CBHL Plant Bibliography, Number 8)
Other in-print publications of the Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries are The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Inc. Piant Bibliography Series: #2 >,',:: ',,_."< ,"'-'-c- #3 Schwartz, Diane. 1978: . Edible wild plants: An annotated list ofreferences. #4 Schofield, Eileen K. 1983. Botanical crafts: An annotated list ofreferences. , --.-- , #5 Zanoni, Thomas and Eileen K. Schofield. 1983. Dyes from plants: An annotated list ofreferences. #6 Miasek, Meryl A. and Charles R. Long. 1985. Endangered plant species of the world and their endangered habitats: A compilation of the literature. $5.00 #7 Schofield, Eileen. 1988. Cooking with vegetables, flowers and fruits: An annptated list ofreferences. $6;00 . '.~" Copies are available for prices noted plus postage and handling. ... Miscellaneous publications: Nursery and seed catalogs: a directory ofcollections. 1990 (CBHL Members) . $5.00 (All others) $7.50 Postage and handling for this title $1.50 ., ",:,,," ",.i<";:: ..:,'·":':,:::,-.',c,:,.:.,:,::;,',.:>_".".,, .. ,,;; ,1""The New""dYork.1Botanical,"'"'" m'Garden,""",'IBronx," Bu'''''''''New York",10458.·ll","~hIM_. m,X,'_.f . c Bibliography editor: Meryl A. Miasek. " ,'.. ",,-, < ".:- ,"<',' ,',-:,;<.' Correspondence concerning submission of bibliographies should. be submitted to the Edito):-irl Chief, Meryl A. Miasek, 4510 Manzanita St., Eugene, OR 94705. CHILDREN AND GARDENS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHILDREN'S GARDEN BOOKS 1829 TO 1988 BY HEATHER S. MILLER STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY THE COUNCIL ON BOTANICAL AND HORTICULTURAL LIBRARIES, INC. THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, BRONX, NEW YORK 10458 1990 Copyright 1990 by The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Inc. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458 (CBHL Plant Bibliography, number 8) ISBN 0-9621791-1-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ii Acknowledgments vi 1940-1988 Non-Fiction .
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