T ALISTS in IRE STR I Survival Strategies and External Interventions in a Semi-Arid Region at the Kenya/Uganda Border: Western Pokot, 1900 - 1986
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Pastoralists in dire straits : survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900-1986 Dietz, A.J. Citation Dietz, A. J. (1987, December 11). Pastoralists in dire straits : survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900-1986. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/68673 Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown) Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the License: Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/68673 Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). T ALISTS IN IRE STR I survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900 - 1986 TON DIETZ PASTORALISTS IN DIRE STRAITS Typescript: Claire Renardel de Lavalette - De Sterke Figures: Jan ter Haar CIP-GEGEVENS KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK, DEN HAAG Dietz, Antonius Johannes Pastoralists in dire straits: survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900-1986 / Antonius Johannes Dietz. - Amsterdam: Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam. -Ill. Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1987. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands. ISBN 90-6993-018-8 SISO af.m-keni 630.9 UDC 911.3:[631/632+636](676.1/.2)(043.3) Trefw.: Kenya; sociale geografie / landbouw; Kenya; geschiedenis 1900-1986 / veeteelt; Kenya; geschiedenis; 1900-1986. ISBN 90-6993-018-8 Thesis ISBN 90-6809-057-7 NGS 49 Copyright © 1987 by Anto,ni us Johannes Dietz Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaande schri fte l i j kei toestemmi ng van de ui tgever. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form of print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means without written permission from the publisher. Druk: Selecta Offset Amsterdam PASTORALISTS IN DIRE STRAITS survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya I Uganda border : Western Pokot, 1900 - 1986 ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, op gezag van de Rector, Magnificus, Prof. dr S.K. Thoden van Velzen, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit ( Oude Lutherse Kerk, ingang Singel 411, hoek Spui ), op vrijdag 11 december 1987 te 13.00 uur precies door Antonius Johannes Dietz geboren te 's-Gravenhage Promotores: Prof. dr W.iF. Heinemeijer Prof. dr H.H. van der Wusten TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures 8 List of Tabl~s 8 Preface 11 1 Introduction 13 1.1 Pastoralists in Dire Straits 13 1.2 The Research Area 21 1.3 The People 26 1.4 Methods of Investigation 30 1.5 The Organization of the Book 32 Notes 34 2 Semi-Arid Kenya and Uganda: Location, Position and a Brief History of Policy Orientations 35 2.1 The Location of Semi-Arid Areas in Kenya 35 2.2 The Position of West Pokot and other Semi-Arid Districts in Kenya 40 2.3 Policy Orientations Concerning Dry Areas in Kenyan Government Circles, 1900-1986 51 2.3.1 Introduction 51 2.3.2 The Period between 1900 and 1938: Pacification 52 2.3.3 The Period between 1938 and 1954: the Land Conservation Problem 52 2.3.4 The Period between 1954 and 1965: the Pastoral Intensification Problem 54 2.3.5 The Period between 1965 and 1976: the Marketing and Land Ownership Problem 55 2.3.6 The Period after 1976: Food Security and the Neglect of Livestock 57 2.3.7 The Recent Dry Area Focus: Why? 64 2.4 Karamoja, Uganda 68 Notes 76 Appendix 2.1 Agro-Climatic Zones per District 77 3 Semi-Arid Western Pokot: Natural Conditions 79 3.1 The Location of Semi-Arid Areas in Pokot 79 3.2 The Agricultural Potential of Semi-Arid Western Pokot 79 3.2.1 Climatic Constraints 81 3.2.2 Harvest Failures and Loss of Livestock because of Droughts, Diseases and other Natural Causes 87 3.2.3 Soil and Relief Constraints 97 3.2.4 Irrigation Possibilities 102 3.2.5 The Possible Livestock Use of Semi-Arid Areas in Western Pokot 103 Notes 108 5 Appendix 3.1 Rainfall Figures Kongelai/Kacheliba 1953- 1986 110 Appendix 3.2 Short Description of the Relevant Soil Types in Western West Pokot 111 4 Western Pokot: Population, Land Use, and Survival Strategies 113 4.1 Population Supporting Capacity on the Basis of Livestock 113 4.2 Survival Strategies Concerning Livestock Production in Western Pokot 118 4.3 The Exchange of Livestock Products for Grains 127 4.4 The Inhabitants of Western Pokot and their Animals 131 4.4.1 Population Growth and Distribution 1920-1986 131 4.4.2 Actual Population Densities: Figures and Interpretation 133 4.4.3 Livestock in Western Pokot, 1920-1986 135 4.5 Intensification Theory 142 4.6 Crop Production in Western Pokot 146 4.7 Survival Strategies Related to Food Crop Production 149 4.8 Survival Strategies Outside Food Production 153 4.9 Migration to the Highlands as a Way Out 158 4.10 Mobility, Flexibility and Diversity as Key Strategies of Survival: an Example 163 4.11 A Rearrangement of Survival Strategies 166 Notes 169 Appendix 4.1 Human Food Requirements in Western Pokot 170 Appendix 4.2 Sources of Population Estimates Pokot area 172 5 External Interventions by Government Institutions and Missions 173 5.1 Introduction 173 5.2 Incorporation in Colonial and Post-Colonial Politico Administrative Frameworks 173 5.2.1 The Demarcation of the Two Jurisdictions 174 5.2.2 Territorial Confinement 177 5.2.3 Civil Administration 179 5.2.4 Political Representation 185 5.2.5 Security, Law and Order 187 5.2.6 Taxation 193 5.2.7 Labour Recruitment and Labour Market Integration 196 5.2.8 Access to Land and Changes in Land Ownership 197 5.2.9 Control of Trade and Attempts at Commercializatio 198 5.2.10 Roads and Communications 200 5.3 Penetration by Missionary Institutions 204 5.4 Development Activities 209 5.4.1 Introduction: the Plans and the Money 209 5.4.2 Health Care and Famine Relief 213 5.4.3 The Development of Formal Education 219 5.4.4 Water Development 225 5.4.5 Livestock Development 226 5.4.6 Land Development 228 5.4.7 Crop Development 230 5.5 Summary and Interpretation 232 6 Notes 240 6 Three Case Studies of Survival Strategies and the Impact of External Interventions on the Household Level 241 6.1 Introduction 241 6.2 Alale 244 6.2.1 The Case Study Area 244 6.2.2 Before 1979 244 6.2.3 1979-1985: a Chronology of Disasters and Interventions 246 6.2.4 Income and the Level of Market Integration in 1982 248 6.2.5 The Household Survival Strategies 251 6.2.6 External Interference and its Impact 257 6.3 Kodich 258 6.3.1 The Case Study Area 258 6.3.2 Before 1979 259 6.3.3 1979-1985: Disasters, Interventions and Response: a Chronology 260 6.3.4 Household Survival Strategies during the 1984-85 Disasters 263 6.3.5 From Affluence to Poverty 266 6.4 Kongelai 268 6.4.1 The Case Study Area 268 6.4.2 Before 1979 270 6.4.3 1979-1986 271 6.4.4 Survival Strategies in 1984-85: the Household Level 272 6.5 Conclusion 281 Appendix 6.1 Food Production Estimates 284 Appendix 6.2 Details Kongelai S Group and D Group, 1984-85 285 7 Conclusions and Theoretical Reflections 287 7.1 How Crisis Prone is the Economy in Semi-Arid Western Pokot, due to Threats from the Physical Environment? 287 7.2 What Types of Strategies have the People of Western Pokot Developed to Survive these Recurrent Crises? 289 7.3 What Impact did External Interventions have on Crises and on Survival Strategies of the Western Pokot? 290 7.4 Under What Conditions can Pastoralism be a Viable Livelihood in Western Pokot? 301 Bibliography 305 Summary/Samenvatting 321/322 7 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Administrative and Ethnic Regions: NW Kenya, NE Uganda, 1986 20 1.2 Research Area: Roads and Centres, 1986 24 1.3 Close and Distant Tribal Affiliates of the Pokot 27 1.4 Pokot Territory around 1880 29 2.1 Semi-Arid Zone Kenya according to Porter 36 2.2 Drought-Prone Areas according to Wisner 36 2.3 Dry Zones in Kenya and Uganda, according to the UNESCO-map "World Distribution of Arid Regions" 36 2.4 Semi-Arid Areas in Kenya; own interpretation, based on KSS 37 2.5 Kenya: Semi-Arid Zone and District Boundaries 39 2.6 Population Pyramids of a Typical Labour Attraction District (Nairobi) and a Typical Labour Supply District (Kitui), 1979 47 2.7 Typology of Semi-Arid Districts in Kenya 49 2.8 Kenya: Economic Characteristics Semi-Arid Areas 50 3.1 Pokot Territory: Administrative Divisions, Agro-Climatic Zones and Economic Regions 80 3.2 Study Area: Agro-Climatic Zones and Administrative Boundaries, 1986 82 3.3 Harvest Failures, Livestock Diseases and Other Natural Disasters 89 3.4 Kongelai/Kacheliba: Annual Rainfall 1953-1986 93 3.5 Soil Types in Western West Pokot District 99 3.6 Semi-Arid Western West Pokot: Suitability of the Soils for Arable Use 99 4.1 Western West Pokot: Actual Population Densities 1979, Compared with 'Critical Densities' on the Basis of Pure Pastoralism 134 4.2 Carrying Capacity for Different P/Eo Levels 139 4.3 Animal Densities in Kongelai: Models Compared with Reality 140 4.4 Start of Considerable Farming Activities: West Pokot and Upe 148 4.5 The Rukiey Lineage: Genealogical Graph and Migration Histories 161 5.1 Kenya-Uganda Boundary Proposals 1919; De Jure Boundary 1926 and De Facto Boundary 1932-1970 176 5.2 Western Pokot: Development of the Road System 203 5.3 Western West Pokot: Mission Centres and Congregations, 1983 205 5.4 Health Facilities Western