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Volume 94

Invariant Theory of Finite Groups

Mara D. Neusel Larry Smith

American Mathematical Society

t/ffDEO Editorial Board Peter Landweber Tudor Ratiu Michael Loss, Chair J. T. Stafford

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 13A50, 55S10.

ABSTRACT. This book gives a comprehensive overview of the of finite groups acting linearly on algebras. It spans the gamut from the classical methods and results of , T. Molien, D. Hilbert and L. E. Dickson to the modern methods and insights obtained from using Steenrod algebra technology, as in the proof of the Landweber-Stong conjecture. Numerous examples illustrate the theory and techniques introduced.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Neusel, Mara D., 1964- Invariant theory of finite groups / Mara D. Neusel, Larry Smith. p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs, ISSN 0076-5376 ; v. 94) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8218-2916-5 (alk. paper) 1. Finite groups. 2. Invariants. I. Smith, L. (Larry), 1942- II. Title. III. Mathematical surveys and monographs ; no. 94.

QA177 .N46 2001 512/.2—dc21 2001053841

AMS softcover ISBN 978-0-8218-4981-1

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1. Invariants, their Relatives, and Problems 1 1.1 Polynomial Invariants of Linear Groups 2 1.2 Coinvariants and Stable Invariants 8 1.3 Basic Problems in Invariant Theory 12 1.4 Problems for Finite Groups ; 15 1.5 Problems for Finite Groups over Finite Fields 20 1.6 Problems for Special Representations 23 1.7 What Makes Rings of Invariants Special? 25 2. Algebraic Finiteness 29 2.1 Emmy Noether's Finiteness Theorem .. 30 2.2 The Transfer Homomorphism 33 2.3 Emmy Noether's Bound 36 2.4 Feshbach's Transfer Theorem 40 3. Combinatorial Finiteness 45 3.1 Molien's Theorem on Poincare Series 46 3.2 Poincare Series of Representations 57 3.3 The Hilbert-Serre Theorem on Poincare Series 66 3.4 Gobel's Theorem on Permutation Invariants 69 4. Noetherian Finiteness 77 4.1 Orbit Chern Classes 78 4.2 A Refinement of Orbit Chern Classes 85 4.3 Dade Bases and Systems of Parameters 99 4.4 Euler Classes and Related Constructions 103 4.5 The Degree Theorem 105

v 5. Homological Finiteness 113 5.1 The Koszul Complex 114 5.2 Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem 118 5.3 The Converse of Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem 120 5.4 Poincare Duality Algebras 124 5.5 The Cohen-Macaulay Property 129 5.6 Homological and Cohomological Dimensions 137 5.7 The Gorenstein and Other Homological Properties 143 5.8 Examples 147 6. Modular Invariant Theory 151 6.1 The Dickson Algebra 152 6.2 Transvection Groups 156 6.3 p-Groups in p 160 6.4 The Transfer Variety 168 6.5 The Koszul Complex and Invariant Theory 173 7. Special Classes of Invariants 185 7.1 Pseudoreflections and Pseudoreflection Groups 186 7.2 Coinvariants of Pseudoreflection Groups 194 7.3 Solvable, Nilpotent and Alternating Groups 203 7.4 GL(2, Fp) and Some of Its Subgroups 212 7.5 Representations of Finite Groups 221 8. The Steenrod Algebra and Invariant Theory 227 8.1 The Steenrod Operations 228 8.2 The Steenrod Algebra 231 8.3 The Hopf Algebra Structure of the Steenrod Algebra 236 8.4 The Inverse Invariant Theory Problem 241 8.5 The Landweber-Stong Conjecture 246 8.6 The Steenrod Algebra and the Dickson Algebra 255 9. Invariant Ideals 259 9.1 Invariant Ideals and the Jf-Construction 260 9.2 The Invariant Prime Ideal Spectrum 266 9.3 Applications to the Transfer 275 9.4 Applications to Homological Properties 278 10. Lannes's T-Functor and Applications 283 10.1 The T-Functor and Invariant Theory 284 10.2 The T-Functor and Noetherian Finiteness 290 10.3 Change of Rings for Components 294 10.4 The T-Functor and Freeness 298 10.5 The T-Functor and Complete Intersections 303

VI 10.6 Invariants of Stabilizer Subgroups 307 10.7 A Last Look at the Transfer 310 Appendix A. Review of 315 A.l Gradings 315 A.2 Primary Decompositions and Integral Extensions 320 A.3 Noetherian Algebras 323 A.4 Graded Algebras and Modules 327 References 331 Typography 357 Notation 359 Index 363

VII Appendix A Review of Commutative Algebra

E COLLECT here as much of the terminology and notation from commutative algebra used in this book that we feel is necessary °w to orient the reader further. The reader should consult [24], [25], [104], [243], or [372] for missing proofs, examples, and details. In several places we supply proofs because contrary to a widespread myth, it is simply not true that the graded and local cases have the same theorems: There are often subtle differences, and moreover, it is sometimes possible to find proofs in the graded case that are distinctly different from the local analogues, when they exist; see, e.g., Propositions A. 1.1 and A.3.2 for exam­ ples of what we mean. Caveat! Having said this: If we do quote a result in the text from the literature, which is stated and proven in the cited source for the ungraded case, and we use it in the graded case, then the cited proof needs little or no change to obtain the graded result. We illustrate this in the proof of prime avoidance (see Lemma A.2.1).

A.l Gradings Our attitude toward gradings has been strongly influenced by J. C. Moore, and so we use this section to make this viewpoint clear.1 DEFINITION: A graded over F is a family of vector spaces M = {M1 I i GZ}. The vector space M1 is called the component of degree i. If Mi = 0 for all i < 0, we call M a positively graded vector space over F. If dim^M/) is Unite for each i, we say that M is of finite type. If

1 There is a long tradition, particularly among algebraic topologists, for this viewpoint, and first used in a text book by S. Mac Lane ([232] page 177). If the reader feels uneasy with this, then the reader can apply what we call the totalization functor (see below) with the proviso that when we speak of elements of a graded object we mean homogeneous elements, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.

315 M and N are graded vector spaces over F, a morphism f :M—> N of graded vector spaces of degree d is a sequence of linear transformations [ft : My —> N1+Cj I i GZ}. If d = 0, we speak simply of a morphism of graded vector spaces.

NOTATION: The of all morphisms of degree d between two graded vector spaces M and N over the F will be denoted by Homp(M, iV)j, and Homp(M, A/")* for the graded object whose components are the HomF{M,N)d fordeZ. Graded vector spaces with Homp(M, A/)* as the morphisms between M and N do not form an abelian category: There are difficulties defining kernels, images, cokernels, and coimages caused by the graded maps of nonzero degrees. For example, iff : M—> N has degree d f 0 how should we grade Im(f)? With the degree coming from M or from AT? If we use Homp(M, N) = Homp(M, N)o as morphism set between M and Ar, then all is well and we get an abelian category.

REMARK: Graded objects and morphisms over any category are de­ fined analogously. If C is a category, then the graded objects over C are the families C = [C1 I i EZ}. We often write C* to indicate that C is a graded object, and Homc(--, —)* for the graded morphisms of any degree, and Homc(-, —) for those of degree zero. N.b., if no degree is explicitly mentioned for a morphism f : C —• C" between graded objects, then it is understood that the morphism has degree zero.

It would be more precise to call what we have defined Z-graded objects, but we will not do so unless we are forced to for the sake of precision. In this context, the k-fold suspension of an object C for k e Z is defined by k I> {C)i = Ci+k. Some text books call the suspension the it-fold shift of C and use the notation C[k] for what we denote by EkC.

An oft used convention for moving grading indices from subscripts to su­ perscripts is Ck = C_£. This convention was introduced by S. Eilenberg to turn chain complexes into cochain complexes, thereby obviating the need for twice as many proofs (see [103]).

REMARK: The use of the Z to index the grading is not essential. It should be clear how to define bigraded, trigraded, etc., objects, where the grading indices come from ZxZ,ZxZxZ, etc. But be warned: Contrary to popular belief, all is not well when the grading indices do not form a well-ordered set. See, for example, Section A.3, Example 1.

DEFINITION: A graded algebra A over the Held F is a graded vector space together with morphisms 77 : F —> A and 11 :A <8>A —> A such that1

2 So a graded algebra is not an algebra in the nongraded sense. the diagrams


1(> M A A ®A >A are commutative. Here we regard F as a graded vector space over itself concentrated in degree 0, i.e., all components apart from the zero component are the zero vector space, and the zero component is F. The first diagram expresses the fact that 77 (1) GA is a two-sided unit, and the second diagram that the associative law holds. The distributive laws are a consequence of/x being a . If A is positively graded and 77 is an on the component of degree 0, we say that A is connected. If A is connected, the map £ : A—> F defined by 77_1 in degree 0 and 0 in positive degrees is called the augmentation homomorphism; its kernel is called the augmentation ideal, and is denoted by A. The usual notions of theory, such as ideals, modules, finite generation, etc. may be carried over to graded algebras. For example if

A (g)A >A (8) A

A commutes, where T(a! ®an) = a" ®aJ is the (unsigned) twisting map, then we say that A is commutative. N.b. this is not the graded commutativity prevalent in algebraic . Likewise, one can introduce graded modules as follows: DEFINITION: Let A be a graded algebra over the Held F. A (left) graded module over A consists of a graded vector space M together with a map a :A ®M—>M such that the diagrams

LL®\ F^M-^M A ®A <8>M >A <8>M


A (8)M- •M M are commutative. In Section 4.5 we use the graded field of fractions of a graded integral domain. More generally a graded field is defined as follows: DEFINITION: A graded field is a commutative graded algebra with unit, which has the property that every nonzero (homogeneous) is invertible. A graded field K is not a field in the usual sense, but its degree-zero part Ko is. Moreover, the set 5 = {s \ Ks f 0} c= Z is an additive . If 5 f {0} and we choose a nonzero element ICEK of minimal positive degree m then one sees Ko[&, k~l] (see, e.g., [242] Lemma 1.2). For if n <= Z and n n x ^ Knm then x/k eKo so x = I >k with leKo. The element k is clearly transcendental over Ko so we find K is isomorphic to the ring of Laurent Ko[k, k~1]; see Chapter 2 in [290] for more information on graded field theory. There are several standard ways to pass back and forth between graded and ungraded modules, rings, etc. In one direction we can replace a graded object A by its totalization defined by Tot(A) = ®A1, thereby throwing away the grading. In the other direction we can regard a nongraded object B as graded by concentrating it in degree 0, i.e., by declaring BQ = B and B1 = 0 for i f 0. We often use the same symbol for a graded object and its ungraded totalization, as well as for an ungraded object and that object graded by being concentrated in degree 0: Be warned. DEFINITION: If A is a graded connected algebra over a field F and M is a graded A-module, then QA(M) = M/(A • M) is the module of indecomposable elements of M. The indecomposable elements of the algebra A, denoted by QA, are by definition QA, where A is regarded as a module over A. If A is a connected algebra over F, then A/A = F, and it is easy to see that QA(M) = F ®A M. When A is clear from context it is customary to write QM for QA(M): QA(M) is just a graded vector space over F. PROPOSITION A. 1.1 (Graded Nakayama Lemma): If A is a connected commutative algebra over a Held F and M is a positively graded A-module, then M = 0 if and only if QA(M) = 0. PROOF: If M = 0, then QA(M) = 0. Suppose, on the other hand, that QA(M) = 0. Since M is positively graded, My = 0 for i < 0, so we may

suppose inductively that we have shown that M1 = 0 for i < s. If x e Ms, then since QA (M) = M/(A • M) = 0, it follows that x = ^ ar • xr with a}• e A. Hence deg(a;) > 0, and therefore deg(x;) <5, so Xj = 0, and hence x = 0. •

COROLLARY A. 1.2: If A is a commutative graded connected algebra over a feld and M', M" are positively graded A-modules, then an A -module morphism f : M1 —> M" is surjective if and only if the map induced on 1 the module of indecomposables Qf : QA(M) —> QA(M)" is surjective.

PROOF: This follows immediately from the fact that the functor F ®A - sends epimorphisms to epimorphisms and Proposition A. 1.1. • DEFINITION: If X is a graded set and A a graded algebra, then a free A-module generated byX consists of an A-module F and a map X—> F of graded sets, such that for any graded A-module M and any map X—> M of graded sets, there exists a unique morphism of graded A-modules F—> M making the X > F

\/ M commute. A free module on any graded set always exists, and is unique up to isomor­ phism: It it is isomorphic to the direct sum of copies of A indexed by the elements of X and shifted by their grading. COROLLARY A. 1.3: Let A be a commutative graded connected algebra over a Geld and M an A-module. Then x\,..., xn,... e M generate M if and only if they project in QA(M) to a spanning set. PROOF: Form a free A-module F generated by elements zy of degree deg(xy), i = l,..., n, and define an A-module map ^ :F—> M by requiring that Zj\—>Xj for i = 1,..., n. Then apply the preceding corollary. •

Thus a basis for QA(M) lifts to an A-module generating set for M. Likewise a basis for Q(A) lifts to a minimal generating set for A as an algebra. If M is finitely generated as an A-module then M cannot be generated by fewer than dimp(Tot(Qy4(M))) elements, and the +

a-A(M) = mm{k\(QA(M))k?0} are the maximum and minimum degrees of generators in a minimal gen­ erating set. These integers have another interpretation in terms of graded A-module homomorphisms as shown in the following lemma. LEMMA A. 1.4: Let A be a graded connected algebra over the field F. If M andN are finitely generated A-modules then the minimal possible degree of a nonzero homomorphism of graded A-modules M—• N is cr^(N) - cr^(M). If'M is a free A module than this minimum is achieved. PROOF: Let L =A ® QA (M) be the free A -module generated by QA (M). Define an epimorphism i? :L —> M in the usual way, i.e., lift the elements of a basis x\,..., xs for QA(M) to elements xi,..., xs in M and demand that n$(xj)=Xj fori = l,..., s. IfcpiM—> N is nonzero then so is cp -i5 :L—> N. We have

HomA(L, N), = HomF(04(M)3 N). since L is free with basis QA(M). The module N is bounded below by vA(N) because A is nonnegatively graded. The vector space QA{M) is bounded above by (j\{M) so deg(^ • T?) = deg(^) > CJA(N) - crA(M). If we choose a nonzero F linear map £a+(M)—*^7-(JV) then it extends to a nonzero homomorphism of A-modules L —> N of degree oA(N) - cr^(M). •

Let A be a graded connected commutative algebra over a field F and M an A -module. M is called flat if the functor — ®A M is exact. M is called projective if every exact sequence of the form 0—>I — N—>M— 0 splits or, equivalently, the functor HomA(M, —) is exact. Over a general ring (i.e., not graded and connected) flat, projective, and free are different concepts, but in our case we have the following result: PROPOSITION A. 1.5: Let A be a commutative graded connected algebra over a Held F and M a positively graded A-module. Then the following are equivalent: (i) M is a free A-module. (ii) M is a projective A-module. (Hi) M is a flat A-module. l (iv) Tor A(F,M) = 0. PROOF: Clearly, (i) => (ii) => (Hi) =^> (iv), so it will suffice to show (iv)

=^> (i). Let q :M—> QA(M) = F ®A M denote the canonical projection. Choose a splitting a : QA(M) —> M as graded vector spaces and introduce the map of A -modules cp :A <8>F QA(M)—>M defined by cp(a ® v) = a • a(v). It is elementary to see that Q(A ®F QA(M)) ^QAIM) and Qcp is an isomorphism. By the corollary to Nakayama's lemma (Corollary A. 1.2), (f is an epimorphism, and there is the exact sequence

O^K^A ®F QA{M)-^M^ 0.

Applying the functor F ®A — to this sequence yields by virtue of (iv) the short exact sequence so QK = 0, and hence K = 0 by Nakayama's lemma (Proposition A. 1.1). •

A.2 Primary Decompositions and Integral Extensions

In this section we list some of the classical results in the ideal theory of commutative Noetherian rings in their graded versions; in particular, we review the Lasker-Noether theorem and the Krull and Cohen-Seidenberg relations. The following fact is basic to all that follows. LEMMA A.2.1 (Prime Avoidance Lemma): Let A be a commutative graded connected algebra over the Held F. (i) If an ideal I of A is contained in a finite union of prime ideals > • • • > Pk> then I *s contained in some py. (ii) If a prime ideal p of A contains a finite intersection of ideals I\,..., 4, then p contains Ij for some j e {1,..., k}. PROOF: If we reexamine the classical proof of the first statement, e.g., [20] Proposition 1.11, we observe that it involves the construction of an explicit element, which might not be homogeneous, i.e., might not exist in A regarded as a graded algebra. So we need to revise the proof a bit. We proceed by induction. If k = 1, there is nothing to prove, so we may suppose that k>\ and that the result has been established for k-1. Suppose that J is an ideal of A that is not contained in any of the pi,..., Pk- We can, of course, then choose for each i = 1,..., k an element a; e J such that ay £ p;- whenever; fi. If for some i we have ay £ py also, then ay £ upy, so / £ upy, and we are done. Otherwise, let d; = deg(ay) and d be the least common multiple of d\,..., <4 • Since ay ^ Pj for ; f i and p;- is a prime

ideal, ay =aj' ' also does not belong to p;- for; fi. The elements Jy all have degree d, so we can form

k b =J2al--ir'-ak, y=i which is an element of A of degree (k- l)d. It belongs to J but not to any Pi,..., P£, so J jfc upy as was to be shown. The proof of the second statement is straightforward: If p does not contain any of the 4,..., 4, then we may choose elements ay e iy such that ay ^ p. The product of these elements lies in each iy and hence also in their intersection, but not in p, since it is prime. This is a contradiction. •

REMARK: Note that we used the primality of all the ideals py. So, the usual remark after proving (i), we used only the fact that pn was prime, and even this is necessary only if n > 2. So in fact, it suffices to assume that all except possibly two of the py are prime does not apply to our graded proof. In fact, as the following example shows, this strengthened form of the statement of prime avoidance is false in the graded case. EXAMPLE 1: Consider the algebra A = F[x,y]/(xy, y2), where x and y have degree one. The only elements in this ring are scalar multiples of I, y, x, x1,... and the ideal (y) is prime in A since A/(y)=¥[x]. Moreover, (x,y) = (x) u (y), but (x,y) is not a of either (x) or (y). The prime avoidance lemma is one of the key ingredients that is needed for much of classical ideal theory, e.g., the Lasker-Noether theorem. Let A be a commutative graded connected algebra over a field. Classically, an ideal m is called maximal if it is not contained in any proper ideal of A. Since A is connected and positively graded, it has a unique maximal ideal consisting of all the elements of A of strictly positive degree. This is the augmentation ideal A. Recall that an ideal / of A is a primary ideal if whenever a,b <=A with a • b e J, and a not in /, then some positive power of b belongs to /. The radical of an ideal i", denoted by vT, is the ideal of all a GA such that some positive power of a lies in /. If q is primary, then yjq is prime. These properties of ideals are equivalent to certain properties of the quotient algebra obtained from A by dividing by the ideal. For example: • An ideal m <= A is maximal if and only if A/m is a field. © An ideal p <= A is prime if and only if A/p is an integral domain. • An ideal q <= A is a primary ideal if and only if every in A/q is nilpotent. The following theorem provides us with a description of an arbitrary ideal in terms of primary ones. THEOREM A.2.2 (E. Lasker, E. Noether): If I is any ideal in a commu­ tative graded connected Noetherian algebra over a Held, then there are a Unite number of primary ideals q\,..., qn such that (i) I = q\ n-

c\xn--c\c\n, = 1 = q" n--r\ q„„ are two irredundant primary decompositions of/, then n' =n", and after possibly reordering, Jq^ = Jq". The ideals \fq\,..., ^ in an irredundant primary decomposition of / are called the associated prime ideals of /, and denoted by Ass(J). A minimal associated prime3 of I is called an isolated prime of/. The isolated primes of/ are the minimal prime ideals among those that include /, and VT is the intersection of the isolated primes of/. Finally, we recall the Theorems ofW. Krull and I. S. Cohen-A. Seidenberg.4 Although the usual proofs of these theorems use localization techniques,

3 I.e., an associated prime of 7 containing no other associated prime of J. 4 One of us, having a German mathematical education, learned to call the statements of The­ orem A.2.3 the Krull relations. However, the other author, with an American background, refers to them as the Cohen-Seidenberg theorems. Indeed, both names are somehow justified: W. Krull proved these results first in the context of integral domains, [212], while I. S. Cohen and A. Seidenberg generalized them to rings with zero divisors [75]. Moreover, concerning these are compatible with the grading, and so can be considered as ade­ quate to prove the following graded analogues; cf Section 5.4 in [372], in particular Theorems 5.4.2 and 5.4.5. THEOREM A.2.3: Suppose that A1 ^.A" is an integral extension of commutative graded connected algebras over the field F. (i) (Lying-Over): If pn is a prime ideal of An, then there is a prime ideal p of A1 with p nA" = p". There are no strict inclusions between such prime ideals pf. In this situation we say that p' lies over p". (ii) (Going-Up): Ifp" =2 PQ are prime ideals in A" and p'0 is a prime ideal in A1 lying over PQ , then there is a prime ideal p[ in A1 lying over p" with p[ =2 p'0. (Hi) (Preserving Maximality): Ifp' ^A' lies over p" <=A", then one is maximal if and only if the other is. (iv) (Incomparability): If p'0, p[ ^A' lie over the same prime ideal p" ^A", then they are incomparable, i.e., neither is contained in the other. •

THEOREM A.2.4: Suppose that A' ^.A" is an integral extension of commutative graded integral domains over the Held ¥, A" is integrally closed, and the corresponding extension IFIF(A') => IFIF(An) of graded Helds of fractions is normal.5 Then: (1) (Transitivity): The Galois group G = Gal(FF(A') I IFIF(A")) acts transitively on the prime ideals p! of A1 lying over a given prime ideal p" of A", (ii) (Going-Down): If p(/ <= p" are prime ideals in A" and p[ is a 1 ! prime ideal of A lying over p", then there is a prime ideal p 0 in ! A' lying over p'^ , with p 0 c= p[. •

A.3 Noetherian Algebras A system of parameters for an algebra A over the field F is a of elements h\,..., hn in A such that the ring extension F[h\,..., hn] £^A is finite. For the proof of the following theorem we refer to Theorem 5.3.3 in [372].

Theorem A.2.4, in particular the going-down statement, we find that W. Krull indeed observed that going-down does not hold in as great a generality as going-up, Satz 4 in [212]. He calls this "einen unerwarteten und sehr schmerzlichen Schonheitsfehler," page 751 loc. cit. Again, he proves the result in the absence of zero divisors, Satz 6 loc. cit, while I. S. Cohen and A. Seidenberg give a proof in full generality, Theorem 5 in [75]. They also give examples that show that none of the assumptions can be removed, Section 3 loc. cit. 5 The field extension FIF(A') ^ IFF(A") is called normal when every irreducible polynomial over IFF(A") with a root in FF(A') splits completely in FF(A"). It is not necessary for the extension to be separable. THEOREM A.3.1 (Noether Normalization Theorem): Let A be a finitely generated commutative graded connected algebra over a field ¥. Then A has a system of parameters. Any system of parameters for A consists of algebraically independent elements. Moreover, the following integers are equal: (i) the number of elements in a system of parameters, (ii) the smallest integer r such that there exist r elements a\,..., ar^A with A/{a\,..., ar) totally finite, (Hi) the largest integer s such that there exist s algebraically indepen­ dent elements in A, (iv) the length t of the longest strictly increasing chain

Po <= Pi <= • • • <= Vt <= A of prime ideals in A. The common value of the integer in (i), (ii), (Hi), and (iv) is the Krull dimension of A, and is denoted by dim(A). •

This result allows us to consider any finitely generated commutative graded connected algebra A over a field as a finite extension of a polynomial algebra of the same Krull dimension, i.e., as a finitely generated module over a polynomial algebra. The choice of such a polynomial subalgebra N ^A, i.e., of a system of parameters a\,..., an^A we call a Noether normalization for A. A system of parameters always consists of algebraically independent elements, but the converse can be false: For example, xy,y2 e F[x,/] are algebraically independent, but not a system of parameters. Thus, while the numbers in (i) and (ii) of Theorem A.3.1 are always equal, this does not imply that any algebraically independent set of elements of length dim(A) form a system of parameters. EXAMPLE 1: The Noether normalization theorem is not correct for multigraded algebras. Consider the bigraded polynomial algebra F[x,/] where deg(x) = (1, 0) and deg(/) = (0, 1). Let A be the quotient algebra ¥[x,y]/(xy). Then A has no bigraded Noether normalization. The usual choice, ¥[x + 7], is no longer a bigraded subalgebra of A because the element x +y does not belong to A: The elements x and 7 lie in different bidegrees, so cannot be added together. PROPOSITION A.3.2: Let A be a commutative graded connected algebra over the field ¥. Then A is Noetherian if and only if A is finitely generated. PROOF: If A is finitely generated, then there is an epimorphism cp : ¥[X\,..., Xk] —> A obtained by choosing algebra generators a\,..., a^ <= A and demanding that cp(X;) = ay, for i = 1,..., k. As a quotient of the Noetherian algebra ¥[X\,..., X^\, A is also Noetherian. Conversely, if A is Noetherian, let m <= A be the maximal ideal. By D. Hilbert's basis theorem the ideal m is finitely generated by, say, m\,..., mk. Let B <= A be the subalgebra generated by m\,..., mk. Then A is finite over B because B contains m\,...} m^. Hence B contain a system of parameters, say b\,..., bn for A. If a\,..., a\ generate A as a S-module, then

b\,..., bn,a\,..., a\ generate A as an algebra over F. •

The nonconnected version of Theorem A.3.2 is false: See the ingenious example of Nagata, [269], Appendix, Example 1. Here is another example of a result that does not remain valid in the nongraded and unconnected case: the wallflower theorem (Theorem 3.1) in [291]: THEOREM A.3.3 (Wallflower): Let H be a reduced graded connected al­ gebra over a Held. Then H is Noetherian if and only if its integral closure H is Noetherian. •

REMARK: Let H be a reduced graded connected algebra over a field F as in the preceding theorem. If F is not algebraically closed then the integral closure H may have a different ground field, i.e., degree zero component. Even worse, it might not be connected, [7]: (i) If H is an integral domain, then the ground field of H becomes the algebraic closure F of F. (ii) If H contains zerodivisors, then the degree-zero part Ho of the integral closure consists_of the algebraic closure of F and, possibly, some zerodivisors, i.e., H is possibly no longer connected. Conversely, if H is connected with ground field K, then H is connected with ground field F, where F c_> K is an algebraic field extension. For example, consider the polynomial algebra ¥[x] in one linear generator over a field F that is not algebraically closed. Choose an element fe F \ F, where F is the algebraic closure of F, of degree zero. Consider the F- subalgebra of ¥[x] generated by x zndfx. ThenH = F[x, fx] is connected with ground field F. However, its integral closure J7 = F[x] has changed its ground field to F = HQ, while remaining connected in the sense that Ho = F is a field and Hy a vector space over F for i G NO. Finally, in the category of unstable algebras over the Steenrod algebra the above phenomena cannot occur. In other words, ifH is a connected unsta­ ble ¥q-algebra then H is a connected unstable ¥q -algebra. This is because the degree zero component of an unstable algebra is a q -Boolean algebra; see [291].

The Krull dimension of F[ui,..., u„] is obviously n, since u\,...} un A is an epimorphism, then any proper chain of prime ideals Po ^ Pi <= • • • <= Pt ^ A pulls back via cp to a proper chain of prime ideals

^(PO) ^^(PI) £=••• ^ A defined by cp(u;) = 2; for i = 1,..., n is an epimorphism, and the result follows from the preceding discussion. •

If there is a system of parameters a\,..., an eA such that A is a free F[ai,..., an]-module, then A is called Cohen-Macaulay. Luckily, Macau- lay's theorem, [25] Theorem 3.3.5 or [372] Corollary 6.7.7, assures us that if one system of parameters has this property, then all systems of parameters do. To wit: THEOREM A.3.5 (F. S. Macaulay): Let A be a commutative graded con­ nected algebra over the Held F. If A is Cohen-Macaulay then every system of parameters is a regular sequence. •

Notice that when N ^A is a Noether normalization and A is Cohen- Macaulay, then, since A is a finite extension of N, the Poincare series of A//N =F ®N A is a polynomial with nonnegative integral coefficients. Since, moreover, A = N <8>p A//N as N-modules, and hence also as graded vector spaces, we have an equality of Poincare series

P(A, ,) - m o. PW/ti o - (1.tl.,l)(^.°.(1.tlal),

where N = ¥[a \,..., an] and a\,..., an ^ A is a system of parameters. P(A//N, t) is a polynomial with nonnegative integral coefficients, and being able to write the Poincare series in this form is an additional requirement for an algebra to be Cohen-Macaulay; see, e.g., [400]. In fact, phrased properly, this condition is necessary and sufficient [127]. We will often make use of a consequence of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz ([25] Corollary 1.1.12), which provides a criterion for when h\,..., hn <= F[V], dimp(y) =n, are a system of parameters; see, e.g., [372] Proposition 5.3.7.

PROPOSITION A.3.6: h 1,..., hn^¥[zx,11., zn] are a system of param­ eters if and only if for every field extension F ^ F the variety of common n zeros V>(hi,..., hn\ F) of h\,..., hn in¥ , namely n {(xx,..., xn) e ¥ I Ay(xi,..., xn)=0 for i = l,..., n} consists of the point (0,..., 0) alone. •

A.4 Graded Algebras and Modules

It is often necessary to verify that elements h\,..., hn in a commutative graded algebra H over the field F are algebraically independent over F. The following lemma, while elementary in character, seems not to be as well known as it ought to be. LEMMA A.4.1 (Derivation Lemma): Let H be a commutative connected graded algebra over the Held ¥, h\,..., hn ^H, and d\,..., dn :H±D derivations. Suppose that

0i(Ai diihn) det fo dn(hn)

and is not a zero divisor. Then h\. hn are algebraically independent. PROOF: Without loss of generality we can assume that F is perfect by passing to an algebraic closure.

Introduce the polynomial algebra ¥[X\,..., Xn], where deg(Xy) = deg(Ay) for i = 1,..., n, and define the map cp : F[X\,..., Xn] —> H by the re­ quirement that cp(X;) = h; for i = \,..., n. We need to show that cp is a monomorphism. So, suppose it is not, and choose r(Xi,..., Xn) e ker(^) to be a nonzero element of minimal degree. Then


If we apply <9; to this equation, we receive by the chain rule dh 0 = dir(hu...,hn) d,r, t 9X:- \{XU...,Xn)={hU...,hn) ;'=i for i = 1,..., n. If we rearrange the terms and write this as one equation instead of n separate equations, we obtain

3iAi d\hn dXl 0 = dr dnhi dnhn dXn J (Xl,...,XnMhl,...,hn)

Since det[9yA;-] ^0, and also is not a zero divisor, we conclude from Cramer's rule that dr dr 0 dXy (Xlt...,Xn)=(hu...,hn) dXn (Xu...,Xn)={hu...,hn) If for some 1

REMARK: The converse of this lemma can fail in characteristic p f 0. p p For example, if Fp is the Galois field with p elements, then x , y e Fp [x, y] are algebraically independent but their Jacobian matrix is identically zero. We next review some of the theory of associated primes for graded modules over Noetherian algebras over a field. This material is all standard and, in ungraded form, may be found in [24] and [25]. We adopt the definition that a prime ideal p <= A is an associated prime of an A-module M if there exists a nonzero element xv e M whose annihilator ideal is exactly p. LEMMA A.4.2: Let A be a commutative graded connected Noetherian algebra over the Held F and M a nonzero A -module. Then the set Ass^ (&f) of associated prime ideals ofM is nonempty. PROOF: Consider the set Ann^(M) = JAnn^x) I x

b{ax) = (ab)x = 0} since ab el. Hence b e AnnA(ax) =1 as required. •

NOTATION: The set of associated prime ideals of the A -module M is denoted by Ass^(M). This leads to the conflict of notation and usage that for an ideal / <= A, Ass(J) does not denote the associated prime ideals of I as an A-module. The associated prime ideals of I as an A-module are usually uninteresting. The associated prime ideals of / as an ideal as explained following Theorem A.2.2 are the associated primes of (0) ^ A/I regarded as an A- module. The context in which the phrase associated primes is used usually clarifies the meaning. The next goal is to show that Ass^(M) is finite when M is a Noetherian module over a Noetherian ring. LEMMA A.4.3: Let A be a commutative graded connected algebra over the Geld F and 0—> M'-^M-^M"—>0 a short exact sequence of A-modules. Then ! AssA(M) c AssA(M ) KJASSA(M").

PROOF: Let p e AssA(M) and choose x e M with p = Ann^x). Let N be the submodule of M generated by x e M. Then A/p^N under the map6 a+ph->ax. If JV n M' f {0}, choose 7 G JV n M' and note that the annihilator ideal of 7 is p3 for 7 = ax f 0 for some 3 e A with a <£ p, and 6(ax) = 0 if and only if ba e p, which is equivalent to fe e p. Therefore p e AssA(M'). On the other hand, ifJVnM'= {0} then the map 9?" induces a monomorphism N =A/p <^>M", so setting z = 95" (x) we see that p = Ann^(z) e Ann^(M"). This means that p e Ass(M') or peAss(M"). D

LEMMA A.4.4: Let A be a commutative graded connected Noetherian algebra over the Geld F and M a Gnitely generated A-module. Then the set AssA(M) is Gnite.

PROOF: If M = {0}, there is nothing to prove. If M f {0}3 then by Lemma A.4.2 Ass^(M) f 0, so we may choose pi = Ann^xi) e AssA(M). Let M\ denote the A -submodule of M generated by xi, so M\ = A/p\. Assume inductively that we have constructed a chain of submodules

{0}=M0 c=M! <= ... <=M* c=M with the property that

Mj/Mi-i = A/pis i = 1,..., £, where pi,..., pk <= A are prime ideals. If M^ f M, then we form M/Mk and choose an element xk+x e M/Mk with Ann^^+j) = pk+l ^Az prime ideal. Since M is Noetherian, this process comes to an end after finitely many, say 5, steps with a chain of submodules

{0} = M0 <= Mi cz ... c: Ms = M having the property that MJM-^-A/pi, i = l,..., 5, where Pi,..., ps ^ A are prime ideals. Successive application of Lemma

6 This map may have a nonzero degree, but this is of no consequence for the argument here. A.4.3 to the short exact sequences

0 —> MM —> My —> Mi/Mi-i —> 0 for i = 1,..., s then yields

AssA(M) ^{Pl,..., p5} as desired. D

An important step in the proof of Lemma A.4.4 is worthy of being singled out as a result for future reference. LEMMA AA5 (Prime Filtration Lemma): Let A be a connected, commu­ tative, graded Noetherian algebra over the field F andM a Hnitely generated A-module. Then there exists a filtration

{0} = M0 <= Mi <= • • • <= Ms = M with the property that Mj/Mj.^A/vi, i = l,..., s, where Pi,..., ps ^ A are prime ideals and Ass(M) <= {pj,..., ps}. • References

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LACK ART is what many have named the magic worked by a master printer when they have seen the results of their own feeble efforts T3 transformed into print. Designing a layout and choosing type faces can indeed be mystifying subjects for one not versed in the intricacies of the printing profession. Yet, "If typography is to make any sense at all then it must make visual and historical sense" [42]. TgX and the computer have not changed this, they have only moved the burden of choices from the printer to us, the authors. Invariant theory is a classical mathematical theme: It deserves a classical type face. In this case the choice fell to Garamond, originally attributed to Claude Garamond, who died in 1561: At present it is generally accepted to have been designed byjeanjannon in 1615- This is a type face that has seen little use in mathemtical publications in recent years. The actual text face used in this book is URW Design Studio's URWGaramondT-Regular, which is a digital rendition of the classic Garamond typeface. The companion fonts of the Garamond family,1 viz., italic, bold, and bold italic make their appearance where appropriate. The nominal 10 point type of this implementation is very small on the sort and has been set here at 11.5 point. The sianrfont used for the statements of theorems, propositions, etc., and the text of definitions, problems, etc., is produced from the roman by PostScript trickery. A companion sansserif font was not easy to find, and in this instance the face is URWImperialT in its four variations; regular, bold, italic, and bold italic.

1 It should be noted that the notion of a type family post dates the design of Garamond by many hundred years: bold face types became part ot the printers' repertoire only in the 19-th century, and it was not always the case that a type face had a companion italic face. In the past, type faces for the roman and italic of distinct provenance would be mixed when they complemented each other properly.

357 As an aid to the reader we have tried to be consistent in the usage of certain fonts for specific purposes. We have used the bold face companion font URWGaramond-RegularBold to indicate a term that is being defined, whether in a definition or the running text. The italic font URWGaramond-RegularOblique has been used for emphasis. On a few occasions where nothing else seemed to work we resorted to URWGaramond-BoldOblique to emphasize our point. The font URWImperialTBold has been used for matrices and linear trans­ formations, as in, e.g., T:V—> W, as well as Noether normalizations, as in N = F[hi,..., hn] <= A, the Dickson algebra D(n), and the Dickson polynomials dni. The font U^VDliltBc^tDabcc^er^ has been used for special kinds of ideals, such as prime ideals, e.g., p, as well as for varieties, e.g., £, whether projective or affine, and now and again some older concepts, such as transvections, t, orbit sums, &(xK), rings of integers, £>, in number fields, and the Hilbert ideal, I>. Particularly in connection with the Steenrod algebra we make heavy use of various script fonts of unknown origins, e.g., £?*, £PJ, and P , as well as the font ZapfChancery Medium Italic, designed by Hermann Zapf in 1979 for the International Typographical Corporation. The lowercase Greek letters are based on the data from the Greek charac­ ter set created by Dr. A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S. National Bureau of Standards. The BlackBoardBoldFace font is derived from a digitalization of the font Caslon, designed by William Caslon in 1725, and manipulation of the PostScript source to turn it into an outline font. Mak­ ing it available to TgX required considerable kerning. As for the layout, the second author is responsible for that. It is based on what he learned as an apprentice printer many decades ago. Notation

• indicates the end of a proof, prime ideal (p) or that what has been stated will Zp denotes Z completed at the not be proved. prime ideal (p) 0 field of rational numbers map(X, Y) the set of maps from Qp field of fractions of Zp the set X to the set Y Qp field of fractions of Zp map(X, Y)* the set of graded R field of real numbers maps from the graded set X to G field of complex numbers the graded set Y v Fg field with q elements (q =p , I —I number of element of— p e N a prime) a | b a divides b Fx invertible elements in field F a • • • b • • • c the symbol under the F the algebraic closure of field F n ^ is omitted PF(JI) of ¥ , i.e., the set of 1-dimensional sub- map(X, Y) is the set of all maps spaces of Fn from X to Y <&d(y) the Grassmann variety of map(X, Y)* is the graded set of codimension d linear subspaces graded maps from the graded set oiV X to the graded ste Y <&(V) the Grassmann variety of N = {1, 2, 3,..., }, the natural all linear subspaces of V, i.e., numbers No = {0, 1, 2,..., }, the nonneg- ative integers GL(n, F) the group of n x n Z = {,..., -2,-1,0,1,2,..., }, invertible matrices over F the ring of integers SL(i2, F) subgroup of GL(i3, F) Z/m the integers modulo m, of matrices A with detA= 1 cyclic group of order m En the symmetric group of the n- Zp denotes Z localized at the element set

359 e An the alternating subgroup of rings and /^A an ideal, then I is the extended ideal in B c D2k dihedral group of order 2k J if A c= B is an inclusion of Qg quaternion group, of order 8 rings and / cz B an ideal, then c Q4k generalized quaternion group J =J c\A is the contracted ideal of order 4k inE \G:H\ the index of the sub­ \7 the radical of the ideal / group H in G A//B if cp :B-^A thenF^A F(G) the group algebra of the IFF (A) field of fractions of A group G over the field F Aut(A) the automorphisms of A F(G) the group ring of the group Hom#(M, N) the A-homomor- G over field F phisms from M to N s(G) the set of pseudorefelctions in G I identity matrix detA the of the ma­ sA(G) the set of diagonalizable pseudoreflections in G trix A s^(G) the set of nondiagonaliz- t(cp,x) the transvection defined by cp <= V* and x e V able pseudoreflections in G tr(A) the trace of the matrix A 5(H) the set of all transvections Mat ^(F) vector space of m xn with hyperplane HgV m matrices over F V* dual vector space of V, if F is Mat^(F) vector space of n xn the groundfield then symmetric matrices over F V* = HomF(V,F) O semitensor product bifunctor F[V] algebra of functions on the vec­ fit(I) the height of an ideal / tor space V cfp(A) the depth of a ring A S(V) on the AssA(M) the set of associated vector space V prime ideals of the A -module M E(V) exterior algebra on the vec­ Zero^(M) the zero divisors in A tor space V on the A-module M T(V) tensor algebra on the vector HtyjA(M) the regular elements in space V A on the A-module M H(V) =E(V) ®F F[V] (the coho- Spec(A) prime ideal spectrum of mology of V with coefficients in the algebra A F when suitably graded) hom-codim(A) homological co- dimension of a ring A (an histor­ E l 2 e n z = z\ -z| • • -z n a in ically older term for the depth of z\}..., zn, E is called the expo­ nent sequence hom-dim(A) homological dim­ ey ith elementary symmetric poly­ ension of a ring A, i.e., an upper nomial bound for the lengths of projec­ e(I) Ith polarized elementary tive resolutions of A-modules symmetric polynomial F[V]G ring of invariants of G Ie if A <= B is an inclusion of fc(G) Hilbert ideal of G F[V]^ module of x-relative in­ X^fy category of unstable finitely variants of G generated algebras over £?* ; Proj.y(H) spectrum of homoge­ £P ith Steenrod reduced power neous unstable prime ideals of over a Galois field the unstable algebra H Sq; ith Steenrod squaring opera­ J Lam's _7-functor on ideals tion over the field F2 EF [V]o^(H) injective hull of H 2?* Steenrod algebra over a Ga­ in ^[v] lois field )(m) mth dual Brown-Gitler U category of unstable modules module in U over £?>* IF [V]o.j>*(m) ^th dual Brown- ZLF [yj category of unstable Gitler module in the category ¥q[V] (8) ^-modules % category of unstable algebras '"VTT ^-inseparable closure of over ^ the unstable algebra H Index

2-dimensional integer representation Atiyah-Bott fixed-point theorem 50 222 augmentation homomorphism 9 3-dimensional integer representation augmentation ideal 8, 317 226 augmentations homomorphism 317 Auslander-Buchsbaum equality 19, A(n,X,G) 62 251 AM] 22 averaging map 47

AG = F®AGA 10 averaging operator 151 An 27, 75 AGm ={AGm.x)G 11 bma 294 AGoo=A/?oc 11 bar construction 174, 298 AssA(M) 328 basic 234 3 -%F be warned 318 abelian groups 193 bigrade 174 absolutely flat 285 bigraded 316 Adem-Wu relations 231,234 bigrading 116 admissible monomial 234 bireflections 146, 308 151, 168, 268 block Chern classes 98 algebra of coinvariants 8, 10 blocks 89 algebra of invariants 4 Borel group 216 algebraic closure 325 bottom orbit Chern class 79 algebraic finiteness 12, 29 bounded below 45 algebraically closed 266 Brauer lift 49 alternating group 17, 27, 75, 209, Brown-Gitler module 248 211 Bullett-Macdonald identity 231 alternating polynomials 5 Burnside's lemma 60 arrangement of hyperplanes 160 Artin-Rees lemma 249 Ci(B) 78 associated partition 69 cmp(B) 79 associated prime 137, 328 CGAFq 230 associated prime of a module 137, cofixG(M) 101 328 Cartan formulae 229 363 category of graded A -modules 118 contraction 268 Cauchy-Frobenius Proposition 60 contravariant variable 174 center 209 converges to 175 central series 210 covariant variable 174 character 146 Coxeter group 17, 212 character field 187 Coxeter groups 187 character theory 194 Coxeter, H. S. M. 187 characteristic 0 lift 49 Cramer's rule 126 Chern class, top 79 criterion of D. Bourguiba and S. Chevalley, C. 190 Zarati 22 class equation 57 cyclic group 42, 65, 207 class of nilpotency 210 cyclotomic algebra 48 classical groups 216 cyclotomic integers 48 classical invariant theory 2 codimension 129, 139, 247 48 codimension of an algebra 139 deg(AlC) 203 cofactor matrix 126 deg(-) 105 Cohen-Macaulay 19, 21, 25, 146, det -relative invariant 195 193, 326 d(M) 69 Cohen-Macaulay algebra 278 D(n) 21, 152 Cohen-Macaulay algebras 115 D(n) O ^ 247 Cohen-Macaulay property 129 D(n)^ 270 Cohen-Seidenberg relations 268, 320, D(n)u 289 322 dn,i 21 Cohen-Macaulay 213 Dade bases 99 coherent 32 Dade basis 31, 100, 173 cohomological finiteness 18 Dade's condition 100 cohomology of a group with coeffi­ Dade's construction 18 cients in a Koszul complex 174 Dade, E. 18 cohomology of cyclic group 177 Dedekind's Lemma 34 coinvariant 177 defined over £> 48 coinvariants 8, 9, 32, 194 degree 203 coinvariants of pseudoreflection groups degree bounds 310 194 degree of a module 105 combinatorial finiteness 14, 45 degree of a monomial 3 complete flag 110, 164 degree of a ring 105 complete intersection 20, 146 Degree Theorem 105 complete intersections and stabilizer degree theorem 107 subgroups 307 degree-zero component 285, 294 complex pseudoreflection groups 187 delta function basis 79 component 316 delta functions 79 component of a in TJJ(H) 285 depth 18, 19 component of TJJ 284 depth and stabilizer subgroups 307 Composite Functor Theorem 174 depth conjecture 21, 247 concentrated in degree 0 318 depth of an algebra 129 configuration of hyperplanes 103, Derivation Lemma 327 267, 270 diagonalizable 195 configuration of lines 103 Dickson algebra 21, 139, 152, 225, semigroup lemma 206 255, 271 connected graded algebra 317 Dickson algebra of degree 2 80 conormal sequence 304 Dickson polynomial 21, 213 Dickson polynomial, top 155 Example, GL(2, Fp) 213 Dickson polynomials 105, 153, 173, Example, SI 54 225 Example, h 191 Dickson, L.E. 156 Example: PSL(2, Fg) 230 di-cyclic group 131, 216 Example Q(n,F) 309 differential 116 Example. 0+(2,Fp) 213,218 dihedral group 50, 82, 108, 127, 218, Example. O+fo Fq) 309 219 ExampL 0_(2,FP) 213 dihedral group of order 2p 11 ExampL Q.(n, Fq) 309 dimension, global 118 ExampL Qs 82, 94, 98, 216, 274 direction 156 ExampL Qn 173 direction of a pseudoreflection 186 ExampL direction of a transvection 156 Q% 131 discriminant 5, 35 ExampL X3 9, 225 divided polynomial algebra 178 ExampL Ln 5, 35 dominance ordering 70 ExampL SL(2,FP) 213 double complex 174 ExampL SL,(2, Fp)- 213 doubly polarized elementary symmet­ ExampL SL(2,Fg) 104 ric polynomials 91 ExampL SL(2, F) 230 ExampL SL(i3,Fg) 273 ExampL SGU(2,FP) 215 E[V] 116 ExampL SO_(2, Fp) 215 E 230 ExampL SQS(2m,Fq) 309 E(V,W,k) 249 ExampL SO-(2m,Fq) 309 E*(M) 247 ExampL SO(2m + l,Fg) 309 EFq[V]QAM) 248 ExampL Sp(2, F2) 213 Eagon-Hochster theorem 130 ExampL Sp(n,Fq) 276 Eilenberg, S. 121 ExampL Sylp(GL(2,Fp) 215 Eilenberg-Moore 174 Exampl Uni(2, Fp) 215 elementary matrix 110 Exampl Uni(i2,Fg) 110 embedding property 242 Exampl Up(2,Fp) 216 embedding theorem 243, 272, 291 Exampl W^(F4) 262 essential monomorphism 249 Exampl 23, 26, 32, 39, 43, 59, 178 133, 222 Euler class 104, 155, 213, 230, 270, Exampl 222, 223 273 Exampl 56 Euler's formula 119, 127 Exampl 38, 64, 223 exactness of Ty 284 Example, 7, 39, 43, 147, 223 Example 0(3, Fq) 230 Example, XZ/2 226 Example, An 5, 75 ExampL 224 Example, D8 82, 127 ExampL X\Z/2 226 Example, D10 149 ExampL 46, 50, 213, 216 Example, D2(p+\) 219 ExampL Z/m 208 Example, D2k 50, 108 ExampL 65, 161, 173 Example, D2m 218 Example, Z/pxZ/p 164 Example, D2p 11, 218, 219 Example, alternating group 5 Example, D4e 217 ExampL dihedral group 82 Example, Dkp 218,219 ExampL Frobenius group 280 Example, D(2) 80 ExampL orthogonal groups 308 Example, G e^ GL(2, F) 172 ExampL special orthogonal groups Example, Gpim_x 216 308 Example, GL(2, Fp) 80 Example, Stong's 164 Example, symmetric group 5 fractal of the Dickson algebra 270, Examples, %/m 207 278 excess 237 fractal property 155, 271 exponent sequence 69 fractal property of the Dickson alge­ extended ideal 8 bra 271 extension 268 fractal property of the Steenrod alge­ exterior algebra 116 bra 271 free R-module on a set 57 Freyd's adjoint functor theorem 284 F 4 Frobenius homomorphism 21, 227 Fun(5, F) 79 Frobenius map 271 Fun(L F F, F) 4 Frobenius subgroup 280 &R(X) 57 fundamental class 124, 194 F[V] 2 Fundamental Theorems 24 F[V]G 4 F[V]<> 6 ®d(V) 269 F[V]G 8 G-invariant configuration 103 F[V]m 3 G-set 57 FH 3 G-stable 6 FP(f) 48 Gu 20 F 2 GL(2, F3) 82 F>nm] 228 GL(2, Fp) 80 FJV] O/T 247 GL(3,Z) 226 FF(A) 105 GL(n,Fqh 289 factorial 25 Galois embedding theorem 245 faithful 5 Galois field 2 Feshbach's transfer theorem 40, 42, generalized Landweber-Stong conjec­ 169, 268 ture 254 feshbach, M. 171 generalized quaternion group 131, field of fractions 25, 26, 105, 106, 173 107, 242 generalized quaternion groups 217 fine Chern classes 91, 92 global dimension d 118 fine orbit Chern classes 16, 98 global dimension 118 finite p -group 102,103 going down 323 finite extension 31 going up 323 finite length 118 good primes 187 finite symplectic group 276 Gorenstein 54, 213 finite type 45, 316 Gorenstein ring 146 finite, noetherian 14 Gorenstein rings 143 finiteness, algebraic 12 graded algebra 316 finiteness, combinatorial 14 graded algebra of maps 287 finiteness, homological 13 graded algebra of polynomial func­ First Fundamental Theorem 25 tions 2 First Main Theorem of Invariant The­ graded complete intersection 68 ory 86 graded field 105 fixed point freely 11 graded field of fractions 105, 317 fixed-point set 173 graded module 317 flag 164 graded vector space 316 flag of subspaces 110 grading, negative 248 flat 320 gradings 315 forms 2 Grassmann variety 269 forms, as functions 3 group action 1 group algebra 6 index sequence 234 group of odd order 27 injective hull 247, 248, 251 Gdbel's bound 74, 149 integer representation 221 Gobel's Theorem 46, 69, 73 integral extension 31, 320 Gobel, M. 18 integral extensions and the functor T 292 H O ^-module 266 integrally closed 25 H*(G;(X, d)) 174 internal degree 117, 174 hom-codim(—) 139 7th polarized elementary symmetric hom-dim-(-) 118 polynomial 87 height 42 intertwining action 287 Herbrand's lemma 178 invariant ideal 23, 259, 260 higher center 209 invariant ideals 23 higher-order differential operator 229 invariant prime ideal spectrum 266 Hilbert function 14 invariants of 7*/p in characteristic p Hilbert ideal 9, 167 160 Hilbert's basis theorem 1, 30 inverse invariant theory problem 22 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz 1, 326 Inverse Invariant Theory Problem Hilbert's syzygy theorem 1 241 Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem 114 irreducible ideal 143 Hilbert's syzygy theorem 118 irreducible representation 75 Hilbert-Serre Theorem 66 irredundant primary decomposition Hilbert-Serre Theorem 67 322 homological algebra 13 isolated prime 322 homological codimension 19, 129, of a square 82 173 isometries of the square 127 homological degree 116 isotropy group 35, 57, 60 homological dimension 118 isotropy subgroup 75, 308 homological finiteness 13 isotypic component 6 homological properties 278 iterated fixed-point filtration 101 Hopf algebra 231 iterated fixed-point length 101 hyperplane 156, 186 iterated fixed-point set 101 hyperplane of a pseudoreflection 186 hyperplane of a transvection 156 hypersurface 146, 310 &» 11 )Fq[V]oAk) 248 7th polarized Chern class 87 ^-construction 260, 266 7th polarized elementary symmetric J{-) 260 polynomial 87 U-) 263 h 41 Jacobian determinant 126, 194 icosahedral group 54, 191, 220 Jordan block 161 ideal of stable invariants 11 Jordan canonical form 160 ideal, maximal 322 ideal, primary 322 Kth doubly polarized Chern class 91 294 3C 243 ifp-basis 102 % 243 ifp-dimensions 102 Koszul complex 114, 116, 117, 173, imbedding property 242 250 imbedding theorem 245, 270, 278, Koszul complex, modified 178 291 Koszul's Theorem 117 indecomposable elements 318 Krull dimension 25, 42, 115, 324 index 33 KruU dimension and the functor T 292, 297 Nakajima-Stong Theorem 109 Krull relations 268, 320, 322 Nakajima-Stong theorem 110 Kahler differentials 303 Nakayama's lemma 318 Nakayama's Lemma 318 Lam's ^-construction 260 negatively graded 248 Landweber's Theorem 270 Newton's formula 81 Landweber, P. S. 158 nilpotent group 210 Landweber-Stong Conjecture 246, nilpotent groups 23 247, 283 nilradical 255 Lannes'sT-functor 284 Noether map 29, 85 Lannes-Zarati structure theorem 249 Noether normalization 324 Lasker-Noether Theorem 1, 268, 322 Noether Normalization Theorem 14, Leibniz rule 35 323 length 234 Noether Problem 26 local cohomology 176 Noether's bound 149 local cohomology spectral sequence Noether's Bound 16 176 Noether's bound 17, 36 lying over 323 Noether's finiteness theorem 31 lying-over 271 Noetherian 25 noetherian finiteness 14 m 48 Noetherian module 30 MG1 101 Noetherian ring 30 MOD/A 118 Noetherianess 290, 291, 294 Macaulay's Theorem 278 nonassociates 27 maximal 322 nondiagonalizable pseudoreflection maximal ideal 322 156 maximal regular sequence 129 nonmodular case 2 minimal polynomial 203 nonnegatively graded 45 minimal resolution 121 norm 79 modified Koszul complex 178 normal extension 323 modular case 2 modular invariant theory 151 octahedral group 220 module of indecomposable elements optimal system of parameters 18 120 orbit 1, 57 Molien's Theorem 46, 49 orbit Chern classes 16, 78, 255 moment 234 orbit polynomial 78 monic polynomial 31 orbit sum 58 monomial 3 orbit sums 58 monomial basis 59 order of the pole 69 Moore, J. C. 315 Orthogonal group 308 morphism of degree d 316 orthogonal group 309 multiindex 3 multiplicity 6, 63 p -group 27, 210 multiplicity function 63 p-groups 23, 152, 160, 193 multipolarized Chern classes 91, 92 P 228, 260, 275 multipolarized elementary symmetric proj-dim_(~) 118 polynomials 92 p-Sylow subgroup of GL(n, Fq) 110 multiset 63 p-Sylow subgroup of SL(n, Fq) 110 P(M,t) 45 n -fold cartesian product 61 Proj(-) 259 Nakajima's Theorem 307 Proj s* 266 Nakajima, H. 159, 164 ProjXFJV]) 266 ^ 231 pseudoreflection 51, 124, 186 ^-generalized Jacobian determinant pseudoreflection group 186, 193 245 pseudoreflection groups 186, 194 ^-generalized Jacobian matrix 267 pseudoreflection representation 186 ^-inseparable closure 244 pseudoreflections 186 ^-inseparably closed 244 pseudoreflecton 19 pullback technique 74 ^-invariant ideal 259, 260, 275 purely transcendental 25 ^-invariant ideals 23 ^-invariant Krull relations 268 g-Boolean algebra 285, 295, 296 ^-invariant Lasker-Noether theo­ q -polynomial 152 rem 260 Q(M) 120 ^-primary decomposition 260 QA(M)=M/(A-M) 318 &(-) 228 quaternion group 94, 216, 217 palindromic polynomial 145 parabolic group 216 %yA(M) 137 parameter ideal 143 radical (of an ideal) 322 permutation invariants 69 rational function 66 permutation representation 17, rational representation 27 23, 46, 57, 149 reduced monomial 70 pigeonhole principle 207 reductive algebraic group 13 Poincar'e duality algebra 194 regular element 137 Poincar'e series 67 regular representation 7, 10, 17, 24, Poincare duality algebra 124, 126 83, 161, 194 Poincare series 14, 45, 57, 59 66 regular sequence 114, 129, 139, 173 Poincaf series 46 regular sequence on a module 139 pointwise stabilizer 20, 146, 192, relative invariant 5, 195 283, 288, 289, 307 relative invariants 6 polar axis 54, 191, 192 relative Noether bound 203 polarized Chern classes 213 relative transfer 33, 140 polarized elementary symmetric poly­ remembering map 13 nomials 87 representable functor 248 poles 54 representation of degree 2 172 polynomial algebra 2, 146, 164 representation over Q 27 polynomial algebra problem 19 representing module 248 polynomial algebras and the T-functor residue calculation 232 302 residue field at a prime ideal 304 polynomial functions 2, 4 resolution degree 116,174 positively graded 45,316 reverse Landweber-Stong conjecture pre-Euler class 104, 213, 267 254 primary decomposition 320 ring of formal power series over A 22 primary ideal 322 ring of invariants 4 Prime Avoidance Lemma 320 s(G) 51 prime field 49 m Prime Filtration Lemmla 330 S (V*) 3 k prime ideal spectrum 259 Z (Fq[W]) 249 primitive derivation >44 Ec I Ic 89 principal ideal 35 ^B 58 projective 10, 320 S* 58 projective dimension 18,25, 118 SL(n,¥q) ]15 6 n projective resolution 13, 174 §V> {X) 61 pseudo-optimal 18 Sq(-) 228 Sylp(G) 141 system of parameters, optimal 18 Syzk 13 system of parameters, universal 21, Schur index 187 139, 152 Second Fundamental Theorem 25 systems of parameters 99 semitensor product 247 syzygy 13, 118 Shephard - Todd List 188 syzygy module 13 Shephard-Todd theorem 190 sign-symmetric 5 t(cp,x) 157 signum 5 ^(H) 158 l simple group 27 Tor A(F,M) 320 socle 144 Tot(A) = 0Ai 318 socle filtration 102 TrG 15 socle length 102 Tr£ 33 solvable group 17, 203, 208 T 284 solvable groups 23 T-functors 284 54 Tu 284 special monomial 70 Tc/(H)0 285 special orthogonal group 309 T[/,a 285 spectral sequence 174 Tamagawa, T. 155 stabilizer subgroup 288, 307 Tate complex 178 stabilizer subgroups and the T-functor term 3 288 tetrahedral group 220 stable 36 the pointwise stabilizer 289 stable invariants 8, 11, 177 Theorem of Hilbert-Serre 119 stable under G-action 36 Toda, H. 192 standard references, commutative al­ top Chern class 79 gebra 30 top Dickson polynomial 155 Stanley, R. P. 53 totalization 318 Steenrod algebra 227, 228, 230, 231, trace formula 47, 48 255 transfer 23, 33, 75, 151,275 Steenrod operations 21, 22, 152, 229 transfer homomorphism 15, 29, 268, Steenrod powers of Dickson polyno­ 310 mials 257 transfer variety 151,168 Steenrod reduced power operations transitivity 323 22, 229 transpotence 178 Steenrod squares 22 transvection 103, 156 Steenrod squaring operations 229 transvection group 158, 160 Steinberg's Lemma 153 transvection groups 156 Steinberg's Theorem 307 transvector 156 Steinberg, R. 152, 153, 154 triality 192 Stong, R. E. 155, 158, 164 trigraded 316 Stong-Tamagawa formula 271 twisted derivation formula 189 Stong-Tamagawa formulae 155, 255 twisted differential 41 Subgroups of GL(2, Fp) 212 two-sided Koszul complex 117 suspension 116, 248 type of a multiset 63 symmetric algebra 2 symmetric group 211 UH 285 symmetric polynomials 5 UFq[v] 248 symmetric powers 61 underlying set 63 symmetric product 61 unipotent subgroup 110 system of imprimitivity 89, 90 unipotent subgroup of GL(n, Fq) system of parameters 14, 18, 323, 325 110 unique factorization domain 27 Weyl group of type bfF4 192 universal system of parameters 21, Whitney sum formula 79 139, 152 Witt's theorem 276 unstability condition 229 wreath product 89 unstability condition for modules 247 X/G 60 unstable H O ^-module 285 X* 60 unstable D(n) 0 ,2**-algebra 247 KG 168 unstable algebra 228 Xj 268 xX 61 unstable element 248 n upper bounds 16 Z(G) 209 j F = V®FF 4 Z (G) 209 Vx 57 ZewA(M) 137 VectFg 230 zero divisor 137 Vect¥ 3 Vandermonde determinant 35 /?(e) 16 vanishing line 177 iM^). 74 vector invariants 24, 147, 167 X-relative invariants 6 vector invariants of Z/2 39, 59 4 189 d ii6 wallflower 325 a, 4i weak relative Noether bound 205 rig 33 Weyl group W(Y)4) 192 r*(M) 248 Selected Titles in This Series (Continued from the front of this publication)

61 W. Norrie Everitt and Lawrence Markus, Boundary value problems and symplectic algebra for ordinary differential and quasi-differential operators, 1999 60 Iain Raeburn and Dana P. Williams, Morita equivalence and continuous-trace C*-algebras, 1998 59 Paul Howard and Jean E. Rubin, Consequences of the axiom of choice, 1998 58 Pavel I. Etingof, Igor B. Frenkel, and Alexander A. Kirillov, Jr., Lectures on representation theory and Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, 1998 57 Marc Levine, Mixed motives. 1998 56 Leonid I. Korogodski and Yan S. Soibelman, Algebras of functions on quantum groups: Part I, 1998 55 J. Scott Carter and Masahico Saito, Knotted surfaces and their diagrams, 1998 54 Casper Goffman, Togo Nishiura, and Daniel Waterman, in analysis, 1997 53 Andreas Kriegl and Peter W. Michor, The convenient setting of global analysis, 1997 52 V. A. Kozlov, V. G. Maz'ya, and J. Rossmann, Elliptic boundary value problems in domains with point singularities, 1997 51 Jan Maly and William P. Ziemer, Fine regularity of solutions of elliptic partial differential equations. 1997 50 Jon Aaronson, An introduction to infinite ergodic theory, 1997 49 R. E. Showalter, Monotone operators in Banach space and nonlinear partial differential equations. 1997 48 Paul-Jean Cahen and Jean-Luc Chabert, Integer-valued polynomials, 1997 47 A. D. Elmendorf, I. Kriz, M. A. Mandell, and J. P. May (with an appendix by M. Cole), Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theory, 1997 46 Stephen Lipscomb, Symmetric inverse semigroups, 1996 45 George M. Bergman and Adam O. Hausknecht, Cogroups and co-rings in categories of associative rings, 1996 44 J. Amoros, M. Burger, K. Corlette, D. Kotschick, and D. Toledo, Fundamental groups of compact Kahler manifolds. 1996 43 James E. Humphreys, Conjugacy classes in semisimple algebraic groups, 1995 42 Ralph Freese, Jaroslav Jezek, and J. B. Nation, Free lattices, 1995 41 Hal L. Smith, Monotone dynamical systems: an introduction to the theory of competitive and cooperative systems. 1995 40.4 Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The classification of the finite simple groups, number 4, 1999 40.3 Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The classification of the finite simple groups, number 3, 1998 40.2 Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The classification of the finite simple groups, number 2. 1995 40.1 Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The classification of the finite simple groups, number 1. 1994 39 Sigurdur Helgason, Geometric analysis on symmetric spaces. 1994 38 Guy David and Stephen Semmes, Analysis of and on uniformly rectifiable sets. 1993 37 Leonard Lewin, Editor, Structural properties of polylogarithms. 1991 36 John B. Conway, The theory of subnormal operators. 1991 35 Shreeram S. Abhyankar, Algebraic geometry for scientists and engineers, 1990 For a complete list of titles in this series, visit the AMS Bookstore at www.ams.org/bookstore/.