Removal of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Oxide from a Flue Gas Stream by Two Sodium Alkalis of Various Sizes
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University of Tennessee, Knoxville TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Masters Theses Graduate School 8-1980 Removal of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Oxide From a Flue Gas Stream By Two Sodium Alkalis of Various Sizes John R. Carson University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Environmental Engineering Commons Recommended Citation Carson, John R., "Removal of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Oxide From a Flue Gas Stream By Two Sodium Alkalis of Various Sizes. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1980. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by John R. Carson entitled "Removal of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Oxide From a Flue Gas Stream By Two Sodium Alkalis of Various Sizes." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the equirr ements for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Environmental Engineering. Wayne T. Davis, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: ARRAY(0x7f702f8fc2d8) Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official studentecor r ds.) To the Grad uate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by John R. Carson Entitled "Removal of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Oxide From a Flue Gas Stream By Tw o Sod ium Al kal is of Various Sizes. 1t I recommend that it be accepted in partial ful fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of SCience, with a major in Env ironmental Engineering. Way ne T Dav is, Major Professor We hav e read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: Accepted for the Council : Vice Chancel lor Graduate Studies and Research REMO VA L OF SULFUR DIO XIPE AND NITR!C OXIDE FROM A FLUE GAS STnEA M BY TWO SODIUM ALKALIS OF VA RIO US SIZES A Thesis Presented for the Master of Sc�ence Degree· The University of Tenness ee, Knoxvi11e John R. Garson August 1980 30·14819 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was conducted at the Un1versity of Tennessee in Knoxville and was partially sponsored by the Pollution Control Division of Carborundum Environmental Systems, Inc. The sodium bicarbonate used .in the study was donated by the Church and Dwight Company. The author is indebted to Dr. Wayne T. Davis, his major professor, for the encouragement and constructive criticism that he has provided throughout their association. Appreciation is also extended to Carolyn Carson for typing the rough draft and for being a sympathetic, understanding wife during the author's graduate study. Special thanks are also expressed to Bill Long, Jim Frei, Sherman Green, Jeff Mclntosh, and Gail Ferguson. iii ABSTRACT The primar y purpose of this research effort was to examine the dry removal of SOi and NO from a flue gas str eam by inj ec ting two sod ium additives into a pilot bag house system . The additives tested were NaHCQ3 and NaiC03 dusts with mass mean diameters ranging from approximately 30 to 200 microns. The Na2C03 was obtained by decomposing the NaHC03 (with heat) pr ior to t�sting . The bag house temperature was mai ntained at either 250 or 300 degrees F. It was demonstrated that 70% S02 removal can be attained with NaHC03 powders that have mass mean diameters of 32 and 52 microns at stoichiometric ratios of 0.8 and 1.3, respec tively. The rate of mass transfer limited the desulfur ization capacity of NaHC03 powders with mass mean diameters greater than 50 microns. The rate of chemical reaction lim ited the S02 removal capability of the smallest NaHC03 additive tested (mass mean diameter=32 microns) . Decomposition of NaHC03 to Na2 C03 in bulk before inj ec tion yielded poorer S02 removal . It was also demonstrated that 7 to 36 % of the NO was removed simultaneously with S02 by the NaHC03 additives with mass mean diameters smaller than 120 microns. This removal was inversely dependent on the system temperature . No appreciable NO removal was observed with Na2 C03 injection. iv TA BLE OF CONTENTS SEC TION PA GE IN TRO DUC TION. 1 I. LITERA TURE REVIEW . 4 Nahcolite. 6 Theoretical Reactlons. 11 Bench Scale Reactors . 12 Pilot Scale Reactors . -. 17 Summary . 2 5 II. THEO RETIC AL CONSIDERA TIONS. 2 7 2 General Comments • 7 The Unreacted-core Mod el . 30 Determination of the Rate Controlling Step 36 III. EXPERIMENT DESIGN . 39 Description of the Test Facility 39 Test Proced ures.. 42 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. 49 . 4 S02 Removal by Flyash. · . 9 . 4 S02 Removal by NaHC0 3· · . 9 Removal by Na C0 · · 57 S02 2 3 by NaHC0 61 NO Re mov al 3 and Na2 C03' V. CONCLUS IO NS 65 VI. RECO MMENDATIONS FO R ADDITIONAL RES EA RC H . 67 LIS T OF REFERENCES . 68 v SEC TION PAGE APPEN DIC ES . 71 APPENDIX A . 72 APPENDIX B . 7 4 APPEN DIX C � 80 APPENDIX D . 83 APPENDIX E 8 9 VITA. 92 vi LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Federal Standards of Performance for New Electric Utility Steam Generating Units (>73 MW with heat input >2�0 million BTU/hr [refe�ence IJ) '.' 2 2 . S02 and NOx Removal Re sults with NaHC03 and Nancolite Additives ..... 15 3. Additive Characteristic s .. 44 4. Sieve Analysis of Additives. 79 5. Test Data ... 9 0 6. Ash Analysis . 9 1 vii LIS T OF FIGURES FIGURE PA GE 1. Fractiona1 Thermograv imetrie Analy sis of NaHC03 ( Heating Rate = 3°C per minute) [referene e 8J. 7 2 . NaHC03 Dee omposition as a Fune tion of Time [referene e 10J . 10 3. S02 Removal as a Function of Nahe o1 ite Stoie hio- metrie Ratio [re rene e 18J. 18 4. The Zone of Reae tion is Assumed to Move from the Surface Toward the Center of a Partic1e in the Unreae ted-Core Mod el [referene e 13J ..... 2 9 5. Diffusion Through the Gas Film Contro1 s [referene e 13J . 31 6. Diffusion Through the Ash Lay er Contro1s [referenee 13J . • . • 33 7. Chemica1 Reaetion Contro1 s [reference 13J.. 35 8. Representation of How Temperature and Partie 1e Size Determine th e Rate- Controlling Step [referene e 19J . 38 9 . System Schematie 41 10. Co11ection Effie iency of the Bag House Hopper as a Function of Additive Mass Mean Diameter ...• 48 11. S02 Remov al as a Fune tion of NaHC 03 Stoichiomet- ric Ratio. 50 2 1 . S02 Remov al as a Fune tion of NaHC03 Stoichiomet ric Ratio- -Data Reca1 eu1 ated to Exc1 ud e Hopper 2 Contribution . • . 5 13. S02 Removal by NaHC 03 as a Function of Time ( B. H. Temp = 30 0°F) . • . 55 14. S02 Removal as a Fune tion of Na2 C03 Stoichiomet- rio Ratio. 58 15. NO Remov al as a Fune tion of Na/N O Equiva1 ent 2 . 6 Rat10 . 16. NO Removal as a Function of Bag House Tem- perature . " . 63 1 INTRODUCTION The discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere by steam electric generating plants accounts for appreciable· amounts of national emiss ions. For example, in 1976 24� of the particulate, 65% of the sulfur dioxide (302)' and 29% of the nitrous oxides (NOx ) were attributed to these sourees. In addition , a 50% increase in the number of fossil-fuel-fired utility plants is planned within the next 10 years. Coal consumption alone will increase from 400 million tons/ye ar in 1975 to 1250 million tons/year in 19 95 (1) . Passage of the Clean Air Act (19 70) , New Source Performance Standards (1971) , and subsequent legislation has requ ired that these pollutants emitted by fossil-fuel-fired utility boilers be controlled. The emission standards for total particulate, sulfur dioxide ( (S0 2) and the oxides of nitrogen NOx ) are specified in Table 1. Particulate control can be accompl ished with electrostatic precipi tators or fabric filters (bag houses). The electric power industry is required to apply the "best demonstrated technology" for S02 and NOx control (1). NO emissions can probably be best controlled by x combustion modification. The reduction of S02 emissions requires one or more of the following removal techni ques: precleaning of the fuel , removal of sulfur containing material during combustion , and wet or dry scrubbing of the flue gas stream. 2 Table 1. Federa1 Standards of Performance for New E1ectric Ut i1 it y Steam Generat ing Unit s (>73 MW wit h heat in put >250 million BTU/ hr [reference 1]) . Po1lutant Standard Particulate 0.03 1b/mi1 1ion BTU 1.20 1b/mi1 1ion BTU and 90% reduction or (when <0.60 1b/mi11ion BTU ) 70% reduction NOx (Anthracite, Bit uminous 0.60 lb/million BTU and Lignite) NOx (Subbituminous ) 0.50 lb/million BTU · 3 One method of dry scrubbing involves the injection of nahcolite into either the combu�tion chamber or the flue g�s ductwork of a fo ssil-fuel-fired bo iler. Nahcolite is a naturally occurr ing ore that is approximately 70% sod ium bicarbonate (NaHC03 ). The solid nahcolite reacts with the gas eous S02 and is collected along with the flyash in a particulate control device.