Nehemiah SQUIRES of Preston County His Ancestors & Slbllngs
.,.e.s \ CCG: ~EFERENCE ONLY 5-r~~·)'> Nehemiah SQUIRES of Preston County His Ancestors & Siblings By Joy L. GILCHRIST-STALNAKER NEHEMIAH SQUIRES was b. ca 1769, probably In Shelbourne Parish, Loudoun County, VA; d. 1827; m. Sarah POLAND (POLEN/POLING). Nehemiah, his brother Reuben, and their sister Elizabeth appear to be the only children of Thomes SQUIRES who mlgra1Bd to Monongalia County. Reuben settled In present-day Marlon County, and Nehemiah In present-day Preston County. The whereabouts of EHzabeth Is unknown. The flrst SQUIRE(s)/SQUIERa In Preston County were MEEKER and Wllllam, sons of Benjamin SQUIER, Westfleld, New Jersey. Their signatures are on the petition dated October 1795 which was presented kl the Virginia Assembly requesting separation of Preston County from Monongalia County.1 Wllllam and MEEKER lived on Sandy Creek In present Grant District of Preston Co., near the MORTONs and GRIBBLEa. (DB OS 41211) Around 1800 both families departed the county. MEEKER apparentty went to the Blue Ball county of Ohio (now Warren and Butler counties), and WIHiam went to Fayette Co., PA before joining his brothera In Ohio. The MORTONa appear to be the only ones who remained in Monongalia County.2 Intensive research Indicates there was no family connection between MEEKER and Wllllam and Nehemiah SQUIRES of Preston County. MEEKER SQUIRE(s)/SQUIER (24 Nov 1750INJ-21 Jun 1818/Butler Go., OH) m. Rechel llEEKER (1754-1840), dlUghler of Stephen MEEKER, 9NOV'1n41Essex Co., N.J. Eight chiklmn: Reb8ccs m. (1) Thomas MORTON, son of Samuel MORTON of Monongalia (now Preston) Co., VA, snd (2) Samuel Sergeant.
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