Acher Surplus Creates New Emphasis Teacher Glut Brings New
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acher Surplus Creates New Emphasis SEE STORY BEW)^ Sunny, Warm Sunny, warm today. Clear, cooler tonight, Cloudy, chance THEDMLY of rain, tomorrow and Sun- day. |{»'il Hmik, I'rciluild FINAL I . l-oii}i Brunei) 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Outelftiidiiig EBf»in& Newspupei* VOL.94 NO. 53 RED BANK, N J. 1 UIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1971 TENCENffr WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon summoned to the held up by the freeze, and all scheduled wage hikes due later whose union approved a similar wage hike for 500,000 tele- "The system of wage-and-prlce stabilization that follows White House today some of the bitterest critics of his econom- under current contracts. phone workers just before the freeze. the freeze will require the fullest possible cooperation not only ic program to hear organizes! labor's view on what should fol- "The whole question is open," Woodcock said alter the Also meeting with Nixon will be AFL-CIO President between the executive and legislative branches, but also by all low the wage-price freeze. meeting with Hodgson and Asst. Secretary of Labor W. .1. Us- George Meany, severest ctitic of Nixon's new economic pol- Americans. I have invited representatives of the Congress, of "He'll be listening," Secretary of Labor .1. D. Hodgson cry. The Auto Workers have threatened to cancel contracts icies as a "Bonanza" to big business at the expense of the na- business, of labor and of agriculture to meet within the next told United Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock of Nix- covering some 600,000 workers with major auto firms if they tion's workers'. few days for the purpose of helping plan the next phase," the. on's attitude toward this first meeting with union chiefs since don't get pay hikes due in November and December. Nixon told Congress yesterday the 90-day freeze will end President said, the freeze began Aug. 15. as scheduled Nov. 13. "I don't think they are going to call us in and say 'you The issue of recovering frozen pay hikes is also vital to "But I assure the Congress and the American people that . Business leaders have been invited to see Nixon Monday, - write the ticket," Woodcock said in an interview. several other leaders invited by Nixon - United steelworkers when this first temporary and necessarily drastic action is agriculture leaders Tuesday and congressional leaders Sept. But he added that Labor Department officials told him President I.W. Abel who won 30 percent in wage hikes over over, we shall take all the steps needed to see that America is 17, the White House said. the administration hasn't closed its mind to one of labor's big- three years for some 350,000 steelworkers last month, and not again afflicted by the virus of runaway inflation," Nixon Woodcock said Hodgson told him the labor leaders will be gest demands-retroactive pay for all negotiated wage hikes Pieiiident Joseph A. Beunc of the Communications Woikeis said. • ": • consulted continuously as Nixon shapes his post-freeze policy. Teacher Glut Brings New Education Focus By DpiUS KULMAN ation is more serious this their major, field of study along with vocational educa- year...." "and they may have to plan tion generally, she said, "and High school seniors will be High school seniors, she for more than one major..." we'll be encouraging people to advised to be more flexible in said, "will have to be more While engineers are being train in technology..." their plans for college studies. flexible in their plans ... fired, the need for tech- "That's what's so good Guidance counsellors will they'll have to enter college nicians, such as engineering about Brookdale," Miss be putting more emphasis on' with an open mind" about aides, is being emphasized See Teacher, Page 2 vocational and technical stud- \ ies. Colleges will have to learn new techniques for placement of the teachers they graduate Sewer Unit Wants - with greater concentration on opportunities outside the classroom. Register stall Photo Prosecutor's Probe THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN - Former Gov. Richard J. Hughes, center, last night helped Mon- More will be demanded of aspiring teachers both by the MIDDLETOWN - The Sew- motivated arid are making eral government. In fact, the raouth County Democrats officially launch the 1971 election campaign at the party's anpuat $50-a-plate erage Authority today de- baseless allegations for politi- authority could not award fund raising dinner at the Spring Lake Golf & Country Club. Chatting with the governor are, left to colleges which train them and the school districts which hire manded that the Concerned cal gain." bids until it obtained approve)' right, Rep, James J. Howard, D-N.J., Mrs. Ceclle Norton, state committeewoman, Gov. Hughes, Red Citizens of Middletown The authority chairman of the, Environmental Protec- Bank Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern, and Red Bank Councilman Edward Minear. them. Those are the changes "forthwith make known to the pointed out that "grants in the tion Agency of the federal educators and guidance per- prosecutor of Monmouth amount of 69 per cent of the government and the N.J. sonnel both locally and nation- County any and all facts in eligible project costs (of the State Department of Environ- ally foresee as a result of the your possession upon which a $41 million sanitary sewer sys- mental Protection." superabundance of teachers criminal charge can be tem), as determined by the Mr, Schumann explained Howard Rips Nixon Policy made." U.S. Environmental Protec- that. In accorance with law, which has left thousands of New Jersey's June graduates In a statement in behalf of tion Agency and the New Jer- ail of the authority's books jobless at the schoolhouse the authority, Chairman Ed- sey State Department of Envi- and records are open for in- door. ward • Shumann. noted recent ronmental Protection, have spection by the federal and The surplus of teachers ac- newspaper accounts "from been approved by the U.S. state governments and, each As Hughes Cheers Hiin On companies and to some extent your organization, alleging Government and the State of month .it reports all project reflects the tough job situ- and implying!' criminal New Jersey. " • construction expenditures to wrongdoings on the' part of the state and federal environ- By BEN VAN VLIET more men like "Jim Howard, 3.4 per cent to 6.1 per cent. • Mr. Howard, who was in ation in other professional areas - engineering, the phys- the authority." "As a matter of fact," he mental protection agencies. who can go around the state "That means that while Washington earlier yesterday He added that the authority SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS to explain the issues in terms, we've been waiting for his for the President's message to ical sciences - as well as pop- Mr. Schumann warned that added, "prior to receipt of ulation trends. the authority "Intends' to bids on this project, all of the has also voluntarily opened all - Former Gov, Richard J, the layman can understand." promised prosperity, an addi- Congress, said the President its books and records for in- Huglies was- the featured And the three-term con- tional 2.5 million people are made "a vejy nice speech." ''We were becomirig~awace scrutinize any and all state- plans and specifications for. ments made by your organiza- the construction of the project spection by the Concerned speaker at last night's tradi- gressman didn't bother with out.of work, and the list of of this last year and we dis- Citizens organization. tional Democratic campaign 25-cent words in telling the unemployed grows longer ev- "He that everything cussed it with our seniors, but tion, and any and all members Were approved by both the kicktiff dinner, but it was Rep. crowd that the President's ery day, "he said. was going very nicely. I don't some vvere willing to take of your organization, and in- state and federal govern- Mr. Schumann added that James J. Howard, D-N.J., economic policies were un- Mr. Howard said the. Presi- think he said 'a stitch in time their chances and go ahead tends to hold accountable any- ments. the nationally known account- -"™who-made-the news with an fair, unworkable, and in- dent's wage-price freeze was. saves nine; but I'm sure he with preparation for teach- one making baseless state- "Prior to the receipt of ing firm, Peat, Marwiclc, Mit-" impromptu attack on the eco- sincere. both unworkable and unfair, used every other cliche," he ing," said Miss Theodora ments." \ bids, the authority had to ob- chell and Co., certifies its an- nomic policies of President Jobless Rise Cited especially to contract work- said. Apbstolacus, guidance direc- Said Mr. Schumann: "It ap- tain approval of (he project nual audit to the authority Nixon. "When Nixon tobk office," ers, Mr. Howard said the Presi- tor at Long Branch High pears that the leaders ot your construction costs, and financ- and files a copy with the state • But the governor didn't Mr. Howard said, "he told us "If a contract was nego- See Howard, Page 2 .School. "I'm Mile the situ- organisation ate political!) ing of the same from the fed- Division of Local Finance. mind a bit, and in fact told the he would bring prosperity to giatcd, and signed, this is a 250 guests assembled at the the country. Well since he's bond between employer and Spflnk Lake Golf & Country been in the White House employe and should be hon- Club that the party needs unemployment hasriscn from ored and not subject to a Presidential freeze," he said.