching. dihy), 483A Georgia Road, Matagorda Peninsula, ute; Highlands bridge, add 40 Branch, a captain in the mel), 72 Thirteenth St.-. West minutes. children and then lakes steps said, it is important to have Army Reserve, is a new grad- Many educators, unhappily Freehold, son, Sept. 7. which add to both problems," bipartisan support for these Keansburg, son, Sept. !l. uate of the Army Command acknowledging that the pro- Mr. and Mrs. Cry an Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mur- he said.. vital questions. It is not a and General Staff College, Ft. fession hasn't been attracting phy (nee Charlene Schnei- In his speech; Gov. Hughes time for politics, iris a time McAndrew (nee Helen Sarik), I,cavenworth, Kans. the most competent students 1904 Hampdcij, Ocean Town- der), of 1M9 Logan [toad, issued a pica for support of to stand up for principal. His current reserve assign- in latter years nor the col- Wanamassa, ,son, Sept. ;i. two forthcoming state bond is- "It is time lor people of my ship, (laughter. Sept. 9. ement is with the comptroller leges preparing them particu- Mr. and Mrs. linger Meade Mr. and Mrs. John Hollon sues dealing with the pre- age to. begin looking at what; larly well, see the teacher of the Army as a mobilization f (nee Klizabctli Marconi), 28 (nee Valerie Khret), of RD I, servation of open spaces anil we shall be leaving for other designce. glut as an opportunity «r up- more facilities for higher edu- generations." Valley St., Highlands..daugh- Box us A. Lakehurst. (laugh- As a civilian, the captain is grading both the training ter, Sept. 9. ter, Sept. :i, cation, Both the former governor employed as a staff economist schools and the requirements. He said he, intends to wnte and Joseph Gannon, executive Mr. and Mrs. .lanos Klbogc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (jnr- in the Comptroller's Cost Ana- •If the surplus has any ,-eal (neu Ranete llallniiinn), 2!ll •Hand (nee Mary .Stump), of to every state and assembly director of the state Demo- lysis Division, Army Elec- effect, it will be On teacher candidate in the state seeking cratic Executive Committee, Ticonderoga Blvd., Freehold, ill!'.) Lexington Ave.. Lake- tronics Command. Ft. Mon- training institutions." -' Prank daughter,'Sept.!), wood, daughter, Sept. :|, support or the bond issues'on told the assembled that the inouth. Kurlnctt, director of the Na- a nonpartisan basis, party needed to instill itself 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fred D. Wikoff Co. He holds a bachelor degree tional Center fnr Information Moone- (nee Sharon Rich- "By the turn of the cen- with what Mr, Hughes called from Rutgers University, and on Careers in Education, said tury," r, ,v Hughes said, "a crusade of spirit" if it was MONMOUTH MEDICAL ards), of Crest View Apts., ( a master degree from Now The effect already is felt, Long Branch Highway I). I'arlln. son, Sept.' "there will be 22 million to win in November. York .University School of New Jersey educators say, 236 MAPLE AVENUE people living in the stale and "We don't have the While Business. Miss Apostolacus..said (In- Ihe time is now to set aside House, we dim! have the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Badg- Dr. and Mrs, II.I), Vtnod Mr. Sherman is married to state colleges have been uly (nee Mary Wright)|- (nee Arundhati Viddyullata), , opefl spaces and provide room Slate House, but I believe we Ilir former Juditli Kaplan. growing mori1 demanding in for our college age students. still have the people," Mr. I'mspm Ave.; Ashury Park, of Cnriies AVL'., Neptune, They have three children. their admissions require- (laughter. Sepl. >.). daughter, Srspi.;(, I.RED.BANK 0741-0564 It*WlyBegMef,RedBwk- MUMklcmn, W. Fridav. SepU-mber 10.197! »\ Top of the News Hazlet Board Studies TRENTON - Tho Catholic Church In the central Now S5nJBV.|Wwi yesterday Indicated It would become involved In' the legislative elections this fall to support candidates who op. pose * liberalized abortion law. Plan for Bishop George W. Ahr of tho Trenton Diocese, in a letter to all priests, implied that the church would bo active in the Is aimed at preventing the since June. • •' HAZLET - An application The apartment coinpiex in -i campaign.' . for a 28-lot subdivision In the construction «f a 732-unit gar- The letter was published in The Monitor, the official • Raritan Valley U.S.Ai'area den apartment complex now planned for a 46-acre t£a# OH •, newspaper of tho Trenton Diocese. Tho text was included in a was accepted for study last in hearings before the Zoning Middle Road and Union Avp. ; news story designating September as "Bight to Life Month." night by the Planning Board Board, the measure would im- Developers are the Middle* | Tho Trenton Diocese covers Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, and referred to its subdivision pose hardships on other prop- Union Associates.. ; Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset and Morris Counties. committee. erty ownejs. Project It Backed * The development on Line "The Planning Board feels The Planning Board recom* >. Road north of Belfast Ave,, is that such a moratorium ordi- mended to the zoners, approv/ ; Fracas Mars Party Gathering planned by Thomas J. Licata nance would be superfluous al of an application by. inasmuch as garden apart- Squiies-Williams for a profes* - JERSEY CITY - A melee broke out at ihe Democratls of Fort Lee. The preliminary sketch ments are not now permitted sionai building on the Key- County Committee meeting last night as members of a reform to be constructed under the port-llolmdel Road. group who were uninvited clashed with committee members. plan shows piost lots 75 feet FAMILY OUTING — Committee members for the township of Ocean wide, with others having 95- terms of the existing zoning It listed two conditions lit - No injuries were reported and no arrests made although ordinance," Mr. Greene wrote its referral: that a 20-foot buf." at one point police were called to carry away one of those who United Citizens Inc. family outing Sunday at 1 p.m. at the recreation cen- foot frontages. Several lots ter, QakhOrst, gatherat...the slteio_make plans for the afternoon social. are irregularly shaped, to con- the Committee. ,fer between Uic.parkJnjL,. .attempted to crash the meeting. Further, he stated, "It Is "spaces be maintained^ The fracas flared when John B. Tomasin, attorney for the Left to right; Joseph Brown, Harry DeCou, Mrs. George Harvey, chair- form with road contours. A man; James V, Smith, and Mrs. Dennis Crawford. cul-de-sac and two new ... the opinion of the Plan- throughout, and (hat said bu(« •, , Save Hudson County Committee, a reform group within the streets are planned. ning Board that the adoption fers be properly lined with Democratic party, was told he could not attend tho meeting of a moratorium ordinance trees, shrubs and ground cov- because ho had no credentials and he was not a committee The plan will also be presented to the Zoning Board would impose undue hardship, er; and that a second en« member. ' of Adjustment for a variance and burdens upon all other trance-exit be provided from . As Tomasin shouted, demanding entry to the meeting, Freehold Township property owners in the Town- the Keyport-Holmdwi Road on because the area is zoned ,, three of the six patrolmen stationed nearby moved in, picked light industrial. ship (and) that the adoption the northerly end of the prop- , him off his feet and carted him away. At this time, West New In a letter dated Sept. 6, the of a moratorium ordinance at erty and that the Hazlet Ave, York Mayor Anthony M. DeFino aftd Libero Marotta, the Proj- board advised the Township this point in tfme in Hazlet access be limited to a One* •• ect 70 leader in Union City, both mombers of the reform Officials Criticized Committee it is opposed to Township would not serve the way entrance and no exit. group, also demanded entry. purposes of good planning and The board also recommend- Marotta was later pushed from the lobby of the Plaza Ho- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP- rector at an annual salary of staff, and homeowners' any moratorium ordinance .Township officials continue to $16,500, (13,500 more than a groups. against single and multiple orderly development overall." ed approval by the Zoning tel, where the meeting was being held, but DeFino, a stocky The board gave its unani- Board of a revised site plan man, left tinder his own power. receive "votes of no-con- chief's salary) after a three- Mayor Harper said: "This dwelling units. fidence" in the form of public hour public hearing during whole controversy is redi- Tuesday, the Democratic mous recommendation to the for the six-room Playcare Inc. opposition to the appointment which 200 persons expressed culous and I disagree with it minority on tho Township committee not to introduce an nursery on Middle Road, with Lindsay Boosts Coalition Plan of a public safety director to their opposition to the post entirely. The committee acted Committee, with the vote of a ordinance establishing the the stipulation that two park-, fill what was formerly a Civil that had been ereated by ordi- in a most responsible man- Republican member, success- moratorium. ing spaces be provided for PITTSBURGH, Pa. - New York Mayor John V, Lindsay, Service job, that of police nance May 10, despite 400 sig- ner ... took much' verbal fully introduced a moratorium The ordinance was written each on-site employe. making his first out-of-statc political appearance since his chief. natures on petitions against abuse,. .acted in a very cou- ordinance, but no public hear- • by Francis X. Journick, at- Member Fred W. Turner switch to the Democratic party last month, appealed to 20,000 creatlngit. • rageous manner, and I don't ing date was set. , torney for Concerned Citizens, voted against the recommen- cheering young persons here yesterday to join the ranks of his Mayor Harry D. Harper think it will be too long before Moratorium Opposed who opens his case against dation, Mr. Turner, the oulla> proposed progressive American cqalitjnn. yesterday defended the posi- Because the Township Com- this community realizes this Chairman Harry N. Greene the apartments Tuesday, ing inspector, has maintained "We must begin now to build tho kind of coalition that can tion of the Township Com- mittee first proposed in fact. said that while the Planning when the Zoning Board re- in the past that the property is effect change ip 1072," the mayor said at a voter registration mittee against the most re- March the civilian post sug- "The committee certainly Board realizes that the thrust opens the public hearing on in a residential zone and rally in downtown Point State Park. cent charges by the Freehold gested by business adminis- followed every letter of the of the ordinance, urged by the the apartment variance. The should not be used for this "At stake is nothing less than the redemption of our na- Township Independent Civjc trator Frederick Jahn, report- law In carrying out its deci- Concerned Citizens of Hazlet, hearings have been recessed purpose. tional heritage." Association that the governing edly to be able to hire some . sion. We had public heatings Lindsay told newsmen earlier he is not a candidate for body acted against the ex- one older and therefore more in which every one had a say any office. pressed will of the majority of experienced than the Civil before we created the posi- "I have not made any decision about whether I will do community residents by ap- Service 35-year upper age lim- tion. Certainly when we came any running on my own," he said. "I don't know when I'll pointing a civilian to head the it would allow, it was encoun- to the point of establishing a make that decision. police department. tered opposition from the as- salary we clearly had some "I think the most important thing now is to build a coali- The association referred to sociation, as well as the Po- one in mind who was willing tion," the mayor said. the appointment on Aug. 23 of licemen's Benevolent Associ- to work at such a salary. Why Theodore A. Weathers of ation, the then Acting, Police this came as a- surprise to Beauty Pageant Stirs Protests Cranford as public safety di- Chief Robert F. Stiles and his anyone I can't understand." ATLANTIC CITY -. The Miss America Pageant is once again a target of protesters. Atlantic City officials confirmed yesterday a permit was Issued to a women's liberation group and they plan to give one Shopping Center Ruling to the New Jersey chapter of Veterans Against the' War. Both groups plan to stage rallies outside Convention Hall tomorrow night, when Miss America 1972 is crowned. A spokesman for Atlantic City Mayor William T. Somers Stalled in Shrewsbury said the permit for the feminist group was issued to an organi- SHREWSBURY - The restaurant should be per- the "no" vote of-Councilman zation identified as "Women's Liberation." Borough Council tabled action Although no one demonstrated against it last year, the mitted when they are prohib- Arthur Fitzpatrick. on variances for the proposed ited by the local zoning ordi- Councilman Fitzpatrick ex- pageant has long been hated by feminists. But a protest $2.5 million shopping center against the beauty contests by anti-war groups is new. nance. plained he dosn't feel the ordi- and scheduled their decision He further argued the appli- nance can be adopted until lor Monday night. cants failed to prove the vari- the council is ready to offer Prisoners in New York Riot Council must act on- vari- ances "are not detrimental to an alternative method of dis- ances that will allow a restau- the zoning plan" as required posing of old tires. ATTICA, N.Y. - About 1,000 tough, long-term convicts rt- rant and twin theater in the by law and the center will af- The ordinance, other coun- ' oted at Attica state prison yesterday, pitting fists and make- center. Others that modify the fect local property values. oilmen said, is needed be- ,/ frtjlster Staff Phelo shift clubs against guns and tear gas for control' of the red- parking requirement, reduce Map Is Adopted cause tires buried in the New IN PERSON — RusselTAAInton of Red Bank was one of many who yes-1 brick, maximum security institution. Thirty-three guards were the minimum side yard and The Community Facilities Shrewsbury landfill area pop terday received kind words and autographed personal, messages from reported taken hostage. Others were bloodied in pitched bat- permit three free-standing Map, started in 1966, was offi- up again and again. Jean Shepherd, radio personality-author, at Red Bank Book Store. tles. buildings were approved by cially adopted last night and Officers Promoted Late in the day, with sun sinking through a haze of smoke the Board of Adjustment and in the same motion, slated for Council promoted Patrol- and tear gas, State Corrections Commissioner Russell G. Os- require no further action. revision. men Richard Ilalsey and John wald went before ihe massed, shouting inmates in a prison- The Planning Board is also The map, which delineates McGuire 3rd one grade each. yard attempt to end the revolt. scheduled to meet Monday which properties the borough Borough attorney Howard Red Bank Visited Oswald's confrontation was said by an aide to have had a and consider the center's site' council feels should be set Roberts advised that since the calming effect on the rioters. plan. aside for public use for parks men are being promoted, the Red Bank attorney Joseph and recreation, has been bat- salary increases are per- T. Grause objected to the de- ted around for five years with mitted under President Nix- By Jean Shepherd Animal Protectors Seek Action velopment for two clients - no official council action al- on's wage freeze. the Diocese of Trenton and though the planners have ex- Council promised to explore tleness as they approached to Mrs. Florence Forgotsen, pressed their favor. By FLORENCE BRLDER as the beloved and bedevilled .J__ JJENTON - Representatives from 14 animal welfare or- limiting use of the borough wit exhibited great com- have him sign his latest liter- both adjoining property own- As adopted, it shows the tennis courts to borough resi- ary effort, the nostalgic and ganizations staged an orderly demonstration outside the State ers. RED BANK-"T'was brll- posure throughout a steaming House yesterday to urge Gov. William T. Cahill to sign an ani- Sisters of St. Joseph property dents only and assuring that humorous "Wanda Hickey's Mr. Grause said his clients as the site for Red Bank Re- the courts aren't locked dur- llg," as Lewis Carroll once afternoon before an enthusias- mal protection bill. . said. tic audience of more than 300 Night of Golden Memories, "don't want a theater we gional High School. Since the' ing the hours scheduled for and Other Disasters."' The measure passed the legislature last Spring. It would know nothing about" and told map was drawn, the regional But he wasn't referring to who lined the hot sidewalks prohibit the sale or gift of impounded dogs and cats for ex- play. He had a realistically kind the council the record of the Board of Education has pur- Mrs. Kay B. Jensen said, the visit to the borough yes- outside the shop and paraded perimentation. terday of Jean Shepherd. happily to the counter to get word for the Pop Warner previous hearings should state chased property in Little Sil- she and a friend have both youngster, the representative A spokesman for the demonstrators said they wanted "what kind of movies will be ver for the facility and the WOR radio personality who personalized signatures. 1 Cahill to sign the measure into law before the November legis- been injured climbing the autographed his latest book at of a teen-ager just operated shown." borough must release the land fence' to the courts when they on for cancer, the old-time ' lative elections. ' , Mr. Grause also argued for another purpose on a re- the Red Bank Store, Linden Mr. Shepherd treated The spokesman said, "it is well known that sortie dealers were supposed to be open. Place. young, old and in-between stay-up later who regards his that application was approved vised map. Council announced it has hold pound contracts in New Jersey, collecting dogs and cats However, "T'was brillig with a marked touch of gen- show as a life line to the by the zoners with "haste and A second ordinance prohib- settled for $11,(154 in damages world. and selling them to laboratories." persuasiveness" and the de- iting placing tires out on the About two dozen demonstrators walked an orderly picket with the Continental Insur- "Wanda" was published veloper showed no "social street for collection by sani- ance Co. for damages from Sept. % and went back into line outside the main entrance 6f the State House: They car- reason"1 why a theater'and tation crews was adopted over ried signs which read, "Gov. Cahill, animals can't vote, we the borough garage fire. 'Take the Plunge,' print Tuesday, an unusual fea- can." ture. It attests to the verbal and Y Swimmer Says literary popularity of its au- Emergency Net Beckons RED BANK - "Take the girls are, eligible for the class thor, who says he slesps "ev- plunge," urges Sally Stewart, in watp'r ballet. Instructor ery Tuesday" and does most aquatic director for the Com- Marite Nordoff of Fair Haven of his shows live. munity YMCA, "and join one says synchronized swimming, "I'm lucky ... I have a MolnOtflo: Citizen's Band Operators publisher who can't read," ChHtnut SI., Btd Bank, N.J. 07701 of our new fall swim classes stunts, sculling and swimming Branch Olflcoi: Mr. Shepherd quipped. 176 Rl. IS, MkMlelown, N.J. FREEHOLD - Monmouth nications. . listing of all operators, which designed to keep you trim and to music will be taught 30 Eoil Main St., Freehold, N.J. , County citizen's band two-way "Since Channel 9 Is now fit this winter." Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. > People were still streaming 371 Broadway, long Branch, N.J. , . will be kept confidential. • in and out of the book store as radio operators interested in recognized by the Federal "We also.develop a listing Classes for the very young ' e»lobllilnd in 1171 by jorin H. Cook and Henry tidy Mr. Shepherd's deadline for becoming affiliated with the Communications Commission of clubs and CBers who can include a new kindergym' A special swim class for Pubilihto by Tho Red Bonk Rtgister Monmouth County Emer- as the official emergency which will offer four and five- physically handicapped chil- departure neared.'but ho Mtmtwr of fl>e Assaclalcd Press— Trip Associated Press fs entitled «M. volunteer their services in an wouldn't leave until every cluilwfly to the us* foriropublkation of all tho local new;, printed In this newspaper gency (MCE) commu- channel," ho said, "we also emergency situation," he year-olds the chance to devel- dren will be Wednesdays at 01 will oi oil AP news dlspolchcs. , , customer had been satisfied. nications network are urged are asking Individual CB oper- said. :• op self confidence before en- 3:35 p.m. Second doss postage paid at H,-il Drink. N.l. O77UI and nt additional mailing And satisfy them ho did; ftfflcat. Pubtistod daily, Monday through f tid»v. Moti ^ubscrlptmns payable In DO- to write for application blanks ators and clubs to monitor "There are many fine CB tering tho water. This physi- von". to Frank L. Wilgus, coordina* that channel through the The full fall program at the with a ready wit, a warm in- 't W»k Month 3 Months i Months t Year clubs in the county which now cal education class will teach ».« USD MSI) itBOO H5,00 tor at tho Hall of Records. county for as many of the 24 pre-schoolers balance, flexibi- Y begins Monday, Oct. 4. Reg- telligence and a genuine feel- provide service to their com- istration has started. ing for each human being. \ Hpitio Delivery by Carrier -50 Cents a week William J. Zaorskl, county hours a day as possible. lity, co-ordination and basic Single copy ol conflict. 10 Ccnlv munities. We would like to civil defense deputy coordina- "We hope to learnirom our know who they are, and in an .body movements every tor, stressed that affiliation questionnaire-application emergency, we would like to Wednesday from 9:45 to 10:30 with the program does not re- forms just how well channel 9 have them continue to work a.m. and from 2:15 to 3 p.m. Gain more leisure time, pay your bills at home 493-4022 strict a CBcr in any way, is monitored in Monmouth," as a unit, but in conjunction Boys and girls between six 2113Rl.35,OAKHURST since MCE is not a club, there he added, "and our future witli the county." and 17 years of age will have -FREE- ure no officers, duos or meet- plans will be contingent on Mr. Zaorski said that the in- an intramural swim league. It wise... open a ESTIMATES • DESIGN this coverage." DRAWINGS ' ings. dividual operator is important is designed for those who wish VISIT FACTORY & SHOWROOM The only request Is that op- Encouraging all CBcrs and to MCE because the county is to improve their swimming Cfaeckmaster erators uso their equipment to their clubs to nffiliato with seeking communication ser- strokes in a competitive situ- report emergencies- to the MCE, Mr, Zaorski explained vice for everyday emer- ation, but who do not yet qual- account proper authorities. Operators that tho county civil defense gencies such' as traffic acci- ify for the varsity swimming and clubs can ask to bo put on office wants a county-vvido dents. team. . IKITCHENfMASTERSI a speclnl list of those who will "MCE will In no way inter- There will be four teams assist the county commu- composed of approximately 25 fere with a CBer's present us; Service Is our e> GAS KITCHENS ARt BETTER AT K.M. nications van, when and if it Sex Education Slullorf ago of CB or place him under persons each, Miss Stewart Hero tiro 3 Reasons ,,. Is pressed'into sorvlco. BANGKOK (AP) - Offi- explained. Two of the teams biggest asset. Major Itote Seen. any obligation. We just want B Carvad Solid Wood Cora • cials say Thailand is not to be sure that if there Is an will practice between 5:30 and Dooply Sculptured Dalian Citizen's two-way radio can ready to Introduce sex educa- emergency, a CBer will be 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and • Hand Rubbed Oil Finishoo play u vitnl rolo In rendering tion at the secondary school ablo to call for help, got a're- Thursday, and the remaining nunu Hilni) Oul Omln'i Nslurtl Bouty emergency communications level because Thai society Is sponse from a base station two teams will practice be- within the county, said Mr. • AU-Vlnvu VI 1 l Intoiiors Inc. Shelves unprepared for the innovation and get the emergency ve- tween 6:3? and 7:30 p.m. « " (.,O|(,Q|, Aonlmt Du«t. 8«lni • Wto.i Clam Znorskl, noting that many are Tuesday and Thursdays. . Gei Appll»nc«» on Dliplty and there are not enough ex- hicles to the scene as fast as c ? —CXNTRAL JfiBSEIT BAMK equipped with mobile commu- perts to conduct tho program. possible," ho said. Women and high school anmhBlpmMtuatnoF f.D.ic. U Tbe titty Begjtoer, Ecd Batik - Middieumo, N.J, Fridn, iirpbmbfr 10.1971 Parks Use Ordinance Withdrawn in Rumson { Do you have this week's daantttoriola&ns." aaMSON-Acpntroveisial amended version of the ontt- dottfag to be worn by tennis uuMitttte. tnd onBaMwe, oitf, "Hie whole Winning Number? Earlier in the meeting, ks ortlntnce, termed as nance, prepared by council players on borosgh tennis the laqgnage as outright on- attttarte to negttiw and tte 1 borough administrator Albert i^l' by following the August meeting, courts, and prohibited the constitutional." ordinance is umrartahie. Yon It's worth A, Kerr Jr. read a petition critics, was withdrawn by is answer to criticism by resi- docking of boats at the cannot possibly restrict the. He questioned borough's au- from S residents of the West fa dents. borough dock. use of our parks to Rumson 550,000 thority in implementing such Park area in which they The pObBc-tearing on the Cnrte Planed Mayor John 0. Teeter a legislative measure and residents only. ' asked council to restrict use B i»r 1.000 aq. ft - 4,000 «rj. ft minimum) 747-027.6 Dr. Stanley Becker, Mon- met and a brother, John Shel- Johnson Jr., who is vice presi- outright with tbe contributing •H.w Baron Kentucky Bhiegrau Mixture met dent of the bank. firm's leader and advertise- . mouth County medical exam- The Beddiges-Seitz Funeral During 1970, more than ment attached. iner, said death was due to ANNUAt TURF GROWING PROGRAM; coronary beart disease and Home, Jersey City, is in 300,000 children and adults Contributions should be SINCE 1865 ' congestive heart failure. charge of arrangements. FAIL Seed, Spot Wa«d Control, F«rtili«B, Powar Aontt, Power ' ^ benefited from films in the mailed to tbe Norrna Jean BoB, Grub Proof. (1 to. per 1,000 tq. ft.) 310 BROAD STREET RED BANK Halvorsen Memorial Film li- SPRING: SM4 Pm-emergent Crebgr«s» Control, Spot Weed Conv Robert K. Rabe brary, Middletown Police ml. Power Boll, Power Aerate. Headquarters, Kings Hwy., LATE SPRING: Complete. Weed Control, Chinch Bug Control, tod FREEHOLD - Robert K. attention Mrs. Claire 8. Nor- Testimony Taking Heb Worm Control, Amy Wotm Control, Fungui Corrtrot fit- Rabe, 73, of 68 Glendale ton. in, 2nd Pra-etnergant Cnbgrots Control. Drive; died Tuesday at Mt. SUMMER: Pon-emenjent Crabgrau Control, Chinch Bug Control, Pleasant Manor Nursing Fungut Control, Fertiliiar 38 W — Home, Matawan. C. L. Reckless Ends in Soil Probe Per. Sq. Mr. Rabe was a restaura- 1 FREEHOLD - Middletpwn It was alleged daring the Foot teur and prior to his retire- Dies in Florida 4,000 Sq. Ft. Minimum John E. Day To^raship Attorney Whitney controversy that followed that 3 /4' ment eight years ago, he had B0VKT0N BEACH, Fla. - permits required under the Crowell yesterday was the um rVU, MONir AND US0H Cempated fo "Do II Yovmli" been a partner at Robert's coaries h. Reckless, S6, of 207 eleventh and last witness be- towndiip's soil removal ordi- FUNERAL HOME |. Inn, Brielte. He was born in s.W. Third Court, died here fore a Monmouth County nance were not obtained and " Germany. His wife, Mrs. Friday. grand jury probing a soil re- that the soil removal violated Call Anytime for a Free Estimate Ttensa Babe, died in 1968. He moved to Florida from moval agreement at Thomp- a restriction in the deed that 85 Riverside Avenue Red Bank are a son, Robert Red Bank, N.J., in 1954 and son Park, Middletown. gave the land to the township J. Rabe, tere; two brothers in was a grandson of the late An- "We do not expect to hear for the park. 747-2183 Gensany, and three grand- thony Reckless, former state any more witnesses," said children. senator in New Jersey and a C. SfDUN, Director 747-0332 County Prosecutor Vincent P. ; The Higgins Memorial lifelong resident of Red Bank Keuper who reported that the Portrait Is on Hair LAWN SERVICE Home is in charge of arrange- whose home was on the cor- probe is nevertheless still in- MOSCOW (AP) - Micro- ments. ner of Broad St and Reckless artist Paruir Arsbakuoi of •fcnmovth OHBI n/'$ Origiid Automoted lown Sartiol Place, a building which has complete. "When we're going to com- Tbilisi has engraved the por- Michael P. George Jr. for many years housed the plete it, I don't know," said trait of Armenian composer Red Bank Woman's Club. the prosecutor. "We'll meet Alexander Spendiarov,jon a TURF -m- MATIC MATAWAN - Michael P. Mr. Reckless was a veteran again on the lfitn." human hair, the official Tass Win. S. Anderson George Jr., 64, a local bus of WorM War I, a member of Mr. Keuper said he hoped news agency reported. It said compatr/ and liquor store the American Legion Post to have the investigation con- the work can be viewed only owner, died yesterday, in his here and a life member of the ctaded by Sept 27, when the through a microscope. Advertise in The Register Funeral Home home at 209 Mais SL Society of the Cincinnati panel's extended term ex- Mr. George was bom here He is survived by bis wid- pires. Otherwise, the panel 272 BROAD STREET RBRANK and lived all bis life in tbe ow, Mrs. Edith Reckless, and will have to be extended borough. Re was the owner of a brother, Russell P. Reck- again, be said. TEUPHONE 747-5500 tie Miln Bus Service, Cliff- less, here. Mr. Keuper declined fur- wood, and was owner of the ther comment. Gaslight Liquor Shop, here. Owned end Managed by John Ziegler The panel went to the park He was the former owner of Sept. 2 as part of its in- the Point Tavern on Main St SANFORD, Fla. - John WM.S.ANDERSON Ziegler, 87, a former resident vestigation. Hinh Poinl. Mr. George was a commu- of Toms River, N.J., and fa- The grand jury probe con- nicant of St. Clement's Catho- ther of Mrs. Mildred Mierzwa cerns an agreement between lic Church and was a Fourth" of Highlands, N.J., died here tbe Middletown Township Degree member of tbe Tuesday. Recreation Commission and Knights of Columbus, Key- Holmdel Excavating Co. The port Mr. Ziegler had lived most it i5)5 r our neighbors of his life in Jersey City, N.J., commission agreed to trade Surviving are his widow, 10,000 to 12,000 cubic yards of JOHN VAN KIRK Mrs. Lucy Zeni George; two and retired in 1951 from the Pennsylvania EaUroad where dirt from the park for con- "sons; Michael P. George 3rd struction of two ballfields by and Peter S. George, both he bad been employed as an inspector. the company. „ at$l699a here; a sister, Mrs. Mildred He was the husband of Mrs.. We bnilt Higji Point for Scura of Madison Township people in the area who and five grandchildren. Leonora Ziegler, who died in is your new Widow Wins know a good thing when The Day Funeral Home, I960. they see it Keyport, is in charge of ar- Besides his daughter in A SMilHon Rock of Ages rangements. Highlands, Mr. Ziegler is sur- ATLANTIC CITY t. 8, 1971. Of children. was selected by Phyllis W IMxny tone. Hot SftnraUxny, (U. People who want their BetaVfd daogOter ef dories cat Irene Arrangements are under George, Miss America, at a Trlmptfi (net SobrcskI). Dror sister cf own community dubhonsc, Vaaoiw cm Joyce. U»1n3 the direction of the Carmona drawing at Convention Hail 0f Helen So&resfcl, niece of Theodore Funeral Home, Toms River. sv/iinraing poo!, land- SttrnU. Funerol from (he William here. .\ow they have High So...a word to the wiser ScMeran lite. Funerol Home, »» Ken- scaped courtyards and an* BJvtL UI&HI Ot/. en Set. sreJ. n, Standing by two of her Pom!. And they love it. Don't wait until it's too' rtneaft M—O am. Tbenc"" e to Hot• ' y Fcmil/" three children, and several of promenades...without She R.C Gibrcfc. Union Ory at 19 ajn. where CARD OF THANKS But we couldn't keep it late. Reserve your home at a MOB <* »te arrstion Utorjy wiII be ot- her eight grandchildren, Mrs. burdens of iawn nsowing, a secret. And more and High Point, " tf» hrap/repose oTfttrsouJ. I r>. *jf» t» flmfc Jte mow Matt ai« oij l Roberto said, "It's just so snov," shoveling or exterior fermenSMen.t FanHHoly yCros »ilsl ceme^erynabn their Hortnr frttr/S Af«s itxin" "a tfttir noers ~ • "* ' more people from every- Now. enThsrs.M0pjn.cBdFfi.}-5,7-I0pjn. Eata wotiderfai. I'm so pleased/" < painting and maintenance. where in the metropolitan The drawing was ma de du r- People who want Ihe area are fmdingoulaboutit, sng a break in rehearsal for convenience of free jitney FOR ANY OCCASION the Miss America Pageant. transportation (o and from Apartment Homes from One of Ite participants in local shopping. He has been selected to represent HONfY BBHOWBS the drawing was Bert Parks, $16,990 to $22,740 the pageant master of cere- In short, people who Too tM«S only 10S down. Rock-of Ages in your community be- monies. want everything the con- "TyjAal SMadng terms: dominium way of life of- Ctxb..price ol I bedroom cause of his vast knowledge, long 464BROADST. Ironically, the only other KuccDIil-e . , , Sio.nno contest Mrs. Roberto ever fers... ai Ihe best price in Mailed number argil. experience and deep understanding. SHREWSBURY • !lie entire area. Cast down pjymcnl -WR, involved Bert Parks. MJ95, rtlrS raottiiJgi! of He can help you choose the me- 7414020 Teat was several years ago »IJ.iC-3. 360 equal pay- morial that's right for you from his fMinlilr Shirt- 1927 when Mrs. Roberto and her ra«Jlj of doaa over ai) late husfcand were winners on >e*refsdanfid>ntial Use last five digits, ti,m; the I ili out about il. 74L0319 Day or Mghl-7 H-;}503 last four, mi; Uw feist thre^ - John Van Kirk, Jr. M0. and the last two, free 3MSHREWSBURYAVE. REDIU.NK tickets in Ihe millionaire lot- tery. Mobile Lighting Showroom Due < - The moist un- The tHr is opecmUy ,,„.„ ,. j lighting show- for orj-lhe-dpot dcmonMration HighlandsCoupleHeld ^.flin the country, a replica of lighting fixtures and In. •« ft San,f ranclsco cable cur, eludes opal light forms, re- ,wyrbe at the Lighting Center, ce*«cd units), outdoor pan- , 19 E. Newman Springs Hoad, orama fixtimw, profile exlls, here, Monday Irom noon lo 4 and,many other lighting fix- In Child Neglect , D.m. tures for residential and in- Debra, who, according to ing's husband, Harry,46, WM dustrial UHD. HIGHLANDS - A local arrested and charged With couple lias been aitested by police, needed medical atten- tion and food, was picked up one count of child'neglect.- . police hcie on a total of three The two older children it* counts of Lhild ncijlccl Wednesday hy a local resident and turned over to police as a tang cared for by a weal Myra IJi'BcnnnK, 28, of 40 lcs-ldent, while the youngest Cornwall St. WIIM arrested lost child. She was found wandering was-taken in by Patrolman Wcdm-Mliiy diid clMi^al with Robert Stefanskl of NavesiOK two count;, of child nrgled. along the street three Blocks Ave. • ' • •!'::";: According to Police Capl from her home and was under llowatd II, Brcy, chat H«'-'> police care and guidance for Mrs. Degeitriug ««f wore bronchi against Mrs. V/i hours before any contact * rested by Capt; 8W and .Dcgenrini: for failing to keep was gamed by police from the trolman Slefattkaj; her two of her cluldien, Su.san, 5, child's mother. When .she was band was arrested, by ' and Ira, ti, clean and in a examined by a police physl- Brcy and Patrolman eloan IIONM1, and for failing lo , cian, .she was found lu he in Newton. ' '. iL-4 feud them propcily, "p

S«»e only 81 n Hay for"!.1! jcars uml In- eolUcc ajii- JOII will hiveuvi'il $5,475, In addition, our In^li niiii|iciuinlwl inlir- Riverview Graduates cit will add IIV 10% more-mill lum ran you Ix'Ul that?- only by opening more limn one college tuition account. • Accounts Insured to 820,000 , X-Ray Technologists

RED BANK - The Riv- standing student award given half of Rivei'vlew Hospital, erview Hospital School of X- by the Squibb Pharmaceutic- The principal address to the ray Technology held gradu- als Company and the.Picker class was given by Frank V. ation ceremonies for .six stu- X-ray Corporation. The pre- Blaisdcll, president of the dents in the hospital's Kast sentation was made by Dr. board of governors. Mr. Blais- Wing solarium, The group is Vincent M, VVIielan, attending dell and Mrs. Emma Wolfe, the second class to be gradu- radiologist in the hospital's director of education, School UsfC.ROFT ated. radiology department. Miss of X-ray Technology, made 671-2400 291-0100 842-4400 Judith Delaney, Hazlet, was Dclanoy, the daughter, of Mr. tho presentation of school named recipient of the out- and Mrs;. Henry Delaney, is a pins. graduate of Karitan High Diplomas were awarded lo School. the graduates by Dr. Andrew The other members of the P. Dedick, director of the de- class were: Carolynn Batzle, partment of radiology. ward of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas The graduates are now eli- Bardsley of Hazlet, a gradu- gible to take the examination ate of Karitan High; Eliza- with the American Registry of beth Busse, daughter of Mr. Radiologic Technologists. LIGHTING .and Mrs. Alexander Busse of Upon passing the examination JMatawan, graduate of Mata- they will be certified re'gis-. \ • !wan Regional High; Alfred tered radiologic technologists Cavallo Jr., son of Mr. and entitled to use the initials RT f Mrs, Alfred Cavallo of Red after their name. -;V The •Bank, and Diane Johnson, The graduation marks the for toll-free shopping daughter of Mr. and Mrs. completion of the two-year Charles Johnson of Red Bank, course conducted under the , both graduates of Mlddletown department of radiology and 24 hours a day - Warmth of Wood Overhead High; and Gary Waple, son of approved by the Council on Mr. and Mrs. George Waple of Design your own coiling pattern with thijse Medical Education of the Karmingdale, a. graduate of American Medical Associ- For Kitchen, new flexible modulus. Use them singly or Staunton Military Academy. 7 days a week .. •• in combination for individual and ation, the American College of Recreation Room, uo.quo lighting effects. These sur- John K. Pavvlowski, admin- Radiology and the American face-mounted units are easy to istrator, welcomed the gradu- Society of Radiologic Tech- dial iisteH and convenient to ates and their guests on be- nologists. your tele-service Den, Porch, exchange number* Etc. lamp. 4747 Policy on Drugs Now Steinbach is as close as your telephone . . day or night. Just dial your tele-service Adopted by Board exchange number plus 4747 . . . you'll find Steinbach operators quick, efficient and happy 16 OC1SANPOBT - The Board by his family physician whose of Education has adopted pol- report will be sent to the su- assist you with your order, no matter how large or icies for students suspected of perintendent. small. . . they will also be expert in doing personal- drug abuse., A review committee at the Faculty members suspect- school will then be asked to ized shopping for you, your family and your home. ing a student is involved with' follofr up activities of the su- drugs will make an oral re- pecled user. port to the school nurse who Prescription medicine may will examine the student. be administered to students 4UTE-75WEACH The nurse's report will be only by the school nurse with sent to the principal and su- written permission from par- inbach • 2VA"x2VX" " perintendent and the student's ents. Center bar snaps down for glass re- Our Price $36.35 parents or guardians notified. , Superintendent Robert good things in store moval; with bar out glass remains in Aho in uihite $20,00 • The student must 1 hen re- Price urged parents to attend * Your tele-service exchange number is... position until slid to open side or tii- ceive a physical examination board meetings this year. Asbury Park area 774-4747 Elizabeth area 351-4747 ted. . . He called in parents to have "a common sense approach" Red Bank area 946-4747 Plainfield area 757-4747 for rearing a child ''from Brick Town area 892-4747 Manal^pan area 446-4747 Fort Fund. cradle lo success in school." Drive Ends Wednesday

FT. MONMOUTH - Wednesday is the official clos- ing date of the 1971 joint fund raising campaign, of Army 3UIf-7SWEACH sale through Sept. 18th T*. \/O 11 1/8" x 31 3/8" Emergency Relief (AKR) and the Army Relief Society being 'Our Price $30.00 .conducted here. AUo in whiw $21.50 At present, donations total Hanes support parity hose $li,50(). In lite drive finale, the 45 kcyinen will'make an all'-out come alive® 2 LITE - 75W Each appeal for last minute contri- 5.95 Sheer support panty that fits you beautiful- butions' from individuals. .-11 1/8" x 21'A" ly, shapes to your leg contours and supports Oar Price $23.00 Campaign officials hope to Alto in uihite $16.95 raise $11,000 for the 11171 cam- like no other stocking you've ever worn. In paign. , The closing (Into of I ho suntan, taupe, classic beige and dark drive is also an Army payday. brown. Sizes P (to 5'3"). M (to 5'6"), MT (to COMPACT It. is the.first under the ,IUMPS-Army plan In which 5'8"), T (5\8." & over>. 3.95 Alive Si*pport UNDER CABINET LIGHTS military pwsunncl will have (w> paydays each month. Up Stockings 3.25, Phone Orders Filled. to now, servicemen were paid once a month. Meanwhile, donations may Mad« In U.S.A. also lie turned in at tho Army Community Service Center, Tho flouroscont under cab/nol light answers tho nood far Illumination in arons whoro aptico is ox- Hlilg. llilii, Army Kinergeticy good things m store trorriDly limllod. Easy installation and po-lamplng Relief is nne of the prime aro two ol tho oulstnuding (onturas, functions of I he service con- WITH CORD & PLUC3 • LESS QULB lur. 12" Owr Price.$8.25 18" Our Price $8.50{ 24" Our Price $9 J$ Under the slogan of "The Alao avalltbla without cord and plug at (lightly !«>• coat. Army Takes cure of Its Own," donations to AKR and OPEN THURS. & FBI. TIL 9. SATURDAY TIL 5 the Army Relief Society help in providing (InaiiciHl assis- tance to Army personnel and THE LIGHTING CENTER their families.' , Golden eagles dive at their prey with such specB that the 79 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK, NJ. snuml of the wind whistling through their winstip features - TEL 741-6400 can be heard at a distance. Next Target: Nation's Jobless __ ' .. ._*_... mam ^,,Bt,, M*rf.,#wi n»i#rflihfAi/tnftnt UfiutundeTr the'Tt'Ccniithere.cently "' ByROBKRTS.ALLKN MM lively reduce unemployment 'ublt'-l «t taj, 'lh«. Brt Bank HigisHT in the shortest possible time. public wrvlec employe ««• Under it, an estimated 200,000 As the popular expression The primary concern is not ; ' .;. ARTHUR Z. KAMIN INSIDE how it's done but to get it will be hired by local author- goes, you.ain't *een nothing Hies Last Congress, Presi- f>V • ' President and Editor yet - in new sweeping ecu. dune. One measure being deliber- dent Nlxyn vetoed sucli a bill nomlc measures, WASHINGTON bul sighed it this time J.' Bty, Executive Editor William V. Sandford, Associate Editor Under consideration are ated is a version of the Now Deal's WI'A (Works Progress To Extend Policy ideas and proposals, as dras- Now apparently he is I'"'- tic and far-reaching as the Administration) - under which millions were put to pared to extend this policy lo Friihn.Sr|ilMnlirr 10, 1971 spectacular wage-price must be devised that will the whole range of jobless- freeze, to deal with the per- quickly and effectively put work on a wide range of jobs ALLEN from raking leaves to painting ness. sistently excessive unemploy- millions of idle on payrolls. Of particular concern to ment rate - upward of 5.5 per The President wants that murals in public buildings, writing plays and staging President Nixon is providing Thai lluw »•* impelling rcfl"; Stand Back—Man at Work cent in recent months. dramatic undertaking set in jobs for Vietnam veterans and This grievous Jobless level motion by the expiration of shows. MIII for the President's con- As being discussed, workers youth in general. cern is forcefully underlined is President Nixon's next cni* the i^-day wage-price freeze. lie has stressed ilu> urgent dally momentous target, It is would be paid prevailing min- bv Sen. Strom Thurmond's Shortest Time importance of that in his talks his determined intention to imum wages of $1.60 to up- biunt demand that "special The inside White House with advisers and lieutenants. cut it by at least one-third by ward of $2 an hour, with the atU'iititm and assistance- he word is that no concepts, theo- Several "innovative" propos- next spring. ries, formulas or anything federal government footing •liven Vii'lnifjn veterans in als reportedly arc being for- That's the cmphaUc,* »"• op- also question how products valauble contribution by con- which researchers say won't directly from the consumer, eration in;a subuil) of Stock- can be recycled economically. sumers? A. It serves a dual burn and can be painted, in homes, offices, hotels, to a holm, Sweden., Whelhei H can What can you and I, as indi- purpose. It shows the skeptics drilled and sawed. It is suit- central plant. There waste be done in. a country as large, viduals, really accomplish that something can be done. able for roofing, structural would be automatically sorted as ours is still a matter of con- and how valuable is the re- And it provides a valuable blocks, water pipes, acoustic- into all its various com- jecture, but in.the meantime. cycling? From Raymon H. test for recycling materials of al tiles and walls. ponents for recycling. we can find othi'i solutions to Mulford, board chairman of all kinds. For instance, glass Q. Are there oilier uses for Q. Can-this really be done.? our solid-waste pioblems Nazi Who Flew Into the Coop By JIM BISHOP Goering as his No. 2 man; Ru- He had no flight clearance dolf Hess in the number three but he turned, climbing, oiv a It is 30 years since Rudolf spot, and a clever and in- northwest, heading, a solit.i:v Hess, No. 3 Nazi, stole a Ger- mi: sidious character named Jo- unidentified plane cleailv man plane and flew to Great sef Goebbels as the No. 4 heard by hundreds of German Britain to make peace. Adolf REPORTER man. antiaircraft batteries. No one Hitler became enraged; Hess was the misfit. He fa- fired at him. He also flew Churchill threw Hess in jail; vored grabbing every piece of over most of England in the the Axis nations said that the pages, the chapters. real estate that Hitler could dark. No Hurricanes rose lo Hess was crazy. Ironically, of Mein Kampf was a form of get by bluster and threats, but shoot him down. all the German statesmen, literary absolution to a de- he could not "yes" his master Hess remembered a pleas- generals and admirals to be feated, guilt-ridden nation. in the matter of war. Hess ant pre-war meeting with'the BISHOP Keansburg's Manager tried, hanged or imprisoned, The people not only accepted was afflicted with heart fail- Duke of Hamilton, and his no- Hess the nut is the only one the wafer; they swallowed it. ure and a resentful gall blad- tion was that, if he could find ill. The Home Secretary Keansburg, long known as a resort, opportunity to "return home" is certain to still in jail. The Jews were to blame for der.' He counseled caution - the Duke, Hess could talk snapped: "It docs not matter has become "hometown" to more and be reflected in an improved Keansburg. • He was never a great politi- Germany's defeat in World an ugly word. peace terms with Winston what kind of animal he is, the more people through the years. This sta- Among the responsibilities he is un- cal figure, excejpt as it War I;* France and Great In May, 1941, Rudolf Hess Churchill before it was too main thing is that he is tistic is furnished by comparing last year's dertaking, with an eye to the future, is the pleased Hitler to make him Britain had dismembered knew that, within 30 days, late. Somehow, in the black- caged." Hitler went into a preparation for the Mayor and Council of so. Rudolf Hess is remem- Germany and kept the people Germany would attack the So- out, he found Glasgow, and towering rage; deimany was population census, 9,720, with the I960 fig- bered solely for sharing Hit- from their own mines and viet Union. He became depr- parachuted from his plane embarrassed. (huixhill was ures 6,854. plans to improve the quality, of entertain- ler's cell in Landsburg Prison heavy industrial plants in The essed and inconsolable. At over Dungavel Castle, home convinced that Hess ua.s in- Although the increase isn't startling ment so that tourism plays a bigger part in in 1924. He was called the Saar. Augsburg, Hess inspected a of the Duke. sane, and so did not use htm when compared with other municipalities solving the local tax problems. "Fuehrer's secretary." His Hess'Masterpiece new Messerschmidt recon- Unfortunately, the Duke as a propaganda msliument in the county, it should be remembered In the short time he has been man- position was more elevated The Slavs, from the Polish naissance plane. "Kuel up," was away at war. David "There are less than 71) 11(1(1 ODD that that. In truth, he was Hit- border to , were he ordered. "I will test it." McLean saw the chute come malignant Huns, ' In- said. that the borough is contained in an area of ager, he has instituted central purchasing ler's ghost writer. The plane was tuned up on a "Some are curable, olhci s ;u e procedures for all municipal departments, inferior to the blonde Nordic down. He armed himself with but 1.02 miles. The Fuehrer did not write warriors of Greater Germany. ramp. a pitchfork and captured Iiu- tillable." Among the reasons that more people and he expects that more tax dollars can his infamous book "Mcin Before Hitler assumed power Hess, attired in an extraor- i dolf Hess. "Will you take me After the wai, Gennany'& want to make Keansburg their year-round be saved by a better coordination of mu- Kampf." It was he who paced on a minority vote of a little dinarily attractive uniform, as to Dungavel to see the Duke leaders were tried, Some residence is that the municipal governing nicipal employes' activities. the cell and dreamed dreams more than 30 per cent, Mein though he desired to impress of Hamilton'.'" Hess begged. were executed. Many went to bodies in recent years have diligently Fortunately, his thoughts are not so- of a Pan-Germanic structure Kampf, Rudolf Hess' master- Someone, got in the plane in Instead, the British Hume jail for "life. ' Hess wat, vrith himself as chancellor, piece, became a Teutonic the evening. He wore a gold Guard arrested him, and the among those. All of them aie Sought to encourage progress. lely directed to attracting visitors. Besides party leader, president and bible. wrist compass, carried two peacemaker was slammed in free*. The one still caged is the Irr the recent appointment of James normal local services such as street and chief of all-the armed forces. Hitler denounced the vials of medicine, and a jail. antiquated nut, Rudolf Hess. t. O'Neill as the borough manager, the sewer, maintenance, police protection and Hitler uttered the thoughts, Treaty of Versailles, pro- "dead reckoning" map from He was questioned by Brit- 1 hope he hasn I used the Mayor and Council picked a 50-year-old the like, Mr. O'Neill hopes to obtain feder- the politics. Hess, who was lit- moted a stout comic opera Augsburg to Glasgow, Scot- ish Intelligence, but he was last 3(1 years to write another man who knows the borough well and who al aid for a borough recreation program erate, drafted the paragraphs, drug addict named Hermann land. , not permitted Jo see Church-' book... appears determined to make it a better that will cater to young and old residents. "place in which to live. Mr. O'Neill has a big job ahead. His The acquaintanceship began as a boy vitality, imagination and experience, when he attended Keansburg Grammar coupled with the cooperatiqn oE borough More Questions for Task Force School. Although he has traveled far and employes and residents, cafl be the assets The Register has received a build whatever buildings are wide since then, including supervisory en- that will help the Mayor and Council to copy of the following letter for proposed and pave the neces- U.S. Dollar gineering jobs with many federai and mu- continue providing effective government. publication: sary parking lots without dis- 851 Ocean Ave. from the foreign world niar- nicipal projects, his enthusiasm over the We wish him well. League of Women Voters FROM OUR turbing the flow of the creek Elberon, N.J. kets, further Isolating our of Middletown and without destroying its To the Editor: products! We must bring our 4 Amherst Ave. READERS marsh areas? Or will this be The devaluation of the U.S. production costs in line with Atlantic Highlands, N.J. another "Hahne's property?" dollar by the President is but world demand by our mechan^ ,-. Red Bank's New School Township Committee a stop gap measure or, more: ical know how or other means Town Hall The Middletown Township truly, an aspirin for a very s0 that we can freely compete Entries will be made Monday on an separate classroom wings that will pro- Middletown, New Jersey 07748 through both properties pro- League of Women Voters- serious disease that needs and• stav• e off- collapse It is important chapter in the history of Red vide freedom for a child to move ahead Gentlemen: vides a major drainage basin must go on record again in op- much drastic measures, later than we think Bank when youngsters spend their first based on his own need, or to receive the The questions whicn tiave not only for Middletown but * position to filling drainage ba- America was always the Edgar N Dmkelspiol clay in the new Red Bank Primary School attention and time that his pace dictates. arisen both pro and con the for many surrounding towns. sins with fill dirt lo provide leader in the world - one of on what was formerly known as the Farr proposed industrial park on Will this proposal, designed by flat land on which to build the richest countries. Unfor- The plan is a result of a study made the Gulick-Beekman tract the Task Force to provide anything, be it houses or gas tunately, of late, it has been Army's Candor Tract between River St. and Locust Ave. much-needed tax income to stations or schools - or indus- pillaged and weakened by the by Red Bank teachers six years ago. It have been thrashed about in 124 Miirsh.ill (onioursu . The building, fronting on Swimming Middletown, in the end cost trial parks. The projected tremendous giveaway pro- was successfully placed in limited use in the press and at various meet- Cliffwood lieaih, N.I. River, is of unusual design and, when land- ings, but the biggest question more than it can bring in gain in municipal income be- gram, war, and years of irres- the Mechanic vStreet School, and Dr. Rob- •when we consider the drain- comes a flight of fancy when ponsible leadership. Our gold To the Kditnr: scaping and plantings are completed, it has yet lo be answered, The Why should not the \ ice ert C. Hoops, superintendent of schools, is Mahoras brook, which,runs. age problem? Is it feasible to we look at the long-term cost supplies, one of the world's will be something of a showplace. Its not only to the environment medium of exchangejias been President be .illinved I he beauty, however, is of secondary impor- optimistic that the experience at the new .same candor of speech as oth- school will result in extending it all the but the dollar cost to repair systematically depleted by tance to the main reason it was built the the damage to natural drain- the idea that a false value of er dlirnis? Should he bu less way it is. way through the eighth grade. age basins as well. Moving a gold can be bolstered by the ilian candid?' l have oflen flowing stream has never American people in the face heard people say: "Where can For kindergarten, first, second and Many educational improvements have been an easy or inexpensive of a much higher-true val- you find sin honest politi- third grades, the structure was planned to occurred in Red B^nk in recent years, and process. Covering it with fill ue-keeping gold at a rldi- cian?" When we. get one, accommodate a new educational concept, the Board of Education, with its new build- is only temporarily success- culous?35per,,uunce. people say bo's divisive, Per- that of groupings by age levels in three ing, is setting the stage for even more. ful. Planning to build around haps wlial they mean is, he it seems both more sensible America was known as the shouldn't tell the truth-If it and better economics, world's leading producer of r"lrts- manufactured goods, with the "Ow can WL" correct .| is time-consuming, and those associated terest. We are asking tor vis- ( plumed to ii'poi'ior. who ha\e •the puiUl ami thereby icdue- voiced this rjijcn, (hiii he i .|: This year the fair, which opened last with it are to be commended. Shortly after ual aids which show clearly ing their buying power, fin- K not only how much of the llier avm\s nor disavows Mr. night and continues through tomorrow the tents are folded, committee members ther increasing tlic financial Agru-w\ pi'i-sonal MHicmcnt.s night - with a 5 p.m. "Chow Time" as one property will be utilized, but upheaval in thonni Ion loday will be busy planning next year's event. specifically which portions bill ilmt he encourages Inde- of the main highlights-has adopted the That won't be until Sunday, though. For and preciHcly how. The duties and tariffs to'try pendent thinking arid freedom tneme "Salute to Youth." young people them, and everyone, there's still tonight to bilng American goods info nl I'xpreM.Kion by members nf 1 Sincerely yours, IIJI (ifflciui family, are being served in a variety of ways, and all day tomorrow to enjoy this year's Mrs, Charts Bi'llln a competitive position \n Whether as participants in programs or efforts. 'New Game I'lmi — Same Bench" President world iniirketn In the long run ' YduiNirulj, i will result in tariff h»rili>rs fin-roll Wwilf The Daily Hegi*tMt Red Battk-MMiUeu>^N\J*FrM»"y*Septcmber 10,' 19B High Holy Days Rabbi Winters To Be Installed Cantor Appointed NEW SHEBWSBOBY - the various temple groups will Academy. ica. His most recent book, -,'•'• Rabbi Alton M. Winters will greet Habbi Winters with to- Rabbi Winters Joins'Mon- translation from Baser* •. LONG BRANCH - Rabbi gt tenor voices in this gen- be iustalled as rabbi of the kens of Welcome. moulh Reform Temple after "From Diplomacy to HeMs- ' Rafael G, Grcssman and Eu- eration. Monmouth Reform Temple, Guest speaker will be Rabbi 12 years as rabbi of the North tance," was published in 1W0. , gene Moss, president of Cun< In tho past, Cantor Green- here, at special services at Robert D. Schreibman, direc- Country Reform Temple, iiabbl Winters ana his ftial. '/• gregatlon Brothers of Israel, feld was invited to servo as tor of the New Jersey Council ly now reside in Lincroft. the cantor of the Heichel Glen Cove, N.Y. Prior to that ; Here, have announced the ap- The installation will be per- of the Union of Hebrew Con- he served temples in Bridge- After the installation ser* pointment of Cantor Chalm Shlomo Synagogue which Is formed by Monroe Deulsch, gregations and associate di- vice, Rabbi Winters will be the main synagogue of Je- port, Conn., and Hough- Greenfeld of New York City president of Monmouth Re- rector of the New York Fed- kcepsie, N.Y. In addition, the guest of honor at an oneg to chant the High Holy Day rusalem and of the chief rab- form Temple, at the service eration of Reform Syna- shabbat reception at the bis of Israel. He has served as Rabbi Winters has translated services. Cantor Greenfeld . to be conducted by lay mem- gogues. Rabbi Schreibman is Israeli writers for the Jewish temple and sponsored by the y was formerly cantor of Man- a faculty member of the Can* bcrs of the temple. Each of originally from Perth Amboy Temple Sisterhood. .'•** hattan's West Side In- torlal Institute of Yeshiva and' recently served Temple •Publication Society of Amer- stitutional Synagogue. He is a University. Cantor Greenfeld peth Sholom, Annapolis, Mel./ graduate of the Nitra Yeshiva has appeared on concert stage Teddy Steiner where he worked with mid- if Hungary where he also and has won praise or au- shipmen of the U.S. Naval WEEKEND SPECIAL studied liturgical music. In diences throughout the world, B Milzvah Sel his career as a cantor, he has Allan Hirschman, noted mu- LOWERS ROOM RATES io-*;i.p been acclaimed as one of the sicologist, will direct the 20- Tcddy Steiner, son of Mr. and ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - voice choir of the synagogue. Mrs, Abraham Steiner of Mid- Anne Arundcl General Hospi- Mr. Hirschman has wide ex- dlutown, celebrates his Bar tal, putting off employee pay! LOBSTERS perience in choral direction Mltzvah at Sabbath morning raises because of President' Schedule and synagogue music. In rec- services at 10:30 tomorrow at Nixon's national wage-price; ognition of his experience and Monmouth Reform Temple, freeze, has reduced its room; Set for High performance, the congrega- He is an eighth grade stu- rates by $1 per day. tion has appointed him direc- dent at Thorne Junior High "If we raise rates when costs. HIGHLANDS Holy Days tor of the Synagogue Choir. School where his favorite sub- go up, we believe we should The choir will assist Cantor jects are history and English. lower them when expected ex- LOBSfER POUND MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Greenfeld during the Holy Ills ambition for the future is penses do not occur," explained Fool of AllanlleSI, o(f Bo» Am. liimple Shalom, lleform con- Day services. law. Shelburne H. Walker, hospital 872-9861 HI&HUNOS fregatlon serving the Bay- president. •hore area announces the completion of plans for its High Holy Days, ushering in tie Jewish year 5732. As in years past. Rabbi Henry M. Weincr will officiate at all adult services. Featured Rcslsler stall Pholo soloists will be Mrs. Fred SKIERS' PARADISE - The Sport Spot, 801 Broad Kudish and Mrs. Ted St., Shrewsbury, Is planning a Ski Swap for the Sehofield. Both Mrs. Kudish benefit of the YMCA—Arrowhead race team to- •and Mrs. Schofield nave ap- morrow from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Public is Invited to pejiced before many civic, re- ligious and social organiza- Never been satisfied come and swap or sell outgrown or used ski .equipment and clothing and highlight will be two tions. The augmented adult fashion shows with models from the race team In- choir is again under the direc- • cluding Henry Lynn» left rear, of Marlboro, tion of Walter Borne, YMCA racing chairman, and Mark Ugleslch, Evening services will be Holmdel, member of the Y. Co-owners of The held at 7 and 9:30 on Sept 19 Sport Spot, Mrs. Pat Martin, left foreground, and and Sept 28. Morning services' Mrs. Gloria Richter will also hold sale at shop. will be held each day at 10 a.m. Junior congregation ser- vices will be conducted by with your lawn? and for children in third Sports Spot Swap through seventh grades. Leon Gura will direct the services, which will begin at 7:15 p.m. Day Tomorrow Membership Information can be obtained from the ' SHREWSBURY - Tomor- sell used or outgrown ski temple office or Joel Gold- ^iONTRAEY to popular belief, a lawn doesn't do all its row's event at The Sport Spot, equipment or clothing. schmidt 801 Broad St., is official notifi- Benefits from the nominal / growing in the spring, and then just hang on through cation that another exciting admission charge and refresh- t sld season is beginning. ments will go to the YMCA- Named to Head summer and decline after Labor Day. In early fall grass It's Swap Pay, when the Arrowhead race team. EAI Subsidiary does stop growing up so much. Instead it wants to public is invited to swap or Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. grow new side shoots and new roots. It tries to get with Mayor Robert C. Law- WEST LONG BRANCH - NEW HEEL PLATE rence 3rd opening the festi- Kenneth A. Anderson has thicker—and so it will if you encourage tt with DURHAM, N.C(AP)-A vities. been appointed president of ScOttS TURFBUILDER. heel plate designed by Otho It is an outdoor event, and Visual Educom, Incorporated, Davis, Duke University trainer, rain date is Sept. 18. the recently acquired subsi- Applied at this time of year, Turf Builder is claimed to give better, lateral The Arrowhead race team diary of Electronic. Associ- traction in fast directional is designed for families and ates, InCj greatly stimulates the development of new roots changes end to help reduce the youth and will begin Sunday, Educom is based in Mich- and side shoots. It makes your lawn grow number and severity of ankle and running for two hours. A max- igan City, Ind., and Mr. An- knee injuries to football players. imum of 40 skiers will be ac- derson will continue to make greener, thicker and sturdier. Turf Builder Molded of resin, the cleat cepted for the clinic, which his headquarters there. He makes grass stay that way longer too, developed by Davis is a single- consists of two new clubs, one held the same position prior to piece design with a deep angular because of its patented Trionized bonding. slot. Its surface area, Davis ex- for ages 4 through 8 and the the purchase of the company other for ages 9 through 13. by EAI from Visual Elec- Turf Builder has other advantages too. plains, is great enough to prevent tronics Corporation. penetration into the turf, allow- Members of the team arc It's fight in weight, easy to handle and ing the beel to move in the event scheduled to model the latest EAI president Boy S. Mush- the player receives a side blow to in ski wear at two fashion rush said Mr. Anderson will odorless. Being granular, there's nothing the leg. The angled slot in the shows planned during the Ski be in charge of all aspects of beel plate allows the player to Swap, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. the educational electronics to mix or spray. Available in three sizes: cut with the same ease as stan- . The Sport Spot also will run business including manufac- 5,000 sq ft bag (20 lbs) 5.45; dard cleats. a sale in conjunction with the turing, design, marketing 10,000 sq ft bag (40 lbs) 9.95; The Davis cleats, field tested Swap, offering the newest in and finance. for a year before being placed on skis, boots, bindings, poles The Educom president was 15,000 sq ft bag (60 lbs) 13.95. the market, fit any standard and clothes at 40 per cent dis- graduated from Purdue Uni- shoe. _. . counts. versity in 1955 and immediat- ely joined The General Elec-- , trie Company, and served in a series of engineering and ex- Jim Bishop ecutive positions before leav- '. HIE mtsor . i . ing in 1967 to become vice will be here ilARIIMUIIII.K'.'s * KINC.JK , I president of Recognition IN PERSON Equipment Company, Dallas, Tex. He assumed the presi- dency of Educom two years Tues., Sept. 14th later. From 4:00 P.M. Population Curbs Eyetl to autograph copies LONDON (AP) - Geologist, of his new book. Robert Allan says in a book called "Can Britain Survive?" .that to help curb population growth, diapers and baby food you never should bo taxed and bonuses of $480 should bo paid to per- sons who have themselves 631 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. • 842-2212 sterilized. $ W.-YHiMinir «» w All 6 off You can fed it in the Fall! Scotts beef-up your At these lawn lawn by NEW MONMOUTH THE VILLAGE GARDEN CENTER spreader "seeding-in" FREE GIFT FOR YOU! 24 Chorry Treo Farm Road i Just bring this coupon to one of RED BANK Bast way to add new lifo the retailers listed here. You JACOBS HARDWARE to a skimpy lawn la to Retailers 273 Shrewsbury Avenue will receive a package of Scotts plant groaQ seed right Into tho existing turf. FAMILY' cons NECK HANCE & DAVIS la a blond of bliie-graas arid Una feocuoa that does JAY'S FARM & GARDEN CENTER House Plant Food absolutely 26 Shrewsbury Avenue Hwy. 34, Box 22 C well boih In (nil ouri and partial shade. free. No purchase necessary. RED BANK HARDWARE 1,000 sq. ft. 2.45 2,500 85, fl, 3.33 FAIR HAVEN Each packet provides up to 96 30 Monmouth Street • ••••Ma FAIR HAVEN HARDWARE INC. 752 Rivor Road feedings! Adults only, please. SHREWSBURY Limit one per customer, while BRIGHTACRE I lIlEE House Plant Food Broad Stroot & QuMrt Anns Or, 1 (With Thla Coupon). SWARTZGL INC. • AMERICAN HOWE supply lasts. 645 Holimiol Road LAWES COAL & GARDEN SUPPLIES f NO PUHCHASE NECESSARY Sycamoro Avo., - Rivor Road, • Limit 1 par Customer, iWhlle HOIWPH 'Shrewsbury - Fair Haven " . Ihoyjaat CERLIONE'S GREENHOUSES R.D, I.Hwy. 3(i MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER' Urlng In your old •premlci'. . . p weR R KES< TH TCHERS 777 Shrewsbury Avcnuo any makiJ or nioilel.und Iruilc it WE RENT: ° * * - HOlfflDaVlHAGt MARLBORO MIDDHTOWH WENOEL'S FARM & GARDEN CENTER In ou a new Scotts Spreader. HOLMDEL VILLAGE HARDWARE MIDOLETOWN GARDEN CENTER School Road Vtot ' Hwy. 35 WISTIHD Scolls Is nittRKilly Lull! lo last for ROTOTIUBRS, SPREADERSjUWN VACUUMS, ROLLERS Holmdol-Koyport Rood MATAWAN JOHN GUIflE COMPANY ycnrn, yot W» II«lilwciiBli.t »"'' KEYPORT WILLIAM H. POTTER Bi SONS' ' 18* Brighton Avanu* oiisy to handle. Him Diul-ii-MiUlfi J)GPtt&J OnPg.7 HARRIS HARDWARE Rod Hill Road CUFFWOOD FARM MARKET INC. 130 Main Strool wiling anil niitf<r(!Uiliiig width, mid SIGISMONDl'S GREENHOUSE SIANOS FARM MARKET 4 . 35 G~RE£NHOTSES H0UM^'Lj GALE'S HARDWARE CO. Lloyd Road Highway 35 NTER Nul-fenlsluut IliiMi. 26 W. Front Slront w te.w\tMiMii.«;,wff.wWl ff W VI Ml «/ \ll Ml <>/ i//«l/il/«il lilw 32S Hwy, 36 ' **""»«/» Hrgislcr,1M OJIII - MMffIi-|o« n, N.J.. 10,1971 Green Acres Talks Set In Shrewsbury application •<«>lls processing SHREWSBURY-The Department of Environmental cuss the local aspects end im- pact of Green Acres funds. >rtll be explained- Monmoutb County Con- Protection will apeak on the Neat Munch, secretary of servation Council will meet In $80 million Green Actes bond The genwal public Is In- East-West Trade vited to attend the meeting. Ihe Monmouth County Con- the Eastern Branch of the issue which will be before the received clearance for Its $700 Local officials of municipal- borvatlon Council, said that, Monmouth Ointy Uliruiy on voters in November. Mr. million contract.. ities expecting to file appli- "This mtiutMK also is the Blurt Rt. 35 on Tuesday at X p.m. Truncer will be joined by his easing of restrie- This particular project cx- cations for (iivcn Acres funds df the council's campaign for Successful emplies the type of obstacles Joseph J. Truncer, chief of son, Mr. James J. Truncer, di- passage of the

BANKS niv. niii Asknf 65 Bank of Manalapan Belmar-Wall National c-plit 2 for 1) T;00 Central Jersey Bank (x) (xx). ; 14 vumni $699 Farmers i, Merchant-, (v) (xx) 18 m 11 Aide Is Promoted First Merchants Nafl Bank (x) (xx).... •1yiVt3 ay s MANALAPAN - Bernard First Nat'l Bank of Toms River (x) (xx) *>& ttjij H. Weiser, chairman of th>! COLOR First State Ocean CountyL(x) (xx) , W/i 19 Kcansburg-Midrllctown (.20 42 board of the Bank of Manala- Bank of Manalapan , ' 24 26 pan, has appointed Miss Gail Middlelown Banking Co. (10% Stock Div.).... .15 17 Petrosky, 32 Woods Road, Monmouth County Nat'l (x) (xx) (xxx) ttfo 6% Freehold Township, assistant N.J..National Bank (x)...'; . 31% WA corporate secretary. Ocean*County National ..;. • 41,4 4% courses this fall. Foodarama...:,.'.,. '. 16% 16% Miss Petrosky is a graduate Miss Gall Petrosky Interdata.....:...'.'..... ". 8% 9 » 1 of Hoboken High School and Ttifs handsome Sylvanla portabl* features color. brl(ht International Components Corp.. ...,.... ., ~yt iyj cellent position to execute her l completed a one-year busi- 85 picture tube fat sharp, natural color pictures and King James Extended Care..".., 2y2 3 /t ness course at the Mandl new duties. Gibraltar 85 chassis for solid-state performance and I-aird , $ gi/2 Business School in New York. [•liability. Cabinet of Walnut toller grain finish on metal. Metallurgical International ..- 3.^ 41^ Mr. Weiser said Miss Pet- Secretary S Monmouth Airlines...... ,....-.... 3^ i-^ rosky had been .associated Monmouth Capital •. 81^ 9 with him in the "entire pro- Monmouth Industries..; .'. • 1^ % Work Praised ceedings in the formation of FT. MONMOUTH - Mrs. Monmouth Park :.... j jj.y the bank, and is in an ex- GIBSON 19 CU.FT N..T, Natural Gas.;....: , j™ jgif' Nathalie L. Hendrickson has been cited for the quality of Rowan Controller ..." p/t 2$ • 100%'FROSI FREE Servomation .' 3gi/, her work as secretary to the Southern Container Corp 35^ director of programs, Army Spiral Metal. Satellite Communications SIDE-BY-SIDE U.S. Homes • 34/? (SATCOM) Agency. United Telecontrol Electronics... ;, , ,. „£• Joseph P. Vineelli, acting s8 The Walter Rcade Organization, Inc.: '..'. ~J« director of programs, present- 388 Winslowtel , 1 • ed the quality step increase to Mrs. Hendrickson. Giant capacity, frost tree and It's less than Mi's. Hendrickson is a grad- 32" wide! Seperate temperature controls and uate of Glens Falls Academy specialized food compartments. 81-1029 Overnight Mail and attended Albany Business College. She has held numer- MOMMOUIH COUNTT I OIOIS1 MO11 ous secretarial positions in the • UmilNCIO rv and MUilC CINTf• Signal Corps Engineering Hailet Plaza, 30 Broad Street, Deliveries Set Laboratories prior to transfer- RED BANK - Monmouth bury Ave. between W. Bergen ring to the Satcom Agency in Rt. 35 Hazlet Red Bank Open Late Wed. & Frl. Nights County postmasters have am- Place and Catherine St. and 1963. She lives with her family Open Late Hon., Wed. & Frl. Nights plified on a new mail service in front of each post office at 40 Elizabeth Drive, Ocean- OF RED BANK Credit Terms Available program. will be collected for next day port. The second national postal delivery. service goal announced by Postmaster Benincasa Postmaster General Winton urges all mailers to observe M. Blount in August caffs (of the collection time on the the overnight delivery of local mailbox before depositing Alfred K Kelly first class mail. In this area, mail. He says mail will be col- the goal for overnight deliv- lected as scheduled. Elected as Bank \ Read the front pages' of your directory. W Don't be an audience for an obscene. ery is all first class mail be- For mail posted on Satur- y. You'll find a lot of useful information there. caller. Hangup. tween any post office in Mon- days requiring Monday deliv ce presideiil For instance, on page 3 you'll find the num- Y* Make it easier for someone- to call you by mouth County on weekdays. ery, he suggests that mailers NEW YORK - Alfred F. ber of thcServicc Representative to call if you Kelly has been elected a vice pulling your phone nttmbcr and Area Code on The overnight delivery note the Saturday collection have any questions about your telephone ser- areas will be identified in post time on the boxes. If in doubt, president at the 57th Street of- personal stationery. office lobbies. The schedule is post it in a mailbox in front of fice of Bankers Trust Com- vice. And you'll also find the numbei to call for repair service if your telephone is not Y* Choose from three convenient ways to expected to be 95 per cent ef- a post office, he said, pany, according to William H. pay phone bills—mail, business office, author* fective by Oct. 31. Sunday collection is limited Moore, chairman of the working properly. There's much moreirifor- Postmaster Benjamin Ben- to mailboxes in front of the board. inajioi} there, too. ized payment agency. • ,; incasa said many areas con- post offices only. Mr. Kelly joined Bankers Y F'nd products and services you need'in tiguous to each local office Postmaster Benincasa asks Trust in 1951 through a merg- the Yellow Pages. It's the first place to look." er with Commercial National will benefit from next day de- volume mailers to assist in Y Give the parly you're calling a reasonable liveries under the new pro- the success of the plan by Bank. He was named an assis- gram. mailing early in the day; stag- tant treasurer in 1961 and as- chance to answer; wait ten rings before hang- . In the Red Bank delivery gering billing days and not sistant vice president in 1966. Oil ing up. area, first class zip coded sending out all bills on the Mr. Kelly is a graduate of Y* Before you begin to dial, always wait for mail deposited by 5 p.m. on first of each month; avoiding the New York University \ Calls to other states dialed direct, with- • the dial tone. ' . , ' weekdays in mail boxes on non-priority mailings on days School of Commerce, and at- out the services of an operator, arc cheaper If* When dialing, don't force the dial back.!* Broad St. from Front Si. to before or after a national ho- tended graduate school there. than those made through'an operator. (Ex- liday, and using Zip Code on Always let it return naturally. And prcssTouch- Pinckney Road, on Monmouth He and his family reside in cept 011 calls to faraway Alaska and Hawaii.) • St. to Maple Ave., on Shrews- all mail. Middletown, N.J. Tonc buttons firmly. Y Directly-dialed calls to other stales cost |f Use Area Codes on calls to locations out- even less on'weekends and after 5 p.m. during side your own area. RESTAURANT- the week. • COCKTAIL LOUNGE Y Refer lo numbers as you dial them. It the CLAM HUT \* Station-to-station calls within New Jersey helps avoid niisdialing. cost less ,on weekends and after 7 p.m. during Y* Keep pencil and paper handy to jot down SEA FOOD IOVERS... (he week. * messages and things to remember from phono, Y* If you get a bad connection 011 a toll call, conversations. < hang up. Then; tell the operator. She'll set up V When you plan In move, or if you're YES! WE'RE OPEN 5 DAYS a new call and adjust ihe charge. " changing service, call ilic Business Oflicc as Y* If you get a wrong number on a loll call, soon as possible. And numerous (OPEN FRIDAY FOR LUNCH) iell the operator. She'll.make sure the call is V Organize your thoughts before making a not put on your bill. long distance call,' and avoicl^having to call other tips on how to REGULAR HOURS: \ Take iidviinlagc of .special price offerings. hack. •For example: (I) The Residence Package of- \ (n't separate listings in the phone book get the most from fers savings on monthly and one-time charges for people living with you. A great convenience WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY on three or more Touch-Tone* phones. (2) Se- at a small cost. your phone service. 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. lective Culling and Ixonopak allow you to If Underline numbers you use in (he phone use the phone more lor less cost. Call your book to iriakc them easy to liiul again. If, I'i'y one- lump sum instead of monthly local Business Ollice for details. y Hold the phone in front of and neeaar your FRIDAYS SATURDAY chargesforTrlmlinc^phoncs.Princess*phones •• 12 Noon to 10 P.M. \ Ask us. loo. iihoul special services for lips for better voice transmission. handicapped people. \ Save yourself 11 lot of running around and Dell Chimes by taking advantage of our Y* Teach your youngsters to dial "O" for with low-cost extension phones in key loca- Single Payment Option. SUNDAY Operator in an emergency. . tions throughout your home. IT llcmcmbcr, New Jersey Bell is licrc lo 12 Noon to 9 p.m. Y* Automatic Dialers are available at a smitll help you, So, if you have any questions at all lli.'it were not answered here, just call your Y Keep a list of frequently called numbers cost, Mail for people who call the sajnc num- handy. Free personal number booklets are bers often.' local Telephone Business Oflkc. available from your Business Ollice. ' V Have H second residence line installed. A to Highland! Lobtiar Pound Y J°i down telephone numbers when you big convenience that costs litilc. . toot of Atlantic St. ad Bay Avunuo get them for the first lime, mid keep them \ 'to sure your receiver.isn't left oft' the HIGHLANDS - 872-9753 handy for future .reference. . . , . hook, or J

HOLMDEI. - "They're all smiles now," suid tho Rev. begin tomorrow EUgcne Scheg, assistant pas-, otlto Ocewpflrt tor of ijt. Catherine's Catholic wtjl canvass tWl Church, Middlotown Hoad, for one week where Mass was celebrated ings. for tho first time last Satur- A1I day. witl revert to t!» "Yes, we received great CIK to further th* Lta# operation from the men, wom- o en and children of the parish effts. in constructing tho new church," Father Scheg said, Chalnnafl of tin ' "They were anxious for a new Is H. C. Colyer. church and everyone, from members of the parish council Burd, Robert C to the smallest tot, helped us Deftera. B. % with our continuing fund Van Note antfl. drive." • " The light brick building which seals 350 was designed by Karlbcrg, Moran Associ- ates, Pennington architects, and built by Anthony Busch of A. P. Busch, Inc., Mtddletown. Father Scheg was speaking r»f«y«f «S for the Rev. Janies T. Con- JOB COMPLETED — Three men who played maior parts in construction ' HegllUr Sloff Pliofat • mediocrity, '•, I** < ncll, pastor of St. Catherine's, PROUD PASTOR — The Rev. James T. Connell, pastor of St. Catherine's^ who was busy with parish and opening of St. Catherine's Catholic Church, Hotmdel, stand along reason and rMelrt, modern exterior, They are, from left) Anthony P. Busch» president of A.P. Catholic Church, Middletown Rood, Holmdel, stands inside new bulWfng duties and unavailable for an where the first Mass was celebrated Sunday. Free-standing altar and Interview. Busch Construction. Thomas Moran, architect's consultant, and the Rev. James Connell, pastor. < closeness of congregation are in keeping with tenetsof Vatican M. Father Cornell has been pastor here, and at St. Ga- ment to the alacrity with "The churcli is substan- people devised various fund- demned." Soon daily Mass will be of- •pleasure to,attena the first briel's, Bradcvelt (currently which tho building program tially completed," he said. raising activities, including a He said with the rapid pop- fered there. Father Scheg Mass there, building a new church also), was finished. "The Interior's a very Ughi big dinner-dance run by the ulation growth of this part of said, but for now there's only "I'm sure the/people are and St. John's, Marlboro. brick and I'd call it a mixture ladies of fhe parish. . the county, the need for a new a weekend schedule: 5 very grateful to/Bishop Ahr, He served as chaplain at of modern and traditional, No wonder they're de- church was' imperative - Saturday and 8:30; 10 and Father Connellland Father Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital Selichot with an emphasis on the for- lighted today: Father Scheg "and everyone responded 11:30 a.m. Sunday. Scheg for their interest in our for 10 years, so this coun- mer." called the old St. Catherine's magnificently. The new St: One parishioner described spiritual welfare. tryside has been "home" to building "suspect, but I don't Catherine's is a testimonial to the building as being "clean, ••The new St. Catherine's the Philadelphia native for a Services The cornerstone, be said, think it was officially con- much faith and hard work," light and functional. It was a serves us beautifully." number of years. will be laid at the bishop's Tomorrow convenience and, in the mean- Ground was broken for St. time, the 350 families served MATAWAN - The Jewish Catherine's, Father Sclieg by the parish are flocking to said, on Oct. 4,1970 - a testa- High Holy Days will be ush- their new church. ered in at Temple Beth Ahm Father Scheg calls it mqre Bank Displays Seascapes with traditional Selichot ser- than a church: "It's a parish vices -at midnight tomorrow. center," he explained, "a hub KUMSON - An exhibit of to winter. Mrs. Cocker is a permanent -ing college. The services will be con- of parish life and activities." seascape painting In acrylics Taught to paint by her exhibitor at the Old Mill Gal- Mr. Egan noted that Mrs. ducted by Rabbi Raphael by Barbara J, Cocker, In pri- mother, a graduate of Mas- lery, Tinton Falls, and an as- Cocker's works may be view- Gold and Cantor Joseph Tau- In lina with tbis concept, vate life Mrs. John T. Cocker sachusetts School of Art, Mrs. sociate exhibiting member of ed by the public during regu- man. ' ' Fathers Connell and Scheg al- of Rumson, is currently on Cocker attended Becker Ju-. the Guild of Creative Art, lar banking hours at the bank The temple, at 550 Lloyd ready have expansion plans display through Columbus nior College, Mount Saint Shrewsbury. office. Road, will precede the ser- for their brand new building. Cay at the Rumson office of Mary College, and the New Many of her paintings are THE UNITED vices with a social hour, be- "The hall at the rear will be The Central Jersey Bank and York School of Interior De- owned by corporations and METHODIST ginning at 11 p.m. Refresh- Trust Company, the,manager sign. U expanded," Father Scheg private collectors in the shore FOR THERE IS ONE GODr AND CHURCH ments will be served, and the said. "It'll be used for a meet- and assistant treasurer, Al- area and elsewhere. *v 217 Broad Street public Is invited. ing room and catechetical fred R. Egan, announced She has had a one-man Mre. Cocker also owns and Red Dank, New Jersey The High Holy Days begin classes." today. show at the Barbizon Art Gal- operates an interior design ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND with Rosh Hashanah Sept. 20 lery, New York City, has ex- WELCOME! Cost of the complex, he Consisting of some 30 paint- business, known as Barbara J. and 21, and conclude with said, was $300,000 and the ings in all, done on Cape Cod, hibited with the Burr Artists, Cocker, interior Design, func- MEN, THE MAN CHRIST JESUS.'' Communion at &30 AJL Yom Kippur Tuesday eve- Cape Ann, and the New Jer- Gramercy Park, New York, tioning in design work, color Worship services o ning, Sept 28, and the Mow- CHURCH CABNIVAL sey snore, the exhibit features of which she Is a member; coordination and retailing: I TIMOTHY 2:5 fcTOdlMlOAJfl with the Catherine Lorrillard Omrcli Sclionl ing day. Those interested in FAIR HAVEN - Nativity a variety of seaseapes-the Her husband is a design en- Wolfe Art Club at the National &30 and 11:00 A.M. guest tickets for the temple Catholic Church will have its open sea, running heavy seas, gineer at Bell Telephone Lab- THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, are Invited to telephone the annual fund-raising carnival the salt marshes, old lim- Academy of Design and at the oratories, Holmdel. The Nursery Provided MAIN AND W. THIRD STREETS REV. &• Rev. Rollo A. Michael temple office or Mrs. Shelley at the church hall from 10 bered pilings and the loneli-. Salmagundi Club in New York couple has two sons, Neil and Stahl, membership chairman. a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 18. ness and solitude of the ocean City. David, both currcnUy.all.endn SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 30 A.M./W0RSWP «WS OPEN SUNDAY 8 A.M. To 5 P.M. • WED. and FRI. TILL 9 P.M. MON. • TUES. • THURS. • SAT. 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. ANYBODY CAN SjElLL YOU SCOTTS PRODUCTS at the Regular Price BUT^. Who Will Give You a 10% Discount on 10 Units or More? WE WILL! A unit is any box or bag or can or spreader in the Scotts line. You can buy your fall and spring supply (charge the whole purchase and pay for it as you use it!)

PLUS 111

5,000 % ff.795 "7*0/000 Sq. ft. :.1495\

ANYBODY CAN... BUT WHO WILL .. ANYBODY CAW SELL YOU SCOTTS TURF BUILDER - BUT WHO WILL SPREAD A GIGANTIC BAG (15,000 Sq. Ft.) For 25 ANYBODY CAN SELL YOU A QUALITY PRODUCT AT A FAIR PRICE - BUT! - Who will GUARANTEE you GOOD GRASS GROWTH SCOTTS GUARANTEE: If for any reason (this includes washout or weather insurance) you are not satisfied . . . You Are Entitled To Get Your ilioney Back. Simply send us your evidence of purchase (our receipt) and we will mail you a check PROMPTLY! * BROAD STREET SHREWSBURY 747-5555 I 10 < r, Hid ItdriL - MiiMli town, \,J.. friiIu>.!V|ilfi»lI»iT 10. W7I ig Craze Sends fOceanpoi* t Candidate Cyclinj Ifite Apartment Issue Bike Sales Wheeling •••Speeding by th M «« t OUSANPOKT*- in a state- apartments in our borough un- 'The demand is five doesn'..^»>.t allontiinwn timhve itno sa nop ani d I mcnt isbued at Democratic By MARY SCHURZ less and until our zoning ordi- times," snid Anthony Corso. erve nature" wW ;» 1 campaign headquarters, El- nance is amended and up- Associated Press (lbS manager or one of No* York. Mall a member of the in i.iWtKl Li .Baxter, mayoralty graded to deal specifically City's largest bike stores. State Bicycle Touring Society, ' c«ndid»te sounded'a warning with garden apartments. I David lleineman, a 21-year- "Three years ago 80 per cent i to the voters of the borough strongly feel that apartments old employe of a Dallas tlonut with members in Iowa, Min- of iho bikes were for children. nesota and his honiosUile, < flotto be misled by the ap- should be the last ratable we shop, sold his van and bought Today it's just the reverse." ! pearance of the garden apart- seek, not the first." a 10-specd racing bike to take Wisconsin. , Ttu« Bicycle Institute of Mike Pyzcl, director of ment question on the Novem- In offering substitute ra- a vacation trip to Hidgewnod, America estimates Americans ber ballot. lables, Mr. Baxter said, "We N.J., riding nearly 100 miles a Kiteids for Blkeology in San- will buy 8.5 million bicycles la Barbara, Calif., takes is "This referendum is In no should seek light industrial, day. M bv the "end uf this year, U > way legally binding on the retail, commercial and profes- Hugh Zimmerman, a New two-year-old son on trips with million more than last year. A him on a seat on the back of •| governing body' but merely sional building type ratables. York City librarian, uses his spokesman said that mure | lithe' expression of public opin- "The only way the people of living room as a garage for the bike. "He's come out with than 75 million people tide bi- spontaneous comments ime, ; 'ioii related to apartments," he our borough can effect sen- three bicycles - a beat-up one cycles. i said. sible change is to vote for that for work, a 10-spced for week- •Daddy, I love trees,'" said i Continuing, Mr: Baxter change." end jaunts, a third for the in- "Bikes have been around Pyzel. "I really love the ex- for 125 years, there's nothing perience of showing a whole said, "The only way to be cer- evitable guest. 1 tain that the sorry spectacle They and millions of Ameri- new about them," said Claii new world to a youngster." of last November is not re- Children's Film cans have been swept up in Slillman, Richmond, Minn., Dr, Paul Dudley White rec- peated, is to remove from of- I he adult bicycling craze that bike seller. "What's new is ommended bicycling 15 years fice the incumbent mayor, Show Is Slated has emptied bicycle dealers' this ecology kick." ago to avoid heart disease. who by his actions at the iVALI, - A four-film pro- showrooms across the nation Some call it Bikeology, Former Georgia Gov. Lester council meetings advocating gram for teenagers will be and swamped manufacturers Bike riders say riding offers Maddox used tp stunt-ride.on approval of Mr. Philip Iselin's presented at the Wall Town- GETTING READY,,.-'Robert Hope, manager, Steinbach, Red Bank, and with ii backlog of'orders. them a sense of freedom and a bicycle and have children proposed garden apartments ship branch of the Monmouih Scouts make plans for Recycling Day which will be held tomorrow in all Some are pedalinij to im- adventure in the countryside, up to the mansion Christmas. without proper zoning amend- County Library on Wednesday six Steinbach stores. Citizens are urged to bring in aluminum cans. All prove their health. Ofners, out a humanizing quality in im- Day to ride over the paths on ments to protect the borough, at 8 p m. funds raised will go to the Scouts. Scouts here are, left to right, Danny to do their bit to improve the personal cities the grounds. has exhibited callous dis- The library, in the Circle Wright, Troop 17, Red Bank; Mary Murphy, Troop 359, Red Bank and environment, see the bike as a regard for the interests of his Plaza Shopping Center, Kt. 35 Molly Muldaur, Troop 359, Red Bank. quiet, nonpolluting alternative fellow townspeople." and Atlantic Ave., will show: to the automobile. Still others, Further stating his position, '!The Lottery", "The Stu- with an eye to the pocketbook, Mr. Baxter added, "Contrary dent," "Frog Went say the bike is cheaper than to the present mayor's ap- A'Courtin'" and "Allures." Steinbach To Collect the bus, the car or subway proach, my position is and has Announcement of the pro- and gets them to work quick- been clear on the entire issue. gram was made by Mrs. Vic- er through traffic-strangled I do not want to have garden toria Ross, branch librarian. cities. Others pedal just for ••••• •••••••••••••• Aluminum Tomorrow the plain fun of it. "They're driving us out of scouts to raise funds," Mr. our minds," said Pat Patter- ASBURY PARK - To help Reynolds will pay going to the son, a Portland, Ore., bike DON'T MISS THE fight the war on solid waste Scouts of Monmouth, Ocean, Slovak adds. Union Added dealer who sold 1,750 bicycles accumulation - and also put and Union Counties. in the first six months of this some money in the till for the "Everybody benefits from It's the first time that the SWAP AT THE continuing Steinbach effort to year. "They've taken all the Girl and Boy Scouts - Stein- Recycling Day, which is one fun out of the business." bach will hold Recycling Day of the major events in our . aid Scouting, which has in- SPORT SPOT: tomorrow to collect all-alumi- Ecology 71 program," says cluded two gala benefit per- Five years iago Patterson's ,, num cans, Michael A. Slovak, Steinbach formances at the Garden sales totaled 350 bikes fonthe Stale Arts Center, will be ex- whole year. In cooperation with Rey- president. • • •• • • tended to Union County, Dallas bike shop operator. SEPT. 11. nolds Metals Co., a leader in Recycling Day provides the Pete Deckers said there never the antilitter battle, Steinbach community with an opportu- Scouts will man the collec- 'THE SPORT SPOT 801 Broad St. Shrewsbury has been such a boom', even in will collect the cans from 10 nity to fight litter by reducing tion bins, which will be set up >•••••••»»••»•••••»••••<> in the Asbury Park store at the gas-rationed days of to 2 p.m. in all six stores. the amount of solid waste, World War II. Then they'll be turned over to conserves natural resources the Bangs Ave. entrance, in Reynolds for recycling - with by recycling valuable alumi- Elizabeth at the West Jersey the 10 cents per pound that num, and gives a way for the St. entrance, in Manalapan at the rear west entrance, in Brick Township and in Plainficld at the front door, and in Red Bank at the en- Manalapan GOP trance to the parking lot. Large plastic bags to hold the cans can be picked up, free, ahead of time at all Steinbach Rally Set Tonight ecology booths. MANALAPAN - The Ma- collector, at the Holiday Swim "We're going to need a lot tialapan Republican Club will Club tonight at 9. of cans since we want to help hold a kick-off rally for Town- The public is invited to hear the scouts to the utmost," ship Committee candidates the candidates informally said Mrs. Pat Hipp, Steinbach w Kenneth G. Olsen and Frank present their view's. A band coordinator for the program. Rockelein, and Martin Royer, will be provided for dancing "All-alurriinum cans are incumbent candidate for tax and refreshments will be worth $200 per ton, 10 cents a served. pound, and about one-half REAL ESTATE SALES CAREER Zeimelz Assigned Mr. Olsen, a GOP club cent per can," she added. New MONY Duties member for two years, is Aluminum Only Homestead SEMINAR NEW YORK T- Life insur- chairman of the Board of Only all-aluminum cans will ance specialist John E. Zei- Health. He and his wife, Rose- be accepted. One way to test metz, representative of Mu- maric, reside at La Valley cans is with a magnet. If it wkrpnie... tual of New York in Red Drive with, their two children, sticks, the can is iron. Anoth- Public Invited Bank, has been given addi- Mr. Rockelein, membership er thing to watch for is the tional administrative and su- chairman of the GOP club, is non-aluminum can that has an WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15,7:30 P.M. pervisory responsibilities as a member of the Greater Ma- aluminum top. These cannot an assistant manager with nalapan Jaycees, and the be accepted. The Berg Agency, New Jerseys Largest Residential MONY's Newark -Agency. He' township's Industrial Com- Aluminum cans can usually Real Estate Broker invites you to attend a seminar on will be responsible for man- mittee. He lives on Camelot be identified easily because "How to Make Real Estate Your Career" on Wednes- power recruiting and the ad- Court with his wife and two they have no seam. day, September 1 5 at 7:30 p.m. at The Empress Mo- ministration of the company's daughters. Reynolds initiated the all- tel, 101 Asbury Ave. (at the Ocean). Asbury Park, life insurance training pro- Mr. Rover, running for a aluminum beverage can recl- N.J. The seminar, at no cost or obligation to the pub- grams. second term as tax collector, amation program and has ek- lic, is designed for the benefit of men and women, ex- Since joining MONY in 1967, is past president of the town- tended it to 16 states. The rea- perienced or not in Real Estate, who have considered Mr. Zeimetz has specialized in ship Republican Club, and son, according to' David P. the rewards fcnd advantages of Real Estate as a ca- life and health insurance plan- president of the Greater Ma- Reynolds, executive vice pres-~ reer. How to become licensed in the profession where ning for families'and business- nalapan Jaycees. He and his ident and general manager is: there are no layoffs and no ceiling to your earnings, men. He currently ranks wife, Lois, live on-Oxford "Aluminum is an excellent what training we offer and how you can double your among the top 25 per cent of Road with their five children. metal to recycle since it has a earnings as a career Real Estate salesman will be dis- MONY's 4,800-man national high scrap value. We are con- CU?Sed field force. fident that this scrap value, ' IMMEDIATE OPENINGS combined with the public's CUB PACK 144 concern for an economic • MEN AND WOMEN means of solid waste disposal, NEW MONMOUTH - Cub will make the aluminum recl- WE TRAIN YOU • EXPERIENCED OR NOT Scout Pack 144, sponsored by amation program a major St. Mary's Catholic Church, factor in reducing litter, while REMEMBER: Wednesday, September 15,7:30 P.M. will meet Wednesday, Sept. conserving our natural re- UINIRAL MANAGER THE EMPRESS MOIfUOl Asbury AVe. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in Euphemia sources." (at the Ocean), Asbury Park, N.J. Hall. A special movie will be OPEN DAILY, TEN TO FIVE shown. And in'the case of the Stein- KOmiRVATIONSMlDED! Members will tour the Na- bach Recycling Day, it also WARREN AVE. • SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS, N. J. . (201)449-2600 tional Headquarters of the will fatten the wallels of the scouts. THE Boy Scouts of America, North 12 Center Street Brunswick, Saturday, Sept. Metuchen, N.J. 25, Tlie charter bus will leave BERG (201) 548-5700 at 8:30 a.m. AGENCY The unit is accepting meni- A Oiviinn of 8HIG (surpniii, Inc. bership applications from bovs 8 to 10. OnSepUUh Mrs. Bevcrle Itichclson Teacher Gels your kid can be a winner, Master Degree even if your horse isn't OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Mrs. 185 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. SHREWSBURY, N.J. Beverle Bergcr Itichclson of September 11 th is Helme\t DaDay a att FreeholdFreehold.. emblazoned witwith ouourr FreeholFreehold <^nseali. A & P Shopping Center 741-0361 141,1 Rustic Drive has re- Which means the first 1,000 boys and girls ceived her master degree The helmet is strictly for the kids' But we from the department of early (between the ages of,12 and 16 and accom- have something just as exciting for the head childhood education-at New- panied by an adult) get an honest to good- of the family. ark Slate College. ness drivers helmet free. 11races,5exactasandadaily.double She is a I'M graduate of It's made of bright yellow plastic and it's Post time 1:30 P.M. ' Red Bank High School and earned her bachelor degree from Glassboro Stale College in lilfifi. Mrs. Hichelson is a third ABSOIUIILY fREE... ABSOLUJEIYDELICIOUS grade teacher at the Marjja- Get a tub of chicken FREE with purchase of • ret I, Vetter School in Eaton- $2.00 or more town. Bring this coupon to Chicken Holiday and re- The daughter of Mr, and Freehold O2"ftacemau r * One free tub of ceive a tempting tub of 4 hot, choice chunks - chicken to a family' Mrs. Jay Bergcr, formerly of of Country Chicken. Little Silver and now residing LU€LURr>TVOUTOUJin Sorry, offer good on 11K11 larvr uni i -rr\ mm w (Expires 9/14/71) Pick-up Orders only in Occanporl, she is married Freehold, New Jersey. Where Routes 9 & 33 meet. (01 Mud be 18 vis. or over to Howard Richelson, a slock- ' broker with Merrill, Lynch,' Pierce, Funnel' and Smith. No onfe under 12 adrrltled, Newark. ' Tbe Daily Eeptter, Red Bank - Mi towir has been Gettysburg Retail Merchants 1 Great Smoky National Paifc In . boomed and tliB cold steel of Association and the Gettys- it's big."., -;. . ' , , fall and spring it usually does, living off it ever BIIJCO. bayonets and hot load of rifle You can tour the battle An/J it,doc,s draw, ranking Tennessee and Lake Meade in The 53,000 casualties who burg .Travel council. They ; (BORDEN! bullets ripped into sweaty 'said the governor sought "to sites by bus, hire a! National No. 6 in the top 10 of the Park California get more visitors. fell on those three horrl.blo bodies, Park Service.., guide, fly over days of July, 1883, in what enjoin free enterprise activi- • " , ' •• r • .' Opponents say the tower ty." in a holicopter, ride, through Winter proved lo be the Civil War's will he an environmental ob- in your, own car assisted by a turning point, unwittingly Is Gettysburg honky tonk, scenity and an intrusion Unit selling slightly phony history rented, taped synopsis of the Arts Center Mind created an economic bonanza will break, the spell of history, sights, or walk the hallowed that, today attracts 4.5'million and fun lo visitors who buy Thomas It. Ottcnkein, mil- made-in-,lapan souvenirs by ground where the battle visitors annually who spend raged, reliving the final fury, more than $28 million. This is lionaire Washington promoter, the barrelful? Or does it Benefits StMew&de denies his tower is strictly for really try to show and tell it while carrying a; rented lIOLjUDEL -'The Garden twice as many as see'Irate* recorder that describes the and old," he said, adding that 1 pcndcncc Hall and the Liberty, the money, He calls it educa- like it was? State Arts Center is reaching the growing participation in ; tional, describes it as "a There is some of both. events with a background of more and more into all 21 Bell in Philadelphia. music and cannon fire, , the activities at tbe site fur- classroom in the sky," and in- It's the government's job to counties of New Jersey . thered its aim; of fuller utili- Without that chance meet- sists it will provide "a feeling Or you can stop off at Fan- through the work of its special Ing between ucri. ftobert E, chronicle in the park what zation. - , . ; • of liberation, which is basi- went on 108 years ago on the tasyland, sandwiched between public-supported fund, with; The fund which underwrites the first fertilizer Lee's invading Confederates cally what the Civil War was the cemetery, and the. battle- audiences for sponsored free, and the defending Union 16,000 acres that today boasts the free concerts and other made especially to help all about." . 2,393 monuments dedicated by field, and see a 23-foot plastic events drawn from a wide- shows at the Arts Center de- forces, followed a few months Mother Goose, visit the Oldspread area. lawns survive winter. later by President Abraham Ottonstcin originally states and regiments, 415 can- rives its main income from planned to build behind a mo- nons and 70 miles of wood and Woman's Shoe and lunch un- Chairman John P. Gallag- special benefit programs ar- i Lincoln's address, Gettysburg der the Lollypop Tree. 1 would be just another quiet tel, within a musket shot of stone fences. her of the New Jersey High- ranged with various groups in tho national cemetery. He Illstoryscapc Shame or Sham? way Authority, which oper- New Jersey and from individ- community,in rural America . Some call it a shame, oth- concentrating on its apples, compromised with the U.S. "We're trying to recreate a' ates the Arts Center on the ual contributions. Donations Interior Department, which historyscape, not a battle ers a sham. But those who Garden State Parkway and to the fund are tax deductible. cherries ami peaches. condone such commercialism runs Gettysburg National scene with the gore," says administers the fund financ- Among other things this Gettysburg, also has the Park, to move 1,000 yards Jerry Schobcr, park superin- insist it is a necessary part of ing free performances there, farm home of the late presi- modern tourism. year the fund sponsored sev- away, but still with asplendid tendent. "What we do is re- for youngsters and senior citi- eral free admission perform- Borden'5 Winter Survival dent, Dvvlghl D. Kisenliuwer, panorama ofthajandscape. tain the appearance of the "These kinds of things arc zens, noted the widespread wllli PENETRON' . t , . and his..widow* Mamie, still ances by top-flight stage stars Governor Intervenes land, including crops planted needed because children are participation in such arranged for senior citizens and school dwells there. The town takes and harvested by locals like it brought by parents, and they activities as a barometer of *An exclusive ingredient which helps get nutrient! advantage of that, too. - Gpv. Milton J. Shap'p, con- children as well as special en- demning the deal, went to was when the soldiers came get tired of going over the the 21-county movement. tertainment by lesser known down to the root system faster. court. Claiming the tower will here to fight." battlefield," says Mayor W. "We welcome the interest artists. Attendance is usually "This community can sur- violate the constitutional G. Weaver, "You need amuse- and response in each and ev- 50-Ib. bag-10,000 sq. ft. coverage vive now only with tourists," Keeping the tourists enter- by invitation through partici- rights of Pennsylvania to en- tained and/spending is the ments, hamburger stands and ery area of New Jersey to the pating groups. says a.Gettysburg Chamber joy "the natural, scenic, his- successful goal of the If! pri- quick service laundries to Garden State Arts Center of Commerce spokesman. keep people in town " . Those groups which jiave tone and Aesthetic values of vate attractions, 11 of them Fund program offering free taken part in the attendance lucrative Trade (Ifhhf has 7,960 TCSl- performances for the young That lucrative trade has the environment," he won

Ucmfar Fcdcril Reiem, Federal LESSON IN HISTORY — Tourists study a monument and look out over the famed Gettysburg battle- Scpoilt Xomrance Corp. field from atop a rock at Little Roundtop. Millions; visit the battlefield every year. . Suit Against State Mulled in Hazlet LIGHTING HAZLET - The Board of .1 hall to discuss the con- Education, meeting in special session Tuesday, authorized The committee" slashed Its attorney, Eobert H. Otten, $400,000 from the $6.8 million to investigate methods of in- budget for 1971-72 and the; BLUEGRASS stituting suit against the state board appealed to the state of New Jersey. Commissioner of Education: A Little Bit of San Francisco The board contends that the It has also lodged a charge A superior Strain of Bluegrass, known for state's use of property taxes • that the committee acted "ar- comes to the Lighting Center to finance public schools is un- bitrarily and capriciously" in its dark rich green color. Highly ^resistant constitutional. making its cuts, based on in- The suit 'closely follows the adequate information. . recent California State1 Su- preme court ruling that the Name Insurance tax basis Is unconstitutional. Reg. 2.2S Ih. Peter Graham, secretary of Club Members the Keansburg Board of Edu- EATONTOWN - David Wil- cation, and Peter J. Edwards, liams of Oakhurst and Brace Attorney for tho Union Beach Hunt of Wayside have quali- school board, attended, the fied as members of the 1971 session and both indicated Top Club of New York Life thoir boards' willingness to Insurance Company. join the suit.', The Top Club Is composed The three boards and otiiers of New York life's out- In the area interested in the standing agents and member- stilt will be called to a meet- ship is based on, 1970-71 sales ing when Mr. Ottcn reports to records, according to general the board. manager Phineas, R. Kuhl of With regard to tlio the company's Monmouth method of taxation, its result- general office, in Monmouth ing high tax rato here, and en- Shopping Center, here. suing board appeal of cuts in As members of the Top the budget by tho Township Club, Mr. Williams and Mr. Limit 5 lbs. per customer Committee, the school board Hunt have been invited lo at- and the committee will meet tend an educational confer- Saturday at 9 a.m. in niunicl- ence in Miami. ,

The mnsl imli|W< moltitn lighting Hliowrnom ill Plus COOKING ihn ciiinilry, ml CMICI M'IIIIMI ol'it Sun i'ruiiciscii cnlili-TOP, wil l In' "I'll"" M«lilliiK,Orrtcr Monday.1 ' DEMONSTRATION "helping peoph with lawn problems for over 70 years" • 1'hr Mir In snciiiilly fitlcil for «n tli<> »|>«> -n, . N.J.>. j... j'nfla>Fnd»>,, September 10.19710.19711 ' ^g^ AFS Student Comments ofi Peruvian Stay country is much a*five yaws or m»AVj> Jg By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU kid sister over there, so I missed Holly especially," would not sneak any Spanish at all. How could tney Pamela, who will be 17 next birthday, found that Zl "icatcwith the focal people if they;*fu«d RJ3D BANK - Just back from * summer in "people over there are really great. They are much learn the local language? "As an American student Peru, a Red Bank miss finds she has "mixed emo- friendlier than people nvtr here, I have never had so abroad," she added, "this embarrassed me a great tions" in describing her experiences, many 'homes' as I have had during my slay In "It was really great," sa,id Pamela Bradley, Lima. Everyone truly, wanted lo make me feel at d6a home, and they did." This fact, more than anything else, she admit" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bradley of 39 East ted, made her appreciate all the more the dunce Sunset Ave., who is a senior «t Red Bank Regional Schools in Peru, Pamela found, are "much more that AFS had given her and other Amerlean iHi- High School this year. lenient than schools in the states." But she also dents; and also appreciate what AFS is trying to do In the same breath, however, Pamela added, found that students over there "do not study as hard through the exchange of students, "greater under, "It was bad at first, you know. There I was, in the , as students do here." standing among people of different cultures, at the middle of people who could not talk my language. She found that Peruvian students "do much people's own level," as she described It. "I could hardly talk their own, for. that matter. I more cramming before exams." Another thing which had to learn, and learn fast. It is not the same as she found to be strange, was that "helping each oth- "- Not a Tourist studying a language at school, you know," she er during tests was acceptable." "You see," she said, "you have to live with the added, "Everything I had to do had to, be done In Pamela has not yet made up her mind as to people. You take part in their day to day lives. You Spanish - overnight, practically. It was not easy. I what she wants to be. She is divided between teach- are not a tourist in their country. You become part watched and learned fast, that's all." ing arid studying law. "The reason," she explained, of it. You come to know their habits, way of life, and AFS Scholarship ' 'is that 1 like to get Involved with people and their then you appreciate their problems, you understand Pamela ju^t returned from a summer at Santa problems," them much better." ; Anna High School, an all girls' Catholic institution at This is one of the reasons, she explained, why During ^er stay in Lima, Pamela did not have a Luna, Peru, which she attended on an American she found the opportunity offered by AFS "ex- chance to see much of Peru itself.-"You see it was Field Service scholarship, tremely rewarding." winter time down there. Temperatures were in the While in Peru she lived with her Peruvian "par- The rewards, as she put it, were derived from 40 to 50 degree mark although the humidity was cnls," Senor and Senora Jose Jimenez 0. Mr. Jime- the fact that she had to "live with the people of the around 95 per cent,1' she said. "There was not much, nez is a technician with the Peruvian Air Force. Pa- host country, she had to learn their language, and, rain but the clouds hang low all the time. And, of mela's visit to that country was sponsored by the as a result, she'said, "I came to understand them course, there was school work." Greater Red Bank Chapter of AFS. and was able to communicate with them much bet- Her Peruvian family also consisted of three ter. Preparing Talks brothers and sisters, Jose Jr., 19; LIUana, 17; and "People," she said, "are pretty much alike all Pamela who liked the life and art of Peru - sh« Mayra, 14. over. You can reach them better when you can conv brought back a great number of Peruvian artifacts This was the first time in her life that Pamela municate with them." Having had to live in Spanish which she received as presents from her Peruvian spent "all that time away from home.". However, as she found she could reach this level of commu- family and friends - is now preparing a series of she said, "I had no time to miss my real family. I nication and understanding. talks which she has to give to various organisations had so much to do and adjust to that, truly, I did not This was why she could "Not be impressed at in this area. have the time." all" by some diplomats' wives she met at embassy "I liked the country and the people very much," Missed Her Sister parties in Lima, attended by AFS students. she said, "and I would like very muck to go back She did admit, though, that she missed her Embarrassed by Wives there. Perhaps I will be able to, some day," she "kid" sister Holly, 10. "You see," she said, "I had no "These women," she said, "have lived in the mused. Ghost of the Past issues

Rtgiittr Staff Phal« BACK FROM PERU - Pamela Bradley, 17, Dr. Long daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bradley of 39 By DR. JAMES M. LONG manent and close relationship with another person. They tend East Sunset Ave., Red Bank, poses with some of to dry up, and their future contacts and relationships become the Peruvian artifacts she brought from a visit to The '.'work" of mourning is often insufficiently considered superficial. They may be called the "once burnt, twice care- that country os an American Field Service Stu- when divorce and remarriage are undertaken too quickly. Family Counselor ful" group, They become unduly critical and over cautious dent. Sbte is wearing a typical Peruvian poncho More usually understood and accepted is the period of mourn- about future marriages. This does not mean that a deliberate and-beads; and over her shoulder she carried a ing following the death of a spouse. In divorce this is not sim- analysis of the "pros and cons" of the new marriage is not ad- "Bolsa" or typical bag in which:Peruvian stu- ply a matter of time, (although time is involved) but rather Sometimes for the rejected spouse, on the surface, di- visable and in the best interests'of everyone. If such thought- dents like to carry their books to school. On her how the time is used for the psychological process of terminat- vorce represents a cut-and-dried unemotional legal procedure. ful reflection, includes a consideration of one's own role and, feet are llama wool slippers. ing a former primary relationship. The pain which ensues is devastating and results in possible specifically, of one's part in the failure of the marriage, this Even when the reasons for the "breakup" are understood destructive behavior in an effort to lessen the pain, The fla- can be very positive in regard to a future marriage.; DEBORAH MEETING by a spouse, the internal process, the matter of severing the grant use of alcohol has been vividly portrayed on television Truthful Appraisal MA.TAWAN - The Mata- ing of the fall season Sept. 22 ties to the partner, is of far greater importance than is usually and movie screens. Not uncommon is to turn too quickly to an- It is "important to include in such a. self-assessment a. wan Chapter of Deborah Hos- at 8:30 p.m. in the Broad considered.. Additional conflicts and doubts are present when other person for comfort and understanding. 1 truthful appraisal of one's emotional system and a decision pital will have its first, pied- Street firehouse. divorce involves minor children. Often, the spouse who ljas the Re-marriages on the "rebound" are frequently the result concerning' its present condition. Each person must face the daily care of the children acknowledges that the now absent of seeking to eliminate the early injury to one's self image. basic issue of giving up "the ghost of the past" and rechannel- parent was an adequate father or mother. The thought of one's The hurt person wants to interpret kindness and friendliness ing psychic energies into healthy relationships. ' children growing up in a one-parent home arouses feelings of as love, and as an indication of his own personal worth. They There is great hope-[or couples who decide to re-enter the guilt and doubt. , . seek to use a new marriage as a type of medication for what marital field. The high percentage .of successful second mar-, When you add the problems of religious convictions, fami- ails them. The new marriage is used to show the other person riages would tend-to support the contention that one can learn ly pressures, and society's reaction to divorce to more person- that the rejected former spouse is lovable and, therefore, the from experience. alized feelings, it means a great deal of thought and psy- former partner will realize what he has lost. This need to pun- chological energy are involved in the termination of the mar- ish the former spouse can only lead to new problems in the Dr. Long will be happy'to answer questions. Confidentiality • BUSINESSMAN'S BUFFET riage. It takes time for the gradual withdrawal of previously . marriage. , . will be respected. Letters can he mailed to hi™ i« *-«•• -i •™- Daily Register, 105 Chestnut St., Red Bank, N.J. 07701. ' .. , • NEW EXPANDED MENUS committed emotions to subside. Some are so deeply hurt that they avoid any future per- • HOUSE SPECIALTY DINNERS HOURS Monday thru Thursday 11:30 A.M. lo 10 P.M. Friday and Saturday 11:30 AM. to 11 PM. * Sunday 11:30 til 1 1 P.M. ' FORMERLY LOCATED AT: >& "P Iff HIGHvVAY 35 EATONT0WN La vend er - Haired Blue Laws

40 BROAD STREET FAT TANGS RED BANK 741-0060 Dear Ann Landers: I'm a Yesterday I decided to take a only two subjects left open to This morning a distant rela- sions and woiild like to meet OVERWEIGHT widow who moved to, Califor- stroll in the garden area the girls is sex and baseball tive showed up while I was me for "a drink." 1 have had Odrinex can^help you become the trim nia from a southern state. where the ladies who live in scores. Try 'em and let me having breakfast. I asked him 17 propositions but not one le- slim pers6n you want lobe. Odrinex Is this complex sit and visit. I know how you make out. why he didn't bring the stuff gitimate job offer. i tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Con- was greeted warmly by five to the office. He said, "The - This has taught me a lesson tainsTO dangerous, drugs, No jlarving.. dowager types, three with parking around there is I shajl never forget. It doesn't No special exercise. Get- rid of excess , blue hair and two with laven- rough." What do you think , lal and live longer. Odrinex. has keen pay to try to be cute when used successfully by thousands all over der. The two lavenders wei*e Ann about a jerk who wouldn't dealing with the public. This the country lor over 12 years. Odrinex somewhat silent. I introduced walk a few blocks but he world is full of evil-minded myself, we exchanged pleas- costs 53.25 and the large economy siie thinks nothing of interrupting creeps, lechers anfj dirty old $5.25. You must lose ugly lat or your antries, but I had the uncom- Landers my breakfast? ' ; men. Just..sign me - I'll money will be refunded byyour druggist. fortable feeling that they Please print, this. Everyone Starve To Death First No questions asked. Accept no -ub-. were looking me over. Dear Ann Landers: This around here reads your col- Dear S.T.D.: So what's stilutes. Sold'with this guarantee by: After about 15 minutes I might not sound like an im- umn. Maybe if they see them- new? FAMILY PHARMACY- rose to leave. One of the lav- portant problem to you, but it selves they will take the hint What awaits you on the oth- ender-haired ladies smiled is driving me nuts. To put it in and leave me alone next year. er side of the marriage veil? sweetly and said, "We have a a few words - what can be - Pain In The Neck In.Flor- How can you be sure your few rules here. No one is done about people -who have a i ida marriage will work? Read allowed to talk about aches, lot of nerve and no common Ann Landers' Booklet, "Mar- pains, operations or illness." sense? Dear Pain: Here it is, but riage' - What To Expect." Before I could respond, she I sell auto license plates in don't bet the rent, Lady^The Send your request to Ann Congratulations continued, "Also, we do nol Florida. People I hardly know people with unlimited galFare SPECIAL,.. Landers in care of your news- talk about politics, religion, ask me to get their plates so invariably the most in- paper enclosing 50 cents in LEODA STATEN clothing styles, inflation, Viet- they won't have to stand in sensitive. If you want these coin and a long, stamped, self-' 14k Synthetic Stone nam, our families, or our fi- line. Last week three casual clods to leave you alone you'll Finalist Talent fxpo addressed envelope. nances." It sounded as if she acquaintances came to my have to come right out and had memorized the list. I was home with their money and tell them so: Birthstone stunned and did not reply. registration blanks. One wom- Dear Ann Landers: 1 am a What do you think about such an - a college graduate - very good secretary who hap- Membership Teas rules, Ann? 1 am completely asked me to help her fill out pens to be "between engage- Set by LWV Unit Earrings mystified. - Newcomer the form. She couldn't under- ments" at the moment. only Dear New: Looks like the stand it! Things are not good in Det- HOLMDKI, - The Holmdel roit. I decided to run an ad in League of Women Voters will this newspaper under Situ- hold a membership tea Mon- ations Wanted Female. It oc- day at 8:15 p.m. in the home DANCE CLASSES curred to me that if I framed of Mrs. W. D. .Johnston, 4 l'ox something a little off-beat, I'd Huntltoad. REGISTER: WED., THURS., FRI. do better. This is the way my There also will DP a morn- ad read. "Happiness is being ing membership tea Tuesday SEPT.Sth* 9th* 10th 10 A.M. To 6 P.M. at 9:30 o'clock in the home (if SAT. SEPT. 11th 9 A.M. To 12 Noon Only a very good secretary, $150 a Ear Pirns week." Mrs. Irving' McNair, Laurel- I spent the last five' flays wood Drive, Colts Nock. For a limited time with — Graded Classes — answering this crazy tele- Women interested in joining «ipt! phone. The men who arc call- the league may call Mrs. Mar- d»ti«. Our ithwlol. locfudoj be. the purchase of Ballet• Tap* Toe* Jazz* Twirling ing couldn't' care less about tin Elscnberg. Babysitting ginrur, InHrnudlatt and ad- will be available for the morn- birthstonc earrings Acrobatic* Gymnastic* Balance Beam my secretarial qualifications. vanc.d class., in 0|| |yp,,ol They want to know my dlmcn- ing U-a. thMtrlcol dantd. - ALL AGES - Jp«tiol (laiiti (or if,,,, l8 fiv y«or olds. man ama FOR 2 m 3 m. 010 I High School Juniors & Seniors Porenh Invrted lo obierve. SAYRE WOODS, RT, 9 Jxpul ttitttwlen - »«ojono6/» tiattt Facing College- Boards Tim h'all? . MIDDLETOWN, RT. 35 TAP* BALUT«TOE . BRICK TOW, RT. 70 UAHMAUER Monmouth'Qcean Tutoring Acrobafia.Distotheque will prapar«,yoii professionally SCHOOL of DANCE at tha** locations— DOROTHY MIDDLETOWN: Rest., R». 35 TOLANO 37 E. Front St. • 747-9552 UKEWOOD: Holiday Inn, Rt. 9 E STUDIO • Red Bank Jor information Call 402-7374 or 349-3709 TSRB"- The D«HyRegfrter, EedBtak-MIMIM^IUN.J, Friday, feptemj^f JO.l9:l Bridals Are Announced Malone-AAonahan Doremus-Lyttle ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - ter-in-law nf the bride, and JtED BANK - MLss Gloria other attendants. MI.SK Patricia Ann Monalian Mrs. Leonard Salvaton, Alice Lyttle, daughter of Mr. Thomas W, Doremus was mid Thomas Vincent Malonu Ilackenwick, thu nrldefjimiin'.H and Mrs, 'Jhomas Kdward best man for his brother. The were married here Aug. 28 m Mslor. Lyttle, 32 Oakcs Road, Little ushers were Charles Do- St. Agnes Catholic Church at (JrcKory San fiiacoini, Co- Silver, and Larry Alyn Do. remus, Eed Bank, and 1 a Folk Mass conrelobrated by luma, was best man. Thu UJ.II- rernu. ., ion of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, Atlantic Auxiliary Bishop of Newark cis wi'ie .lolm Durkin, Middle- William Albert Doremus, 152 Highlands, the bridegroom's Rev Joseph A. <'ostelli), of St. town, James T. Monahan and Uratich Avc,,'H(d Bank, were brother and step-brother, re- I'ciei's C'alholfe Church, Bel- Leonard Salvaton. married here Sept. 5 in the spectively, leville, and the Hcv.' M. Jo- The htule, an alumna (if Kirst I'lcsbyterian Church, The bridal couple are seph o'Orady, chaplain of Tower Hill The Rev. Charles Heryt'ii J'lnos Hospital, Para- Star of the Sea Academy, alumni of Red Bank Regional LoriK Branch, and Stuart S. Webster officiated. High School, attended Brook- mus The officiating priests A reception was held in the an; cousins of the bride. School of Business Adminis- dale Community College, Lin- Oldt: Union House, Red Bank. croft, and were,employed at Mrs. Thomas Malone l'aienls of the couple are tration, Asbury Park, attends Kordhani University and is .Miss Doreon Lyttjc, at ftiverview. Hospital, Red (The former Mr. and Mrs. .lames Benedict employed by Schlunibi'rgcr, homo, was maid of honor for Bank. Patricia Mnnahan) Monahan, 77 South Ave., At- Mrs. James Farrell 2nd Ltd., New York. her .siMer The Misses Kliza- Mr. and Mrs, Doremus will .(the former lantic Highlands, and Mr. and belli and Colleen Lyttle, also The bridegroom was gradu- reside in Trenton, where he is Margaret Keenan) Mrs. Vincent Malone, 2 Kim sisters of the bride, were her attending Mercer College. Court, Middletown. ated from Middletown Town- A reception at The Cobbles- .ship High school and received Mrs. Larry Doremus Mrs, C'ary Bllho Jr. tones, Middletown, followed a ISA degree in economics (The former Gloria Lyttle) (Tin; former Bilbo-Beeson Farrell-Keenan the 5:30 p.m. Mass. from Mohmouth Coljego, West Maiianncltecson) FT. HANCOCK - The Post RED BANK - Miss Marga- Center, New York, Miss Eileen Monalian, at Long Branch. He (s employed Chapel was the setting here ret Elizabeth Keenan and Mr. Farrell, an alumnus, of home, was maid of honor for by M. E. Goldstein, member Tuesday for the marriage of James Joseph Farrell 2nd, Christian Brothers Academy, her sister. Also attending the of the New York Stock Ex- Mrs. Marianne Beeson, were married here Sept. 4 in Lincroft, and Colgate Univer- bride were Miss Sandra Gro- change. ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St. James Catholic Church! sity, Hamilton, N.Y., is a ; 1 deska, Leonardo, Mrs. James Robert K. Turk, 76 Center The^ Hev, John 'Joseph Zee' of' graduate student at Fordham Mr, and Mrs. Malone reside ;: ; r. Monahan. Wanamassa, sis- in New York City. Ave., Atlantic Highlands, and ficiatcd- •;' ; -; . University, The couple will re- Air Force Technical Sgt. Cary The bride's parents are'Mr. side In NeW. York City B. Bilbo Jr., son of Mr, and and Mrs. 'Joseph, D. Keehan,' AAesrrter-Douglas Mrs. Cary B. Bilbo of Mobile, 231 Crestview, Dh, Middle- UNION tiEACH -Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ala, town. Tfie 'bridegroom, 667 DSfwn Marie Douglas and Mcsmer, 101 Park Aye., West The bride, who wasgiyen in Prospect Ave., Little Silver, is Bruce WilHa'm Mrismer were Keansburg.' ' ' marriage by her 'father, had the son »f Joseph D, Farrell; married'herg Sept.'4 in the of- The bride was "graduated Mrs. Albert D. Hollon, as her Httberf Pkwy,. Eaforitown; MAUREEN fice of Mayor Alfred T; Hen- from Keyport-High Softool, only attendant. ar?d the late Mrs,'Alfred Mer- nessey Jr,, who officiated at class of 1970. Mr. Mesmer, a The bridegroom will be sta- ritt of tittle Silver. ' • ' the ceremony. • : "••• DEAKIN 1969 graduate of Raritan High tioned iri/Thailand and Mrs! Areception was held in Old A reception was held here School, is employed at Bell Bilbo will reside in Orchard Inn, Eatontown, . Is Now Accepting ' Mre. Bruce Menpcr 1 Mis? Judith Keenan, Po- (The former Dawn Duagla.s) in the Colony Inn. Telephone Laboratories, while he is overseas . New Student* Parents of the couple are llolmdel. mona, N.Y.,was maid of hon- Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, The couple will reside in AWARDS CEREMONY or for her sister. The other 90fi Eighth St,,43nion Bisaqh. Keansburg. ; »'"'. ' NEPTUNE - The annual bridal attendants were Miss volunteer awards ceremony of Mary Jean Keenan, at home, the James F. Ackerman Fed- Miss Emile Farrell, Little Sil- MODERN Sticker-Pal la Mrs. Gary Tucker Mrs. Ronald Bishop eration of Jersey Shore Me- ver, and Mrs, Michael F. Lc- KEANSBURG - Miss Jacii brated in St. Ann's Catholic (The former Jacii Palla.) (The former dical Center-Fitkin Hospital nane Jr., New Shrewsbury. Ann Palla, daughter of Mr. Church. Mary Ann Suhr) will take place Monday in the John Beid Porter of Min- DANCE and Mrs. Martin Joseph Palla A reception was held in Ford Auditorium of the me- neapolis, Minn., was best, of Port Townsend, Wash., and* Buck Smith's Restaurant, Bishop-Suhr dical center, Rt. 33. Mrs. Mar- man. The ushers were, Em- CHILDREN-TEENS (lary John Tucker, son of Mr. East Keansburg. tin Barry, Spring Lake, will RED BANK - Miss Mary reside in Germany, where he melt Mullin of Red Bank, and and Mrs. Frederick Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker at- preside. ADULTS Ann Suhr, daughter of Mr. is stationed Michael F. Lenane Jr. 137 Essex Ave., West Keans- tended Karitan High Schoo'l and Mrs. Allen A. Sujir Sr.", 81 The bride was graduated DAILY CLASSES burg, were married here Sept. and Port Townsend High Cooper Road, Middletown, from Red Bank Catholic High RED BANK STUDII 4 at a Nuptial Mass celc- School, respectively. was married here Sept. 4 in School and Holy Name Hospi- St. James Catholic Church to tal School of Nursing, Tea- To Register Calf Dammcmn-Baker Army Spec. 4 Ronald Kelly neck. She is a registered ATLANTA,' Ga, - The First and Mrs. William Baker of Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. nurse on the staff of New 291-2228 Baptist Church of Atlanta was this place, to Richard Carl Ray Bishop of Clinchport, Va. York Hospital-Cornell Medical the setting here Aug. 28 for Dammann, son of Mr. and The Rev. John Joseph Zee of- Mrs. Richard Dammann the marriage of Miss Julia Mrs. Charles S, Dammann, :iu ficiated. (The former Julia Baker) Cheryl Baker, daughter of Mr. Wyckham Hoad, New Shrews- A buffet reception was held bury, N.J. in the home of the bride's par- Terwilliger-Van Dam Miss Julia Paris of Atlanta ents. . was maid of honor (or her The bride had Miss Judy NEW YOHK CITY - Mrs. Mrs. Terwilliger is the wid- niece. Miss Anita Dammann, Garrison, Union Beach, as her Jean Beresford Van Dam, 16 ow of Drew Van Dam, person- the bridegroom's sister, at maid of honor and her sistei', Hillside Place, Fair Haven, - nel administrator of the Na- home, and Miss Maryann Miss Karen Jean Suhr, at N.J.; and Donald L. Terwilli- tional Broadcasting Company Wagner, the bridegroom's home, bridesmaid. ger, 104 Lake Drive, Al- and a lay reader in the Epis- cousin of Hohokus, N.J., were A'llenA. Suhr Jr. was bast lenhurst, N.J,, were married copal Church of the Holy junior bridesmaids. The man. Gary Suhr, also a broth- here Sept. 7 in the Church of Communion, Fair Haven. bride's cousins, Lisa, and Asa er of the bride, Thomas Ap- the Transfiguration (The Mr. Terwilliger is president Johnson of Atlanta, were flow- plegate, Bradley- Beach," and the best in service Little Church Around the Cor- of the D. L. Terwilliger Com- er girl and ring bearer, re- Allen Garrison, Union Beach, 1 the finest in dining- ner) by the Rev. L. Dudley pany, here. A widower, he spectively. were the ushers. Ra'ppi' rector of Trinity Epis- was for many years commis' The bridegroom had his Mrs. Bishop was graduated You'll Be Delighted With Our copal Church. A wedding sioner of public works in Al- cousin, Dr. Robert Norman of from Middletown Township breakfast for the immediate lenhurst and a warden of Tri- Ngssua, N.H., as his best High School in June. She and CHEF'S DINNER family was held in the Union , nity Church, Asbury Park. League Club, man. The ushers were Robert her husband, an alumnus of The couple will reside in Al- Paris and Frank White of At- Clinchport High School,' will SELECTION 995 lenhurst, lanta, and Norman Littman of Strved Sunday f\ DANCERINA Chapel Hill, N.C Thm Friday *m Classes for Ages 3 To 5 Mr. and Mrs. Dammann are Incl. Ballet, Tap & Acrobatics Xi Beta Alpha candidates for doctorate de- Classes *5.00 Per Month Program Set grees in chemistry at the Uni- Cocktail Hour versity of North Carolina, IDNA HAVIIAND STUDIOS LINCROKT - Xi Beta Al- For WW from 5 to ? Chapel Hill. She was gradu- ' 7B McLaren St., Rod Bank pha chapter of Beta Sigma 741-1820 ated from Oglethorpe College, HOT HORS d' OEUVRES Phi international service so- here, and he is an alumnus of_ Slated . rority will meet Sept, 22 at 8- Monmoulli College, West WOODBIUDGIC -Weight p.m. in the home of Mrs. Ed- Long Branch, N.J. The couple Watchers is establishing two TUESDAY, 12 NOON Art win Kenny, Belford, Mrs, Eu- will reside in Chapel Hill. new classes which will meet gene Moran. will lead a dis- weekly at the Woodbridge FASHION SHOW cussion on "How to Say It," a Center's Community Hall by Artlmr's of Sea Bright lessons special cultural program. starting Monday, at .0:30 a.m. Day Care and 12:30 p.m. Advance regis- SPECIAL Complete Luncheon C)2 by tration is not required. Centers Weight Watchers is celebra- Register Staff Photo Open To The Public * ting its sixth anniversary in FALL FOCUS — Previewing fashions to be shown Decorator Are Topic the Woodbridge1 area, where at the People for Planned Parenthood of AAon- more than 20,000 people have mouth County benefit luncheon set for Sept. 23 at OLDE RUMSON - Elinor Gug- been served by the program. noon in Rod's Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, are genheimer, who has been for Weight Watchers attend 350 Mrs. Ernest Taylor Jr., left, Fair Haven, and Mrs. :atthe Old Mill Gallery, Tin- many years a worker for the classes each week throughout Charles Stalllngs, Rumson, chairmen of the ben- SUHION HOUSE ; on Falls, N,J. Day and ove- establishment of day care New Jersey. More than efit, and Mrs. Bernard Goldsmith, Fair Haven, I ling lessons in Acrylic Land- Just West ofRivertiieui Hospital centers for children, and, in 250,000 people in the state president of the auxiliary People for Planned Par- ji>cofj6(painting!'Soinrj paint-' addition, is one of the hostess- ng experience reconirriond- have been helped in the six enthood, modeling a Davidow all-weather Spanish Wharf Ave., Red Bank sd.'Teh"2Vi Hr. 'krissbns - es on the current TV show years, •• cotton suede coat which has a matching skirt j$65.00 h • •••'••• "Straight Talk," will speak at The. new classes in the (held by the chairmen). Reservations chairman is Call 842-7575 the open meeting of the Red shopping center will be Mrs. Frank Briggs, Middletown. Fashions will be v I logiatr'ation In adi/ance Give your windows an ele- Bank Section of the National opened by Mrs. Lenorc Lip- from Wilhelmina Dobbins, Rt. 35, Middletown. iSopt. 14th and 17th from 1 gant touch with decorator Council of Jewish Women ! o 3 p.m. Fuji pnymont in window shades that match pert, Weight Watchers region- Ilie made of your decor. Monday at 12:3!).p,m'., here in al manager, who herself has MASQUUKADi; DANCK ^dvaneo required. Equip- Come in and see our fancy Congregation B'nai Israel. itnont rocsmmoridations will display!1 lost 5li pounds on the program WEST KKANSlumr. - The ;po given 6i that timo. The public is invited. , and maintained the loss for Ladies Auxiliary of the West Mrs. Gugfjenheimer ha,s more than fivo years. Mrs. Keansburg Fire Co. will spon- BALLET ART SCHOOL tonoons begin Monday. had a long-auidiny; interest in Llppcrt was a member of the sor its second annual mas- jSopt, 20th at 2:00 p.m. and day care centers, dating back first New Jersey Weight querade dnnce Saturday, Oct. Directed by ;8:OO p.m, and continuo on to the 1930's when she saw a Watcher class in Huckcnsnck, ',{he following .dalos; Sopt. 1G, at 9 ii.m. in the firchouse, .„ HELA SLAVINSKA 17, Oct. 4, 1 i (TuoBdny), child care center consisting of and she became one of the or- ICightli St. Trophies will be formerly of tho Ballot Russe Do Monte Carlo •IB, 25, Nov. 8, 10, 22, a line of cribs In a basement ganization's first lecturers. awarded for costumes; re- ;J9. ; •• • with broken glass on the floor. freshments will be served. •I ' SHREWSBURY She is now honorary chairman Drug Addiction Problem? Tickets may be had from Mrs. for further information roll 468 BROAD ST. and founder of the Day Care Call 088-8333 For Help Day or William P. Kin.scllii, chair- •e College Art Shop 542- Coll 747-4422 Council of the City of New Night. man, oral the door. FALL '164. York and of the National Committee for tlie Day Care of children. i| WE SELL A COMPLETE LINE She is a former member of MARGARET GROSS • OF PRODUCTS - the New York City I'lnimlng CLASSES Commission, ami is a faculty ScBiooS of Dancing member of the New School for | ESPECIAilY .Social Research, llecetitly. Ballet - Toe - Tap STARTING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1971 , For Wigs Of All Kinds! Mrs, Guggcnhclmer was the recipient of .the National JazJ z • Ballet ® Toe ® Modern ® Character Council of Jewish Women's (Clilltlron From 4 Yours) Hanniili (I. Solonion Award for distinguished community Ballroom Harvey's PRE-SCKOOL AGE SPECIAL CLASSES service, REGISTRATION SUZANNE FASHION WIGS The Red Hank Section of thu National Council dC .Juw- TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Ish Women' JIBS invited Mrs. SEPT. 14& IS 3:3Qto5:00 TEENAGE and ADULT CLASSES 558 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY NJ. Guggunheimer'to speak here (IW to Shrewsbury Po»t Office) because the council is one of AT .' Ihu local organizations' active in the continuing development ST. LEO THE GREAT SCHOOL 18 BROAD STREET RED BANK uf iiitf Moninunth l)«y Care 747-2507- HOME . 741-9592 —STUDIO 741-8256 S Coiuw In ltwl istmk. LINCROFT 741-6252 The fi«Bv Register, R«*i Bank -

Kodes in Search of old Mrs. King, of Long BewlJ, teur starlet Chris Evert and seed Tom Okker of The Neth- ond set, was won by Riessen Canltf.. a tough time. . „ HILLS. N.Y. class Kodes," Ashe said after combe of Australia in the first veteran pro Blllle Jean K*g, erlands eliminated Clark with two-tle-breakers, the '. (AP) - Arthur Ashe goes his grass test which ended in round, doesn't think he can scheduled for late afternoon, Graebner, No, 7 of New York • first when Pilic double-faulted against clay court specialist .a tiebreaker. "He's looking at beat Ashe on grass, and Ashe The lfi-ycar-old ingenue Her game is similar to that 'City 6-2,6-3, (M. at set point. Jan Kodes of Czechoslovakia himself and saying 'Gee, wtiat , agrees. from Fort Lauderdale, Flu,, of Nancy Guntcr when Mrs. , Tomorrow Okker will face "I just hope they play a tomorrow In search of his first am I doing in the quarter-fi- "He should beat me. Arthur has about as much confidence Guntcr was playing as a the winner of a clash today long five-setter so they'll be U.S Open- Tennis Champlon- nals on grass?'." is better on grass. He is very in her semifinals match as younger Nancy Ittchoy, Nan- between second-seeded Stan tired Saturday," said Okker. Ihip finals berth since he won "Of course that's a com- smart. He is a pro. He has Kodes has in his. cy and Mrs. King fought Smith, the private first class Preceding the Itiessen- pliment to Kodes," said the won this championship before. tqoth-and-nall not only for • tbe title Jta 1868. from Ft. McNair, Va., and Smith match today will bo a "I don't think I'll win," said 28-year-old Ashe. "Kodes He won't be scared or ner- matches and titles but tho na- Asbe, tbe No. 3 seed from No. 5 seed Marty Riessen of > women's semifinals show be- Chris. "She looks awfully plays hard all the time, but he vous," said Kodes. tion's top ranking. Two years Richmond, Va., who says he's Evanston, 111. i tween No. 2 seed Rosemary tough." just woke up a couple of "Yeah, but all the pressure ago In Madison Square Gar- playing as well as three years Casale of San Francisco and But Chris, who after more weeks ago to the fact that he is on me," said Ashe. "People Riessen entered the semi-fi- den Nancy came back to win ago, easily ousted Manuel No. 4 seed Kerry Melville of than a week of facing older Grantes of Spain 6-1, 6-2,7-8 in can play on grass." think I've got an easy match nals early yesterday with a 7- 12 straight games and the 5, 7-6, 7-6 victory over Nfcki Australia. and more experienced ODDO- yesterdays quarter-final Up Against Tough One and if I lose the newspapers nents still Is physically ener- match after Mrs. King match. Kodes, the the 25-year-old will really nail me." Pilic of Yugoslavia. The But most of the center- thought she had it wrapped niatch, called by darkness court crowd will be awaiting getic and emotionally un- "It was no real test. Czech Davis Cup star who up- In the other men's quarter- up. Wednesday at 44 in the sec- the showdown between ama- spent, could give the 27-year- Orantes is sort of a second- set No. 1 seed John New- final match Thursday, No. 4 Yankees Baltimore's Palmer Uses Nip Mets

NEW YORK (AP) - The New York Yankees, held hit- Curves to Take Senators less for 7% innings, struck for By The Associated Press record a six-hitter for bis 18th fourth straight game and A walk, a single and a wild a pair of ninth-inning runs to triumph over the Washington ninth hi 11 with a 3-2 squeaker pitch put two runners in scor- edge the New York Mets, frl, "I figured they'd be looking Senators last night. over San Diego. ing position with one ont and before 48,872 fans at SbeaSta- for fast balls," Jim Palmer In the only other two games The turning point for Palm- brought up the potential tying dium in last night's annual surmised. "That's why I kept on the American League er, who joined teammate run with big Frank Howard. Mayor's Trophy exhibition going with my breaking pitch- schedule, California edged Dave NcNally as an 18-game "With Palmer, I always game. ; \ es." Milwaukee 3-2 in 12 innings winner - and Mike Cuellar of have to look for fast balls," Baltimore's big right-hander and Boston erupted for seven the Orioles tries to join them Howard,recalled. "So he puts Jerry Kenney and Danny was right - and"his'styategy eighth-inning runs to wallop tonight - came after Tom three curves over, right Cater singled to open the top paid off handsomely as he DetroitK-6. McCraw of the Senators led where he wants 'em. of the ninth olf loser Ron Tay- pitched out of a tight seventh- In the lone National League off the seventh with a borne 'That's the Came' lor. After former Met Ron inning jam, then went on to contest, Los Angeles won its run. "It was just a case of 'take Swoboda fouled out, Rusty a hike.' I couldn't have hit Torres walked to load the those hooks with two bats. bases and Johnny Ellis tied That was the game right the game with a^sacrifice fly. there." Ron Hansen then singled .to Four-Man Golf Series Actually it wasn't right at left to score Cater fltith toe that moment. It was a few winning tally. •>• (•'•• ' minutes later, though, when Palmer also caught pinch-hit- The Mets scored ttjeir lone ter Jeff Burroughs looking, Boasts Jack and Lee JCV run in the bottom of the first AKRON, Ohio (AP) - It's this course." ster. Seven of the par fours go also with a curve. as Teddy Martinez led off supposed to be a four-man The course for this 10th 450 yards or more. Palmer also scored a run \ with a single, stole second and "It might be just a little too for the Birds, singling to lead confrontation, this World World Series of Golf is the APWlrephoto scampered home on Wayne long for me," said Trevino the off the third inning and later Series of Golf, but actually 7,180 yard Firestone Country WINNING IS EASY — Arthur Ashe of Richmond, Va., bends low to return Garrett's single to right off Super Mex who jumbled the coming in on Boog Powell's it's Jack Nicklaus vs. Lee Club course, a par 70 layout the ball during his quarter-final niatch against Manual Qrantes of Spoin Stan Bahnsen. Alan Closter, format for this tournament sacrifice fly. Trevlno with a supporting that most of the touring pros yesterday In the U.S. Open Tennis Championships at Forest Hills. Ashe the fourth hurler for the The line-up calls for the cast of two. consider one of the half-doz- In the sixth, Frank Robin- won the match, 6-1,6-2, 7-6. Yanks, was the winner. Nicklaus and Trevino, eas- en toughest in the country. four competitors to be made son crashed the 22nd home ily the two dominant figures There are only two par up of the winners of the four run of the year and 497th of, in professional golf today, go fives on it, one of them the 625 major championships, the his career. Two outs later, lor 36 holes for a $50,000 prize yard 16tb, known as,The Mon- U.S. and British Opens, the Dave Johnson pnt Ms 16th starting tomorrow with Masters and the PGA. homer over the wall. The 31-year-old Nicklaus Bear's Crimson Tide May Charles Coody and Bruce Crampton also in the running. Hawk8Tradc3 won the PGA. Coody, a hand- The Angels, held hitless for "1 think people will be in- some, rangy Texan, took the seven innings by rookie Bill terested in seeing me and For Seal Smith Masters. Trevino won the Parsons, tied the Brewers in Jack go head-to-head," the CHICAGO (AP) - The Chi- American National champion- the bottom of the ninth on a Turn in 200th Triumph out-going Trevino said. "But ship, and the British Open, pair of walks and Mickey Riv- cago Blaclf Hawks traded By The Associated Press USC's M-l record was dis- into construction delays. dont forget that there's two two of them. The next alter- er's triple. trying out who could give three players, including goalie One more coaching victory appointing, but the Trojans them a whole new dimension. Tomorrow's only meeting other guys out there who can nate was supposed to be the Parker Nails One Gerry Desjardlns and forward will put Paul William "Bear" were the only team to tie na- Jimmy Jones is going to hold of Top Twenty teams is a key wtait Canadian Open champion. And when rookie Floyd Gerry Pinder, to the Califor- Bryant into one of football's tional champion Nebraska just about every USC record Big Ten game between fourth- "Coody hits the ball pretty So they went to the second Weaver took over for Parsons nia Golden Seals yesterday hi most elite groups.. .and it and the only one to beat sec- when he gets through and he's ranked Michigan and No. 20 good, and so does Crampton. alternate, the Western Open in the 12th, Billy Parker en- exchange for goalie Gary could come tonight ond-ranked Notre Dame. being pushed by Mike Rae, so Northwestern at Evanston, He's been out here a long time titlist Crampton. ded it with a two-out homer, Smith. With 199 triumphs in 26 "They've got a stable of you know they're in good 111. Other Big Ten openers and made a lot of money, so He has credentials, too his first, over the centerfield The third Hawk player in- years as a head coach at fine running backs," says shape at quarterback." find Iowa at defending cham- he must be doing something volved in the National Hockey ' The veteran from Australia fence. Maryland, Kentucky, Texas Crow, "including Sam Cun- The five coaches who have pion Ohio State, Illinois at right League swap was forward has won 10 titles on the Amer- A&M and Alabama, Bryant is ningham, who gained more won over 200 college games Michigan State and Indiana at "Pm probably the shortest Kerry Bond, who last season ican tour, is one of the top on the threshfaold of becoming than a first down every tune are Amos Alonzo Stagg, Glenn Minnesota. Ohio State is rank- hitter here, among the four of scored 19 goals for Denver of eight all-time leading money the ;sixth coach in the history he carried the ball against us "Pop" Warner, Dr. Edward ed 11th nationally. us. And that can be tough on the Western League. winners in the game. How They of college football to win 200 last year. They think they Anderson, Jess Neely and Other key games find Bos- games. have the best tight end in col- Warren Woodson. ton College at West Virginia, / \ , It won't be easy because lege football in Charles The only other game Duke vs. Florida at Tampa Stand Alabama visits Southern Cali- Young, and I have to agree tonight pairs Brigham Young night, Texas Tech at Tulane fornia, which is ranked fifth hi with them. and North Texas State in the night, Washington State at NATIONAL LEAGUE The Associated Press pre-sea- "They have two great re- Cotton Bowl at Dallas. The Kansas, Utah State at Kansas. L P«t. GB PlttstOTDh...... 07 57 .604 — son poll. Coach John McKay ceivers in Mike Morgan and game had to be switched from State, Mississippi State at Ok- SHfc= 3 8JS,?A of the Trojans insists, how- Lynn Swann and they've got a Texas Stadium in nearby Ir- lahoma State and Houston at NtwYorkSHfc . 3 68JS?9 .511 13ft ever, that he doesn't expect track man, Edesel Garrison. ving when the new field ran Rice night Montreal 72 79 M6 24 Philadelphia. 84 .413 Wh another rout like last year's « SH- when Southern Cal romped 42- IM Angeles.. 66 .542 i'h Allonia..;- 72 JOO 10'/. 21. Cincinnati— 74 .490 12 Houston..... 74 .493 13 ' "Alabama is 200 per cent -better than it was a year Miller's Eagle Putt on18th LBS Angeles 3. San Diego 2 Todays Games ago," says McKay. "They are St. Louis (Carfton 18-8) at Chicago a lot bigger, expecMy on de- Menldns 21-12) San Francisco (Perry 14-11) ot Atlanta fense." Caps Southern Leading 65 (Nlekro 13-12). night Houston (Blllfngham 7-14) at Clncln- The feeling is mutual. COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) - the rest of the field had to get wer, Frank Beart, Jack Ew Pnliacfelphla (wise 14-12) at New "This year's Southern Cal their birdies by knocking ap- York (Kossman W), night John Miller holed a 50-foot ing, Fred Marti, Pete Brown Pittsburgh (Klson S-4) at Montreal team is bigger and better than eagle putt on the18th hole proach shots into "gimme" and Wayne Boltoier. ' ' :• (Slonenun 14-14), night LosAngelos isutton 14-11) at San last year's," says John David yesterday and took the first range. Hometown favorite Hugh Diego (Roberts 12-15). nlaht Crow, a member of Bryant's round lead in the $100,000 . Seven players finished the Royer and another, former staff, "and I think every Ala- AMERICAN tE»GUE Southern Open Golf Tourna- day at 68, two under par. Masters champion, George Eos! Division bama follower knows that ment They were Rate Botts, former Archer, led the group at 69. Baltimore..,.- .„ 87 51 .630 — they were great to every way 79 63 .556 ID. The young Californian'* 65 Masters champion Gay Bre- Archer has been considered a Boston 7S t<> S7\ 15 in 1970." ' New York. 71 72 A» W/l -gave him a two-stroke edge strong contender, and earlier Washington 58 84 5o8 31 over Homero Blancas, Caesar this week won the Greater Cleveland 55 87 JB7 34 Weil Division Beacon Hill Gals Stenudo and Mike Reasar. Hartford open in a three-way Oakland. 90 52 .634 — Buchanan's Kansas City... 76 66. -535 14 The par 70 Green Island sudden death showdown. ''•- nod spring! Chicago 67 75 Ml 23 . Go for 3,4 or 5 County Club course is 6,685 /\^»£S J »t California 67 76 M» Wh A Tied with Royer and Archer Minnesota «5 75 M* U LEONARDO - Beacon Hill yards of pure putting mean- *UUJU.J.ULCI1.1 . Your grass needs a final feeding now to take it through Milwaukee. 6) 81 .430 S9 were Dan Sikes, Steve Opper- winter and provide feat, vigorous growth next spring. Lost Nlgnrs Return Country Club's ladies played ness, and it gave the field fits. man, Harry Toscano, Doug Baltimore 4, Wasmnglai 2 Although your grass remains dormant during the winter Boston 12, Octroi) 6 a tournament yesterday Only 21 players managed to \ g Olson, Gibby Gilbert, Lou Coiifornla 3. Milwaukee 2; 12 Irmfnas which featured most fives, .,.you can stimulate root growth to assure a thicker, Tonlphl'i COTHM beat par on what would nor- Graham, Ken Ellsworth and Washington (Bosnian 11-13) at Balti- fours and threes. mally be considered a short greener lawn by applying Agrico Grass Food now. more (Cuellar 17-S) GROSSINGEB, N.Y. (AP) David Lee. . Chicago (Bradley 13-12) at Kansas Mrs. Charles Stava posted golf course. - Critical of his opponent and Agrico Grass Food is a rich feeding formula. It has •City (Splltlorori 7-7) Miller, who never putted more actual feeding units than most brands. It covers Boston (Peters 13-10) at Detroit (Lol- the most threes -' six, and ^Thirteen more were at even confident • of beating Southern-style Bermuda grass IcbSJ-lO) evenly and has a slow release formula that feeds root • Minnesota (Blyleven 12-15) at Oaklond Mrs. Robert Lehman had sev- par, including defending him-that's world lightweight until he turned pro two years (Odom 10-10) en fours. Mrs. Gene Monnier's systems as they need it. There's no better time than SUGGESTED RETAIL. . -^.Milwaukee (Lockwood 9-12) at Cali- champion Mason Rudolph, champion Ken Buchanan ago, finished this year's Mas- now or better product than Agrico to give you a beautiful $£45 fornia (Messersmllh 15-13) nine fives led in' that cate- whose only tour victory since threo days before his title ters tied for second ono shot gory. law1mmn nexnmft. snnncspring.. • •# ' per bap; 1965 was to this tournament match with Ismael Laguna in off Charles Coody's winning Evenly feeds 6,000 eq. ft last year. New York's Madison Square pace. With the exception of Mill-, Garden. • He tied for fifth In the At- er, who also holed a 40-foqter "He's been blowing his lanta Classic where ho-also for one of his three birdies. mouth about losing by one opened with a 65. point:,1' said Buchanan. "Well, Monday night can be his Frazier Joins night. If he beats me I'll be AgrtcoCtmnlcmlDhrfrton the first one to congratulate Continental Oil Company Knick Rookies Mrs. Beekman Cartsrot, NJ. 07008 him." Phone: 201/541-5171 WEST LONG BRANCH - But the Scot is quick to let SKI SWAP Walt "Clyde" Frailer, the Wins on Links questioners know that he ex- NAVESINK - Mrs. Alston New York Knlcks' backcourt pects to accept •con- AT THE SPORT SPOT star, checked into the Holiday Beekman captured the low Agrico Products Available at The Following Dealers 801 Broad St. Shrewsbury gratulations, not give them. gross honors'at the Navesink Inn here yesterday, bringing "I'm going out there and his lavish wardrobe with him. Country Club here yesterdav win, I know, but I'm not over- Becker*! Hardware lawtsCoolCe. Sun wt Farm Market it Benefit YMCA Arrowhead Race Team The All-Pro guard then while Mrs. Nnrman Moody 1W StimntMiry Ave.. Rtd Bank River fld. Fair Haven MIO Smut Ave., Wananrauo confident," Buchanan said was low net victor ^ 747-1030 772402* Swap or sell your used or outgrown ski equipment worked out at the club's ivion- Thursday after completing his 747-04811 ; mouth College training base Hunnerup in Mrs. Beekman Nliddletown Garden Center serious training at this resort Hendriduon'i Old Wagon Farm 5worr»l's farm & Garden Supply SEPT. 11,197110 A.M.-5 P.M. while coach Red Holzmon was Mrs Gordon Fultertoa. . Rl. 35 * Lcurel Ave., Holmdtl Rt. M, Mlddlefown MS HolireW R0L, Hllllcr area for his scheduled 15- Mrs. Beekman also captured 871-1050 284.2211 continued to put his rookies low putts at 58. 871-0204 SALE through their paces. round second defense of the Holland t McChenwy Warahoust Pleasant ValbyNumry Turner Bros. Nursery title he won from Laguna by 40% off oh ski equipment and clothing Mrs ltobert Thomson won CRR Yardj, Freehold Rl. J4, Colls Neck Monmouth Rd., West Long Brand! Frazier was (he first estab- one point. the Class "A'> low net ovci 4S2-0B87 462-6282 220-2587 DOOR PRIZES lished Knlck to. make an ap- Lagunir, twice lightweight' wMyi 72. She also curded lo pearance. The veterans aren't Myron Koiidiy&Assoc Porter's Garden Ctnter The Village Green Admission 75° champion training at nearby 1011 Rt, IS, Wonamasso required to report until Mon- « Rl. 15. eatonlown Ave. ol Two Riven, Rumwn Kiameslm Lake, and his man- B42-OB43 888-3344 Children under 12 25° day. The "I!" winner was 'l 842-233S ager Cain Young have been Fred D. Wikaff Co. The rookie camp will con- Walter (iuinan. She HIK0 I lawn Coal Co. W.H. Potterft So n Fashion Preview of coming Ski Season openly critical of the decision low putts. 234 Maple Ave., Red Bank clude tomorrow with s noon lycomare Ave., Shrewsbury Red Hill Rd 1 Gorden Stole Pkw, MUdWewt Showings at 11 and 2 which the Panamanian lost to M 741-0554 scrimmage open to the public in tho c 2Z2-370O 671-0552 in Puerto Rico last Rain data - Sept. 18,1971 freeof charge. and low putts. TheOillyBeglrt*rfRe PBA KiKhlnfi Contost, through Sept 17 only. Hunters McCu.l> lumftid a 20 3/4- are advised to complete the. imund carp |o capture the two and a half hours")! lec- Stale deer hunters who wjsh ture and deirfdnstration, fol- application on both hides, fresh water contest, while to participate in the annual lowed by a day at a local rod antierless "deer season, Dec. The applicant must state ItHlclgh scored on a I7i/r and gun club the following the county where the special pound wcukfisli to take suit 15, must fill nut a'special ap- Saturday. plication prior to the hunting permit will be used, and in- THE TIME water honors, Both lads won clude that portion of his 1971 $i cheeks. Attendance is required at day and each applicant must hotli sessions. The course is have proof of a 1OT1 hunting li- hunting Jicentw! marked for . Vftl OUT Hunter Safety Course open to boys and girls n cense. this purpoiiu. A hunter safety course, years and older. There is no Applications can be obtain- • Bow and arrow hunters do ' C^l LICK mandatory for hunting licens- fee, Students need not have ed at any agency around the not qualify for a permit for es, will be given at Runison- their own rifles or shotguns. slate, and from the State Con- use of bow and arrow, A dfter -Fair, Haven Hpglonal High' 'For information contact servation Officers, and the Di- kill made during the special School at!) a.m. on Oct. 2. Howard Sherman, 10 Holly vision of Fish, Game and season in a IJOIIUH deer for the The course will consist of Tree Lane, Rumson. Shell-fisheries offices in Trim- hunter. A hunter may take only two deer per season, one witb shotgun and one with bow and arrow. Wildlife management au- AFC Leads NFC Teams thorities support antierless deer seasons as a method of reducing the deer herds in As Exhibitions Conclude areas where winter feed and browse are limited and cannot By Associated Press Those old NFL teams cur- land at Memphis, Tenn. provide enough food during rently trail in inter-conference '• Four out of five games Sat- : harsh winters. The preening ' Americatr Conference action with nine out of the lit urday night and three out of also reduces the deer-buck ra- -teams head into the final windup games crossing con- four games Sunday also tio in these areas and devel- 'weekend of exhibition action ference lines, The AFC goes spotlight inter-conference ac- ops a healthier deer herd, -tonight leading In hoad-to- into the final weekend with a tion. What role does attitude play -•liead plashes with their Na- 25-23-2 won-lost record after Tomorrow its Atlanta, in a fisherman's ability to ' Monal Conference counter- winning eight of 11 games last NFC, at San Diego, AFC; Cin- catch fish? Is the way you parts-a rivalry that still is week. cinnati, AFC, at Washington, think about fish important to tinged with the flavor of the The week's action brings NFC; Kansas City. AFV, at your angling success? old OLD-NFL battles. the curtain down on the sec- Dallas, NKC, and Miami, You must first consider •Buffalo Coach Harvey ond exhibition season in- AFC, at Minnesota, NFC. Sun- your fishing knowledge. Are "Johnson1, 'whose Bills play day its Denver, AFC, at Chi- Hall to Induct-Ring Greats volving inter-conference ac- you proficient in the use of at "'tireen Bay in one of tonight's tion. The NFC won the pre- cago, NFC, Pittsburgh, AFC, least one type of fishing gear, MORGAN - Eing nostalgia mainder of the night will be nera and Krnie Schaaf. Po- with youth at Camp Kilmer in •'Inter-conference games, is season series 28-21-1 last year at New York, NFC, and Hous- whether fly rod, bait casting will flow faster than a light- devoted to dancing and more reda also fought Max Baer, Kdison Township under the •'•''one of those who believes and posted a 27-12-1 record ton, AFC, at New Orleans, rod, or spinning rig? If you ning flurry of lefts and rights nostalgia centered around Jack Renault and Joe Louis. N.J. Department of Education firmly that the intense rivalry during the 1970 regular sea- NFC. are, then part of the battle is here Sunday during the third ring stories of the past. Cavalier was a feared box- for almost a decade, festered by the pro-merger son. The other two games are won. annual N..I. Boxing Hall of The most prominent ing master who won 111 of 115 The 48-year-old former 'war between the leagues still The Green Bay-Buffalo Baltimore vs. Oakland at There is also the matter of Kame Dinner at Club Benc, Among the five living in- hou.ts and later became the champion launched his pro ca- 'exists tltrough inter-confer- Jacksonville, Fla., Saturday ductees for the boxing fans of slate's leading referee. reer in 1940 in New Brunswick ence action. ; game is one of two inter-con- knowing fish habits, feeding ference games scheduled for and Detroit at Philadelphia tastes, spawning times and a p first time, five liv- more recent vintage is Ike The ring stars were se- and fought 154 bouts before r "No, matter what anyone Sunday night in a game that Williams, former lightweight lected-by boxing writers and his last battle which resulted "says," .Johnson insists, "those tonight. Cleveland, AFC, is at multitude of other data about ing members will be ensh- St. Louis, NFC, in the other. will be nationally televised by fish behavior. rined as the highlight of some champion of the world. sports editors of 28 state in a ninth round technical kno- 'old NFL teams feel losing is CBS starting at 9 p.m., EDT. Williams, a Trenton prod- newspapers. ckout over Beau Jack in 1955. : an affront." The third game matches the Another factor is knowledge eight hours of merry-making New York Jets and New Eng- The surprising Bills, who about a particular body of wa- and story-telling. uct, will be joined in the hon- Twelve other greats will be Williams won the National upended Detroit in inter-con- ter. Familiarity with a stream Dinner chairman Adrian ored list by Sgt. Ray Smith of honored posthumously-Mike Boxing Association version of ference action last week, have or lake, and its underwater Bailey of Wanamassa has ar- Camden, Willie LaMorte, Ballerino, Little Jack the 135-pound title by knock- built a 3-2 prc-season record characteristics, as well as oth- ranged an outstanding pro- Stanley Poreda'of Jersey City Sharkey, Peley Mack, Mickey ing out Juan Zarita in two behind the quarterbacking of er facts such as normal level gram which will run from 3 and Paul Cavalier of Pater- Taylor, Midget Doyle, DoDo rounds in 1945, and was recog- ^Warner Season Dennis Shaw and the running and temperature, can bring p.m. until midnight. son. Jackson, Johnny Del Kino, nized as the lightweight King Mickey Delmont, Banty and pass-catching of O.J. Sim- about better fishing. A presentation of the Smith, a World War I hero, after a sixth-round knockout Lewis, Tommy Touhey, Lew pson and could wind up with The matter of confidence is Broadway musical "Kiss Me fought the best of his time in over Bob Montgomery in 1947. the best record in the AFC the Heavyweight ranks, in- Seltzer and Jack Kiernan, the In his 16 years in the ring, Opens Sunday a final point. Be sure that the Kate" will launch the gala last the late brother of Mon- East by beating the Packers. cluding Sam Langford, Harry , Williams scored 60 knockouts methods you use are good, program at 4 p.m. Dinner will mouth County Sheriff Paul The Jersey Shore Pop returns to his duties as secre- Dan Devine's Packers have Wills, Jack Dillon, Georges and won 65 fights by decision. and that the fish you seek is be served approximately two Kiernan. Warner League opens its 11th . tary. won only one of five but about ready to take the lure hours later, with the induction Carpentier and Oene Tunney. He also had five drawtvand season of action at 14 sites Jerry Jerolamon is the against Cincinnati last week you present. , ceremonies to follow. The re- Former Flyweight King Ring 34 Representative lost 18 by decision, put together their best offen- LaMorte was recognized as The living inductees repre-. Sunday, with a record 29 founder of the league. Jerola- Joseph Fay of Avon will sive display with Dave Ham- flyweight champion in 19*29 af- sent five of the state's seven teams. Manalapan-English- mon formed the league in 1960 present the N.J. Boxing Hall town in the new entry in the when he produced the Fair pton gaining 99 yards on the ter defeating lzzy Schwartz, "rings," with Williams a ground and, Donny Anderson while Poreda catapulted into member of Ring 34 which in- of Fame Award to Williams "B" Division. Haven team. Sea Swimmers on Sunday night. In the "A" Division, St. Jo- 83. Green Bay, however, has the world fistic limelight in cludes Monmouth, Ocean and '•seph's of Toms Kiver, last been'slowed this week by flu the early 1930's by defeating Middlesex Counties. The hall, founded by Bailey, year's "B" champ,, moves to attacks that curtailed pra<<- Tommy.Loughran, Primo Ca- Williams has been working includes. Jimmy Braddock, i "A" and meets Point Pleasant Map Roads tice for several players/ Compete Sunday Mickey Walker, Joe BorreH .at home. Middletown travels The Browns are coming off and Frankle Nelson, the first to Freehold, Manasquan is at their first victory, achieved ASBURY PARK - A one- Steadman, swimming coach inductees in 1989, and'last ilaritan, Long Branch plays with Bill Nclsen starting at mile ocean/swimming race, at Monmouth College, said the year's honored quartet of at Howell, and Brick Town- EAST BRUNSWICK (AP) quarterback over sophomore with boys and girls competing mile race will begin from ei- Tony Galento, Steve Hamas, Mike Phipps. Nelsen hit on together in one event, will be ther the First Avenue beath ship, the defending "A" - New Jersey Turnpike Au- 1 Mickey Dell and Willie Grfld- champ takes on Neptune, thority officials have met with nine of 14 passes for 193 yard held Sunday at 2 p.m. from or Eighth Avenue beach, de- well. Manalapan-Englishtown Sonny Werblin and State Com- in a 3-7 victory over the Gi- one end ;of the city's beachf- pending upon the weather, goes up against Lakewood in missioner of Transportation ants. Phipps had been handed ront to the other. "If the wind is blowing the : the pinetree area. Toms River John Kohl to map out plans < the No. 1 job but has been er- The contest is part of the current in a northerly direc- HAPPY GRAND-DAD 1 meets Ft. Mcmmouth under ratic during exhibition action. combined downtown-beachf- tion, the contestants will start for a road network for the Stanley Dancer celebratdd .jhe lights, Wall Township The Cardinals, with a 1-2-1 ront celebration honoring San- from the Casino," he said. "If Meadowlands sports complex. the arrival of his first grand- . plays at Belmar, and Ocean record, have allowed just 73 ta Claus today through Sun- the current is moving south- Announcement of the meet- son by driving home two win- .Township meets at Jackson points but have been unable to day. It is one of a dozen at- ward, they will start from ing was made at a meeting of ners at Freehold Raceway on "Township. mount a consistent offense tractions on the three-day pro- Eighth Ave. the authority's board of gov- Aug. 28. Ronald Dancer, son ' , River Plaza, the defending and have scored only 67 gram. "In any event, they u ill ernors here. of Stanley, welcomed the new i_champion of the "C" Division, points. Jim Hart is expected The ocean race, sanctioned swim far enoug|i from the Werblin, head of the New addition, Ronald Stanley, the i plays RumsoQ at the Middle- to start at quarterback but by the N.J. Amateur Athletic beach to avoid the jetties and Jersey State Sports Authority, day before and cancelled his town Township High School Pete Beathard should see ac- Union, is expected to attract will go around Convention is expected to form a staff to driving engagements. Grand- Field. Matawan is at Atlantic tion too. amateur swimmers from New Hall," Steadman said. discuss the problem further father Stanley filled in for his . Highlands, lied Bank travels Al Woodall, held out for one York, New Jersey and Penn- Lifeguard boats, manned by with representatives of the son by registering with Leroy to Fair Haven and Keansburg highway authority. week with a chip fracture of sylvania, accortiing to Dick city lifeguards, will patrol the left wrist, will be back at Steadman, who isadirecting the swimmers and rescue NlnTthMeaUired fUMWQ Sea -plays at New Shrewsbury. —A spokesman for the au- Girt Race and winning the West Long Branch has a thority said the first problem quarterback for the Jets. Jim the event in association with those who are unable to swim Plunked should see consid- the City of Asbury Park. the distance. supporting $7,500 attraction bye. to be worked out will be to de- with Smokey Rainbow. , Jim Gardella of Rumson is fine the limits of responsi- erable action for the Patriots , Trophies will be awarded ve new president of the cir- bility of the agencies in- after completing 17 of 29 pas- by the City of Asbury Park to ses for 187 yards against At- the first three to finish in each tuit: Al Greco, Middletown, volved. B m lanta last week. Chargers Defeat division. The boys and girls, b RouteWl/X^ii t "'k Raiders, 20-13 although swimming together, FT. MONMOUTH - Tht will be judged separately by Freehold Results the A.A.U. officials. Ike Williams Weather - clear l Track -leaf River,Plaza-Lincroft Char- lit-JIMO.'Irol; 1 m gers defeated the Ft. Mon- Hokey5poke(Hoepfnerno.OO «.00 6.20 Gallon Diamond (Looney) 5.40 mouth-Eatontown Raiders, 20- Entries Hansel Rodney (Ferrltro>.. ', »,00 13, in a Pop Warner exhibition Locals Qualify in Lady-Pro . Orodtd entrlil eouwn flint (SdilMter) and-JIJMj poce; J m game under the lights at Dean * Armbro KsrlM (nilon) JsBlack Prince I5moil)35.00 9« 4.69 BLOQMFIELD - Four lo- PANELING yMll) 3.) tmwr vrolenllm ( Voun;) Wlnstodt (Abboilelloa 4.30 2,60 Field here last weekend. In the second flight, Don VJohnny RWK> (Mo(Morrlllr ) It Moreover A (Homol) i.m The Chargers were led by cal pairs qualified in the first and Mrs. William Gil- WT N (Quartler(Qrtl)) 41 Dally Double (141 ] IS I 41 Flnf Volue (McKcnna) 3.20 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke of GEORGIA .^PACIFIC SuckySdOIre lOnila), Adorai Chappie ICherrlxl 81 a run of 70 yards in the second No local teams qualified in Brandy WyiKiblouen (Young) II 5tti - (2,900; pace; I m Deal qualified with 78 in selec- '' : mi - «1J»; (MM) I m Lard Avon N quarter. The other score the championship round. Bob gsm PMflt (McCondMdHHI S3 (Lotimeyer Jr) ...... 3.39 2.80 2,»0 came by fullback John Trezza tive drive, alternate shot play. IMPERIAL WALNUT Becky June (SKlm»r) , 3 1 Steady Will (Kelly) Mlnnlu J DfHubbarcl) lt.60 /.00 At 79 were Ted Blackburn and Shield and Judy Bails of Al- Rock Spring! Sharp (Ollril Su Mai Ll« (PHianl l\ Mr. Sea Ross (Schmlosll ;....s.0O on a 5-yard plunge in the pine are the defending > Mtafow Reid (DlelenbacM 41 . Slar iVerairy (Ollnl 41 Eiocfa (5 :> VM fmirtli quarter. The Chargers Mrs. Tom Appleby of Deal, • 4x8 Sheets "JAwtfl Discovery (0*111 Send) 41 • Sarah Patricia (Elliott) 4-1 champs and also won in 11167 • Furniture finish TpthFll) ITlll II Jama Ocon (Mansfleldl 41 «in ~ tl.S'M; paco; 1 m also had another Tf) called and Dave Nelson and Mrs. III Cnmdin Bonnie (Robert)) II and til). $099 Royol vlelflr (Small* Adlos Patgo (Kachel) /.fio 3.00 2.SO Henry Doublillct of Holly- • 1st Quality 'SjllW 60 dele) 30-1 Fly Bye Wick (Bonaccl) 131 J M Rltytnm (Lamb) 2.*o 2 to back on a 11) yat.xi run by John Anon Prom. (Golel' 20 1 Drxlt OuVo (Morone) IM Adolph Senalor (Elliott) 1.1a wood. A second Hollywood Star Victory (Schmlgell ' IM Trczai. Mrs. Robert Morrill of Rag. $9.60 Jrd-IIW; ««1m Tht Rogu« (Waithen Jr) 15-1 Jlti - I3.S0O; pote; I m duo, Lou Barbero and Mrs. While Beachc's had a hole-in- 3 Ramon Holly (Romano) ., J-l Ike Fire (Gagllordl) 4.6O 3.« 2.IO Scores by the Raiders were llyman Winik had 80. ~)a\if Via (Hubbord) 3 1 lMi'-lMN;pact; tin Weary Don (Munti) s.40 3.10 by Eric Johnson in the second one on the 172-yard 16lh hole. Tandys Condy (Ballonll Brlolds Pride (Hllon) 3-t Cherry Shade (Wajnor) j.oo Reg. Salt Reg. Sole Monnorl Dlirdrt (Porodn) Mountain AD (NaOrlverl t-l Exacta (5-1) mo quarter and a 55-yard kick re- NoBleKotelMyer) HI Special Croln (Wunderllch) 5-1 turn by Johnson in the fourth SAG! BRUSH 6.20 2.99 CASTIUANWAINUT 12.80 5.99 ^UnbelUvable (Bou)hard) t-l Mlghly Trim (Bonaccl) 5-1 llh - II.MO; pace; I m 10-1 Mr, Triple B (lirttrttanotoi • 4-1 8ARNB0ARD 11.20 3.99 ONYX BIRCH 16.00 6.99 1 lost Bridge (Motrlll) 5.40 3.80 3.30 quarter. A defensive standout Scotch Slwrletn (Sutler) 101 5anlc»Jolwi [No Driver) , II Royal Mar Al (Lohmcycr jr)..6.6O 4.60 WhlrlyByrdA (Graenel t-l was guard Rick McCarter of iMHUUDTEAK 8.20 3.99 FEDERAL BLUE 13.00 6.99 Dublin Mold (LeCouMl Ml 101 Yankee Timber (Gray) 3.00 Virginia rimes (SchmiOeO JO-1 Lellai Star (Oogllardl) Fl. Monmouth. MOROCCAN WAlNUf Oarth Hanover iPouol 15-1 ' till - SI300; poce; I m MONMOUTH 8.20 3.99 DANISH WALNUT 14.00 7.99 (Id - lirw; poeej I m Lalhom (Gray) <.2O 3.20 3.00 The Chargers had out- BU1E SPRAY 10.20 4.99 WEATHERED SPICE Peter BrooM IBotlml) 1-5 11th " IIWl pocll 1 m Gimmick (Paradisi 4.BD xjo 15.00 8.88 Demon Craig (Fiiion) . J-t Gravel King (Lolimeyer Jr) 85 Scolty Lobeil (Mubbord) standing defensive plays by SPICE ElM 11.00 4.99 ROSEWOOD Charlnlle D (Imley) 5-J 36.00 9.99 8rtI7M; poce; I m Chargers again prevailed', :!i- 4th ANNIVERSARY SALE 201 llh - tutti oacei I m General Gearge, IMo nitly Sled (Lotimcycr Jr)4.40 340 2.$o Snisy CMa (Oaoliardll 9,2a j n " "tvw Frost

OUTWARD BOUND — Harold L. Dietrich, Brielle, director of the Mon- mouth County Audio Visual Aids Commission, rolls a shipment of teacher- requested films toward the truck that will distribute them among the 49 county school districts. Waiting to help with the loading is John Miller, Manasquan, commission driver.

SHELF SERVICE — Films to fill requests from teachers to the Monmouth County Audio Visual Aids Commission are selected by its driver, John Miller of Manasquan, from the 3,500 stored in its headquarters next to the Hall of Records, Freehold. v 'More landscaping professionals use Aluminum Can Recycling Day at Steinbach LOFTS LAWNSEED Saturday, Sept. 11,10 A.M. to 2 P.M.—benefit of the Scouts than any other brand-anywhere! Save your aluminum cans and reclaim them from the How to Identify Aluminum Cans. They're lightweight environment for,recycling. The Boy and Girl Scouts have Ask the man who plants lawns for a and landscape golf courses use more smooth — and most important — they have no side'- living. He'll tell you Lolts Is all you have Lofts than any other grass seed in been doing it for a long time. Let's do it, too. Tomorrow, searrji The bottoms are rounded, curved In, and without to know. If you know seed and seeding, the world. Isn't it just plain good sense Saturday, we'll have the Boy and Girl Scouts at every a flange. Some easy-open tops show the word "alumi- you recognize the value of Lofts' high- to seed with the grass seed of the Prps? Steinbach store waiting for you to bring in your alumi- num." This does not necessarily mean that the whole purity In germination ... of poa annua Lofls. Iree seed. The Pros who ~ num cans. They want to see you help clean up the envi- can is aluminum. Empty aluminum cans are easilv grow sod ronment. And they'll turn the cans in for recycling and crushed. If you crush them you can carry three times as c get 10 a lb. toward their projects. Please — come in many in the same space. Reg,$5.95 and bring lots of aluminum cans. You be a good Scout,' NOW ONLY Reg. $7.95 too. You know you can! Don't (orgetl Next Saturday, September 18, at 10 A M NOW ONLY $4.95 we're "Cycling for Recycling." Ride begins at Student 14 lb box) parking lot, Monmouth College, along Ocean Avenue to Steinbach for refreshments and entertainment. Admis- Bring your used aluminum cans to these locations: sion: one aluminum can. Ride your bike withusl Rain Asbury Park: Manalapan: date: Sept. 25. . ., Bangs Avenue entrance Rear west entrance Red Bank: Brick Town: parking lot entrance Front of store • Elizabeth; Plainfield: Jill! West Jersey St. entrance Front of store

TURFSUPREME Lawn Mixture Contains Merlpn Kentucky Bluegrass Guaranteed free of poa annua LOCAL AREA BLEND Blended for your area. !1 1 Contains Manhattan. • * ••' .V'. - ' Free of poa annua. \ 'I '-••' good things in store •.. um

to 16 years of age and senior, • The three Judge*, IB*! NEW SHREWSBURY - "Salute to New Shrewsbury, Lois McDpMtf rf Youth" is the theme of the three-day, 19th an- and William Fansler of Be* l«flk" nual New Shrewsbury Country Fair. these prizes: -. ,rj, > . And youth was pre-eminent at yesterday's Prhe Winner* ".«•'•:: official opening. Hundreds of young people Junior - First, Lynn lloyetlflf an'«rcb«t-.. from this and surrounding communities were ic dance; second, Maria Rtchardl, «en*attf on hand. •» dance; and third, Katby Smith, fbtt !&$#.Se- nior - first, Lauren Overby, modern dance; Paul Spencer, a senior at Monmouth Re- ( gional High School, president of the Student second, a duet-Leigh Strieker ««r Ctaudia Council and Junior Government Mayor, deliv- Burns, folk singers, and third, "Thftfrjends" ered the opening speech. (Billy Acerra, Joseph Tedino and Joieph Opportunity Opens Davis) musical group. - ,'"§ Stressing the victory of youth in gaining Yesterday's program was opened b> toe the vote, Mr. Spencer stressed the responsi- Monmouth Regional High School band,' which bilities this implies and underlined that this marched into the fairground, and then ore* vote gives young people an opportunity to sented a program from the stage, . ''.,, work for the betterment of their own commu- - Today's attractions will include a country nity, as well as express their views on a na- auction by the New Shrewsbury Kiwani* Club tional scale. and the Ernest Hiltbrunner Foundation 4t f Approximately 40 community and civic or- p.m.; a program by the Gold Shirt Chorus of ganisations are taking part in the fair with Asbury Park; presentation of awards to win* booths, exhibits, stalls and services. ner_s; and the Annual Queen Contest. Usual Setting The nine contestants for the crowfl .are As usual, exhibit tents housing arts and sponsored by community organizations, Md crafts, agricultural exhibits, an art show, food the winner will hold the crown for one year. and soft drink counters, and many other at- Tomorrow's events include, a children* tractions, line the edges of the fair ground, pet show at 10 a.m.; a country auction at 2, The center is taken up by the traditional fair- p.m.; a promenade of the fair grounds by way with all sorts of rides and amusements. "Choco the Clown" and a stage show by him, The excellent weather, yesterday after- starting at 3 p.m.; refreshment time at all the noon, encouraged approximately 1,500 people booths from 5:30 p.m. and two organ concerts to come cut early. A large crowd attended the starting at 7:30 p m. by Barbara King ant first day's attraction, the talent show. Gladstone Trott. The organ has been donated Drawn from a field of 25 contestants, six by the Monmouth Organ Society, of which the finalists competed in two age groups, junior, 12 two organists are members.



FAIR IMPRESSIONS — The 19th annual New Shrewsbury Coun- urday, with a full calendar of events. As usual, right down the try Fair was officially opened last night. This year's theme is a fairway there are the usual fair ground attractions for young "Salute to Youth." An estimated 1,500 persons, attended the and old. Over 40 community and civic organizations are partici- fair's first day, The event will continue loday and will end Sat- pating., Register sta« pnoto uy tarry per™ Marlboro to Pay Suit Fees By JIM McCORMICK with a countersuit filed by Minogue. This prompted Mr. some discussion, agreed to science rather than through Mayor Salkind in response to Grossman to ask if any of the pay for the legal fees incurred fear," he said. MARLBORO - In a major Mr, Minogue's suit. councilman examined Mr. by the mayor and Mr. Roth- The mayor was referring to policy making decision; the The council was originally Murphy's qualifications. ; eim in connection with the council's prior refusal to pay Township Council last night going to pass a resolution ap- Mr. Grossman also ques- bonding suit. for his and Mr. Rotheim's le- reversed itself anoVfigragd-.tq. pointing attorney Nelson H. tioned if Mr. Minogue should Mayor Salkind hailed the gal expenses in the Mingoue pay the legal expenses of two Murphy of Red Bank to repre- advise the council on the ap- decision as "an important po- suit. township officials involved in sent the township in the suit pointment of an attorney for a licy step on the future. Councilman Grossman said a lawsuit brought by township brought by the mayor. suit in which he is involved. "Council has reversed a that "the council has made a attorney James R, Minogue. The suit questions the vali- Councilman Williams and bad trend. It is importnat to policy decision which means Mr. Minogue filed a show dity of the township's admin- Council President John J, allow township government that township workers will be cause order against Mayor istrative code which permits McLaughlin said that they officials to act through con- backed up by the council." Morton Salkind and township council to appoint the town- had not investigated using an director of finance Martin ship attorney and township attorney other than Mr. Mur^ Rotheim concerning a $7,507 engineer instead of the may- phy. Councilman Richard bill the attorney submitted for or. The township is the third Herman was absent, and the GDP Gets Services work performed on a $700,000 party in the suit. vacancy on-the council bond ordinance. The resolution to retain Mr, created by the resignation of MONMOUTH OPENS — More than 5,900 Monmouth College students have In declining topay the bill, Murphy was tabled after Councilwoman, Judith Czerny Of a Health Planner enrolled in graduate and undergraduate programs this year. Here they Mr. Rotheim maintained that Councilman Lawrence S, had not been filled. from the U.S. Public Health register for their fall classes in the Alumni Gymnasium. there was not enough money Grossman asked why the Red LONG BRANCH - William The quorum of three coun- Service to establish a com- . _ui the township's fund used to Bank attorney was chosen to- I). Romano, director of the cilmen finally decided to table prenens,i ve family health cen- pay legal and. other profes- represent the towsnhip. The Community Development Pro- the resolution hiring Mr. Mur- ter. He has also served as the sional fees for the bond ordi- councilman pointed out that gram, announced the services phy- health educator at the Marion nance. The suit is still pending there were several lawyers in of a health planner, Anthony This action led the council County Tuberculosis Associ- before Superior Court Judge the township qualified to Reynolds, have been obtained Enrollment Drop Seen into discussion over wno ation in Indiana. Andrew Salvest. handle the suit. through a cooperative ar- would pay the legal fees of rangement with the New Jer- Mr. Reynolds is a graduate The council's decision last Councilman John H. Wil- township officials being sued sey Regional Medical Pro- of Tennessee A&I State Uni- night was the offshoot of an liams said that Mr. Murphy in connection with their gram. versity and seived in the U.S. item on the agenda dealing was recommended by Mr. duties. The council then, after Mr. Reynolds is paid by the Navy from 1957 to 1961. He is At Monmouth College New Jersey Regional Medical 33 and was formally assigned Program at no cost to the to the Long Branch Commu- WEST LONG BRANCH - a system of American higher a ctvniiation." community Development Pro- nity Development Office on Final enrollment figures will education which will bear the Dr. Stonesifer urged the gram or to the City of Long AUg. IS; not be available for some scrutiny of history as being faculty to "join me in a neces- Big Boxers of Yore s time, but Monmouth College worthy of Americans at this Branch. Mr. Romano said he was sity now thrust upon us, which Mr. Reynolds was formerly pleased to secure what is officials anticipate a drop in point in their development as is to establish an atmosphere assistant to the Bronx viewed as an extremely valu- undergraduate registration in and on our campuses where borough president. He was re- able staff member in the area and an increase in the number Academy rational dialogue about the Set Fund Raiser Gala sponsible for the formulation of health planning and a of graduate students. social Ills which inflict and prime example of what the Registration for the fall se- By JOAN TURNER and Steve Belloiso and Roger arranged for buses .to leave of health policies and liaison split America can be carried With various hpalth care in- Community Development Pro- mester began Tuesday and Awards on, calmy, rationally, and Donaghuc, middleweights. from Jersey City and Newark. gram hopes to achieve ran through yesterday. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - Mr. Vejar is chairman of In New Jersey, there is a stitutions. with an eye toward making Previously he was the ad- through cooperative agree- Classes are set to begin Mon- really meaningful progress in" There is going to be a gala the Cerebral Palsy drive in bus leaving from the Ideal ments between the city, state. day. Scholarships Wight for the young - and not Winchester and is credited Bar in East Keqnsburg and ministrator of the Hunts Point solving them." Health Center which was the government and private David M. Epsey, dean of FAIR HAVEN - Scholar- Citing the college's strides so young W fight fans. with getting this card togeth- onu from Atlantic Highlands agencies. registration, said approxi- Tuesday night at the West- is in the works. recipient of a $G million grant ship winners of the New Jer- through the years, the presi- mately 5,200 undergraduate sey Academy of Dramatic Art dent admitted that continued Chester County Center on Tar- Mr. Fusari, who was known students were expected to en- . Mr. Fusari, a liquor sales- have been announced by the progress-at Monmouth "might rytown Road, many greats as the, "Fighting Milkman," roll this semester, down from man in the Baysliore area of director, Robert E. Wayman. not be easy, and particularly and near-greats in the boxing resides in Livingston and can Three Are Arrested some 5,400 last year. Primary field will meet again to give ' Monmouth, County, N.J., has supply additional information. Receiving awards were: in an era when the philanth- reason for the decline, accord- Kathleen and Jeanne Foley, ropic dollar has done a dis- exhibition fights for the ben- ing to college officials, is the efit of the United Cerebral daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- appearing act, when govern- On Marijuana Count current state of the nation's seph Foley, Fair Haven; Ann mental studies are in some Palsy fund, sponsored by the economy. Wcstchcster Police Confer- MIDDLETOWN - Three Chief McCarthy said Pa- Hopkins, daughter of Mrs. doubt, and when Master Plan- However, Dean Epsey pre- ence. suspects remained in custody trolman Slover stopped a car Mary Hopkins, River Plaza; ning in New Jersey has thus dicts a rise to more than 759 this morning after their arrest on lit. 35 at Apple Kami Road Linda Moore, daughter of Mr. far done really very little but fjo the names Sandy Sad- persons registered in the col- yesterday afternoon on because it allegedly hud no and Mrs. Stuart Moore, Colts to recognize that private edu- dler, Jake LaMotta, and j^ programs, an Charlie Fusarl ring bells? Su- charges of possession (if nar- brake lights. Neck; Christina Boyhan, cation exists in this state and cotics. of more than 100 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Is nice to have around for va- rely, Rocky Grazlano is famil- Upon further investigation fronvlast year. iar to even young TV vinwers According lo Police Chief Patrolman Slover discovered John,Boyhan, Holmdel; John riety's sake. Joseph M. McCarthy the trio, Dr. Richard J. Stonesifer, Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. "But;" he added, "I Invite through Ills commercials. a quantity of hashish and college presidpnt since July 1, identified as Daniel H. Chase, marijuana in tliu vehicle and Charles Brandt, Rumson; you aboard for the ride, to Those men and many more is slated to address the new 2(1, of (ilen Hock; Jeffrey S.


> AUTOS KOB 8 ALE AUTOS FOR SALE Al'TOK FOR SALK |M0 VtDICK ~ Twt-f AUTOS yoit«AtB i lyj^pwins-.trmlor, tod ant fill \iU, i3 mt mpm. Mini Kit. turn SolM an) itrvlce 1965 SKYLARK - Otlltwnt •,, 4-Wpr FALCON — Two-door notion WMOfi, Frwheld *» 53W k •none. Luwogt rack, rodlo. MOO. 741- STRAUS BUICK - OPEOPEL I'-IB, Hpnt, Hurl! thlf- VOLKtWAOBW tUt — HU. Cow) c NINE- ACRES.o Mf Newongo UniUHdt Ca ...r . tTfiToOOOg MONACO -Tfp«7nnoir - T*» topi. .CUTLASS SUPREME 1fpltd. Air coi Twin Bore Molo'i. Inc mlltagt, Rodlol llrti, 114J0. Phorn 341- dltlortlita. All pow«r. tow mlliooe. Ve 131 Ncwmon Sprinos Rd . Reel Bo'ik .. AUTOS FOR *\l.K AUTOS FOR SAI.l AV'tOS FOR SAUC ~" Coll WM1\ 1495' rwonttl.. Coll ill-H05, __ _ MC MIDGET l«0 - Tonntou eo«r, f KIT5ON CHEVROLtT (0 i% dlo. L«n tnfla 11,000 mliti. Like ne Hwy U Ptiornt7l-IWatl«r« i»w vowiwA«»_._..ej«arI«ji*.«j;.: •, WFU RUNNING ON SIX CYLINDERS! JVUTOS FOB SAI.K AUTOS FOB SAI.K P & H Motors Inr Authorlied Ueolffrs Dodge ond Podge Tiuritt ryokM, power l 1 Hwy 35 Eolonlswn N J.Snow lirei. t*% Wr . 4>*X-*4SI «H«r* *_ J«llll _ p m. OATSUM WASHINSTON'S AUTO SFRVICf J7OeroadJSt, Ii1\m_ K«yporl

CHeVROLEIS- BRANOMFW IM1THUH0BMIKBT»»» WO LEFTOVERS -> Demai ond e«cu- tide's ot greotly reduced prices TOWNeCMEVROlCT 111 Av>.. Allonllc Hlgh.onds W 1101 97 'il/lCK d»IA«l>;if5*T'-£'FUt V equlppid. Vfr» low »l(Maj». Wuit wlf. Where the "Action" is U^DKIVLR rv*UIUK3, ink.. Bill ortar. JM M]^, . fSj 170 £. Newman Spring} Pd, Red Hnnk AUSTIN ftW - B«- DOKEMUSfORD tenant condition. 20 Mcnmoulh 51. Red Bonk itondord IranimlMIOft, ntw flrn. »«t ol- 1971 F85's CIRCLE CHEVROLET f«r. 7I7«!I ofltr t p,m, ,x . 4 door hardtopt, Aulomatic, power 3)5 Maple Ave. Ited Bank MI-JIM 1»M CHEVROLET - ««i«J2j( *«£»• tte«iirto., radio, whiteWallf, vinyl in- New Dortery, clultti. Junfi*. ••» « ••" We have 33 new 1971 six-cylinder Pontiacs in stock.' terior and mucl) more, Kroll Motors Inc otftr 1M._M. AS LOW A8 279 Broadway Long Branch. N J. They're economical, but have all the style of the bigger, 5M460Q i«? JEEP wAooMeeit -/«i2JJ!1. $2985 DWVMD l«! OLDSMOaiLEi - Large itiecllon. Phone 5M4M3. , " higher priced cars. And they're priced from ... Immedlote delivery. SrevEN OLDSVO- BILE, 110 Moln St., Motawon, M6-3«». CHRYSLER 1f» - Mtwp»r» CHtMH1 moculole comsitlon. Fouftfoor-/IW1 JJJfc SEE A'^RUSSELLMAN1 - For the hut Air eonOllloitlng. All urirai. mlli DEUVERED PLUS SALES TAX 2585 cor buyi. RUSSELL Oldlmoblle CADIL- warronty It't, til». 7J7t»H 1971 DELTA 88s LAC Co., 100 Newman Springs RC, Red 4 dtirif liardtoos. AU condilionfid. v Bonk. 341»1C ' • BUICK: LeSABRE — . nyl [op Hrid niu^'i rnijci> more. cellenl condition. Po wT«T MAC'CAOl'bLOS.' Conf, Bronch, TO- motic tramrniisfon, Serving Monmouth County Since 1930 AS LOW AS 1MI after « a.m. \ru.. . ______NOLAN MOTORS — We nil more whole- TO SETTLE ESTATE - !»*• '<• with the $4175 DHIVMD wcgon. air, rjulomoUc tnnwMIH ?8 «tl» Codfllact Ihon any other dealer Insr steering. Sell oiler over fl New jerwy. Coll m-m\. 1970 Y6yOTA CROWN — Low mlUogi. BEST PRICES • BEST PRODUCT • EXPERIENCED SERVICE Evcellent condition. - Call '41-7«». More Classified 1971T0R0NAD0S 1»6» POMT1AC CATALtNA — Twodoor Option^ o*\are. Original list Inardtoo, air, extros. .oood condlllan. 12OO0. on Next Page RASSAS PONTIAC 17 J00.A8 LOW AS rn-nn. AUTOS KOK SALK AUTOS I'OH SAtK 395 BROAD ST. 741-5180 RED BANK Open evenings until 9 197198HARDT0PS Air conditioned, electric windows i. «nd seals. Loaded!AS IOW AS TOM'S FORD | $4625 ouivmo 1971 CUTLASS HARDTOPS, Automatic, power steer- ing, puih button radio, hook lock and more. HAS BETTER IDEAS! AS LOW AS $3580

These 1971 Executive Cars Dlatrlbuior of OPENEVENWGS'Tt?

w« give It b little test. A grueling i6;po]nr Inspection. 566-3600 Only if It can po« lh».it)>pec»jon vylthQUt fe'lteting,, do wa award It gur IOQ%' Oiaranteo* ajlflli; ffbkh means if anything falter's later on wefluarantee you ' the free repair or'replpc'emenl of eyery'itipjor^rk- ing part for 30 day*'or 1000 (niles.\Vh!chev,er comes' first.' . ' ' y doty battery If you're ever worried.about BuyMg a.userircar; Stock No. 208. again, iust.let our Quarantee be ypurpuide. ' . • "Thej«ol«roui<,rtor STRETCH o.l.. Ireni.tuli mnnbllii, broke syilen and •liclrlcol |y>lm tor JO dayl or 1000mll«;i»hlttnyer»iMl(l'Sl.' '••••,."• • •

1963 KARMANN GHIA .$885 YOUR DOLLARS Coupe, white, radio, heater. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN... $950 Sedan, red, radio, heater, 1965 VOLKSWAGEN... '1295 '71 LTD Bus. Red, 9 passenger 4 dr. hdlp,, metallic blu $ 390 CIO angino, block vinyl 1967 VOLKSWAGEN..... ! 1295 roof, auto., WW, PS, Sedan,.lifjhtb!ue, radio, healer. < cond.. radio, tintod tlats, wheel covert.' Stock No. 20. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1495 Sedan, dark blue, radio, heater. '71 LTD .-hdlp..-Ugh! gr«en, 400 CIO V-S, vinyl roof, Cruisa- 1964 BUICK...... ; , *1395 m«llc, WW. Visibility Group. Riviera coupe. PS, bumper gu cond,. radio, body tide molding, tinted glass, wheel covert. Stock No. 189. 1965 CHEVROLET .J1095 CIRCLE CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, radio, heater, automatic, power steeling, V-8. 1967 MERCEDES BENZ $1895 "200", 4-door, radio, heater, automatic. OVER 100 FACTORY FRESH 1968 PLYMOUTH $1495 Fury III, 2-door hardlop, radio, heater, aulomatic, power steering, 1971 CHEVROLET* 1969 PONTIAC. 1*1.795 Tempest, 2-door hardtop, vinyl top, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, power steering. All MUST GO IN NEXT TWO-WEEK PERIOD* 1971 DODGE J3095 Charger. 2-dour hardtop, black vinyl top, dark red bottom, radio, healer, automatic, V-8, power steering. LTD At fantastic savings — all models, - 4dr, hdlp.. Grey gold sizes, and equipt models . . . from min- ••it* Si roof, i PS, air cond., radio, tinted imum equipt Vegas to loaded Caprice and glass, wheel covers. Stock Kingswood Estate Models . . . plus below cost prices on executive and demonstrator cars including one of every model while they last! 1 it hdtp, medium green v • , •. • . vinyl taats & rool, Crulia nunc, WW, Visibility Oroijp PS. «ir wind,, AM radio, tin . . . So, if you thought you could af- SPFClAi IVEfff tad |jh«i, wheel covers. Stock No. 118. ford a good used car, stop in and see 1968 OPEL FULL PRICE Deluxe wagon, radio, h&ater, rnnf what kind of a deal you can make on a rack, yellow exterior, black interior. $ Car No. U1-87. Full 100% fjuaratv low mileage 1971 Demonstrator or a tee. 996»! Now that's brand new NO-MILEAGE 1971 Chevrolet now! a P.S. — If you still feel you can't afford these new car bargains, . . we have over 60 selected and warranteed used cars on our Better Idea!" lot,for you to examine at no obligation! •• SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC.

Authcrued Volkswagen Dao/tr TOM'S FORD CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury HWY. 35 264-1600 KEYPORT 325 MAPLE AVE. 741-3130 RED BANK 741-8500 ; September 10,197! Looking for a new

AUTOS FOR SALE AtfroS FOR SALE AUTOSJFOj|.SAIiE USTIN AMERICA - J-door, 4-spetd, \9it CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE - 3!7- 1M1 PEUGeOT — "NelTciutcNeli)!;lu(cfioni(hoh ondTSalt- IMIPOHTIAC GTO -4« cu, In,. 3M h.p. JUNK Tr %WI. P.O B. illgMly higher with outs 350 li.p. fQur-spml snirt. MODI, tope ploy- tery. Sun roof. ftunnlnQ condition. $209. For detailed Intormotlen call PICKUUUP 972 MODELS malic. Alia Sprites, Midpets, MOB roads er; AW/FM roSlo. ?IM«4I). ten — ST. A & 0 MOTORS. Asoury swim. TWINBROOK Pork J1S.MJ3 PONTIAC - Carolina. I'M. Four-door. 1965 VALIANT - Ntw clutch. Good QOI »« CORVAIR MONZA - Convertible. economy car, S2S0. Call ivenlngs Slock wltn-wnlle top. 4-speed, Mint condi- WOTORCYCLEINSURANCE AUTO WRECKING Automatic, power steering, and braKes. Reasonable Rates 2 35 D 26ttllt tion! tinea. 141-743] aavt~?4l-»W eves. EATONTOW.1 ,5«:? - 'B» Good condlllon. MOO. Call 717-7771 alter S GROSSIHOER I. HELLER AGENCY p.m. WANTED -•• Choice used p»d tronsmlsslon. M3. Hew tlon. ll'OO. 741-lMf. HONDA 450 —1«1. Excellent tondmpi condition, xtn firm. Gold, etirom* covers, many extros, L» 141 w. Hronl St., " ' ""ower steerlm, Brakes, factory air. Phne tires. Good condition. 442-5018. -. lUnTiyeclwnTcal condition. ilOSD. 1VM TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - Custom In- ooac rock sissy car tilah bars, etc. Mu RACE CAR — C Altered. Must sell. 2 - Station wagonagon.. SSS ^1S .en 10 o.n Mu DODGE — V-», convertible, radio, -LSCO.Call8JI-2S19. 5»M " "" ll«9 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLg •» Dark STORMEANgiERVICE. 1969 OPEL — A-l condition. Vinyl top. HM BUICK STATION WAGON —Green. blve, white top and Interior. Excellent itsall.Best.otter, TMiH Power steering, tsrakes. Air conditioning. condition. EWiTmlol? :oii741-79e3 CENT S4J-5S0O. WM WHITE VOLKSWAGEN — Sedan. Ueo Call after t p.m., »««H. |»7I HONDA - CB 750. Low mllemei si C U n MM IMS CHEVROLET — FogrOoor. v-J,"Ro. CASH FOft'USfeD CARS " 194) MG MIDGET — Good running condl 1M» RAMBLER CLASSIC - Four-door ilo.heoter, $250. ' w bar, two helmet), S1.425. Sacrifice. 67 elgn or domeillc. Deon. fflfiWJBKr* """ ° lion. Clean interior. JJ». stdan. Automatic, Two mounted snow Phone 7I7-J74* __ Ouys,Mlddlttown.«l->a*<. WO DUNE BUGGY — Blue Melalfloke, 7«7ee&* tires Included. J.17J. 7474031. inoYAMAHA - us Ensuro. exceiiei on 1964 chassis. 1966 engine. Cusiom SIMCA - Pleln Clel. Two-door c kVeitSI., «eats, special tlr«, with roof and side . CORVETTE - 4-speed. 050 h.n,, Pa- 1943 FALCON SPRINT — 4- 1940. Unusual GT, needs point. S13S. dltlon. 3100 miles. Asking <40O. 67 AUTO PARTS-REPArgS. curtains. Much more. M7S. 7a7.1ffi. tltractlon. AM/PM. Two topj. Mechanical work wtdtd. Coll Wt-3837 otter 6 p.m. N — Motor, choselti 19M OLOSMOBIUB TORONADO - Two- WTO BSA THUNDERBOLT — OOOd COn . OMdIcondltlon. Beit BUSINjSSJjgTICES W70 ROAD RUNNER — Com, Headers, TRIUMPH TR4A1W7 tlon. *900. Col I alter Sp.m, much otherr machine workwork.. ManyMany,, mor-rnony 1947 D0OG6 CORONET ~ Power stetr- door •hardtop,-al '•- -•l r'_- -wer, , air, JI45O. 1949 r Inj, brakes, radio. snow,tlres. JU0. 741- A-l condlllon CHRYSLEft NEWP; ;T convertible, 'ciftrdi. L«avlravin g country" , will "sel" l a) C71-S1J8. wrnimtrltHERE! wholesale vagluel . »4-«47 after a p.m. Wl otter 5 p.m., all day Sot., Sun. S23S0. Both excellent. 1971 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1967 COUGAR — Green, two-door hard' In excellent condition, illso otidweneeOlMuMdcors lop. Good condition. S1D0O. WAGON — Dados Moiwco WJO, Factory «7l»» Phone SM-424S after 4 air. S2W0. Call after c:30 p.m. TRUCKS FOlt SALE TOM'S FORD 3M-1IW Kayport IMS VOLKSWAGEN BUS - Good run- K4S VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN- AM/FM 1970 FORD — M ton F25Q custom, 17,000 MOBILE HOMES RENTACAR, .nlng condition. On» owner. Asking J70O. Excellent condition. KSO. miles, Lono wide bed. Ajr conditlonina, W« will trade or buy out Phono offer 5 p-m. W-(r>43. Phone emKOlterS THUNDERBIRD —1957 Cluslc. Com- two-way dflHns band radio, 23 channels. CAMPER BUS — 34' GMC Converslo pletely restored movie star's cor. Three W'ctirame wheels. «50xM,5 tires. Power Paneled, carpeted, Insulated, duct heote right— Coil or corns In. WH CHEVROLET WAGON - Good tec- 194$ CHEVELLE MALI8U - Two-door Fops, five new tires, new motor and trans- steering, power disc brakes. Posl-track dual electric system. Hat, cold prossy Hardtop, six cylinder. Automotlc trans- mission, net* Interior, new chrome muf- rear end, heavy duty suspension. MO en- lied water system, 100 Ba. water, 500 fo BOATS AND 7fl7.0816 mission. Needs work. MOO. ••-••" flers and wiring, burglar alarm and tape line. Four-speed transmission. Private, Ina. Propone 80. Large closet, full bat deck. 12»Cl-,842-JB88 trom 10 a.m. to 6 ilwneeWaft, • -. room. Beautiful complete 12' Form! ACCESSORIES 'tWO PUYAHOUTH SATELLITE — Purple, p.itt. • • ' ^^ kitchen. Many cabinets end drawers, t* 1950 FORD 700. ospeed rear, living room Aluminum lolousled doo EVERYTHING FOR • > • • K65 FORD CUSTOM— 4 cylinder. So- olumlnum ll uPrtwo side Windows have storm sash and screen THE BOATMAN AT Call after 5 pin. drs. Will tell 41-2425. Nearly new llres. comfortable summer i AUTOS FOR SALE 194? MGB - Wlro wheols. Abort n e« 747-SJM winter, Good mechanical condition, houst. Tope 0Player1 , custo' m wheel••-•• . Best"•••• SCOUT — 1W. V«. ©(Calient oindltlon. speed transmission. Will demanstra The Boatman's Shop otter. 7414711. CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE 1544 - Ex- New Western plow. All hydraulic. Call elodly. J300O. Coll 739-374°. Hajlet. Op«n yeekdoys. 9 o.m.—ft P.m. Sir. col! 349-0863. cellent condlllon. Loaded. tSSO. . 1945 CHEVROLET — Impolo convertible. 531-8636 Glossy Yellow exterior* black \lnyl Interi- 1 J INTERNATIONAL MM — Dump truck. or. Clean, Impressive, mechanical)illy" de~ - "IMS CORVETTE -327 Cu In. Needs work on engine. Let go reasonable. nlshed. With carpet and shed. Can b xndabie. Only »«. coll 747-401! alteat r j Excellent condition. 1957 F600 FORD DUMP, rebuilt engine, moved. Call evenings, 73P-043S. Reasei Phone 471-S12S" 264-1065 otter 6 p.m. » able. • • • TWIN BORO MOTORS OPEL - Station vragon. 1M8. Red, black MG 1100- \Kl, J-Ooor sedan. British lnterlor> new clutch, muffler. Excellent Racing Green. Very clean. Runs well. WILLYS JEEP — 195S. Four wheel drive, •"' "Hfaystolfsc Be3 prices ever! runnlna condition. 747-J10S or attar 5 p.m. Ploor shift, radio, new tires, 39.000 miles. metal cab, snow ploploww , new hydraulic i The Renster Classified Oultraord Wlnterlzlna & Storage CELI SALES AND SERVICE MM. Call ai-075?. ' pumppump . ExtraExtrass . S950S950-- 264-1005. • MorintSuMllw MOV 54isn Sklminor Olnghles DOWTVSAWG. Of American Moton.& Jeep Products AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOE SALE . Dyer Dhows AUTOS FOE SALE Vcoat Fittings I97I6MMM 872-0367 S-tioOr, nflmwic. ladlo. healer. 196S DODGE. Dart. 2-door hardtop, automatic; radio, heater, power steering JJBOOTIrm. 2-door wd«n. radio, heater. Morlna. 291 $4375 ROWBOAT-i Aluminum. 10' Hat botlom; I, automatic. aircondilionina.. console, radio, heater, Powec tnering, , 14.000 original mBes. 3 year guarantee. OWENS CABIN CRUISER-And W 4975 MAN. Both need repairs. Best offer. A BETTER JOB BY PIWRIM PA 4-door wagon, automatic, radio., ING Free estimates. heater, power steering. 431-4223 24aar H.T. Auto., radio, hMter, power 3tf MATTHEWS - Graceful classic, corn. fgrtabl»family cruliina, fully equipped. McGLOIN Coll e42O7M all day WetKcnda. 967WK...... »..».-.»«-4{2 «' CONVERTIBLE CRUISER - And 50 1969 AMBASSADOR m.,^Jj,WSt Convertible Cutlass, automatic. HURRICANE OAMAQE -• FallFillM tt«j» ftp. motor. Both excellent condlllon. Alter Fr«« MH- als radi0 «p.m.»l-37W. removed and other odd lobs. 4-door sedan, automatic, radio, heat. Select »> ' ' ^t males.Coll WH4II). PENGDIfTSRlLBOAT — And troller. All docron sails. S22S. Coll HOUSEPAINTINO - Interior. Ejftflor. 671-5125. Reasonoble rates. Free estimates. Coll, 4*toor sodan, automatic, full power, 7S7-6S98, air conditioned. M' WOOD RUNABOUT - Steering. 550 4 WD. metal cab, 9,000 miles. V* or best otter. LIGHT HAULING-CLEAN CELLARS. YARO5, OARAGES - Free estimates.

1 Coll after 3 p.m. 741-214?. 1961TW9# IICWMIMMMiMIMNMlieJKflK. ..$185V0 I7 BOAT - Trailer, ond 80 h.p. Mercury. 1946 OLMMOBIE... $895 OPEL All new In 19W. Cotticdrol hull, bow rider. CONCRETE WORK - Patios, sldla<;M 969V0USWAGENwn...4J79 SEA SKIFF - East Coost Yaclll, 24' New Squaraback, automatic, radio, hosier. power steering, radio, hcjlcr. engine, 422 h.p. Good condition. $2500. CARPENTER-BUILDER — Complete Call 530-9243. home remodeling, room additions, oo- 1968 OSVEUE... .$1395 1966 AMBASSADOR ~.-~4'W5 16' THOMPSON RUNABOUT - With 45 roaes. Karl Sctiloedtr, 671-5114. 2-door hMtlreji. Automatic. four-door wagon. Automatic, BUICKS& OPELS BUICKS & OPELS h.p.

Visit our display of fine GIRL WANTED - To WOfK In Top Hot 1971 VOLVO late model trade-ins Cleaners, Rt. as, Mlddletown. Experience1 not necessory. pnld holiday*, paid vaca-' that have been thor- ion- Bluo Cross. Applicant* opply at Snow 2-door, 4-speed, factory air, oughly conditioned for AM-FM radio, excellent condi- the buyer who wants a ' tion. Balance of factory war- low mileage luxury car. ranty. This weak only $3495 WAITRESS Go first class — you de- Over 21 1 oi .fSi'-OWENA'S RESTAURANT serve it. Rf.M, Highlands COII97M3M $AVE HUNDREDS! ! WOH'T YOU HELP US - Open the tee- 19o8 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury, automatic, air conditioning, double power, factory warranty, 1968 G-T-O- Automatic, radio, heater, double power. 1971 MARK III 1971 FORD 1970 MARK III 1970 LINCOLN BABYSITTER WANTED " ' I L.T.O. Brougham, 4-tioor hardtop, un-1 IA real white beauty with black nylon Call Illndor 9,000 miles. Rod w|th black, I Continental, 4-door, medium Muo ox- 391-2411 der 0,000' miles. Beige with vinyl top, [ • top and black leather Interior. AM-FM • nylon top and black lo.ithnr interior' • ier/or with dork blus vinyl top and I Truly n gorgaou? nutomobilo. and factoty air conditioning, power lotoroo, oir condltioninn. ant) plenty o! yVE-m HOUSEWORKER - Home In slooring, and automatic transmission. I extra's. ' ' the eoimfry. Two adults. Other help kept, DOMESTICS References necessary, coll 542-«45i. •7895 *6795 1970 PONTIAC $2895 «3350 H' BelLBank resident pre- ow Hardware, 175 Drood%. LeMans, Spon, 2-door hardtop. Doubto power, factory air/factory warranty. J70 MERCURY ,. ffjPffs , 19701WUSTA. . iture, well groomed olony Pork waaon- This 9 poSsongcr'l 1969 LINCOLN w 1968 CAMARO $1995 .. 1970 PONTIAC . 12-door hardtop, beautiful medium I I has till steering whoel, split iront seat,,'! I Continental, 4-door, black wilh block I 2-door hardtop, automatic, doublo power, one owner. J blue wlih whito vinyl top. Air condl- f t I AM-FM stereo, air conditioning, power I I Execulivo wagon, A wlilto six-passorp-1 I vinyl lop. Full powor and »lr condl- 1 tlonlnfl, power ateerinrj and automatic I windows, A very wcil-oquippodl I flor, with black vinyl lop and simulated I I tlonlng, loather Interior. Priced right at 1968 GTO.. ..$1595 I wood grain panolinrj. A real family car I I transmission. 2-door hardtop, automatic, power steorlng, one owner. I In DWOIIDM condition. Oh, vosi Air I •3450 1968 CAMARO...... $1650 conditioning, too.»g An c 2-door hardtop. 3-speed, power steering, power brakes, 7 wheels. : , . irtment. 1968 SKYLARK $1495 >lo> for per- 2-door hardtop, double power factory air. '~ Corp!, 30 An equal oi course, besides this specialized list, wo have many, many other ona ownor curs, All have received lha. RED BANK WALL treatment end pro guerantoed for many thou. eand milou of luxurious driving. Seo you soon. " LINCOLN MERCURY AUTO IMPORTS SHREWSBURY AVE, AT SYCAMORE SHREWSBURY NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 747-5400 6 Red Bank More Classified 11i« Daily RegUter, Red'Bink - Middleman, >'.J,

EXPERIENCED 'Ityr . REAL ESTATE It yeu believe In your own obliity on* would like to eorn more tno" MS.OM a ,, ' MACHINE PRE55ER . year, men we wont ta talk 1st rOU." t> nnence helpful, kyl not neceiiary We '-,''•' ON '

WE Rt I MG LANVO' RCKi. CJinis WOMEN'S PANTS AND SPORTSWEAR ANOINSURAMCE FIRM fN MON- MOUTH COUNTY," W* imvi era openina suos whyy not give ui a call lee e eonMd«ntiol Interview. JONATHAN LOGAN THE KIRWAN CO. HAZLET 1 Johnson Avenue Matawan, N.J, CALL 264-7200 Phone 566-9383 HELIARC WELDER LAYOUT MECHANIC HELP WANTED F KM ALE ELECTRO PRODUCTS, HELP WANTED FEMALE jIKLP WANTED FEMALE IIKU' WAMKI) VVMM.V, HELP WANTED MALE INC. HOUSEMAID-PLAIN COOK — Two Ifl Wondword Rd.. Manolopon, N J. GAL FRIDAY HAIRDRESSER SECRETARY family. Thurs and Sun. oil. Nice roam, BRANCH Experienced womon needed porl-tlme, « bath. Stole references. Write Bo* E 144, 446-9009 a.m. lo I p.m. five days. Typing and filing Experienced. One full-time and /I lentt five years Irgul expntctue, far The Colly Register, Red tmk. REPRESENTATIVE An equal opportunity employer. KEYPUNCH experience required. Coll Joe Mlronll or one porl'tlme. Apply town fc senior member ot low lirm, Top \ttUm., For «xpondlng loon company. ExctHtnl 75 SHOPPING DAYS Ttd Morse, Country Beauty Salon* Main St,, Reply 10 Box F-130, tfie Ogily Rrfli^lrr, SALESWOMAN — Must have Interest for lalary and bcrttMU. VA approved, Co Hldl«VMW experience In Interior decorating. Coll tor Mr, Borpj (or oppoi^ment, 2M-<100. PARTS MAN appointment, Shrewsbury Decorators, 7<7- £xperl«ncao pref«rr«d. All Irlrac ben u. XQ, CHRISTMAS! NUR SETAI OB i — Fuii and porMlme em- cms. Apply In pmon. Set Mr. C. Buck, playment. Senetllf Included, Pleasant 4422. EXPERIENCED r p 1tfd n ra WAITRESSES Dor«mus Fora 90 Monmouih S*.« Rid «J,1lffinlvS£*vfp *' " * "" ° ' worxlnacondillom. FATONTOWH CON- NURSES' AIDES — J t» 11:30 shift. KING Bank, 3RIVER - Expei'tence*- tj' froefc, s MAKES IT HAPPEN Apply in person: VALESCENT CENTER, 13? Grant Ave., JAMES NURSING HOME. OIL BURNER itraloht Job. Pirfn«ifieryt,' o month port-lime, Cnli ID: APPLY NOWI mosphere. Cat! Tues. through Fri., 8'o.m. appQlnlmtnl, 764t#19 le. Coll Felgenion Sti 8yenlnnl free?? SelSlll ToyT s ondd Gifts, Parly nlohts, £100 plus. No calls, opply in person lo noon, Svl-1700. PANTRV WOMAN * 17. Freehold, 431-MU. only. Old VUloae Inn, !» W. Front SI.. Red CLERK TVPIST — Accurate typing a INSIDE SALESMAN -Wanted by small MEN WANTED .Jtoi. flo invetfmml • No ColTectlnp -No Bonk. Ask tor Bob Martin. Onys. Coast Inn, 146 Boriman PI., Reri must. Permanent position. Red Bank IIKO- M Oe|lv«fina, No eiperlence needed. Coll or LPN — Evenings, lull-lime, NURSES' llon. Mall reply P.O. Bex ill, Red Bank, expanding monviactttmr of cl«c MCDONALDS DRIVE-IN AIDE, S o.m.-4 Pim., full-time, lor small Bunk. /4I-433S. trnm*chnnlcol d«vlci» nntt tvilemi. for HSHwvlS MWdlelewn, N.J. x,... .WTtteV "Mitta'i Parties", Avon, Conn., FULL CHARGE — Book- H.jh ' m8Qff nursing home. Hoiiet-Hplmdel-Motowan SEAMSTRESS - Part-lime, lor gphoi" complttt order admlnisfrotion ol We need lull or parltlme workers for CALL keeper /Secretory, For.CPA office. Apply mea. Cotl TdMolf tor appointment. product ime. Mlory commensiirofc witr eveninai. Mutt be ol tea&t IS vedrs old. AtL Ul.VS* Box D-153, The Dolly Reglsler.lfeed Bonk, stery ami drapery workroom. M. &lll>cri- STOCK GIRLS — Full time. Five days a HR66E MEN NEEOCEEOCD - ftt Tiif ("SD.rrtii %'A Ppfn, Ap- STOCK MMAN EventuaEventua l toleimanta. P*r :LERK - Good figure aptitude; IwJHoH I Office Box 413, Red Bank', WAITRESS - Over 21. Lunch or evening, renditions, jood salary. Apply In person, mwenrr positioiti n for ombltloui man look- ATTENDANT year-round, Apply in person ONLY. THE ply In person. JOYCE'S Sue SHOP, Lin ASSEMBLV OR COUNTER GIRL Full time nights. 4 to 12. Must be tx- silled ofdee work, ughl >y»ln» ""Y.'B Personnel Office, Rfvervtew Hospital, be- croft, (next to Post Offlcel, between 10-1 Fat dry cleaning store. ing (oor o future. Apply Surray LuggogsLuggogs, RUM RUNNER, Hi Ocean Ave., Sea tween 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., An equal op- I2S Brood St.St , Rfd flot pcrlmcKl. Uniforms suppll#d. Salary plus ,SM,Ol.e NEEDLE OPERATOR5 - Ex Bright. p.m. ' Phone 2M-IO00. commission. Coll any Mm* 741-9771. rltncld, All tienelltsbenellts. Pold tmlldaysnolldays. port why employer M/F. . Broadway. Long Branch. JeMant worklnt onditions. Apply dally, ASSEMBLERS — Optnlngs on iKctronk GIRLS AND WOMEN - Wm be f]cln»rt COUNTER ANO YARO MAN - Motors, \ conditions. Apply daily, HOUSEWIVES - Telephone soliciting. LEGAL SECRETARY- Leoal ex- Qpo for NURSE AIDES ond -4Bil WAITRESSES - Over jl, German speak Knowledge of typing, ttendaraphy ond between 13;30 nntf 4:30 p.m. ply in person, weekday* only, 10 AM- to 3 ABLE MATURE WOMAN — To live with Write lo Box E-163, Tht Dally EXPERIENCED PLUMBER - Sieadt familiar with general cleaning proce- Ina preferred but not necessary. Apply in widow In country home In lovely sur- p.m., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NURSING dures, some maintenance ond outside ITTER J To cut 'Locust area, for two yeor old. References ibtttW Part.lime. Friday night, Saturday ond AUTOS FOB SALK AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALK required. "' — Be"~AN ICFCREAM MAN —"ixcttiTr Sunday. Experience o must. Colt anytime MANAGER — Women's mgti stylt shoes, MAID opporfunll/ for lummtr cmploymen and part-time salesman. THE PEDES- TEACHER — Certified in Nursery Educa- S days a week. Shrewsbury Mannr Well «itobllsned Cornlvol Bar ice Crecr f=ULL TIME HUSBOr - Eicperlenced. ~AL, 747-niS I tion. For day core center. Nursing Home. Coll 741-205?. roults. Muit be II or ever. Colt 475-0151 Olde Union House, Wharf Ave, Red Bonk . Coll 741-411} p.m. to 1 p.m., ond 1:30 p.m. *o 9:X p.m. Mi-W.5 DISHWASHERS REGISTERED NURSE HELP WANTED MALE CAREER OPPORTUNITY — Join one VALET PARKING CONCESSION - Olde Shore Polnf Inn. H«vU, Ho»lei- 11 to i, Monmooth ond Ocecn Counties taitev Union House, Wharf Ave,, Red Aonx. 2M-M27 .' CAREER OPPORTUNITY — With young, irowlng real eslole opencies. We wil MI-7S7S HARMACIST v/AKTED - full-lime. He 3 where value is the measure., but established Realtor Firm. Call tor ap- frqln and prtpor* for licensing, througi uni, or holidayshol , flexible hours. OjM WOMEN (I) - Cafeteria attendants. Will pointment* Mr. McGawdn or Mr, Ryon* our spectot conipony school quottifei TWO PART TIME SERVICE STATION laiory. BAAY SftjcS. Keyport. M4M)«11. 1 train, For Brookdale Community College, 747-3000. tyoung men for positions in one ol today'! ATTENDANTS — Three or four nights a Monday to Friday, 4 and 6 hour sttltts, most lucrative proles si otis. tf you are in week. Uniforms supplied. Must be over 'ORIERS- Full timepoiitionsovoil'a'bii Frlnoe benefits. Coll mim for Inter- CARPENTERS — Carpenter apprentices (crested In fir it yeor earnings of H2,0O{ 31. morrled. and reliable. Apply Colonial on Ine 1 a.m.-3 p.m. ond 3 p.m..|l 'i'is.nla.i..i . view. needed by boot monufoclurer. Year round with unlimited future Income paterttla Cltgo, 110 E. Front St., Red Bank, No jhifis. Good solery pleosont workTna CM- is the rule! And work, many benefits. Apply In person to •coil Mr. Klrwan ot 787-5500, coifs. '• dltlons ond lull fringe peneflts. Apply IH WAITRESSES — Nlahts. Experienced LurLuhrs CCompanyo , Boundary Rd., lAarlboro. person. Personnel Office. Rivtrvlew Hot; ABDIV in Dtrson, Lulgl's Foraoos Pino, 4H»«4H»«. MECHANIC — Interested In llatri servlc> sTfol, txlween • a m. ond 4 ff nl. An equjfl «1 Middle Rd, Hoilet. FACTORY HELP — Experienced pre Ing of domestic oil burners In Keyport- opportunity employer f//F ,y. * CHEF -- Yeor round. Good hours ond rerred. Full time days. Pold holidays an Motowon-CMffwood areas, Write to Box HOUSEMORKEIt — io nelo small lorn I- working conditions. Salary commensurate other company benefits. Pieaie apply ' B-IM, The Dally Register, ReO Sank. TMf MAN WANTED Hours ® P-rn.. Mon t'lrough Frii . lolor officfficee an , Muller Measures Up! ly. Live In or out. Excellent solory. Refer- with ability. Coll otter 5 p.m., H7-9I57. oercon, Ralph Prledftnd * Bros., Lotusl M EXPERIENCED - 5moll engine mechan- salel s work FoFr intervieit w calll 513 1001000 ences. 741-3SM. Alk for Mr. Longo. 51., Keyporf, N.J. . ic for assistant managership of relatl ier> vice operation. Varied duties. All'fringe * 3 p m Or evenngs o'tcr 6 Uh IMS -* AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALK AUTOS FOR SALE oeneHls.,7rk. Apply in person, Ho*ortf Johnson s Reslouroni Hi/ 31, ^idaie2o»n___ ^ *67 IMPAIA $1595 Convertible, V-8, automatic, power COUNTER SALESMAN — Induslrla 2-door hard lop, V-8, automatic, pow- steering, stock No. 589 hardware deportment. Full time |ob with PI2ZA AND SHORT ORDER COOK:i- future.' Experience helpful. Gale's, 26 Evenlngs, Good pay. Coll lor nppolfll- " v itetrinfj, air conditioning, 71IMPALA ...$3695 West Front St., Keyport. menl. H7-466' ^_ •67 CHEVEUE 41395 4-door hardtop, vinyl roof, air con- BARTENDER SHORT ORDER COOK Milibu wagon, V 8, automatic, ditioning, warranty- Port-time. Apply in person. < Co'lJM-IIW Shore Point Inn. Hwy IS, Hallet. : power staaring. ' * 70 CHEVROLET $2695 SHEET METAL HELPER - Experience ASSISTANT MANAGER Should hove /'67CAMARO $1795 Kings wo ad wagon. V-B, »tenrfnrd shift, required. Apply In person, ELECTRO IM- iorne mechon col background Apply luclory air, great (or irsilflring. Stock No. PULSE, lit Chestnut St., Red Band. An Country Sutler Cor Wo\ri. Widd'etown. I' Six cylinder, automatic, powor S71. equal opportunity employer. Ilmrlng, 26,000 orig. miles. ~ MASON'S" HELPER EXPERIENCeO SERVICE STATION AT 70 DODGE ..,42495 TEHDANT — Apply Riverside Esso, HI '67 CAMARO $1495 Coronet, 4-door, vinyl roof, factory Bollonlfie Rd,, Mlddlelown V-8, stick, power fleering. is1 St AGAIN JJ ortd Rector Place, Red Bonk. HELPER - an construction site, local. air, stock No, 651. EXECUTIVE SALES TRAINEE- Earn FuM-lime Coll otter t p.m. '•$6IMPAIA ,....$1295 S)0.Q0v yeorlyjport-time. Comnifsslon. bo- 244-5 J71 2-dobr hardlop,'V-8, automatic, 70IWPKT...;', $2795 nuses. Phone 391-3074. inMans, Sport coupn, buckets, con-' EXPERIENCED CARPENTER VYANTeO power steering. sole, V-8, automniic, power steering, CARPENTER WANTED Steady work In local area. stock No. 611. • ' Coll oiler 7 urn. , Collaferyt) m. th-W '65MAUBUSS ..$1095 49S-O7II Automatic, buckets, V-8, power "69 TOYOTA...... $1695 PART-TIME YARDMAN HELP WANTED fleering, vinyl top. 4-door, automatic, atr condi- Phone •'67IMPAIA...... $1495 tioning. »niinci Murroy Schwartz, 8J4-IS0O. on Next Page A<)7QC Automiitlc Irani., power steering. To make room for the 1972 model* 1 - 9 £.190 nod, - $1695 HELPHANTKD HELP WANTED CLEARANCE MALE OR FEMALE MALE OR FEMALE 1970BUICK $2275 1971 Boats . Skyl»rk, 6.S. 456,'2-donr hatdiop, 10RO QIMrA 1968 VALIANT WAS PRICE Auiomntic lr«ns. power sinorlnfl. vi- IWOWOIIVH»« 4 dam Md»n. in cytinrliii, imonwtlc "BROWNING" RUNABOUTS nyl root, and buckel seats, Turquois A -rlorir sfld«n, nutnmdtir. transmission, transmission, gronii SALES OPPORTUNITY 2-tS'DwpV.i Model DV/150 $1295 $395 $2975' ^ il-rc-jl^y|,.«; $13g5 !•) S'Diip VM Monbco Custom wiHi nm T 50 h.p. Johnion motor DO YOU: 'splSfaMEi Z- 1969 PLYMOUTH N !KHRYSLEB $1981 N P ? NEED MONEY FOR THOSE EXTRA « f'« vinyl FBr<#>hfakM, mid win- \ii nii'pnnj( , „,,,,,,,,„„,, n,,,,,,,,,,,,!.!,,,ttHHion,, ,„,Ful,l SEA CRAFT dow«. Furinrimy*ity «u. OrayOuy. nr.iv«ipnwftt.. vinyvtnvl rnolfnol,. AM-FAM-I-'M tadinfflriin., Sptile. Inllnw. 5-20' Seolarl Cabin Ouiieri with MO h.p. ENJOY DECORATING? 32,OOn iinlos fiiay $2475 $850 Mercrulier J/100 $5795 START YOUR SALES CAREER TODAY $3295 1-20' 0pm Fiihermnn with 140 h.p. Mwnilstr ' S5V9S $4795 DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING 1-20'OpmflihermonOutbowdModil $3000 $2395 FULL OR PART TIME l>20' Cabin Fisharman Outtioarrj Modal $)ffS $3295 1-15' HighMarmonrtScnmptrwith MOh.p. MtrmiiiK $4/9S $3795 Apply at Personnel Dept. (upper level) WELL CRAFT 1-20' Op«n Flihermen Outboard Mod«l $3295 $2595 INTERVIEWING HOURS Buhler & Bitter 1-U1 Cabin Runabout Outboard Mod«l $2895 $1895 10 to 1 p.m., Mon. thru Sat. ROBALO 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Mon. thru Frl. CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH 1-19' Robalo Opan ritharman Oultocrd Maibl $3195 $2950 fAUSTINMMGl & I LAND ROVER I ABRAHAM & STRAUS FLAGSHIP MARINE ( SALES' 264-0198 hhihli'lml »>i»."> SERVICE: 264-9090 MUNKII>Al MAHNl »M1N FIRST AVI. t SIMON UK( AVI. WOODBRIDGi, N J. SALES. H«.•«••• "'"• e. The obovavoo repreients three van TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT - Aflantl and St.. Sept. 10 and II. 12 Spring Volley oncoSences,i parking.. J41-MJ9,_ . loads or merer" Dr., Holmde.1, ' Highlands. Mull sill. Reasonably I wouMh* ;tipndlse-ai prieei that Coffm-wn or 7ti-wt. Wehuvhove e bun low m years o«o, HOUSEHOLD SALE - » Bronch Avp., we have S» other Items fer the horrW and II otter i A f UEL OIL 'SITE - Or yord lor other us. everyone In It ot equally low prlas. Truly Red Bank, Sat. and Sun., Sept. II and 12. 071-d -_ „,„»„. a bargain hunlerVparodlse. Come down Appliances, furnishings, books. — One-bedroom. Con- A BARGAIN - «?5 buys a jovelyyouno TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL Raid l C green sola, owta to avetn sue t»d. Can lorp. evenings M4-4W7T ____, XESTAURANT - And small hotel, f I Eholnorli;a'nulne Western Redwood on special. 9-IO n shed, oil utilities Included e»c«f>t elec- IHOUSINE SERVICE1NC. - Etta •dWood la stock. . tric. Laundryroom. Frte carklnolll tor Lionel combination windows. 1 slies, JI3" ea. fitginp 3SI and cars 412 through 416. goad condition. ?7< ])IO 2214IH7 ony time. tor HH. PROWN'S FOR SitE FOR SALE OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, FREEHOLm D - Furnished comfortable »Broad St. Red Bank • 741-7SW Jtassware, art oblects and brlca-broc, Lartm'enmil t Also one furnished effldrncy. WILL TEACH BEGIHNERS - Orgon 01 ITEMS YtiU NO LONGER HAMMOND'ORGAN fmmedlote cash for onythlno and every. Sharl or long term. 4t2li" Mono. Coll Carol, IBM TYPEWRITERS thing. Ruscll's. 25 Eost fronat. 74M6W! 74I-OT1 Sales, rentals, repairs. Portables. Low NEED OR USE WILL... of Asburv Pork . L0N6 BRANCH - Modern, lurnlihed rotes. tn-OJ» offer «P.m. . See our used organ selection Including ANTIQUES- Pointings, N.J. Atlos E»- lour rooms, octantront. P'!*'1? btach. PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS lerle model Spinets. Chords, ond Consoles. totes purchosed ond appraised. MJ-aOjW. RUPP SCRAMBLER VilNi-BIKE The Hudson Shop, Inc., 511 Broad St., Winter renlal, No pets. 2W-1553, ers oovanctd. Classical, popular Prices slart ot *45o. All Instrument sold Practicall:llcally new. five months old. Call 2 with a guaranty. Shrewsbury. , ^ TWO-ROfJM BFFICIBNCY - Aportmejt list. OLD AMERICAN weight driven mantel or o<-aMoble. With or wllhout maid lervlee. wall clock, any condition. Call 842-0301 af- New< N.Y. bus terminal, Leonardo MOW. DOUGLAS HART NAUTICAL ANTIQUES ter 5 p.m. Hwy 16, Leonardo. 2«l-9i)4 Teacherclwr o*f Piano ClCloulc» s ANCIENT MARINER II. 74 Shrewsbury Ave.. (toot bt Monmoutti 51.) Bed Bank. WANTED WEST END ~- 3V>-room 'urn 775-9300 menls. All uliiltlei. NO Ml». Short trm REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER - PtlllCO. WITH A QUICK ACTION . . 300 Main 51.. Asbury Parfi Used Oriental Rugs CLBANBR - Full-time. «fpiy n leases available. $200 per month. One White. Automatic Ice cube maker. Also, n dolly'III 9 ,i 601. 1115:,. Chinese and Persian month security. Sanoprttjle, «S5 Octan wly otter «i» p.m. TOWNTH GE combination wosher-dryer. Bolh In ex- LOW-COST Also watl Tdpeslries BLACK AND WHITE TV - 135. West- FRIEDMAN GALLERIES ,' 774114] Blvd. 219-W00. cellent condition. MUtTO. . ^^ DAILY REGISTER Inghoute olr conditioner, MO. Tape deck COIN COLLECTIONS — Cold ond silver REDBANK •- Untu'rn shed Grten Tree MERCHANDISE SIDE-BY-SIDE REFRIGERATOR - IVj and lopes, reasonable. Cotl«42-1)M otter 4 oMrtment)/ M9 Spring St. One-bjdroom RESPONSIBLE F*«ILV,7 wllJ.J5!Sl '•• SITUATIONS WANTED rs old. Kelvlnotor. US0. p.m. ^ i coins, war nickels. Will pay top current nnichtldren desire to rent threeh tpe«rfl«ni Phone 717-2744 FAMILY AD markel. Example: silver dollars J2 ond opartment availoble. Coll for appointment house o|whe?e Mlddlelown Io Morgan. FEMALE FOR SALK SKI BOOTS — Rlker, CVi.t. Ski poles too. up. Mr. Romeo, 767-5951. ' • 741-3953. 3 LINES-5 DAYS 125C,lB4pm ' • BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL — Desks, ANTIQUE JEWELRY — Ton cosh pold. RED BAKlK - Town House, 2 or 3 bed. KATHARINE CISIS - Grodwtel end for- SALE!- SALE modern type. Formica or wood, Antique rooms, three bothrooms, pa»le« Jomw GARAGE NEEDED - Red Bonk orea, on LES DEUX t DON PONS, 7W River Rd., rental basis? Call between 6 and 7 p.m,. me* emOKrY* mtthtr of Mo. centres part- FOR Folr Haven. Tues.-Sol, 11'5. 741-4337 or room, centrdi heallno and air condi- time secretarial wofk ot home. Coll M7- LEAKY GUTTERS? tioning. Dishwasher; retrloerolor, wosheo 841-5011. UNPAINTED JMST. $2.00 84H257. . ' dryer. Parking. Front ond back prlvoll WHtTE .032 sauoe Ittasy) «aml*». MOVING — Selling studio upright piano, entrances. Oclobtr lit occupancy. J3JJ. WANTEO — House with three or four •wn. ' Avoiloblf (or Merchandise For Sole only highbock aluminum gutter, tnslolted with NAN JOHNSON biaVoJrM, family room. Morkhom School BXPERIiHCBD SeCKTARV - Oeslres white, DM. Console TV, UO. Kitchen sel. Article must origlnale liom a tiouscho'" BUYSAND BUYS 741-74(1. Coll alter 12 oo^ -part-time evening work. Will pick up ond FURNITURE Vmitje oval table, i avocado swivel chairs, ttoinlesi &teel screwi. . , no unsightly otea. Good references. 848-° m. diMvir work If necessary. After J. call Now fs the time Io buy pine desks, chests, MJ5. Small window ton, sip. J9M7OJ. and may nol exceed a sole price ol H0.0O hanoinfl brockflti used. Coll lor free csii- trom an entire household to a single item, STUDIO EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS - bookshelves. Also In exquisite hardwood, per orticte. . mole... , • , furniture, antiques, lewelry. sliver. Imme- One person/no pott. »13S monthly, plus beautiful hutches and chests of-drowers 'rice MUST beodverllsed. Each oddllion- dlale tcih. You get top dollar (or your security: 842-nofor 291-2375. Pown in DEPENDABLE HOUSEWIFE-MOTHER Two I|MU lull at lowingi of 35% to SO*. WAACK.AAtK ARMS ol iinrsi.oil. fio copy changes mqy 6' things. 741-5331. ;ome\n and moke your choice. PROWN'S Beach Mofel, Sea Brlghl. ~ " — > work In Rumscn Sporting goods, fishing tackle, guns. 19 made ond no uacounls or relurns willjje H Brood St. Red Bonk. 74U5M Din sf, Keonsburg. 787-0333. n-ode. If od Is crjnceledtelore expiration. RICHARDSON'S FISH MARKET - Mol, WANTED - Large Desert Canteen RED BANK - Furnished three rotms fllxlble. Generalbusln —...— RED BANK LUMBER St. Campoells Junction, Belford. Manage Coll with all utltlttes RrWale entrance. Holf FURNISHED ROOMS ypSAIBi* To Ploce Your Doll/ Rcolslcr 7J7-091S ' block from Brood SI, Sulloble tor couple. Wall St. BfUBonk 741,5500 . FAMILY AD. CALL...... Helen walling. Fresh sea food dally. Frlei experience Including typing.ond Hunt BEST TOP SOIL fish by pound or plallers, Take out or eat 53 Wolloce St., Bed Bonk. PRIVATE ROOM -Wlthihower, Coll » WHY WAIT? 741-24U there. Also, home mode salads and clam io » o.m.;iW] ^ M6^ul s ,„ 6 pm. WILL BABYSIT — My home, full am Wi can tiov» your now window ihoda: SWIMMING POOL?-SACRIFICE chowder, . .. PETS AND LIVESTOCK COMMERCIAL RENTALS California dealer closes doors. Manufac- port-tlme. All oges. Pair VHw School Dlt rtody In la» ttton an hour, up to 72" li 741-6900 LARGE ROOM turer asks us to dispose of remaining lux- frlct. just North ol Nomlnk Rlvei stock, br'ria your rolltrs or slra, Price: LARGE BOXSTALLS Far moiure business gentleman. •ridge. Phono W«4»l. .tartotil. urv above-ground ALUMINUM. RED- 24-Hour Service RAILROAD TIES WOOD & FIBERGLAS swimming pools ot For exterior decor. 6 " X 6" X 6'. Only For rent. Llncroft-Holmdel- • 741-till«orMl-7919___ CHILO CARE — In my home. 1 yeors or QWNs LESS THAN HALF PRICE. All pools fully S4.95 each. New, not used. Colts Neck area. Private SEAGIRT 32 Brood 51. HUMP equipped. About $589. Guaranteed in- OUR 46TH YEAR Red Bonk farm. Large riding orea. stallation and terms. Coll .'oey. Collect Call us tor free tstlmote on aluminum sid- RED BANK LUMBER PIANOS-ORGANS 609) 6*5-4730. ing, seamless heavy duty high back olumi. Call 747-2218. SHOPPING MALL Uud wlrwts from JIM. Unlimited rental! Hum gutters, roofing. • ? Wall St. Red Bonk 741-5500 SEEKING TEACHER AIDE POSITION from J7.50 tor Yamaha-Conn-Kdnooll REFRIGERATOR - 6 eg. It. with tree! ST. BERNARD PUPPIES - Show and Rt. #35-Wal! Twp. KEYPORT - Two furnished rooms ovqll- — In tttnwrisry school »y»1un- A.A. e> REFRIGERATOR - Admiral Duplex, er. like new. Parlor choir. Mirror with oble for mature oenflemon. Centrally lo- greo in eoucotton. 741-4B14 after 7 p.m. Wurlltlir-Chlckcrlng. FREEHOLD MIJ S175. Reclining choir wllh electric vibr- pet. Paper trained, shots, AKC. bred for Malar tenants Include Flnast Super- SIC CENTER, 12 Throckmorlon $1. MI- ator, $45. Solo ond choir. 17;. e)l-vooi. PROWN'S . . sliding doors. Bridal gown, 525.95. Loco, temperament. 671-9191. market, Lono Drugs, etc. Parklnb 400 cated. Coll 842-9)47. 12 Brood St. Rod Bonk 741-75W) 65' up. Totfeto. satin, 25' yard. 787-8543, cors. Opportunities for men's, ladles', AFGHAN HOUND PUPPIES - AKC-reg ~ fcAIONIOWNAREA HARD ROCK MAPLE BEDROOM SET DISHWASHING MACHINE — For reslau- MIRANDA CAMERA — FVT model. Two children's apparel, hardware and palnli. CALL CAR RADIO - Ntv:r lor JW. »3-3l«. LOBSTER MEAT FREEHOLD — Furnished room. Private and 34, Madison Township. 721-4898. DINING ROOM SET — S75. Water foun- Broker. 5il Broad St., NewarK. (201) MA ELDERLY COUPLE PREFERRED - For all occasions. ALASKAN MALEMUTE — Male, one entrance One room with kitc'ten, one effi- Ktomburg area. Attendanty employrs ot coln-optr. - FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES tain, S20, Homemade bar, $30. year old. Goodwill! children. 4-1000 or 671-07M. ciency. Short/long term. 462 1231. Phone 787-2570. 3M THERM0FAX COPIER Phone 291-1056. • ' leundromol. Nights. »-11< all dr Welfare and people with credit problems »5 Phone 671-0397, after 5 p.m. DISTINGUISHED Immediate deliveries. Irutont credit. Co MOVING SOUTH — Must sell complete LARGE. NEWLY DECORATED - Irtprl- Coll 741-5904 GOLD RUGS AKC SILVER MINIATURE POODLES — vale home. Good parking. Near bus. RM- iMr. Gran.m-ttiI. house turnlsfifngs. Cloth and fur coals, Two years old. Professionally cleaned, size 10 to 12. 741-5274. . DODGE SPORTSMAN CAMPER - 1!M. Two males, two females. Eight weeks. OFFICES sonoble.872-1117; PRACTICAL MURSHUMEE —- Will car* for el-.TYPEWRITERS. ADDINGmochln". A 671-4221. $85. Call 787-7351. Located In center of Red Bank Business duly or HI person. Refere cetoox, sink, sleeps three, ooJ heoter. Call FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS - All Utili- makes new or used. Guoronleed Low a: GRETSCH DRUMS— Farllso organ. RED PEPPERS — Now reody. S] o busi. district.. • •. • EUJ.TIlo Polly Rogttlw. .SJ5. Scrpico't, lot Moimautn it. Next ti Honda 50 Mini Troll. For Information call GOOD HOMES WANTED - For 7 week ties supplied. Avollah'e Sept. 15 to June. el. Also fresh vegetables. Ed Laurlno. old kittens. Pan trained. Free. • Central Air Conditioning BABYSITTING— In my hanw. Ranuan. »heoler.747-«4M. •_ MAPLE DESK — «0. Maple dresser with Sycamore Ave., New Shrewsbury. 787-5661. Enserlenced mathtr. Supervised play mirror. S&5. Redwood ctiotse lounge with Phone 739-0998. « Sett Service Elevator DESKS tlS up. FILES tll.SD up. tables, CAMPER mat, S25. Women's clothes, size 12, men's • Private Parking Space LARGE ROOM - Big closet. Kitchen, Howly. dolly, wwkly. H*fis7. choirs, adding machines, typewriters of- Apoche 197D, Ramoda II, SHOO. LEATHER TOOLEp TABLES - Club FOR SALE — Siamese cat, one year old. bolh privileges. Good location. WO month- r clothes 44 long, Spertl sunlamp, S40. Plate • Complete Janitorial Service fice equipment, etc. ot barqoln prices. Phone 767-3844 ( chairs, lamps, beds, other items. Call 671- Chocolate point. Housebroken, $40. Call ly. 74V2578/ ^^ RED IANK MOTHER - Will provld. glass mirror, 6fl 'x22", S30, Many other ofter 5 p.m. 747-2092. • Individual Thermostatically con- New sr used. AAC DESK OUTLET, Kle ems. 842-7372. 1657 or 842-3476. 3i.Oakhurst.i3l-iW0. RED BANK H.S. JACKET — size 12, a. trolled Heat > Red Bank H.S. blaier, U, sl» 12. Two JEHUMIDIFIER -.Practically new. Ex- FIREPROOF MOSLER SAFE - 26x39x72. ADOPT DALMARANER PUPS - Three • Wall-to-wall Carpeting COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY - Solid coots, slie 12 and 14-16, U and S4. Green cellent condition, 535. Coll oiler 6 p.m. Oak typewriter desk MxtexXVi. Kelvlno- months. Need yard. Good watch dogs. REAL ESTATE vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsoleti and white lacket, 14. Toy box. SI. Mater- r4M9S7 tor water cooler, electric. 10-drawer steel Love children. Coll 671-5753. 54 Broad Street Red Bank HELP WANTED metal sldlna. Coll for free estimate. D.W nity clothes, site 12. less than a. Coat and cabinet 26x32x52. 741-5918. Coll lor appointment to inspect FOR SALE Borr HomeIroprowments. U24C52. dress, site 12, U. Twin bedspreads, »4. PLAYPEN — And car seat. Children's PRECIOUS PEKINGESE PUPPIES - 6 MALE OB FEMALE clothing, girl's and boy's, from Infancy to 3-D HAMMOND ORGAN — Excellent weeks, AKC, black faced stiver sable 747-1100 , HOUSES FOR SALE REFRIOERATOR-FREEZER - RCt COM 542-3474. . • working condition, $650. Modern circular moles, white female. 922-9212. slietrree; 264-94)0. OFFICE SPACE - New wall-lr>wall car- TWO-FAMILY HOUSE - Excellent In- Whirlpool, completely 16 cu. STEREO G.E. — Three-speed, detachable sola tor large room, S100. 842-0996 eves., FREE PUPPIES — To o good home, btx peting ond paneling, first floor Brood St. It., like new, excellent condition. SI50. 842-1990 days. vestment. Red Bonk, near town, uhool, speakers and stand, S49.K, Olivetti por- SO GAL- FISHTANK - Fancy tail and weeks old. Mixed breed, smalt. Very affec- Private entronce. Ample olf-street pork- bus. »26,»0. Alter 6 p.m. 741-«234. FACTORY JOBS GAS DRYER, Norge. never used. JUS toble typewriter. t45. t«-14«. gupplei. Best offer. tionate. 787-4538. ing an premises, Including all ulllttlei.' 735-2MJ. Phone 741-8341 FIREWOOD FOR SALE S35 a cord Avalloble Sept. 1st. $300 per month. AL- Wo Need Mon And CAMPER- RellartTlhl Trailer. W DEHUMIOIFIER — Llkenew. S21. Bar- KITTENS - Litter trained. All black. LAIREFARROW, Realtors, 294 Broad gain, leaving area DINING AND BEDROOM SETS - Twin Call 741-3019 Free to good home. COLTS NECK Women in itwil Model. Sleeps six. 1350. and single beds, chairs, overstuffed and St., Red Bank. 741-3450. Phone 7474m MAJOR REMODELING — Doors and Call 747-4131* PIEDMONT FARMS of our popart' wood. Treadle sewing machine, wicker CHOICE OFFICE SPACE - Five room!, menu). Will bo re- DINETTE SET — Formico toble with able and fernery. 787-B9?. .Windows with storms, bathroom acces- FREE TO GOOD HOME - Four adorable Models Open Dolly HELP WANTED gold inlay, four choirs. Limed oak oval sories,, kitchen cabinets, bannisters, etc, first floor, Brood St., Red Bonk. Call 741- quired to work 5 671-9145. block ond white kittens. 1229or 741-1575. able, two matching chairs. Excellent con- IORGE AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER - In Phone 741-6027 Colonials and Ranches dayl. Monday 10 MALE OR FEMALE dllion-39M7t4. ^^__ A-l condition. Winter clothing for children FRENCH PROVINCIAL RCA — Color AIR CONDITIONED — Furnished, two- Sunday. 8 a.m. to ond adults. 264-0570. MONKEY WITH CAGE room suite. Three month concession. Best From4$57,9(» TWO ANTIQUE HEIRLOOM CHAIRS - TV-stereo combination. Beautiful color l 4:30 p m. Good picture, magnificent piece ot furniture. V4O Rumson location. S42-SI80. Ht. 34 A-m™so°ufh OFRWW* right on Tiger maple wllh cane seats. Excellent AMPLIFIER - Acoustic 150. Six 10" J.B 747-5699 incentive pay alter condition. ISO each. 842-47M. Lansing speakers. 200 watt peak power: Bisque and gold wood. Excellent condi- Clover Hill Rd.. Lett on Tulip Lone. BUS DRIVERS Perfect condition. $300. Call 642-2173. tion. SI000. French Provincial dining room Alfred J. Hassinger Modal Home946-45M Eves. 5M-9049 'ahort training port- WALNUT DINING TABLE — With four set, nine-piece. Includes huge breakfront HORSE — Must sell. Gelding. 15-1 Eng od Hospnalizaien, NOLMDEL TOWNSHIP cam-back chairs. S35. KITCHEN SET - Round maple toble, ond custom fireproof table pads. Bisque lish. Jumper. Five galls. Good home Agency-Realtor wonted. 531-2037 6 to 8 p.m. * paid holiday*, and •0ARD OF EDUCATION room chairs, $10 eo- 229-4392. four chairs, $40. Gas dryer, S90. Call and gold wood. S500. RCA avocado refri- Rumson 842-5810 FLORIDA CALLING! • Tot gerator treeier (rosl-tree, WOO. Thermal , HORSE OFFICE SPACE — Matowan. Rt. 34. Ap- Now.Is the time Io buy 1hot home, oport* othar benefits- NCYLOPEDIAs — Complete sets. Book fined drapes, blue, 9O"xl44". two pairs, ment, duplex or Income bropirtr*. Acf M Palomino. 7yeors old; $250. proximately 750 sq. It. Immediate occu' available of Knowledge, S30. Golden Book, S15. Me- .-•-. ^ANTIQUES . bolh J50. 870-1675. Call 787-8834 pancv. Coll SM-0936 lor details. now) ED. CONWAY, Reolty Inc., 2731 dical, 45. Garden, J15. 741-942J. Chalrs-vlassware-lomps-mlscellaneous OqMond Pk. Blvd., Ft. Loudernole, Fig. Hwy3S 264-8000 Keyporl BAVARIANCHINA - Service for 12, plus GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES - Two AIR MUFFLER CHISEL GUN —Two air 25 Phalanx Rd.. Llncrofl months old. Sliver gray ana* black and guns for tubelesS tires plus 100 valve WHIRLPOOL WASHER - Only V/i yeai extra pieces, delicate pink rose pattern, OFFICE SUITE-RED BANK - 756 sq. ft. Exec's Contemporary S200. Boy's bike, Top brag, very fancy, groy. $35. 229-6032. In excellent location, oesiroble tor any stems Askina S45 741-7447. old, excellent condition, US. Call excellent condition, S50. Two draw drape 671-4888 ' . ADOPTION — Airedale, 3 year old male. profession. Coll 747-3730 between 9 and 5. door)o yos utro likme al woodsl room, sbalconie to decks overlookinand Freficfgt ONE COMPLETE DINING ROOM SET rods for double windows. One rod for solid trees? Nestled Into hillside, this con- slnale window, alt adjustable, plus few Excellent companion for odults. Good — Mahogany with glass tops. 10' « 16' CHAIN SAW - Remington. S4$. Metal of- walchdog. 747-9155 evenings. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE - Ap- American Oriental Karastan and lamps. fice desk, S15. Truck tires 1000x20. Call ploln rods for small windows. $40 for all, proximately 4,000 sq. fi. of prime office Call 741-6497» a.m. to 12 noon. 787-1127. ' . 170-1675. KITTENS-FREE space in professional tone of Red Bank. YOU Beautiful. Fair Hovert. Immedlote occuponcv. Will decorate anil SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE! YARD SALE — Crib and matching chest. TIFFANY TYPE CHANDELIER - 1125. Call after 3 p.m. 747-9147 partition to suit. Attractive long-lerm more bedrooms, another fireplace In den Large swimming pool manufacturer has 520. Automatic baby swing, S5. Ploypen, Mantel clock, $25. Motorola portable TV lease available. Call HOWARD B. OEX- and brick wall wllh built-in barbecue}In surplus ot new 1971 above-ground pools In t2. High choir O. Walker S2. Many other and stand, 145. Crib $20, rocking chair 115, GREAT DANE PUPPIES - AKC. Beau- TERASSOCS. 747-2701. kitchen. "House Beautiful Home" for inly Can Join A Winner Tomorrow factory warehouse that he will liquidate ot baby Items. 15'. runabout and 20 h.p. motor large pool filter, »45.671-4157. tiful fawn females. Call «9,9W. below cost; All are fully jaulcoed. In- S150. AM-FM car radio 125-Tope deck S25. AID CONDITIONED OFFICES stallation ana ferms arranged, call Tom Household articles and much more. Frl., ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE — One Reasonable rtnt, immediate occuponcy. HAPPY O HORSE CENTER - Horses collect 16091 5B<-4020. W Sot., Sept. 10, II, 9 a.m.. 20 Lake Avenue, bedroom sel, maple kitchen set. Air con- Apply Serpico'i. tot Monmouth St., Red PAULBRAGAR Over 465 INTERDATA employees need your Fair Haven. 747-t«7. ' dltioner. Coll alter 3 p.m. 671-5837. boarded. Training lessons. Indoor and out- Bonk, next to Corlton Theater. door riding areas. Horses for sale. Buck- 794 Broad St. Shrewsbury •kills and experience Io »lay on lop of the Digil- YARD SALE - Sat.. Sept. It, 10-4. 100 TRIPLE DRESSER — Solid walnut. elew Rd., Freehold, 462-9560. OFFICE TO SHARE - In Mlddletown. Third Ave., Atlantic Highlands. Small ap- GARAGE SALE - Sept. 10, 11, 11-5 p.m. _. ,. . Call *l Computer industry .. .and continue the plionces. fishing gear, etc. 69 Seventh St., West Keansbgrg, (olf Loik ** A 536-3974 One or 1W rooms. Paneled. Air condi-i , PRIDE OFOW rel Ave. Hwy 36). Two Danish couches> OOO HOMES I-UUND FOR OLDER AUl( CIU ( i RMSOWbl ISYOU/SINTWSMLONIALSPLIT phenomeniii gruwlh we have achieved in 5 AIR CONDITIONER — Color TV. Mis- todies-, appliances, toys. A little of svery- DOGS — Cosh paid for pedigreed litters. cellaneous household Hems. ALLlRlR CONDITIONERS - On display All breed dog grooming. KAY-9 COL- fl"i IlS ' " «i Fow bedrooms, two boths. Two-car go- COII7S7-3S2I reduced to our cost. Anderson's Hazlel, LEGE, 22?4«S. yean! Immediate openings for qualified person- 946-8383, or Red Bank, 747-0825. RED BANK OFFICE — Furnished TAG SALE — 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Frl. and conditioned. All utilities supplied. Ivl pe FRENCH PROVINCIAL TABLE — And s tras. Assurnoble mortgage, S4i,000. 741- nel exist in the following areas: Sat. Mini washer, fur coat, dishwasher, MOTOR HOME - Good condition. Sleeps MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS - Two. month. Call 747-?7M. four chairs. Kitchen set, dropleat table. household goods. 10 Brook St., Middle- five. Best offer. Loving, well-behaved females. Three GE dishwasherisher.. LargLorae aavocado rug. Call town, (off W. Roosevelt circle). monlhs. Black and Ian. AKC. Reasonable. otter j:30 p.m., 671-om. Call 222-6518. OFFICE SPACE — Air conditioned, 3001 FIV6 ROOMS AND 9A.TH - Oroperly 872-0752. sq. ft., 53 35 per sq. ft. will divide to suit 100'xlOOVnlce location In Port Monrnouth. GIANT GARAGE SALE — Sat. Sept. 11. COUCH — 150, end tables, 115 each. Strol- Parking facilities available, Schanc PRODUCTION: ITALIAN WALNUT BEDROOM CHEST 10-4, 32 Circle Dr., Rumson (off Buena GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS-AKC. AsKIng 515,030. $5000 down, owner will ^r With mirror and matching dressing ler, S13, highctialr, S3, dressing table, "iVi * ~^£2J Realtors, 8 Linden PI., Red Ban hold mortgage ol t%. Coll 4«5-fO5S or 7H- Vista), Redwood furniture, dining room Queen-size bedspread with matching crop. Field and trial. Shots, wormed. Lineage —Assemblers/Wirers/Core Stringers .wit with mirror and bench. Dining room furniture. Beautiful 12x1. red rug, hun- papers. 681-5942, 9 weeks old. 1761 alter! p.m. 'set. Early American style, 44" round table dreds of fabulous Items. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE - In Cry LINCROFT - Triree-bedr66m spin on •/,, CUADTYCONTMl with two leaves, custom made table padr CARPETING ' AKC MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS— Nine tal Brook Professional Building, Hwy 35 »x main, O'TiufOi. Phone 2JM095. FURNITURE SACRIFICE - Relocating. weeks old. Females. Docked ond puppy acre lot. Paneled kitchen, dlnlntf and ret- —Inspectors/Enginaer/Technician ' Green embossed, 11x7,135 Eatontown. About 800 >Q. It. t29Tpe reallon room. 3eparal> hobby or 4fh b« on num cabinet, 2-way (shlp-to-shore) radio, PAIR HAVEN - Two bedrooms, on GE REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER crystal for alt four marine channels plui balh. Newly decorated kitchen. Llvln, Asking S50 """"RTVERVIEW TOWERS broadcast reception, asking $105. Two vi- 28 RIVERSIDE AVE. room, dining room. Adulls preferred, N CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Coll 542:0919 nyl steel frame office chairs, $20 each. PHOHL: 741-IW pets. Security. $195.291-1047 Solid mople cushioned rocker, 1)5. 229. FOUR PIECE SECTIONAL - And I BUNGALOW - Four rooms, both. moi-hln. chairs, ses, Colt FURNISHED D PLEASANT ROOMS — Urge porch. Located at A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR 872-184. Third floor, light housekeeping. Private 8 Tlilon Avenue, Red Bonk, FENDER TELECASTER — Wllh Fender Qule;, mature, business person. 741-0761. FAIR HAVEN hard cose and accessories. Like new, MANY NEEDS! RCA ?4" — Color console TV. Moving, SloO. Coll 741-0273. RED BANK — Attractive, nicely lur- AI'AHTMKNTS must sacrifice. 195 or best offer. Coll after nlshed one-room efficiency, lor uenlle- 6 p.m. 542-5031. GARAGE SALS - Sol., Sept. II, 9 am. to man, MIU74. • 6 p.m., tor benefit ol Boy Scouts of Amer- YAKD SALE - Sept. 10 ont! II. 10 a.m. to ica. Many ulclul Hems. 90 Kingfisher Dr., SEA BRIGHT — All year furnished Ihree- Charmirifi homn onn block Adding Machines-Typewriters Garage Doors Painting and Decorating 5 p.m. Household furnishings and winter Mlddletown. room aportment. Private entrance. Pri- clothing, women's size 20'/> ond man's 42. vate parking. 10 tnlnutcs to Forl Mon- (rom thn rlvor. living room ADDING MACHINES - Typewriters H. Springsteen, 98 Harrison Ave., Red SACRIFICE — "Model Apartment" furni- Electric Operators, Radio Controls, Fi CARL B. JONES — Pointing and wollpa- ture. Never used, Sofa, lovoscat, twin bed- moulfi. N.Y. bu* on comer. Inclurfes all GREEN GROVE wllh firoploco, dlntpg room, soli rented, rlpalred SerplcVs, 10) Mon- birgtass Doors, sales and Service. Coll perlng. Fully Insured. For free estimate!, uilllllc-v $1S0 month plus security, Pitone wlf St., Red Bank, 747-M15. room, etc, 741.3306.12 to 5:30 only. NEDSICKELS. INC. 142(212 call »}«3». INSTALLING SEWER LINES? We hove 847-1100. kitchen. 3 bodroomu, dan, 2 trenchers, pipe lolners, cutters, vises, ANTIQUE-COLD - Fobrlcupholstered bulln. Full baismont, 2 enr wrenches, lead melters; everything you club chair, like new. $65, Walnut swivel Cloctand Watch Repairing PAPER HANGING heed. A la 2 Rental Center, Iti Newman ockcr with pod! $25, 741.7905. MONEY TO LOAN APARTMENTS gnraa«. Excollcint valim General Contractors No lob too small Springs Kd., Shrewsbury. 741-0040. Clocks, watches, fine lewelrv enperlly FRANK E. WHITING 741-8974 23'" COLOfi TV — Carpeting, end tables, tain. Don Pom Jewelers, 799 River Rd.. CARPENTRY — Remodeling, ponetino, COMPLETE SET KNOTTY PIME tomrn. Alt like new. Red Bcnx, Fair Haven, I4MSI7. closets, doors. Odd lobs, rteasonoble 264-6341 MORTGAGE MONEY Efficiency rotes, t42-4]IS. Kitchen cabinets, good condition. Sink and gas range Included In sole. Pest offer over AVAILABLE One-bedroom 1150, Call 512-9742, ask for John. After - MOVING — Everylblng muit go. Thun, $39,900 Pearl and Bead Hcsiringlng p.m., 7410379, for Concrete Work CARPENTER-BUILDER " i» Acker Dr.. Mlddlelown two-bedroom complete home Improvements* ollera- Expertly on braided nylon. II.M o strand, SELLING ESTATE - RetrlMrrtoMri-r • Ouslnotij - ComniBrcial rilE, CERAMICS, MOSAICS- Painting, I'orn, additions, Roofing, siding. bttrllna cusps trom 75 REUSSILLE't, M Industrial - Incorno Proporllos er excellent condition, $100. Like new. YARD SALfJ - Senl, 11, 9:30-5:00, W Greengrove Ave,, Key- 717-MW A. Guarlnc Brood St., Rod Bonk. Setti Thomas clock, with chimes, O5. Up- 4 Gordon Courf, Port Motvnoufft. Minimum loan o( »50,000 holstered ctHlrf, small toble, lamps, and loff Main SI.) Unlimifod funda for qunlilind port. Manager's Office. 0 liieisar. 74|.5m alter 5 p,m, Aportrricnt 34, Coll 264- THREE-FAMILY GARAGE SAI.C npplicnnts, Call.. , 836 RIVER ROAD platnoBds Bought *r Restyled Odd Jobs Roofing, Siding & Insulation ?0".MAGICCHEFSTOVf2.- »20, Two Baby furniture, appliances, t»useiraM 1646,' Id" melol bese coblnels, ovotado ronae diamond you tfon'i weor or LIGHT HAULING — Cellars, aaraget tcmi frl. ood Sat,, Sebl, 10, II from 10 Io BETSY ROSS AGENCY OLSON CO. - ROOFING AND SIDING hood, steel wnrdrooe, »3 eo.n M-itto i, I! Oantmar Dr., MidcMown, FAIR HAVEN |»jt for you ptricnally cleaned up. Fret estimates. 741-2149 after Installed ond guaranteed for 10 yeoi s. 773. "Realtors" Two blocks casf Rt, U'and 3pm 0705 -29I-O540. GUNS - New ond used. Buy, letl or GARAGE SALE - 84 ElltabellJ St., Key- Middle Rd. trade. MANNy AND MARV's SPORTS f»rt. tiX.i Sept. 10, to Tues,, Sept. 14,« 741-4477 SHOP, Rl. M, East Keonsiw/g, 7I7-OM1. , o,m, to 4 p.rri. . • . ; FOH SAI.K y» « HOL'fiES VW f)ALK HOUSES i'OK SALE Tb« Daily Kcgbler, Kcd Bunk - MMdUfcmn, N.J., Wday, September l0t J?7I 2.1 THE BERG AGENCY ONE OF A KIND HOt'SBS FOB SALE HOU8BS FO« 8AI/B _HOt;SK8yORSAI-K • ' , , , REALTORS New listing Home for loroe family ALL BRICK - FAIR HAVEN , A Division of Berg Enterprises Inc Lovely alder Colonial with wide board In New Shrewsbury LINCROFT APPLEBROOK floori tlirougtievt. Beamed celling in *n- Four bedrooms, 3 full baths Younj/ modern as tomorrow ma room. Three llreplotei. BeautKul $29,900 Family room and den home. Living room, formal din- conttrudlon «Wi to trt* valut o groundl. Will sell fait at!»,!(». ing room/ kitchen, four bed- >lk orocflvt homs. Enlronc* hgll, Idrlrt 2 Years Young . Fenced yard oom with firtpitK*, dlntng room; eat I trred o*ntr» mmng wi«* _._.,« Many extras Included rooms, 2'/J baths, two-car ga- ;!tch«n, larut fomU/ rwm, ttir«t tlcubt VAN HORN rage. % acre. Central air condi- gi»aa«. JCHoy po»ei Realtor RUSSELL AA. BORUS A Real Buy _ < . , and piapMna enhor.c ttper. J days Call 24 hours a (Jo/. $32,000 tioned. Self-cleaning oven. Just IK telling. Alktna W2.000. Ut If lodoy. REALTORS Three-bedroom ranch. In mint condition, 747-4100 modern " Fair Maven listed . . .'call right now. . . nocrn r. A children's parodlse couldn't bo reproduced at HW filvtr R\( Page 234 RIVER RD. COLTS NECK 600 River Rd, Fotr Ha«n Reduced,. .$32,000 / three-bedroom ronch. One acre Fasd omt Occupancy Rod Bank 747- 300C ully wooded, Priced rt«htl , J4J-IU1 ,-„.„, ,„. , - kff /l? •fpneh. Formal dining room, llvlnc REDDEN AGENCY HOUSES KOB SALE " HOUSES room, eat-in kitchen. attachod aaraae Larac IIOUSKS HM.V. HOUSES l''OKSAl,K J.D. ROCHE tenced-ln property. Extras galore, H"ruge. Large Realtor Realtor' ALL BUYERS EASY TERMS 301 Maple Ave,, Red Bank THE FANTASTIC! Dally 9-9 7-41-9100 ANTIQUE Middletown Saturday and Sunday 10- CtnUr hall Colonial priced ot an^untielis IIOUSKS FOIt SAi.K — 6/l-IUU vor;l« 149,900, Only 3 ivars old. Sur ACAMMAWARD WINNtRSl RUM5OM — Choice roslclentlal Ipcalo. COLONIAL rounded by loll ma|eitit (reel. Lor go liv Srwclous ranch. Living room and den have lrt» roorrt* dtnlna room, counlfy kiltii»i HOUSES FOR SALE WODSKSKOHHALK a fireplace. Formal dining room, kllclien, den ond parwleo family foom wltti raise "Amertcona" on a quiet ^Ide street In 1 paneled den, rjome room. Three hed- Fair Hovcn, WirJo board floors through- heorlri flreploc*. Four bedrgom*, 3 / 546,000 RUMSON COLONIAL roomf. 2Vi bglhB. Full basement. Hot air out. Llvfnu room aftd dining room with bothi, full baseman). Attached two cur gu Oifk Hill ants. Tliis M rfcf/ ihrro RUMSON Oas hear. Attached twa-car garage Far' fireplaces, eat-in klfjften, den, three bed- rooe. iHtfffDdfri fiHfifJior leai two (ire- • LITTLE SILVER 8««l porfoimnncri. OutsuiNiing turtom Co- $37,500 "•-' 2Vi acres, HQ.OOO. lomat. Trses flatoie, fflnlaslic view! Four gracious trtdroorrw, dt*Ht • WATERFRONT rooms, boiement. Sewtrs art tn. ChH- fil3<:f5 and beautiful mop ONE YEAR OLD FULL PASEMEN dfen's ployfiouse, Toll shodo it en, AiKinu PAIR HAVEN — And only «S,O, Llvlm loom, appointment! throughout. Aiking (75.000. loc«» awrming ron(h on river, excellent condl RUMSON — InHrestltio living area. full (ifiisliftd banonmnt, Woorlod Bftaullful custom built three-beriroor lion. W/,000. S39.SO0, Cell today. room with fireplace, dim no toorn, thre tinn...workmanship,..unparalleled valuel Immodiat* occupancy!, homt in A-All neighborhooneighbohood featurefeatu s 21 Ranch. Fireplace In living room, Format bedrooms, two haths rfnq gome room, yroundti. Musi auol mattematte r BedoomBedrooBedroomm , JJVVj bathbathss , liilivinligg rooro n RUMSON dining room, electric kitchen, Three bed. ROGER F. bosemer.?, oMached aoraflu, R?peat. flfulll frmformal l dlndlnlnl a roam. V eot-lt-ln KifKifchec i -ooml, two baths. Hot woler all heat. ly IVOOO all appliancesapplianes. AttacheAtached oarageo . VVery nr COLONIAL 'alto. Screened •porch. Attached one-car $35,500 • RUMSON BMI Scenic Production. Esily American, Threo unu»H vott yaryardd. A r«ot boroainl Fine tomlly home, close to schools, Assu loraae. oversized formal plot. Now Attruciivf? now flfmrJt in bfi'iutiftjl Irj- ally laryo bedrooms, (jame room plus don, cellar, fingertip location, R«* moble mortgage. UO.lio. • • COZENS McAlister Agency i.iiuon, Throfj h'tdronms, 1 Vi baths, duced to 844,900 (or immediate sale and occupancy. Truly lovsly JOSEPH ARlAB4ncyRtalff>f r Realtor RUMSON — Conveniently located custom (Formerly Hall Broi.) Uvirtq room, fjininjj room, and mctfj.- gfoiinds! FIVEVEAW 7 FOUR twill Cape Coif. Living room hos a fire- 8U Rlvtr ltd. Hl-«64 Hair Hoven orn kiichoti, 12' x 1/' Qarnnrooni. I .. LmECZfiMi*ffi~^C6iyt the YOUNG BEDROOM'. )lace, large kitchen, two bedrooms, one 'Mb Moillplo Usllno (no. convententt ottering fatgo living room Rcii)(|9< dish washer, wasiicr, end Cuitom bultf Rumson homo with tow co Ml RANT. both. EKoandoole attic with stairway. Full with flropjac9> XfeparofC Slnlng room (fryer ihr|tjfff,*(J. Can't lasl :)t this • LINCROFT Boil conclusion. New. Four bedfooms lmm»dl»l« hot woltr neat. All bedrooms oversi deep oosement. Hot air all heal. Screened three bedroonfi6. dtn, V/i baltis, lull base pneef occupancy. Air conditioned. Cellar, IVt baths. Truly truel Only «4t,89O. with 17' matter suite. 2V* baths, tea porch, Detached oversized two-car go- A SHADY STORY? rncnt. Screened porch, two-cor {laruuo tlfuuly carpeted living room with fir Rcaltors-lnsurors rage. Attractive, nicely planted plot. Oh yes, city sewers in and operating! Member of Multiple Listing Service Convenient to Bell Lobs. Principals only place, formal dining room, family si, >38,0O0. Look behind the trees 264*3134. kitchen, full baiement, built-in garagi 500 Shrewsbury Ave, and see oni ot th« nlctst newtr homes on $29,500 New Shrewsbury This three bedroom Rijti-iU, located »!*% morigogt available. Many extra the rnarkgt today. Maw excellent features HOUSES FOR SALE • LINCROFT Aitracti«« thics-bedroom Fancher Cellar, lovsly Don't mils tnlsonjl including four bedrooms, large family near the parkway, has full base- gtoundg. Immediate occupancy. No down payment for qualified veteran. •747-9300 ment, car poit, and on a bit lot, Dennis K. Byrne tached ....»,two-ca. .,r •••uichen,bawmtnt, at- Bareat 631,9001 $42,500 REALTOR-INSUROR AH In mint condl- Corno in to bC«! 'Four hunt bedrooms, i'/> baths, 20' llvln ATLANTIC lioni OnlyM4>V ) with fireplace, formor dining roo 8 West River Road, Rumson NEW r dinette oft the Kitchen, gameroa u -HIGHLANDS Phone 842-1150 WATERFRONT db • FAIRWAYS NORTH Lincroft Models .,r,,, i ond den. Full basement, two-car garag New three-bedroom ranch, Vh bolhs, DOM'T POSTPONE HAPPINESS - Re- PAUL P. days. Colonials, Ra.ichfs At price* unparalleled! Starting at 436,8001 Oil hot water heat, All an heavily tree slote foyer, Wah-to-wali broodloom MEMBER MULTIPLE ilre in this adorqtile two-bedroom Rumson SHREWSBURY deep lot. Mony,- many extras included l throughout. Dish winner, waifter, dryer. LISTING Rancher. Large living room with huge Several Models availablo far immediaia occupancy. Directions; Traval asKIni) price. - Large lot, Country icMlng. "5,500, fireplace/ dining room, breezeway, Custom built swimminrj pool Widdletown-lincroft Road to Priscillrt Drive and Models At Pnscilfd Drtvff, . THE KIRWAN CO., Realtor* FREEHOLD screened porch ond a yard that's just o fjoes with Ihis four-bedroom, Lincroft. Campbell! Junction, Belford, N. Mttle bit of heaven, your own boardwalk Two-Story Older and Knot (or a boat. 1*3.800, throo-bath ranch home. Also BOVA 787-5500> 3-Bedroom House CUSTOM CAPE JOSEPH G. boasts a full basement with HAZLET — i.ov«ly three-bedroom roncl LI vino room, dining room, kitchen, den. largo gatmo room, scrcened-in REALTOR ADAMS AGENCY on corntr tot. Paneled living room am detached garage, files lot. City sowers DUTCUTCH COLONIAL CAPE surroundesurr d by •McCUHmllors E porch, cabana with full bath. din I no room With beamed eel II no, sclenci ortd woter. Mortgage con be assumed with ALL SHADE TREESTREES , 5 yean youno I Rosllors-lnsurorn kitchen, bath, enclosed patio. Full base dawn payment of W500, MillstoneMllstone , Ffvexooms and bath plus HigHi h 30 Ridge Rd. Rutnsen Chain link lencing encloses m«nt attached garagt^ utility shed. City Celling expansion attic foV two more bedb - W2-2760 pool. Just reduced to $36,000. 671-2544 741-5098 842-5098 iewtr», carpeting, washer, dryer, man W* olso rmv« ''water view" homes. rooms and bath. Full BASEMENT AND 3 Howard Avo. Avenu* of 2 Riv«r« < •xtrat. Only OARAGE, Large road FRONTAGE can 35 Cherry Tre* farm Rd. be subdivided, rdeol for HORSES or any Tho Powstra Agency Now Sl)r»w5bury Rumson $30,900 HOBBY. Beautiful country area. Only Middletown VA ond FHA financing BROOK AGENCY 'REALTORS VA and WA huyttt wtliema : Anne E. McCully, Reoltor 37.95Q, vve need a targe family for this centrally air conditioned expaned ranch. Six bed' 91 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK PALACE REALTY « first Ave, . ; Mlanlic Hlghlonfls Open 7 days. 24 Hour Service Open 7 Days 391-171? • rooms, three baths, family room with fire- 741-8700 MM It! 35 A5SOC. H $23,500. VA-FHA place, eat-In kitchen, formal dining roomoom, BEAUTIFUL '/j Acre heavily wooded. In-qrouniJ Sylvan pool. All this for W,.500. 2MS10O CARL F. ZELL6RS, Realtor, " Licensed Real Estate Broker Six-room roncher In Hawell. WALK TO (Subject to Government Approval) NEW HOMES shopping, schools and'bus. Central olr< conditioned. Good central location. Uve HOUSES FOR SALE he goad life at a price you con afford. EASTERN WOODS [To qualified buyer). See us saonl Impressive Colonlol reproductions of yesteryear filled with warmth and charm Farms & Country Homos from S23,5OO THE COLONIAL - 4 ond S bedroom home), Vh baths. 3- car garage, full basement, fireplace. Clly Is still tot prele'rred Oesion. Tnls home I water and sewer. Lovely wooded lots — LEWINGEMUL R AGENCS Y set beneath tolt trees on a winding stree PRIME AREA. ModeK available from 10 E. MainMULTIPL St. E LISTINGS Freehold In Fair Haven. Living room wlfit fire- 57.VO0. 'Qyinderson' place, dining room, paneled family room, DIRECTIONS: Monmouth Rd., North 462-3535 three bedrooms, Vh uaths, basement (past Wall St.) turn lell on Parker ltd., 3pen Sun. 1 Eves. 343-71 ?7 breneway, double goroge. 30-day passes, continue to Woods Rd. We are the only Eastern Woods, look for our sign at entry. A slon Port of on old estate. Asking. {$1,700 kTLANTtC HIGHLANDS — enfoylhag-' Coll now. EASTERN WOODS ilflcent view, Waterfront property. Three- REALTORS J29-O0S5 7JM20O ledroam ranch, Vh baths. Largo living ROGER F. •oom with fireplace/ dining room, eat-In tltcHcn, M3,5OP. Principals. 291-0213. Ut ui h*lp you pitk your new home. RIVER OAKS Member ol four Multiple Listing Sefvit.O'i Ills lovoly Fair Haven ranch, in tip top :ondltlQn, fs loaded with extras. Located HOUSES FOR SALE MIDDLETOWN COZENS In an estate-like area on a beautifully > Agency-RealtoAgencyRealtorr ' AgencyRealtor landscaped plot, it boasts central air con- (Formerly Hall Bros.I ditioning/ huge paneled game roam, ONE OF THE 113 Riveer Rd. Ml-7616 FaFaiir Haven gracious living room with fireplace. Ask- DON'T JUDGE MembeMb r MultiplMltil e ListinLiti g no onll y $460 ' MIDDLETOWN RAY HIGHEST COLONIALS a book by its cover...and Very large four bedroom home with large dining room and kitchen. 2FOR1 don't judge the size' of this 18' family room. Covered 20' « 15' patio with gas grill. Dish- Live tax free in 3 bedroom/1 Vi bath immaculate Fair VAN HORN homo by tho outside. This ono DESIRABLE in tho affluent "Oak Hill" washer, washer, grid dryer, and beautiful wall to wall carpeting. Haven Colonial. Rent charming rear cottage. Realtors is a house full of surprises. Other extras. Listed at S3B,000. RIVER OAKS Open 7 doys. Call 7i hours o day. section of Middletown fea- $43,900. 747-4100 It's a compact home, but it tures 4 bodrooms, Vh contains many rooms, all Avalloble Immediately. Lovely 604 River Rd. Fair Haven baths, den with firaplaco, MIDDLETOWN three-Bedroom, two-bath home. CENTURY OLD spacious. Seven bedrooms, central air conditioning, for- "OOEANPORT Living foom wltn fireplace, eat- Four year old Colonial with fout bedrooms, all larflc rooms, in- In kitchen, bookcases and gun COLONIAL four baths, beautiful modern mal dining room and an cluding 23' -family room with fireplace. Attached two car garage, Excellent 3 bedroom Ranch with 2 baths on a quiet rack In Oen, gone room with farming ham.e. Top Fair Haven totatien. kitchen, family room with fire- open patio-many tall trees basement. Located on professionally landscaped grounds. Many ex- dead-end street. Family room, eat-in kitchen, and a barbar , large screened porchph, :ios* to Navesink River, Living room place, den, large gracious and available lor immediats fenced In yord, excellent 'Ifh fireplace, dining room with fireplace tras. Asking $47,900 completely paneled basement. 1 block from school. schools. Asking 553,000. ond beamed celling, spacious kitchen. Florida room, hug© game occupancy. Offered at... amity room, three Tjedfooms, lVi baths. j?39,9OO. Porch and potlo. Wide board floors room in basement, half bath MIDDLETOWN rough out. Call today! S37.500, plus a private "retreat" ... a' . FRED AAAFFEO A distinguished four or fiVo bedroom homo located on lovoly land- Realtor den for Dad with a fireplace. CAN YOU IMAGINE? Mt River Rd., Fair Haven WATERBURY scaped grounds, well-treed. Have beautiful appointment, ex- 741-9333 Situated on lovely wooded lot. ceptionally large rooms. On wooded slope overlooking grounds. A 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonial in Little Silver for only Near schools, bus line. AGENCY $62,500 Largo sundeck. Air conditioned. Built in stereo with speakers. Deco- 533,900. Formal dining room, large eat-in kitchen, Realtor 45 Years of Service Insurer 5139,500: A dteam for. the rative wallpaper and fixtures. Imported tile foyer. Two car garage '? Mople Ave. 711-3500 Red Bank den, basement and garage too. Hurry and call us - largo family. and basement. Listed at.S71,900. SPACE AN.PCOMFORT Use "Holly, The Home Finder" you'll be so glad you didl Not lust a home, but .a new way of life In this planned community with clubhouse HIGH ON A HILL The Dowstra Agenr.y 836 RIVER RD. FAIR HAVEN and tennlj court. Set on two heavily wood- *a) acres, complete with oceon views, this JN.RUAASON REALTORS Miedroom, 3w*both house has everything' :cur-bedroom. I'/^-bath Southern Colo- 91 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK 741-4477 for the larger family. iloI, Fantastic kitchen, game room and HWY.35 MIDDLETOWN, N..J. JOSEPH G. ten. 20x14 dining room. Beautiful land- 741-8700 661 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY, .copfno. Asking SliP.OOO, AAcCUE RUSSELL M. BORUS 671-3311 741-5212 v Realtors 10 Rldgt Rd. Rgm son REALTORS 600 Rlvor Rd. Fair Haven 842-2760 747-4532 PAUL R. STRYKER CIRCA 1850 REALTOR .uthentlc Early American Colonlol on Hoimdei charming tree lined street near the river. Wide floor boards, two fireplaces, beamed •-•" 946-4144 celling In dining room. Three bedrooms. :xeeNent schools, Rum son high school. lew listing. Asking J39,500. UNIQUE CONTEMPORARY MATE Outstanding Homes ALLAIRE-FARROW Holmdel Agency WATER VIEW FOR MILES Realtors ,ln top residential area, spacious new four- 294 Broad St., Red Bank 74I-34S0I OVERLOOKING $' bedroom, 2V?-bath Colonial on wooded 5 Corners, Middletown 471-259" acra. Beautiful beamed kitchen and family ATLANTIC 178,000 room with flreploce, plus deck. $71,900, IY OWNER- Red Bank area. Newly ainted Executive Ranch. Three bed- Situated on top o) a mountain away from the hustle and Colonial. Four bedrooms, 2V3 baths. Fire- ooms. fireplace, paneled'den. Walk to ' In farnlly room. On vJoodtti lot. YC transportation. 741-1977. bustle of town. Porfoct retreat. Ownpr designed for fllabo- rato entortainmont, House superlative in design end con- HOUSES FOR SAM*:. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING struction, it's a rambling ranch on ono acre of ground OPEN 7 DAY5 consisting of sunken living room, huge fireplace, beamed coiling. Three bodrooms, 2Vi baths,. Cherry paneled dan, JUST REDUCED wall-to-wati carpeting, throughout. Every room with 6x8 FAIR HAVEN Lovely Cape Cod on qulot tree 'picture windows, Air conditioned, mirrored bar with two shaded street in Humson. Throe ico cube makors. Many extras. ,2 for 1 bodrooms, two boths, modern kitchen, Playroom combination Six-room house. Lovely four- plus game room and den in room garage aportment. bosomonl. Fireplace. Atlachod Walk,to shopping center. fjarati't). Thoroughly redoGo- HOMES FOR LIVING Asking.. .$50,M0. rated. Excellont buy for young f • in i I y' o r' r ci I i r o d c o u p I a. REALTOR:; ' Aik far AM, Cre*c .$44,800. EDWARD A. HANLON HOLMDEL SECLUSION TIC " Tho Oowstra Agency, Realtor New homo found ir> ono of thn Ono acre of largo uees. beautifully (TENDER LOVING CARE) 842-0110 REALTORS Town&hip's moat desirable location, • bud! »nd maintained brick ranch Four bedrooms, 2Vi haths. stunning with full hasoment. 25' (atnily room, Will turn this four-bedroom, 2Vt KM Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury 91 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK raised, pflneted kitchart cabinols, oa- 23' living room with brick I (replace half) Colonial into a beautiful hoine. 741-8700 Just 9 years old on Wi acres in on- meroom, firoplace, lull basement, w*>|l, lormttl dining room. Three bod- fiRHeni Rumson location, $76,500. iwo-car gnrage. 655,900; Call 566- . rooms, two lull baths. Ownpr wanls , Call 342-2900 , MATAWAN • SOOHwy.36 Highlands, NJ. 7600 action! Just' rAducad ti> $53,000, "Levitt at Stralhmore". One cf Mormioutli 872-0001 ConKalW atr c.onditionflii tool Cntl County's outstanding communlMes. Four 671-2300 bedroom Colonial, Two baths, powdei room. Family room, carpeting. Good cr chifeclural styling. Excel lorn condition HOLMDEL TENNIS ANYONE? throughout. Fencing. Neatly kept grounds, Wnodrd ncm plus lot insums priyary Just a short walk to tho courts from Stwtrs. Near everything (shopping, busos in this stunning custom hutli ranch ond trains). Tremendous purchase in ttilr this mudctivo buck end shmfil" Orta. Aftklna $39,000. Make reasonable ot homo, Four spncioua bodroonis, J '/J DEEPDALE RANCH homn! Thron bedroonr", tliroo ballis fir, bftthi, 19x14 master bnlioom, {]n- Four hodronms. llitto full baths. Uvo and ihoro are wator riflhts loo! Ruin- Navesink Associates ninrnom with raised hnartli tiroptaco, gnmofoorm, f.ini!ly room with lirc- son uansforrce will (jivo Ociabor. oc- JOSEPH S. LANG cniHrnl tiir comiilionlnp. Put ihis on pl.vo opnns onio duck. (Txtrn kit go cupancy. Askinn SB8.000. Cnll .Realtor 1038 Hwy. 35 Realtors you 'most sofi" list tins woeVwul. naVm kitrhon wi\h many r.ahiriRts 842-2900 . Moln St. Hslmle.1 4M-4117 OCEAIMPORT Askinfl se4,900. Call 5flB«76OO plus paniry. A wnll appointed borne. MIDDLETOWN in |>rc5"icjo sotting. Asking 466,500. 671-0600 Call 671" 2300 .Custom built Colonial reproduction, with CARRIAGE HOUSE , oil the conveniences. Pour large bed ON THE WATER, approach this COLTS NECK WANTED reams, formal dlnlna room, den wim tire A larflo lamily tor this carefully re- , ptacc.'taroe country kitchen. Muanltlcenl home 400' Uom iht suoot Am you tiifli] ol lookinn lor H luiino Wooded loVCArU F. ZELLER5, Reoltor olotij] a Into linfid circular dr ivo- and not just a hoiisnr* Wo can ond stototJ home on tho INavestnk Fliver, woy, Bulkhoadod lot 110' on your soflrch, wo uffor this fi't-.eutly Five mesier bodroomg plus guost or 7 tho Shrowsbury Hivrjr. four bod- rousttiic'.ml five-bedroom ?'. a li-'lh BRAND NEW sorvants winrj. Ultra modern kitchfin Oiik Hill C»po Cod. Thran Inrtje bnrl- with burbocufi, four firoplacos, a rooms, two baths, sunken livlnj) Froncli Pfovinciiil in un« ci( Iho touu- of ty's lincat areas, Gnnuuoom, liro- tooms, flimmroom with firoplaco, 'ull iirnat porch for watchinQ the boats. room. Litrnii duck nvorlnoking plai*n, iiiiulom width [i^ni)^ "ODIIIKI. h.tsomonl, two-oar gataflft. This EXCOIIRHI neirjhhoiliood in tha Runi-. ASSUMPTION ^4xlB' pool, lor only $4/,UOO. soit-clnanitH| mniio. Stunnmii al.ito houvo c.ui inisily he timdo into a livn sfin-Fair Hnvon Rogional high school four bedrooms, llvlnllvlnaa roomroom,, dlnlnfl room hind snuy loyor, Priced jit Sfiti.OOO. hnjfonm: Hwonbath homft. system, AsVtirj 6)14,000. Call kitchen ond BtBathh . CCentrae l olair comllMonlno Jwo'to,.-- ...r iiaroo'»„. „„..' '5., ' .*. too'M' tread lot Cull Applntiiook wn'm lull of lie.sU 'bt.!»OO. Ctll fi"/1-2300. Rd2-2DO0, Move-Iwol n tomorrowt . NNo credit check, no OCEAIMPORT 'nnvu lidinns nnd idfiiis. Cfllt !)K(t- legal costs. 7600. •-••,.. PAYMENT «M9 MONTHLY 'Smirl for complimonrary copy of 13900 DOWN NEW HOME $44,900 "Homns for Living Brachuf*" SHANE CONSTRUCTION CO. Alirirmt complnifKl, this"lour- OLDE SHREWSBURY 739;1JPJ)_ bmlfooiu, ^Wbiith \m\\u> s'm- rouiufflil hy tmrtfl. Out! of ;i Vmrf, i. TITTLE SILVER no (|ovf)ln|inionl. Vnry liir(|i) liw- $32,900 infl foorn, fonmtl tlinirifj ronni, English Tudor, *Throo libel rooms. Fira- Unlrolly located seven-room CfJ|>» Coil Otti* tWlh, pojif), DCnuMfUl *"»ri, .Ipweri In, Qntciniis ntit'in l(il.;hnn, P.mnlnd placo in livinr) room. Dining room,, den, -"!! ynj• N«o- Middletown Rumson Matawan Inllol fturmon nMn, wgierirwl*. litre- scaped. tide. loU. bwsltieai opportunities- 671-2300 , 842-2900 . 5667600 RAYSTILLMAN,, .Realtor, PAUL $37,500 REALTORS BRAGAR AGENCY Boo/'or antlal tllturllon. hree btdrooms, taaiham* large llydio roamj . *i»"i-iu"«IIOCIOII»* 7?4 Broad St. Shrowtbury tun room, anacltMt iiiiruoji iiwn- lower, coxooard Hot woler an« 7470221 !ri"~." '••> t win, dock lor hotil. n VNiue s»,w«r , • „ ocation! .totoi.Nl»- it coif BAY STII.l- V MU1.TIPLI- Uia'll ^ w nlinlt mitt W««k- Daitv R*0H'r, RfA Bsnfc - MirMlrlown, ,*V.J., Frtrfiy, SepUmlvr 10, 197! HOUSES FOR SALE | HOUSES FOB SALE , LEGAL NOTICE lEGAtNOJTOfL Distribute , FOR KALK . HOUSES FOB SALE HOI M-.SJ-OK SALE ROMSON TAKE NO FORKED RIVER YES WE HAVE h .1 Reports On' - RUMSON SStrWO — Nt* 1*6fcit«racm rortth with RUMSON r.MOufy adopted iht lollowlns I «lv full cellar and swage, eai-fn kitchen, Cor , BARNS Ion: rer lot. COLONIAL WHEREASI Pfoncti G< MOTIUIID end Regional "wo-story eitno Mmuk •( al, or« lh« owntrt of Waretowh — Six-room spilt level. Hall This wos a STABLE, brick front. Five months old. Goroa*. Living w>lh Mrtplntii la>qt dining trvi (u&i«ct prtmUMr ort» h«v» BED BANK -Copies of He- TO'Se COMPLETED Thret bedrooms, VA bath), hot woter roam, eat tn kitcftcn with o pantry* four now a charming live- trrt© o Uoift wllh ih*«w*byry _. baseboard heal. Potto and pored. JMJ0O. bedroom?,, den, two baths* basement, cov- opminl Corp,, for o ttrrti of V v*or»( with gional High School nuporlnlcn- IN W DAYS ered porch, Sowers or* in 30-day posses bedroom, 2'/2-bath thrw 25-year ootlonJ to renjw in fovor el • ' $39,900 < J3?,000 — Three-bedroom ranch on Barn sion. Snort wulK to iiu* line nnd Death donts reports have been mtjrtp CALL NOW oaet Bnv. Lot 100 x 100. Two baths, hoi Moke on otter,. ticking 139,900. home on throe secluded WHEREAS, Shrpwihurv Dvvetopmtfll „ .-._ LOT OF YOUR CHOICE water baseboard neat. OWNER SAVS Corp. Is the Lent* ot aporoKimoteiy 2i uvailablc to the public for the Sonny CONSTRUCTION, 741-1144 "SEU-"i! ; , ROGER F. acres. acrej of land located aetwrnlly on Bfood Street, In the Boroiiflti ft Shrffwihury, first time tills year. jl LOCATION + REALISTIC PRICE BAYSIDE BEACH SALES CO. $89,500 New Jemey, olso known ai Block 3 .Part WJR BEDROOMS equals RUMSON'S REALTORS a( Lot 2. Lois 3 through 10, 1?. 13, M, Tlic 8!l-pun« document con- it BUY. ASKING JSS.OOO. AND Block 32, Purl ot Lotlond Uof 2; and Rt. 9, Forked River 4094914131 COZENS This was a potato farm, WHEREAS. Ihe syb|»d preimti** lit tains reports from school an- Alfred J. Hassinger AQCiicy, RrnHoi wlfhln Mie & 2 Zorv of Ihe Zoning Ordl PRIVACY-CREEK er (F-'ormorlRd. ii\mby Hot ! BroOFoir Two-bedroom cottage nance of the Dorwph ot Slirewibury; and mtnistratni-s to Supcrlnten-. WHEREAS, said Applicant Intend* o Pcrl-cu-Peck — Notural setting with trees 813 RiverMembe Rd. r Multiplii\mb e ListinFoig r Have 1 dent Harold C. Sensible anrt and a redwood deck overlooking a creek. with large living room. construct ci siioppino center ns flentnUlv fi ^ M M Liti shown on Plot Plan idtnllftvil o* Sheet \ MlDOUtbWN - SPACIOUS SPLIT Spacious tour-bedroom, two.bath homey discusses both the strong ann ,J"-r w97T. and revised on the fol- (he school's first year in oper- room, library, basement, landscaped well, fully carpeltd. Low JSO'l. raiico hearth, Brick borbecue make* rear lowing dates: 6/2I//1; 4/M/Jl; 7/1/71; Administrator ga.lfldi, V^ qcrei patio, close »a Parkway ard outdoor chef's del icjh I. Ask in ttVlXi and 1/4/71. ' „ . Howard A. Robert!. Em.. ation as a vernal facility. . •"w rOflroos Excellent area, Alt fixtures. CAAAASSA AGENCY 3$0QQ Mk tls HAZELTON WHEREAS, said Applicant has applied I Tlndall Rood, In the report, Mr, Schalble flP&tiafiCKr wail-to-woll corpetlng, ond Realtor, MLS Realtor to the Board o( Adjust men I ol the Mlldiiletowrit N.J' """ JJjVBullt-Ini, Owner, 201-747-4722. Borough of Sfirewsburv 'or o variance lor Altorn«y , „ describes his first year With 741-6336 WALL TOWNSHIP 842-3200 • the erection ol a restauronl and theater Doted: s«oi«trit>er 3, \in upon the sub eel premises, and (or the Sept. ID. )> _____^! the system as the most active UNCROFt •"- Four bedrooms, two boths, 4 Parker Ave. Little Sllvtr NEW HOMES MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE erection ol three (31 tree-si and I no one-sto- fl"3!nB loom, recreation room, garage, ECONOMY, COMFORT ry buildings os shown on iqld Plot Plan, year of his educational ca- Pftto. F*nced>ln yard, Prlncipafs only. Hazlet. Four-bedroom, two-batli split. RANCHES West River Road Rumson with floor areos of approximately 1,000 tfoSOQ. Phone ftt-fol, Handy to schools, train and bus. Over- •net sq. f!., 5,270 sq. It., and 3,000 sq. ft., and reer. . . sized lot with trees. Sewer services tBO COLONIAU HOUSES KOIt SALK lor a relaxation at the parking require- ESTATE OF I ptr year. Good volve lor 4J5(WG. ments so as to provide porklnp spaces on Regional board members HOUSES FOttSAKK" — hlgtt upon o hMI. overlooking Manas o ratio o' one space for every 150 sq. It. of uont to Ibe order ol S, THOMAS 1 SHREWSBURY SPLIT - Three bed- EATONTOWN— B/ owner..Four-bed- SONO ' guan and Brlelle. Country livina at th rooms, living room, dining area, don, a}- room. V/vbath ronth. Centra! olr, poneled building ttoor space) ond o stt-bock ot the OTO W.00J.. ol the Count, • approved distribution of Ihe Spacious older home, 5even rooms. Three Shof e. minutes trom beoch, qolt, an toched garage. FHA approved, 128,900. den, fireplace. Carpeting, Pallo. All appli- nearest portion of Ihe mgln building 40 ft. bedrooms. Oil heat. Near alt schools and shopping. 3 arid 4 bedrooms. 2Vi baths, ances, City wqier ana sewers. Vi acre from Shrewsbury Avenue; and cation ol trie undersloned report and copies are on file db transportation. Taxes under 1800. Asking basement ond 2-cor garage. Models ova" NEW COLONIAL -- Four bedrooms, 2',n tear of pinjipriy, AH three homex Sunken patio with brick and railroad ties. *ast efficient service, coll J.D. Roche, as to requirements for parking, ond pro- reasonable objection thereto: h»ve ihflir own JiK'ntini) syMmn plus all sepa- Large treesi expensive landscaping. Full Realtor, Rt. 34, Colls Neck. 462-2741. vides a use not otherwise avairable to the it Is on this 2nd doy of September, 1W1 PRETORIA, South,Africa rate utilities. Eicctleni r Mil at unit?. This prop- basement. Porch. Principals only. 535,900. Member Multiple Listing Service. residents of the Borough of Shrewsbury. Adjudged Ihoi Jomes Phillip O'Connor be erty is bei'iy ottered for ssle (or quick dis- 10. The Board finds thot Ihe parking re- (AP) - Government censors 642-4873. -ISTINGSOF BETTER HOMES — .. and he Is hereby outnorlied to assume the posal, at OWIWI i* leaving aiea. Full aslcipijv quirement under the Zoning Ordinance name Jomes Phillip Bourne from and ot- pt baili*. fim- DEAL -~ For growing family: Four bed- SM-<907from7-»?.m. one (1) space for each 187 sq. ff. of build- of this judgment wllh the Secretary of is serving a life sentence for place, ceniial air-t-onditioriirif), two car fja- oom, two-bath spacious split in good con- I floor area. Slate pursuant to the provisions,of Ihe jltlon. Recreation room. City sewers In- I, The Board finds that at least two ol stotute and rules of court In such case subversion. wnlks, wild uiy srwnr inslalted. full r»uo- ilalled. Termite proofed, well landscaped. It Tars lo Use T mode and provided. Convenient location (or schools and trans- .the uses proposed in Ihe shopping center, homes di this (ma ifcMfitnuai area - Fnw portation. A "musl'see" at 534,900. JEAN The Register Classified namely the theater and restaurant, would PATRICK J. MCGANN JR. LEGAL NOTICE homes led!! Ajjoiit on [nernisfis Sa[(j«I»y ft C. IRWIN, Realtor. Marine Pork, 842- be patronized generally at off times lor J.C.C. •Sunrfa/ 1-5 p.m. Wookriiiys hy appointment, other proposed uses In the shopping cert- On Motion of NOTICE L Direcfiom: Q(l AtH«u Ptttcc. whif.h is oit Nil- LEGAL NOTICE r. /i/Frank Catania MONMOUTH COUNTY wood Avenue, Sundays call niodel home HOLMDEL ~- Four-bedropm Colonial 12. The Board further finds thai os to all Attorney for Plaintiff SURROGATE'S COURT 229-77A,i split on Bi tiepvfly wooded ceres. Center PUBLIC NOTICE of the variances sought os set forth above, James Phillip O'Connor ESTATE OF ROBERT R. CERES, OE- hall, living room, fireplace, dining room, TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Ad- that fhe subject premises are of an od<$ Sept. 10 J12.25 CEASED. large modern kllchen, rjlrch-fjanoied rec- iustment of fhe Borough of Red Bank at ond Irregular shape, ond fhof each COITV Purtuonl to Ihe order ol S. THOMAS 'eotion room, three full boths, two-cor ga- Jts regular meeting on Wed. Sept. 8, 1971 merclal use In the laid community shop- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS GAGLIANO, Surrooote ol th« County at LONG BRANCH age. Principals only. $62,500. Call 471- denied the variance application of C. P. ping center tends to support each other Notice is hereby given thof sealed Pro- Monmoulri, this doy mode, on the oppll- Ti»»sffiHuifl lo Panama • Ttitco Irwin Really Co. use, and provides for Integration ol'each posals will be received by fhe Mayor and catlon of the underilgned, Anno Cerci, The application of Dr. Michael J. Lara- use Into one community snapping center- Township Commune ol Holmdel Town- Sole Executrix ol Ihe esiate of the laid ing fir Dri[jhl kite It further finds that certain of Ihe require- IAK HILL — Four-bedroom, spilt level. roff and Elieen P. Laiaroff was granted ship for the following contracts: Robert R. Ceres, deceased, notice Is hire- ! inc.Uifi« lull Vh boths, recreation roqm, den, patio, sublect to certain conditions. ments of the Zoning Ordinance as apoll- CONTRACT A - Rood Maintenance Ma- iiindry l r.rjriihijis tinn Msernent. Low 150's. By owner. 471-2039. ed fo this shopping center on ihLs loca- by given lo Ihe creditor! of in Id deceased RUTH M. ESCHELBACH, terials to present to Ihe said Sole Executrix their Jrws ihttn•nil- tion, work a hardship when Ihe shopping nut, c/cbnft fence, at) Secretary CONTRACT B • Telegroph Hill Roai claims under oolh within six months from (Jpiar.tied tta- center Is viewed as a whole. The Board Sonltory Sewer Extension ragfl, Ev;rytliirig in tins hnuje, fmin n«vv rop IIOUSKS Idlt SAI.K Board of Adjustment finds that the shopping center Is one large Itils dole. Bor&ugh of Red Bonk ond will be opened ond reod In public ol Doled: August 27lh, 1971 pet plumb-ng in [hfj full bainniptn tip to jid commercial use, representing a consid- the Board ol Education Admlnlstrotlon including Ihe new ronf, tm* hecii domj in \hn Sept. 10 13.50 erable expenditure ol money, and the A>)NA CERES FOR REAL SERVICE Building, Hfllcresl Read, Holmdel, New IMA Klnps Highway East Wall carerl for dom*. TIIB full a*k»i0 ,tnr» ol various retail stores are inter-related wllh Jersey, on September 70, I?7I at S:00 P.M 527,900 availably to t|iifllr(irri VA er THA buy. IN REAL ESTATE NOTICE the Intention ol providing adequate park- Prevalllnq Time. Atlantic Rlohlonds, New Jerity MONMOUTH COUNTY ing, solely, eo5P ol accessibility, tand- Sole Executrix icaping, efc. Contract Documents ond Plans for fhe igwrl.'Call iirtmMi*|. Consult ,l SURROGATE'S COURT proposed work prepared by Richard M Messrs. Kantor & Burns < HI CIC*1'R, ESTATE OF ADA 5ODEN, DECEASED 13. The Board finds that the granting of Broad & Elliobeth Streets ' Member ol sclmlz, P.E., L.£, Holmdel Township En i tho ii )l lor Ion;]. Pursuant lo the order of S. THOMAS the, variances sei forih above will not glnecr, of the firm ifTlu ASSOCI Keyport, New Jersey Ri;if B.l'ik Aip.l GAGLIANO, Surrogate of Itic County of cause a detriment or the lowering of prop- ATES, INC., Consulting and Munlcloo Atlorneys Munmoutri, this day made, on Ihe appli- -lyyatues In the area, Enolncers, hove been filed In Ihe office o Sept. 3. 10 Hi.ib NEPTUNE MIS mL cation of the undersigned, Nancy w. Je- 14.' The Board finds thai relic! can be said Engineers at 213 Highway 35, Middle rolamon, Sole Executrix of fhe estate of granted lor the variances sought, wfthoul town Township, P.O. Red Bonk, New Jer- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT COMMERCIAL BU/LDirjf; AVAIIABtt-'. Iligtt. the said Ada Soden deceased, notice is substantial detriment to Ihe public good., sey ond the office ol the Township Clerk OP ACCOUNT wjy 3S *dd Monrns Avnnue, fr>rnirrfy Nrp- hereby given to the creditors of sold de- on_ .d_ wil...... _l no.t substantially .Impai, r the_ Intent and may be Inspected by prospective bid ESTATE OF RAYMOND F. DREW, DE- tudfl Cantlms. Cuiinni hinlt emder hloi.k and ceased to present fo the sold Sole Execu- and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and ders during business hours. CEASED trix their claims under oath within six $35,000 Zone Plan. BlOdcrs will be furnished with a copy of Notice Is hereby given thai Ihe accounts months from this dole. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- ol Ihe subscriber -; Co-Executors ot IHe 'l^ftrft, full b^&Rrr^nt pfiiK loiidifict [ilAlfnrrji A stilly figure — lias hcieti reduced by Dated: Auoustn, l«t the Contract Documents and Plans by the laia* puvatB oilir:o, apprniuniaiBfy 7500 SOLVED by thi Board of Ad|uilmcnf of Engineer upon proper notice arid poymenl estate ol said Deceased will be audited snu^ie ff-nl. Buy (or |«« tfMn sM?S\od valu- S2.900. You «fln buy this wsll-buill 7 NANCY W. JEROLAMON the Boroiign of Shrewsbury thai Shrews- 1 COLTS NECK REALTY 3 of a non-refundable charge os ollows and staled by Ihe Surrogate ol Ihe County ation. Ahsenlre owner* tnuil dnpose i>( (fun room split Invnl in River Oaks. Throa bed- 10I Hlllcrcst Boad bury Development Corp. be ond hereby Is Contract A - sls.OO; Contract B-JlS.OO. ot Wonmouthiond reported lor settlement in r,iicnnnUiiti.e\ bfiyonri U.eir enntro). tx- loorttj. 2 hath*, sepatntfl dining foom, lun- Fair Haven, Hew Jersey granted a variance as follows: to,The Monnioutri Counly Court, Probate REALTOR Sole Execulrl* Propojals must be mode on Ihe stan- c(!lJ«ni fgr almost any typ* ol rnmnwoal mi- placo^ 27' family tootn, basmnnril, and A. To erect three free-standing bulld- dard Proposal Forms In the monnsr deslo- Division, on Friday, me 12nd doy ot Octo- 300' Wast of Coin Nick Inn impnse mch as yjiin shop, di,i or belore awarding th» 32 Sllvcrton Avenue, cultles, and exceptional nnrt undue herd- .w,7,oc\i Sept. 3.10 .. • »l|,'jc 287 Oteanport Ave.Oceanport Prq5perl Ave, l.ll'lle Silver Little Sliver, N.J. 07/39 ship : lfl* rlPf)' I* o'so reserved lo relccl onv MANUFACTURERS HANOVER s 542-3500 7*1-4600 1 and TRUST COMPANY Locnlloii: choln Link Fine* (Vinyl By: C,B, Grfniev/ Jr. Coal*d], Fomiiy Compslli Ant, Chun- vfce-PfeMdtint t itole Pork, Molawon, Niw Iwni 350 Park Avenvcpt 1(1 Clerk Taxation Oulldlng, West Slate ond Willow IU 50 Streets, Trenton, New Jersey mm. unlit ^00 o clock p.m. D.S.T. on September », 1,971 and then publicly opened ond read nloud. No bid will be occupied after th" INCOME PROPERTY *23,9OO hour specified, Bids will be received oil the lotlowlno branches olworki Two aparttndrtls.twih in triple A condilion. Already FHA appioj/ed. Chain Link Fence The Intormotlnn tor Bidders, Farm ol 8&&c!lll?WvW Bid, Form ot Contract, Plons, Sued- MONMOUTHCOUNTY llcollonj ana Forms 01 Bid Bond Per DOCKET NO, 4431-70 formonce-Poyment Bond, ond other con. UIUCROFTFARM BY flOROUOII OF RED »AWk ttMl documents moy be exomlned ol the With mnriom ranch homo, and (our box Malls. You can buy it wilh . IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH loitowing: i . STATE OF NEW JPRSEY ' one acre or up acres, . Tokr notice Ihnf nrt flcllon, in rem, ha^ ttenn fomninifffj l'i the',i/nr.rinr r«,..t«» w . Division of Building and Construction AUIJUJI 3.1, Ittl, In torccloie ond forever bar ony mm nil dohK ol trittiiiK?nt if , In! .i! .J, " hv "f "lln» ?' " f-Omolninl mi W«»l Slate ond Willow sireeli , Prtc« itartinfi at 37,300 list, bflnw Iron) |ilolrillfl'» Kin lion Illlrs. 'nemifflon nl lt,f pnrr.nlj ol. |( datcrlbM In the to» foteclnsure Trenton, New jersey 0aS25 Tllp rulinri i', brnuatr) nonlnst Ul? Illlld ritily, (trid nt, j.r Conies may be oblolneti ol Iht Division An/ pprtnn felrl(| In prolfcl lhl Illlr Il ol Bui dlna and Construction, InrniM #,, West Sloleand Willow TlrM t, TnSfo? • • New Jersey upon payn.enll ol tIJ nno fnr' enttl »e»ell . Anvv unsuccemull b,W,b,W,rr , "JJZ MAGNIFICENT EXECUTIVE'S HOME $64,000 relurnlno lutti. set promptly onrt In Soo3 In tlberon. nver an aue Extras trw nurtimous to mentinn. This ono conililion, will be refunded his nwnetil DEEPDALE COLONIAL must be icon. . hrni/rihl Brand new four-bedroom, 2V2-bath home. ,'MAUSMtfl (.CAROIf-HUTO Featuring a large country kitchen, huge - flrodd ^trk-ni. well Bank, Hew J(r«r/ paneled family room with fireplace and Call Jack DoSrofmio TAX l-OfllsCLOSUnt1 LIST beams, extra large basement, central ait- • Ami, ol All rnv. l.ltrn Dur r, flu fl*«r, on CITI. thilp, nl Aint. n| Owner) Nome ns II conditioning. Excellent financing available. Air.ri/I MOSuh. Amttn ADAMS AGENCY tay. Ol'P. tin. ol Oil. lo Srilfl, sic,. , Apn»nr> on IH« (.nil Tdx Ounlicatrt 741-5098 Eves. 222-1828 Hlrxk Ih Plnct « II) 10/18.«/, III.'I.// lil.V) PRINCIPALS ONLY Lot 9S Jfltrifij T. HCwrlt 3 Howard Ave., New Shrewsbury. nim Wi Bliik IS n . wriitf tlnnk /ABO 1/J.IJ ,IMV7I tol loo Lnl IIW Cnae Cil Hmiry fr«nl CAU 671-0031 or 671-2322 ,, Pfilole c/fi Mi», fin Blown The tally Heeler, R«d Battle - Mfddletow;., W, T'rWay, Vl»l«ml*T 10. W\ 25 3-Day Celebration evue to Benefit Day Care Center

KED BANK - R lk"l Hank, \nl! Iw piaui.i. Anil Die Uinti'd Melhodi'it ill en when neee'isarv. (|i)or play niulpmcnt and col- Set in Asbury Park 1071," a music.-*! comi-dy the •two-hour profjrairi will Broad St., in March llf/l), Cur- Each class will be super- lecting toys, games and -». revue to bo presented by tho fouturc the talents or area rently, there are 30-pre-schoo- vised by a certified teacher, educational materials-for in- /VSBURi'il U I f t>Y V TPARJ A IJK f - m h4.-. "And to mak. e th. >e celebra» - Before Santa Claus arrives Auxiliary to tho Monmoutli residents. lers enrolled in till! two assisted by an aide and volun- door use. tii-eater Asbury l'ark Cham- tion even more festive, tho at I'russ Plaza Saturday Day Care Center, will benefit 1'resijtltalioriK at The liam, (•hisses. teers. There will be a cook af. Kleven teen-agers from the ber..ofCommorce IH set to block on Emory St, between morning, the Monmouth Boys tho center's current expansion Hiimson, are scheduled for Mrs. Kevin Hartoeher, di- each location to prepare hot area church action group, stage a. three-day celebration Cookman and Lake Avcs, will Club Cha Cha Haiders, state program. 7:.'|0 p.m. Kept, ti, 24, and %>. ri!i:lor says the two additional lunches and mid-morning and Project Concern, put up feflc- this, weekend which will in- be closed to traffic and a junior drill champions for two Mrs, Warren Finer 6f Ruin- Tlie Saturday perfwrniiiin- classes are needed to meet afternoon snacks, Mrs. Ilarla- uif; for the yard and are mak- clude a dozen attractions, large platform will be built to years, will perform, starling son, president of the ccntcr'K will be followed by a dinner- deniaiids of the waiting list' cher, who will retain her of- ing toys. most of them in the downtown stage the numerous attrac- at 0:30 a.m. Then the Joyful board, Kays receipts will go dance at. the Peninsula House, and lo place children referred fice at the, will There is a need. Mrs. Han- shopping district and all free tions wp have scheduled," he Noyze will go into action toward the capital expurmo of Sea Bright. Mrs. liobert Ilin- by tiic Bureau of Children's^ oversee the, four classes. lo the public except one said. son'says, for tricycles, again, -Mrs.' Pons will put on opening two additional classes telman of furrefit Ave., Kiun- •Services. It is planned to Preparing wagons, dolls, puzzles and event. "With all the giveaways, another talent show of young- soon at the Shrewsbury Pres- It is a continuation of the sim, who is ticket ehairinan, place (tut li*i children in the. Mrs. Arvid Hanson of llum- record players, Donations of gift certificates, slashed sters at 2 p.m. and the Clostcr byterian Church, Broad St. says; the ticket.'; may be pur- four classes *fioutepciflf'' J ditl&Wf. Yfl fill'out a coupon. First prize is Plaj;a also includes, the Segr- K**«! w,!l i.*tp A; bew'ul nt-H look'vilhcJ paining : ; ran Horticultural. Society V "in'7 yfcn; n^m'f, ftesvll. itmrifll in poii't fail'i, $25D: - eras, a circus balancing act at flower show in Convention Santa's Vacation 4 and 6:30 p.m. Tho Segreras Hall, both running all three « 46 YEARS INSTAUINGI '"We're telling the kids that will leavp Sept. 16 on an Asian days. The flower show carries Santa* Claus is coming to As- tour, of Japan, Hong Kong, an admission charge of ?1.25, mm SAWN wm|] RUSTIC SHINGLE jify."Park for a vacation, Taipan and Bangkok. but it is free to children ac- which is the reason (or the A talent show under the di- companied by an adult. AH celebration," Mr. Riehter rection of Dorothy Toland other attractions are free. ., said. "He's going to land on Pons, of, the Dorothy Toland the First Avenue beach by, • Dance Studios, Red Bank, will helicopter .Saturday at 10:30 get under'way at 7 p.m. and Sees Chrysler a.m: and will bo driven down conclude tonight's attractions. Cookman Ave, by i&rior an The show includes perform-' Boats Preview ances by several area young- official welcome and fanfare ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - sters. . , at Press Plaza. Robert Wilson of The Skip- per's Shop, here, has returned from a dealer preview of Junior Pet Show Chrysler Corporation's 1972 outboard motors and boats at the Marriott Hotel Phila- delphia. Slated Tomorrow According to Mr. Wilson, WALL TOWNSHIP - The tume, largest cat, pet with the new additions to Chrys- annual junior pet show for longest ears, most colorful pet ler's product line are 150 and children 14 years and under is and most useful pet. 1311-horsepower high perform- scheduled at Allaire State Chairmen for the event are ance outboard engines, three Park tomorrow, with register Mrs. Albert Hochstcr, Al- family-size snort boats and a tion, commencing at 10 a.m. lenhurst, representing the lively 15-foot day sailer. >nd .judging at noon. SPCA, and. George Goodfel- Other outboards offered in low, Brielle, representing the The show is sponsored Chrysler's 72 line of 53 mod- Deserted Village. ointly by the Society for the els include the popular feath- 'rev'entlon of Cruelty to Ani- Other committee members erweight 3.6 horsepower Swi- nafs'and the Deserted Village and judges include John Berg- nger, low profile models from' it Allaire Corporation. man and Alan Minton, Eaton- 6 to 12.9 horsepower, the mid- town; Mrs. Norman Lakin, Three ribbons will be range series from 20 to 55 Brielle; Mr. and Mrs. Louis (warded in each of 19 classes, horsepower and the high, per- Maclean, Allenwood; Mrs. bhich whill include cats, dogs formance group from 70 tp the Marge Raith, Brisbane- Child ind;miscellaneous pets. A bi- all new 130. Treatment Center; Mrs. Rich- :ycie, donated by the SPCA, ard S. Stout, Ocean Township; He said. Chrysler's out- will bj» awarded to the best-in- Mrs. Arlene Ward, Glendola; boards are equipped with a shovy,winner! Mrs. John C. Weiss, Brielle, redrculifting c.rankcase drain In'addition to conventional and Mrs. Arnold Wood, Lo- system - an important devel- events, there will be ribbons cust. opment that aids in the bal- awarded for handsomest pet Don Elkins, Manasquan ance of ecology on the water- family, most original pet cos- Park, will be ringmaster. ways.

NOW.. The Lawn Doctor f urnilffift makes house the Mart makes it wonderful withrsuchfgfa&iniarness calls. like Drexel, Heritage, Henredoti ami Xhqiri&sviliei VVe feature the largest solectionjof^isUReribrjiN^ionallY Known brands in Mpnrhputh^Courvt^;':-j'(J§fff-t•'•'.:'!\'^ Want a free examination of your lawn? Give the Lawn Doctor a call... he'll come over for a no- ;'yMeni;lc^^ obligation consultation. Yes, The Lawn Doctor even has hours on Wednesday. , .„:

«M Sq. Ft. INTHODUCTOflY OFFER AUTO-UWNS' MEBIOH BLUE-BARON PROGRAM Minimum EARLY SUMMER SUMMER Ml SPRING Contplsie Only Only... WttD COHTB&l. .MtO CONTROL • MERIOH tLDE • MERIOH SUt 95 - ( DAMN I BARON FEHTILIZE45-0-O . (HTIII2E 45.0.0 lie | COMPUTE . FEdTILIZE J0IO-I0 . POST EMERQENr . Ffll [HERWNI MA0CWSS CONTROL 0 SOUAtlE • Jtiiuirt CHINCH BUO FERTILIZE CMB DlMi son WIB HOJU • CHINCH DUO AfODT - SO It 10 CONTROL C0NI1J0L SOI) WED WORM '3n Lti. hliHCCEN . SPOT WHO CONTROL Ptr 1050 tq, II. POWER • POM AMAH . POHiB AtWfttt FLIImlCllll •r^ • rUNGICIDE In Yeir AE8ATE • rOWIB BOIL , rowiiiRc AQtMCAM . AQUACARI . GRUBPSODFINO AOIMCARI [F)I up II 4000 M II. >»t. , 4 SERVICES + 4 CHECK UPS (l. lM'1. INI It. II). ; ' 02t7^ Fylking Kentucky Bluegrass formula now available. The Lawn Doctor recommends it

foil FREE ESTIMATE CALL ANYTIME'- 24 HOURS A DAY, / DAYS A WEEK Auto-Lawn The greatest thing growing! Route 35, Middietovvfi, K HAZLET-MIDDLETOKM MATAWAN.LAKeRIDOE RUMSON-SHREWSBURY • • • '• . \ •671-Q4OO Open fvcry Ninhi 'Til !) Ill I, •71-ft22O soe-oeoe rrnVSmmm USE OUK CONVtNUNI CHAK(,( -!»i \^ 12 PYeifttom in nfj) tit IWK r{<-wUi.r. R«| Bank'- MiddM.iHn. N.J.. 10,1971 money hair. ,' 38Plecod out. Puzzle UPrrmlunt* J%* A MATCH N lHKtln, m ..•/ Br Ell Wweff |fl.'PlflHtiOR. $ • " •• % \WZNMMtf? J 4,1 Inipaln. •. • >». ._ is ACROSS 42 Joint. 24 SJ«n«. 4(1 Vault. I — Vidiil. 4Vrriiu flal '••'• ^ .j & I.urftc 45 lli'iicllis. 40 Leave it aquatic 47 Tennis 2(1 Appoint- once. , , servos, ment. birds. 27 Escort. riflAlHomiiiian ,—£^>—, 10 Wild pitf. •18 Without Tw '2HTV enter- Iiuliiin. rj /•— M Adored mir. 49 Part or an tainer; I'll Merit. i 15 Prehistoric: Judy—. fl&Of it con- /__! \ pref. <>- Irreducible tinent prefix. i 1(1 Spur. unit of "Umirncy. t Hi and Lois nslteofn mutter. l.'iiioM 53 .Spread for •an \f THATfe OKAV. I'LL WAIT By THE WAV; THOSE victory: drying ;il Ventili. oil. 55 cohirwl. Pv INSIDE FOR HIM DOUGHNUTS ARE FOR lHli.'f. ">(l l''iUH'uil Hull Moslem «/I'niitinK ••- CHIP DITTO'S CUB PACK 2(1 — of Ilieluw, lilt,let, e.K, 'SN'T HOME people. nwM"""-' MEETING 21 Ciuvea. (il Will) 35 Knzyim'B. oSl.'mpirfs ,•> HIS 22 Distribute. painllnii. 37 Of heroic call, 23 Native of (I2l'lnie. BAND PRACTICE proportions -,;j i;inl| of , VET Tiillinu. liilllill.i. •M Chess term. 114 Pucks. :IH Thick curve. ', 2(i Admission (15 Hueod. Solution of Yesterday's ', tickets: si. DOWN 20 Olinrficler- 1 Kind of izeil by chills monster, and fever. 2 Smell. :n KinK of 3 lilbow —. .lildiih (ind •t l.oilj,'('fii;ili. others. it Short hursts 33Sucred bunk of iieiivilv. " H

The Wizard of Id

Nubbin Your Horoscope^ Birthday FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER you crave, the crowds you en- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- your fondness for children and /wy BRAKES'DON'T woem I'M too eusyf M-Born today, you are un- joy are the fulfillment of your Dec.,22) - Consider the children's activities. Encour- sparing of yourself when' it surface self.-Your genuine na- moves you will make in the age a friendship to flourish. /', HCW «OON CXN YOU 1 comes to either work or play. ture develops inwardly, quiet- coming week. You can begin TAURUS (April 21-May 21 } mew 9 (You demand from! ly, and deeply. now to round up supporters - The key to today's success yourself the very best you can for your new project. lies in your ability to persuade give at all times-and you are Saturday, September 11 CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-.Jan. another to do your bidding'- somewhat inclined to demand 20) - The longer you wait to without further delay! ' the same from others. You VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - put plans into action the GEMINI (May 22-June 21) would be wise to guard You can lead the family with- greater your chances of fail- - Share the experience of a against this last, however, es- out seeming to be author- ure when the time for an ac- recent dilemma with friends pecially when it comes to itarian in your behavior. Chil- counting arrives. caught in the situation at this your marriage partner. Pos- dren need special handling. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Fez65) time. Help others to decide: sessed of great physical, men- LIBKA (Sept. 24-Uct. 23) - - If you fail to respond positi- CANCER (June 22-July 23) tal, and emotional stamina, Surface issues may be calcu- vely to another's invitation - Domestic chores that aire you have more durability and lated to mislead you in both this afternoon, you can expect long overdue must be seen ft) Andy (,'app more latent power than you thinking and activity. Elect to to be left alone during evening this Saturday. Family fun are likely to find in any mate. dig deeper than appears nec- hours. may have to be postponed for There is more than one siae 'EALV/AKSAPPLAUOS essary. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) the present. ''' to your nature, however, for : AN-MAN-bY! 'IS OWN EFFORTS — IF SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov.'22) - Firm authority that is a^ the LEO (July 24-Aug. ,23) - you also require tranquility - If you rely on yourself for same time fair accomplishes Plan a restful afternoon - to "SERWANTATOB and isolation. Indeed,, it is AN-bY v the swift handling of present much toward the restoring of make up for a highly social DOIr4 WELL.... when these needs are met difficulties, you will probably peace within the home. morning and in preparation that you are able to do your for a somewhat hectic eve- best work, for the'excitement see yourself clear of them by ARIES (March 22-April 20) evening. - Let your hair down. Indulge ning. ;•, CLAP/ SheinwolcTs ilridge Advice By ALFRED SHEINWOLD the trick because South would the nine, sending SO cents to Red Bank win the heart continuation This finesse guaranteed the Register, Box 3318. Grand The population explosion and lead the carefully pre- contract. If West could not Central Station, New York,. •t-/o neing what It is, the world is served four of clubs for a fi- beat the nine of spades, South N.Y. 10017.) AMD TWO TOO MANY J elite who will play a suit cor- POSTCARDS DOSS C three club tricks. Now South the spades. If West could beat . AHEAD OF rectly, don't forget that there needed four spades to make the nine of spades and keep 0 QJ982 f 'SCHEDULE are other suits. his contract: South out of his hand, dun> • AK73.2 ' WEST EAST ', Declarer, won'the first trick Expected Break my's diamonds would provide in dummy with the king of enough tricks. • • 10 4 J8763 Since West had shown up C Q8742 Paw ,J ^ pag, ; to the nine In his own hand. 3 NT All Pass from dummy. East followed, (A Pocket Guide ;to Bridge West couldn't afford to win and South tried a finesse with Opening lead - /^ffla1 r T5 is available. Get your copy by VKNOW, THIS PUP P0G I Q Snuffy Smith TATER SMIF!.« VEGOTTO foWHitesTRipe HE6SOWSUP WflTCH VOUNS-UNS POWN MIS SACK AN'AUU , HOW IN THUNDER DID EUER' BLESSET StB 6IT A-HOLT OF WORE SECONT PAVW'S BARLOW KNIFE?

1 he Phantom HO LUGGAGE NO MUST BE 0EUBO/.5AIP HE 10TIIE5 WUS7 BE SOMETHING.1 SOME CLUE WAIK5 HIS P05 FOR Beetle Bailey [rS V\E ONLY CHANCE I HAVE. A3 TO WHO HE HALF AN HOUP. 15. NOTHING GOT PIENT/ EVERY LITTLE THIN© WE EAT ADD& FAT, BUT BEEUe CAN EAT I LAZY AIL DAY AND HIS BOD/ \ BOOY NEVER CHANGES ,IUi J»»ttk-MlAlfelm«i,NJ.,Fiid«y! September JM'Wl 27 sticisiti' Is Business By LESTER KINHOLVING RoBae Crucls") is something »iu initiation fee, plus $450 and antiquated science" (Ro- But a band of raiding Feds bert Saunders was ousted of an Egyptian Disneyland - per month; (hat there are slcruclan literature, for ex- discovered that Dr. Gardner from the order. (Saunders SAN JOSE, Calif. - "Stop a multi-million dollar complex members all over the world; ample, features contentions had provided his 300 followers ' publicly accused H. Spencer Being Earthbound," urges the composed of- Egyptian mu- RELIGION and that the order has f>rown that under the Pacific Ocean with some 50,000 pints within Lewis - the present Impera- 'afivcrtlsemcnl offering mem- seum and temple, plan- considerably since 11)38, when there is the "Lost Continent of one 60-day peri5d (together tor's father and predecessor bership in "The Rusiurucian etarium, art gallery, idols, ta- TODAY court records revealed a. Umuria.") with ardent Biblical admoni- in this office - of using an Order-A.M.O.R.C." blets, Sphinx, amulets, scrolls . membership of 60,000. (At the And wtille Imperator Lewis tions to "Drink no longer wa- alias, "Rolye Thurston," and missing Mrs. Kiimahleto "Secret Powuc... Inner Vi- and scarabs. current dues rate, this would disclosed that "We are not di- ter, but use a little wine (or claiming credentials from ("She was an extortionist - sion , , . The Ancients Called Secret Society are, they can be mastered at exceed ?3 million per annum.), rectly related to the Egyptian thy stomach's sake;" - I Tim- non-existent educational in- who died in Agnews," - a Io-. It Cosmic Consciousness," U.S. history repeatedly at- anyone who can Not a Religion I'haraohs^-only traditionally othy 5:21) stitutions in India and New cat mental hospital) Impera- note the familiar ads in a tests the massive American read." ( even a home Imperator Luwis, an el- related," his erection of Little ' 1918 Raid York.) tor Lewis charged the "Ro- wide variety of publications, fascination for the bizarre and Initiation ceremony, with the derly, white-haired, musta- Egypt in San Jose hardly rein- Imperator Lewis ardently He also conceded that one man Church" with "mis- from "" occult, particularly when it is "Neophyte" looking into a chioed man, vehemently and forces this disclaimer. denied any connection with Thord Kiimahleto "was once representing and distortion in to "Popular Science." skillfully pitched as authenti- mirror,'in candlelight, and repeatedly contended; "We Ilosicruclanism has been this branch of Rosicrucianism connected with our organiza- attempts to expose us." • While this costs cally ancient (like Mormon- chanting; "Hail Rosy are not a religion." bouncing around cultic circles - although he did not deny re- tion." (Kiimahleto's widow Similar resentment ap- '.considerable money (Chief ism), and gilded with the ex- Cross.") . Some investigators of Ho- ever since Medieval Ger- ports that his own organiza- filed a %1 million lawsuit ill peared later when Imperator ?: jtyskruciaii; ''Imperator," citing allurement of a secret In actuality, therefore, the slcrucianism, such as U.S. many, and there have been a tion was raided by the New 1049, charging that Lewis had Lewis was asked about re- jfiftlph Lewis admits to "half a society. only real secrecy about the Catholic magazine, would in number of modern manifesta- York District Attorney's of- . ousted her completely from ports that Sirhan Sirhan had jiinillion or more") the ad in- But as Carlton Brown, a Rosicrudans is their income some measure agree w(.tt) this tions. There was, for ex- fice in 1918, It was subse- what her late husband had in joined the Rosicruclan Order, ;[|«stment return is ImpiesM- writer who for purposes of in- and total membership, which contention in describing the ample, Dr. Karl Gardner's quently relocated in San Fran- 1915 bankrolled as "a busi- "Yes, and AI Capone ami jkWIy visible in one full block of vestigation joined the Rosi- Imperator Lewis, during an cult as: "A popularized mix- "Holy Koslkrucian Order" - cisco, then in Tampa, anil 11- ness," wilh Lewis Sr. provid- all the Mafia are all Catho- l^his booming city, For the crucians, observed: interview, indignantly refused ture of Theosophy, alchemy, during Prohibition. As a cult, na|ly in Han Jose. ing none of the funds, onlv lics," he retorted angrily, ; headquarters of A.M.O.R.C. "Secret, superwise and ad- to disclose. He did concede, Gnosticism, Masonry, Ve- the order was allowed by law Imperator Lewis also re- promotional ability.) "but who ever writes about '{','Ancient Mystical Order vanced as these teachings however, that members pay. a danta, Astrology, Cabalism to dispense sacramental wine. called that in Tampa one Al- In addition to loftily dis- that?!" - ^ Departs McGee Leaves Firm's Wro iti: Tradition H-HOLMDEI,- -jCHurch serr alterations; for its conversion Interests to Son 'yices and Sunday school will into the!church's Christian FREEHOLD - Joseph I. Pearl J. McGee, in his will of and Louis Hughes of Red jibe held 'simultaneously at 10 educatioii center.' Children in McGee of West Long Branch, Oct. 2,1961. Bank in her will of July 10, $.m.; when the Hplmdel Com- the second through sixth who died July 13, left his in- These six wills also were 1968. ity. $hurch of the United grades will hold their classes terests in Seacoast Refrig- probated: Howard Davidson of Little of Christ, on Main St. .there. Children age 3 through' eration Co. to his son, John I. Theresa A. Buckalew of Silver, who died Aug. 18, di- ..,„-,,. begins^ its' fall season the first grade wjll be housed McGee, in his will which was Fair Haven, who died Aug. 20, vided his estate equally be- '& jis,'Sunday. (This ends a dec. ih the "chapel" next door. Ju- probated yesterday by county left her estate to her daugh- tween his daughter, Jessie L. ftades'long tradition of Sunday nior; high and senior high Surrogate S. Thomas Gag- ter, Ruth M. Buckalew, in her Schultz, and his son, Fred- jMchopl~fy 9^30 and iworship young people, will meet in the liano. will of June 14,1961. erick H. Davidson, in his will Youth Center; in the fceliar of Jennie M. Carter of Red of Oct. 13,1968. " the "parsonage.:, : Bank, who died July 17, be- Nan A. Galway of Keyport, , The action of changing the Mr. McGee left the balance .,.[ Worship.servicestwilj be of his estate to his widow, queathed her estate to Millie who died Aug. 20, left jewelry |y'meioT the Sunday'morning held in the edifice across the • Jo her daughters, Janice G. '"-""'ams was taken by the street from the past office,. Heyrich and Nancy G. Nor- jational Council as a This new schedule will con- dquist, and her son, Fred W. ,. inlence to church fami- tinue on a month-to-month Assembly of God Galway. She left the balance nes with children as well as to basis, and will be reviewed at of her estate equally to her ^encourage greater attend- each meeting of the Congre- children. Her will was dated ance, . gational Council. If the ex- Feb. 10,1965, !'| Laist Bpring the edifice on periment reveals progress, it Crusade Opening Mary Lenovlch of Hazlet, H'Be corner of Newman will be voted on at the annual EATONTOWN - The Shore The services will include who died Aug. 16, left $500 to . ^Springs Road and Holmdel meeting of the church to be- Area Assembly of God music by the Crusade Choir, her daughter Helen Rosato, 'Road underwent some minor come a permanent factor. , Churches, consisting of con- organized specifically for the and divided the balance of her gregations from Freehold, crusade and made up of mem- estate equally among her chil- Shrewsbury, New Shrews- bers of the^sponsoring . dren, Victoria Kuscih, Helen bury, Keansburg, Lakewood, churches. Special music also Rosato and Stanley Lenovich.- Her will was dated July 31, Rsgliler stall Pfioto West Long Branch, and Nep- will include the musical tal- AME Women Set tune, are sponsoring a revival ents of the speaker, the Rev. 1970. SQUAD "THANK-YOU" — Robert Matthews, captain of Highlands First Eleanor V. Morris of Fair Aid Squad, shakes hand of Michael Edmundson, 5/ representing group of crusade with noted evangelist Mr. Butrin, and local talent George Butrin from Berwick, from the sponsoring churches. Haven, who died Aug. 21, left vacationing New York City youngsters who staged annual fair, raising her estate to her daughter, ftp Fall Events $435 for squad. Summer residents of Stewart's Bungalows, Jackson St., Pa. The Rev. Mr. Butrin also ,;r.arton of the Theological De- NAVESINK HOUSE Family and The Home," and Pennsylvania area. For the tended to all area residents to 44 RIV1MI0I AVI. RIO BANK partment of Livingstone Col- William Anderson, of New New Shrewsbury Library past eight years, however, he attend. •42.3*00 'fege in Salisbury, N.C., win be Shrewsbury, "Image of the has been conducting crusades '.the morning speaker, and Dr. Black Father in the Home and and rallies throughout the .Gwendolyn Grant, lecturer What It Means to Family United States. HONG KONG CUSTOM TAILORS and educatdr of Colonia, will Life." Publishes Newspaper be, the afternoon speaker, . A bus trip to Danbury Fair To Launch IN MIDDlETpWN i-sv The theme will be "The In Connecticut is planned. NEW SHREWSBURY - the Garden Club, the Girl "I have found the help given Dinner plates with a picture mmfmnmt 2 SUITS fGhrisllan Family and What It The New Shrewsbury Public Scouts and Boy Scouts for me most generous, helpful $ [Means to the Community." of the church are being sold Library Association is mark- their continuing support. The and pleasant. The librarians Rally Day double Knit Polyester 125 •After the morning service, by Mrs. Ralph Hill of 22 High ing Us 10th anniversary with library also benefits con- have gone out of their way to or Worsted Men's Suits B»O- •"» dinner will be served In the St.. tho publication of a single-is- stantly, he says, from the do- help my children, from col- Balloons Custom Tqllored to your Measurements Mrs. Mamie Vann is chair- nation of a variety of profes- church, dining hall for mem- sue commemorative news- lege down to grammar school, NEPTUNE-Sunday morn- Any Size, Any ityli. F»rfwl fit guaranteed man of Women|s Day Com- paper, the Bookplate, being sional services. especially when other help ing, during the Sunday school Mohair, Tropicab, Start at 4 Custom, *« « mittee. Mrs. Alma Penn Is co- mailed to residents this week. The Bookplate was de- has failed." hour a.t 9:30 a.m., the children Sharkskin Tailored »9|J chairman. Rev. Andrew V The four-page illustrated signed and edited by Edmund The survey also indicated of Full Gospel Church, 5th & fi Silk Suits •50 Shirt* * Lay Witness Mackey Jr. is minister. tabloid includes a variety of S. Costantini, the library's di- that patrons may have mixed Ridge, will launch scores of Also ovaitabloi Sport Jackets, lop- Call Kan Lakhiani local and general library In- rector of public relations. feelings about the library's balloons. ' coots, Slacks. Choice of Worsteds, of M«v*n» Hang Kong Triton iamily Night In his tribute to the volun- (1*20 Star Houto. H.K.) formation, a quissical feature cramped quarters in the New The beautifully-colored hc- Cashmerts, Silk/Wool. rin • a i ' Church Plans challenging all book browsers, teer aides, Mr. Schwartz Shrewsbury Municipal Center liurn-filled balloons will be 2 Day* Only-Sept. lOail reports on reading tastes and states: "Together with our of- on Tinton Avenue. "You need launched as a part of Rally ladies' Dretsei, Pants Suits, Coats, Howard Johnson's Motor todm River Baptism views revealed by its patrons ficers and trustees who also Day activities designed to Suits, Blou58J custom tailored to your 2 Ml. N. of Rtd Bunk on Rt. 38 ThiNEW sSHREWSBUR SundaY -y A ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- a larger library and more Phone: (201) 6714400 in a sample survey, and the serve on a volunteer basis space," said one. Another, round-up Sunday school mem- individual measurements In any itylo. special motion picture film Emmanuel Baptist Church roster; of its current volunteer they are, in effect, the Li- Op«n10A.M.to9 P.M. explaining the purpose and however, commended it as bers from summer vacations (Priest welu»iv» of mailing & cuttomt duty) here will conduct a water bap- ' aides. brary; And in the past ten and recruit new members. • functions of A Lay Witness Shrewsbury River "small enough to encourage John H. Livingstone Jr.; di- years more than 300 residents children rather than in- Inside each balloon there Mission will be/shown follow- at the Miller Street beach in rector of Monmouth County have given it their time and ing a family, night covered timidate," will be a slip of paper with a Highlands,.tomorrow .at 6 Library, in a message salut- talents." ;••'•..'. message stating why the bal- dish supper at the Reformed : r p.mi i. ' '•• • . ' ing the anniversary, cites the The Bookplate poll of pa- The library now has about loon was released and advis- Church, 82 Hanco Ave., Sun- : Each of: the 40 candidates local library for helping as- trons showed unmistakably 20,000 volumes on its shelves. NEW LAWN GRASS day.V;;'; . ; ,.,- ing that the person who re- for baptism will give a brief , sure "broader access to re- that what they liked most Its goal for the next several 4urns the slip from the most SPROUTS INTO DENSE LAWN! Tri'e'supper will start at 5:30 account of his conversion to sources necessary to an in- about tho library was the spir- years is to increase the collec- distant geographical point will p.m. ih White Hall for mem- Christ. A sound system will be formed and enlightened citi-, it of its volunteers. This was tion to about 25,000 volumes to receive a gift. bers and friends of the con- provided by SoumMrts of zenry. . described repeatedly as conform to standards of the Also on the paper will be gregation, The film will ex. Oakhurst. : "The New Jersey plan for "courteous, friendly, helpful: •American Library Association the name of tho child who re- plain how visiting witnesses library development," he and kind." for a town the size of New S-321/MERI0N The pastors, the Rev. Rich- leased the balloon. When the. have experienced spiritual re- ard Shaw and Wayne Dyer, says, "recognizes throe levels One typical Comment was: Shrewsbury. (PERENNIAL RYEGRASS) (KENTUCKY BtUEGRASM 1 slips are returned and it is de- newal. It Will be shown in will baptize the candidates, of. service, the. local level, termined which balloon went preparation for the Lay Wit; assisted by the board.of dea> area level and research level. farthest, the child whose nest' Mission at the church 1 cons.' • : • • •; . • Each is important ; each is Tiorello' Is First name is on the slip will also Grows in 7 Days! frdm'Oct. 8 to 10, With wit- necessary. It is only through receive a gift. nesses visiting from New Jer- the cooperative working of The Sunday school execu- Now there is a true turf-type perennial rye grass sey and New York. Israel Lifts Tourism these three levels thnt the(de- tive committee composed of, strain which blends beautifully with Marion Ken- The Rev. Neal S. Busker is TEL AVIV (AP) - Israel For Wagon Wheel sired result can bo achieved." the pastor, the Rev. Edwin tucky bluograss. The S-321 'Meriort lawn seed mix- " pastor of the church. Chester will earn more than $150 mil- Bernard W. Seliwart?., long- KUMSON - Bob Clarke, ex- Us include "Carnival" (or Anderson; Sunday school su- Biker Is general chairman of- lion from 500#HUouriats dur- time leader of the New ecutive director of the Wagon Horifcon Players and ''Guys perintendant, Paul Bennett, turo combines the best characteristics of bolh thfe Lay Witness Mission Com- ing 1971, the Tourism Ministry Shrewsbury Library move- Wheel' Playhouse, has an- and Dolls" for the Columbian and director of religious edu- these popular grasses. Gormlnalion comes quickly mittee. • ' . predicts. ment and president of the as- nounced that Jim Carl, Mitl- Players." cation, Mrs. Edwin Anderson, • in 7-10 days. II grows rapidly and fills in fast, main- sociation, says in a Buukplate dietown, will direct the Pulti- '•Preliminary auditions have directed the planning of taining a high degree of tillering (i.e., makes basal article: zer Prizu winning musical have been completed," said the activities assisted by the , "It is hard to think of any "Klorollo" as the opening pro- Carl, "and we are'to the pro- Sunday school staff. vegetative growth so a better tur( results). Un- Takeaload local activity which is as duction in its 1971-72 season. cess of callbacks. doubtedly, the least affected by autumn and winter -much a community venture as Mr. Carl was last seen in "Due to the size of the cast, our Library." title i(Je iti the Wagon Wheol Lions lo Visit burn, S-321/Morion remains green well into tho we are anxious to cast a few winter period. off More than u third of the I'layhousc production of remaining cameo roles and residents are represented "Becket." Ho also appeared Training School This premium Inwn SGBCI mixture producoo an your among association members. In "You Know I Can't Hoar fill out the chours, particu- Mr. Schwartz cites (ho Hoard You When tin? Walor's Run- larly with men," he said. Au- .JAMEKBURU - New Jer- attractive and permanent lawn of bright medium- "of Education, the Borough ning," "Guys .'ind Pulls," ditions for these spols will be sey Lions,Clubs will make dark color. Its popularity is growing and is currently . Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the their 50th annual pilgrimage mind Council and such sorvicn or- "South Pacific," "Twelve In wido use in tho suburban New York/Now Jersey Angry Men" and "Hiirol'ool in Ham, Awnui'iif Two Rivers. to the State. Training School gnnlzatloiiK as tho Women's area, where it has demonstrated drought resist- ! Put your valuables, Club, the ComuMitiily Club, tho Park." His directing trod- "t'lorello" opens the second for Roys here Sunday. Important papers season for the Playhouse in Representatives of more ance and disease resistance. In addition, S-321/ than ;!(10 clubs are expected to . in a M.C.N.B. The Hurn. Lust season, it pro- Morion crowdg out weeds, takos traffic, and con- duced three shows, including participate in the day-long Sale Deposit Box What's new, Jim? tains no annual rye grass. A special mixture Is also 1 "C'nmolot." program, according to George I-' ana worry no more. Tho Square - our young outlook put- II Smortz of Cross Keys, available for shady areas. Costs so little. together thop ~ movfld Irtto now quartan The 1971-72 season will in- chairman of the Lions state, clude thu comedy "Forty Ca- S-321 /Merlonis a product of QaMleW Williamson. at tho head of the stops on tho socontl council of governors. rats;" Nell Simon's "Plaza Inc. of Jersey City, N. J., the makers of "Wonder- floor. AH by Itself and blgsar. It'i a look/ Boys at the school will Suite," iind tho musical "Tho sponsor exhibits depleting tee operation. You can SOB for yourself King mid I." lawn" Lawn Seed mixtures. Got the best lor loss; handicraft, physical fitness what's new much easier than botoro. Performances for "Kio- and hobblos. 2,250 sq. It. lawn coverage, onlySG 95 8uccO83 Mlftbtt I'DJC rolli)" are scheduled for Nov. Assisting the school has guaranteed. '1.5. fi, II, 12 and 1.1. Reserva- been a principal Lions project tions may Iw ubtulnnl l>y wilt- L wiotJTH COUNTY NATIONAL J$ANK since the service clubs were AVAILABLE AT ALL WONDERLAWN DEALERS 2 Broad Street ing Wagon Wheel Piny house, founded in New Jersey in. " TIIO Mnk llml locihft put lor you 102 Avimuo of Two Rivers, 11121). .1- ' : • - *k tMly Reciter, Red Bank - MidilletowryN.J., Friday, Sepl'emberj ilSchoolTopSi

J$t Cutting Goal OPEN toSMOUTH-Forthe ed by the Department of Com- »'t "•». consecutive year, the mand Communications; SUNDAY Signal School has sur- $14,800 by School Brigade, and 9-5 CONARC-assigned $12,700 by the office of the the Army Re- comptroller. FORYOUR Conservation (RE- The RECON Program is an CONVENIENCE Program. Based on a offshoot of the successful De- ed report from CON- partment of Defense Cost Re- C Headquarters, Brig. , duction Program, established Richard C. Home 3rd, eight years ago. Last year, it )1 commandapt, an-. was redesignated RECON as lounced that, with a reported a result of an in-depth study -Savings of 1241,800, the school to reduce unnecessary paper- '•chieved W.5 per cent of Its wottc. The result has been in- •&t£Hed objective - or $65,900 creased emphasis on cost re- over the $175,900 goal assigned duction with higher-level to the school. monitoring and auditing of CHRYSANTHEMUMS! Ihe Department of Special- cost reduction actions. In oth- ist Training figured in the er words, there has been a forefront of this achievement •marked reduction in reporting • Keepyourgarden alive this Autumn with myriads of colorful with a reported cost saving of requirements and more re- tffl W0. Included in the total sponsibility for validating the Mums. Stunning bronzes, reds, figure were savings of $37,800 actions placed on the report- by the Audio-Visual Division. ing organization. Also reported were savings of golds, white..". all your favorites. 928,200 by the Commu- Melvin Werksman, Signal nications Security Division; School comptroller, is respon- Summer lasts longer when your 117,500 by the Data Commu- sible for the direction and su- nications Division, and $14,100 pervision of the program garden is abloom with Mums. by the Radar Division. which is implemented by Wil- ;;•& • The Academic Records Di- liam J, Kuster, chief, Man- IN BUD & BLOOM ALREADY vision, office of the secretary, agement Division. Joseph achieved a $67,700 cost sav- Lombardo, management ana- ings. lyst, acts as his executive FINE QUALITY PLANTS! A $49,000 figure was report- agent. - Chingarora Scout Recruiting Starts MATAWAN TOWNSHI1- - A three-month membership Boys-who want to be scouts campaign by 59 scout units in have the opportunity to join the district will open the door the Chingarora District to 480 now cub scouts and boy i*vr (Matawan, Holmdel, Hazlet, scouts, according to Keyport, Union Beach and Rlieinhardt "Bud" Bassler, Keansburg) in the fall roun- district scout executive. dup, now in progress. "We know boys want to be scouts, and we know the val- ues of scouting for boys," Mr. Hassler said in a message to 75 volunteer adult leaders at a scout roundtable, "Every pack and troop in for our district will welcome boys to a, year-round program of activities. Information about scout units in the district is avail-, able from Mr. Bassler. Extended Buy Evergreens at low Fall prices and save! Get a head-start on School Year Spring and your plants will be better established, fuller & better Study Eyed • IWIBUW"*- able to withstand heat by next Summer. Each plant Turner guaran- OCEAN ^ThTOcean Town- teed, of course ship Board of Education in- vites all township residents to ARBORViTAE ... Mrs. Mildred Breyer serve on a Citizens Advisory FIRETHORN Committee to study the "pros" and "cons" of the ex- Well named for its Versatile land- Psychiatric . tended school year concept fiery display of scaping favorite. and its possible applicability scarlet berries in Rkhly colored fo- Center Gets tp this school district. The board is interested in obtain- the Fall. Stunning liage and varied New Aide ing a group of citizens cov- against walls. i shapes are most ering a-broad stratum of the attractive. Very . EATONTOWN-(Mrs;Mild- community to study this topic. red Harper Breyer, a gradu- The volunteer citizens' hardy. ate of Columbia University group would join a profes- Drought & diseas fjchool of Social Work in New sional group of staff members -York, has joined the staff of, who have made a preliminary -V the Children's Psychiatric study of the concept and who Center as a psychiatric social have recommended the for- HYBRID RHODODENDRON JUNIPER worker. mation of such a citizens com- Magnificent Ever-popular and graceful ever- ; She will work in individ- mittee. This committee will Slb.bag green. Fine for foun- ualized group therapy with be charged with the responsi- ''alone or in mass children and parents as well bility of making an advisory ' plantings. Unpar- dations, as consultation programs with recommendation to the Board alled display of groupings, school districts. of Education concerning the specimens. In 1970, 1,200 families were practicability of the extended *• color,, counseled and the family case school year for this commu- load is expected to increase to' nity. year after approximately 1,300 by the' Ocean Township residents ! year. "96 end of this year. who may be interested in ; Mrs. Breyer's experience serving on such a study group ' includes the Illinois State De- are invited to write or call lib. box I partment of Children and Charles A. Scott, superinten- Family Services, Bellevue dent of schools. The mailing Hospital of New York and the address is Ocean Township t Institution for the Crippled School, Dow Ave., Oakhurst. SPREADING YEW and Disabled in New York. 31b. box Lush dark green foliage all year. Grows STINGING EXPERIENCE well in shade and is an attractive foun- PORT- ARTHUR. TEX. , (AP) — The Richard Krummels dation plant. have a collector's shop which collected one thing that really slung them good. After discovering a swarm of bees hanging around their shop, soils. Ihe Krummels called in a friend 51b. box, Reg 5.95 to eradicate the pests. The friend sawed into a back -MIX OR MATCH Gardiner Marek Agency. INC. wall and found a honeycomb *1OFF 135 First Avenuo which measured six to seven feet Atlantic Highlands. New Jersey Tel. 291-0477 long. The friend suffered about 30 stings in the process. YOUR CHOICE 2 FOR


\ -V


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1971 Television • Books Movies . • Theater Dining Out • Comment Your Weekend Magazine Hobbies • Music

EDITOR'S NOTE; Felix Molzer, Little Silver resident founder-director-teacher of the Monmoutii Conservatory of Music, spends most of each summer teaching in his native Vienna at the Institute for Eu- ropean Studies. In this inter- esting program ofv study for FAMILY FUN— Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Judge John P. American students, he teach- Arnone, right, and his youngsters cluster around television and recording es music history and escorts star David Cassidy, center, who stayed at Molly Pitcher Inn and Motel groups of students on ex- while performing at Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel. cursions to major cultural centers. Following are his comments on a visit to Sal- zburg: By FELIX MOLZER The river has cut a path through the Alps. With lush plains to the North and tow- \ ering mountains to the South and West, we come from the gently hilly East with its quiet lakes and dark forests to be And the histoiy of Western overwhelmed on^e more - civilized music comes *Hv* .. watched over by a thousand- for the seeker in concert ialts year-old fortress, nestled hewn out of sheer rock, ia tate among steep rocks and pre- Renaissance marble palaces cious few open spaces, and rococo salons as ornate Salzburg greets us with its and playful as the nriaoets ttf variety of moods, styles and the same period. The unison sights - baroque palaces and of architecture and music bfc- churches, gotjhic dwellings, comes a vibrant experience, f modern office buildings, sty- the liveliness of the seven arts lized gardens, ultra-functional a matter of joyful reality. factories. Once the "Rome of Some of the interpreters of . the Alps" (three bishops of the music: Karajan, of the 17th century left their course, Boehm, Mehta, &&- marks on the contours of the bado. singers from LaScala, city), it is now a cultural and the Met and Vienna, pianists economic metropolis. During Gilelsand Arrau, to name Jtist the summer months, Salzburg a few. plus a host of yeMia- is, if not the center of Europe, knowns ;who will cctttimie to HAPPY MOMENT —Jack Benny pauses In corner of Molly Pitcher Inn surely that of Austria - the make their way,as music- and Motel with Frank Monica, general manager. Hotel Is headquarters mecca of music-hungry for- lovers earn- on the pagriraate for many theatrical celebrities, especially during season at Garden State eigners who come to partake to Salzburg, summer after Arts Center, where Mr. Benny delighted audiences. of one of the oldest music-fes- summer. " tivals on the continent. The audiences areas varied as the offerings: industrial If event would follow event magnates from alt over in ttt- in sequence, one could choose xedos, escorting ladies in «le~ fairly easily. But there is an gant full-length gow»st The Molly Pitcher incredible variety of offerings middle-class tourists is dark for the music-lover - operas, suits and street dress, an ©o plays, concerts, chamber and casional young rucksack trip- church music - all given si- per in blue jeans and; beach Attracts Celebrities multaneously and almost all band, and students from all of them ol a high caliber. over (1.500 from the States By FLORENCE BRUDER "This isn't new. We've been visit in early \August during this summer) herded by toat- hosts to very many well- his engagement in.Holmdel in One is faced with the awe- guides. or on their own." RED BANK - The, gleam- known people over the years company with conductor Hen- some choices: the Vienna. Is- ing doors of Molly Pitcher Inn and, understandably, the ry Mancini, who'd been here rael and Czech Philharmonic The communication is ev- , and Motel are constantly show business element has jwice before. Orchestras all performing at ery language of toe globe, bat opening to a flow of show- been more marked in the mostly German, Eitglisfa and •'Mr. Benny's remarkable the same time; operas offered French, in that ortten *a* tf business celebrities, accord- years since the opening of the for his age," Mr. Monica said. at two different places; inter- ing to Frank Monica, general Center." ail else taOs, signs, gestures, "Very affable and he takes nationally-known artists giv- a smile... manager, and the effect is He described Red Skelton, good carVof himself - never ing recitals everywhere, ev- both friendly and flamboyant. who in June, as missed an afternoon nap.*" en' day; choral-instrumental Accommodations for the It's been particularly no- being "extremely sociable, Masses each Sunday in three throngs of visitors are as var- tieeable this summer, with walking around to various ta- He observed Mr. Mancini different churches; matinees, as tteeir pocketteoks. , stai$ from the Garden State bles, talking and shaking boating in the Navesmk River mystery plays, roadrigai-co- t f^ i^t Arts Center, Holmdel, making hands. He even mentioned ^beJow the hotel, and said he medies - from Monteverdi to^ * the landmark hotel and motel 'The Molly' during his act at promised to return next sum- Verdu from Cavalieri t», C* - thar headquarters. the Center." mer sella. from Slozart to MaWer, Bt, Mr. Monica says, Jack Beriny paid his first See MftKyFttcker, Page* Donizetti to Dallapiccola. • . Salzburg City pool, the isarina-the whole which had no apparent Then came David Cassidy area." • trouble translating tb ,; , said. "But there's more to it And just last week, the Mol- crowned in Atlantic City to- * alcade of automobiles almost than that... they all seemed ly accommodated the French morrow (Saturday), will be *v did not take place. The police The same evening, another to genuinely like the hotel, the tennis team, members of an overnight guest. = were on strike and refused to Requiem Mass, by another a regulate traffic. Chilians who Austrian composer, was per- •_g" tried io help were dragged formed in Salzburg. The com- K;iH. S^deoly, from the con- poser, Georgy Ligeti, was cert hatt emerged a white- present to receive accolades GRANT'S maaed old gentleman of 80 and storms of applause from years, bearing a conductor's a large audience. Most critics toton - Prof. Dr. Bernhard agree that the Requiem is, af- Paflmgartner, one of the origi- ter Stravinsky's, one of the nal founders of the Salzburg few great masterpieces to Festival With his stick, and come out of the second half of with gjreat authority and dig- this century. Aside from a nity, he directed first the traf- scattering of people who left WHITE STREET, fic and later the concert. The the hall during the perform- RED BANK police had yieWed-no one ance, most of the audience 747-0333 darext touch this highly re- stayed, receptive to new spected man. ideas, new sounds, new struc- A fe* days ago. be died at tures with which to express woody 1 the age-old Latin words of the Mass for the Dead. aliens ft was this second Requiem bananas which best symbolized the vi- tality of the festival idea. NOW THRU TUES Mare than a museum for mu- sic of the past: the Festival is ; dedicated to celebrating and honoring the works of (he best creative minds of any age, and to the interpretation of these works by the best avail- able talent. So to all the other varieties one can experience in Sal- zburg is added the variety of Co-Hit STEVE McQUEEN music and art through all pe- FAYE DUN AWAY "riods - tradition being built,. THE THOMAS future classics now being CROWN AFFAIR" tried - living art for gener- ations vet to come.

* A WMm mx>i THEATRE .. • AJACKSOU.INS-CHARLESH.J0FFEft«kta GIANT BACK TO SCHOOL woody aliens KIDDIE SHOW SAT.-SUN; 2 P.M. bananas •llJS lATE sliOW EVERY NJTE scrumdidiiyumpfious! the original uncut version unseen for 35 years

tits; Chafe & he Chocolate - Facicay ADMISSION ONLY TO LATE SHOW (REGULAR ADMISSION PRICE INCLUDES. LATE SHOW) 1'BeerRIM DEER RUN. By Ed- ward Connolly. Scribners. When young people with long , CLUBBEUF ,; hair, beads, odd costumes and a general contempt for con- I DHKE* TIEATtt If vention establish a commune in I lt.35,$MtMaftlf,lX § £ the backwoods of Vermont, where the natives are strict- I BROADWAY PUTS P minded and suspicious of I 0* STAGE! If change, the result is almost in- = Wed. thro Sao. =. ** ev itable — a mounting conflict that ends in sharp violence. That is what happens in this I STARTING i | novel. 1 SEPT. 15 I f Josh bad been wounded in Vietnam, had been sickened by war and had deliberately pro- I "CALL ME |£ voked the army into giving him an unfavorable discharge. Re- membering ^ spot in remote I MADAM" If Vermont that he had seen as a boy, he sought a haven there. By chance he found a friend .— old Ritter. an independent BLUEGRASS BOYS — The West Nutswamp Road Gang twangs out are- cuss,-bitter over the failure of | Stage Show § hearsal number for its concert as part of the Holmde! Folk Music Club, his orchards, who was some- "which will appear at Holmdel Park tomorrow at 3 p.m. as part of the Mu- thing of a pariah in the commu- | Every Wednesday |I ; sic in the Parks series sponsored by the Monmouth County Park System. nity. Ritter rented sin old moun- | Thru Sunday I . The musicians are, left to right, Tod Townsend, Sam Arvselowitz, Jim tain farm to Josh, and the com- Parker,; Len Forman, Al Hahn and Andy Rimbach. mune began operating; it final- | RES. 727-3000 | ly numbered 11 young people — WMMMilWMMNMt -2- and a baby. Meanwhile Josh had fallen in love with one of | Dinner « Stow I Sort of Life* the girls in the group. The local people were out- A SORT OF LIFE. three decades. published. raged at finding ''hippies'- -in I By Graham Greene. Simon It tells of his boyhood as the After Oxford came fcis ap- their midst. The proprietor of son of a headmaster at a school & Schuster. $6.95." prenticeship as a Journalist in the nearest general store re- for boys, with reminiscences of Nottingham and on theJTimes fused to sell them supplies; the Greene — the veteran novel- his games, books and toys, his of London. But shortly his third ist whose most recent work was police harrassed them; the lo- Childrtn'sTktatTW shyness, his hatred of chil- novel was published with fair cal youths started brawls with' the popular -Travels With My dren's parties, his ineptitude in success for a beginner, and he Aunt" — now is in his 67th year. them. Not all the members of sports and his early im- left the' Times under, a pub- the commune turned the other "CINDEREIU"! and offers here the first part of pressions of his relatives. lisher's contract to write three his autobiography, covering cheek, and the violence esca- Show Time: It proceeds then to a theme more novels in three years ^- lated. so many English writers have all of which were failures. You truly haven't tasted SEA related, the miseries of prep FOOD at its very best until There are flashes o£ observa- school life. By the time he was tion here that show how some of you have eaten a BROILED 16 he suffered a breakdown COBBLES Sea Food_Piatter at DORIS his early. experiences were which led to six months of psy- adapted later into materials for 'N'EO'S. "Our Secret? Sure, choanalysis. his successful books that fol- we'll tell you. We are the Entering Oxford at 18, he had ; lowed. But still to come is a full Chefsl Does that make the dif- become so 'bored" within a account oE his real career as a ference? You bet it does! year that he tried his hand at writer. LOBSTER LOVERS _ . Russian roulette on several oc- Miles A. Smith TRY US!" casions. Meanwhile he was moonstruck over a governess Associated Press "Come and- and had started writing his first get \m alive" two novels, which never were Current Bestsellers one mile north of Red Btmk 741 -8344 OPENING (Compiled by tWlthtrt' Wttkly) FICTION ^ SOON "The Exorcist,'1 Btetty ~ "Ifce Other," Iryon • "The Drifters,'! Michener * • Pick Your Ov»* lobstw Out "Hie Pasaons o! the *&*&*' of Our Lobsiw Tanks! STEREO •Stone;" •; --••••• •-.' "-'>-..\\''.- •" ;•: Hwy. 36, Uonordo ^^ DORIS N'ED'S "The aa^ow of the tyto," 291 -9584—291 -9589. ^ SEAFOOD RESTAURANT MART Holt •../-.•yV,.-:.' ':.:K.v:'-, "HOUSE OF GOURMET SEAFOOD"' 36 Shore Or.. Highland* -872-1565 Hwy. 35 NONPfCTION M1DDLETOWN "Bury My Heart at Wbwded Specializes in Knee," Brown "The Female Eunuch, Greer •'-•••*•:. ^" We Also Have "The Gift Horsey Knej "America, Inc.," Mintz: and Prime Ribs & Steaks Cohen for you Beef lovers "The Sensuous Man," "M" MEN VERSUS WOMEN HOLLYWOOD lAP) - Bar- Partake of The bara Harris and Jack Lemmon will co-star in ''The War Be- tween Men and Women," a Cin- mo Bom ema Center Films production. It is a contemporary human All you can eat comedy based on a group of James Thurber cartoons and Batter ywian! stories. Miss Harris will por- tray a divorcee with children whose marriage to a bachelor cartoonist with failing vision, played by Lemmon, greatly changes his sour outlook on life, especially toward women, chil- dren and dogs. Diaaer.Cwkt^t * NO ONE UNDER ^^^ 21 ADMITTED.

MATTISON OFF MAIN ST.' 0 CHANNEL II FILM FESTIVAL ©MOVI6ATNOON "The Catnian of Paris" (1846) starring Carl Es- . rrhe Wedding Present" (1936) starring Gary mond, Adda Mara. Grant, Joan Bennett. A reporter's practical JO -Bowery at Midnight" (1942) starring Bela Lugod. ruins his marriage plans. evision John. Archer. 1236 © IN THE NEWS (C) M30 0 THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW (C) 12:30 0 YOU ARE THERE (C) Q THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) . © THE JE7SONS (C) FRIDAY Hostess: Delia Reese "TV or Not TV" '©•THE 11:30 MOVIE (C) © LANCELOT LINK, SECRET CHIMP (C) •'• "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1943) starring Ingrid ©"Gent!eman of the Nighi" Bergman, Gary Cooper. The story of a group of 1:00 0 THE CBS CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL (C) j© "Overland Pacific" Spanish loyalists and an American adventurer. © INTERNATIONAL 2ONE (C) 0 THE DICK CAVETT SHOW (C) "Florence: After the Deluge" (R) fcflQi -0 "Trail of *ne Lonesome Pine" Guest: Melvin Van Peebles © AMERICAN BANDSTAND (C) 430 ©•'McHale's Navy" 1:00 Q O NEWS (C) 0 SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE ©"Woman's World" 1 Am 0 "Mr. Belvedere Rings the 0 THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE "TeTror in a Texas Town" 11958) starring Sterling "Beyond the Time Barrier" (1960) starring Robert Hayden, Sebastian Cabot Clarhe, Darlene Thompson. | EVENING 01 NIGHT FINAL (C) "War Drums" (1957) starring Lex Barker. 1:10 0 THE LATE SHOW (C) • 1:30 0 SPORTS CHALLENGE 3 fcOO Q Q Q_ NEWS (C) "Theatre of Death" (1966) starring Christopher 0 LOST IN SPACE 0 THE FLINTSTONES (C) Lee, Lelia Goldoni. "Reluctant Stowaway" • . • : "Hign School Fred" 1:15 O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW © BASEBALL (C) 0ISPYXC) "Watch on the Rhine" (1943) starring Paul Lucas, Yankees vs. Indians Tigers of Heaven" Eette Davis. 2:00 0 THE GENE LONDON SHOW (C> 1:30 ©STAR TREK 0 THE JOE FRANKLIN SHOW {C) Q MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (G) "Rriday's Child" 2:30 O NEWS AND WEATHER © SESAME STREET (C) m EVENING PRAYER '' — © LIKE IT IS (C) £43© ©fETTlCOAT JUNCTION (C) 0 THE UTE LATE SHOW I (C) Hosts: Gil Noble, Geraldo Rivera "Tune in Next Year", "Cattle Drive" (1851) starring Joel McCrea, Dean 2:30 0 MAGIC PEOPLE (C) Stockwell. © COMBAT (C) ' ' . rm © CBS NEWS WITH WALTER CRONKITE "The Gauntlet" ' ^0 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS (C) SATURDAY 3:00 0 WORLD YOUTH FORUM (C) . ? with Brinkely, McGee, Chancellor © MOVIE MATiNEE - 01 LOVE LUCY >*.. "Warpath" (1951) starring Edmund O'Brien, Polly v *l«cy and the Loving Cup" MORNING Bergen. A man seeks a vengeance on those re- 5 0 EVENING NEWS WITH SMITH, REASONER SERMONETTE (C) sponsible for the death of his fiancee. - ' • •• 0WHATSMYUNE?(C) 5:00 G MODERN FARMER (C) 3:30 0 TO BE ANNOUNCED •^^•r.r.S/Bbifc^Walfy'Broner 6:00 Q AGRICULTURE USA. (C) - 0 DAKTARI (C) . * >VK~iH1DREAM OF JEANNIE (C) Q GIVE US THIS DAY (C) "Cry for Help" :;::^&£&suak and tne Great Bank Bobbery" 6:30 Sk SUMMER SEMESTER (C) 4:00 © U.S. OPEN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS (C) :ti0|AINBOW QUEST (C) Q ACROSS THE FENCE (C) 0 MOST VALUABLE PLAYER (C) ::;,?:J^«rts^ Stanley Brothers, the Clinch Mt. Boys and 6:50 Host: Johnny Bench :^.;>-%iP>iito'Enimy «R) . m CALL TO PRAYER 7:00 0 BLACK LETTERS (C) © SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE .„ ^iii;TH£ INTERNS (C) "And Sudden Death" (1936) starring Randolph S autft-who fears he i3 inheriting a brain G COLONEL BLEEP (C) Scott, Tom Brown. A reckless, speed mad girl, who demands that his girl friend have an abor. 0 PROJECT KNOW (C) is convicted by circumstantial evidence, faces a long •THE HIGH CHAPARRAL (C) © THIS IS THE LIFE (C) prison term. ^P8e*ts." Buck invites trouble when he opposes &n 7:22 0 MORNING PRAYER |0 SESAME STREET (C) '*;#SneraBt fight promoter w&o exploits friendless 7:25 O NEWS.AND WEATHER' 4:30 0 UNTAMED WORLD (C) |3llesdcait.:.youtlw. (R) 7:30 BIT'S IN THE BAG (C) "People of Africa" IIPHOGAN'S HEROES (C) © CELEBRITY BOWLING «£p3BieLate Inspector General" ^ ODODO(C) 0 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE pBfHE BRAOY BUNCH VISITS ABC (C) 0 FAITH TO FAITH "Where Danger Lives" U950) starring Robert ||p|-jcpecial featuring the "Brady" children as they O DAVEY AND GOLIATH The Hoosier '100' Indianapolis Car Race, fv Sort: Bob Barfcer , , O THE REAL JERRY LEWIS (C) © MOVIE AT FIVE (C) 0 NANNY AND THE PROFESSOR (C) Q CONNECTICUT REPORT (C) "Up in Arms" (1944) starring Danny Kaye, Dinah - • , *My Son. the Sitter." Hal insists he is old enough © BUSINESSMAN'S FELLOWSHIP INfL (C) Shore. A green recruit upsets the discipline of the ^ ^become the family babysitter. Three R's .. and Sex Education" (R) © ABBOTT AND COSTELLO © FIRING LINE (C) "Pest Exterminators" Guest: Sir Peter Rawlinson (R) l .(C) 9:30 © MY THREE SONS (C) KORNER (C) AFTERNOON After Chip becomes ill from her cooking, PoHy de- NEWS (C) 12:00 © THE MONKEES (C) cides it would be best if she went away and leaves HffOfOOCK PRESENTS 1 him a farewell note while he's asleep, (R) © MR. WIZARD (C) 0 CREATURE FEATURE II "Micro Skin Diving" "Curse of Dracula'1 (1958) starring Francis Led- 0 CREATURE FEATURE I erer, Norma Eberhardt "Night Caller from Outer Space" (1965) starring ©CHILLER THEATRE I John Saxon, Patricia. Haines, "Frankenstein's Daughter" (1959) starring John © JOHNNY QUEST (C) Ashley, Sandra Knight. Frankenstein's son con* Q M URRY KANt SHOW (C) ¥ 1 i tones his father's experiments in a modern setting Q VALUES FOR THE SEVENTIES (C) © SESAME STREET (C) * and creates the monster's daughter. - © THE LITTLE RASCAU 0 6:30 REPORT (C) , © NET PLAYHOUSE (C) K 10:30 ©LOOK UP AND UVE (C) ©NBC NIGHTLY NEWS (G) i with Brinkley, McGee, Chancellor ; "The- Taking" (R) ' ' ©MAN IN OFFICE (C) 9:00 ©ARNIE(C) 0 HERE COME THE DOUBLEDECKERS (C) . ©LASSIE (C) * Julius loses his job on the eve of his 20th wedding © POINT OF VIEW (C) Lassie faces a difficult challenge wfcen she tries *« abni'versary and Arnie tries to cheer him up toy re- to rescue a trapped flying squirrel from a coyote. • 5 1 ©SUPERMAN (C) . enacting Julius wedding. (R) .;• 11:00 0 CAMERA THREE (C) ©WILD KINGDOM (C) " * O PEGGY FLEMING AT SUN VALLEY (C) "A. Day in the Grim Tree Forest" 2 Guest: Jean-Claude Killy (E) . O'NEWSLIGHT(C) 8 BULLWINKLE {C) 0 A VISIT WITH THE FIRST LADY (C) 3 9:30 Q THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW (C) > 0 REX HUMBARD (C) ' ©THE ULTIMATE RJSK (C) s . Rhoda's overly possessive mother arrives for a ©THEMUNSTERS ' • A documentary which explores the psyche of fi*« a visit but her daughter refuses to see her because inen who constantly put thei/ lives on the Eaev to » they always fight. (R) 11:30 0 PUBLIC HEARING (C) earn their living. . • £ O SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE (C) . . Moderator: Jerome Wilson • .-. ©HOW DO YOUR CHILDREN GROW? (0) * : "Love War" (1969) starring Lloyd Bridges, Angle 0 DIRECT LINE (C) "Where Have All the People Who Hear Flowers I Dickinson. Two warring planets battle for control Gone?" (R) jg Moderator: Vic Roby V . of the earth. 7:30 0 ANIMAL WORLD . Guests: 0. C. Smith, the Irish Rovers aweet old lady. with George Herman © THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN DAY PARADE © TALES OF TERROR Alma John hosts New York's third annual salute to "Hangover Square" (1945) starring Laird Cregar, 0 STATION TO STATION (C) \ Its black community, Linda Darnell. A composer allows his music to be "Columbia: The Next America" - © EVENING AT THE POPS (C) stolen by a girl. 0 THE ANSWER (C) fcOO The "Sesame Street" cast performs music from © SPECIAL BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (C) 1:00 0 PICTURE FOR A SUNDAY AFTERNOON their TV show. Northern California Crusade : "Taran the Magnificent" (1960) starring Gordon 0 NFL PRESEASON GAME (C) 11:30 © THE LATE SHOW I (C) Scott, Betta St. John. Tarzan captures the Bantoa Lions vs. Eagles . O THE SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE (C) i Gang who have been terrorizing the jungle.:, O SPECIAL: JANE EYRE (C) "Betrayed" (1954) starring dark Gable, Lana 0 MEET THE PRESS (C) : starring George C. Scott, Susannah York. Strong- Turner, A Dutch underground officer searches for willed Jane Eyre, a governess at Taontfield Ball, a spy who has been giving information to the Ger- 0 FIVE STAR MOVIE (C) falls in love witn her employer. 1 "Diamond Horseshoe" (1945) starring Betty Gnlrie. mans. Dick Haynes. • ©THE SAINT (C) 12:00 Q NEWS (C) 0 PUBLIC SERVICE (C) " , "The Art Collectors" © CHILLER THEATRE II "Slcke Cell Anemia" 0 THE ABC SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE (C> "Invasion of the Saucer Men" (1957) starring Steve ©BROKEN ARROW "Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law" starring Ar- Terrell, Gloria Gastillo. "Legacy of a Hero" thur Hill, Vera Miles. A brilliant attorney defends 12:30 © SATURDAY FILM FESTIVAL (C) a young hippie charged with murdering a respected 1:30 0 ISSUES AND ANSWERS © TOM AND JERRY (C) involving her in murder. -±— Giants vs. Steelers 7:08 G SERMONETTE (C) 3:30 0 U.S. OPEN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW p oat with the farm work if they want to use/ the ' V tara. . • , • .. •••v Warm Gear ms ByALHORAY in the woodlands and campers eqnjpped gunps tend to spoil have experienced a few diill a camper by taking the i As the earth's axis slowly •nights, signaling the time for CAMPING "roogh" put of roughing it, swings toward right angles to getting out heavier clothing but even the Maine Indians and sleeping bags and for wouldn't live under canvas tlse sun, tee autumnal equinox during that state's late fall moves inevitably closer. In planning fall jaunts into the and winter season. shon-aiitTimn arrives at 11:45 boondocks. Although many of the na- ajn. Sept. 23. There is camping and there tion's 50 million campers con-, Looking again over the hunters and vacationers ply tinue to go afield in early fall, the back country of the nation Outdoorsmen have already are camps. Some outdoor vast/timbered Moosehead types enjoy living under can- the more rugged outdoorsmen Lake region was too much to late into the year in the north- noticed the splash of colors who continue to roam the bin-*, resist. The view was the cata- ern climes as well as in the being taken on by vegetation vas in the cool of autumn and some begin to think of going terlands through November lyst which brought a spon- South and Southwest. afield to more substantial are mainly hunters trying to taneous comment over a part- Florida draws an annual camps. This writer and Regis- outwit the wily buck or catch ing handclasp: "See you in crop of winter outdoorsmen. ter staffers Don Lordi and a glimpse of Brer Bear. November." • as do Texas and Arizona and Lou Ferraro have found a Being an advocate of both A quick trip to My les Stand- other warm states. But so do semblance of comfort under canvas and camps, the writer ish State Forest in Massachu- Maine, Minnesota and Mich- ThiPLAZA canvas in New York's Catsk- last weekend scouted the for- setts put us- under canvas igan, before the really deep .Uls during November, but ests of Maine and Mas- again. It was little more than snows set in. quickly erected a makeshift sachuetts. staying in a camp stand, but as any In a few weeks, thje "fair bunkhouse where we were at famed Moosebead Lake, camping devotee knows, any weather" outdoor types will [FREEHOLDMALT snug as the proverbial bug. , Maine, and under canvas near part of any day afield in be storing their gear for the Chill Night Plymouth, Mass. pleasant weather is worth the long winter. The rest of us The latter nimrods. how- Maine Camp effort, to get there. Besides, will be looking fop "long ever, can testify to spending a Returning to the scene of a we reasoned, Massachusetts johns" and parkas, warm COUNTRY chill night in a small trailer pleasant and successful hunt- blocks our path back home. footwear and congenial camp KSWlf t 35< and finding unmelted snow on ing trip several years ago, we Mot Seasonal owners. their boots in the morning. An stayed at the comfortable Lin- Roaming afield is consid- Don't knock it until you NOW PLAYING 18-degree morning at the top coln, Camps &t Rockwood, ered by many to be a "season- have tried it-at least once. - "DOC" of the Catskills is brisk, to say Maine, operated by Vance and al" activity. Not so. Millions the least. Margaret Lincoln. The well- oflate: season fishermen, EVERY SAT. SPECIAL irca PEEHOIDMALU HJGHTSTOWN COUNTRY CU* Every Sat.-Two Bands continuous. saws ana, gss i ts?^eac Coming this Wed. "Dance of the Month" September Frolic Dance NOW PLAYING Two Sands Continuous-from 8:30 STEVE MCQUEEN Mellurs 10 Pc. Band-Joe Mucha ti 1 Band. Great Fun Bione or LE MANS couples. Adm. S2.00, "Start the Fall with a Ball" HOLMDEL - The grand fi- The finals of this fourth an- CINEMA 34 nals of tbe all-New Jersey - nual Talent Expo, scheduled St. , 333-3&M 1971 Talent Expo at the Car- to^starf at & p.m, in the Arts den State Arts Center on Sat- Center -amphitheater on the NOW PLAYING urday night, Sept. 18, will 18th, will be open to the public "SUMMER Of 42" present a show of 55 young without charge. Free tickets performers in 17 acts. may be obtained byj writing to The 55 represent the cream Talent Expo, New Jersey of talent that rose to tbe top Highway Authority, Wood- this summer through the bridge, 07095. statewide amateur com- petition co-sponsored by the The authority operates the MOW PLAYING Arts Center on the Garden JOHNNY CASH Arts Center and the New Jer- KIRK DOUGLAS sey Jaycees. They came State Parkway (Exit 116). through the performing trials The public-supported Arts "GUNHGHT" from an entry list of 700 con- Center Fund, which the au- testants between the ages of thority administers, finances and 18. ' '.* the Talent Expo competition along with other free pro- grams at the parkway show- place for youngsters and se- nior citizens. Contributions to STACY KEACH FAYE &UNAW&Y HARRIS YULIN 2niS0UTltJCMTU5l3S the fund are tax deductible. HAZIET 264-2200 A FILMBYFRANK PERRY Tbe 55 finalists in eight per- forming categories, including FARMINGDALE FfiEEHOUt BRICKTOm instrumental, singing and. SHORE D.f. FREEH0lfl#1 BRICK PLAZA dancing, emerged from the HAZLET LAKFHOOD semi-finals held at the Arts Center on Aug. 29. They were PLAZA COUNTRY to have competed for 16 final berths, but the judges' dead- In everyone's rife there's a lock in the dance category SUMMER OF '42 addedamfa. The first-place winners in SHANNON'S JENNIFER O'NEILL- GARY GRIMES each of the eight performing AND categories ca Sept. 18 will re- ceive^ ?2f)0 in U.S. Savings INN Bonds and a trophy, while the runners-up each will be given, a $100 bond and a trophy. A distinguished panel of judges BACK-rO-SCHOOL SPECIALS Originate Cucina Italiana will make the final decisions. fRIDAY t MTORDAY N)T£ ROM S-I0 RAl In the dance category fi- Some Kxotir Dinner* nals, Leoda Staten, 18, of 55 Leland Ter., New Shrews- CANNELLONI bury, will present a Kabuki SPAGHETTI & SAUSAGE...... 1.50 Beehanei dance, and the duo of Donna Delseni, 17, and Donna Pyryt, • •-•• 15, of, Paramus, will offer a .00 VealCavor classical ballet all in com- '" '•••..,:. FRIED HSH PLATTER ...... 1.50 landau petiton with "Changa Kisasa Piemontese African Dancers", a group of SHRIMP IN THE BASKET...... 1.60 and many Rahway residents. . others Other finalists include, in vocal group category, "Les Special Prices for Children Deux",- Barbara Nippes, 17, of PLUS OUR REG. MENUS YOU UKU . 1 Tall Tree Road, Middletown, v»ur memonrs of rx- and Eileen Moremen, 16, of 12 an- Tr«dv to ralrr Rimwood Drive, Lincroft; 640 SHREWSBURY AVI. NEW SHREWSBURY and "Spiriters Gospel Sing- •IEXT TO AIRPORT ; :; ers'Ya Newark trio. Ready to Roll By CYNTHIA LOWRY programs. The current sales half of its commercial time cut their service by more than champ appears to be "fee filled, as «tfwa_vs by a soup three hours a week. They are s NEW YORK (AP) - The Lawrence Weft Show" which commercial, are close sec- mostly unable to afford local nation's 670 commercial tele- Television has been sold, at last count, to onds. programming req airing vision stations start their fall 217 stations - more than the season this weekend, open- trained personnel and ex- Com ment champagne music maker bad SmaOer stations outside the pensive equipment and as a a ting under the new prime during his ABC years. "Wflfoin't No Sunshine." Withers er of men — by act of Congress if not personal qualification — charged, convicted and sen- tenced for the murder of 22 I n't civilians at My Lai in South Vietnam. As such, "his own., story" cannot and should not be fin ITALIANmTAURAW COCKTAIL LOUNGE ignored. Serving Fine Italian This brief book, basically a Food at Family Prices subjective view of the defense A different place . . . special- at his court-martial, adds noth- izing in Fine Italian Food and ing, however, to what already is Pizza. A large wine list, art known- from courtroom testh THE WOOD'S Haziet shows and an atmosphere that mony and other books and arti- INNKEEPER matches New York's Village.' cles. Indeed, it detracts from Highway 35 NOW APPEARING The whole by not filling in the Every Wed. & Fri: Eve. gaps of testimony, of the actu- 264-2400 International French Folk Sfntjer ality. These are. according to • Sack. "'Calley's words. Calley "s "WILY AIR CONDITIONED" . sentiments" during the court- BANQUET FAdUTIES CALt-84244|7. . m'artial — before sentencing. for all occasions from 25 to 600 US, Bridge Ave., Red Bonk Half of it already had been * OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK printed in Esquire magazine. 'featuring. Luncheons • Dinners In general, Calley pleads, he was but a tool of-higher forces, a "perfect soldier" in the sense thatjie.was supposed,to kill —" IN OlJ|pCK|AigpUNGE andiie did. With hindsight, how- Community Town West ever; his thoughts lead to a the l|HlJcrf«C fDESSERT • KIRK • DOUGLAS BEVERAGE JOHNNY • CASH # REGULAR MENU A VAILABLE Serving Lnnefr.... .„,..,..... 11 A.M.-4 P.M. J-- "AGUNFIGHT" • Daily Dinner...... '...... ^.. ...«.^....4 P.M.J2 P.M. J JANE ALEXANDER ]rWVALLQNE«AiyAREZi wpwiffll- WT*?rt^ JOHNNY CASH ^»«^AfiON)Mi>LU8*l«hAH0lDjACnBlOOM **.t,HASOtbj,:;* 3LO0MW M VSW BYPAUL AI&ADm. fltateritafe This Weekend at ike Movies RED BANK ST. JAMES* TOMS RIVER HAZLET Sweet SweeTbock 2:00; 7:30; 9:40 PLAZA- Carlton CARLTON- SAT. * SUN.-Swtet Sweetback 2:00; DOVER- Ooc 7:25; 9:35 MTtUon Dollar Due* 3:00; 7:%; Boot- 4:00; 4:05; 8:15; 10:15 Who's Harry Kelterman 7:30; 9-.3S fad Bank 7*1-9600 SAT.-Wilti« .Wonka & Chocolate fac- tei35tei;35; ?.?ww SAT. B> SUH.—Willie Wonka & Choco- tory 2:00; Ooc 7:55; 10:05 SAT.—Million Ooitor Dwcfc 2:25; S:S5; SAVOY- late Factory 2:00; Who's Horry Keller- SUN.—Willie Wonka & Chocolett F«c- 9:25; Soctnifcs4:C0; 7:30 Hoflywood Blue 7:35; 9:00 mon4:30; 4:25; 8:15; 10:15 - rory 2:00;.Doc S;15; 7:2S; 9:35 • WAIIDISHZY'S • SUN.—Million Dollar Dock 2:00; 7:30; SAT.—Hollywood Blue 7:10; 8:35; Boofrulu 3:33; 9:10 10*00 DRIVE-IN- KEYPORT SUN.—Hollywood Blue 2:00; 7:35; FRI. & SAT.—Cartoon* 8:00; Million CINEMA III- 9:00 Dollar Duett 1:30; 12:00; Wild Country STRAND ART- • ^MILLION • FRl.. SAT. & SUN.—Bononos7:00; 10:20 i:*}; 10:2Jr King Kong 11:45? Roin Mot- FARMINGDALE SUN.—Million Dollar Duck t:0O; ' FRt.. SAT. 8. SUN.—Touch MB 7}Mf V DOLLAR * inee Sat. & Sun.-Bonanas 2:30; King SHORE DRIVE-IN- 11:30; Wild Country 9:50 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP FRI. & SAT.—Cartoons 7:30; Doc ISLAND HEIGHTS EATONTOWN 7:3); 12:40; Good. Bad & Ugly 9:50 CINEMA 34- SUN.—Doc 7:45; Good, Bod & Ugly BAY DRIVE-IN- Summer ol 1427:2S; 9:30' • SUCK" • COMMUNITY- FRI. & SAT.—Cartoons «:00: A Gun- A Gunligirt 2:00; 7:30; 9:30 ligtit 8:30; 12:55; Good, Bod & Ugly KEANSBURG • -KtfS- • SAT. & SUN.-A GunJigfit 2:00; 4:15; NEPTUNE 10:15 • COLONIAL- 6:15: 8:10; 10:00 CIRCLE- FRI., SAT. & SUN.-Shaft 7:00; 1«:»* •"BOATNIKS" I DRIVE-IN- Omega Mai 2:00; 7:30; 9:30 Thomas Crown Affair 8:40 FRi. 4 SAT.—Doctors' Wives 8:25; SAT. & SUN.—Omega Man 1:00; 4:00;, Uwe Machine 10: IS; Lute Borrow Show 6:O0; 8:00; 10:0tf NORTH OF RED PERTH AMBOY ' 12:10 SUN.—Lave Machine 8:00; 1J :5S; NEPTUNE CITY AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- Love Machine 7:45;. 11:33; Doctors' Doctors' Wiv« 10:15 NEPTUNE CITY- MIDDLETOWN Wives 9:48 - FREEHOLD Million Dollar Duck 7:15; Wild Coun- TOWN WEST- try 8:50 . A Gunfight 7:25; 9:25 MENLO PARK MALL1- 5AT. & SUN.—Million Dollar Duck SAT. & SUN.-Willie Wonka & Choco- CINEMA- Doc 7:25; 9:35 2:00; 5:20; 8:35; Wild Country 3:35; late Factory 2;00; A Gunfight 6:00; , A Gunfight 2:00; 4:00; 4:00; i:M; SAT.—Wime Wonka 2:00; Doc 7;50: 6:55; 10:10 8:00; 9:« ^ ' 10:00 10:00 MANASQUAN SAT.—ChJtty Chjtty Bang Bang 12:(W SUN-—Willie Wonka 2:00: Doc ^:20; TOWNEAST- Noon; A Gunfight 2.00; 4:00; 6:00; kOO; 7:30; 9:33 ALGONQUIN- Ryon's Dooghter 7:45 MALL 2- FRI. & SAT, — PinoccWo 2:00; 7:30; SAT. & SUN.—Ryan's Daughter 2:00; SUN.-A GunJrgh* 2:00; 4:00; 4:00; LeMans 7:15; 9:20 Wiitt Country 9:10 5:O0;«:lS 8:00; 10:00, ^_ SAT-—LeMans 7:20; 9:40 SUN.—Pinocchio 2:00; S:1S; 8:30; Mayfair SUN—LeWtans 2:30; 5:05; 7:10; 9:!5 Wild Country 3:30; 6:50; 10:05 Al&jfy Pit 77SS3S: ASBURY PARK LAKEWOOD LYRIC- COUNTRY- RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL LOUNGt Ooc 7:25; 9.30 CONNER'S In Bajo Rio, they pay Night O'IMW 7:00; 10:^5; Portunc in Mene 5 Ey«y S SAT.—Kiddie Show: Willie Wonka . to see a man kill a bull SAT. & SUN.—Nighr Digger 3:45; 2:00; Doc 7:35; 9:40 7:0S; !Q:39; Fortune in Men's Eyes SUN.—Kiddie Show: Willie Wonka Featuring Lobster, Announcing 2:00; 5:25; 8:50 2:00; Doc5:15; 7:25; 9:30 TOWN- Prime Ribs, Steak or fall Dining Hours MAYFAIR- A Gwfigttf 7:35; 9:3S Italian Specialties. A Ounti^r 7:00; 7:30; 9:30 SAT.—A Gunfight 2:25; 7:45; 9:4S Dancing Every Friday Open Daily Until SAT. £ SUN.—A Gunfisnr 2:00; 4:00; SUN.—A GunFigtit 2:10; 4:00; 6:00; 6:00; 3:00; 10:00 7:55; 9:35 and Saturday Nights Sun., Sept. 19 PABAMOUNT- LAUBELTON Cornal Knawle*(e 7:*0; 9:45 SAT.-CornoI Knowledge 2:25; 4:23; DRIVE-IN- 4:30; BM5; 10:40 FBI. & SAT.—Shorts B:00; Low Ma- Weekends Only SUN.i-Cornol KrwwfetJge 2:01; 4:10: chine 8:40; ?2:45; Professtonols 10:58 Storting hh, Sept. 24 6:ifl; 8:30; 10:10 SUN.—Love Machine 8:00; 12:00; P fessionals 10:10 Hours: Camera Club Fri.fc Sat. 5-10 Meets Tuesday Sunday 4-10 IXTERLAKEN - The Closing for The Shore Camera Club will have THE PLAZA Season Oct. 31,1971 Us first meeting of the 1971- lit. 35 H mm tt. K«lfl 7W-MW **••••••>•••? 1972 season. Tuesday at 8:15 ON THE SHORE AT WATER WITCH p.m. in the borough hall here HIGHLANDS 872-1500 Town East , on Grasmere Ave. 3- att PaimePi r AAne. FREEHOLD MALL "What Camera for You?" will be the subject of a panel MUTT 9 discussion to be moderated by the club vice president, Eli Metz. Three members will ex- COUNTRY STRAND BSH1HT 3. Daughter: plain the styles of popular (adjustable) cameras: range- THEATRE finders, single lens reflexes and twin lens reflexes. CINEMA 34 KEYPORT, NEW JERSEY The coming season will in- Rt. 34, MATAWAN, clude color slide and black "10VI MACHINE" • and white print competitions, SPECIAL open to members only; field -HUS- • trips to Holmdel Park and the KIDDIE SHOW Signal School at Ft. Moa- touch "DOCTOR'S WIVES" • mouth, and talks and slide For Adults only shows by photographers. SAT. SEPT. 1 lth Special Midnight Horror Siow Members will have an op- And FRIDAY & SATURDAY • portunity this year to judge ME "NIGHT OF THE 4 themselves in a color slide SUN. SEPT. 12th LIVING DEAD" * SHOWS YOU THE SECRETS competition devised by club MATINEE OF ENCOUNTER THERAPY president Tom Judd. In the next six months, members "WILLY WONKA Lyric will be assigned 10 subjects to AND THE NO ONE UNDER 21 ADMITTED As&ury P»* 775-1088 be photographed for a special contest Feb. 22. • PATWOANEALin * CHOCOLATE Proof of Age Required ANOTHER LONG TITLE •'NIGHT DIGGER"* HOLLYWOOD

"PLAZA SUITE" i" Barbizon School of Modeling, 188 East Bergen PI., Bed Bank, N.J. 07701 *B HELD OVER IN COLOR KID. SHOW SAT-SUN AT 2 name. .age __*—_ "THE MAGIC WORD" address. city. '. stated zip. SONG PLUS CARTOONS