

The Theory of Matrices

Corrado De Concini Claudio Procesi

American Mathematical Society The of Matrices



The Invariant Theory of Matrices

Corrado De Concini Claudio Procesi

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Jordan S. Ellenberg Robert Guralnick William P. Minicozzi II (Chair) Tatiana Toro

2010 Subject Classification. Primary 15A72, 14L99, 20G20, 20G05.

For additional information and updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/ulect-69

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: De Concini, Corrado, author. | Procesi, Claudio, author. Title: The invariant theory of matrices / Corrado De Concini, Claudio Procesi. Description: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2017] | Series: Univer- sity lecture series ; volume 69 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2017041943 | ISBN 9781470441876 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Matrices. | Invariants. | AMS: Linear and multilinear ; theory – Basic – Vector and algebra, theory of invariants. msc | Algebraic – Algebraic groups – None of the above, but in this section. msc | theory and generalizations – Linear algebraic groups and related topics – Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions. msc | and generalizations – Linear algebraic groups and related topics – . msc Classification: LCC QA188 .D425 2017 | DDC 512.9/434–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn. loc.gov/2017041943

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Introductionandpreliminaries ...... 1 1. Introduction...... 2 2. Preliminaries...... 8

PartI. Theclassicaltheory...... 19 3. Representationtheory...... 20 4. Algebraswithtrace...... 28

PartII. Quasi-hereditaryalgebras...... 39 5. Modules...... 40 6. Goodfiltrationsandquasi-hereditaryalgebras...... 43

PartIII. TheSchuralgebra...... 49 7. TheSchuralgebra...... 50 8. Doubletableaux...... 51 9. ModulesfortheSchuralgebra...... 62 10. Rational GL(m)-modules...... 75 11. Tensorproducts...... 78

PartIV. Matrixfunctionsandinvariants...... 87 12. Areductionforinvariantsofseveralmatrices ...... 88 13. Polarizationandspecialization...... 91 14. Exteriorproducts...... 95 15. Matrixfunctionsandinvariants...... 99

PartV. Relations...... 107 16. Relations...... 108 17. Describing Km ...... 110 18. Km versus K˜m ...... 118

PartVI. TheSchuralgebraofafreealgebra...... 131 19. Preliminaryfacts ...... 132 20. TheSchuralgebraofthefreealgebra...... 135 Bibliography...... 145 GeneralIndex...... 149 SymbolIndex...... 151



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Δ-filtration, 44 full, 24 ∇-filtration, 44 polynomial law, 9 projective cover, 40 adjacency, 52 affine scheme, 16 rational representation, 13 group, 16 restitution, 24 algebra rim quasi hereditary, 46 of a diagram, 76 Schur, 50 row bitableau, 59 trace, 28 algebra with trace, 28 Schur functors, 66 Schur module, 65 bitableaux Schur , 20 semistandard, 60 of the diagram, 51 simple degeneration, 103 canonical tableau, 53 skew diagram, 51 Cayley–Hamilton identity, 30 specialization, 24 composition, 95 Standard filtration, 68 cyclic equivalence, 5 straightening relation, 56 dominance order, 51 trace formal, 28 equivariant maps, 26 essential extension, 40 weight, 51 of a bitableau, 63 free Schur algebra, 137 dominant, 51 full polarization, 92 Weyl module, 69 height, 20 Young diagram, 51 injective hull, 40 Young superclass, 103 , 52 , 12 standard, 52 matrix variable, 34 module socle, 42 superfluous, 40 tilting, 82 top, 42 primitive, 4 multilinearization, 24 multiplicative map, 11 partial polarization, 92 polarization


Symbol Index

SA = SAX,37 σi,34 Tm,38 Q˜λ := Rm,t(λ), 72 Tst ⊂ T λ λ,88 εj1,...,jk ,9 A[G], 12 |λ|,51 Dμ,99 bj , 125 F+X,5 e(λ), 104 I α L ⊂∇λ,73 e = e ,10 f Mλ,88 e = σf1,...,fh (M1,...,Mh), 138 ∗ R ⊂ F [xi,j ], 56 f ,40 Rn,50 ht(λ), 20 → SCg, 103 k :[1,...,N] [1,...,r], 95 c o(λ), 104 Sh X , 110 SmX, 108 ,54,55 t(R):={t(a),a∈ R},28 Tμ,99 W ,5 Wp,4 0 Tλ,64 Y := Tβ ,80 Λ,89 deg p,99 Θc,99 Ξc, 103 π¯Z,V , 111 λˇ,51 λ t,51 λ \ μ,51 Ad F (R), 140 AF X, 141 S,37 S(c), 99 Fν ,80 Fd, 135 GL(V ) FmX := SmX , 108 P,58 P(μ, s), 79 PA(M,N), 9 SX, 137 Sm(R), 11 SAX, 137 Y,61 d Ac (F ), 97 Ac,d(A), 97 Tr(M), 111 ∇λ(V ),20 πd, 136 σ1 = tr,34


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This book gives a unifi ed, complete, and self-contained exposition of the main algebraic theorems of invariant theory for matrices in a characteristic free approach. More precisely, it contains the descrip- tion of polynomial functions in several variables on the of m × m matrices with coeffi cients in an infi nite fi eld or even the ring of integers, invariant under simultaneous conjugation. Following ’s classical approach, the ring of invariants is described by formulating and proving • the fi rst fundamental theorem that describes a set of generators in the ring of invariants, and • the second fundamental theorem that describes relations between these generators. The authors study both the case of matrices over a fi eld of characteristic 0 and the case of matrices over a fi eld of positive characteristic. While the case of characteristic 0 can be treated following a classical approach, the case of positive characteristic (developed by Donkin and Zubkov) is much harder. A presentation of this case requires the develop- ment of a collection of tools. These tools and their application to the study of invariants are exlained in an elementary, self-contained way in the book.

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