Max 29º Min 15º FREE NO: 16111- Friday, March 21, 2014 A shared destiny

CAIRO: Kuwait Times Editor-in-Chief Abd Al-Rahman Al-Alyan (right) with interim Egyptian President Adly Al-Mansour during a meeting with a delegation of Kuwaiti Editors yester- day. — Photo by Majed Al-Sabej

Interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour expounds on Kuwait-Egypt relations, the forthcoming Arab Summit, the political situation in Egypt, the Palestinian and Syrian crises and other regional issues during a meeting with a Kuwaiti media delegation.

SEE PAGES 2 & 3 Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Kuwait and Egypt: Ties that bind

Interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour welcomes Kuwait Times Editor-in-Chief Abd Al-Rahman Al-Alyan.

By Abd Al-Rahman Al-Alyan Kerry to come up with a suitable framework will be keen on inviting Arab sister countries rations towards a better future, facing the Kuwait Times Editor-in-Chief to resume serious peace negotiations that to activate the Arab anti-terrorism agreement challenges and dangers surrounding us and would lead to a real solution and allow in order to eliminate terrorism and prevent supporting joint Arab frameworks. CAIRO: Interim Egyptian President Adly Palestinians establish an independent state terrorists from having any safe havens and Mansour yesterday met a Kuwaiti media dele- on lands occupied in 1967 with East spiritually or financially support them. Q: In the aftermath of the Jan 25 and June gation comprising of editors-in-chief of Jerusalem as its capital. Finally, I believe working on developing 30 revolutions, what are the most impor- Kuwaiti newspapers, the director of Kuwait It is also obvious that the summit will the mechanism of Arab cooperation must tant issues Egypt will bring to the summit? Journalists Association and KUNA’s editor-in- address the worsening Syrian crisis that has strongly addressed in view of the changes in A: This summit is of significance because chief. caused a disastrous humanitarian crisis. There both regional and international arenas, which the Arab situations need a ‘wakeup call’. is no way out of this crisis except by a political leave us no choice but combine our efforts Crises are increasing in our lands. The Q: What are the most important issues to solution backed by both the international and coordinate our attitudes and policies to Palestinian issue has still not reached a just be discussed at the 25th Arab Summit due community and regional powers. Arabs will defend our joint interests as Arab peoples. solution. The dangerous situation in Syria has to be held in Kuwait on March 25, and do have a major role to play in reaching this solu- been having negative impacts within other you expect the summit will succeed in real- tion and I would like to highlight that none of Q: How do you view the role Kuwait, under Arab societies. Many regional and internation- izing joint work and help clear tensions? the parties will benefit from the ongoing leadership of HH the Amir, Sheikh Sabah al countries care about the situation in Syria A: Since 2000, when the summit is regular- armed conflict that will negatively affect Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, can play in clearing and some of them are calling for intervening. ly held, it has been discussing various issues everybody’s interests in and outside Syria. tensions in Arab relations as well as As Arabs, we have to and can solve our own that affect the interests of Arab peoples from Fighting terrorism will surely be prioritized enhancing Arab consolidation? problems once we decide to join efforts and East to West. I personally believe that certain on this summit’s agenda after our Arab A: We have great confidence in the wis- utilize our potentials. issues will be more dominant in this summit, nations and people started suffering from dom and capability of Sheikh Sabah Al- Egypt carries these concerns to the summit such as the Palestinian issue in view of the blind terrorism that aims at intimidating our Ahmad to use hosting the Arab summit to ful- and will make proposals to revive the active efforts exerted by US Secretary of State John peoples and taking over our countries. Egypt fill the Arab world’s leaders’ and peoples’ aspi- Arab role in protecting the region and achieve

Mansour meets the Kuwaiti media delegation. Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 stability, just as Arab peoples expect their leaders to do. Our societies are overburdened with illiteracy and extremism and have been facing hateful terrorism that claims to be Islam-based while we all know that Islam is purely innocent from calling for violence, murder and the destruction our region has unfortunately been lately witnessing on a dai- ly basis. There is also the need to declare the Middle East nuclear and WMD-free, which is a highly important topic in view of the fact that Israel is the only regional state that has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and has never subjected its nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection, which calls for special meas- ures since such a situation creates a case of regional strategic imbalance and poses a threat of the spread of such weapons in an area that already has major security problems. All these topics will be discussed at the summit which we hope will effectively con- tribute in adopting Arab policies and moves to solve those issues and face the threats our societies are facing. (From left) Head of Arab Media Forum Madhi Khamees, Kuwait Journalists Association Treasurer Adnan Al-Rashed, Al-Rai Editor-in-Chief Q: In view of the occasional terrorist Majed Al-Ali, Al-Nahar Editor-in-Chief Jawad Bukhamseen, Al-Anbaa Editor-in-Chief Yousef Al-Marzouq, Interim Egyptian President Adly attacks in Egypt and different international Mansour, a presidential aide, KUNA Editor-in-Chief Saad Al-Ali, Deputy Chief of the Kuwaiti mission to Egypt Mohammad Al-Mohammad, attitudes after the deposing of former KUNA’s Egypt Bureau Chief Mona Shishter and Kuwait Times Editor-in-Chief Abd Al-Rahman Al-Alyan pose for a group photo. president Mohamed Morsi, how do you by the international experts’ committee com- upon Geneva Document signed on June 30, Palestinian groups. After the 2007 division, view Egypt’s political, security, economic prising experts from Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt 2012 as a basis of the negotiations. In this Egypt immediately hosted efforts aimed at and touristic future? and international experts assigned to assess regard, Egypt strongly supports the UN envoy ending the division between Fatah and A: Egypt’s future will be determined by its the possible impacts on estuary countries, Lakhdar Brahimi who is spending valuable Hamas to avoid its devastating effects on the own people. Their choices were clear at all which called for conducting comprehensive time, exerting endless efforts and utilizing his whole national Palestinian project. phases including the recent referendum on environmental, water and socio-economic vast experience in handling the Syrian issue. However, we do emphasize that the the amended constitution. The Egyptian peo- studies prior to building the dam. Ethiopia has What is needed now is to reach an agreement Egyptian attitude over relations with various ple will never put off its will because of some been ignoring those recommendations and to end the crisis. The Security Council’s resolu- Palestinian groups stems from the following desperate acts of terrorism that will never insists on carrying on with the dam’s con- tion number 2139 needs to be put into prac- principles: stop life from going on. We fought a similar struction. tice to end the Syrian people sufferings and First: Unity of Palestinian representation war against terror in the 1990s and it was not We hope that Ethiopia will realize how reach suitable solutions. worldwide by PLO as the sole legitimate rep- limited into Egypt. We fought it on behalf of dangerous the situation is and that it is jeop- resentative of the Palestinian people under the whole region. As of international atti- ardizing the interests of a whole people that Q: How do you see the future of the peace the leadership of President Mahmoud Abbas. tudes, there are no differences in recognizing have no other water resource but the Nile. So process between Palestinians and Israel Second: Presenting all needed support to the Egyptian revolution’s legitimacy. Others’ we repeatedly stressed that being neighbors and do you support US efforts in this translate the new legal status Palestinians interest in what is going on in Egypt is and having joint history and interests necessi- regard? gained through the UN’s historic resolution of because of Egypt’s significance and its impact tate that both countries open a frank, trans- A: Since the beginning, Egypt has support- accepting Palestine as a non-member on the entire region. parent and understanding dialogue to con- ed US mediation between both sides on the (observer) state on November 29, 2012. tain the crisis before it gets any worse. basis that the negotiations lead to the estab- Third: The importance of re-subjecting Q: When will you set a date for the presi- lishment of a full-sovereign Palestinian state Gaza Strip and Hamas to the Palestinian legiti- dential and parliamentary elections in Q: How do you view the Iran-US rapproche- on territories within the 1967 borders that macy by ending the Palestinian division and Egypt and what will the interval between ment, especially after the recent agree- include the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and reuniting with the West bank. them be? ment Iran reached with the 5+1 group on Gaza. US efforts have succeeded in having Concerning Hamas and its relations with A: We are moving with our roadmap and its nuclear program? both sides take part in a new round of negoti- Egypt, we can say that instead of focusing on the first phase was the Egyptian people’s A: We strongly support peaceful solutions ations that is expected to end by the end of supporting the Palestinian national project approval of the constitution. The Supreme of all conflicts, which is a matter of principle April. and facing the occupation, the movement has Committee for the presidential elections will, for us. Out of our belief that all regional coun- In this regard, I would like to express committed several mistakes by interfering in within a few days, announce nominations for tries have equal rights in terms of security, we Egypt’s full support to the Palestinian leader- Egypt’s domestic and political affairs and sup- the elections and when the presidential elec- called for clearing the region of nuclear ship represented by President Mahmoud porting a political group deemed as terrorist tions will take place. Parliamentary elections weapons in 1974 and of all WMDs in 1990. It Abbas in its struggle towards making the by the whole Egyptian people. We can gener- will be then scheduled. will surely pose a step forward towards independent Palestinian state a fact. Though ally say that bridging troubled waters achieving more stability if the agreement the situation on the ground might call for between Egypt and Hamas requires the lat- Q: What about the Egyptian authorities’ helps reduce the tensions and matches those some concern, the resumption of imposing ter’s immediate halt of interfering in Egyptian efforts to settle the disagreement with principles. de facto policies by building more settle- domestic affairs and respecting the Egyptian Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam ments and tampering with holy sanctities in people’s choices. Project? Q: In mid-March this year, the Syrian crisis East Jerusalem and barging into the Al-Aqsa A: This topic poses a major challenge for entered its fourth year and has increased Mosque and assaulting worshippers pose Q: How do you assess Egyptian-Kuwaiti ties both the Egyptian government and people the sufferings of millions of Syrians while great challenges to US mediators to force the and both countries’ cooperation in various because it is related to the Nile waters which fighting goes on. What is Egypt’s attitude Israeli side to respect the ongoing negotia- fields? provide over 90 percent of Egyptian water on this conflict, especially in view of failing tions. A: Egyptian-Kuwaiti brotherly and historic needs. Egypt has, more than once and at all to peacefully solve it in Geneva? relations go way back and are strongly excep- levels, stressed that it does not mind and A: We do emphasize our full solidarity with Q: Egypt’s relations with the Palestinian tional. They have set role models of fraternity actually supports building developmental the Syrian people in their daily sufferings. resistance movement Hamas in the Gaza and unity of destiny amongst Arab brothers projects in the river source countries. It also Egypt’s attitude has been for reaching a politi- Strip has been greatly troubled since the whose martyrs’ blood has mixed in war. And expressed complete readiness to cooperate cal solution that would fulfill the Syrian peo- toppling of President Mohamed Morsi. by the will of Allah, our relations will go on and provide expertise needed to support ple’s need for change and longing for free- What is the expected future of such rela- lighting paths of more cooperation and coor- such projects. dom and democracy away from extremism tions and is there any hope of bridging dination amongst Arab states. The main problem lies in some countries’ and terrorism - a solution that protects all gaps between both sides? Through several meetings with HH the wish to build huge projects and dams without Syrians’ rights and the country’s sovereignty A: Egypt’s relation with the Palestinian Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, we agreed on consulting estuary countries about the best and unity. Co-existence among all Syrians is cause has undoubtedly been a fundamental the necessity to enhance our countries’ bilat- methods to build and operate those dams, the key solution that might end this tragedy. one and Egypt has sacrificed much blood and eral relations, especially in commercial, eco- which is very dangerous because it means I would like to point that this conflict will lives in this cause. Ever since Egypt took the nomic and investment fields. Kuwait is ranked ignoring the interests of those countries not be solved militarily. The more both sides lead for many reasons, it has been promoting fifth amongst foreign investors in Egypt and including Egypt. The Nile is an international believe they are capable of ending it by com- the Palestinian issue through its strong bonds third amongst Arab ones. We will always river and relations between countries that bat, the more destruction Syria will suffer. with various Palestinian groups, especially boost and develop such investments and deal share it must be governed by international Syria needs huge Arab and international those in our geographic neighbor Gaza. with any possible barriers. rules, laws and principles that apply to them efforts and support in terms of reconstruction Nothing proves Egypt’s involvement in On this occasion, I would also like to renew as well as other countries sharing rivers world- and this will not be achieved if this military many Palestinian dialogue rounds, before and the appreciation of Egypt’s people and gov- wide. conflict goes on, costing lives and destroying after the division, than the Cairo Declaration ernment to Kuwait’s political and economic Dangerous developments have been tak- infrastructure on daily basis. issued in 2005 as a result of national support since the June 30 revolution, which ing place over the past months in view of the Undoubtedly, the Geneva negotiations Palestinian dialogue between president emphasizes both sides’ belief in their united Ethiopians ignoring recommendations made need to be resumed ASAP taking the agreed Abbas and representatives of 12 other destiny. Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Conspiracy Theories

KUWAIT: A luxury car in Union Jack colors is dis- played at the Avenues Mall Private laser as part of the Great British Week that began yester- issues day. — Photo by Yasser Al- Zayyat (See Page 9)

By Badrya Darwish

[email protected]

rom a very young age, I have never heard of men interfering in women’s private affairs, Fsuch as what kind of epilator they use or how they groom their hair or any other part of their body. I rarely see or hear a man entering a beauty parlour to give instructions on how his wife removes her hair or does her pedicure. This is a woman’s job regardless if she is liberal or conserva- tive. And this is the case all over the world. I have lived both in the United Kingdom and in the Arab world. I have never seen a man interfere in these affairs. Until now. A friend of mine recently called me and said she was in a beauty salon wait- ing at the reception for her turn. She overheard a large dispute between a few people. Naturally, she wanted to know what was going on and started lis- tening and peeping to see the arguers. An Arab man was accompanying his wife for treatment. It looked like the treatment was laser hair removal from the private parts. This is the point that hooked my friend to the rest of the con- versation. It seemed that the technician who was doing the treatment explained that the laser for the sensitive parts is effective only for dark, thick hair. At this point the man kept on asking about why the laser does not work on white hair and what other options exist to remove the white hair besides the conventional methods that women use around the world - waxing in all its shapes and forms. Be it the Arab traditional waxing known as sheera or the modern way of removing hair with strips of paper. Nowadays, there are hundreds of types of commercialized ways to remove hair. As a woman from the Middle East I could not tolerate the news and burst out laughing. Was the man’s major concern his wife’s bikini lines and beyond? Are there no more important issues he should worry about? Let his wife solve this prob- lem on her own. Life is strange and has its own ways. Yesterday I met a woman who could not pay for school fees for her kids and her rent. Today my friend is telling me about a man who is worried about how the laser works on his wife’s private parts. What a passionate and caring husband! What do you think, ladies? Would you like to be accompanied to the beauty parlour by your part- ner? Have a nice weekend! @BadryaD Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Students Art Competition ‘KUWAIT BEAUTIFUL AND GREEN’ Under the Patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Salman Sabah Al Salem Al Hmoud Al Sabah Minister of Information and Minister of Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman will attend the closing ceremony of Students Art Competition

he student environment art competition is held under the classroom. Through their drawings, our young partici- the sponsorship of Chevron, Zain and Jumeirah pants are given opportunities to think out-of-the-box, exer- TMessilah Beach Hotel & Spa. Adnan Saad, Kuwait cise their imagination, and translate creative ideas into Times Marketing Director and organizer of the competition paper. said that the competition aimed to give students a chance Saad added, “I also see this competition as another plat- to learn more about the nature of Kuwait. The competition form for like-minded youths who are interested in art to was held for the first time in 1994. More than 80 schools mingle and share ideas. Their coming together generates representing almost 8,000 students participated in the synergy and dynamism, and can spur them to achieve competition this year. Such competitions are a lot more greater peaks of excellence.” than great prizes and having fun; they allow participants to The process of selecting outstanding works of art out of learn, show their skills, compare their results and share their nearly 8,000 participants was not an easy one. The selection talents with others. will be eventually made by the judging panel, to whom we Art is the melody of life, the reflection of society and an express deep gratitude for their decisions that were based important element for academic success. A drawing com- on artistic and creative principles. “In my opinion, everyone petition such as this is another avenue where our primary is a winner because they let out honest expression of a school participants can express their creativity outside of beautiful and green Kuwait,” Saad concluded. Available at The Sultan Centre & Carrefour Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Home schooling I am taking care of becoming a trend my daughter way better than a school. Your children can have extra time to enjoy life, and I act not just as a mother for my two kids but also a teacher.

By Ben Garcia

re you living on a tight budget but want to give your child the best educa- Ation? If your answer is yes, then you might consider homeschooling -home educa- tion or home-based learning by parents or tutors rather than in the formal settings of public or private schools. Homeschooling, a legal option for parents in many countries around the world, is a rare occurrence in the Arab world. There is no ban on homeschool- ing in Kuwait. For expatriate parents in Kuwait, home- schooling is slowly gaining popularity, espe- cially among Americans, Europeans and Filipinos. “The children of some Americans and Europeans are being homeschooled Deese Tubale teaches her daughter at home. because they are frequent travelers and move ing,” she said, adding that she does not get any from 10 am to noon or sometimes 1 pm; then daughter to wake up at 5 am to prepare for a lot. Filipinos are not into it so much yet,” monetary compensation for her services. sessions in the afternoon from 6 pm to 9 pm. I school. “Homeschooling is flexible, so I set a said Deese Tubale, the coordinator of parents Deese is a proud mother of two daughters give her freedom to do whatever she likes in comfortable time to study and learn. If she’s of homeschooled children in Kuwait. aged 2 and 5. The eldest is now in KG 2 and is her free time. The time wasted on the road is studying in a formal school, she has no choice She explained that the Philippines accepted being homeschooled. “I enrolled by child in now spent with her sister or sometimes paint- she has to rise early because she has to go to this method only 10 years ago and is now 2012 in online classes provided by a well- ing,” she said. school and encounter traffic,” Deese rea- accepted by the Department of Education in known school in America. I want to be hands- Deese’s house serves as a virtual classroom soned. “Also in a traditional school, she has to Manila. She herself is a product of homeschool- on in everything for my kids, so my eldest is for her eldest as well as younger child. She bathe at an early hour, wear a uniform and ing, when she did her master’s degree. “I my first student,” she said. “I feel very proud had hundreds of school materials properly forcibly eat breakfast. In homeschooling, thought of putting together a non-profit sup- because I am teaching my own child and arranged and displayed. She has a study table none of these will be encountered. I start her port group because it is important for parents every parent wants the best for their children. complete with whiteboards, a piano in the class at 10 am so she has a sound sleep, and I and children who are now into homeschool- My time is flexible - I have sessions every day corner and a place to play. “I set up a healthy stop at her convenience. I allow her to sleep environment for my child to learn. My objec- again in the afternoon, then back at her study tive in designing my house as a virtual school table at 6 pm,” she said. is to encourage her and develop her mental Textbooks and exams are from the online ability and boost her creativity,” she said. school providing the homeschooling. “I found Education in Kuwait is free for citizens, but the system very reliable and friendly. Now foreign students have to deal with exorbitant that homeschooling is available, I think I tuition fees charged by traditional private would highly recommend it to everyone.” schools for expatriates. “I am paying three to Deese chose a US program because her five times lower than a traditional school. daughter doesn’t understand Tagalog very Besides, homeschooling your children is a well. When it comes to Filipino subjects, she is really excellent choice. I don’t regret it not that interested, so I decided on the because I am taking care of her way better American curriculum. She will learn the than a school. Your children can have extra Filipino language eventually, but for now she time to enjoy life, and I act not just as a moth- is okay with the US-based school, and I found er for my two kids but also a teacher. We also it very advanced compared to its peers,” visit playgrounds and allow her to interact Deese mentioned. with other kids. I also take her frequently to Deese is the founder of the Filipino malls, and we watch movies that talk about Homeschoolers Kuwait Group - a group of life and reality. She likes animated movies parents currently homeschooling her chil- with great messages. She is socially very dren. The group was founded last month and active and an approachable four-year-old,” currently has at least 10 Filipino members. For she said. more information, visit In addition, Deese does not force her — Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Innocence lost

By Nawara Fattahova son was not deported with his mother. “Maybe the father and staff working at the hospital said currently there are about 10 the mother didn’t admit having a child,” surmised Hashash. mothers in this ward, mostly Asian maids. oy abandoned in orphanage and children born out of According to an official from the SCH who preferred to “Even if a pregnant married woman comes to the hospital wedlock in a jail ward reveal the plight of unmarried remain anonymous, Abdullah has been staying at the SCH for without a marriage certificate, she will be placed in this ward till Bmothers and expat deportees in Kuwait. about seven years. “He entered the orphanage as a child of she brings the certificate. If the unmarried mother is a Kuwaiti An Egyptian child from an Indonesian mother and Egyptian unknown parents, so he is treated like the rest of the kids in the national, the police will arrest the father and force him to marry father who were both deported has been living at the Social facility. He goes to an Arabic school, and he will stay at the her. If he denies and the DNA test proves he is not the father, Care Home (SCH) for seven years. According to reports, Osama, orphanage until he turns 21 years old,” the official noted. then she as the rest of expat single mothers will go to jail until who was renamed Abdullah by officials at the SCH, still lives at According to him, based on official documents proving the the court decides what will happen with her,” she stated. the orphanage. parents of a child, the SCH will cooperate with the embassy or According to her, these mothers don’t stay for long periods His father who had committed a financial crime was caught the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to simplify handing over the at the hospital. “They usually stay for a few weeks and some- and imprisoned. After serving his sentence, the man was child to his legal parents. “The documents Abdullah was regis- times months until a ruling from the general prosecutor. After deported to Egypt, his native country. The Indonesian mother, tered with when entering the SCH states that his parents are that, they are transferred to prison. They receive donations in who was resident in Kuwait on a dependant visa, remained in unknown. Also, we didn’t receive any correspondence from the form of baby clothes, diapers and other items from charity the country after the deportation of her spouse. After her visa any institution demanding to take him,” he added. groups and even from the staff of the hospital. I think they are expired and she failed to renew it because her husband was The SCH only accepts children from unknown parents, with doing fine,” she stated. not in the country, she took a job in a beauty salon. During a exceptions. “We only have two cases of abandoned kids from The smell of burnt milk and stench welcomes visitors to the ministry inspection one day, the woman was arrested and was known parents and they are exceptions as these are humani- ward, which is open only for charity workers delivering diapers, immediately deported to her home country, according to news tarian cases. We also accept children born from illicit pregnan- food, clothes or toys to the women. In a room the size of an reports. cies, or from a known mother who doesn’t want the child - in average office, 16 new mothers and mothers-to-be share a After the deportation of both parents, the one-year-old this case certain conditions apply, such as having birth certifi- small sleeping space. A security guard unlocks the door to their child was placed at the SCH. An official from SCH blamed the cate and a verdict from the court,” explained the official. room and escorts them to the bathroom. The women hailing parents for not taking their child with them and said that the Maj Naser Buslaib, Head of the Security Information from different countries including India, Sri Lanka, the government will cooperate with the respective embassies and Department of the Ministry of Interior noted that some single Philippines, Indonesia and Ethiopia all look tired, overwhelmed would simplify the procedures of returning the child to his par- mothers are kept in a special section of the women’s prison for and very afraid. The woman nearest to the door reaches her ents. illicit pregnancies, without specifying their number or national- hand out while breastfeeding her newborn to grab a blanket to ity. “If the single mother is a Kuwaiti, which is very rare, then cover her. Procedures not followed she will stay here depending on the verdict issued from the Another one shyly gets a toy for her baby in a cot in the cor- PR Director of the Ministry of Interior Col Adel Al-Hashash court. If the mother is an expat, she will be deported along with ner and goes to sit beside him. After a quick chat with the noted that the correct deportation procedures were not fol- her child. The Ministry of Interior is an executive institution and nurse in charge, the women are ushered back into the room as lowed. “Usually when an expat is deported for any reason, his does not decide how long they stay,” he pointed out. the guest visit ends with the delivery of a few items earlier this family members who are his dependants and are residing in summer. At that time, the majority of the 16 women locked in the country on family visas will be deported along with him. If Ward 10 the ward were awaiting their jail sentences and deportation. for any reason they were not deported with him at the same Ward 10 is the “illicit pregnancy ward” at the Maternity Dirt and stuffiness as well as unwelcoming looks from the time, they will follow him as soon as possible,” he told Kuwait Hospital in the Sabah medical zone. Women who deliver from employees is the first sight of the jail-ward. Then come the Times. Hashash expressed surprise as to why the wife and son illicit pregnancies are confined here. They are not allowed to looks of fear for their children, for their own future and the wait of the deportee were not deported along with him or why the leave and outsiders are not allowed to enter. An administrative for their punishment. Local FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 ‘Great British Week’ off to a grand start

By Nawara Fattahova

KUWAIT: British Ambassador to Kuwait Frank Baker yester- day inaugurated the Great British Week, held from March 20 to April 3, 2014 under the patronage of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The event is a celebra- tion of all that’s British and the historically close alliance between the UK and Kuwait. “The Great British Week is designed to emphasize the strong and historical bilateral relationship between the two countries, while exhibiting the best of Britain’s traditions and innovation,” said Baker during the opening ceremony yesterday at the Avenues mall. Events are planned over a period of two weeks and will showcase a range of activities from film festivals to con- certs and academic lectures to an automotive showcase. “These events will highlight British vision in design, innova- tion, cuisine, music, film and technology. To commence the week, internationally renowned fashion designer Maria Grachvogel will hold a prestigious invitation-only fashion show at the Avenues in association with top British luxury department store Harvey Nichols,” added Baker. “I’m delighted to see the excitement already evident on KUWAIT: British Ambassador to Kuwait Frank Baker opens the Great British Week yesterday at the social media amongst our Kuwaiti friends for the events Avenues Mall. He is flanked by Abdullah Bishara and Waleed Al-Shurian. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat we’re organizing. I’m certain that they will all be fantastic occasions and I’m looking forward to sharing in the atmos- British stores will also offer promotions. The Great British coincide with the Great British Week including cricket phere and enjoying the show,” he added. Week strongly reflects the long decades of close and influ- matches, a children’s book event and a British-Kuwaiti phil- Mohammed Al-Shaya, Chairman of Mabanee Com ential relations between the UK and Kuwait,” he said. atelic and numismatic exhibition. The final event of the expressed his happiness to host the Great British Week at The embassy is also collaborating with the British Great British Week will see a talk by former Prime Minister the Avenues. “This event promotes British trade and cul- Council, Bayt Lothan, Loyac and British schools amongst Sir John Major at Kuwait University, who will be speaking ture along with fashion, food, creativity and innovation. others, who are hosting a range of exciting activities to on the past, present and future of Kuwait-UK relations. Ukrainian ambassador calls on Russia to end aggression Arab League urged to weigh in as Crimea boils

By Chidi Emmanuel Russia, West face off KUWAIT: As the tension between Russia and Ukraine Russia’s moves to annex the Black Sea peninsula have over Crimea simmers, Ukrainian Ambassador in Kuwait turned a bitter confrontation with Europe and the United Dr Volodymyr Tolkach called on Moscow to respect inter- States into the biggest crisis in East-West relations since national treaties and Ukrainian sovereignty. During a the Cold War. Russia is under enormous pressure to press conference at the Ukrainian Embassy yesterday, deescalate the tension in the region with the Western Tolkach rejected Moscow and Crimea’s assertions that countries raining sanction on Moscow over its annexation KUWAIT: A vehicle caught fire on Tunis Street in Hawally they acted in ‘self defense’ to protect the Russian majori- of the Crimea. On this note, the Ukrainian ambassador yesterday. Firefighters controlled the blaze without casu- ty in the region. called on the international community including the Arab alties. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun “Russians in Ukraine enjoy more freedom than any- League - which will be having a summit in Kuwait next where in the region. There is no proof whatsoever of eth- week - to pressurize Moscow to give up its land grab. “The nic Russians killed in Crimea or in Southeastern Ukraine. Russian policy towards Ukraine does not only exterminate More so, 95 percent of Ukrainians indicate Ukraine (and the bilateral international-legal basis, it also poses a threat A life on the edge not Russia or the former Soviet Union) as their mother- to the global system of international treat. We call on the land. Moscow’s claim that it acted ‘to protect the Russian Arab League to join the international community for By Sunil Cherian population in the Crimea’ is baseless. They (Russians) regional peace - and preserving the territorial sovereignty were not in any way under attack,” Tolkach insisted, as of a state,” Tolkach added. riday Times exclusively brings to our readers a story from the he rejected the Crimea referendum, which according to daily lives of mothers who are sandwiched between their him was a ploy by Russia to annex and provoke tensions Fduties as a wife, housekeeper, shopper, cook, errand runner in the region. He underlined the importance of maintain- and a mother between whatever jobs they are doing. A photo ing efforts towards a diplomatic and peaceful solution to received from a citizen journalist in Egypt on March 20 speaks vol- the problem and urged Moscow to refrain from any steps umes on the plights of mothers. The photo shows two siblings that would endanger such principles. standing on a windowsill apparently to escape the daily routine Meanwhile, a resolution adopted by the Ukraine’s par- while their helpless mother, not fooled by her kids’ mischief and not liament yesterday said “Kiev will never recognize Russia’s panicky by the situation trying to make the kids return to the room. annexation of Crimea and will press for the liberation of The mother knows the adverse effect of her screaming would cause the strategic Black Sea peninsula. Ukraine will never and therefore seems to be calm, controlled and balanced. cease to fight for the liberation of Crimea as long and The photo was taken on Thursday morning when the two girls painful as this can be,” said the resolution - an initiative were spotted on the 3rd floor windowsill of a flat in 6th of October of acting president Olexandr Turchynov. Echoing the City, in Giza Governorate, 32 Ukrainian new government’s stand, Tolkach said that km outside Cairo, Egypt. The city hosts Egyptian students Ukraine will never give up any part of its territory but and students from the Gulf insists on dialogue. He called on Russia to end its hostili- and Palestinian territories, who ties. study at its private universities. As Kiev rallies international support, Moscow yester- Friday Times while paying day began a legal process required to make Crimea part honors to all mothers has of Russia, which according to Russian Foreign Minister good news to share: the kids Sergei Lavrov, will be completed this week. On Tuesday, on the windowsill safely Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty to bring KUWAIT: Ukrainian Ambassador to Kuwait Dr Volodymyr returned to their mother’s the Ukrainian region into Russia and the upper house of Tolkach speaks to journalists at the Ukrainian Embassy hands. parliament is expected to ratify it later today. yesterday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Israel-Syria Cafe bombings Indian court faceoff unlikely push Iraq death convicts five to escalate12 toll13 to 46 gang18 rapists

This combo image released by the Australian Government’s Department of Defense show satellite images of objects in the Indian Ocean which may be from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 which disappeared en route to Beijing early on March 8. — AFP ‘Credible lead’ for missing plane Australia investigating potential debris

SYDNEY: Aircraft and ships ploughed through bad Lumpur. “There remains much work to be done to Kuala Lumpur for Beijing. Orion, was still in the search area, while other air- weather yesterday in search of floating objects in deploy the assets. This work will continue Another official in Malaysia said investigators craft including a US Navy P-8 Poseidon were remote seas off Australia that Malaysia’s govern- overnight.” Hishammuddin said the information on were “hopeful but cautious” about the Australian returning to Perth, according to the Australian ment called a “credible lead” in the trans-continen- the objects received from Australia had been “cor- discovery. The satellite images, provided by US Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). A Norwegian car tal hunt for a jetliner missing for 12 days. The large roborated to a certain extent” by other satellites, company DigitalGlobe, are stamped with a record carrier diverted from its journey from Madagascar objects, which Australian officials said were spotted making it more credible than previous leads. date of March 16, meaning that the possible debris to Melbourne to help with the search and had by satellite four days ago in one of the remotest The larger of the objects measured up to 24 could by now have drifted far from the original site. arrived in the area, the ship’s owner said. A Royal parts of the globe, are the most promising lead in meters (79 ft), long and appeared to be floating in Australian officials said an aircraft had dropped a Australian Navy ship equipped to recover any days as searchers scour a vast area for the lost water several thousand metres deep, Australian series of marker buoys in the area, which will pro- objects was also en route, but was still “some days plane with 239 people on board. Officials cau- officials said. The second object was about five vide information about currents to assist in calcu- away”, Young said. tioned it could take several days to confirm if they metres (16 feet) long. Arrows on the images point- lating the latest location. The captain of the first were parts of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, and ed to two indistinct objects apparently bobbing in Australian air force AP-3C Orion plane to return Baffling mystery Malaysia’s government said the search would con- the water. “It’s credible enough to divert the from the search area described the weather condi- The fate of Flight MH370 has been baffling avia- tinue elsewhere despite the possible sighting in research to this area on the basis it provides a tions as “extremely bad” with rough seas and high tion experts for nearly two weeks. Investigators the southern Indian Ocean. promising lead to what might be wreckage from winds, and said there was no sign of any objects. believe that someone with detailed knowledge of The area where the objects were spotted is the debris field,” Royal Australian Air Force Air “The weather conditions were such that we both the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial aviation around 2,500 km southwest of Perth in western Commodore John McGarry told a news conference were unable to see for very much of the flight navigation switched off the plane’s communications Australia. “Yesterday I said that we wanted to in Canberra. No confirmed wreckage from Flight today but the other aircraft that are searching, they systems before diverting it thousands of miles off its reduce the area of the search. We now have a credi- MH370 has been found since it vanished from air may have better conditions,” Royal Australian Air scheduled course. Exhaustive background checks of ble lead,” Malaysian Transport Minister traffic control screens off Malaysia’s east coast early Force Flight Lieutenant Chris Birrer told reporters. the passengers and crew aboard have not yielded Hishammuddin Hussein told reporters in Kuala on March 8, less than an hour after taking off from At least one aircraft, a Royal New Zealand Air Force anything that might explain why. —Reuters

International FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Putin tests Obama’s foreign policy

WASHINGTON: For President Barack And Vice President Joe Biden, trying to leader said in a fiery speech Tuesday. “You Other lawmakers, including Virginia Obama, Russia’s aggressive annexation of soothe concerns in nations on Russia’s always need to remember this.” The crisis Rep Eric Cantor have called on the US and Crimea is testing central tenets of his for- borders, said in Lithuania that the US will in Crimea has become a flashpoint in a its international partners to revoke eign policy philosophy: his belief in the respond to any aggression against its new dispute between East and West. Russia’s membership in the Group of power of direct diplomacy, his preference NATO allies. He declared, “We’re in this Russia moved troops into the peninsula Eight. Cantor, the No 2 Republican in the for using economic sanctions as punish- together with you.” But thus far, sanctions after Ukraine’s Kremlin-backed president House, also urged the administration to ment and his inclination to proceed cau- levied by both the US and the European fled the capital of Kiev amid rallies protest- increase energy exports to weaken what tiously in order to avoid creating larger Union have done little to deter Russian ing his decision to abandon plans for he called Russia’s “stranglehold” on oil and long-term problems. The question facing President Putin. Nor have Obama’s direct deepening ties with Europe. On Sunday, gas supplies to Ukraine and much of the White House now is whether actions appeals to Putin in four lengthy phone voters in Crimea overwhelmingly cast bal- Europe. Administration officials privately that have done little to stop Russia from calls or his efforts to isolate Russia interna- lots in favor of joining Russia. On acknowledge there is little chance Putin claiming Crimea are tough enough to stop tionally by rallying allies to suspend Wednesday, Russian forces seized military will give up Crimea, a strategically impor- further escalations by Moscow. And if they preparations for the economic summit installations across Crimea. tant peninsula that has long housed a continue to prove insufficient, what else is Putin was scheduled to host this summer. The White House has decried Russia’s Russian military base. Instead, the most Obama willing to do to change Vladimir “We have gotten ourselves backed into maneuvers as a violation of international pressing US concerns are now cooling ten- Putin’s calculus? a pretty bad corner,” says Rosa Brooks, an law and does not recognize Moscow’s sions in Crimea, where both Ukraine and The menu of additional options international law professor at Georgetown annexation of Crimea. Putin’s actions have Russia have troops, and preventing Putin appears limited. The White House says a University who served in the Pentagon opened Obama to fresh criticism from from pushing into areas of eastern Ukraine military response is not being considered, during Obama’s first term. “Putin quite Republicans, who argue that the second- that have similarly pro-Russian popula- and officials have so far resisted calls to correctly calculated that there’s really not term president, already politically weak- tions. Secretary of State John Kerry said supply Ukraine’s fledgling government much we can do.” Almost every punish- ened at home, now looks wobbly on the any further Russian incursion into eastern with military equipment. Instead, the US is ment or warning from the US has been fol- world stage. Republican Sens John McCain Ukraine would be a “major breach.” But he likely to focus on financial assistance to lowed by defiance from the Russian of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South declined to give specifics on how the US Ukraine and deepening economic sanc- leader. Hours after the US and EU imposed Carolina have called on Obama to provide would respond. Even as the US and tions against Russian officials whom the their first round of asset freezes and other military assistance to Ukraine in the form Europe talk tough, there are practical con- White House deems responsible for the sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian of small arms and ammunition, as well as cerns on both sides of the Atlantic that are crisis. White House spokesman Jay Carney officials, Putin formally recognized non-lethal assistance to the government likely to factor into future decisions about vowed Wednesday that “more action will Crimea’s independence from Ukraine. The in Kiev. “The West must impose real costs punishing Russia. European nations, be taken.” He indicated that financial following day, he signed a treaty making on Russia for its aggression in Ukraine. By including powerful Germany, have deep penalties could spread to the Russian arms Crimea Russian territory. failing to do so, we only invite further economic ties to Russia and fear Putin sector, wealthy oligarchs and additional “If you push a spring too hard, at some aggression elsewhere,” the two senators could retaliate financially if the EU ordered Kremlin officials. point it will spring back,” the Russian said in a statement. tougher sanctions. —AP Yaalon disappointed over US ‘weakness’

Israeli Defense Minister Yaalon in hot water

JERUSALEM: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon is in US ‘weakness’ hot water again with the United States for caustic criti- The official saw no hidden domestic strategy in Yaalon’s cism of his country’s main ally that has put more strain on comments, but thought it was a case of him speaking his already testy relations with the Obama administration. mind, when he would have been better served saying noth- And the hawkish former general, widely popular in Israel ing. At a closed-door lecture at Tel Aviv University on for being an apparent straight-shooter who does not shy Monday, Yaalon, a former armed forces chief, said Israel from speaking bluntly on issues of war and peace, seems could not rely on the United States to take the lead in con- GOLAN HEIGHTS: Israeli soldiers deployed on the border with Syria reluctant to beat a full retreat from his tough words fronting Iran over its nuclear activities. He also pointed to observe Syrian territory from Israeli side of the border near the Druze toward Washington. Ukraine’s crisis as an example of Washington “showing village of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights. — AFP Issuing statements voicing regret at any offence he weakness”. Yaalon’s office later issued a statement saying might have caused, Yaalon has not backed away from the no criticism or offence was intended towards Washington Israel-Syria faceoff substance of a scathing personal attack in January on US in his remarks on Monday, although it offered no apology. Secretary of State John Kerry. “The strategic ties between our countries have a supreme In further criticism, Yaalon displayed deep disappoint- importance, as do our personal ties and mutual interests,” it unlikely to escalate ment with US President Barack Obama’s handling of said. While condemning Yaalon’s remarks as unconstruc- burning world issues, and he has not retracted his accu- tive, inaccurate and confusing, US officials signaled the dis- JERUSALEM: Israel’s air strikes on Syria after a bomb targeted Israeli troops on sation that the world’s strongest superpower is project- cord would not have a long-term effect on relations with the occupied Golan Heights was unlikely to spiral into full-scale confrontation, ing weakness abroad. Israel. White House spokesman Jay Carney noted “an with each side preoccupied elsewhere, commentators said yesterday. Israeli war- “Bogie does not take well to being corrected,” an ex- unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security, and State planes attacked Syrian army positions early on Wednesday and the Jewish state adviser, using Yaalon’s nickname, told Reuters. Asked Department spokeswomen Jen Psaki spoke of an “enduring issued a stark warning to Damascus just hours after a bomb wounded four Israeli what Yaalon might be up to by criticizing the United partnership”. Yaalon has a record of breaking ranks over soldiers on the Golan, one severely. Over the past year, Israel has reportedly car- States, he said: “God knows. I hope he does.” what he perceives as unreasonable risks. As armed forces ried out a series of raids on Syrian and Hezbollah targets but has not officially In a show of US displeasure, Kerry - derided by Yaalon chief of staff, his tenure was cut short after he opposed acknowledged them. in January as “messianic” and “obsessive” in his pursuit of Israel’s plan to withdraw settlers and soldiers from the Gaza In a rare departure, the Israel military issued a public statement acknowledg- Israeli-Palestinian peace - phoned Prime Minister Strip in 2005. ing Wednesday’s strikes on Syrian army facilities. Damascus, meanwhile, said Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday to complain about Some Israeli commentators noted that Yaalon voiced his one soldier had been killed and seven more wounded in an act of “aggression” one of the strongest attacks ever by an Israeli defense criticism in private settings - an off-the-record briefing to that endangered regional stability. But most commentators agreed that neither minister on a top US official. Netanyahu, whose own rela- journalists and the university lecture - and questioned Israel nor the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad were seeking a faceoff tionship with Obama has been fraught with friction over whether he had been naive in thinking his remarks would as each was dealing with threats on other fronts. Assad has been tied up fighting how to deal with Iran’s nuclear program and peace not be leaked. A commentary in Israel’s best-selling news- a three-year civil war against rebels seeking his ouster, while Israel is occupied efforts with the Palestinians, has shown little inclination, paper, Yedioth Ahronoth, openly questioned Yaalon’s intel- with the threats of rockets from Gaza in the south, powerful Lebanese Shiite at least publicly, to rein in Yaalon. ligence. “Let’s call this for what it is: either the defense min- movement Hezbollah on its northern flank and the perceived threat posed by An Israeli official said the 63-year-old Yaalon, who was ister knows something that we don’t or, how shall we put Iran’s nuclear program. “Assad has no desire to get into a direct confrontation with Israel, which could bring about his end,” Syria expert Eyal Zisser told the appointed to his post a year ago, was displaying his inex- this delicately, he is simply a fool,” columnist Sima Kadmon Jerusalem Post. Although the targets in Wednesday’s raids were Syrian army, it perience at top-flight government. “This is his first time in wrote. “That is the only way to explain the behavior of the appeared that the bomb was planted by militants from Damascus ally the major leagues and he has now screwed up twice,” the most important cabinet minister, whose remarks about the Hezbollah, pundits said. Syria has long provided arms and other aid to official said of Yaalon, a member of Netanyahu’s right- US administration are liable to be catastrophic for the most Hezbollah, and served as a conduit for Iranian military aid to the movement, wing Likud party and, according to recent opinion polls, significant ... relationship that the State of Israel has which battled Israel to a bloody stalemate in a 2006 war. —AFP the most popular minister in his cabinet. today.”— Reuters International FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Cafe bombings push EU sees big gaps in Iraq death toll to 46 Iran nuclear talks BAGHDAD: Late night bomb- tant-held city of Fallujah, mean- ings at a Baghdad cafe left 13 while, shelling by government people dead, officials said yes- forces, as well as clashes in and Enrichment, Arak reactor at core of dispute terday, pushing the toll from a around the city, killed 15 peo- day of nationwide blasts, shoot- ple and left 40 others wounded VIENNA: Positions between Iran and world powers interim accord struck in November. The meeting in ings and shellings to at least 46. on Wednesday, according to diverge widely in some areas but Iranian negotia- Vienna was the second in a series that the six The violence has been primarily Ahmed Shami, the chief doctor tors seem “very committed” to reach an agreement nations hope will produce a verifiable settlement, driven by discontent in the at the city’s main hospital. on the country’s disputed nuclear program, a senior ensuring Iran’s nuclear program is oriented to minority Sunni Arab communi- Fallujah has been outside gov- EU official said in an email seen by Reuters yester- peaceful purposes only, and lay to rest the risk of a ty, which alleges mistreatment ernment control since militants day. The brief email from Helga Schmid to senior new Middle East war. at the hands of the Shiite-led overran it and parts of nearby officials of EU member states was written after a government and security Ramadi, capital of the predomi- meeting between Iran and the United States, Iran happy about talks forces, and by the civil war rag- nantly Sunni surrounding , Germany, China, Russia and Britain in Vienna Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif ing in neighboring Syria. The province of Anbar, in early on Tuesday and Wednesday. characterized the latest round of negotiations as coordinated bombings struck January. Schmid is the deputy of EU foreign policy chief “very successful” in terms of clarifying the issues the cafe in the Washash area of Security forces have man- Catherine Ashton, who is coordinating talks with involved, the Iranian official news agency IRNA western Baghdad at around aged to wrest back control of Iran on behalf of the six nations. The negotiations reported. “In terms of understanding and clarifica- 9:00 pm (2100 GMT) Ramadi but a stalemate has are aimed at reaching a final settlement to a tion, Vienna-2 was among our very successful round Wednesday, killing 13 people persisted in Fallujah, which lies decade-old stand-off over Iran’s atomic activities, of talks ... extremely beneficial and constructive,” it and wounding 40, according to just a short drive from Baghdad. which Tehran says are peaceful but the West fears quoted Zarif as saying. The two sides sought to spell a revised toll yesterday by secu- More than 300 people have may be aimed at developing a nuclear weapons out their positions on two of the thorniest issues: rity and medical officials. An ini- been killed so far this month capability. In this week’s meeting, Iran and the pow- the level of uranium enrichment conducted in Iran, tial roadside bombing near the and upwards of 2,000 since the ers locked horns over the future of a planned and its Arak heavy-water reactor that the West sees cafe was followed by a suicide beginning of the year, accord- Iranian nuclear reactor that could yield plutonium as a possible source of plutonium for bombs. blast, the officials said, speaking ing to AFP figures based on for bombs, and the United States warned that “hard The next meeting was then set for April 7-9, also on condition of anonymity. reports from security and med- work” would be needed to overcome differences in the Austrian capital. The over-arching goal is to Violence elsewhere in and ical sources. Analysts and diplo- when the sides reconvene on April 7. transcend mutual mistrust and give the West confi- around the capital on mats have called for the Shiite- This line was echoed in Schmid’s email. “Since we dence that Iran will not be able to produce atomic Wednesday killed eight people, led authorities to do more to are at an early stage of the final and comprehensive bombs while Tehran - in return - would win full while four policemen were reach out to the disaffected negotiations, we still have a lot of work ahead of us. relief from economic sanctions hamstringing the killed by a booby-trapped Sunni minority, but with elec- On some areas, positions differ widely,” it said. OPEC state’s economy. Iran denies that its declared corpse north of Baghdad. tions due to be held on April 30, “However, the impression is that the Iranian civilian atomic energy program is a front for devel- Attacks in the restive provinces political leaders have been negotiators remain very committed to reach a com- oping the means to make nuclear weapons. But its of Diyala, Nineveh and Kirkuk, loath to be seen to compro- prehensive solution within the agreed 6-month restrictions on UN inspections and Western intelli- also left six dead. In the mili- mise. — AFP period,” Schmid added. She was referring to a late gence about bomb-relevant research have raised July deadline for a long-term deal agreed in an concerns. — Reuters

International FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 French Socialists fears heavy mid-term losses Far right gains expected in town-hall vote

PARIS: President Francois Hollande’s Socialists fear heavy depressed north, which has suffered most from France’s mid-term losses that could jeopardize reforms and the industrial decline, and towns like Tarascon on its tradi- far-right National Front is seen making major gains when tional southern hunting grounds, where Le Pen has voters elect mayors in towns and villages across France thrown her weight behind a school teacher trying to from Sunday. Mayors loom large in French social and break a 30-year centre-right rule. Polls show Valerie political life and the two-round elections are often decid- Laupies, 46, winning in the mediaeval town with 14 per- ed on personality or local issues. But dissatisfaction with cent unemployment and heavy immigration from North Hollande’s rule and a string of legal intrigues involving African former colonies, where many residents said they opposition conservatives are seen hitting turnout and no longer felt embarrassed to say they planned to vote helping the anti-immigrant National Front (FN), which for the National Front.— Reuters hopes to win outright in a record handful of towns. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault called on the opposition con- LONDON: Convicted mafia boss Domenico Rancadore with his face covered servative UMP party to urge its voters to back Socialist leaves Westminster Magistrates Court in London. — AFP candidates in towns where it stood no chance of elec- Kansas, Arizona tion, promising the Socialists would do the same in a joint effort to keep the FN out. Child victims of Italy’s “Those who believe in the Republic must do every- prevail in voter thing to make sure no town ends up with an FN mayor,” ‘men of dishonor’ he told Radio J. Heavy losses for Hollande’s Socialists citizenship suit could trigger a re-shuffle of his unpopular cabinet and encourage backbench attacks of new pro-business poli- TOPEKA: Federal officials must help Kansas and ROME: The brutal murder of a three- two years before he was strangled and his cies on which Hollande has called a mid-year vote of con- year-old boy in a mafia ambush in south- body was dissolved in acid. “The idea that Arizona enforce laws requiring new voters to docu- fidence in his government. “We have to watch out that ment their US citizenship, a federal judge ruled ern Italy shows that the so-called “code the mafia does not kill children is a his- these town hall votes don’t turn into a disaster,” said one of honor” among members of organized toric lie... cultivated over a long period Wednesday, in a decision that could encourage other minister on condition of anonymity. “The risk is that a big Republican-led states to consider similar policies. US crime groups is pure myth, according to with care by the men of dishonor,” writes defeat weakens the grass roots of the ... our experts. Domenico was shot dead along Goffredo Buccini in the Corriere. District Judge Eric Melgren in Wichita, Kan, ordered the officials who end up as losers will turn on the leadership.” US Election Assistance Commission to immediately with his mother and her partner when One Hollande aide forecast turnout of around 55 per- the car they were travelling in was ‘Disorderly rise of killers’ modify a national voter registration form to add special cent, about 10 points lower than normal. Acknowledging instructions for Arizona and Kansas residents about attacked by gunmen in Taranto on Today, “the crisis which has pushed the failure of efforts to tackle unemployment above 10 Monday, sparking reactions of horror in the old bosses to reinvent themselves, their states’ proof-of-citizenship requirements. Both percent with state-subsidized jobs, Hollande changed require new voters to provide a birth certificate, pass- Italy. Two other children in the car appar- the disorderly rise of new killers, the use tack in January by announcing plans to cut a total 30 bil- ently only survived because they played of drugs which burn souls and hearts, port or other documentation to prove their US citizen- lion euros off French labour costs in a bid to encourage ship to election officials. The federal registration form dead. mean killers no longer have the time or hiring. Sunday’s first-round of voting, with run-offs due a Investigators said the woman-the wid- possibility to hide their real faces”, he said. requires only that prospective voters sign a statement week later, will be the first electoral test of that policy declaring they are citizens. Kansas and Arizona asked ow of a murdered mafioso-had provided The fact that “children don’t get hurt is a change, which sits alongside public spending savings information which led to the arrest of sev- myth, broken as early on as the post-war the federal agency for state-specific modifications, but promised to Brussels to bring France’s deficit in line with it refused. eral criminals while her partner, himself a period,” said Francesco La Licata, mafia European Union targets. The deficit is seen at 3.6 percent convicted murderer, had been taking specialist with La Stampa daily. The states and their top elected officials - of output this year and aims to get below the 3 percent Secretaries of State Kris Kobach of Kansas and Ken advantage of day releases from prison to Giacomo di Gennaro, a sociologist target next year. try to regain control of the local drug mar- specializing in organized crime and crimi- Bennett of Arizona, both conservative Republicans - sued the agency last year. Most voters in both states ket. Italy’s best-selling daily, the Corriere nal law in Naples, told AFP the violence Eyes on della Sera, described the toddler as one of has got worse since the arrest of the big register with state forms, but their officials said the Polls show the Socialists are favourite to hang on to availability of the federal form created a loophole in a string of “defenseless victims of the men mafia bosses over the last 15 years. Paris where the gaffe-prone efforts of the conservative of dishonor”, such as three-year-old Coco, “These ‘men of honor’ used to forbid the enforcement of proof-of-citizenship requirements. candidate to lure so-called “bobo” (bourgeois-bohemian) Supporters argue the requirements preclude voter who was shot dead in the arms of his killing of priests, women and children. voters have been widely derided on social media. But the grandfather two months ago. Their control over the territory was so fraud by preventing noncitizens from voting, particu- right-wing incumbent in Marseille, the UMP’s Jean- larly those in the country illegally. “This is a really big Their murders follow other notorious strong that it was not necessary. Today, Claude Gaudin, looks set to win a new term in France’s deaths, such as Giuseppe, 13, who invol- the boundaries of territories change so victory, not just for Kansas and Arizona but for all 50 second city as rival Socialist candidate Patrick Mennucci states,” Kobach said. “Kansas has paved the way for all untarily witnessed the assassination of a quickly... all lines are crossed,” he said. He suffers from his links to an unpopular government. trade unionist in 1948 and was murdered also brushed aside attempts to distin- states to enact proof-of-citizenship requirements.” “Mennucci has committed a crucial mistake which is link- Arizona enacted its proof-of-citizenship require- by an air injection while in hospital. Or 12- guish between the different branches of ing his campaign to the government and allowing us to year-old Giuseppe di Matteo, the son of a organized crime in Italy, from Costa ment by voter initiative in 2004, and Alabama, Georgia tell voters: ‘if you want to punish the Hollande govern- and Kansas followed with similar laws. Kansas’ rule mafia turncoat, who was kidnapped in Nostra in Sicily to the Camorra in the ment, don’t vote for Mennucci’,” said Gaudin’s 1996 and kept in atrocious conditions for Naples region.—AFP took effect last year. Critics of such laws view them as spokesman Yves Moraine. Further muddying the waters suppressing voter participation. They also said the fed- is the candidacy of Pape Diouf, a former president of the eral National Voter Registration Act, enacted in the football club who hopes to rally 1990s, was meant to simplify registration across the disaffected youths from tough neighborhoods against country and allowed federal officials to reject a modifi- Bulgarian imam jailed what he called a Socialist “machine”. cation of the national form. Jonathan Brater, legal The emergence under Marine Le Pen of the National counsel for the New York-based Brennan Center for SOFIA: A Bulgarian imam was sentenced Wednesday to one year in prison Front as France’s third political force adds unpredictabili- Justice, said Melgren’s ruling, if it stands, would erode for spreading an anti-democratic ideology, inciting hatred and participat- ty with many of the March 30 run-offs set to be three-way Congress’ power to protect voting rights. The center ing in an unregistered organization in Bulgaria. Ahmed Moussa Ahmed contests. “The National Front is much less repulsive than represented the national League of Women Voters and was tried in the southern city of Pazardzhik with 12 other Muslim leaders it has been in recent years,” said Jean-Daniel Levy, an its Arizona and Kansas chapters, which intervened in for involvement in the Al-Waqf Al-Islami group, which is financed by ultra- analyst with pollster Harris Interactive. “Voters are not the lawsuit. conservative Saudis and suspected of links to Al-Qaeda. Bulgarian prosecu- looking for the most competent candidate, but the one “There is a concern that other states could move to tors accused them of promoting a radical ideology founded on “elements who shares their feelings about the state of French socie- pass some of these misguided laws,” Brater said. “There of Salafism” in mosques, conferences and cafe meetings between March ty.” Pollsters identify half a dozen FN-run towns emerg- can be a copycat effect.” Melgren said the US 2008 and October 2010. ing after the vote - giving the party a chance to show it Constitution gives states the power to set voter qualifi- The court in Pazardzhik also sentenced Ahmed to three years in prison can be trusted with power two decades after attempts to cations, and Congress has not pre-empted it, even in for violating his probation, which was linked to another 2003 sentence for run four towns in the 1990s revealed its lack of compe- enacting the 1990s law. The federal commission and spreading radical Islam. Two other Muslim leaders were given respective tence. the national League of Women Voters were reviewing suspended sentences of one year and 10 months in jail and three years “I am looking to build our presence here in the long the decision Wednesday and not saying whether probation. The 10 other defendants were found guilty and given fines term,” Marion MarÈchal-Le Pen, grand-daughter of FN they’d appeal to the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals in ranging from 2,000 to 3,000 leva (1,000 to 1,500 euros). Begun in founder Jean-Marie Le Pen and at 24 the youngest parlia- Denver. But league President Elisabeth MacNamara September 2012, the trial had angered leaders of Bulgaria’s Muslim com- ment deputy in modern French history, said of her cam- said: “Our first impression is that it’s a harsh decision munity who had denounced being unfairly grouped as radicals. —AFP paign in the southern town of Sorgues, a former and it’s a decision that will harm voters.”—AP Communist bastion. The party is betting on wins in the International FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Libya vows to fight Xi heads to Europe as ‘scourge’ of terror Ukrainian Near-daily attacks continue unchecked TRIPOLI: The Libyan government yesterday vowed to fight terror- ments with hostile intentions.” Libyan authorities did not mention crisis rages ism, in its first acknowledgement that “terrorist groups” were behind any particular group, but these cities are strongholds of extremists dozens of attacks against security services and Westerners. Three such as the jihadist group Ansar Al-Sharia, placed on the United years after a revolution toppled long-time dictator Muammar States’ terror list in January. While experts regularly accuse extremist BEIJING: China’s Xi Jinping embarks on his first European tour Gaddafi and left the country awash with guns, near-daily attacks con- groups of carrying out attacks, authorities have not directly implicat- as president tomorrow, with the continent gripped by a diplo- tinue unchecked across Libya. “The nation finds itself in a confronta- ed the heavily armed outfits out of fear of retaliation. Ansar Al-Sharia matic frenzy over Beijing ally Moscow’s absorption of Crimea tion with terrorist groups, and it falls upon the government to mobi- is suspected of waging attacks against judges and security forces, but from Ukraine. The four-country trip comes shortly after China lize its military and security forces to fight this scourge,” the govern- also of being behind attacks on Western interests such as an assault lodged a rare abstention on a Western-backed UN Security ment said in a statement on its website. on the US mission in 2012 that killed the ambassador and three other Council resolution condemning the weekend’s Crimea referen- “There will be no place for terrorism in Libya... and Libyans must Americans. There have also been a string of attacks and kidnappings dum, rather than vetoing it along with Russia. While analysts be prepared for such a battle in terms of caution, awareness and sac- targeting foreigners in the North African nation. A French engineer say Xi is unlikely to speak out on Ukraine, they believe that rifice,” said the statement. Eastern Libya has become a bastion of was shot dead in Benghazi on March 2 and a British man and a New China cannot remain a diplomatic bystander forever. Islamist extremists, with authorities avoiding a full-blown confronta- Zealand woman were also found shot dead on a beach southwest of Xi has visited Russia, Africa, the United States, Latin America, tion with heavily armed former rebels pending the formation of a the capital in January. the Caribbean, Southeast Asia and Central Asia since becoming regular army and police force. The government indicated it would In December, an American teacher was killed in Benghazi, and president a year ago. He will first head to the Netherlands, fol- turn to “the national military force as it is of now” in its fight against two French guards were wounded in a car bombing outside France’s lowed by France, Germany and Belgium, along with the EU terrorism, alluding to pro-government militias that battled Gaddafi’s embassy in Tripoli last April 23. The government statement called on headquarters. President Vladimir Putin’s move in Crimea has regime in the 2011 uprising. “the international community and in particular the United Nations to seen harsh criticism and sanctions by members of the Group of The statement was published after a cabinet meeting held in the provide the necessary support to eradicate terrorism in Libyan cities”. Seven (G7) countries. Xi will hold summits with German southern town of Ghat, two days after a car bomb at a military acade- Three years after the uprising, the government has come under Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois my in the restive eastern city of Benghazi left at least seven soldiers increasing criticism from Libyans who accuse them of corruption and Hollande, and will also meet Obama on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague on Monday and dead. It also comes after parliament on Tuesday ousted prime minis- failing to provide security. Criminals roam the streets, and rival tribes Tuesday. ter Ali Zeidan over his failure to bring law and order to the country. shoot it out to settle long-standing disputes, while many ex-rebels The three Western leaders are members of the G7, intensely The government said “the cities of Benghazi, Derna and Sirte and have formed powerful militias rather than integrating into the regu- involved in dealing with the response to the Crimea crisis, and others are facing a terrorist war carried out by Libyan and foreign ele- lar armed forces and police. — AFP are likely to discuss it in The Hague. But overseas trips by Chinese presidents and premiers are usually bland and highly scripted affairs, with an emphasis on the positive aspects of Beijing’s relations with the countries visited. Beijing generally tries to avoid taking positions on situations that do not directly affect it, said Thomas Koenig, London-based Asia & China pro- gram coordinator at the European Council on Foreign Relations. “I don’t think China’s going to make any big state- ments or anything” on Ukraine, he said. “But in general I think the sense among the Europeans as well is that China sooner or later will not be able to just be the non-interfering power” it has been, he added. Chinese vice for- eign minister Li Baodong acknowledged the situation in Ukraine could come up in the meeting with Obama, but sig- naled Beijing’s likely position by reiterating its regular call for “calm and restraint”. “The visit will send out a strong signal to the entire European continent and the whole world that China values the role of Europe and we support European integration and we’re committed to deepening China-EU relations,” he said.

National interests CRIMEA: People enjoying a walk in Yalta, Crimea. The new authorities of the Peninsula announced the nationalization of Xi will have to walk a tricky line in balancing his bilateral vis- Ukrainian resorts and hotels in Crimea. — AFP its to Germany and France, and talks with the leaders of the broader EU. The 28-member EU is China’s biggest trading part- ner but ties have been strained at times, most recently last year Putin’s Crimea takeover sends by mutual dumping accusations over Chinese solar panels and European wine, in which interests of individual EU countries sometimes differed. “The eternal problem with the European Union, of course, is shivers across ex-Soviet Union that there’s always going to be the supranational entity that is obviously advocating that we should all be doing everything MOSCOW: It is December 2019 and Russian strongman Vladimir when it was part of the Soviet Union in 1954 was a mistake. together and that we’re working as a supranational entity Putin is flying to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his bold rather than just being concerned with our national interests,” moves in standing up to the US and establishing a new world Allies tense up Koenig said. “But then, of course, national interests always win.” order. “Even in its sleep the world does not forget that Russia can The significance of Russia’s absorption of Crimea has not been Xi’s visit to EU headquarters in Brussels on March 31 will be the turn the entire planet into radioactive ash, not only the United lost on the fellow Slavic nation of Belarus whose cities of Gomel, first by a Chinese president, according to the EU, whereas in the States,” reads a new satirical short story by Belarusian writer Sergei Mogilyov and Vitebsk were once part of the republic of Soviet past Chinese premiers have participated in Brussels summitry. Ostrovtsov. The piece, titled “A Nobel for Putin”, was published Russia under the USSR. Since the start of the crisis, the country’s The visit to France, meanwhile, is partially to commemorate online as waves of concern spread across countries of the former authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko has been maneuver- the 50th anniversary of the establishment in 1964 of diplomatic USSR over Moscow’s seizure of Ukraine’s peninsula of Crimea. ing to hedge his bets and remain on good terms with Moscow, relations between Beijing and Paris. Xi is scheduled to make a Putin’s pledge to protect compatriots beyond his country’s borders agreeing to station additional Russian fighter jets in his country. major speech in Paris highlighting historical bonds such as the and his readiness to revisit history has re-opened old wounds in the But just like Ukraine, Belarus in 1994 signed the so-called experiences of Communist Party luminaries Zhou Enlai and Baltic nations and even troubled the Kremlin’s traditional allies. Budapest memorandum, renouncing its military nuclear capabili- Deng Xiaoping, who both studied in France. There was specu- Many of the post-Soviet countries have sizeable Russian- ty in exchange for security guarantees from Russia, the United lation earlier this year that China might seek to have Xi visit the speaking populations and are struggling with festering territorial States and Britain. “Where can we, poor Belarussians, hide from Holocaust Memorial in Berlin to highlight how Germany has disputes and separatist claims of their own. “All the former Soviet such a ‘friend?’,” said former Belarusian lawmaker and political confronted its Nazi past as a way to embarrass Japan, which countries have artificial borders,” said Konstantin Kalachev, head analyst Andrei Klimov, referring to Russia. The attitude of even Beijing regularly calls on to express contrition for its invasion of of the Political Expert Group. “A precedent for redrawing borders close allies within the former USSR has been of extreme caution. China and atrocities committed during World War II. But has been created.” Following an uprising that ousted Ukrainian The energy-rich Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan acknowl- Chinese vice commerce minister Wang Chao denied that. “The President Viktor Yanukovych last month, Putin sent troops to edged the results of the referendum in Crimea, where a majority issue... did not come up during our preparations for this visit,” Russian-speaking Crimea, citing concern for compatriots. On of the population voted to split from Ukraine and join Russia, but he said. — AFP Tuesday, he signed a treaty making the peninsula part of Russian President Nursultan Nazarbayev has not so far made any public territory, saying Nikita Khrushchev’s decision to give it to Ukraine comments on Moscow’s takeover of the peninsula. —AFP International FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Election losses could Refugees in Nepal strain Dutch coalition condemned to ‘hilly prison’ by visa fines Rightist populist makes ‘fewer Moroccans’ offer KATHMANDU: Amir Hussain, a Rohingya Muslim, lost a dozen AMSTERDAM: The parties of the Dutch ruling coalition received a and carry on with reforms to the labor and housing markets to make members of his family to sectarian violence in Myanmar last year. stinging rebuke in local elections on Wednesday, after years of slug- sure we emerge stronger from the economic crisis,” he told Dutch He fled to Nepal where the country’s policy on refugees has left gish growth turned voters away from the two parties, which have public television. him among hundreds trapped, jobless and mired in debt. He stuck grimly to austerity since taking national office in 2012. Labor, National elections must be held before March 2017, by which time lives with his family in a tiny room in a house where walls have junior partner to the pro-business Liberals, lost their position as the two parties hope an improving economy will have lifted them in collapsed, water drips through holes in the roof and an open largest party in Amsterdam after more than 60 years to the progres- the polls. The local polls in some 400 municipalities have greater concrete stairwell is a potential deathtrap for his two young chil- sive liberal D66 party. import than in previous years because key areas of social spending, dren. In The Hague, seat of the Dutch government, Labor was pushed including the politically sensitive fields of healthcare and benefits, are “If I go back to Burma (Myanmar), I will be killed,” he said. into third place, behind D66 and Geert Wilders’ populist Freedom set to be decentralized, giving municipalities more power than they “When I came to Nepal, I felt safe but we found many problems.” Party. It also lost the industrial and maritime powerhouse of have ever had before. Wilders had been widely expected to top the Hundreds of desperate refugees are trapped in Nepal, told they Rotterdam to Liveable Rotterdam, a rightist local party. “The govern- poll in The Hague, but his advance in the polls will still boost his par- must pay fines as high as $100,000 before they can be resettled ment parties are being punished for austerity and for tax increases,” ty’s morale ahead of European Parliament elections in late May. to the West. Barred from working, many have spent years wait- said Andre Krouwel, a political scientist at Amsterdam’s VU University, ing for the government to let them leave. The biggest problem: adding that the centre-left Labor Party’s losses in the country’s largest Fewer Moroccans that despite being offered new lives in the West by the UN’s cities were “historic”. While votes were being counted, Wilders, who claims Muslim refugee agency, most refugees-who number around 400 in the Long seen as a member of the euro zone core, its economy tightly immigrants are disproportionately responsible for crime and benefit capital Kathmandu-have been trapped here for years by Nepal’s bound to Europe’s German economic heartlands, the Netherlands has fraud, rallied his supporters in The Hague, asking them if they wanted rules, which are decried by rights groups. seen years of sluggish growth since the start of the financial crisis in to see “more or fewer Moroccans in this city.” “Fewer, fewer, fewer,” Nepal is neither a signatory to the 1951 UN Refugee 2008, lingering in recession even as, further up the Rhine river, the crowd chanted in reply to a smiling Wilders, who had told the Convention, nor has it established a clear legal framework to Germany’s recovery gathered pace. The country lost one of three cov- audience he was exercising the “great good” of freedom of expres- deal with asylum-seekers or refugees. The refugees are fined $5 eted triple A sovereign credit ratings in November, and dissatisfaction sion. “We’ll arrange that,” he replied. for every day they overstay their 30-day tourist visa and the debt at continued high unemployment and depressed consumer confi- According to polls, the Freedom Party, which wants to quit the must be cleared before they leave. Many families have amassed dence have turned voters in a country that once prided itself on its lib- 28-member EU bloc, will become the largest Dutch party in the tens of thousands of dollars in fines. The government does not eralism towards populist parties on the left and the right. Brussels assembly. Elected in September 2012 on a platform of fiscal waive the visa overstay fee even after the UNHCR has organized A nascent economic recovery may have come too late for Labor, rectitude, the governing coalition has seen its popularity melt away resettlement, which is usually to the United States or Canada. whose voters were always more grudging in their support for the as it pushed through successive rounds of cuts in a bid to bring the And since the government does not recognize their refugee sta- coalition’s program of tax hikes and cuts in social spending in particu- budget deficit below the EU’s 3 percent ceiling. If a national election tus, they must find the money while being barred from working, lar. Labor’s drubbing could fuel dissatisfaction within the party over were held today, the two parties would win just 35 seats in the 150- leaving them in a perpetual limbo. the course to which it has signed up. “The results of our policies are member parliament, compared to the 79 they hold now, according coming in too slowly,” said party leader Diderik Samsom. But Mark to pollster Maurice De Hond, while Wilders’ breed of anti-EU pop- ‘A hilly prison’ Rutte, the Liberal prime minister, promised the coalition would not ulism would make the Freedom Party the largest single party, with Nawid Ahmad, 42, from Lahore in Pakistan, has a fine of over change course. “We must now make sure that there is growth in jobs, 27 seats. — Reuters $100,000 hanging over him and his family. He is a member of the Ahmadi sect of Islam, which is officially heretical in Pakistan. Ahmadis can face three years in jail just for saying the traditional Islamic greeting of “As-Salaam-Alaikum”. Their mosque in Lahore was bombed in 2010, killing around 80 people. Ahmad decided to leave in 2004 after he was shot four times-in the leg, chest and hip-in an unprovoked attack while out shopping. “I miss every- thing. My heart and soul is in Pakistan, but we could not stay,” he told AFP at his home in Kathmandu. He came with five younger brothers and they added wives and children. Most have already been granted asylum in the United States, but to leave they must find the enormous visa fee which is an impossible task. “This place is beautiful,” he added, gesturing towards the snow- capped Himalayas that lined the horizon. “But for us, it has become a hilly prison. We just wait and wait and wait.” Even more tragic is the case of the Somali community. Many BANGKOK: This file picture shows an anti-government protester shooting into a crowd of pro-government supporters with an came in 2007 when smugglers promised them a new life in the automatic weapon hidden in a bag in the Lak Si area of Bangkok. — AFP Italian city of “Naples”. “When we arrived here, the smuggler said it was just a stop-over. In the morning, he had disappeared,” said “Khalid”, who fled Mogadishu after his father, brother and sister ‘Popcorn gunman’ hired were all killed by a rival clan. He requested that his real name not be used. He has been offered relocation to the US, and is looking for a loan shark to pay the $19,000 in visa fines he owes for his family, a tactic employed by many refugees desperate to leave. by Thailand’s protesters The loan could mean a long period of indentured servitude for Khalid, but he says: “I won’t hesitate. My children will get a better BANGKOK: A Thai gunman who gained national notoriety after by protesters as a symbol of defiance against the authorities and the education and better life.” opening fire at a political clash with an assault rifle in a popcorn bag rival pro-government “Red Shirts” movement. said yesterday he had been hired by anti-government protesters. He was identified after police released a picture of him later ‘Life is like a pendulum’ Images of the man, nicknamed the “popcorn gunman”, went viral removing his balaclava. Protest spokesman Akanat Promphan said All are grateful for the peace and religious tolerance of after he was seen during a dramatic gunfight with government sup- Wiwat was being used by police as a “scapegoat”, without confirming Nepal. Although there is occasional discrimination-particularly porters in Bangkok on February 1 wearing a balaclava and bulletproof whether he was a security guard for the movement. “He did not against dark-skinned Somalis it is nothing compared to the bru- vest. He was hailed by some within the anti-government movement intend to hurt anyone but to protect innocent people,” Akanat said, tal violence they faced at home. But the threat to life and limb as a hero. Wiwat Yodprasit, who was arrested Wednesday and faces adding the protesters will support his legal case. Authorities seized on has been replaced by a new, psychological torment that results charges of attempted murder and possession of a gun, told reporters Wiwat’s confession as further proof that anti-government demonstra- from the long, idle days. “I have lost my golden years to this he had been trained to use the M16 rifle by the protesters’ private tors are armed. “Suthep has repeatedly said that his protest is peace- place,” said Asif Muneer, 42, who ran a furniture business in security guards. The 24-year-old said he was paid $9 a day to act as a ful. That is absolutely not true,” said Labor Minister Chalerm Lahore before coming here in 2004. Friday prayers have just fin- guard for the movement, which is backed by the Bangkok-based Yubumrung, who heads the government’s security response to the ished and he sits with a group of Ahmadis in the rented home establishment and wants to oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. months-long crisis. they have turned into a mosque. “Sometimes I lose my mind-I “The head of protest security gave me a M16 to use... I fired 20 bullets. Political violence, often targeting protesters with gunfire and can’t sleep, can’t eat. Our life is like a pendulum, just swinging I used the popcorn bag to keep the bullet casings from falling to the grenade blasts, has left 23 people dead and hundreds wounded in back and forth and never going anywhere,” he said. His fine has ground,” Wiwat told a press conference. recent months. The bloodshed has abated since protesters scaled climbed to $39,000. The refugees survive on a meagre The daytime clash broke out in the district of Lak Si after opposi- down their rallies at the start of March and converged in a city cen- allowance from the UNHCR, which has lobbied the government tion demonstrators blocked ballot boxes from being delivered for a tre park. On Tuesday Thailand ended a near two-month state of for years over the visa fee issue. The government says it has general election. Protest leaders have repeatedly denied that their emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas, reflecting the twice waived overstay fees for “some four dozen” urban guards or supporters carry weapons. Wiwat was arrested at a temple improved security situation. Yingluck’s government, in a caretaker refugees. “However, we consider these people to be illegal in the southern town of Surat Thani-the home town of firebrand role following an incomplete February election, still faces a series of immigrants, not refugees. —AFP protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban. His image has been widely used legal challenges that could lead to her removal from office. — AFP International FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

CIA-Senate spat complicates spying oversight

WASHINGTON: The government’s top intelligence the director of national intelligence, said Wednesday. grams. When details of the NSA programs were dis- lawyers on Wednesday renewed assurances that Litt was speaking to a privacy oversight panel that closed last year by former NSA systems analyst Congress is adequately monitoring US surveillance has been reviewing some of the more controversial Edward Snowden, the Obama administration and programs. But it’s suddenly an awkward argument spy programs revealed last year. other supporters said the programs were key to pre- for the Obama administration, since the head of the But that balance is suspect amid complaints that venting terrorism. But justifying the effectiveness of a Senate Intelligence Committee the executive branch interferes with Congress. Sen. secret program proved difficult, because details are publicly accused the CIA of illegally monitoring its Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the chair of the Senate classified. “How can anybody except you people do investigators as they carried out their oversight Intelligence Committee and a longtime supporter of that?” a member of the Privacy and Civil Liberties duties. Since disclosures about the National Security the NSA surveillance programs, has accused the gov- Oversight Board, Patricia Wald, asked the govern- Agency’s surveillance programs, including the collec- ernment of this type of interference. Feinstein said ment. tion of phone records and emails of millions of US cit- the CIA interfered with and then tried to intimidate a The Obama administration’s answer: Congress. “I izens, the administration has said they were congressional investigation into the agency’s possi- think the public record now indicates there is a fairly approved and overseen by all three branches of the ble use of torture as it probed suspected terrorists robust exchange between the executive branch and US government. after the Sept 11 attacks. “This is kind of a raw exam- the legislative branch on a variety of programs. And The congressional intelligence committees are ple of how things can go wrong in congressional so I think that’s where traditionally the evaluation has intended to keep the government’s secret activities oversight,” said David M Barrett, a Villanova occurred,” NSA general counsel Rajesh De said. in check. Those lawmakers are privy to classified University professor who has studied the history of Privacy advocates have been critical of the congres- details, and Americans rely on them to ensure that Congress and the intelligence community. sional oversight of the NSA programs, raising con- the intelligence community follows the law, that the “Congressional oversight of intelligence is going to cerns that lawmakers are too close to the administra- intelligence collection doesn’t eviscerate civil liber- be imperfect. It always is.” tion, hindering objective and effective oversight of ties, and that the programs are effective in prevent- Some lawmakers have said the allegations, if true, the secret programs. “Even when Congress tries to do ing threats to the US. “We’ve set the balance have constitutional implications by preventing some oversight, they’re thwarted by the administra- between public disclosure and the need for secrecy Congress from carrying out its oversight duties - the tion,” said Michelle Richardson of the American Civil by empowering the congressional intelligence com- same duties the Obama administration points to Liberties Union. “I don’t think the public has faith in mittees,” Robert Litt, general counsel of the office of when it justifies the legality of its intelligence pro- congressional oversight anymore.”—AP Multiple suicide attacks kill 10 Afghan policemen

A major assault ahead of presidential election

JALALABAD: Seven Taleban suicide attack- their fighters to attack polling staff, voters ers stormed a police station in the centre of and security forces before the vote to Jalalabad city in eastern Afghanistan yes- choose a successor to President Hamid terday, killing 10 policemen in a major Karzai. On Tuesday a suicide bomber killed assault ahead of the presidential election. 16 people at a crowded market in the The target of the three-hour truck bomb northern province of Faryab. There was no and gun assault was a police station near claim of responsibility for that attack. the governor’s house in the city, which has “(These attacks) are an attempt to disrupt been the scene of repeated militant attacks the elections, an important political and in recent years. The Taleban have vowed a historic event in the history of campaign of violence to disrupt the elec- Afghanistan,” a government statement MUMBAI: Indian forensic officials enter The Shakti Mills Area in Mumbai, the scene of a gang tion on April 5, and a spokesman for the said, accusing the militants of receiving rape on a female photojournalist. — AFP insurgents claimed responsibility for the support from neighboring Pakistan. early-morning suicide strike which also left Previous Afghan elections have been badly Indian court convicts a civilian dead. “Ten policemen, including marred by violence as the Islamist militants the district police chief, were killed and 14 display their opposition to the US-backed 5 in Mumbai gang rapes police were wounded,” deputy interior polls. Another bloodstained election would minister Mohammad Ayoub Salangi said. damage claims by international donors NEW DELHI: An Indian court convicted five men The photojournalist stunned the nation after “One civilian was also killed, and all seven that the expensive military and civilian yesterday for raping a photojournalist and a call- her attack by telling local media that “rape is not attackers. intervention in Afghanistan since 2001 has center operator last summer inside an abandoned the end of life” - a groundbreaking statement given Sediq Sediqqi, spokesman for the inte- made progress in establishing a function- textile mill in the financial hub of Mumbai, cases that many rape victims are often shunned by their rior ministry, said one or two attackers ing state system. that renewed calls to wipe out the scourge of sexu- families, fired from jobs or driven from their home had holed up in a small room inside the NATO combat troops are withdrawing al violence in India. The rapes happened about a villages. The women cannot be identified under police station before they were finally from the country after 13 years of fighting a month apart in the same abandoned mill in the Indian law. The men convicted of the crimes range killed by security forces. The attack began fierce Islamist insurgency, which erupted Lower Parel section of Mumbai, where luxury malls in age from 19 to 26, according to the Press Trust of when a mini-truck loaded with explosives when the Taleban were ousted from power and condominiums stand alongside sprawling India news agency. In the weeks after the attack on was detonated at the police station’s after the 9/11 attacks on the United States. slums. Three of the men were convicted in both the photojournalist, Mumbai police said the sus- entrance, leaving debris littered across Karzai, who is barred from serving a third cases. “(I) hope this verdict will act as a deterrent,” pects had little to no education and lived in the said Maharashtra Home Minister R R Patil, saying slums near the abandoned mill. Both trials were the surrounding streets as security forces term in office, has consistently said the cases were tried in the “fastest possible time.” held by a fast-track court in a country where the cordoned off the scene. About 20 people Afghanistan will hold a safe and clean elec- The men face 20 years to life in prison, prosecu- judiciary is notorious for delays. But rape cases have had been treated for injuries at the city’s tion, despite previous violence and allega- tor Ujjwal Nikam said. Sentencing was expected on taken on a sense of urgency since December 2012, main hospital. The area of the attack tions of massive fraud when he won the Friday. Two minors are being tried separately by a when a 23-year-old medical student was fatally includes the compound of the governor last poll five years ago. The election front- juvenile court. In the first case, a call-center opera- gang-raped on a moving bus in New Delhi. Rape, of Nangarhar province, of which Jalalabad runners are Abdullah Abdullah, who came tor was gang-raped on July 31 inside the aban- rarely talked about in India’s deeply conservative is the capital, several other government second in 2009, former foreign minister doned textile mill. Nearly a month later, a 22-year- society, became front-page news, with demands buildings and the state-run television sta- Zalmai Rassoul and former World Bank old photojournalist was on assignment with a male that police do more to protect women. Pledging to tion. economist Ashraf Ghani. The next presi- colleague when several men approached and crack down, the federal government created fast- dent will face a testing new era as the offered to help them get permission to shoot pho- track courts for rape cases, doubled prison terms Taleban target elections Afghan army and police take on the tos in the abandoned mill. Once inside, the male for rape, and criminalized voyeurism and stalking. colleague was beaten and tied up while the attack- Four men have been sentenced to death in the Ten days ago Taleban leaders vowed to Taleban without the assistance of 53,000 ers took turns raping the woman. New Delhi gang rape case. — AP target the presidential election, urging NATO combat troops.— AFP Business FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Japan passes record Debt casts deepening shadow on Egypt’s economic recovery $937bn budget


MUNICH: A BMW car model ‘BMW i8’ is on display during BMW’s balance press conference. Car manufacturer BMW registered record numbers in sales, earnings and dividends for the 2013 business year. — AFP Qatar to reschedule 15% of projects Cost could exceed budget by $80bn

DOHA: Qatar is likely to reschedule about 15 fully, the projects could destabilize Qatar’s track to be completed on time. its own banks and companies have the capac- percent of its planned building projects for small economy, creating bottlenecks and driv- ity to handle a larger share of the contracts, coming years and go over budget, amid a ing up costs. A government source, declining Leadership limiting the extent to which it needs to rely on push to complete preparations for the 2022 to be named under briefing rules, acknowl- A change in Qatar’s leadership may be bigger foreign firms. A third factor appears to World Cup soccer tournament, sources famil- edged that Qatar faced pressures in pushing partly responsible for a slower pace of con- be cost. Qatar does not seem to face any diffi- iar with government policy said. After it won through the projects and would have to slow struction. Last June, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad culty financing its projects; the government’s the right to host the World Cup in 2010, the some, though he stressed that construction Al-Thani, 33, took over from his father as emir. budget surplus was $27.3 billion, or a huge tiny nation, with a population of about 2.1 specifically for the World Cup would take pri- He has replaced some senior economic offi- 14.2 percent of gross domestic product, in the million, announced plans for a raft of projects ority and be completed on time. cials and in a policy speech last November, fiscal year to last March. that would transform it over the following 15 “About 15 percent of the projects will be said he was particularly keen to prevent high Nevertheless, slowing some projects may years. They include a new airport, roads, port rescheduled,” the government source told inflation and corruption. Those purposes save money, if it allows resources to be used facilities, railways, stadiums and other infra- Reuters. “All projects associated directly with could be helped by implementing projects at more efficiently. “The final expenditure may structure. hosting the World Cup cannot be rescheduled a more measured pace than the original never be made public and will be handled by The government has not released a com- since they have to finish by 2022. But there plans. Another factor is the sheer difficulty of the government,” Anthony Holmes, director prehensive, detailed schedule of its construc- are others which can be moved.” The source assembling enough construction workers, of the London-based Institute for tion plans, but analysts estimate they will cost did not give details. Qatari officials have materials and equipment from around the Infrastructure Studies, said at a conference in between $140 billion and $200 billion declined to discuss changes to the construc- world. Qatar, the world’s largest exporter of Doha on Wednesday. through the early 2020s, paid for with the tion schedule publicly. Earlier this week, the liquefied natural gas, needs an additional “But, if the performance conforms to glob- country’s vast natural gas wealth. This is central bank governor said the government 400,000 workers for its next phase of develop- al norms, the final cost may exceed the origi- expected to provide a bonanza to the foreign was expected to sign contracts for construc- ment, the government source said. nal budget by $80 billion or around 50 per- construction firms that will do much of the tion projects worth as much as $50 billion this Qatar is likely to face increasing competi- cent of one year’s GDP,” said Holmes, who has work. year, but he did not elaborate. tion for regional construction resources in the advised companies on World Cup-related But so far, contract awards and work on Yasser Al-Mulla, project manager at Al- next few years from Saudi Arabia, which is projects. Qatar’s labor costs will probably rise many projects have been slower to get start- Rayyan Precinct for the Supreme Committee accelerating a housing construction program, because of publicity about deaths of migrant ed than the business community expected, for Delivery and Legacy, which is handling and the United Arab Emirates, where Dubai is construction workers building World Cup apparently because of bureaucratic and plan- construction of tournament venues, said this preparing to host the 2020 World Expo. By infrastructure, the International Monetary ning problems. If they are not handled care- week that all World Cup projects were on delaying some projects, Qatar can ensure that Fund said in a report this month. — Reuters Business FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Japan passes record $937bn budget

TOKYO: Japan yesterday passed its biggest- But there are fears it will derail Abe’s policy ever budget, a $937 billion spending package blitz, dubbed Abenomics, aimed at kick-start- aimed at propping up growth as consumers ing the world’s third-largest economy after it brace for the country’s first sales tax rise for suffered years of growth-denting deflation. “It over 15 years. “The most important policy of is our national project to bring Japan out of the Abe government has been and will be to deflation,” the premier said. “With the pas- restore a strong economy,” Prime Minister sage of the budget, we showed to people at Shinzo Abe told a news conference after the home and abroad a strong determination on passage of the budget for the fiscal year the part of our parliament to end deflation.” beginning on April 1. Abe swept to power in late 2012 on a tick- “We will try to minimize the negative et to rescue Japan’s long-lumbering econo- impact of the increase in the consumption my. The budget-up from 92.61 trillion yen for tax.” A total of 136 lawmakers in the 242- the current fiscal year-is seen as key to paying member upper house, controlled by the rul- for Japan’s snowballing health and social wel- ing Liberal Democratic Party, voted for the fare costs. The rapidly ageing population is package, against 102 opposition votes, a par- putting pressure on the public purse, while liamentary spokesman said. Two lawmakers low birth rates are threatening to create a did not cast a vote, one seat is vacant and the demographic time bomb for the heavily house speaker only casts a ballot in a tie. The indebted nation. lower house last month approved the 95.88 Japan’s projected primary balance deficit- trillion yen ($937.4 billion) budget. the shortfall between what the government The new budget comes as Tokyo pushes takes in and what it spends, apart from debt- for speedy implementation of a $50 billion servicing-is expected to shrink by 5.2 trillion stimulus package specially designed to pro- yen to 18.0 trillion yen. That means Japan’s tect Japan’s fragile economic recovery, as the national debt, now more than twice the size sales tax rises to 8.0 percent from 5.0 percent of the economy, will continue to rise but at a TOKYO: LINE Corporation chief strategy and marketing officer Jun Masuda (letf), Toei on April 1 — the first increase since the late slower pace. Public spending projects are part Animation director Shinji Shimizu (center) and HIT Entertainment Limited president Bryce 1990s. The increase is seen as crucial to bring- of the proposed budget as well as plans to H Inoue (right) pose for a photo during a press preview for their new product, “LINE Kids ing down Japan’s eye-watering national debt, upgrade Japan’s defense forces, as China Animation”, yesterday. LINE Corporation, offering an instant messaging application on which is proportionately the worst among bulks up its military and fears remain over smartphones and personal computers, announced they will start shortly the “LINE Kids rich nations. North Korea’s nuclear arms potential. — AFP Animation” service for children with a target age between one and six-year-olds.— AFP Mulberry boss Europe strikes deal to Guillon quits complete banking union LONDON: Bruno Guillon has quit as chief executive of British luxury brand Mulberry, bringing an end to a two- year tenure marked by three profit warnings during an No common euro-zone backstop foreseen for now attempt to move upmarket that has failed to pay off. Under Guillon, Mulberry hiked prices in an effort to BRUSSELS: European policymakers agreed yesterday to com- and banks are taking much of the blame for not lending. The become more exclusive and win back customers who plete a banking union with an agency to shut failing euro-zone banking union, and the clean-up of banks’ books that will were upgrading to pricier brands. But, like others in the banks, but there will be no joint backstop for a fund to pay the accompany it, is intended to restore their confidence in one market, it has been taken by surprise by the arrival of aspi- costs of closures. The breakthrough ends an impasse with the another. It is also supposed to stop indebted states from shield- rational brands at the lower end of the luxury range, such European Parliament, which persuaded euro-zone countries to ing the banks that buy their bonds, treated in law as ‘risk-free’ as Michael Kors. strengthen the scheme. It completes the second pillar of bank- despite Greece’s default in all but name. Under the deal At the end of January, it was forced to cut profit fore- ing union, starting at the end of the year when the European reached, a fund made up by levies on banks will be built up casts for the third time in 18 months, after weak demand Central Bank takes over as watchdog. over eight years, rather than 10 as originally foreseen. Forty per- in South Korea and heavy discounting over Christmas in The accord means that the ECB has the means to shut banks cent of the fund will be shared among countries from the start Britain which contributes 65 percent of sales. “The board it decides are too weak to survive, reinforcing its role as supervi- and 60 percent after two years. sor as it prepares to run health checks on the still fragile sector. It also envisages giving the European Central Bank the pri- agreed that it was now time to part company,” a source “Today’s compromise allows us to complete the architecture of mary role in triggering the closure of a bank, limiting the scope familiar with the situation told Reuters. Mulberry, which banking union for the euro-zone,” said Michel Barnier, the for country ministers to challenge such a move. Mark Wall, makes Bayswater and Alexa handbags that sell for up to European commissioner in charge of regulation. Deutsche Bank’s chief euro-zone economist, said new rules to 4,500 pounds, said Frenchman Guillon would leave imme- “The second pillar of banking union will allow bank crises to impose losses on the bondholders of troubled banks would diately, without saying if he would receive any payoff. be managed more effectively,” he said, helping to bring “an end reduce the burden on the fund but warned that its size was too The warning wiped over 25 percent off Mulberry’s to the era of massive bailouts”. Thursday’s accord makes it hard- modest. “A cross-European fund of the size of 55 billion raises shares in January, a loss from which they are yet to recov- er for EU countries to challenge the ECB if it triggers bank clo- some eyebrows in terms of scale,” he said. er. Analysts see little short-term benefit from Mulberry’s sures, and establishes a common 55 billion euro back-up fund The fund will be able to borrow against future bank levies growth strategy that requires investment at a time of over eight years - quicker than planned but far longer than the but will not be able to rely on the euro-zone bailout fund to slowing sales. The firm’s efforts to become a global brand ECB’s watchdog had hoped. raise credit. Critics say this means primary responsibility for were also dealt a heavy blow last September when the But the new system, which Barnier conceded was not ‘per- problem lenders remained with their home countries and that highly-rated Emma Hill, creative director behind the Alexa fect’, has shortcomings. For one, the ‘resolution’ fund is small the banking union will never live up to its name. “The key to the and Del Rey bags, quit. Media reports suggested that Hill and would, in the view of the ECB watchdog, be quickly spent. banking union is an authority with financial clout. They don’t did not agree with the group’s strategy and she is still to To remedy that the fund will be able to borrow, but euro zone have it so we don’t have a banking union,” said Paul De Grauwe be replaced. governments will not club together to make it cheaper and eas- of the London School of Economics. “Given all the profit warnings at Mulberry, it was debat- ier for it to do so. “The whole idea was to cut the deadly embrace between The 18 zone countries do not intend to cover jointly the cost bank and sovereign. But if a banking crisis were to erupt again, able how long the core shareholders would keep faith with of dealing with individual bank failures, a central tenet of the it would be back to how it was in 2008 with every country on its the embattled CEO and his strategy,” analyst Nick Bubb said. original plan for banking union. Germany resisted pressure from own.” Carsten Brzeski, an economist with ING, said that while he Mulberry said chairman Godfrey Davis, 64, would become Spain, France to make such a concession. Its finance minister believed the size of the fund to be irrelevant because it would executive chairman until a successor was found. During his Wolfgang Schaeuble welcomed what he called “the clear partic- only be used in the distant future, the decision-making process 27 years at the group Davis has been finance chief and CEO. ipation of private creditors” - new rules forcing them to take to shut a bank was too complicated and long-winded. Shares in the firm, which is 56 percent owned by Singapore losses - and that “the mutualized liability of participating mem- The fragility and politicized nature of Europe’s banks has billionaires Christina Ong and Ong Beng Seng, rose 1.3 per- ber states remained ruled out”. Neither will there be any joint been highlighted by Austria’s Hypo Alpe Adria. Vienna will cent to 644.5p at 1028 GMT. Mulberry is not the only luxury protection of deposits. sponsor a bad bank to isolate roughly 18 billion euros of bad firm to pursue more exclusive aspirations, larger rivals like loans extended by the bank after Joerg Haider, the far-right Kering and LVMH, respective parents to Gucci and Louis Deadly embrace politician who governed its home province, earlier ramped up Vuitton, have also been surprised by newcomers grabbing Almost seven years since German small-business lender IKB its activities. Despite the impact on its national debt, many customers at the lower end of the market. — Reuters became Europe’s first victim of the global financial crisis, the politicians feel Austria has little choice. Were banking union in region is still struggling to lift its economy out of the doldrums place, this situation would be little different. — Reuters Business FRIDAY, MARCH 21 , 2014 Debt casts deepening shadow on Egypt’s economic recovery Limited political, economic room to cut budget deficit CAIRO/DUBAI: After Egypt’s new finance minister took office last month, one of his first acts was to downgrade the govern- ment’s assessment of its finances. Hany Kadry Dimian said this year’s budget gap would be about a third bigger than his predecessor estimated. He was acknowledging what may become the biggest threat to Egypt’s economic recovery after Wataniya Telecom years of political turmoil: a rising public debt burden. Since Islamist President Mohamed Morsi was ousted last July, billions of dollars in aid from allied governments in the Gulf have eased most of Egypt’s pressing economic problems. Its currency has stabilized, fuel shortages are less severe and Sponsored Ghadi Project the government has resumed spending on economic devel- opment projects. Investors are celebrating; stocks have rocketed to levels last seen before the 2011 revolution while the yield on Egypt’s $1 billion sovereign bond due in 2020 hit 5.33 percent this week, its lowest level since December 2012 and down a whopping 5.8 percentage points since mid-2013. But Egypt’s state finances are still getting worse, and a Reuters analysis suggests they will continue deteriorating into the second half of the decade, at the very least. In that time, the ratio of public debt to gross domestic product may rise above 100 percent, a level viewed as potentially dangerous by many economists. In the worst case, the debt could become so large that servicing it eats up an ever-increasing share of government spending, creating a vicious circle. At a minimum, the debt could crowd out spending by the private sector, adding to Egypt’s political tensions by slowing job creation. “Egypt is spending more than it can borrow given the low gross domestic product growth rates,” said Moustafa Bassiouny, Cairo-based economist at Signet Institute. “It’s about having faith that you can repay... Egypt would have to grow around 5 or 6 percent in the next three years and that’s highly unlikely. It hasn’t yet reached a dangerous point, but it’s on a very dan- gerous trajectory.” Deficit Egypt’s state finances were unhealthy even before the rev- olution; the government ran budget deficits of around 8 per- cent of GDP in the years before 2011. The political turmoil has worsened the situation by more than halving the GDP growth rate, hurting tax revenues. With private investment weak because of political and economic risks, the government is having to try to revitalize the economy with state spending packages - further adding to the debt. Although Gulf aid is keeping Egypt afloat and more is expected in coming months and years, it is adding to the debt, not reducing it. Of $10.7 billion received since last July, $6 billion was lending which will need to be repaid rather Donations for the education of 1,233 than grants of cash or petroleum products. A simple spread- sheet model of Egypt’s public debt, created by Reuters, sug- gests it will be several years before the ratio of debt to GDP, Syrian refugee children are collected which was 89.2 percent in the fiscal year to last June, levels off and starts to fall. Dimian said real GDP would grow about 2.3 percent this in cooperation with KRCS and NEST fiscal year. If the economy keeps growing at that speed, and other factors such as the budget balance and interest rate paid on the debt stay the same, the debt-to-GDP ratio will rise above 100 percent in the fiscal year to June 2017, the model shows. Relying entirely on faster economic growth to solve ataniya Telecom, a member of Ooredoo Wataniya Telecom is thankful to all the great the problem doesn’t look feasible. Even if GDP growth WGroup, sponsored”Ghadi” Project which efforts done to successfully collect donations for the jumped next fiscal year to 4.3 percent - Egypt’s average since was an initiative taken by NEST aid group education of 1,233 Syrian refugee children. It highly 2000 - and stayed there, the debt-to-GDP ratio would keep ris- and Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) in support praised the efforts of Ghadi team including the ing through the end of this decade, though at a slower rate. of young volunteers from Kuwait. The project aimed young Kuwaiti volunteers saying that the company That means state spending growth will have to be slowed at supporting the education of Syrian refugee chil- was pleased to support NEST’s project for that it and revenue growth accelerated in coming years. But the dren in Lebanon. goes in line with its commitment towards the society structure of spending makes cuts very difficult. Out of 717 bil- lion ($103 billion) Egyptian pounds of projected state spend- “Ghadi”was Nest Kuwait’s great campaign that and is considered a major part of its corporate social ing in the current fiscal year, 25.4 percent is earmarked for made it possible for everyone to participate in help- responsibility. interest payments on the debt. ing the education of Syrian refugee children who are It is worth mentioning that Wataniya has recently While the government has succeeded over the past nine truly in need. Wataniya Telecom strongly believes announced its donation of KD 50,000 in fulfillment of months in bringing down the average interest rate it pays, by that education is a right for all children in the world the desire of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- conducting fresh borrowing at longer maturities and borrow- and it wanted to open doors for people in Kuwait to Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to collect donations for ing Gulf money at preferential rates, there may be little room take part in providing education to Syrian children the relief of the Syrian people. for further such savings - at least while debt remains so high. while being in a tough situation away from home The average yield on nine-month Treasury bills tumbled from and school. almost 15 percent to around 11 percent in the months after Morsi’s ouster, but has stabilized in recent weeks. Business FRIDAY, MARCH 21 , 2014 Small business unfazed by paid sick time

NEW YORK: As more cities mandate paid sick have little, if any, downside for profits. And days for workers, the reaction from many many small businesses say they don’t find small businesses is a big, so what? New York complying with the laws a burden. Many City and two New Jersey cities, Jersey City already gave employees paid sick time and Newark, are the latest to require before the laws were passed. And having employers to give workers paid time off paid sick time makes employees happy. “If when they’re ill or to care for sick relatives. you’re sick and can’t make it into work, it San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, DC, gives you security,” says Leonardo Lima, who Portland, Ore. and Connecticut already had works for an electronics repair shop in New sick leave laws. York. He was getting paid sick leave before Similar legislation elsewhere has been a the law was passed. bust because of opposition from business Research in Connecticut, whose sick leave groups and some public officials. In law went into effect in 2012, shows a mini- Philadelphia, for instance, Mayor Michael mal financial effect. A report released this Nutter has vetoed sick leave bills twice say- month by the Center for Economic and ing they threaten jobs and make the city less Policy Research and the City University of attractive to new business. The Greater New York’s Murphy Institute said many of Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce also the Connecticut businesses already had paid lobbied against the laws because of worries sick leave. Nearly 47 percent of 251 compa- that businesses would flee. And the National nies surveyed said the law hadn’t affected Federation of Independent Business says costs. Only 6.5 percent said costs rose 5 per- when you add government-mandated sick cent or more. And 60 percent said keeping leave to the minimum wage increases that records was somewhat or very easy. The are happening in some states, it equals rising think tank’s research tends to support paid labor costs for small businesses. time off for workers, including family and NEW YORK: In this file photo, activists hold signs during a rally at New York’s City Hall to call for But preliminary research shows the laws medical leave. — AP immediate action on paid sick days legislation in light of the continued spread of the flu. — AP Startup scene Mine strike hits the micro, flourishes in macro in S African economy US capital Losses set to mount after strike ends WASHINGTON: In a large warehouse-type office, software coders work on apps, as “angel” investors and mentors RUSTENBURG: As South Africa’s biggest National Union of Mineworkers, cost above-ground stocks will cushion end- help budding entrepreneurs figure out strategy for their post-apartheid mine strike marks its platinum and gold producers over 16 users from the impact. startups. This technology “incubator” called 1776 in eighth week yesterday, it is already billion rand that year, when the current downtown Washington has some 200 startup firms, and denting growth and export earnings, account gap was 5.2 percent of GDP. Cattle and caravans many more seeking to get in to the collaborative work- and many of those affected are having With no resolution in sight, the cost of The lost wages have been felt imme- space which provides desks, connectivity, technical assis- to sell their most prized possessions to the present strike may exceed that, and diately in the communities along the tance and importantly, connections for those with a make ends meet. In an informal bar near the losses will continue to mount after it platinum belt northwest of dream or a mobile app. the platinum belt city of Rustenburg, is over, as operations will take a long Johannesburg. Patrick Tlou, 48, the own- A few years ago, the notion of Silicon Valley on the striking miner Oupa Majodina holds up time to get back to full production. Job er of the Phomolong Tavern, where Potomac might have evoked ridicule. But the capital city his cell phone to show a photo of his losses and shaft closures look highly Majodina and a few other men were sit- in recent years has become home to thousands of entre- pride and joy: his cattle. “I own 11, but I likely. ting in a circle on plastic chairs, said his preneurs and a tech ecosystem supporting them. “The will have to sell some of them. What can trade was suffering. “Business is very ingredients we need for startups are right in our back- I do? I need the cash,” he said glumly. Terrible timing down. It’s because of the strike. Many of yard,” says Donna Harris, co-founder of 1776, which No talks are scheduled between the For the current account, the losses my customers have gone home,” he said. opened last April and quickly filled up. two sides to the strike, the Association will be magnified as South Africa’s gov- Home for most miners is the villages they With 15,000 square feet (1,400 square meters) in the of Mineworkers and Construction Union ernment embarks on a spending binge hail from in places such as Eastern Cape downtown K Street corridor, 1776 accepts about half (AMCU) and the world’s top platinum for big ticket items such as over 1,000 province, hundreds of miles away. those applying for membership in the tech incubator. “It’s producers, Anglo American Platinum , trains that will be imported from foreign This is where Majodina keeps his cat- not just capital that people need. They need connections,” Impala Platinum and Lonmin, and they companies like General Electric. “There tle. After sending money home for years Harris said. By some measures, the District of Columbia remain poles apart on the issue of will be huge pressure on the current to his family, he will now have to draw on has a startup scene which is bursting at the seams. A sur- wages. That means the misery will only account from the government’s infra- his cows and kin to see him through the vey last year by Fast Company magazine found the district spread, making an even bigger structure program. So this strike could strike. “On April 1, I will go to the local had a higher number of venture-funded startups per capi- headache for President Jacob Zuma and hardly come at a worse time,” said Shoprite store and get 300 rand that my ta than any of the 50 US states. PriceWaterhouseCoopers the ruling African National Congress on Schussler. mother will send me out of her pension ranked the city in the top 10 for business investment in the run-in to May 7 general elections. The impact on growth will also be cheque. But normally I send money the fourth quarter, with more than half of the $300 million The strike has hit about 40 percent of significant. Africa’s largest economy is home,” he said. As for his cattle, it’s a buy- going into software and IT services. global production of the precious metal, seen expanding at a sluggish pace of er’s market as desperation sets in among which is used for catalytic converters in only around 2.5 percent per year, miners, many of whom own livestock Startup scene ‘vibrant’ vehicles and is a key source of hard cur- according to the latest Reuters poll of back in their rural homesteads. “The startup scene in DC is vibrant, it’s growing,” says rency for South Africa. The companies economists. “Roughly speaking, if you “If I say I want 6,000 rand for this ani- Christopher Etesse, chief executive of FlatWorld have lost revenues of 9.2 billion rand look at our GDP, which is 3.6 trillion mal, someone will say I only have 4,000 Knowledge, a startup for digital textbooks and online ($850 million) and counting, according rand, then that 9 billion rand is about a rand, and I will have to take it.” Elsewhere educational services, which has grown to 32 people in the to an industry website that updates the quarter of a percent off economic in Rustenburg, Ig Bronkhorst, owner of 1776 offices and is now preparing to move into its own losses like a Doomsday clock. growth already,” said Schussler. Campworld, which sells caravans and offices. Etesse says Washington “has some of the best uni- “You will need to take that 9 billion Perhaps half a percent had been lost camping gear, said his business was also versities and deep technical talent,” and notes that “we’re rand out of the current account because already, he added, if the 4 billion rand in badly affected, though his typical client able to attract that talent but we don’t have as much com- it is almost all from exports,” said Mike lost employee wages and the effect on would be in a higher income bracket petition as New York City or Silicon Valley.” Schussler, who runs economics consul- companies that supply and service the than the striking AMCU members, who Mrim Boutla relocated to Washington from Indiana tancy This current mines are added. “This means growth of are at the bottom of the mine wage scale. and moved into the 1776 for her e-learning and job place- account deficit is already a key weakness 2 percent or lower,” Schussler said. Even “My business is down at least 30 percent ment startup saying the city “has both the nonprofit, the in South Africa’s economy, putting its operations not on strike, such as since the strike started. It goes wider than profit and government sectors that can interact and inter- rand currency under pressure. It grew in Aquarius Platinum’s, have not been able the guys working on the mine. It is also sect in social innovation.” She said the shared workspace 2013 to 5.8 percent of gross domestic to capitalize on their rivals’ misfortunes the contractors and the suppliers for the puts her in contact with “a great fellowship of change- product, its widest since 2008. as the strike has not had much impact mines, and many of them are my cus- makers” and “helps me stay energized in the lonely jour- A wave of violent, wildcat strikes that on price. Spot platinum prices are little tomers,” he said. “People are bringing ney of being an entrepreneur.” — AFP erupted periodically in 2012, rooted in a changed since the strikes began on Jan. back caravans to sell because they need turf war between AMCU and the 23 as traders bet that the availability of money,” he said. — Reuters

Opinion FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

RAS AL-AIN: A handout picture shows killed rebel fighters as pro-government forces enter the village of Ras Al-Ain. —AFP Defying allies, Qatar unlikely to abandon favored Syrian rebels

By Amena Bakr said in a speech in Paris this month “Qatar is they believe gives them a diplomatic edge groups opposed to them. On the ground, the to take decisions, and follow a path, of its over any other country.” cleavage is visible. “Nothing has changed in atar’s backing for Syrian rebels widely own.” A Gulf-based diplomat said Qatar was still Qatar’s support for the Islamic Front with all regarded as jihadi militants might In the case of Syria, diplomats and sources backing Islamist groups in Syria, sending its factions, including Ahrar Al-Sham and Qappear a diplomatic liability at a time close to the government say it is unlikely to them financial aid and light weapons. “Let’s Islam Army,” the Islamic Front commander when global alarm about Al-Qaeda is on the abandon groups that are among the tough- face it, the Islamist groups are the strongest said. Another Islamic Front commander said rebound. But that is not the way things are est in fighting President Bashar Al-Assad’s on the ground in Syria right now, and Qatar that Qatari financial backing continued, but viewed in the Gulf Arab state, which is proud forces, no matter the flak its policy takes from believes that after Assad they’ll rise to pow- at a lower level compared to four months of its self-declared campaign to back the both allies and enemies. Qatar’s Syria policy er,” the diplomat added. An example is Ahrar ago. He said he did not know why. Arab Spring revolts against autocratic rule matters not only because Doha remains a al-Sham, which adheres to Islam’s ultra con- that began in 2011. The tiny but wealthy gas generous backer of the opposition but also servative Salafi tradition, has thousands of Volatile situation exporting country is under fierce pressure because its dispute with other funders- fighters and is part of the Islamic Front, an Admirers of Qatari policy say there is noth- from some Gulf Arab neighbors to curb its notably Riyadh and Western states- about amalgam of six Islamist groups. The front was ing sinister about backing groups like Ahrar support for Islamists of all stripes, principally who to back do little to heal months of vio- formed last November as a counter to the US- Al-Sham. They note members of the Islamic the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and more lent rebel rifts. The infighting has under- backed Supreme Military Council rebel lead- Front including Ahrar Al-Sham have fought radical rebel groups with Al-Qaeda ties in mined the rebels’ three-year-old fight against ership, depriving it of some of its main mem- the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Syria. Assad and the prominence of hardline jihadi bers. An Arab diplomat said the Front was an Al-Qaeda splinter group that is the most The two most powerful Gulf Arab states, groups has made Western governments hesi- created by Qatar and Turkey to try to check hardline of all the Islamist forces in Syria. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates tant to back the rebellion. But Doha sees its an increase in Saudi influence with the rebels They say the group is fighting to replace (UAE) are incensed by Qatar’s hosting of friends in Syria as freedom fighters, not mili- detected in 2013. Assad with Islamic rule rather than seeking to Doha-based Youssef Al-Qaradawi, an influen- tants. Its official line is that Qatar supports participate in a trans-national jihad against tial pro-Brotherhood preacher whom they only the moderate armed groups backed also Rebel rifts the West. see as a potent political menace. They are by Saudi Arabia and the West. “Qatar backs the Islamic Front and Ahrar Qatar’s ties to Islamists are also a source of also furious about Qatar’s use of its Al Jazeera Al-Sham is part of it, it is an important part of US unease. Washington is a friend: Qatar broadcaster and Qatari television to promote Playing with fire the Islamic Front so why would Qatar stop plays host to the most important military Brotherhood views critical of other Gulf Arab Qatar also rejects any suggestion it pro- backing it?” an Islamic Front commander told base in the region, has close US commercial states, and Al Jazeera’s air time for groups vides help to Al-Qaeda, seen in Washington Reuters by telephone on Tuesday from inside ties and for years has worked with with Al-Qaeda ties in Syria. as a diminished but still deadly foe. And yet Syria. Diplomats say Saudi Arabia backs Washington in mediating conflicts around At a time when Sunni militants are resur- fighters inside Syria, and diplomats and ana- nationalist and Islamist groups that have no the region. But US Treasury Under Secretary gent in the Middle East and North Africa, and lysts in the region say Doha also provides links to Al-Qaeda. With Saudi Arabia stepping for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David thousands of foreigners are fighting with Al- help to groups that have coordinated tacti- up efforts to protect itself from jihadi influ- Cohen, in a speech in Washington on March Qaeda aligned groups in Syria, many Gulf cally on the ground with Al-Qaeda affiliates ence at home and openly confronting Qatar’s 4, cited press reports that the Qatari govern- Arab officials perceive Qatar’s continued sup- and which share their ambition to create a policies, rebel rifts may now worsen. ment is “supporting extremist groups operat- port of Islamists as reckless. But Qatar, a US strict Islamic state. An Arab diplomatic source Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates ing in Syria” “To say the least, this threatens ally, is signaling defiance. “The independence said Qatar knew it was “playing with fire, but and Bahrain recalled their ambassadors from to aggravate an already volatile situation in a of Qatar’s foreign policy is simply non-nego- this is what Qatar does: They gain the confi- Doha saying Qatar had interfered in their particularly dangerous and unwelcome man- tiable,” Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Attiyah dence of powerful extremist groups which affairs, a reference to its support of Islamist ner,” he said. — Reuters FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 FRIDAY,

Gorilla mother Kumili holds her newborn at the zoo in Leipzig, Germany, Friday, March 14, 2014. The baby gorilla was born during the night between March 20 and 21, 2014 and its sex is still unknown. —AP Careers FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

How to say what your resume doesn’t

oor cover letters. As much as we despise just say that you look forward to interviewing for write, “To Whom It May Concern:” or “Dear Sir or employer to contact you. Make this closing para- them, they are a chance to make a case, to the position and discussing your qualifications Madam”; however, it is always best to address a graph between two to four sentences. Direct the Pcover everything we can’t express in our further. Provide your contact information. cover letter to a real person to make it look like employer to your enclosed resume and make resumes - which is a lot - and come across as real Include your email address and your phone you’re not sending form letters. sure you specify that you’re available for an people to potential employers. Don’t throw number so the hiring manager can get in touch State your purpose in the first paragraph. Tell interview. Finish off by thanking the recruiter for together a cover letter in the hope that nobody with you. Mention that your resume or refer- the employer why you are writing to them in their time and consideration, and welcome will actually read it. To take advantage of its full ences are attached (if applicable). Thank the per- two or three sentences. State the position for them to get in touch with you to continue the potential, follow these steps. Below that, you’ll son for their time. End your cover letter with a which you are applying (or the one you would conversation. find advice on formatting, reviewing, and respectful closing statement. “Best” or like to have should it become available). You Write an appropriate closing. It’s a good idea researching the letter as well as links to three “Sincerely” are both classic options. Also, since don’t necessarily need to include how you to thank the reader for his or her time. After that, free sample letters which you can copy and you won’t be able to sign your email, finish the became aware of the position unless it was write “Sincerely,” “Respectfully,” or “Regards,” adapt to your needs. letter by typing your full name. through a mutual contact or recruiting program- leave several spaces, and print your name. Add in which case you should make the most of the your signature. If you will be submitting your Write an email cover letter Write a paper cover letter connection. If you are writing a letter of interest cover letter digitally, it’s a good idea to scan and Include a salutation. There are a number of Add a letterhead at the top of the letter. Your (also known as a prospecting or inquiry letter) in add your signature, write it in with a digital writ- different kinds to choose from, and the greeting letterhead should include your full name, which you are asking about positions that might ing pad, or make a digital signature stamp with you choose will depend on how much informa- address, telephone number, and email address. be available, specify why you are interested in appropriate software. Make a notation of the tion you have about the company. If you know Some guidelines to follow when creating your working for the employer. enclosures. If you enclose something, such as a the name of the hiring manager, your salutation letterhead: Your name should be in bold 14- or resume, with a letter, you should indicate that should be something like “Dear [insert name]” 16-point font. Your address and other contact Highlight the key words the letter contains enclosures by making the followed by either a comma or a colon. Make information should be in normal 12-point font. Outline your qualifications in the middle notation “Enclosure” or “Enclosures” at the bot- sure to address the manager formally using their tom of the letter. proper title (Mr, Ms, Dr, etc). If you don’t know the name of the hiring manager, consider Write a cover letter which Review your cover letter addressing your letter “Dear Hiring Manager,” Spell-check and proofread. If you have a spell- “Dear Recruiting Team,” or “Dear [insert compa- check feature, use it. Some programs, such as ny name] Team.” As a last resort, address the let- employers will actually read Microsoft Word, also include a grammar check ter “To whom it may concern,” though we rec- that you should use. Proofread your letter your- ommend avoiding this salutation, as it could self. Some things to avoid are common mis- come across as a template letter. Write the first The font of your letterhead does not need to be paragraph(s). Make sure to match them to the spellings. Writing in the passive voice. Own your paragraph of your letter. This is where you will Arial or Times New Roman, like the rest of your requirements of the position. If you are writing accomplishments. mention the job for which you’re applying and letter, but it should be professional looking and to inquire about open positions, tell the employ- Stay away from phrases like “This experience how you found the job listing. It only needs to easy to read. The most important thing to er how you can contribute to their bottom line, gave me the opportunity to...,” or worse, “these be 1 to 2 sentences in length. remember is to include up-to-date information not what you want to get out of the deal. To do goals were met by me.” You don’t want to sound Write the body paragraphs of your letter. Most so that you make it easy for the employer to this, use what you have researched about the like everything happened to you or that it was cover letters will only have 1 or 2 body para- contact you. You may want to include an extra employer’s background and history. done by some other entity. Make yourself the graphs. You don’t want to overwhelm the hiring line under the letterhead in order to create visu- Make your qualifications jump out at the active subject of every sentence (e.g., “In this role, I manager or use up a great deal of his or her time. al appeal and to separate the letterhead from reader by researching the company to which developed/reinforced/learned/etc.”). However, this Try to answer the following questions in your the rest of the letter. you are applying for a job and tailoring your let- does not imply that every sentence should start body paragraphs: Why am I a qualified candidate Write the recipient’s name and address and ter accordingly. This will also be useful if you get with “I...” so vary your syntax accordingly. Colloquial for this position? What work experience do I have the date below the letterhead. It doesn’t matter an interview. Some questions to keep in mind as (informal) writing. You want to sound professional that fits the job requirements in the company’s whether you put the date first or last, or how you write are: What is the employer’s mission? and educated. Avoid all forms of slang, unnecessary listing? Why do I want to work for this company many blank lines you include between them, as What do they promote as the one thing that sets abbreviations, and texting lingo. specifically? long as it looks professional. From here on out, them apart from their competitors? What kind of Read your letter aloud to hear how it reads. Write the final paragraph of your letter. This use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman customer base does the employer have? Who is Do not rely on the spelling and grammar checks will be where you wrap up and discuss how you throughout the entire letter, set your margins to their target audience? What is the company’s to catch mistakes. Consider asking a friend, or will proceed with the application. Consider one inch, and use single spacing. Be sure your history? Who founded it? How has the business even two, to proofread your letter as well. If no including the following: Reiterate in one sen- font is black, and if you’re printing your letter evolved? What are the main highlights of the one is available to help, another good strategy is tence why you feel you’re a perfect fit for the out, use standard-sized paper (8 1/2” by 11”). company’s performance over the past few to spend some time away from your final draft (a position. Discuss what you’ll do next. If you plan Address the recipient. Be sure to refer to the years? few hours or even a whole day) so that you can on following up with the hiring manager in a recipient by his or her proper title (Mrs., Mr., Dr., Include a positive statement or question in return to it with a fresh perspective. week or two, include a specific date. Otherwise, etc.). If you’re not sure who the recipient is, the final paragraph that will motivate the — Food FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 In a soup

Love the convenience of a one-dish meal simmering on the stovetop? Then prepare one of these top-rated soup recipes for some no-fuss hearty comfort food.

Potato Soup French Onion Soup

Ingredients Preparation Ingredients high heat. Add onions to pan; sautÈ for 5 minutes * 4 (6-ounce) red potatoes 1. Pierce potatoes with a fork. Microwave on * 2 teaspoons olive oil or until tender. Stir in sugar, pepper, and 1/4 tea- * 2 teaspoons olive oil HIGH 13 minutes or until tender. Cut in half; * 4 cups thinly vertically sliced Walla Walla or other spoon salt. Reduce heat to medium; cook 20 min- * 1/2 cup pre-chopped onion cool slightly. sweet onion * 4 cups thinly vertically sliced red utes, stirring frequently. Increase heat to medium- * 1 1/4 cups fat-free, lower-sodium chicken 2. While potatoes cook, heat oil in a onion high, and saute for 5 minutes or until onion is * 1/2 teaspoon sugar golden brown. Stir and cook for 1 minute. Add broth saucepan over medium-high heat. Add * 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper broth and thyme; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce * 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour onion; saute 3 minutes. Add broth. * 1/4 teaspoon salt heat, and simmer 2 hours. * 2 cups 1 percent low-fat milk, divided Combine flour and 1/2 cup milk; add to pan * 8 cups less-sodium beef broth 2. Preheat broiler. * 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream with 1 1/2 cups milk. Bring to a boil; stir * 1/4 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme 3. Place bread in a single layer on a baking sheet; * 1/2 teaspoon salt often. Cook 1 minute. Remove from heat; * 8 (1-ounce) slices French bread, cut into 1-inch broil 2 minutes or until toasted, turning after 1 * 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper stir in sour cream, salt, and pepper. cubes minute. 4. Place 8 ovenproof bowls on a jelly-roll * 1.5 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded 3. Discard potato skins. Coarsely mash pota- * 8 (1-ounce) slices reduced-fat, reduced-sodium pan. Ladle 1 cup soup into each bowl. Divide (about 1/3 cup) toes into soup. Top with cheese, green Swiss cheese (such as Alpine Lace) bread evenly among bowls; top each serving with * 4 teaspoons thinly sliced green onions onions. Preparation 1 cheese slice. Broil 3 minutes or until cheese 1. Heat olive oil in a Dutch oven over medium- begins to brown.

Broccoli and Cheese Soup Tomato Basil Soup

Ingredients Add onion and garlic; saute 3 minutes or Ingredients Preparation * Cooking spray until tender. Add broth and broccoli. Bring * 4 cups chopped seeded peeled tomato 1. Bring tomato and juice to a boil in a large * 1 cup chopped onion broccoli mixture to a boil over medium-high (about 4 large) saucepan. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, * 2 garlic cloves, minced heat. Reduce heat to medium; cook 10 min- * 4 cups low-sodium tomato juice 30 minutes. * 3 cups fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth utes. * 1/3 cup fresh basil leaves 2. Place tomato mixture and basil in a * 1 (16-ounce) package broccoli florets 2. Combine milk and flour, stirring with a * 1 cup 1 percent low-fat milk blender or food processor; process until * 2 1/2 cups 2% reduced-fat milk whisk until well blended. Add milk mixture * 1/4 teaspoon salt smooth. Return pureed mixture to pan; stir * 1/3 cup all-purpose flour to broccoli mixture. Cook 5 minutes or until * 1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper in milk, salt, and pepper. Add cream cheese, * 1/4 teaspoon black pepper slightly thick, stirring constantly. Stir in pep- * 1/2 cup (4 ounces) 1/3-less-fat cream stirring well with a whisk, and cook over * 8 ounces light processed cheese, cubed per. Remove from heat; add cheese, stirring cheese, softened medium heat until thick (about 5 minutes). (such as Velveeta Light) until cheese melts. * Basil leaves, thinly sliced (optional) Ladle soup into individual bowls; garnish Preparation 3. Place one-third of the soup in a blender or * 8 (1/2-inch-thick) slices diagonally cut with sliced basil, if desired. Serve with 1. Heat a large nonstick saucepan coated food processor, and process until smooth. French bread baguette bread. with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Return pureed soup mixture to pan. Health FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 back!Get your Top 10 back exercises for building width and thickness

ere is a great article that will educate you on the top 10 best back exercises for adding width and thickness. HUsing research from: personal experience, professional bodybuilders, fitness models and highly rated bodybuilding and fitness literature.

LAT PULLDOWNS: We’ll start off the with Lat pull-down, probably the most widely known and popular exercise for the back. If performed correctly it can be a great exercise to improve back width and add some mass. It has been suggested through good research that grip width is not a major factor in promoting muscle con- traction, and that performing the pull-down in front of your an addition to a back workout for hitting extra muscles and head is more effective than behind the head. It should be not- REVERSE GRIP BENT OVER ROWS: adding some diversity to your workout. It is best used on a ed that the behind the head lat pull-down can potential This exercise is a variation of the more commonly used split program or if you feel like giving your trapz an extra burn course damage or strain to the rotary cuff if not performed bent over row, this exercise is used to target the lower latis- towards the end of a workout. with proper form and technique. simus dorsi. Since the lower lats are closer to the insertion It is best to perform this movement with a free barbell, as point and further away from the middle of the muscle it won’t opposed to using machines. You will stimulate muscle con- do much for overall back development. traction more efficiently performing it with the exercise with a However, if used correctly it can be a great exercise to add barbell. variation to any workout program. It is normally used by peo- ple who are looking to build out their lower lats or add more DEADLIFTS: strength. This movement is also easier for those who suffer The deadlift, an exercise that should be present in any back from joint or shoulder injuries as it brings less stress to the workout designed for adding muscle. It’s simply one of the shoulders as opposed to the pronated grip. To conclude, this best movements a person can do. Not only does it hit more exercise should be used to isolate the lower back and not a muscle than most movements it also has other benefits such movement for overall back development. as hitting core muscles. The deadlift is perfect for overall back development, strength and improving stabilization to your SEATED CABLE ROWS: trunk, which in turn will help aid you on your other lifts. The seated cable row has been proven to be a stable exer- Just like the weighted pull ups, this exercise is tried and cise in any bodybuilder’s workout routine. It is great for tested and there has yet been an alternative or substitute to adding thickness to the lets, rhomboids and trapezius mus- show better results than the deadlift. Usually a great exercise cles. However due to the nature of the movement and the fact for mid-late in a workout, better results are seen from deadlifts Safety precautions should be taken to protect the rotary you’re seated there isn’t muscle activation to the abdominals, once other muscles have already been targeted and warmed cuff whilst doing this particular movement. Although you may hips and lower back. up. not hurt your rotary cuff, there is potential to strain them if not well rested before an intense chest workout. This certain DUMBBELL ROWS: BENT OVER BARBELL ROWS: exercise hits the lats (latissimus dorsi) more than any other When performed correctly, the dumbbell row is one of the A great exercise that should hit you upper back, traps, group of back muscles, which is responsible for adding more most versatile movements one can do for back muscle rhomboids and lats, this movement is a solid exercise and width to the back. should be considered by most as a part of their back workout. Since traditionally it uses a pronated grip, the position in STANDING PULLDOWN: which you hold the bar is similar to the deadlift. If you’re using Unlike the Lat Pulldown, the standing pulldown isn’t very the right techniques you should have a slight bend in your popular and is hardly exposed in bodybuilding or fitness pub- knees, keeping your chest and head up, using good posture, lications. It’s not that the movement isn’t that effective it’s the whilst lowering your trunk to around 30 degrees. fact it’s only meant to hit a certain small targeted area, unless The weight should be high enough that you can hit a full you have great overall back development than it won’t be as range of motion whilst getting good contraction to the target- beneficial to you. ed muscles. A full range of motion should consist of a lock out However it can still be used as part of any back workout, it on the descent and be raised as high as your lower abdominal. would be more suited towards the end of a workout, when your muscles are already exhausted. This will produce the T-BAR ROWS: best benefits and burn from this particular movement. Another movement to add to the old school list of back exercises. In the days before “high-tech” equipment was avail- WEIGHTED PULL UPS: able; the bodybuilders of the golden era would try lifting any- Time to go old school; the weighted pull up is easily one of growth. It should be considered by most as an addition to a thing they could get their hands on in a fashion to improve the best back exercises that one can perform for back devel- back workout. The barbell row is typically intended to target muscular gains. One of the most affective and utilized move- opment. There are many variations of this exercise but they the lats, rhomboids, lower trapezius and erector spinae. If the ments was the T-bar row. best one is with a pronated grip. The movement uses your exercise is done correctly with the right form and technique This movement is great for hitting your back, especially to own bodyweight as resistance but additional weight can be then you should be able to feel the muscles between your the; inner lats, mid to lower traps and the rhomboids. It will added with the use of a weight belt. shoulder blades being worked. also hit your upper back, delts and trapezius. The T-bar row is The exercise utilizes every muscle in your back like no oth- one of the more superior back movements for adding mass er exercise. This exercise is considered by many as the king of UPRIGHT ROWS: and thickness to your back. back exercise and has been proven over decades to be an The upright row is predominantly a shoulder workout but it exercise that is great for adding mass to the back. also hit’s the trapezius muscles. This exercise can be used as — Health FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Poor posture increases risk of metabolic syndromes

t’s the forgotten body part that needs the deadlift, and pull the weights to the sides of most attention. Your back muscles are the torso. Be sure to pull the shoulders back Iessential for almost everything you do and first. Keep the head neutral and in line with neglecting them can lead to pain. “The prob- the spine. This means you’ll be looking down lem is, what we do in life is generally done in towards your feet. front of us,” says Lee Boyce, a strength and conditioning coach and fitness writer based in Lat Pulldown Toronto. “That means that those mirror mus- Sit tall in a pulldown station and lean back cles (the ones we can see) get plenty of a few inches. With the pulldown bar in hand, opportunities to be used - so much so that set the shoulders by lowering them as far they typically get pulled tight, and not in a parallel to the floor. Be sure not to bend the good way.” Neglecting certain muscles cre- elbows more than about 10 degrees shy of ates an imbalance. straight. Control the descent for a better stim- ”If there’s a poor balance of strength ulation to the upper back. among muscles from one side of the joint to the other side, then the joint will suffer and Trap Raise chronic pain will begin,” Boyce says. And Lay chest down on a bench or ball. Secure unless you work at a gym or deliver the mail, your feet against a wall, machine or a pair of chances are you’re probably sitting at a desk heavy dumbbells. Hold on to a pair of light all day. Studies have shown people who sit for dumbbells with the palms facing each other, over 11 hours a day are slowly killing them- and raise the arms up and outwards. You selves - literally. Poor posture also increases should be mimicking the letter “Y” at the top the risk of metabolic syndromes, heart position, with the palms still facing each oth- attacks, strokes, and makes it uncomfortable er. Be sure to pull the shoulders back before to do everyday tasks. Exercises focusing on each rep, and look to feel the exercise work- your back are one way to fix poor posture. ing the upper back, not the shoulders or arms. Boyce has put together some of the most effective workouts and how to do each one. Inverted Row Remember, go at your own pace. If you feel Set up a bar in a squat cage (a type of gym uncomfortable with weights or repetitions, equipment) at about waist level. Make sure ask a trainer for help. it’s secure and then grab a shoulder-width overhand grip and hang underneath the bar. Pull-Up Your body should be face-up, and your feet Hang off a bar with straight arms. Using an can be planted on the floor with the knees at overhand grip, pull your body upwards until a 90 degree angle. The rest of your body your face finishes above the bar level. Be sure should be flat - don’t let your hips sink to pull “chest first”, meaning the shoulders towards the floor. In one pull, squeeze the get pulled back so the chest moves up first. chest right up to the bar level. Keep the This will make the back muscles do the most elbows out and pinch your shoulder blades work. And even though these may be tough together. Remember to control your descent. at first, many gyms have assisted pull up machines as part of their equipment. Prone Superman Lie flat on your stomach, and keep the chin Seated Row tucked in to ensure you don’t look up. Sit tall with the knees slightly bent in a row Position the hands beside the head with the station. With long arms, first pull the shoul- palms facing down. In one shot, pick as much ders back, and then follow through by pulling down the back as possible, without bending of your body as possible off the ground - the weight into your ribcage. Be sure to the elbows. Next, pull the bar all the way to Reverse Fly arms, legs, head and chest - and hold for one squeeze the upper back at the end. the collarbone, making sure the elbows stay In a bent over position, maintain an arched full second. Slowly return to a rest position tucked under the bar. Don’t let them flare out back and hold two dumbbells with the palms and repeat. Bent Over Row behind you! Return to the start position and facing each other. Squeeze the upper back Assume the same start position as the repeat. and pull the dumbbells up until the arms are Face Pull Set up the rope attachment at a cable sta- tion at eye level. Stand facing the ropes and Why do I need to work out my back? grab hold of the ropes with the knuckles fac- ing inwards (palms facing outward). Keeping he amount of twisting, bending, flexing and many more. You use these muscles in out stressing your back muscles makes it easi- the elbows out wide, pull the ropes to the and rotating you do every day makes it a many daily activities. The University of er to maintain a healthy activity level. A full face. Feel for the rear shoulders and mid traps Tchallenge to keep your back feeling Maryland Medical Center explains that back range of motion also allows you to work out to do the work. healthy and happy. Even sitting can stress strengthening exercises build the strength without restricting your exercise choices your back. Due to the high stress placed on needed to support and keep your spine in its because your back is too tight to perform the — your back and the high costs that come with proper position. The National Institutes of necessary movements. back pain and injury, you should incorporate Health (NIH) guide on back pain recommends some back exercises into your daily fitness including exercises such as back bridges, Relax your back and reduce pain routine. Keeping your back functional can crunches and squats with your back support- A Harvard Health Publication article on generally improve your quality of life and ed against a wall. back pain suggests that exercise is not only make it easier to keep exercising and working imperative in the healing but the prevention out at your best. Increase flexibility of back pain. The NIH also advises people that Back exercises can also benefit you by the best way to prevent back pain is through Build strength increasing your flexibility. The NIH notes that regularly exercising your back. At a minimum, Back exercise benefits include increased stretching exercises both increase your range the NIH advises exercising your back with a strength in your back muscles. You have mul- of motion and improve your muscular combination of stretching and flexibility exer- tiple muscle groups in your back: lats, traps, endurance. Keeping your back flexible cises for 15 minutes, three days a week. the core erector muscles along your spine enough to execute your daily activities with- — BOOKS FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Running free: A runner’s journey back to nature

By Rose George

oday I went for a run. I put on my £20 Nike wicking-fabric T-shirt and my £25 TNike wicking-fabric leggings, then my £25 compression socks and my £110 Brooks Ghost 6 shoes. I strapped on my £100 Garmin Forerunner 210 GPS watch, and zipped up my £40 Saucony high-vis orange windproof jack- et. I inserted my iPhone into my armband, plugged in the headphones, then opened the door of my house in north Leeds and headed up Harrogate Road. I checked my watch every so often to see if I was keeping to my marathon pace; I stuck to the roads; and by doing what I was doing and wearing what I was wearing, I symbolized something that Richard Askwith doesn’t much like. He calls it “Big Running”, and he means the industrial- ization of an activity that should be free and natural. “How can running be an industry at all?” he wonders early on. “There’s no more need for a running industry than there is for a tree-climbing industry or a hide-and-seek industry.” He strengthens this with some impressive numbers: a low-end estimate of the value of the UK’s running retail industry is £425 mil- lion, and globally, running is worth twice as much as football. Twice as many people work in the sports industry in England as in agricul- ture, forestry and fishery combined. So what? Sport is good. But Askwith successfully skew- ers the excesses of Big Running, the people in the sports industry who get runners to fall for products by sprinkling them with technobab- ning club - one of the best running books iments with Big Running by taking part in one Trevelyan manhunt, which Askwith also tries ble fairydust, such as “stability cradle” or ever written. of the wildly popular obstacle races - Tough out. This is a secret running event in which “motion control” or “over-pronation”. Soon, Mudder, Spartan Warrior, Warrior Dash - that men and women are hunted by other men we meet a human version of Big Running: a Slow Running are earning around £18m a year by appealing and women, across the Scottish highlands. man he sees on an evening run in the Peak I’ve read a few, from Murakami to the to people who want to spend a few hours There is, I guess, a primal purity to it. District. Askwith has set off with no plan and recent Running Like a Girl by Alexandra crawling through mud and being electrocut- I may have fallen for Big Running, but no clue. He has run through holloways and Heminsley. They all have the same problem: Askwith’s distaste for it is valid, as anyone ancient paths, and had a thoroughly enjoy- they run their course before the end. I began who runs 20 miles then listens to people start able time. Then he sees a man in Day-Glo col- to wonder whether it is possible to write comparing PBs, rather than exult in the power ors, grimacing in front of a post marked interestingly about something that is, after all, of their legs, or rave about the scenery, must Trailblaze. And off his imagination runs, too: just putting one foot in front of the other, at a surely agree. He offers a reminder that the the other runner is the anti-runner, inserting speed of your choice. What is compelling simple act of running can return us simply but his data into a device marketed by Trailblaze, about running is what goes on along with it: forcefully to a natural world which is just out- a company that has since foundered, but inside or outside your head. The best writers side the door. And it doesn’t matter where the whose legacy remains in every app and web- about it are writing about something else: door is, because this book about running is site that encourages you to share your latest about being alive, in Askwith’s case, in really about waking up: of a morning, but also 5K time, and lose yet more Twitter followers predawn darkness in a Northamptonshire our senses, dulled by modern cossetting. sick of your running updates. field; about being at peace with freezing rain Hence the lyrical and tactile descriptions of So Big Runner is on one side, and Askwith and puddles and mud and bogs, rather than his morning runs with his dog, carefully skirt- on the other. But it wasn’t always the case, as scared of them, and rather than putting up a ing cattle and zigzagging through sheep, in he demonstrates with his concept of the barrier of weatherproof, waterproof health his one concession to fancy kit, the bizarre Seven Ages of Running. As an unfit and some- and safety against them. This is the Fifth Age footwear Vibram Five Fingers - shoes with what feckless young man, he went for a run of Running, though by now I’ve lost track. It’s individual toes his children call “froggy feet”. and that was it. In the Second Age of Running, also what he calls Slow Running, although it’s He wants us to notice the small, strange or he became a pavement-pounding zealot, and nothing to do with pace and everything to do beautiful things: a pile of rodent bones left by in the Third, he chased peak performances. with quality, as Slow Food is about valuing some animal hunter overnight; the unexpect- Pavement-pounders get short shrift: they are ingredients. In Slow Running, the ingredients ed pleasure of running in gales, in rain, in “conventional road-runners”, who seem to are the outside world, and the runner’s focus freezing cold (tip: run frozen fingers under have sacrificed enjoyment for personal bests turns from digital numbers and Big Running cold water first, unless you want chilblains). and interval splits. Askwith ran the roads and kit to muntjacs and mice; to the ghosts of When did humans start being scared of came out the other end, and decided next to night-time animals; to exactly how the wind is ed. I agree with him that obstacle races are weather? Why must rain be escaped rather volunteer to be chased by bloodhounds, blowing. rather daft: I can get my kicks from my local than enjoyed? Even with my Big Running gear supervised by the pleasingly taciturn kennel- Askwith knows what he is doing and what woods easily enough and for less than a £100 and my Big Running habits, I finished handler Graham. After the dogs, he turned to he sounds like. He refers to his own “sneer- entry fee. But I see why they are popular, and Askwith’s book feeling an urgent need to run the fells and their fell-runners, his Fourth Age ing”. He realises that not everyone can live in so does Askwith: they are safe danger in an up the nearest fell, with no watch and no of Running and the subject of his last book a village with easy access to the kind of coun- era of sanitised, risk-free lifestyles. Also, they plan. Just me and my whistle, running free. Feet in the Clouds, voted - at least by my run- tryside he has outside his door. And he exper- do look like fun. I’m less lured by the — Lifestyle FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Indian author Khushwant Singh dies at 99 hushwant Singh, one of India’s best known writers who won fame for a Ksearing book on partition of the sub- continent as well as his once-daring descrip- tions of sex, died yesterday aged 99. The country’s most prolific author, who died at his home in New Delhi after suffering breath- ing problems, had only recently stopped writing despite his advanced years, his son said. “He was having some breathing prob- lems. He hadn’t been too unwell in his last few days and had only stopped writing recently. He was still reading newspapers and books... was mentally alert, and led a full life,” Rahul Singh told the NDTV news chan- nel. Singh, nicknamed King Leer for his leg- endary roving eye, was a household name A customer buys books written by late Indian author and who wrote more than 100 books and count- journalist Khushwant Singh at a bookstore in New Delhi. less newspaper columns, including one called “With Malice Towards One And All”. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called him “a gifted author, candid commentator and a dear friend” as tributes poured in for a great writer with an even greater sense of humor. “The world will always remember him as a In this photograph lovable human being,” author and veteran taken early in 2004, ‘South Park’ writer BBC journalist Mark Tully said on NDTV. Indian author Fellow authors including Vikram Seth and Khushwant Singh to take ‘Girl’s Trip’ with former cricketers were among those who vis- poses in New Delhi. ited his Delhi home to pay their respects to a man hailed by President Pranab Mukherjee Malcolm D Lee, Universal as a “fearless intellectual”, the Press Trust of India said.

The art of relaxation In an interview with AFP in 2005, Singh described his passion for writing as compul- sive. “I don’t know what to do with myself if I don’t write, I have lost the art of relaxation,” he said. Singh, a Sikh born on February 2, 1915 in what is now Pakistan, occupied India’s literary centre-stage for half a century with his novels. Some in his early decades scandalized India with their sexually explicit scenes. He is best remembered for his histori- cal novel “Train to Pakistan”, which recounts the tragedy and bloodshed of the partition of the subcontinent in 1947 into India and The mortal remains of late Indian author and journalist Khushwant Singh is Pakistan. brought to a cremation centre in New Delhi yesterday. Singh, who penned his books and columns on yellow legal pads, became a His philandering fame was mainly self- recalled to Islamabad to explain what was writer relatively late. Born into a well-off fam- cultivated and he looked after his wife devot- seen in some Pakistani circles as a lapse in ily, he initially practiced law in Lahore. But edly until she died of Alzheimer’s disease in propriety. Singh, famous for his insouciance, partition was the trigger for him to change her mid-80s. But a rakish reputation could had penned his epitaph before his death. professions. “I loathed the law. I thought I still get him into trouble even late in life. In “Here lies one who spared neither man nor can’t waste my entire life living off other peo- 2001 he triggered diplomatic uproar when God/Waste not your tears on him, he was a ple’s quarrels,” he said. After coming to New he pecked the Pakistani High sod/Writing nasty things he regarded as Delhi, where his father became a prosperous Commissioner’s (ambassador’s) teenage great fun/Thank the Lord he is dead, this son property developer, he entered the diplo- daughter on the cheek at a New Delhi party of a gun.” Singh will be cremated in Delhi lat- matic service in 1947 but soon tired of this when tensions between India and Pakistan er Thursday. He is survived by his son, and became a journalist and writer. were high. The high commissioner was daughter and a niece. — AFP

niversal Pictures has hired “South Park” veteran Erica Rivinoja to write the screenplay for Malcolm D ULee’s comedy “Untitled Girls Trip Project,” the stu- dio announced Wednesday. Will Packer (“Ride Along”) will produce the movie, while Lee will executive produce. Production is scheduled to start this summer in New Orleans. Rivinoja was a writer on Sony’s “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2.” On the TV side, Rivinoja has an overall deal with Sony and most recently was a co-executive producer on CBS’s “Bad Teacher.” She was previously a co-executive producer on NBC’s “Up All Night.” Prior to that, she worked on Comedy Central’s “South Park” for eleven sea- sons, working her way up the ranks from staff writer to producer. She shared in the show’s two Emmy wins in 2008 and 2009 for Outstanding Animated Program and two nominations in the same category in 2002 and 2010. Lee recently directed the hit dramedy “The Best Man Holiday” for Universal. Rivinoja is represented by UTA and attorney Ken Richman.— Reuters India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) senior leader LK Advani pays tribute near the mortal remains of late writer and jour- nalist Khushwant Singh at a cremation centre in New Delhi yesterday. Lifestyle FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

New album for British WWII forces’ sweetheart Vera Lynn, 97

ritish singer Vera Lynn, the “forces sweetheart” who helped keep up morale during World War II, celebrated Bher 97th birthday yesterday with the announcement of a new album of re-mastered songs. The album will include more than 40 songs from 1940-45, including her wartime anthem “We’ll Meet Again”, and some unreleased tracks uncovered by her daughter Virginia. It will be released on June 2 to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings four days later. A previous compilation in 2009, timed for the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, reached number one, making Lynn, then 92, the oldest living singer to top the British album charts.”I think it’s wonderful that my songs are still enjoyed, especially if it encour- ages people to commemorate what happened 70 years ago,” Lynn said in a statement yesterday. “It’s moving for me to relive those days, and humbling to know that people still think of me- Members of the Rolling Stones board their plane at Perth Airport yesterday, after the suicide of Mick Jagger’s girlfriend LíWren after all, it was simply my duty to keep singing.” — AFP Scott in New York on March 17. — AFP Stones leave Perth after Scott suicide

he Rolling Stones jetted out of Perth yesterday after the suicide thought is to support Mick at this awful time,” he said in the state- of Mick Jagger’s girlfriend L’Wren Scott, with Keith Richards con- ment. “We intend to come back to Australia and New Zealand as soon Tsoling his “soul brother” and vowing they will be back on stage as it proves possible.” In the original statement, none of the three soon. The band’s private plane, emblazoned with their trademark red mentioned Scott by name, but in a subsequent comment on their tongue, took off around 0710 GMT. Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood Facebook page Wood paid his respects to the designer’s family. were seen leaving their hotel while Richards was spotted walking up the jet’s steps. In their first comments since the former model, 49, was Struggling to understand found hanged at her luxury New York apartment on Monday, the On Wednesday, a coroner in New York confirmed that Scott had band said they were shocked and pulling together to help the lead committed suicide by hanging. Jagger has not been seen in public In a file picture on October 22, 2009 taken Dame Vera singer, 70. since hearing the tragic news, but in a blog post on his website a day Lynn poses for photographs in central London. —AP “No-one saw this coming... Mick’s always been my soul brother after Scott was found dead he described her as not only his lover but and we love him. We’re thick as thieves and we’re all feeling for the his best friend. “I will never forget her,” he wrote under a post entitled man,” Richards, his songwriting partner for more than 50 years, said in “L’Wren”, featuring a black and white photo of Scott. “I am still strug- a statement. “We really hate to disappoint our fans but we’ll see every- gling to understand how my lover and best friend could end her life in FX network orders comedy one really soon.” The Stones on Tuesday postponed their 14 On Fire this tragic way.” British media said Jagger was so distraught at the loss tour of Australia and New Zealand. They were due to play a first gig in that he has barely slept and was being monitored by his entourage, starring Billy Crystal Perth on Wednesday and vowed to reschedule concerts in the city as including medical professionals and his daughters Elizabeth and well as Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckland. Georgia May. It emerged that Scott’s fashion business had large debts illy Crystal has agreed to star in a new television series in The flight plan for the band’s tour 767 lodged at Perth airport, list- at the time of her suicide, according to accounts filed in Britain. LS which he’s paired with Josh Gad in a story about two ed Abu Dhabi as the final destination, according to media reports. Fashion Ltd ran a loss of $5.9 million as of December 31, 2012, said the Bcomics in a generational clash. The series is called “The Watts told Britain’s Daily Mail of Jagger: “He’s holding up, he’s okay. accounts, lodged with Britain’s Companies House last October and Comedians.” It’s set to air on the FX network next year. FX said He’s not really well, he’s not really here. It was such a shock.” Wood obtained by AFP. Scott’s body-hugging and figure-flattering dresses Wednesday it has ordered 13 episodes. “The Comedians” is based said the entire band would be back on stage as soon as possible. “This were loved by celebrities from Hollywood stars to US First Lady on a format popular in Sweden and will look at a late-night televi- is such terrible news and right now the important thing is that we are Michelle Obama. — AFP sion show on which egos and generations collide. The pilot all pulling together to offer Mick our support and help him through episode was directed by Larry Charles, who worked on “Seinfeld” this sad time,” he said. and “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” Crystal has been well known for “Without a doubt we intend to be back out on that stage as soon movie roles, a “Saturday Night Live” stint and repeated turns as as we can.” Watts added that it was an “awful time”, but also vowed to Academy Awards host. But his last role in a regular TV series was be back. “Needless to say we are all completely shocked but our first on the 1970s ABC sitcom “Soap.”— AP Album of discarded Johnny Cash songs comes out of vault

ohnny Cash helped define American country tan’ style championed by Garth Brooks. Cash also tunes for the ‘Man in Black’, more than 10 years after music with hits such as “I Walk the Line” and “A endured a difficult personal struggle with drug his death. Much of this is due to the release of a JBoy Named Sue”, but in the early 1980s he addiction and being dropped by Columbia in 1986. series of “American” albums produced by Rick Rubin, recorded an album of songs his record label refused After he was let go by the label, “Out Among The the success of Cash’s cover of the Nine Inch Nails to release and is only now seeing the light of day. Stars” remained in the vaults and was subsequently track “Hurt” and the global success of the biopic “Out Among The Stars”, which Cash, who died in forgotten. “Something that specifically worked for “Walk the Line” starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese 2003, recorded with legendary Nashville producer Johnny Cash was not what Columbia was interested Witherspoon. Cash’s son also believes part of his Billy Sherrill, will be released by Sony next week and in at the time, sadly. I believe they made a bad mis- father’s enduring popularity can be put down to his includes duets with Cash’s late wife, June Carter take and they didn’t have the vision. However, you enigmatic personality. Cash, and Waylon Jennings. The songs were never can look at it in different ways,” Cash said. “There “He endures because he’s also a figure of mys- released in any form by Cash’s label, Columbia, now was a string of Johnny Cash records that came out tery,” he said. Releasing the album was a not a sim- owned by Sony, and were only rediscovered in 2012 through that time period that weren’t getting atten- ple decision for Cash, who said that he has to consid- when Cash’s son, John Carter Cash, who has written tion. Perhaps if it had been released it wouldn’t have er whether the album is individual and distinct extensively about his late parents, was cataloguing the same songs and it would have been just another enough to add to the Johnny Cash canon. “It’s a their archives. “Originally produced by Billy Sherrill in record,” he added. “I don’t think he was jealous of matter of integrity and spirit. You know, it’s some- 1984 and a couple of songs in ‘81, they exhibited my the other artists who were succeeding at the time thing beautiful and it’s a personal connection with father and showed his creativity in a period of his life period. It was not time for Johnny Cash to stand out the family ... I think I would make a lot more people when not as many people knew about this music,” in the light because the world around just wasn’t as angry by not releasing this beautiful work than by Cash told Reuters on a recent trip to London. cool as he was.” putting it out,” he said.—Reuters At the time “Out Among The Stars” was recorded, country music was moving away from the sound ‘Figure of mystery’ Johnny Cash that made Cash popular towards the ‘countrypoli- The last decade has seen a resurgence in for- Lifestyle FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Rock and roll legend Roy Orbison is honored with a star posthumously on This Dec 7, 1988 file photo shows This photo provided by Legacy Recordings shows the cover of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, with family members, from left, sons Wesley, singer and guitarist Roy Orbison, at the Roy Orbison album, “Mystery Girl - Deluxe.” Alex, wife Barbara Orbison, and Roy Jr in the Hollywood section of Los a local night club where he was Angeles. — AP photos appearing in Boston, Mass. 3 sons unite to create new Roy Orbison song

oy Orbison’s three sons are all musicians but never to the track. “We were able to finish it up and get it out by backup on the album. Wesley Orbison wrote a song as well. really got to play music with their dad - until now. Father’s Day, too, which was obviously special to us.” Sadly, though, he passed away two months before its RWesley, Roy Jr and Alex Orbison have helped create a “Mystery Girl” will be re-released May 20 with “The Way is release in February 1989 at age 52. His sons got to experi- new song by their father that will appear on the 25th Love” one of nine previously unheard songs. Alex Orbison ence something of that excitement nearly a quarter of a cen- anniversary reissue and expansion of Orbison’s final album, also directed a documentary. Orbison was going through a tury later. They weren’t able to record with their dad, but it “Mystery Girl.” They found an old vocal track for a song called career renaissance at the time he released “Mystery Girl.” The most definitely was a family moment. “We all just wanted to “The Way is Love” originally recorded on a boombox and “Oh, Pretty Woman” singer had just earned a new round of not stop recording,” Alex Orbison said. “That was the first were able to reclaim it using technology that had to be creat- attention working with Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff thing: ‘When are we going to do an Orbison Brothers record? ed to accomplish the work. They then added new instrumen- Lynne and Tom Petty in The Travelling Wilburys and was We had so much fun. It was really too much fun.”— AP tation with the help of another son of a music legend, co- excited about the new album. It included contributions from producer John Carter Cash. Lynne, Petty and most of his Heartbreakers, Bono and the “It really brought us closer together in a lot of ways,” said Edge of U2, Elvis Costello and many other friends. His wife, Alex Orbison, 38, who contributed drums and backing vocals Barbara, acted as his manager at the time and even sang ‘Frozen’ princesses reclaim throne on top of Billboard album chart

he animated princesses of Disney hit copies in its 16th week on the chart and climbed “Frozen” reclaimed the top of the Billboard from No. 3 last week, according to data from T200 album chart on Wednesday as the Nielsen SoundScan. “Frozen” was only one of soundtrack to the juggernaut film beat new four soundtracks to have clocked six weeks or entries to No. 1. “Frozen,” which features the more on the Billboard 200 chart since Oscar-winning track “Let It Go,” sold 99,000 SoundScan began tracking sales in 1991. The film, about a pair of Nordic princesses forced to save their kingdom from a never-end- ing winter, surpassed $1 billion at the worldwide box office. Country singer Luke Bryan came in at No. 2 with his new extended play album “Spring Break 6 - Like We Ain’t Never,” which sold 74,000 copies. Last week’s chart topper, “Master Mind” by rapper Rick Ross, dropped to No. 3 this week. Other new entries in the top 10 of this week’s best-selling 200 albums according to Billboard include soul singer Aloe Blacc’s “Lift Your Spirit,” Tyler, The Creator which came in at No. 4. The singer gained promi- nence after lending his vocals to Swedish DJ Avicii’s hit dance anthem, “Wake Me Up.” Rockers 311 came in at No. 6 with “Stereolithic.” Calling Tyler show a riot ‘inaccurate’ Record label Young Money Entertainment’s lat- est compilation “Rise of an Empire,” which fea- n attorney for Tyler, The Creator, says the Tyler was arrested Saturday at the airport as tures tracks by its artists including Nicki Minaj Odd Future rapper did not incite a riot at he left Austin after police issued a warrant. and Drake, notched No. 7. Country singer Sara a show during South By Southwest last Police say he was charged with misdemeanor Evans debuted at No. 9 with “Slow Me Down.” A week and would not deliberately put fans at risk. riot and alleged he incited a crowd of fans to For the week ending Sunday, overall album sales Perry Q. Minton says in the statement released storm the entrance to the club where he was totaled 4.6 million units, down 18 percent from yesterday morning that to describe the events performing. Minton said what police character- the same week in 2013, Billboard said. — Reuters that occurred on March 13 at the Scoot Inn in ize as a riot was simply “benign, boisterous Austin, Texas, as a riot is “an unfortunate and activity.” — AP inaccurate description of what occurred.” Lifestyle FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Lily Aldridge names clothes after friends ily Aldridge has named items in her collection after for a long time. She explained to Grazia magazine: “She’s her friends. The Victoria’s Secret model has teamed got such great style. Very classic and elegant. We met Lup with Velvet for her second set for the through friends in LA a very long time ago and we’ve been Spring/Summer 2014 range, and she admits she wants to friends forever. I used to steal things from her wardrobe send her pals the pieces she’s designated to them. She when we were teenagers!” Meanwhile, the brunette stun- explained: “I already have a few events where I know I’m ner previously admitted that she would love to follow in going to wear it to and I’m going to send it to my friends. the footsteps of former angels Gisele Bundchen, Heidi “You know, I named things after people and I can’t wait for Klum, Tyra Banks and Alessandra Ambrosio by becoming everyone I’ve made it for to get their piece.” The 28-year- an entrepreneur. She said earlier this month: “I’d love to old beauty will also be sending an item to her friend launch my own label. A beauty line would be super fun, Vanessa Traina, who she claims is her biggest style icon, but I know that building my own company would be a lot because she loves her fashion sense and they’ve been pals of work.” — Bang Showbiz Tokyo

Fashion Week

Designer Diane von Furstenberg reacts during the presentation of her 2014- 2015 autumn/ winter collection in Tokyo yester- day as part of Tokyo Fashion Week. — AFP photos January Jones ‘afraid’ of plastic surgery anuary Jones is “afraid” of having plastic surgery. The ‘Mad Men’ actress isn’t against people going under the Jknife to enhance their looks, and she might even have it done in the future, but she admits she couldn’t do it right now because she’s scared. She told online magazine Violet Grey: “Whatever helps a person feel beautiful and confident is fine with me. “I personally am afraid of the procedures that involve anaesthetic but ask me again in twenty years.” However, the 36-year-old star has found another way to keep herself looking younger, and it’s a little tip she picked up from her mother, by not over plucking her eyebrows because it structures the face. When asked what she’s learnt from her mother over the years, she explained: “She [my mother] always told me that if I kept making so many weird and ugly faces my face would eventually freeze that way. Luckily I found a job where funny and/or frozen faces are encouraged. “Also, to not over pluck your eyebrows, a strong brow makes you look younger.” Fumika Goto Lifestyle FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Diane von Furstenberg

Parker’s inspired by street style arah Jessica Parker’s style is inspired by “women on the street”. The ‘Sex and the City’ actress was Sslammed last week after wearing stirrup tights to the launch of her new shoe collection, but she couldn’t see a problem with the quirky look. She said: “It’s been so cold in New York that bare legs seemed almost undoable... So I started wearing tights, then I saw a woman in Seattle wearing stirrups with a pump and thought, ‘Maybe I’ll start wearing them with a strap shoe.’ “I am often inspired by women on the street whose names I’ll never know.” However, despite being regarded a fashion icon to many women, the 48-year-old star admitted she is unsure if the look will take off. Speaking to Grazia magazine, she added: “I don’t know if they’ll catch on.” The unusual legwear, teamed with pointed strap shoes and a dress, saw one website claim the actress had worn “every ugly Fumika Goto item of clothing she owns in one outfit”, and branded the tights a “disaster”. — Bang Showbiz FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014


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PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 3:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 10:45 PM No. K3652369, hereby LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 5:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:00 AM change my surname to LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 7:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 9:30 PM Bhabhrawala Husain LAMO AKHZA (DIG)(Arabic) 11:45 PM AVENUES-5 Joharbhai. (C 4671) NO SUN+TUE+WED 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 12:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 2:45 PM I, Eliyas Johnson S/O Elias FANAR-3 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 5:00 PM RED SKY (DIG) 12:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 7:15 PM holder of Passport No. RED SKY (DIG) 2:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 9:30 PM A8968226 hereby changed RED SKY (DIG) 5:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 11:45 PM Elias Johnson Kuriakose, no.3 BEWAKOOFIYAAN (DIG) (Hindi) 7:15 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED RED SKY (DIG) 9:45 PM Bishopwallers Avenue west RED SKY (DIG) 12:05 AM Mylapore, Chennai 4. (C NO SUN+TUE+WED A360°- 1 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM 4672) FANAR-4 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 2:45 PM I, Mohinder Pal Singh, holder 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 5:00 PM of Indian Passport No. G 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 2:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 7:15 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 4:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 9:30 PM 1687598 hereby change my MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 6:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 11:45 PM name to Mohinder Singh. (C 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 8:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED 4673) 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 10:30 PM 20-3-2014 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 12:30 AM 360°- 2 NO SUN+TUE+WED 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 1:15 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 3:45 PM I, Taza, holder of Indian FANAR-5 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 6:15 PM Passport No. K9682992 have Prayer timings FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 1:45 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 8:45 PM FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 3:45 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 11:15 PM changed my name to Fajr: 04:32 Asr: 15:23 LAST LOVE (DIG) 6:00 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED Murtaza Shabbir Husain LAST LOVE (DIG) 8:15 PM Raswala, residing at Partapur, FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 10:45 PM 360°- 3 Shorook 05:51 Maghrib: 18:00 FORCE OF EXECUTION (DIG) 12:45 AM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 2:30 PM Rajasthan. NO SUN+TUE+WED REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 4:45 PM (C 4663) Duhr: 11:557 Isha: 19:07 Technology FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Game Review: Titanfall (Xbox One) Titanfall is the biggest game yet to hit Xbox One this year

By Chris Wood

espawn Entertainment’s first-ever title is a complex and engaging first-person Rshooter that adds parkour wall-running and giant mech combat to the somewhat tired genre. Not only does the title have a lot riding on it, but with so many gameplay mechanics vying for position, the developer has given itself a significant balancing act to perform.

Looks Let’s get this out of the way early on - it’s no secret that graphics aren’t Titanfall’s strong suit. The looks here aren’t bad by any means, and while they’re a definite step above last-gen standards, they lack some of that next-gen sheen that we’ve seen on games like Ryse: Son of Rome or Killzone: Shadowfall. While I didn’t have any real issue with the game’s 1408x792 resolution, it does suffer from the occasional dropped frame and there are noticeable screen tearing issues. Those stutters don’t significantly detract from the experience, but it’s a shame they weren’t ironed out before launch. It’s worth noting that Respawn has confirmed it will continue work on optimizing the game post-launch, targeting a final resolution of 1600x900 with FXAA or 1920x1080 with no anti-aliasing.

Feel What Titanfall lacks in graphical fidelity, it els genuinely fun. mechanics coming into play most significant- targeting multiple enemies from the hip - it absolutely makes up for in gameplay. The The only downside of the complex game- ly in the latter. Last Titan Standing is a surpris- might just be the most fun sidearm in FPS his- developer has taken established first-person- play/map design combination is the lack of ingly fun change of pace, though the game’s tory. shooter mechanics and expanded upon them destructible environments. It’s not a signifi- Pilot Hunter mode, where you only get points significantly. The parkour wall-running, com- cant trade-off, given how negatively it would for killing Pilots, is the least fun of the bunch. ‘Campaign’ bined with excellent level design, adds signifi- likely affect pilot movement and freedom if The titles ships with a choice of three One of the biggest criticisms that the cant verticality and speed to the gameplay, walls and structures could be brought down. Titans - the heavy Ogre, zippy Stryder and game has faced is its lack of a single-player discouraging the routine route-running tac- That said, it’s a little jarring to see a giant middleman Atlas. All three options have dis- campaign. In this reviewer’s opinion, that’s no tics preferred in flatter shooters. mech charge down a street firing salvos of tinctive feel and unique mechanics, with no bad thing. The developer hasn’t wasted its You can cross entire levels without touch- rockets, only to find the environment in per- particular model eclipsing the others. There’s time on a short, flashy few hours of set pieces ing the ground and reach most rooftops or fect condition when the smoke clears. Some less variety of weapon and add-on choices and bad story, instead spending its time on ledges with ease. There’s a much greater superficial damage would have been a nice when compared to Call of Duty or Battlefield, creating a focused and balanced multiplayer sense of freedom in the game than we’ve touch. but each selection feels distinct and useful. experience. grown used to in the genre, and it helps keep Of the game modes, Attrition (the standard Once again, the theme here is focus and bal- I’ve never played the campaign on a shoot- things fresh the longer you play. team deathmatch), Hardpoint Domination ance, with no one weapon or loadout over- er more than once though, and routinely fail Calling down your Titan mixes up the (like Battlefield’s Conquest mode) and powering the others. The game’s Smart Pistol to make it all the way through the the conclu- gameplay even more, but amazingly, doesn’t Capture the Flag are solid, with the Titan/Pilot is the most revolutionary of the bunch, auto- sion before getting hooked on the multiplay- disturb the balance of a match. Respawn has er component. That said, Respawn has includ- somehow managed to make Titans feel pow- ed a “Multiplayer Campaign” mode with the erful without under-powering the on-foot release, and the results are mixed. This is basi- pilots, meaning you still feel like you can take cally a series of multiplayer matches on vari- on one of the giant mechs on foot and stand a ous modes with storyline layered over the top fighting chance, even if you usually don’t. through voiceovers and brief set-pieces dur- The game’s 6 vs 6 setup is augmented by ing matches. The mode isn’t a complete disas- AI bots known as Grunts and Spectres. These ter, but the speed and intensity of the game- lower-skill opponents not only help fill out play make it far too easy to miss what’s going the battlefields, but also make the game far on, and it’s a little difficult to care when you more accessible and generally just more fun. do. The player controller pilots are still there to provide a genuine challenge (and you get a Wrap-up lot more points for taking them out), but the Respawn Entertainment has delivered a AI opponents make the player feel more pow- focused and well-balanced shooter that’s the erful and more significant to the conflict. most fun we’ve had in the genre for years. While the game isn’t perfect - the graphical Variety hitches are a shame and the lack of a true Titanfall ships with a healthy 15 maps, and campaign may be lamented by some - its a slightly lean five game modes. I didn’t find multiplayer experience is simply the best myself wanting to skip a single map, with lev- available on next-gen systems at the moment. el design and environments varied and com- It’s a joy to play and easy to recommend to plex. The ability to climb on top of a structure, any fan of first-person-shooters. run along a wall or jetpack up to a second — floor window makes moving around the lev- Stars FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

COUNTRY CODES Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22) Afghanistan 0093 Kuwait 00965 Overindulgence last night could have left you feeling a little Albania 00355 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Today you might try to continue or complete a creative project Laos 00856 woozy today, Aries. You're may want to spend the day in bed, but Algeria 00213 of some kind, but your imagination just isn't working the way it Andorra 00376 Latvia 00371 the prospect of leaving tasks undone could cause you to push on normally does. Also, overindulgence from last night could have Angola 00244 Lebanon 00961 anyway. That's a bad idea. Rest is just what you need. Don't force Anguilla 001264 Liberia 00231 you feeling a bit sluggish, which doesn't help the situation. Put yourself to socialize, either. You need some time alone to recover Antiga 001268 Libya 00218 your work aside before you give up on it completely, Libra. This and gather your resources so you can face the world with a clear Argentina 0054 Lithuania 00370 is only a temporary situation. Your mind should be back to nor- Armenia 00374 Luxembourg 00352 head. mal tomorrow. Australia 0061 Macau 00853 Austria 0043 Macedonia 00389 Bahamas 001242 Madagascar 00261 Bahrain 00973 Majorca 0034 Bangladesh 00880 Malawi 00265 Barbados 001246 Malaysia 0060 Belarus 00375 Maldives 00960 Taurus (April 20-May 20) Belgium 0032 Mali 00223 Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Belize 00501 Malta 00356 Benin 00229 Marshall Islands 00692 Plans for getting together with a group of close friends may Bermuda 001441 Martinique 00596 Bhutan 00975 00222 have to be called off because of sudden unexpected events. Today you might feel especially protective toward all those you love: children, family, friends, pets, and the special person in Bolivia 00591 Mauritius 00230 This could have you feeling somewhat down, Taurus, espe- Bosnia 00387 Mayotte 00269 cially if a romantic partner is involved. Try not to worry your life, Scorpio. Upsetting news might have you wondering Botswana 00267 Mexico 0052 about it too much. You will be able to reschedule, and you about the future, but don't let it get you down. All should be Brazil 0055 Micronesia 00691 could use the time alone anyway to relax and center your- well, so allow yourself to relax and enjoy your loved ones. Brunei 00673 Moldova 00373 Distract yourself by going to an exciting movie. That will help Bulgaria 00359 Monaco 00377 self. Burkina 00226 Mongolia 00976 release tension and put you in a better frame of mind. Burundi 00257 Montserrat 001664 Cambodia 00855 Morocco 00212 Cameroon 00237 Mozambique 00258 Canada 001 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Cape Verde 00238 Namibia 00264 Cayman Islands 001345 Nepal 00977 Central African Rep 00236 Netherlands (Holland)0031 Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 00235 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Chile 0056 New Caledonia 00687 China 0086 New Zealand 0064 A temporary separation from someone close to you could have Today you could make the acquaintance of actors, musicians, Colombia 0057 Nicaragua 00505 you reflecting on the good times you've spent together, espe- or other performers, some of whom might be quite well Comoros 00269 Nigar 00227 cially over the past few weeks. You're likely to talk with him or known. Social occasions could bring valuable contacts your Congo 00242 Nigeria 00234 her on the phone. You're feeling a lot of warmth and affection Cook Islands 00682 Niue 00683 way, which you could make good use of later. You might be Costa Rica 00506 Norfolk Island 00672 toward everyone around you, but a little sad as well, particular- having so much fun out among the beautiful people that you Croatia 00385 Northern Ireland (UK)0044 ly when you think of those far away. Call them up, Cancer! really don't want to go home! Don't make it too late a night, Cuba 0053 North Korea 00850 They'll be glad to hear from you. however, Sagittarius. You'll need all your energy tomorrow! Cyprus 00357 Norway 0047 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Oman 00968 Czech Republic 00420 Pakistan 0092 Denmark 0045 Palau 00680 Diego Garcia 00246 Panama 00507 Djibouti 00253 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dominica 001767 Paraguay 00595 Dominican Republic 001809 Peru 0051 Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Ecuador 00593 Philippines 0063 Egypt 0020 Poland 0048 El Salvador 00503 Portugal 00351 A temporary separation from someone close to you could have Someone who lives far away, someone you haven't heard England (UK) 0044 Puerto Rico 001787 you reflecting on the good times you've spent together, espe- from for a long time, could give you a surprise phone call Equatorial Guinea 00240 Qatar 00974 cially over the past few weeks. You're likely to talk with him or today. You'll be delighted and probably stay on the phone Eritrea 00291 Romania 0040 too long. You might need to run a few errands, but the Estonia 00372 Russian Federation 007 her on the phone. You're feeling a lot of warmth and affection Ethiopia 00251 Rwanda 00250 toward everyone around you, but a little sad as well, particular- weather could keep you indoors. Don't worry about it, Falkland Islands 00500 Saint Helena 00290 ly when you think of those far away. Call them up, Cancer! Capricorn. You'll still have time to take care of other press- Faroe Islands 00298 Saint Kitts 001869 They'll be glad to hear from you. ing matters. You should be feeling especially artistic right Fiji 00679 Saint Lucia 001758 now. Be creative! Finland 00358 Saint Pierre 00508 France 0033 Saint Vincent 001784 French Guiana 00594 Samoa US 00684 French Polynesia 00689 Samoa West 00685 Gabon 00241 San Marino 00378 Gambia 00220 Sao Tone 00239 Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Georgia 00995 Saudi Arabia 00966 Leo (July 23-August 22) Germany 0049 Scotland (UK) 0044 Ghana 00233 00221 Gibraltar 00350 Seychelles 00284 Dreams with mixed messages might trouble your sleep Money could be a source of worry today, Aquarius. You might Greece 0030 Sierra Leone 00232 tonight. One minute you'll be having a wonderful dream, and feel you've spent too much (who doesn't sometimes?) or per- Greenland 00299 Singapore 0065 the next could be black and gloomy. Write them down, Leo. haps some funds you were expecting have been held up. This is Grenada 001473 Slovakia 00421 The message is probably more positive than it appears. a delay and not a permanent situation (although it might seem Guadeloupe 00590 Slovenia 00386 that way). Too much worry could spoil your day, and you don't Guam 001671 Solomon Islands 00677 Worries about money might plague you throughout the day, Guatemala 00502 Somalia 00252 yet things probably aren't as bad as they seem. Make sure you want that. If there's anything you can do to ease the situation, Guinea 00224 South Africa 0027 learn the facts about your situation before allowing yourself do it. Otherwise, hang in there. Guyana 00592 South Korea 0082 to panic! Haiti 00509 Spain 0034 Holland (Netherlands)0031 Sri Lanka 0094 Honduras 00504 Sudan 00249 Hong Kong 00852 Suriname 00597 Hungary 0036 Swaziland 00268 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sweden 0046 Iceland 00354 Switzerland 0041 Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) India 0091 Syria 00963 Indian Ocean 00873 Taiwan 00886 Indonesia 0062 Tanzania 00255 The special person in your life could be working too hard, caus- Iran 0098 Thailand 0066 ing strain for him or her and frustration for you. Their extra hours Too much stress and strain over the past few days could cause you Iraq 00964 Toga 00228 to clash with your partner. While not a disaster by any means, Ireland 00353 Tonga 00676 at work could interfere with your desire to enjoy quality time Italy 0039 Tokelau 00690 together. Your own worries could put a damper on your self- Pisces, this can put a damper on your day. It might be best if you Ivory Coast 00225 Trinidad 001868 confidence, Virgo. You might be wondering if you're doing took a few minutes to get away by yourself and let all your negativ- Jamaica 001876 Tunisia 00216 everything that needs to be done. It might help to make a list ity fade away when no one's around. You'll feel better by the time Japan 0081 Turkey 0090 and cross off each task you complete. you face your family, friends, and partner again. Jordan 00962 Tuvalu 00688 Kazakhstan 007 Uganda 00256 Kenya 00254 Ukraine 00380 Kiribati 00686 United Arab Emirates00976 Leisure FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Word Search of Jezebel (9th century BC). 5. A plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane CROSSWORD493 parallel to an element of the curve. 6. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 7. English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter and the positron (1902- 1984). 8. Having the wind against the forward side of the sails. 9. Usually large hard-shelled seed. 10. A highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series). 11. Operculate seasnail of coastal waters with a short spiral shell. 12. A feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause). 13. Small deer of Japan with slightly forked antlers. 14. A unit of weight used in east Asia approximately equal to 1.3 ounces. 20. Largest crested screamer. 22. A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Telescopium and Norma. 24. Scottish philosopher of common sense who opposed the ideas of David Hume (1710-1796). 26. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 27. Title for the former hereditary monarch of Iran. 29. United by being of the same opinion. 30. The vertical triangular wall between the sloping ends of gable roof. 31. 36th President of the United States. 33. An Asian peninsula (off Manchuria) separating the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. 34. The sound of (the chanter of) a bagpipe v 1. 37. The cry made by sheep. 41. Prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules. 43. A neutral middle vowel. 44. White crystalline compound used as a food additive to enhance flavor. 47. Very sad. 48. Using speech rather than writing. ACROSS 1. A unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise one pound of 49. A violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa. water one degree Fahrenheit at one atmosphere pressure. 51. A soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh. 4. The great hall in ancient Persian palaces. 52. The most common computer memory which can be used by programs to 11. A structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young. perform necessary tasks while the computer is on. 15. The network in the reticular formation that serves an alerting or arousal 54. A silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite. function. 57. Of or related to a musical scale. 16. Lean flesh of very large flatfish of Atlantic or Pacific. 58. A condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of 17. English essayist (1775-1834). experience that is taken as true by many people. 18. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer. 60. City in Sudan. 19. The mountain peak that Noah's ark landed on as the waters of the great 61. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. flood receded. 62. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River. 21. A member of an agricultural people in southeastern India. 64. An Arabic speaking person who lives in Arabia or North Africa. 23. A radioactive element of the actinide series. 66. Having any of numerous bright or strong colors reminiscent of the color of 25. A secondary or inferior position or status. blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies. 28. A member of a people native to the Philippines chiefly inhabiting central 69. A tight-fitting headdress. Luzon around and including Manila. 72. Used of a single unit or thing. 32. Noisy and mischievous merrymaking. 75. Destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to 35. One of the most common of the five major classes of immunoglobulins. the heart muscle. 36. Divulge information or secrets. 76. Being nine more than ninety. 38. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 39. (informal) Being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition. Yesterdayʼs Solution 40. A historical region in central and northern Yugoslavia. 42. The residue that remains when something is burned. 45. (Christianity) The abode of Satan and the forces of evil. 46. The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code. 50. Someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fall. 53. Australian wild horse. 55. A state in the Rocky Mountains. 56. The 7th letter of the Greek alphabet. 59. Russian composer (1804-1857). 63. A woman of refinement. 65. Wild sheep of northern Africa. 67. Having an eye or eyes or eyelike feature especially as specified. 68. A family of Ural-Altaic languages. 70. A trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group. 71. West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice. 73. A shape that sags. 74. Of or relating to Namibia or its people. 77. A local computer network for communication between computers. 78. The compass point that is one point east of due south. 79. A circle that rolls around (inside or outside) another circle. 80. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

DOWN 1. (informal) Exceptionally good. 2. The basic unit of money in Western Samoa. 3. Employed in accomplishing something. 4. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

No sweat as David checks into quarterfinals

GEORGE TOWN: Top favourite Nicol David barely off gave me the chance to practise on the grass, and I also praised her fellow Penangite Low Wee Wern, who broke out of first gear as she cruised into the quarterfi- was feeling the ball better and my movement was also joined her in the next round after a 11-8, 11-3, 11-9 nals of the world women’s squash championships fluid. It was a good performance from me today,” said win over Canada’s Samantha Cornett. after a 11-6, 11-3, 11-4 win over Egyptian qualifier the 30-year-old, who brought a 40-match unbeaten “It’s great that Low has also got through in convinc- Heba El Torky. streak into the match. ing manner. We have two Penangites in the quarters David’s all-action game was just too much for Torky “I knew it was Heba’s first time in the second round and we’ll definitely be out to put on a good show to handle, as the top seed raced to a 7-0 lead in the of the world championships, and if given a chance she tomorrow (Friday),” she said. first game before wrapping things up at 11-6. would take it. So I was happy to keep it tight and solid There were no major upsets on the third day of the The seven-times world champion continued her throughout the match.” David will take on Camille championships as England’s second seed Laura relentless assault in the second game, forcing the Serme in the last eight, and hopes to keep her good Massaro brushed aside compatriot Jenny Duncalf 11- Egyptian into numerous unforced errors to win 11-3 record against the Frenchwoman. 9, 11-6, 11-4 to check into the last eight. and kept the same tempo to clinch the third game 11- “I want to make sure I take this form to the quarters Joining her was third seed Egyptian Raneem El 4. The world number one was well pleased with the and be focused, but no doubt she will be a tough cus- Weleily, who overcame India’s Dipika Pallikal 11-7, 11- victory she racked up in just 24 minutes. “Having a day tomer and I am looking forward to the match.” David 7, 11-1. — AFP Major Leagues mine rich history in Australian opener

SYDNEY: While your average Australian may be surprised to hear that the Arizona Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers are kicking off the 2014 Major League Baseball sea- son in Sydney, history shows that they really should be any- thing but. Although Australia is sports mad - cricket is the closest thing it has to a national religion - baseball these days exists almost exclusively as source material for teasing any visiting American foolish enough to mention sports in a pub. But America’s national pastime has actually been bringing together impressive crowds Down Under for more than 150 years, and not just of foreigners. “A correspondent requests us to call attention to the prac- tice of a number of boys and young men who congregate in Mr. Wilkinson’s paddock... on Sunday afternoons, for playing at cricket, base-ball, making a great noise, and offending the eyes and ears of persons of moral and religious feeling,” Hobart’s Colonial Times newspaper wrote on September 22, 1855. The storied Sydney Cricket Ground, where the D-Backs and Dodgers will launch their seasons with back-to-back games tomorrow and Sunday, is itself home to more than 100 years of baseball lore. It was on those hallowed grounds that sporting goods tycoon Arthur Spalding kicked off his barnstorming 1888 Australian Tour with a game between his Chicago White PRETORIA: South African Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius stands on the thirteenth day of his trial for the murder of his Stockings and the All America’s, an All-Star team slapped girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria. — AFP together for the tour. The troupe was met triumphantly in Sydney Harbour by a flotilla swaddled in red, white and blue. More than 5,000 spec- Pistorius to sell home tators turned to watch the ballclubs play in Sydney, which was a pretty good turnout by 19th century standards. Many baseball historians believe that the sport evolved from one of two British antecedents - either cricket or to cover legal fees rounders - and Spalding may have picked Australia in the hope that lightning would strike twice, says Rick Burton, the PRETORIA: Oscar Pistorius plans to sell include at least three full-time lawyers in owned two other houses with a com- David B. Falk Professor of Sport Management at Syracuse the upmarket $460,000 Pretoria house court, ballistics and forensics experts as bined value of 1.5 million rand in University. where he shot dead his girlfriend last well as an American crime scene recon- Pretoria and a vacant plot worth 1.6 mil- “If it could be done in the United States from England, it year to cover the legal fees for his mur- struction company. lion rand in Cape Town. could be done in Australia,” he told Reuters. —Reuters der trial, his lawyer said yesterday. Since the shooting Pistorius has been All his properties together were “It has become necessary to sell Mr living at his uncle’s house in Pretoria. worth 8.3 million rand, the sporting hero Pistorius’s home in the Silver Woods Prosecutors have charged the double- told the court. Pistorius earned world- Country Estate in Pretoria in order for amputee sprinter with intentionally wide fame as the “Blade Runner” for run- him to raise the necessary funds to cov- killing 29-year-old Steenkamp after an ning on two carbon fibre blades, after er his increasing legal costs,” the 27- argument, and are expected to wrap up both his legs were amputated below the year-old’s lawyer Brian Webber said in a their case early next week. knee when he was born without fibulae. statement. Pistorius insists he fired four shots He became the first double amputee “This is due to the unexpected exten- through a locked toilet door after mis- to compete with able-bodied athletes at sion of the trial beyond the initial three- taking the model for an intruder. The the London 2012 Olympics. But he has week period for which it was originally authorities turned the runner’s home in fallen on hard times since the shooting, set down.” Estate agent Ansie Louw, the gated community back over to him and lost many of the endorsement deals who is handling the sale, told AFP the over a year ago and he had planned to that earned him some $510,000 a year. house will be sold in a closed bid, start- keep it sealed until the trial finished. His trial opened on March 3, and wit- ing at five million rand ($460,000, “He has been forced to revisit this nesses have testified to hearing a 330,000 euro). decision,” according to Webber, who woman’s terrified screams in the dead of The Paralympic athlete has been pay- said the statement was meant to pre- night, followed by gunshots. SYDNEY: Los Angeles Dodgers’ Yasiel Puig hits a two-run ing his own legal fees since he shot empt media speculation about the sale. A police ballistics expert said home run during their exhibition baseball game against dead Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Thursday the first shot from Pistorius’s 9- Team Australia at the Sydney Cricket Gground in Sydney, Day last year, according to the state- Properties millimetre pistol shattered Steenkamp’s yesterday. The Arizona Diamondbacks and the Dodgers ment. Pistorius valued the house at five mil- hip bone. She then fell over and was open the Major League Baseball regular season with The costs-reportedly as high as lion rand during his bail application in struck in the head by another bullet. The games tomorrow and Sunday. — AP $9,000 (6,700 euros) a day-are said to February last year. At the time he also trial resumes Monday. — AFP Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Scott ties Bay Hill course record, leads by four shots

FLORIDA: Masters champion Adam Scott Further birdies at the par-five sixth and fired a 10-under-par 62 to tie the Bay Hill par-four seventh took him to 10 under. He course record and grab the clubhouse lead missed a good birdie chance at his penulti- in the opening round of the Arnold Palmer mate hole, before ending his day with a long Invitational in Florida yesterday. two-putt par to match the course record Scott, in his final tournament before he held by Andy Bean and his boyhood idol defends his green jacket at the April 10-13 Greg Norman. Masters, took advantage of his morning tee Scott is playing just his third tournament time at the Bay Hill course in Orlando. since mid-January. He has reduced his tour- Wielding his long putter like a magic nament schedule over the past couple of wand, the Australian mixed two eagles with seven birdies and a bogey to match his career low round on the PGA Tour. He led Spaniard Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano by four strokes with half the field still on the course. “I’m really thrilled with the start today,” Scott, making his first Bay Hill start since 2009, told reporters. It’s maybe a little surprising. “I don’t know where it came from but the putter certainly got hot today. Today was just one of those days where the hole was a like a bucket.” World number two Scott is regarded by many as the best driver in the game, but his short game proved just as good on Thursday as he pulled away from the field. He drained putts from at least 20 feet on five occasions, including a 30-footer from off the green at the par-four 15th, where he Former President of Barcelona Sports Club Juan Laborta (left). threaded his ball between a couple of sprin- kler heads. ORLANDO: Adam Scott of Australia hits his tee Integrated information plan Confident start shot on the 13th hole during the first round of Scott began his round at the 10th, and the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by prepared for Police Sport made a confidence-boosting start by sinking MasterCard at the Bay Hill Club and Lodge yes- a 20-foot birdie right off the bat. He got up- terday in Orlando, Florida. — AFP By Abdellatif Sharaa tecting fans and secure sports competitions. and-down from a greenside bunker at the Al-Hashash, who is the head of the public par-five 12th to go two under, before picking years in order to prepare for the majors in KUWAIT: Director of Public Relations and relations unit of the security committee of the up further birdies at the 14th and 15th holes. peace and quiet. Moral Guidance, Acting Director of Security conference, said among the measures taken An eagle at the par-five 16th, where he hit The 33-year-old is the top-ranked player Information Department at the Interior by the Interior Ministry to fight sports arenas a mid-iron from 200 yards to 35 feet, took at Bay Hill in the absence of defending cham- Ministry Colonel Adel Al-Hashash said an inte- violence is intensifying awareness campaigns him to six under, while his lone bogey came pion Tiger Woods, who withdrew from the grated information plan has been prepared in cooperation with all media which at the par-four 18th, where he hit his tee shot event earlier this week with a bad back. for the first Police Sport and Security expressed full cooperation in this regard. left and also missed the green left with his Former Masters champion Bubba Conference to start next Sunday under the He said the awareness campaign comes as second shot. Watson withdrew from Bay Hill citing aller- patronage of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- an implementation of the directions of But that proved a minor hiccup, as he gies following an opening-round 11-over- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah at Regency Hotel. Deputy Premier, Interior Minister Sheikh roared back with a birdie at the par-four par 83 that included an 11 at the par-five Al-Hashash said the conference that is Mohammad Al-Khalid and instructions of third, followed by a 20-foot eagle at the par- sixth and a triple-bogey seven at the par- being held for the first time in Kuwait in the Undersecretary Lt General Suleiman Al-Fahad, five fourth. four 18th. — Reuters presence of specialized people in fighting who heads the Higher Security Committee for violence and disorder from the USIP which is the conference. He added that there will be headed by Lt. General Sheikh Ahmad Al- an integrated media center that will offer all Nawaf, will confirm the ability of security and information services to the conference sports authorities to organize such events guests, journalists, and media in order reflect which is an important step in the field of pro- the media role in limiting violence and the means of dealing with drawbacks in this regard. He said the Ministry of Interior is keen on the general image during the conference and that focus was placed on the security aware- ness and facilitating the job of the media and journalists in covering this event. Meanwhile former President of Barcelona Sports Club Juan Laborta expressed gratitude for the invitation he received from USIP to attend the conference, but he apologized due to prior commitments and the classic match between Barcelona and Real Madrid, which is on Sunday. Laborta thanked the conference organiz- ers and USIP president Lt. General Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf and wished the success and that they get the sought of results in finding solutions for the arena violence. He said that he visited Kuwait during the Late Mushari Al-Roudhan indoor soccer tour- TOKYO: South Africa head coach Neil Powell (R) answers questions beside captain Kyle Brown nament and had good time among his (L) during a press conference for the Rugby Sevens tournament in Tokyo. The Tokyo Sevens Adel Al-Hashash Kuwaiti friends. 2014, the sixth leg in the IRB Sevens World Series, will be held on March 22-23. — AFP Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Olympic champion Hoefl-Riesch announces retirement

BERLIN: Germany’s triple Olympic champion Maria Hoefl-Riesch has announced her retirement following an injury-hit season that deprived her of the World Cup overall title but did win her the downhill crown in her final campaign. The alpine skiing legend, 29, took the decision follow- ing a crash last week during the downhill finals at Lenzerheide, Switzerland, which also scuppered her chances of winning the overall World Cup crystal globe. “It’s difficult for me, but I think I have made the right decision,” said the Garmisch-Partenkirchen native. “I gave everything this year to obtain my ultimate objective (Olympic gold). “The most beautiful dream came true again and now it is time to stop.” she added. A two-time world champi- on and one of the main attractions on the World Cup cir- cuit along with her American rival and friend Lindsey Vonn, Hoefl-Riesch won her second super-combined gold medal at the Sochi Games as well as taking silver in the Super-G last month. After her maiden combined win at the Vancouver Olympics where she also added slalom gold, she leaves the sport with 27 World Cup wins, the 2011 overall World Cup crown and four world championship bronze medals. The complete skier, her first world title came in the 2009 slalom race at Val d’Isere, France before winning the CHICAGO: Niklas Hjalmarsson #4 of the Chicago Blackhawks controls the puck as Jaden Schwartz #9 of the St. Louis super-combined in 2013 at Schladming, Austria. Blues closes in at the United Center on March 19, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. —AFP Of her 27 World Cup wins, 11 were in downhill and nine were slalom triumphs while she also picked up four super-combined victories and three Super-G wins. The Blackhawks beat Blues only discipline she failed to have at least one victory was in the giant slalom. She also finished in the top three of the World Cup rankings over the past seven seasons and was heading 4-0 behind Crawford for a second overall title this year before a crash on March 12 prematurely ended her campaign. She finished runner-up in the overall standings four CHICAGO: Corey Crawford stopped 23 The Blackhawks have struggled this sea- their winning streak to four games with a times in 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014. One of the tallest shots for his second shutout this season, son against their top rivals in the Central. victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs. women on the ciruit at 1.80 (5ft 11in), she made her backstopping the Blackhawks to a physical Chicago entered Wednesday’s game with Lightning Radko Gudas and Tyler Johnson World Cup debut in 2001 at the age of 16 following a glit- 4-0 victory over the St. Louis Blues on only one win and five points in eight games had the other goal for Tampa Bay (38-24- tering junior career that reaped her nine world junior Wednesday night that gave Chicago coach against St. Louis and Colorado. 7), which has their longest win streak since championship medals, including five gold. Joel Quenneville his 700th NHL win. Keith scored the only goal in a physical stringing together five in December. The leading light in German skiing over the past It was a costly victory for the first period on a power play with 58 sec- Phil Kessel, Nikolai Kulemin and decade, her younger sister Susanne is also a World Blackhawks, though. Leading scorer Patrick onds left. After taking Kane’s feed, Keith defenseman Jake Gardiner had the goals Cup skier. She married her manager Marcus Hoefl in Kane left the game at 7:56 of the second fired a drive from the top of the slot that for Toronto (36-27-8). April, 2011. — AFP period, favoring his left leg as he headed to zipped past Miller’s stick side just as Shaw Lightning goaltender Ben Bishop, who the dressing room following a collision with provided a screen by cutting across the entered his start 2-4-0 with a 3.04 goals- Brenden Morrow. crease. against-average against the Leafs, made Kane is expected to miss about three The play got tighter and grittier in the 37 saves in the win. weeks, Quenneville said. Duncan Keith, second, and Chicago took a 2-0 lead thanks Andrew Shaw, Marcus Kruger and Ben to Shaw’s goal on a deflection with 4:25 left Jets 5, Avalanche 4 (OT) Smith scored as Chicago ended the league- in the period. Shaw’s goal capped a deter- The Winnipeg Jets kept their flickering leading Blues’ nine-game point streak (8-0- mined, physical flurry by Chicago. playoff hopes alive with an overtime win 1) and dealt St. Louis its first regulation loss The Blackhawks were jamming the net over the Colorado Avalanche. Blake against a Central Division opponent this when Patrick Sharp picked up a loose puck Wheeler scored his 24th goal of the season season. The Blues entered 20-0-2 against and fed back to Nick Leddy at the blue line. for the winning strike at 1:42 of the extra division foes and hadn’t lost in regulation Leddy’s drive ticked off the shaft of Shaw’s period. The win boosted the Jets’ record to since a 1-0 defeat at Anaheim on Feb. 28. stick and past Miller as Shaw battled for 32-30-9, good for 73 points, four behind Quenneville, who previously guided St. position in front of the net with Blues the eighth-placed Phoenix Coyotes in the Louis and Colorado, has the most wins of defenseman Alex Pietrangelo. Western Conference. any active NHL coach and ranks third all- Blues defenseman Kevin Shattenkirk In a back and forth affair, both teams time behind Al Arbour and Scotty Bowman, threw a loose rebound behind Crawford scored two goals each in the first period now the Blackhawks’ senior adviser of during a St. Louis power play in the final and one each in the second and third. The hockey operations. seconds of the second, but the puck slid loss was a second straight for the Crawford earned his 10th career shutout across the crease and to the far boards. Avalanche (44-20-6). in Chicago’s first win against the Blues this Kruger and Smith scored 2:15 apart in season after three losses. Kane, who has 29 the third period to ice it for Chicago. Canucks 2, Predators 0 goals and 40 assists in 68 games, assisted Following a long lead pass from defense- Rookie call-up Nicklas Jensen scored on Keith’s opening goal. St. Louis goalie man Niklas Hjalmarsson, Kruger took a his third goal in seven NHL games, leading Ryan Miller lost in regulation for the first quick feed from Peter Regin in the slot and the Vancouver Canucks in a win over the time since joining the Blues following a beat Miller from just outside the crease at Nashville Predators. Jensen has three trade from Buffalo on Feb. 28. Miller, now 7- 5:20 to make it 3-0. goals and two assists since being promot- 1-1 with St. Louis, was replaced by Brian Smith’s power-play goal at 7:35 extend- ed from Utica of the American Hockey Elliott at 7:58 of the third period after allow- ed Chicago’s lead to 4-0. He connected League on March 7, is rejuvenating the MUNICH: Alfons Hoermann (R), President of the German ing four goals on 27 shots. from the doorstep after taking a feed from Canucks’ top line. Olympic Sports Association (DOSB) awards Germany’s St. Louis needs one win to clinch a play- Kris Versteeg behind the net after Miller Alex Burrows, who has also been red alpine ski athlete, three-time Olympic gold medalist and off spot for the 38th time in franchise histo- stopped Leddy’s shot from the blue line. hot for Vancouver (32-30-10), left the two-time world champion Maria Hoefl-Riesch with the ry. Defending Stanley Cup champion game in the third period after being on World Cup trophy during a press conference yesterday in Chicago entered the game tied with Lightning 5, Maple Leafs 3 the receiving end of a nasty slash to the Munich. — AFP Colorado for second in the Central Division Steven Stamkos scored a natural hat- hand area by Nashville (29-31-10) defense- and fourth in the Western Conference. trick as the Tampa Bay Lightning stretched man Shea Weber. — Agencies Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

India-Pakistan rivalry on show at World Twenty20

MIRPUR: Traditional rivals India and Pakistan kick-start some things right in time. “Our bowling is an area of arguably the most successful captain in limited overs the Super 10 stage of the World Twenty20 yesterday at concern and we also need to get good starts with our cricket, having led his team to victory in the 2007 World the Sher-e-Bangla Stadium. Grouped along with anoth- batting. If we have wickets in hand, we are always capa- T20, 2011 World Cup and the 2013 Champions Trophy. er former champion, the West Indies, powerful Australia ble of scoring some 10-15 runs above par,” Dhoni said. Pakistan captain Mohammad Hafeez said his team and a qualifier from Group A of the ongoing prelimi- The Indian spinners will have to make up for an inex- would take inspiration from a recent victory in the Asia nary stage, the two teams know it is only the beginning perienced pace attack and it could well be a contest Cup against India but conceded that Dhoni’s return of a testing league competition in the tough Group 2. between India’s batting lineup, which has the likes of would bolster the Indian team. Pakistan has never beaten India in five meetings in Virat Kohli, Yuvraj Singh and Dhoni, and Pakistan’s “Dhoni’s leadership is a key factor as he has done the World Cup and three in the World Twenty20. bowling, which boasts of pace bowler Umar Gul and well over the past five-six years,” Hafeez said. “They’re a Pakistan has also won only one of five T20s against off-spinner Saeed Ajmal among others. good batting side but having played in Bangladesh India. But India captain Mahendra Singh Dhonis said “They have some very good bowlers like Gul and during the recent Asia Cup we have prepared well.” yesterday that records don’t matter. “A lot of people Ajmal. They also have some good allrounders which Hafeez said he was not worried about statistics con- talk about that (results in ICC world events) but every- makes things difficult for any opposition,” Dhoni said in cerning the teams and that this was not necessarily the thing depends on what we do on the field,” Dhoni said reference to Shahid Afridi, Shoaib Malik and Pakistan all-important game fans on either side of the border on the eve of the high-profile game. “In fact, the gap captain Mohammad Hafeez. make it out to be. “This is not the whole tournament. between teams is very narrow and the smaller sides too India has played only one Twenty20 international We have to do well as it is important to strike a good have the talent to upset top sides in this format.” since December 2012 but Dhoni said he was relying on rhythm for the other matches ahead,” he said. India looks a little vulnerable with Dhoni missing the the experience of the cash-rich Indian Premier League Meanwhile, matches of Group 2, which consists of Sri recent 50-over Asia Cup in which it lost to both Pakistan for his team. “Our players have the experience of the Lanka, New Zealand, South Africa, England and a quali- and Sri Lanka. Dhoni said it is only a matter of getting IPL and also of the conditions here,” said Dhoni, fier, commence in Chittagong tomorrow. — AP Top seeds take centre stage at World Twenty20

DHAKA: The World Twenty20 steps up a rounds. T20 title to their packed trophy cabinet, gear today as cricket’s top eight sides “The matches to follow are as impor- have opted for experience, bringing in 39- enter the fray, with Pakistan seeking a his- tant as the one on Friday, but we are not year-old batsman Brad Hodge and 43- toric win against India in the second looking beyond our first game yet.” True year-old spinner Brad Hogg. round’s standout clash. to the unpredictable nature of T20 cricket, But the Aussies will miss fearsome fast Minnows of international cricket have there have been different champions bowler Mitchell Johnson due to an infect- been slogging it out in the expanded 16- each time. England won in 2010 and the ed toe, while England will be without the nation tournament, with two qualifying West Indies triumphed in 2012, adding to injured Joe Root and Ben Stokes. spots and a chance to join the big boys up the victories for India and Pakistan. England are also missing batsman for grabs from round one. Darren Sammy’s West Indies, who Kevin Pietersen, who was the star of their CHITTAGONG: Nepal’s Subash Khakurel plays a shot as In the Super-10 stage, Asian giants open the defence of their title on the back lone title triumph four years ago. Afghanistan’s wicketkeeper Mohammad Shahzad, right, Pakistan and India will be joined in Group of a confidence-boosting T20 series win England’s all-time leading run-scorer watches during their ICC Twenty20 Cricket World Cup match Two by the West Indies, Australia and one against England, boast one of the most across all formats was controversially axed in Chittagong, Bangladesh, yesterday. — AP of the successful qualifiers. The other destructive batsmen in world cricket- following a 5-0 Ashes series loss Down qualifier will join South Africa, Sri Lanka, opener Chris Gayle. Under, even though he was their highest England and New Zealand in Group One Sri Lanka-the top-ranked T20 side-have scorer. South Africa, starting a new era Bangladesh progress with two sides from each group advanc- prepared by spending more than six after the recent retirements of Graeme ing to the semi-finals. weeks in Bangladesh, winning bilateral Smith and Jacques Kallis, and New in World Twenty20 The identity of the two qualifiers from contests in all three formats before taking Zealand will also be strong contenders in round one will be known just hours the Asia Cup. the wide open tournament. The final is on before Pakistan bid to defeat arch rivals Australia, hoping to add a first World April 6. — AFP despite loss to HK India for the first time at the World Twenty20. CHITTAGONG: Hosts Bangladesh crawled into the main draw “It has nothing to do with history,” of the World Twenty20 despite an embarrassing two-wicket Pakistan captain Mohammad Hafeez told defeat by Hong Kong in their final qualifying match in a packed media conference in Dhaka yes- Chittagong yesterday. terday. “Beating India will be important Skittled out for a paltry 108 in 16.3 overs, Bangladesh because a good start will give us momen- risked losing the super 10 stage berth to Nepal if Hong Kong tum in the tournament. could chase down the target in 13.1 overs. “I am glad we are playing India first up. Their bowlers, however, ensured Bangladesh stayed afloat We are all excited about this game. The in the tournament but could not stop associate nation Hong morale is good because we beat them in Kong from achieving a memorable victory over their test play- the Asia Cup. But we have to be at our ing rivals with two balls to spare. best to win.” Bangladesh now join three former champions - India, Pakistan and West Indies - and Australia in Group Two where Unpredictable format such sloppy play would invite humiliation. Pakistan qualified for the semi-finals in Put into bat, Bangladesh lost two wickets in the first over all four editions of the World Twenty20, before Shakib Al Hasan (34) and Anamul Haq (26) steadied the winning the tournament in 2009 in ship. Cheered on by their passionate fans, the home side England after being runners-up to India in cruised to 85-3 in the 11th over before their spectacular col- the inaugural event in 2007. lapse at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium. India, however, have not made the For Hong Kong, Nadeem Ahmed (4-21) and Nizakat Khan semi-finals since their title win despite the (3-19) wreaked havoc as Bangladesh folded for a below-par popularity of the T20 Indian Premier score. League over the last six years. Hong Kong’s inexperience showed in their wobbly chase Unpredictable format - For Indian captain but Munir Dar (36) plundered 15 runs off a Farhad Reza over Mahendra Singh Dhoni, previous results to turn the match on its head and Haseeb Amjad hit a six to will be irrelevant when the teams take to score the winning run for them. the field at the Sher-e-Bangla stadium in Earlier, Nepal upset Afghanistan by nine runs in another the Bangladeshi capital on Friday Group A match for their second victory in the qualifiers. evening. “Nothing of the past matters in DHAKA: Pakistan cricketer Shahid Afridi (L), Umar Akmal (2nd L) and Umar Gul (R) Put into bat, Subash Khakurel (56) and Sharad Vesawkar this game,” he said, reminding critics that stretch at a training session during the ICC World Twenty20 cricket tournament at (37) helped Nepal to a competitive 141-5 before they returned India lost just one game at the 2012 edi- The Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Dhaka yesteday. — AFP to restrict Afghanistan to 132-8. — Agencies tion and yet failed to make the knock-out Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Villas-Boas aims to be Andre the Great MOSCOW: Former Porto, Chelsea and Tottenham 1703. “It is a fantastic city,” said the multi-lingual coach, Neto and midfielder Miguel Danny also in the Zenit side Hotspur manager Andre Villas-Boas yesterday set high adding he would be learning Russian. as well as Hulk, Gazprom will be hoping the Portuguese ambitions on his first day of work as manager of Zenit St Villas-Boas, as in his English management days, connection will be a huge plus. Petersburg, saying he wanted to build up the team just dressed impeccably in a designer suit and tie, spoke in Villas-Boas managed Hulk at Porto while Witsel as Peter the Great had constructed the Russian city. Portuguese during the press conference but began with arrived from their great Lisbon rivals Benfica. Zenit have brought in Villas-Boas, 36, as manager in a cheery “Dobry Den” (Good Day) in Russian. The manager himself is on the road to redemption the hope he can take the side to European glory after The Jose Mourinho protege, who has been out of after his reputation slumped following his astonishing sacking his predecessor Luciano Spalletti for failing to work since being sacked by Spurs last year, said he bare- 2010-2011 season at Porto where he won the league, win more big silverware. ly hesitated when he first received the Zenit offer last Portuguese Cup and the UEFA Europa League. Villas-Boas said his immediate aim for the rest of the week. “I saw the big ambitions of the leadership in the His stints at Chelsea and Tottenham ended in disap- season was to win the remaining nine matches in the shape of Gazprom,” Villas-Boas said in the news confer- pointment and the sack after owners lost patience with Russian League and take the Russian title in a tight race ence broadcast on Zenit’s TV channel. “I was happy to a lack of success. But Zenit players expressed excite- with a resurgent Lokomotiv Moscow. be invited as it is in line with my goals and my ambi- ment at the new arrival. “The first aim is victory in the championship,” said tions. I hope to achieve good results with Zenit,” he “The club have chosen a new way ahead with Villas- Villas-Boas, who will reportedly receive at least 8.5 mil- added. He said he was impressed with the “passion” of Boas, who will help us to reach new heights and win lion euros ($11.8 million) a season under his two year the team in the final away leg Wednesday of the tie new titles,” said Luis Neto. “Naturally I’m happy to work contract. The Saint Petersburg’s team owners, Russian against Borussia which Zenit won 2-1. with a Portuguese coach but most of all I’m happy with state gas giant Gazprom, want him to make a real the chance to work with one of Europe’s best managers. impact in the Champions League next season after the ‘Achieve new heights’ I hope that the luck will accompany us from now on.” side went out of this season’s competition in a 4-5 Gazprom has showed its ambition with the purchase Belgian international back Nicolas Lombaerts also aggregate defeat to Borussia Dortmund on Wednesday. of Brazilian star Hulk and Belgium’s Axel Witsel for a said he believed that Zenit would earn a success under “I want to do the same for your team as Peter the reported 100 million euros-the biggest transfer buys in new manager. “We need to find our normal self,” he Great did for Saint Petersburg,” Villas-Boas told Russian football history-but they have yet to turn the said. “Villas-Boas is a strong and experienced coach, reporters in his first news conference, referring to the team into world beaters. who has won the Europa League. I hope that we will Russian Tsar who founded the former imperial capital in With Portuguese players, including defender Luis achieve new success. — AFP Spurs win 11th straight, 125-109 over LA Lakers

LOS ANGELES: Tony Parker scored 25 points, game-winner with 17.1 seconds left, stepping points and dished out a career-high 17 assists, side of the lane with 1:58 left and continued a Kawhi Leonard added 22 points and 10 rebounds, between two and the Denver Nuggets overcame the absence run that led Toronto (38-29) to victory. New and the San Antonio Spurs pulled away from the defenders and sinking a one-handed wrister. of two starters to beat the struggling Detroit Orleans (27-40), playing without forward Los Angeles Lakers on Wednesday night, winning nDirk Nowitzki had 27 for Dallas. The Pistons. The game featured two ailing teams. Anthony Davis, who was sidelined with an 125-109 for their 11th consecutive victory. Timberwolves (34-32) are 5 1/2 games behind Detroit (25-42) center Andre Drummond was upper respiratory infection, placed six players Danny Green scored 16 points and Tim theMavericks and the Memphis Grizzlies, who are out with a neck injury while the Nuggets were in double figures. Duncan had 12 points and 16 rebounds for the tied for the final two playoff spots in the Western missing two of their best players. NBA-leading Spurs, who haven’t lost since Feb. 21 Conference. Guard Ty Lawson (sinus infection) and for- Bulls 102, 76ers 94 while winning 14 of 15. ward Wilson Chandler (hip) were out, leaving Jimmy Butler hit a tie-breaking three-point- With their seventh straight victory over the Grizzlies 96, Jazz 86 Denver (31-37) looking very much like a roster er with 6:49 left and the Chicago Bulls pulled Lakers dating to last season’s playoffs, the Spurs Zach Randolph scored 21 points and Marc that lost eight of nine last month. away to hand the Philadelphia 76ers their 22nd opened a 11/2-game lead over Indiana for the Gasol added 20 to lead the Memphis Grizzlies to consecutive loss. The Sixers (15-53) are now league’s best record. San Antonio leads victory over the Utah Jazz. The Grizzlies (40-27) Raptors 107, Pelicans 100 four defeats away from equaling the NBA Oklahoma City by two games atop the Western earned their eighth consecutive home win and Former New Orleans point guard Greivis record of 26 in a row, established by the 2010- Conference. their fifth straight victory over Utah at Vasquez scored five points in 37 seconds and 11 Cleveland Cavaliers. D.J. Augustin led Pau Gasol had 22 points, 10 rebounds and six FedExForum. The Jazz (22-47) lost their sixth DeMar DeRozan scored a game-high 31 points Chicago (38-30) with 20 points. assists for Los Angeles. Xavier Henry scored 24 straight and fell to 8-28 on the road. to lift the Toronto Raptors to victory over the points in the Lakers’ sixth loss in seven games. Pelicans. Nets 104, Bobcats 99 Los Angeles has lost 20 of 26. Nuggets 118, Pistons 109 Vasquez, traded in the offseason, broke a Led by Deron Williams, who scored a game- Aaron Brooks scored a season-high 27 94-94 tie with a patented floater on the right high 25 points, the Brooklyn Nets had six play- Knicks 92, Pacers 86 ers score in double figures in a win over the The New York Knicks welcomed new presi- Charlotte Bobcats. The Nets (35-31) won their dent Phil Jackson by running their winning streak season-best 10th straight game at Barclays to seven games with a rousing victory over the Center. Al Jefferson had 18 points and 12 Indiana Pacers. rebounds to lead theBobcats (33-36). Jackson, who was named to the position on Tuesday, received a standing ovation from the Spurs 125, Lakers 109 Garden crowd during the game as Carmelo Tony Parker scored 25 points and the San Anthony led the Knicks (28-40) on the court with Antonio Spurs won their 11th in a row with a 34 points and forward Amar’e Stoudemire added victory over the Los Angeles Lakers. The Spurs 21. Lance Stephenson had 21 points for the (51-16), who have the NBA’s best record, Pacers (50-18), who remained three games ahead defeated the Lakers for the seventh consecu- of Miami for the lead in the Eastern Conference. tive time and the third time this season. The Lakers’ loss came on the heels of Los Angeles Celtics 101, Heat 96 suffering its worst defeat (119-85) to the Spurs The Boston Celtics took advantage of LeBron today. The Lakers dropped three straight and James’ absence caused by back spasms by beat- six of their last seven games Kawhi Leonard fin- ing Miami 101-96 to end a five-game losing ished with 22 points and 10 rebounds for San streak. The victory gave Boston (23-46) a 2-1 win Antonio. Xavier Henry had 24 to lead the Lakers in the season series after the teams split two (22-45) who have lost three straight. games in Miami. Boston’s Avery Bradley scored 23 points, while Dwyane Wade led the Heat (46- Suns 109, Magic 93 20) with 17 points, but he shot just 2-for-9 from Goran Dragic scored 18 points, and guard the floor in the second half. Gerald Green hit three three -pointers during a 15-2 run to open the fourth quarter as the Timberwolves 123, Mavericks 122 (OT) Phoenix Suns finally ran away from the Orlando Desperate to remain relevant in the Western Magic. Green finished with 14 points as Conference playoff hunt, the Minnesota Phoenix (39-29) collected 25 fast-break points Timberwolves hung on for dear life in an over- LOS ANGELES: Los Angeles Lakers center Robert Sacre, below, and San Antonio Spurs for- to wear down the road-weary Magic (19-50). time victory over the Dallas Mavericks. Kevin Love ward Kawhi Leonard battle for a rebound during the second half of their NBA basketball Orlando fell to an NBA worst 4-32 away from finished with a game-high 35 points and hit the game, Wednesday, in Los Angeles. The Spurs won 125-109. —AP home this season. — Reuters Sports FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Photo of the day No plans for Bayern to party at Mainz

BERLIN: Winger Arjen Robben says Bayern Munich have no plans to celebrate at Mainz 05 tomorrow, even if they are confirmed champions with a record eight Bundesliga matches to spare. Bayern hold a massive 23-point lead in the Bundesliga and will be confirmed champions if they win at fifth-placed Mainz 05 and both rivals Borussia Dortmund and Schalke 04 lose tomorrow. No Bundesliga side has ever been crowned Champions as early as March and Bayern are set to beat their own record, set last season, of winning the title with six matches to spare. Bayern are unbeaten in their last 50 Bundesliga matches, dating back to October 2012, and have won all of their last 16 league matches. But with Bayern having reached the German Cup semi- finals and the last eight of the Champions League, Robben insists the Bavarian giants have other priorities other than celebrating in Mainz if results go their way. “The party won’t last long, we still have too many games ahead of us,” said Robben in Thursday’s press conference. “This week has been reasonably quiet, but it won’t last. We have a game every two or three days coming up and the focus is on the Champions League.” Bayern are eager to become the first team to defend the Champions League title having won last May’s final 2-1 against German rivals Dortmund to become European champions for the fifth time. Robben has said Bayern will not be travelling to Mainz expecting to win the title as they need both Dortmund and Schalke to either lose or draw against mid-table Hanover 96 and bottom side Eintracht Braunschweig respectively. “I’m not assuming we’ll do it as early as tomorrow and it’s the same feeling in the team,” said Robben. “I don’t expect both Dortmund and Schalke will lose or draw.” Even if results do not go Bayern’s way on Saturday, Pep Guardiola’s side can still be confirmed league champions on Tuesday in their Bundesliga match at Hertha Berlin. “We will be champions, but exactly when is secondary,” said Jari-Matti Latvala (FIN) and Miikka Anttila (FIN) perform during FIA World Rally Championship 2014 in Leon, Bayern’s attacking midfielder Toni Kroos. It has long been just a mat- Mexico on March 6, 2014 — ter of time before Bayern are confirmed German champions for the 24th time, but Robben says they need to keep winning to maintain their form for the Champions League with Bayern also bidding to become the first team to go through an entire Bundesliga season unbeaten. “We need to maintain the pace and rhythm to prepare us Bruised United among familiar well for Europe,” said the Dutch winger. — AFP faces at Europe’s top table Chelsea title hunt MANCHESTER: Manchester United will take their usual place at Sunday) and we are delighted to see Manchester United in the the top table of European soccer in the Champions League quar- last eight of the Champions League. excites Lampard ter-finals draw today but like an impoverished lord at a society “We played very well and deserved our victory. I’m not feeling dinner, they will hope no-one notices their moth-eaten garments. any pressure from inside the club... it’s coming from you lot (the LONDON: Frank Lampard is glad to see Chelsea back at the United will be among familiar faces when they go into the pot media). top of the Premier League ahead of their crunch London derby with defending champions Bayern Munich and the rest of “We know the job we have to do. It’s probably bigger than I against title rivals Arsenal tomorrow. Chelsea have fallen short Europe’s elite in the shape of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Borussia thought when I first came to the club. in recent seasons but Jose Mourinho’s return to Stamford Dortmund, Chelsea, Atletico Madrid and Paris St Germain. “And if we go into the last eight as the underdogs, that suits Bridge has injected new life into the team. “It’s great to be in But unlike other seasons in the past two decades when they me fine. We can be more than a match for anyone.” this position,” Lampard said of Chelsea’s current top spot. have swaggered in with all the confidence of either champions or Back in 2005, Mourinho guided the London club to their strong favourites, this season they are simply relieved to be just a Midfield maestro first championship in 50 years and they defended the title the part of the proceedings. While looking towards the future, Moyes showed he still has following season. However The Blues have won just one And of course, the other guests know all too well that United time for the past with the recall of Ryan Giggs to orchestrate the Premier League since, in 2010 under Carlo Ancelotti. are turning up as a team in transition with new manager David midfield, and the 40-year-old Welshman did not let him down. Chelsea won the 2012 Champions League and FA Cup, but Moyes enduring a tough baptism after following the retired Alex Giggs was making his 140th appearance in the competition, finished the season 25 points adrift of winners Manchester City Ferguson into the job. two shy of Raul’s all-time record, and he had a hand in two goals, in sixth place. A year later they were 14 points behind Wednesday’s spirited 3-0 Round of 16 second leg victory over and contributed a series of other telling passes as United took Manchester United, finishing third, but won the Europa Olympiakos gave United a 3-2 aggregate win over the Greek control. League. Mourinho, who returned to Stamford Bridge in pre- champions and a place in the last eight for the first time since It was also noticeable that United played with a strong and season, says that Manchester City are still favourites as they 2011, which was also the last time they reached the final. effective spine down the middle. David De Gea had an outstand- have games in hand. But England midfielder Lampard, whose ing game in goal, Phil Jones was authoritative alongside a rejuve- side suffered a setback with a shock 1-0 defeat at Aston Villa Pressure eased nated Rio Ferdinand at the core of the defence and Wayne last weekend, was nevertheless buoyed by Chelsea being four The win, thanks to a first Champions League hat-trick from Rooney showed leadership qualities in attack. points ahead of second-placed Liverpool. Dutchman Robin van Persie, relieved some of the pressure that With Danny Welbeck cutting from one flank and Antonio “We’ve had a couple of years, two or three years, off the has been building on Moyes. Valencia, despite a huge swelling on his eye from an early colli- pace, finishing short,” the England midfielder added. “It’s great He has come under increasing criticism from pundits and fans sion, powering down the other, United looked more like the men- to be back in the race and to feel that around the club, to feel alike following a series of poor results which has left them sev- acing Red Devils of old. we’re fighting for the title rather than fighting for fourth place. enth in the Premier League table, a distant 18 points behind lead- Olympiakos, who held a 2-0 advantage from the first leg, It feels good.” After reaching the quarter-finals of the ers Chelsea. threatened at times and one goal, even when they were 3-0 Champions League with a 3-1 aggregate defeat of Galatasaray, Moyes said before Wednesday’s win he felt his job was safe down, would have been enough for them to qualify, meaning Chelsea face a London derby with Arsenal-who are looking for and that the board were fully supportive of him, and after steer- United could never truly relax. their first trophy in nine years. ing United into the last eight, he was relishing the challenge In the end, United held firm to turn the tie around after com- Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger, branded a “specialist in ahead but would not say this was a turning point. ing from two goals down in the first leg to win on aggregate for failure” by Mourinho last month, will take charge of his 1,000th He told reporters: “It was a magnificent team performance. I the first time for 30 years. game as Gunners boss this weekend. don’t want to come out and say, ‘this is the moment’, but I hope it The victory keeps their season alive and a route open to next “They’ve got a lot of good players and quality,” Lampard is. “We have been asked a similar question before and we have season’s Champions League, but the only way that United can said of Arsenal. “Every team has to break the mould some time. not shown it. This is a work in progress and it will take time to get realistically take part in the elite competition for a 19th successive “We worry about ourselves, where we are at the minute. If we it as we really want it. It is a big job. season is by winning this year’s final in Lisbon. That, though, can win as many games as we can till the end of the season “I have got a lot of things I want to do but the players gave the might just be too much of a tall order for the fading aristocrats at we’ll give ourselves a great chance. I am confident.” — AFP crowd something after we lost to Liverpool (3-0 at home on the moment. — Reuters retirement announces Hoefl-Riesch champion Olympic FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Page 44 Games inSochi. —AFP announced she’sresigningjust threeandahalfweeksaftertheOlympic injury onthelastraceof season.SkiracerMariaHoefl-Riesch trophy shecouldn’treceive ealier asshewasevacuatedfollowingan press conferenceyesterday in Munich,afterreceivingherWorldCup ist andtwo-timeworldchampion MariaHoefl-Rieschreactsduringa MUNICH: Germany’salpineski athlete,three-timeOlympicgoldmedal-