'-—Television Digest
: ’-—Television Digest OCTOBER 1. 1962 © 1962 TELEVISION DIGEST NEW SERIES VOL 2. No. 40 Albert Warren, Editor & Publisher, 911 -13th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C., Sterling 3-1755 David Lachenbruch, Managing Editor, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y., Circle 6-2215 Harold Rusten. Associate Editor, 111 Beverly Rd., Overbrook Hills, Philadelphia 51, Pa.. Midway 2-6411 Michael H. Blake Jr., Assistant Editor, Washington. Charles Sinclair. Contributing Editor. New York Arnold Alpert General Manager, Washington The authoritative service for executives in all branches of the television arts & industries SUMMARY-INDEX OF WEEK'S NEWS Broadcast W? DH-TV WINS CH. 5—AGAIN in 4-1 FCC decision, Minow dissenting. Commission finds demerits for all applicants, decides TEXANS STORM 35 IN ESTES TRIAL, WFAA-TV, KLTV CANON on "conventional criteria" (p. 6). and radio operators keeping door open, Judge Dunagan citing TV "maturity.'' Fingers crossed as judges meet Oct. 5-6 to debate Consumer Electronics Canon 35 (p. 1). PICTURE TUBE PRICES going up, as manufacturers claim profitless 3-NETWORK COLOR broadcast for first time last week, as ABC & prosperity. Increases announced to customers by National Video, CBS join NBC in presenting tint programs. Uniformly high quality Rauland & RCA; others expected to follow suit later (p. 8). observed (p. 2). GE PLANS 3RD 'SALES & DISPLAY' CITY this year on basis of MINOW WARNS ON SATELLITE RESPONSIBILITY of private excellent results in Salt Lake City & Memphis. Salt Lake sales are broadcasters and satellite owners in new age of international TV. ahead of a year-ago & GE's over-all national average (p.
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